Unit 1 Notes
Unit 1 Notes
Unit 1 Notes
Manufacturing Processes
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Core making Cores are forms, usually made of sand, which are placed into a mold cavity to form the interior surfaces of castings. Thus the void space between the core and mold-cavity surface is what eventually the casting becomes. Molding Molding consists of all operations necessary to prepare a mold for receiving molten metal. Molding usually involves placing a molding aggregate around a pattern held with a supporting frame, withdrawing the pattern to leave the mold cavity, setting the cores in the mold cavity and finishing and closing the mold. Melting and Pouring The preparation of molten metal for casting is referred to simply as melting. Melting is usually done in a specifically designated area of the foundry, and the molten metal is transferred to the pouring area where the molds are filled. Cleaning Cleaning refers to all operations necessary to the removal of sand, scale, and excess metal from the casting. Burned-on sand and scale are removed to improved the surface appearance of the casting. Excess metal, in the form of fins, wires, parting line fins, and gates, is removed. Inspection of the casting for defects and general quality is performed.
Dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the castings made by sand casting processes are a limitation to this technique. Many new casting processes like die casting process, investment casting process, vacuum-sealed molding process and shell molding process have been developed which can take into consideration the aspects of dimensional accuracy and surface finish. Also the metal casting process is a labor intensive process General introduction to Patterns, Core boxes and Gating systems: Pattern Pattern is the principal tool during the casting process. It may be defined as a model of anything, so constructed that it may be used for forming an impression called mould in damp sand or other suitable material. When this mould is filled with molten metal, and the metal is allowed to solidify, it forms a reproduction of the pattern and is known as casting. The process of making a pattern is known as pattern making. Functions of a Pattern: 1. A pattern prepares a mold cavity for the purpose of making a casting. 2. A pattern may contain projections known as core prints if the casting requires a core and need to be made hollow. 3. Runner, gates, and risers used for feeding molten metal in the mold cavity may form a part of the pattern. 4. A properly constructed pattern minimizes the overall cost of the castings. Smooth surfaces reduce casting defects.
Core Boxes
A core box is essentially a type of pattern made of wood or metal into which sand is rammed or packed to form a core. Castings are often required to have holes, recesses, etc. of various sizes and shapes. These impressions are obtained by using sand cores which are separately made inboxes known as core boxes.
Gating System
The assembly of channels which facilitates the molten metal to enter into the mold cavity is called the gating system. Alternatively, the gating system refers to all passage ways through which molten metal passes to enter into the mold cavity. The nomenclature of gating system depends upon the function of different channels which they perform.
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Down gates or sprue Cross gates or runners Ingates or gates The metal flows down from the pouring basin or pouring cup into the down gate or sprue and passes through the cross gate or channels and ingates or gates before entering into the mold cavity.
Pattern selection conditions: 1. Ease or difficulty of the moulding operation to come. 2. Whether a small or large number of castings is wanted 3. The type of moulding process 4. Other factors which may enter the situation because of characteristics peculiar to the casting. More commonly used types of pattern are listed and described below: 1. Single-piece pattern 2. Split pattern 3. Match plate pattern 4. Cope and drag pattern 5. Gated pattern 6.Loose-piece pattern 7. Sweep pattern 8. Skeleton pattern 9. Segmental pattern 10. Shell pattern 11. Built-up pattern 12. Boxed-up pattern 13. Lagged-up pattern 14. Left- and right-hand pattern 1. Single-piece or solid pattern: A pattern that is made without joints, partings or any loose pieces in its construction is called a single-piece or solid pattern. A single-piece pattern is not attached to a frame or plate and is, therefore, sometimes known as a loose pattern. These patterns are cheaper. When using such patterns, the moulder has to cut his own runners and feeding gates and risers. This operation takes more time, and they are not recommended except for limited production. Single-piece patterns are usually used for large castings of simple shapes. The simplest type of pattern classified under this heading is the flat-back as shown in Fig. It may have few or no irregularities, may not have a core print, but it have loose pieces. When completed, the mould cavity will be either entirely in the drag or entirely in the cope. The flat-back has the largest horizontal cross-sectional area and it serves as the parting surface in the mould. Soil temper, stuffing-box and gland of a steam engine are few examples of casting which are made by making solid patterns.
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2. Split pattern: Many patterns cannot be made in a single piece because of the difficulties encountered in moulding them. To eliminate this difficulty and for castings of intricate design or unusual shape, split patterns are employed to form the mould. These patterns are usually made in two parts, as shown in Fig. so that one part will produce the lower half of the mould and the other, the upper half. The two parts, which may or may not be of the same size and shape, are held in their proper relative positions by means of dowel-pins fastened in one piece and fitting holes bored in the other. The surface formed at the line of separation of the two parts, usually at the centreline of the pattern, is called the parting surface or parting line. It will also be the parting surface of the mould.
Figure: Two-piece split pattern Split or Two Piece Pattern Split or two piece pattern is most widely used type of pattern for intricate castings. It is split along the parting surface, the position of which is determined by the shape of the casting. One half of the pattern is molded in drag and the other half in cope. The two halves of the pattern must be aligned properly by making use of the dowel pins, which are fitted, to the cope half of the pattern. These dowel pins match with the precisely made holes in the drag half of the pattern. Multi-piece pattern: It is sometimes necessary to construct a pattern for a complicating casting that requires three or more parts instead of two to make the completed pattern. This type of pattern is known as multi-piece pattern. A three-part pattern may necessitate the use of a flask having three parts, although it is possible to mould some types of three-part patterns in a two-part flask. Spindles, cylinders, steam valve bodies, water stop cocks and taps, bearings, small pulleys and wheels are few examples of castings that require the use of split patterns.
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Figure: Three-piece split pattern 3. Match plate pattern: When split patterns are mounted with one half on one side of a plate and the other half directly opposite on the other side of the plate, the pattern is called a match plate pattern. A single pattern or a number of patterns may be mounted on a match plate. The pattern is made of metal and the plate which makes the parting line may be either wood or metal. Aluminium is commonly used metal for match plates. Patterns for gates and runners are fastened to the drag side of the plate in their correct positions to from the complete match plate. When the match plate is lifted off the mould all patterns are drawn, and the cope or upper half of the mould matches perfectly with the drag or lower half of the mould. The gates and runners are also completed in one operation. Figure shows a plate upon which is mounted the patterns for two small dumbbells. Match plate patterns are used for producing small castings in large quantities in moulding machines which give accurate and rapid production. They are expensive to construct, but the initial cost is justified when quantity production is desired.
Figure: Match plate pattern 4. Cope and drag pattern: In the production of large castings, the complete moulds are too heavy to be handled by a single operator. Therefore, cope and drag patterns are used to ease this problem to efficient operation. The patterns are made in halves, split on a convenient joint line, and separate cope and drag patterns are built and mounted on individual plates or boards. This arrangement permits one operator or group of operators to prepare the cope half of the mould while another operator or group worked on the drag half. This planned distribution of labour increases production. 5. Gated pattern: To produce good casting, it is necessary to ensure that full supply of molten metal flows into every part of the mould. Provision for easy passage of the flowing metal into the mould is called gating which cannot be made by hand operations for volume high production particularly because of the time involved. In mass production, a number of castings are
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produced in a single multicavity mould by joining a group of patterns, and the gates or runners for the molten metal are formed by connecting parts between the individual patterns. The time ordinarily is spent by the moulder in cutting gates and drawing patterns is eliminated by this arrangement. Such groups of patterns with gate formers attached to the pattern proper are called gated patterns which are shown in below Fig.
Figure: Gated pattern Gated patterns may be made of wood or metal and are used for mass production of small castings. 6. Loose-piece pattern: Some patterns are produced as assemblies of loose component pieces. The loose-piece patterns are needed when the part is such that the pattern cannot be removed as one piece, even though it is split and the line is made on more than one plane. In this case, the main pattern is usually removed first. Then the separate pieces, which may have to be turned or moved before they can be taken out, are removed. Completed patterns of this type usually require more maintenance and are slower to mould.
Figure: Loose-piece pattern. 7. Sweep pattern: Symmetrical moulds and cores, particularly in large sizes, are sometimes shaped by means of sweep patterns. The sweep pattern consists of a board having a shape corresponding to the shape of the desired casting and arranged to rotate about a central axis as shown in below Fig. The sand is rammed in place and the sweep board is moved around its axis of rotation to give the moulding sand the desired shape. Sweep patterns are employed for moulding part having circular sections. The curved sweep might be used to form part of the mould for a large castiron kettle and the straight sweep for any shape of groove or ridges. The principal advantage of this pattern is that it eliminates expensive pattern construction.
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8. Skeleton pattern: Patterns for very large castings would require a tremendous amount of timber for a full pattern. In Such cases a skeleton pattern may be employed to give the general contour and size of the desired casting. This is a ribbed construction with a large number of square or rectangular openings between the ribs which form a skeleton outline of the pattern to be made. The framework is filled and rammed with clays, sand or loam, and a strike- off board known as a strickle board is used to scrape the excess sand out of the spaces between the ribs so that the surface is even with the outside of the pattern. It is usually built in two parts one for the cope and the other for the drag. Soil and water pipes, pipe bends, valve bodies, and boxes are few examples of castings which are made by making skeleton patterns.
Figure: Skeleton pattern 9. Segmental pattern: Segmental patterns or purl patterns are generally applied to circular work such as rings, wheel rims, gears, etc. They are sections of a pattern so arranged as to form a complete mould by being moved to form each section of the mould. When making a mould using this pattern, a vertical spindle is firmly fixed in the center of drag flask as shown in Fig. The bottom of the mould is rammed and swept level. Then the segmental pattern is fastened to the spindle. Moulding sand is rammed between the outside of the pattern and the flask, and in the inside, but not at the ends of the pattern. After ramming one section, it goes forward to the next section for ramming; and so on, until the entire mould perimeter has been completed.
Figure: Segmental pattern 10. Shell pattern: The shell pattern is used largely for drainage fittings and pipe work. A typical example is shown in Fig. The pattern is usually made of metal, mounted on a plate and parted along the centre line, the two sections being accurately doweled together. These short bends are usually moulded and cast in pairs. The shell pattern is a hollow construction like a shell and the outside shape is used as a pattern to make the mould, while the inside is used as a core-box
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for making cores. Sometimes, a pattern of the entire shape of the casting is termed a shell pattern, and a pattern that is of having the inside cored out is termed as a Block pattern.
Figure: Shell pattern 11. Built-up pattern: Built-up patterns or parted patterns are composed of two or more pieces. Patterns for special pulleys are built-up segments of wooden strips. These segments are made by cutting strips of wood to the curvature required, and the thickness desired is built up by glueing them in layers. Flanges are also made similarly. The building up is sometimes necessary because it is difficult to make an intricate shape on a block of wood for constructing a pattern, but it is easier to build up the shape by glueing or joining number of segmental pieces together. 12. Boxed-up pattern: In a boxed-up pattern the planks or strips of wood are so joined together either by glue, nails, or screws that a pattern is made like a box. Not only this method economises wood for large patterns but makes them lighter on weight. The box construction is employed in making many patterns especially for a casting having a regular outline and rectangular form. 13. Lagged-up pattern: Cylindrical works such as cylinders pipes or columns are built up with lag or stave construction which ensures permanence of form. "Lags" or "Staves" are longitudinal strips of wood which are bevelled on each side to make the joint tight outside, and glued and nailed or screwed to the end pieces of wood called "heads". Fig. shows the staves fastened to heads that are half a regular polygon, the object being to make a cylinder or barrel that is to be parted longitudinally through the centre. Such a construction gives the maximum amount of strength and permits building close to the finished outline of the pattern so that there is comparatively little excess stock to be removed to bring it to the required form.
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14. Left-and right-hand patterns: Many patterns are required to be made in pairs, and when their form is such that they cannot be reversed and they have the centres of hubs, bosses, etc., opposite and in line, they must be made right- and left hand. J hangers for overhead shaft line, legs for wood-turning lathe, or garden bench or for paddle type sewing machine, and brackets for luggage racks in the railway carriages are few examples where a pair of right- and left-hand patterns is required. In such instances, on many occasions, pattern makers are supplied with drawings which show either a right- or left-hand casting. From this he is requested to make pattern equipment for both the right- and left-hands. This often presents considerable difficulties especially on the more complicated drawings as to what constitutes the difference between left-and right hand patterns. The bracket shown in Fig. is an example of left- and right-hand patterns. It will be noticed that the only variations between these two patterns is in their base position. If, however, the design could have been made with a base equal on each side of the vertical part (Fig. B), the necessity for two patterns would have eliminated.
Figure: Left- and right-hand pattern PATTERN MATERIALS The selection of pattern materials depends primarily on the following factors: 1. Service requirements, e.g. quantity, quality and intricacy of casting i.e. minimum thickness desired, degree of accuracy and finish required. 2. Type of production of castings and the type of moulding process. 3. Possibility of design changes. 4. Number of castings to be produced, i.e., possibility of repeat orders. To be good of its kind, pattern material should be: 1. Easily worked, shaped and joined; 2. Light in weight 3. Strong, hard and durable, so that it may be resistant to wear and abrasion, to corrosion, and to chemical action 4. Dimensionally stable in all situation 5. Easily available at low cost 6. Repairable and reused 7. Able to take good surface finish. The wide variety of pattern materials which meet these characteristics are wood and wood products, metals and alloys, plasters, plastics and rubbers and waxes.
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1. Wood Wood is the most common material for pattern as it satisfies many of the requirements. It is easy to work and readily available. Wood can be cut and fabricated into numerous forms by gluing, bending, and curving ; it is easily sanded to a smooth surface and may be preserved with shellac, which is the most commonly used finishing material for wooden pattern. Disadvantages: It is readily affected by moisture: it changes its shape when the moisture .dries out of it, and when it picks up moisture from the damp moulding sand. It wears out quickly as a result of sand abrasion If not stored properly, it may warp badly. Owing to these reasons wooden patterns do not last long and they are generally used when a small number of castings are to be produced. Requirements of a Wood for pattern: Should be properly dried before it is used. It should be straightgrained, free from knots and free from excessive sapwood. The most common wood used for pattern is teak woodboth Burma and C. P. Teak. This wood is straight grained, light, easy to work, has little tendency to break and warp and has, reasonable cost. When a more durable wood is necessary for fragile patterns which are to be used as so-called "masters", mahogany is preferred. It is more costly than C. P. Teak. This, has a uniform grain, and is also easy to curve and shape. Other woods which may also be used in making patterns are Sal, Shisham, Pine, and Deodar. The wood products gaining more popularity for pattern work in recent times includes laminates, plywood and laminated boards. 2. Metal: Metal is used when a large number of casting are desired from a pattern or when conditions are too severe for wooden pattern. Advantages: Metal patterns do not change their shape when subjected to moist conditions. Metal pattern is freedom from warping in storage. Metal patterns are very useful in machine moulding because of their accuracy, durability and strength. Commonly, a metal pattern is itself cast from a wooden pattern called master pattern. When metal patterns are to be cast from master patterns, double shrinkage must be allowed. For example, if the metal pattern is to be made of brass and the castings are to be of cast iron, the shrinkage allowed on the wood master pattern will have to be 14 mm per metre for brass + 10 mm per metre for cast iron, making a total of 24 mm per metre. Metals used for patterns include cast iron, steel, brass, aluminium and white metal. Cast iron is used for some highly specialized types of patterns. It is strong, gives a good smooth mould surface with sharp edges and is resistant to the abrasive action of the sand. But cast iron patterns are heavy and are easily broken. Iron patterns rust too much and require a dry storage area. Brass is used in patterns, particularly when metal patterns are small. It is strong, does not rust, takes a better surface finish than cast iron and is able to withstand the wear of the
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moulding sand. But brass patterns are heavier than cast iron. This is why they are restricted to small size patterns. Aluminium is the best all round metal because it melts at a relatively low temperature, is soft and easy to work, light in weight and resistant to corrosion. Aluminium, being rather soft, is liable to be damaged by rough usage. White metal is not much used for patterns but is the best material that can be used for making intricate and fine shapes. These alloys are used in most die-casting production and, therefore, are often called die-casting alloys. They have a low melting point, about 2000C and have little appreciable shrinkage. 3. Plastics: Plastics are modern pattern material because they do not absorb moisture, are strong and dimensionally stable, resistant to wear, have a very smooth and glossy surface and are light in weight. Because of its glossy surface it can be withdrawn from the mould very easily without injuring the mould and no dry or liquid parting compound is necessary. Furthermore, the plastic material has a very low solid shrinkage. When a plastic pattern is required, a wooden pattern is first made to serve as a master pattern which forms the mould into which the plastic resin is poured. These moulds may be made of variety of materials including wood, rubber, plastics, metal or plaster of Paris. Two types of plastic materials are used in pattern shops, namely thermosetting and thermoplastic. Thermosetting plastics have become very popular because of its good production qualities. Also they tend to become soft and subsequently gasify on heating. It can be easily shaped, machined, and fabricated by gluing to form the pattern. 4. Rubbers: Certain types of rubbers, such as silicon rubber, are favoured for forming a very intricate type of die for investment casting. This material like epoxy resin, is available in two parts, binder and hardener. When the two parts, originally in liquid form, are mixed together, poured over a master pattern or into a die and cured, a solid shape, i.e., a pattern, is produced. 5. Plasters: Gypsum cement known as plaster of Paris is also used for making patterns and core boxes. It has a high compressive strength, e.g., up to 300 kg/cm2 and it can be readily worked with wood tools. When talc and cement are mixed with water, it forms a plastic mass capable of being cast into a mould. Plaster can also be conveniently used for preparing follow boards for moulding work. Gypsum plaster pattern can be prepared either by directly pouring the slurry of plaster and water in moulds prepared earlier from a master pattern or by sweeping it into desired shape or form by the sweep-and-strickle method. 6. Waxes: Wax patterns are excellent for investment casting process. The materials generally used are blends of several types of waxes and other additives which act as polymerising agents, stabilisers etc. The waxes commonly chosen are paraffin wax, shellac wax, bees-wax, cerasin wax and micro-crystalline wax. The properties desired in a good wax pattern include low ash content (up to 0.05 %), resistant to the primary coat material used for investment, high tensile strength and hardness and weld strength.
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PATTERN MAKING ALLOWANCES Patterns are not made the exact same size as the desired casting for several reasons. Such a pattern would produce castings which are undersize. Allowance must therefore be allowed for shrinkage, draft, finish, distortion, and rapping. 1. Shrinkage allowance: As metal solidifies and cools, it shrinks and contract's in size. To compensate for this, a pattern is made larger than the finished casting by means of a shrinkage or contraction allowance. In laying measurements for the pattern the patternmaker allows for this by using shrink or contraction rule. For example, when constructing a pattern for cast lion, the pattern maker uses a shrink rule measuring about 10 mm longer per metre since cast iron shrinks 10 mm per metre. Different metals have different shrinkages; therefore, there is a shrink rule for each type of metal used in a casting. A master pattern from which metal patterns are cast may have double shrinkage allowance. 2. Draft allowance: When a pattern is drawn from a mould, there is always some possibility of injuring the edges of the mould. This danger is greatly decreased if the vertical surfaces of a pattern are tapered inward slightly. This slight taper inward on the vertical surfaces of a pattern is known as the draft. Draft may be expressed in millimeter per metre on a side, or in degrees, and the amount needed in each case depends upon (1) Length of the vertical side (2) Intricacy of the pattern (3) The method of moulding Under normal conditions the draft is about 10 to 20 mm per metre on exterior surfaces and 40 to 60 mm per metre on interior surfaces. Fig. shows how a draft is provided in a pattern.
Figure: Draft Allowance 3. Machining allowance: Rough surfaces of castings that have to be machined are made to dimensions somewhat over those indicated on the finished working Draft drawings. The extra amount of metal provided on the surfaces to be machined is called machine finish allowance and the edges of these surfaces are indicated by a finish mark V or F
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The amount that is to be added to the pattern depends upon (1) The kind of metal to be used (2) The size and shape of the casting (3) Method of moulding 4. Distortion or camber allowance: Some castings, because of their size, shape and type of metal, tend to warp or distort during the cooling period. This is a result of uneven shrinkage and is due to uneven metal thickness or to one surface being more exposed than another, causing it to cool more rapidly. The shape of the pattern is thus bent in the opposite direction to overcome this distortion. This feature is called distortion or camber allowance. As an example, a casting shaped like the letter U will be distorted with the legs diverging, instead of parallel To compensate for this condition, the pattern is made in such a manner that the legs converge but as the casting cools after its removal from the mould, the legs straighten and remain parallel. The distortion allowance ranges from the standard finish allowance upto 20 mm when large castings are considered.
Figure: Distortion in casting 5. Rapping allowance: When a pattern is rapped in the mould before it is withdrawn, the cavity in the mould is slightly increased. In every cases where castings must be uniform and true to pattern, rapping or shake allowance is provided for by making the pattern slightly smaller than the actual size to compensate for the rapping of the mould.
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A core box is essentially a type of pattern made of wood or metal into which sand is rammed or packed to form a core. The types of core boxes, in common use, in foundry work, are described below. 1. Half box: A half box, as shown in Figure, is used to form two identical halves of a symmetrical core. After they are shaped to form and baked, the core halves are pasted together to form a completed core.
2. Dump box: A dump box, illustrated in above Figure, is designed to form a complete core that requires no pasting. If the core thus made is in the shape of a slab or rectangle, it is called a rectangular box. The box is made with open one side and the sand is rammed up level with the edges of this opening. 3. Split box: An example of a split core box is shown in Fig. It consists of two halves which are clamped together. One half of the box has two or more dowels to hold the parts in correct alignment. It is arranged with opening at one or both ends for filling and ramming the sand. After ramming and striking off the excess sand, the core box is unclamped and rapped. This type of core box moulds the entire core. A booked type core box is somewhat similar to a split core box. It consists of two halves, hinged together, opening and closing like a book to form a complete core.
A strickle box is often used when a core with an irregular shape is required. In a strickle box, the shape of the core is produced by striking off the core sand from the top of the core box with a piece of stock called strickle board made to correspond to the contour of the required core as shown in Fig.
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Figure: Strickle core box 5. Right- and left-hand box: Right- and left-hand core box is shown Figure. They are necessary when two-half cores made in the same box cannot be pasted together to form an entire core. The core halves are made in these two boxes and pasted together.
6. Gang box: In instances where large numbers of cores are to be made, a gang core box, in which several core cavities are rammed in a single operation, is employed.
Figure: Gang core box 7. Core box with loose pieces: The joints and devices used for fastening loose-pieces to patterns are also used for the same purpose in core-box work. Bosses, hubs, etc. are skewered to the sides or ends. The skewers, where possible, drawing through the sides or ends form the outside of the box. 8. Sweep and skeleton box: A sweep and a skeleton core box looks like a sweep and a skeleton pattern. They are used for large cores required in small quantities.
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For supporting the cores in the mould cavity, an impression in the form of a recess is made in the mould with the help of a projection suitably placed on the pattern. This projection on the pattern is known as the coreprint.
A coreprint is, therefore, an added projection on a pattern, and it forms a seat which is used to support and locate the core in the mould. Types of coreprints: 1. Horizontal or Parting line coreprint: This is laid horizontally in the mould and is located at the parting line of the mould. The coreprint is often found on the split or two-piece pattern. When it is important that certain core be located at a desired angular relationship with respect to the central axis, a flat portion at one end is made to coincide with a flat portion of the coreprint. 2. Vertical or Cope and Drag coreprint: This stands vertically in the mould. This is why this type of core is referred to as a vertical coreprint. The coreprint is located on the cope and drag sides of a pattern and is constructed with considerable taper specially on the cope side (about 10-15)so that they are easily moulded. The taper on drag print is only 1.5-3 3. Balancing coreprint: This is used when a horizontal core does not extend entirely through the casting, and the core is supported at one end only. An important feature of this coreprint is that the print of the core in the mould cavity should balance the part which rests in the core seat. 4. Cover or Hanging core-print: This is used when the entire pattern is rammed in the drag and the core is required to be suspended from top of the mould. In this case, the core serves as a cover for the mould, and also as a support for hanging the main body of a core. 5. Wing or Drop core-print: Wing or drop coreprint. This is used when the cavity to be cored is above or below the parting line in the mould. Wing coreprints are also known as "chair", and "tail" coreprints.
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TYPES OF CORES The cores used in foundries are typed according to their shape and their position in the mould. The common types of cores are described below: 1. Horizontal cores: The most common type is the horizontal core; the core is usually cylindrical in form and is laid horizontally at the parting line of the mould. The ends of the core rest in the seats provided by the core prints on the pattern. (Refer Fig. a) 2. Vertical core: This is placed in a vertical position both in cope and drag halves of the mould. Usually top and bottom of the core are provided with a taper, but the amount of taper on the top is greater than that at the bottom. (Refer Fig. b) 3. Balanced core: When the casting is to have an opening only one side and only one core print is available on the pattern a balanced core is suitable. The core print should be large enough to give proper bearing to the core. In case the core is sufficiently long, it may be supported at the free end by means of a chaplet. (Refer Fig. c) 4. Hanging and cover core: If the core hangs from the cope and does not have any support at the bottom of the drag, it is referred to as a hanging Core. (Refer Fig. e) In this case, it may be necessary to fasten the core with a wire or rod that may extend through the cope. On the other hand, if it has its support on the drag it is called cover core. (Refer Fig. d) In this case, the core serves as a cover for the mould, and also as a support for hanging the main body of the core. 5. Wing core: A wing core is used when a hole or recess is to be obtained in the casting either above or below the parting line. In this case, the side of the core print is given sufficient amount of taper so that the core can be placed readily in the mould. This core is sometimes designated by other names such as drop core, tail core, chair core, and saddle core, according to its shape and position in the mould. (Refer Fig. f) 6. Ram-up core: It is sometimes necessary to set a core with the pattern before the mould is rammed up. Such a core is called ram-up core. This is used when the core-detail is located in an inaccessible position in both interior and exterior portions of a casting. (Refer Fig. g) 7. Kiss core: When the pattern is not provided with a core print and consequently no seat is available for the core, the core is held in position between the cope and drag simply by the pressure of the cope. This core is referred to as a kiss core. They are suitable when a number of holes of less dimensional accuracy with regard to the relative position of the holes are required. (Refer Fig. h)
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(g) (h) SELECTION CRITERIA OR CORE REQUIREMENT: Cores are subject to severe conditions since after pouring the mould they are surrounded on all sides by molten metal. Hence they must possess some special characteristics as follows Cores must be strong enough to retain its shape without deforming , to withstand handling and to resist erosion and deformation by metal during filling of the mould. 2 . Cores must be permeable to allow the core gases to escape easily. 3 . Cores should be highly refractory in nature to withstand high temperature of the molten metal. 4 . Cores must be sufficiently low in residual gas-forming materials to prevent excess gas from entering the metal. 5 . Cores must be stable with a minimum of contraction and expansion to make a true form of the casting. 6. Cores should be sufficiently collapsible , i.e., they should disintegrate and collapse after the metal solidifies, to minimise strains on the casting and to facilitate removal of the core from the casting during shakeout.
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Figure: Gating System 1. Pouring basin: This part of the gating system is made on or in the top of the mould. Sometimes, a funnel-shaped opening which serves as pouring basin is made at the top of the sprue in the cope. The main Purpose of the pouring basin is to direct the flow of metal from ladle to the sprue, to help maintaining the required rate of liquid metal flow, and to reduce turbulence at the sprue entrance. (Refer Fig. c) The basin should be made substantially large and should be placed near to the edge of the moulding box to fill the mould quickly. Also, it must be deep enough to reduce vortex formation and kept full during the entire pouring operation to compensate metal shrinkage or contraction.
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2. Sprue The vertical passage that passes through the cope and co nnects the pouring basin with the runner or gate is called the sprue. The cross-section of a sprue may be square, rectangular, or circular. The sprues are generally tapered downward to avoid aspiration of air and metal damage. Sprues upto 20 mm diameter are round in section whereas large sprues are often rectangular. A round sprue has a minimum surface exposed to cooling and offers the lowest resistance to the flow of metal. In rectangular sprue, aspiration and turbulence are minimised. 3. Runner In large castings, molten metal is usually carried from the sprue base to several gates around the cavity through a passageway called the runner. The runner is generally preferred in the drag, but it may sometimes be located in the cope, depending on the shape of the casting. It should be streamlined to avoid aspiration and turbulence. 4. Gate A gate is a passage through which molten metal flows from the runner to the mould cavity. The location and size of the gates are so arranged that they can feed liquid metal to the casting at a rate consistent with the rate of solidification. A gate should not have sharp edges as they may break during passage of the molten metal and sand particles may pass with the liquid metal into the mould cavity. However, the gates should be located where they can be easily removed without damaging the casting. According to their position in the mould cavity, gating may be broadly classified as (1) Top gating (2) Parting-line gating (3) Bottom gating. 1. Top gates In top gating, the molten metal from the pouring basin flows down directly into it. A strainer, made of dry sand or ceramic material, is mostly used at the pouring basin to control the metal flow and to allow only clean metal to enter. . (Refer Fig. d) Wedge-shaped gates called wedge gates . (Refer Fig. e) used for light castings & Pencil gates . (Refer Fig. g) are used for massive iron castings. In this type of gating, the sprue is made up of a series of slits fed from a pouring cup. It does control the rate of metal flow since the weight of molten metal is divided equally into its various slits or branches thus reducing the effective weight of head to a great extent. Moreover, slag (or dross) gets removed from the liquid metal in the pouring cup. In the Finger gate (Refer Fig. f) a modification of the wedge gate, the metal is again allowed to reach in a number of streams. The Ring gate uses a core to break the fall of the molten metal and sends the molten metal in the mould in proper position and at the same time retains the slag.
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Figure: Types of Top Gates The advantage of top gating is that all metal enters the casting at the top and the hottest metal therefore comes to rest at the top of the casting. As a result, proper temperature gradients favorable for directional solidification towards the risers located on the top of the casting are attained. The gates themselves may be made to serve as the risers. The disadvantage of top gating is the erosion of the mould by the falling metal. The mould cavity should, therefore, be hard and strong enough to resist the impact. 2. Parting gates In parting line gates, the liquid metal enters the mould cavity from the side of the mould at the same level as the mould joint or parting line. The arrangement of providing a gate at the parting line in a direction horizontal to the casting allows the use of devices that can effectively trap any slag, dirt or sand, which passes with the metal down the sprue. In a Skimming gate, any foreign matter which is lighter than the parent metal rises up through the vertical passage of the skimming gate and is thus trapped. Parting line gate with Skimbob or Relief sprue (Refer Fig. a, b & d) and choke is used to trap the slag and foreign matter in the mould and to serve as a restriction to control the rate of flow of the metal. Another effective method to trap the slag is to use a skimming gate with a whirlpool runner, usually called Whirlpool gate. (Refer Fig. f) The slag, due to whirlpool action, comes to the centre from where it rises up in the whirlpool gate. Gate with shrink bob serves the dual function of slag-or dross-collector and as a metal reservoir to feed the casting as it shrinks.
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Figure: Types of Parting Line Gates Parting line gates are very simple to construct and very fast to make. They produce very satisfactory result when the drag is not very deep and prove to be very advantageous when they can be fed directly into the riser. In this system, the hottest metal reaches the riser, thereby promoting directional solidification. Moreover, cleaning costs of castings are reduced by gating into risers, because no additional gate is required to connect the mould cavity with riser. The disadvantage lies in the fact that some turbulence may occur as the liquid metal falls into the mould cavity. 3. Bottom gate In bottom gates (Refer Fig. a), the metal from the pouring basin flows down to the bottom of the mould cavity in the drag. The Horn gate (Refer Fig. b) resembles the horn of a cow. It enables the mould to be made in cope and drag only. The horn gate tends to produce a fountain effect in the mould cavity. In another type, Dry sand core forms the bottom gate. The sprue is curved at the bottom end to form a dirt-trap for slag, dirt, etc. This type of gate enables the mould to be made in two boxes. The main advantage of bottom gates is that the turbulence of metal is kept at a minimum while pouring and mould erosion is prevented. Metal is allowed to rise gently in the mould and around the cores. Disadvantages of Bottom gates are the metal continues to lose its heat as it rises in the mould cavity. Directional solidification is thus difficu lt to achieve. Besides, the riser cannot be placed near the gate entrance where the metal is hottest.
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Figure: Types of Bottom Gates GATING RATIO The rate of flow of metal through the mould cavity is a function of the crosssectional area of the sprue, runners, and gates. The dimensional characteristics of a gating system can be expressed in terms of gating ratio. "Gating ratio" is used to describe the relative cross-sectional areas of the components of a gating system taking the sprue base area as unity, followed by the total runner area and finally the total ingate area. A gating system having a sprue of 1 cm 2 , a runner of 3 cm 2 , and three gates, each having 1 cm2 cross-sectional area, will have a gating ratio of 1 : 3 : 3 The gating ratio reveals whether the total cross-section decreases or increases towards the mould cavity. There are two types of gating systems: Pressurised and Non-pressurised or free flowing The pressurised system has less total cross -sectional area at the ingates to the mould cavity than at the sprue base. Thus a pressurised system would have ratio of 1: 0.75: 0.5, 1: 2: 1 and 2: 1: 1. This provides a choke effect which pressurises the liquid metal in the system. As this system is small in volume for a given metal flow rate, it results in a smaller loss of metal On the other hand, as this system keeps itself full of metal and provides a choke effect , high metal velocities may tend to cause severe turbulence at the junctions and corners and in the mould cavity. This is, however, generally suitable for ferrous metals and brass. In the unpressurised system, the cross-sectional area of the sprue is less than the total area of the runner and than that of the ingates. The ratio used is 1: 2: 2, 1: 3: 3, etc. This system of gating therefore produces lower metal velocities and permits greater flow rates. As a result, it reduces turbulence in the gating system. This System is generally adapted for metals such as aluminium and magnesium. RI SERING OF CASTINGS A riser or a feeder head is a passage of sand made in the cope to permit the molten metal to rise above the highest point in the casting after the mould cavity is filled up.
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Risers serve a dual function: they compensate for solidification shrinkage which is a very common casting defect and are a heat source so that they freeze last and promote directional solidification. Risers provide thermal gradients from a remote chilled area to the riser. Besides, they enable the pourer to see the metal as it falls into that the mould cavity. If the metal does not appear in the riser, it indicates that the mould cavity has not been completely filled up. Risers also permit the escape of steam, gas, and air as the mould cavity is being filled up with the molten metal. The main requisites of an effective riser are It must have such a volume that it has enough reservoir of feed - metal in order to feed the last part of the casting to freeze. 2. The solidification time of metal in the riser should be greater, than that in the mould cavity. 3. It should derive sufficient feeding pressure either by atmospheric pressure of by metallostatic pressure. 4. It should be so designed that it establishes and affects temperature gradients suitable for directional solidification towards the riser. The main considerations of the riser are 1. Type, shape, size, and location. 2. Economics in the moulding and ease of removal of misers from the casting. 3 In general, all hot spots are to be risered. 4. Number required will have to work out on the basis of feeding distance of the risers.
TYPES OF RISERS There are two types of risers: Top or open risers and Side or blind risers. In the top or open riser, the upper surface is open to the atmosphere and the riser is usually placed above the volume to be fed or at the parting surface of the mould. The open riser never extends downwards into the drag. The liquid metal in the riser is fed to the solidifying casting under the force of gravity and atmospheric pressure till the top surface of the riser metal solidifies. RISER SHAPE AND SIZE The metal in the riser should remain in the molten state for a longer time than in the mould cavity. The heat loss in the riser should therefore be kept to a minimum. It means a riser must freeze more slowly than the casting. Thus their shape should be such as to give volume-to-surface-area ratio a maximum value. This ratio is maximum for a sphere. This is therefore the ideal shape of a riser. But because of difficulties in moulding this is not in very much use. For the same volume, the next best shape is a cylinder. As regards the height of the riser, it must be tall enough to ensure that any pipe formed in it does not penetrate the casting. The ratio of h eight to diameter usually varies from 1: 1 to 15: 1.
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RISER LOCATION In addition to the shape and size, a riser must be properly located to obtain a sound casting. A riser must have adequate metallostatic head and must maintain positive pressure of liquid metal on all portions of the solidifying casting, it is required to feed. The location of the riser should therefore be chosen keeping in view the metal to be cast, the design of the casting, and the feasibility of directional solidification. The riser may be located either at the top of the casting or at the side. Top risering is advisable for light metals as it develops feeding pressure due to the metallostatic pressure in the riser. Frequently more than one riser have be to used to secure soundness in the casting. In such cases, their spacing should be carefully arranged so as to minimise the shrinkage. The feeding range, the distance a ri ser can feed t he m et al i n a cast i ng, t hus becom es an i m port ant consideration in riser location. It is usual practice to maintain a feeding range of about 4.5 times the thickness (T) for plate type castings and 2 to 2.5 T for bar type castings. SOLIDIFICATION OF CASTING: When a molten metal is poured into a sand mould, the outer-most metal cools down earlier than the rest. A sort of solid shell of reasonable thickness, is quickly formed all along the inside surface of the mould. This can be described as a Solid Zone, consisting of the chilled solid metal. All along this zone and inside it there is a pasty mass of metal which consists of solid crystal skeletons surrounded by liquid metal. It is known as Mushy Zone. The interior-most metal is liquid and the area covering it is called Liquid Zone . In pure metals there is no distinct mushy zone, or to say its existence is practically negligible. Where the molten metal cools and solidifies in the mould, due to the gradual fall in its temperature, it contracts in volume, thus creating voids inside. These voids are to be filled up by the molten metal from the interior of the casting which is still liquid. This process continues till solidification reaches the risers, which are the last to solidify. Such a progressive solidification only ensures a sound casting free of internal voids and shrinkage. This type of solidification is called Directional or Progressive Solidification. For effective directional solidification, it should start from the portions which are at the maximum distance from the riser, which feeds them, and proceed towards that riser, such that the riser is the last to solidify. The factors through which this directional solidification can be controlled are the following: 1. Proper design and positioning of gating system. 2. Proper design and positioning of risers. 3. Use of exothermic materials at the risers or in the facing sand according to the requirement. 4. Use of padding to increase the thickness of a desired portion of the casting. 5. Use of metal chills at suitable points in the mould. Stages of Contraction As stated earlier, the Shrinkage or Volumetric Contraction in a casting is caused by the fall
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in its temperature from the pouring to room temperature. This contraction takes place in the following three stages: 1. Liquid contraction: It occurs during the liquid stage of the metal, i.e., when the molten metal cools down from the pouring temperature to the temperature at which solidification starts. 2. Solidification contraction: It is that shrinkage which occurs during the change of state of metal from liquid to solid. 3. Solid contraction: It is that shrinkage which occurs in the metal after solidification is complete, i.e., when the temperature falls from the end of solidification to the room temperature. This shrinkage has no effect on the shrinkage defects in casting as it is covered in advance by the shrinkage allowance provided by the pattern maker. USE OF CHILLS Chills will help in achieving directional Solidification. Their use is mostly when a casting has abrupt variations in its section. The use of chills is still more advantageous and preferable when the intricate shape of the castings does not allow placing of risers on all the thick sections or in which the large sections are so located that it is impossible to place risers over them. In such cases there will be different rates of cooling for different sections; the thinner sections cooling much earlier than the thicker ones, giving rise to internal stresses in the casting, which may ultimately result in cracks. This deficiency can be easily made good by inserting metal 'chills' in the areas of thick sections to accelerate their cooling rates and, thus, obtain the desired directional solidification. These chills are of two types 1. Internal chills They are placed within the mould cavity and ultimately form a part of the casting. They are usually in the form of thin wires or nails and are hung in the mould by inserting their one end into the sand. 2. External chills They are embedded in the mould such that they are flush with the mould walls and form a part of it. Their exposed surface is given the desired shape so that it conforms to the shape of the mould wall and, hence, of the casting. USE OF PADDING If, in spite of all other measures, proper temperature gradients cannot be produced to give rise to adequate directional solidification and the centre line shrinkage still occurs, use of padding can be made to overcome this difficulty. The term 'Padding' means adding of extra metal to the original section of the casting in varying thickness to achieve the desired directional solidification. This extra metal, if not required, can be removed later on through machining.
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