How To Fix A Bricked Linksys Router
How To Fix A Bricked Linksys Router
How To Fix A Bricked Linksys Router
The following simple solution explains how to fix a bricked Linksys router. Tested on a Linksys WRT54G router. Typically a router can become bricked if a firmware update was unsuccessful. any people think that their Linksys router is no longer any good because they cannot access the Linksys admin panel after a failed firmware update. !owe"er# in most cases# a bricked Linksys router is completely repairable and simply re$uires a new means of flashing to get it back up and running again. Fixing a Bricked Linksys Router: Note: %f you ha"e attempted a flash update and it failed# this tutorial is for you. &efore proceeding# disable any wireless connections. We will be working "ia a wired port to communicate and repair the broken Linksys router. % ha"e personally tested this tutorial on Linksys WRT54G and Linksys WRT'(() routers. *. +ownload known working firmware for your Linksys router. Rename the bin file to works.bin and mo"e it to your desktop ,. -onnect your .- to the broken Linksys router "ia an /thernet cable 0. )a"igate to Start->Contro !ane ->Network Connections and double click the Loca "rea Connection icon. -lick the !ro#erties button and double click $nternet !rotoco %&C!'$!( from the list 4. -lick the option to )se t*e fo owing $! address: and set it up as follows and then click +k1 o %. address1 ,-..,/0.,.,1 o 2ubnet mask1 .22..22..22.1 o +efault gateway1 ,-..,/0.,., 5. )ext# na"igate to Start->Run and type c3d and click +k '. Repeat step 4. 3ou should now ha"e two command windows open 4. 5rom the first command window type cd 4eskto# and press enter. )ext# type !$N5 -t ,-..,/0.,., but +6 )6T .R/22 enter yet 7. 5rom the 2econd command windows type cd 4eskto# and press enter. )ext# type tft# -i ,-..,/0.,., !)& works.bin but +6 )6T .R/22 enter yet 8. 5rom the first command window press enter. %mmediately following# press enter from the second command window *(. 9fter the firmware has been uploaded# you should be able to reset your Linksys router and log into the Linksys admin panel
"dditiona notes: The upload needs to occur within a fi"e second window# so you may not be successful the first time: 2ometimes it takes multiple tries before you get the router to accept the upload.
!old down the reset button for at least 0( seconds. While still holding down the reset button# unplug the de"ice. While still holding down the reset button# lea"e the unit unplugged for at least 5 seconds. While still holding down the reset button# plug the power cord back into the router. 9fter 5 seconds# you can stop holding down the reset button. Go to the webpage of the router. %t=s usually http1;;*8,.*'7.*.*; or http1;;*8,.*'7.,.*; 3ou should see the 2pecial aintenance ode. Bpload the firmware you were trying to load up# or try resetting it. 5ollow the remainder of the instructions on the admin screens and that=s it.
This should get your router back to working mode# and you didn=t ha"e to call anyone or spend money to fix it. < !appy 2a"ing.