Juice Plus+ Complete Plan.

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$o print it and read it// unless you don,t want results of course!

The #est thin$ a#o%t this is &o% 'an do it #e(o)e &o%) p)od%'ts e*en a))i*e and &o% +ill (eel a $)eat di((e)en'e in ene)$& le*els, sleep and $ene)al +ell#ein$- In (a't I.m so 'on(ident I +ant &o% to s'o)e this /%i'0 /%estionnai)e #e(o)e and a(te) &o%) 12 da&s3 I( &o%) p)od%'ts a))i*e d%)in$ this Cleanse then add them in as &o% please #%t &o% 'an (ollo+ this plan (o) 12 da&s an&+a&$core 0.01 201 being 3&"4(5 before "ating habits 3eneral body confidence $leep 6uality $7in 6uality "nergy le8els Muscle tone $core 0.01 201 being 3&"4(5 before

This p)o$)amme +as ')eated to help people all o*e) the +o)ld a'hie*e the health and the #od& o( thei) d)eams3 O0 so he)e.s the deal- Fi)stl&, to $et the #od& o( &o%) d)eams +e need to help &o% ')eate that d)eam-

(he Body 9ision board

What I +ant &o% to do is to '%t a pi't%)e o%t o( a ma$a4ine +ith &o%) d)eam #od& on it- Then I +ant &o% to +)ite the 'lothes si4e &o% +ant to #e'ome and a list o( att)i#%tes and (eelin$s &o% +ant to a'hie*e5e)e is an e6ample7 I.m a Si4e 18 +ith a (i)m #%tt, toned a)ms and ti$ht a#s3 I am (%ll o( ene)$& and (eel healthie) than e*e) #e(o)e3 I ha*e in')edi#le (itness and staminaThis pa)a$)aph pl%s the pi't%)e needs to $o onto &o%) +all- 9o% +ill see it and )ead it e*e)& da&- It +ill 0eep &o% (o'%sed and I $%a)antee &o% +ill a'hie*e these )es%lts--9o% sho%ld also ta0e a pi't%)e o( &o%) #od& *ision #oa)d and sa*e it as &o%) s')een sa*e) on &o%) phone- A$ain the po+e) o( the s%#'ons'io%s mind +ill ta0e &o% to this $oal(he (raining Plan 9o% m%st e6e)'ise at least 28 min%tes at a hi$h intensit& :an&thin$ that $ets &o% o%t o( #)eath and (eelin$ a #%)n in &o%) m%s'les; at least < times a +ee03 E6amples a)e 28 min%te inte)*al )%nnin$ sessions3 So &o% )%n (ast (o) = min%tes and +al0 o) >o$ at a slo+ pa'e (o) <3 Attend E6e)'ise 'lasses3 S+immin$, #%t ma0e it (ast and not a $entle paddle- The 0e& to this

is s+it'hin$ on FAT !URNIN 5ORMONES and this 'an onl& #e done +ith intensi*e e6e)'ise3 So i( &o% (inish t)ainin$ and &o%) s+eat&, o%t o( #)eath, hot and sli$htl& %n'om(o)ta#le +ith #%)nin$ m%s'les &o% a)e doin$ REAT- Wo)0 at &o%) o+n (itness le*el #%t o%tside o( &o%) 'om(o)t 4one--- I( &o% don.t li0e $&ms o) 'lasses &o% 'an do st%(( in &o%) o+n home o) a simple po+e) +al0 that $ets &o% o%t o( #)eath +ill #e eno%$h to sta)t +ith3 Remem#e)33W" 4&" :"$I3'": (* M*9"!!!! I( &o% a)e sho)t o( time &o% 'an also do these =8min t%)#o +o)0o%ts--+hat ea'h e6e)'ise is i( &o% dont 0no+You will need a stop watch and your body Wor7 out 0 its called ;!oc7roach< Set &o%) time) (o) 18mins $et th)o%$h this as man& times as &o% 'anP)ess %ps s/%ats Rene$ade Ro+s l%n$es <8 )eps <8 )eps ?8 )eps ?8 )eps oo$le to (ind o%t

Then I +ant &o% to do = mins 6 @ sets o( this S/%at >%mps :o) s/%ats;AMo%ntain 'lim#e)s 1min o) ea'h then )est (o) as lon$ as &o% needWor7 out = its called the ;Bitch slap< $et your timer for =1 mins 18 p)ess %ps then 18 #%)pees 18 le$ li(ts then 18 s/%at p)ess 18 l%n$es then 18 )ene$ade )o+s 18 sit %ps then 18 s/%at >%mps @mins non stop :%nless &o% need to; @mins non stop :%nless &o% need to; @mins non stop :%nless &o% need to; @mins non stop :%nless &o% need to;

Wor7 out > its called the ;)oney (rap< 5o+ man& #%)pees 'an &o% do in @ minsB Set &o% +at'h33 ORest (o) = mins :lon$e) i( needed; 5o+ man& sho)t sh%ttle )%ns 'an &o% do in &o%) )oom o) %p and do+n the stai)s in @ mins33 O5o+ man& s/%ats o) s/%at >%mps 'an &o% do in @mins Finish on the PRESS UPCSITUP P9RAMID O-

@8p)ess%psC@8sit%ps 28p)ess%psC28sit%ps <8p)ess%psC<8sit%ps =8p)ess%psC=8sit%ps 18p)ess%psC18sit%ps A$ain (o) @ mins don.t stop till its DONE-------

P$ i( &o% a)e to%$h eno%$h do the COCDROAC5, !ITC5 SEAP and 5ONE9 TRAP #a'0 to #a'0En>o&-

4:: these Juice Plus Premium !apsules As &o% 0no+ these a)e the s%pplements that a)e pa)t o( the Fat Eoss p)o$)amme these s%pplements +ill NOT ONE9 ACT AS A CATAE9ST TO IMPROVED 5EAET5, #%t the& +ill also (lood &o%) #od& +ith n%t)ients, in')ease &o%) h&d)ation, ene)$& le*els, meta#olism and allo+ &o% to )e'o*e) /%i'0e) ()om t)ainin$F%i'e pl%s is the most s'ienti(i'all& )esea)'hed n%t)itional s%pplement on the ma)0et3 It.s %sed #& the +o)ld.s top athletes and is p)o*en to )ed%'e o6idati*e st)ess, st)en$then the imm%ne s&stem and in')ease n%t)ients in the #od& #& o*e) =888G3 It is the essen'e o( =? po)tions o( ()%its and *e$eta#les and +ill help &o%) #od& )epai) d%)in$ the intense e6e)'ise and st)ess it +ill #e %nde)3 The #ene(its o( all these antio6idants $oin$ into &o%) #lood st)eam is that &o% +ill ha*e mo)e ene)$& and the *a)ied amo%nts o( n%t)ients +ill help )ed%'e oest)o$en )e'epto)s and 'leanse the li*e) aidin$ Fat loss ()om the 5ip, Thi$hs and Stoma'h3 I( &o% a)e on the p)emi%m 'aps%les 9o% +ill ta0e ? 'aps%les a da&- = Red = $)een = p%)ple all that.s in them is d)ied ()%it and *e$- Ta0e them (i)st thin$ in a mo)nin$ +ith a pint o( #ottled +ate)- Ta0e the 'aps%les one at a time3 I( &o% a)e on the ()%it and *e$ #lend then ta0e = )ed = $)een (i)st thin$ in a mo)nin$ +ith a pint o( #ottled +ate)- Ta0e the 'aps%les one at a time3

(he 'utrition plan The N%t)ition plan is simpleSti'0 to it and &o% +ill a'hie*e a+esome )es%ltsN%t)ition is DIN , a $)eat t)ainin$ session o) p)o$)amme doesn.t ma0e %p (o) poo) n%t)itionH8G o( the )es%lts +e $et 'ome ()om ha*in$ 'leaned %p &o%) n%t)ition3 That.s a (a't- 5e)e.s +hat I.d li0e &o% to '%t o%t (o) the ne6t 1=8 da&s (o) in')edi#le )es%lts that +ill #lo+ &o%) mind- It ma& seem odd to '%t o%t these thin$s #%t #elie*e me it +ill ha*e a massi*e impa't on &o%) #od& (at, /%alit& o( &o%) sleep, &o%) ene)$&, mental 'la)it& and e*en &o%) s0in and hai)--Cheat Da&s, some o( this is eas& to '%t o%t (o) li(e ho+e*e) I.m not loo0in$ (o) &o% to $i*e %p #oo4e o) the o''asional 'ho'olate #a) (o) $ood- What I +o%ld sa& is the lon$ and st)i'te) &o% a)e +ith this p)o$)amme the /%i'0e) the )es%lts &o% +ill see---(he +irst ?.0@ :ays Fo) ma6im%m )es%lts, it.s $oin$ to ta0e %s 12 da&s to I'leanse. &o%) (at sto)es, a$ain this is a MUST DO3 5e)e.s the W597 A The te)m I9o% a)e +hat &o% eat. seems to #e a pop%la) sa&in$ amon$st an&one inte)ested in n%t)ition3 5o+e*e), I.d li0e to ta0e a loo0 at +hethe) it.s +hat +e eat that ma0es %s o*e)+ei$ht o) is it the +a& +e Itole)ate. these (oods that 'an ma0e %s #loated, (ati$%ed and do+n)i$ht mise)a#le3 When E%')eti%s said in the #i#le IOne man.s (ood is anothe) man.s poison. he hit the nail )i$ht on the head as (a) o%) indi*id%al n%t)itional )e/%i)ements a)e 'on'e)ned3 Whe)e ea'h o( %s ha*e a %ni/%e set o( (in$e)p)ints, di((e)ent ()om e*e)& othe) sin$le pe)son in the enti)e %ni*e)se, then s%)el& it ma0es sense that ea'h o( %s has a %ni/%e #io'hemi'al ma0eA%p allo+in$ %s to p)o'ess and %se e*e)&thin$ +e p%t into o%) mo%ths and p)o'ess th)o%$h o%) #odies9esB Then +h& do +e 0eep app)oa'hin$ n%t)ition +ith the same Io(( the shel(. #asis and most $&ms #ase thei) (itness p)o$)amsB E*e)& diet #oo0 +e )ead seems to ha*e 'on(li'tin$ in(o)mation in them, ma0in$ %s mo)e 'on(%sed than e*e) a#o%t so%nd n%t)itional ad*i'eAt0ins this, Slimmin$ +o)ld that, I inde6 this, 5i$h (i#)e thatThe h%man #od&, +hen o*e)+helmed +ith to6ins +ill Id%mp. an& to6i' s%#stan'es +ithin the adipose tiss%e sto)es :(at; in o)de) to )ed%'e thei) 'i)'%lation th)o%$ho%t the #od&3 When the)e a)e no lon$e) to6ins ente)in$ the #od& those to6ins +ill #e e6pelled alon$ +ith the (at :and e6'ess +ate); that.s sto)in$ them3 Ma0e senseB In sho)t, )id &o%) #od& o( to6ins and lose st%##o)n (at3 The)e is ho+e*e) a do+nside, as one o( m& 'lients )e'entl& (o%nd o%t +hen he eliminated 'o((ee ()om his diet3 I +ill st)ess, 'o((ee is a to6in and o%) #odies #e'ome addi'ted to it the)e(o)e +hen +e eliminate it +e $o I'old t%)0e&. and s%((e) all the thin$s addi'ts do-

"liminate these/

+ood 3roup



Ea$e), Wine, Al'oApops, Vod0a, Champa$ne

Al'ohol is a to6in3 As s%'h &o%) #od& has to +o)0 e6t)emel& ha)d to deto6i(& &o%) s&stem pla'in$ st)ess %pon &o%) li*e), 0idne&s and ad)enal $lands3 On a mole'%la) le*el, al'ohol is a potent s%$a) that t)i$$e)s ins%lin se')etion, #lood s%$a) im#alan'e and in')eased #od& (at sto)a$e3


Tea, Co((ee, Fi44& D)in0s

Ca((eine (i)st o*e)e6'ites and then late) I+ea)s o%t. the #od&.s ene)$& p)od%'in$ $lands3 This leads to massi*e ene)$& (l%'t%ations and the s%#se/%ent need (o) s%$a)& (oods3 Instead d)in0 $)een tea C othe) ()%it teas3

Wheat and 3luten

!)ead, Pasta, Ca0es, !is'%its, So%p and some sa%'es :these o(ten 'ontain $l%ten as a thi'0ene);

Fo) man&, +heat and $l%ten p)od%'ts a)e simpl& indi$esti#le o) pla'e st)ess on the di$esti*e s&stem leadin$ to a sl%$$ish meta#olism and intole)an'es3 In addition, mode)n +heat, espe'iall& a(te) p)o'essin$ is #a)el& distin$%isha#le ()om simple s%$a), leadin$ to all o( the same p)o#lems-

Processed +oods

An&thin$ 'ontainin$ an E N%m#e), %np)ono%n'ea#le name, p)eA'oo0ed, p)eApa'0ed

These p)od%'ts (lood the #od& +ith to6ins it simpl& 'an.t 'ope +ith3

o) lon$ li(e


White, !)o+n, !eet, Molasses, P)o'essed F)%'tose, Maltose, De6t)ose and Co)n S%$a)

All s%$a) ')eates an ins%lin )esponse3 The simple) the ma0e%p o( the s%$a), the mo)e )apid and a$$)essi*e the ins%lin )esponse3 Un(o)t%natel& a$ain, so m%'h o( o%) diet 'ontains s%$a) that this )esponse #e'omes too ()e/%ent and e6'essi*el& hi$h o) lo+ dependin$ on the t&pe o( d&s(%n'tion and leads to ene)$& (l%'t%ations and (at sto)a$e3

$ugar $ubstitutes


I +o%ld )e'ommend a*oidin$ them enti)el& as the& a)e lin0ed to 'onditions s%'h as m%ltiple s'le)osis, (i#)om&al$ia, spasms, shootin$ pains, n%m#ness, ')amps, heada'hes, >oint pain, di44iness and n%me)o%s othe) medi'al p)o#lems3


Mil0, C)eam, 9o$h%)t, Sp)eada#le !%tte)

Othe) than e$$s, #%tte) and $)ee0 &o$h%)t &o% sho%ld t)& and a*oid dai)&3 This is #e'a%se most dai)& p)od%'e is hea*il& p)o'essed and %ses paste%)isation and homo$enisation

in o)de) to maintain its Ishel( li(e.3 Un(o)t%natel&, these p)o'esses 0ill o(( AEE o( the en4&mes )e/%i)ed to p)ope)l& di$est them meanin$ that &o%) #od& has to +o)0 o*e)time to di$est them3 This is a ma>o) 'a%se o( (ood intole)an'e3 Instead, %se AlmondCso&aC)i'eCoat mil0 to %se +ith &o%) sha0es3 !orn and !orn Products S+eet Co)n, Co)n on the Co#, Co)n Flo%), Pop'o)n S+eet Co)n, Co)n on the Co#, Co)n Flo%), Pop'o)n =@ di((e)ent to6in p)od%'in$ (%n$i ha*e #een (o%nd in these, that.s =@ di((e)ent t&pes o( MOUED3

Use the ta#le #elo+ as &o%) shoppin$ list3 9o%) diet sho%ld #e made %p o( J8G o( the Bgreen, (oods and =8 G o( the Bblac7, (oods3 Meat !ee( 5ea)t :!ee(; Didne& :!ee(; Ei*e) :!ee(; Ra##it Venison Eam# Poultry Chi'0en D%'0 Pheasant T%)0e& +ish C $eafood Ma'0e)el Salmon Sa)dine An'ho*& !ass Cat Fish Cod C)a&(ish 5ali#%t 5e))in$ O'top%s !ont// Pe)'h P)a+nsCSh)imps S'allop Snappe) T)o%t Clams C)a# Eo#ste) Sha)0 S/%id S+o)d Fish


9egetables Dale Eett%'e Ro'0et Spina'h Sp)o%ts !ean Sp)o%ts Wate) C)ess Aspa)a$%s Onion Radish A)ti'ho0e Oli*es Eee0 Peas

!ont/// !)o''oli Ca##a$e Ca))ot Ca%li(lo+e) Cele)& C%'%m#e) Pa)snip Peppe)s Shallot Tomato Wate) Chestn%ts P%mp0in Fennel a)li' !eans

+ruit A*o'ado APPEES !la'0#e))ies !l%e#e))ies Co'on%t Papa&a PEAR Man$o Eime Eemon )ape()%it Rasp#e))ies Rh%#a)# St)a+#e))ies Wate) Melon !anana

*ils C +ats Sesame Oil Almond Oil Co'on%t Oil E*enin$ P)im)ose Oil Fish Oil Oli*e Oil

$easonings !asil !a& Eea( Chilli Po+de) Chi*e Cinnamon Co)iande) a)li' in$e) 5o)se)adish Pap)i0a O)e$ano

!ont/// Wasa#i Pa)sle& Peppe)mint Rosema)& Sa$e Sa(()on Sea Salt Th&me N%tme$ C%min T%)me)i' !la'0 Peppe)

:rin7s Wate) )een Tea 5e)#al Teas Ve$eta#le F%i'es Ri'e Mil0 Almond Mil0 Co'on%t mil0

:airy Chi'0en E$$s :+hite K &ol0; D%'0 E$$s :+hite K &ol0; Feta Cheese oats Cheese

'uts C $eeds Almonds !)a4il N%ts Cashe+s Ma'adamias Pe'ans Pine N%ts Pista'hios Popp& Seeds P%mp0in Seeds Sesame Seeds S%n(lo+e) Seeds Waln%ts Fla6 Seeds

3rains "%inoa !asmati Ri'e !)o+n Ri'e Wild Ri'e Spelt Ri'e Noodles Eentils P%lses

(his meal plan is an eAampleD we can pro8ide you with more recipes in the faceboo7 support group or Eust as7 me!
0@ :ay Meal Plan :ay Mon Brea7fast Rasp#e))ies and pine n%ts and almonds sp)in0led +ith #unch Salad7 Spina'h, $)ated 'a))ot, tomatoes, :inner Chi'0en sti) ()&7 man$e to%t, peppe)s, #ean sp)o%ts, '%)l& < lit)es o( $nac7s Ca))ot sti'0s and h%m%s = 6 he)#al teas :rin7s =6 )een Tea


peppe)s and $)apes +ith lemon >%i'e s/%ee4ed o*e) the top

0ale :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

#ottled mine)al +ate)


< +hole e$$ omelette +ith peppe)s and spina'h

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea

Roast *e$eta#les K h%m%s dip7 'o%)$ette, 'a))ot, 'he))& tomatoes, peppe)s :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

5and(%l o( #l%e#e))ies and almonds


)een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


!o+l o( mi6ed n%ts and #e))ies +ith a teaspoon o( )ee0 &o$h%)t o) /%inoa and )i'e mil0 +ith n%ts and

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea

Chi'0en pi44a +ith pa)snips 'hips :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

F)%it salad7 man$o, melon K st)a+#e))ies


)een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)

seeds (hurs !o+l o( mi6ed n%ts and #e))ies +ith a teaspoon o( )ee0 &o$h%)t o) /%inoa and )i'e mil0 +ith n%ts and seeds E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea 5omemade *e$eta#le so%p7 lee0, 'a))ot, #%tte)n%t s/%ash, lentils :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+; E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea Ta0e a+a& st&le 0e#a# Ca))ot sti'0s and h%m%s = 6 he)#al teas =6 )een Tea Co'on%t '%#es = 6 he)#al teas =6 )een Tea

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


!o+l o( mi6ed n%ts and #e))ies +ith a teaspoon o( )ee0 &o$h%)t o) /%inoa and )i'e mil0 +ith n%ts and seeds

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


!anana omelette

Ve$eta#le sti) ()& +ith )i'e noodles

Peppe)s st%((ed +ith #)o+n )i'e, t%na, 'hopped tomatoes

5and(%l o( #l%e#e))ies and +aln%ts


)een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

and peas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate) Apple and h%m%s = 6 he)#al teas =6 )een Tea


Rasp#e))&, #l%e#e))& and #la'0 #e))& smoothie

Roast 'hi'0en and *e$eta#les

5omemade *e$eta#le so%p

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)

:ay Mon

!)ea0(ast !l%e#e))ies, st)a+#e))ies and (%ll (at nat%)al &o$h%)t

E%n'h 5omemade *e$eta#le so%p :ta0e to +o)0 in a (las0;

Dinne) Roasted *e$eta#les :peppe)s, m%sh)ooms, lee0s, 'o%)$ettes, t%)nip; +ith h%m%s :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

Sna'0s Co'on%t '%#es

D)in0s =6 )een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


< +hole e$$ omelette +ith peppe)s and

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s

Ta0ea+a& st&le 0e#a# :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion

Chopped st)a+#e))ies and a

=6 )een Tea

= 6 he)#al



and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

hand(%l o( +aln%ts


< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate) Sli'ed peppe)s and h%m%s = 6 he)#al teas =6 )een Tea


Rasp#e))ies and pine n%ts sp)in0led +ith 'innamon

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea

)illed t%)0e& st)ips +ith $)een salad :spina'hC+ate )')essC )o'0et; and homemade 'olesla+ :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


!l%e#e))ies, st)a+#e))ies and (%ll (at nat%)al &o$h%)t

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea

Pa)snip 'hips +ith homemade ma&onnaise and side salad :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

O)$ani' )i'e 'a0es and almondC p%mp0in seedC ha4eln%t #%tte)

=6 )een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)


Ve$eta#le sti) ()& +ith )i'e noodles

E6t)a po)tion ()om last ni$ht.s tea

Chi'0en pi44a +ith #a0ed a%#e)$ine s0ins and homemade ma&onnaise

!la'0#e))ies and almonds

=6 )een Tea

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate) Cele)& sti'0s and almondC p%mp0in seedC ha4eln%t #%tte) < lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate) =6 )een Tea = 6 he)#al teas =6 )een Tea


!anana Omelette

Chi'0en sti) ()&7 man$e to%t, peppe)s, #ean sp)o%ts, '%)l& 0ale

C%))ied s/%ash


Rasp#e))&, #l%e#e))& and #la'0 #e))& smoothie

Roast Eam# +ith )oasted *e$eta#les

5omemade so%p made ()om le(t o*e) *e$eta#les :ma0e an e6t)a po)tion and ta0e it to +o)0 (o) &o%) l%n'h tomo))o+;

!l%e#e))ies and (%ll (at nat%)al &o$h%)t

= 6 he)#al teas

< lit)es o( #ottled mine)al +ate)

*ther +ood Ideas

Breakfast: Po))id$e :+ith hone&C#e))ies; = E$$ Omelette :+ith peppe)sCm%sh)oomsCham; !anana Pan'a0es :see )e'ipe; M%esli Poa'hed E$$ +ith Spina'h )ee0 &o$%)t +ith mi6ed n%tsC s%$a) ()ee $)anola and #e))ies3 Rasp#e))ies, pine n%ts sp)in0led +ith 'innamon !e))& Smoothie )illed #a'on +ith poa'hed e$$ and spina'h Lunch: T%na and #)o+nC+ild )i'e +ith tomatoes, peppe)s and 'a))ots T%na +ith Oat'a0es Chi'0enC5amCT%naCT%)0e&CP)a+nCSalmon Salad Chi'0enCp)a+nC*e$ Sti) ()& F)esh 5omemade so%p :o) %se 'a)ton (o)mC deli; Pa)ma ham, ()%it and oat'a0es F)esh (ish and med *e$Csalad 5omemade Fala(el :#a0ed not ()ied; +ith "%inoa, pome$)anate and sp)int onion +ith lemon >%i'e Dinner: 5omemade #%)$e)s +ith salad and s+eet potato 'hips 5omemade Ta0ea+a& st&le 0e#a# :see )e'ipe; Chi'0en +ith steamed *e$ Sti) F)& +ith )i'e noodles St%((ed peppe)s +ith #)o+nC+ild )i'e, t%na, onions T%)0e& st)ips +ith salad Roast Eam# and *e$eta#les F)esh (ish and med *e$Csalad Stea0 +ith Medite))anean *e$Csalad 5omemade (ish 'a0es +ith saladC*e$ St%((ed m%sh)ooms 5omemade meat#alls in 'lean tomato sa%'e +ith *e$ Snacks: O)$ani' oat 'a0es :+ith o)$ani' pean%t #%tte) C a*o'ado and tomato C smo0ed salmon et'; !l%e #e))ies and almonds :hand(%l; Man$o, St)a+#e))ies, !anana and Apple3 Ca))otCCele)& sti'0s +ith h%m%s Co'on%t '%#es )ee0 &o$%)t3 Pa)ma 5am = small s/a%)es o( H8G da)0 'ho'olate Tinned t%na Apple +ith pean%t #%tte) and )aisins Roasted *e$ in lett%'e lea( SMAEE #o+l o( homemade so%p

Drinks: )een tea +ith lemon )een tea 5e)#al Teas F)%it Teas =E o( +ate) a da& Wate) +ith sli'e o( lemon and '%'%m#e)

$(4&(I'3 ()" $)4F"$

1.G wee7s = sha0es a da& 1 health& meal = health& sna'0s =A2 #its o( ()%it

G.0@ wee7s 1 sha0e a da& = health& meals = health& sna'0s =A2 #its o( ()%it

0@.0H wee7s < health& meals 1 health& sna'0s =A2 #its o( ()%it

IIPlease measure your scoops carefullyD :* '*( fill your scoop fully only )4#+ 4 $!**PII
No ()%it a(te) = L <pm :This is #e'a%se ()%it still 'ontains s%$a) and +e need to $i*e o%)sel*es eno%$h time to #%)n it o((@8$ o( OOD 'a)#s pe) meal :S+eet potato, #oiled potato, !)o+nCWild )i'e, Oats;

D)in0 = lit)e +ate) pe) da& D)in0 lemon K hot +ate) C $)een tea e*e)& mo)nin$ K ni$ht E6e)'ise <A2 times a +ee0 hi$h intensit& to #%)n (at

)ere is a chec7 list to go through to ensure you are fully prepared!! 1) Food shop prepare for the detox (whilst your shakes arrive) 2) Weigh yourself and make a note (every 3 weeks). 3) Measure your arms !hest waist ("elly "utton area) hips (widest part) thighs (half way down) and make a note (every 2 weeks do this) #) $rint off your program%) $lan and prepare your meals the night "efore...this is &' helpful you won(t slip up if you do this) *) +mportant to ,-./ - $+0,12/. Minimum !lothing as possi"le (ie. ,3shirt and shorts don(t have to in!lude you head in it). ,his is great to visually see the progress as sometimes the s!ales lie 4) $lease measure you s!oops !arefully 5' 6', fill you s!oop to the top 7-8F - &0''$ to make your shakes last for the whole program. -dd more fruit or milk if you need to.

What $hould I :rin7J At EEAST, 1 lit)e o( 'lean (ilte)ed +ate) (o) e*e)& @8l#s o( #od&+ei$ht3 This +ill help (l%sh o%t the to6ins as the&.)e )eleased ()om &o%) (at sto)es and )ed%'e the ne$ati*e e((e't o( to6in )elease3 Aim (o) < lit)es a da& o( (ilte)ed, E*ian o) Vol*i'3 In addition this +ill aid +ei$ht )ed%'tion and p)e*ent ene)$& (l%'t%ations3 )ow *ften and )ow Much $hould I "atJ Eat ()eel& ()om +holesome, n%t)itio%s (oods that a)en.t on the EEIMINATE list3 Don.t 'o%nt 'alo)ies, )ed%'e po)tions o) allo+ &o%)sel( to $et too h%n$)&3 This is 'o%nte)p)od%'ti*e as &o%.ll end %p eatin$ +hate*e) &o% 'an la& o%) hands on/ Microwa8e o8ens A Mi')o+a*es 'ompletel& 'han$e the 'hemi'al 'omposition o( the (oods &o% eat, )ende)in$ them n%t)itionAless and pla'in$ a st)ain to &o%) s&stem3 A $ood /%estion to as0 is ho+ somethin$ 'an ta0e 28 min%tes to o*en #a0e, &et onl& ta0e M8 se'onds in the mi')o+a*e3 S%)el& somethin$ st)an$e is $oin$ on the)eB This +as hi$hli$hted )e'entl& in the 'ase o( the hospital that +as p)ose'%ted a(te) the death o( a #lood t)ans(%sion patient +ho died as a di)e't )es%lt o( he) #lood #ein$ +a)med %p in a mi')o+a*e3 The +a*es 'ompletel& 'han$ed the ma0eA%p o( the #lood as to )ende) it %n%sa#leBe aware of how your body may feel M%s'le so)eness, &o% +ill ha*e some m%s'le so)eness a(te) &o%) (i)st +o)0o%t, #%t &o% M $( 'ontin%e to t)ain othe)+ise &o%) so)eness +ill $et +o)se and &o%.ll end %p #a'0 at s/%a)e one3 To minimise the so)eness &o% 'an hop into the sho+e) a(te) &o%) +o)0o%t, ta0in$ the sho+e) head and #lastin$ &o%) le$s +ith 'old +ate) (o) a $ood @ min%tes3 Then ha*e a no)mal hot sho+e) o) #ath3 This +ill )ed%'e &o%) so)eness #& @8G3 Anothe) $)eat tip to help +ith m%s'les so)eness is to ha*e an Epsom salt #ath, =88$ in a #ath o( +a)m +ate), )ela6 in it (o) =8mins #e(o)e addin$ an& soap p)od%'ts to &o%) #ath and )epeat < 6 pe) +ee03 It.s FANTASTIC (o) helpin$ to )elie*e an& m%s'le a'hes and pains3 Epsom salt is )i'h in #oth ma$nesi%m and s%l(ate3 While #oth ma$nesi%m and s%l(ate 'an #e poo)l& a#so)#ed th)o%$h the stoma'h, st%dies sho+ in')eased ma$nesi%m le*els ()om soa0in$ in a #ath en)i'hed +ith Epsom salt- Ma$nesi%m and s%l(ate a)e #oth easil& a#so)#ed th)o%$h the s0in3 S%l(ates pla&

an impo)tant )ole in the (o)mation o( #)ain tiss%e, >oint p)oteins and the p)oteins that line the +alls o( the di$esti*e t)a't3 The& stim%late the pan')eas to $ene)ate di$esti*e en4&mes and a)e tho%$ht to help deto6i(& the #od& o( medi'ines and en*i)onmental 'ontaminants3

Want (o "at Your +a8ourite +oods and $till :rop +atJ :*',( :* ()I$ I' Y* & +I&$( 0@ :4Y$ Int)od%'in$ the !a#& Cheat and the Dadd& Cheat A(te) the (i)st 12 da&s &o% 'an ha*e 1 I!a#& Cheat. and 1 IDadd& Cheat. ea'h +ee03 The !a#& Cheat is a smallCsna'0 si4ed 'heat +hi'h &o% ha*e to ta0e 1@ min%tes to eat, on'e a +ee03 Ma0e it a )eall& $ood /%alit& #a#& 'heat3 The Dadd& Cheat is a #i$$e) 'heat meal +hi'h &o% to ta0e 2@ min%tes to eat, on'e a +ee03 A$ain, don.t +aste this 'heat on an& old )%##ish3 Ma0e s%)e +hate*e) &o%) 'hoi'e is, ma0e it a $ood /%alit& (ood3 Anothe) $)eat tip is, p)io) to #oth &o%) !a#& and Dadd& Cheat ma0e s%)e &o% ta0e &o%) (ish oil 'aps%les and d)in0 N a lit)e o( +ate)this +ill a't as dama$e limitationA side note on the !a#& K Dadd& 'heatsO i( &o% 0no+ that &o% ha*e t)i$$e) (oods that 'o%ld set &o% o(( on a #in$e eatin$ '&'le, don.t in'l%de this (ood in &o%) 'heat list3 Onl& in'l%de (oods that &o% 'an eat in a 'ont)olled po)tion, +hi'h is )i$ht (o) &o% and in line +ith &o%) $oals o( $ettin$ health&, +ell and (it3 With t)i$$e) (oods, sta)t to #e'ome a+a)e and 5ONEST +ith &o%)sel( a#o%t +hat (oods &o% ma& ha*e o*e)eaten on in the past3 It.s the onl& +a& to ma0e 'han$es a)o%nd this a)ea3 Ma0e a list o( the (oods that &o% ha*e $)eat intention o( ha*in$ >%st a taste, #%t end %p eatin$ a massi*e po)tion o) (inishin$ mo)e than &o%) #od& 'an handle o) needs3 Mind.set C 3oal $etting O0a& &o%.)e almost )ead& to $o and $et on the >o%)ne& to d)oppin$ &o%) #od& (at and #%ildin$ lean m%s'le, #%t no+ +e need to ma0e a statement o( intent3 Resea)'h has sho+n that people +ho +)ite do+n thei) $oals a)e <88G &es, T5REE 5UNDRED pe) 'ent, mo)e li0el& to AC5IEVE thei) $oals than people +ho don.t3 P)ett& ama4in$ h%hB And it.s a't%all& VER9 simple p)o'ess that.s INCREDI!E9 po+e)(%l3

)ere goes- 3rab a pen and paper and get ready to write some powerful stuff (he $cience of goal achie8ement Part 0 . ()" W)4( SimpleA Dno+ EXACTE9, PRECISEE9 +hat &o%) $oal is3 P%t %p &o%) da)t #oa)d so to spea0, so &o% ha*e somethin$ to aim (o)3 !e CR9STAE 'lea) in +hat &o% +ant, no *a$%eness, don.t #e $ene)al3 !e *e)&, *e)& spe'i(i'3 Fo) instan'e I don.t +ant to see &o% +)itin$ do+n7 PI +ant

to lose +ei$htQ A doesn.t PI +ant to loo0 and (eel (antasti' #& the end o( !od& Camp #& d)oppin$ a d)ess si4eQ so%nd m%'h mo)e po+e)(%lB And #elie*a#leB

Kuite simply. If you don,t name your goalD you won,t get your goal/ So3333 ta0e a pie'e o( 'a)d :I li0e to %se those little post'a)ds ()om I0ea; o) some pape) and +)ite do+n 9OUR $oal:s; and )emem#e) #e CR9STAE 'lea)3 5e)e.s an e6ampleA PI +ant to d)op Jl#s o( #od& (at and $et into m& si4e 1= >eans #& the #e$innin$ o( Fe#)%a)&Q 9o% see, addin$ it the date, almost sets a deadline, means &o%.)e A EOT mo)e li0el& to sta& on t)a'0 )i$htB So, &o%) 'a)d o) pape) sho%ld loo0 somethin$ li0e this7 PI +ant to d)op Jl#s o( #od& (at and $et into m& si4e 1= >eans #& the #e$innin$ o( Fe#)%a)&3Q No+ +e need to atta'h some meanin$ to it so let.s $o to pa)t = Part = . ()" W)Y So &o%.)e no+ p)ett& 'lea) a#o%t +hat that $oal o( &o%)s is, it.s time to $et e*en mo)e po+e)(%l3 I +ant &o% to thin0 a#o%t &o%) $oal and +o)0 o%t W59 &o% +ant it3 This is so in')edi#l& po+e)(%l3 I +ant &o% to )eall& thin0 a#o%t +hat t)%l& d)i*es &o%, #e'a%se &o% +ant to loo0 #ette)B Not $ood eno%$h3 Wh& do &o% +ant to loo0 #ette)B So &o% (eel #ette) a#o%t &o%)sel(B A$ain not deep eno%$h, thin0 a#o%t +hat.s t)%l&, honestl& d)i*in$ &o%3 What do &o% +ant to (eel #ette) a#o%tB 9o%)sel(B Do &o% +ant to loo0 #ette) on the #ea'hB A)e &o% t)&in$ to imp)ess someoneB Di$ deepe), peel the onion3 5e)e.s an e6ample PI +ant to d)op Jl#s o( #od& (at and $et into m& si4e 18 >eans #& the #e$innin$ o( Fe#)%a)&, #e'a%se I (inall& +ant to (eel #ette) a#o%t m&sel(, (eel s%pe) 'on(ident and se6& and ha*e all m& ()iends as0in$ +hat the se')et is, I.*e had eno%$h o( loo0in$ in the mi))o) and not #ein$ happ& +ith m& #od&Q O0a& $o do it W)ite do+n &o%) NEW $oal +ith t)%e )eason atta'hed to it, I $%a)antee &o% i( &o% 0no+ the W59 &o%.ll al+a&s (ind the 5OW and sta& moti*ated to+a)ds a'hie*in$ it3 o (ind &o%) W593 )opefullyD that goal of yours is really starting to ta7e shape now and you,re feeling really positi8e and eAcited about achie8ing it3 No+ (o) pa)t <, this is o(ten the most o*e)loo0ed and %nde)estimated phase o( a'hie*in$ $oals and is also one o( the main )easons people (ail in thei) $oals3

Part > . F'*W ()" !*$( !& 'ost, I don.t ne'essa)il& mean (inan'ial 'ost, altho%$h sometimes it ma&, (o) instan'e, #e +hat e6t)a (ood +ill &o% ha*e to #%&B Do &o% need s%pplementsB A)e &o% p)epa)ed to $i*e %p al'ohol (o) 12 da&s (o) e6ampleB I( &o%.*e )ead the pa'0, &o%.ll 0no+ that i( &o%.)e Ion the lash. e*e)& +ee0endA &o%.)e $oin$ to st)%$$le to d)op (at )i$htB I( not, then do &o% )eall& +ant to )ea'h that $oalB So $et o%t that pen and pape) and +)ite do+n the 'osts3333 5e)e.s an e6ample o( the )e*ised $oal a'hie*ement statement (o) &o% to $)in at PI +ant to d)op Jl#s o( #od& (at and $et into m& si4e 18 >eans (o) the #& the #e$innin$ o( Fe#)%a)&, #e'a%se I (inall& +ant to (eel #ette) a#o%t m&sel(, (eel s%pe) 'on(ident and se6& and ha*e all m& ()iends as0in$ +hat the se')et is, I.*e had eno%$h o( loo0in$ in the mi))o) and not #ein$ happ& +ith m& #od&Q The 'osts o( a'hie*in$ m& $oal a)e7 A Complete a MINIMUM o( < Fat Eoss An&+he)e +o)0o%ts pe) +ee0, 'ompletel& (ollo+ the n%t)ition plan to the lette) and not let AN9ONE $et in m& +a&Q3 A$ain, ta0e o%t &o%) pen and pape)O )emem#e) i( &o% need help +ith an& o( this p)o'ess Email me, AN9TIME3 No+ &o% sho%ld #e $ettin$ )eall& (i)ed %p a#o%t sta)tin$ to +o)0 to+a)ds that $oal o( &o%)s3 O0a& this phase, pa)t 2 is so simple, #%t de(initel& the thin$ that holds most people #a'0 and 0eeps them a+a& ()om thei) $oals, #oth (inan'iall& AND health +ise3 Part @ . P4Y ()" P&I!" This is eas&, TADE ACTION3 As Ni0e ha*e #een sa&in$ (o) &ea)sA FUST DO IT3 9o% see, this seems /%ite eas& in theo)&, #%t a)e &o% )eall& p)epa)ed to pa& the p)i'eB Will &o% (all o(( the +a$on a(te) H da&s and (ind &o%)sel( ma0in$ T5E SAME OED EXCUSES AS TO W59 9OU CAN EOSE WEI 5TB Can &o% )eall& '%t o%t the #oo4e (o) the (%ll 12 da&sB Do &o% )eall& +ant )es%lts o) a)e &o% >%st 0iddin$ &o%)sel(B )ere are some of my top strategies for staying on course for the entire Eourney of achie8ing 4'Y goal 13 W)ite do+n &o%) $oal on < sheets o( 'a)d, p%t one ne6t to &o%) #ed, one in &o%) +o)0Chand#a$ and ta0e one to +o)03 Ta0e time to loo0 at these 'a)ds at EVER9 oppo)t%nit& &o% 'an, EVER9 da&3 =3 5onestl&, this REAEE9 +o)0s +onde)s3 At the VER9 EEAST &o% sho%ld #e )eadin$ them %pon )isin$ in the mo)nin$ and #e(o)e $oin$ to sleep at ni$ht3 <3 Deep a (ood dia)& and (ill it in, the )es%lts ma& s%)p)ise &o% 23 When (a'ed +ith a di((i'%lt sit%ationA ma&#e &o% $et o((e)ed some 'ho'olate o) (an'& a d)in0A As0 &o%)sel( this P+ill this ma0e me leane) o) (atte)BQ The ans+e) sho%ld ta0e 'a)e o( the de'ision3 E*e)& a'tion +ill eithe) ta0e &o% 'lose) o) (%)the) a+a& ()om &o%) $oal3 Do &o% )eall& +ant the 'a0e o) do &o% +ant the )es%ltsB 9o% 'an.t ha*e #othCa0e o) a se6ie), slimme) #od&B 9OU C5OOSE3 @3 Conta't me-- I( &o% ha*e an& /%estions, o) i( &o%.)e st)%$$lin$ +ith moti*ation o) (ood 'hoi'es please DO NOT hesitate to 'onta't me *ia email, I am mo)e than happ& to help-

*7ayD that,s itL you should now ha8e > sheets of card orD paper with your $P"!I+I!D !&Y$(4# clear goals on them/ $" ()"M!!!

*F / (hat,s itthe rest is up to you!!!!

Don't start a diet than has an expiration date.... Focus on a lifestyle that will last forever!

&ecipes . Chi'0en Pi44a

Ingredients 9 2 'hi'0en #)easts 9 1 t%#e tomato p%)ee 9 N '%p 'hopped peppe)s 9 N '%p onion 9 R '%p $oat.s 'heese Method 13 !%tte)(l& '%t the 'hi'0en #)easts and (latten them o%t =3 Co*e) +ith tomato p%)ee <3 Sp)in0le peppe)s and onions o*e) the top 23 Pla'e on a #a0in$ t)a& in a p)eAheated o*en at =88SC (o) 1@ min%tes @3 Remo*e ()om the o*en and sp)in0le +ith $oats 'heese ?3 Pla'e them #a'0 in the o*en (o) @ min%tes $tuffed Peppers Ingredients 9 = 'hopped onions 9 = t#sp oli*e oil 9 1 '%p 'hopped tomatoes 9 1 '%p 'hopped peppe)s 9 1 '%p o( sh)edded 0ale 9 2 t#sp lemon >%i'e 9 2 peppe)s Method 13 5eat oil in a pan (o) < min%tes =3 P)eheat the o*en on a medi%m to hi$h heat <3 Add all the othe) in$)edients e6'ept the +hole peppe)s and 'oo0 on a medi%m heat (o) @ min%tes 23 C%t the tops o(( and deAseed the +hole peppe)s @3 St%(( them +ith the mi6t%)e ()om the pan ?3 Pla'e them in a deep dish +ith #oilin$ +ate) in the #ottom H3 Co*e) +ith (oil and 'oo0 (o) =8 min%tes J3 Can #e se)*ed hot o) 'old

Banana *melette

9 1 'hopped #anana 9 < +hole e$$s 9 = t#sp 'innamon 9 1 t#sp oli*e oil Method 13 5eat the oil in pan on a medi%m heat then add the 'hopped #anana, heat %ntil the& so(ten =3 While the #anana is +a)min$, #eat the < e$$s in a #o+l <3 Po%) the e$$s o*e) the #anana 23 When the omelette is almost 'oo0ed sp)in0le the 'innamon o*e) the top

(a7e.4way $tyle Febab

Ingredients 9 1 +hole e$$ 9 N tsp #la'0 peppe) 9 1 tsp $a)li' po+de) 9 N tsp sea salt 9 N tsp 'hilli po+de) 9 1 po%nd o( min'ed #ee( 9 1 t#sp 'hi*es 9 2 t#sp (%ll (at )ee0 &o$h%)t Method 13 Dnead in a mi6in$ #o+l the min'ed #ee(, e$$ :#eaten;, #la'0 peppe), sea salt, 'hilli po+de), and N tsp $a)li' po+de), shapin$ it into a Iloa( o( #)ead. =3 Pla'e it on a #a0in$ t)a& and 'oo0 in a p)eAheated o*e) (o) 1 ho%) =8 min%tes, <3 t%)nin$ hal( +a& th)o%$h so that it #)o+ns e*enl& 23 Mi6 the &o$h%)t, 'hi*es and N tsp $a)li' po+de) to (o)m a $a)li' dip @3 On'e 'oo0ed tho)o%$hl&, sli'e it *e)& thinl& an se)*e +ith a side salad and the

3arlic dip . )omemade Mayonnaise

Ingredients 9 = e$$ &ol0s 9 <C2 teaspoon salt 9 1C= teaspoon po+de)ed m%sta)d 9 Pin'h 'a&enne peppe) 9 2 to @ teaspoons lemon >%i'e 9 1A1C= '%ps oli*e oil 9 2 teaspoons hot +ate) Method 13 !eat &ol0s, salt, m%sta)d, peppe), and 1 teaspoon lemon >%i'e in a small #o+l %ntil *e)& 13 thi'0 and pale &ello+3 :Note7 I( %sin$ ele't)i' mi6e), #eat at medi%m speed3; =3 Add a#o%t 1C2 '%p oil, d)op #& d)op, #eatin$ *i$o)o%sl& all the +hile3 <3 !eat in 1 teaspoon ea'h lemon >%i'e and hot +ate)3 23 Add anothe) 1C2 '%p oil, a (e+ d)ops at a time, #eatin$ *i$o)o%sl& all the +hile3

@3 !eat in anothe) teaspoon o( lemon >%i'e and +ate)3 ?3 Add 1C= '%p oil in a *e)& (ine stead& st)eam, #eatin$ 'onstantl&, then mi6 in )emainin$ H3 lemon >%i'e and +ate)O slo+l& #eat in )emainin$ oil3 I( &o% li0e thin ma&onnaise +ith a little J3 additional hot +ate)3 Co*e) and )e()i$e)ate %ntil needed3 Do not 0eep lon$e) than 1 +ee03 M3 9ields 1A1C= '%ps

)omemade !oleslaw
Ingredients 9 Small +hite 'a##a$e 9 = 'a))ots 9 2 sp)in$ onions 9 = $ene)o%s t#sp o( homemade ma&onnaise 9 !la'0 peppe) 9 Pin'h o( mi6ed he)#s Method 13 Finel& 'hop the 'a##a$e and sp)in$ onions and $)ate the 'a))ots =3 !ind the )a+ in$)edients to$ethe) +ith the ma&onnaise3 Add the #la'0 peppe) and a pin'h 13 o( mi6ed he)#s and mi6 to$ethe)3 =3 Deep in the ()id$e %ntil )ead& to se)*e

!urried $6uash
Ingredients 9 1 medi%m onion 9 N 'an almond mil0 9 < 'lo*es 'hopped $a)li' 9 1 'hilli peppe) :deAseeded K di'ed; 9 1 t#sp $in$e) 9 1 tsp $)o%nd '%min 9 N tsp 'innamon 9 1 tsp sea salt 9 N tsp t%)me)i' 9 N tsp 'o)iande) 9 1 t#sp oli*e oil 9 2 '%ps 'hopped tomatoes 9 2 '%ps #%tte)n%t s/%ash, peeled K di'ed 9 = '%ps lentils, 'oo0ed 9 = '%ps spina'h 9 1 '%p $)een peas 9 < t#sp mint

Method 13 !lend onion, almond mil0, $a)li', 'hilli, $in$e), = '%ps o( tomatoes, '%min, 'innamon, 13 t%)me)i' and 'o)iande) and < t#sp +ate) to ma0e a paste =3 5eat the oil in a pan, add the paste and 'oo0 (o) @A18 min%tes <3 Add the )emainin$ tomatoes and #%tte)n%t s/%ash and 'oo0 on a medi%m heat (o) =8 23 min%tes %ntil the s/%ash so(tens @3 Mi6 in the lentils and spina'h and 'oo0 (o) a (%)the) @ min%tes ?3 Remo*e ()om the heat and add the mint #e(o)e se)*in$

)ealthy Brea7fast
Ingredients 9 R '%p +aln%ts 9 R '%p pe'ans 9 = t#sp $)o%nd (la6 seeds 9 1 tsp 'innamon 9 1 pin'h $in$e) 9 1 pin'h n%tme$ 9 1 t#sp almond #%tte) 9 1 mashed #anana 9 < +hole e$$s 9 R A N '%p almond mil0 9 = tsp p%mp0in seeds 9 1 hand(%l o( #e))ies Method 13 !lend +aln%ts, pe'ans, (la6 seed and spi'es in a (ood p)o'esso) to ma0e a $)ain li0e 13 'onsisten'& and set it to one side =3 Whis0 the e$$s and almond mil0 to$ethe) then #lend +ith the mashed #anana and <3 almond #%tte) 23 Sti) in the n%t and spi'e mi6t%)e and +a)m on sto*e %ntil it )ea'hes &o%) desi)ed 'onsisten'& @3 Sp)in0le p%mp0in seeds and #e))ies on top and add (%)the) almond mil0 i( &o% li0e

#emon yoghurt dip

Ingredients )ee0 &o$h%)t = tspn pa)sle& S/%ee4e o( lemon >%i'e #la'0 peppe)mint Mi6 to$ethe)SO eas& #%t So &%mm&-

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