PSCAD Modelling Reference
PSCAD Modelling Reference
PSCAD Modelling Reference
(t) dt (6)
The next gure shows the power dissipation and en-
ergy in a VS when a restrike occurs after the VS was
switched off shortly before a zero crossing of current.
Figure 4: Voltage and current of VS while being switched off
The highest frequency, which occurs in the con-
sidered circuit, is approximately 25.6 kHz and a re-
sult of the interaction of load inductance and stray
capacitance to ground. The stepsize of the solver is
set to 1 s. The moment of contact separation can
be identied in the top graph, when dielectric strength
) starts to increase. The small negative peak
in the same moment shows the unsuccessful current
interruption in line 1. Meanwhile, current of line 3
V S3
) reaches zero and is successfully interrupted.
This is because the contacts are opened completely and
the rise of TRV (V
V S3
) doesnt exceed the dielectric
recovery of the gap. Simultaneously, currents of line
1 and 2 are inuenced due to the missing possibility
of current ow in line 3. As their values fall under
the chopping current, they are successfully interrupted,
Power dissipation can be seen in the third graph. The
peak in the beginning is a miscalculation, but has no
big effect on energy in VS, which can be seen in the
last graph as a function of time. Power dissipation
reaches a peak value of
= V
V S1
24 kW.
The value of the curve in the last graph at t = 0.07 s is
the energy which is converted in VS after one unsuc-
cessful current interruption. It is E 98 Ws.
Figure 5 shows repeated switching operations every
three seconds. This is what special vacuum switches
are able to handle. The simulation stepsize in this case
was set to 10 s. The worst case is regarded here, too.
Every switching-off operation is taking place shortly
before current zero in the respective phase. It can be
seen, that prestrikes do not have a big impact on the
energy increase when the load is inductive. The cur-
rent is increasing slowly by reason of inductance, and,
together with the arc voltage, power loss is compar-
atively small. Like before, the increase of energy is
approximately 98 Ws for every switching-off process.
Figure 5: Periodically switching of VS
3.5 First considerations about heat balance
The power loss, which occurs during the switching
operations heats up the contacts of VS so that switch-
ing capability is reduced. P
is an equivalent to the
heat ux
Q. The value of E, calculated above, is an
equivalent to heat Q. In the example mentioned above,
an inductive load is periodically switched and in worst
case, E 98 Ws has to be transferred out of VS
at every switching-off operation. There are different
heat transport mechanisms, for example thermal con-
duction, heat emission and convection. Referring to
[10], heat transport consists mainly of thermal transfer
into contact material. As vacuum is the surrounding
medium, there will be no heat transfer by convection.
The Temperature of copper contact material in the root
point of an arc is approximately 1353 K [2], which
is slightly higher than the melting temperature. Now
it has to be investigated, if therefore heat dissipation
occurs by heat emission. If yes, the only face which
could absorb emission is the condensation shield. It
surrounds the complete contact gap and is connected
to one of the two contacts. So even if some heat was
absorbed by this shield, it would have to be transferred
towards the respective contact by thermal transfer. The
major part of heat dissipation will be thermal conduc-
tion through both contacts of the VS. Therefore a high
thermal conductivity is necessary, which is the case
when copper or a chrome copper alloy is used [2]. In
order to estimate, how fast heat can be transferred out
of the VS, the next step will be a nite element cal-
culation of this problem. It can be reduced to a two-
dimensional problem, because the VS-tube is rotation-
ally symmetric. The calculated values of P
can be
taken as the input parameters for the heat source.
4 Conclusion
A model of VS was created which takes into ac-
count special characteristics of vacuum switches like
chopping current, high frequency quenching capabil-
ity, dielectric recovery mechanisms and prestrikes. Arc
voltage is considered, too, in order to estimate the
value of power loss in VS connected to a electric cir-
cuit, where an inductive load is switched on and off
periodically. This VS-Model can now be used, to sim-
ulate overvoltages at VS connected to different electric
circuits as well as power dissipation. By calculating
this value, which is proportional to the heat ux, it is
possible to get input parameters for a nite element
calculation of the geometry of VS. This assessment is
necessary in order to estimate the inuence of the ther-
mal transport mechanisms, thermal ux and heat emis-
sion. The results of the simulation will then be used
to analyze, if VS can be switched more often than ev-
ery three seconds, and if additional cooling devices are
necessary and generally able to assure a sufcient heat
[1] Siemens Mittelspannungsgeraete Katalog HG
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