Exercises PhreeqC
Exercises PhreeqC
Exercises PhreeqC
= diffusion coefficient in the sphere (m
a = radius of the sphere (m)
1 = form factor (see table for examples)
shape of immobile zone dimensions (x,y,z) or 2r,z f
1 commentary
sphere 2a 0.212a = diameter
planar 2a, , 0.5332a = thickness
rectangle 2a, , 0.312rectangle
2a,2a,16a 0.298
2a,2a,8a 0.285
2a,2a,6a 0.277
2a,2a,4a 0.261
2a,2a,3a 0.246
2a,2a,2a 0.22cube
2a,2a,4a/3 0.187
2a,2a,a 0.162
2a,2a,2a/3 0.126
2a,2a,2a/4 0.103
2a,2a,2a/6 0.0748
2a,2a,2a/8 0.0586
cylinder 2a, 0.3022a = diameter
2a,16a 0.298
2a,8a 0.277
2a,6a 0.27
2a,4a 0.255
2a,3a 0.241
2a,2a 0.216
2a,4a/3 0.185
The following example deals with the rehabilitation of a double porosity aquifer within an area
influenced by uranium mining with in situ leaching (ISL) with sulphuric acid.
Hydrogeochemical analysis of groundwater with anthropogenic influence (GW) and groundwater
influenced by in-situ-leaching (ISL) (concentrations in mg/L):
parameter GW ISL parameter GW ISL parameter GW ISL
pe 6.08 10.56 Cu 0.005 3 Ni 0.005 5
temperature 10 10 F 0.5 1 Nitrate 0.5 100
Al 3.0 200 Fe 0.6 600 Pb 0.05 0.2
As 0.004 2 K 1.5 4 pH 6.6 2.3
C(4) 130 Li 0.02 0.1 Si 3.64 50
Ca 36.6 400 Mg 3.5 50 Sulphate 14.3 5000
Cd 0.0003 1 Mn 0.07 20 U 0.005 40
Cl 2.1 450 Na 5.8 500
Natural groundwater (GW) is pumped into the aquifer via an infiltration well, contaminated
groundwater (ISL) extracted via an extraction well. The distance between both is 200 m, the kf-value
is approximately 510
m/s in fractures and 10
m/s in pores (kf-values are for orientation only, they
are not needed directly for solving the modeling).
Scheme for the model of a double porosity aquifer (immobile cells connected to mobile cells by one
box each, exchange between mobile and immobile cells is described by a first order kinetic reaction):
extraction well infiltration well
mobile cells
immobile cells
Flow velocity is 10 m/d, dispersivity 2 m. Assume that exchange between pores and fractures can only
take place via diffusion (210
/s). Fracture volume is 0.05, pore volume 0.15. Fracture shapes are
planar with a fracture interval of approximately 20 cm, thus each fracture has a pore matrix of 10 cm
thickness in average to each side. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions are not considered. Time
for simulation is 200 days, wherein water within the 200 m long aquifer section is exchanged 10 times.
Length of the elements is 10 m.
[within the keyword TRANSPORT use the sub keyword stagnant for referring to the immobile zone
and define the four numbers for layer number (1), exchange factor o, as well as the porosities u
each separated by a blank. The exchange factor o has to be calculated according to the formula
shown above]
Display the concentrations of the elements U, Fe, Al, and S over 200 days in the extraction well. How
much uranium was stored in the fractured sections, how much in the porous sections and how much is
extracted from the porous sections after 200 days? How long might it take for uranium to be
completely extracted from the porous section provided the transfer from the pore matrix takes place by
diffusion only? Change the parameter immobile pore volume from 0.15 to 0.05 and the interval of
the fractures to 2 cm (= thickness of the pore matrix attached to each side of the fractures 0.01 m
instead of 0.1 m). Compare the results.