DCS 500 Features Software Application Winder V1: 3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

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DCS 500 Features

Software Application Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

Velocity or equivalent signal i=const.

Tensionreference z = x * y / 100%


Reference processing

Velocity controller

Torque limitation

I - limitation I - Controller Control and Power section

Diameter calculator Speed feedback Acceleration calculation


Created with Possible use Tools required

: : :

Winder with indirect tension control

: WINDER_1 3ADT40208xR01
GAD, Version 2.43/3, DCS500 DDC- oder CMT-Tool Library DCS500_1.30. S21.121 and higher

Associated application software

Important notes

Please read the notes provided on page 2

ABB Industrietechnik AG IND/AM


Features of DCS500 Winder V1

P. 2

Important notes

Safety note :
For the use of this application software, the safety notes contained in the documentation for the DCS500 units (System Description, Technical Data, Operating Instructions) apply in their entirety. This application software may be used by properly trained personnel only. Users have to be sufficiently familiar with the requisite tools and the system conditions involved to enable then to assess the suitability of this software for the actual application concerned. This application software is a non-binding example, which will not meet all system conditions in every individual case. We accept no responsibility for the use of this software.

Available chapters : Features Connection Instructions Terminal Assignments Software Structure Diagrams Software Description

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Features of DCS500 Winder V1

P. 3



This software has been designed for winder drives intended for indirect tension control. The coil is driven via the coil shaft (centre winder).

o o

Velocity control for draw-in and jog modes, and for rapid stop Diameter calculator (value can be set through an external analog signal Calculation of the diameter from the material velocity, the motor speed and the diameter ratio. Selectable rewind or unwind function Binary switchover option in the event of external controller block Selectable direction of winding Binary switchover option in the event of external controller block Specification of internal references for jog mode Indirect tension control can be switched on and off Binary switchover from velocity control to indirect tension control and back again. Calculation of the acceleration torque from the changes in the velocity reference (dv/dt). Entry of current values for compensating friction losses (Iv = f(n)). 5 value pairs (current and speed) can be stored in memory. Automatic switchover to the velocity control when EMERGENCY STOP is specified. The line is decelerated along a settable velocity ramp, without controlling the tension.

o o o o o o o

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Features of DCS500 Winder V1

P. 4


Technical Hints
Components DCS502-... Field supply Accessories (choke, fuses ...) Option SDCS-IOE-1 Mechanical hints Centre winder Rigid gear unit or shaft Functions hints Velocity controlled Indirect tension controlled

Range of tension Range of diameter Range of width Maximum speed Material Terminal SDCS-IOB-1 Digital inputs

The actual velocity is only correctly controlled when the DCS500 has or get the actual diameter. The diameter can be calculated correctly, when the wep is without any loop to the next speed controlled drive. 1:10 1:10 1:2 500 m/min no elastic material Drive On Run Emergency Stop Reset Main contactor ackn. Rewinder Winder direction Winderfunction On Tacho or encoder Speed reference Tension reference Calculated diameter Armature voltage Main on Field on Ready running Minimal speed Signal of diameter Set diameter Set internal tension reference Jog 1 Jog 2 Tension reduction value

Analogue inputs

Analogue outputs Digital outputs

Terminal SDCS-IOE-1 Digital inputs

Analogue inputs

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

DCS 500 Connection Instructions

Software Application Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

ABB Industrietechnik AG IND/AM


Connection Instructions for DCS500 Winder V1

P. 2

Important notes

Safety note :
For the use of this application software, the safety notes contained in the documentation for the DCS500 units (System Description, Technical Data, Operating Instructions) apply in their entirety. This application software may be used by properly trained personnel only. Users have to be sufficiently familiar with the requisite tools and the system conditions involved to enable then to assess the suitability of this software for the actual application concerned. This application software is a non-binding example, which will not meet all system conditions in every individual case. We accept no responsibility for the use of this software.

These Connection Instructions present a simple example of how the power converter can be controlled in the winder function. Standards and guidelines have not been taken into account here.

The planning engineer must design the control system so as to ensure that the relevant standards and guidelines are complied with. If motor fans and other ancillary equipment are provided, these must also be integrated.

Page 3 Page 4 Page 5

( Fig. Pg.3 ) ( Fig. Pg.4 ) ( Fig. Pg.5 )

Contactor circuitry Connecting the DCS50x Connection option for SDCS-IOE-1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev. A


Connection Instructions for DCS500 Winder V1

P. 3

Fig. Pg.3

3ADT069005R0101 Rev. A


Connection Instructions for DCS500 Winder V1

P. 4

Fig. Pg.4
3ADT069005R0101 Rev. A


Connection Instructions for DCS500 Winder V1

P. 5

Fig. Pg.5

3ADT069005R0101 Rev. A

DCS 500 Terminal Assignments

Software Application Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

ABB Industrietechnik AG IND/AM


Terminal Assignments DCS500 Winder V1

S. 2

Important notes

Safety note :
For the use of this application software, the safety notes contained in the documentation for the DCS500 units (System Description, Technical Data, Operating Instructions) apply in their entirety. This application software may be used by properly trained personnel only. Users have to be sufficiently familiar with the requisite tools and the system conditions involved to enable then to assess the suitability of this software for the actual application concerned. This application software is a non-binding example, which will not meet all system conditions in every individual case. We accept no responsibility for the use of this software.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Inputs (Part 1):

SDCS-IOB-1 Terminal Voltage SDCS-IOB-3 Terminal

Terminal Assignments DCS500 Winder V1

S. 3

Type Voltage


X3:01 X3:02 X3:03 X3:04 X3:05 X3:06 X3:07 X3:08 X3:09 X3:10 X4:01 X4:02

90-270V 30-90V 0-30V 0V 10V 10V 10V 10V


X3:02 X3:03 X3:04 X3:05 X3:06 X3:07 X3:08 X3:09 X3:10 X3:11 X3:12 X4:08 X4:07 X4:09 X4:10 X4:11 X4:12

10 V ( ber ext. PS5311 ... 270V ) 10V 10V 10V 10V

AI AI AI AI + AI1 AI1 + AI2 AI2 + AI3 AI3 + AI4 AI4 + to AI4 to AI4


Velocity reference not assigned Tension reference not assigned

X4:03 X4:04 X4:05

0V +10V -10V

GND +10V -10V 1.5/5mA 0V Spare

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Inputs (Part 2):

SDCS-IOB-1 Terminal Voltage SDCS-IOB-3 Terminal

Terminal Assignments DCS500 Winder V1

S. 4

Type Voltage


X5:01 X5:02 X5:03 X5:04 X5:05 X5:06 X5:07 X5:08 X5:09 X5:10 X6:01 X6:02 X6:03 X6:04 X6:05 X6:06 X6:07 X6:08
X6:09 X6:10

GND ENC ENC ENCV 0..8V = 0 12..65V = 1

X5:01 X5:02 X5:03 X5:04 X5:05 X5:06 X5:07 X5:08 X5:09 X5:10 X6:01 X6:02 X6:03 X6:04 X6:05 X6:06 X6:07 X6:08
X7:03 / 04 X7:02 X7:01

ChA+ ChAChB+ ChBChZ+ ChZU ( 5,12,24V) U sense 0V Esense 0V E depending on jumper 24 ... 230V DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 Binary inputs

Incremental encoder

Rewinder Winder direction Main contactor acknowledge Winder On Emergency Stop Reset Drive On Run

+48V 0V


3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Inputs (Part 3):

SDCS-IOE-1 Terminal Type Voltage

Terminal Assignments DCS500 Winder V1

S. 5



X1:01 X1:02 X1:03 X1:04


24 V

DI09 DI10 DI11 DI12 DI13 DI14 DI15

binary inputs

Set diameter Set internal torque reference Jog1 Jog 2 free free free


X1:06 X1:07 X1:08

X1:09 X1:10

24 V


X2:01 X2:02

Cable shield


11 bit + sign


X2:04 X2:05
X2:06 X2:07 X2:08 X2:09 X2:10

Cable shield 1,506 / 5mA 0V Cable shield GND

11 bit + sign


3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Outputs: Des.

Terminal Assignments DCS500 Winder V1

S. 6


Type AO AO1 AO2 I-act

SDCS-IOB-3 Voltage


SDCS-IOB-1 Voltage


Calculated diameter Actual armature voltage Actual armature current

11bit + sign

10 V 10 V

X4:01 / 02 X4:03 / 04 X4:05 X4:06

0V 10V (5mA) 10V (5mA) 3V (5mA) 0V

SDCS-IOB-1 Voltage

X4:06 X4:07 X4:08 X4:09 X4:10

Des. Min. speed Field contactor On free Rdy. Running free free Diameter threshold

Resolution Binary outputs

Type DO1 DO2 DO3 DO4 DO5 DO6 DO7

SDCS-IOB-2x Voltage



Relay contact


X4: 1 / 2 24V X4: 3 / 4 ( 80mA ) X4: 5 / 6 X4: 7 / 8 X5: 1 / 2 X5: 3 / 4 X5: 5 / 6 0V

SDCS-POW-1 Voltage

X7:01 X7:02 X7:03 X7:04 X7:05 X7:06 X7:07 X7:08


Main contactor on


Relay contact

X5: 7 / 8 Relay contact


3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

DCS 500 Software Structure Diagrams

Software Application Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

ABB Industrietechnik AG IND/AM


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

P. 2

Important notes

Safety note :
For the use of this application software, the safety notes contained in the documentation for the DCS500 units (System Description, Technical Data, Operating Instructions) apply in their entirety. This application software may be used by properly trained personnel only. Users have to be sufficiently familiar with the requisite tools and the system conditions involved to enable then to assess the suitability of this software for the actual application concerned. This application software is a non-binding example, which will not meet all system conditions in every individual case. We accept no responsibility for the use of this software.

Software Structure Diagrams:

The attached structure diagrams have been created with the GAD tool, and contain all the function building blocks used for this application.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 3


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 4


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 5


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 6


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

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P. 7


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

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P. 8


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

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P. 9


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

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P. 10


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 11


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 12


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 13


Structure Diagrams for DCS500 Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

P. 14

DCS 500 Software Description

Software Application Winder V1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

ABB Industrietechnik AG IND/AM


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 2

Important notes

Safety note :
For the use of this application software, the safety notes contained in the documentation for the DCS500 units (System Description, Technical Data, Operating Instructions) apply in their entirety. This application software may be used by properly trained personnel only. Users have to be sufficiently familiar with the requisite tools and the system conditions involved to enable then to assess the suitability of this software for the actual application concerned. This application software is a non-binding example, which will not meet all system conditions in every individual case. We accept no responsibility for the use of this software.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Contents 1. General conditions

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 3 Page 4
6 6

1.1 Switch-on/switch-off logic 1.2 Voltage and current scaling

2. Velocity control
2.1 Velocity reference 2.2 Velocity feedback 2.3 Velocity controller

7 10 11

3. Diameter
3.1 Diameter ratio 3.2 Diameter specification 3.3 Diameter computation 3.4 Halting calculation

12 12 13 13

4. Indirect tension control

4.1 Reference and reduction 4.2 Ramp and limitation 4.3 Matching the tension current

14 15 15

5. Losses and acceleration

5.1 Loss weighting 5.2 Acceleration weighting

17 17

6. Torque and current limitation 7. Current control 8. Field supply 9. Messages

9.1 Winder-specific messages

18 18 18 19

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 4


General conditions

This application has been planned for a winder drive with an indirect tension control. Velocity control with an external reference. This necessitates specification of the correct diameter. Tension mode with an external tension reference. Note that the diameter can be computed internally if the velocity reference corresponds to the actual material velocity,.

Note: The terminals listed in this description are referenced to the Board SDCS-IOB-1 (installed in the DCS unit). P. : indicates the relevant page in the Software Structure Diagram.

An operational power converter includes the power supplies and the RUNNING, EMERGENCYSTOP (inverted) and DRIVE-ON commands at the appropriate terminals.

Parameter :
FB :

P. 2/12

501 502 503 505 506 507

P7 P8 P9 P10 P12 P11

Rated motor voltage Rated motor current Rated motor field current Selection of field supply unit Phase sequence R-S-T or R-T-S Supply voltage

Note on Parameter 506 : Parameter 506 must be set at the DCS power section in accordance with the phase sequence involved. An incorrect setting for this parameter will not result in destruction, but may trigger an error message.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Command

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

Terminal X6:7 active =1 Description

P. 5

When the signal changes from 0 to 1, the field contactor (over X7:2) and the main contactor (Relay Contact X96:1,2) are switched on. After synchronization with the power section, the RDY RUNNING (X7:4) output is set to 1. The O-signal causes the drive to be blocked, and the outputs set above to be switched off. If the drive has been switched off by the emergency stop command or by a fault, then another signal change from 0 to 1 is required. When Signal = 1, no emergency stop is specified. When there is a 1->0 change, the "velocity control" operating mode is automatically selected, even if tension control mode was previously active. The drive is given zero as its reference. When the speed is approx. 0, the main and field contactors will be switched off, and message A102 will appear. After the emergency stop signal has been set to 1 again, the message must be acknowledged with RESET. Signal = 1 means the drive is enabled and the controllers activated. If the signal is set to 0, then under velocity control the drive is run down to zero over the ramp. This does not happen under tension control. In both operating modes, the controllers are blocked when the speed has dropped to approx. 0. 0 => Unwinder 1 => Rewinder Switchover can be executed only if the internal RUNNING signal (enable) is not present. The "Winding Direction" command causes the sense of rotation to changes. This switchover function can be executed only if the internal RUNNING signal (enable) is not present. The reset command causes the fault (Fxx) and alarm (Axx) messages to be reset. Reset is executed only in response to a signal change from 0 to 1 Winder type

EME-STOP (Emergency Stop)












3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% 1.1

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1 Switch-on/switch-off logic

P. 6

The DRIVE-ON command is used to cut in the line contactors over the outputs provided no faults or emergency stops are ongoing. The field current is built up, and the power contactor synchronized with the power voltage, which is monitored from now on. When the DRIVE-ON command is removed, the drive is immediately blocked, and the signal outputs for the power contactors set to zero.


Voltage and current scaling

If the actual line voltage deviates from the units rated voltage, then the new value must be written in Parameter 507. The actual line voltage must not of course be greater than the units rated voltage. The motor data must be entered in the appropriate parameters, as follows Rated motor voltage in Parameter 501 Rated motor current in Parameter 502 Rated field current in Parameter 503 The software will not detect by itself what field supply unit has been connected. So you must specify the type concerned in Parameter 505.

505 :=

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

= = = = = = =


You will find more information on field control in Chapter 8.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 7


Velocity control

The drive can be run under velocity control. The specified velocity can, however, be maintained only if the diameter corresponds to the actual value. This may have to be specified from outside. In tension-controlled mode, the velocity controller serves as a velocity monitor. The velocity can, however, be maintained only if the conditions for internal diameter calculation are satisfied. Note: The acceleration values and the losses are directly added internally as a current value. This means that incorrect values cannot be compensated by the velocity controller, particularly in indirect tension control mode.


Velocity reference P. 4/12, 5/12

FB :

Parameter :

104 P1 105 P2 106 P3

FB :

3818 P1 3817 P2
FB :

Conditioning of the velocity reference Internal matching Advance and lag in velocity control Constant references Jogging reference 1 Jogging reference 2 Reference ramp Ramp for emergency stop Run-up ramp Run-down ramp Smoothing Maximum limitation (positive) Minimum limitation (negative) Parameter Advance and lag in tension mode

1906 P2 1907 P3
FB :

1714 1708 1709 1710 1715 1716

P1 P2 P4 P5 P8 P9
FB :


The velocity reference is specified with max. 10 V over Terminal X3:5. Since no absolute value is formed, care must be taken to ensure that the reference is always specified as positive for winder operation. The drives sense of rotation is determined by the polarity of the motor connection (armature, field), by the "Winder Type" command (rewinder or unwinder) and by the "Winding Direction" command. Analog input AI1 (from X3:5) can initially be calibrated to the desired value with Parameters P1, P2 and P3. A further weighting option is provided with Parameter P1 (VELOCITY REFERENCE).

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 8

The weighted reference is also utilized for calculating the diameter! Weighting and calibration of the actual value affect calculation of the diameter.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 9

Selecting the reference and the operating mode: All further enables are required for this purpose.


DRIVE_RUN 0 o. 1

WIN_ON 0 o. 1

JOG1 0 o. 1

JOG2 0 o. 1 => decelerate to zero with emergency stop ramp ( see Function 1 ) decelerate to zero with ramp ( see Function 2 ) velocity control with external reference ( see Function 3 ) velocity control with internal reference REF1 ( see Function 4 ) velocity control with internal reference REF2 ( see Function 4 ) Indirect tension control ( see Function 5 )

1 ->0


0 o. 1

0 o. 1




0 o. 1

0 o. 1




: : : : :

Emergency stop NOT ( 1 at Terminal X6:5 ) Drive enable Winder function (indirect tension control) Jogging mode with reference REF1 Jogging mode with reference REF2

Table 1

Commands for the operating mode and for reference selection

Explanations for: Function 1 The signal 0 for EME_STOP ( => EMERGENCY STOP) causes the reference to be set to zero. Even when the WIN_ON command is being received, the winder excitation is not longer active. When the RUN signal changes from 1 to 0, the drive will be run to zero along the ramp, when EME_STOP is still 1. If the WIN_ON command has not been given, the velocity control is active. The externally specified reference is passed over the run-up ramp. The desired velocity can be maintained only if the. The JOG1 and JOG2 commands give you an option for inching mode. The references are passed over the run-up ramp. Here. too, the desired velocity can be maintained only if the internal diameter also corresponds to that of the coil. The WIN_ON command activates winder operation with indirect tension control. The reference taken for precontrol of the velocity controller is (for the unwinder) the value of the WIRAD parameter, and (for the rewinder only) the velocity reference too. The controllers output is limited by the function of the tension control. The actual velocity is influenced by the material being moved, and by the calculated diameter. If the material web breaks, for example, the calculations may be incorrect, resulting in high motor speeds due to the lack of correlation between the velocity reference and the motor speed.

Function 2

Function 3

Function 4

Function 5

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 10


Velocity feedback P. 4/12

FB :

Parameter :

101 P1 102 P2 103 P3

FB :

2103 2101 2102 2104 2105

P1 P2 P3 P4 !!!
FB :

Conditioning and selection of the speed feedback Incremental encoder matching Speed feedback selection Filter time constant 1 is overwritten by FILTER (3704) Parameter Diameter-dependent smoothing (overwrites 2105 of SPEED MEASUREMENT)



For calculating the velocity feedback, the motor speed and the diameter are required. The motor speed can be determined both with an incremental encoder and with an analog tachogenerator. Incremental encoder: The line number of the existing incremental encoder is entered with Parameter 2101 (P2), the maximum necessary sped with Parameters 2103 (P1). The feedback is switched through when Parameter 2102 (P3) has been set to the value of 3 (also possible where appropriate: 0 .. 2 ). Tachogenerator : With Parameter 101 = 1 (P1 AITAC), the input is switched through as a voltage value. Weighting with Parameters 102 and 103 must be greater than 100 %, so that an overshoot can be detected. The speed feedback is smoothed with Parameter 3704 (FILTER) in dependence on the diameter. The preset value corresponds to the smoothing at minimum diameter. When calibrating the maximum speed, care must be taken to ensure that at maximum reference and minimum diameter (empty core) the maximum necessary rated motor speed is set. E.g. : Given a max. reference presetting, without advance, of 100 %, and with presetting of the smallest diameter (empty core), the motor speed must be set so as to ensure that the circumferential velocity of the empty core corresponds to the velocity specified. Of course, the maximum rated motor speed must not be exceeded here.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% 2.3

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1 Velocity controller

P. 11

Parameter :
FB :

P. 7/12
SPEED CONTROL KP KI PAR_414 ... _418 Velocity controller is overwritten is overwritten Parameter Amplification increase with expanding diameter Amplification with velocity control Amplification with tension control Correction time with velocity control Correction time with tension control

2014 ! ! 2018 ! !
FB :

3288 P1 3289 3290 3291 3292 P1 P1 P1 P1 KP KP KI KI

The velocity reference selected and the actual value calculated from the motor speed and the diameter are the input signals for the SPEED ERROR building block. The difference is the input for the velocity controller (here SPEED CONTROL). For the velocity control ( WIN_ON = 0 or EME_STOP = 0 ), the following applies: Amplification is composed of a fundamental component, Parameter 3289, and a diameterdependent increase, Parameter 3288. If no increase is desired, the value of this parameter must be set to zero. The factor of 1 for amplification increase signifies that at maximum diameter the amplification of the fundamental value multiplied by the ratio of diameters is obtained. The correction time is set with Parameter 3291, and should be optimized for the maximum diameter.

For the tension control ( WIN_ON = 1 ), the following applies: The amplification is composed of a fundamental component, Parameter 3290 and a diameter-dependent increase 3288. The correction time is set with Parameter 3292, and should be optimized for the maximum diameter.

Amplifications: The value 100 of Parameter 3289 or 3290 signifies an amplification of 1 at the minimum diameter. This amplification can be increased by the following factor for the maximum diameter:
Factor = [value from 3288] 1000 * ( CALCDIA DIAREL - 1) +1

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 12


P. 6/12
FB :

Parameter :

Parameter Diameter ratio Internal value, which can be set with the DIASET command Diameter calculator Limitation for incorrect calculation direction Limitation for correct calculation direction Time constant Selection: with diameter-dependent time constant Speed feedback stop threshold Velocity stop threshold

FB :

3808 3809 3810 3811

P1 P2 P3 P4


3812 P5 3807 P6

The internal value for the maximum diameter is 100 % = 4000


Diameter ratio

The ratio between the minimum (smallest core) and maximum diameter on this line must be calculated, and entered as a value in Parameter 3701.

[3701] =

minimum diameter * 4000 maximum diameter

The lower limit for this parameter has been defined as 100, and the upper limit as 4000. Even if an external specification is involved, the internal diameter value cannot then become either smaller or larger. This entry is required before speed calibration at the latest.


Diameter specification

Parameter 3702 is provided for entering the diameter, e.g. as initial diameter. The diameter is set to this value when the DIASET command (Set Diameter) is given at X1:1 ( Expansion of SDCSIOE-1 ). Entering the diameter is necessary in order to start the winding function with the correct value.

[3702] =

ongoing diameter * 4000 maximum diameter

If an external diameter specification is desired, this can be done by rerouting input 3803 to the analog input.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% 3.3

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1 Diameter computation

P. 13

The diameter is computed from the absolute value of the weighted velocity, the absolute value of the speed feedback, and the diameter ratio DIAREL (3701). To avoid abrupt jumps, the calculated diameter signal is passed through an integrator. The time constant is set with Parameter 3810 (P3: TN). Parameter 3811 (P4: TDEDIA) can be used to select whether this time constant is to be weighted in dependence on the diameter (expedient when a sizeable diameter ratio is involved). The difference signal (reference/actual diameter) is additionally limited with two values, in dependence on direction. The value of Parameters 3808 (P1: LIMWR), ensures limitation of the incorrect calculation direction, irrespective of whether rewinder or unwinder is involved. The correct calculation direction is limited by means of Parameter 3809 (P2: LIMRI).


At the rewinder, the increase (diameter increasing) is limited, while at the unwinder the decrease (diameter decreasing) is limited.


Halting calculation

When the diameter calculator is halted, the ongoing value is frozen, and can be overwritten only by means of the "Set diameter" command (DIASET) or by switching off the electronics. Every single one of the following functions is sufficient to halt the diameter calculator: EMERGENCY STOP command (EME_STOP = 0) Controller block (external and internal) Motor speed smaller than the threshold preset with Parameter 3812 (P5: LEVSP) Velocity reference smaller than the threshold preset with Parameter 3807 (P6: LEVVEL) WIN_ON command not present

The thresholds for the speed and the velocity must be set so as to ensure that the diameter calculator can still just work to the production values involved. If the thresholds are too small, the calculated diameters will be very imprecise, due to the low values involved.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 14


Indirect tension control

P. 4/12, 8/12
FB :

Parameter :

110 P1 111 P2 112 P3

FB :

3858 3857 3855 3856 3859

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
FB :

Tension reference Internal value for the tension reduction Diameter value for the reduction start Minimum tension reference Internal tension reference Time constant for reference ramp Tension torque Tension current weighting

3864 P1

The WIN_ON command ( winder excitation ON ) at X1:4 enables the indirect tension control.


Reference and reduction

The tension reference is specified at Terminal X3:7. Parameter 110 =1 is used to activate the voltage range from 0 to 10 V. This tension reference is then passed through an absolute value generator. The tension is not reduced against growing diameter if Parameter 3858 (P1: TRED_IN) possesses the value of 0. If this value is greater than zero, then the tension will be reduced as from the diameter set with Parameter 3857 (P2: DIARED), by the value of Parameters 3858 (P1: TRED_IN). The following formula applies for this case:

Conditioned tension reference = Tref * ( 1 where Tref Tred

Tred ) 20000

: tension reference( 10V = 20000 ) : reduction reference (TRED_IN : 0 ... 20000)

Tension reduction is also possible with an external analog value, if a still-free analog input is assigned the block input 3850 (TRED_EX) and block input 3854 (FOLEXT) is assigned the signal -1. Instead of the above-specified tension reference, an internal value, Parameter 3856 ( P4: INREF ), can also be set using the TENREF_INT command at Terminal X1:2 (expansion to SDCS-IOE-1).

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% 4.2

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1 Ramp and limitation

P. 15

The conditioned tension reference is limited to a minimum value by means of Parameter 3855 (P3: MINREF). This limit value cannot be violated downwards by the external reference and not by the reduction function either. The internal value TENREF_INT is independent of this. The tension reference selected is finally passed over a ramp, whose integration time can be set using Parameter 3859 (P5: T). If the command for indirect tension control (WIN_ON) is not present, the output for the ramp function Is set to zero.


Matching the tension current

To convert the tension reference into the requisite torque, the ongoing diameter plus a weighting factor, Parameter 3864 (P1: WEIGHT), are used. This parameter can be set in per mil, and represents the ratio between the requisite torque (corresponds to the armature current without field weakening) and the maximum unit current. The maximum unit current is the rated unit current when the current burden has not been altered.

[3864] =

maximum tension current *1000 maximum unit current

This result is used to limit the overridden velocity controller.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 16


Losses and acceleration

P. 9/12

Parameter :
FB :

3230 3231 3232 3233 3234 3235 3236 3237 3238 3239

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10
FB :


Curve generator y=f(x) 1. X-coordinate, speed ( =0 ) 1. Y-coordinate, leakage current 2. X-coordinate, speed 2. Y-coordinate, leakage current 3. X-coordinate, speed 3. Y- coordinate, leakage current 4. X-coordinate, speed 4. Y-coordinate, leakage current 5. X-coordinate, speed ( =20000 ) 5. Y-coordinate, leakage current Loss weighting Factor 1 for diameter-dep. losses Factor 2 for diameter-dep. losses; active only with Signal SET_M2 := -1.

3821 P1 3922 P2

FB :

3193 P1
FB :


Smoothing Time constant Differentiator Time constant Matching Acceleration torque Threshold for the INLEV message, and simultaneously sign changeover Weighting of the positive component for the winder mechanism Weighting of the negative component for the winder mechanism Weighting of positive component for the material already wound Weighting of negative component for the material already wound Material width

3903 P1 3902 P2
FB :

3843 P1 3844 P2 3845 P3 3846 P4 3847 P5 3848 P6

The desired tension can only be maintained if the losses and the acceleration values are also known and have been entered. The total is incorporated directly in the control as an additional torque.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

$%% Important note:

Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 17

If the value entered is far too high, it may happen that the velocity controller can no longer intervene to correct it, i.e. the drive may ramp up when it is not supposed to. This torque increment is thus automatically blocked when an error message occurs, when the tension control operation mode has not been selected, or when the EMERGENCY STOP command has been given.


Loss weighting

The losses at the winder mechanism must be determined with an empty core and with the winder itself at operating temperature. Proposal: In the velocity control mode, beginning with the reference 0, determine the current in corrected condition, and enter the values for speed (X) and current (Y) in a diagram. For this purpose, the ramp function generator should be run with a long ramp, with low amplification, and a long correction time. In practice, you will find it best to record the values not in physical, but in internal variables (option provided in the CMT tool). The first point is at a speed of 0, and the last at 20000. From the values recorded, (e.g. 20 coordinates ), determine 5 corner points, beginning at the sped of 0 (=> turn-on) and ending at a speed of 20000. These corner points must then be transferred into the curve generator. After the run, please write the previous values into the ramp function generator and into the velocity controller. If diameter-dependent losses are determined, this value can be entered with Parameter 3821 (P1: MUL1). The value corresponds to the unit current at the greatest diameter.


Acceleration weighting

The acceleration (dv/dt) is determined from the velocity reference. Small pollutions are smoothed out with the filter before the differentiation routine is executed. The difference signal is amplified with Parameter 3902 (P2: K), and can then be smoothed with the time constant Tn/Tz, 3903 ( P1). The setting must be chosen so as to ensure that the output signal does not exceed the value of 20000. Parameter 3842 (P1: SWLEV, ACCELERATION TORQUE building block) is used to specify the threshold defining the output value as from which the acceleration torque is to be switched through. Torque weighting for the mechanical component, i.e. winder including empty core, is set for the acceleration with Parameter 3844 (P2: WEI-MP) and for the deceleration with Parameter 3845 (P3: WEI-MN). Torque weighing for the material being wound, i.e. winder plus full material coil, is set for acceleration with Parameter 3846 (P2: WEI-RP) and for deceleration with Parameter 3847 (P3: WEI-RN). The parameters for the weighting function can be determined by run-up and run-down trials. First of all, run the winder with an empty core in the tension control function, but with a tension weighting of 0, and with an external reference ramp. Observe how the reference and the feedback behave (e.g. CMT tool or oscilloscopes). Parameters 3844 and 3845 must be set so as to ensure that the feedback approximately follows the reference. Then determine Parameters 3846 and 3847, using the same procedure, but with a full coil of material.
3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 18


Torque and current limitation

P. 10/12

The torque reference is supplied by the velocity controller. The limitation function is provided by the TORQUE / CURRENT LIMITATION building block. In the tension control operating mode, the limitation obtained from weighting of the tension torque also applies. The sum of the losses and acceleration torques is added. All other functions valid in this context conform to the basic software.


Current control
P. 10/12

The current controller conforms to the basic software.


Field supply
P. 10/12

The field supply conforms to the basic software.

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A


Software Description DCS500 Winder V1

P. 19


P. 12/12

Internal values and monitoring functions differ partly in blocking and partly in annunciatory results. Error messages can be reset by switching off the electronics or using the RESET command. All other messages conform to the basic software.


Winder-specific messages P. 12/12

FB :

Parameter :

FB :

Parameter Annunciation threshold for diameter Winder messages Time for signal duration

3867 P1

If the preset threshold for Parameters 3711 is violated upwards at the rewinder or downwards at the unwinder, the binary signal 13819 (OUT) will be received at Terminal X7:7 for the time value from Parameter 3867 (P1: T-ON).

3ADT069005R0101 Rev A

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