Capacitive Discharge Ignition
Capacitive Discharge Ignition
Capacitive Discharge Ignition
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1. AC-CDI - The AC-CDI module obtains its electricity source solely from the alternating current produced by
the alternator. The AC-CDI system is the most basic CDI system which is widely used in small engines.
2. DC-CDI - The DC-CDI module is powered by the battery, and therefore an additional DC/AC inverter circuit
is included in the CDI module to raise the 12 V DC to 400-600 V DC, making the CDI module slightly larger. This AC is rectified to DC to charge the main capacitor. However, vehicles that use DC-CDI systems have more precise ignition timing and the engine can be started more easily when cold.
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The DC to DC Converter or Chopper is used to convert supply voltage (6V to 12V) to a High Voltage of around 120V - 300V. It first makes the DC voltage into Pulsating DC (using either PWM from Microcontroller or a 50% duty cycle Multi-vibrator). This Pulsating DC is fed into the primary of a small transformer which steps up the Voltage level. The secondary output is then rectified using a simple diode thus making it back to DC, and is used to charge the main capacitor. Earlier CDIs had fixed ratio of conversion and used a simple multi-vibrator of 50% duty-cycle. But modern Digital CDIs use a PWM from the microcontroller which is fed to the primary of the transformer inside the CDI. In PWM, the duty cycle can be controlled; hence the output of the DC to DC converter can be maintained even at variable supply voltage. Higher the duty-cycle, higher is the voltage of the DC to DC converter. 2. Main Capacitor
The main capacitor is used to hold the energy used for creating suitable spark at the Spark Plug. It is charged using the output of the DC to DC converter. The value of the capacitance plays an important role in deciding charging and discharging times along with the spark energy. Calculating Value of Capacitance
1. 2. 3. 4.
Calculate Minimum Energy required for successful spark. Estimate losses over the transmission line (from CDI to Spark Plug). Estimate charging and discharging resistance of the Capacitor to be put. Keeping both charging time constant (t = R*C) and Total Energy required (E = 0.5 * C * V^2), estimate Capacitance required.
A SCR is a four-layer solid state device that controls current. SCRs are mainly used in devices where the control of high power, possibly coupled with high voltage, like in CDIs. The SCR is used to short the Capacitor to the primary of the Ignition Coil (outside the CDI). The SCR must be capable of handling the High Voltage of around 300V along with the current associated with it. The SCR is fired when the Microcontroller gives a pulse at the Gate of the SCR. Once the SCR is fired, it remains active till the current across it falls to a minimum value. Thus the control of the spark is in the hands of the Microcontroller.
A microcontroller (sometimes abbreviated C or MCU) is a small computer on a single integrated circuit containing a processor core , memory, and programmable input/output peripherals. The Program memory in the form of NOR flash or OTP ROM is also often included on chip, as well as a typically small amount of RAM. In modern Digital CDI, the Microcontroller has two major functions. Deciding Advance angle by reading Input from Sensors. Setting duty cycle of PWM of the DC to DC Converter.
Calculating RPM
The RPM is calculated with the help of output from the Pulsar Coil. The Pulsar coil is a magnetic sensor which picks up signals from the two Rots (Reluctance) placed on the rotor of ACG. Following figure shows a typical wave shape of the pulsar coil (output).
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The controller converts the pulsar coil wave form into two square waves. The conversion is on the basis of rising edge of the pulsar coil wave. Since the angles of the two Rots are known (10 degrees for the smaller first Rot and 45 degrees of the larger second rot), by seeing time difference in G1 and G4, the average RPM can be calculated (Angular Speed = Angle/Time ).
T1 = Time from G2 to G1 T2 = Time from G3 to G2 T3 = Time from G4 to G3 T4 = Time from G4 to G1 T3 > 2*(T1 + T2), must hold for firing of spark plug. G4 to G1 angle = 310 N(avg) = 60* 310/(2*PI*Time difference)
Which MAP to refer for the advance angle look up, is decided on the basis of input from the Throttle switch.