Antenatal History Format
Antenatal History Format
Antenatal History Format
Marital status Education status Occupation Husbands name Age (in years) Education status Occupation Type of family Per capita income Date of booking Date of last antenatal visit Date of admission Obstetric score Gravida Para Abortion Living Still born II. Reason for hospitalization / Chief complaints Onset
Duration of cycles
Any dysmenorrhoea Relief measures Last menstrual period Period menstrual period
Yes / No
When, where and how it was confirmed What test was done for confirmation Quickening Immunization Any more disorders like :
Vomiting, haemorrhoids, heart burn, backache, bleeding, varicose vein, constipation, leg cramps, fever, leucorrhoea, anorexia, insomnia, other complaints.
Sl No
Date of delivery
Place of birth
Duration of pregnancy
Method of delivery
Course of pregnancy
V. Family History: Congenital diseases Any hereditary diseases Multiple pregnancy Diabetes Heart disease Any mental retardation Hypertension or PIH (in mother/ sisters) Twin pregnancy If yes, In whom ? Mother / Father ? VI. Medical-Surgical History: Child hood disease Chronic disease like asthma, diabetes, epilepsy Previous surgery Injuries especially of back and pelvis Hepatitis, STD, HIV History of anemia Any medication taken at present or past Reason for use, date stopped Blood transfusion, allergic reaction VII. Nutrition: General nutrition veg / non-veg Appetite decreased/increased
VIII. Partners Health History: Genetic abnormalities Chronic diseases Infections Use of drugs such as cocaine alcohol Smoking habits : tobacco, cigarette Sexually transmitted diseases HIV/ AIDS Blood type IX. Psycho-social history: Emotional changes experienced Womens and familys reactions to present pregnancy Family support system Family members and friends Coping strategies Life style change Social relationships with the neighbours Financial support ANTENATAL EXAMINATION General Appearance Nourishment Body built Height Weight Vital signs : : : : : : Temp : Pulse : Respiration : B.P.
Mental status : Head to foot examination : Skin turgor: Moisture : Warmth / Temp : Face: Facial puffiness: Lips: Cyanosis, dryness Eyes: Peri-orbital oedema: Conjunctive : Pallor Mouth:
Breath sounds
Shape Symmetry of expansion posture Vesicular sounds Wheezing / Rhonchi Crepitations Pleural rub heart rate Location of apex beat/ Cardiac murmurs any lymph node enlargement any tenderness / painful tense / dilated veins / warmth / presence of crust retracted / inverted / cracked
Contractions present/not Palpation: - Fundal palpation: Inference : Lie Presentation - Lateral Palpation: Left side Right side Inference: Position Pelvic palpation : - First pelvic grip :
Inference : Presentation Engagement / not engaged Attitude - Pawlick Grip: Fixed/ Mobile
Auscultation :
MEDICATIONS name Dose Freq. Route Side effects Nurses responsibilities
Follow - up