Protection Principles and Components
Protection Principles and Components
Protection Principles and Components
Fundamental principles
1. The essential and discriminative removal of an abnormality from a power system, thereby minimising loss of supply and damage, involves two basic requirements: The system must be provided with a sufficient number of circuit-breakers or other correctly-located disconnecting devices adequate for the duty which may be imposed upon them; Each of these devices must have controlling means which, being able to recognise abnormal conditions, wiU cause the appro. 2. Basic methods of discrimination : Discrimination by time: In this the basic idea is to add time lag features to the controlling relays of a number of circuit-breakers in the power system so that the breaker or breakers nearest to a fault on the system always trips first. Discrimination by current magnitude: Discrimination can be obtained by recognising the fact that faults in different parts of a power system will cause fault currents of different magnitude on account of the differing impedances between the source and the points of fault. This, in suitable conditions, with the protective relays of the various circuit-breakers set to trip at suitably tapered current values, will ensure that the breakers near to the fault will trip and will leave others traversed by the same fault current undisturbed. Thus, supply will be maintained to those parts of the system which are healthy. Discrimination by time and direction: If the current coil of a wattmeter is carrying the current in a circuit and its voltage coil is across the voltage of that circuit, the instrument will deflect in one or other direction according to the direction of power flow in the circuit. This will provide a discriminative feature if contacts are added to the wattmeter, thereby making it a directional relay; the contacts being used to permit or to inhibit the operation of another relay, which is not inherently directional. This second relay usually operates after a time lag, so that the combination of the directional element and this second relay offers discrimination by time and direction. Discrimination by distance measurement: The simple methods of discrimination by time and current magnitude so far dealt with have very obvious limitations, in that they are applicable only to very simple systems. In the case of time discrimination it is seen that faults near to the source, which are the more severe, are held on the system for relatively long periods. These limitations can be reduced if the relays which control circuit-breakers are made such that they will measure the distance from the circuit-breaker location to the fault. If this distance is less than that to the next circuitbreaker out from the source, the fault is within the section controlled by the breaker concerned, and this will trip. If the distance is greater than that to the next breaker out from the source, the fault is beyond the section controlled by the breaker concerned, and it will not trip.
Time as an addition to current magnitude or distance discrimination: The addition of time as a factor will often extend the usefulness of current magnitude and distance discrimination. Indeed, such addition may be essential to make a practical scheme out of a theoretical one. It will be clear that sometimes where discrimination by current magnitude is desired, the power system layout and impedances may not allow simple tapering of the current settings of nominally instantaneous relays. Current balance methods: A practical power system is invariably more complex than those so far considered. This is because security of supply and the need for interconnection of generating sources results in a multi-mode network with fault infeeds at many points. As a consequence, time graded methods have great difficulty in providing either adequate discrimination or, equally important, a sufficently fast operating speed to ensure system stability. Satisfactory discrimination can be provided by a protection system which makes a comparison between currents at each end of the protected circuit and the simplest and most widely used form in that of current balance protection. Opposed voltage protection: In the case, there must be fault-sensing means at each end of the protected circuit and there must be means of communication between the ends so that the fault-sensing means at each end is simultaneously acquainted with conditions at the other end (or ends), so that its tripping function can be exercised or not as appropriate. Phase-comparison method: In situations where the means of communication between circuit ends is unable to provide a linear transmission of current amplitude information, a comparison between relative phase angles is often possible. The most widely used protection of this kind is the phase-comparison carrier current protection system in which alternate half cycles of current at each end of the protected circuit are modulated with a carrier signal and transmitted over the power line, for comparison against the locally derived signal. The comparator will have an angular setting, i.e. it will operate when the phase angle between the two currents exceeds a predetermined value. Normally, the phase angle between the currents at the two ends for the through load or through fault condition will be such that the comparator is inoperative (i.e. the phase displacement is 0 ) whereas for an internal fault this angular displacement will approach 180. Distance protection with signalling channel: The basic form of three zone distance protection described in Section 3 has the disadvantage of low speed (Zone 2) fault clearance for faults within the last 20% of the protected feeder. Where high speed fault clearance is necessary over the whole feeder this delayed tripping can be eliminated by the use of an instruction signal. The most obvious way in which an instruction signal may be used is to initiate it from Zone 1 (which trips its local circuit breaker directly) at either end and to arrange that, on receipt of a signal at the remote end, the circuit breaker is tripped. This is known as direct intertripping.
Derivation of relaying quantities method of discriminating between a fault and normal or overload conditions is a necessity, and such a method is available if use is made by suitable circuitry of the fact that the currents in a three phase system can be resolved into their positive, negative and zero sequence components. Zero-phase sequence systems: Faults involving earth give rise to zero-sequence currents which can be used as a basis for discrimination. The value of discriminative methods which isolate the zero-sequence component usually resides in their ability to ignore load currents and phase-tophase short circuits, thus permitting the use of earthfault relay settings lower than load current values. This is often essential for discrimination, or even for adequate protection when earth fault currents are limited. The three ways in common use of applying zero-sequence discrimination : are shown in Figs. 2.1.2A, B and C. Arrangement A consists of putting a suitable current-sensitive device in the connection between the power system star (neutral) point and earth. Any current arising from a fault to earth anywhere on the power system must return via this connection and will operate the device. This arrangement can only be used at points near an earthed neutral, and it may be necessary to eliminate the effect, in the relay, of the third harmonic current liable to be present in some neutral-point earthing conditions.
The core-balance arrangement of Fig. 2.1.2B, can be used anywhere on a power system. Here the three phase conductors are passed through the opening of a corebalance transformer. Only if zero-sequence current is flowing will any resultant e.m.f in the transformer core produce a secondary current. It is important to ensure that in any application of this arrangement, no other conductor, such as a cable sheath, which may carry current is passed through the transformer; this may cause incorrect operation unless its effect is deliberately neutralised by bringing the sheath earthing conductor back through the transformer core opening.
In Fig. 2.1.2C, which illustrates a current-balance system, each of the three conductors of the three phase system has a current transformer, and the secondaries of these are connected in residual connection, with a relay in the fourth wire. Only zero-sequence current in the main circuit will cause current in this 'fourth wire', and therefore tend to operate the relay. The use of this arrangement involves careful choice of relay burden and setting, but these points are dealt with in a later chapter.
Negative-phase sequence networks: Negative-sequence discrimination is sometimes necessary in unusual cases to secure otherwise unattainable discrimination. Negativesequence currents occur only when system conditions are unbalanced, as between phases; and this is an indication of such system abnormalities as phase-to-phase faults other than three-phase faults, broken conductors, and zero-sequence currents in one winding of a power transformer appearing as negative sequence currents in another, for example a phase-toearth fault on the star side of a delta/star power transformer appears as a phase-to-phase fault as seen from the delta side. Positive-phase sequence networks: It will be clear that it is possible to construct the inverse of negative-sequence networks which will be sensitive only to the positivesequence components of the currents in a three-phase circuit, and protective devices based on such positive-sequence networks would not respond to negative-sequence conditions. They are used mainly to derive a reliable comparison quantity for phase comparison discriminating systems.
3. Combined overcurrent and earth fault relays A common combination is that of a zero-sequence device with current magnitude and time discrimination; and this produces the well known 'two-overcurrent and earth-fault' arrangement illustrated in Fig. 2.1.3A. Using two over-current, relays and one zero-sequence relay, all with inherent time lag characteristics, this relatively simple arrangement will permit current magnitude discrimination for phase-to-phase and earth faults, with different time and current settings for the two types of fault. Most of the protective systems to be dealt with later give different settings for phase and earth faults. They include the Translay, Solkor and phase comparison systems. Distance relays invariably make a separate measurement for phase and earth faults using different relay connections in each case. Most of the protective systems to be dealt with later give different settings for phase and earth faults. They include the
Translay, Solkor and phase comparison systems. Distance relays invariably make a separate measurement for phase and earth faults using different relay connections in each case.
4. Derivation of a representative single-phase quantity from a three-phase system With the longitudinal, differential comparison, discriminative methods, where an auxiliary channel is used to convey from one end to the other detailed 'information' of instantaneous current, the auxiliary channel illustrated was essentially single phase, so that in default of further treatment, three separate such channels would be needed to deal with a normal three-phase system. With a direct-wire channel this would involve high costs, and in the case of voice-frequency, carrier, or radio link channels, even when three channels are technically feasible, the cost and complexity are considerable. The difficulty can be overcome by providing at each end of the auxiliary channel a means of deriving a single-phase quantity which under both normal and fault conditions will be representative of the three-phase conditions, thereby permitting comparison over a single channel.
Components of protection
1. Relays Relays associated with protection are divisible into two main groups. The first are relays designed to detect and to measure abnormal conditions, and having achieved this, to close contacts in an auxiliary circuit to cause some other function to take place. This type of relay is often called a 'comparator' as its function is to compare electrical quantities. The second group are auxiliary relays, designed to be connected in the auxiliary ckcuits controlled by the measuring relay contacts, and to close (or open) further contacts usually in much heavier current circuits. This second group is also called 'all or nothing' relays. 2. Current transformers Current transformers for protection are essentially similar to those used for the operation of ammeters, watthourmeters and other instruments. In the interests of standardisation nearly all such transformers are designed for a rated secondary current of either 5 A or 1 A. Current transformers for measurement are not usually required to function (that is, the secondary current is not required to be a replica of the primary current) at current in excess of normal load, but for protection, because it is concerned with fault conditions, the current transformers must reproduce with acceptable accuracy the primary conditions on the secondary Sides, both in magnitude and phase, up to much higher currents. This is dealt with more fully in later chapters. In addition to these main current transformers, use is frequently made in protection of 'auxiliary' or 'interposing' current transformers as a convenient means of performing such functions as summing the secondary currents in more than one circuit. 3. Voltage transforming devices In high voltage systems (that is, exceeding 650 V) it is not practicable to connect the voltage coils of protective devices direct to the system. It is necessary to transform the voltage down to a manageable value and also to insulate the protective equipment from the power system. Voltage transforming devices are designed to serve these purposes. The term 'voltage transforming device' embraces all the means for deriving a supply from a high voltage source for measurement and protection purposes. It includes specifically: wound (electromagnetic) type voltage transformers capacitor voltage devices, which incorporate an electromagnetic unit. 4. Capacitor dividers One serious problem met with in the application of high speed distance protection is that the transient performance of capacitor v.t.s following fault inception can introduce serious errors in transformation. These are mainly caused by the fact that the c.v.t is a device tuned to system frequency; the use of a capacitor divider eliminates this tuned circuit and gives accurate transient performance. The output circuit to the relays is still derived from the lower capacitor but is associated with a voltage amplifier to provide the correct voltage and power levels for relay equipment. This replaces the reactor and wound (electromagnetic) transformer unit of the conventional c.v.t.
5. H.F. capacitor couplers H.F. capacitor couplers are used to couple the h.f. receivers and transmitters of carriercurrent protective systems into a high voltage line at its terminations. They are something more than mere coupling capacitors, as they include means for tuning the coupling circuits to the frequency of the injected signal. Even when the capacitor portion forms part of a capacitor voltage device, the design and the capacitance values, and also the necessary 'surge' protection, are decided more by the requirements of the coupling function than by those of the capacitor voltage device. 6. Line traps The line trap, consisting of an air-cored coil wound with stranded conductor, or equivalent, of cross-section adequate to carry the line load and short-circuit currents, is usually mounted with its integral tuning capacitor on top of the h.v. capacitor 'stack' of the coupler; but at 400 kV the size and weight of the trap make separate mounting desirable. 7. Circuit-breakers The design of the opening mechanism is such that when opening (tripping) is required a trip coil is energised, which releases energy stored in the mechanism, thus causing the main contacts to part. The trip coil is usually energised from a battery by the closing of the protective relay contacts, either direct or via an auxiliary relay. For the smaller circuitbreakers where the operating current of the trip coil is not greater than the rating of the protective relay contacts, the protective relay would be used to energise the trip coil direct. When more than one breaker is to be tripped, or where the trip coil current is in excess of the relay-contact rating, an intermediate (auxiliary) relay having the necessary contact rating must be used. an auxiliary switch, operated by the circuit-breaker mechanical link mechanism, is connected in series with the trip coil and relay contacts. This auxiliary switch opens when the circuit-breaker opens, before the relay contacts open, and closes again as the circuitbreaker closes. Auxiliary switches may also be used in the protection circuits, and in alarm and indication circuits. It is important to ensure that the sequence of make or break of the auxiliary switches, in relation to the circuit-breaker and relay contacts, is correct for the duty required. Another matter which must be taken into account is the time for the breaker to open, that is the time interval between the trip coil being energised, and the arc being extinguished. Tl-ds time is usually between 0.05 and 0.25 s, depending on the design of the breaker, and must be allowed for in calculating final fault clearance times. 8. Tripping and other auxiliary supplies Because protective equipment must at all times be ready to remove faulty elements from power systems, it follows that its reliability cannot be too strongly emphasised. This reliability will not be achieved without an absolutely reliable source of supply to operate the circuit-breaker trip coils, and the related auxiliary relays concerned with tripping. Another form of auxiliary supply that should be mentioned is used for those
forms of inter-tripping in which a relay at one point trips a local breaker and must also trip a remote one in order to remove a fault. This requires a pilot circuit, and in some arrangements such an inter-tripping circuit would result in paralleling the tripping supplies at the two separated stations. This is undesirable, because system earth-faults can impress high voltages momentarily between station earths, and if the tripping supplies are paralleled by a pilot circuit, the whole of the tripping circuits may thereby be subjected to a considerable or even hazardous voltage stress to earth, with consequent risk of breakdown. In such circumstances, therefore, the inter-trip circuit supply may be derived from a small independent unearthed and insulated battery. 9. Fuses, small wiring, terminals and test links These components play an essential part in protection, and although seemingly 'pedestrian' in character, they must be carefully chosen, carefully installed, and well looked after if they are not to be sources of weakness in the maintenance of the reliability of the protection. Fuses: The first use of fuses is in connection with a.c. voltage supplies, These fuses have the primary function of protecting the source of supply and the wiring from faults, and a secondary one of acting as a convenient means of isolating subcircuits when testing or other work is in progress on a relay panel. The second use of fuses is in connection with tripping supply wiring, and here their function is similar to those just mentioned for a.c. circuits. Again, reliability is the prime requirement. Small wiring: 'Small wiring' is a term which covers the very large number of connections needed between relays, current and voltage transformers, trip coils and auxiliary circuits. Panel wiring must be of high quality, and it must be so installed that it is not unduly strained and no risk of damage exists. Particular care should be given to points where the wiring passes across hinges to swing panels. Terminals: Relays which are traditionally panel mounted and back connected often have many terminals. It is present practice to provide terminals at points where wires enter and leave relay panels, at the ends of multicore cables, and at points on switchgear where secondary connections enter and leave, or connect to the terminations of current and voltage transformers. All this seeming complexity has been found necessary for the tidy and safe installation and maintenance of this small wiring. The terminals themselves are usually grouped on standardised moulded terminal boards, the moulding being arranged to provide a barrier between terminals which are usually about 30 mm apart, so that the risk of inadvertent contact when working on the terminalboard with spanners is minimised. Insulation type moulded blocks are also used. Test links: a valuable feature found necessary for expeditious and trouble free routing testing of protective gear is the provision of test links designed to permit the insertion of injection sets (portable adjustable sources of test current) into current circuits without risk of open-circuiting current transformers, which, besides, being dangerous on account of the high voltages which such open-
circuiting can cause, also involves a risk of damage to the current transformers themselves, and of causing inadvertent operation of zero-sequence relays. 10. Pilot circuits Reference has already been made to these as integral corfiponents of some forms of discriminative protection. There are four arrangements in common use. The first is privately-owned pilot wires, which consist ofmetaUic circuits, run in an auxiliary cable and often laid with the main cable to be protected. Alternatively, the pilot cable may be suspended from a catenary wire on wood poles. In either case the pilot cable may be exposed to high induced voltages. The requirements for protection pilots are stringent in two particular respects. First, they must not break down between cores and sheath under fault conditions and secondly, induced voltages must not appear between cores to disturb the balance of the relaying signals under through fault conditions. The second type of pilot circuit is privately-owned metallic circuits. This is a convenient arrangement for protection systems which require the transmission from end to end of a 'sample', both in magnitude and phase, of the current (longitudinal differential protection). The third type of pilot circuit makes use of the power lines being protected, by using them as a channel for a superimposed high-frequency carrier current. This carrier current is generated, and detected, by electronic means. Carrier channels are extensively used for phase comparison systems and for distance protection signalling and direct intertripping. The fourth type of pilot circuit is the microwave radio link. This is of value when other forms of pilot circuit are impracticable, or as emergency circuits when others fail. It can also be used to advantage where a line includes a long river crossing; in this case, not because it is necessarily superior to 'carrier' on the power line, but because the radio link will simultaneously provide multiple channels for telemetering and control which cannot always be obtained with 'carrier' channels.