G049 ColorectalDataset Sep07
G049 ColorectalDataset Sep07
G049 ColorectalDataset Sep07
Professor Geraint T Williams, Cardiff University Professor Philip Quirke, Leeds University Professor Neil A Shepherd, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital
G049 Dataset for colorectal cancer (2nd edition) 2 Professor Geraint T Williams, Cardiff University, Professor Philip Quirke, Leeds University, and Professor Neil A Shepherd, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, on behalf of the RCPath Cancer Services Working Group. September 2007 September 2010 In accordance with the Colleges pre-publications policy, this document was put on The Royal College of Pathologists website for consultation from 230 April 2007. Thirty-three pieces of feedback were received and the author considered them and amended the document accordingly. Please email publications@rcpath.org if you wish to see the responses and comments. This edition replaces the 1st edition of the Dataset for colorectal cancer histopathology reports, published in 1998. Professor Carrock Sewell Director of Publications
The Royal College of Pathologists 2 Carlton House Terrace London, SW1Y 5AF Tel: 020 7451 6700 Fax: 020 7451 6701 Web: www.rcpath.org Registered charity in England and Wales, no. 261035 2007, The Royal College of Pathologists
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 3 Changes from first edition of the dataset .................................................................................. 4 Audit and standards .................................................................................................................. 5 Clinical information required on specimen request form ......................................................... 5 Specimen handling and description .......................................................................................... 6 Core data items ......................................................................................................................... 9 Non-core data items .................................................................................................................. 9 Notes on macroscopic assessment .......................................................................................... 10 Notes on microscopic assessment .......................................................................................... 12 Pathological staging ................................................................................................................ 16 SNOMED coding ................................................................................................................... 17 Reporting of local excision specimens of colorectal cancer .................................................. 18 References .............................................................................................................................. 21
TNM classification of colorectal tumours .............................................................. 24 SNOMED codes of colorectal tumours .................................................................. 25 Proforma for colorectal cancer resections .............................................................. 26 Proforma for local excision specimens .................................................................. 27
INTRODUCTION Careful and accurate pathology reporting of colorectal cancer resection specimens is vital because pathology reports are used to: confirm the diagnosis inform prognosis plan the treatment of individual patients audit pathology services evaluate the quality of other clinical services, notably radiology, surgery and oncology collect accurate data for cancer registration and epidemiology facilitate high quality research plan service delivery. In colorectal cancer, the key reasons for high-quality pathology reporting include the following. 1. To confirm that radical surgery was necessary and to place the patient in a correct disease stage for an accurate prognosis to be given and appropriate post-operative therapy to be advised. 2. Patients who have lymph node involvement (Dukes C1 and C2 or pN1 and pN2) are likely to receive adjuvant chemotherapy, if age and co-morbidity allow, which is of probable 14 benefit, mildly toxic and costly. Those without lymph node metastases but with adverse pathological features (extramural venous invasion, perforation, serosal involvement and incomplete resection) may also be offered adjuvant therapy for small but definite benefit.2 3. Patients with rectal adenocarcinoma and involvement of the non-peritonealised (circumferential) resection margin are at high risk of local recurrence57 and may receive post-operative radiotherapy +/ chemotherapy which is toxic and costly but may decrease the likelihood8,9 of this unpleasant and nearly uniformly fatal complication. The frequency of circumferential margin involvement found may indicate the quality of rectal cancer surgery being performed.10,11 4. To determine the effects of pre-operative neoadjuvant therapy.12 5. To allow audit of diagnostic and surgical procedures in relation to clinical outcomes avoiding selection bias,1314 the identification of good surgical practice10 and the comparison of patients in clinical trials. 6. To facilitate improvements in the quality of rectal cancer surgery by grading the plane of surgical excision and recording the frequency of abdomino-perineal excisions.11,15 Communication of pathology information to the patient and the multidisciplinary team is essential for quality clinical management. Pathologists should attend multidisciplinary team meetings and provide pathology reports that are accurate, complete, understandable, timely and transferable. The use of proformas has been demonstrated to facilitate these requirements16,17 and their use is strongly recommended, supplemented as necessary by the use of free text. This dataset has been revised in the light of recent new knowledge to present recommendations on core data items that should be consistently recorded, to provide advice
on how information on these items can best be obtained from the resection specimen, and to include an example template proforma for reporting that is amenable to incorporation within laboratory information management systems. It has been approved by The Royal Colleges of Pathologists, the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland, The NCRI Colorectal Cancer Subcommittee and the Pathology Section of the British Society of Gastroenterology. 2 CHANGES FROM THE FIRST EDITION OF THE DATASET The main changes in this second edition are the addition of a small number of core data items, the provision of more detailed practical guidance on optimal methods for obtaining the maximum information from a resection specimen, the inclusion of a dataset for reporting local excision specimens and the introduction of standards against which pathologists can audit their practice. The intention is to build further on the major quality improvements that followed the introduction of the original dataset. Only a small number of additions to the core items for major colorectal cancer resections have been made. These comprise: 1. Measurement of the extent of extramural spread beyond the muscularis propria. There is some evidence to show that this is related to prognosis in rectal cancer11,18 but the main reason for adding this item is to facilitate audit of preoperative imaging of extramural spread,13 an increasingly important factor in selecting patients with rectal cancer for neoadjuvant therapy. 2. Recording of tumour involvement of the non-peritonealised resection margin (previously known as the circumferential resection margin) in colonic tumours when this is appropriate, in addition to rectal tumours. This will facilitate the selection of patients with colonic tumours for postoperative adjuvant therapy.19 3. Grading of the surgical plane of resection in rectal cancer specimens. Evidence from two large prospective randomised trials11,15 has demonstrated that this predicts local recurrence and survival. Its continual feedback to multidisciplinary teams may lead to improved quality of surgery and clinical outcomes.11 4. Recording of marked or complete tumour regression in patients with rectal cancer that have received preoperative neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. There is emerging evidence that this is predictive of outcome when resection margins are clear12 but there is uncertainty over the best way for it to be assessed. It is therefore recommended that only complete regression or the presence of minimal residual tumour is recorded at present. 5. Recording whether tumour perforation within the specimen (assessed grossly) is serosal (i.e. through the peritoneum with potential contamination of the peritoneal cavity) or retro/infra-peritoneal (with continuity through the tumour between the lumen and the nonperitonealised retroperitoneal or mesorectal resection margin), or both. Serosal perforation indicates pT4b. While retro-or sub-peritoneal perforation may, strictly speaking, represent pT3 (in that there is no overt invasion of an adjacent organ), its prognosis in rectal cancer is similar to that of tumours with serosal perforation. For this reason it is recommended that all forms of perforation, when identified at gross examination, are recorded as pT4. Since the first edition of this dataset, a revision (the 6th edition) of TNM staging of colorectal cancer has been published.20 This recommends major changes to the definitions of lymph node involvement that were given in the previous (5th) edition,21 particularly in relation to the rules governing whether an extramural tumour mass was considered to be a lymph node that had been replaced by tumour. The changes were not evidence-based and cannot be interpreted
reproducibly.22 For these reasons it is recommended that the criteria used in the 5th edition of TNM are retained for colorectal cancer reporting nationally (although pathologists may choose to provide an additional TNM stage according to 6th edition rules if this is desired locally). 3 AUDIT AND STANDARDS There is compelling evidence that the introduction of The Royal College of Pathologists original colorectal cancer dataset (1998) improved the standard of colorectal cancer reporting with regard to the completeness of information within pathology reports.16,17 However, audits show that significant differences remain in the frequencies with which important adverse prognostic features are found between individual pathologists and multidisciplinary teams.23,24 When these features are used as the basis for offering adjuvant therapies and giving prognostic information to patients, the extent of the differences is a cause for concern. Most prominent among these are the number of lymph nodes that are examined and the demonstration of serosal involvement and extramural venous invasion. Some of the differences, for example in the number of lymph nodes retrieved from a resection specimen, may be related to factors such as the extent of the resection undertaken or the use of neoadjuvant therapy but it is likely that the way that the pathologist examines the specimen is most important. There is good evidence to show that the prognosis of Dukes B colorectal cancer is directly related to the number of lymph nodes examined pathologically,25 with the implication that some of these patients are understaged and that if more lymph nodes had been examined metastases would have been found. It is therefore recommended that multidisciplinary teams and/or pathology departments audit their reports at regular intervals (perhaps yearly) to ensure that their overall results are not significantly different from what might expected. Three standards are recommended for this purpose, namely that in a series of at least 50 resection specimens for symptomatic (i.e. nonscreening detected) colorectal cancer. 1. The mean number of lymph nodes examined is 12. 2. The frequency of serosal involvement is at least 20% for colonic cancers and 10% for rectal cancers. 3. The frequency of extramural venous invasion is at least 25%. We believe there is a reasonable evidence base to suggest that the mean harvest of lymph nodes should be at least 12 but accept that there is less evidence base for the two other outcome measures. Nevertheless, we believe that this is a start at setting such standards and evidence will follow to allow us to adjust these levels in the future. In order to facilitate this, proposals for the optimum dissection and blocking of resection specimens are given in Section 5, below. 4 CLINICAL INFORMATION REQUIRED ON SPECIMEN REQUEST FORM While the nature of the resection and the site of the tumour are usually obvious to the pathologist from the specimen that is submitted to the laboratory, it is good practice for him/her to confirm this with the specimen request form. A diagram of the surgical procedure can be extremely valuable in complex specimens.
It is also important for the pathologist to be told: the type of tumour if known (with details of the previous biopsy) if there is a history of inflammatory bowel disease or familial cancer the preoperative stage of the tumour whether neoadjuvant therapy has been given; it is particularly important for the pathologist to know the precise site of the tumour when this has apparently led to disappearance of the tumour. 5 SPECIMEN HANDLING AND DISSECTION2628 Specimens should be received fresh and unopened as soon as possible after resection. If submitted outside laboratory hours, they can be refrigerated at 4C overnight without risk of appreciable autolysis but, if there is likely to be a longer delay before handling, they should be placed unopened in a large volume of formalin-based fixative. The fresh intact surgical specimen is first inspected to locate the tumour and the presence of any macroscopically obvious perforation through the tumour recorded. The nonperitonealised surgical resection margin (previously known as the radial or circumferential resection margin) in the vicinity of the tumour is then inked or painted with a suitable marker, to enable the subsequent identification of margin involvement. This margin represents the bare area in the connective tissue at the surgical plane of excision that is not covered by a serosal surface. Its extent varies greatly according to the site of the tumour. Low rectal tumours will be completely surrounded by a non-peritonealised margin (the circumferential margin), while upper rectal tumours have a non-peritonealised margin posterolaterally (which is inked) and a peritonealised (serosal) surface anteriorly that should not be inked (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Diagrammatical representation of a resected rectum. Anteriorly the specimen is covered by peritoneum down to the peritoneal reflection and only the unshaded area below this is the non-peritonealised (circumferential) margin that is at risk of tumour involvement. Posteriorly the non-peritonealised margin extends upwards as a triangular-shaped bare area containing the main vessels that continues as the sigmoid mesocolon.
Tumours of the ascending and descending colons will usually also have a non-peritonealised margin posterolaterally (which is inked) and a peritonealised (serosal) surface anteriorly (which is not) (Figure 2). The transverse and proximal sigmoid colons are usually on a narrow mesentery, so tumours here have only a narrow non-peritonealised margin. The peritoneal covering of the caecum is prone to individual variation, so tumours here may have a small or large non-peritonealised area.
Figure 2
Diagrammatic cross-sections of the ascending colon (left) and sigmoid colon (right). The ascending colon has a broad non-peritonealised (jagged) margin posteriorly while the sigmoid colon is suspended on a narrow mesentery and has a very small nonperitonealised margin.
After inking the margins, many pathologists open the unfixed specimen anteriorly, apart from a segment extending 12 cm above and below the tumour, which is left intact to avoid any subsequent confusion over whether the serosal surface or non-peritonealised margin is involved. A foam or absorbent paper wick is then passed through the residual lumen at the tumour site to aid fixative permeation. Some pathologists prefer to open the bowel at the level of the tumour also, especially when the lesion is small, and this is acceptable provided care is taken to ensure that it does not compromise a proper assessment of the key data items, notably involvement of the serosa and the non-peritonealised margin. The opened specimen may be pinned to a cork board and immersed in an adequate volume of formalin. It is recommended that resections should be allowed to fix for at least 48 hours before further dissection and block taking; this facilitates subsequent thin transverse slicing through the tumour and the identification of lymph nodes.29 Pinned specimens can be removed from the board after 24 hours and allowed to float free so as to avoid the risk of suboptimal fixation of tissue previously adjacent to the cork surface. After the specimen is fixed, the macroscopic data items (described below) are recorded and the segment of bowel including the tumour, the intestine proximally and distally for some 30mm, and the attached mesentery are sectioned transversely at 34mm intervals with a sharp knife to produce slices that include the tumour, the adjacent lymph nodes, and the serosal and non-peritonealised resection margins. It is recommended that these slices be laid out sequentially for photography, enabling a permanent record of the macroscopic appearances to be kept for presentation at the multidisciplinary team meeting if required. 5.1 Tissue sampling The following blocks of tissue are recommended as a minimum sampling. At least four blocks of the tumour to show: the deepest tumour penetration into or through the bowel wall involvement of the serosal surface
A block to show the closest approximation of tumour to the non-peritonealised resection margin (either in continuity with the main tumour mass or a separate extramural deposit or tumour in a lymph node, whichever is closest). Particular attention should be paid to the anterior margin in rectal cancers, since this is the most common site for non-peritonealised margin involvement. If macroscopic tumour is <30mm from the proximal or distal margin, appropriate blocks to show the closest approximation to that margin (including stapling device doughnuts, if they are submitted, and tumour reaches the end margin of the main specimen). A block of tumour and the adjacent mucosa. A block of normal-appearing background mucosa. ALL lymph nodes identified. The highest node should be blocked separately. Any other macroscopic abnormalities. Appropriate selection of blocks from the transverse slices is crucial if the maximum amount of information is to be obtained. Serosal involvement is best identified in blocks that are taken from areas that are dulled, fibrotic, or haemorrhagic and is particularly prone to occur where the peritoneum is reflected at an acute angle from the bowel surface on to the adjacent mesentery or in deep crevices or clefts between fat lobules.30 At least two blocks taken from where the tumour is closest to the serosa are recommended. Extramural venous invasion can sometimes be suspected macroscopically as fine pale lines emanating from the base of the tumour; blocking areas where the base of the tumour has been sectioned tangentially in tumour slices has been shown to improve its recognition.31 Rectal tumours that have undergone neoadjuvant therapy may undergo regression such that no definite residual tumour can be recognised. In such cases at least five blocks from the site of the original mass should be taken in the first instance.12,28 If these do not show residual tumour on microscopic examination (after examining sections from multiple levels) then the whole of the tumour site and/or the scarred area should be blocked for histology. The identification of lymph nodes should begin with the highest (apical) lymph node. This is the first node identified by sectioning serially and distally from the sutured vascular margin(s), regardless of the actual distance between node and surgical tie (Figure 1); it should be identified and blocked separately. Whereas only one vascular high tie is usually present in rectal resections, several vessels might drain colonic resections; if the tumour lies between two major arteries it is appropriate to examine both high tie nodes. The remaining lymph nodes can most easily be identified in the transverse slices of the mesentery, especially if it is sufficiently fixed (see above). Care must be taken to ensure that all of the mesentery between the tumour and the highest lymph node is serially sliced if it has not already been included in the initial slicing. Lymph nodes that are situated very close to a non-peritonealised resection margin should be blocked in such a way as to allow measurement of the distance of any tumour that they may contain from the margin. There is insufficient published evidence to make a firm recommendation as to whether lymph nodes are embedded in their entirety. There is certainly no need to embed multiple slices from a large node that is obviously
involved by tumour macroscopically. Pathologists will need to use their judgement in determining whether every lymph node identified has been adequately sampled. It is very important to emphasise that all of the lymph nodes that can be found in a specimen are examined histologically. The setting of a standard of 12 for the mean number of lymph nodes examined per specimen (see above) in no way means that pathologists should stop searching for lymph nodes once twelve have been identified. 6 CORE DATA ITEMS
6.1 Macroscopic Site of tumour. Maximum tumour diameter. Distance to the nearer end resection margin. Tumour perforation. Relation of the tumour to the peritoneal reflection (rectal tumours only). Grade of the plane of surgical excision (rectal tumours only). Distance of the tumour from the dentate line (for abdominoperineal excisions only). 6.2 Microscopic Histological type. Histological differentiation. Maximum extent of local invasion (pT stage) and extramural spread. Resection margins (end margins and non-peritonealised margins). Lymph node status (number present, number involved, highest lymph node). Extramural venous invasion. Evidence of significant tumour regression (following neoadjuvant therapy). Histologically confirmed distant metastases. Background abnormalities. 6.3 Other TNM stage (5th edition). Dukes stage. Completeness of resection. SNOMED codes. 7 NON-CORE DATA ITEMS
7.1 Macroscopic Specimen dimensions. Precise anatomical location of non-peritonealised margin involvement (rectal tumours). Quality of the surgical resection plane in abdominoperineal excisions. 7.2 Microscopic Separate identification of mucinous tumours. Nature of advancing margin (infiltrative versus expansive). Tumour infiltrating lymphocytes. Tumour budding. Extramural tumour nodules less than 3mm in diameter.
Intramural venous invasion. Immunohistochemical data. 7.3 Other Molecular data. 8 NOTES ON MACROSCOPIC ASSESSMENT Measurements made on the gross specimen are recorded in millimetres. They are confirmed or amended, where appropriate, by subsequent microscopy. 8.1 Data recorded for all colorectal tumours 8.1.1 Site of tumour This will usually be stated on the request form. However if examination of the specimen suggests that the stated site is incorrect this should be queried with the surgeon and corrected if necessary. 8.1.2 Maximum tumour diameter This is measured from the luminal aspect of the bowel. The thickness of the tumour is ignored for this measurement. 8.1.3 Distance of tumour to nearer cut end This is the measurement from the nearer cut end of the specimen, and not the nonperitonealised or circumferential margin. It is only necessary to examine the margins histologically if tumour extends macroscopically to within 30mm of one of these.32 For tumours further than this it can be assumed that the cut ends are not involved. Exceptions to this recommendation are adenocarcinomas that are found on subsequent histology to have an exceptionally infiltrative growth pattern, show extensive vascular or lymphatic permeation, or are pure signet ring carcinomas, small cell carcinomas or undifferentiated carcinomas. 8.1.4 Presence of tumour perforation Perforation is defined as a macroscopically visible defect through the tumour, such that the bowel lumen is in communication with the external surface of the intact resection specimen. Perforation through the tumour into the peritoneal cavity is a well-established adverse prognostic factor in colonic19 and rectal cancer and should be recorded. Such cases are always regarded as pT4b in the TNM staging system (see below). Perforation of the proximal bowel as a result of a distal obstructing tumour does not count as tumour perforation. Localised perforation through the tumour into or through the mesentery, mesorectum or retroperitoneum, unlike serosal perforation, does not automatically denote pT4, and is therefore recorded separately. All such cases will have a positive non-peritonealised resection margin. For reasons discussed above, it is recommended that they staged as pT4. 8.2 Data recorded for rectal tumours only 8.2.1 Relationship to the peritoneal reflection The crucial landmark for recording the site of rectal tumours is the peritoneal reflection. This is identified from the exterior surface of the anterior aspect of the specimen (Figure 3).
Figure 3
Rectal tumours are classified according to whether they are: entirely above the level of the peritoneal reflection anteriorly astride (or at) the level of the peritoneal reflection anteriorly entirely below the level of the peritoneal reflection anteriorly. Tumours below the peritoneal reflection have the highest rates of local recurrence.11 8.2.2 Plane of surgical excision Recently published prospective randomised control trials11,15 have demonstrated that a macroscopic assessment of the plane of excision of rectal cancers predicts not only margin positivity but also local recurrence and survival. Excision in the mesorectal plane has the best outcome while that extending into the muscularis propria has the worst. The plane of resection can also be used as a marker of the quality of surgery and feedback to the surgical team has been demonstrated to reduce the frequency of resections through the muscularis propria plane with time.28 Descriptions of the three planes of excision are given below; illustrations of each have been published28 and examples are shown in Figure 4. Mesorectal fascial plane The mesorectal surface is smooth with only minor irregularities of its surface such that no defect is deeper than 5mm. The mesorectum itself is of good bulk anteriorly and posteriorly and there is no coning near the tumour. Intramesorectal plane The mesorectum is of moderate bulk but the mesorectal surface is irregular. The muscularis propria of the rectal wall is not visible except at the area of insertion of the levator muscles. Moderate coning of the specimen is present distally.
Muscularis propria
Examples of rectal cancer excision specimens showing different surgical excision planes
Muscularis propria plane There is little bulk to the mesorectum and its surface is irregular with deep cuts and tears, some of which extend on to a visible muscularis propria. 8.2.3 Distance from dentate line This measurement is only made for low rectal tumours in abdominoperineal excision of rectum (APER) specimens to give an idea of the location of the tumour in relation to the internal sphincter. 9 NOTES ON MICROSCOPIC ASSESSMENT
9.1 Tumour type Virtually all colorectal cancers are adenocarcinomas. Other rare forms worthy of special mention are: adenosquamous carcinomas true squamous carcinomas (not including upwardly spreading anal tumours) signet ring cell carcinomas goblet cell carcinoids and mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinomas small cell carcinomas totally undifferentiated carcinomas.
Mucinous carcinomas (where >50% of the tumour is composed of extracellular mucin pools) are recorded as adenocarcinomas. Whether they have a different prognosis from conventional adenocarcinomas that is independent of other prognostic factors, or respond differently to certain chemotherapeutic agents, is controversial.33 There is also some evidence that neoadjuvant therapy may induce a mucinous phenotype.34 For these reasons their separation cannot be justified as a core item. However, because right sided mucinous adenocarcinomas, and especially those with poor differentiation and prominent tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes, are well recognised to occur in hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), it would be prudent for pathologists to identify such tumours at the multidisciplinary team meeting when they occur in young (<60 years) individuals. 9.2 Differentiation by predominant area Poorly differentiated carcinomas should be separated from other types but only if this forms the predominant area of the tumour.35 The criteria for poorly differentiated tumours are either irregularly folded, distorted and often small tubules or the absence of any tubular formation. Small foci of apparent poor differentiation are not uncommon at the advancing edge of tumours but these are insufficient to classify the tumour as poorly differentiated. There is considerable recent interest in the phenomenon of tumour budding at the advancing margin of colorectal cancers, with accumulating evidence that it might have prognostic 36 significance. However, this is not yet considered sufficient to justify its inclusion as a core data item. 9.3 Local invasion The maximum degree of local invasion into or through the bowel wall is recorded. This is based on the criteria for pT staging in the TNM staging system (Appendix A). It should be noted that the pT4 stage encompasses either tumour infiltration of an adjacent organ (pT4a) or tumour involvement of the serosal surface (pT4b). Because these two features may have different implications (for instance invasion of a lower rectal tumour into the levators is staged as pT4a but there would be little chance of the same tumour having serosal involvement) and therapeutic connotations they are recorded in separate boxes. Accordingly, pT4 tumours may have either or both the pT4 boxes marked. Involvement of the serosal (peritoneal) surface is defined as tumour breaching of the serosa with tumour cells visible either on the peritoneal surface or free in the peritoneal cavity.37 It is important that blocks are taken to optimise recognition of this feature (see above) and that further sections are cut from blocks whose initial sections show tumour cells that are close to the surface or localised peritoneal inflammation, erosion or mesothelial hyperplasia. Serosal involvement through direct continuity with the primary tumour (pT4b) is recorded differently from peritoneal tumour deposits that are separate from the primary that are regarded as distant metastases (pM1). It is very important to appreciate the difference between involvement of the serosal surface and involvement of a non-peritonealised (sometimes referred to as circumferential) surgical resection margin, which is recorded separately. The first is a risk factor for intraperitoneal metastasis while the latter is a risk factor for local recurrence. TNM conventions38 recommend that direct invasion of an adjacent organ by way of the serosa is always recorded as pT4 while intramural (longitudinal) extension into an adjacent part of the bowel (e.g. extension of a caecal tumour into the terminal ileum or of a rectal cancer into the anal canal) does not affect the pT stage. Extramural extension of a rectal cancer into the skeletal muscle of the external sphincter, levator ani, and/or puborectalis is classified as pT4a.
The conventions also state that tumour entirely within vessels does not qualify as local spread in pT staging. The maximum distance of tumour spread beyond the bowel wall is recorded in millimetres from the outer margin of the muscularis propria, as illustrated in Figure 5. When the tumour has obliterated the muscularis propria focally, the contour of the outer aspect of the adjacent muscularis should be used to make this measurement. For pT1 and pT2 tumours this will be zero.
Figure 5 Measuring extramural spread and clearance of tumour from the non-peritonealised margin
9.4 Response to neoadjuvant therapy There is preliminary evidence that completely excised rectal carcinomas that have received pre-operative neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy that has resulted in complete or marked 12 regression have a better prognosis than those without significant regression. However, there is no consensus over how lesser degrees of regression are estimated histologically. While this evidence alone may not be sufficient to warrant recording of response to therapy as a core data item, the fact that it is also regularly sought by oncologists at multidisciplinary team meetings has led to the recommendation that the most obvious degrees of regression are documented. Accordingly, the following categories are included: no residual tumour cells and/or mucus lakes only minimal residual tumour, i.e. only occasional microscopic tumour foci are identified with difficulty no marked regression. For tumour staging following neoadjuvant therapy, only the presence of tumour cells in the surgical specimen is taken to determine the stage. Fibrosis, haemorrhage, necrosis, inflammation and acellular mucus are ignored. Cases with complete regression are therefore recorded as pT0 (or more precisely ypT0 see Section 10).
9.5 Resection margins 9.5.1 Doughnuts It is not necessary to examine doughnuts from stapling devices histologically if the main 32 tumour is >30mm from the cut end of the main specimen or in other rare cases described above. If doughnuts are not sectioned or if no doughnuts are submitted for examination, this item should be recorded as not applicable. 9.5.2 Margin (cut end) When cut ends are examined histologically (see criteria above) the presence or absence of tumour should be recorded. If margins are not examined histologically they should be recorded as not applicable. 9.5.3 Non-peritonealised (circumferential) resection margin This margin has been defined in detail above. Its involvement is predictive of local recurrence and poor survival in rectal tumours57 and in those that have not received neoadjuvant therapy it may be an indication for postoperative adjuvant therapy. The importance of nonperitonealised margin involvement in colonic tumours, particularly those of the caecum and ascending colon, has been recognised more recently.19,39,40 Spread of the tumour into a pericolic abscess cavity that communicates with a non-peritonealised resection margin has also been associated with a poor prognosis in one study, although the number of cases in this category was small.19 The evidence to recommend equating this with margin-positivity is not yet sufficient, but if this finding is present in a resection specimen it would be prudent to highlight the observation in the pathology report and to bring it to the attention of the multidisciplinary team. The minimum distance between the tumour and the circumferential margin in millimetres is also recorded from the histological slides (see Figure 5). If this is <1mm then the circumferential margin is regarded as involved in the assessment of completeness of resection later on in the proforma. Such involvement may be through direct continuity with the main tumour, by tumour in veins, lymphatics or lymph nodes or by tumour deposits discontinuous from the main growth. One study has suggested that the <1mm definition of an involved non-peritonealised margin should be increased to 2mm for rectal tumours.41 This issue will be kept under review. 9.6 Metastatic spread 9.6.1 Lymph nodes All of the lymph nodes that have been retrieved from the specimen should be examined histologically as described above. Multiple or serial sections from lymph node blocks are not recommended for routine reporting; neither is the use of immunohistochemistry or molecular techniques because there is insufficient evidence on the prognostic significance of tumour deposits identified in this way. Extracapsular invasion is not recorded specifically. Lymph nodes are distinguished from extramural lymphoid aggregates by the presence of a peripheral sinus. Extramural deposits of tumour that have no lymph node structure are regarded as lymph node deposits that have completely effaced the original lymph node if they measure >3mm in 21 diameter, according to the recommendations of the 5th edition of the TNM classification. Smaller deposits are regarded as apparent discontinuous extensions of the main tumour. Any tumour involvement of a lymph node, no matter how small, identified in haematoxylin and eosin stained sections is regarded as significant.
pN1 corresponds to involvement of 13 nodes and pN2 to involvement of four or more nodes. 9.6.2 Highest node positive For proper Dukes staging the pathologist will need to identify separately the highest lymph node closest to the main vascular tie(s). This is not defined by any measure of distance, but is simply the first node identified by slicing the mesentery serially and distally from each main vascular tie. 9.6.3 Extramural venous invasion This is recorded when tumour is present within an extramural endothelium-lined space that is either surrounded by a rim of muscle or contains red blood cells. It is also strongly suspected when a rounded or elongated tumour profile that is not in direct continuity with the advancing tumour margin is identified in the extramural tissues adjacent to an artery, especially when no separate accompanying vein can be identified. Sections taken at multiple levels and elastin stains should be used to confirm or refute venous invasion in suspicious cases. The selection of tumour blocks to optimise the identification of venous invasion31 (see above) is encouraged. The prognostic significance of extramural venous invasion is well established.42 Some studies have also found independent prognostic significance for involvement of submucosal veins,19 while others have not. Only extramural venous involvement is recommended for recording at present. 9.6.4 Histologically confirmed distant metastases The presence of histologically confirmed distant metastases, and their site, is recorded. It should be noted that disease classifiable as distant metastasis may sometimes be present within the primary tumour resection specimen, for example a serosal or mesenteric deposit that is distant from the primary mass. Metastatic deposits in lymph nodes distant from those surrounding the main tumour or its main artery in the specimen, which will usually be submitted separately by the surgeon (e.g. in para-aortic nodes or nodes surrounding the external iliac or common iliac arteries), are also regarded as distant metastases (pM1).38 9.7 Background abnormalities The presence of any pathological abnormalities in the background bowel should be recorded. The following are particularly of note: adenoma(s), including their number synchronous carcinoma(s) (each of which will require a separate proforma) ulcerative colitis Crohns disease familial adenomatous polyposis diverticulosis. 10 PATHOLOGICAL STAGING
10.1 Complete resection at all margins This includes the ends of the specimen, the non-peritonealised resection margin and the doughnuts. Tumours that are completely excised are classified as R0, those with microscopic (but not macroscopic) margin involvement are classified as R1 and those with macroscopic margin involvement as R2.
When doughnuts and the ends of the specimen are not examined histologically because the tumour is >30mm away these are assumed to be tumour-free. Non-peritonealised margins are regarded as involved if tumour extends histologically to <1mm from this margin. Such cases should be recorded as R1. Peritoneal (serosal) involvement alone is not a reason to categorise the tumour as incompletely excised. 10.2 TNM staging The TNM staging definitions are shown in Appendix A. The prefix p is used to indicate pathological staging. If neoadjuvant preoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy has been given, the prefix yp should be used to indicate that the original p stage may have been modified by therapy. Accordingly, when there has been complete regression of the tumour, the TNM stage is ypT0, ypN0, ypMX The following points are worth restating. i In determining the pT stage, tumours that have perforated into the peritoneal cavity are regarded as pT4b, irrespective of other factors. ii Direct intramural spread of caecal carcinomas into the terminal ileum or rectal cancers into the anal canal does not affect the pT stage. However direct extramural spread (across the serosa) of a colorectal carcinoma into another part of the large or small intestine corresponds to pT4. iii Extramural deposits of tumour that are not obviously within lymph nodes are regarded as discontinuous extensions of the main tumour if they measure <3mm in diameter but as lymph nodes if they measure >3mm in diameter. iv The difference between stage pN1 and pN2 is the number of lymph nodes involved (pN1 = 13 nodes, pN2 = 4+ nodes), irrespective of their site in the resection specimen. v Pathological M staging can only be based on distant metastases that are submitted for histology by the surgeon and will therefore tend to underestimate the true (clinical) M stage. Pathologists will therefore only be able to use M1 (distant metastases present) or MX (distant metastases unknown). Note that metastatic deposits in lymph nodes distant from those surrounding the main tumour or its main artery in the specimen are regarded as distant metastases. 10.3 Dukes classification The Dukes and Bussey modification of the original Dukes classification of resection specimens is recommended: Dukes A: Tumour limited to the wall of the bowel, lymph nodes negative Dukes B: Tumour spread beyond muscularis propria, lymph nodes negative Dukes C1: Lymph nodes positive but highest node spared Dukes C2: Highest lymph node involved. 11 SNOMED CODING Colorectal carcinomas should be coded according to the SNOMED system (see Appendix B).
REPORTING OF LOCAL EXCISION SPECIMENS OF COLORECTAL CANCER Local excision of colorectal cancer is usually undertaken in one of two situations: as a curative procedure for early (T1) colorectal cancer as a palliative procedure in debilitated patients. While the principles of pathological reporting are the same as in major resections, a number of features require special attention in local excisions of (presumed) early cancers with curative intent because they are used to determine the necessity for more radical surgery. In addition to the assessment of completeness of excision, these include the recording of parameters that predict the presence of lymph node metastasis in early tumours, namely tumour size, poor differentiation, the depth of invasion into the submucosa and the presence of submucosal lymphovascular invasion.4350 However, there is only limited consensus in the published literature on how exactly some of these parameters should be assessed, especially the depth of submucosal invasion. Local excisions are undertaken endoscopically or, in the case of early rectal tumours, under direct vision. The majority of such tumours arise within pre-existing adenomas that may be polypoid, sessile or flat, and the best pathological information is derived when lesions are excised in their entirety to include both the invasive and preinvasive components.26 Polypoid lesions on a narrow stalk can be fixed intact, while sessile lesions should be pinned out, mucosal surface upwards, on a small piece of cork or other suitable material, taking pains to identify the narrow rim of surrounding normal tissue, before fixing intact. Piecemeal removal of tumours, entirely acceptable for palliative resections, should be avoided because it precludes a reliable assessment of completeness of excision. After fixation, polypoid lesions may be bisected through the stalk if they measure <10mm; larger polyps are trimmed to leave a central section containing the intact stalk, and all fragments embedded for histology. It is recommended that at least three sections are taken from blocks containing the stalk. The margins of larger, sessile lesions should be identified with appropriate coloured markers (inks or gelatine) and the whole of the specimen transversely sectioned into 3mm slices and submitted for histology in sequentially labelled cassettes. In cases where the margin of normal tissue is less than 3mm, a 10mm slice containing the relevant margin should be made and further sectioned at right angles.26 An example template proforma for reporting local excision specimens is included in this dataset (Appendix D). The core data items to be recorded are: Specimen type, whether a polypectomy, an endoscopic mucosal resection or a transanal endoscopic microsurgical (TEM) excision Tumour site Maximum tumour diameter in millimetres Histological type Histological differentiation Extent of local invasion Lymphovascular invasion The presence of a background adenoma Margin involvement The minimum clearance of the invasive carcinoma (in millimetres) A pT stage (it is inappropriate to use Dukes classification because this requires assessment of the nodal status) Some of these require special consideration.
12.1 Histological differentiation Although poor differentiation is identified by the same criteria as in major resection specimens, it is unclear from the literature whether this should be based on the predominant area or the worst area. Publications containing recommendations for selecting patients with T1 tumours for major colorectal resection do not comment on the issue, but it is likely that most have used the worst area. In view of this uncertainty it is recommended that poor differentiation (including signet ring cell adenocarcinoma) should be based on the worst area until the situation is clarified by further research; this approach will ensure that patients are not exposed to the possibility of under-treatment. 12.2 Extent of local excision Tumours that invade the muscularis propria usually require further surgery. The frequency of lymph node metastasis in sessile tumours that involve the superficial, middle, and deep thirds 47 of the submucosa (so-called Kikuchi levels sm1, sm2 and sm3 respectively) has been 48 reported to be 2%, 8% and 23% (Figure 6).
sm1 Figure 6
(From Figure 1 of Nascimbeni R, Burgart LJ, Nivatvongs S, Larson DR. Risk of lymph node metastasis in T1 carcinoma of the colon and rectum. Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 2002; 45:200 206. Copyright: Springer Science and Business Media Reproduced with kind permission from Springer Science and Business Media)
In polypoid lesions, Haggitt et al identified the level of invasion into the stalk of the polyp as being important in predicting outcome and found that level 4 invasion, in which tumour extended beyond the stalk of the polyp into the submucosa but did not invade the muscularis propria, was an adverse factor (Figure 7). However, neither Kikuchi (for sessile tumours) nor Haggitt (for polypoid tumours) systems are always easy to use in practice, especially if there is fragmentation or suboptimal orientation of the tissue, and one study found lymph node metastases in 6/24 Haggitt level 3 lesions.50 More recently Ueno et al50 have proposed that of the absolute thickness of the invasive tumour (beyond the muscularis mucosae) provides a more objective measure. In view of the uncertainty and lack of consensus, a firm recommendation for one method of assessing local invasion cannot be made, and all three approaches are included on the template proforma for local multidisciplinary teams to select which they consider to be most appropriate.
Figure 7
(From: Mainprize KS, Mortensen NJM, Warren BF. Early colorectal cancer: recognition, classification and treatment. Br J Surg 1998;85:469476. Copyright: British Journal of Surgery Society Ltd. Reproduced with kind permission from John Wiley & Sons Ltd, on behalf of the BJSS Ltd).
12.3 Lymphovascular invasion Definite invasion of endothelium-lined vascular spaces in the submucosa is generally regarded as a significant risk for lymph node or distant metastasis. Sometimes retraction artefact around tumour aggregates can make assessment uncertain, in which case this uncertainty should be recorded and the observation interpreted by the multidisciplinary team in the light of any other adverse histological features. 12.3.1 Margin involvement It is important to record whether the deep (intramural) resection margin is involved by invasive tumour (which may be an indication for further surgery) and whether the mucosal resection margin is involved by carcinoma or the pre-existing adenoma (in which case a further local excision may be attempted). There has been considerable discussion and controversy in the literature over what degree of clearance might be regarded as acceptable in tumours that extend close to the deep submucosal margin. It is important that this is measured and recorded in the report. It is likely that most would regard a clearance of <1mm as an indication for further therapy. Some would use <2mm and a few <5mm. There is also emerging evidence that identification of the phenomenon of tumour budding may be of prognostic importance in predicting outcome following local excisions.50 While this is not yet considered to be sufficient to warrant inclusion as a core data item, local multidisciplinary teams may wish to receive this information if they will use it in a therapeutic decision-making process.
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Primary tumour Primary tumour cannot be assessed No evidence of primary tumour Tumour invades submucosa Tumour invades muscularis propria Tumour invades through muscularis propria into subserosa or non-peritonealised pericolic or perirectal tissues Tumour directly invades other organs (pT4a) and/or involves the visceral peritoneum (pT4b)
Regional lymph nodes Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed No regional lymph node metastasis Metastasis in 1 to 3 regional lymph nodes Metastasis in 4 or more regional lymph nodes Distant metastasis Distant metastasis cannot be assessed No distant metastasis Distant metastasis
APPENDIX B T codes T-66000 T-67000 T-68000 M codes M-81400 M-74000 M-80103 M-81403 M-84803 M-84903 M-85603 M-80703 M-80413 M-80203 M-82433 M-82443
Adenoma Dysplasia Carcinoma Adenocarcinoma Mucinous adenocarcinoma Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma Adenosquamous carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Small cell carcinoma Undifferentiated carcinoma Goblet cell carcinoid tumour Mixed carcinoid-adenocarcinoma
Surname: Forenames: Hospital ... Hospital no: . Date of receipt: .. Date of reporting: .. Pathologist: . Surgeon: ..
Specimen type: Total colectomy / Right hemicolectomy / Left hemicolectomy / Sigmoid colectomy / Anterior resection /
Abdominoperineal excision / Other (state) ..
Gross description
Site of tumour . Maximum tumour diameter: ....mm Distance of tumour to nearer cut end .mm Tumour perforation (pT4) Yes No If yes, perforation is serosal retro/infra peritoneal For rectal tumours: Relation of tumour to peritoneal reflection (tick one): Above Astride Below Plane of surgical excision (tick one): Mesorectal fascia Intramesorectal Muscularis propria For abdominoperineal resection specimens: Distance of tumour from dentate line .................mm
................. mm
Metastatic spread
No of lymph nodes present ................................................ No of involved lymph nodes ............................................... (pN1 13 nodes, pN2 4+ nodes involved) Highest node involved (Dukes C2) Yes No Extramural venous invasion Yes No Histologically confirmed distant metastases (pM1): Yes No If yes, site: ... No
Type Adenocarcinoma Yes No
Adenoma(s) (state number ...) Familial adenomatous polyposis / Ulcerative colitis / Crohns disease / Diverticulosis / Synchronous carcinoma(s) (complete a separate form for each cancer) Other ................................................................ .
Local invasion No carcinoma identified (pT0) Submucosa (pT1) Muscularis propria (pT2) Beyond muscularis propria (pT3) Tumour invades adjacent organs (pT4a) AND/OR Tumour cells have breached the serosa (pT4b) Maximum distance of spread beyond muscularis propria ..mm Response to neoadjuvant therapy Neoadjuvant therapy given Yes No If yes: No residual tumour cells / mucus lakes only Minimal residual tumour No marked regression Signature: .
Pathological staging
Complete resection at all surgical margins Yes (R0) No (R1 or R2) TNM (5th edition) (y) pT .. Dukes Dukes A Dukes B Dukes C1 Dukes C2 (y) pN ..(y) pM ..
(Tumour limited to wall, nodes negative) (Tumour beyond M. propria, nodes negative) (Nodes positive and apical node negative) (Apical node involved)
Date ../../.
Surname: Forenames: Hospital ... Hospital no: . Date of receipt: .. Date of reporting: .. Pathologist: .... Surgeon: ..
Specimen type
Polypectomy / Endoscopic mucosal resection / Transanal endoscopic microsurgical (TEM) excision / Other Comments: ..
Gross description
Site of tumour .... Maximum tumour diameter (if known) mm
Not involved Involved by adenoma only Deep margin Involved by carcinoma Peripheral margin Involved by carcinoma
Well/moderate Poor
Local invasion
Confined to submucosa (pT1) Into muscularis propria (pT2) Beyond muscularis propria (pT3) For pT1 tumours: Maximum thickness of invasive tumour from muscularis mucosae ..mm Haggitt level (polypoid tumours) 1/2/3/4 Kikuchi level (for sessile/flat tumours) sm1 / sm2 / sm3
Pathological staging
Complete resection at carcinoma at all margins Yes (R0) No (R1 or R2)
pT stage
Signature: .
Date ../../. 27
SNOMED codes
T.. / M