Eaton Worldwide: Type: - Public

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Eaton Worldwide

Type: - Public Founded: - 1911, J.O. Eaton Headquarters: - Cleveland, Ohio Key people: - Alexander M. Cutler, Chairman, President& CEO

Industry: - Components Re enue: - $15. billion !"# $%&&'( E!ployees: - )%,&&& "i isions:Electrical *utomotive *erospace +,draulics -ruc.

History Eaton/E0P1 toda, has a stor,, 2hich 3ot built up as the needs o4 the business chan3e. +arr, 5ic.ers, 2hose invention o4 the balanced vane pump launched his 4irm6s success, 4ounded 57C8E9" in 19%1.&ICKER' '('TEM' I#TER#ATI$#A) )T". $5"71( 2as incorporated in 19:5 as a result o4 a ;oint venture bet2een <ahindra & <ahindra 1td. and 5ic.ers incorporated !"* = a 4ull, o2ned compan, o4 *ero >uip =5ic.ers, 7nc., !"*. 7t brou3ht the 4amous 4luid po2er technolo3, to 7ndia. 7t started its operation in 8andivili in <umbai. 1ater in 19'%, established a plant in Pimpri, Pune. 7n 1999, there 2as a ma;or development. Eaton Corporation ac>uired *ero>uip = 5ic.ers 4or !" $ 1.) ?illion, 2hich became the lar3est ac>uisition in the histor, o4 Eaton Corporation and thus 5"71 became a part o4 Eaton. Currentl, E0P1 has its manu4acturin3 setup in Pune and branch o44ices in ?an3alore, Chennai, 8ol.ata, #elhi and 1udhiana. -he Corporate o44ice is located in Pune. J.O.Eaton established E*-O@ in the ,ear 1911 to manu4acture -ruc. *Ales. -oda, Eaton manu4actures a lar3e variet, o4 products and has a turnover o4 !" $ 11 ?illion. 7t is a leader in 0luid Po2er ",stems, Electrical Po2er Bualit,, #istribution and Control, *utomotive En3ine <ana3ement and 0uel Econom,. Eaton po2er and motion control components, pac.a3es and s,stems are currentl, speci4ied in :1 nations. Eaton Corporation is a diversi4ied po2er mana3ement compan, 2ith %&&' sales o4 $15. billion. Eaton is a 3lobal technolo3, leader in/ electrical components and s,stems 4or po2er >ualit,, distribution and controlC h,draulics components, s,stems and services 4or industrial and mobile e>uipmentC aerospace 4uel, h,draulics and pneumatic s,stems 4or commercial and militar, useC and -ruc. and automotive drive train and po2er train s,stems 4or per4ormance, 4uel econom, and sa4et,. Eaton has approAimatel, )5,&&& emplo,ees and sells products to customers in more than 15& countries. %

E!ployee *ro+ile
Eaton/E0P1 has a total o4 %%1 emplo,ees. Emplo,ee pro4ile is as in 0i3 P.1.D. 1% o4 the total emplo,ees are part o4 a union a44iliated to the ?harati,a 8am3ar 8armachari <ahasan3h. *dditionall,, 2e emplo, diploma trainees and temporar, labor 4or manu4acturin3 and other service needs in the campus.

Ma,or Te-.nolo/ies0 Equip!ent 1 Fa-ilities at Eaton-EF*)

-echnolo3iesE 8e,/manu4acturin3 processes include metal cuttin3, 2eldin3, assembl,, testin3, heat/treatment and paintin3. E>uipmentsE <achines 4or all the above processes, lab e>uipment, personal computers, C*# stations, and so4t2are 7n4rastructureE Fide *rea @et2or. $F*@(, <0GHP9O. 0acilitiesE Canteen and -ransport 4acilities. Eaton6s manu4acturin3 strate3, is to invest in core manu4acturin3 operations onl,. Core manu4acturin3 operations are de4ined as critical 4inishin3 operation and those operations that aid material 4lo2. Fe care4ull, choose core operations that add strate3ic and economic value, and ensure ali3nment 2ith the 3lobal manu4acturin3 strate3,. 7n addition to the above, the Eaton 7ndia En3ineerin3 Center, the Global "ourcin3 -eam, and the Global "upport & "ervice Center are co/located 2ithin the campus. D

How Eaton Create &alue +or Custo!er

I I I I @ot ;ust desi3nin3 h,draulic s,stem e>uipment 4or the 2orld6s lar3est aircra4t but ma.in3 it 4ar li3hter and more 4uel e44icient to operate @ot ;ust deliverin3 the hi3h/per4ormance to ma.e drivin3 4un, but deliverin3 the better 4uel econom, to ma.e it smart as 2ell @ot ;ust creatin3 electrical po2er chain s,stems but ensurin3 that the clean, vital po2er is al2a,s on reliabl,, sa4el, and economicall, @ot ;ust developin3 automated transmissions 4or truc.in3 4leets but ma.in3 hundreds o4 millions o4 miles o4 sa4er and 4uel/e44icient drivin3 possible

2We3re .ere to e /reat results0 4ut ea-. o+ us !ust de!onstrate we -are intensely a4out how we /et t.ose results. T.ey are wort. little and are unli5ely to endure i+ ed unet.i-ally.6 *leAander <. Cutler Chairman& CEO

2'ustaina4ility 4y "esi/n6 - In.erent in E Eaton "oes

<a.in3 a positive di44erence in the 2orld b, 3oin3 be,ond complianceE/ I ?uildin3 stron3er communities I Creatin3 a 2orld/class I 9educe our 3reenhouse 3as emissions I <inimiJe and e44ectivel, mana3e 2aste I Conserve, reuse and e44ectivel, treat 2ater I "ustainable technolo3, innovationsE// I Eaton6s +,brid Po2er ",stems I 7ndustr,/leadin3 POF/9/Command li3htin3 control s,stem I +i3h/pressure s,stems 4or aircra4ts I 0uel e44icient superchar3ers I Eaton6s valve actuation technolo3,

Is 7ein/ Eaton Re-o/ni8ed +or 2"oin/ 7usiness Ri/.t6

ACHIEVEMENTS:I C9O6s K?est Corporate CitiJen b, 7ndustr, %&&)L a2ard I K<ost Committed <ultinational *2ardL 4rom 0orei3n 7nvestment in China ma3aJine One o4 the K%&&) Forld6s <ost Ethical CompaniesL a2ard b, Ethisphere ma3aJine

Doing Business Right:Ethical values are 4undamental to Eaton. 7ts un2averin3 commitment to Kdoin3 business ri3htLMand to 4osterin3 an environment o4 open and honest communicationsM di44erentiates it and appeal stron3l, to both current emplo,ees and the talented pro4essionals it see.s to recruit. 7ts Global Ethics o44ice has developed numerous pro3ramsMincludin3 an a2ard/2innin3 education and trainin3 videoMto help emplo,ees ma.e responsible choices consistent 2ith Eaton6s Code o4 Ethics and values. 7t has also established an Ethics and 0inancial 7nte3rit, +elp 1ine that is available % H) to provide advice and in4ormation to emplo,ees 2orld2ide, and permit open or anon,mous reportin3 o4 misconduct or >uestionable business practices. 7ndependentl,, Eaton operates a separate O44ice o4 the Ombuds to provide emplo,ees 2ith con4idential, neutral and in4ormal assistance in constructivel, identi4,in3 and resolvin3 issues 2ithout 4ear o4 retribution.

K#$T 9%'T I#&$)&E"0 E#:A:E". Eaton3s su--ess is 4uilt on a +oundation o+ open and .onest -o!!uni-ations. EAT$# see5s to +oster an 2en/a/ed6 wor5+or-e ;one is -o!!itted to t.e /oals and a-ti ely s.ares ideas to -ontinuously i!pro e t.e 4usiness. In +a-t0 !ore <= per-ent o+ Eaton3s /lo4al wor5+or-e parti-ipated in annual e!ployee sur ey in >??=0 +ar ex-eedin/ t.e reported parti-ipation rates at -o!panies.6


Eaton6s business is 3lobal, diverse and hi3hl, competitive. -o succeed, the, recruit the ver, best people, unlimited b, 3ender, race or other characteristics. People are committed to maintainin3 a 2or.4orce that re4lects the diversit, o4 their customers and the mar.ets in 2hich the, compete around the 2orld. People there have created the Eaton Philosoph, For. Practices s,stem to pursue this ob;ective and consistentl, emplo,in3 human resources practices across the or3aniJation. !sin3 this s,stem, Eaton6s 4acilities and business 4unctions are evaluated re3ularl, a3ainst ei3ht cate3ories o4 emplo,ee and per4ormance, and must meet speci4ic 3oals to achieve Eaton ?usiness EAcellence certi4ication. *s Eaton business 3ro2s, it reco3niJes the importance o4 development and trainin3 4or meetin3 both emplo,ees and customers6 eApandin3 needs. 7n *sia, 4or eAample, Eaton has developed a number o4 uni>ue talent mana3ement pro3rams 4ocused on recruitin3 and developin3 stron3 leaders 4rom throu3hout the re3ion to support emer3in3 3ro2th opportunities in those mar.ets. Eaton !niversit, and its ne2 learnin3 mana3ement s,stem provide the 4oundation 4or continuous learnin3 throu3hout Eaton b, o44erin3 a broad variet, o4 eAperiential, classroom and 2eb/based educational opportunities. 7n %&&:, it continued to eApand these resources, o44erin3 9% instructor/led and : % e/ learnin3 pro3rams, resultin3 in :',&95 individual course enrollments. -his compares to onl, %,19& course enrollments in %&&1, Eaton !niversit,6s 4irst ,ear.

Re/ulatory En iron!ent
Eaton/E0P1 is certi4ied to 7"O 9&&1/%&&&, 7"O 1 &&1E%&& , and O+"*"1'&&1E1999. Fe also compl, 2ith the applicable national H local le3islation and re3ulations i.e. the Compan,6s *ct, 0actories *ct, and Pollution Control *ct. Fe also have periodic audits b, re3ulator, authorities to veri4, compliance to all norms and re3ulations e.3. audits b, the eAternal 0inancial *uditors, 0actor, 7nspector, Pollution Control O44icer, 7ncome -aA authorities and EAcise authorities. *ccountin3 and 0inancial reportin3 4unctions are conducted in accordance 2ith 7ndian G**P and !". Eaton/E0P1 also complies 2ith the corporate 3overnance standards as per "arbanes OAle, $"ON(. Fe have several internal committees that meet on a re3ular basis to improve compliance and to build a Obe,ond

compliance6 culture. "a4et, committee, 4ire/4i3htin3 committee, evacuation committee and 4irst aid committee are a 4e2 2orth mentionin3. Fe also have a detailed implementation plan to meet the <E"+ ob;ectives. -his is trac.ed closel, throu3h our Chan3e Council.

$r/ani8ational "es-ription
5ic.ers ",stems 7nternational 1td. $5"71( hereina4ter re4erred to as Eaton/E0P1 is a limited compan,, in 2hich Eaton holds 9).5&P o4 the shares and the public holds %.5&P. Eaton/E0P1 is part o4 Eaton 0luid Po2er Group6s +,draulic Operation, and reports into +,draulic Operation *sia Paci4ic $+O*P(. -he business in 7ndia became part o4 Eaton 2hen Eaton ac>uired *ero>uip 5ic.ers $*@5( in *pril 1999. -rue inte3ration commenced in mid %&&1. "ubse>uent to inte3ration, a multi pron3ed approach 2as put in place to simultaneousl, attac. some o4 the areas identi4ied 4or improvementE / Consolidation o4 <anu4acturin3 Operations at Pune. Customer 0ocus. @e2 Product #evelopment and 1aunch. Penetration into @e2 <ar.ets. 1evera3in3 Eaton6s Comprehensive Product 9an3e. -he results sho2 a turn around.

Corporate :oals
-he .e, elements o4 EatonQs core values include/ <a.in3 our customers the 4ocus o4 ever,thin3 2e do 9eco3niJin3 our people as our 3reatest asset -reatin3 each other 2ith respect ?ein3 4air, honest and open ?ein3 considerate o4 the environment and our communities 8eepin3 our commitments "trivin3 4or eAcellence

Eatons Vision
To be the most admired company in our markets.
Measured 4y:I Customers sa,, KFe 2ant to do more business 2ith Eaton.L I "hareholders sa,, KEaton is one o4 m, best investments.L I Emplo,ees sa,, K7 am proud to be part o4 the Eaton team.L

T.e Eaton Mission

KProducin3 the hi3hest >ualit, products at cost 2hich ma.e them economicall, practical in the most competitivel, priced
-J.O.Eaton, !

EAT$#3' 7usiness :roups

* premier diversi4ied industrial manu4acturer * 3lobal leader inE I Electrical s,stems and components 4or po2er >ualit,, distribution and control I 0luid po2er s,stems and services 4or industrial, mobile and aircra4t e>uipment I 7ntelli3ent truc. drive train s,stems 4or sa4et, and 4uel econom, I *utomotive en3ine air mana3ement s,stems, po2er train solutions and specialt, controls 4or per4ormance, 4uel econom, and sa4et,



Electrical circuit brea.ersC vacuum brea.ersC po2er distribution assembliesC contactors and motor starters, operator inter4ace hard2areC en3ineerin3 s,stems and dia3nostic and support servicesC meterin3 s,stemsC po2er mana3ement so4t2areC sur3e protection devicesC and uninterruptible po2er s,stems.

Hydrauli-s Eaton is reco3niJed as a 2orld2ide leader in the desi3n, manu4acture and mar.etin3 o4 reliable, hi3h/e44icienc, h,draulic s,stems and components 4or use in mobile and industrial applications. -he +,draulics 3roup also includes Eaton6s 0iltration, Gol4 Grip and *ir 4leA industrial clutch and bra.e businesses. Eaton6s +,draulics ?usiness products are the basis o4 e44icient, reliable h,draulic and 4luid conve,ance s,stems used in mobile, commercial, and industrial applications around the 2orld. Eaton6s +,draulics ?usiness serves customers in a3riculture, construction, minin3, 4orestr,, utilit,, material handlin3, earthmovin3, truc. and bus, machine tools, moldin3, primar, metals, automotive, po2er 3eneration, port machiner, and entertainment.

Tru-5 <anual and automated truc. transmissions and clutchesC h,brid po2er train s,stemsC drive train, suspension, 2heel/end and sa4et, s,stemsC anti/loc. bra.in3 and traction control s,stemsC and vehicle dia3nostics.

Auto!oti e *ir, transmission, and 4uel mana3ement controlsC automotive 4luid connectors, en3ine air mana3ement s,stems, includin3 superchar3ers, c,linder head modules, en3ine valves and li4tersC and limited/slip and loc.in3 di44erentials.


Eaton6s aerospace business is one o4 the industr,6s leadin3 desi3ners, manu4acturers and inte3rators o4 advanced h,draulic s,stems, 4uel s,stems, motion control s,stems, propulsion sub/s,stems and coc.pit inter4ace and circuit protection applications 4or commercial and militar, pro3rams.

Mar5ets 'er ed
7ndustrial 0acilities I <anu4acturin3 Plants I Chemical Processin3 Plants I 0ood Processin3 Plants I "hippin3 & #istribution 0acilities I !tilit, 7n4rastructure <obileH7ndustrial Plat4orms I *3riculture I Construction I 0orestr, I 7ndustrial *utomation & Control I <etals & <inin3 I Paper & Paper Product I 9ubber & Plastics I "pecialt, E>uipment I -eAtile 1&

Fire & Cable

CommercialH7nstitutional 0acilit, I *renasH"tadiums I *irport -erminals I +ospitals I Education I CorporateHO44ice Propert, I <ass -ransit 7n4rastructure I 9etail CompleAes I -estH7nstrumentation -elecomH#ata Centers I Cable & "atellite I #atacenter & @et2or.in3 7n4rastructure I @atural Gas I -elecommunications 7n4rastructure I Fireless -ransportation I *ircra4t I -ruc. & Commercial 5ehicles I *utomotive I <arine I 9ail & <ass -ransit <ilitar,H#e4ense I *ir 0orce I *rm, I @av, I "pace "portsH1eisure I <otor sports I Cruise 1ines I Gol4 I Par.sH-heaters 9esidential I Construction I "ecurit, I "a4et, !tilit, I *lternative Ener3, "ources I Electric


I @atural Gas I Oil & Gas I Fater CivilHO44shore I #amsH1oc.s I ?rid3es I #red3in3 I Oil Plat4orms

Electrical Sector $6.9 B Sales

Electrical Americas Electrical Rest of World

Industrial Sector $8.5 B Sales

Aerospace Truck !draulics Automoti"e

Electrical Sector

Industrial Sector
Ta5e ad anta/e o+ e-ono!ies a-ross 4usinesses le era/e our /lo4al +ootprint Expand and a--elerate inte/rated -usto!er solutions B li5e .y4rid te-.nolo/ies

Wit. Moeller and *.oenix Te-0 o er =?@ o+ re enues are dri en 4y e-ono!ies outside o+ t.e %.'. Capitali8e upon re/ional s-ale and speed A--elerate our *ower C.ainA solution in ea-. re/ion


>??C Finan-ial Hi/.li/.ts:@et sales @et income Operatin3 Earnin3s per share $EP"(

$15. billion $1.&: billion $:.'D

>??C 'e/!ent 'ales:Electrical +,draulics 5P 1:P

-ruc. 15P

*utomotive 1%P

*erospace 1%P



%&$ %&$ %5$ %6$ #5$

Electrical Hydraulics Truck Automotive Aerospace

5'$ #'$ ('$ &'$ %'$ '$ Electrical !draulics Truck Automoti"e Aerospace East


-here are t2o t,pes o4 businessesE/ 1. <ass production t,pe %. Pro;ect t,pe 7n mass production, variet, is less and volume is hi3h, 2here as in pro;ect t,pe, variet, is hi3h but volume is lo2. Each pro;ect catersHis used to di44erent application as per the customer6s re>uirement so each 2ill have di44erent desi3ns, thus it is a customiJed t,pe o4 business. -here4ore, Eaton 7ndia $+,draulics( has the pro;ect t,pe o4 the business. 7n pro;ect, t,pe there is end/to/end process. 7t means that there is a re>uirement 4irst and a4ter 3oin3 throu3h the several processes, the 4inal deliver, is done.

0or this 2or., there are several departments in the compan, to handle this. -he, are/

Mar5etin/ $to see. business opportunit,, to 4ind the 3ood, to promote the brand, to 3ive price related inputs to sales(.


"esi/n$to ma.e the product desi3n as per the re>uirements, etc(

*lannin/ $to plan about Fhat to order, Fhen to receive, +o2 to proceed to 3et the 2or. done in time(

*ur-.asin/$4rom 2hom to 3et the data, ho2 to >uote the prices, send the purchase order(

Manu+a-turin/ $to do le3al 4ollo2 up o4 the purchase order, and 3et the 2or. done on time(

"istri4utionDstoreDlo/isti-s $ to maintain the inventor,Hstoc.(

"ispat-. $to deliver the 4inal product to the recipient as soon as possible(

EualityDtestin/Dinspe-tion.$to test the 2or.in3 o4 the product and to inspect the >ualit, o4 the product(


7n Eaton *sia/Paci4ic, 2e have a ne2 department called PE $proposal en3ineerin3( to handle the plannin3 and desi3nin3 part. Plannin3, purchasin3, manu4acturin3, and store are combined into one department i.e. 'CM.

EAT$# I# I#"IA

Entry: 1999 >??C net sales in Asia *a-i+i-: $% billion $!"#(


E!ployees: %,&&& Country .eadquartersE Pune, 7ndia Eaton Corporation6s 4ootprint in 7ndia has been 3ro2in3 steadil, since 1999. Fith the 3lobal ac>uisition o4 *ero>uip 5ic.ers in *pril 1999, Eaton ac>uired t2o manu4acturin3 plants in <aharashtra state $one in <umbai and the other in Pune( under the name o4 5ic.ers ",stems 7nternational 1imited $5"71(. -he <umbai plant 2as inte3rated into the Pune operations in Januar, %&&%. 7n 0ebruar, %&&', the name 5"71 2as le3all, chan3ed to Eaton 0luid Po2er 1td $E0P1(. -he primar, 4ocus o4 the Pune/based E0P1 is to manu4acture a 2ide ran3e o4 h,draulics components and s,stems. Fith a clear vie2 to eApandin3 its presence in 7ndia, Eaton has established man, ne2 entities. -he 4irst 2as an en3ineerin3 center at the Pune campus desi3ned to do hi3h/end en3ineerin3 2or. 4or all o4 Eaton6s business se3ments. "ince then, Eaton has 4ocused on enhancin3 its presence in 7ndia in all business se3ments and on tappin3 into the diverse opportunities that 7ndia o44ers, includin3 critical manu4acturin3 and en3ineerin3 capabilities, product development, service centers and 3loball, competitive sourcin3. Fhile 7ndia o44ers a hu3e opportunit, in itsel4, it also serves as a strate3ic location to enhance Eaton6s 3lobal competitiveness. Po2erin3 ?usiness Eaton is one o4 the 2orld6s leadin3 industrial enterprises, producin3 a broad ran3e o4 industrial and commercial products that touch people 2here the, live, 2or. and pla,. ?, providin3 innovative, hi3h >ualit, products and maintainin3 superior customer relationships, 2e are proud to pla, an active role in 7ndiaQs mar.ets. *n important part o4 Eaton6s business 4ocus is to develop products that help customers protect the environment b, conservin3 ener3,, reducin3 emissions and mana3in3 resources. +ere and around the 2orld, Eaton supports in4rastructure 3ro2th and economic eApansion b, providin3E/ I Electrical s,stems that improve po2er >ualit,, distribution and controlC I +,draulics components, s,stems and services 4or industrial and mobile e>uipmentC I +,draulics, 4uel and pneumatic s,stems 4or commercial and militar, aircra4tC I 7ntelli3ent drive train s,stems 4or medium/ and heav,/dut, truc.sC I *utomotive components, includin3 en3ine air mana3ement s,stems, po2er train solutions and specialt, controls 4or cars and li3ht truc.s. Eaton is committed to drivin3 3ro2th and customer satis4action b, deliverin3 the products, services and solutions that are critical to its customersQ success 2herever the, are located and ever,2here the, do business. Eaton is eAperiencin3 unprecedented development and hi3h economic 3ro2th in 7ndia. EatonQs 7ndia operations are committed to the uni>ue Eaton vision, and reco3niJe the importance o4 participatin3 in this 3ro2th.


Eaton is continuousl, eApandin3 its presence b, tappin3 on all the diverse opportunities that 7ndia o44ers includin3 critical manu4acturin3 capabilit,, product development, en3ineerin3 capabilit,, 4inance and customer services, and 3loball, competitive sourcin3 potential. Eaton 4ull, reco3niJes the importance o4 the 7ndian "ubcontinent as an area o4 ripenin3 opportunit,. -oda,, as EatonQs important 3ro2th re3ion in *sia Paci4ic, Eaton 7ndia is empo2ered to ta.e the lead in drivin3 the compan,Qs manu4acturin3 capabilities and pro4essional services in the re3ion. 7ndia not onl, o44ers a hu3e opportunit, in itsel4, but it also serves as a strate3ic location to enhance EatonQs 3lobal competitiveness. Eaton o44ers a broad ran3e o4 products and services, 4rom 4uel/e44icient s,stems to Po2er Chain mana3ement tools and components that sa4el, 3uide commercial aircra4t. Eaton is al2a,s loo.in3 4or ne2 2a,s to increase the value o4 the products and services it o44ers to its customers.

:rowt. Ti!eline in India

A"#i$ !!! Fith the 3lobal ac>uisition o4 *ero>uip 5ic.ers, Eaton ac>uired t2o manu4acturin3 plants 4or h,draulic components and s,stems in <aharashtra. Januar, %&&% -he <umbai h,draulics plant 2as mer3ed into the Pune operations. June %&&' *n Eaton 7ndia En3ineerin3 Center 2as established in Pune to 4ocus on product development and en3ineerin3 e44ort 4or Eaton6s 3lobal mar.ets. Fe currentl, emplo, D&& people and 2ith our 3ro2th plan, are li.el, to see emplo,ment increase to 9&& b, %&1&. Ma#(h %&&) * team 2as 4ormed in 7ndia as an eAtension o4 Eaton6s 3lobal sourcin3 e44ort, to tap the immense sourcin3 potential that 7ndia o44ers. June %&&) *s Eaton completed its ac>uisition o4 Po2er2are 4rom 7nvens,s, the @e2 #elhi/based 4acilities o4 Po2er 2are 2ere also inte3rated into Eaton6s 7ndia Operations.


June %&&* * Global "upport "ervice Center 2as established in Pune as an 7ndia/based customer center, servin3 h,draulics and aerospace customers in the !."., Europe and the *sia Paci4ic re3ion. June %&&* -he de/listin3 o4 5"71 shares 4rom the <umbai and Pune "toc. EAchan3es 2as completed, pavin3 the 2a, 4or a 2holl, o2ned Eaton entit, status. *s o4 "eptember %&&:, Eaton holds 9).: percent o4 5"71. No+e,-e# %&&* *sia Paci4ic "hared "ervices Center 2as set up to serve the *sia Paci4ic mar.ets 4or transaction mana3ement, invoice receipt and matchin3, accounts pa,able, accounts receivable and 3eneral led3er accountin3. Janua#. %&&/ -he 7ndia 7n4ormation -echnolo3, Center 2as set up to provide in4ormation technolo3, securit, 4or Eaton users. O(to-e# %&&/ EatonQs -ruc. Component Operations be3an plans 4or 7ndia operations 2ith the ac>uisition o4 industrial land in 9an;an3aon, <aharashtra 4or a ne2 manu4acturin3 4acilit,.

No+e,-e# %&&0 -he construction o4 the -ruc. Green4ield plant in 9an;an3oan 2as completed and to commemorate the occasion, the 3roup hoisted the national 4la3 and Eaton 4la3. 1e-#ua#. %&&2 -he name 5ic.ers ",stems 7nternational 1td 2as le3all, chan3ed to Eaton 0luid Po2er 1td. Ma#(h %&&2 Eaton inau3urated its state o4 the art Pro4essional "ervices Center in 8haradi, Pune. August %&&2 Eaton purchased the en3ine valve components division o4 Oil En3ines 1td., located in *hmedna3ar and @ashi., cities in the 2estern state o4 <aharashtra, 7ndia.

Eaton India Fo-us 'tate!ent


K-o be the most admired compan, providin3 value added ",stems "olutions in select Po2er and <otion Control mar.ets. -o be a 3loball, respected lo2 cost hi3h >ualit, manu4acturer o4 selected product lines.L Eaton6s 5ision, <ission, 5alues, Philosoph,, Code o4 Ethics to3ether 2ith the 7ndia 0ocus "tatement drives the Or3aniJational Culture at Eaton/E0P1. Fithin this overall 4rame2or., 2e use a team approach and 3ood t2o/2a, communication to meet our ob;ective o4 becomin3 a customer/centric or3aniJation. -his team 2or.in3 and empo2erment enables us to cut across hierarchical levels and 4unctional boundaries and 4acilitates 4leAibilit,, innovation and initiative. #iversit, is natural to 7ndia. 7ndia comprises o4 %' "tates and ) !nion -erritories, has ) ma;or reli3ions and 1' o44icial lan3ua3es. *t Eaton/E0P1 2e encoura3e this diversit, and 2e have emplo,ees 4rom all parts o4 the countr, 2ith diverse reli3ious bac.3rounds. Fe are an e>ual opportunit, emplo,er. -he o44icial business lan3ua3e is En3lish.

Eaton &alues
3The +a$ues Eaton ho$4s a#e si,"$e, .et ti,e$ess. The. a#e 5un4a,enta$ -e$ie5s -. whi(h the. o"e#ate.6

7rands in India
1. %. D. . 5. *ero>uip *ir4leA Char/1,nn Cutler/+ammer Eaton %&

:. 0uller ). +olec '. +,dro/1ine 9. Po2er 2are 1&. 9oad ran3er 11. 5ic.ers -he +,draulic Component brand names include Aeroquip Char - Lynn Eaton Hydro Line Vickers

EAT$# I#"IA $P!@EF is the Public 1imited Compan, #o. o+ E!ployeesE / 5& +eadcounts $Oct 6&'(.

Main *rodu-tsE / Gear H 5ane H Piston Pumps <otors, 5alves, Po2er units, C,linders, +ose & 0ittin3s. Mar5ets: *G, Construction, "tationar,, <edical s,stems


Custo!ers: OE<" $some ma;or names listed belo2( -*-*, E""*9, C*-E9P71*9, JO+@ #EE9E, 1*9"E@ & -O!?9O, etc.

%& #istributors across the Countr,.





Works Sales )ffices ,istri-ution net.ork



Eaton Mar5et Mix

Back/oe A0 Tractor 1oncrete 2i3er 2o-ile )t/ers 4rimar! 2etals Infra5structure 26c tool I22 Industrial )t/ers


*rodu-ts and 'er i-es

-he Pune Plant is a provider o4 h,draulics s,stems and components. Pune Plant manu4actures and mar.ets a lar3e ran3e o4 products 4or the po2er and motion control industr,. 7n addition Eaton/E0P1 also imports and trades a variet, o4 h,draulic products. -he Eaton 7ndia En3ineerin3 Center $E7EC( has desi3n capabilit, and responsibilit, 4or the core products, 2ith operational support 4rom E0P1. -he products are broadl, classi4ied in 4i3. P.1.%E

Type Pumps Gear, vane, piston Po2er <otors 5ane, GG motors Po2er units CustomiJed s,stems C,linder, #irection, 4lo2 & Controls & "teerin3 units, pressure control valves, *ctuation 5alves c,linders +oses, 4ittin3s 0luid & +ose "piral & ?raided Conve,ance assembl,
-hese products are supplied into selected se3mentsE/ <obile $*3riculture & Construction( and "tationar, $7ndustrial & <edical(, usin3 t2o channels a( #irectl, to Ori3inal E>uipment <anu4acturers $OE<s( and b( throu3h a #istribution @et2or.. -he distribution net2or. serves small OE<s as 2ell as the %D




$r/ani8ational Relations.ips


Eaton/0P1 reports into +O*P, in turn +O*P reports to +,draulics Operations, 2hich reports into the 0luid Po2er Group. -he G< +,draulics Operations 7ndia reports to the 5P +O*P. 9eportin3 into G< 7ndia are the 4unctional heads includin3 Plant <ana3er, "C< <ana3er, +9 <ana3er, Controller, "ales <ana3er and <ar.etin3 <ana3er. Each o4 these positions has 4unctional reportin3 to the 4unctional leaders o4 +O*P. "ome o4 the above positions also have a reportin3 relationship 2ith the countr, 4unctional mana3ers $*ccountin3 & +9(, to brin3 about stron3 4unctional ali3nment amon3 all operatin3 entities in the campus. -he or3aniJation structure 2ithin E0P1 has 3one throu3h man, chan3es over the last 1' months, as 2e prepare the or3aniJation 4or 3ro2th. -he or3aniJation has also sho2n 3reat a3ilit, as 2e chan3e continuall, to meet chan3in3 and business needs.


Eaton *une $pimpri( is .no2n as Eaton 4luid po2er 1td. $E0P1(. 7t comes under h,draulics division. 7t caters about D5P to &P o4 the total turnover o4 the Eaton pune $7ndia(. -he E0P1 Pune plant in Pimpri produces comprehensive ran3e o4 7ndustrial +,draulic Controls and Pumps, pac.a3ed s,stems and c,linders. -he 5&&&/s>. 4t. plant has seven departments and is driven b, the po2er o4 %%1 emplo,ees.

7t has 4our divisions in 2hich it is mainl, 2or.in3E/

POFE9 = Pumps, <otors.

CO@-9O1" = 5alves.

POFE9 !@7-" $P!(.

*C-!*-7O@ = C,linders.

01!7# CO@5ER*@CE = +oses & 0ittin3s.

P! and CR17@#E9" are collectivel, called as P"# i.e. Po2er ",stem #ivisions P"#s are the pro;ect based industrial products also .no2n as po2er pac.s.


Its !a,or -usto!er3s areI I I I I


Falchandna3ar 1arsen & -oubro 01 "midth <achine -ool 7ndustries <ahindra & <ahindra EAported +nits Business

Eaton 7ndia 2as the 4irst 7ndian compan, to desi3n, manu4acture and suppl, Po2er !nits 7owe# 8nits 9 Ca"a-i$it. 9eservoir *ssembl, E 5& 1itres -o %&,&&& 1itres Pumpin3 "ets E &.5 hp $&.D) .F( -o %%& hp $1:& .F( Pressure 9atin3 E !p to 5&& .3Hcm% 5alve "tands E <ani4old or Piped $2ith Proportional H "ervo 5alves( <ani4old ?loc.s E 1 .3 to %,&&& .3 $<ild "teel( *ccumulator "tands E ?ladder & Piston -,pe $up to 1% *ccumulators( -est "tands 4or E Pumps, "td. H "ervo 5alves etc. "tandard +,draulic -rainer 7nstruments & Electrical E *s per Customer 9e>uirements Po2er !nits supplied to OE<s viJ. 5oest *lpine, "<" 7ndia, G.*. #anieli, 0lat Products as 2ell as "teel Plants Po2er !nits supplied to Indian Space Research Organi ation 4or !SLV clampin3 C,linders


Po2er !nits supplied to @uclear Po2er Corporation o4 7ndia 2hich included ""D& pipes & 4ittin3s and 2as also sub;ected to "eismic testin3

Ma,or Custo!ers +or *ri!ary Metal:1. 5oest *lpine, 7ndia %. Essar "teel D. <a3num 7nte3rated . ?o.aro "teel Plant 5. Jindal 3roup :. -7"CO Ma,or Custo!ers +or Material Handlin/:1. -h,ssen8rupp 7ndia %. 1arsen and -oubro %9

Ma,or -o!petitors:1. ?osch 9eAroth %. D. Ru.en

*$WER %#IT' 1 '('TEM'

Eaton o44ers capacities, control options and con4i3urations to 4it virtuall, an, application re>uirements. Bualit, Eaton components and hi3h manu4acturin3 standards ensure e44icient operation. * 2ide variet, o4 mani4old options and choice o4 pumps, allo2s ,ou to match ,our application re>uirements 2ith a po2er unit that meets ,our s,stem needs, 2hile ensurin3 cost/e44ective operation and optimum productivit,. Pac.a3e s,stems o44erin3s include both standard and custom o44erin3s. Eaton has released thousands o4 units into operation since 19:& 2ith a proven record o4 accomplishment o4 reliabilit,. Asso-iated 7rands: Eaton, 5ic.ers Industrial appli-ations: "tandard Pac.a3e ",stems Custom Pac.a3e ",stems Mo4ile appli-ations: "tandard Pac.a3e ",stems



Eaton o44ers the industr,Qs 4astest 2a, to bu, industrial po2er units, bar mani4olds, and inte3rated motor pumps 2ith the most 4leAible ran3e o4 standard con4i3urations. *ll "tandard !nits can be con4i3ured on the Pac.a3ed ",stems Con4i3uration, P"C %.&. Eaton also o44ers po2er units 4or the mobile 'tandard pa-5a/e syste! o++erin/s in-lude: 1. 7ndustrial po2er units, %. ?ar mani4olds, D. 7nte3rated motor pumps and . <obile po2er units. Markets Served: !tilit, <inin3 *utomotive Plant <achine -ools <oldin3 Primar, <etals Po2er Generation Port <achiner, Entertainment Civil En3ineerin3 Construction



Eaton has a net2or. o4 approved s,stem inte3rators to build ,our custom po2er units 4or lar3er scale pro;ects. Eaton has the capabilit, o4 ma.in3 an, h,draulic s,stem an,2here in the 2orld. Eaton6s *pplication & Commercial En3ineerin3 $*CE( Group can desi3n, mana3e, and help install ,our s,stem re3ardless o4 the siJe or compleAit,. Rou can re>uest 4or a >uote 4rom our *CE 3roup 4or ,our s,stem b, contactin3 ,our local area Eaton sales mana3er. Associated Brand: Eaton, 5ic.ers

EF*) India :rowt. *er+or!an-e

S a le s U S$K 4 5 ,0 0 0 4 0 ,0 0 0 3 5 ,0 0 0 3 0 ,0 0 0 2 5 ,0 0 0 2 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 ,0 0 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 2 0 0 3 2 0 0 4 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 6 2 0 0 7 2 0 0 8 F C S a le s

<ainl, 4or the po2er unit products, )-series pri-in/ is done so that the >uotations are made correctl, as per the conditions and orders can be brou3ht up easil,.



1/series is used to ma.e the -echno/Commercial o44er, 2hich is send to the customer one b, one. 74 the customer passes the technical o44er then commercial order is sent and a4ter ne3otiation, the order is 4inaliJed. -his price list is made mainl, 4or po2er pac.s or po2er units. PSD systems is divided into main 3 categories of the products i.e. - ocal products 7EAT)* I*,IA89 !mport products 7EAT)* )+TSI,E I*,IA89 and the "ought outs 7)T ER T A* EAT)*8.

ocal and !mport products are categori#ed into t$o parts i.e. P%&E' and (%)T'% . includes products like- piston pumps* vane pumps* gear pumps* etc. 1ontrols include- control valves* sectional valves* hydrokrafts* check valves* etc. Bou0/t outs are categori#ed into- A* "* + ( class ,ased on their cost value and their uses.

A class products mainly have high cost value and most important like- filters* motors* accumulators* etc. B class products have lo$ cost value than A class and are used large in no.* like- - valves* gauges* heaters* etc. 1 class products have much lo$ cost value and are used very large in no.* like - fittings* flanges* hoses* etc.


-series price list is the list of distri,utor price + total price .in case of local and imports/ and ,ase price + the landed cost .in case of ,ought outs/ of all the products. anded cost or total cost is calculated ,y multiplying some factor .$hich is calculated ,ased on 0AT* E1(!SE D2T3* %(T'%!* T'A)SP%'TAT!%) (HA'4E* etc./ to the ,ase price or distri,utor price and over this cost* some percentage of margins is put to calculate the final selling price. "ase prices are those prices* $hich are given ,y the supplier to the PE. Then these prices are multiplied ,y the factor to come up on the landed cost. These landed costs are sent to the marketing department on $hich they put some profit margin to come up on the final selling price and this price is sent to the customers to get the orders. This price list plays an important role for the company to $in the orders from the customers regularly. The price list is prepared ,ased on the market condition and the competition prevailing. 5arketing and Sales people can get the orders only ,y sho$ing the selling prices of all of their products to the customers. !f the prices are reasona,le and the 6uality is* good .mainly prices/ then only they can $in the orders* else orders $ill go to the competitors.

T.us0 we -an see )-series pri-in/ is o+ /reat i!portan-e and it s.ould 4e updated ti!e to ti!e as per t.e !ar5et -onditions0 else -o!pany will su++er .u/e losses.

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