صياغة قانونية
صياغة قانونية
صياغة قانونية
_,.Jl _.Jl
lees Agreement
,l..l ,l..l
1hls Agreement ls made on thls day _/__/__/1424P
correspondlng to __/__/2003 ln the clty ol _______,
by and between:
g,l., ,l..1l ::> ,l, ,. __/__/1424 _zl.Jl .>
/ / rr .,.. _z , _,, _. s :
ll8S1 A81?:
_______ Sugar lndustry & 1rade lnc., a _______
company reglstered ln the clty ol _______, whose
address ls__________represented lor the slgnlng ol
thls Agreement by Mr. ________________, owner
and dlrector general ol the company and the
Cuarantor thereol.
Yl LJl :
s: s: .:l.Jl s.Jl sl..J J..
.,.. _z _____ _z l.l.s . :
_,.Jl _z lJ1., _Js .,.Jl ,l..1l ::> /
______________ lJ l.ls l,.. s:Jl ,l. ...,
lJ l,.: l..l. .
SLCCnu A81?:
___________, a _______ natlonal as per ldentlty
Card no. ______ dated __/__/____A.P., _______
8eglster, whose address ls _______, _______ ulstrlct.
_.l1Jl LJl :
.,.Jl / . ,., ,..Jl
, lL,Jl ______ g,l. / / .Jl . . .l.s
_ . .
Whereas the llrst arty wlshes to obtaln a laclllty to
llnance the constructlon ol a pro[ect owned by lt,
namely, a sugar lactory ln _______ lor a sum ol
about ($______) ____ u.S. uollars, to be repald to
the llnanclng party over a perlod ol llve years.
.Jl _z ,, Yl LJl _l , _Js _:.J ,..
, _l _z s.JJ _... .l] _J,. .., ) (
:.,... .l., _s,.l 1. ..JJ _Js il.. _. .
Whereas the Second arty has speclal contacts wlth
the _______ Company ______(lender), and has
exerted lntenslve ellorts between the latter _______
enterprlse and the llrst arty, and played an
lmportant role wlthln partlcular arrangements almed
at convlnclng the lender to accept to llnance thls
pro[ect ol the llrst arty and to grant lt the requlred
loan mentloned above.
.l .,.. i1l..l ,.J _.l1Jl LJl _l , s:Jl _.
) _z.Jl ( _,, l.,, l.,z .1s. .l l. :,
Yl LJl _l.] .,.. il,,.. _.. l.. l. ,.J
Jl zzl.Jl, _z. _Js Yl LJl _:. ,.. .l
l..i s:.Jl ,JL.Jl _J,.Jl .
Whereas the llrst arty has agreed to glve the
Second arty a commlsslon lor lts medlatlon and
ellorts ll the sald loan ls recelved lrom the lender,
and whereas the two partles wlsh to execute an
agreement to thls ellect.
_zl Yl LJl _l , _Js J.s _.l1Jl LJl g..
._z.Jl _. ,..Jl _J,. .x..l Jl _z _..Jl Ll.Jl
'.l., _Js ,,L.. _z _lzLJl , _.Jl l:, ,l..l .
1herelore, wlth the help and guldance ol Allah, the
two partles belng ol lull legal capaclty as requlred by
(lslamlc) Sharl'ah and wlth proper mutual oller and
acceptance have agreed as lollows:
Yl _lzLJl _..l .z,z. .JJl _., dJ:J JlJl, l.> _.l1Jl
_,J.l,.. , ,l,, ls: :,...Jl g,. s:, l..,, _Js
_J, l. :
1he above reamble shall be consldered an lntegral
part ol thls agreement.
1l :
,l..1l ::> _. l., 1 l. _,l.Jl .,..Jl ,.., .
1he llrst arty agreed to pay to the Second arty a
commlsslon ol ___ (_____ percent) durlng each ol
the llve years ol the total sum ol sald llnance, ln uS
uollars, such that the total sum due to the Second
arty shall be uS$ ____ (uS uollars _____) to be
repald ln llve annual lnstallments, each year the sum
ol uS$ ____ (uS uollars _____) and the llrst arty
undertook to pay a sum equlvalent to thls
percentage lmmedlately and wlthln a perlod not
exceedlng ten days lrom the date on whlch the llrst
arty recelves each lnstallment ol sald loan. 1he
commlsslon wlll be pald by dlrect transler to the
Second arty's account wlth the _______ 8ank,
_______ Street, A/C no. _______. 1he llrst arty also
undertook that such percentage wlll be pald to the
Second arty lrom any sums pald by the lender to
the llrst arty lor any other prospectlve pro[ects that
may be requlred, whether the lendlng to the llrst
arty be dlrect or lndlrectly.
l,.l1 :
Yl LJl _zl _Js J.s _.l1Jl LJl g.. :...Jl _..Jl
_l., _J,., ) (/ ..Jl il..Jl _. .. s .l.Jl,
_Jl. _. _s, ,, _s,.Yl 1.Jl, s:.Jl ,..Jl _J,.
LJJ _...Jl _J,.Jl _Jl. _.l1Jl ) ( 1.
..., _s,.l _Js s _z ,.. il.z. _. _J,. .. ) (
_J,.Jl .,..., Yl LJl ,.Jl ._s,.l 1. .l..Jl
::J ,l,l ::s l.. 1 :.. x lz _.l1Jl LJJ ,..Jl
Yl LJl ,x..l _. .,... ,., ._zJl il.z. _. .z. sJ
LJl ,l. _J ::l,. ,.Jl, J..Jl _J,. _.l1Jl LJl
d., .J _l: . , ,l. . . LJl ,.Jl l.s
Yl ::> .,..., _zl, l _Jl,. ,l _. _.l1Jl LJJ ,..Jl
_z.Jl _Js Yl LJJ l>.,... l _,l:. ,l ,..J
Yl LJJ :l,. s:, _l]l _ls .l. .ll., ,J,z...
:l,. , s:, l .
1he slgnature by Mr. ______ ol thls agreement ln
addltlon to hls capaclty as ulrector Ceneral ol ______
Sugar lndustry & 1rade lnc., (he) shall also be
deemed as personal guarantor lor the
lmplementatlon ol thls agreement and he shall
personally honor all the obllgatlons ol the llrst arty
towards the Second arty ln respect ol the clauses ol
thls agreement.
l1Jl1 :
.,.Jl _,. ,.., / ... _J zl. ,l..1l ::> _Js
,.. s: ,ls l.,l ,.., .:l.Jl s.Jl sl..J
::> :,...J l,.: l..l. s, l,.: .lzJl ,l..1l
_, l.,z _.l1Jl LJl :l. Yl LJl il.l.Jl , ::> ..
,l..1l .
1he llrst arty declares that the Second arty shall
not be accountable lor any laults, vlolatlons or any
other legal breaches wlthln or outslde _______ whlch
may result or may have resulted lrom the enterlng
lnto llnance contract by and between the llrst arty
and the lender and that the role ol the Second arty
ls only conllned to the ellorts and medlatlon almed
at the llrst arty's obtalnlng the llnance lrom the
lender, wlthout the Second arty belng a party
thereln, so that the Second arty's role shall
completely end by the consummatlon ol the llnance
contract and he shall then be entltled to the sum ol
the commlsslon specllled ln clause two ol thls
l.,l :
l .lLl ,l _s _.l1Jl LJl ,J.. ,.., Yl LJl l
ill. l ..l il.Jl. ,l l. l , . ll
.zs ,l, _s .l. _s. l ,.. Yl LJl _,, l.,z ,..Jl
_..Jl, Lzz ... _.l1Jl LJl . _l ._z.Jl _. L..Jl
Yl LJl .J _Js _z.Jl _. ,..Jl .zs _s, _l _.
,l.., l.l.. _.l1Jl LJl . _.., ,, .,z lzL .zs
.,..Jl ::> _. l,.l1 _z ...Jl J..Jl _J,. _J z ..,
,l..1l .
1hls Agreement shall be governed by the laws
appllcable ln the _______.
l..l :
_z l, ...Jl .L.xJ ,l..1l ::> _.. .
1hls Agreement has been drawnup ln two orlglnal
counterparts slgned by the llrst and Second artles
and the (two) wltnesses mentloned below.
l..l. :
LJl _. _,... _,.,J.l _,... _. ,l..1l ::> i
Yl :l..l _,s:.Jl _,.>l:Jl _.l1Jl .
uoha on: / / 1424 A.P. Correspondlng to __/__/2003
_______ _z / / trt _zl.Jl .> __/__/2003 ,
ll8S1 A81?:
________ SuCA8 lnuuS18? & 18AuL
Yl LJl :
s: :l.Jl s.Jl sl..J
SLCCnu A81?:
8epresented and guaranteed by
_.l1Jl LJl :
_.l. lJ1., lJ
,.1l :
_,.Jl :
...>l..: :
,.1l :
_,.Jl :
Lngllsh 1ext
_.Jl _,.Jl
ln the name ol Allah, 1he 8enellcent, 1he Mercllul
,., ,,Jl _.Jl JJl
Mu8A8APA ul8LC1 CuS1CML8L llnAnCL
::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l. ,l..l
1PlS AC8LLMLn1 ls made as ol the ___ day ol
_____, 2004
::> ,l, ,. ,l..1l ,,Jl _z : _. ,l.J
_. s _,, :
(1) A8A8 8Ank, actlng through lts lslamlc 8anklng
ulvlslon (the "8ank"), a bank lncorporated under the
laws ol the unlted Arab Lmlrates wlth a reglstered
olllce at alestlne Street, .C. 8ox 612, uubal 24661,
unlted Lmlrates
) ( ..Jl .. x _. lz... ._,.Jl d.,Jl ,.x.]l ,z
) .Js, .., l.,z l.> _s., " d.,Jl (" ,., _.. d., > .
_l: _z _.,.Jl :z. :...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l .L.l
._,L.Jz _ . , :r _,. . rt:: , . :...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l.
_sJ.Jl ee:: .l,ll telex no.737366 A8A8 u8 , and
(2) ____ (1he "urchaser"), a ______ organlzed
under the laws ol the unlted Arab Lmlrates[and
wholly owned by ____], wlth a reglstered olllce at
uubal, unlted Lmlrates, telex no. ______ .
) r ( ) .Js, .., l.,z l.> l,J l:, " _l:Jl (" _> .
]l .L.l ,., ... :...Jl ,,.Jl ill. ] _>
, _. .lsJl, sJ.. [ ._,. _z _.,.Jl l>z. .
_sJ.Jl , .:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l,
1. lntroductlon.
- .......z.. :
1he urchaser wlshes to avall ltsell ol a Murabaha
llnance laclllty (the "laclllty") to be made avallable
to lt by the 8ank, whereby the 8ank wlll, at the
request ol the urchaser, (l) purchase the [Coods]
(as herelnalter dellned) ldentllled to lt by the
urchaser lor the Cost rlce (as herelnalter dellned),
and (ll) sell such [Coods] to the urchaser on
delerred payment terms, and otherwlse upon the
terms and sub[ect to the condltlons hereln
contalned (as the same may be amended lrom tlme
to tlme herealter by the mutual agreement ol the
partles), whlch terms and condltlons shall ln all
respects be ln strlct compllance wlth the lslamlc
,, " _l:Jl " _l.l _Js ,.. ,.. _. :.l...1l _z
,l.Jl ) .Js, .., l.,z l.> ,J l:, " ,..Jl (" ,.,
,JL _Js .l., .,., d.,Jl ,z, .d.,Jl J " _l:Jl ) "(
.l:, "] _J.Jl ) [" ,. .., l.,z l.> l.,.. ., l. ( _.Jl
l>.., " _l:Jl " , _. J " .Js.Jl .. ) " ., l.,.
.., l.,z l.> .,.. ( ) r ( dJ. _,, ] _J.Jl [ _J " _l:Jl "
,lsYl _z l.,l dJ: x, ..Jl .,...Jl L:,
::> _z .....Jl L:Jl :lsl., ,l..1l ) ,., l.,.
lJ,... _l _Js ._,zLJl _,, _.l.1 _l..l, lz1 S i _.
lz,. l.,z. :Jl zls _. L:Jl ,lsYl dJ. .,z..
,.., .lJl ,.x.]l .l,.Jl, ,l.Jl .
prlnclples ol Murabaha llnanclng
2. uellnltlons.
r - ,l..Jl :
2.01 1he dellned terms used ln thls Agreement and
ln the Schedules shall have the meanlngs ascrlbed to
them ln the uellnltlons contalned ln Annex 1,
attached hereto.
r - ::> _z .....Jl z..Jl ilJL..JJ _s,
" ,l..1l " ,l..Jl _z l,Jl l:.Jl _.l..Jl l.Jl _z
_J.Jl _z .....Jl ) ( ::, _z.Jl " ,l..1l "
2.02 8elerences to aragraphs, Clauses and
Schedules are relerences to paragraphs ol, clauses
ol and schedules to thls Agreement.
r - r .l.Jl ilz.Jl _J :l:]l _ " l.Jl " _J ill: _>
.l.Jl ilz.Jl " l.Jl " ::> _z :.lJl ,l..1l .
2.03 1erms dellned hereln shall, where the context
so admlts, have the same meanlngs ln each ol the
urchase Crder Wlth romlse 1o urchase (1he llrst
Schedule), Conllrmatlon ol 1erms (the Second
Schedule), the notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale (the
1hlrd Schedule), and the romlssory note (1he
lourth Schedule).
r - r ::> _z z..Jl ilJL..JJ _s, ,l..1l , .
_. .l:Jl ,JL _z :.lJl _.l..Jl il: .dJ:, _l,.Jl g..,
.sJl ..l:Jl, " Yl .Jl " _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl. .
L:Jl " _.l1Jl .Jl " , l.: _,,Jl " Jl1Jl .Jl "
.Y ...Jl " _,lJl .Jl ."
2.04 1hls agreement, lts annexes and schedules lorm
an lntegral part ol thls Agreement.
r - t _. l., 1 l. lJl. l.lzJ. ,l..1l ::> s:.
::> " ,l..1l ."
3. Creatlon ol laclllty.
r - .l:. ,..Jl :
3.01 Murabaha lacllltles.
r - ,J.s ix,.. ,l.Jl :
upon and sub[ect to the terms and condltlons ol thls
Agreement, the 8ank agrees to make avallable to
the urchaser a Murabaha llnance laclllty (the
"laclllty") to llnance the purchase ol [Coods] lrom
the Suppller at a prlce(s) negotlated by the
urchaser. As descrlbed lurther hereln, once the
8ank has acqulred the [Coods], the 8ank wlll resell
the [Coods] to the urchaser on delerred payment
terms provldlng lor the urchaser to pay to the 8ank
the sum ol (a) the Cost rlce, plus (b) Murabaha
rollt, as dellned ln Sectlon 2.01 (together, the
"uelerred rlce"). Any such purchase and resale ol
[Coods] pursuant to the laclllty shall be relerred to
as a "1ransactlon".
sl. _. _Js .l., d.,Jl _zl ::> L: ,lsl :l ,l..1l
.J g,., _l _Js " _l:Jl " _l.l _Js ,.. ,.. ,l.Jl
) L.J, .., l.,z l.> ,J l:, " ,..Jl (" .l: ,..J
] _J.Jl [ _. " _.l,Jl " ..Jl, / l.l:, _l..Jl ,., _.Jl l..Yl
, _. " _l:Jl . " l, ,.. _l .., ..., l.,z l.> .,. l.s :
" d.,Jl " .J ] _J.Jl [ ,z,. " d.,Jl " _,,, ] _J.Jl [ _J
" _l:Jl " _z., _l _Js .Jl .,...Jl _l.l _Js " _l:Jl "
_J " d.,Jl " _.. ) l " ( .Js.Jl .. " l..l ) , " ( ,J.s gl,l
,l.Jl ..,Jl _z l.,.. . l.,. . r - ) l,J l:,
:l,., .... " .Jl _.1Jl .(" _,, :.ls .l: _l _J l:,
.J ] _J.Jl [ ,., " ,..Jl " .Js, " ,J.s ."
3.02 Amount ol laclllty 1erm.
r - r :..Jl .ix,..Jl ., :
1he laclllty shall conslst ol a revolvlng laclllty ln an
aggregate amount ol [___] whlch may be used lor
one or more 1ransactlons at any tlme commenclng
lrom the date ol thls Agreement, provlded that the
Settlement uate wlth respect to any 1ransactlon
hereunder must occur wlthln the appllcable
_s.. " ix,..Jl " s.. l., l,.lzJ. .... ,.. _. [ ]
_. .l..,l i _l _z 1sl l :.l ,J..J .l...l _s.,
::> g,l. ,l..1l _s, _l ,., .l _Js . " g,l.
d,J..Jl " ,Y ,..Jl, " ,J.s " ::> ,., ,l..1l _..
" ix,..Jl z. :.. " J.Jl il: . _Js _,.., " _l:Jl " _l
Avallablllty erlod. 1he urchaser shall pay to the
8ank ln lull the uelerred rlce ln respect ol any
1ransactlon executed pursuant to the laclllty, on the
Closlng uate lor such 1ransactlon, whlch shall be
wlthln [___] days lrom the appllcable Settlement
uate. 1he total aggregate uelerred rlce
outstandlng at any one tlme under thls laclllty and
any prevlous laclllty shall not exceed the appllcable
laclllty Amount.
_J _z., " d.,Jl " .ls " .Jl _.1Jl " ,Y ,..Jl, " ,J.s "
,., l.l, ,., " ,..Jl " .l..l g,l. _z " ,J..Jl
" _. _z _s, _l ,, _:Jl :s:.Jl _. l.,
" _...Jl g,l.Jl ." _.. _Jl. .,, 1 _l ,, " _.1Jl
.Jl " l:> ,., i _l _z ....Jl , " ,..Jl " _l .
., _s _,l. ,.. " l ,..J " g...Jl .
4. urchase Crders by urchaser.
t " .l:Jl il,JL " l.., _.Jl " _l:Jl :"
lrom tlme to tlme, urchaser may present to the
8ank one or more proposals lor the 8ank's purchase
and subsequent sale ol [Coods] ln accordance wlth
the terms ol thls Agreement, by submlttlng a
urchase Crder Wlth romlse to urchase ln the
lorm set lorth ln the llrst Schedule. 1he
transmlsslon ol the urchase Crder shall constltute
urchaser's representatlon to the 8ank that the
Closlng uate wlth respect to the relevant
1ransactlon shall occur no later than the llnal
Maturlty uate.
.J , " _l:Jl " _J ,.z, _l " d.,Jl " l l.s .S i _. .
,z,J 1sl " d.,Jl " _,, ,1 _. .l:, "] _J. [" ::> L: _z
,l..1l ,.z, _l, dJ: . " .l:Jl, .sJl _. .l: ,JL "
_z :.lJl ,.Jl, " Yl .Jl ." l. _l " .l:Jl ,JL "
,.l _. l.,sl. s:, " _l:Jl " _J " d.,Jl " _l, " .l..1l g,l.
" l.. 1 :.. _z , . J.Jl il: ,J..Jl, _J...Jl
" _.l.Jl _lz..1l g,l. ."
3. Condltlons recedent.
e - z,..Jl L:Jl :
1he 8ank shall not conslder any request lrom
urchaser untll the 8ank shall have recelved, ln lorm
and substance satlslactory to lt, each ol the
L., _J " d.,Jl " _. ,JL _l _z " _l:Jl " ,J.., _l _J
" d.,Jl " .J _,J,z.Jl ..Jl s:Jl, . " d.,Jl " _J, l.. xs . :
(l) a detalled descrlptlon ol the [Coods] proposed to
be purchased hereunder and the terms and
condltlons appllcable to such purchase, together
wlth any agreements, correspondence or slmllar
documents, and/or a letter lrom urchaser to 8ank
outllnlng any and all detalls ol any oral
communlcatlons or agreements between the
urchaser and Suppller, relatlng to any terms and
condltlons whlch may be relevant to the proposed
1ransactlon, or whlch relate to prlor deallngs
between the urchaser and Suppller lor slmllar
) ( .J l,J,... l.. ] _J.Jl [ ::> ,., l>l: g.z.Jl
,l..1l dJ: _Js z,L..Jl L:Jl ,lsYl " .l:Jl " _. .
.,l:. il..... l ix.l. l ,l..l ,l / _. ,lL l
" _l:Jl " _J " d.,Jl " _l ,.l.. _,. _. l,l ,z _,,,
_,, _l..l l _.: l..l " :Jl _l " " _.l,Jl " ,l, _J.., l.,z .
_.Jl l ..z.Jl ,J..Jl, J. il: _s. . L: ,lsl
_,, z,l. ilx., _J... " _l:Jl " " _.l,Jl " il,J..J ,..Jl,
,l:. .
(ll) a certllled true copy ol the Commerclal
8eglstratlon, Artlcles ol Assoclatlon, or other
constltutlve documents, to be valld as ol the
Settlement uate, ol the urchaser and any Securlty
arty (belng a corporate entlty)
) r ( .zs _l.Jl .Jl _. ... .Yl _,L :.
ll,.sl Jl. _s. .Yl ,.,.l.Jl il.....Jl l _,.l.Jl
_. " d,J..Jl g,l. " . _l,sJ " _l:Jl " _.l. L _l ) J _s,
,l,.sl .. .(
(lll) each ol the Securlty uocuments executed by the
Securlty arty who or whlch ls a party thereto,
) r ( , _. ..Jl _l..Jl il..... _. xs " LJl
_.l.Jl " .l.s.. dJ: _ls l: .,.l _J .l,z lzL _s, _:Jl
together wlth, ll practlcable, any property or assets
whlch ls or are the sub[ect matter thereol
il.....Jl dJ. _.. _s. .l l ilsJ... ,l .
(lv) a certllled true copy ol the latest audlted
llnanclal statements ol the urchaser
) t ( Yl _,L :. z.. ,Jl. il.l,, .l _. ... .
_. " _l:Jl ."
(v) a urchase Crder Wlth romlse 1o urchase,
lncludlng any amendments thereto requested by the
8ank, executed by the urchaser
) e " ( .l:Jl, .sJl _. .l: ,JL " J ix,... ,l dJ: _z l., .
_. ,JL. " d.,Jl " _. l.. " _l:Jl ."
(vl) a legal oplnlon ol the urchaser's counsel, to be
satlslactory to the 8ank ln lorm and substance
) : ( _.l. _. l,..l l,l " _l:Jl " , _. 1,z. _s,
" d.,Jl " ._...Jl s:Jl , _.
(vlll) such other documents as the 8ank may
reasonably requlre.
) ( l,JL, . _.Jl Yl il.....Jl dJ. " d.,Jl " .. _z
z..Jl .
All documents supplled by the urchaser or any
Securlty arty to the 8ank hereunder shall be ln the
Arablc or Lngllsh language or accompanled by a
certllled Arablc or Lngllsh translatlon.
l..z, _.Jl il.....Jl zls _s. _l ,, " _l:Jl " _l l
" _.l. L " _J " d.,Jl " ::> ,., ,l..1l JJl,
,,s .., ,.. _s. _l l ,,J.]l JJl, l ,,.Jl
... ,,J. l .
6. urchase by 8ank.
: - , _. .l:Jl d.,Jl :
6.01 upon the dellvery by the urchaser to the 8ank
and by the 8ank to the urchaser ol the documents
relerred to ln Sectlon 3 ol thls Agreement:
: - ,J., l...s " _l:Jl " _J " d.,Jl " ,J., " d.,Jl "
_J " _l:Jl " ..,Jl _z l,J l:.Jl il.....Jl e ::> _.
,l..1l :
1he 8ank shall enter lnto a purchase agreement
wlth, and send a purchase order to, Suppller settlng
lorth the terms and condltlons ol the appllcable
purchase ol [Coods] and shall cause Suppller to send
a conllrmatlon ol such purchase order
) l ( ,z, d.,Jl _J .l: ,JL l. ._. .l: ,l..l ,l,,
" _.l,Jl " .l: L: ,lsl ,z g., ] _J.Jl [ _. ,JL,
" _.l,Jl " s:.Jl .l:Jl ,JLJ .,sl. l. .
1he 8ank shall cause Suppller to provlde to the 8ank
all appllcable uocuments, ln a lorm reasonably
satlslactory to 8ank. upon recelpt ol uocuments by
the 8ank, the 8ank shall be deemed to have
acqulred tltle to the [Coods]
) , ( ,JL, d.,Jl _. " _.l,Jl " .,. d.,Jl il..... zls,
_. ,z.Jl s:Jl, ._:Jl " d.,Jl " z..Jl .. _.. . ..s
,x..l d.,Jl .J .., ._:Jl il.... d.,Jl . . .l
,sJ. _ _Js ] _J.Jl .[
upon completlon ol the loregolng actlons, the 8ank
shall determlne the Murabaha rollt ln accordance
wlth Sectlon 2.01 ol thls Agreement and notlly the
urchaser ol the Murabaha rollt and the uelerred
rlce by dellverlng a Conllrmatlon ol 1erms ln the
lorm set lorth ln the Second Schedule, and
) _ ( z, .s:Jl ..i il.l]l l. .., " d.,Jl " " ,J.s g,
,l.Jl " ..,JJ lzz r - ::> _. " ,l..1l " ,xs, ,z,
" _l:Jl " ., " ,l.Jl ,J.s g, " " .Jl _.1Jl " dJ:
,,J.., " L:Jl _Js ,.l.Jl .zzl. " _z :.lJl ,.Jl,
" _.l1Jl .Jl ."
lmmedlately upon lts recelpt ol the Conllrmatlon ol
1erms, the urchaser shall dellver to the 8ank a duly
executed romlssory note ln the lorm set lorth ln
) . ( ,x..l z " _l:Jl " L:Jl .,sl.J " ,z, " _l:Jl " ,,J..,
" d.,Jl " " _z :.lJl ,.Jl, 1.l _. .Y ... " .Jl
_,lJl ."
the lourth Schedule.
6.02 1he 8ank wlll advlse the urchaser ol any lees
or charges lncurred by 8ank ln the payment to
Suppller whlch amount shall be lncluded ln the Cost
: - r ,z, " d.,Jl " l.:, " _l:Jl " l>.,s. ,l.. l ,. _l,
" d.,Jl " .,... _z " _.l,Jl " ,l..Jl ilz..Jl _J,. l.,
_J " .Js.Jl .. ."
6.03 1he 8ank and any holder ln due course ol the
romlssory note shall not be entltled to present the
romlssory note lor payment untll the occurrence ol
the Closlng uate or the occurrence ol an
Acceleratlon Lvent (ln whlch event the uelerred
rlce lor the relevant 1ransactlon shall be due),
whlchever shall llrst occur.
: - r _, 1 .J " d.,Jl " J , _.J 1 " .Y ...Jl " ,,.z. lz1
" .Y ...Jl " J _. _z.JJ " ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. " _ l
" .lzJJ .. . ) " g,., JlJl ::> _z " .Jl _.1Jl " .J
" ,J..Jl " _z.Jl _... ,...Jl ( 1l ., l.,l . .
7. Sale to urchaser.
- .J _,,Jl " _l:Jl :"
7.01 When the 8ank acqulres the tltle to the
[Coods], the 8ank wlll dellver to the urchaser lts
notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale ln the lorm set lorth ln
the 1hlrd Schedule hereto. ll the 8ank so dellvers
such notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale, upon such
dellvery, the relevant 1ransactlon wlll be completed.
- :l, ..s " d.,Jl " ,sJ.J "] _J.Jl [" ,,J.., ,z, .z .
" _l:Jl " " _,,Jl , l.: " _z :.lJl ,.Jl, " .Jl
Jl1Jl " ::, _J.Jl ,l..1l . ,l l: " d.,Jl " dJ: ,,J..,
" _,,Jl ,z, l.:]l " _Js _,, ,. . _s, .Jl l:> ] _J.Jl [
,,J..Jl dJ: ..s .
7.02 Sub[ect to (l) tltle to the [Coods] havlng been
acqulred by the 8ank and (ll) satlslactlon ol the
condltlons ln Sectlon 7.01 and 7.03, the urchaser
shall be absolutely, uncondltlonally and lrrevocably
obllgated to pay the uelerred rlce and all sums
payable hereunder ln connectlon therewlth.
- r :lsl. _. ) ( :l, d.,Jl ,sJ.J ] _J.Jl [ ) r ( .lzJl
..,Jl _z :.lJl L:Jl, - - r . g,., " _l:Jl " l.J.
z., _z.JJ ,l , L:. , _JL. s:, _ " _.1Jl
.Jl " ::> ,., _z.Jl ,..Jl _Jl,.Jl _,. ,l..1l
dJ:, _J.., l.,z .
7.03 When the 8ank lssues the notlce ol Acceptance
ol Sale set lorth ln the 1hlrd Schedule, ownershlp ol
the [Coods] shall lmmedlately pass to and be vested
ln the urchaser, together wlth all rlghts and
obllgatlons relatlng thereto (lncludlng the benellt ol
all ol the Suppller's warrantles and representatlons
whlch are capable ol belng so translerred).
- r ,l, ..s " d.,Jl " l.., " _,,Jl , l.: " _z .lJl
" .Jl Jl1Jl " ,sJ. z... ] _J.Jl [ _J .Jl _Js
" _l:Jl " il.l.J1l _zJl zls z... dJ:s .J lz g,..
l, J...Jl ) il.l.. zls, J...Jl ....Jl dJ: _z l.,
il.,sl. " _.l,Jl " .Jl l:> _Js z... _l _s., _.Jl (.
7.04 notwlthstandlng the provlslons ol paragraph
7.03 above, the 8ank shall not be deemed to glve to
the urchaser any warranty relatlng to the [Coods],
whether arlslng by lmpllcatlon, by law or statute or
otherwlse and, wlthout pre[udlce to the generallty
ol the loregolng, any such warranty or
representatlon ls hereby expressly excluded to the
extent permltted by law.
- t :z.Jl ,lsl _s L.Jl ., - r ,.., 1 .:xsl " d.,Jl "
_Lsl . .l " _l:Jl " ., .., _l.. _l ] _J.Jl [ dJ. .l. .
.dJ: x l _,:.Jl l _.lzJl ,., l .l,... l:.. _.Jl
., ,. . ::> , ,l..1l l. ,..., _l..Jl ,.s _. .
_.lzJl g.., l. l.z., l:s .,sl. l _l.. _l .l.,..l ._,.
dJ:, .
7.03 1he urchaser shall obtaln all necessary
permlts, exchange control approvals, llcenses and all
other consents requlred by lt ln connectlon herewlth
and shall provlde coples ol such to the 8ank.
- e _Js ,., " _l:Jl " il.:Yl zls _Js .Jl
ilzzl.Jl zls _,l.Jl _,.Yl .z.Jl ,l. ilzzl.
., _l ,Js dJ:, .., l.,z l,J _l., _.Jl Yl " d.,Jl "
l.s ., .
8. repayments.
t - .Jl ..z.Jl il.z :
1he urchaser may oller to prepay the whole or any
part ol the laclllty, together wlth accrued Murabaha
prollts thereon and other amounts then due and
payable hereunder. 1he 8ank shall have the rlght to
accept or re[ect such a prepayment oller. ln case the
8ank accepts such repayment, the 8ank ls not
obllgated to return to the urchaser any prollt,
provlded that should the 8ank lall to re[ect such
request wlthln llve buslness days lrom the date ol
recelpt ol the urchaser's prepayment oller, such
prepayment oller shall be deemed to be accepted
by the 8ank.
_. l..z. ,..Jl _. . l _,. _z. _., _l _l:JJ _,
z...Jl Yl _Jl,.Jl l,Js .sl..Jl ,l.Jl gl,l
,l..1l ::> ,., _z.Jl ,lJl . _z l , d.,JJ _,
z.Jl _z.Jl _s l:> ,. . ..,...Jl dJ: _Js d.,Jl _zl l _z
l: .l L,: _.:.JJ gl,l ,l :.ls, l.J. _,J d.,Jl _lz
g,l. _. .s ,l,l .. x ,JLJl dJ: _z, d.,Jl ,z, ,J
, . .., d.,Jl _z ._l:Jl _. ,.z.Jl _z.Jl _.J .x..l
dJ: ,.z.Jl _z.Jl _s .
9. 8epresentatlons and Warrantles.
+ - il.l..Jl il.,sl.Jl :
1he urchaser hereby represents and warrants, and
at all tlmes durlng the term ol thls Agreement shall
be deemed to represent and warrant to the 8ank,
.sl .zJ " _l:Jl " ::> ,., _.. ,l..1l ,.., . _z
::> :.. x ilYl _,. ,l..1l .J _.. .sl .
" d.,Jl " _J, l. :
(l) to the best ol the urchaser's knowledge,
lnlormatlon and bellel, all lnlormatlon glven to the
8ank by the urchaser ln connectlon wlth thls
Agreement ls true
) ( J..Jl zls _l _J ..z.Jl il. " d.,Jl " ,.l _. " _l:Jl "
::, _J.., l.,z ,l..1l .z.. . _Js ,. _>
:.lz.sl .l.J.. .
(ll) the urchaser and each Securlty arty has lull
power and authorlty to enter lnto thls Agreement
and the Securlty uocuments to whlch lt ls (or he) or
they are, respectlvely, a party and executlon ol thls
Agreement and the Securlty uocuments to whlch lt
(or he) ls or they are, respectlvely, a party have been
duly authorlzed by all necessary corporate actlon
) r ( _l " _l:Jl " s " _.l. L " .J ,x.Jl .ls l.,
::> ,l, _z LJ.Jl ,l..1l _l " _l..Jl il..... "
. l,z lzL :. _Js s _Js:, l ,.. .l s s:, _.Jl
::> _,. _l ,l..1l " _l..Jl il..... " s s:, _.Jl
_,..Jl ,. . . l,z lzL :. _Js s _Js:, l ,.. .l
1.l l, ,l,.s1l il.,Jl il.l zls ,., .
(lll) there are no governmental or admlnlstratlve
llcenses or consents requlred to permlt the enterlng
lnto and due perlormance ol thls Agreement and
the Securlty uocuments ln accordance wlth thelr
respectlve terms
) r ( ,JL. ,l. l ,.s ilzzl. l _,l. .. 1 .l
::> ,l,, gl..JJ ,l..1l " _l..Jl il..... " l>:,...
l.. s L: _z 1.l .
(lv) the obllgatlons on the part ol the urchaser and
each Securlty arty arlslng under thls Agreement
and the Securlty uocuments to whlch lt (or he) ls or
they are, respectlvely, a party shall constltute valld
and blndlng obllgatlons ol the urchaser and each
such Securlty arty whlch, to the best ol the
urchaser's knowledge and bellel, are enlorceable ln
accordance wlth thelr respectlve terms
) t ( _Js ,...Jl il.l.J1l _l " _l:Jl " s _Js " L
_.l. " ::> ,., ,l..1l ,., " _l..Jl il..... "
. .l,z lzL :. _Js s _Js:, l ,.. .l s s:, _.Jl
.J .J. ,l. il.l.Jl s:. " _l:Jl " s " _. L
..Jl lLl _l " z.. . _Js .... _.Jl " _l:Jl " .:.lz.sl
l.. s L: _z :,...JJ J,l .
(v) nelther the enterlng lnto nor the perlormance ol
thls Agreement or the Securlty uocuments to whlch
lt ls (or he or they are), respectlvely, a party to shall
constltute or glve rlse to any breach ol or delault
under any agreement to whlch the urchaser or any
Securlty arty ls bound
) e ( ::> :,... ,l, _l ,l..1l l " _l..Jl il..... " _.Jl
_l _:., l s:, 1 . .l,z lzL :.Js ,.. .l s ..,
,l ,., ,.z. l .Jl. _s, ,l..l " _l:Jl " _l l
" _.l. L " l, l.J. .
(vl) there are no wlthholdlng or lncome taxes, stamp
taxes, reglstratlon taxes, dutles or slmllar charges
appllcable to thls Agreement or any ol the Securlty
uocuments or to any payment to be made by the
urchaser or any Securlty arty pursuant to the
terms hereol or thereol
) : ( ::> _.. 1 ,l..1l _. _l 1 " _l..Jl il..... "
,.l. l .. ,.l. l . ,.l. l :.. ,.l.J
::> _Js _.. ,l:. ,l.. l ,. l ,.. ,l..1l
_. _l _Js l " ..... _l..Jl il " _Js ,., _J,. _Y l
" _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L " ::> L:, x.s .z.
,l..1l dJ. L:, l " il.....Jl ."
(vll) under the laws ol the country ol lncorporatlon
ol the urchaser ln lorce at the date hereol, the
clalms ol the 8ank agalnst the urchaser under thls
Agreement wlll rank at least parl passu wlth the
clalms ol all lts other unsecured credltors ln respect
ol lts other present and luture unsecured
) ( il,JlL.J _s. . " d.,Jl " _J .Jl " _l:Jl "
::> ,., ,l..1l ..z., ::> g,l., ::zl.Jl _,.lzJl _
,l..1l _l,s _,.l. ,z ,. _:Jl .J,Jl _z " _l:Jl " g,l.,
::> " ,l..1l " _,..l.Jl zls il,JlL.J Yl _Js ,l..
, Yl .l.l.Jl _, l.,z dJ: _,....Jl , _,Sl
..lzJl ,JlJl .....Jl .
(vlll) the executlon ol thls Agreement and the
Securlty uocuments to whlch lt (or any Securlty
arty) ls or they are, respectlvely, a party by the
urchaser and any Securlty arty constltutes prlvate
and commerclal acts and the urchaser's or such
other Securlty arty's (as the case may be) exerclse
ol lts (or hls) obllgatlons hereunder or there under
wlll constltute prlvate and commerclal acts done and
perlormed lor prlvate and commerclal purposes
) t ( ,l, _l " _l:Jl " _l " _.l. L " ::> ,l,, ,l..1l
" _l..Jl il..... " _.Jl s:, " _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L "
.l.. _l .,l. .l l.sl _s :l,s > l,z lzL
" _l:Jl " dJ: l " _.l.Jl LJl ) " lJl ,Js _s, l.,. (
::> ,., .l.l.J1 ,l..1l il.....Jl dJ. ,., l
_lY l>l.l l, ,l,zJl ,., ,l. .l 1l.sl s:,
.l .,l.
(lx) nelther the urchaser nor any Securlty arty ls
entltled to clalm lmmunlty lrom sult, executlon,
attachment or other legal process ln the unlted Arab
Lmlrates or lts country ol lncorporatlon ll other than
the unlted Arab[ Lmlrates.
) + ( .J _, 1 " _l:Jl " _Y 1 " _.l. L " ,JlL.Jl
_.lL. .l _l l Jl l :,...Jl l ls.Jl .. .l.Jl,
_,.l. ,. _:Jl .J,Jl l:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l _z i
:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l, _ls l: ,z ,.l.l,s .
10. Covenants.
- il...Jl :
10.01 uurlng the perlod lrom the date ol executlon
ol thls Agreement untll the urchaser has pald the
uelerred rlce, and all other sums requlred to be
pald by the urchaser pursuant to thls Agreement, ln
lull, the urchaser shall dellver to the 8ank:
- ..., " l:Jl _ " g,l. _,, .lJl :..Jl x ,z, _l
::> _,. ,l..1l :.,... _. " .Jl _.1Jl " zls
_Js ,..Jl Yl _Jl,.Jl " _l:Jl " ,., .lsJl, l.z.
::> ,l..1l ,,J.., . " d.,Jl " _J, l. :
(l) as soon as the same becomes avallable but ln any
event wlthln 180 days alter the end ol each ol lts
llnanclal years, lts audlted balance sheet as at the
end ol such llnanclal year and lts prollt and loss
account lor such llnanclal year
) ( ,l. ,Jl.Jl ..Jl ,l., _> l.s z..Jl .,.l,.
dJ.J .l.Jl gl,Yl :>l g,.. l.Jl dJ: ,Jl.Jl ..Jl
_. _z lYl _. l _l, dJ: _s, _l _Js t _. l.,
,Jl.Jl .l.. _. .. s ,l. .
(ll) as soon as the same becomes avallable but ln any
event wlthln 43 days alter the end ol the llrst hall ol
each ol lts llnanclal years, lts balance sheet as at the
end ol such hall-year and lts prollt and loss account
lor such hall-year
) r ( ,l. dJ. ,Jl.Jl ..Jl .. ,l., _> l.s .,.l,.
_Js :>l g,.. l.Jl dJ: dJ. ..Jl ..J .l.Jl gl,Yl
z lYl _. l _l, dJ: _s, _l _. _ te ,l. _. l.,
.,Jl.Jl .l.. _. .. s _. Yl ..Jl
(lll) lrom tlme to tlme on the request ol the 8ank
such lurther lnlormatlon about the buslness and
llnanclal condltlon ol the urchaser as the 8ank may
reasonably requlre.
) r ( _, _. ,JL _Js .l., .S " d.,Jl " il.J..Jl dJ. .
l.sl _l:, Yl " _l:Jl " l,JL, . _.Jl _Jl.Jl ..
" d.,Jl " z..Jl .. _.. .
10.02 1he urchaser shall ensure that:
- r _Js _,.., " _l:Jl " _l _. .sl., _l :
(l) each set ol llnanclal statements dellvered by lt
pursuant to paragraphs (l) and (ll) ol paragraph
10.01 ls prepared ln accordance wlth lnternatlonally
accepted accountlng prlnclples
) ( x.s l.,J.., ,z, _.Jl ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl _. s.. s
_,.z.Jl, ) ( ) r ( :z.Jl _. - .l,. _z l>.l.s ,.,
l.Jl _J.Jl _lL.Jl _Js J,z.Jl ,. .
(ll) each set ol llnanclal statements dellvered by lt
pursuant to paragraphs (l) and (ll) ol paragraph
10.01 ls certllled by a duly authorlzed olllcer ol the
urchaser as glvlng a true and lalr vlew ol the
llnanclal condltlon ol the urchaser as at the end ol
the perlod to whlch those llnanclal statements
relate and ol the results ol lts operatlons durlng
such perlod and
) r ( x.s l.J., _.Jl ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl _. s.. s
_,.z.Jl, ) ( ) r ( :z.Jl _. - l. .l _. ... _,
" _l:Jl " ,. :. _L.. l.l _Js 1.l _..Jl
.J _Jl.Jl _.JJ .... " _l:Jl " _.Jl :..Jl i _z > l.s
.:..Jl dJ. x .l,J.s _.l..J ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl dJ. l, ...
(lll) each set ol llnanclal statements dellvered by lt
pursuant to paragraph (l) ol paragraph 10.01 has
been audlted by a qualllled and reputable llrm ol
lnternatlonal accountants.
) r ( :z.Jl, x.s l.J., _.Jl ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl _. s.. s
) ( :z.Jl _. - ,J. ,.l. s: , _. lz,.. ,. .
J>. z.. .
10.03 1he urchaser shall lurther: (l) malntaln a legal
exlstence throughout the term ol thls Agreement,
and (ll) be ln conlormlty wlth those appllcable laws
ol the unlted Arab Lmlrates lallure to conlorm wlth
whlch could adversely allect the urchaser, lts
operatlons, or lts ablllty to meet lts llnanclal
obllgatlons hereunder.
- r _Js _,.., " _l:Jl " l.,l ) ( . _Js Lzl.Jl
::> :.. J,L _..l ,l..1l ) r ( .L.Yl, ,.J, _l
,.s 1, _l _s., _.Jl:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l _z ,l.Jl
_Js l,,J. l,1l. l, ,l.J1l " l:Jl _ " _Js l .l,J.s _Js l
::> _z l.s _...Jl ,Jl.Jl .l.l.Jl, .lzJl _Js ..
,l..1l .
10.04 1he urchaser shall promptly notlly the 8ank
ol the occurrence ol any Acceleratlon Lvent.
- t _Js " _l:Jl " lL " d.,Jl " _l ., .Jl _Js " .
JJ .. .lz ."
11. Acceleratlon Lvents.
- .lzJl, ,..Jl l.l :
11.01 ll any ol the lollowlng events (each an
"Acceleratlon Lvent") shall occur and be contlnulng:
- ,Jl.Jl .lJl _. _l . l: ) l.. s _s., " .
.lzJJ .. "( :. ...l :
(l) the urchaser or any Securlty arty shall lall to
pay any sum due under thls Agreement or the
Securlty uocuments to whlch (or he) ls or they are,
) ( s " _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L " _J,. _l .,... _s
::> ,., _... ,l..1l ,., l " _l..Jl il..... "
respectlvely, a party at the tlme, ln the currency and
ln the manner specllled hereln or thereln or
dJ: _z l,z lzL .:. _Js s .,> l.s, l > _s, _.Jl
::> _z _,....Jl z,LJl J..Jl, dJ: .iJl ,l..1l l
_z " _l..Jl il..... " l .
(ll) any representatlon made by the urchaser ln or
ln connectlon wlth thls Agreement proves to have
been lncorrect or lnaccurate when made or deemed
to be made at any tlme durlng the contlnuatlon ol
thls Agreement and where such lnaccuracy or
mlsrepresentatlon has an adverse ellect on the
lnterests ol the 8ank or
) r ( ,.l _. .,sl. _l _l _,,. " _l:Jl " ::> _z ,l..1l l
l .,sl.Jl dJ: ,. l...s _,. l g,. , l, .., l.,z
::> l...l x i _l _z ,. . .l ,.sl ,l..1l .
, .1.]l l .Jl ,..J _s, , _Js _,J. 1l .Ll il.l,,
gJl.. " d.,Jl " l .
(lll) the urchaser or any Securlty arty delaults ln
the due perlormance ol any other obllgatlon under
thls Agreement or any ol the Securlty uocuments to
whlch lt ls (or he) or they are, respectlvely, a party
) r ( J. " _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L " ,lJl :,...Jl _s
::> _z .s _... i ,l.Jl _Y ,l..1l _. _l _z l
" _l..Jl il..... " _Js s .l.s, l ,.. .l s _s, _.Jl
l .l,z lzL .:.
(lv) there ls a materlal and adverse change ln the
llnanclal condltlon ol the urchaser or any ol the
Securlty artles whlch glves reasonable grounds lor
the 8ank to belleve that the urchaser or such
Securlty arty may not (or may be unable to)
perlorm lts (or hls) obllgatlons under thls Agreement
or the Securlty uocuments to whlch lt (or he) ls or
they are, respectlvely, a party or
) t ( .J _Jl.Jl _.Jl _z _,J. _> ,,. . " _l:Jl " l
_Y " ..l. lLl " .J ,, " d.,Jl " _l, .lz.s1l " _l:Jl " l
dJ: " _.l.Jl LJl " _l.z, 1 . ) ,l,zJl _l.,L.., 1 . l (
.Jl :,..., .l.l ) .l.l.Jl ( ::> _z l.s _...Jl
,l..1l _z l " _l..Jl il..... " l.s, l > _s, _.Jl
l .l,z lzL :. _Js s ,>
(v) the urchaser or any Securlty arty (belng a
corporate entlty) ls or becomes lnsolvent or makes a
general asslgnment lor the benellt ol or a
composltlon wlth lts credltors or ls declared
bankrupt by a court ol law or any steps are taken lor
lts dlssolutlon or wlndlng-up (except lor the purpose
ol reconstructlon or amalgamatlon, where the 8ank
has been satlslled as to the transler or otherwlse ol
the urchaser's obllgatlons hereunder or such
Securlty arty's obllgatlons under any Securlty
uocument to whlch lt ls a party) or lor the
appolntment ol a recelver, trustee or slmllar olllcer
ol the urchaser or any Securlty arty or all ol any ol
lts assets or
) e ( g,.l l: " _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L ) " .,Jl .. J
,l,.s1l ( J..J ,ls l.., l... _l ,l l: l l...
_xs .s. _s .. l: l ,.. Jl.. l l ,..l.
l l... _l _l,s J il.l i:.l l: l l... _l _xz,
l..,... ) . , ._l...1l l ,,L..Jl :.ls Jl _z 1
_l.Ll " d.,Jl " il.l.Jl lz..l _Js " _l:Jl " dJ: x l
::> _z l.s _...Jl ,l..1l dJ: il.l.Jl l " LJl
_.l.Jl " _l _z l.s _...Jl " _l.. ..... " lzL _s,
,z ( ,l: l. l _. l _.l. _l _,,.. ,. l: l _Js dJ:
" _l:Jl " _l l " _.l. L " .J.l _,. l _. _l _Js l
[(vl) ______ dles or becomes lncapable ol managlng
hls allalrs, or a petltlon ls presented lor a
bankruptcy order agalnst hlm unless the petltlon ls
contested ln good lalth on substantlal grounds and ls
dlsmlssed or wlthdrawn wlthln 30 days alter
presentatlon (or anythlng analogous occurs ln any
[urlsdlctlon), any step ls taken to enlorce a securlty
lnterest coverlng an asset ol , or any event ol the
types mentloned ln paragraph (vl) above (or ol any
slmllar type) occurs ln relatlon to hlm or he ceases
) : ( _z. l: : :l. _Js .l , g,.l l: l ,. l: l ..
_z _.LJl l _z 1 :.. _xz]l, .l l....] ,JL ,,.z.
dJ: . ,. ,> ,l,.l _J .l...1l, ,. _., ,JLJl dJ:
_. _z ,. l ,JLJl r .,.z. .., l., ) _l . l: l
,.l. ,1 ,l _z 1l.. ._: ( :,...J .l _l :.l l: l .
, _l.. J.. .l _. x.l _L l .
:z.Jl _z :.lJl _.lJl _l.l _. .l ,l i1. l: ) : ( :xsl
) 1l.. _. _l _. l ( _Y .xs J .., ,J l: l ., _J.., l..
_l,s _: :l., .,l,.Yl _. ,,. " _l:Jl " :..J ,.,Jl
lor any reason to be personally lnvolved ln the day-
to-day management ol the urchaser lor a
contlnuous perlod ol three months or more or
l .J.l.. 1sl l :l 1x1 [
(vll) at any tlme lt ls unlawlul lor the 8ank to make,
lund or allow to remaln outstandlng any amount
owlng to the 8ank under thls Agreement
) ( _Js lL. ilYl _. i _l _z g,.l _ " d.,Jl "
d.,JJ _... lzJls ,.. .lz,, g.., l ., _l l,..l
::> ,., " ,l..1l ."
then and ln any such case, the 8ank shall be entltled
to requlre, by wrltten notlce to the urchaser, that
the urchaser make lmmedlate payment to the 8ank
ol the uelerred rlce together wlth all other sums
then payable under thls Agreement. ll an
Acceleratlon Lvent shall have occurred and be
contlnulng or shall exlst and amounts shall have
been declared payable pursuant hereto but remaln
unpald, the 8ank wlthout notlce to or demand upon
the urchaser, may proceed to protect, exerclse and
enlorce all rlghts and remedles under thls
Agreement, the romlssory note or any other
Securlty uocument or appllcable law ln such order
and manner as the 8ank shall determlne ln lts sole
dlscretlon, lncludlng but not llmlted to dlsposltlon ol
any [Coods] wlth respect to whlch the Murabaha
sale has not been completed, and proceeds there
_ _. g,., ::s Jl _l _z dJ: ..s " d.,Jl " _. ,JL, _l
" _l:Jl " _J . _L l.: ,., . " _l:Jl " _z., _l, .
_J " d.,Jl " _Jl,.Jl _,. _J zl. .Js.Jl .. .Jl _Js
. _s. _.Jl Yl ::> ,., _z.Jl ,. " ,l..1l ." _z
_ l " .lzJJ .. . " i,.sl . l: l :l...l
::, x.s _z.Jl ,.. _Jl,. ,l..1l .:.... , i,z,
.J , .lz " d.,Jl " _J , ,JL l .l.: _J l l...
" _l:Jl " zls :,... .l.. ,l. _z _..Jl . _zJl
::> _z l.s _...Jl l...1l .l. ,l..1l ...Jl .
_l l .Y " _l.. ..... " ,,..Jl _z _,L. _.l l i
l.>.., _,.JJl z,LJl " d.,Jl " .dJ: _z l., .:l,.l _.,
_l, ..Jl ..Jl 1 l1.Jl ,,. _Js ] _J. [ _,, ,., ,J
" ,l.Jl .l, _J...Jl l.l..l., ..Jl .
11.02 1he urchaser shall also relmburse to the
8ank on demand all expenses (lncludlng, but not
llmlted to, legal lees and expenses, travel expenses,
contlngency lees, translatlon costs, and any stamp
or other slmllar dutles or taxes and any court,
reglstratlon, or recordlng lees ln any appllcable
[urlsdlctlon) reasonably lncurred by lt ln preservlng
or enlorclng or seeklng to preserve or enlorce any ol
the rlghts ol the 8ank under thls Agreement or the
Securlty uocuments.
- r Js _,.., _ " _l:Jl " _,.. l.,l " d.,Jl " _s ,JLJl ..s
,l..Jl zls ) ,l..l ..Jl 1 l1.Jl ,,. _Js .dJ: _z l.,
,l..Jl ..Jl ,l.. ,..lzJl ,l..Jl _,.l.Jl
,l:. ,. l .. ,,. ,l ..Jl ,Jls. .lLJl
,1 ,l _z _,.. l ,.. l ,sl. ,. ,l ,.l.
... ( _Js Lzl.Jl Y z..Jl .. _.. l>.,s. _.Jl
::> _z l.s _...Jl z _. _l ,l..1l _z l
" _l..Jl il..... " Lzl.JJ _..Jl l _zJl ::> :,... l
l>:,... l l.. _l _Js .
12. ayments.
r - ilsz..Jl :
12.01 Cn each date on whlch an amount ls due lrom
the urchaser pursuant to thls Agreement, the
urchaser shall belore 12:00 noon (unlted
Lmlratesn tlme) make the same avallable to the
8ank by payment ln Lmaratl ulrhams ln lmmedlately
avallable lunds to such account ol the 8ank as the
8ank may speclly.
r - _Js _,.., " _l:Jl " _J,. ,Js ,z _.., g,l. s _z
::, x.s _Jl,.Jl _. ,l..1l ,.l1Jl sl.Jl , ,z, _l
lL ::s ) :...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l.,., ( _J,.Jl dJ: l.,
.J " d.,Jl " l,. _. ,.ll.]l ,>l.Jl, _J,.Jl l:> _z., dJ: _J
_J ..l.Jl ,l.Jl dJ: _J .Jl _Js :>l " d.,Jl " . _:Jl
:.., " d.,Jl ."
12.02 All payments shall be made by the urchaser
to the 8ank wlthout deductlon lor and lree lrom any
present or luture taxes, levles, lmposts, dutles,
charges, lees, deductlons, wlthholdlngs, restrlctlons
r - r ,z, _l ,, " _l:Jl " _J _Jl,.Jl zls .,..., " d.,Jl "
l ..l l .>l ,.l. ,l _. ,Jl _s. _l _lLz..l _.
l _s. ,l l ,l..l l ,l.. l ,s. ,. l ,.
or condltlons ol any nature lmposed, levled,
collected or assessed by any taxlng authorlty (other
than taxes, levles, lmposts, dutles, charges, lees,
deductlons, wlthholdlngs, restrlctlons or condltlons
on the overall net lncome ol the 8ank, or on the
transler ol the [Coods] lrom the Suppller to the
8ank) unless the urchaser ls compelled by law to
make any such deductlon or wlthholdlng. ln that
event, the urchaser wlll ensure that such deductlon
or wlthholdlng does not exceed the mlnlmum legal
llablllty therelore, wlll promptly pay to the
approprlate authorltles the amount deducted or
wlthheld, as soon as posslble wlll supply a tax
deductlon certlllcate to the 8ank and wlll ln addltlon
pay such lurther amounts as may be necessary ln
order that the net amounts recelved by the 8ank
alter such deductlon or wlthholdlng shall equal the
amounts whlch would have been recelved by the
8ank ln the absence ol such deductlon or
i.ls .,,L _l _. L: l ., l il.. l ilslLz..l
,.l _. l>,.z. l lJ,.. l l.,l, ,.. l ... _s.
,,,. LJ. ,l ) l ,.Jl l _s.Jl l ,.l.Jl _s l.s
Lz..1l l ,l..Yl l ,l..Jl l ,s.Jl ,.Jl l ilsl
_zl. _Jl. _Js ...Jl L:Jl l .,zJl l il..Jl
. " d.,Jl " z. _Js l ] _J.Jl [ _. " _.l,Jl " _J " d.,Jl (" 1
_ls l: " _l:Jl " dJ:, ,z, _l, _.lzJl ,., l.J.
l.1l l _lLz..1l . _Js _,.., JlJl dJ. _z " _l:Jl "
..1l dJ: _l _. .sl.Jl _..Yl .Jl _s .,, 1 l.1l l _lLz
ilLJ.JJ ..., _l ._J,.Jl dJ:, _J...Jl _..lzJl ,l.J1l _.
,z, _l ..Jl l _Lz...Jl _J,.Jl .Jl _Js ...Jl
.,., .s..Jl s.Jl, " d.,Jl " ,,.Jl _lLz..l :.l:,
s. . _.Jl Yl _Jl,.Jl dJ. _z., _l l.,l ,Js _sJ .1 _
l.J.., _.Jl _Jl,.Jl _zl. _s, " d.,Jl " l _lLz..1l dJ: ..,
_ls _.Jl _Jl,.JJ ,l.. l.1l " d.,Jl " _z l,Js .,.
l.1l l _lLz..1l dJ: ,l, l .
12.03 ll any payment due lrom the urchaser lalls
on a day whlch ls not a 8uslness uay, the payment
shall be made on the next succeedlng 8uslness uay
except where the next succeedlng 8uslness uay lalls
ln the next calendar month, ln whlch event the
payment shall be due and shall be made on the
lmmedlately precedlng 8uslness uay.
r - r _..l l: _Js _J,. _l " _l:Jl " ,l,l , _. ,, _z
,, _ls l: 1 _Jl.Jl ..Jl ,, _z .z. _,.., .lz ..Jl
JlJl ::> _z ._Jl.Jl _.,z.Jl :Jl l _z dl: _Jl.Jl ..Jl
_,l.Jl ..Jl ,, _z .z. _,.., _z.Jl _... _J,.Jl g,.,
::l,. .
12.04 ln the event ol delay ln payment ol any
amount when due hereunder, the urchaser shall
pay to the 8ank 13 per annum on the amount due
to the 8ank, calculated wlth respect to the perlod ol
such delay, to be donated to charlty on behall ol the
urchaser by the 8ank ln accordance wlth the
recommendatlons ol lts Sharl'ah Supervlsory 8oard.
r - t ::> ,., lz..l ..s _J,. _l .,... l. l _z
,l..1l _Js _,.., .lz . " _l:Jl " _J _z., _l " d.,Jl " e /
.J _...Jl _J,.Jl _s l,.. " d.,Jl " _Js ,., _l _Js .
sxJ _z., .,l.Jl :.. _l.l _s ,l,.Jl, ,,Jl l. " _l:Jl "
,.l _. " d.,Jl " ,s:Jl ,lJl .J il,.. _z .
13. Set-Cll.
r - .lz.Jl :
1he urchaser authorlzes the 8ank to apply any
credlt balance ln any currency to whlch the
urchaser ls entltled ln any account ol the urchaser
wlth the 8ank ln satlslactlon ol any sum whlch ls due
and payable lrom the urchaser pursuant to thls
Agreement and whlch ls then unpald, provlded that
the 8ank shall not be obllgated to exerclse any rlght
glven to lt by thls paragraph.
_z .zJ " _l:Jl " " d.,Jl " .J _.l. .,. _l ,..., _l,
" _l:Jl " .J ,l. _l _z J.s ,l, " d.,Jl " _J,. _l, .lzJJ
,.l _. _z.Jl ,.. lz... _s, " _l:Jl " ::, x.s
,l..1l _J L., 1 _l L,: .:.., .... , _s,
.l.. " d.,Jl " z.Jl ::> ,., ,J _L.. _ _l : .
14. notlces.
t - ill.:]l :
Any notlces or other documents, other than the
documents to be dellvered by the urchaser to the
x, l il..... ,l l ill.: ,l _s. _l ,,
_Js ,..Jl il.....Jl " _l:Jl " _J l.,J.. " d.,Jl "
8ank and by the 8ank to the urchaser on the
Settlement uate, to be glven, served or sent
hereunder or otherwlse ln connectlon herewlth shall
be ln the Lngllsh language and addressed as lollows:
_Js ,..Jl " d.,Jl " _J l.,J.. " _l:Jl " _z " g,l.
d,J..Jl " .. l J,. l . ::> ,., J ,l..1l l
::, _J.., l.,z dJ: l.s ,l..1l . _l ,,J.]l JJl,
_,,Jl.Jl _,.l..Jl _J :
(a) ln the case ol the urchaser, to lt at lts address
and telex and/or lax number aloresald, or at such
other telex and/or lax number and address (as the
case may be) as the urchaser shall lrom tlme to
tlme notlly ln wrltlng to the 8ank and
) l ( Jl _z " _l:Jl " _sJ.Jl , _l.s L.l, ,J . .
/ _sJ.Jl , _J l .:xsl _,s:.Jl ,J ..l.Jl _sl.Jl l
/ _l..Jl _sl.Jl l ) Js _s, l.,. lJl , ( ,z, _,:JJl
" _l:Jl " .l., l,L d.,Jl l.:, S i _.
(b) ln the case ol the 8ank, to lt at lts address and
telex and/or lax number aloresald, or at such other
telex and/or lax number and address as the 8ank
shall lrom tlme to tlme notlly ln wrltlng to the
) , ( Jl _z " d.,Jl " _sJ.Jl , .l.s L.l, ,J . .
/ _sJ.Jl , _J l .:xsl _,s:.Jl ,J ..l.Jl _sl.Jl l /
,z, _,:JJl _l..Jl _sl.Jl l " d.,Jl " l.:, " _l:Jl " l.,
S i _. l,L .
notlce by telex and/or lax shall be deemed to have
been glven at the tlme ol transmlsslon ol the telex
and/or lax and notlce by shall be deemed to have
been glven when lelt at the address ol the
addressee ll dellvered by messenger or courler or, ll
malled, seven days alter belng deposlted ln the mall
llrst class reglstered alrmall postage prepald.
_sJ.Jl L.l, .Jl l.:]l .., / ,. . _sl.Jl l
_sJ.Jl l. i _z ,. / ,. . l.:]l .., _sl.Jl l
Jl. l _z ,J ..Jl _l.s _J .,J.. ..s ,.
l.Jl l .Jl L.l, _s ) ,sJl ( .., ..,,Jl, .l l: .l
_z..Jl l...Jl ..Jl _Jl .,,Jl, sl., _. ,l,l .,.
l.J. :Yl .
13. Law and !urlsdlctlon.
e - ,.l.zJl ,1Jl _,,L.Jl ,lJl ,lL.Jl :
13.01 Sub[ect to the requlrements ol Sharl'ah, thls
Agreement and the constructlon, perlormance and
valldlty hereol shall be governed ln all respects ln
accordance wlth the laws ol the unlted Arab
e - ::> _.. ,.x.]l .,:Jl il,..z. :lsl. _.
,l..1l :Jl zls _. l.,x. l>:,... l>,...
ill.]l .L.Y :...Jl ,,.Jl .
13.02 ln the event ol any dlspute or conlllct
between the partles as to the manner ln whlch thls
Agreement ls to be lnterpreted or lmplemented, the
partles shall reler the dlspute to the 8ank's Sharl'ah
Supervlsory Commlttee. 1he 8ank's Sharl'ah
Supervlsory Commlttee's declslon shall be llnal,
blndlng and unappealable. Should one ol the partles
re[ect the declslon ol the 8ank's Sharl'ah Supervlsory
Commlttee, the partles hereto hereby submlt to the
excluslve [urlsdlctlon ol the unlted Lmlratl Monetary
Agency's Commlttee lor the Settlement ol 8anklng
e - r ,.,s, _J.., _,zLJl _,, x l _l. _l . l _z
Jl _,zLJl _Js _,.., .lz .,l..1l ::> :,... ,...
d.,Jl _z ,s:Jl ,lJl .J _J _l.Jl . .J l _s,
l l....xJ ,l , l.J. l,.l. d.,Jl _z ,s:Jl ,lJ .
.d.,Jl _z ,s:Jl ,lJl .J l _,zLJl .l _z l:
,.l.zJl ,1Jl _J ,.z.Jl l:> ,., _,zLJl _Js _z
.z.Jl ... _z ,z..Jl ilsl.Jl ,.. .JJ ,.Jl
_.ll.]l .
13.03 1o the extent that the urchaser may ln any
[urlsdlctlon clalm lor ltsell or lts assets lmmunlty
lrom sult, executlon, attachment (whether ln ald ol
executlon, belore [udgment or otherwlse) or other
legal process and to the extent that ln any such
[urlsdlctlon there may be attrlbuted to ltsell or lts
e - r _zl .zJ " _l:Jl " ::> ,., ,l..1l , zzl.
,1 ,l _..z., ,z, _l l l _z .l _Js _z.JJ J,l
l ls.Jl .l .l.Jl, .J.Y l ...J ,JlL.Jl, ,.l.
Jl l :,...Jl ) _z :.sl..Jl ,,. _Js dJ: _lsl .l.
dJ: x l ,sJl , .:,...Jl ( . .l _l l .l .i _.lL
assets such lmmunlty (whether or not clalmed) the
urchaser hereby lrrevocably agrees not to clalm
and hereby lrrevocably walves such lmmunlty to the
lull extent permltted by the laws ol such [urlsdlctlon.
J.l _Js l ... _Js .l.Jl dJ. .l.. _ls. l _z
,.l. ,1 ,l _..z., ) 1 ,l l, ,JlL.Jl i.. .l. ( .zz .
,., l.s l.., _.Jl .l.Jl dJ., ,JlL.Jl ,.s _Js _zl
::> ,l..1l _:Jl ,l.Jl .zJl, dJ: _z.JJ ,l , s:,
l , g... ,.l.zJl ,1Jl dJ. _,. .
AS Wl1nLSS the hands ol the duly authorlzed
representatlves ol the partles hereto the day and
year llrst belore wrltten.
_,., 1.l _,...Jl _,zLJl J1.. ,l .zz dJ:J l.l,1
::> ,l..1l ... _z _,.lJl ..Jl ,,Jl _z ::>
,l..1l .
lor and on behall ol A8A8 8Ank
.s ,l,. _,.Jl d.,Jl ,.l,
8y: ____
.s :
...>l.:Jl :
lor and on behall ol [u8CPASL8]
,.l, "] _l:Jl [" .s ,l,.
8y: ___
.s :
...>l.:Jl :
Annex 1
"Acceleratlon Lvent" means any event so deslgnated
ln aragraph 11 hereol and any event, whlch, wlth
the glvlng ol notlce or passage ol tlme or the
satlslactlon ol any other appllcable condltlon, may
become such an event
" ..Jl .Jl .lzJJ :" :.,.. ,. . _l :l,.Jl ::> _...
::> _. ::s ,.lJl :z.Jl _z .Jl l:> _Js ,l..1l .
l. ..s .lzJJ .. . _J ., _l _s., . _l
i L: _l, .lzJl l ,Js ,.. :.z _.. l .l:, l.:
,Js _,L., .
"Agreement" means, collectlvely, thls Murabaha
ulrect Customer llnance, the urchase Crder Wlth
romlse to urchase, the 8ank's Conllrmatlon ol
1erms, the notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale, and the
romlssory note
,l..1l : .... ,Jl.Jl il.....Jl .JsJl ::> _... :
" ,l..l ,..J ,l.Jl ::l,. ,..Jl " .::> " ,JL
.l:Jl, .sJl _. .l:Jl " . " L:Jl _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl.
" _,,Jl , l.: " . " .Y ...Jl ."
Avallablllty erlod" means [_____] days lrom the
date hereol / up to __/___/___
" ix,..Jl z. :.. :" :l,.Jl ::> _... [ ] l., ::> g,l. _.
,l..1l ,lJ -- / -- / --- .
8enchmark 8ate" means, wlth respect to a
1ransactlon, the hlghest quoted rate whlch the 8ank
ls ollerlng lor deposlts ln Lmaratl ulrhams wlth
maturltles equlvalent to the perlod lrom the
Settlement uate to the Closlng uate ln respect ol
such 1ransactlon as shown on the dlsplay deslgnated
as the SuAA page on the 8euters system at 11:00
" _.l.Yl ..Jl " ,.z. .. _Jsl .l. ,J.., _J.., l.,z _..,
l ,>l.Jl, _.l.JJ d.,Jl .., _lz..1l ... _s. ,.ll.]
,J..Jl .l..l g,l. _. d,J..Jl g,l. _,, :..JJ ,l..
.. _.Jl _.Jl :l: _z _,,. > l.s ,J..Jl dJ.J ,..Jl,
.. ,.l, SuAA ::s ,.lJl sl.Jl _z ., ,lL. _z
LJl , ) _l,Jl i,., ( _z " ,...Jl g,l. ."
a.m. (8lyadh tlme) on the Cuotatlon uate
"8uslness uay" means a day on whlch banks are
open ln the unlted Arab Lmlrates
" .s ,, :" ... d.,Jl ,z _s. ,, _l :l,.Jl ::> _...
:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l _z ..JJ .
Closlng uate" means, wlth respect to a 1ransactlon,
the date upon whlch the urchaser shall pay the
uelerred rlce appllcable to such 1ransactlon to the
8ank ln lull, whlch date shall be no later than [1enor
ol lndlvldual 1ransactlons] days alter the Settlement
uate lor such 1ransactlon
" ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. :" .,J.s _Y ,..Jl, .:l,.Jl ::> _...
,z ,z, _:Jl g,l.Jl " _l:Jl " .ls .,..., " .Jl _.1Jl "
dJ., _lJl " ,J..Jl " _J " d.,Jl " l., 1 _:Jl g,l.Jl > .
] il,J..Jl .lz z [ .., l., " d,J..Jl g,l. " dJ.J ..l.Jl
" ,J..Jl ."
Conllrmatlon ol 1erms" means the letter to be
dellvered to the urchaser by the 8ank conllrmlng
the amounts ol the uelerred rlce and the
Murabaha rollt, such letter to be ln the lorm set
lorth the Second Schedule
" L:Jl _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl. :" :l,.Jl ::> _...
, _:Jl ,lLJl " d.,Jl " _J " _l:Jl " z l.s. _Jl,. ,
" .Jl _.1Jl " " ,J.s gl,l ,l.Jl l:> :., _l _Js .
_z :.lJl ,.Jl ,lLJl " _.l1Jl .Jl ."
"Cost rlce" means the amount to be pald to
suppller as set lorth ln ltem 2(C) ol the urchase
Crder Wlth romlse to urchase, whlch amount
shall lnclude any value added tax, sales tax,
reglstratlon or transler tax or other slmllar taxes or
dutles (where appllcable) payable thereon or ln
relatlon thereto plus, the cost ol all charges
lncurred by the 8ank ln paylng the Suppller, plus the
cost ol the lnsurance ollcy to the extent pald by the
" .Js.Jl .. :" _Jl _z.Jl ,..Jl _J,.Jl :l,.Jl ::> _...
" _.l,Jl " ..,Jl _z ...Jl r ) _ ( _. " .sJl _. .l:Jl ,JL
.l:Jl, ." .zl..Jl .,zJl _Js ,,. _l _J,.Jl l:> .:,
z..l l ,.. ,.l. _l il.,,. ,.l. _l l ,.l. l l
J1l.. ,. ) z,L.. _s. l.1, ( ::> _Js l.z. ,.,
l>.,s., ,l.. ,l l..l l, _J.., l.,z l ,J..Jl " d.,Jl " _z
.,... " _.l,Jl " .Js l..l . " _,.l.Jl .,J, " .z., l. l.z.,
d.,Jl .
"uelerred rlce" means the amount set lorth ln ltem
9 ol the Conllrmatlon ol 1erms, whlch lncludes the
Cost rlce plus the Murabaha rollt whlch shall be
pald on the relevant Closlng uate ln a slngle lump
sum lnstallment
" .Jl .,...Jl g,l. :" _z ...Jl _J,.Jl :l,.Jl ::> _...
..,Jl + _. " ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl. L:Jl _Js " .:, _:Jl
" .Js.Jl .. " l..l " ,l.Jl ,J.s gl,l " .z. ,., _:Jl
_z " ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. " _J,., .l L. s: _Js ._...Jl
_Lz. .
laclllty Amount" means ALu _____
" ix,..Jl ., :" :l,.Jl ::> _... _.ll. ,>. .
llnal Maturlty uate" means a date [1enor ol
lndlvldual 1ransactlons] days alter the last day ol the
Avallablllty erlod. All amounts owed to the 8ank
under thls Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance must
be pald on or prlor to the llnal Maturlty uate
" _.l.Jl _lz..1l g,l. " : g,l. :l,.Jl ::> _... ] z
il,J..Jl .lz [ _. ,, i .., l., " ix,..Jl z. :.. ."
.J z...Jl _Jl,.Jl _,. .,... ,, " d.,Jl " ,.,
" ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l " ., ::> " g,l.
_.l.Jl _lz..1l " g,l.Jl dJ: , l .
[Coods" means the goods ldentllled ln ltem 2(A) ol
the urchase Crder Wlth romlse to urchase, and
any related schedule thereto
"] _J.Jl :" :.l.Jl _z ..Jl _J.Jl :l,.Jl ::> _... r ) l ( _.
" .l:Jl, .sJl _. .l:Jl ,JL " , _J.., i . _l . .[
"Murabaha rollt" means an amount, whlch shall be
calculated by the 8ank wlth respect to each
1ransactlon by [applylng to the Cost rlce a prollt
" ,J.s gl,l ,l.Jl : ,l..l ,., lJ,. :l,.Jl ::> _...
, _. " d.,Jl " s _s " ,J.s " _s ] g, ,.. zl. _,L
_z " .Js.Jl .. " _l.. " _.l.Yl ..Jl " l..l
return rate equal to the 8enchmark 8ate plus ____
percent (__) lor the number ol days between the
Settlement uate and the Closlng uate lor such
.l.Jl, ) (/ _,, J.l.Jl ,l,Yl ..s _s " d,J..Jl g,l. "
" . .l..l g,l. ,J..Jl dJ .["
"notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale" means the letter to
be dellvered to the urchaser by the 8ank
conllrmlng the 8ank's acceptance ol the urchaser's
Cller to urchase lor the uelerred rlce, such letter
to be ln the lorm set out ln the 1hlrd Schedule or ln
such other lorm as the urchaser and the 8ank shall
" _,,Jl , l.: :" _Js ,..Jl ,lLJl :l,.Jl ::> _...
" d.,Jl " .J .,J.. " _l:Jl " ,z .s, _:Jl " d.,Jl " _s ,
" _l:Jl " ., .l:Jl " .Jl _.1Jl " ,lLJl l:> _s, _l _Js .
JJ x1l.. _z .lJl ,lL " Jl1Jl .Jl " _l, _s, _l l .
l,Js _zl, l ,. " _l:Jl " " d.,Jl ."
"romlssory note" means a promlssory note, ln the
lorm ol the lourth Schedule, lssued or to be lssued
by the urchaser pursuant hereto
" .Y ...Jl :" :l,.Jl ::> _... .J x1l.. _s, .Y l...
" _,lJl .Jl " :.., . " _l:Jl " ::> ,., ,l..1l l
l,., :l.. ,Js ,., .
"urchase Crder Wlth romlse 1o urchase" means
the letter to be sent by the urchaser to the 8ank
requestlng that the 8ank purchase the [Coods] and
obllgatlng the urchaser to purchase the [Coods]
lrom the 8ank lmmedlately therealter, such letter to
be substantlally ln the lorm set out ln the llrst
Schedule or ln such other lorm as the urchaser and
the 8ank shall agree
" :Jl, .sJl _. .l:Jl ,JL .l :" ,lLJl :l,.Jl ::> _...
_Js ,., _:Jl " _l:Jl " _J J., _l " d.,Jl " _. ,z l,JlL .
" d.,Jl " _.:, _l "] _J.Jl [" l.J. " _l:Jl " .l:, "] _J.Jl ["
_. " d.,Jl " _z x1l.. ,lLJl l:> _s, _l _Js .dJ: .., lz
_z .lJl ,lLJJ :> " Yl .Jl " s, _l l ,. _l, _
l,Js _zl, l " _l:Jl " " d.,Jl ."
"Securlty uocuments" means any document or
documents lrom tlme to tlme executed as securlty
lor the obllgatlons ol the urchaser under thls
Agreement, lncludlng, wlthout llmltatlon
" _l..Jl il..... :" > _... il..... l ..... _l :l,.Jl ::
il.l.J1 _l..s i _J _, _. l.l, ,., " _l:Jl "
::> _z l,Js _...Jl ,l..1l .,.. _. l,z l.,
"Securlty arty" means any party executlng a
Securlty uocument (as securlty provlder) or
otherwlse glvlng securlty lor the obllgatlons ol the
urchaser under thls Agreement
" _.l.Jl LJl :" ..... _, L _l :l,.Jl ::> _...
_l.. ) l..l. ..., ( il.l.J1 l.l.. ,.z, _l dJ: l.s l
" _l:Jl " _z l,Js _...Jl " ,l..1l ::> ."
"Settlement uate" means the date upon whlch the
8ank dellvers the notlce ol Acceptance ol Sale wlth
respect to any 1ransactlon
" d,J..Jl g,l. :" ,z ,z, _:Jl g,l.Jl :l,.Jl ::> _...
" d.,Jl " ,,J.., " _,,Jl , l.: " ,l, _J.., l.,z " ,J.s ."
Shlpplng uocuments" means [___] and other such
slmllar documents, sent by Suppller to Agent.
" _:Jl il..... " _... [ ] _.Jl Yl J1l..Jl il.....Jl
,sJl _Jl _.l,Jl lJ., .
"Suppller" means the vendor(s) ol the [Coods]
ldentllled ln ltem 2(l) ol the urchase Crder Wlth
romlse to urchase
" _.l,Jl :" JsJl ::> _... _.l, . / _..l, "] _J.Jl [" _z :...Jl
:.l.Jl r ) ( _. " .l:Jl, .sJl _. .l:Jl ,JL ."
"1erms and Condltlons" means the terms and
condltlons set out ln aragraphs 4 through 12
hereol, lncluslve and
" L:Jl ,lsYl " ilz.Jl _z :.lJl L:Jl ,lsYl _...
_. t _J r ::> _. ,l..1l ...... .
1ransactlon" means a Murabaha purchase and sale
wlth respect to whlch a urchase Crder Wlth
romlse to urchase has been dellvered to the 8ank.
l z..Jl " ,J..Jl " _l.l _Js _,,Jl .l:Jl _...
" ,l.Jl , _.Jl _s " d.,Jl " ,J.. . " .s _. .l: .l
.l:Jl, " l, _J.., l.,z .
1PL ll8S1 SCPLuuLL
Yl .Jl
.l:Jl, .s _. .l: ,JL
uate:____, 2004
g,l.Jl : rt
1o: A8A8 8Ank
_J : _,.Jl d.,Jl
1. We reler to the Murabaha ulrect Customer
llnance dated ____, 2004 between you and us.
unless otherwlse dellned, all capltallzed terms used
hereln have the meanlngs ascrlbed thereto ln the
Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance.
- _J ,:. " :l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l : "
.Jl . rt l..,, ,s.,, l.,z .,.Jl . ,., l. .l.1..l,
_.. s..Jl ilJL..Jl _,.J _s. dJ: x .,..
_z lJ :....Jl _.l..Jl l.> .....Jl :,. _ll
" ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l ."
2. We reler to our Murabaha ulrect Customer
llnance dated ___, 2004, and hereby request that
you purchase the [Coods] descrlbed below on the
Settlement uate on the terms set lorth ln the
Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance and hereln:
r - _J ,:. " ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l " :..l.Jl
.Jl l.J . rt .l:, l.z. _l l:> ,., ,JL. .
"] il...Jl "] / [" _J.Jl [" :l..l :.lJl " d,J..Jl g,l., " _z
_z ..Jl L:Jl " ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l
::l,. " .Jl l:> _z . l.J lzz :
(A) uescrlptlon ol [Coods] (attach schedule ll
) l ( . "] _J.Jl ) [" .Yl ,J l: ..Jl _z, :(
(8)Crlgln ol [Coods]:
) , ( l:.. "] _J.Jl :["
(C) Amount to be pald to Suppller lor [Coods]:
) _ ( .J _z.Jl ,..Jl _J,.Jl " _.l,Jl " .J l..1 "] _J.Jl :["
(u)8equested Settlement uate:
) . " ( d,J..Jl g,l. " ,JL.Jl :
(L) 8equested Closlng uate:
) .> " ( ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. " ,JL.Jl :
(l) Suppller:
) " ( _.l,Jl :"
(C) 1erms ol payment, to be llmlted to slght
payments only.
) " ( _z.Jl L: " ,JLJl ..s il.z.Jl _Js ..z. _l _Js
Lzz :
(P) uate ol Shlpment.
) g " ( _:Jl g,l. :"
(l) lorm ol purchase order to be used by Agent lor
the purchase ol the [Coods].
) L ( _:.. " .l:Jl ,JL " ...., _:Jl ,sJl .l:J
"] _J.Jl :["
1hls roposal shall remaln open lor your acceptance
ln accordance wlth the Murabaha ulrect Customer
,., ,sJ,zJ l... _.Jl l:> L, " ,l.Jl ,l..l
llnance untll __ the unlted Lmlrates 1lme on _____,
::l,. ,..Jl ,..J " ,lJ ,,.Jl ill.]l i,.,
g,l.,:...Jl . rt .
3. We hereby absolutely, uncondltlonally and
lrrevocably promlse to purchase the [Coods] lrom
you lor the uelerred rlce.
r - ,l , L:. , _JL. s:, l:> ,., ....
.l:, _z.JJ "] _J.Jl [" ., " .Jl _.1Jl ."
4. We are prepared to appolnt 1reasury as our agent
lor the sale ol the [Coods] to a 1hlrd arty other
than the Suppller ln accordance wlth the terms and
condltlons to be set lorth ln the Agency Agreement.
t - _,,J ,s _,,..J .l....l _Js _. "] _J.Jl [" L _J
,l..l _z ... _.Jl L:Jl ,lsYl, x.s _.l,Jl , Jl1
JlsJl .
?ours lalthlully,
"] _l:Jl ["
.s :
.>l: :
.>l: :
_.l1Jl .Jl
CCnll8MA1lCn Cl 1L8MS
L:Jl _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl.
1o: [urchaser]
_Jl ] : _l:Jl [
. C. 8ox 612
lrom: A8A8 8Ank
uubal 24661
unlted Lmlrates
_. : _,.Jl d.,Jl
_ . , : :r
_,. rt::
:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l
We hereby lnlorm you that lurther to your urchase
Crder Wlth romlse to urchase dated ______,
2004, we hereby conllrm that the lollowlng are the
terms and condltlons that wlll apply to such
1ransactlon, as determlned by us ln accordance wlth
the terms ol the Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance
between us dated ____, 2004:
_Js l.Ls .l l:> ,., l.Js ,sL,. " _. .l:Jl ,s,JL
.l:Jl, .sJl " g.Jl . - rt _l l:> ,., .s. l..z
sYl _Js _,L.. _.Jl _> ,Jl.Jl L:Jl ,l " ,J..Jl " ,. .
L: _z .:z. l. " ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l "
g,l., l..,, .,.Jl . - rt .
(1) uescrlptlon ol [Coods]:
(2) Crlgln ol [Coods]:
(3) Cost rlce:
(4) Settlement uate:
(3) Closlng uate
(6) Suppller:
(7) 1erms ol payment, to be llmlted to slght
) ( . "] _J.Jl :["
) r ( l:.. "] _J.Jl :["
) r " ( .Js.Jl .. :"
) t " ( d,J..Jl g,l. :"
) e " ( ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. :"
) : ( " _.l,Jl :"
payments only.
(8) uate ol Shlpment.
(9) uelerred rlce:
(10) Murabaha rollt:
) " ( _z.Jl L: " ,JLJl ..s il.z.Jl _Js ..z. _l _Js
Lzz :
) t " ( _:Jl g,l. :"
) + " ( .Jl _.1Jl :"
) " ( ,l.Jl ,J.s gl,l "
lease slgn, wltness, and return to us thls Schedule
as your acceptance ol the 1erms Perewlth no later
than ____ p.m. on ____, 2004.
L:Jl ::> _Js ,s.. zzl.s .Jl l:> _,. _,
_z l.,J ..ls _,.>l:Jl _,. _. _z.Jl s:Jl, l.,J ..ls
sl.Jl l., 1 .s. _. LJl ..,
. rt .
?ours lalthlully,
A8A8 8Ank
_,.Jl d.,Jl
.s :
,Js _zl. l:, ,l
[1he urchaser]
] _l:Jl [
.s :
1PL 1Pl8u SCPLuuLL
Jl1Jl .Jl
(1) (1) nC1lCL Cl CllL8 1C u8CPASL
_,,Jl _., l.:
uate: , 2004
g,l.Jl : . rt
1o: [l8u-A8A8A]
_J : _,.Jl d.,Jl
1. We reler to Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance
between us dated _____, 2004 and to the
conllrmatlon ol 1erms dated ___, 2004 respectlvely.
unless otherwlse dellned, all capltallzed terms used
hereln shall have the meanlng ascrlbed thereto by
the Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance. We hereby
oller to purchase lrom you the goods as specllled ln
(schedule 1 )lrom you as urchaser lor the uelerred
rlce sub[ect to the terms and condltlons ol the
Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance.
. .Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l _J ,:. .,.Jl ::l,. ,.
g,l., l..,, l.,z . rt _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl.
g,l., L:Jl . rt _Jl.Jl _Js . ,..Jl ,., ,J l.
_ll _.. s..Jl ilJL..Jl _,.J _s, dJ: x,
_z l,J :....Jl _.l..Jl .Jl l:> _z .....Jl :,.
" ,l.Jl ,l..l ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ." _J.Jl .l: _..
_z ..Jl ) Yl _J.Jl ( _.1Jl _l.l _Js _.:.s ,s..
L: ,lsl, x.s .Jl " ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l
::l,. ."
2. 2. ?ou have no obllgatlon wlth regard to lts
speclllcatlons, sultablllty, or other qualltles ol the
[Coods], nor do you make any representatlon or
warranty wlth respect thereto whatsoever.
l l...x. l l.l..l., _J.., l.,z ,l.Jl ,l _J... 1
_. l, _J.., l.,z _l.. l .,sl. _l l..z. ,J l.s .l.l,s.
_ls _. _l .
3. 3. ln the event any delect ol tltle or otherwlse
wlth respect to the [[Coods] ls dlsclosed, you hereby
asslgn to us all your rlghts to clalm agalnst the
Suppller related to any expllclt or lmpllclt warrantles
ln connectlon wlth lts sale ol the [Coods].
J l ,,s L l _z ., _J.., l.,z zx l ,sJ. _z
"] _J.Jl [" _z ,sz _,. _s l.J _Jl... l:> ,., ,s.z .
il.,sl. l il.l.. ,l, _J... _.l,Jl .. ,JlL. ,l _z
_,,, _J.., l.,z ,... l ,. "] _J.Jl .["
?ours lalthlully,
.s :
(2) (2) nC1lCL Cl ACCL1AnCL Cl SALL
_,,Jl ,z, l.:
uate: , 2000
g,l.Jl : . rt
1o: [urchaser]
_J "] : _l:Jl ["
1. We reler to Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance
between us dated _____, 2004 and to the
conllrmatlon ol 1erms dated ___, 2004 respectlvely.
unless otherwlse dellned, all capltallzed terms used
hereln shall have the meanlng ascrlbed thereto by
the Murabaha ulrect Customer llnance. We hereby
accept your oller to urchase and by acceptlng such
oller we have sold the [Coods] to you as urchaser
lor the uelerred rlce sub[ect to the terms and
condltlons ol the Murabaha ulrect Customer
- _J ,:. " ::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ,l..l " .lJl
g,l., ,s.. . " L:Jl _Js ,.l.Jl d.,Jl zzl. "
g,l., . rt _Jl.Jl _Js . J l. dJ: x, ,..Jl ,., ,
:,. _ll _.. s..Jl ilJL..Jl _,.J _s,
_z l,J :....Jl _.l..Jl .Jl l:> _z .....Jl " ,l..l
::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl .." ,s.s l:> ,., ,z.
_l:Jl ,s..., ,s.,,, ._.Jl dJ: l.J,z, l.. . .l:JJ
"] _J.Jl " [" _.1Jl, .Jl " L: ,lsl _z " ,l..l
::l,. ,..Jl ,..J ,l.Jl ."
?ours lalthlully,
A8A8 8Ank
_,.Jl d.,Jl
.s :
_,lJl .Jl
lC8M Cl 8CMlSSC8? nC1L
.Y ...Jl _:..
Made at ______, the ___ day
ol _____, 2000.
Lu ___
_z .
: _. . rt
l,.ll. l.>.
lC8 vALuL 8LCLlvLu,
.l.J.. ,. ., ,lz.
We, [u8CPASL8], _ a duly organlzed and exlstlng
under the laws ol the unlted Arab Lmlrates and wlth
a reglstered address at ________, unlted Lmlrates,
hereby uncondltlonally promlse to pay agalnst thls
romlssory note to the A8A8 8Ank or order on
demand at uubal, unlted Lmlrates, the sum ol
___________ Mllllon and ________ 1housand and
_________ Pundred Lmaratl ulrhams ( ALu
._. "] _l:Jl [" . ,. ..l .L.. s: _>
_.,.Jl l>z.:...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l .L.Y lzz .Yl
_z l.s l:> ,., ... . :...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l.
l:> ,lz. _z.. _l, L:. , " .Y ...Jl " _J " d.,Jl
_,.Jl " z ,JLJl ..s :.Y l :...Jl ,,.Jl ill.]l, ._,. _
:. lJ,. . _,J.
Jl _.ll. ,>. .. ) l.>.
l,.ll. .(
We hereby walve dlllgence, presentatlon, demand,
protest, notlce ol non-payment, and notlce ol
dlshonor wlth respect to thls romlssory note. Any
payment made by us hereunder wlll be made
wlthout any set-oll, deductlon, or wlthholdlng
l Jl _lz, ,JL, d.,Jl ,l, _s l:> ,., l... l..l
_l.1l L: ,..Jl, ,JlL.Jl ,..JJ ...Jl ,,.z.
Jl ,.s l.: ...Jl l:, _J.., l.,z .lzJl _s J.Jl .,...
.Y . .lz. ,l _. _z.,. l:> ,., .z., ,z. _J,. _l
_ls l,l l.l l ,. l .
8LCCu8SL Wl1PCu1 8C1LS1 C8 CCS1.
.Js l _l.sl l... _Jl _
"] _l:Jl ["
8y: ______
.s :
...>l.: :
...>l..: :
JlsJl ,l..l
1o: [A8A8 8Ank, 1reasury Croup]
_J ] : _l...1l s.. ._,.Jl d.,Jl [
uate: ____________, 2004
g,l.Jl : . rt
We reler to the urchase Crder Wlth romlse 1o
urchase dated _________, 2004 whereby we have
purchased the (Coods) lrom the lslamlc 8anklng
ulvlslon ol A8A8 8Ank ln accordance wlth the
Murabaha ulrect urchase Agreement dated
______, 2004. We are ollerlng to appolnt you as our
agent (relerred to hereln as the Agent") lor the
purpose ol selllng the [Coods] to a thlrd party
sub[ect to such 1ransactlon. Such sale ol [Coods]
shall be relerred to hereln as the Sale 1ransactlon".
_J ,:. " .sJl _. .l:Jl ,JL .l:Jl, " g.Jl .
rt ,.x.]l ,z..Jl :.Jl _. _J.Jl ,., l.,.:l _:Jl
:l,.Jl .l:Jl ,l. ,l..l, x.s _,.Jl d.,Jl _z
.Jl . rt l.J x,s ,s.,,.. _.. . ) ,s,J l:,
.Js, l.> ,sJl ( dJ. :lsl. _. ,JJ _J.Jl _,, _J
.Jl ,J. . _,, _J l:, ] _J.Jl [ .Js, l.> " _,,Jl ,J.s ."
1. 1. We hereby lnstruct you to carry out a Sale
1ransactlon ln accordance wlth the lollowlng terms:
:,... l:> ,., ,s.. ,JL. " _,,Jl ,J.s " L:Jl ,.,
,Jl.Jl :
(A) uescrlptlon ol [Coods]:
(8) Sale rlce:
(C) 8equested Settlement uate:
(u) 8equested Closlng uate:
(L) urchaser:
(l) 1erms ol payment:
) l ( . "] _J.Jl :["
) , ( _,,Jl .. :
) _ " ( d,J..Jl g,l. " ,JL.Jl :
) .> " ( ,J..Jl .l..l g,l. " ,JL.Jl :
) " ( _l:Jl :"
) " ( _z.Jl L: :"
2. ?ou shall enter lnto a purchase agreement wlth
the urchaser sub[ect to the terms and condltlons
set lorth ln thls Agency Agreement. notwlthstandlng
the loregolng, you shall only enter lnto a purchase
agreement wlth the urchaser lor whlch the
payment terms are lor slght payment.
r - :lsl. _. _l:Jl _. .l:Jl ,l..l ,l, ,s,Js _,..,
::> JlsJl ,l..l _z :.lJl L:Jl ,lsYl . .,
_. .l:Jl ,l..l ,l, ,s,Js _,.., .lz ._,. l.s L.Jl
,JLJl ..s il.z.Jl _Js _z.Jl L: ..z. _l _Js _l:Jl
Lzz ..
3. 3. ?ou are our agent lor the purpose only ol the
sale ol the [Coods] to the urchaser, and we shall as
a prlnclpal pay you Lu 100 as a lee lor the servlces
rendered by you.
_,, _J l.xs ,s. "] _J.Jl [ " _J Lzz " _l:Jl " _z... .
l.,.Jl , _. ,sJ s l, l...z. _.Jl il..JJ ,. .
4. 4. upon concluslon ol the Sale 1ransactlon, you
wlll submlt to us the attached notlce ol
lmplementatlon ol Agency and arrange lor payment
ol the Sale rlce lnto our account wlth the A8A8
8Ank number: [________].
.l. ..s ,,.z. ,s,Js _,.., ._,,Jl ,J.s " :,... l.:
JlsJl " _z. ,,.. l.J " _,,Jl _.1 " l.,l. , _J ]: [
_,.Jl d.,Jl _z .
lease lndlcate your acceptance ol the loregolng
terms and condltlons by slgnlng the enclosed
dupllcate ol thls letter.
,:l.Jl _, _Js _,.Jl, .Jl.Jl ,lsYl L:Jl ,sJ,z,
,lLJl l:, zz.Jl :.Jl .
?ours lalthlully,
"] _.l,Jl ["
.s :
,Js _zll l:, ,l :
lor and on behall ol
[A8A8 8Ank'S 18LASu8? - ACLn1]
,l,. ,.l, _s "] _,.Jl d.,Jl ,s ["
8y: ______
.s :
uate: ______, 2004
g,l.Jl : . rt
nC1lCL Cl lMLLMLn1A1lCn Cl ACLnC?
.l:Jl, ,l,]l JlsJl :,..., l.:
uate ________ 2004
g,l.Jl : . rt
1o: [SLLLL8]
_J "] : _.l,Jl ["
1. We reler to the Agency Agreement between us,
dated ________, 2004. unless otherwlse dellned, all
capltallzed terms used hereln shall have the
meanlngs ascrlbed thereto by the Agency
- _J ,:. " JlsJl ,l..l " g,l., .l..,, l.,z .,.Jl
. rt . _,.J _s, dJ: x, ,..Jl ,., ,J l.
.l.> .....Jl :,. _ll _.. s..Jl ilJL..Jl
_z l,J :....Jl _.l..Jl " JlsJl ,l..l ."
2. We conllrm hereby that we, as Agent, have sold
the [Coods] sub[ect to the Sale 1ransactlon on your
behall to the urchaser, thereby lullllllng our
obllgatlons as Agent under the above relerenced
Agency Agreement.
r - l..., ,s.s ,l,. l.. . l..l l:> ,., .s. " x,s "
_,,, "] _J.Jl [" l..l.l.Jl, l.,zl . dJ:, _s.J _l:Jl _J
" ,ss " ,., " JlsJl ,l..l " :xsl l,J l:.Jl .
3. We have arranged lor deposltlng the Sale rlce
lnto your account wlth the A8A8 8Ank number:
r - _l., ,,.., l.. .zJ " _,,Jl _.1 " , _z
,s,l. ]: [ _,.Jl d.,Jl _z .
?ours lalthlully,
[A8A8 8Ank - 18LASu8?]
"] _,.Jl d.,Jl ["
.s :
..>l.: :
..>l.: :
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
8lll ol lmplementatlon lor 8egulatlng the servlces
provlded lor umra erlormers and vlsltors ol 1he
rophet's Poly Mosque Comlng lrom Cutslde Saudl
,:,...Jl .xJl
l _,....Jl il.. ,,L..J _,..lzJl ,:Jl _,.Jl ...Jl
,...Jl ,,.Jl sJ..Jl _l _.
Chapter Cne - uellnltlons
,l.. . Yl ..Jl
Artlcle Cne:
:.l.Jl _JYl :
1he lollowlng terms occurrlng ln thls 8lll shall have
the meanlngs lndlcated opposlte each ol them unless
the context requlres otherwlse. Words ln the slngular
shall also have plural meanlng wherever the context
so requlres, and vlce-versa.
_.l..Jl .xJl ::> _z :.lJl ,Jl.Jl ill,.Jl, ..z, ..Jl
_.Jl il.JsJl _l l.s .dJ: x _l,.Jl _.z, ,J l. l.. s .l
,., .. ,JL. l.Js _.Jl ,. _Js l.,l .. ...Jl
_s.Jl, _s.Jl dJ: _.Jl .
1- klngdom: klngdom ol Saudl Arabla.
1 sJ..Jl . : ,...Jl ,,.Jl sJ..Jl .
2- 8egulatlon: 1he regulatlon ol the servlces provlded
lor umra perlormers and vlsltors ol the rophet's
Poly Mosque, comlng lrom outslde the klngdom,
lssued by vlrtue ol the Councll ol Mlnlsters'
8esolutlon no. 93, dated 10/6/1420P.
2 ,,L..Jl . : _,.Jl ...Jl l _,....Jl il.. ,,L..
,:Jl _J. l ,., .l.Jl sJ..Jl _l _. _,..lzJl
, .lJl +r g,l. 10/6/1420 .> .
3- Mlnlstry: 1he Mlnlstry ol Pa[ (llgrlmage).
3 :lJl . : _Jl :l .
4- Mlsslon: Lmbassy or Consulate ol the Custodlan ol
the 1wo Poly Mosques.
4 ,J1..Jl . : l :l.. _,.Jl ,.l ,J.. _,.,:Jl .
3- umra erlormers: ersons comlng lrom outslde
the klngdom ol Saudl Arabla lor perlormlng umra
rltes and vlsltlng the rophet's Poly Mosque.
3 _....Jl . : ,,.Jl sJ..Jl _l _. _..lzJl _l:Yl
:..Jl d.l.. .l.Y ,...Jl ,:Jl _,.Jl ...Jl :l, .
6- 1he Llcensee: Any Saudl establlshment or company
ol whatever legal entlty that ls llcensed to provlde
servlces to umra erlormers as lndlcated ln the
commerclal reglster ol such establlshment or
6 J _.Jl . : .. _l ,... s: l ... i.ls .l. :l: l
il.. l.sl Jl., lJ _. _.lL.Jl lJs: _ls l,l
> l.J lz,L _,....Jl l ...JJ _l.Jl .Jl _z _..
s:Jl .
7- 1he Manager ln charge: 1he manager ln charge ol
the Saudl establlshment or company that applles lor
a llcense to provlde servlces to umra perlormers, as
lndlcated ln the commerclal reglster ol such
establlshment or company.
7 ..Jl ,..Jl . : s:Jl l ...Jl _s ..Jl ,..Jl
_,....Jl il.. _,. _Js .Jl ,JL. _.Jl ,...Jl
Jl _z _.. > l.J lz,L . s:Jl l ...JJ _l.Jl .
8- 8ranch olllces: the olllces the llcensee should have
ln both Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madlnah Al-
Mounawarah and !eddah, pursuant to paragraph (3)
ol Artlcle three ol the 8egulatlons.
8 ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl . : ,, _.Jl ,.ls.Jl J _.JJ _s. _l _z
:z.Jl ,., :. :..Jl .,..Jl .s.Jl s. _. s ) r (
_. :.l.Jl _. 1Jl1Jl ,,L..Jl .
9- lorelgn Lstabllshment: Any establlshment, body,
bureau or travel company olllclally llcensed ln other
states to organlze travel and tourlst trlps outslde
these states.
9 ,lJl Jl . : l ,.s. l .,> i.ls .l. :l:.. _l s:
ix ,,L.. Jl., Yl .Jl _z l,.. lJ _. ..
_J l,.Jl ..Jl .Jl dJ. _l .
10- Servlces Contract: the contract executed by the
llcensee and the lorelgn establlshment.
10 il..Jl .zs . : Jl J _.Jl _,, ,,.Jl .z.Jl
,lJl .
11- Clllclal Authorlty: any mlnlstry, government
department or publlc establlshment ln the klngdom
ol Saudl Arabla.
11 ,..Jl Jl . : ... l ,.s J.. l :l _l
Jl _z .ls ,...Jl ,,.Jl sJ.. .
12- Llst ol Approved Servlce Standards: the detalled
llst ol the standards ol servlces provlded lor umra
perlormers, thelr types, degrees, speclllcatlons and
prlces ol each, whlch are relerred to under clause (3)
ol Artlcle llve ol the 8egulatlons.
12 :.....Jl ..Jl il,... ..l . : ,J,...Jl ..lzJl
l.l..l. l.l. lsl.l _,....Jl il.. il,...J
l:.Jl l.. s l..l ..,Jl _z l,J ) r ( _. :.l.Jl ..lJl
_. ,,L..Jl .
13- 1he Commlttee: 1he standlng Commlttee
relerred to under Artlcle Llght ol the 8egulatlons.
13 .JJl . : _z l,J l:.Jl ..l.Jl .JJl :.l.Jl _. ..l1Jl
,,L..Jl .
14- uelendant: 1he party agalnst whom a complalnt
ls lodged wlth the Commlttee, pursuant to the
provlslons ol the 8egulatlons and ol thls 8lll.
14 . ,Js _s..Jl : lzz .JJl ,l.l z, s: i.. _.
.xJl ::> ,,L..Jl ,lsY .
Chapter 1wo - rocedures lor
obtalnlng a llcense and condltlons thereol.
L: _,.Jl _Js .Jl il.l . _.l1Jl ..Jl
Artlcle two:
lollowlng are requlrements to be satlslled and
documents to be produced lor obtalnlng a llcense to
provlde umra servlces:
:.l.Jl ,.l1Jl :
L.:, _,....Jl il.. l.sl .l..J _,. ..J
il.....Jl ,,.z. il,JL..Jl .l.,..l ,Jl.Jl :
1- 1he appllcant establlshment must be a sole
proprletorshlp or a company lormed pursuant to
Companles 8egulatlons. An olllclal document lssued
by the Mlnlstry ol Commerce must be produced
lndlcatlng that the capltal ol the establlshment ls
wholly Saudl owned and that lt ls not less than llve
hundred thousand 8layls.
1 . l ,.z ... s: _,.Jl ,JlL :l:..Jl :.. _l
_.. ..... ,.z, _l ils:Jl ,lL. ,lsY lz,L .s. s:
_..., :l.Jl :l _. .lsJl, lsJ.. :l:..Jl l. _l _l
l, Jl .l... _s z, 1l _,,...J .
2- An uncondltlonal llrm bank guarantee ln the sum
ol two hundred thousand 8lyals lssued by a local
bank approved by the Saudl Arablan Monetary
Agency. 1he guarantee must be valld throughout the
llcense perlod and shall be automatlcally renewed
wlth the renewal ol the llcense. lt may not be
revoked except wlth the prlor wrltten consent ol the
2 gJl.J l, Jl _..l. _J,., L:. , _.l. _s., _l.. .
.z.Jl ... _. :.....Jl ,J.Jl d.,Jl .l _. .l. :lJl
_l. ._...Jl _,.Jl ..., _,.Jl :.. lL ...Jl
.lJ;J ,l , _,.Jl ..., l,.lzJ. 1 ,,l.s zzl.,
:lJl _. z,.. .
3- A copy ol the establlshment's commerclal reglster
ll the appllcant ls an establlshment.
3 _,.Jl ,JlL _ls _ ...JJ _l.Jl .Jl _. :. .
... .
4- A copy ol the company's artlcles ol assoclatlon and
lts amendment annexes, ll the appllcant ls a
company, together wlth a copy ol the commerclal
4 _ls _ ,J,...Jl zx. s:Jl _,.l. .zs _. :. .
_l.Jl .Jl _. :. _. s: _,.Jl ,JlL .
3- 1he actlvlty pertalnlng to umrah perlormers'
servlces ls to be added to the commerclal reglster ol
the appllcant pursuant to a relerral lrom the Mlnlstry
to the Mlnlstry ol Commerce.
3 ,JlLJ _l.Jl .Jl _J _,....Jl .. Ll:. zl. .
:l.Jl :lJ :lJl _. Jl _Js .l., _,.Jl .
6- A copy ol the clvll status card ol the manager ln
charge and ol the mangers ol the branch olllces.
6 _,.. ..Jl ,..JJ ,...Jl lYl lL, _. :. .
,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl .
7- A copy ol a certlllcate evldenclng absence ol
convlctlons, lor the managers ol branch olllces and
lor the owner ol a sole proprletorshlp, ll the
appllcant establlshment ls a sole proprletorshlp.
7 dJ:s ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl _,..J _,l. J :.l: _. :. .
_,.Jl ,JlL :l:..Jl i.ls l: ,..Jl ...Jl ,l.J
,.z ... .
8- 1he managerlal organlzatlonal structure ol the
buslness pertalnlng to umra servlces accordlng to the
requlrements stlpulated by the Mlnlstry.
8 _z _,....Jl il.. Ll:.J _l.]l _.,L..Jl s,Jl .
:lJl l>... _.Jl il,JL..Jl .
9- A sketch showlng the locatlon ol branch olllces ln
Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madlnah Al-Munawarah
and !eddah.
9 s. _. s _z ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl _l. g., _...> ,. .
:. :..Jl .,..Jl .s.Jl .
10- Coples ol the lease contracts or coples ol the tltle
deeds ol branch olllces.
10 ,.ls.Jl dJ.. ds. . l l,]l .zs . . .Jl ,s .
11- Computers and soltware must be avallable
accordlng to the Mlnlstry requlrements and the
llcensee's network must be llnked wlth the Mlnlstry's
network so as to ensure automatlc transmlsslon ol
the lnlormatlon requlred ln thls llst lrom the
llcensee's network to the Mlnlstry's network.
11 il,JL..J lzz _.l,Jl _JSl ,.lJl :l z. . :lJl
_z, l., :lJl ,s:, J _.Jl s,: L, dJ: _z l.,
_.lzJ.Jl z.Jl s,: _. .xJl ::> _z ,JL.Jl il.J..JJ
:lJl s,: _J J _.Jl .
12- 1he llcense appllcatlon lorm prepared by the
Mlnlstry, must be lllled out whlch lorm ls to be
slgned by the manager ln charge.
12 _l _Js :lJl :... _:Jl _,.Jl ,JL _:.. .,.. . _,
..Jl ,..Jl , _. .
13- Approval ol the Mlnlster ol Pa[.
13 l , zzl. . _J .
Artlcle 1hree:
1he orlglnals ol the documents lndlcated ln the
prevlous Artlcle shall be produced lor conlormlng
same wlth the coples thereol whlch are submltted
wlth the llcense appllcatlon. Alter conllrmlng the
conlormlty ol the documents the Mlnlstry's
competent stall shall annotate the copy as a true
copy ol the orlglnal.
:.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl :
l. ,, _z l,J l:.Jl _.l1Jl .l :.l.Jl z,l.Jl
_. l.z,lL.J .sl.Jl .., _,.Jl ,JL _. ..z.Jl l>.
_..Jl :lJl L. ,z, z,lL.Jl _. .Jl _Js ,:l.Jl, :
.xJ z,lL. l.l, .
Artlcle lour:
ll the sole proprletorshlp that applles lor a llcense ls
owned by a woman, lt must have a Saudl agent
vested wlth powers that authorlze hlm to take and
lollow up steps lor obtalnlng the llcense and lor
representlng lt belore the Mlnlstry and thlrd partles.
Pe shall also be responslble lor managlng the servlces
provlded to umra perlormers.
:.l.Jl .,lJl :
i.ls l: lsJ.. _,.Jl ,JlL ,..Jl ,l.Jl ...Jl
_s: ,s lJ _s, _l ,,z :l.l . ,..Jl _...
il,x., _Js .Jl il.l .,l.. :l.l _. .s..
_,.Jl :l. _s 1.. _s, _l .,Jl :lJl ,l.l lJ,1..
il.. Ll:. _,....Jl .
Artlcle llve:
1he manager ln charge, the managers ol branch
olllces and the supervlsors ol the servlces should be
Saudls ol good manners and conduct none ol them
should have been convlcted ol a crlme related to the
:.l.Jl ..lJl :
_l ,, ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl _,.. ..Jl ,..Jl _s,
_.. _,,... il..Jl _Js _,z:.Jl ,J dJ.Jl :,.Jl
,Js ,sJl l _.Yl, x]l, _J.., ,, ,.. _l .l. _,.,
dlsturbance ol securlty or sentenced to a Shar'ah
punlshment or one that ls meted out ln publlc lor a
crlme lnvolvlng a breach ol honor or trust that ls
recorded ln the prevlous convlctlon certlllcate, unless
he has been rehabllltated.
_s: ., .l.Yl l :Jl, J. ., _z ,,.. ,zs l
_,l.Jl .,. _z J.. :l,.sl ,J . . _s, ,J l. .
Artlcle Slx:
An establlshment or company applylng lor a llcense
must have, ln addltlon to lts head olllce, a speclal
branch olllce lor provldlng servlces to umra
perlormers ln Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madlnah
Al-Munawarah and !eddah. 1he olllce shall be:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl :
_l L.:, zl.]l, _,.Jl ,JlL s:Jl l ...JJ _s,
_l _sz ,.s. _.,.Jl l>z. _J _,....Jl il.. .l.Y
.,..Jl .s.Jl s. _. s _z _z L.:, :. :..Jl
_J, l. ,.s.Jl :
1- ln an area approprlate lor provlslon ol umra
servlces and shall be easy to locate.
1 ., ,, _,....Jl il..J ,.l.. zL.. _z _s, _l .
,Js 1...1l .
2- ln accordance wlth the lnstructlons announced by
the Mlnlstry ln terms ol lts total area, lts lurnlture
and lurnlshlngs, technlcal and archltectural
speclllcatlons and external appearance.
2 :,. 1,1l. ,.,s ,Jl.]l .l.. _s. _l . .l..l.
:lJl l.J.. il.,J.. ,. _lJl :L. ,...Jl ,..Jl .
Artlcle Seven:
1he manager ln charge may also be the manager ol
the branch olllce ln the same clty whereln the head
olllce ol the establlshment or company ls located.
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl :
, _s.Jl ,.s.JJ l,.. l.,l _s, _l ..Jl ,..JJ
.Jl _.. _z :..Jl _.Jl .,. l ...JJ _.,.Jl z.Jl l,
s:Jl .
Artlcle Llght:
ln case ol termlnatlon or explry ol the servlces ol the
manager ln charge or ol the manager ol a llcensed
branch olllce, a new manager shall be appolnted,
provlded that he shall satlsly the condltlons lndlcated
ln thls 8lll, wlthln a maxlmum ol slxty days ol the date
ol the posltlon lalllng vacant. 1he Mlnlstry shall be
notllled ol the name ol the new manager alter a
maxlmum ol three days ol the reglstratlon ol hls
name ln the commerclal reglster.
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl :
Jl _z .l ,.. l ..Jl ,..Jl il.. .l..l l .l.
,,z lJ _.Jl ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl z.. .,. ,.. _,,..
.,. 1 :.. x .xJl ::> _z l,Js _...Jl L:Jl ,z
,.l, :lJl l.: .,LJl : g,l. _. l., _,.. _Js
.,.Jl ,..Jl 1x1 .., 1sYl _Js ,l,l _z ..l ., g,l. _.
_l.Jl .Jl .
Artlcle nlne:
Lach llcensee shall llle wlth the Mlnlstry a statement
contalnlng the names ol the stall worklng at each
branch olllce, thelr natlonalltles, type ol work, coples
ol thelr ldentlllcatlon documents and work permlts,
wlthln thlrty days ol hls obtalnlng the llcense. Pe
shall also notlly the Mlnlstry ol any changes allectlng
sald statement, wlthln three days ol the date ol the
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl :
s _Js .l,, :lJJ ,.z, _l J _. _,J.l.Jl .l..l _..., l
,.l,.. _sz ,.s. s _z il,1 _. . ,J.s _.
J. g,l. _. l., _,1x1 x ,J.s g,l.. ,.l,.:
_l,,Jl _Js lL. ix,... _l, :lJl .:, _l _,.Jl _Js
,l,l 1x1 x s:.Jl ,...Jl g,l. _. .
Artlcle 1en:
A llcensee must notlly the Mlnlstry ol hls elected
domlclle, and ol any change allectlng hls address, at
least lllteen days belore the change. lallure to notlly
the Mlnlstry wlthln the perlod deslgnated hereln shall
entall that all notlllcatlons and communlcatlons sent
:.l.Jl ::l.Jl :
_Js ,, :lJl L, _l J _.Jl l..Jl :z. _l..,
dJ: .l.s _Js lL, ,,. _l, g,l. _. l., :s .. ,
_z ...Jl .s.Jl _z lL]l ,.s _Js ,.., .,,.Jl ::>
:.l.Jl _,. _s. _l _l.s _Js J..Jl il,.ls.Jl illL]l
to the address ol hls elected domlclle llled wlth the
Mlnlstry shall be consldered valld and ellectlve, thls
belng wlthout pre[udlce to any penalty lmposed
pursuant to Artlcle Seven ol the 8egulatlons.
,. :lJl _z ..Jl l..Jl :z. l>l1i zlsJ ...
_. .,l.Jl :.l.JJ lzz ,zs _l _,., x]l ,.s _. dJ:
,,L..Jl .
Artlcle Lleven:
:.l.Jl ::s ,.lJl :
1- A llcensee should hlmsell provlde the servlce lor
perlormers ol umra and may not asslgn hls llcense to
a thlrd party.
1 l, _l J _.Jl _Js ,, . 1 x.z _,....Jl il..
,JJ _,.Jl _s l..Jl , .
2- ln case the llcensed establlshment or company ls
sold or merged ln another company, the llcense may
not be amended unless the buyer or the merglng
company satlslles the terms and condltlons set lorth
ln thls 8lll.
2 _z lJ _.Jl s:Jl l ...Jl _.. l _,, Jl _z .
s:Jl l _.:.Jl _z z. l: 1 _,.Jl .., 1 l s:
L:Jl .l.Jl .xJl ::> _z :.lJl ,lsYl .
Artlcle 1welve:
1he Mlnlstry shall prepare a speclal reglster lor
llcensees whereln the lollowlng data shall be
:.l.Jl ::s ,.l1Jl :
... ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl ,z _.. ,J _.Jl, l.l x. :lJl :
1- name ol llcensee and number and date ol hls
commerclal reglster.
1 _l.Jl J. g,l. , J _.Jl ,.l . .
2- Pead olllce and lull address ol the llcensee.
2 .lsJl, .l.s J _.JJ _.,.Jl s.Jl . .
3- 1he locatlon and address ol the branch olllces.
3 ,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl _,l.s z. . .
4- number and date ol llcense.
4 _,.Jl g,l. , . .
3- names ol the stall, lncludlng the name ol the
manager ln charge and the names ol the mangers ol
the branch olllces.
3 .l..l ..Jl ,..Jl ,.l dJ: _z l., _,J.l.Jl .l..l . _,..
,s.Jl ,.ls.Jl .
6- 1he number and date ol the bank guarantee
submltted by the llcensee and the name ol the bank
that lssued the guarantee.
6 ,.l J _.Jl _. ,.z.Jl _s.,Jl _l..Jl g,l. , . d.,Jl
_l..Jl ... .
7- 1he penaltles lmposed on the llcensee.
7 J _.Jl _Js ..Jl il.lJl . .
Artlcle 1hlrteen:
new llcense appllcatlons may be suspended by vlrtue
ol a declslon lssued by the Mlnlster ol Pa[, ll the
Mlnlstry llnds at any tlme that the country does not
need same.
:.l.Jl ::s 1Jl1Jl :
, il l: :.,. _,. il,JL lz, _Jl , _. lz,
il..Jl _. :.z _z :lJl l,J .x,Jl l ,.s .
Chapter three - 8enewalor Cancellatlon ol Llcense
:lJ l _,.Jl .,.. . Jl1Jl ..Jl
Artlcle lourteen:
1he llcense term ls lor llve renewable years. 1he
llcense shall be consldered as havlng explred wlth the
explry ol the term thereol unless lt ls renewed.
:.l.Jl ::s .,lJl :
:.. _,.Jl ,.., ..,..JJ J,l il.. _. _,.Jl
,., ,J l. .... .l..l, l,... :.,.. .
Artlcle lllteen:
A llcensee should apply to the Mlnlstry lor renewal ol
hls llcense at least thlrty days prlor to the explry date
ol hls llcense. ln all cases the lollowlng must be
satlslled lor renewal ol the llcense:
:.l.Jl ..lJl ::s :
.,. .,.. ,JL, :lJJ ,.z., _l J _.Jl _Js _,.,
l., _,1x1 , _,.Jl :.. .l..l g,l. _. Yl _Js
l. _,.Jl .,..J i1lJl _,. _z L.:, , _J :
1- Satlslactlon ol all the condltlons ln lorce that are
requlred lor lssulng the llcense.
1 l..] ,JL.Jl ...Jl ,l.Jl L:Jl _,. .l.,..l .
_,.Jl .
2- ayment ol all llnes that may have been lmposed
on the llcensee lor vlolatlng the terms and condltlons
set lorth ln the 8egulatlons and the 8lll.
2 _Js i. _s. . _.Jl ,Jl.Jl il.lJl _Jl,. .l.. .
,,L..Jl _z :.lJl ,lsYl L:JJ ..Jl.J J _.Jl
.xJl .
Artlcle Slxteen:
A llcense shall be consldered null and vold ln the
lollowlng cases:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl ::s :
,.Sl lYl _z l,1 _,.Jl ,.., :
1- uecease or loss ol capaclty ol the owner ol a sole
proprletorshlp ll the llcense ls lssued ln the name ol
the sole proprletorshlp.
1 _ls l: ,J>Yl .l.zz l ,..Jl ...Jl ,l. :lz .
,..Jl ...Jl ,.l, .l. _,.Jl .
2- Llquldatlon or declaratlon ol bankruptcy ol the
company ll the llcense ls lssued ln the name ol the
2 .l. _,.Jl _ls l: l.xz _xs l s:Jl ,... . ,.l,
s:Jl .
1he manager ln charge or the helrs ol the sole
proprletorshlp, thelr guardlans or llquldators, shall
lnlorm the Mlnlstry ol such cases wlthln thlrty days ol
the occurrence thereol.
l ,..Jl ...Jl ,l. 1 l ..Jl ,..Jl _Js ,,
,1x1 x i1lJl dJ. _s :lJl _x, _,...Jl l ,.l,Jl _
g,l. _. l., ls .
1he llcense may also be cancelled lorby the Mlnlster
ol Pa[ lor a substantlated reason ln the lollowlng
i1lJl _z _Jl , _. ,,.. lz, _,.Jl _J, l.s
,Jl.Jl :
1- Cancellatlon pursuant to the provlslon ol Artlcle
Seven ol the 8egulatlons.
1 ,sJ lz,L .lJ]l . :.l.Jl _. .,l.Jl ,,L..Jl .
2- ll the llcensee asslgns the llcense.
2 _,.Jl _s J _.Jl l.. l: . .
3- ll the llcense ls not amended pursuant to the
provlslon ol Artlcle Lleven ol thls 8lll.
3 Jl .., ,J l: . ,lsY lzz _,. :.l.Jl _. ::s ,.lJl
::> .xJl .
4- ll the llcensee does not commence provldlng umra
servlces wlthln one year ol obtalnlng the llcense.
4 .. x _,....Jl il.. Ll:. J _.Jl :l,, ,J l: .
_,.Jl _Js J. g,l. _. .
3- ll the llcensee dlscontlnues the provlslon ol umra
servlces lor one lull year, unless there are
[ustlllcatlons acceptable to the Mlnlstry, ln whlch
case an addltlonal perlod not exceedlng slx month
shall be granted to the llcensee. ll the sald addltlonal
perlod explres wlthout resumptlon ol the actlvlty the
llcense shall be cancelled.
3 _,....Jl il.. Ll:. Jl. J _.Jl :l,, ,J l: . :..
_L..z :lJl l, _..z. il,. dl.> _s. ,J l. .J.ls ..
,zl. J. _.JJ J.Jl i.z.l l: .:l .. _s .,. 1
,zl.]l ,., Ll:.Jl ::l,. _. :s:.Jl _,.Jl .lJ .
6- ll the llcensee no longer satlslles a requlslte
condltlon lor obtalnlng the llcense pursuant to the
provlslons ol the 8egulatlons and ol thls 8lll.
6 _,.Jl _Js .Jl L: _. lL: J _.Jl .zz l: .
lz,L ,,L..Jl ,lsY .
Chapter lour
rocedures lor the Arrlval ol umrah erlormers
_,lJl ..Jl
_,....Jl ,. il.l
Artlcle Seventeen:
ln order to obtaln an umrah vlsa, the appllcatlon
should be submltted to the Mlsslon through the
lorelgn partles under contract wlth the llcensees
alter satlslylng the lollowlng condltlons:
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl ::s :
_s ,J1..JJ ,JLJl ,.z, _l ., 1 :.s :,:l. _Js .JJ
ilJl _,L .l.,..l .., ,J _.Jl _. :.l...Jl ,lJl
,Jl.Jl L:Jl :
1- 1he health stlpulatlons lssued by the Mlnlstry ol
Pealth ln the klngdom should be satlslled.
1 _z .Jl :l _. :.l.Jl ,.Jl ilLl.:1l z. .
sJ..Jl .
2- A return tlcket wlth conllrmed reservatlon.
2 Jl :.s. :.s ,l>: .. :s:. . .
3- A bank cheque lssued by a bank approved by the
Saudl Arablan Monetary Agency lor every umrah
perlormers coverlng all the lees to whlch the llcensee
ls entltled lncludlng the rent lor the umrah
perlormer's accommodatlon, transport and other
servlces whlch he chooses as per the standard agreed
upon and pursuant to the standard ol servlce
approved. As an exceptlon lt shall be permlsslble ln
group tours to accept one cheque ln the value ol all
the amounts requlred ol each lndlvldual ol the group
tour, or payment may be made through the lorelgn
party ln the State lrom whlch the umrah perlormers
come, and ln all cases the sald party shall submlt the
passports to the Mlsslon together wlth evldence that
the amount to whlch the llcensee ls entltled has been
3 ... _. :.....Jl d.,Jl .l _. _z.. d,: . .z.Jl
l., J _.Jl ilz...Jl .ls, .... sJ _...Jl _,.Jl
....Jl _s. :l l,z _.Jl il..Jl _. dJ: , .xz..
il,...J lzz ,Js _...Jl ...Jl ,. l>l., ..Jl
ls,: , ,sl.Jl ixJl i1l _z , .l.1..l .:.....Jl
.,z, l.l ,.Jl _,. JJl .lzl s _s ,JL.Jl _Jl
Jl _,L _s _z.Jl l ,sl.Jl _.Jl J.Jl _z ,lJl
:s:.Jl Jl _J.. i1lJl _,. _z ....Jl l.. ,.z,
_J,.Jl ,. i,1, l. ,,.z. _. ,J1..JJ illJl ,,.z.
J _.JJ _...Jl .
Artlcle Llghteen:
olltlcal personalltles are exempted lrom the
condltlons contalned ln artlcle seventeen. lt shall also
be permlsslble lor the heads ol dlplomatlc mlsslons
abroad to exempt lslamlc personalltles and those
personalltles whlch have a speclal soclal status lrom
all or some ol such condltlons.
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl ::s :
_z :.lJl L:Jl _. ,.l,.Jl il,.:Jl _.1... :.l.Jl
.l l.s .::s .,l.Jl _z ,.l.J,.Jl il1.,Jl .l.J ,
il,.:Jl .,.x.]l il,.:Jl .l.1..l _lJl _. lJ _.Jl
.Jl dJ. _., _. l s _. ._l _sl..l .
Artlcle nlneteen:
Llnkage to or seeklng the asslstance ol any ol the
llcensee lor renderlng umrah servlces to those who
deslre to perlorm umrah or to vlslt the Poly Mosque
ol the rophet lrom the lollowlng categorles, ls not
:.l.Jl ::s ..l.Jl :
1 1l L.:, il.. .l.Y ,J _.Jl .l, .l...1l l Ll,.
.l.l _z _,,lJJ :..Jl ,:Jl _,.Jl ...Jl :l, l :..Jl
,Jl.Jl il..Jl _. :
1- Cuests ol the government
1 .sJl ,. . .
2- Students, lnlormatlon, cultural or olllclal athletlc
2 ,.l,Jl l ,zlz1Jl l ,.xs]l l ,,xLJl .zJl . ,..Jl
delegatlons and the llke. l.s _z l. .
3- 1hose arrlvlng ln the klngdom on vlslt vlsas.
3 :l, il,:l., sJ..Jl _J _..lzJl . .
1he personalltles and the categorles mentloned ln
thls artlcle and Artlcle Seventeen ol thls 8lll may llnk
wlth or may seek the servlces ol one ol the llcensees
should they so wlsh.
::> _z :s:.Jl il..Jl il,.:JJ , :.l.Jl :.l.Jl
:s .,l.Jl .l il.., .l...1l l Ll,.1l .xJl ::> _.
_z l, l: ,J _.Jl dJ: .
Artlcle 1wenty:
1he Mlsslon shall determlne the name ol the llcensee
ln the entry vlsa alter satlslactlon ol the condltlon lor
obtalnlng same.
:.l.Jl _:.Jl :
... .l.,..l .., .Jl :,:l. _z J _.Jl ,. ,J1..Jl
l,Js .Jl L: .
Chapter llve
8elatlonshlp between the Llcensee and the lorelgn
_.lJl ..Jl
ilJl J _.Jl _,, x.Jl ,lJl
Artlcle 1wenty Cne:
ln order to organlze, arrange and operate umrah
[ourneys, whether lndlvldual or group trlps, pursuant
to the provlslons ol the 8egulatlons and ol thls 8lll,
every llcensee should conclude a contract wlth a
lorelgn party to act as lts agent ln order to represent
hlm and to act on hls behall ln concludlng the
contract wlth umrah perlormers and to render all the
servlces to the umrah perlormers upon thelr arrlval
lnto the klngdom.
:.l.Jl ,.lJl _:.Jl :
l ,.z ix i.ls .l. :..Jl ix :,... ,,.. ,,L..J
,sl. s _Js ,, .z .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl ,lsY lzz
_. .l.., _l J _. ,l,.Jl J,1..J J ,ss ,l
Jl .....Jl _. .l..Jl _z .s zls, ,l,z ....JJ il..Jl
sJ..Jl _.ll _J J. _,J .
Artlcle 1wenty 1wo:
1he two partles to the servlces contract may organlze
thelr contractual relatlonshlp pursuant to mutually
agreed terms and condltlons provlded that the
contract shall lnclude the lollowlng:
:.l.Jl ,.l1Jl _:.Jl :
_l.Yl, ,.l..Jl l..xs l.L., _l il..Jl .zs _zLJ
_.Jl L:Jl _J, l. _Js ..:, _l L,: .l.l,.., :
1- 8espect ol the laws and regulatlons prevalent ln
the klngdom.
1 _z ,l.Jl g.lJJl .L.Yl :lsl. . sJ..Jl .
2- 1he lorelgn party should execute the programs ol
the umrah trlps accurately and punctually, whether
such are lndlvldual or group trlps and should obllgate
the llcensee to render the servlces lnslde the
klngdom pursuant to the requlred accuracy and
2 :,... _z Ll,..1l .Jl, ,lJl Jl ,l.Jl . _.l,
,lJ .,sl. l ,.z ix i.ls .l. :..Jl ix
.l.l, J _.Jl ...Jl .Jl, sJ..Jl l. il..Jl
,JL.Jl .
3- 1he lorelgn party should submlt a llrm and
uncondltlonal bank guarantee lrom a bank approved
ln the State to whlch lt belongs and acceptable to the
Saudl Arablan Monetary Agency ln lavor ol llcensee
ln an amount that ls not less than one hundred
thousand Saudl 8lyals (S8. 100,000). 1hls guarantee
shall remaln valld throughout the perlod ol the
3 L:. , l,.l. l,s., l.l.. ,lJl Jl ,,.z. . .l _.
... _. ,z. l,J _.... _.Jl J.Jl _z :.....Jl d.,Jl
_,.Jl .z.Jl _.Jl J..J _...Jl _s z, 1 _J,., J
_l. _l..Jl l:> L, l, Jl .l. .z.Jl :.. lL ...Jl
.z.Jl :.. .,.., ..., .
contract and shall be renewable when the contract
perlod has been renewed.
4- ulsputes arlslng between the two partles ln
connectlon wlth the constructlon or lmplementatlon
ol the contract whlch cannot be resolved amlcably,
shall be relerred to the competent [udlclal authorlty
ln the klngdom or to arbltratlon pursuant to the
provlslons ol the Arbltratlon Law ln the klngdom and
the 8lll ol lmplementatlon thereol.
4 ,... _l:, _,zLJl _,, ,:.. _.Jl ilsl..Jl l. _l . l
z.Jl :,... _z ...Jl ,.l.zJl Jl _J l,. lJ :.., .
_s l sJ..Jl _z ,,s.Jl ,lL. ,lsY lzz ,,s.Jl _,L
,:,...Jl ..1 sJ..Jl .
3- 1he contract, the constructlon and executlon
thereol shall be sub[ect to the provlslons ol the laws
and regulatlons ol the klngdom, and the two partles
to the servlces contract shall use the model contract
prepared by the government as a gulde.
3 .L.Yl ,lsY ::,... :,... .z.Jl _., _l . _z g.lJJl
_:Jl _:..Jl .z.Jl, il..Jl .zs lzL .:.., sJ..Jl
:... :lJl .
6- lor the contract to be valld, lt ls stlpulated that lt
should be reglstered wlth and legallzed by the
6 ,Js _.l.. J.. _l .z.Jl _l,.J L.:, . :lJl .
Artlcle 1wenty 1hree:
1he llcensee shall be dlrectly responslble vls-a-vls the
umrah perlormers lor breach ol hls obllgatlons
pursuant to the provlslons ol the contract concluded
wlth the umrah perlormers.
:.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl _:.Jl :
_s ....Jl ,l.l ::l,. ,J.. .. J _.Jl ,..,
x]l _. ,,.Jl .z.Jl ,lsY lzz , Ll..Jl il.l.J1l,
....Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty lour:
A llcensee may not conclude a contract wlth a lorelgn
party that ls under contract wlth another llcensee.
:.l.Jl .,lJl _:.Jl :
_. :.l... ,l _. .l..Jl J _.JJ , 1
J _. i .
Artlcle 1wenty llve:
1he llcensee should lmmedlately upon termlnatlon ol
the contract concluded wlth the lorelgn party or
upon ceaslng to deal wlth lt shall lnlorm the Mlnlstry
and the Mlsslon ln the State to whlch the lorelgn
party belongs, ln wrltlng.
:.l.Jl ..lJl _:.Jl :
Js ,, Jl _. ,,.Jl .z.Jl .l. z J _.Jl _
. l ,lJl ,J1..Jl :lJl l,,l.s .:, _l l.. .l..Jl
Jl l,J _.... _.Jl J.Jl _z ,lJl .
Artlcle 1wenty Slx:
1he servlces contract should be concluded ln three
counterparts attested by the competent authorltles
ln the State to whlch the lorelgn party belongs and by
the Mlsslon ln that State and the Mlnlstry ol lorelgn
Allalrs ln the klngdom, whlch counterpart shall then
be submltted to the Mlnlstry lor revlew, reglstratlon
and legallzatlon ol same pursuant to the provlslons ol
Artlcle 4/4 ol the 8egulatlons.
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _:.Jl :
_.l.. ,J.l g.. x1 _. il..Jl .zs ,l, ,., _l _,.,
_. l,Js Jl l,J _.... _.Jl J.Jl _z _l..1l il
dJ. _z ,J1..Jl _. ,lJl _z ,lJl :l J.Jl
lz,... lJ,.. l..l.J :lJJ ,.z. ,1 ..sJ..Jl lzz
,lsY :.l.Jl (4/4) ,,L..Jl _. .
Artlcle 1wenty Seven:
ll the servlces contract ls concluded wlth a lorelgn
party belonglng to a non-Arab State then the contract
shall be executed ln Arablc and ln the olllclal
language ol the State to whlch that party belongs or
ln Lngllsh. ln the event ol a dlscrepancy or
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl _:.Jl :
. il..Jl .zs _ls l: , J.J _.... ,l _. l.,
,,s ,..Jl JJl ,,.Jl _,.JJl, .z.Jl , _l _,.,z
dJ. l,J _.... _.Jl J.JJ Jl _z .,,J.]l JJl l Jl
_.Jl _,.Jl _.Jl _,, _l.. l _l.. . ...., _,.Yl
contradlctlon between the Arablc verslon and a
lorelgn verslon, the Arablc verslon shall prevall.
, .., _,.Jl _.Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty Llght:
When the two partles to the servlces contract have
agreed to lntroduce any amendment to the sald
contract, the legallzed copy reglstered wlth the
Mlnlstry should be amended pursuant to the same
procedures provlded lor ln thls 8lll.
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl _:.Jl :
.z.Jl _Js ,... _l l. _Js il..Jl .zs _zL _l..l ..s
s:.Jl :lJl .J J..Jl ...Jl ..Jl ,... ,, .z
_...Jl il.l]l _..J lzz .xJl ::> _z l,Js .
Chapter Slx
Standard ol Servlce and Cbllgatlons ol Llcensee
_.l.Jl ..Jl
l,... J _.Jl il,l ..Jl i
Artlcle 1wenty nlne:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _:.Jl :
1he Mlnlster ol Pa[ shall lssue a resolutlon approvlng
the llst relatlng to the standard ol servlces, the klnds,
the levels and the speclllcatlons thereol as well as
the prlces ol each one ol them alter preparlng same
ln agreement wlth the Mlnlstry ol Commerce and
alter approval thereol by the Mlnlster ol lnterlor.
1hls llst shall be regarded an lntegral part ol thls 8lll
il,..., .lJl ..lzJl .l..sl, ll _Jl , ..,
..Jl .., dJ: l.. s l..l l.l..l. l.l. lsl.l
_. _l..1l, l>.l.s .l,Js ,Jl.Jl , zzl. :l.Jl :l
_. l., 1 l. ..lzJl dJ. ,... .xJl ::> .
1he llst shall be revlsed once every three years, or
whenever the need arlses, by a commlttee conslstlng
ol representatlves lrom the Mlnlstry ol lnterlor, the
Mlnlstry ol Commerce and the Mlnlstry ol Pa[, whlch
commlttee shall submlt lts recommendatlons to the
Mlnlster ol Pa[ who shall lssue any amendments he
deems necessary by vlrtue ol a resolutlon passed by
hlm lollowlng the approval ol the Mlnlster ol the
dJ: _J lJl is. l.Js l il.. x1 s ..lzJl _l. _.
:l.Jl :l ,Jl.Jl :l _. _,,... _. _s.. .J ,
_z. _Jl :l .. lz, .., _:Jl _Jl , _J l.l,..
, zzl. .., l>l, ix,... _l ,Jl.Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty:
:.l.Jl _1x1Jl :
Lach llcensee undertakes to serve the umrah
perlormers lalthlully and slncerely and ln accordance
wlth the provlslons ol the 8egulatlons and the 8lll ol
lmplementatlon thereol and pursuant to the
standard ol servlce agreed upon. 1he llcensee lurther
undertakes to recelve the umrah perlormers at the
alrports, seaports and arrlval termlnals, to welcome
and transport them and thelr personal belonglngs to
thelr accommodatlons and to ensure thelr comlort
throughout the perlod ol thelr stay ln accordance
wlth the arrangements agreed upon.
lz,L _x .l.l, _,....Jl .., J _. s ,.J,
_...Jl ..Jl ...J lzz ,:,...Jl ..1 ,,L..Jl ,lsY
,.J, l.s l,Js l,z..l, J _.Jl illL.Jl _z _,....Jl
,, ,,.Jl .Jl :zl.. _.l.Jl _sl.l _J ,....l z.
lzz dJ: .l]l :.. lL ,.l _Js l:]l ,>l.s.
l,Js _...Jl il,,..JJ .
Artlcle 1hlrty Cne:
:.l.Jl ,.lJl _1x1Jl :
1he llcensee shall at the approprlate tlme conllrm the
return reservatlons ol umrah perlormers wlthln the
perlod lndlcated ln the vlsa and ll an umrah
perlormer loses the return tlcket prlor to handlng lt
il ,.l..Jl iJl _z .s, _l J _.Jl _Js ,,
:.s .zz l: :,:l.Jl _z :...Jl J.Jl x _,....Jl
, :..Jl :s:. ....Jl _l J _.Jl _Js _z l.,J..
s:Jl ,s _. .lz ., _Js .Jl _z :.sl., _.Jl Jl.Jl
over then the llcensee shall help hlm obtaln one ln
lleu ol the lost one lrom the agent ol the carrler
company whlch lssued the tlcket. ll lt ls lmposslble to
obtaln one ln lleu ol the lost one lor any reason
whatsoever and ll the umrah perlormer does not
have enough money to buy another, then the
llcensee should ln such case provlde the umrah
perlormer wlth a return tlcket and should then clalm
lts value lrom the lorelgn party.
_. ,,. _Y .l.Jl ., _Js .Jl :.. _z :s:.Jl i..l
,J ,l,.Yl _z l :s:. .l:J _.s, l. ....Jl .J _s,
_., _l JlJl ::> _z J _.Jl _Js .Jl :s:. ....JJ :.
,lJl Jl _. l.., dJ: .., ,JL, ,1 .
Artlcle 1hlrty 1wo:
:.l.Jl ,.l1Jl _1x1Jl :
1- 1he llcensee undertakes to malntaln computerlzed
records whlch shall be automatlcally transmltted
pursuant to the provlslons ol paragraph 11 ol Artlcle
2 ol thls 8lll whlch shall contaln all partlculars about
umrah perlormers: thelr names, natlonalltles, ages,
sex, travel tlckets and the numbers thereol, the dates
ol thelr arrlval and departure, the number ol thelr
passports, the means ol transportatlon, the name ol
the carrler and lts agent and thelr accommodatlon ln
Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Al-Madlnah Al-Munawarah
and !eddah as well as the person responslble lor the
land trlps and the standard ol the servlces requlred
lor them.
1 x., Ll..1l, J _.Jl ,.J, . lJz. ,., . ,Ji i l,.lzJ.
:z.Jl ,sJ lzz ) ( _. :.l.Jl ::> _. ,.l1Jl .:. . .xJl
,.l,.. ,>.l..l , _. _,....Jl _s il.J..Jl _,.
,>l.sl ,.. g,l. l.ll ,>.. sl:. ,..
L.l ,.ll ,ll ,..l. J,s l.Jl ,.l z.Jl
:. :..Jl .,..Jl .s.Jl s. _. s _z ,.s. z.
,JL.Jl ..Jl ... ,,Jl ix.Jl _s ..Jl dJ:s
,J .
2- 1he llcensee undertakes to obtaln a statement
certllled by the assport uepartment contalnlng the
baslc partlculars ol the umrah perlormers whom he
serves, whlch statement shall be handed over to the
Mlnlstry wlthln a perlod not exceedlng 24 hours ol
thelr arrlval.
2 :l. _. _... _l,, _Js .Jl, J _.Jl ,.J, .
_,:Jl _,....Jl _s ,.l.Yl il.J..Jl _Js ..:, illJl
,J., ,..., ,z, JJ sl. _,:s .,l l>l.l :.. _z :l
,J. _. .
Artlcle 1hlrty 1hree:
1he llcensee undertakes to provlde the Mlnlstry wlth
a statement contalnlng the names and locatlons ol
hotels and lurnlshed apartments wlth whlch lt had
concluded contracts lor the executlon ol lts
obllgatlons vls-a-vls the umrah perlormers, and also
undertakes to provlde the Mlnlstry wlth any
amendments that may occur ln thls respect.
:.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl _1x1Jl :
_l. .l..l _..., _l,,, :lJl ., _l, J _.Jl ,.J,
_.l..Jl ..Jl _z:Jl :l. .l.l.Jl :,...J l.. .l.. _.Jl :
_l, ,.J, l.s _,....Jl _z lL. . ix,... _l, :lJl .,
_l:Jl l:> .
Artlcle 1hlrty lour:
1he llcensee undertakes to retaln the return tlckets
ol the umrah perlormers and coples ol thelr
passports untll the tlme llxed lor departure and to
repatrlate the umrah perlormers lollowlng the
explratlon ol thelr perlod ol stay ln the klngdom and
shall present a manllest ol those departlng certllled
by the assport uepartment ol the departure outlets
to the Mlnlstry wlthln 24 hours ol thelr departure.
:.l.Jl .,lJl _1x1Jl :
_. . _,....Jl :.s sl:. L., J _.Jl ,.J,
,>.. ill _.Jl ..., ,..l.J ...Jl .s.Jl _,J
:.. .l..l .., _,....Jl ,., J ,,.z. sJ..Jl _z ,..l
_. l,Js _.l.. _,.l.Jl, il.l,, :... ill :l. :.l.Jl
x :lJl _J rt ,..l. _. sl. .
Artlcle 1hlrty llve:
ln case any umrah perlormer lalls to return on the
:.l.Jl ..lJl _1x1Jl :
...J ...Jl .s.Jl _z :..Jl _s .... _l J. Jl _z
date llxed lor hls return lor a legltlmate excuse such
as lllness or the llke, the llcensee should lnlorm the
Mlnlstry ol Pa[ ol that so that lt may lnlorm the
assport uepartment ol the reason ol the lallure ol
the umrah perlormer to return on tlme and ol the
new date lor hls departure.
_s: :., _Jl :l l.: J _.Jl _J.z zx l _.s
:l. l.:, l>., ,z.J dJ:, ....Jl J. ,,. _s illJl
..l.J .,.Jl .s.Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty Slx:
ln case any umrah perlormer lalls to return on the
date llxed lor hls return lor no legltlmate excuse, the
llcensee should lnlorm the Mlnlstry ol llgrlmage, the
ollce and the assport uepartment ol same so that
they may search lor hlm, and a copy ol the passport
and tlcket should be kept wlth the llcensee lor one
month lrom the date orlglnally llxed lor the
departure ol the umrah perlormer and ln case he ls
not lound, the tlcket and a copy ol the passport shall
be sent to the Mlnlstry lor lurther dlspatch by the
Mlnlstry to the assport uepartment.
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _1x1Jl :
s .... _l J. Jl _z ...J ...Jl .s.Jl _z :..Jl _
:s _., L:Jl _Jl :l l.: J _.Jl _Js _z _s:
,Jl ,.,J dJ:, illJl :l. _. :., Ll..1l .s
.s.Jl J _. : :..J J _.Jl .J :s:.Jl lJl
., ,., ,Js 1.Jl ,.s Jl _z .....Jl ..J x.l ...Jl
lJl :. :s:.Jl illJl :l.] lJ, _. lJl.] :lJJ .
Artlcle 1hlrty Seven:
1he passport department may grant translt
passengers, whose perlod ol stay at the klng Abdul
Azlz lnternatlonal Alrport or the rlnce Muhammad
8ln Abdul Azlz Alrport ln Madlnah or the !eddah
lslamlc Seaport exceeds 24 hours, an entry vlsa lor
umrah or lor vlsltlng the Poly Mosque ol the rophet
alter they produce evldence ol conllrmed reservatlon
to the destlnatlon they would leave to and a contract
wlth one ol the llcensees.
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl _1x1Jl :
_,,l.Jl ,lsJl illJl :l. g... _l , ) i,.l.Jl ( _,:Jl
.,. lL. l :., _J.Jl ,.Jl.,s dJ.Jl lL. _z ,>.lz, :..
,.Jl.,s _, ... ,.Yl :. .l.,. l :..Jl .,..Jl,
. :,:l. sl. _,:s .,l _s _.x.]l :..JJ :l, l
l ,.J _l i,1, l. ,.z, _l .., dJ: ,:Jl _,.Jl ...Jl
_J l.s. J _.Jl .l _. .l..Jl l,J .l,. _.Jl Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty Llght:
1he llcensee undertakes to lnlorm the nearest health
center should any ol the umrah perlormers to whom
he renders servlces, contract an lllness whlch ls
suspected to be a contaglous dlsease and should also
help the umrah perlormer to approach a hospltal or
health center lor necessary treatment. Should the
umrah perlormer lall to approach a hospltal or
health center because ol hls lll health, the llcensee
should brlng a doctor to where the umrah perlormer
ls staylng at hls own expense.
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl _1x1Jl :
_l ,l. Jl _z _. s. ,l _,J,., J _.Jl ,.J,
_,....Jl _. _., ,... _J., _,:Jl _. .l ,.:,
_Js ....Jl :.sl.. _. ,...Jl _l.Yl .l .l.
Jl _z ,xJl _x.Jl :Y ,.Jl sl.Jl l il,.:...Jl
....Jl s _.Jl s.Jl l _.:...Jl _J .Jl _s
,,,LJl l. J _.Jl _J.z .Jl ,,., ....Jl z.J
.z.. _Js .
Artlcle 1hlrty nlne:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _1x1Jl :
1he llcensee undertakes to lnlorm the Mlnlstry, 8all-
ul-Maal, the ollce and the assports uepartment ol
the name ol any deceased umrah perlormer to
whom he renders servlces, statlng hls natlonallty,
age, passport number, and the money and other
belonglng ln hls possesslon and lndlcatlng the place
and cause ol death. Pe shall also obtaln a death
certlllcate and take the necessary measures
regardlng hls burlal ln the klngdom or lor repatrlatlon
l.Jl i,, :lJl _. s .:, _l, J _.Jl ,.J, L:Jl
_. ,... _J., _,:Jl _,....Jl _. _z..Jl ,.l, illJl
.,.. _l,, .z. _. . _z l. _l,, :.. l , :.s
:lzJl _ls. il,1 :, _l.. _Js .Jl, ,.J, l.s l,,.
l .z. _l:, .xJl il,,..Jl :l.l .:lzJl :.l: ,.
l:> _z .,..Jl ,.lL.Jl il.l;J lzz dJ: :.x, _J .l.1
_l:Jl .
ol hls body to hls country pursuant to the legal
procedures lollowed ln thls respect.
Chapter Seven
Movement ol the umrah erlormers lnslde the
_,l.Jl ..Jl
l. _,....Jl ixz.. sJ..Jl
Artlcle lorty:
Wlthout pre[udlce to the standard ol servlce agreed
upon, lt shall not be permlsslble to transport umrah
perlormers wlthln the klngdom except by one ol the
lollowlng means ol transport belonglng to one ol the
lollowlng partles:
:.l.Jl _.,Yl :
,.s _. z. , 1 .z ,Js _...Jl ..Jl ..., x]l
1 sJ..Jl l. _,....Jl .] :..l.Jl z.Jl .l. .,
,Jl.Jl ilJl :
1- Saudl Arablan Alrllnes Ceneral Corporatlon.
1 ,...Jl ,,.Jl ,Jl LLJJ .l.Jl ...Jl . .
2- Saudl Arablan ubllc 1ransport Company.
2 _sl.Jl z.JJ ,...Jl s:Jl . .
3- llgrlms 1ransport Companles.
3 _lJl z. ils: . .
4- Llmouslnes (1axls) llcensed by the Mlnlstry ol
Communlcatlons lor transport ol passengers
between the cltles ol the klngdom.
4 . z.J ix.l.Jl :l , _. lJ _.Jl :Yl ill,.
sJ..Jl _.. _,, ,lsJl .
3- Llcensee's means ol transport.
3 J _.Jl z. L.l. . .
1he llcensee undertakes to conclude an agreement
wlth one ol the sald transport partles provldlng that
the transportatlon ol umrah perlormance lalls wlthln
the lramework ol thelr servlce pursuant to the llst ol
servlce standards.
z.Jl il . _. _l..1l .. J _.Jl _J., :s:.Jl
lz,L ,... _lL. _.. ., _,....Jl z. _l _l.l _Js
il,... ..lzJ ..Jl .
Artlcle lorty Cne:
:.l.Jl ,.lJl _.,Yl :
lt shall be permlsslble lor umrah perlormers to move
ln all ol the areas ol the klngdom sub[ect to the
lollowlng rules:
lzz dJ: sJ..Jl _Ll.. _,. _z z..Jl _,....JJ ,
,Jl.Jl .slzJJ :
1- 1hat the movement shall take place wlthln the
perlod stay granted to the umrah perlormers
lndlcated ln the vlsa alter the llcensee has obtalned a
permlsslon lrom the assports uepartment lndlcatlng
the places ol travel and the travel tlme wlthln whlch
he may travel.
1 ....JJ ...Jl .l]l :.. x z..Jl ,., _l . ,.,
illJl _. g,.. _Js J _.Jl ., _l .., :,:l.Jl
z..Jl il ,z ... lJx J g...Jl .xJl :..Jl
z..Jl, .
2- 1he llcensee's undertaklng to provlde the means ol
transport and accommodatlon.
2 _s.Jl z.Jl .l. ,z., J _.Jl ... . .
3- Ascertalnlng that the umrah perlormers have
returned round trlp reservatlon.
3 ,l>:JJ l.s. l ....Jl .J _l _. i,1.Jl . :..Jl .
4- 1he llcensee undertakes to lnlorm the assports
uepartment wlthln 24 hours should an umrah
perlormer lalls to return on the date lndlcated ln the
4 .,l x illJl :l. l.:, J _.Jl ,.J, . _,:s
_z ...Jl .s.Jl _z :..Jl _s ....Jl J. Jl _z sl.
travel permlt. g,.. z..Jl .
Chapter Llght
Commlttee to Conslder Complalnts ol umrah
_.l1Jl ..Jl
_,....Jl ls: _z L.Jl .J
Artlcle lorty 1wo:
:.l.Jl ,.l1Jl _.,Yl :
A standlng Commlttee shall be lormed by vlrtue ol a
8esolutlon passed by the Mlnlster ol Pa[ to conslder
complalnts and vlolatlons reported by umrah
perlormers, whlch Commlttee shall conslst ol
representatlves ol the Mlnlstry ol lnterlor, Mlnlstry ol
Commerce and the Mlnlstry ol Pa[ provlded that
there shall be stated ln the 8esolutlon the name ol
the Commlttee member, the name ol hls deputy, ln
case ol hls absence. Cne ol the Commlttee members
and hls deputy should hold a Sharl'ah degree. Cne ol
the Commlttee members shall be nomlnated
Chalrman ln the same 8esolutlon and the Commlttee
shall have lts own secretary to be selected by the
Mlnlster ol Pa[ lrom among the Mlnlstry's stall.
_z L.JJ :lJl _z ..l. .J _Jl , _. lz, J. ls:
,Jl.Jl :l _. _,J1.. _. _s.. il.Jl.Jl _,....Jl
:l.Jl :l ,.l _Js lzJl _z _., _l _Js _Jl :l
z .s ,., _. ,.l .JJl .s Jl _ .l ., ,l,
.JJl .l.sl .l _.., l,s: x>. ,.l. .JJl .l.sl
l.,. _. _Jl , :l., . _,.l lJ _s, lzJl _.. _z
:lJl _.L. _,, .
Artlcle lorty 1hree:
:.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl _.,Yl :
1he Mlnlstry shall set up several olllces to recelve
complalnts llled by the umrah perlormers ln order to
conslder and document same, and shall try to settle
the dlspute amlcably between the two partles belore
submlttlng them to the Commlttee.
_. ..z.Jl ls:Jl l,z..1 ,.ls. :.s :lJl _:..
_,....Jl l,. _l.Jl ,.. Jl. lz.l1 l.s..l l1,J
, _,zLJl _,, .JJl _J l.z .
Artlcle lorty lour:
:.l.Jl .,lJl _.,Yl :
1he Commlttee shall be competent to conslder the
complalnts llled by umrah perlormers and the
vlolatlons reported by the olllclal authorltles agalnst
one ol the llcensees, to lnvestlgate same, to
recommend the lmposltlon ol one ol the penaltles
provlded lor under Artlcle 7 ol the 8egulatlons and
shall llx the cost ol the servlces whlch the llcensee
lalled to render to the umrah perlormers, provlded
that the Mlnlstry shall collect and return same to
_,....Jl _. ..z.Jl ls:Jl _z L.Jl, .JJl _..
,J _.Jl .l .. ,..Jl ilJl _. J,.Jl il.Jl.Jl
,..Jl l,z _,z.Jl l,Js _...Jl il,z.Jl . _,.,
_z :.l.Jl l ,,L..Jl _. .,l.J ,J _.Jl il..Jl ., .,..
:lJl ,z. _l _Js ....JJ J _.Jl l..z, lJ,..,
J l>. .
Artlcle lorty llve:
:.l.Jl ..lJl _.,Yl :
Should the llcensee vlolate any ol the obllgatlons
prescrlbed ln the 8egulatlons and thls 8lll, the olllclal
authorltles concerned shall approach the Commlttee
requestlng the lmposltlon ol one or more ol the
penaltles provlded lor ln Artlcle 7 ol the 8egulatlons.
_z :z.Jl il.l.J1l _. _l, J _.Jl x Jl _z
.Jl Jl ,.z.. .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl .JJl _J ,...Jl ,.
l ,zs _,. ,JL, _z l,Js _...Jl il,z.Jl _. 1sl
:.l.Jl _. .,l.Jl ,,L..Jl .
Artlcle lorty Slx:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _.,Yl :
1he meetlng ol the Commlttee shall be valld only ll
attended by the ma[orlty ol the members, lncludlng
the Chalrman ol the Commlttee or whomever he
deputlzes. 1he recommendatlons ol the Commlttee
shall be passed wlth the ma[orlty vote ol lts members
and should there be a tle then the Chalrman shall
have the castlng vote. Powever, all the
recommendatlons should be substantlated and
should be slgned by all the members present. Any
dlssentlng member must show hls vlew ln the
mlnutes ol the meetlng.
,,Jl :. l: 1 l,. .JJl _l..l _s, 1 l., .l.sYl
.JJl il,.. ... .s ,., _. l .JJl _,. dJ: _z
, .li ,,Jl ,.lJl g, il.Yl _l.. Jl _z l.l.sl
_,. _s. _l ,, ._,.Jl ,z _:Jl .. ,,.. il,..Jl
l g,.. Jl.Jl ..Jl _Js .Jl .l.sYl _,. _.
,l .JJl .. _z .
Artlcle lorty Seven:
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl _.,Yl :
Alter revlewlng the recommendatlons submltted by
the Commlttee, the Mlnlster ol Pa[ may pass a
resolutlon contalnlng one or more ol the penaltles ol
those provlded lor under Artlcle 7 ol the 8egulatlons
whlch he deems llt. 1he person concerned may lodge
a grlevance agalnst the penalty resolutlon belore the
8oard ol Crlevances wlthln slxty days ol the date ol
notlllcatlon ol same and the declslon ol the 8oard ol
Crlevances shall be regarded as llnal.
.JJl l.z. _.Jl il,..Jl _Js _xL]l .., _Jl ,J l..
sl l ,z., l l,Js _...Jl il,z.Jl _. ..x. l>l, 1
_z :.l.Jl .,,L..Jl _. .,l.Jl _. ,JL.Jl _l:Jl ,l.J _,
_. l., _,.. x ,JlL.Jl _l,. ,l.l ,z.Jl l x, g,l.
dJ:, . l,.l. ,JlL.Jl _l,. l ,.., .
Artlcle lorty Llght:
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl _.,Yl :
1he Chalrman ol the Commlttee shall supervlse the
Commlttee's actlvltles, llx the dates ol the meetlngs
and shall dlstrlbute work between hlmsell and the
Commlttee's members.
.,sl. .,.. lJl.sl _Js l:]l .JJl _,. _J.,
_,, .,, ..Jl _,. il.JJl l.l.sl .
Artlcle lorty nlne:
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _.,Yl :
1- 1he competent partles shall be notllled ol the date
llxed to conslder the complalnt or vlolatlon, at least
seven days prlor to that date provlded that the
notlllcatlon shall contaln a statement ol the nature ol
the complalnt or vlolatlon. 1he delendant shall be
summoned to appear personally or to delegate
someone to represent hlm legally lor hearlng
statements and lor hlm to produce whatever
documents he may have. 1he Commlttee shall
conslder the complalnt or vlolatlon expedltlously.
1 , .Jl.Jl l s:Jl _z L.Jl .s., _l:Jl : L, .
lL]l _..., _l _Js Yl _Js ,l,l .,., ...Jl .s.Jl
l s:Jl _... _l,, .Jl, ,Js _s..Jl ,Js. .Jl.Jl
_l..J ls: .s ,., _. . l l,.: .z. Jll l. ,,
_z s.Jl _Js L.. _l .JJl _Js il..... _. ,.J
l s:Jl .Jl.Jl .
2- 1he sub[ect matter ol the complalnt should be
declded upon wlthln a perlod not exceedlng thlrty
days ol the date ol the llllng thereol.
2 . x s:Jl _.. _z i,Jl _,., . _s .,. 1 :. _,1x1
l.,.z. g,l. _. l., .
3- Sub[ect to the provlslons ol Artlcle 43 ol thls 8lll lt
ls not stlpulated lor contlnulng to conslder the
complalnt that the umrah perlormer remaln alter
explry ol hls perlod ol stay. Powever, lt shall be
permlsslble lor hlm, durlng hls stay, to attend the
3 ,lsl :lsl. _. . :.l.Jl (43) . .xJl ::> _. L.:, 1
...l :.. .l..l .., ....Jl .lz, s:Jl L. _z l...xJ
_Js .l J _l l.s il.JJl . ..l :.. .l.1l J ,
_z , l: .s ,., _. ,s. dJ: .
meetlngs and he shall have the rlght to appolnt one
to represent hlm ll he so deslres.
Artlcle lllty:
1he competent partles shall be notllled ol the date
llxed lor conslderlng the complalnt or vlolatlon by
means ol a letter dellvered by hand, telegraphlcally,
by reglstered mall, by Al-8arld Al-Mumtaz, by lax or
by electronlc mall. 1he absence ol the delendant
shall not preclude proceedlng wlth conslderatlon ol
the complalnt or the vlolatlon.
:.l.Jl _..Jl :
_,J,. ,., .Jl l s:Jl _z L.Jl .s., _l:Jl _: .Jl
l _,Jl _,L _s l .,Jl, ,J., ,lL, .,,Jl l ..Jl .,,Jl
_s..Jl ,l, _.., 1 _..sJ]l .,,Jl L.l, l l...Jl ,Js
.Jl.Jl l s:Jl L. _z l...1l _. .
Artlcle lllty Cne:
1he delendant shall be notllled ol the declslon ol the
Mlnster ol Pa[ regardlng the penalty by reglstered
mall to the address communlcated to the Mlnlstry or
to the address chosen by hlm durlng the
conslderatlon ol the complalnt or vlolatlon.
:.l.Jl ,.lJl _..Jl :
..Jl .,,Jl, ,z.Jl, _Jl , lz, ,Js _s..Jl _J,, _Js
L. .l.1l :l., _:Jl _l..Jl _Js l .:lJJ _J,.Jl _l..Jl
l s:Jl .Jl.Jl .
Chapter nlne
llnal rovlslons
_.l.Jl ..Jl
,.l. ,lsl
Artlcle lllty 1wo:
1- 1he bank guarantee presented by the llcensee
under these 8egulatlons and thls 8lll shall be used lor
satlslactlon ol the penaltles lmposed agalnst hlm by
vlrtue ol the 8egulatlons and the 8lll and also lor
satlslactlon ol the llnanclal rlghts due to those
deallng wlth the llcensee regardlng the umrah
:.l.Jl ,.l1Jl _..Jl :
1 ...., . ,., J _.Jl _. ,.z.Jl _s.,Jl _l..Jl
::> ,,L..Jl ,Js ...Jl il.lJl .l.,..l _z .xJl
_z dJ:s .xJl ,,L..Jl ,., ,Jl.Jl _zJl .l.,..l
:..Jl il.. _l:, J _.Jl _. _,J.l...JJ z...Jl .
2- ll the guarantee ls reduced because ol the
satlslactlon ol the penaltles and the sald rlghts, the
llcensee should augment the guarantee wlthln ten
days ol the day ol hls notlllcatlon ol same, otherwlse,
the Mlnlster ol Pa[ shall have the rlght to cancel hls
2 l.lJl .l.,..l ,,., _l..Jl _z. l: . _zJl i :s:.Jl
,l,l ::s x _l..Jl _J,. .s.., _l J _.Jl _Js ,
:lL g,l. _. .,. .lJ _Jl ,J l 1 dJ:, .
3- 1he guarantee should be released ll the llcense ls
canceled or ll lt explres wlthout belng renewed
unless there are other llnanclal obllgatlons that are
3 l _,.Jl .lJ Jl _z _l..Jl _s _lz]l _,., . .l..l
z... ,Jl. il.l.Jl _l dl.> _s. ,J l. .,.. _. ... .
Artlcle lllty 1hree:
1he amounts ol llnes and ol the rlghts relerred to
under Artlcle lllty 1hree shall not be deducted lrom
the bank guarantee except alter the llcensee has
relused to pay wlthln seven days ol the date ol hls
notlllcatlon ol paylng the amount due.
:.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl _..Jl :
_z l,J l:.Jl _zJl il.lJl _Jl,. ,.. 1 :.l.Jl 1Jl1Jl
_,..Jl _. _s J _.Jl _l...l .., 1 _s.,Jl _l..Jl
:lL g,l. _. ,l,l .,. x .l..Jl _J,.Jl .l.. ,,
_...Jl .
Artlcle lllty lour:
1he amounts due to the State under the provlslons ol
the 8egulatlons and thls 8lll shall be regarded as
prelerentlal debts and shall be collected pursuant to
:.l.Jl .,lJl _..Jl :
::> ,,L..Jl ,lsl ,., J.JJ z...Jl _Jl,.Jl ,...
.xJl J.Jl l.l ,l, ,lL.J lzz .. :l... l.,. .
the State lunds Collectlon Law.
Artlcle lllty llve:
1he Llcensees should enable the competent stall ol
the Mlnlstry to perlorm the dutles asslgned to them
under the 8egulatlons and thls 8lll, lncludlng
lnspectlons ol the olllces ol the llcensee and the
accommodatlons ol the umrah perlormers, the
means ol transports and other servlce lacllltles.
1hese employees shall have the power ol lssulng
prellmlnary determlnatlon and submlt reports wlth
regard to the executlon ol the provlslons ol the
8egulatlons and thls 8lll and the establlshment ol
vlolatlons ol the provlslons thereol or ol the
resolutlons passed ln lmplementatlon thereol.
:.l.Jl ..lJl _..Jl :
.l.l _. _,...Jl :lJl _.L. _,s.. ,J _.Jl _Js
L..Jl ,l.Jl dJ: _z l., .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl ,., ,,
_s. ,J _.Jl ,.ls. _Js _,...Jl L.l. _,....Jl
Jl .l. _. l>, z.Jl .. _,.L.Jl .1J _s, ..
,L,.Jl .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl ,lsl :,... _l: _z ,.l.zJl
il.Jl. _. _z, l. il,1 l:,... :.l.Jl illzJl l l.lsY
lJ .
Artlcle lllty Slx:
1he Mlnlstry shall have the rlght to reluse the
reglstratlon and legallzatlon ol any contract
concluded by the llcensee wlth any other lorelgn
party ll latter breaches any ol lts contractual
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _..Jl :
.,, .zs _l _,... ,.. _s _l...1l :lJJ ,
_l _. J _.Jl _. _l, :,Yl iJl l. l: ,l
.Jl ,.l..Jl l.l.l .
Artlcle lllty Seven:
1he Mlnlstry shall be the competent authorlty to
apply the provlslons ol these 8egulatlons and thls 8lll
and to lssue the necessary admlnlstratlve resolutlons.
:.l.Jl .,l.Jl _..Jl :
_,,L., ...Jl Jl _> :lJl .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl ,lsl
l.. .xJl ,l.]l illzJl .
Artlcle lllty Llght:
1he Mlnlster ol Pa[ shall have the rlght to amend
these 8egulatlons ln agreement wlth the Mlnlster ol
:.l.Jl ..l1Jl _..Jl :
.xJl ::> ,... _Jl ,J ,Jl.Jl , _. _l..1l, .
Artlcle lllty nlne:
1hese 8egulatlons and thls 8lll shall come lnto ellect
nlnety days alter the date ol the lssue thereol
pursuant to the provlslons ol Artlcle lourteen ol
these 8egulatlons.
:.l.Jl ..l.Jl _..Jl :
.., .l>.. g,l. _. l., _,... .., .xJl ::> ,,L..Jl,
lzz ,lsY :.l.Jl :s .,lJl ,,L..Jl _. .
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
Artlcle Cne Pundred Seventy Slx:
.l.Jl .., _.,.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt lor protestlng agalnst the
[udgement shall start as ol the date ol dellverlng
the notlllcatlon ol the [udgement to the party
ruled agalnst and havlng hlm slgn the record
book or as ol the date llxed lor hls recelvlng same
ll he lalls to appear. 1he date ol the protest
agalnst the [udgement rendered ln absentla shall
start as ol the date ol the notlllcatlon thereol to
,xs ,,J.. g,l. _. ,sJl _Js _l.s1l .l.,. l.,,
,sJl z .,. :l ,Js ,s.JJ _. l .L,.Jl .z. _
., ,J l: .J..J ...Jl g,l.Jl . _l.s1l .l.,. l.,,
,s.Jl _:Jl _J ,J,. g,l. _. _,l,Jl ,sJl _Js
l ,Js J,s .
the party ruled agalnst or to hls attorney.
Artlcle Cne Pundred Seventy Seven:
.l.Jl .., _.,.Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt ol the protest ceases wlth the
death ol the protestor or wlth hls dlsquallllcatlon
lrom lltlgatlon or wlth loss ol capaclty ol the one
who was assumlng the lltlgatlon on hls behall.
1he stoppage shall contlnue untll the [udgement
has been notllled to the helrs or to the one
representlng them or untll the precludlng lactor
ceases to exlt.
.,J>l .z., l ._...Jl i., _l.s1l .l.,. z,
._.lz.JJ .s ..Jl :l,. i.ls _. .. l, l .
1Jl _J ,sJl _x, _. Jl ..., l ,J1., _. l
_l.Jl , .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Artlcle Cne Pundred Seventy Llght:
.l.Jl .., _.,.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt lor applylng lor the appeal shall be
30 days. ll the lltlgant lalls to submlt a protest
durlng thls perlod then he shall lorlelt hls rlght to
appeal and the court shall prepare a protocol to
that ellect ln the case llle and to annotate the
deed and lts record that the [udgement has now
become llnal.
,.z, ,J l:z .l., _1x1 ,,..Jl ,JL, _l.s1l :..
,JL _z z Lz. :..Jl ::> x l.l.sl ,.Jl
_Js .,,..Jl .s.Jl _z dJ:, .. :l.l L,.
,..sl . ,sJl _l, J. d.Jl _Js _,..Jl .,.zJl
,.LzJl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Seventy nlne:
.l.Jl .., _.,.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
All [udgements are sub[ect to appeal wlth the
exceptlon ol [udgements passed ln slmple cases
that are determlned by the Supreme !udlclal
Councll by a resolutlon passed by lts general
commlttee upon the recommendatlon ol
Mlnlster ol !ustlce. Powever, ll the party ruled
agalnst ls an endowment olllcer, a guardlan, a
custodlan, balt-ul-maal (state coller) executlve or
a representatlve ol a government and the llke or
ll the [udgement data was absent, the court shall
submlt the [udgement to the court ol cassatlon
lor scrutlnlzlng lt regardless ol the sub[ect ol the
matter ol the [udgement. 1he lollowlng shall be
excepted lrom that:
_z ,lsYl .l.1..l, ,,..JJ J,l _s. ,lsYl _,.
lz, _JsYl .l.zJl _J. l>.., _.Jl :,.,Jl ls.Jl
'.l., .l.Jl ..,> _. .., ..Jl , _. gl.l _Js . _Js
l .l,. l . Ll. ,Js ,s.Jl _ls l: .l l .l,J
.l. _ls l .:. ,.s 1.. l .l. i,,
l,.l ,Js ,s.Jl _J.z .s.Jl _z. _l _J ,sJl
_.1.., .,sJl _.. _ls l.. z,..J ,,..Jl .s.
l. dJ: _. _.l, :
a-1he declslon passed agalnst balt-ul-maal (state
coller) by the competent [udge ln executlon ol a
prevlous llnal [udgement.
_..Jl _.lzJl _. l.Jl i,, _Js .l.Jl lzJl . l
l:... _,l. _.l. ,sJ .
b-1he [udgement rendered ln connectlon wlth an
amount deposlted by a person lor the benellt ol
another person or lor hls helrs unless the
deposltor or hls representatlve contest same.
gJl.J _l:Yl .l s.l _J,., .l.Jl ,sJl . ,
.i _: J1., _. l ._..JJ _s, ,J l. .1 l
dJ: _z .l.. .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he contestlng memorandum shall be submltted
to the court admlnlstratlon whlch has passed the
[udgement contalnlng the contested [udgement,
the date thereol, the ground on whlch the
contestatlon was based, the demand ol the
contestant and the reasons ln support ol the
,.l.s1l :s:.Jl ,.z. :l. _J .s.Jl i..l _.Jl
,sJl ,l. ,Js _...Jl ,sJl _l,, _Js J..:.
_l.s1l l,Js _., _.Jl ,l,.Yl _...Jl il,JL
_l.s1l .,. _.Jl ,l,.Yl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty Cne:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
Alter the [udge who has passed the contested
[udgement revlews the contestatlon
memorandum, he may reconslder the [udgement
wlth regard to the polnts on whlch the
contestatlon was based wlthout any pleadlngs.
Pe shall reconllrm or amend hls [udgement as he
deems llt so that ll he reconllrms hls [udgement
then he shall submlt lt together wlth a copy ol
the case llle and ol all the papers to the court ol
cassatlon but ll he amends lt then he shall notlly
the amended [udgements to the lltlgants and ln
such a case the ordlnary procedures shall apply
_Js ,Js _...Jl ,sJl ..l _:Jl _.lzJl _xLl ..,
:s:. _. ,sJl _z L.Jl .,., _l J , _l.s1l
_l.s1l l,Js _., _.Jl :Jl ,l. .zl. , _. .
.sl l:z .J L, l.,. J.., l .s .s, _l ,Js
.z,z .s .ls ,.zJl L,. :. _. _J _lYl
,sJl _J,,z J.s l: l.l .,,..Jl .s. .,.JJ ...Jl
:.l...Jl il.l]l JlJl ::> _z ,Js _.. .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty 1wo:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the lltlgant requests to revlew hls opponent's
memorandum ol contestatlon, the court ol
cassatlon shall, at lts dlscretlon, enable hlm to do
so and deslgnate a perlod ol tlme lor hls reply to
the memorandum.
.. _l.sl :s:. _Js _xL1l ,.Jl ,JL l:
.s. .s..z .JJ xl J ,.. .dJ: il _.. ,,..Jl
,Js .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty 1hree:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he court ol cassatlon shall declde upon the
contestatlon appllcatlon on the basls ol the
papers contalned ln the case llle, and the lltlgants
shall not appear belore the court unless lt so
decldes or unless the regulatlon provldes
l. _J l.l...l _l.s1l ,JL _z ,,..Jl .s. ...
., ,J l. l.l.l ,.Jl ., 1 _lYl _. J.Jl _z
,Js _., l .dJ: z. ,lL.Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty lour:
l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl . :
Sub[ect to the provlslon ol Artlcle 180, the court
ol cassatlon may permlt the lltlgants to submlt
new statements ln support ol the grounds ol
thelr contestatlon contalned ln the memorandum
and may take whatever procedure that asslsts lt
ln decldlng upon the sub[ect matter.
,,..Jl .s.J .l.Jl .., _,.l.1Jl :.l.Jl ,s :lsl. _.
,l,.l .,,l.J :.,. il.l,, ,,.z., ,.JJ _:l. _l
lJ .:s:.Jl _z ,.z.Jl ,.l.sl l.,., .l _l :.. _l
_..Jl _z ..Jl _Js .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty llve:
..lJl :.l.Jl .l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl :
ll the court ol cassatlon llnds that the substance
ol the [udgement conlorms ln terms ol lts result
to lts Sharl'ah orlglns then lt shall certlly the
same and shall dlrect the attentlon ol the [udge
to whatever remarks lt mlght have.
, _. _zl. ,sJl _L.. _l ,,..Jl .s. i. l:
.,.. _J _.lzJl L. ,. _. ... ,s:Jl J.Y
ilLJ. _. lJ _s, . l. .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty Slx:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the [udgement ls contested to lor lts breach ol
competence the court ol cassatlon shall conllne
ltsell to conslderlng the competence.
_Js , _l..1l ..Jl.J ,sJl _Js _.sl l:
.s. _l..1l , _Js ..z. _l ,,..Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty Seven:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the court ol cassatlon has remarks as regards
the [udgement, then lt shall prepare a declslon to
that ellect and send lt to the [udge. ll he ls not
convlnced wlth the remarks ol the court ol
cassatlon then he should reply glvlng hls vlew
polnt alter recordlng that ln the record book. ll
he ls convlnced ol the same then he shall oller
them to the lltlgants' hear thelr statements,
record that ln the record book and then he shall
rule on same, whlch rullng shall be sub[ect to
appeal ll lt contalns an amendment ol the
prevlous rullng.
_l l,J.z ,sJl _Js ilLJ. ,,..Jl .s.J L l:
... ilLJ., _..z, ,J l:z ._.lzJl _J J.. dJ:, ll
,J.z ,,..Jl .s. dJ: _., _l .., :L. , l.,l
_Js l..,z l, _..l l: l.l .L,.Jl .z. _z ,.Jl
z dJ: i,1, ,Jll _.., .l,z ,s, ,1 .L,.Jl .z. _
l:> .s _s, ,sJJ x,... _... l: ,,..JJ l..l
_,l.Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty Llght:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll convlnced wlth the reply ol the !udge to lts
remarks the court ol cassatlon shall certlly the
[udgement and ll lt ls not convlnced and ll the
[udge hold on to hls polnt ol vlew then the court
cassatlon may annual the whole or part ol the
rullng, as the case, and shall lndlcate the basls
therelor and reler the case to another [udge.
Jl .s. _Js _s _.lzJl ,l, lsl..l l _z ,,..
d... lsl..l ,.s l _z .,sJl _... _l l.lLJ.
_z.. _l lJz ,l, _.lzJl ,., .., l Js ,sJl
i _l _J ,.zJl Jl .....Jl s: _. lJl .
Powever, ll the sub[ect ls ready lor the passlng ol
a [udgement ln connectlon therewlth and ll the
clrcumstances ol the case requlred speedy actlon
then the court may rule on same.
is...l ,sJJ lJl. .Jl, _..Jl _ls l: dJ: _.
L ,z ,s. _l lJ l .l]l s. ,.zJl .
ll the cassatlon ls lor the second tlme, the court
must rule on the sub[ect matter and ln every case
ln whlch the court makes a rullng thls should be
done ln the presence ol the lltlgants alter hearlng
thelr statements. lts [udgement shall be llnal by
unanlmlty or by ma[orlty.
:.JJ _z.Jl _ls l:z _z ,s. _l l,Js , ,.l1Jl
l.s ,., _l ,, l,z ,s. l s _z ._..Jl
_s, .,Jll _l.. ,.Jl ., l,.L l.s
,1sYl, l _l.]l, .
Artlcle Cne Pundred Llghty nlne:
.l.Jl .., _.l.1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll lt ls lmposslble to send the remarks to the
[udge who has passed the [udgement due to
death or otherwlse, the court ol cassatlon should
send lts remarks to the succeedlng [udge or
should annul the [udgement and lndlcate the
reason therelor.
sJl ..l _:Jl _.lzJl _J ilLJ.Jl l. :.. l: ,
i.J _J l.lLJ. l. ,,..Jl .s. _J.z :, l
s: _. ,sJl _z. l JJl _.lzJl ,J.Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl :.l.Jl :
1he annulment ol the [udgement entalls
cancellatlon ol all the declslons and procedures
subsequent to the annulled [udgement ll that
[udgement ls the basls therelor.
il.l]l illzJl _,. .lJ ,sJl _z. _Js ,..,
lJ l.l.l ,sJl dJ: _ls _.. _z..Jl ,sJJ zxJl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety Cne:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
ll the [udgement has not been annulled except
wlth the regard to a part thereol then lt shall
remaln valld as regards the other parts unless the
dlvlslon ls not posslble.
_z l:zl. _z, .. . _z 1 _z., ,J ,sJl _ls l:
.ll .s.. , ..Jl _s. ,J l. Yl .
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
etltlon lor 8econslderatlon
L.Jl :.ls _l..Jl
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety 1wo:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Any ol the lltlgants may petltlon lor
reconslderatlon ol the llnal [udgements ln the
lollowlng cases:
_. _Y , ,lsYl _z L.Jl :.ls _..J, _l ,.Jl
,.Sl lYl _z ,.l.Jl :
a-ll the [udgement ls based on papers whlch are
lound, alter the [udgement, to have been lorged
or ll lt ls based on evldence whlch the competent
authorlty has ruled alter the [udgement, that lt
was a per[ury.
.l>,. ,sJl .., L _ll _Js _., . ,sJl _ls l: . l
,sJl .., ...Jl Jl _. _. :.l: _Js _., l
:. l.l, .
b-ll, alter the [udgement, the petltloner obtalns
declslve papers as regards the case that he was
unable to produce belore the [udgement.
_z .Ll _ll _Js ,sJl .., _..J.Jl . l: . ,
s.Jl ,sJl , l>l, ,Js :.. . _ls .
c-ll the lltlgant has perpetrated a lraud that
would have been llkely to allect the [udgement.
,1l.Jl .l: _. _ ,.Jl _. _ l: . _ ,sJl _z .
d-ll the rullng ol the [udgement was not what the
lltlgants had asked lor or exceeded what they
had demanded.
1sl, _. l ,.Jl ,JL, ,J ._:, ,sJl _. l: . .
l.. :,JL .
e-ll the contents ol the [udgement were mutually
. .> l.., .., _l., ,sJl _L.. _ls l: .
l-ll the [udgement was passed ln absentla.
l,,l, ,sJl _ls l: . .
g- ll the [udgement was passed agalnst a party
not properly represented ln the case.
_z l,. x,1.. x1.. _s, ,J _. _Js ,sJl .. l: .
s.Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety 1hree:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt ol a petltlon lor reconslderatlon
shall be 30 days startlng as ol the day ln whlch lt
ls proven that the petltloner had learnt ol the
lorgery ol the papers or ln whlch the court ruled
that the evldence was a per[ury or ln whlch ll the
papers specllled under paragraph b ol Artlcle 192
had surlaced or ln whlch lraud had become
apparent. 1he deadllne ln the cases lndlcated
under paragraphs under d, e, l, g ol the
precedlng artlcles starts as ol the tlme ol
notlllcatlon ol the [udgement.
_:Jl ,,Jl _. l.,, l., _1x1 L.Jl :.ls _l..Jl :..
:.l:Jl _l, .l.zJl, l _lYl ,. _..J.Jl ,Js ,z i,1,
,z iL l :. :z.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl _lYl ) , (
Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl _. L l .l.Jl .., _... ._Jl ,z
ilz.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl i1lJl _z .l.,.Jl l.,,
) ...>.. ( :.l.Jl _. ,sJl _x, i _. z,l.Jl .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety lour:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he petltlon lor reconslderatlon shall be llled by
deposltlng the petltlon wlth the court ol
cassatlon. 1he petltlon must contaln the
[udgement ln respect ol whlch the petltlon lor
reconslderatlon was made and the grounds lor
the petltlon. 1he court ol cassatlon shall, ll
convlnced, prepare a declslon to that ellect and
send lt to the court whlch ls competent to
conslder same.
_l..J1l .,. _l.,, L.Jl :.ls, _l..J1l _z,
.s.J _l,, _Js .,.Jl ..:. _l ,, .,,..Jl
,l,.l ,z L.Jl :.ls _..J.Jl ,sJl _l..J1l . _Js
,,..Jl .s.
.. _l . i...l _.. . .s.JJ 1.,. dJ:, ll .
_z L.JJ ...Jl dJ: .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety llve:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
lt shall not be permlsslble to contest elther the
declslon whlch ls passed re[ectlng the petltlon
and the [udgement that ls passed ln the sub[ect
matter ol the case alter the acceptance thereol
by a petltlon lor reconslderatlon.
_z .., _:Jl ,sJl _l..J1l _z, .., _:Jl lzJl
_.. l.,l _Js _l.s1l , 1 J, .., s.Jl
L.Jl :.ls _l..Jl, .
art xll
:s _.l1Jl ,l,Jl
Attachment and Lxecutlon
.,,z.Jl Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
.ls ,lsl
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety Slx:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Lxecutlon shall take place by vlrtue ol a copy ol
the [udgement whlch ls appended wlth the
executory lormula. 1he text ol the executlon
lormula ls: All the competent government
departments and agencles are requlred to
,. l,Js _..Jl ,sJl .. ,., :,...Jl ,.,
.:,...Jl _> :,...Jl ,.
( ..Jl ...Jl ,.sJl ilJl .l.Jl zls _. ,JL,
,sJl l:> :,... _Js J .,..Jl ,.lL.Jl .l.Jl _,.,
execute thls [udgement by all legal means that
are ln lorce even ll thls leads to the use ol pollce
.l _,L _s ,,Jl :zJl l....l _J L:Jl .(
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety Seven:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
llnal [udgements whlch are appended wlth the
executory lormula are:
_> ,:,...Jl ,.Jl, ,:. _.Jl ,.LzJl ,lsYl :
a-1he [udgements that are excepted pursuant to
the declslon ol the Supreme !udlclal Councll as
provlded under Artlcle 179.
_JsYl .l.zJl _J. l ,., :l.1...Jl ,lsYl . l
,. .l.Jl .., _,.,.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl _z ,Js _. l. .
b-!udgements passed or certllled by the court ol
,,..Jl .s. _. i.. l i.. _.Jl ,lsYl . , .
c-!udgements the deadllne lor the ob[ectlng to
whlch has elapsed.
l,Js _l.sxJ .l.,. i ilz _.Jl ,lsYl . _ .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety Llght:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
lt shall not be permlsslble to executlve
[udgements by lorce belore they became
absolute unless expedltlous executlon was
ordered ln the [udgement.
1 .,.LzJJ ,sJl ,l..sl , l, ,lsYl :,... , 1
,sJl _z , l.l. ..Jl :,...Jl _ls l: .
Artlcle Cne Pundred nlnety nlne:
.l.Jl .., _...Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he [udgement provldlng lor summary executlon
must provlde lor executlon wlth or wlthout a ball
as per the [udge's dlscretlon, ln the lollowlng
l.., l Jl.s, ..Jl :,...Jl, ,sJl .: ,, ,.
,.z. ,.Sl lYl _z dJ: ._.lzJl :
a-!udgement passed ln urgent matters.
J....Jl .Yl _z :.l.Jl ,lsYl . l .
b-ll the [udgement passed relates to the
determlnatlon ol malntenance, mllk leedlng
wage, houslng, vlsltatlon ol a young-one, dellvery
ol a young-one to a nurse, or a woman to one ol
a muhram (one ol a category ol males, a woman
ls prohlblted lrom marrylng under Sharl'ah).
l ._l. :l l .z.. ,z., l.l. ,sJl _ls l: . ,
_J :l.l l ...lJ .,J.. l .,. , l ._s.
l .l.. _,, _,.. _, .
l ._.l. l .,.l :l .l.l, l.l. ,sJl _ls l: . _ ..ls
..l l .... l .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred:
_l..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
lt shall be permlsslble lor the court to whlch the
contestatlon has been submltted, ll lt belleves
that the grounds ol the contestatlon to the
[udgement may lead to lts annulment, to order
the stoppage ol the summary executlon ll lt ls
leared that such executlon mlght glve rlse to a
_l il _.. . _l.s1l l,J _z.Jl .s.JJ ,
,l,.l , .l. _l . .z., _.z. ,sJl _Js _l.s1l
.. _:, _ls l: ..Jl :,...Jl ,,. . _ .
serlous damage.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Cne:
_,..l.Jl .., _JYl :.l.Jl :
ll there ls a problem ln executlon, then alter
taklng the precautlonary procedures, ll need be,
the problem shall be submltted to the court
whlch had passed the [udgement to be declde
upon same speedlly.
il.l]l :l.l ..,z . :,...Jl _z ls: . l:
,L..Jl l _ _J ls:]l _z, . lJl l>l.. .s.Jl
,sJl i..l _.Jl s.Jl _Js ,z i,.J .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Attachment ol the uebtor's roperty Peld by a
1hlrd arty
,Jl .J _,..JJ l.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Lvery credltor who has an enlorceable
[udgement wlth respect to a debt owlng and
lalllng due may apply lor levylng attachment on
whatever debts owlng to hls debtor lrom a thlrd
party - even ll such debtors are delerred or
contlngent upon a certaln condltlon, as well as
the attachment ol whatever moveable property
owned by hlm whlch ls ln the possesslon ol a
thlrd party.
.:Jl _z z... _,., :,...JJ ,l ,s :.,, _.l. sJ ,
_. ,Jl .J .,..J _s, l. ,JL, _l .l.Yl l
l J. i.ls J _,.Jl L: _Js zJ.. _. J _s, l. .
,Jl ., _z Jz..Jl _l,sYl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hree:
_,..l.Jl .., 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he appllcatlon lor the attachment shall be made
by a wrlt to be served by the court to the
stakeholder, whlch wrlt shall contaln a copy ol
the [udgement pursuant to whlch the attachment
ls requested lor the amount wlth respect to
whlch the attachment ls applled and the
stakeholder shall be lnstructed not to dellver
what ls hold by hlm to the dlstralnee.
Ll., _J,. , Jl ,JL _s, .s.Jl _J
.Jl .,.J Jl ,JL, _:Jl ,sJl :. _Js ..:.
_. Jl _. .Jl _J,.Jl _l,, ,., ,.J .Jl
,Js .Jl _J :., _z l., .lzJl _s .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lour:
_,..l.Jl .., .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he stakeholder shall report what he has ln hls
custody to the court admlnlstratlon wlthln ten
days ol the date ol hls notlllcatlon ol the
attachment and should mentlon ln the report the
amount ol the debt, the causes therelor and the
causes ol payment thereol ll the debt had
already been pald and should also lndlcate levled
under hls hand. ll the thlng attached are
moveable property he shall attach to the report a
detalled descrlptlon thereol and shall deposlt
wlth the court the documents ln support ol hls
report or coples thereol. 1he court shall dellver
to the dlstralner and olllclal copy ol the
:l. .J ..: _z l.s z, _l ,.J .Jl _Js ,,
.s.Jl _. ,l,l ::s x s:, _l .Jl, ,J,. g,l.
_ls _ .l.z.l ,l,.l ,,. _,.Jl l.z. ,z.Jl _z .
_,. _,,, ._.z.l _ls l: .:., i. ..Jl Jl
, Jz.. l.l,sl .Jl l.l,, ,z.Jl, _z, _l ,Js
.J _., .lJ x... .s.Jl :.,.Jl il.....Jl :,z.J
l.. l. l . _Js .s.Jl .. lJl ,,J.. ,..
l.. ... ,.J .Jl ,z. _. .
stakeholders' report duly certllled by lt.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred llve:
_,..l.Jl .., ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he stakeholder shall, alter ten days ol the date
ol hls report, and alter the debt has lallen due or
has been establlshed alter lulllllment ol the
condltloned, pay lnto the treasury ol the court
the amount whlch he had admltted or whatever
part thereol as shall meet the rlght ol the
:,z. g,l. _. ,l,l ::s .., ,.J .Jl _Js ,,
.., _J _z., _l L:Jl _, :lz..l l _,.Jl J
_... .s.Jl , l _:Jl _J,.Jl _, .. _., l. l
lJl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slx:
_,..l.Jl .., ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the stakeholder reluses to admlt what he has ln
hls custody or ll he admlts somethlng other than
the truth or ll he conceals the documents whlch
ought to be deposlted ln support ol the report,
he may be ordered to pay to the credltor
dlstralner the amount wlth respect to whlch the
attachment has been levled to the extent ol the
amount attached wlthln the llmlts ol the debt or
ol the moveable ln hls custody belonglng to the
l.s ,z.Jl _s ,.J .Jl _...l l: l ...: _z
, .,,l.J lsl., ,lJl il.....Jl _.l l .z,zJl
_.l.JJ ,Js ,sJl l .,z.Jl _. .Jl _J,.Jl, lJl
z.. l _,. _. ,.J i,1, l. .. _z dJ: Jl _,..JJ .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Seven:
_,..l.Jl .., .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the stakeholder makes a true declaratlon ol
what he has ln hls custody but reluses to make
the deposlt pursuant to Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slx,
the dlstralner may apply lor the executlon on the
stakeholders' property pursuant to the
enlorceable [udgement to whlch shall be
attached an olllclal copy ol the stakeholders'
report. ll the attachment wlth respect to
moveable propertles they shall be sold as per the
prescrlbed procedures lor the sale ol the
stakeholder moveable propertles attached and
lylng under the custody ol the debtor wlthout the
need lor a new attachment.
_...l l,. l,z. ..: _z l.s ,.J .Jl l:
_s _,..l.Jl .., ..l.Jl :.l.Jl , _.z. l.J lz,L _l.,]l
:,...Jl ,JL, _l lJJ _ls ,.J .Jl l.l _Js
. , lzz. :,...JJ ,lzJl ,sJl ,., _. ,.. :
,z. ,.J .Jl . Jz.. _l,sl _Js Jl _ls l:
_,,J :z.Jl il.l]l, i.,, _,..Jl .J .Jl z..Jl
.,. _J l _. .
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
rovlslonal Attachment
_L..Jl Jl
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Llght:
., ..l1Jl :.l.Jl _,..l.Jl . :
A credltor may apply lor the levylng ol
provlslonal attachment on the movables ol hls
debtor ll debtor has no llxed domlclle ln the
klngdom or ll the credltor lears on reasonable
grounds that the debtor wlll conceal or smuggle
hls property.
JJ .,.. i1z.. _Js _L..Jl Jl _lz, ,JL, _l _.l.
l: _: l sJ..Jl _z i,l1 .l . _,..JJ _s, ,J
l .l..l J,z. ,l,.Y _.l.Jl Jl.l ,,. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred nlne:
_,..l.Jl .., ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he lessor ol an lmmovable property may apply
lor levylng provlslonal attachment over the
movables ol hls debtor or the lrults exlstlng ln
the leased property as securlty lor the rents due.
_Js _L..Jl Jl _lz, ,JL, _l lz.Jl .J
l i1z..Jl xJ l.l.. :.Jl _,.Jl, :..Jl l.1Jl
z...Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1en:
_,..l.Jl .., ::l.Jl :.l.Jl :
A person who clalms ownershlp ol a moveable
may apply lor the levylng ol provlslonal
attachment on the person ln possesslon ol the
moveable when there are clear lndlcatlons ln
support ol hls allegatlon.
_L..Jl Jl _lz, ,JL, _l z..Jl dJ. _s., _.J
_. ..s :.ls.l .,. .l .1. dJl.> _ls _.. :, .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Lleven:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
A credltor holdlng an establlshed debt that has
lallen due lor payment may, even ll he does not
hold an enlorceable [udgement, apply lor levylng
a provlslonal attachment over debts owlng to hls
debtor lrom other partles even ll such debts are
not due or where they are sub[ect to a condltlon
and other moveable propertles he mlght have ln
the possesslon ol thlrd partles. 1he stakeholder
shall, wlthln ten days ol the date ol hls
notlllcatlon ol the attachment, declare what lles
ln hls custody pursuant to the provlslon ol Artlcle
1wo Pundred lour and should make the deposlt
wlth the treasury ol the court, wlthln ten days ol
the date ol hls notlllcatlon ol the valldlty ol the
attachment pursuant to the provlslon ol Artlcle
1wo Pundred llve.
,l ,s :.,, _s, ,J J .l.Yl l z... _,., _.l.JJ
_s, l. _Js _L..Jl Jl _lz, ,JL, _l :,...JJ
.J .,..J J _,.Jl _. _,Sl zJ.. l J. i.ls
.,Jl ., _z Jz..Jl _l,sYl _. J _s, l. L: _Js
_Js ,J,. g,l. _. ,l,l ::s x ,.J .Jl
l.J lz,L ..: _z l., l]l Jl, :.l.Jl ,Js i..
_..., _l.,]l ,Js ._,..l.Jl .., .,lJl .s.Jl _z
x _. ,l,l ::s lz,L Jl . ,s, ,J,. g,l.
_,..l.Jl .., ..lJl :.l.Jl ,Js i.. l.J .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1welve:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
no rovlslonal attachment may be levled ln the
cases provlded lor ln the lour precedlng artlcles
except by order ol the court wlth whose
[urlsdlctlon the dlstralner's domlclle ls sltuated.
8elore lssulng lts order the court may conduct
the necessary lnvestlgatlon ll lt deems that the
documents ln support ol the attachment
appllcatlon were not sulllclent.
1 _z l,Js _...Jl lYl _z _L..Jl Jl _,
.l.Jl _. .l, 1 z,l.Jl _,Yl .s.Jl . lJ _,l.Jl
.l _. _l l>.l l.. , .s.JJ .,Js .Jl
l.s. ,J l: ,xJl _,z.Jl ,JLJ :.,.Jl il.....Jl
Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrteen:
:.l.Jl _,..l.Jl .., ::s 1Jl1Jl :
ll the law sult clalmlng a rlght ls llled belore the
competent court, then the appllcatlon lor an
attachment shall be llled belore the same court
lor decldlng on same.
,l.l sz. _Jl, s.Jl i.ls l: .s.Jl ...Jl
s. ,.z.z _J Jl .s.Jl l... l,z i,Jl _J..J .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lourteen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he dlstralnee and the stakeholder shall be
lnlormed ol the attachment order lssued wlthln
ten days at the most ol the date ol the lssuance
thereol otherwlse the attachment shall be
consldered as havlng been cancelled. 1he
dlstralnee shall wlthln the sald ten days llle
precedlng belore the competent court lor
establlshlng the rlght and valldlty ol the
attachment otherwlse the attachment shall be
consldered cancelled.
.l.Jl .Yl, ,.J .Jl ,Js .Jl _J,, _l ,,
.s 1 :.. g,l. _. 1sYl _Js ,l,l ::s x Jl,
_J. Jl . _Js ,, l:.Jl ,l,Yl ::.Jl x lJl
,l.l _z, _l l,J .s.Jl i,1, s.Jl ...Jl _Jl
Jl .s 1 Jl . _J. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllteen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ..lJl :.l.Jl :
An appllcant lor attachment shall submlt to the
court a wrltten declaratlon by a surety who
undertakes to pay, lssued by a notary publlc
undertaklng to pay all the rlghts ol the dlstralnee
and any damage sustalned ll lt transplres that the
dlstralner's clalm ls not valld.
_J ,.z, _l Jl ,JlL _Js ,, .s.Jl l,L ll
_. _z _,. _.., ..Jl ,.ls _. l.l. ,l ,.s
l: . _. zJ, l. ,Js .Jl , lJl _l L
_z _. ,JL .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxteen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he proceedlngs applled to enlorceable
attachment over a moveable property other than
the provlslonal attachment over movables.
il.l]l i1z..Jl _Js _L..Jl Jl _z _,.,
zJ...Jl l, _,..Jl .J _.Jl i1z..Jl _Js _:,...Jl J
_,,Jl l.s l. .
Chapter lour
_,lJl ..Jl
Lnlorcement over the roperty ol the !udgement
,Js ,s.Jl l.l _Js :,...Jl
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Seventeen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Lnlorcement shall be allected over the property
ol the [udgment debtor ll he lalls to dellver the
amount ad[udged, by levylng attachment over
such moveable or lmmovable propertles as are
adequate lor the enlorcement ol the [udgement
and selllng them, ll need be, by publlc auctlon by
order ol the court pursuant to what has been
lndlcated ln thls chapter. rlor to the sale the
[udge shall determlne the moveable and
lmmovable propertles that should be lelt to the
[udgement debtor.
,z, ,J l: ,Js ,s.Jl l.l _Js :,...Jl _, ,,J..,
:,...J _.s, l. _Js Jl _,., dJ: , ,s.Jl _J,.Jl
.1z.. _. ,sJl _..l _ l.Yl ::> _,, ..llzs
.l, _.J.Jl .l.Jl, lJl .s.Jl _z ,Js _. l.J lzz
_J lJl s.. l. _,,Jl , _.lzJl .., ...Jl l:>
_. ,Js .JJ s. l z..Jl lz.J .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Llghteen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Lnlorcement shall be allected by the
admlnlstratlve authorlty that are charged wlth
the enlorcement.
l, L..Jl ,l.]l ilJl Ll., :,...Jl _, :,...Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred nlneteen:
_,..l.Jl .., ::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he person undertaklng the enlorcement may
not break doors or locks lor enlorclng the
attachment except ln presence ol a
representatlve ol the court who shall slgn the
.s :,...Jl _J., _.J , 1 l.Yl _z l ,l,Yl
_. ,... ., 1 Jl _,.J .s.Jl _Js .,.
..Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he attachment on the moveable propertles ol
the [udgement debtor shall be ellected take
place by vlrtue ol protocol whereln shall be
lndlcated the lndlvldual ltems attached together
wlth a descrlptlon thereol and an lndlcatlon ol
thelr approxlmate value. ll the propertles
attached lnclude [ewelry and ornaments they
must be assessed and descrlbed by a speclallst
,z _,,. .., _s, ,Js ,s.Jl i1z.. _Js Jl
il... l.., _l,, lzl.l s: _. :.Jl .l,:Yl
l.Yl i.ls l: .,,,z.Jl l _J _Js .:. :.Jl
Ll., lzl.l s: l.,z. _s, _l .,xz il>.
,, _.. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty Cne:
.Jl _,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ,.lJl :.l :
1he person ellectlng the attachment shall,
lmmedlately alter closlng the attachment
protocol, post on the door ol the place whereln
lle the attached ltems and on the board prepared
lor the that purpose by the court wlthln the
[urlsdlctlons ol whlch lle the attached dlstralnee,
a statement slgned by hlm lndlcatlng the type
and general descrlptlon ol the ltems attached.
1hat shall also be mentloned ln the protocol
attached to the attachment protocol whereupon
the ltems wlll become attached the more
mentlonlng thereol ln the attachment protocol.
Jl .. l. ,zs Jl, ,z, _. _Js ,,
_l ::l,. .l,:Yl , i. _:Jl _ls.Jl ,l, _Js _.J,
dJ:J :...Jl JJl _z :.Jl _z _z, _.Jl .s.Jl,
. l.l,, ,Js .Jl l.l..l _lL. _,,, .. ,Js l.
,z l.]l, l.. :.Jl .l,:Yl _. . _z dJ: s:,
g,.. Jl .., _J. .. :. .l,:Yl
Jl .. _z l>s: .., .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he person ellectlng the attachment shall requlre
the dlstralnee to provlde a surety who assumes
llablllty who undertakes not to dlspose ol the
attached ltems lylng ln hls custody, and ll he lalls
to produce the surety the court may deposlt the
attached ltems untll such tlme as enlorcement
over them has been ellected. 1he dlsposal by the
dlstralnee ol the ltems attached may not be
ellected except wlth the permlsslon ol the court
wlthln the [urlsdlctlon ol whlch lt lles.
,l ,.s ,,.z. ,Js .Jl _. Jl _J., _. ,JL,
,.., .Jl _z ..Jl _s s _z ...s _z _.Jl il
_l., .s.JJ l ,.sJl ,,.z. ,., _. il.Jl
l,Js :,...Jl . Jl ,. l.,z ,Js .Jl .. :.., 1
,Js _. _:, 1 .s.Jl l.l..l _lL. _z _lJl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty 1hree:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he auctlon sale shall be ellected at the tlme and
place llxed alter sulllclent adequate advertlslng
ol same has been made. 1he person asslgned to
.., _,...Jl _ls.Jl _l.Jl _z _.J.Jl .l.Jl, _,,Jl _,
,zls l.xs .s _xs]l l . _s s, _l :,...Jl, Js.Jl _Js
carry out the enlorcement shall stop to the sale ll
an adequate sum has been generated therelrom
to meet the debts lor whlch the attachment was
levled or ll the dlstralnee has brought the
payable sum or provlded a surety who
undertakes to pay lor a perlod ol ten days at the
l: _,,Jl _z _..Jl _,.Jl .lzJ ls _J,. .s _..
_J,.Jl ,Js .Jl .l l .lJl _. .Jl ,lJl
1sYl _Js ,l,l ::s :..J l.l x,.s .l l ..z. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty lour:
Jl .., _:.Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl _,..l. :
1he sale may not be allected except alter the
dlstralnee has been notllled and glven a tlme
llmlt ol ten days as ol date ol the notlllcatlon.
Powever, ll the ltems attached are llable to
damage or where goods that are llable to prlce
lluctuatlons, the court may order the sale to take
place lrom hour to hour pursuant to a petltlon to
be submltted by any lnterested party.
Jl. ,Js .Jl lL .., 1 _,,Jl _, _l , 1
.l,:Yl i.ls l: dJ: _. .lL]l g,l. _. ,l,l ::s :..
JJ .s :.Jl l J. l..Yl ,Jz.J .s _.l.,
_Js .l., sl.J sl. _. _,,Jl .l, .l. _l .s.JJz
_l:Jl _: .l _. ,.z. .,s .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty llve:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he attachment on the property ol the debtor
shall be allected pursuant to a protocol ln whlch
the property attached, lts locatlon, boundarles,
area, tltle deed, approxlmate prlce, when ollered
lor sale. 1he authorlty whlch had lssued the tltle
deed shall be served wlth a copy ol the protocol
lor annotatlon on the reglster ol the deed to the
ellect that the property was restralned lor
payment ol a [udgement debt.
lz.Jl ,z _,,, .., _s, _,..Jl lzs _Js Jl
.Jl ..1 sJ.. z,1 .l.. :.. ..
_,,JJ l... _,.z.Jl . _x, ,, l.s i.. _.Jl Jl
l.. _Js ,:l.JJ ..Jl _. :., lz.Jl dJ.. z,1
z,1Jl . , ,s. _,. .lzJ . lz.Jl _l, .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty Slx:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he court admlnlstratlon shall announce the sale
ol the property not more than thlrty days and not
less than lllty days prlor to the day set lor the
sale by postlng notlces on the door ol the
property and on the notlce board ol the court
and by publlcatlon ln one or more newspapers
havlng wlde clrculatlon ln the area whereln lles
the property.
:l. _J.. .s.Jl , lz.Jl _,, _s .l] ...Jl ,,Jl
.l., :s .. _s z. 1 l., _,1x1 _Js .,. 1 :..,
:...Jl JJl _Js lz.Jl ,l, _Js il.xs _.J, dJ:
_z il.xs;J .s.Jl l :., _z :.Jl, ..l 1sl
lz.Jl zL.. _z l:..1l .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty Seven:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he person charged wlth enlorcement shall
conduct an auctlon on the day llxed lor the sale
whlch shall start at the sale sesslon by calllng (lor
blds). 1he auctlon shall be awarded to the
hlghest bldder. A bld not lollowed by a hlgher bld
wlthln lllteen mlnutes shall be regarded as
endlng the auctlon. Powever, ll the hlghest bld
was less than the approxlmate prlce, lt wlll be
rendered and the blddlng shall be repeated untll
:.,l. .l _,,JJ _,..Jl ,,Jl _z :,...Jl, Js.Jl _J., .
.l.Jl _., .,Js :l.l..Jl, _,,Jl .J _z :.,l.Jl l.,.
._s ,sl, ,.z. _. _Js ,Js .l, 1 _:Jl _.Jl ..,
_J,, ,J l: .l _Js :.,l.JJ l,.. sl. _, x ,sl
_s ,Js :.,l.Jl .l.. ,1 :,.z. .l., _,.z.Jl _.1Jl
_s ,sl _J,, _. _,.z.Jl _.1Jl .
the hlghest bld attalns to the approxlmate prlce.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty Llght:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he successlul bldder awarded the property
attached must deposlt lmmedlately upon the
close ol the sale sesslon 1/10 ol the prlce at
whlch the auctlon was awarded and the expenses
and must deposlt the balance ol the prlce wlth
the treasury ol the court wlthln ten days at the
most ol the date ol the sale to hlm or provlde a
check certllled by an accredlted bank.
_., _l ,Js .Jl lz.Jl .l. ,Js ., _. _Js ,,
l .l.Jl , _. _:Jl _.1Jl :s _,,Jl .J .l.z.l
_.1Jl _l, _., _l .ilz..Jl .l .s.Jl x
::s ls,: , ,.z, l ,Js _,,Jl g,l. _. 1sYl _Js ,l,l
.. _. _z.Jl ,z. ,... .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1wenty nlne:
_,..l.Jl .., _:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the person awarded the auctlon lalls to pay the
prlce at the tlme llxed, another auctlon wlll be
held at hls responslblllty and the new auctlon and
sale shall be allected take place pursuant to the
precedlng provlslons and the delaultlng buyer
shall be obllgated to pay the dlllerence ln the
prlce ol the property and the expenses ol the
auctlon. Any surplus wlll be lor hlm.
.s.Jl _z _.1Jl, .lzJl _s .l.Jl ,Js _. _. J. :
.l., ...Jl :.,.Jl :.,l.Jl .. ..,J.. _Js _,,Jl
,lsxJ lz,L _,,Jl _z, J..Jl _.:.Jl ,J, .z,l.Jl
.,, l. :.,l.Jl ilz.. lz.Jl _.1 _. _z., l., z
J .
Chapter llve
_.lJl ..Jl
uetentlon ol the uebtor
_,..Jl ,.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the [udgement debtor reluses to execute the
[udgement passed agalnst hlm lor an excuse
other than lnsolvency and ll lt ls not posslble to
levy the attachment on hls property, the
[udgement credltor may request the detentlon ol
the [udgement debtor by vlrtue ol a petltlon to
be submltted to the competent admlnlstratlve
governor who may order the detentlon ol the
delaultlng party lor a perlod ol not exceedlng ten
days and ll the [udgement debtor perslsts ln
reluslng to lmplement alter that perlod then he
shall be commltted to the court wlthln whose
[urlsdlctlon the [udgement debtor ls domlclled to
conslder the contlnuance ol hls detentlon or hls
release ln llght ol Sharl'ah provlslons.
.Jl ,sJl :,... _. ,Js ,s.Jl _...l l: ,J :.. .l
:s J ,s.JJ l Jl.l _Js :,...Jl _s., ,J l.s]l
,., ,Js ,s.Jl ,. ,JL _J l.z, .,s
, .l, _l ,slJl _Js ._..Jl _l.]l ,slJl
1 :..J _....Jl ,Js ,s.Jl .l l: .,l,l ::s _s .,.
:..Jl dJ. .., :,...Jl _s _l...1l _Js _J l,z .s.Jl
_.Jl _z L.JJ l.l..l _lL. _z ,Js ,s.Jl ,,z,
_Js l. _xL l .,. l...l _..Jl ..
,s:Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty Cne:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
ll the relusal to lmplement the [udgement ls due
to lnsolvency, the [udgement debtor wlll be
commltted to the court whlch had passed the
sentence to ascertaln hls lnsolvency or otherwlse.
l,z l.s]l , ,sJl :,... _s _l...1l _ls _..
_J ,Js ,s.Jl .s.Jl _. _z.JJ ,sJl i..l _.Jl
..s l :l.s .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the [udgement debtor to be detalned has pald
what he had been ad[udged to pay or provlded a
surety then (who undertakes to pay ln case ol
lallure to pay) he shall be released, and ln all
cases ll lt transplres that he has property then hls
release shall not preclude the enlorcement by
attachlng hls propertles ln the ordlnary ways.
x,.s .l l , ,s l. ,.Jl, ,Js ,s.Jl .l l:
l. J L _..z lYl s _z .l. _JLl l.l
. _xLz :,... _. _.., 1 l _Js Jl _,L, ,sJl
,.l,.s1l _LJl, Jl.l .
art xlll
:s Jl1Jl ,l,Jl
Lxpedltlous !ustlce
....Jl .l.zJl
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty 1hree:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he court havlng competence to hear the sub[ect
shall provlslonally ad[udge urgent matters whlch
are leared to lapse wlth the passage ol tlme and
whlch pertaln to the lltlgatlon ltsell. Such
ad[udged shall not allect the sub[ect ol the case
whether the appllcatlon lor a rullng pursuant to
the provlslonal procedures was llled or pursuant
to the orlglnal case.
,s. .s.Jl _..Jl L., ...Jl _z .. ..,
iJl ilz _. l,Js _:, _.Jl J....Jl .l..Jl
zJ...Jl _.. _Js ,sJl l:> 1, 1 .l... sl..Jl,
.l]l, ,sJl ,JL _z .l. s.Jl .Jl l ::l,. i
,J.Yl s.JJ l.,. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty lour:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
Summary cases lnclude the lollowlng:
_J, l. J....Jl ls.Jl .:. :
a-An lnspectlon case lor establlshlng the status.
il,1] .,l..Jl s. . l JlJl .
b-1he law sult lor lmpedlng possesslon and the
case lor repossesslon.
l>.l...l s. :l,JJ _..Jl _.. s. . , .
c-1he case lor prohlbltlng.
..Jl _. _..Jl s. . _ .
d-1he case lor stopplng new actlons.
:.,.Jl l.sYl s. . . .
e-1he case lor applylng lor custody.
.lJl ,JL s. . .> .
l-1he case relatlng to the dally wages ol a wage-
,.,Jl ,Yl :l, zJ...Jl s.Jl . .
g-1he other cases characterlzed as urgent by the
.. ,lL.Jl l,L., _.Jl Yl ls.Jl . l...1l .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty llve:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt lor appearlng ln summary law sults
shall be twenty lour hours and ln cases ol utmost
urgency such tlme may be reduced by order ol
z .Jl .l.,. _s, _,:s l.,l J....Jl ls.Jl _
.l.,.Jl l:> _z. .zJl :.Jl Jl _z , .sl.
_. .l, .s.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty Slx:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Any plalntlll clalmlng a rlght agalnst another
durlng conslderatlon ol a case or lmmedlately
prlor to the llllng thereol, may llle belore the
competent court competent to a summary case
to prohlblt hls opponent lrom travel. 1he [udge
shall lssue a bannlng order ll there are reasons
leadlng to the bellel that the delendant's travel ls
lmmlnent and that lt would pre[udlce the
plalntlll's rlghts or would the perlormance
thereol. lt ls stlpulated that the plalntlll shall
make a deposlt to be determlned by the [udge lor
compensatlng the delendant ll lt transplres that
the plalntlll had no rlght ln the case. 1he
compensatlon shall be decreed together wlth the
[udgment ln the sub[ect matter and shall be
assessed ln accordance wlth the damage
sustalned by the delendant as a result ol delaylng
hls travel.
l s.Jl L. .l.1l i _Js _, _.. sJ l.,.z. ,
_J ,.z, _l ::l,. .s.Jl _..Jl, ...Jl s.
.., _l _.lzJl _Js ...Jl _. .. _..J J....
,l,.l i.l l: _..Jl, l.l _s..Jl .. _l _LJl _J s..
, l LJJ _s..Jl _ _., .l, _.. .l ,Js
l :.., l.,.l. _s..Jl ,,.z. L.:, .:.l.l _,..J _.lzJ
_l L _.. ,Js _s..Jl .:ls. _z _. , _s..Jl
l. ,., .z, _..Jl _z ,sJl _. _,..Jl, ,s,
_J ..Jl _s :,l.J l.l _. ,Js _s..Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty Seven:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Lvery person wlth an apparent rlght may llle an
urgent lawsult belore the court that ls competent
to conslder the sub[ect matter lor wardlng oll the
lmpedlment ol hls possesslon or lor
repossesslon, and the [udge shall lssue an order
restralnlng the lmpedlng or repossesslon ll
satlslled wlth the [ustlllcatlon adduced. 1hls
matter shall not allect the orlgln ol the rlght nor
shall lt prove same. 1he person dlsputes the
orlgln ol the rlght may resort to the courts ol law
pursuant to the provlslons hereol.
.z., _l >lL _ ,l. sJ _J , .s.Jl ...Jl
_..Jl, l .l,J _..Jl _..J J.... s.,
_.., l.l .., _l _.lzJl _Js .l>.l...1 l _..Jl
_Js .Yl l:> 1, 1 ..l,., _..l l: :l,Jl .l...l,
_Jl .l _l _Jl .l _z _l., _.J .,Js x,J. _s, 1
l _z .l.zJJ ,.z., l:> ,ls ,lL.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty Llght:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
A person sustalns damage as a result ol actlons
that are unlawlully lnltlated may llle an urgent
law sult belore the court that ls competent to
conslder the sub[ect matter lor the suspenslon ol
the new actlons, and the [udge shall pass a
restrlctlon order ll satlslled wlth the [ustlllcatlons
thereol. Such a restrlctlon order shall not allect
the orlgln ol the rlght nor shall lt prove same and
a person contestlng lt may resort to the courts ol
law pursuant to the provlslons hereol.
.s.JJ ,.z., _l _ ,, ,lz. l.sl _. l., _.J ,
l.sYl J J.... s., _..Jl, ...Jl
l.l .., _l _.lzJl _Js .:.,.Jl _..l l: _..Jl,
.l _Js _..Jl, .Yl l:> 1, 1 .l,., _s, 1 _Jl
x,J. l:> ,lsl _z .l.zJJ ,.z., _l ,z _l., _.J .,Js
,lL.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred 1hlrty nlne:
_,..l.Jl .., _1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
A lawsult lor custody may be llled belore the
court that ls competent to conslder the sub[ect
matter concernlng moveable or lmmovable
L., ...Jl .s.JJ .lJl ,JL s. _z.
_z _..Jl _l. .l: _z ,z, _:Jl lz.Jl l z..Jl
property, ln the sub[ect ol the dlspute to whlch
the rlght ls not establlshed. 1he [udge may order
custody ll the person havlng lnterest ln the
moveable or lmmovable has produced such
[ustlllable reasons whlch lead to a lear that an
lmmlnent danger ll the property remalns ln the
possesslon ol the holder thereol and ll the
custodlan undertakes to keep and admlnlster the
property and restltute same wlth the revenues
recelved therelrom to the person ln whose lavor
the rlght has been establlshed.
.l, _l _.lzJJ i,l1 , ,z _Jl _s, l: .lJl,
_. ,. . lz.Jl l z..Jl _z J..Jl ,l. _ls
l. Jz..Jl ,l,.Yl lL .. _:, l.Jl .lz, _. xls
l.Jl L., _lJl .s., .:.l ., i. :., ..l.,
,z _Jl J i,1, _. _J .,z.Jl .J _. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl :.l.Jl :
1he opponent ol a custodlan shall be wlth the
agreement ol all those concerned. ll they do not
agree the [udge shall appolnt hlm. 1he [udgement
passed ln relatlon to the custodlan shall speclly
hls obllgatlons as well as hls rlghts and powers. ll
the [udgement ls sllent ln thls respect the
provlslons hereol shall apply.
Jl _,,.. _s, lz.., ,J l:z .l.,. _l:Jl _: _l..l, _l
_Js l. .lJl, .l.Jl ,sJl .., ..,,.. _.lzJl _J.
_. Jl. ,l.Jl _. _lJl ,sJl is. l: .LJ. _z
,lL.Jl l:> _z :.lJl ,lsYl _,L.z dJ: _s .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty Cne:
., _.,Yl ,.lJl :.l.Jl _,..l.Jl . :
1he custodlan shall be obllgated to saleguard the
property entrusted lnto hls care and admlnlster
such ol lt as needs admlnlstratlon and shall
exerclse reasonable care lor thls end. Pe may not
dlrectly or lndlrectly subrogate ln the
perlormance ol hls dutles anyone ol the
lnterested partles wlthout the consent ol others.
,J ...Jl l.Yl _Js Lzl.Jl, _lJl ,.J,
.l..l :,, .l.Yl ::> _. :l. _J _l., l. :l.,
1 ..l...Jl Jl ,l.s dJ: _z l :l,. _,L, J ,
, _l :l,. , .l l.., l lJs ... .l.l _z J.
_: _,Sl _. _. _l:Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he custodlan may not, as regards other than the
admlnlstratlon actlvltles, act except wlth the
consent ol all the partles concerned or pursuant
to the permlsslon ol the [udge.
l., 1 .., _l :l.]l l.sl , _z _lJJ , 1
_: _.lzJl _. _,., l l.,. _l:Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty 1hree:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he custodlan may recelve the lees asslgned lor
hlm ln the [udgement unless he has walved hls
rlght thereto.
_s, ,J l. ,sJl _z J ...Jl Yl _.lz., _l _lJJ
. .s l.. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty lour:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he custodlan shall be obllgated to keep proper
accounts books and the [udge may obllgate hlm
to use books that bear the seal ol the court,
when necessary. Pe shall also be obllgated to
present at such tlmes as are llxed by the [udge or
each year at the most, to those concerned an
,l. .lz. :l.l, _lJl ,.J, _.lzJl _Js ..L..
.lJ ,. l,Js .lz. :l.l, .s.Jl ..l..1l ..s
,.J, s _z l _.lzJl l>.., _.Jl il..Jl _z ,.z, _l,
l,l. _l:Jl _:J 1sYl _Js .. z..l l., .J.. l.,
l.,.. _lJl _ls l: .il..... _. dJ: i,1, l., l..
account ol what he has recelved or expended to
whlch must be attached supportlng documents.
When the custodlan has been appolnted by the
court he shall addltlonally deposlt a copy ol such
account wlth the reglstry olllce ol the court.
_. , .s.Jl Js , _z , l:> _. :. _., _l dJ:
l.l. ,.s., ,l.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty llve:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he custody wlll end wlth the agreement ol all
those concerned or by a [udgement rendered by
the [udge, whereupon the custodlan shall
proceed to restltute the ltem under hls custody
to whoever ls deslgnated by those concerned or
appolnted by the [udge.
._.lzJl ,s, l l.,. _l:Jl _: _l..l, .lJl _...
,J ...Jl ._:Jl . _J .l,, _l :.., _lJl _Js
: :l., _. _J ..l _.lzJl .,., _. l _l:Jl .
art xlv
:s _,lJl ,l,Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
8eglstratlon and 1ermlnatlon ol Waql
il.l.]l lYl ,..
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty Slx:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
A [udge may not reglster the establlshment ol
any waql (endowment) except alter lts
ownershlp has been establlshed lor the person
constltutlng same and alter ascertalnlng that the
reglster thereol does not contaln anythlng that
precludes the reglstratlon thereol.
,.. _.lzJJ , 1 dJ.. i,1 .., 1 _l .l:.
.l .l _. _.., l.. J. J _. .sl.Jl .., :l,
,..Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty Seven:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he person applylng lor reglstratlon ol the waql
shall make an appllcatlon to that ellect to the
competent court supported by an olllclal
document establlshlng hls ownershlp ol the
property he wlshes to dedlcate as waql.
_J dJ:, l,JL ,.z, _l Jl ,.. ,JlL _Js .s.Jl
ls.:. ...Jl .,, l.J sJ.. i,1. ,.. z,1,
zlz, .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty Llght:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he establlshment ol constltutlon ol waqls whlch
do not have reglstered tltle deeds shall be
ellected pursuant to the rules and procedures
that are prescrlbed lor ellectlng the
Yl _z l.,. il,1 _, J.. _ lJ _,J _.Jl l
,ls..1l .l] :z.Jl il.l]l .slzJl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lorty nlne:
_,..l.Jl .., _.,Yl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Sub[ect to the rules ol the ownershlp ol property
by non-Saudls, lt shall not permlsslble to reglster
the constltutlon ol a waql ln the klngdom whlch
ls owned by the lorelgner except pursuant to the
_,,...Jl , dJ.. .sl :lsl. _. ,.. , 1 lz.JJ
,.Sl L:Jl, 1 _,.Y dJ.. sJ..Jl _z lzs ,. :
lollowlng condltlons:
a-the waql must conlorm to Sharl'ah
,s:Jl il,..z.JJ lz,L Jl _s, _l . l .
b-the waql shall be made ln respect ol a constant
_Js Jl _s, _l . , _Lz.. 1 , .
c-the waql must be ln lavor ol Saudl lndlvlduals
or ol Saudl charltles.
,, il _Js l _,,... .lzl _Js Jl _s, _l . _
,... .
d-the admlnlstrator ol the waql shall be a Saudl
l,... Jl _Js Ll.Jl _s, _l . . .
e-the tltle deed constltutlng the waql must
provlde that the Waql Supreme Councll shall
have the rlght to supervlse the waql.
_JsYl _J.JJ _s, _l Jl _z _., _l . .>
_ lxJ Jl _Js l:]l .
l-the waql must be sub[ect to the waql
8egulatlon ol the klngdom.
sJ..Jl _z lYl ,lL.J l..l Jl _s, _l . .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl :.l.Jl :
ll lt becomes necessary to transler a waql, the
endowment admlnlstrator be he a prlvate
admlnlstrator or the ulrectorate ol Waql, may
not carry out the transler lormallty except alter
seeklng the permlsslon ol the Sharl'ah [udge ol
the town ln whlch the waql ls located and
adduclng the prool whlch [ustlllcatlon such
transler provlded that he put the prlce thereol
wlll be lnvested ln a comparable thlng
lmmedlately. All thls shall be sub[ect to the
consent ol the cassatlon court.
_ls .l. Jl Ll.J _,Jz z. .Yl _..l l:
lLl. 1 z.Jl J.l.. _, _l lYl :l. _ls l l.l
_z _s:Jl _.lzJl _l:...l .., Jl l,z _.Jl .J,Jl
il,1 ., _l _Js Jz. ,. _.Jl ,s:Jl il..Jl
_z ..1 lJl _z J1. . .s. zzl. .., ,., dJ: s
,,..Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
lstlkham (uocumentatlon)
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty Cne:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
lstlkham" ls the appllcatlon lor the lssue ol an
lnstrument establlshlng the ownershlp ol an
lmmovable property ln the absence ol a lltlgant
ln the llrst place. 1he hearlng ol a lawsult
clalmlng the rlght, ll any shall not be barred.
lzs dJ.. il,1, d. ,JL > ,ls..1l l. , _z
,. '.l..,l . i. _.. _Jl, s.Jl _l.. _. _.., 1 .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Sub[ect to the rules governlng the ownershlp ol
lmmovable property by non-Saudls a person who
clalms the ownershlp ol property, whether land
or bullt up property or shall have the rlght to
_s., _. sJ lz.JJ _,,...Jl , dJ.. .sl :lsl. _.
d. ,JL _ .'.l., l l.l dJ: _ls .l. lzs dJ..
_. ,ls..l .s.Jl _lL. _z _z, _.Jl dJ: l.l..l
apply lor a deed ol lstlkham" lrom the court
wlthln the [urlsdlctlon ol whlch the lmmovable
property ls located.
lz.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty 1hree:
1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl _,..l.Jl .., _..Jl :
A deed ol lstlkham" ls clalmed by means ol a
wrlt ol a petltlon lndlcatlng locatlon, area,
boundarles and the tltle deed ol the property, ll
.. lz.Jl _. ,z _,,, .ls...l, ,ls..1l d. ,JL,
_ dJ..Jl z,1 :.. .l.. i. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty lour:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
rlor to commencement ol recordlng the
termlnatlon and commencement ol proceedlngs
ol prool ol same, the court shall wrlte to
munlclpallty, Mlnlstry ol lslamlc Allalrs, Waql,
ua'wa and Culdance, the Mlnlstry ol llnance &
natlonal Lconomy, and, wlth regard to
lmmovable lylng outslde the cltles and vlllages,
letters shall be sent to the natlonal Cuard, the
Mlnlstry ol uelence and Avlatlon, the Mlnlstry ol
Lducatlon (Antlqultles uepartment), the Mlnlstry
ol Agrlculture and Water, the Mlnlstry ol
etroleum and Mlneral 8esources, the Mlnlstry
ol Communlcatlons or the branches ol such
mlnlstrles and departments or whoever acts lor
the and such other authorltles as are deslgnated
by orders lor recelvlng sald wrltlngs, lnqulrlng
whether they have any ob[ectlons agalnst
completlon. 1he court shall also requlre
publlcatlon ol the lstlkham" appllcatlon ln a
newspaper clrculatlng ln the area ln whlch the
property ls located, and ln the event that no
papers are publlshed ln the area then lt shall
request publlcatlon ln a wldely clrculatlng papers
thereat. ln addltlon to postlng coples ol the
advertlsement on the notlce board on the door
ol the court house, the Amlrate, the Covernorate
on dlstrlcts.
il,1]l il.l _z _:Jl .l.]l _,.. _z ..,Jl , dJ:J
_Js .s.Jl ,.s. _l _:Jl :l .,.J,Jl _. s _J
:l ..l:]l :s.Jl lYl ,.x.]l .l..1l ,Jl.Jl
_J ,.s, zJl _..Jl _l > l.J ,..Jl, ._.LJl
_Jl .Jl :l ._.LJl l..Jl :l ._l,LJl _lz
) l1Sl :l. ( slJl :l . :1Jl .,Jl :l .:l,.Jl
illJl dJ. _z l .ix.l.Jl :l .,....Jl gJl..Jl
... _.Jl ilJl _. l>, .dJ: _z l.lz. ,z, _. l
,l.sJl, .lYl l,J . .J _ls l: l.s l....xJ dJ: l,
_Js .l.]l _z .l.. .s.Jl :.Jl ,JL. _l dJ:s _s
zL.. _z ... _.Jl .Jl . _z ,ls..1l ,JL
. .. ,.s l _z .lz.Jl :.Jl ,JL. zL..Jl _z
l,z ll:..l 1sYl .Jl . _z . _l.J _J zl.]l,
. ,l, _Js _xs]l J _z :..Jl _. .s.Jl
Lzl.Jl l :l.]l s.Jl l .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty llve:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
ln addltlon to what ls mentloned ln the precedlng
Artlcle, ll the court ls petltloned an lstklham" lor
a vacant land, lt shall wrlte to the klng ln that
_Js ,, .s.Jl _z s: l. _Js :xs l: z,l.Jl :.l.Jl
_J dJ:, ,.s. _l .l..Jl _xJ ,ls..l .s l.. ,JL
,lz.Jl _.l.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty Slx:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll slxty days have explred slnce the last ol the two
lormalltles ol, wrltlng to the competent olllclal
authorltles or ol publlcatlon, as provlded lor ln
_.. l: ilJl _x, _. _,.l]l i _Js l., _..
_l..l.Jl ,Js i.. l.,. :.Jl l ...Jl ,..Jl
l.s ,,z .l.. _. _l.z,l.Jl ,J l: ,ls..1l .l
the precedlng the Artlcles, wlthout any ob[ectlon
ralsed, the lstlkham procedures should be
completed ll there are no Sharl'ah or legal
_.lL. l _s: _.l. ,1 _s, .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty Seven:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he court shall verlly the correctness ol the area
ol the property, as well as lts dlmenslon and
boundarles. 1he [udge or whoever acts lor the
[udge shall together wlth an englneer, ll
necessary, shall lnspect the property. lollowlng
the verlllcatlon procedures as requlred by
Sharl'ah Al-lstlkham deed shall be prepared.
_Js ,, .s.Jl . _. .sl.. _l lz.Jl l..
_. ,,., _. l _.lzJl ,Js z, _l .:.. sx.l
,J _ _... _s:Jl il,1]l il.l l.s..l .., ..Yl
,ls..1l ,L.. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty Llght:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Where a lltlgatlon ls brought belore a court wlth
respect to a property whlch has no reglstered
tltle deed, the court shall carry out the Al-
lstlkham lormallty ln conslderlng the case
pursuant to the procedures lndlcated ln the
precedlng Artlcles.
J _,J lzs _Js ,sl.Jl . _z ..Jl i l:
J.. .l.1l ,ls..1l J.l.. _. _l l,J.z
l,Js _...Jl il.l;J lzz ,.zJl l>L. .l.Jl _z
z,l.Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred lllty nlne:
..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl _,..l.Jl .., _ :
lt shall not be permlsslble to obtaln lstlkham tltle
deeds lor plots ol land and bulldlngs ln Mlna and
the rest ol the rellglous sltes. Should a lltlgatlon
brought wlth respect to any such matters,
whether regardlng property ltsell or the benellt
therelrom and should one ol the partles produce
a document then the court shall submlt a copy ol
the lltlgatlon record together wlth the document
produced to the court ol cassatlon wlthout
preparlng an lnstrument wlth regard to the
outcome ol the lltlgatlon.
,z, _.. ,.,l _lY ,ls..l _ _l , 1
.sl:.Jl _z .l. dJ: _. ._: _z .zl. iJ. l:
_,zLJl .l ,l ..... l lz.Jl .l _J.z l.....
.s.Jl _z _J ,.Jl .....Jl _. .zl.Jl L,. :.
_... l., d. ,,L.. , _. ,,..Jl .s. , .zl.Jl .
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
Lstabllshlng ueath and Successlon
1Jl . :lzJl il,1
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl :.l.Jl :
A person applylng lor establlshlng death and
conllnement ol successlon shall llle an
lnlormatlon to that ellect belore the competent
court. Pls lnlormatlon shall lnclude the name ol
deceased, the date and tlme ol the death, the
domlclle ol the deceased, the wltnesses ol death
or a medlcal certlllcate to that ellect ln the areas
ln whlch there are medlcal centers. Wlth regard
to the conllnement ol successlon, the
_J dJ:, .l. ,.z, _l 1Jl . :lzJl il,1 ,JlL _Js
.s.Jl _s, ....Jl ,.l _Js x..:. :l.
.: ._z..Jl .l . .l. :lzJl g,l. ._z..Jl
sl. l,z .. _.Jl _Ll..Jl _z l, ,,L :.l: l :lzJl
.J ,..Jl, .,,L .l..l il,1 _Js ..:, 1Jl
.:Jl ..Jl _. ,.,l _. .,.,J>l .1Jl dJ: _Js
,lL.Jl l:> :l.. .., i1. _.Jl il,zJJ .
lnlormatlon shall lnclude a conllrmatlon ol the
names ol the helrs, thelr capacltles, the degree ol
thelr relatlonshlp to the testator, wltnesses to
the death whlch has taken place alter thls law
comes lnto ellect.
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty Cne:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
1he court where necessary may requlre the
person who llled the (death) lnlormatlon to
publlsh the appllcatlon lor establlshlng ol death
and the successlon ln one ol a paper clrculatlng ln
the area ol the deceased. ll there are no papers
clrculatlng ln that area the court shall requlre the
publlcatlon ol the appllcatlon ln one ol the most
wldely clrculatlng papers there. 1he court may
also request the admlnlstratlve governor ol the
area wlthln lts [urlsdlctlon to lnvestlgate what
was submltted by the appllcant lor establlshlng
the death and the successlon. 1he response must
be slgned by the person who submlts them and
must be certllled by the admlnlstratlve authorlty
whlch has conducted the lnvestlgatlon.
,JL :. .l.]l ,.z. _. ,JL. _l .l..1l ..s .s.JJ
_z ... _.Jl .Jl . _z 1Jl . :lzJl il,1
Jl zL.. ,.s l _z ._z.. zL..Jl _z . ..
_l l.s .l,z ll:..l 1sYl .Jl . _z ::. ,JL.
.s.JJ _z _z. _.Jl zL..JJ _l.]l ,slJl _. ,JL. _l
, ,.z. l.s _.Jl l.l..l _lL. :lzJl il,1 ,JlL
.l..z, _.. .. il,l]l _s. _l ,, 1Jl .
... _. _.Jl, i.l _.Jl ,l.]l Jl .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty 1wo:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
When the [udge conslders that the results ol the
lnvestlgatlon are lnsulllclent, he shall lnvestlgate
the matter hlmsell and alter completlng the
lormalltles he shall lssue a death certlllcate. ll the
death has been establlshed, ln whlch he wlll
mane the helrs, thelr capacltles and the dates ol
thelr blrths pursuant to Sharl'ah prlnclples.
_z, _l ,J.z ,zls , _.Jl _.l.. _l _.lzJl l l:
_z ..Jl l.. ,Js il.l]l l.s..l .., ...., _
,z ., i.,1 _ :lzJl, d. ,.l..l _l,, _. _,1lJl
,s:Jl .xJ lz,L ,..1 g,l. .,.l.. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty 1hree:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he lnstrument establlshlng the death and the
certlllcatlon ol successlon shall constltute prool
unless a rullng to the contrary has been lssued.
s:.Jl Jl _Js 1Jl . :lzJl il,1 d. _s,
l. .Jl, l., ,s .., ,J .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty lour:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall lssue the bllls ol
lmplementatlon hereto.
,lL.Jl l:J ,:,...Jl g.lJJl ..Jl , .., .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty llve:
_,..l.Jl .., _..Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1hls law shall repeals the 8egulatlon the
Admlnlstratlve Actlvltles ol the Sharl'ah
uepartments promulgated by 8oyal Approval no.
109 dated 24/1/1374, Artlcles 32, 66, 82, 83, 84
and 83 as regards the Law Centrallzlng the
8esponslbllltles ol the Sharl'ah !udlclary
,s:Jl .l.Jl _z ,l.]l l.sYl ,,L.. ,lL.Jl l:> _J,
, _Jl.Jl _,...Jl, .l.Jl + g,l. rt / / rr > l.s ..
.l.Jl _J, (32 66 82 83 83) ) tt l,l.zJl _, l.,z
,zJl ( .l.zJl il,J.. ,s. ,lL. _. _s:Jl
, _Jl.Jl _,...Jl, .l.Jl + g,l. rt / / rr l.s ..>
promulgated by 8oyal Approval no. 109 dated
24/1/1372 P., and shall also annual all the
provlslons that run counter to the provlslon
_l.., l. s _J, ,lsl _. .. .
Artlcle 1wo Pundred Slxty Slx:
l.Jl .., _..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl _,.. :
1hls law shall be publlshed ln the Clllclal Cazette
and shall come lnto lorce one year alter the date
ol lts publlcatlon.
_. .. .., , .., ,..Jl :.,Jl _z ,lL.Jl l:> :.,
::. g,l. .
,s:Jl il.zl.Jl ,lL. - .Jl Yl
Lngllsh 1ext
_.Jl _,.Jl
1able ol Contents
il,..Jl JlL
art l
Yl ,l,Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
.ls ,lsl
art ll
_.l1Jl ,l,Jl
Chapter Cne-
Yl ..Jl
lnternatlonal !urlsdlctlon
_J.Jl _.l..1l
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Speclllc !urlsdlctlon
_s.Jl _l..1l
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
venue !urlsdlctlon
_J.Jl _l..1l
art lll
Jl1Jl ,l,Jl
llllng and 8ecordlng ol Cases
l>., s.Jl _z
art lv
_,lJl ,l,Jl
Appearance and Absence ol Lltlgants
,,l, ,.Jl .
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Appearance and Appolntment ol Attorney ln Lltlgatlon
..Jl _z ,s.Jl .Jl
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Absence ol Lltlgants or any ol them
,>.l l ,.Jl ,l,
art v
_.lJl ,l,Jl
roceedlngs and 8ules lor the Pearlngs
il.l l.lL. il.JJl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
roceedlngs ol Pearlngs
il.JJl il.l
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Sesslon rocedure
.JJl ,lL.
art vl
_.l.Jl ,l,Jl
uelences, Ad[olnlng, lnterventlon and Supplemental Appllcatlons
..Jl l.]l _z.Jl il,JLJl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Ad[olnlng and lnterventlon
..Jl l.]l
lnterposltlon Appllcatlons
Jl1Jl ..Jl
lnterposltlon Appllcatlons
.l.Jl il,JLJl
art vll
_,l.Jl ,l,Jl
Suspenslon, Cessatlon and Abandonment ol Lltlgatlon
ls. lslLz.l ..Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Suspenslon ol Lltlgatlon
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Cessatlon ol the Lltlgatlon
..Jl _lLz.l
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
Abandonment ol Lltlgatlon
..Jl d.
art vlll
_.l1Jl ,l,Jl
8etlrement and Sell ulsquallllcatlon by [udges (Abdlcatlon and
wlthdrawal ol !udges)
,sJl _s ,>. :l.zJl _..
art lx
_.l.Jl ,l,Jl
rocedures ol prool
il,1]l il.l
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
.ls ,lsl
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Lxamlnatlon ol Lltlgants and Admlsslons
l]l ,.Jl ,l..l
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
1he Cath
Chapter lour
_,lJl ..Jl
Chapter llve
_.lJl ..Jl
Clvlng evldence
Chapter Slx
_.l.Jl ..Jl
Chapter Seven
_,l.Jl ..Jl
1he Wrltlng
Chapter Llght
_.l1Jl ..Jl
art x
:l.Jl ,l,Jl
1he !udgements
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
1he asslng ol !udgements
,lsYl l..
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
8ectlllcatlon and lnterpretatlon ol !udgements
l>,... ,lsYl g,..
art xl
:s _.lJl ,l,Jl
Methods ol rotest agalnst !udgements
,lsYl _Js _l.s1l _L
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
,lsl .ls
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
etltlon lor 8econslderatlon
L.Jl :.ls _l..Jl
art xll
:s _.l1Jl ,l,Jl
Attachment and Lxecutlon
.,,z.Jl Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
.ls ,lsl
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Attachment ol the uebtor's roperty Peld by a 1hlrd arty
,Jl .J _,..JJ l.
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
rovlslonal Attachment
_L..Jl Jl
Chapter lour
_,lJl ..Jl
Lnlorcement over the roperty ol the !udgement uebtor
,Js ,s.Jl l.l _Js :,...Jl
Chapter llve
_.lJl ..Jl
uetentlon ol the uebtor
_,..Jl ,.
art xlll
:s Jl1Jl ,l,Jl
Lxpedltlous !ustlce
....Jl .l.zJl
art xlv
:s _,lJl ,l,Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
8eglstratlon and 1ermlnatlon ol Waql (Lndowments)
il.l.]l lYl ,..
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
lstlkham (uocumentatlon)
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
Lstabllshlng ueath and Successlon
1Jl . :lzJl il,1
Sharl'ah Courts rocedures 8egulatlons
il.zl.Jl ,lL. ,s:Jl
lssued under the 8oyal uecree no. 21 dated
, _sJ.Jl ,..Jl, .l.Jl r g,l. r / e / tr .>
art l
Yl ,l,Jl
Ceneral rovlslons
.ls ,lsl
Artlcle Cne:
_JYl :.l.Jl
Courts belore whom clalms are brought shall apply
lslamlc Sharl'ah provlslons, as lndlcated under the
Scrlptures (Poly Curan) and the Sunnah (rophet's
tradltlons), as well as the regulatlons lssued by the
klng ln provlded such regulatlons do not run counter
to the Scrlptures and the Sunnah. 1he procedures
they shall apply shall conlorm to the present
,lsl l.l.l ...Jl l,l.zJl _Js ,sl.Jl _,L.
.,.x.]l .,:Jl l. ...Jl ,l.sJl ,Js . l.J lzz
_. _l... 1 .L.l _. .Yl _J :.., ...Jl ,l.sJl
,lL.Jl l:> _z . l., l>L. il.l _z .,z.. .
Artlcle 1wo:
,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
1he provlslons ol the present 8egulatlons shall apply
to cases not yet declded and to the proceedlngs not
completed belore the comlng lnto ellect ol these
8egulatlons, wlth the exceptlon ol the lollowlng:
,lL.Jl l:> ,lsl _.. .l,z .., ,J _.Jl ls.Jl _Js
il.l]l l. dJ: _. _.1.., .::l.. , ,.. ,J _.Jl
_.l, :
a-Artlcles amendlng [urlsdlctlon wlth respect to cases
brought belore the courts prlor the comlng lnto
ellect ol these 8egulatlons.
Jl, _l..xJ J...Jl .l.Jl . l sz.Jl ls.JJ ,..
l:> :l.. , ,lL.Jl .
b-Cases amendlng deadllnes wlth respect to a
deadllne that started belore the comlng lnto ellect
, l., _:Jl .l.,.JJ ,..Jl, .,sl.JJ J...Jl .l.Jl . ,
l:> :l.. ,lL.Jl .
c-1he provlslons establlshlng or revoklng the ways ol
ob[ectlon hereunder wlth respect to llnal [udgments
passed belore the comlng lnto ellect thereol.
_l.s1l _LJ ,J.Jl l .:..Jl _..Jl . _
,lL.Jl l:> ,., i.. _.Jl ,.l.Jl ,lsxJ ,..Jl,
,lL.Jl l:> :l.. , .
Artlcle 1hree:
l 1Jl1Jl :.l.J :
Lach procedure valldly perlormed under appllcable
L _z l,. ,. il.zl.Jl il.l _. .l s
regulatlons shall remaln valld, unless otherwlse
specllled hereln.
_z,, , ... ,lL. dJ: , _Js _., ,J l. .l,.
,lL.Jl l:> _z .
Artlcle lour:
.,lJl :.l.Jl :
no appllcatlon or pleadlng shall be admlsslble unless
lt proceeds lrom a party wlth a legltlmately valld
lnterest thereln. Powever, a potentlal lnterest shall
sulllce ll the purpose ol the appllcatlon ls by way ol
precautlon lor the preventlon ol lmmlnent ln[ury or
to establlsh a rlght whose prool ls llkely to dlsappear
at the tlme ol the lltlgatlon. ll a [udge llnds that a
case ls slmulated llctltlous", he shall re[ect same and
may lmpose a penalty on the plalntlll.
l ,JL _l ,z, 1 J.. ,z ,l.J _s. 1 _z.
_. .s:. ..l l: J...Jl J..Jl _.s. dJ:
l _.. . _z.J Ll,.1l ,JLJl _. _Jl _ls
,z _l.Jl ..s J,J. l _:, _J _l1,..1l . L l:
,. s.Jl _l _.lzJJ ,sJl J .l.z ,Js _ls
ls., _s..Jl _Js .
Artlcle llve:
..lJl :.l.Jl :
A case lnvolvlng publlc lnterest shall be accepted ll
llled by at least three cltlzens ln case there ls no
olllclal authorlty ln charge ol such lnterest ln the
l. s _z _,.Ll.Jl _. Yl _Js 1x1 _. s.Jl ,z.
.ls J.. ,z ,.. .J,Jl _z _s, ,J l:
J..Jl dJ. _s J... .
Artlcle Slx:
..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he proceedlngs shall be vold ll the 8egulatlons so
provlde or ll they lnvolve a delect on account ol
whlch the purpose ol the proceedlngs ls vltlated.
Powever, the court shall not declare a procedure to
be vold, although lt has been so specllled, ll lt ls
establlshed that the purpose ol the proceedlngs has
been establlshed.
,l: l ..xL, _Js ,lL.Jl _. l: xLl, .l]l _s,
J. ,,s ,Jl, ,s, 1 ..l]l _. _Jl ,,., _xL
_. ,lJl _z. i,1 l: ,Js _.Jl , .l]l .
Artlcle Seven:
.,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he hearlngs and all the proceedlngs shall be
attended, along wlth the [udge, by a clerk, who shall
draw up the mlnutes (ol the hearlngs) and shall slgn
same hlmsell as well as the [udge. Should the clerk
not be avallable, then the [udge shall assume the task
ol drawlng up the mlnutes.
_,. _z il.JJl _z _.lzJl _. ., _l ,,
, ,.ls s.Jl il.l ._.lzJl _. ., ..Jl
. .l]l _J. _.lzJJz ,.lsJl . :.. l: ,
..Jl .
Artlcle Llght:
..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
nelther the process servers, nor the clerks nor other
asslstants ol the [udges may act wlthln the llmlts ol
thelr olllclal dutles, ln cases lnvolvlng themselves,
thelr spouses, relatlves or ln-laws up to the lourth
degree otherwlse, the actlon shall be null and vold.
:l.zJl _lsl _. ,>, ,.sJJ 1 _,..JJ , 1
x.s l:l,, _l ls.Jl _z ,..lL .. _z .,
,>l.l l ,,ll, l ,ll, l ,, .lJl _.
xLl, ..Jl l:> _ls 1 ..,lJl .Jl .
Artlcle nlne:
..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he perlods and deadllnes lndlcated hereln shall be
computed accordlng to umm ul Cura Calendar. 1he
,lL.Jl l:> _z l,Js _...Jl .,sl.Jl ...Jl ,..
sunset ol every day shall be deemed to be the end ol
such day.
,l ,,z. ,. Jl z . .,l. ,, s _.: , ,.., .
Artlcle 1en:
::l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ln the appllcatlon hereol place ol resldence shall
mean the place ol resldence whereln a person
normally resldes. lor wanderlng nomads the place ol
resldence ol a person shall be deemed to be the
place whereln he resldes when the case ls llled. ln the
case ol detalned persons or prlsoners thelr place ol
resldence shall be deemed to be the place whereln
they are detalned or lmprlsoned.
_ls.Jl ,lL.Jl ::> ,lsl _,,L. _z .l]l ., ..z,
, _:Jl _:Jl .Lz .l,.s1l _Js . .,JJ ,..Jl,
..s .Lz, _:Jl _ls.Jl _:Jl .l . .., Jl
s.Jl .l . . .., .l..Jl _,z.JJ ,..Jl,
l .Jl _ls.Jl _:Jl .l ,z _..Jl .
A person may elect a speclal place ol resldence lor
recelvlng notlces and summons addressed to hlm
regardlng certaln matters or lormalltles, ln addltlon
to hls normal place ol resldence.
,z _zJ., l.l .l . l., _l _: _Y ,
illL1l l _,.l. _l:, ,J . _.Jl il,J,.Jl
..l . _J zl.]l, .,.. ix.l.. l ,l.J .
Artlcle Lleven:
::s ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
lt shall not be permlsslble to transler any valldly llled
case belore a competent court to another court or
authorlty prlor to passlng [udgment wlth regard
.s.J ,. z,L, i.z ,. _l z. , 1
. l .s. _J .. l,z ,sJl , l .
Artlcle 1welve:
::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
rocess servers pursuant to a [udge's order, the
request ol a lltlgant or the court admlnlstratlon, shall
carry out Servlce. 1he lltlgants or thelr attorneys shall
lollow up the proceedlngs and submlt the relevant
papers to the process servers lor servlng same.
Servlce may be ellected by the plalntlll ll he so
l _.lzJl .l _Js .l., _,..Jl L.l, _,J,.Jl ,.,
l ,.Jl ,JL l ,.Jl ,z, ..s.Jl :l.
,l.., ,>xs _,..JJ lll ,,.z. il.l]l .
,JL l: s.Jl ,l. Ll., _,J,.Jl , .l,J,.J
dJ: .
Artlcle 1hlrteen:
::s 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
lt shall not be permlsslble to serve any summons or
executlon at the place ol resldence (ol the person to
be summoned) belore sunrlse or alter sunset, nor on
olllclal holldays, except ln cases ol necesslty and
pursuant to a wrltten permlsslon glven by the [udge.
_: , .l]l . _z :,... l _,J,. _l .l , 1
1 _.:Jl _z 1 .,..Jl L.Jl ,l,l _z 1 .l, ..,
_. _,l.s _:, :.Jl i1l _.lzJl .
Artlcle lourteen:
::s .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he summons shall be ln dupllcate, one orlglnal and a
copy. ln case ol plurallty ol the persons to be
summoned there should be provlded a numbers ol
coples equal to the number ol persons to be
l.>l. ._,.z,lL.. _,... _. _,J,.Jl _s, _l ,,
.:. Yl ..l .... _,.. ,,J _. .... l:
,>..s .z, .Jl .
1he summons shall comprlse the lollowlng:
_.l, l. _Js _,J,.Jl ..:, _l ,, :
a-1he sub[ect matter ol the summons, the date, day,
month, year and hour ol the servlce belng ellected.
...Jl .:Jl .,,Jl, ,l. ._,J,.Jl _.. . l
,. _.Jl sl.Jl l,z .
b-1he lull name ol the appllcant, hls prolesslon or
occupatlon, hls place ol resldence as well as the lull
name ol the person who represents hlm, hls
prolesslon or occupatlon and hls place ol resldence.
...,L l .... ._,J,.Jl ,JlLJ .lsJl ,.1l . ,
...l . l ... .J1., _.J .lsJl ,.1l
..l . ...,L .
c-1he lull name ol the person to be summoned, hls
prolesslon or occupatlon and hls place ol resldence. ll
hls place ol resldence was not known at the tlme ol
servlce, hls last known place ol resldence must be
l ... ._,J,.Jl ,J _.J .lsJl ,.1l . _
. ...,L z ...l l.J.. ..l . _s, ,J _
J _ls .l . lz _,J,.Jl i .
d-1he name ol the process server and the court to
whlch he belongs.
l,.J .., _.Jl .s.Jl ..Jl ,.l . . .
e-1he name ol the person recelvlng the copy ol the
summons, hls capaclty and slgnature on the orlglnal,
or a statement lndlcatlng hls relusal to accept
dellvery and the reason therelor.
.... ._,J,.Jl :. ,J i.J. _. ,.l . .>
.lJ.l _Js .,. ,,. sl...l il,1 l .
l-1he slgnature ol the process server on th e orlglnal
ol the summons and the copy thereol.
:.Jl .Yl _. s _Js ..Jl _,. . .
Artlcle lllteen:
::s ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he process server shall dellver the copy ol the
summons to the person to be summoned at hls place
ol resldence or place ol work, ll any. Ctherwlse lt
shall be dellvered to any person lound at hls place ol
resldence who llves wlth hlm, whether a relatlve,
lamlly member, ln-law or any person who ls
employed by" hlm. ll none ol them ls present or ll
those present reluse to take dellvery, the summons
shall be dellvered to the Cmda ol the quarter, the
pollce statlon, the sub-statlon chlel, the trlbe chlel
wlthln the area whereln the domlclle ol the person to
be summoned ls sltuated, accordlng to the above
sequentlal order.
:. ..Jl ,J., . _z ,J _. _J _,J,.Jl
_ J.s l ..l _z ., _. _J l.J.,z 1 ..
,ll J>l _. .. _,.sl.Jl _. ..l . :l.l
.l ,.. ., ,J l:z .... _z .., _.. ., _. l
_s . _. _...l l lYl ,. :.Jl ,J.,z ,J..Jl
l _Jl :..s _J l s.Jl _,. l L:Jl ,. g,:
_z _,J,.Jl ,J .Jl .l . _z, _,:Jl J,,zJl
,,..Jl ,. ,.l..l _lL. _,l.Jl .
1hls should be lndlcated ln detall by the process
server ln the orlglnal summons and he shall, wlthln
twenty lour hours ol dellvery ol the copy to the
admlnlstratlve authorlty, send to the person to be
summoned, at hls place ol resldence or place ol work,
a reglstered letter, wlth acknowledgment ol recelpt
lnlormlng hlm that the copy has been dellvered to
the admlnlstratlve authorlty.
l _Js .l _z ,...Jl, ., _z dJ: _,,, _l ..J
_Js ._,J,.Jl ,,J.. _. sl. _,:s _,l x ..Jl
.Jl _J ., _l ,l.]l JJ :.Jl _,J,.Jl ,J
l.: _. x.. . l,lL J.s l ..l . _z
,z :,, . ,J..Jl, ,l.]l Jl _J i.J. :.Jl _l .
Artlcle Slxteen:
::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he pollce statlon and Cmdas ol the quarter shall
.. l.sl., _l .l,Yl ..s L:Jl sl. _Js
asslst the process server ln carrylng out hls
asslgnment wlthln thelr respectlve area ol
.l.l _Js .s.Jl ... _l..1l .. _z .
Artlcle Seventeen:
::s .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Servlce ol the summons shall be valld when dellvered
to the person to be summoned even ll dellvered at a
place other than hls place ol resldence or place ol
_J ,J. _.. l,.lL. _,J,.Jl _s, J ,J _. _:
. , _z J.s l ..l .
Artlcle Llghteen:
::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he copy ol the summons shall be dellvered as
_.Sl .Jl _Js _,J,.Jl :. ,,J.. _s, :
a-Wlth respect to government agencles, the
summons shall be served on the heads thereol, thelr
deputles or representatlves.
,., _. l l.l. _J ,.sJl :Yl, _J.., l. . l
,.s .
b-Wlth respect to [urlstlc person, to thelr managers,
deputles or representatlves.
.l.Jl ,...Jl ,.:Jl _: _l:Yl, _J.., l. . ,
,.. _J l l, ,J1., _. l ,.lz. ,z, _. .
c-Wlth respect to companles, socletles and prlvate
establlshments, to thelr managers, deputles or
.lJl il...Jl il,..Jl ils:Jl, _J.., l. . _
_. l l,,.. _J ,J1., _. l ,.lz. ,z, .
d-Wlth respect to lorelgn companles and
establlshments whlch have a branch or agent ln the
klngdom, to the branch manager, hls deputy or to the
agent or hls deputy.
_z lJ _.Jl ,,.Yl il...Jl ils:Jl, _J.., l. . .
_z ,s l ., _. l _.Jl ,.. _J sJ..Jl l .s ,
.s ,., _. l ,sJl .
e-Wlth respect to the armed lorces personnel and
the llke, to the lmmedlate person to whom the
person to be summoned reports.
,.s _z _. J..Jl ilzJl l, _J.., l. . .>
:l,.Jl _.Jl _J _,J,.Jl ,J _.J .
l-Wlth respect to seamen or workers on shlps, to the
_l,Jl _J _..Jl l.s :l,Jl, _J.., l. . .
g-Wlth respect to lnterdlcted persons, to thelr
guardlans or custodlans, as the case may be.
.l,JYl l .l,.Yl _J ,,Js .Jl, _J.., l. .
,. l lY .
h-Wlth respect to prlsoners and detalnees, to the
prlson warden or to the detentlon center's olllce.
_z ,..Jl _J _,z.Jl _,...Jl, _J.., l. . g
. l _.Jl ,.Jl .
l-Wlth respect to those whose place ol resldence ls
not known or those havlng no elected place ol
resldence ln the klngdom, to the lnterlor Mlnlstry,
lollowlng the usual admlnlstratlve channels used, to
have served on the proper manner.
. l .. .l . J _,J _., _J.., l. . L
_z l.. .l l, ,Jl.Jl :l _J sJ..Jl _LJ
z,LJl, .xs] .,..Jl ,l.]l ,.l..Jl .
Artlcle nlneteen:
::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ln all cases specllled ln the precedlng Artlcles ll the
person to be summoned or hls deputy reluses to take
dellvery ol the copy (ol the summons) or to slgn on
the orlglnal ln acknowledgement ol recelpt, the
process server shall lndlcate that ln both the orlglnal
and the copy ol the summons and shall dellver the
copy to the Amlrate wlthln the [urlsdlctlon ol whlch
whereln the domlclle ol the person to be summoned
ls sltuated, lor lt or lor the authorlty llxed by the
Amlrate, to execute the summons.
l: z,l.Jl :.l.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl i1lJl _,. _z
.l.Jl _...l l :.Jl ,J.. _. .s ,., _. l ,J,.
..Jl _J.z ,J..Jl, lJ.l _Js _,.Jl _. i,1, _l
.Jl .Yl _z dJ: _z, _.Jl :l.;J :.Jl ,J., .:
l.l..l :.l. _z l _,J,.Jl ,J .Jl .l .
:l.]l l.,.. _.Jl Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty:
_:.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the place ol resldence ol the person to be
summoned ls sltuated ln a lorelgn country, the copy
ol the summons shall be sent to the Mlnlstry ol
lorelgn Allalrs lor dellverlng same through
dlplomatlc channels. 1he reply lndlcatlng the dellvery
ol the copy to the person to be summoned shall
_,.l .J, _z _,J,.Jl ,J .Jl .l . _ls l:
:. ..z .Jl _LJl, lJ,..J ,lJl :l _J _,J,
.,., _:Jl .Jl, _..s, .,.l.J,.Jl _J :.Jl .
_,J,.Jl ,J .Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-Cne:
_:.Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
ll the summons's locatlon wlthln the klngdom lles
beyond the [urlsdlctlon ol the court, the papers to be
served shall be sent by the presldent or [udge ol such
court to the presldent or [udge ol the court wlthln
whose [urlsdlctlon the servlce ol summons lles.
sJ..Jl l. _,J,.Jl . _ls l: _l _l..l _lL.
.s.Jl _. l,J,. .l.Jl _lYl ..z ::> _,.
_.l l _,. _J l,.l l .s.Jl _.Jl .s.Jl
l.l..l _lL. _z _,J,.Jl _z, .
Artlcle 1wenty-1wo:
_:.Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
A perlod ol slxty days shall be added to the tlme llmlt
provlded lor under the regulatlons ln case the place
ol resldence ol the person to be summoned ls
outslde the klngdom.
l,Js _...Jl .,sl.Jl _J l., _,.. :.. l..
. _s, _.J l.lL. ..l _l sJ..Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-1hree:
_:.Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the tlme llmlt ls specllled ln days, months or years,
the day ol the servlce ol summons the day ol the
lssue ol the order consldered ln the eyes ol the
8egulatlons to have llxed the commencement ol the
tlme llmlt shall not be lncluded thereln. 1he tlme llmlt
shall explre wlth the explry ol the last day thereol ll
the procedure ls to take place thereat. Powever, ll
the tlme llmlt ls such that must elapse belore the
procedure, then the procedure may not be ellected
except alter the lapse ol the last day ol the tlme llmlt.
ll the tlme llmlt ls specllled ln hours then the hour ol
commencement and the hour ol explratlon be
calculated as alorementloned.
xz _,..Jl, l :Jl, l ,l,Yl, l.z. .l.,.Jl _ls l:
.. ,., .Yl ,z . _:Jl ,,Jl l _xs]l ,,
..l.,.JJ l,. ,lL.Jl L. _z ,...Jl .l.,.Jl _.z.,
Yl ,,Jl .l.z.l, ,z ., _l ,, _ls l: .. ,
l: l.l ..l]l , :l.z.l ,, l.. .l.,.Jl _ls
.l.z.l .., 1 .l]l . , xz .l]l ,,Jl
.l.,.Jl _. ,Yl . _ls ilsl.Jl, l.z. .l.,.Jl _ls l:
_.Jl sl.Jl ,l. l,z _.z., _.Jl sl.Jl l,z l.,,
Jl _Js ,.z..Jl .
ll the deadllne lalls on an olllclal hollday then the
,, l _J ...l ,.. JLs .l.,.Jl l .l. l:
tlme llmlt shall be extended to the llrst worklng say
l>.., .s .
art ll
_.l1Jl ,l,Jl
Chapter Cne
l ..Jl Y
lnternatlonal !urlsdlctlon
_J.Jl _.l..1l
Artlcle 1wenty-lour:
_:.Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he courts ol the klngdom shall have power to hear
cases llled agalnst a Saudl cltlzen even ll he has no
publlc or elected place ol resldence ln the klngdom,
wlth the exceptlon ol cases connected wlth the
ownershlp ol property outslde the klngdom.
_Js _z. _.Jl ls.Jl L., sJ..Jl ,sl. _..
J _s, ,J J _...Jl _z l.. l ,ls .l .
_l lz., zJ...Jl ,.,.Jl ls.Jl l.s l.,z sJ..Jl
_l sJ..Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-llve:
_:.Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
1he klngdom courts shall have power to hear cases
llled agalnst a non-Saudl who has an ordlnary or
elected place ol resldence ln the klngdom, wlth the
exceptlon ol cases connected wlth the ownershlp ol
property outslde the klngdom.
, _Js _z. _.Jl ls.Jl L., sJ..Jl ,sl. _..
J _:Jl _...Jl sJ..Jl _z l.. l ,ls .l .
lz., zJ...Jl ,.,.Jl ls.Jl l.s l.,z _l sJ..Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-Slx:
_:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he courts ol the klngdom shall have power to hear
cases llled agalnst a non-Saudl who has no publlc or
elected place ol resldence ln the klngdom ln the
lollowlng cases:
, _Js _z. _.Jl ls.Jl L., sJ..Jl ,sl. _..
_,J _:Jl _...Jl _z l.. l ,ls .l . J
,.Sl lYl _z sJ..Jl :
a-ll the case relates to property lylng ln the klngdom
or to an obllgatlon whlch has arlsen or ls to be
enlorced ln the klngdom.
l sJ..Jl _z .. l., zJ... s.Jl i.ls l: . l
,... ,l.Jl, ::,... l .:. . sJ..Jl .
b-ll the case relates to a bankruptcy ad[udlcated ln
the klngdom.
sJ..Jl _z :l _xz, zJ... s.Jl i.ls l: . , .
c-ll the case ls brought agalnst more than one person,
the place ol resldence ol one ol whom ls ln the
,>.Y _ls .l _. 1sl _Js s.Jl i.ls l: . _
. _z .l sJ..Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-Seven:
_:.Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he courts ol the klngdom shall have power to hear a
case llled agalnst a non-Saudl Musllm who has no
publlc or elected place ol resldence ln the klngdom,
ln the lollowlng cases:
l. _.. _Js .lz.Jl s.Jl _z L.Jl, sJ..Jl ,s
_...Jl , ,J..Jl l ,ls .l . J _,J _:Jl
,.Sl lYl _z dJ: .sJ..Jl _z l.. :
a-ll the case lnvolves an ob[ectlon to a marrlage
.l.. s.Jl i.ls l: . l _z .l, .l, _l .zs _z
contract lntended to be executed ln the klngdom. sJ..Jl .
b-ll the case lnvolves the seeklng ol a dlvorce or the
resclsslon ol a marrlage contract and ls llled by a
Saudl wlle or one who has lorlelted her natlonallty as
a result ol marrlage provlded elther ol them resldes
ln the klngdom, or ll the case ls llled by a non-Saudl
wlle resldlng ln the klngdom agalnst her husband
who had a place ol resldence thereln ln case the
husband who had a place ol resldence thereln ln case
the husband has deserted hls wlle and took up a
place ol resldence abroad or ll he had been deported
lrom the terrltory ol the klngdom.
_lJl .zs g.z l _xLJl ,JL, s.Jl i.ls l: . ,
_. sz. i.ls i.zz _.Jl l ,...Jl Jl
_z .,z. l... _l i.ls _.. _lJl ,,., l.,..
sz. s.Jl i.ls l .sJ..Jl , Jl _.
_Js sJ..Jl _z .,z.Jl ,...Jl J _ls _:Jl l
. . > . _Jl _ls _.. l,z .l .
_z ..l . _.ll _. ..,l . _ls l _lJl
sJ..Jl .
c-ll the case relates to a clalm ol allmony and the
person lor whom the allmony ls clalmed resldes ln
the klngdom.
z..Jl J ,JL.Jl _ls z.. ,JL, s.Jl i.ls l: . _
_z l.,z. sJ..Jl .
d-ll the case relates to the llneage an lnlant ln the
klngdom or ll lt relates to the guardlanshlp over a
person or property ln case the mlnor or the person
agalnst who an lnterdlctlon ls applled has resldence
ln the klngdom.
l .sJ..Jl _z ,. ,.. _l:, s.Jl i.ls l: . .
Jl.., zJ... i.ls l _..Jl _Js ,1Jl .l.. _.
. ,Js Jl ,JL.Jl l .lzJJ _ls _.. l.Jl
sJ..Jl _z .l .
e-ll the case relates to any other personal status
matter and the plalntlll ls Saudl or a non-Saudl
resldlng ln the klngdom provlded the delendant has
no known domlclle abroad.
lYl .l.. _. Jl.., zJ... s.Jl i.ls l: . .>
Yl ,.:Jl _... , _ls l l,... _s..Jl _ls
_s..JJ _s, ,J l: dJ: .sJ..Jl _z l.,z. . ,Js
_lJl _z .. .l .
Artlcle 1wenty-Llght:
_:.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Wlth the exceptlon ol cases concernlng klnd related
to a property outslde the klngdom, the courts ol the
klngdom shall have power to ad[udge a case ll the
lltlgants accept thelr competency even ll the cases do
not lall wlthln thelr competence.
lz., zJ...Jl ,.,.Jl ls.Jl l.s l.,z _l sJ..Jl
,sl. _.. , l: s.Jl _z ,sJl, sJ..Jl
_z Jl. _s. ,J J l.,1 _l,sl...Jl l.l..l .
Artlcle 1wenty-nlne:
_:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he courts ol the klngdom shall have power to take
precautlonary and provlslonal measures that are
enlorceable ln the klngdom even ll they are not
competent to conslder the orlglnal case.
sJ..Jl ,sl. _.. ,L..Jl ,,l..Jl :l.l,
_z :... _.Jl ,.Jl ... , i.ls J sJ..Jl
,J.Yl s.Jl, .
Artlcle 1hlrty:
_1x1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he [urlsdlctlon ol the courts ol the klngdom entalls
thelr competence to conslder the prellmlnary matters
and the appllcatlon lncldental to the orlglnal case.
1hey are also competent to conslder any appllcatlon
connected wlth the case whlch [ustlce requlres that lt
be consldered along wlth the orlglnal matter.
L., _l..1l _,..., sJ..Jl ,sl. _l..l
il,JLJl ,JYl .l..Jl .Jl .,J.Yl s.Jl _Js .l
,. _. _..z, s.Jl ::, L,., ,JL s L. l:s
l.. L., _l Jl..Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Speclllc !urlsdlctlon
_s.Jl _l..1l
Artlcle 1hlrty-Cne:
_1x1Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
Wlthout pre[udlce to the provlslons ol the 8oard ol
Crlevances 8egulatlons and to the competence ol
publlc courts to hear real estate cases, the summary
courts shall have power to ad[udge the lollowlng
l., .,JlL.Jl _l,. ,lL. , _.z, l., x , _.
_. .l.Jl ,sl.JJ z.Jl s.Jl L. _z _l..l .,l
ls.Jl _z ,sJl, ,.Jl ,sl.Jl _.. ,.Sl : .
a-Cases prohlbltlng clalms agalnst possesslon and
cases ol restltutlon ol possesslon.
l>.l...l s. :l,JJ _..Jl _.. s. . l .
b-Cases lnvolvlng sums mot exceedlng than ten
thousand 8lyals. 1he 8lll ol lmplementatlon shall
determlne the method ol assessment ol the amount
lnvolved ln the case.
.l, 1i ::s _Js l.., .,. 1 _.Jl ls.Jl . ,
.xJl ... s.Jl ., ,.z. ,.,s ,:,...Jl .
c-A case relatlng to lease contracts the monthly
rental ol whlch does not exceed one thousand 8lyals,
provlded that the clalm lnvolved does not exceed ten
thousand 8lyals.
_Js ,z :Yl .,. 1 l, .z., zJ...Jl s.Jl . _
_z l, Jl .,, l., ,JlL.Jl _.... 1l L:, :Jl
l, 1i ::s _Js .
d-A case relatlng to employment contracts ln whlch
the wage or salary does not exceed one thousand
8lyals per month provlded that the clalm lnvolved
does not exceed ten thousand 8lyals.
,.lJl l :Yl .,. 1 .s .z., zJ...Jl s.Jl . .
Jl _Js ,z l, ,JlL.Jl _.... 1l L:, :Jl _z
l, 1i ::s _Js .,, l., .
When necessary, the sums lndlcated under
paragraphs b, c and d hereol may be changed by a
resolutlon ol the Supreme !udlclary Councll, meetlng
ln lts general body, pursuant to a proposal byS the
Mlnlster ol !ustlce.
ilz.Jl _z :s:.Jl _Jl,.Jl ,... .l..1l ..s ,
::> _. .._., .l.zJl _J. _. lz, dJ: :.l.Jl
, _. gl.l _Js .l., .l.Jl ..,, _JsYl ..Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty-1wo:
_1x1Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
Wlthout pre[udlce to the provlslons ol the 8oard ol
Crlevances 8egulatlons, the publlc courts shall have
the power to hear all cases outslde the [urlsdlctlon ol
the summary courts. 1hey may, ln partlcular, hear the
lollowlng matters:
_.. .,JlL.Jl _l,. ,lL. , _.z, l., x , _.
.Jl .l.Jl ,sl _l..l _s lJl ls.Jl _,.,
.,.Jl ,sl.Jl _z L.Jl _.Jl _Js lJ
,.Sl .Yl :
a-All cases ln klnd related to the ownershlp ol real
lz.Jl, zJ...Jl ,.,.Jl ls.Jl _,. . l .
b-lssulng deeds ol ownershlp ( lstlhkam),
establlshment and hearlng admlsslons concernlng
Waql, establlshment ol marrlage, wllls, dlvorce,
repudlatlon, llneage, death and establlshlng
l]l _l.. .Jl il,1 .,ls..1l _ l.. . ,
il,1 ., .Jl ._JJl ._xLJl .,.Jl ._lJl .,.
1Jl . .:lzJl .
c-Appolntment ol custodlans, guardlans and
admlnlstrators and authorlzlng them to exerclse
dlsposltlons requlrlng court permlsslon, and to
dlsmlss them, when necessary.
_z ,J _:]l .lL.Jl ..l,JYl ..l,.Yl .l . _
z..Jl _.Jl il ..s ,Js ._.lzJl _: ,...
.l..1l .
d-lmposlng and cancellng allmonles.
lLlz. z..Jl _z . . .
e-Clvlng ln marrlage a woman who has no guardlan.
.l..Jl _. lJ _J 1 _. _,. . .> .
l-lnterdlctlon ol lmprudent and bankrupt persons.
Jl . _,.J..Jl .l..Jl _Js .
Artlcle 1hlrty-1hree:
_1x1Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
A Ceneral court has [urlsdlctlon over all cases and
clalms that lle wlthln the competence ol the
summary court ln a town whereln there ls no
summary court.
_,., .l.Jl .s.Jl _.. Jl.Jl l,l.zJl ls.Jl
_l..l _z _z ., 1 _:Jl .J,Jl _z ,.Jl .s.Jl
,. .s. .
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ..Jl
venue !urlsdlctlon
_J.Jl _l..1l
Artlcle 1hlrty-lour:
_1x1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
A case shall be llled belore the court wlthln the
[urlsdlctlonal area ol whose competence that lles the
domlclle ol the delendant. ll the delendant has no
place ol resldence ln the klngdom then the court
wlthln whose [urlsdlctlonal area the place ol
resldence ol the plalntlll lles shall be competent to
hear the case. ln case ol plurallty ol delendants the
court wlthln whose the [urlsdlctlonal area lles the
domlclle ol the ma[orlty ol the delendants shall be
competent to hear the case. ln case ol an even
dlstrlbutlon ol the delendants the plalntlll shall have
the cholce to brlng actlon belore any court wlthln
whose the [urlsdlctlonal area lles domlclle ol one ol
the delendants.
l.l..l _lL. _z _z, _.Jl .s.Jl _z s.Jl ,lz.
_s..Jl .l . _z .l . J _s, ,J _z .,Js
Jl .s.JJ _l..1l _s,z sJ..Jl _lL. _z _z, _.
,,Js _s..Jl .... l: ._s..Jl .l . l.l..l
_z, _.Jl .s.JJ _l..1l _ls l.l..l _lL. _z
_s..Jl _s, _l..Jl l _z .,1sYl .l .
_z l,Jl, _lL. _z _z, .s. _l ,l.l s.Jl .l
,>.l .l . l.l..l .
Artlcle 1hlrty-llve:
_1x1Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
Sub[ect to the competence provlslons prescrlbed lor
the 8oard ol Crlevances, a case agalnst government
admlnlstratlon agencles shall be llled belore the
court wlthln whose the [urlsdlctlonal area lles the
headquarters ol such agencles . 1he case may be llled
wlth a court wlthln whose the [urlsdlctlonal area lles
the government agency's branch wlth respect to
matters connected wlth such branch.
,JlL.Jl _l,.J :z.Jl _l..1l ,lsl, .,z.Jl _.
_Js s.Jl ,lz. ,.sJl :l.]l :l .s.Jl _z
.lJ _.,.Jl z.Jl l.l..l _lL. _z _z, _.Jl ,
l.l..l _lL. _z _z, _.Jl .s.Jl _J s.Jl _z
_z _.sJl lJl _z _.Jl dJ:, zJ...Jl .l..Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty- Slx:
_1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Cases connected wlth exlstlng companles and
socletles or those under llquldatlon, or prlvate llrms
shall be llled belore the court wlthln whose the
[urlsdlctlonal area lles the head olllce thereol
whether the case ls llled by or agalnst the company,
assoclatlon, establlshments, or by the company,
soclety , or llrm or by any ol them agalnst another
partner or member. 1he case may be llled belore the
court wlthln whose the [urlsdlctlonal area lles the
branch ol the company, soclety or llrm ln matters
connected wlth such branch.
l, zJ...Jl s.Jl ,lz. l ..lzJl il,..Jl l ils:J
. _z _.Jl .s.Jl _z .lJl il...Jl l ,...Jl
.l.l. s. l.l..l _lL. _z _z, _.Jl i.ls '.l.
_. l ....Jl l ,..Jl l s:Jl _Js s.Jl
l ,..Jl l s:Jl l .ls:Jl .l _Js ...Jl
_Js .s l d,: _. l ..l.sYl _z , .i
s.Jl _z l.l..l _lL. _z _z, _.Jl .s.Jl _J
_z dJ: ....Jl l ,..Jl l s:Jl .l..Jl
_.Jl l:, zJ...Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty Seven:
_1x1Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
notwlthstandlng Artlcle 1hlrty lour a plalntlll
clalmlng allmony shall have the optlon ol llllng the
case belore the court wlthln whose the [urlsdlctlonal
area lles the domlclle ol elther the delendant or the
plalntlll .
z..Jl, _s..JJ _s, _,1x1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl _. .l.1..l
_z l,Jl _lL. _z _z, _.Jl .s.Jl _z :ls. .l
.l l ,Js _s..Jl .l . l.l. _s..Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrty -Llght:
_1x1Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he clty ol or vlllage whereln the court ls sltuated
shall be the locatlon over whlch the court shall have
[urlsdlctlon ln case ol plurallty ol courts therewlthln
the Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall determlne local
[urlsdlctlon ol each pursuant to a proposal by the
Supreme !udlclary Councll. vlllages whereln no courts
exlst shall be under the [urlsdlctlon ol the court ol the
nearest town. ln case ol posltlve or negatlve conlllct
ol [urlsprudence over the case shall be relerred to the
court ol cassatlon to declde on the sub[ect matter ol
the conlllct.
:..Jl .s.JJ l,J. llL. ,zJl l .,..Jl ...
.... ..s .l, _lL.Jl ..Jl , .., l,z ,sl.Jl
s '.l., l.. sJ _J.Jl _J. _. gl.l _J .l.zJl
,l .s. ,sl. l, _,J _.Jl zJl _,.. ._JsYl
..s .l,J :.J, _J.Jl _l..1l _Js _l..Jl
.s. _J s.Jl l. . l,J. l l,l, . i,JJ ,,..Jl
_l..Jl _.. _z .
art lll
Jl1Jl ,l,Jl
llllng and 8ecordlng ol Cases
s.Jl _z l>.,
Artlcle 1hlrty-nlne:
_1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Cases shall be llled belore the court by means ol a
statement ol clalm to be deposlted belore the court -
one orlglnal and a number ol coples correspondlng to
the number ol delendants.
s.Jl _z. .J _.. .,., _s..Jl _. .s.Jl _J
.l _. .s.Jl ,,Js _s..Jl ..., . .
1he statement ol clalm shall comprlse the lollowlng:
,.Sl il.l,,Jl _Js s.Jl .,. ..:. _l ,, : .
a-lalntlll's lull name, prolesslon or occupatlon, the
place ol resldence and clvll reglster and hls
representatlve's lull name, prolesslon or occupatlon,
and domlclle, ll any.
. ...,L l ... ._s..JJ .lsJl ,.1l . l
J. ...l ... .J1., _.J .lsJl ,.1l ._...Jl
. _ ..l . ...,L l .
b-uelendant's lull name, prolesslon or occupatlon,
. ...,L l ... .,Js _s..JJ .lsJl ,.1l . ,
and domlclle. ll hls domlclle ls not known, then hls
last ( known ) domlclle.
,J _z ...l .l . z ,J.. .l . J _s,
J _ls .
c-uate ol llllng ol the statement ol clalm.
.,.Jl ,,.z. g,l. . _ .
d-1he court wlth whlch the case ls llled.
s.Jl l.l.l sz.Jl .s.Jl . . .
e-lalntlll's elected domlclle ln the town whereln the
seat ol the court ls located, ln case he has no
(permanent) domlclle thereln.
. .> z. l, _.Jl .J,Jl _z _s..JJ l.. .l .
_s, ,J _ .s.Jl l,z .l . J .
l-1he sub[ect matter ol the case, plalntlll's demands
and evldentlary documents.
:.,.l.l ._s..Jl ,JL, l. .s.Jl _.. . .
_.,Yl :.l.Jl :
1he tlme llmlt lor appearlng belore the general court
ls at least elght days ol the date ol servlng the
statement ol clalm. ln case ol necesslty such tlme
llmlt may be reduced to twenty lour hours. 1he tlme
llmlt lor appearlng belore the summary court ls three
days whlch ln case ol necesslty, lt may be reduced to
one hour, provlded that ln both cases ol the
reductlon ol the tlme llmlt the summons have been
made on the lltlgant hlmsell. ln both cases the
reductlon ol the tlme llmlt wlll have to be authorlzed
by the !udge or the resldent ol the court wlth whlch
the case ls llled.
_Js ,l,l ,.l.1 .l.Jl .s.Jl ,l.l .Jl .l.,.
g,l. _. Yl Jl _z , .s.Jl .,. _,J,.
sl. _,:s _,l _J .l.,.Jl l:> _z. :.Jl .
.,l,l 1x1 ,.Jl .s.Jl ,l.l .Jl .l.,. ,
l:> _z. :.Jl Jl _z _l L:, .sl. _J .l.,.Jl
..l.,.Jl _z. _.Jl _z ... ,.JJ _,J,.Jl .,
_s, l ._.lzJl _. _:, _,.JlJl _z .l.,.Jl _z.
l,J sz.Jl .s.Jl _,. s.Jl .
Artlcle lorty-Cne:
_.,Yl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
A delendant shall ln all but urgent cases where the
tlme llmlt has been reduced, deposlt belore the court
a delense memorandum at least three days belore
the hearlng llxed lor the case belore the general
court and at least one day belore the summary court.
. _z ,Js _s..Jl _Js J....Jl l.s. ls.Jl _,
.l.,. _z.l _.Jl .s.Jl .J _., _l . l,z .Jl
s.Jl L.J :...Jl .JJl , slz., :s:. 1x1,
_Js .l ,,, ..l.Jl ,sl.Jl ,l.l Yl _Js ,l,l
,sl.Jl ,l.l Yl ,.Jl .
Artlcle lorty-1wo:
_.,Yl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he competent clerk shall reglster the case ln the
speclal reglster on day ol llllng the statement ol the
clalm alter specllylng, ln the presence ol the plalntlll
or hls representatlve, the date ol the hearlng llxed
therelor ln the orlglnal and coples ol the statement ol
clalm. Pe shall, on the lollowlng day at the latest,
hand over the orlglnal and coples ol the statement ol
clalm to the server or to the plalntlll, as the case may
be, lor servlng same and returnlng the orlglnal to the
court reglstry.
.,z, _z .,.Jl ,,.z. ,, _z s.Jl _..Jl ,.lsJl
.., _lJl .Jl J1., _. l _s..Jl ., i,1, _l
..,.Jl .l _z l>L.J :...Jl .JJl g,l.
.l ,J., _l 1sYl _Js _Jl.Jl ,,Jl _z ,Js .l>.
..Jl _J l>. .,.Jl ,. . _s..Jl l
. l,J,.J . lYl .s.Jl :l. _J .Yl .
Artlcle lorty-1hree:
_.,Yl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he process server or the plalntlll, as the case may
be, shall serve the statement ol clalm on the
delendant belore the date ol the hearlng and ( shall
lndlcate) the tlme llxed lor appearance belore the
.,. _,J,., . lYl ,. . _s..Jl l ..Jl ,z,
_J s.Jl l.z., ..JJl g,l. , ,Js _s..Jl
.Jl .l.,. .
Artlcle lorty-lour:
_.,Yl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
lallure to observe the tlme set ln the proceedlng
Artlcle or lallure to observe the tlme lor appearance
shall not lnvalldate the statement ol clalm, wlthout
pre[udlce to the rlght ol the person served to
(request) untll the tlme llmlt has been completed.
:.l.Jl _z z.Jl .l.,.Jl :lsl. ,.s _Js ,.., 1
,.s l z,l.Jl . .,. _xL, .Jl .l.,. :lsl
,J .Jl _, x , _. dJ: .s.Jl _z _,J,.Jl
.l.,.Jl l.s..1 ,l.Jl .
Artlcle lorty-llve:
_.,Yl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
ln case both plalntlll and delendant appear belore
the court ol thelr own accord, even ll the case lalls
beyond the court's [urlsdlctlonal area, and requested
that thelr dlspute be heard, the court shall hear the
case lorthwlth, ll posslble, or lt shall llx another
hearlng therelor.
.lzJ. _. .s.Jl ,l.l ,Js _s..Jl _s..Jl . l:
J . l.,... l i.ls s.J _l l.l..l . _.ls.Jl
_z s.Jl .s.Jl _...z l.... _l.. l,JL
i.. 1 _s.l _ lJl l .J lJ .
Artlcle lorty-Slx:
_.,Yl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ln the event the court llxes (a tlme lor) hearlng the
case ol two lltlgants who appeared belore lt on a
date other than that llxed and requested the court to
hear thelr lltlgatlon , then the court should respond
to thelr request, ll posslble.
l. ,1 ._,,sl... _,.:J .J .s.Jl i.,s l:
_,..Jl iJl , _z l,J.z .l.... _z L.Jl l,JL
,,. _l _s.l _ ,JLJl l:> .
art lv
_,lJl ,l,Jl
Appearance and Absence ol Lltlgants
,,l, ,.Jl .
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Appearance and Appolntment ol Attorney ln
..Jl _z ,s.Jl .Jl
Artlcle lorty-Seven:
_.,Yl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Cn the day llxed lor hearlng the case, the lltlgants
shall appear ln person or be represented by someone
actlng lor them. ll the representatlve ls an attorney
he shall be one legally entltled to act as such .
,...l, ,.Jl ., s.Jl L.J _,..Jl ,,Jl _z l
.,.s ,., _. J _.. .s _,.. x,s ,.l.Jl _ls l:z
,lL.Jl ,. s.Jl _ .
Artlcle lorty-Llght:
_.,Yl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he attorney shall declare that he ls appearlng on
behall ol hls cllent and shall deposlt hls power ol
attorney wlth the competent clerk. 1he court may,
when necessary, allow the attorney to deposlt the
_., _l .Js. _s :. z, _l ,sJl _Js ,,
.J .Jls z,1 _. _l .s.JJ ._..Jl ,.lsJl
.l.,. _z z,1Jl _l.,, :.Jl ..s ,sJJ Js .:... _
power ol attorney at a tlme to be determlned by
ltsell, provlded lt wlll not exceed the llrst date ol
hearlng. 1he power ol attorney may be establlshed at
the hearlng ln the lorm ol a statement to be recorded
ln the mlnutes thereol and shall be slgned or thumb-
lmprlnted by the cllent.
,s.Jl i,1, _l , ..zl.JJ .J l dJ: l., 1l
.JJl _z l s.Jl ., .l>.. _z _., ,z.,
.l,, ..,, .
Artlcle lorty-nlne:
_.,Yl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
All admlsslons made by the attorney ln the presence
ol the cllent shall be tantamount to an admlsslon
made by the cllent hlmsell, unless the cllent denles
that ln the course ol hearlng at the same slttlng. ll the
cllent does not appear, the attorney may not admlt
or cede, accept the rlght clalmed, compromlse ln
respect thereol, or accept, dlrect or re[ect the oath or
to abandon the lltlgatlon or to rellnqulsh the
[udgment totally or partlally or any method ol
contestlng same, or lllt lnterdlctlon, or abandon a
mortgage leavlng the debt, or to allege the debt, or
to clalm lorgery unless he has been speclally
empowered to do so ln the power ol attorney.
l. ,l1., _s, s.Jl . _z ,sJl :z, l. s
.... s.Jl :z, _z ,.zJl L. .l.1l :l.. l: 1
l... .JJl . _. g., xz s.Jl ., ,J l: ,sJl
l .l..Jl l ., _s..Jl _Jl, l]l , l .gJ.Jl
l ._,.,Jl l..Jl l ...Jl d. l .l>. l .l,.
_s l .. l,. l l,Js . ,sJl _s _.LJl _L _. _,L
.ls.]l l ._,.Jl .lz, _. _>Jl d. l .Jl _z l .,z
JlsJl _z l.l l.,.. l... _s, ,J l. ,.Jl, .
Artlcle lllty:
.l.Jl _..Jl : :
8eslgnatlon or dlsmlssal ol an attorney wlthout the
approval ol the court shall not bar progress ol the
proceedlngs unless the cllent has notllled hls
opponent about the appolntment ol a substltute ol
the reslgnlng ol dlsmlssed attorney or about hls
lntentlon to conduct the case hlmsell.
_. .s.Jl zzl. ,, Js l ,sJl l.sl , 1
il.l]l ,. , ,., _,,.., .. s.Jl _J,l l: 1
_Js .., l ..Jl l ...Jl ,sJl s.Jl ::l,.
..., .
Artlcle lllty-Cne:
,.lJl :.l.Jl _..Jl :
ll lt appears to the court that an attorney asks lor too
many ad[ournments on the pretext ol havlng to
consult hls cllent wlth a vlew to procrastlnate, then lt
shall have the rlght to requlre the cllent ln person to
pursue the proceedlngs hlmsell.
, i1l...1l :1s .xsJl .l _. .s.JJ L l:
Js. l. il:Jl, s.Jl ,JL _ lJz JLl..Jl ..z,
.zl.Jl ,l..] .
Artlcle lllty-1wo:
_..Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
lt shall not be permlsslble lor a [udge, the publlc
prosecutor, or any person employed ln the courts to
act as an attorney lor the lltlgants ln a case, even ll
the case ls llled wlth a court other than the one to
whlch they belong. Powever, they may be permltted
to do so on behall ol thelr spouses, ascendants,
descendants and those legally under thelr
_z _,J.l.Jl _. .Y 1 ,l.Jl _s..JJ 1 _.lzJJ , 1
_l ,sl.Jl i.ls J s.Jl _z ,.Jl _s x,s _s,
_,l.Jl .s.Jl , .s. ,l.l .lz. , _sJ .lJ
i. _ls _. ,sz ,J.l ,ll _s dJ: ,J
,.,1 ls: .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Absence ol Lltlgants or any ol them
,>.l l ,.Jl ,l,
Artlcle lllty-1hree:
_..Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll a plalntlll lalls to appear at a court hearlng wlthout
ollerlng an excuse acceptable to the court, the case
wlll be stuck oll. 1he plalntlll may later on request
that the case be pursued, accordlng to clrcumstances.
ln such case the court shall llx a hearlng and shall
notlly the delendant to that ellect. ll the plalntlll lalls
to appear wlthout an excuse acceptable to the court,
the case shall be struck oll and shall not be
entertalned therealter except by a declslon to be
lssued by the lull permanent body ol the Supreme
!udlclal Councll.
,J .sl.Jl il.J _. .J _s _s..Jl ,l l:
J,z. :., ,.z., dJ: .., J .s.Jl ,L:. .s.Jl _l
::> _z .lYl ,. l,z L.Jl l...l ,JL, JlJl
.,Js _s..Jl dJ:, _J,. l>L.J .J .s.Jl ...
,J _s..Jl ,l l:z ,L:. .s.Jl J,z. :., ,.z.,
_J. :.., lz, 1 dJ: .., _... 1 s.Jl .l.zJl
..l.Jl ..,, _JsYl .
Artlcle lllty-lour:
.l.Jl _..Jl .,lJl : :
ln the two cases lndlcated under the prevlous Artlcle,
ll the delendant appears at the hearlng lrom whlch
the plalntlll has delaulted , he may request the court
not to strlke oll the case and to rule on the sub[ect
matter thereol ll lt ls llt to be declded. ln such case
the court should rule on the case. Such rullng shall be
deemed as havlng been made ln delault ol the
l: z,l.Jl :.l.Jl _z l.,Js _...Jl _,.JlJl _z
_z ,Js _s..Jl . _s..Jl l.s ,l _.Jl .JJl
,JL, _l Jz _z ,sJl s.Jl ,L: ,.s .s.Jl _.
JlJl ::> _z .l,z ,sJJ Jl. i.ls l: ls..
.., l,z ,s. _l .s.Jl _Js _z l,,l, ,sJl l:>
_s..Jl _ .
Artlcle lllty-llve:
_..Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
ll the delendant has delaulted lrom the llrst slttlng
the hearlng wlll be ad[ourned lor a subsequent slttlng
to be summoned to the delendant. ll he delaults
lrom such or subsequent slttlng wlthout ollerlng an
excuse acceptable to the court, the court shall rule on
the case, whlch rullng agalnst the delendant shall be
deemed as havlng been made ln delault unless hls
delault was alter the closure ol the pleadlngs ol the
case, ln whlch case the [udgment shall deemed to
have been rendered ln presentla.
_z L.Jl ,z _JYl .JJl _s ,Js _s..Jl ,l l:
.J _J ,.zJl ,l _z .,Js _s..Jl l, _J,, z1
:s _. l .J _s ,l l .JJl ::> _s J,z.
_z l.s .., .,.zJl _z .s.Jl ,s.z .s.Jl
l. l,,l, ,Js _s..Jl _ ,l, . .., ,l, _s, ,J
l,. ,sJl ..,z ,.zJl _z .zl.Jl .
Artlcle lllty-Slx:
..l.Jl :.l.Jl _..Jl :
ln case ol plurallty ol delendants, some ol whom
have, whllst others have not, been summoned ln
person and ll all ol them delaulted or ll those
summoned have delaulted, then the court must, ln
other than urgent cases, ad[ourn the hearlng to a
subsequent slttlng whlch wlll be served on those
delaulters who have not been served wlth the
summons ln person. 1he [udgment rendered wlll be
deemed as havlng been rendered ln the presence ol
all the delendants.
:J _Jsl . ,.., _ls .,,Js _s..Jl .... l: .
,J Sl ,.., ,,. l l.,. l,,. ..:J _J.,
, _z .s.Jl _Js , ..:J _J., ,J _. ls.Jl
_J., ,Jl. .J _J s.Jl L. ,l. J....Jl
_J., ,J _. l, _s..Jl ,sJl .., ._,,.lJl _. .:J
,,Js _s..Jl _ _z l,. l.s s.Jl _z l.,. .
Artlcle lllty-Seven:
_..Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
ll ln the appllcatlon ol the alorementloned provlslons
a person appearlng thlrty mlnutes belore the tlme set
lor the end ol the hearlng shall not be deemed as
havlng delaulted. Powever, ll he appears whlle the
court ls stlll ln sesslon he shall be deemed present.
, . _. l,.l .., 1 z,l.Jl ,lsYl _,,L. _z
...Jl .l.,.Jl l: . _Js .z,. _,1x1, .JJl .l..1
..,z :.z... iJl 1 .JJl . l.l .
Artlcle lllty-Llght:
_..Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
A party ruled agalnst ln delault shall be entltled,
wlthln the perlod prescrlbed ln these 8egulatlons, to
ob[ect to the rullng belore the court lssulng same. Pe
may request the court to pass a summary rullng to
suspend enlorcement ol the rullng provlslonally. 1he
enlorcement ol a rullng lssued by delault shall be
suspended ll the court rules that lt be suspended or ll
lt renders a [udgement opposlng to the rullng by
delault annulllng same.
l:> _z :z.Jl :..Jl x l,,l, ,Js ,s.JJ _s,
.l..Jl ,lL.Jl Jl _z ....l _.Jl .s.Jl .J ,s
_Js ,sJl .s.Jl _. ,JL, _l J , s.Jl
l: _,l,Jl ,sJl :l.. , .l.. ,sJl :l.. ,
.s.Jl _. ,s .. l.. ,s .. l ::l.. ,
.lJ, _.z, _,l,Jl ,sJJ _l.. .
art v
_.lJl ,l,Jl
roceedlngs and 8ules lor the Pearlngs
l.lL. il.JJl il.l
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
roceedlngs ol Pearlngs
il.JJl il.l
Artlcle lllty nlne:
_..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he clerk ol the sesslon shall prepare a llst ol the
cases to be consldered on each day arranged
sequentlally accordlng to the hour llxed lor the
hearlng thereol. Alter revlew by the [udge, a copy ol
the llst shall be posted on the board prepared lor that
purpose on the door ol the court belore the
commencement ol buslness hours.
.., _l L,.Jl ,.ls _Js _.Jl ls.Jl, ..l ,, sJ
,.. ,z _.. .., .l>L.J .,..Jl sl.Jl ,.,
JJl _z l.. _J.. _.lzJl _Js ..lzJl _s
,l.Jl .., , .s.Jl sl ,l, _Js dJ:J :...Jl .
Artlcle Slxty:
_..Jl :.l.Jl :
1he lltlgants shall be called at the hour llxed lor
hearlng thelr case.
,.,. L.J .,..Jl sl.Jl _z ,.Jl _Js .l., .
Artlcle Slxty Cne:
_..Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
1he pleadlngs shall take place ln open court unless
the [udge decldes ol hls own accord, or pursuant to
the request ol an lltlgant, that lt be conducted ln
camera lor the purpose ol malntalnlng order or
saleguardlng publlc morallty or lamlly sanctlty.
l ... .lzJ. _. _.lzJl l l: 1 ,.Js .zl.Jl _s.
_Js .l., _Js Lzl. l. l>.l ,.Jl .l ,JL
.J l ..l.Jl ,l.xJ :lsl. l .,lL.Jl Yl :. .
Artlcle Slxty 1wo:
_..Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
leadlngs shall be made verbally. Powever thls shall
not preclude the submlsslon ol statements or
delenses ln the lorm ol wrltten memoranda to be
exchanged by the lltlgants, the orlglnals ol whlch are
to be kept ln the case llle wlth a relerence to be
made ln respect thereol ln the mlnutes . 1he court
shall glve the lltlgants tlme llmlts lor revlewlng the
documents and replylng to same, as necessary.
,,.z. _. _.., 1 dJ: _l _Js .,.: .zl.Jl _s.
lYl _z.Jl l _,, l>. .l,.. ,.s. ils:. _z
:l:]l _. ,.zJl J. _z lJ.l L., .,.Jl l,J
.Jl ,.Jl _L.. _l .s.Jl _Js .L,.Jl _z
il.....Jl _Js _xL;J ,.l..Jl l.Js l,Js .Jl
dJ: lJl i..l .
Artlcle Slxty 1hree:
_..Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he [udge shall questlon the plalntlll regardlng the
speclllc data that constltute hls case belore
lnterrogatlng the delendant. Pe may not return lt lor
belng constltuted nor proceed wlth lt belore that.
:ls. ,.J ,1 > l.s _s..Jl l., _l _.lzJl _Js
l , ,l.. 1 l>,.J l>. J _,J .,Js _s..Jl
dJ: , l,z ,.Jl .
Artlcle Slxty lour:
_..Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
ll the delendant totally abstalned lrom respondlng or
ll hls response ls not relevant to the case, the [udge
shall relterate hls demand lor the proper response
thrlce ln the same sesslon. ll he lnslsts ln hls lnstance,
the [udge shall conslder that he has decllned to reply
alter warnlng hlm and shall proceed wlth the case as
stlpulated under Sharl'ah.
,ll l .l,Js ,lJl _s ,Js _s..Jl _...l l: ,l,
_x. , ,lJl ,JL _.lzJl ,Js s .s.JJ
_Js .l l:z .l... .JJl _z l1x1 g,.Jl :.s dJ:
Jl ,..z, l. ,.zJl _z l .:l:. .., xsl.
_s:Jl .
Artlcle Slxty-llve:
_..Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
ll a lltlgant makes a valld delense and asked the other
party to glve an answer but the latter asks lor a tlme
llmlt to glve hls response, the [udge may glve hlm
such tlme llmlt ll he deems that necessary. Powever,
the tlme llmlt may not be extended once more ln
respect ol one response except lor a legltlmate
reason acceptable to the [udge.
_. ,lJl ,JL g,. _z., _,zLJl .l _z. l:
...lz Sl LJl l _.. Jl. _.lzJJz JY
.l ,lJ J.Jl ls. , 1 .l _Js .dJ: :. 1
_.lzJl J,z, _s: :.J .
Artlcle Slxty Slx:
_..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he proceedlngs shall be closed as soon as the
lltlgants have completed thelr pleadlngs. Powever,
the court may, belore pronounclng [udgement,
declde ol lts own accord or pursuant to the request
ol elther lltlgant to open the pleadlngs and re-reglster
the case ln the llst ol sesslons, on [ustlllable grounds.
.,..zl. _. ,.Jl .l..l .., .zl.Jl ,l, .z,
.s.JJz dJ: _. .lzJ. _. z. _l ,sJl, _L.Jl ,
,l, g.z ,.Jl .l ,JL _Js .l., l l... .zl.Jl
,l,.Y dJ: .il.JJl . _z s.Jl ., :.ls
:,. .
Artlcle Slxty-Seven:
_..Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he lltlgants may request the court, at any stage ol
the proceedlngs to record the agreement they have
reached, whether admlsslon, composltlon or
otherwlse, ln the mlnutes ol the proceedlngs, and the
court should lssue an lnstrument to thls ellect.
l,Js _s. l _l _z .s.Jl _. l,JL, _l ,.JJ
l. _,.. s.Jl dJ: , l gJ. l l _. ,Js lz..l
d. l.. .s.Jl _Js ..sl.Jl .. _z dJ:, .
Artlcle Slxty-Llghty:
_..Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he clerk ln charge ol the mlnutes shall- under the
supervlslon ol the [udge- record the mlnutes ol the
pleadlngs ln the mlnutes book, lndlcatlng the date
and the date and the hour ol the openlng ol every
pleadlngs and the hour ol the closure thereol as well
as the name ol the [udge, the names ol the lltlgants
or thelr attorneys. 1he mlnutes shall then be slgned
by the [udge, the clerk ln charge ol the mlnutes and
the persons whose names were mentloned thereln.
Should anyone reluse to slgn, the [udge shall note
that ln the mlnutes ol the hearlng.
_.l _,.., . _.lzJl l: i. . L,.Jl ,.ls ,z,
.z. _z .zl.Jl s gl..zl sl. g,l. s:, .L,.Jl
.l..l ._.lzJl ,.l .l.l..l sl. ..zl.
,.ls _.lzJl ,Js _, ,1 .,.xs l ._,..l..Jl
.,z ,>l..l is: _. L,.Jl _s ,>.l _...l _z
.JJl L,. _z dJ: _.lzJl i,1l _,.Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Sesslon rocedure
.JJl ,lL.
Artlcle Slxty-nlne:
_..Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he presldent ol the hearlng shall be ln charge ol
conductlng and controlllng the sesslon. lor thls
purpose he may expel lrom the court room any
person who dlsrupts lts procedure. ll such person
does not comply, the court may lorthwlth order that
he be lmprlsoned lmmedlately lor a maxlmum ol
twenty lour hours. lts rullng shall be llnal and lt ls up
to the court to retract such order.
dJ: ,,. _z J .l.,., _lL.. l.l. .JJl L,.
sl _. _, _l 1.., ,J _z .l.lL., , _. .JJl
1 :.. .,, .Jl _Js ,s. _l .s.JJ _ls _Js .,.
_l .s.JJ .l,.l. l.s _s, .sl. _,:s _,l
dJ: _s _. ,sJl .
Artlcle Seventy:
_.,.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he resldent ol the hearlng shall address the
questlons to the lltlgants and to the wltnesses. 1he
other members partlclpatlng ln the sesslon as well as
lltlgants may request hlm to address the questlons
whlch they wlsh to be addressed whlch are
connected wlth the case.
,.Jl _J J..Yl ,. _J., _:Jl > _,.Jl
.l.sxJ ..:Jl ,.Jl .JJl _z .. _,s.:.Jl
J..l _. ,. _.,, l. ,. .. l,JL, _l J...
s.Jl, .
art vl
_.l.Jl ,l,Jl
uelences, Ad[olnlng, lnterventlon and Supplemental
.l.Jl il,JLJl ..Jl l.]l _z.Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Artlcle Seventy-Cne:
_.,.Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
A petltlon ol lnvalld statement ol clalm, local non-
competence, the passlng ol the case to another court
on the grounds that the same dlspute exlsts belore lt
_J.Jl _l..1l ,.., l s.Jl .,. _xL,, _z.Jl
s.Jl Jl, l .l: _l.Jl ,l,zJ l .s. _J
:l., ,, l, L,.. l s. ,l,zJ l l.l.l ,
or that another case connected therewlth has arlsen
must be made belore any appllcatlon or delense ln
the case. Ctherwlse, any rlght wlth respect to
anythlng not adduced shall be lorlelt.
.,, ,J l.,z _Jl Lz. 1 .s.Jl _z _lz. l ,JL _l
l.. .
Artlcle Seventy-1wo:
Jl _.,.Jl ,.l1Jl :.l. :
1he court shall ol lts own accord, rule on a plea ol
non-compllance or a petltlon ol non-acceptance ol
the case on the grounds ol lncapaclty, lack ol
competence, or absence ol lnterest, or lor any other
reason, as well as a plea lor non-entertalnlng the
case. Such plea may be made at any stage ol the
,.., , _z.Jl l ._s.Jl .s.Jl _l..l ,.., _z.Jl
s.Jl , _Y l J..Jl l ,J>Yl l ..Jl ,l...1
s.Jl _l.. ,.., _z.Jl l:s .i ,,. , ,s.
l... .lzJ. _. .s.Jl J. _l _z , _z.Jl , .
l,z _s. s.Jl .
Artlcle Seventy-1hree:
_.,.Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
1he court shall rule on such plea lndependently,
unless lt has declded to lnclude same ln the sub[ect ol
the case. ln such case lt shall lndlcate lts rullng wlth
respect to both the plea and the sub[ect ol the case.
z. ,J l. .xz..l _Js _z.Jl ::> _z .s.Jl ,s.
_.. _J .. _z , i.s l. _,,. :...s .s.Jl
_..Jl _z.Jl _. s .
Artlcle Seventy-lour:
_.,.Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
ll a court rules that lt ls non-competent lt must pass
the case to the competent court and shall so lnlorm
the lltlgants.
,. _l l.l..l ,.., i.s l: .s.Jl _Js ,,
.s.Jl _J s.Jl dJ:, ,.Jl ,J.. ...Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Ad[olnlng and lnterventlon
..Jl l.]l
Artlcle Seventy-llve :
_.,.Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
A lltlgant may apply to the court to ad[oln the case
the party whose adverslty would have been valld to
at the tlme lt was llled. ln so dolng, the court shall
apply the standard procedures ol summons. 1he
court shall make one rullng wlth respect to the
appllcatlon ol ad[olnlng and the orlglnal case,
whenever posslble. Ctherwlse, lt may declde on the
appllcatlon ol ad[olnlng alter rullng on the orlglnal
_. s.Jl _z .. _l .s.Jl _. ,JL, _l ,.JJ
l,z .l..l g., _ls .l..l _z _,.. .l.z ..s
.s.Jl ,s. ..Jl, ,Js.Jl _z :.l...Jl _l.Yl
.l ,s, ,J.Yl s.Jl l.]l ,JL _.. _z
.s.Jl iJ.z 1 .dJ: _s.l l.Js ,JL _.. _z
,J.Yl s.Jl _z ,sJl .., l.]l .
Artlcle Seventy-Slx:
.Jl _.,.Jl ..l.Jl :.l :
1he court may ol lts own accord order the ad[olnlng
ol any person as lt deems llt ln the lollowlng cases:
Jl. . _. l., .l. _l l... .lzJ. _. .s.JJ
i1lJl _z ,.Sl : .
a-A party llnked to one ol the lltlgants by an
lndlvlslble solldarlty, rlght or obllgatlon.
,l.Jl l _ l _.l.. L,l ,.Jl .l, L,. _. . l
,z, 1 ..Jl .
b-An helr wlth plalntlll or delendant, or a co-parcener
ol elther ol them where the case ls related to
successlon ln the llrst case, or to [olnt ownershlp ln
the second case.
_Js d,:Jl l .,Js _s..Jl l _s..Jl _. lJl . ,
l... _Y _,:Jl _z s.Jl, zJ... s.Jl i.ls l:
JlJl _z _,:Jl, l ._JYl JlJl ,.l1Jl .
c- A party that may be ln[ured by the lnltlatlon ol or
rullng on the case ll the court dlscovers serlous
evldence ol colluslon, lraud or delault on the part ol
the lltlgants.
i., l: l,z ,sJl, l s.Jl ,l,z, l., . _. . _
.1. .s.JJ ,.z.Jl l ._Jl l .Ll.Jl _Js ,.
,.Jl ,.l _. .
1he court shall set a date lor the attendance ol the
party lt ordered to be [olned ln the case. ln such case
the usual procedures lor summons shall be observed.
_,.. .Jl., .l. _. .J l.l.,. .s.Jl _,..
:.l...Jl _l.Yl .Jl, ,Js.Jl _z .
Artlcle Seventy-Seven:
_.,.Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
Any lnterested party may lntervene ln the case elther
[olnlng one ol the lltlgants or clalmlng ln an
appllcatlon related to the case lor a [udgment to be
passed ln hls lavor. lnterventlon shall be made by
means ol a statement ol clalm to be served on the
lltlgants belore the date set lor the hearlng or by a
verbal request submltted at the hearlng ln the
presence ol the lltlgants and recorded ln the mlnutes.
no lnterventlon may be accepted alter closure ol the
s.Jl _z .., _l J.. _: sJ , .Y l....
l,JlL l ,.Jl .s.Jl, L,.. ,JL, ...J ,sJl
..JJl ,, , ,.JJ _J,. .,., ..Jl _s, l
_z i,1, .,>. _z .JJl _z l>l.: ,.z, ,JL,
.., ..Jl ,z, 1 .l>.. .zl.Jl ,l, l. .
lnterposltlon Appllcatlons
Jl1Jl ..Jl
lnterposltlon Appllcatlons
.l.Jl il,JLJl
Artlcle Seventy-Llght:
_.,.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl :
lnterposltlon appllcatlons shall be llled by the
plalntlll or the delendant by a statement ol a clalm to
be served on the lltlgants belore the date set lor the
hearlng, or by verbal appllcatlon to be made durlng
the hearlng ln the presence ol the lltlgants and shall
be recorded ln the mlnutes. no lnterposltlon
appllcatlons may be accepted alter closure ol the
Js _s..Jl l _s..Jl _. .l.Jl il,JLJl ,.z. ,
,.JJ _J,. .,., ,.z, ,JL, l ..JJl ,, ,
_z i,1, .,.Jl . _z .JJl _z l>l.:
1 .l>.. ,l, l. .., .l.Jl il,JLJl ,z.
.zl.Jl .
Artlcle Seventy-nlne
_.,.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
A plalntlll may llle the lollowlng lnterposltlon
appllcatlons regardlng:
_.l, l. .l.Jl il,JLJl _. ,.z, _l _s..JJ : .
Cne lnvolvlng rectlllcatlon ol the orlglnal appllcatlon
or amendment ol lts sub[ect matter ln order to
counter clrcumstances whlch arlse or whlch were
revealed alter llllng the case.
a- l ,... l ._J.Yl ,JLJl g,.. _..., l. .
L l.J s.. s.Jl _z .., i.,,. l ilL .
Cne lnvolvlng a supplement to the orlglnal case or
b- Js l,... l ._J.Yl ,JLJJ x.s. _s, l. . , l .,
whlch arlses there lorm or ls lndlvlslbly connected
, x... ..Jl ,z, 1 1l..l .
Cne lnvolvlng an addltlon or change to the cause ol
the case whlle keeplng the sub[ect matter ol the
orlglnal appllcatlon lntact.
c- _. s.Jl ,,. _z l,,. l zl. _..., l. . _
,JLJl _.. .lz, Jl _Js _J.Yl .
Appllcatlon lor an order lor a precautlonary or
provlslonal measure.
d- _. l _L.. .l, .Yl ,JL . . .
Cne lnvolvlng what the court permlts to be llled
provlded lt ls connected wlth the orlglnal appllcatlon.
e- l.. .,.z., .s.Jl _:l. l. . .> lL,.. _s,
,JLJl, _J.Yl .
Artlcle Llghty:
_.l.1Jl :.l.Jl :
A delendant may llle the lollowlng lnterposltlon
_.l, l. .l.Jl il,JLJl _. ,.z, _l ,Js _s..JJ : .
a-An appllcatlon lor [udlclal set oll.
,.l.zJl .lz.Jl ,JL . l .
b-An appllcatlon lor a rullng awardlng hlm damages
lncurred due to the orlglnal case or to a procedure
s.Jl _. zJ . _s _,.., J ,sJl ,JL . ,
.l _. l .,J.Yl l,z ..
c-Any appllcatlon as a consequence ol the awardlng
ol whlch all or part ol plalntlll's clalms shall not be
ad[udged or they ad[udged sub[ect to restrlctlons
lavorable to delendant.
.l,JL, _s..JJ ,s, 1l .,l _Js ,.., ,JL _l . _
.l.., l lJs J..J .,z, :.,z. l, J ,s, _l l
,Js _s..Jl .
d-Any appllcatlon that ls lndlvlslbly connected wlth
the orlglnal case.
,z, 1 1l..l ,J.Yl s.Jl, x... _s, ,JL _l . .
..Jl .
e-Whatever the court allows to be llled whlch ls
connected wlth the orlglnal case.
s.Jl, lL,.. _s, l.. .,.z., .s.Jl _:l. l. . .>
,J.Yl .
Artlcle Llght-Cne:
_.l.1Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
1he court shall rule over the sub[ect matter ol the
lncldental appllcatlons together wlth the orlglnal
case, whenever posslble otherwlse, lt shall suspend
rullng on the lncldental appllcatlon pendlng a rullng
to be made alter lnvestlgatlng same.
s.Jl _. .l.Jl il,JLJl _.. _z .s.Jl ,s.
_s.l l.Js ,J.Yl _l.Jl ,JLJl iz,..l 1 .dJ:
z,z. .., ,z ,sJJ .
art vll
_,l.Jl ,l,Jl
Suspenslon, Cessatlon and Abandonment ol Lltlgatlon
ls. lslLz.l ..Jl
Chapter Cne
Yl ..Jl
Suspenslon ol Lltlgatlon
Artlcle Llght-1wo:
_.l.1Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl :
A case may be suspended by an agreement ol the
lltlgants not to proceed the case lor a maxlmum
perlod ol slx months ol the date ol the court's
endorsement ol thelr agreement. Such suspenslon
shall be wlthout pre[udlce to any mandatory tlme
llmlt prescrlbed by the regulatlon lor taklng any
,.Jl ,.s _Js ,.Jl _l..l _Js .l., s.Jl ,
1 :.. l,z .Jl l g,l. _. :l .. _Js .,. .s
_l _z 1l Jl l:J _s, 1 .,l..l . _.. .l.,.
l. .l] ,lL.Jl :.. .
ll the lltlgants lall to resume the proceedlngs wlthln
the ten days lollowlng the explry ol the tlme llmlt, the
plalntlll shall be deemed as havlng abandoned hls
l: ,l,Yl ::.Jl _z s.Jl _z ,.Jl ,.Jl .l., ,J
,Jl.Jl :ls. lsl. _s..Jl .s Yl ,l.J .
Artlcle Llghty-1hree:
_.l.1Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl :
ll the court decldes to suspend the renderlng ol lts
[udgement on the sub[ect matter ol the case pendlng
ad[udglng another matter on whlch the [udgement
depends, lt shall order the suspenslon ol the case and
lmmedlately upon cessatlon ol the cause lor the
suspenslon the lltlgants may apply lor proceedlng
wlth the case.
Js s.Jl _.. _z l.s _,J.. .s.Jl il l: _
l Jl.. _z ..Jl , .l.z ,sJl l,Js .,
,JL ,.JJ _s, .Jl ,,. l .., .s.Jl
s.Jl _z ,.Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ..Jl
Cessatlon ol the Lltlgatlon
..Jl _lLz.l
Artlcle Llghty-lour:
_.l.1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl :
1he proceedlngs ol the case shall cease by the death
ol one ol the lltlgants, by the loss ol hls ellglblllty or
the cessatlon ol the capaclty ol the party who was
pursulng the lltlgatlon on hls behall, unless the case ls
stood down lor renderlng lts [udgement on lts
sub[ect. Powever, the lltlgatlon shall not cease wlth
the endlng ol the power ol attorney. 1he court may
glve the cllent an approprlate tlme llmlt ll he has
hastened to appolnt a new a attorney wlthln the
lllteen days lollowlng the explratlon ol the llrst
power ol attorney. ll, however, the case ls stood
down lor [udgement the lltlgatlon shall not cease and
the court must render [udgement ln respect thereol.
,. _z ls.. _z ,sJJ il,. . s.Jl _s. ,J l.
_Lz., ..Jl ,J>l :.z., l .,.Jl .l :lz,
l ...Jl :l,, _ls _.s ,l,.Jl .. l,
.l..l, _Lz., 1 ..Jl ,. _l _Js ..s ..Jl
xl g... _l .s.JJ .JlsJl . _ls l: s.JJ l,.l..
_. l., :s ..Jl x l.,. x,s _,.z .l, .l..l
_Lz.. xz ,sJJ s.Jl il,. l: l.l ._JYl JlsJl
...Jl _Js l,z ,sJl .s.Jl .
Artlcle Llghty-llve:
_.l.1Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl :
A case shall be consldered as stood down lor
[udgment on lts sub[ect ll the lltlgants have made
thelr llnal statements and expressed thelr llnal clalms
at the sesslon ol pleadlngs prlor to the exlstence ol
the cause ol cessatlon.
,.Jl .,l l: ls.. _z ,sJJ :l,. s.Jl ...
,.l,JL ,Jll . , .zl.Jl .J _z ,.l.Jl
_lLz.1l ,,. .
Artlcle Llghty-Slx:
_.l.1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he cessatlon ol the lltlgatlon shall entall the
suspenslon ol all the tlme llmlts ol the pleadlngs that
were runnlng ln respect ol nulllty the lltlgants and ln
the nulllty ol all the proceedlngs that take place
durlng the cessatlon.
.,sl. _,. ..Jl _lLz.l _Js ,..,
l i.ls _.Jl il.zl.Jl , _xL, .,.Jl _ _z
_lLz.1l .l.1l .. _.Jl il.l]l _,. .
Artlcle Llghty-Seven:
_.l.1Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl :
1he proceedlngs shall be resumed upon an
appllcatlon belng made by one ol the lltlgants by a
notlce to be duly served on the successor ol the party
who was the cause ol the cessatlon or to the other
lltlgant. roceedlngs ln the case shall also be resumed
ll the successor ol the party who was the cause ol the
cessatlon appears at the hearlng deslgnated lor
hearlng the case.
s.Jl _z ,.Jl .l.., ,.Jl .l ,JL _Js .l.,
,. _J,, ,Js., ,,. , ,l _. J, _. _J .Yl
.l.., dJ:s .Sl ,.Jl _J l ._lLz.1l _z ,.Jl
,l _. J l, L.JJ :...Jl .JJl . l: s.Jl
_lLz.1l ,,. ,
_l.s. l..., .....zs _.....
CCn18AC1 Cl LLASL Cl lu8nlSPLu 8LMlSLS
_,J.]l _.Jl _.Jl
uate ol Contract :
name ol Lessor :
Address , natlonallty:
name ol tenant:
rolesslon and natlonallty
assport no.: -
Cb[ect ol lease : the premlses here
-alter lndlcated along wlth the
lurnlture detalled at the end ol
Locatlon ol premlses
nature ol the lease and duratlon : -
temporary perlod lor
8ent and mode ol payment: -
Water consumptlon: -at the
expense ol the
consumptlon ol electrlc current,
gas and telephone at the expense
ueposlt pald to the lessor ln vlrtue
ol thls contract : -
deposlt wlll not be relunded
except at the
explry ol the present lease at the
dellvery ol the premlses and thelr
lurnlshlngs ln perlect condltlon
and ls not preductlve ol lnterest
solldary surety shlp (optlonal)
State ol premlses and lurnlture:
1he lessee declares to have
personally vlslted the premlses and
thelr lurnlshlngs and to have lound
them ln the best condltlon, he also
declares that the premlses sult the
purpose lor whlch they are let and
.z.Jl g,l. : -
.Jl ,.l :-
.l.s .,.. : -
l...Jl ,.l : -
.,.. ... ) ,,z. : ( -
.l.s : -
..Jl l : -
_.. :l1l : g..Jl _ls.Jl ,z l., .., _. il:.. :s:.
.z.Jl ,:, x,...
_ls.Jl _. :
l... :l]l _. ) :ll (
l.,. _. _... _z
l.z. z,L ,l,]l .,zJl :
:l,.Jl dx..l : _.ls _Js
l,sJl l,.Jl dx..l _. , _.,J.Jl lJl ) ( _Js
l:> _..z., .JJ _z.. _,.l. .z.Jl : -
.. .l..]l ..s 1 _,.l.Jl l:> ., 1 , _.
_ls.Jl ,,J.. :l]l 1 l _.l _z , :..Jl il:..Jl
..lz ,Js ,... .
Jl i1z..Jl _ls.Jl : _ls.Jl _,ls .l l...Jl z,
, :..Jl il:..Jl _l l _.l _Js l>. ...,
l _:Jl _l...;J gJl. _ls.Jl _. .J ..J ,.x. Jl
,z .. .l]l, ,J g..Jl .J.ls .lzl l....l, ...,
hls health and that ol hls
household entltled to make use ol
the premlses and thelr lurnlshlngs
wlthln the llmlts ol the ob[ect lor
whlch they are let and see to thelr
preservatlon and upkeep as a good
lamlly lather. Pe undertakes also
to restore them to the lessor at the
explry ol the contact ln the same
condltlon as that ln whlch they are
at present save lalr tear and wear.
Pe also undertakes to replace any
ob[ects whlch may have been lost
damaged or become unllt lor use ,
by other ob[ects ol the same klnd
and value , or pay thelr value .
1he ob[ects handed to the tenant
ln vlrtue ol thls contract should be
consldered as a charge commltted
to hlm lor the exlstence ol whlch
he should answer every tlme he ls
called upon to do so on the other
hand, the lessee shall not under
any condltlon, ask that the present
lease be translormed lnto an
unlurnlshed lease .
8enewal ol the lease :
ln case the lease covers all the
summer or wlnter season or a part
only thereol, or any llxed perlod
not renewable , the lessee should
qult the premlses ob[ect or the
lease and hand them over wlth
thelr lurnlshlng to the lessor as
soon as the duratlon ol the lease
comes to an end , wlthout hls
havlng the rlght to oppose or delay
the dellvery lor any reason
whatsoever . 1he lessor shall have
the rlght to lorce hlm to do so and
to prevent hlm by lorce lrom
enterlng the leased premlses ,
conslderlng that hls lease shall be
held resanded lpso lacto wlthout
any need lor any summons or
notlce as soon as the lease has
explred .
ll on the contrary , the lease has
been passed lor a renewable
perlod lt shall be renewed lor
other slmllar perlods lalllng a prlor
notlce to the contrary by one ol
il:..Jl _ls.Jl _Jl _z , :..Jl :,, _l J :...Jl _.
l..l,. lL. _z ,l..Jl ..., l.s .l...Jl _:Jl J:,, l.
_Sl l,Js _> _.Jl JlJl, .z.Jl ,l. _z :., ilzx.1l l.s l.,z
l .z., l. l.,..l, ,.J, l.s _.l.Jl l....1l _s _... _.Jl J.,
l i1z.., l....;J gJl. , g,., l l.. _. _.Jl _..
_z., l .,zJl .., . .: _z :.s i1z..Jl ::> ,..,
l.Js l>. il,1 ,Js _,.., l...Jl dJ: .. ,JL . 1 l:>
l _l, l...JJ _, _. :l]l ,. ,JL lYl _J ,JlJl
:.. , :l .
:l]l .,.. : .ls l: :..J l _.:.Jl l ,..Jl :..J :l]l i
l .. .,.. _Js _,.., .,..JJ J,l , :... :..J i.ls
.,J.. .Jl _ls.Jl d. l...Jl , :..Jl i1z..Jl _.
J _, _l _. :...Jl :..Jl .l..l .., .Jl _J l _l...1l
l _l, ,,J..Jl _s l.Jl _. Yl .JJ _, l _Js :l,
...J ,,Jl :zJl l....l, dJ: _. .Jl _ls.Jl _z .Jl :
l... ,.., :l, .zs _l _. _Y lJl _. ... .lzJ. ,,..
Jl .l..l .., l:. l .
:..J :l]l i.ls l: l.l J1l.. l ...J ...z .,..JJ J,l
,J l. ,,.. ., _. , Sl _Js _,zLJl .l :.. .l..l
: Yl _Js :... :.. ,l l :l]l .
the contractlng partles to the other
belore explry ol the term ol the
lease or any renewed term by
at least amonth.
llre and 1helt :
1he lessee shall be responslble to
the lessor lor any llre or thelt
whlch may belall the leased
premlses or thelr lurnlshlngs ll lt
was hls neglectlul .
4- Asslgnment and sublettlng :
lt ls prohlblted to the tenant to
sublet or asslgn all or part ol the
leased premlses or thelr
lurnlshlngs. ln case ol lnlrlngement
ol thls lnterdlctlon the lessor shall
have the rlght , ll he so chooses, to
conslder the present contract as
resclnded by operatlon ol law
wlthout any need lor summons or
notlce .
3 - Culttance belore :
Should LLSSLL wlsh to leave the
leased premlses prlor to end ol the
contract perlod, he should be
bound to pay to the LLSSC8 the
lull rental value lor he remalnlng
perlod, unless the reason ls hls
transler and departure lrom the
county provlded he glves notlce to
that ellect to the LLSSC8 1 (Cne )
month ln advance by a reglstered
6- uelay ln payment :
ln case ol delault ol payment ol
any one term ol rent at lts exact
date ol maturlty , the present
contact shall be resclnded
lmmedlately by operatlon ol law
.Jl _,Jl : l _, s _s .Jl , ... l...Jl
_ls.Jl _z .. . l.> ,,., _ls l: .l.. l .Jl
.. .
,l.Jl l..Jl _. _Ll,Jl : , _l l...Jl _Js L. _.
s _s l.., l _Ll,Jl l .. . l .Jl _ls.Jl _. i1z.Jl
_z , :..Jl .l. l: .JJ _, LJl l:J ..Jl. Jl
l... .z.Jl l,.s dJ: J _. _Y l _. ... .lzJ. l ,,..
l:. .
3- ]l .l.,.Jl , .x : - :.Jl _,.Jl d. _z l...Jl , l:
_z., _l, ,.J,z .z.Jl :.. .l..l , :..Jl s _s l,]l .JJ
Jz. .x,Jl s. _Jl l.l dJ: _ls l: 1 ,l,Jl L:, l..
Yl _Js : :.., :.Jl _,.JJ s. , .Jl lL
.. ,lL, J., .Jl ,
and wlthout any need lor
summons or notlce , ll the lessor
so chooses , the lessor shall also
have the rlght to take any legal
measures wlth a vlew to clalm
what ls due to hlm , wlth lull cost
and expenses at the charge ol the
7- !urlsdlctlon ol the summary
court and Crdlnary courts ol
Merlts :
1he summary [udge wlll have
[urlsdlctlon to order evlctlon ol the
tenant ln case ol a breach ol any ol
the clauses ol the present lease as
well as ln case ol explry ol lts term,
the court terrltorlally competent
wlll be that wlthln whose
[urlsdlctlon the leased premlses or
the domlclle ol the lessor lalls at
the cholce ol the latter .
8- Llectlon ol domlclle :
1he lease declares expressly that
he elects domlclle at the leased
premlses where all notlces can be
valldlty served upon hlm .
9- Coples ol contract :
1he present contract has been
drawn up ln dupllcate, each, to one
ol the partles.
_z.Jl _z ,l.Jl : L. _l _z. _z ,l.Jl Jl _z _. _z l,]l
lz..l .l.,. .z.Jl l:> g.., _. .lzJ. _Y l _., ...
dJ: .JJ .l. l: l:. l ,,.. .
:l. .JJ _, l.s l., ,JlL.JJ ,..lzJl il.l]l zls
_. J _... > zls, l...Jl ,lJ ilz..Jl .
_..Jl .s. J....Jl .Yl .s. _l.. : .,.Jl
J....Jl .Yl _.l Jl _z l...Jl .x, ,sJl, _..
L: _Y ..Jl. _. ,,., l .z.Jl l:> L: ... .l.. . l.s
_ls.Jl lJ _,l.Jl .s.JJ .Jl _l..]l _s, l .Jl
_L. ,Yl , ,. .Jl .
l..Jl _L.Jl : J ll.. l.L. :. . l. l...Jl z,
.Jl _ls.Jl, l,. ,.., ,z J ., _xs l lL s
l,..l .
.z.Jl g.. : .z.Jl l:> . _. s _,, _,... _. _,.l...Jl
..JJ .. .. l,., .
....Jl Lessor
,.Yl :
_,.Jl :
g,l.Jl :
:s i1z..Jl, Llst ol
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
Lease Contract
l, .zs
Cn thls 1st day ol September
2003, correspondlng to the _____
,ls ,..,. _. Yl ,,Jl l:> _z rr .
,,JJ _zl.Jl _______ _.
day ol _____ A.P. ln the clty ol
______, _____, thls lease ls made
,ls _z .z.Jl l:> ,l, ,. ..>
.,.. _z . _______ l.,z
_. s _,, :
1- ____, _____ natlonal
possesslng natlonal ldentlty card
no. ____ lssued ln the clty ol
_____, on _____, buslnessman by
prolesslon, whose address ls .C.
8ox _____, _____, _____,
(herelnalter relerred to as the
1 . _Ll. > .
, ,> ., _______ :.l.Jl
.,.., g,l.,
.. _ > .l.s .l.sl . . ,
(_______ ) _______ _______
( .Js, _J, l.,z ,J l:, " .Jl .("
2- ________ Company lor 1radlng
& lnvestment, ________ company
wlth commerclal reglstratlon
number ________, havlng ln
address at .C. 8ox ________,
________, ________, and
represented lor the purposes ol
enterlng thls lease by ________,
________ natlonal bearlng
natlonal ldentlty card number
________, lssued ln the clty ol on
(herelnalter relerred to as the
2 s: . .l.1..1l :l.JJ
: _> s _______ lJ. ,
_l.Jl _ l.l.s . . ,
) ( . . .
l:> l,]l .zs ,l, _J lJ1.,
_Ll. > . .,
, ,> _______ .,.., :.l.
g,l., ) l,J l:,
.Js, _J, l.,z " l...Jl .("
1he Lessor and the Lessee hereby
agree to the lollowlng:
l:> ,., l...Jl .Jl _..l
_J, l. _Js .z.Jl :
1. 1he Lessor hereby leases to the
Lessee, and the Lessee hereby
accepts the lease ol, the bulldlng,
land, and appurtenances
commonly known as and located
at (herelnalter relerred to as the
1. .z.Jl l:> ,., .Jl l
l...Jl , .l...JJ l:> ,.,
_Yl _.,.Jl l.., _l .z.Jl
,.l, l,Js l...Jl ilzJ.Jl
_z _z. _.Jl
) .Js, _J, l.,z l,J l:, " .l.,Jl .("
2. 1he Lessor leases the 8ulldlng
to the Lessee lor an lnltlal term ol
llve Cregorlan years beglnnlng on
September 1, 2003, and endlng
on August 2008. At the
termlnatlon ol the lease, the
Lessee has the optlon ol
extendlng the lease lor two
slmllar terms ol llve years each on
the same terms and condltlons as
set lorth ln thls lease.
2. :..J l...JJ .l.,Jl .Jl l
,lsl .. .... _Jl _z l.,. ,.x,.
,ls ,..,. _. Yl ,,Jl rr _...
_,1x1Jl _.lJl ,,Jl _z _L.l _.
,ls rt . .l,]l .zs :.. .l..l ..s
..Jl _..., .zs .,... _, l. l,]l
.. l... s .... _,.J1l.. _,...J
,lsYl il: l.,Js _,L.. ,lsl
l:> l,]l .zs _z .,,.Jl L:Jl .
3. ln conslderatlon ol the Lessor
leaslng the 8ulldlng to the Lessee,
3. .l.,Jl ,l., .Jl ,l, ,L.
l...Jl _Js .l...JJ _z., _l
the Lessee shall pay to the Lessor
rent lor the llrst year ln the
amount ol !u ( ________ ), whlch
wlll cover the perlod lrom
September 1, 2003 to August 31,
2004. lor the perlod beglnnlng
:l.z. lJ,. _JYl ..Jl :l .JJ )
( ,. :l _L, l. _. :..Jl
,ls ,..,. rr _J _______ ,ls rt
l.l g,l., l.,. _.Jl :..JJ ,..Jl,
on September 1, 2004 and endlng
on August 31, 2003, the rent wlll
be !u ( ________ ), pald ln lull
no later than the llrst day ol the
correspondlng lease term. lor
alter August 31, 2004 the rent wlll
lncrease annually by three
percent (3).
1 ,ls ,..,. rt g,l., _... r
,ls _L.l re _z . g,.. :Yl )
( .s. _z J.ls _z.. .l.,.
:..J Yl ,,Jl l., 1 l,]l .zs
,...Jl . . sJ ,..Jl, g,l. _J. . r
,ls _L.l rt l,.. ,., . :.l, l.
l>l.z. :Yl _Js ) r (/ ..Jl, 1x1 .
4. 1he llrst year's rent wlll not be
relundable even ln the event that
the Lessee cannot obtaln the
necessary permlts to carry on the
buslness lor whlch he lntended to
rent the 8ulldlng.
4. J,l _JYl ..Jl :l ... 1
Jl _z _. .l...xJ _s.. ,.s
_,l.Jl _Js .Jl _. l...Jl
lJl _. _.Jl l.sYl, ,l,zJJ .xJl
.l.,Jl l...l _., .
3. 1he Lessee lntends to use and
occupy the 8ulldlng as a car
showroom and car servlce shop
pursuant to permlts to be
obtalned lrom the Munlclpallty ol
3. :, ,..., _l l...Jl _.,
l... .., .l.,Jl : ill,.JJ
_,l. ,., dJ: ill,.Jl gx.]
,.J, _. l,Js .Jl ,., _____.
6. 1he Lessee shall pay rent to the
Lessor at the Lessor's above
stated address or at such other
places the Lessor may deslgnate
ln wrltlng wlthout demand, and
wlthout counterclalm, deductlon,
or setoll ol any klnd.
6. _z .JJ :Yl l...Jl _z.,
_,,.Jl .Jl _l.s :xsl . dJ: _z l
Jl .Jl ,.., . _:Jl Sl _ls.
_. ,JlL.J lJl _. ,l.s _l
_l _. .lz. l ,. l J,lz. ,JlL.
_. .
7. 1he Lessee undertakes to
provlde the Lessor wlth coples ol
all olllclal permlts the Lessee
obtalns lrom the _________
government to conduct the
Lessee's lntended buslness.
7. ., .Jl ., _l l...Jl ,.Jl
_,l.Jl _,. _. _.Jl ,..Jl
.sJl _. l...Jl l,Js .,
_.Jl l.sYl :l., ,z,J
l, ,l,zJl l...Jl ,.., .
8. upon recelpt lrom the Lessee
ol a check ln the amount ol the
llrst year's rent and executlon ol
thls contract by the Lessee and
the Lessor, the Lessor wlll hand
over to the Lessee the key to the
8ulldlng so that the Lessee can
begln constructlon and alteratlon
8. Yl ,l.Jl :l _J,., d,: _zJ. ..s
,l, l...Jl _. .Jl l...Jl
l...JJ .Jl ,J., ..z.Jl l:> _,.,
gl... _s.., _. .l.,Jl _l _. l...Jl
.l.,Jl _z ,,.Jl .l:.]l l.sl l.,, . 1
_. .Js. _l _.lz. ,., ,L. l...Jl
work on the 8ulldlng. 1he
Lessee's occupatlon ol and work
on the 8ulldlng prlor to
September 2003 shall be at no
cost to Lessee.
, ,z J.s .l.,JJ l...Jl :
g,l. ,ls ,..,. rr .
9. 1he Lessee shall commlt no act
ol waste and shall take good care
ol the 8ulldlng and the llxtures
and appurtenances thereto and ln
the use and occupancy ol the
8ulldlng, shall conlorm to all
relevant laws, orders and
regulatlons ol the ______
9. .s _l l...Jl _s .., 1l ,,
:.l. _Js _L., .l.,Jl l....l
.,l1Jl .l,. ,l..Jl ,Js .lzJ.
.l,. .l.,Jl, ,Js ..lzJ. .,l1Jl
_,., .,z.Jl .l.,Jl : ,l...l ...,
.lYl .L.Yl J.Jl il: g.lJJl
.sJl _s :.l.Jl .
10. All lmprovements made by
the Lessee to the 8ulldlng whlch
are so attached to the 8ulldlng
that they cannot be removed
wlthout causlng materlal ln[ury to
the 8ulldlng shall become the
property ol the Lessor upon
termlnatlon ol thls lease.
10. lJ., _.Jl il.,..Jl _,. g,..
.l.,Jl _Js l...Jl J... _s. _.Jl
_. l.Jl :... ,, .l.,Jl, . _lJ
lsJ. .l.,Jl, _> .l..l ..s .JJ
l:> l,]l .zs .
11. upon termlnatlon ol thls
lease, the Lessee shall, at the
Lessee's own expense, remove
lrom the 8ulldlng all ol the
Lessee's personal property and
such lmprovements made by the
Lessee that have not become the
property ol the Lessor, lncludlng,
lor example, trade llxtures,
cablnets, removable panellng, and
partltlons, and shall repalr all
ln[ury done by or ln connectlon
wlth the lnstallatlon or removal ol
such property and lmprovements.
lurthermore, the Lessee shall,
upon termlnatlon ol thls lease,
surrender the premlses to the
Lessor ln good condltlon,
excludlng reasonable wear and
tear, and excludlng any damage
caused by llre, weather, the
elements, or any other cause not
due to the lntentlonal mlsuse or
neglect ol the Lessee or the
Lessee's agents, servants, vlsltors
or subleasees.
11. _Js .l:> l,]l .zs .l..l .J
_Js .,l,zJl l...Jl ..lJl .z..
ilsJ... _,. _. .l.,Jl .x,
dJ. Jl ,Js ,.:Jl l...Jl
.Jl lJ.l _.Jl il.,..Jl _Js l..
dJ: _z l., ..JJ lsJ. g,.. ,J .l.,Jl
l...JJ :..l.Jl ,..Jl il,.Jl x1.
_,,.J ,,:Jl glJYl _.lJl
,,.z. l Jl;J J,lzJl _l.Jl
_s _... l.l s gx. ,Js .Jl
,,s. ilsJ...Jl dJ. Jl l
,s., .., l.,z l il.,..Jl l l,
_s x.z .l.Jl _l l...Jl _Js .dJ:
,,J.., l:> l,]l .zs .l..l .J ,z,
:.Jl _,.Jl _J .:., Jl, .Jl
_. _,.:l.Jl _,,.l.Jl J.Jl _J,Jl .l.1..l
.l. l.l _l .l.,..l .l....1l _s
_s .l.Jl l _zLJl l _,Jl
i ,,. _l _s l ,.,,LJl _, 1 _J
l.> l l....l :.l. ,.l _. .....
l l...Jl .xs l l...Jl
_. ,l... l :l l ,.....
_Ll,Jl .
12. 1he Lessee shall not, wlthout
llrst obtalnlng the wrltten consent
ol the Lessor, make any
alteratlons, addltlons or
lmprovements ln, to or
surroundlng the 8ulldlng.
Powever, Lessor's consent to
such alteratlons, addltlons or
lmprovements shall not be
unreasonably wlthheld.
12. _. .,z, _l l...JJ , 1
zzl. _Js 1l .Jl _. ,,l.s
l ilzl. l il,,. _l .l, ..Jl
.. l .l.,Jl _z il., .l.,Jl . _Js
.Jl zzl. , , 1 .l ,l
l ilzl.]l l il,,.Jl dJ. _Js
_.. _. il.,..Jl .
13. All ol the Lessee's property
that remalns ln the 8ulldlng alter
the explratlon ol thls lease shall
be deemed concluslvely
abandoned by the Lessee and
may be removed by the Lessor,
wlth the Lessee relmburslng the
Lessor lor the cost ol such
removal. 1he Lessor shall have
such property stored at the
Lessee's rlsk and expense.
13. _.Jl l...Jl ilsJ... _,. ...
.., .l.,Jl _z _z,. ..l .z.Jl l:> :.. .l
, _. .Ll :., l.s _J..
.Jl ,z, _l , l...Jl .l.Jl,
_s .Jl _,.., l...Jl ,l, _.
Jl]l dJ. ,Jls. . .Jl _Js _,.
z.. ,J.. _Js ilsJ...Jl dJ.
l...Jl .
14. 1he Lessee shall not permlt
the accumulatlon ol waste or
reluse ln or on the 8ulldlng.
14. _.., gl..Jl l...JJ , 1
_z .l.zJl l il,l..Jl _Js l .l.,Jl
.l.,Jl .
13. 1he Lessee shall not, wlthout
llrst obtalnlng the wrltten consent
ol the Lessor, abandon the
8ulldlng or allow the 8ulldlng to
become vacant or deserted.
13. _. .,l,zJl l...JJ , 1
zzl. _Js 1l .Jl _. ,,l.s
gl..Jl, l .l.,Jl _s _J.Jl, ..Jl
s. l .l.,Jl .x, .
16. 1hroughout the term ol thls
lease and any extenslon thereol,
the Lessee shall have absolute
rlght to sublease any part or all ol
the 8ulldlng to any person or
entlty on such terms and
condltlons as the Lessee at lts sole
dlscretlon may deem proper.0
16. _l .z.Jl l:> _l,. :.. J,L
l...JJ _s, .J .,... _JL.Jl _Jl
l .l.,Jl _. . _l _Ll,Jl _. , _l
_l,s l _: _Y .l.,Jl .ls dJ.J lzz
l>.., . _.Jl L:Jl ,lsYl
:. :,.z.J lzz ..x. l...Jl
17. 1he Lessee shall arrange lor
electrlc servlce water and
telephone servlce, and shall pay
all bllls correspondlng to such
17. l...Jl _Js il,,..Jl :l.l
il.. _Js .JJ .l.Jl .l,sJl
J...Jl ,.l.Jl _z. ,Js ..lJl
il..Jl dJ., .
18. 1he partles acknowledge that
thls lease comprlses the entlre
agreement between the partles,
and the partles hereto agree that
18. l:> l,]l .zs _l _lzLJl l
_,, _l..1l .ls s:, . ._,zLJl
l...., ,J l..l .z.Jl l:> lzL _..l
they rely on no representatlons,
oral or wrltten, ln executlng thls
lease other than the provlslons
lorth ln thls lease.
,l i.ls ,.: .il.,sl. _l _Js .,,l.s
]l .zs _,. _z ,lsYl x l:> l,
l:> l,]l .zs _z .,,.Jl .
19. 1he partles lurther agree that
any modlllcatlon to thls lease
must be ln wrltlng and executed
by both partles.
19. _l _Js dJ: _s x.z _lzLJl _..l
.z.J ,... _l _s, _l ,, l:> l,]l
, _l l,.s. _lzLJl . .
20. 1hls document has been
prepared ln the Arablc and the
Lngllsh languages multlple coples,
each ol whlch shall be treated as
an orlglnal. ln the event ol a
conlllct between the Arablc and
the Lngllsh text, the Arablc text
shall prevall.
20. _,.JJl, z,1Jl ::> .l.s ,.
_. ,,J.]l ,,.Jl ... :..... .
x.l l.. s . _l.. . Jl _z
_,J.]l _,.Jl _,..Jl _,, ...,
_,.Jl _.Jl, .
21. Lach ol the partles hereto
acknowledges that lt has recelved
lts copy ol the lease lor lts
relerence and records.
21. ,J.. .l .z.Jl l:> _zL _. s l
l,]l .zs _. :. l,J _JJ
.x. _z lL.J .
8y: _________
uate: ____________
.s :
g,l.Jl :
_________ Company lor 1radlng
& lnvestment ____
8y:_______uate: _________
s: :l.JJ
l.1..1l l.s :
g,l.Jl : ____________
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
Commerclal lranchlse Contract
_l. l,..l .zs
1A8LL Cl CCn1Ln1
Artlcle 1: reamble
:.l.Jl 1: .,..Jl
Artlcle 2: uellnltlons
:.l.Jl 2: ,..Jl
1he llscal ?ear:
,Jl.Jl ..Jl
1he Cwner
1he Subsldlary
Competlng actlvlty" shall mean
" _zl.. .s " _..,
Computer System
_JSl ,.lJl ,lL.
Control 8lght
:L,.Jl _
1he lmmedlate lamlly
::l,.Jl :.Yl
ulstlnctlve Marks
il.x.Jl :,..Jl
1ltles to roperty
,sJ.Jl _z
Ma[or Cwners
_,.,.Jl dx.Jl
1he 8estaurant
Commerclal Appearance
_l.Jl L.Jl
1otal Sales
il.,,.Jl _Jl.
Artlcle 3: Crantlng ol lranchlse
:.l.Jl 3 : g.. l,..1l
Artlcle 4: Cuallty ol roducts & Servlces
:.l.Jl 4 : il...Jl ,s. il..Jl
Artlcle 3: 1he 1errltory Covered by the Agreement
:.l.Jl 3 : _.ls.Jl _lL.Jl ,l..1l _l,.J
Artlcle 6: 1erm ol Contract
:.l.Jl 6 : .z.Jl :..
Artlcle 7: Cbllgatlons ol lranchlse Agent
:.l.Jl 7 : ,s il.l.Jl l,..1l
Artlcle 8: obllgatlons
:.l.Jl 8 : il.l.Jl
Artlcle 9: Mutual 8aslc Cbllgatlons
:.l.J + : s.:. ,.l.l il.l.Jl
Artlcle 10: Lstabllshment, uevelopment, lnauguratlon
and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant
:.l.Jll : ,.L.Jl ,:. gl..zl ,L. .l:.
a. Selectlon ol locatlon and lease contract
l . l,]l .zs _.Jl l,.l
b. Speclllcatlons ol the 8estaurant's ueslgn and
Constructlon lans
, . .,,:.Jl LL ,.L.Jl ,,... il..l.
c. Constructlon and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant
_ . ,.L.Jl ,L. .l:.
d. Constructlon and reparatlon erlod
. . ,:.Jl .l:.]l :..
e. lnauguratlon and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant
.> . ,.L.Jl ,:. gl..zl
l. Condltlons and appearance ol the 8estaurant
. ,.L.Jl L. Jl
g. Menus and Servlces
. il..Jl ,l.LJl ..l
h. roducts & Supplles
g . _,..Jl il...Jl
b- rocesslng 8oom
L . ,..Jl z
l - Speclllcatlons, Systems, lans and rocedures
_ . il.l]l LLJl ,L.Jl il..l.Jl
Artlcle 11: Management
:.l.Jl 11 : :l.]l
Artlcle 12: 1rademark
:.l.Jl 12 : .x.Jl ,l.Jl
Artlcle 13: Conlldentlal lnlormatlon
:.l.Jl 13 : il.J..Jl ,.Jl
Artlcle 14: lees
:.l.Jl 14: ,.Jl
Artlcle 13: Advertlslng
:.l.Jl 13 : ,ls.Jl _xs]l
a-8elatlons and Llcenslng ol Materlals
l . .l.Jl :l ilx.Jl
b-Marketlng Lxpenses lund
, . _,..Jl ilz.. _...
Artlcle 16: Accounts, 8eports and llnanclal
:.l.Jl 16 : il,l.Jl ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl ,lz.Jl
Artlcle 17: lnspectlons and 8evlslon
:.l.Jl 17 : _,...Jl .l.Jl
Artlcle 18: Asslgnment
:.l.Jl 18: l..Jl
Artlcle 19: 1ermlnatlon
:.l.Jl 19 : .l.]l
Artlcle 20: Ceneral rovlslons
:.l.Jl 20 : .ls ,lsl
ln the name ol Allah Most Compasslonate Most
,,Jl _.Jl JJl ,.,
Commerclal lranchlse Contract
l,..l .zs _l.
1hls Agreement was made thls day / / 1999 C.
correspondlng to / / 14 P. by and between:
,,Jl l:> _z ,l..1l ::> ,l, ,. - - / - - / - - - - ,
_zl.Jl - - / - - / - - - - _,, l. .> :
1-_______________________, the owner ol the
trade name and trademark reglstered under
1. 1- ------------------- _l.Jl ,.xJ sJl.Jl ,l.Jl .x.Jl
, ,..Jl :.l: ,., J..Jl ) --- ( g,l. - - / - - / -
8eglstratlon Certlllcate no ________ dated
_____________ lssued by the Mlnlstry ol Commerce
and owned by ___________ ol _______ natlonallty,
by vlrtue ol lu no. _______ dated __________,
herelnalter relerred to as:
- - - .> lsJ., :l.Jl :l _. :.l.Jl ------------- -
------- _.. L,. ,., ,..Jl , ) ----- ( g,l.
- - / - - / - - - - ., .., l.,z l.> l,J l:, :
Whereas both partles deslre to create a buslness
relatlonshlp between them ln order to serve thelr
mutual lnterests and to determlne thelr respectlve
rlghts and obllgatlons towards each other.
l.,z .l.. xs .l, _z _,zLJl , _Js .l., l..,,
L s il.l.Jl _z .,.. s.:.Jl l.Jl.. ..J
Sl :l. .
Whereas llrst arty owns and runs exlstlng and
operatlng restaurants ln the lleld ol operatlng lood
servlces known as _________, the reglstered owner
ol such restaurants and ol the trademark ol the same
trade name.
_z J.ls ..l ,slL. ,., dJ.., Yl LJl _ls l.J
., z..Jl ..LYl il.. ,:. l. ----------- > .
,slL.Jl dJ.J ..Jl dJl.Jl ,.1l il:, ,l.Jl .x.JJ
_l.Jl .
Whereas __________ restaurants have dlstlnctlve
leatures ln terms ol conllguratlon, appearance,
equlpment, deslgns, systems, cooklng reclpes, and
,slL. _l , --------- s:Jl , _. :,... ,...
,l. il..l. Ll..l ,l...l, ... _l.Jl L.Jl
Jl.s l,.l
dlstlnctlve systems and methods ol marketlng and
_L il.. .L.l ,,.l.. il... il.xs ,,.. _.l,
.:,... _xs _,.. _L ,L. il.l
Whereas Second arty deslres to obtaln the
commerclal lranchlse lrom llrst arty lor operatlng
one or more restaurants at the locatlon, and on the
terms stlpulated ln thls Agreement.
_l.Jl l,..1l _Js .Jl _.l1Jl LJl , _Js .l., _.
L:Jl, _.Jl _z ,slL. l ,.L. ,:.J Yl LJl
_z l,Js _...Jl .,l..1l
now, therelore, the two partles, belng ol legal
contractual capaclty, have mutually agreed as
.l..JJ ,s:Jl l..,J>l, _lzLJl l _l .., ,J.z lz..l
_J, l. _Js l,.l. :
Artlcle 1: reamble
:.l. ) :( .,..Jl
1he above preamble and attached annexes shall be
consldered an lntegral part hereol.
.,..Jl ,.., _. l., 1 l. zz.Jl _x.Jl :xsl ::>
,l..1l .
Artlcle 2: uellnltlons
:.l. ) r :( il.,..Jl
lor the purpose hereol, the lollowlng terms shall
have the meanlngs lndlcated opposlte each ol
them.Means 1he lranchlsee Cwner __________,
whlch ls the llrm known and reglstered under the
name ol _________, whlch ls owned by __________
whlch has been engaglng ln the openlng and
operatlng ol restaurants slnce 14___ P.
,l.l _.l..Jl ,Jl.Jl ill,.JJ _s. ,l..1l ::> _lY s
l.. :------------------- dJl. _... > l,..1l
J..Jl z..Jl ...Jl ,.l, l,l. --------- lsJl.J
---------- :.. ,slL.Jl ,:. gl..zl _l.. _.Jl -------
--- .> .
1he llscal ?ear:
,Jl.Jl ..Jl :
Means the llscal year accordlng to the Cregorlan
Calendar years, whlch begln on the llrst ol !anuary
and explre at the end ol uecember ol every year.
,.x,.Jl il..Jl _. _zl.. _.Jl ,Jl.Jl ..Jl _... l.,. _.Jl
,ls s _. ,..,. : ,l., _... ,l., : l _. .
1he Cwner:
dJl.Jl :
Any person who dlrectly or lndlrectly owns or
controls the share ol ____________ or the
_z . _Js L,., l dJ.., _: _l ----------- l
,s :l,. , l :l,. _,L, l,..1l .
1he Subsldlary
_,l.Jl :
What ls dlrectly or lndlrectly owned or controlled by
ilsJ... _. _ls l. > ------- l l ::l,.Jl .L,. i.
::l,.Jl , .
Competlng actlvlty" shall mean:
" _zl.. .s " ., ,l,zJl _.., :
a. Cllerlng ldentlcal or slmllar lood products lor
consumptlon lnslde or outslde the restaurant, or
provldlng dellvery servlces, caterlng or dlstrlbutlon ol
the same products.
l . l l. lsx..1 ,l:. l J1l.. ..Ll il... _s
_..J _,.Jl l _,..Jl l ,,J..Jl .. ,,.z. l ,.L.Jl _l
il...Jl ::> .
Cllerlng or obtalnlng a lranchlse or llcense, or
provldlng or settlng up a [olnt actlvlty lor the
development or operatlon ol an establlshment that
provldes the same products through the
abovementloned dlstrlbutlon channels.
b. , . l ,,.z. l _,. l l,..l _Js .Jl l g.. .l
,s il...Jl _.. ,.z. :l:.. ,:. l ,L.J d.:. Ll:.
_,.Jl il. l:.Jl :xsl l,J .
Computer System:
_JSl ,.lJl ,lL. :
1he computers determlned by _______ lrom tlme to
tlme lor use ln the operatlon and runnlng ol
_________'s restaurants.
l>.., _.Jl _JSl ,.lJl :l -------- S _, _.
,slL. :l. ,:. _z l.l...1 - ------- .
Control 8lght:
:L,.Jl _ :
1he ownershlp rlght wlth ma[orlty vote pertalnlng to
a [urlstlc person, lndlvldual, or a group ol ownershlp
lnterests wlth a ma[orlty vote or havlng a ma[orlty ln
any agreement that glves a person or a group ol
persons the rlght to dlrect or control the
management ol such person.
_:J :..l.Jl i,..Jl _z ,,JYl il: ,sJ.Jl _ > _...
_z ,,Jl il: .... ,sJ. gJl.. s.. l :...,
,l..l _l _z l i,..Jl _l:l s.. l _:Jl g...
:l. _Js :L,.Jl l ,. _z _Jl _:Jl dJ: .
1he lmmedlate lamlly:
::l,.Jl :.Yl :
1he husband, wlle & Chlldren.
.l.,Yl Jl _Jl .
ulstlnctlve Marks:
:,..Jl il.x.Jl :
Mean trademarks and trade appearance and other
servlces and trade logos whlch are legally authorlzed,
whlch ______ has authorlzed the lranchlse Agent to
L.Jl ,l.Jl il.x.Jl _... il..Jl il.xs ._l.Jl
_:l _.Jl l.lL. l, g..Jl Yl ,l.Jl ill.:Jl -----
-- l,..1l ,sJ _.Jl il..Jl il...Jl ,,..J lJl....l,
use ln order to dlstlngulsh the products and servlces
provlded by the restaurants, lncludlng
____________'s mark or any amendment thereol or
thereunto at the dlscretlon ol _________.
.xs dJ: _z l., ,slL.Jl l..z. ---------- l lJ ,... _l l
,.z. _z l,Js ----------- .
1ltles to roperty:
,sJ.Jl _z :
Are the tltles pertalnlng to:
_J, l., zJ...Jl _zJl _> :
1. Cwnershlp ol shares ln the capltal ol any
1. ... _l l. _l _z ,.Yl ,sJ. .
2. artnershlp ln any llmlted llablllty company or
ownershlp ol lnterest thereln.
2. _l dJ.. l :... ,J.. il: s: _l _z sl:.Jl
l,z gJl.. .
3. Companles, lncludlng partnershlps and
partnershlps ln commendam.
3. ,..Jl _.l..Jl ils: dJ: _z l., ilsl:Jl L,.,Jl .
4. Lndownment and usulruct to that endowment.
4. ..Jl _z Jl Jl dJ: _z .. .
_: :
A natural or [urlstlc person, whether an
establlshment, a company or a credlt, co-operatlon,
charlty or endownment body or any other [urlstlc
person havlng legal rlghts and obllgatlons, pursuant
to appllcable law.
l , ..z, _ls .l. _...Jl _:Jl l _.,,LJl _:J
.... ,. l ,, l ,.l.. l ,.l...l .,> l s: l
l ,l,.sl ,.: _l l lzz ,..l il.l.Jl _z il:
_l.Jl _.lzJJ .
Ma[or Cwners:
_,.,.Jl dx.Jl :
Mean and lnclude each owner who ls a partner ln the
lranchlse or ownlng or acqulrlng at least twenty llve
per cent (23) ol shares or votlng rlghts ln the
company ol the lranchlsee.
l l,..1l _z l..l... ls,: _s, dJl. s .:. _... lsJl.
.J l.l l re / s: _z i,..Jl _z l ,.Yl _. Yl _Js
,s l,..1l .
il...Jl :
Are the products approved or requlred by _______
lrom tlme to tlme lor ollerlng or selllng same ln the
lranchlsed restaurants whether as a take-away or lor
consumptlon wlthln the restaurants. 1hls lncludes
dellvery and caterlng servlces, lncludlng, wlthout
llmltatlon, ________, ________ prepared ln other
ways agreed by the partles hereol, soups, salads,
vegetables, sweets, lrults, beverages, pastrles, or
other lood products whlch may be sub[ect to change
or whlch may be dlscontlnued lrom tlme to tlme.
l,JL, l l>...., _.Jl il...Jl _> ------- S i _.
dJ: _ls .l. l,..1l . ,slL.Jl _z l.,, l l.,.z. ..z,
l _.,.Jl _l l>:Y il.. dJ: .:, Jl., lsx..l
dJ: _z l., _,..Jl ,,J..Jl - .., _. --------- --------- ...Jl
.il,:Jl .,l..1l lLl _,, l,Js _... l _L,
.il,:.Jl .sl.Jl .il,JJl .il.Jl .ilLJ.Jl
..LYl il... l .il,.Jl ,...JJ _.. . _.Jl Yl
S i _. lz,]l l .
1he 8estaurant:
,.L.Jl :
Means the restaurant/s lor the operatlon ol whlch
the lranchlse ls granted at the locatlon/s agreed
J,:.J l,..1l g.. _.Jl ,slL.Jl l ,.L.Jl , ..z, l /
_.Jl _z lJ,:. / ::> ,., l,Js _...Jl _l.Jl l
hereunder. ,l..1l .
zL..Jl :
Means the locatlon llxed lor the operatlon ol the
lranchlse Agent pursuant to Clause 3 hereol.
> l.J lzz l,..1l ,s ..J ...Jl _.Jl _... _...
..,Jl _z ,Js ) e ( ,l..1l ::> _. .
Commerclal Appearance:
_l.Jl L.Jl :
Means the external appearance, the deslgn, the
decors, and the appearance ol the restaurant and
other aspects, as per the amendment and
development lntroduced by ______ lrom tlme to
,.L.Jl L. s,.Jl ,,...Jl _lJl s:Jl _.., zx
J., _:Jl ,L.Jl ,...JJ lzz --- ----- S i _. .
1otal Sales:
il.,,.Jl _Jl. :
Means and lnclude the total revenue ol all sales ol
the products and all other products and servlces that
are sold or ollered by the lranchlse Agent or by the
restaurant lnslde or outslde the restaurant, whether
earned lrom the prlce ol the buslness provlded
hereunder, ln cash or by credlt cards.
il.,,. zls _. ..l.Jl _Jl.]l .Jl .:. _... il...Jl
L.l, ,.z. l _l,. _.Jl il..Jl Yl il...Jl zls
l,..1l ,s l _l l x _. l l. ,.L.Jl l .l. ,.L.J
_.Jl l.sYl _.1 _. Jl...l ,. ::> ,., l.,.z. ,.,
_l...l lL, ,., l l.z. ,l..1l .
Artlcle 3: Crantlng ol lranchlse:
:.l. ) r :( l,..1l g..
llrst arty has agreed to grant Second arty the
commerclal lranchlse under whlch Second arty shall,
ln lts capaclty as the lranchlsee ol llrst arty,
produce, sell and market the products and oller the
servlces, the sub[ect hereol, lor lts personal account
and at the locatlon llxed under Artlcle 3 below.
1l _.l1Jl LJl g.. _Js Yl LJl _zl _l.Jl l,.. ,,
_l.., Yl LJl _s l,..l ,s ..., _.l1Jl LJl ,z,
_,.. _,, ,l..1l ::> _.. il..Jl, ,l,zJl il...Jl
_.Jl _z _.:Jl ,l.J dJ: ,., ...Jl :.l.Jl (3)
:l..l .
Artlcle 4: Cuallty ol roducts & Servlces
:.l. ) t :( ,s. il..Jl il...Jl
1he products and servlces lncluded hereunder are
________ products (and anclllarles, such as soups,
salads, vegetables, sweets, lrults, beverages and
pastrles) pursuant to lnnovatlve and dlstlnctlve
cooklng mlxture, methods and manners, and the
operatlon ol a restaurant lor selllng and marketlng
same under the trademark and trade name
(___________) or under any other trademark and
trade name determlned by ________.
_l.. _> ,l..1l ::, J.:.Jl il..Jl il...Jl ---------
( : _. .,l. slz il,J il. ilLJ. il,
il,. il,:. ( :s.,. _L ,,Jl.l _L LJJ lzz
.x.Jl, z,.. .,,J ,.L. ,:. :,... ,.1l ,l.Jl
_l.Jl ) -------------- ( ,.l l ,l. .xs _l, l
i _l. :.., ------------ .
Artlcle 3: 1he 1errltory Covered by the Agreement
:.l. ) e :( _l..1l _l,.J _.ls.Jl _lL.Jl
Artlcle 6: 1erm ol Contract
:.l. ) : :( .z.Jl :..
1he term ol thls Agreement ls ------- (-------) years
commenclng on the date ol executlon hereol, and ls
renewable, upon explry, to a slmllar term wlth the
wrltten approval ol both partles under condltlons to
,l..1l ::> :.. ) --- ( ------- g,l. _. l.,. l.ls _,.
l :..J l.l..l ..s :..Jl ::> .,.. , .,l..1l ::>
dJ: J1l.. l zzl., ,., _.Jl L:Jl, ,,l.sJl _,zLJ
be mutually agreed on at the tlme ol renewal. ., _z l,Js _.l.Jl .
1he lranchlsee undertakes to:
_J, l., l,..1l ,s ,.J, :
Artlcle 7: Cbllgatlons ol lranchlse Agent
:.l. ) :( l,..1l ,s il.l.Jl
a. erlorm lts obllgatlons hereunder lalthlully,
consclentlously and dlllgently and shall exert lts
ellorts to develop and enhance the buslness ol the
restaurant/s and to saleguard the trade name and
goodwlll ol the trademarks pertalnlng to ________.
l . x, ,l..1l ::> _z l,Js _...Jl .l.l.Jl .l.l _
l.sl ,... ,L.J :. l. :,, _l _ .l.l
Lzl.Jl ,slL.Jl l ,.L.Jl ...Jl _l.Jl ,.1l _Js
., .lJl ,l.Jl il.x.JJ ,l.Jl ----------------.
b. not to operate any slmllar restaurant uslng the
same trademarks or others at any places other than
the locatlon llxed hereunder. nelther the lranchlsee,
nor any ma[or owner thereln, nor any member ol hls
lmmedlate lamlly may have, durlng the term hereol,
any dlrect or lndlrect lnterest whether reglstered or
not reglstered ln any buslness competlng wlth the
same products as those hereol. nor may he be a
board dlrector, olllclal, manager, consultant,
representatlve, agent or otherwlse ln that
competltlve buslness, unless dlsclosed ln wrltlng and
approved by _________ belore executlon hereol.
Sald persons may not employ any employee worklng
lor _______ or lor any other lranchlsee, nor may
they entlce hlm to qult hls [ob wlthout prlor wrltten
, . il.x.Jl _.. ,z l..... 1l.. ,.L. _l ,:. ,.s
x, i _ls. _l _z l>, _ls. _l l ,l.Jl _.Jl
::> ,., ...Jl ,l..1l . dJl. _Y l l,..1l ,sJ _, 1
.lzl _. .z _Y l ,z _.,. x J _s. _l ::l,.Jl ..l
, l ::l,. J.. ,l ,l..1l ::> _l,. :.. ::l,.
il...Jl il:J _zl.. .s _l _z J.. , l J..
,l..1l ::> _.. l l.L. l :l. _J.J l.s _s, _l
x,s l x1.. l l,l:..l l l,.. l ..Jl dJ:J zx l
::> _,. , ,l.s .s g.zl . dJ: _s, ,J l. dJ: _zl..Jl
:ll ,l..1l ------- . _l ,:. _,s:.JJ _, 1 l.s
.J .., ,.... ------- ,s _l .J l l i l,..l
,,l.sJl zzl.Jl _. .,LJl d., :.l z,..Jl .
c. Strlctly comply wlth appllcable regulatlons, laws
and rules, lncludlng the regulatlons, lnstructlons and
rules pertalnlng to the purchase, preparatlon and
handllng ol loods and the dellvery and caterlng
servlces as well as those pertalnlng to occupatlonal
and health hazards, to salety, employment
regulatlons, Sharl'ah Zakat, taxes, and shall comply
wlth the standards ol honesty, lalr deallng and
ethlcal behavlour ln all lts deallngs, and shall -
lmmedlately - notlly _________ ol any procedures or
vlolatlons pertalnlng thereto.
_ . g.lJJl _,.lzJl .L.Yl zls, ,l.Jl .,z.Jl l., ,l.Jl
,.. .l:, zJ...Jl il.,J..Jl .slzJl .L.Yl dJ:,
Jl.. Jl _,..Jl il.. ,,.z. ..LYl il... ,,J..
.x.Jl ,.Jl ,..Jl lLYl :lsJl ..Jl .L.l
.l.Jl .l..Jl >l.Jl ,,l.. :lsl. ,.l.Jl ,s:Jl
l.: .x.l.. zls _z _xYl dJ.Jl -------------
l il.l _l, .Jl _Js dJ:, _J... il.Jl. .
d. Malntaln and buy valld lnsurance pollcles
acceptable to ________ throughout the valldlty
hereol, coverlng comprehenslve general llablllty
agalnst clalms pertalnlng to body or personal ln[ury,
death, loss ol property resultlng lrom the operatlon
ol the restaurant or the perlormance ol the
lranchlsee and coverlng all property rlsks and
calamltles, lor compensatlng the value and contents
ol the restaurant and lmprovements ol the leased
property, and coverlng thlrd party lnsurance and
agalnst thelt and llre. __________ reserves the rlght
to perlorm that at the expense ol the lranchlsee ln
case ol the latter's lallure, lnablllty or delay ln
. . J,z. _s. ...Jl ,l. _,.l. _Jl, .l: ,z. .J --
------ .l:Jl _,.l.Jl _L. ,l..1l ::> _l,. :.. lL
,J..Jl _Js .Jl .. .l.Jl _..,Jl :Yl, .lJl il,JlL
ilsJ...Jl .l. :lzJl _.:Jl ,:. _s .l.Jl
ilsJ...Jl Ll. zls _L. l.s l,..1l ,s .l.l l ,.L.Jl
lz.Jl il.,.. .l,.. ,.L.Jl ., _,..J lsJl
_,.l.Jl _L. l.s l...Jl .Jl .. Jl1Jl LJl _Js
_,Jl . , L.. -------- _Js dJ:, ,l,zJl _z _Jl, ,l.
dJ: _ :l. l :s l Jx Jl _z l,..1l ,s .
perlormlng that.
Artlcle 8: Cbllgatlons ol
:.l. ) t :( il.l.Jl
__________ undertakes to:
,.J, ------------ _J, l., :
a. 8elraln lrom operatlng or grantlng a lranchlse lor
operatlng a restaurant wlthln the terrltory deslgnated
lor the lranchlsee pursuant to Artlcle 3 hereol,
wlthout pre[udlce to the uncondltlonal rlght ol
______ to operate or to glve thlrd partles a lranchlse
to operate restaurants lor produclng, selllng and
marketlng the same products, provlded that such
restaurants are 2.3 kms lar lrom any locatlon or
restaurant that ls or that may be llcensed hereunder.
l . l. ,.L. ,:.J l,..l g.. l ,:. ,.s zL..Jl
,., l,..1l ,sJ :...Jl :.l.Jl (3) l..1l ::> _. , dJ:
_, _l..Jl ,.s _. ---------- l ,:. _z L:.Jl ,
l,..1l _,Sl .lLs il: _,.. _,, _l..] ,slL. ,:.J
,slL.Jl dJ. ..,. .l L,: il...Jl r,e ,Js l _. _l _s
,l..1l ::> ,., J _,.Jl ,., . l ,. ,.L. .
b. 1raln the stall ol the lranchlsee belore operatlng
the restaurant by settlng up tralnlng courses number,
duratlon ol and number ol partlclpants thereln ls to
be determlned by ________, ln addltlon to the
regular tralnlng pursuant to a tralnlng plan whlch
shall be approved by the lranchlse Agent but shall
not last lor more than one month, provlded that the
tralnlng ls conducted by __________'s restaurant
managers or any other qualllled personnel to be
appolnted by _________ whenever requlred and
necessary. 1he lranchlsee shall bear all relevant
costs, expenses and expendltures.
, . _,L _s ,.L.Jl ,:. , l,..1l ,s _.L. ,,..
l,z _,sl:.Jl ..s l... l>..s .,.. ,., il. ,,L..
L.l, ------- zl. dJ: ,,.. L _z _.Jl ,,..JJ
. 1 _l ,, _.Jl l,..1l ,s l,Js _zl, l. l.l l:
_,.,l.Jl ,.L.Jl _,.. ,,..Jl ,J.s _J., _l _Js -------
- _l l ,.,., _,i _,J>. _,.L. -------- dJ: _ls l.Js
l,JL. l,. . ,s .., ,Jls.Jl zls l,..1l
dJ: _Js ,...Jl ilz..Jl ilz..Jl .
Artlcle 9: Mutual 8aslc Cbllgatlons
:.l. ) + :( s.:. ,.l.l il.l.Jl
a. 1he two partles shall execute thls contract
pursuant to the provlslons thereol and ln a manner
conslstent wlth commerclal practlce and goodwlll.
Such obllgatlons shall lnclude (all) requlsltes ol the
contract pursuant to commerclal practlce.
l . l., .lsY lz,L .z.Jl l:> :,..., _lzLJl ,.J, _..,
.,.Jl _. ,JL., l. ,.x. z,L, _l.Jl .Jl .sl
,l.J1l l:> .:, .l..JJ lz,L .z.Jl il.J... _. ,.., l.
_l.Jl .
b. Whereas the lranchlsee ls responslble vls--vls the
consumer lor guaranteelng the quallty ol the
products and thelr conlormlng to hyglenlc condltlons
and standard speclllcatlons, therelore _______ shall
ln turn be responslble vls--vls the lranchlsee lor
guaranteelng the quallty ol all products lt supplles to
the lranchlsee and thelr conlormlng to the standard
and hyglene speclllcatlons
, . _l.. _s dJ...Jl ,l.l 1.. l,..1l ,s _ls l.J :.
_z ,.l,zJl il..l.Jl ,.Jl L:JJ l.z,lL. il...Jl
-------- :., .. _s l,..1l ,s ,l.l 1.. :. _l
,sJ l>.,., ,z, _.Jl il...Jl zls l.z,lL. l,..1l
,.Jl ,.l,zJl il..l.JJ .
Artlcle 10: Lstabllshment, uevelopment, lnauguratlon
and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant:
:.l. ) :( ,.L.Jl ,:. gl..zl ,L. .l:.
a. Selectlon ol locatlon and lease contract:
l . l,]l .zs _.Jl l,.l :
Wlthln one month ol the slgnlng ol thls contract, the
agent shall obtaln the legal acqulsltlon rlght lor the
locatlon and the approval ol ______ thereto. Such
approval shall ln no way constltute a guarantee on
the part ol __________ that the proposed locatlon ls
approprlate lor the restaurant or lor the successlul
and prolltable operatlon thereol
l,..1l ,s _Js ,l..1l ::> _,. g,l. _. : x
zzl. _.JJ _..lzJl :l,Jl _ _Js .Jl --------
::> s:. 1 dJ: _Js _. l.l.. lYl _. l _l, zzl.Jl
,.l ------- ,.L.JJ g.z.Jl _.Jl ..x, J,:.J l
.,, l gl., .
b. Speclllcatlons ol the 8estaurant's ueslgn and
Constructlon lans:
, . .,,:.Jl LL ,.L.Jl ,,... il..l. :
________ shall provlde the prototype ol the
speclllcatlons (deslgn speclllcatlons) and a prototype
ol the constructlon drawlngs ol _________ and the
lranchlsee shall prepare the executlve drawlngs
whlch shall conlorm to the deslgn speclllcatlons, the
speclal regulatlons and the constructlon regulatlons
as well as constructlon llcenses, the lease
requlrements and the constralnts lndlcated thereln.
,z, ------- il..l.JJ _J.Yl _:..Jl ,,.z., ) il..l.
,,...Jl ( .l:. il..J _.l.l _:.. ----------- _J.,
l.s l,..1l ,s . _. _,lL.. _l _Js ,:,...Jl il..Jl
g,l..Jl .l.,Jl .L.l ,,...Jl il..l. .l.,Jl, .lJl
, :.lJl .,zJl l,]l .zs il,JL.. .
c. Constructlon and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant
( _ ( ,.L.Jl ,L. .l:. :
1he lranchlsee shall construct, develop and operate
the restaurant pursuant to the terms hereol and as
dlrected by _________ lrom tlme to tlme. lt shall also
bear all related expenses, costs and expendltures,
whlch shall lnclude, wlthout llmltatlons, the lollowlng
tasks to be carrled out by the lranchlsee:
L:Jl, ,.L.Jl ,:. ,L. .,,:., l,..1l ,s ,.J,
, , l.,. ,l..1l ::> _z l,Js _...Jl --------
-- ,.J, l.s .S i _. ,Jls.Jl ilz..Jl zls ..,
dJ:, zJ...Jl ilz..Jl . _s, 1 dJ: .:, ,l, _Js l.z.
_J, l., l,..1l ,s :
1. urchase ol the land or leaslng same, wlth sub-
leaslng rlght to ______ lor the term hereol or lor any
renewed term.
1. _Ll,Jl _. l>,l. _s., ,, l>l...l l _Yl .l: ---
---- :... l :.. _Y ,l..1l ::> :..J .
2. Cbtaln all permlts, approvals and llcenses requlred
lor the constructlon, development and operatlon ol
the restaurant.
2. .xJl _,l.Jl g,l..Jl il.:Yl zls _Js .Jl
J,:. :,L. ,.L.Jl .l:.] .
3. Construct the restaurant ln accordance wlth the
deslgns, drawlngs and speclllcatlons determlned by
3. il..l.Jl il..Jl ,,.l..JJ lz,L ,.L.Jl .,,:. _.Jl
l>.., .
4. rovlde the necessary man power lor operatlng
the restaurant and shall be ln charge lor thelr
accommodatlons, medlcal treatment, repatrlatlon,
payment ol thelr wages, salarles and end ol servlce
awards and the costs ol replacement thereol.
4. l.s. _,.l. ,.L.Jl ,:.J .xJl Jl..Jl ,z. lxs
,Jls. l... izls. l,.l l>l .. lJ,.
lJl.,..l .
3. rovlde all equlpment, vehlcles, lurnlshlngs,
lnstallatlons, slgn boards, products, materlals,
supplles and computers ol the types, models,
speclllcatlons and soltware determlned, or as
3. il,,s.Jl l1Yl il,s.Jl il...Jl zls ,z. il.zxJl
_l.Yl, _JSl ,.lJl :l il.,..Jl .l.Jl il...Jl
ix,..Jl _. l, , l l>.., _.Jl _.l,Jl il..l.Jl
dlrected by, _______ lrom tlme to tlme. S i .
6. rovlde the necessary llnanclng and worklng
capltal and payment ol all costs ol constructlon,
development and operatlon ol the restaurant,
lncludlng the lees connected wlth the prellmlnary
preparatlon ol constructlon deslgns and plans as well
as constructlon, surveylng and decoratlon works, ln
addltlon to the lees ol servlces, malntenance
expenses, thls to be carrled out tlmely and wlthout
delay. Approval by ______ ol the llnanclng plan shall
not be consldered a guarantee on lts part ol the
adequacy ol such llnanclng lor the operatlon ol the
6. .ls .l.. .l.Jl l.Jl _l ,xJl ,..Jl ,z. ,Jls.
:. ,L. .l:. _JYl .l.s]l ,l..l dJ: _z l., ,.L.Jl ,
,,.l..JJ s,.Jl g..Jl .l:.]l l.sl .l:.]l ilLL.
.l,.Jl ,l.. il..Jl l ,l. _l _. ., _z dJ: .
zzl. ,... 1 --------- _. l.l.. ,..Jl L _Js
,.L.Jl ,:.J ,..Jl dJ: zlsJ ,.l .
Moreover, the lranchlsee undertakes to pay all bllls
submltted by ______ lor the servlces whose lees lt
has pald on behall ol the lranchlsee, wlthln a
maxlmum perlod ol one week ol the date ol
submlsslon ol the relevant blll.
.l.., l,..1l ,s ..., l:> _.Jl ,.l.Jl _,. J l..z, --
-------- ,s _s ,l,. l.., .l.., ,l _.Jl il..Jl _s
l,..1l ,,.z. g,l. _. .l _,.l l>l.l :.. x dJ:
x.Jl il: :.l.Jl .
Constructlon and reparatlon erlod:
( . ( ,>l.Jl .l:.]l :.. :
1hls lranchlsee shall complete the constructlon and
preparatlons ol the restaurant at the locatlon
lndlcated under Clause 3 above lor lt to be ready lor
lnauguratlon and operatlon wlthln a perlod not
exceedlng that lndlcated ln the attached Appendlx (8)
as ol the date ol the slgnlng hereol. Moreover,
lranchlsee undertakes to appolnt a lull tlme
representatlve who shall be authorlzed to co-
ordlnate wlth _______ ln connectlon wlth the
development and preparatlon ol the restaurant
wlthln such perlod.
l:. l.s, l,..1l ,s ,.J, _z ,.L.Jl ,>l. . _.Jl
..,Jl _z ,Js _...Jl ) e ( gl..zxJ l>l g,.,J :xsl
:.. x ,:.Jl _J.Jl _z :...Jl ,..Jl :..Jl l.. 1
) , ( _Js _,.Jl g,l. _. dJ: _z.Jl .z.Jl l:> . ... . l:>
l... l... _s, J 1.. _,,.., l,..1l ,s ...JJ _. _,
-------- :..Jl ::> x ,.L.Jl ,>l. ,L., _J.., l.,z .
e. lnauguratlon and Cperatlon ol the 8estaurant
( .> ( ,.L.Jl ,:. gl..zl :
1. Completlon ol constructlon and development ol
the restaurant and maklng lt ready lor lnauguratlon,
and satlslactlon ol all the obllgatlons stlpulated under
Clause (10) above.
1. ,z, ------- .., J,:. l,.. ,.L.Jl gl..zl, .l.,..l
_J, l. :
a- ________ shall olllclally lnaugurate and operate
the restaurant alter the lollowlng condltlons have
been satlslled:
l - l.s .lzJl gl..zxJ :,. ,L.Jl ,L. .l:. .ls,
..,Jl _z l,Js _...Jl il.l.J1l / ) _ ( :xsl .
2. Completlon ol the tralnlng ol the restaurant
personnel durlng the pre-lnauguratlon perlod under
the supervlslon ol _______ and to lts satlslactlon.
, . i. gl..z1l , l. :.z _z ,.L.Jl _.L. ,,.. l.s
l: --------- J ,.. :., .
3. ayment ol all sums due and lssulng any requlred
_ . z...Jl _Jl,.Jl zls .l.. -------- ,l l.. il.l..
,JL. _s. .
4. rovlde _______ wlth coples ol all the lnsurance
pollcles requlred hereunder or any other
(documentary) prool, as requlred by ________
evldenclng the carrylng out ol the lnsurance and
payment ol the relevant premlums.
. . .,. --------- ,JL.Jl _,.l.Jl _Jl, zlsJ :.,
l..1l ::> ,., l .,, _l l , - ,JL, l.J lzz ------
---- .l _Js .. , zJ...Jl Ll.Yl .l.. _,.l.Jl .
3. _________ shall llx the sale prlce ol all restaurant
.> . .., -------- ,.L.Jl il... zlsJ _,,Jl .. .
b- 1he lranchlsee shall llnance the advertlsement
and promotlon actlvltles connected wlth the ma[or
lnauguratlon program lor every restaurant, ln the
range ol S.8. 200,000 (two hundred thousand Saudl
8lyals) to be pald ln lull upon the slgnlng hereol
and/or upon llcenslng ol any addltlonal restaurant. A
larger sum may be mutually agreed ll need be.
2. _,.Jl _xs]l L:.l ,.., l,..1l ,s ,.J, _.l.,J
:. _J,. .. _z dJ: ,.L. sJ _.,.Jl gl..z1l ) ----- ( -
----- _z., ,l..1l ::> _Js _,.Jl ..s :.l .z. / ..s l
,.L. _Y _,.Jl _zl. . , l: ,sl _J,. _Js _.l.Jl
dJ: .Yl ,J..l .
l. Condltlons and appearance ol the 8estaurant
( ( ,.L.Jl L. Jl :
1he lranchlse Agent undertakes as lollows:
_J, l., l,..1l ,s ..., :
1- not to use the restaurant lor any other purpose
that ls lnconslstent wlth what ls stlpulated
1. > l. _. _zl.., i _ _l _z ,.L.Jl l....l ,.s
,l..1l ::> _z ,Js _... .
2- 1o malntaln the condltlon, appearance,
equlpment, lurnlshlngs, lnstallatlons, slgn boards and
vehlcles ol the restaurant ln accordance wlth the
speclal speclllcatlons and levels approved by _______
and ln a manner that ls conslstent wlth the
appearance ol the operatlon ol the actlvltles
pertalnlng to the llrst class lood servlces ln a clean,
hyglenlc and attractlve manner.
2. 1l1l .l... ,.L.Jl L. Jl _Js Lzl, _l .l,,s.
.lJl il,...Jl il..l.JJ lzz .l,s. .l.z1
_. :.....Jl -------- l.sl ,:. L. _. ,.., l.,
z,L, _JYl .Jl _. ..LYl il.. ,. .,L.
Jl.z ,l: .
3- 1o carry out the malntenance, lncludlng, wlthout
llmltatlon, the malntenance procedures and methods
determlned by _______ lrom tlme to tlme, wlth
respect to the decor, equlpment, lurnlshlngs,
llxtures, lnstallatlons, computers, restaurant slgn
boards and locatlon ln accordance wlth the
requlrements and dlrectlons lssued by ______ lrom
tlme to tlme, wlth a vlew to malntalnlng the
condltlon and appearance and the elllclent operatlon
ol the restaurant. 1hls shall lnclude, wlthout
llmltatlon, the lollowlng:
3. l., .l,.Jl _J., _l _L il.l .. _. .dJ: _z
l>.., _.Jl .l,.Jl ------- _J.., l.,z dJ: S i _.
il,,s. il... s,., _JSl ,.lJl :l il,s. l1l
, l ,JL, l.J lzz _.Jl ,.L.Jl il.z1 , --------
,Jl.z ,.L.Jl L. Jl _Js Ll.Jl ., S i _.
.:, .J,:. _.Sl . _. dJ: :
a. erpetual and contlnuous, lnterlor and exterlor
cleanllness ol the restaurant.
l . ..l. .., _lJl l.Jl _. ,.L.Jl zlL. :.... .
b- 8epalntlng and redecoratlon ol the whole
restaurant at approprlate lntervals.
, . il.z _z ,.L.Jl .lsJ s,.Jl .xLJl :.ls ,.l.. .
c- 8epalr ol the restaurant, lnternally and externally.
_ . _lJl l.Jl _. ,.L.Jl gx. .
d- 8epalr and replacement ol the worn-out and
rulned lurnlture, equlpment, vehlcle, lnstallatlons
and slgn boards.
. . il...Jl l1Yl _. dJlJl Jl.Jl l.,..l gx. il,s.Jl
il.zxJl il,,s.Jl .
4- not to carry out any materlal changes on the
orlglnal locatlon or appearance ol the restaurant as
per lts orlglnal condltlons and speclllcatlons thereol
except wlth the prlor wrltten approval ol ________.
4. _Js l _.Jl _z ,> ix,... _l, ,l,zJl ,.s L.Jl
zzl. .., 1 ,J.Yl .l:. il..l.J lzz ,.L.JJ _J.Yl -
----- ,LJl z,..Jl .
3- 1o place or show lnslde and outslde the restaurant
the slgns, logos, letters, patterns and exhlbltlon and
advertlslng materlals that are approved by _______
lrom tlme to tlme.
3. ill:]l l ,.L.Jl l., _., l _., _l ill.:Jl
l,Js _zl, _.Jl _xs]l _.Jl .l. _:l..Jl Jl ----
-- i _. S .
6- 1o renovate the restaurant and equlpment every --
-- (----) years throughout the term hereol ln the
manner determlned by ________ and to set aslde a
monthly sum ol at least 2 ol the total sales ol the
restaurant lor llnanclng the renovatlon process
6. ...Jl ,.L.Jl .,.. s il ) -- ( ----- :.. x il..
l>.., _.Jl z,LJl, ,l..1l ::> -------- _J,. ,,..
.l., _: r / Yl _Js ,..J ,.L.Jl il.,,. _Jl. _.
.,..Jl ,J.s .
g. Menus and Servlces:
( ( il..Jl ,l.LJl ..l :
1he lranchlsee shall see to lt that the restaurant
_.Sl, ,.L.Jl ,z, _l, l,..1l ,s ,.J, :
1. Cller lor sale all products pertalnlng to _______ to
the excluslon ol other products.
1. ., .lJl il...Jl zls _,,JJ _., _l -------- _.
l>, .
2. 1o provlde only such servlces as permltted and
requlred by ________ lrom tlme to tlme, to the
excluslon ol other products.
2. l,JL, l, g., _.Jl il..Jl Lzz ,.z, _l ------- _.
il..Jl _. l>, _. S i .
3. 1o comply wlth the speclllcatlons, regulatlons and
procedures ol ______ wlth respect to all products,
servlces and packaglng.
3. il.l ,L. il..l., .,z., _l ----- _J.., l.,z zls,
.,..Jl il..Jl il...Jl .
4. 1o perlorm any actlvltles and obtaln any llcenses
requlred lor the exhlbltlon or sale ol any products or
alternatlve new products or servlces requlred by
_________ wlth a vlew to lncreaslng prollts, and to
bear all the relevant addltlonal expenses.
4. .1 _s. _,l. ,l _Js .Jl l.sl ,l, ,l,zJl
l,JL, :.,. l J,., il.. l il... ,l _,, l _., ,l,zJJ
--------- , . ilz..Jl .ls .. .,,Jl :.l,
dJ:, zJ...Jl ,zl.]l .
h. roducts & Supplles
( g ( _,..Jl il...Jl :
a- 1he lranchlsee shall buy lrom ________ all
________ 's other lood products, components,
splces, sauce, appetlzers, reclpes, plckles, beverages
and assoclated lngredlents that are used ln the
preparatlon ol the products, as well as the
equlpment, menus, paper and plastlc contalners,
packages, materlals and other equlpment used ln the
operatlon and malntenance ol the restaurant.
1. ,.J, _. _.:, _l, l,..1l ,s ------ zls -------
ix,z.Jl .J.Jl ,l.Jl .l..Jl Yl ,l.LJl il...
ixJ.Jl ilLJJl _z ,.... _.Jl l.,l. il,:.Jl
,.l il...Jl _J zl. il...Jl ,. _:l..Jl ,l.LJl
.l.Jl il,.Jl ,s,..x,Jl ,Jl _.Jl Yl :Yl
,.L.Jl .l,. ,:. _z ,.... .
b- rocesslng 8oom
2. ,..Jl z
1. ______ shall provlde and supply the lranchlse
Agent wlth the products lndlcated under clause (a), ln
accordance wlth establlshed standards, through a
processlng room speclally constructed lor thls
purpose by _________. Such products shall be sold to
the lranchlsee at cost prlce alter addlng the
expenses and costs ol the processlng room to the
prlce ol the products.
l . ,z, l,Js _...Jl il...Jl _,.. .,., _z
..,Jl ) ( _. l,Js l...Jl .xJ lzz l,..1l ,sJ :xsl
,.. z x L.l, l>l:. -------- l:J l.,.
_Jl . .., l,..1l ,sJ il...Jl _,, ,., .., .Js.Jl
il...Jl ., _J ,..Jl z ,Jls. ,l.. zl. .
1he lranchlsee shall pay _______ agalnst lts
constructlon ol the processlng room, called
processlng room lees", whlch have been llxed at 3
(three per cent) ol the total sales. Such lees shall be
deducted lrom the total sales and shall be set aslde
and pald to _______ at the end ol each worklng day
ol the restaurant.
2. , . l,..1l ,s _z., ------- .l:. .lzJ l,l..l zJ
_... ,..Jl " ,..Jl z ,l..l " .l., _J,., i.. ) --
(/ ------ _Jl. _. il.,,.Jl . _Jl. _. _Jl,.Jl ,. ,.,
.J l>.l.. l,,.. il.,,.Jl ------ ,l. _z , s .s ,
,.L.JJ .
c- 1he lranchlsee shall see to lt that the restaurant
shall at all tlmes have an adequate stock ol supplles
and other materlals such as would secure regular,
unlnterrupted and hlgh quallty and elllclent servlces
lor the cllents ol the restaurant.
3- ilYl s _z ,.L.Jl .J _s, _l, l,..1l ,s _..,
.. .s, l., Yl .l.Jl il.,..Jl _. l,zls l..
,Jls :.... .L... ,.L.Jl _.l,J :.l.sJl :.Jl .
d- 1he lranchlse Agent shall exert lts best ellorts to
ldentlly supply sources lor provldlng goods and
servlces ol ldentlcal speclllcatlons and quallty at
more lavorable competltlve prlces and shall tlmely
lnlorm _____ lor hlm to declde on deallng or
otherwlse wlth such sources.
4- .l, ,,. _z :. _.l :,, l,..1l ,s ,.J, .l..
dJ: :.Jl il..l.Jl il:, il..Jl _J.Jl ,z.J _,..
,.zl.. l..l, Ll .zl ------- _. ., _z l.Js
_s., ------- .l..Jl _l:, lzJl :l.l _. .l..Jl dJ. _.
..s _. .
l - Speclllcatlons, Systems, lans and rocedures
( L ( LLJl ,L.Jl il..l.Jl il.l]l :
1he lranchlsee acknowledges that the operatlon ol
the restaurant together wlth lull compllance wlth the
-------------'s hlgh standards ls somethlng whlch ls
lmperatlve to lt and therelore lt agrees to:-
_. ,.L.Jl ,:. _l, l,..1l ,s z, ,l.Jl ,l.J1l ,L.Jl,
.J ,Jl.Jl -------- _Js _zl, .z ,Js .J ,J. .l :
1- Ablde by such hlgh standards ln the operatlon ol
the restaurant and that all products whlch are used
and ollered lor sale at the restaurant wlll always
remaln sale and hyglenlc.
1- ,:. _z ,Jl.Jl ,L.Jl dJ. _Js Ll.Jl, ,l.J1l .l ,.L.Jl
,.L.Jl _z _,,JJ l.s l.l...l ,., _.Jl il...Jl zls
s _z L. . ,. .,J. ilYl .
2- lully comply wlth all the obllgatory systems,
speclllcatlons, plans and operatlon procedures
pertalnlng to appearance, operatlon and cleanllness
as well as the worklng days and hours whlch may
dlller lrom one restaurant to another at the
dlscretlon ol -----and requlrements ol the commerclal
locatlon ol the restaurant.
2- Jl il..l. zls, ,l.Jl .,z.Jl il.l LLJl ,L.
., .lJl .J.Jl ,:.Jl ------- L.Jl, zJ...Jl
,l,l zlL.Jl ,:.Jl _. J.. . _.Jl ,:.Jl ilsl.
,.z.J lzz S ,.L. ------ _.Jl il,JL.. _l.Jl
,.L.JJ .
3- 1o preserve the type, mark, taste, welght,
3- sl. _. _Js Lzl.Jl il.s. .l.,l _ _l:. _l..l
dlmenslons, components and coordlnatlon as well as
the method ol preparatlon, preservatlon and sale ol
all lood and drlnk products sold at the restaurant and
ol all other products used ln the packaglng lncludlng
those related to -----------------.
..LYl il... zlsJ _,,Jl L.Jl .l.s]l z,L
_z _l,. _.Jl il,:.Jl _.Jl Yl il...Jl zls ,.L.Jl
.l., zJ...Jl dJ. dJ: l., .,..Jl _z ,.... --------.
4- Comply wlth the procedures pertalnlng to sale,
marketlng and customers servlces.
4- il.. _,..Jl _,,Jl, .lJl il.l]l, .,z.Jl _.l,Jl .
3- Ablde by the advertlslng and promotlon program
wlthln the llmlts ol the obllgatlons s provlded lor ln
thls agreement.
3- .J1l .. _z _,.Jl _xs]l _.l,, .,z.Jl il.l _...Jl
,l..1l ::> _z l,Js .
6- Layouts, decor, type and colors ol the llnlshlng,
6- il,,L:.Jl _lJl ,s. s,.Jl ilLL.Jl zx .
7- Comply wlth the salety, malntenance, appearance,
cleanllness, hyglene, servlces plan and operatlon ol
the restaurant.
7- .Jl zlL.Jl L.Jl .l,.Jl .x.Jl, .,z.Jl L
,.L.Jl ,:. il..Jl .
8- use and llghtlng ol slgn boards, posters, exhlblts
and other slmllar materlals.
8- .l.Jl il...Jl ilz.J.Jl il.zxJl :l. ,l...l
,l:.Jl .
9- 1ypes ol llxtures, lurnlshlng, equlpment,
appllances, soltware, lnstallatlons and slgn boards.
9- _.l, :l il...Jl il:..Jl il,,s.Jl _l.l
il.zxJl il,s.Jl _JSl ,.lJl .
10- Authorlzed servlces.
10- l, g..Jl il..Jl .
11- Worklng days and hours.
11- ,:.Jl ilsl. ,l,l .
12- 8equlred and permltted menu ltems.
12- l, g..Jl ,JL.Jl ,l.LJl ..l il... .
13- 1he general standard ol employment at the
restaurant as well as the number, type and
quallllcatlons ol the restaurant stall and thelr
13- ix>. ,s. ..s ,.L.Jl, ,L.JJ ,l.Jl ...Jl
,, _lJl _Jl ,.L.Jl _.L. .
14- artlclpatlon ln the marketlng and research
programs as well as studles pertalnlng to the cllents
and the test programs requlred or approved by--------
14- .lJl il.l.Jl _,..Jl l,l _.l, _z sl:.Jl
l,Js _zl, l l,JL, _.Jl l,.1l _.l, .x..Jl, ---------
-- .
Artlcle 11: Management
:.l. ) :( :l.]l
ln consolldatlon ol the rlght ol the lranchlsee to carry
out work wlth lts own stall and lts rlght to seek the
help ol the skllls and technlcal expertlse ol ----------- ,
the two partles have agreed that ------------ shall
undertake the general management ol the restaurant
ln accordance wlth the lollowlng:-
..Jl .l.. _z l,..1l ,s _J l,.. _lJl :l,
.J ,..Jl il,Jl ill.Jl, .l...1l _z z
,l, _Js _lzLJl _..l -------- ,.L.JJ .l.Jl :l.]l ,l.,
_J, l.J lzz dJ: :
a- -------------- shall appolnt a Ceneral Manager lor
each restaurant ln addltlon to two hlghly competent
l . _,., -------- _,.1l _s x.z ,.L. sJ l.ls l,.. _.
l ,.. ,., :.l.sJl _. ,Jls . _Js _,.sl..Jl .l..Jl
Asslstant Managers. 1he lees and work entltlements
ol the sald managers shall be borne and dlrectly pald
by the management as management lees.
.s illz..l ,l. _Js ::l,. l>.l.. _,s:.Jl .l..Jl
:l.]l ,l..l .
b- --------- shall comply ln lts management ol the
restaurant, wlth the systems and standards relatlng
to the operatlon ol --------- restaurants.
, . .,z., -------- .L.JJ .l. _z ,,l..Jl ,L.Jl, ,
,slL. ,:., zJ...Jl .lJl ----------------- .
c- 1he management tasks shall lnclude the lollowlng:-
_ . _J, l. :l.]l ,l. .:. :
1- Appolntment and termlnatlon ol appolntment ol
the managers and stall and supervlslon ol same as
well as the appralsal ol thelr perlormance and revlew
ol the reports recelved lrom them and dlrectlng
1. ,,Js l:]l _,.L.Jl .l..Jl _,,.. .l. _,,.. ,,,z.
,,. ,.. .. _.Jl ,lz.Jl .l. ,.l.l .
2- Concludlng contracts lor the purchase and dellvery
ol all equlpment, vehlcles, lurnlshlng, llxtures, slgn
boards, products and supplles as well as all other
materlals and appllances that are necessary lor the
operatlon ol the restaurant.
2. il,s.Jl il...Jl zls ,,J.. .l: _Js .l..Jl l1Yl il1
.l.Jl zls il.,..Jl il...Jl il.zxJl il,,s.Jl
Yl :Yl ,.L.Jl ,:.J .xJl .
3- 8evlew ol all llnanclal lnlormatlon relatlng to the
operatlon ol the restaurant and keeplng a record lor
the sales and revlew ol all operatlons costs and laylng
down procedures that ensure control over purchases
ol the products and servlces as necessary lor the
proper management ol the restaurant.
3. ,:., .lJl ,Jl.Jl il.J..Jl zls _Js _xL1l ,.L.Jl
,:.Jl ,Jls. zls .l. il.,,.Jl ., Ll..1l _.
il.l]l il..Jl il...Jl il.:. _Js :L,.Jl, J,.sJl
l,. _s, _:Jl .Jl _Js ,.L.JJ .,J.Jl :l.;J .
4- llxlng the prlces ol the products and servlces
ollered by the restaurant and preparlng the
necessary reports on dally sales.
4. .,.. ,.L.Jl l..z, _.Jl il..Jl il...Jl l..l .l.s
,.,Jl il.,,.Jl _s .xJl ,lz.Jl .
3- Approval ol all current expenses relatlng to the
operatlon ol the restaurant and payment ol all
amounts due lor the processlng room lmmedlately
alter recelpt ol the goods and servlces purchased
lrom the processlng room.
3. ,:., .lJl ,lJl ilz..Jl zls _Js zzl.Jl
z ,..Jl zJ z...Jl _Jl,.Jl zls .,... ,.L.Jl
il..Jl _.l.,Jl ,x..l ,..Jl z _. :l.:.Jl .
6- undertaklng advertlslng and promotlonal actlvltles
lor the restaurant as provlded lor ln thls agreement
and as consldered necessary by ---------- lrom tlme to
6. l,Js _...Jl ,.L.JJ _,.Jl ,ls.Jl L:.l, ,l,zJl _z
:l, l.,. dJ: ,l..1l ::> --------- i _. l,.
S .
d- Wlth the exceptlon ol the employees appolnted
under Clause a" above, all other employees worklng
at the restaurant shall be the employees ol the
. - ..,Jl ,., _,.,..Jl _,.....Jl _,J.l.Jl .l.1..l, ( l (
.Jl, _,J.l.Jl _,Sl _,.....Jl _,. _s, :xsl ,.L
,s .J _,.L. l,..1l .
e- ln conslderatlon lor undertaklng the management
servlces provlded lor under thls Artlcle, ----------- shall
be entltled to a management lee equlvalent to --------
(------ percent) ol the total sales. Such lees shall be
deducted and set aslde dlrectly as they accrue lrom
.> - ::> _z l,Js _...Jl :l.]l il.., .l, .lzJ :.l.Jl
_.., --------- .l.. :l. ,l..l ) --- (/ ------ _.
l,,.. ,l..Yl ::> ,. ,., il.,,.Jl _Jl. l , _. l, 1
,l.J il.,,.Jl _Jl. ------- .s ,, s ,l. _z
the total sales lor the account ol ------------ at the end
ol each work day at the restaurant, provlded that-----
----------`s management perlormance wlll be revlewed
ln the luture, as deemed llt by---------------.
,.L.JJ . .l _Js .. L.Jl .l., _J. _z x,z. -------- :l.;J
l,.l.. :l, l.J lzz .
l- 1he lranchlsee guarantees that nelther------------
nor hls employees shall be llable lor, and undertakes
to compensate lt ln respect ol, all the expenses and
costs lncurred wlth respect to the management ol
the restaurant except wlth regard to the llablllty that
arlses ln respect ol the damage resultlng lrom gross
negllgence or wllllul acts or wllllul breach by -----------
--. lt lurther undertakes to compensate lt ln respect
ol all the costs lncurred by lt ln delendlng ltsell as a
result ol any lawsult that may be llled agalnst lt or to
whlch lt may be a party.
- ,J.. ,.s l,..1l ,s _.., ------ ,.J, ,.,l.
.l. _Js ,... _.Jl ilz..Jl ,Jls.Jl zls _s .,..,
l.s l.,z dJ: ,.L.JJ ..Jl _s ,l.Jl .Jl _s .:l.Jl ,J
l :.....Jl ilz..Jl l ,,.Jl l.>]l _. .....Jl x]l
,.l -------- _.Jl ,Jls.Jl zls _s .,.., ,.J, l.s .
l :.. ,lz. s. _Y ,.. ... _s .zl..Jl _z l>.,s.,
l,z lzL _s, .
Artlcle 12: 1rademark
:.l. ) r :( x.Jl ,l.Jl .
a- 1he lranchlsee acknowledges ------------'s lull
ownershlp ol the trademark (--------) and undertakes
not to use same except wlthln the llmlts that are
provlded lor ln thls agreement.
l . ,sJ., l,..1l ,s z, --------- .x.JJ J.lsJl
_... > l. .. _z 1 l.l...l ,.., ,.J, .,l.Jl
::> _z ,Js ,l..1l .
b- 1he lranchlsee undertakes to promote the sald
trademark and not to ellect any modlllcatlons nor to
lntroduce any addltlon thereto or try to reglster same
ln lts name. lt also lurther undertakes to notlly --------
----- ol any encroachment upon or unauthorlzed use
ol that mark by a thlrd party.
, . ,l.Jl .x.JJ _,.Jl, l,..1l ,s ,.J, .s :s:.Jl
lJ,.. Jl. l l,Js ilzl. _l l. l ix,... _l .l
..l, . , l.s l.:, ,.J -------- , ,l...l l _... _l,
dJ.J ,Jl ,.l _. , g.. .x.Jl .
c- 1he lranchlsee undertakes to place the trademark
on all the products and servlces ollered as well as on
all the materlals, equlpment and vehlcles used and at
a consplcuous place ln the restaurant. lt lurther
undertakes to stop uslng ol the sald mark
lmmedlately upon recelvlng the llrst wrltten notlce
lrom ----------- to that ellect.
_ . zls _Js ,l.Jl .x.Jl _., l,..1l ,s ...,
Jl .l.Jl ..z.Jl il..Jl il...Jl il,s.Jl il...
_z l, _ls. _z .....Jl _s .Jl, ,.J, l.s ,.L.Jl
l.: Y .x..l z :s:.Jl .x.Jl l....l _. _,l.s
,.l ---------- dJ:, .
d- 1he lranchlsee may not place any modllled or
alternatlve trademark on the products and servlces,
the sub[ect ol thls agreement, except alter obtalnlng
the prlor wrltten consent ol ---------------.
. . l J... ,l. .xs _l _. l,..1l ,sJ , 1 J,.,
J. .., 1 ,l..1l ::> _.. il..Jl il...Jl _Js
zzl.Jl _Js z,..Jl ,,l.sJl .
Artlcle 13: Conlldentlal lnlormatlon
:.l. ) r :( ,.Jl il.J..Jl
a- 1he lranchlsee undertakes to hold ln conlldence
all the conlldentlal lnlormatlon and trade secrets that
reach lt and to deal wlth such lnlormatlon and
secrets as belng assets ol value whlch are the
property ol ----------------.
l . _J ., l. ,. _Js Lzl.Jl, l,..1l ,s ,.J, .Js
.J ,l. l.l ,. il.J.. _. -------- dJ. _. .l..Jl
l.Yl il.J..Jl , _. sJ.. ., il: 1.l l>l,.sl, -
--------- .
b- ----------- undertakes to reveal to the lranchlsee any
conlldentlal lnlormatlon that ------- deems necessary
and essentlal lor the operatlon ol the restaurant, and
the lranchlse agent shall have no rlght to dlvulge or
use such lnlormatlon except wlthln the llmlts ol what
ls essentlal lor the operatlon ol the restaurant and
what ls authorlzed by ------------.
, . ,z, --------- il.J.. _l _s l,..1l ,sJ :sJl,
, ,. ---------- 1 ,.L.Jl ,:.J .1 ,. l.l
l,..1l ,sJ _, 1 l.l...l l il.J..Jl dJ. _s :sJl
1 > l. .. _z l. ,.L.Jl ,:.J , , g., .
c- 1he conlldentlal lnlormatlon shall lnclude the
lollowlng wlthout llmltatlon:
_ . _.Sl . _. ,.Jl il.J..Jl .:. :
1- 1he means, technlques, equlpment, speclllcatlons,
standards, pollcles, procedures, lnlormatlon, ldeas,
systems, knowledge and experlence pertalnlng to the
development and operatlon ol thls type ol
1- ,,l..Jl il..l.Jl il...Jl il,.z.Jl .l.Jl
z..Jl ,L.Jl lszYl il.J..Jl il.l]l il.l,.Jl
,L., zJ...Jl :,Jl .Jl l:> ,:. ,slL.Jl _. _ .
2- Marketlng and development programs.
2- ,L.Jl _,..Jl _.l, .
3- knowledge relatlng to the structure, secrets and
operatlon ol soltware whlch, the lranchlsee ls
authorlzed to use by ----------- ln operatlng the
restaurant as well as all the lmprovements and
alteratlons relatlng thereto or the data resultlng lrom
the use ol such soltware lncludlng, wlthout
llmltatlon, the structurlng and operatlon ol the baslc
data llle whlch contalns such data or all addltlons,
alteratlons and lmprovement relatlng thereto.
3- ,.lJl _sl, ,:. l.l s,, zJ...Jl z..Jl _JSl
zls ,.L.Jl ,:. _z l.l...l, l,..1l ,sJ g., _.Jl
il.,..Jl _s .l.Jl il.l,,Jl l l, zJ...Jl ix,...Jl
dJ: _z l., _.l,Jl dJ. ,l...l - .Jl _. - ,:. Js,>
l . zls l il.l,,Jl dJ. _..., _:Jl ,.l.Yl il.l,,J ilzl.]l
l, zJ...Jl il.,..Jl ix,...Jl .
4- 1he speclllcatlons, systems pertalnlng to the
equlpment, vehlcles, lurnlshlngs, llxtures, slgn
boards, products, materlals, supplles and servlces
used ln the development and operatlon ol the
4- il1l1Yl il,s.Jl il...Jl, .lJl ,L.Jl il..l.Jl
il..Jl il.,..Jl .l.Jl il...Jl il.zxJl il,,s.Jl
,L. _z .....Jl ,.L.Jl ,:. .
3- Sales statements and lnlormatlon on consumers
prelerences and the storlng requlrements ol the
products, materlals and supplles.
3- _,sJ...Jl il,J.zl il.J..Jl il.,,.Jl il.l,,
il.,..Jl .l.Jl il...Jl _,. il,JL.. .
6- 1he components, lormulas, plckles, solutlons,
mlxtures, splces, sauces, and lood reclpes sold at the
restaurant and the method lor the preparatlon,
packaglng, provlslon and dellvery thereol.
6- ilLJJl ,Jl.Jl ixJ.Jl il,,s.Jl .l..Jl ,l.Jl
_L ,slL.Jl _z sl,.Jl ..LYl il.. .J.Jl
l>.l.s l>,.. l.,J.. l.,.. l..,.. .
7- 1he lnlormatlon relatlng to the sales ol the
products, operatlon results, llnanclal perlormance
and other llnanclal statements pertalnlng to the
7- ,:.Jl _.l.. il...Jl il.,,., zJ...Jl il.J..Jl .l.Yl
Yl ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl _Jl.Jl ,slL.Jl _s .
8- Llst ol cllents.
8- .x..Jl ,.l .
9- rocedures lor the selectlon and tralnlng ol
employees, and thelr employment levels.
9- ,.l,... ,,,.. _,.....Jl l,.l il.l ,.,LJl .
Artlcle 14: lees
:.l. ) t :( ,.Jl
ln addltlon to any lees or other remuneratlon that
have been provlded lor ln thls agreement, the
lranchlsee undertakes to pay ------------- the lollowlng
lees and remuneratlon:-
::> _z l,Js _.Jl ,. l ,l..l l ,. _l _s x.z
_z., _l, l,..1l ,s ,.J, ,l..1l ----- -- ,l..Yl ,.Jl
,Jl.Jl :
a- lranchlsee remuneratlon equlvalent to ----- (-----
percent) ol the total sales ol the restaurant to be
deducted, set aslde and pald to ----------- at the end ol
each work day at the restaurant.
l . .l.. l,..l ,l..l ) -- (/ -------- il.,,. _Jl. _.
gJl.J l>.l.. l,,.. l.. ,., ,.L.Jl ------- _z
,.L.JJ .s ,, s ,l. .
b- A development lee ol S8 ------------ (Saudl 8lyals ----
--------) lor each restaurant llcensed under thls
agreement to be pald lmmedlately upon the slgnlng
ol thls agreement.
, . :. ,L. ,. ) -------- ( ------- ,., ,.L. s _s
,l..1l ::> _,. z ,l..1l ::> ,., J _,.Jl .
Artlcle 13: Advertlslng
:.l. ) e :( _xs]l ,ls.Jl
1he lranchlsee undertakes to carry out contlnuous
and essentlal publlc relatlons actlvltles almed at
acqualntlng (others) wlth the restaurant and
promotlng the products and servlces thereol uslng
lor thls respect advertlsement patterns, and publlc
relatlons and promotlon materlals that are prepared
or prevlously approved by ----------------------.
,> .ls ilxs L:.l ::l,., l,..1l ,s ,.J,
.l.. .l...J _,.Jl ,.L.Jl, ,..Jl _J .. :....
_:l.. dJ: _z l..... _,.Jl .l.Jl ilx.Jl .l. il.xs]l
l>.., _.Jl / l,Js _zl, l lz,.. .
a- 8elatlons and Llcenslng ol Materlals:-
l . .l.Jl :l ilx.Jl :
b- Marketlng Lxpenses lund:
, . _,..Jl ilz.. _... :
1- --------- shall set up a marketlng expenses lund lor
the lranchlsee area under thls agreement lor the
purpose ol developlng and carrylng out the
advertlslng and marketlng programs as lt deems
approprlate lor ralslng the standard ol servlce
ollered by the restaurants and to acqualnt (others)
wlth the trademark and restaurants ln general as
much as posslble.
1- ._:., -------- _,..Jl ilz..J l... zL..JJ g...Jl
_.l, :,... ,L.J dJ: ,l..1l ::> ,., l,..1l lJ
..., _.JJ l,.l.. :l, l.J lzz _,..Jl _xs]l ,ls.Jl
_.Jl ..Jl ,l.Jl .x.Jl, ,..Jl ,slL.Jll..z.
_s.. . _.l, l..s ,slL.Jl .
2- 1he lranchlsee undertakes to pay to thls lund a
marketlng lee ol ------ (------ percent) ol the total
sales to be deducted lorthwlth and pald to ------------
at the end ol the work day ol the restaurant.
2- _...Jl l:J _z., _l, l,..1l ,s ,.J, :. _,.. ,. ) -
-- (/ -------- _Jl. _. l, 1l .. ,., il.,,.Jl
_J :.l.. ------- ,.L.JJ .s ,, s .l..l .., .
3- ulsbursements lrom that lund shall be allected by
---------- and under lts dlrect supervlslon and on the
aspects and actlvltles whlch -------------- deems
approprlate to achleve the purpose lor whlch the
lund has been establlshed. --------------- shall have the
rlght, ln lts own absolute dlscretlon, to cut down the
contrlbutlons to the marketlng lund or stop the
operatlon thereol lor one perlod or more or
3- L.l, _...Jl dJ: _. .Jl ,., --------- i.
_z. l.l , _.Jl L:.Yl _Js Yl, :l,.Jl zl:
._:.l Jl _. _:Jl _Jl _...Jl . .J _, -------- lzz
_... _z il.>l..Jl _. z, _l _JL.Jl :,.z.J ..Jl _,
l :.l :..J J,:. lz, l , .l. l 1sl / .l:. :.ls l
,., l,..1l ,sJ _,l.s lL . _Jl,.Jl _,. ,., _l _Js
.l.]l g,l. _z ,z,..Jl _,..Jl _... _z _,.>l..Jl _Js
termlnates same and / or re-establlsh same by a
wrltten notlce to the lranchlsee, provlded that the
remalnlng sums shall be dlstrlbuted at the date ol
termlnatlon among the contrlbutors to the marketlng
lund proportlonate to wlth the contrlbutlon made by
each one ol them durlng the lmmedlately precedlng
twelve months.
l: :s _.1]l x ,.. s .>l..J lzz z,l.Jl .
4- Accountlng wlth regard to the marketlng lund
expenses shall be carrled out lndependently and may
not be merged lnto the assets ol --------------. 1he
lund's money may not be used ln paylng any general
or speclal operatlons expenses wlth the exceptlon ol
salarles, admlnlstratlve and general expenses
lncurred by ---------- when carrylng out advertlslng,
promotlon and marketlng actlvltles.
4- 1 :. _Js _,..Jl _... ilz.. _Js ,.l.Jl ,.. ,
:..l _z l.. ------- l.l ,l...l , 1 l.s
ilz.. _l _z. _z _...Jl ,:. l.s l.,z .l .ls
l>.,s., _.Jl .l.Jl ,l.]l ilz..Jl il,..Jl ------ ..s
_,..Jl _,.Jl _xs]l L:.Y ..l.. .
3- 1he lranchlsee shall have the rlght to requlre to be
provlded wlth a detalled statement concernlng the
amounts collected and costs born by the marketlng
expenses lunds ln respect ol the lmmedlately
precedlng llnanclal year.
3- _s ... _l,,, :.,. ,JL, _l l,..1l ,sJ _, _Jl,.Jl
_,..Jl ilz.. _... lJ.. _.Jl ,Jls.Jl lJ,.. ,. _.Jl
..Jl _s ::l,. z,l.Jl ,Jl.Jl .
Artlcle 16: Accounts, 8eports and llnanclal
:.l. ) : :( ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl ,lz.Jl il,l.Jl
a- 1he lranchlsee shall lnstall and use a computer
system ln the restaurant ln accordance wlth the
manner prescrlbed by --------- lrom tlme to tlme and
shall allow -------- at any tlme to retrleve the data
electronlcally. 1he lranchlsee undertakes to provlde
a telephone set lor the receptlon and a dlspatch llne
lor the computer that would enable --------- to access
the computer system, and also undertakes to use the
programs, data bases and processlng methods that
are determlned by ------------ lrom tlme to tlme.
l . ,.lJl ,lL. ,l...l ,,s., l,..1l ,s ,.J, _z _JSl
l>.., _.Jl z,LJJ lzz ,.L.Jl ------- dJ: S i _.
gl..Jl _. .J ------ _l _z _..sJ]l _.Jl, i
il.J..JJ . l ,z., l,..1l ,s ..., l,z..xJ .l>
_s., _JSl ,.lJJ l. L ------- ,lL., l..1l _.
,.lJl il.J..Jl .sl _.l,Jl ,l...l, ..., l.s ._JSl
l>.., _.Jl Jl..Jl ,,Jl.l ------- S i _. .
b- 1he lranchlsee shall malntaln accounts books and
regular records ln whlch all the revenues ol the
restaurant, expenses, prollts and losses lor every
llscal year shall be entered as per establlshed
accountlng practlces. ---------- shall have the rlght to
lnspect such books and records and/or may have
them audlted and lnspected at any tlme.
, . ,.lL. ix. ,,.l. .lz. d.., l,..1l ,s ,.J,
l,l il,l. .lz.. ,.L.Jl il.l, zls l,z .,z.
,Jl. .. s _s :.l. l...Jl ,,.l.Jl lxJ lzz
l,Js . .J _, - ----- .lz.Jl dJ. _Js _xL]l ix.Jl / l
i _l _z _,...Jl ,,.l.Jl .l.JJ lsl. .
c- All the accounts and llnanclal statements shall be
audlted wlthln the slxty days lollowlng each llscal
year and shall be approved by a chartered
accountant llcensed by ----------- and agreed to by the
_ . x ,Jl.Jl il.l,,Jl il,l.Jl zls _,.. ,., ) : ( _,..Jl
il,l. _l. L.l, l>.l..sl ,Jl. .. sJ ,Jl.Jl l.,
_. _..l .,., -------- l,..1l ,s ,Js _zl, .
d- All lees, remuneratlon and amounts whlch ----------
-- ls entltled under thls agreement shall be deposlted
ln a bank account deslgnated by ------------ ln wrltlng.
. . .J z...Jl _Jl,.Jl ,l..Yl ,.Jl zls --------
_:Jl _s.,Jl ,l.Jl _z lsl., ,., ,l..1l ::> ,.,
:., ------ --- ,l.s .
Artlcle 17: lnspectlons and 8evlslon
:.l. ) :( .l.Jl _,...Jl
lor the purpose ol ensurlng that ln lts operatlon ol
the lranchlsed restaurants the lranchlsee ls
complylng wlth the provlslons ol thls agreement as
well as the speclllcatlons, systems and operatlon
procedures determlned by ------------ lor the
operatlon ol the lranchlsed restaurant or restaurants,
------------ or lts agents shall have the rlght to carry out
the lollowlng:-
l ,.L.JJ J,:. _z l,..1l ,s .l _. .sl.Jl _J L.Jl ,sl
,L.Jl il..l.Jl, ,l..1l ::> ,ls, ,.J. l,..1l .
il.l , _. :...Jl ,:.Jl ------- ,.L.Jl ,:.J
_z l,..1l . ,slL.Jl l -------- ,l,zJl _z _Jl .xsJ l
_.Sl, :
1- lnspect the restaurant, computer system, other
equlpment, lurnlshlngs, llxtures, slgn boards,
vehlcles, operatlon materlals and supplles relatlng to
the restaurant.
1. Yl il...Jl _JSl ,.lJl ,lL. ,.L.Jl _,... l1Yl
il.,..Jl ,:.Jl .l. il,s.Jl il.zxJl il,,s.Jl
.lJl ,.L.Jl, .
2- Supervlslng and photographlng the operatlon
processes ol the restaurant and vldeo taplng same
contlnuously or perlodlcally as deemed necessary by
2. L:l _Js lJ,.. ,.L.Jl ,:. il,J.s ,.. ,l.
:l, l.J lzz .Lz.. il.z _Js l l...l, ,.,z ------ --
- l,. .
3- 1aklng samples ol the products, materlals, supplles
and all other products lor the purpose ol testlng and
analyzlng same, provlded that the value ol such
samples, materlals, supplles and all other products
and the cost ol the testlng and analyzlng thereol shall
be at the expense ol the lranchlsee wlthout such
belng entered ln the sales accounts.
3. zls il.,..Jl .l.Jl il...Jl _. il.,s :l il...Jl
il.,.Jl ., .,z. _l _Js lJ,J. l>l,.l _, dJ: Yl
.l.Jl .Jl zls il.,..Jl l>l,.l ,Jls. Yl il..
,s ,l. _Js lJ,J. ,l. _z .. _l _. l,..1l
il.,,.Jl .
4- lnspectlng the restaurant's employees.
4. ,.L.Jl _..... _Js _,...Jl .
3- Meetlng wlth the cllents ol the restaurant.
3. ,.L.Jl .x.s J,lz. .
6- lnspectlng and photographlng any booklets, books,
reports and computer data and any other documents
pertalnlng to the operatlon ol the restaurant.
6. il.l,, ,lz. .lz. il,,.sJl _. . :l _,... ,.lJl
,.L.Jl ,:., zJ... il..... _l _JSl .
Artlcle 18: Asslgnment
:.l. ) t :( l..Jl
a- ------------ shall have the rlght at any tlme to asslgn
all ol lts rlghts hereunder, so that all the rlghts,
obllgatlons and dutles provlded lor under thls
agreement shall devolve upon the asslgnee.
l . .J _, -------- ..Jl l ilYl _. i _l _z - _s .ls
l...JJ . ,, ,l..1l ::> _z l,Js _...Jl z
_zJl zls ,J _z l,Js _...Jl il,lJl il.l.J1l
,l..1l ::> .
b- nelther the lranchlsee nor any owner thereln may
asslgn elther dlrectly or lndlrectly lts rlght under thls
agreement or any ol them or ln the restaurant except
alter obtalnlng the prlor wrltten consent ol -----------
and alter paylng the asslgnment lees determlned by -
------------- and alter the asslgnee has agreed to
assume all obllgatlons and dutles ol the lranchlsee
, . l..Jl ,z dJl. _Y l l,..1l ,sJ , 1 - z,L,
::l,. , l ::l,. - z _s l.. l,l l ,l..1l ::> _z
_z l z,..Jl ,,l.sJl zzl.Jl _Js .Jl .., 1 ,.L.Jl
_. --------- ,. .l.. l>z, _.Jl l..Jl --------
il.l.Jl zls .. _Js ,J l...Jl zzl. ,s il,l
provlded lor under thls agreement --------------. ,l..1l ::> _z l,Js _...Jl l,..1l .
c- 1he asslgnment relerred to under thls Artlcle
lncludes any conveyance ol property elther dlrectly
or lndlrectly whether by way ol sale, donatlon or
_ . ::> _z ,J l:.Jl l..Jl :.l.Jl l.J .. _l .:,
_s dJ: _ls .l. ::l,. , l ::l,. z,L, ,sJ.Jl _,L
l ,Jl l _,,Jl zx .
d- -------------- shall ln all cases retaln the rlght ol llrst
optlon to purchase any rlghts whlch the lranchlsee or
any owner thereln wlshes to asslgn under thls Artlcle.
1he lranchlsee shall provlde---------------- at the tlme
wlth a true copy ol the orlglnal ol any terms or
asslgnment agreements presented to lt provlded that
------------- shall express lts wlsh to purchase or
otherwlse wlthln slxty days ol the date ol belng
provlded wlth such copy.
. . L.., -------- _,. _z _z Yl l,Jl _, lYl
l.s l..Jl ,z dJl. _l l l,..1l ,s ,, _z _l .l:
::> ,., :.l.Jl . l,..1l ,l. ,.J, .,., ------- _z
_.. l.. il,l..l l L: ,Y .Yl _,L :., .,
_Js ,Js ,., _l ------- l..s _. .l:Jl _z ., _s
x ) : ( :.,. g,l. _. l., _,.. :.Jl ::, .
e- 1he lranchlsee acknowledges that the ownershlp
structure and the ma[or owners thereln ls ln the
manner lndlcated ln Annex A ol thls agreement.
.> . dx.Jl ,sJ.Jl s,> _l, l,..1l ,s z, ,z _,.,.Jl
> _J.Jl, g..Jl .Jl _Js ) l ( ,l..1l ::J .
l- 1he lranchlsee acknowledges that ------------- shall
have the absolute rlght to delegate the perlormance
ol all or ol some ol lts obllgatlons and dutles under
thls agreement to other persons, be they lts own
agents or lndependent contractors wlth whlch lt
concludes contracts lor the perlormance ol these
servlces provlded that thls would not lead to an
lncrease ln the llnanclal burdens ol the lranchlsee so
that ----------- shall not be llable lor any damage
resultlng lrom any breach or delault on the part ol
the sald agents or contractors.
. _, l,..1l ,s z, ------- .l.l _,.. _z _JL.Jl s
_l:Y ,l..1l ::> ,., .l,l .l.l.Jl _., l
.xs l.ls .l. _,i .l.Y ,.. .l.. _,Jz... _,.... l J
_J dJ: _., 1 _l L,: il..Jl dJ. ,Jl.Jl .l,sYl :.l,
.., 1 ,, l,..1l ,sJ ------- _l _s ,J.. _l
. _,....Jl l .xsJl ,.l _. s l x _l _s ,.,
_,s:.Jl .
Artlcle 19: 1ermlnatlon
:.l. ) + :( .l.]l
a- ------------ shall have the rlght to termlnate thls
agreement at any tlme lor any ol the lollowlng
l . .J _, --------- _. i _l _z ,l..1l ::> .l. ilYl
,Jl.Jl ,l,.Yl _. ,,. _Y :
1- ll the lranchlsee or any ma[or owner thereln
breaches any clause ol the lranchlse Agreement or ll
lt has delaulted ln the executlon thereol and lalled to
remedy same desplte the lact that the thlrty-day
wrltten notlce was sent to lt by -------------.
1- .., _l, ,z _.,. dJl. _l l l,..1l ,s l l: ..,Jl _.
s l. l l,z :.lJl :l:. , dJ: _zx. _s s ::,... _
,l.s L.l, ------- ... l.: ,., ) r ( l., _1x1 .
2- 1he bankruptcy or lnsolvency ol the lranchlsee or
lts merger ln any other company or establlshment or
lts llquldatlon or deletlon lrom the Commerclal
8eglster or the passlng ol a legal or admlnlstratlve
order to prohlblt lt lrom carrylng out lts buslness
actlvlty or ln the event ol lts death unless a
compromlse to the contrary has been agreed to wlth
the -----------.
2- l...l l :l.s l l,..1l ,s _xz l s: _z ...
.l .. l _l.Jl .Jl _. ,L: l .,... l l
_l. l _..l l. .lz l _l.Jl Ll:. .l.. _. .l.,
x _Js 1Jl _. _.l.Jl ,., ,J dJ: .
b- upon the explratlon or termlnatlon ol thls
agreement the lranchlsee undertakes to carry out
the lollowlng:-
, . ::> .l. l .l..l ..s l,..1l ,s ..., _J, l., ,l..1l :
1- 1o lmmedlately pay all the sums, lees and
remuneratlon due to ------------- and lts employees
under thls agreement.
1- ..Yl ,.Jl _Jl,.Jl zls lz ..., _l z...Jl ,l .J ---
----- ,l..1l ::> ,., ,.,l.J .
2- 1o lmmedlately cease to operate the restaurant
and to sell the products or provlde the servlces or use
the marks, and trade name, the sub[ect ol thls
2- _s ,.L.Jl ,:. _s lz ., _l l il...Jl _,, ,,.z.
::> _.. _l.Jl ,.1l il.x.Jl l....l l il..Jl
,l..1l .
3- 1o remove lrom the slte, vehlcles, lurnlshlngs,
llxtures etc., all the slgn boards and marks pertalnlng
to the lranchlsee and to cease to put out ltsell elther
dlrectly or lndlrectly as present or luture lranchlsee
and to cease exploltatlon ol thls same place as a
restaurant lor three years lollowlng the date ol
3- il,,s.Jl il1l1Yl il,s.Jl _.Jl _. ,, _l zx
, _J... _.Jl il.x.Jl il.zxJl zls ,.. _s _..., _l l,..1l
... - ::l,. , l ::l,. z,L, - _Jl l,..l ,l. .l,
_.. x..l _s _J,z... l il..Jl x ,.L.s .Jl
.l.]l g,l.J ,Jl.Jl 1x1Jl .
4- 1o cooperate wlth ------------ ln taklng all the
procedures requlred lor the cancellatlon ol the
appolntment under thls agreement and/or ln
grantlng the lranchlse to others.
4- _. _l.., _l -------- il.l]l zls :l.l _z ,JL.Jl
,l..1l ::> ,., _,,..Jl .lJ] / _,S l,..1l g.. _z l .
3- 1o remove all materlal leatures llnked to the
lnternal and external buslness appearance ol the
restaurant and to ellect at lts own expense all the
modlllcatlons and alternatlons necessary to clearly
dlllerentlate the locatlon and restaurant lrom lts
prevlous appearance unless-------------- buys the
restaurant under Clause (C) below.
3- _l.Jl L.Jl, L,..Jl ,.l.Jl il,..Jl zls Jl
,l,zJl ,.L.JJ _lJl _Jl.Jl ,l. _Js - zls,
J,.sJl il,,.Jl i1.,..Jl _s g., ,.L.Jl _.Jl ,,..,
,z, ,J l. dJ: ._,l.Jl :L. -------- .l:, ,.L.Jl
..,Jl ,., ) _ ( :l..l .
c- upon the termlnatlon or explratlon ol thls
agreement, ---------- shall have the llrst optlon to
purchase the restaurant and/or lnventorles thereol
at the prlce ollered to the lranchlsee by thlrd partles
or at any other lower prlce to be agreed upon.
_ . .J _s, ,l..1l ::> .l..l l .l. ..s -------- _
,.L.Jl .l: _z Yl l,Jl / ..Jl, dJ: .l.. l
l,..1l ,s _Js _..Jl ,., l i .. _l, l ,Jl _.
,Js _.l.Jl .
d- 1he lranchlsee undertakes to compensate-----------
---- lor any damage or loss resultlng lrom the
termlnatlon ol thls contract ln accordance wlth the
provlslons ol Clause A above.
. . _,.., l,..1l ,s ,.J, --------- l . _l _s ,
..,Jl ,lsY lz,L .z.Jl l:> .l. _Js ,... :l. ) l ( :xsl .
Artlcle 20: Ceneral rovlslons
:.l. ) r :( .ls ,lsl
a- 1hls agreement shall be governed and construed ln
accordance wlth the Saudl Commerclal Agencles Law
and other prevalent laws.
l . i1lsJl ,lL.J lzz ... ,l..1l ::> ,s. ,l.Jl
Yl ,...Jl .L.Yl ...Jl ,l.Jl .
b- 1hls agreement shall be blndlng on the partles
thereto, and on thelr executors, admlnlstrators ol
thelr legal helrs, trustees, guardlans, asslgnees and
, . ,>l,l. _:... lzlLY .J. ,l..1l ::> ,... .l..
,.l.J ,,J l...Jl ,>l,.l _,,s:Jl ,.1 ,.s.
successors and may not be changed except by vlrtue
ol a wrltten agreement slgned by both partles.
, 1 _,zLJl xs _. _. _,l.s _l..l ,., 1 lJ,... .
c- All dlsputes arlslng ln connectlon wlth the
executlon ol thls contract whlch may not be settled
amlcably by the partles shall be relerred to
arbltratlon ln accordance wlth the ------------------
Arbltratlon Law. 1he arbltratlon panel shall convene
ln --------------- and the arbltratlon award pass shall be
llnal and blndlng upon both partles.
_ . .z.Jl l:> :,... _s l:.. _.Jl ilsl..Jl ,.. ,.. _.Jl
,lL.J lz,L ,,s.Jl _,L _s _,zLJl _,, l,. lJ :..,
,,s.Jl -------- . _z ,,s.Jl _J. .z.., ---------
l.J. l,.l. ,,s.Jl _z .l.Jl lzJl _s, _,zLJJ .
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
lnsurance Company
s: _,.l.
roperty All 8lsk ollcy
.. _,.l. .,J, lLYl _,.
Commerclal and lndustrlal
_l. _sl..
lease read thls ollcy carelully to
ensure lt meets your requlrements.
::> :.l _, _. .sl.JJ ,l.., .,J,Jl
l.l d.ll,.l, _.. .
ln coslderatlon ol the lnsured
named ln the Schedule hereto
paylng to the Compnay named
thereln the llrst remlum ln the
sald Schedule.
::> _z _...Jl J _..Jl ,l, ,lz.
_z., .Jl _z ...Jl Yl L.zJl
Jl .Jl _z :s:.Jl s:Jl _J . .
1he Company agrees sub[ect to the
terms, exceptlons, llmlts, and
condltlons contalned hereln or
endorsed hereon (herelnalter
relerred to as the '1erms ol the
ollcy' that ll durlng the perlod at
lnsurance or durlng any lurther
perlod ln respect ol whlch the
lnsured shall have pald and the
Company shall have accepted the
premlum requlred the roperty
lnsured or any part thereol shall be
accldentally physlcally lost,
destroyed, or damaged, the
Company wlll pay to the lnsured the
value ol the property at the tlme ol
the happenlng ol lts loss or
destructlon, or the amount ol such
damage, or at lts optlon relnstate or
replace such property or any part
,lsYl :lsl. L:, .s:Jl izzl .zz
l L:Jl ..Jl il.l.1..1l .....J
l, _J.Jl l .,J,Jl ::> _z ) l,J l:,
:l,., .., l.,z l.> " .,J,Jl ,lsl (" .l
l,.l. .Jl l J.Jl _J i... l: _Js
_l l .l,Js _..Jl ilsJ...Jl lL .
x l _,.l.Jl :.. x l.. . :.. ,l
L.zJl _z. . J _..Jl _s, z1
,JL.Jl ..J, . s:Jl _s. l.s _z
., J _..Jl _J _z... s:Jl
l J.Jl l .z.Jl . i _z ilsJ...Jl
_J,. _., ,z. _l l .Jl dJ:
l ilsJ...Jl dJ. . gx., l>l,.l
_l l lJl.,..l l.. . .
rovlded that the llablllty at the
Company shall ln no case exceed, ln
respect at each ltem, the sum
expressed ln the sald Schedule to
be lnsured thereon and ln the
whole the total sum lnsured hereby
or such other sum or sums as may
be substltuted there lor by
memorandum hereon or attached
hereto slgned by or behall ol the
l _l, s:Jl ,J.. .,. 1 _l L.:,
_. _J,.Jl _s .., s, .., l.,z lYl
,., _:Jl s:.Jl .Jl _z _,,.Jl
_,.l.Jl _.. _s 1l. .,, 1l ,Js
.,J,Jl ::> ,., ,Js _..Jl _J,.Jl
dJ: l _:Jl _Jl,.Jl dJ. l _J,.Jl / _.Jl .
::> _z :.l :s:. ,., .s x,., _s.
, _. .. _s. l, zz. l .,J,Jl
l.s ,l,.Jl, l s:Jl .
name ol lnsured and address.
.l.s J _..Jl ,.l .
1otal Sum lnsured.
_,.l.Jl _J,. _Jl. .
L..zJl .
erlod ol lnsurance commenclng at
4.00 M on the day termlnatlng at
4.00 M on the day.
.., _. .,lJl sl.Jl _z l.,. _,.l.Jl :..
L sl.Jl _z _... ............ ,,
............ ,, L .., _. .,lJl
Slgned thls day ol _______
............ ,,Jl l:> _z _,.Jl ,.
8ranch _______
Address _______
1he Company shall not lndemnlly
the lnsured ln respect ol:
_J.., l.,z J _..Jl s:Jl _.. 1 ., :
1- (a) Llectrlcal or mechanlcal
breakdown lallure or derangement
ol plant machlnery or equlpment.
1- ( l ( il,.Jl _l. l Ls l ,Ls
i1Sl l il...Jl l .
(b) ueterloratlon ol property due to
change ln temperature or humldlty
or lallure or lnadequate operatlon
ol an alr-condltlonlng cool-lng or
heatlng system.
( , ( l :lJl ,. ,,., ilsJ...Jl .l.z
,LJl l .,,. l ,. ,lL. Ls l
,lL.Jl dJ:J ,.x.Jl , ,:.Jl l .z.. .
(c) subsldence ground heave
landsllp eroslon settllng or cracklng.
( _ ( l l1.l l _Yl _l..l l
lJs. lzz:. l l,.. l .
unless elther (1) caused by:
ls l: 1 dJ: _ ) ( _s l.l. :
llre or llghtlnlng.
_,Jl l _,Jl .
l..1l .
(lor the purposes ol thls Lxceptlon
"exploslon" shall not mean the
burstlng or dlsruptlon ol turblnes
compressors, translormers,
rectlllers, swltchgear englne
cyllnders, hydraullc cyllnders, lly-
wheels, or other movlng parts
sub[ect to centrllugal lorce or
bollers economlsers or other
vessels machlnery or apparatus ln
whlch pressure ls used).
( ..z.Jl _,J il.l.1..1l ::> _lY
., " l..1l " l il.,,.Jl L.. l l..l
i l il.z.Jl l i1.Jl l L.Jl i1
l _.Jl ,. d. il.lL.l
.l.Jl ,,Jl. l ,s,J.,Jl il.lL.1l
l _.. _.Jl Yl s..Jl .lYl
l ,z.Jl il.l l l.Jl l ::,l.Jl :zJJ
:Yl l i1Sl l ,sYl _. dJ: ,
L.Jl l,z ,..., _.Jl .(
Alrcralt or other aerlal devlces or
artlcles dropped there lrom.
,., l. l ,Jl :Yl l il.lLJl
Llz. l.. .
lmpact by vehlcles, watercralts,
locomotlves or rolllng stock.
l ilLlzJl l _lJl l il,s.Jl ...
il...Jl l.Jl .
8lot or mallclous acts (other than
any act excluded by reason ol
Lxceptlon 6 (b) hereln).
,.,sJl l.sYl l ,:Jl l.sl ) _l l.s
.. .l.1..1l ,., _.1... : ) , (
.,J,Jl ::> _z .lJl .(
Strlkers locked-out workers or
persons taklng part ln labour
lx _l, _,:Jl l..Jl l _,..Jl
_z _sl:.Jl _l:Yl l l,,..
,Jl..Jl il,lL.1l .
Storm tempest llood.
il.l.,.Jl l ,.lsYl l .l.Jl .
Cr (ll) resultlng ln:
l ) r ( _J _., l. :
1he occurrence ol any ol the events
ln (1) above, then the Company
shall only lndemnlly the lnsured
under the 1erms ol the ollcy ln
respect ol the resultant loss
destructlon ol damage.
_z :.lJl _.lJl _. _l . ) ( :xsl .
_.z _,.., s:Jl ,z. 1 JlJl ::>
.,J,Jl ,lsl ,., J _..Jl l.s
_. ,., . l J. l :l. .
2- Loss, destructlon, or damage to:-
2- ., _J, _:Jl .Jl l J.Jl l :l.Jl :
(a) roperty ln course ol
manulacture alteratlon or repalr ll
such loss destructlon or damage ls
sustalned whlle the property ls
belng actually worked on and
dlrectly resultlng lrom such work.
( l ( l ,,.Jl l _..Jl .l.1l ilsJ...Jl
J.Jl l :l.Jl dJ. .,s. ,. l: g,J..Jl
_lJl _z ilsJ...Jl _s. l...s .Jl l
dJ: _s ::l,. l:.. l l,Js ..Jl .,
..Jl .
(b) roperty ln course ol
constructlon or erectlon, or
property not yet handed over by
slgned certlllcate ol acceptance
( , ( l .l:.]l ., _s. _.Jl ilsJ...Jl
.,,:.Jl l.,J.. ,., ,J _.Jl ilsJ...Jl l
, :.l: ,., / l. .
(c) 8ollers economlsers turblnes, or
other vessels machlnery, or
apparatus ln whlch pressure ls
used, or thelr contents resultlng
lrom thelr exploslon or rupture.
( _ ( ,z.Jl il.l l l.Jl
(LCCnCMlSL8S) l ,sYl l il.,,.Jl
,..., _.Jl Yl :Yl l i1Sl l
l L.Jl l,z _s .l.Jl l.l,..
l l>.. l l>l.. .
(d) lants machlnery or equlpmnet
durlng lnstallatlon and assembly.
( . ( .l.1l il...Jl l i1Sl l il,.Jl
l.,.. l l,J:. l l,,s. .
(e) lant machlnery or equlpment
durlng lnstallatlon, dlsmantllng, or
the strlpplng down and assembly ln
respect ol any re-sltlng operatlons.
( .> ( .l.1l il...Jl l i1Sl :Yl
,,s.Jl l.,z _,..Jl d,s..Jl l d.Jl l
l..J ,,. il,J.s ,l, _J.., .
(l) Llectrlcal equlpment or wlrlng
caused by electrlcal current (other
than llghtnlng ).
( ( dx.Yl il.,... l ,.l,sJl il...Jl
l.. _.l,sJl l,.Jl _s ,., ) _,Jl l.s .(
(g) Money cheques, stamps, bulllon,
or unset preclous stones,
negotlable lnstruments, evldence ol
debt, and securltles ol all klnds.
( ( .l,.Jl l _,lLJl l ils,:Jl l .z.Jl d
l l lL _z ,s.Jl , .,.1Jl lYl
l l..JJ J,lzJl ,l.Jl _lYl il.l,1
_l.Yl _,. _. ,Jl.Jl _lYl _,.Jl .
(h) Anlmals, growlng plants, crops,
or standlng tlmber.
( g ( l s.Jl il.l,.Jl l il.l,Jl
,.l.Jl il,lJl l:l l ) ,,:Jl (
..lzJl .
(l) Land and enclosures dams,
reservolrs, plers, wharves, [ettles,
brldges, or tunnels.
( L ( ...Jl ,..Jl .lLJl _Yl
il.lJl l ,Jl _z :....Jl ..Yl
l il..Jl l _..Jl ,.. ..l
l .Jl _l..Yl .
([) Constructlonal plant, equlpment,
and any vehlcle llcensed lor road
use, rallway locomotlves, and
rolllng stock, water cralt, or alrcralt,
or property contalned ln water cralt
or alrcralt.
( _ ( ,s. ,l .l.,Jl il... il,.
.. ilLl ilLJl _z l....xJ
Jl ,.,.Jl ds.Jl _lJl l.Jl il...
l _z :..Jl ilsJ...Jl l il.lLJl
il.lLJl l _lJl .
(k) roperty whllst ln translt other
than at any premlses descrlbed ln
the Schedule, or property whlch at
the tlme ol the happenlng ol such
destructlon or damage ls lnsured by
or would but lor the exlstence ol
thls pollcy be lnsured by any Marlne
ollcy or ollcles, except ln respect
ol any excess beyond the amount
whlch would have been payable
under the Marlne ollcy or ollcles
had thls lnsurance not been
( d ( ...Jl l. l.s ,.Jl ., _s. _.Jl ilsJ
_s, l .Jl _z :... _sl.l _l _z
J.Jl dJ: . i _s. _.Jl ilsJ...Jl
.Jl l _l _s..Jl _. _ls _.Jl l ...
dJ: .,J,Jl ::> . 1J ... _s.
,l ,., ,, _Jl, l .,J,
l l.. :.l, ,l, _J.., l. .l.1..l, _J,.J
_. _ls _:Jl _z.Jl ,.. _s, _l _s..Jl
1J ,,Jl _Jl,Jl l .,J,Jl ,.,
::> . .,J,Jl .
(l) uocuments, manuscrlpts,
buslness books, or computer
systems records lor the value to the
lnsured ol the lnlormatlon
contalned thereln.
( ( il.....Jl .lz.Jl l ilLL.Jl l
,l.Jl l _JSl ,.lJl .L.l ix. l
il.J..JJ ...Jl .,zJl, .,zJl
.....Jl l,z .
Powever the Company wlll
lndemnlly the lnsured ln respect ol
loss destructlon or damage to:
l.,z J _..Jl _... s:Jl _l ,
_J.., :l.Jl, _:Jl .Jl l J.Jl l
., _J, :
(1) uocuments, manuscrlpts, and
buslness books but only lor the
value ol the materlals as statlonery,
together wlth the cost ol clerlcal
labour expended ln wrltlng up.
(1) .lz.Jl ilLL.Jl l il.....Jl
,l.Jl , Lzz _sJ 1. .l.Jl .,z
il,J.s .Js. _J zl. ,.lLzJl
g..Jl .
(2) Computer systems records but
only lor the value ol the materlals
together wlth the costs and
expenses necessarlly lncurred by
the lnsured ln reproduclng such
records (excludlng any cost or
expense ln connectlon wlth the
productlon ol lnlormatlon to be
recorded thereln).
(2) .l.Jl .,z, Lzz ,.lJl .L.l .,
zl. _.Jl ,l..Jl ,Jls.Jl _J
:.ls _z :.Jl, J _..Jl l>.,s.,
dJ. gl....l .l.Jl ) l .Js. ,l .l.1..l,
l...l, _J... ,l.. _.Jl il.J..Jl
l>., ,.,. l,z .(
M. roperty held ln trust or on
commlsslon unless speclllcally
covered under the ollcy.
( , ( l .l.Yl ,., :..Jl ilsJ...Jl
_l.l _Js :lL. _s. ,J l. J..Jl
.,J,Jl ::> _z l. .
3- (a) Loss ol use or consequentlal
loss ol any klnd or descrlptlon
3- ( l ( _sl,...1l .z.Jl l l....1l _l.zz
_. _ls l,l .. l _. _l .
(b) Loss resultlng lrom dlshonesty,
lraudulent actlon, trlck devlce, or
other lalse pretence.
( , ( l .l.Yl ,.s _s .l.Jl :l.Jl
_Jl .s l .ls.l _l l _l. J,.
,:ls .
(c) Loss resultlng lrom thelt unless
accompanled by vlolence to
persons, or threat ol vlolence, or
lorclble and vlolent entry to or exlt
lrom the premlses.
( _ ( l: 1 .Jl _s .l.Jl :l.Jl
i..l _.., _.Jl ..Jl l.sl, lJ
l .Jl ..Jl, .,..Jl, l _l:Yl
:zJl, _Jl _ls.Jl _. .
(d) Loss resultlng lrom unexplalned
or mysterlous dlsappearance, or
shortage revealed at any perlodlc
lnventory, or shortages ln the
supply or dellvery ol materlals, or
loss or shortage due to clerlcal or
accountlng error.
( . ( _z.Jl l .l..1l _s .l.Jl :l.Jl
_:Jl _.Jl, _.z.Jl l :,... :..,
i1l l _. . _l _z L, _:Jl
.,. _z _z.Jl l..l l .l.Jl ,,J.. l
l g..Jl _z lL _s ,., l.. _z.Jl l
lL _s _,l. .
(e) Cost ol replaclng or llxlng
materlals lor deslgnlng or
manulacturlng lmperllctlon.
( .> ( _.Jl .l.Jl g,J.. l l.,..l .Js.
_L.. l ,....Jl _z ,,s l ,,s _Js
l.]l l ,,...Jl .
(l) Contamlnatlon, pollutlon,
lnherent vlce wear, and tear
corroslon, rust, vermln, lungus rot,
gradual deterloratlon, delormatlon,
or dlstortlon, shrlnkage,
evaporatlon, loss ol welght, change
ln llavour, colour, texture, or llnlsh,
or actlon ol llght.
( ( l _.lsJl ,,.Jl l J.Jl l ..Jl
_J,Jl ,lJl l l..Jl l s.Jl l .l.>1l
) Jl ,J,.LJl il: ( l _..Jl l L.Jl l
l ,:.Jl l _,..Jl ::.Jl l >..Jl
,. l _Jl .zz l ,.Jl l _Jz.Jl
l >Jl :.l.Jl ,. l _JJl l ,.LJl
..Jl 1l l _l.,Jl .
(g) 1he cost ol normal upkeep or
normal maklng good.
( ( .l,.Jl .Js. gx.]l l ,.l.Jl
_.l.Jl .
(h) 1he lreezlng or solldlllcatlon ol
molten materlal.
( g ( J.l.Jl .l.Jl ,J.. l ... .
4- Loss destructlon or damage by
storm, tempest, water, sand, dust,
hall, lrost, or snow to property.
4- J, _:Jl .Jl l J.Jl l :l.Jl _
,.lsYl l .l.Jl .l _. ilsJ...Jl,
.,Jl l l,Jl l l.Jl l :l,.Jl l l
_J1Jl l _,z.Jl .
(a) ln the open (other than
bulldlngs, structures, and plant
deslgned to exlst and operate ln the
( l ( .l.Jl _z ) sl,Jl _.l,.Jl _s l.s
l,.Jl _z ... _s. _Y ....Jl i
.l.Jl .(
(b) Contalned ln open-slded
( , ( ,.lJl ... _l,. _z :..Jl .
unless so descrlbed and speclllcally
lnsured as a separate ltem ln the
.Jl l:> _Js .Jl :... _s. ,J l.
_s. ,J l. l. ... l.., l..,
.Jl _z xz... .
3- 1he amount stated ln the
Schedule as the deductlble ln
respect ol each and every
occurrence or a serles ol
occurrence consequent on or
attrlbutable to one source or
orlglnal cause glvlng rlse to loss,
destructlon, or damage the sub[ect
ol lndemnlty under thls ollcy.
3- ..Jl .., .Jl _z .lJl _J,.Jl
( :..Jl :l.Jl ( l 1.l s, _J.., l.,z
... _J .. l _s .l. .l J.J.
:l.Jl _J .l .l _J.l ,,., l .l
,., _,..Jl . .Jl l J.Jl l
::> .,J,Jl .
6- Any loss, destructlon, or damage
dlrectly or lndlrectly occasloned by
or through or ln consequence ol:-
6- s:, ,l. . l J. l :l. ,l
l :l,. l x _. l _s :l,. ,
,.., :
(a) War lnvaslon, act ol lorelgn
enemy hostllltles, or warllke
operatlons (whether war be
declared or not) and clvll war.
( l ( _,.Yl ..Jl l.sl l Jl l ,Jl
l ,: il,J..Jl l ,.l..Jl l.sYl
,,Jl ) , l .J.. ,Jl i.ls .l.
.J.. ( ,J>Yl ,Jl .
(b) Mutlny clvll commotlon
assumlng the proportlons ol or
amountlng to a popular rlslng,
mllltary rlslng, lnsurrectlon
rebelllon, revolutlon mllltary, or
usurped power ol any act ol any
person actlng on behall ol or ln
connectlon wlth any organlzatlon
wlth actlvltles dlrected towards the
overthrow by lorce ol the
Covernment or to the lnlluenclng ol
lt by terrorlsm or vlolence (lor the
purpose thls provlslon terrorlsm
shall mean the use ol vlolence lor
polltlcal ends & shall lnclude any
use ol vlolence lor the purpose ol
puttlng the publlc or any sectlon ol
the publlc ln lear.
( , ( _:Jl _...Jl ,lL.1l l _l,..Jl
. _J ., l ,,.:Jl .l...1l
l ...Jl l gJ..Jl _l,..Jl l ,s..Jl
:zJl l :1Jl ,l..l l ,s..Jl
.., _: _l _. .l _l l LJ.Jl
.., l.,z l _s ,l,.Jl, _: ,,L.. ,l,
zJl, lL;J . L:.l .sJl, :
,1l.Jl l ..lzJl l ,s:Jl _. l,Js
:z.Jl ::> _J ...Jl l ,l>]l x
l....l ,l>]l, ..z.Jl _z :zJl
..JJ l....l _l .:, ,.l,. _lY
_l l ,>l.Jl _,, s:Jl sl: _J
.Jl _. . .
(c) 1- ermanent or temporary
dlspossesslon resultlng lrom
conllscatlon, natlonallzatlon,
commandeerlng, or requlsltlon by
any Lawlully constltuted authorlty.
( _ ( ,sJ.Jl _. i.Jl l ,.l.Jl .,.Jl .
.x,..1l l ,,.l.Jl l :.l..Jl _s ,l.Jl
s:, ..l LJ. ,l ,.l _. _..l .
2- ermanent or temporary
dlspossesslon ol any bulldlng
resultlng lrom the unlawlul
occupatlon ol such bulldlng by any
2 _Y ,sJ.Jl _. i.Jl l ,.l.Jl .,.Jl .
_.,. _..lzJl , x.1l .s ,., l..
_: _l , _. _.,.Jl dJ:J .
rovlded that the Company ls not
relleved ol any llablllty to the
lnsured ln respect ol physlcal
damage to the roperty lnsured
occurrlng belore dlspossesslon or
durlng temporary dlspossesslon
whlch ls otherwlse lnsured by thls
,J... ,l _. s:Jl _... 1 _l _Js
:l. z J _..Jl _.l.Jl .Jl, _J.., l.,
_s, l.. ...Jl ilsJ...Jl, _J, _:Jl
_J . _. .,.Jl , ilsJ...Jl,
,sJ.Jl _. i.Jl .,.Jl .l.1l l ,sJ.Jl
_s, l.. ::> ,., l... dJ: x,
.,J,Jl .
(d) 1he destructlon ol property by
order ol any publlc authorlty.
( . ( . .ls LJ. ,l .l, ilsJ...Jl ,.. .
ln any actlon sult or other
proceedlng where the Company
alleges that by reason ol the
provlslons ol Lxceptlons 6 (a) and
(b) above, any loss destructlon or
damage ls not covered by thls
lnsurance, the burden ol provlng
that such loss destructlon or
damage ls covered shall be upon
the lnsured.
l ,. _l _z s. ,z _s.. .l l
il.l.1..1l ,lsl _J .l...1l, .l s:Jl
: ) l ( ) , ( l :l. _l _z .:xsl l J.
::> ,., _,.l.Jl, _L. , .
_l il,1 .,s _z ..,J,Jl :l.Jl dJ.
l _Js _z, _,.l.Jl, _L. .Jl l J.Jl
J _..Jl .
7- Any loss destructlon or damage
dlrectly or lndlrectly caused by/or
arlslng lrom, or ln consequence ol,
or contrlbuted to/by:
7 ,., l.. . l J. l :l. ,l .
:l,. s:, l _s :l,. , l l ,..
sl:., :
(a) nuclear weapons materlal.
( l ( ,. J.l :.l. .
(b) lonlslng radlatlons or
contamlnatlon by radloactlvlty lrom
any nuclear luel or lrom any
nuclear waste lrom the combustlon
ol nuclear luel. Solely lor the
purpose ol thls Lxceptlon 7 (b)
combustlon shall lnclude any sell-
sustalnlng process ol nuclear
( , ( x _. J.Jl l _l.:]l l _,.l.Jl
_. . _l _s .l.Jl _sl.:]l Ll:.Jl
,. ,l.. ,l l .Jl l..:l .l _.
_.Jl ( .l.1..1l l:> _J Lzz ) , (
:1l .:, ,:.Jl ,.l: ,J.s _l l..
_.Jl lL:.xJ ).
1- uellnltlon:
1 ,..Jl . :
1hls ollcy and the Schedule shall
be read together as one contract
and any word or expresslon to
whlch a speclllc meanlng has been
attached ln any part ol thls ollcy or
ol the Schedule shall bear such
meanlng wherever lt may appear.
l.l l.zs .Jl .,J,Jl ::> ...
_s, _l l,J ...l :l,s l .Js ,Y
.,J,Jl ::> _. . _l _z ... _...
.Jl l .. . l.1, _...Jl il: .
2- Mlsdescrlptlon:
2 _z l.1l . .Jl :
ll there be any materlal
mlsdescrlptlon ol any ol the
roperty lnsured or ol any bulldlng
or place ln whlch such property ls
contalned or any mlsrepresentatlon
as to any lact materlal to be known
lor estlmatlng the rlsk or any
omlsslon to state such lact, the
Company shall not be llable under
thls ollcy so lar as lt relates to
property allected by any such
mlsdescrlptlon mlsrepresentatlon
or omlsslon.
_. _l . _z _> ,J.. _l . l:
ilsJ...Jl _ls. l _.,. _l l ...Jl
l l ilsJ...Jl dJ. _..., _z ,J.. _
,l _l:, g,..Jl l.z.. _s. .l
,., ,J l: l .zl.Jl ,,,z.J .l>
.lJl dJ. _s g,..Jl _J s:Jl _z
.zJl, .,J,Jl ::> ,., J.. _s.
x... dJ: _s, _:Jl _l . ilsJ...Jl,
l.]l l g,..Jl l .Jl _z ,J.. .
3- Alteratlon:
3 Jl . ,,. :
under any ol the lollowlng
clrcumstances the lnsurance under
thls ollcy ceases to attach as
regards the property allected,
unless the lnsured belore the
occurrence ol any loss or damage
obtalns the sanctlon ol the
Company slgnllled by endorsement
upon the ollcy by or on behall ol
the Company.
_z .s _...Jl _,.l.Jl ... _., 1
::> LJl _. L _l i. .,J,Jl
l: 1 :1l..Jl ilsJ...Jl _Js ,Jl.Jl
_..Jl . l :l. ,l _ , J
,., _.Jl s:Jl zzl. _Js . l J.
,L., l.l,1 .,J,Jl l s:Jl , _.
l.s ,l,.Jl, .
(a) ll the trade or manulacture
carrled on be altered, or ll the
nature ol the occupatlon ol or
other clrcumstances allectlng the
bulldlng lnsured or contalnlng the
lnsured roperty be changed ln
such a way as to lncrease the rlsk ol
loss or damage.
( l ( sl..Jl l ..Jl _z ,,. . l:
_.Jl . l: l .ilsJ...Jl _.. _.
.Yl LJl l ..Jl .,,L _z ,,.
1, l.. _:Jl l _..Jl _.,.Jl _Js
.,, ,, ...Jl ilsJ...Jl _...,
l :l.Jl :Ll. .Jl l J.Jl .
(b) ll the bulldlng lnsured or
contalnlng lnsured roperty
becomes unoccupled and so
remalns lor a perlod ol more than
30 days.
( , ( _..., _:Jl l _..Jl _.,.Jl : l:
.,. :..J ll: L ...Jl ilsJ...Jl
_s r l., .
(c) ll the roperty lnsured be
removed to any bulldlng or place
other than that ln whlch lt ls hereln
stated to be lnsured.
( _ ( _l _J ...Jl ilsJ...Jl z. l:
_.,. ::> _z .,.l., g..Jl ,
.,J,Jl .
ll the lnterest ln the roperty
lnsured passes lrom the lnsured
otherwlse than by wlll or operatlon
ol law.
(A) ( . ( ilsJ...Jl _z J..Jl iJz..l l:
_. ,.Jl ,,., lz..1l x, J _..Jl
_.lzJJ 1l.sl l .
4- Cancellatlon:
4 .lJ]l . :
1hls lnsurance may be termlnated
at any tlme at the request ol the
lnsured ln whlch case the Company
wlll retaln the customary short
perlod rate lor the tlme the ollcy
has been ln lorce. 1hls lnsurance
may also at any tlme be termlnated
at the optlon ol the Company on
notlce to that ellect belng glven to
the lnsured ln whlch case the
Company shall be llable to repay on
demand a rateable proportlon ol
the premlum lor the unexplred
term lrom the date ol the
_Js '.l., i _l _z _,.l.Jl l:> .l. ,
,JL L... JlJl ::> _z J _..Jl
_,.l.Jl :.. _Js _,L.Jl ..Jl, s:Jl
:,.zJl ls _:Jl _.JJ ,..Jl, .,J, i.
,z ,l. _,.l.Jl . ::> .l. , l.s
_z .,J,Jl l,.l _., i _l
J _..Jl _J dJ:, l.: ,., s:Jl
_s. JlJl ::> _z _s J.. s:Jl
_z...Jl L.zJl ,.. J _..Jl .,...
_.z.. ,J _.Jl :..Jl _s g,l. _. ll,.sl
.lJ]l .
3- Saleguards and Malntenance:
3 Lzl.Jl ,l.Jl . :
1he lnsured shall at all tlmes and as
lar as ls reasonably practlcable take
steps to saleguard the roperty
lnsured and malntaln lt ln a proper
state ol repalr. 1he lnsured shall
also take steps to enlorce the
observance ol all statutory
provlslons, manulacturer's
recommendatlons, and other
regulatlons relatlng to the salety
use and lnspectlon ol the roperty
_,. _z ,z, _l J _..Jl _Js _,..,
ilYl :l.l, z..Jl .. _..
..Jl ,l.J .s..Jl ilLJl ilsJ.
l,Js Lzl.Jl ...Jl :., Jl _z
gx.]l _. . J _..Jl _Js _,.., l.s
.,z.Jl _. .sl.JJ ilLJl :l.l _,.,
..l.Jl Jl il,.. ,..lzJl ,lsYl
.x., J...Jl Yl .L.Yl
l..,l.. lJl....l ...Jl ilsJ...Jl .
6- Clalms:
6 il,JlL.Jl . :
Cn the happenlng ol any loss
destructlon or damage the lnsured
shall lorthwlth glve notlce thereol
ln wrltlng to the Company and shall
wlthln 13 days alter such loss,
destructlon, or damage or such
lurther tlme as the Company may ln
wrltlng allow at hls own expense
dellver to the Company a clalm ln
wrltlng contalnlng as partlcular an
account as may be reasonably
practlcable ol the several artlcles or
portlons ol property lost,
destroyed, or damaged and ol the
amount ol such loss, destructlon, or
damage thereto respectlvely havlng
regard to thelr value at the tlme ol
the loss, destructlon, or damage
together wlth detalls ol any other
lnsurances on any property hereby
lnsured. 1he lnsured shall also glve
to the Company all such prools and
lnlormatlon wlth respect to the
clalm as may be reasonably
requlred together wlth (lt
demanded) a statutory declaratlon
ol the truth ol the clalm and ol any
matters connected therewlth. no
clalm under thls ollcy shall be
payable unless the terms ol thls
Condltlon have been complled wlth.
. l J. l :l. ,l _ l _z
_Js _,.., .Jl _Js ,z, _l J _..Jl
,z, _l .s:Jl _J _L l.: ,.,
_. _z e dJ: l :l.Jl dJ. .., l.,
:..Jl dJ. _. _z l .Jl l J.Jl
_.Jl ,zl.]l l.:, s:Jl l, g... .
_L ) ,z, ( .. _Js s:Jl ,,J.., .z
_.... ,L ,JlL. .z, x... l..
J..J z..Jl .. _.. _ls.]l
ilsJ...Jl .ll l ..,Jl l :.z..Jl
l :l.Jl dJ. l.z. :...Jl l .Jl.Jl
J _.. l.. .Jl l J.Jl _. .l.. s
J.Jl l :l.Jl . ..s l.., :lsl.
, .Jl l ,.l.. _J zl.]l il.,.l. ,l
::> ,., ... ilsJ... ,Y l
.,J,Jl . J _..Jl _Js _,.., l.s .lLs
il.J..Jl il.l,1]l dJ. _,. s:Jl
_.. ,JL. . _.Jl ,JlL.JJ ,..Jl, ..
zl.]l, z..Jl ) dJ: ,JL l: ( _J
.l.. ,l ,JlL.Jl _.., _..l g,..
.. l, J. . ,l _s _,..Jl ,., _J
,., ,J l. .,J,Jl ::> ,., ,JlL.
.,z.Jl L:Jl l:> ,lsl, .
ln the case ol property lost or
stolen or ll wllllul or mallclous
damage ls suspected, the lnsured
shall lmmedlately notlly the pollce
and render all reasonable
asslstance ln causlng the dlscovery
and punlshment ol any gullty
person and ln traclng and
recoverlng lost or stolen property.
l: l l.. l ilsJ...Jl .zz l _z
. _,.., .z _.,s . _, :l,.:l
_x,, .Jl _Js ,z, _l J _..Jl _Js
L:Jl s ,,.z. _.. .s.. :.sl..
.l _: _l ,l.. l:.sl _J
_,.. _J ,.:Jl ilsJ...Jl :.l...l
..Jl l :.z..Jl .
7- Company's 8lghts alter a Loss:
7 .z.Jl _ .., s:Jl _z . :
Cn the happenlng ol any loss,
destructlon, or damage to any ol
the roperty lnsured the Company
_. _Y . l J. l .zz _l . ..s
ilsJ...Jl s:JJ , ...Jl :
(a) Lnter and take and keep
possesslon ol the bulldlng or
premlses where the loss or damage
has happened.
( l ( l _.,.Jl, L... :l. .. _l
_:Jl z.Jl ,z iJ. .Jl l :l.Jl .
(b) 1ake possesslon ol or requlre to
be dellvered to them any property
ol the lnsured ln the bulldlng or on
the premlses at the tlme ol the loss
or damage.
( , ( ,l l.,J.. ,JL l _Js :l..1l
ilsJ... _z :.. _s. J _..JJ
z l _.,.Jl .z.Jl . i _z _ls.Jl _
.Jl l .
(c) keep possesslon ol any such
property and examlne, sort,
arrange, remove, or otherwlse deal
wlth the same.
( _ ( ilsJ...Jl dJ. _. _l _Js :l..1l
dJ. _z l,,.. l l>z l ilsJ...Jl
x, l.. .l..Jl l lJz. l dJ: .
(d) Sell any such property or
dlspose ol the same lor account ol
whom lt may concern.
( . ( l :s:.Jl ilsJ...Jl _. _l _,,
l, ..Jl .Yl ., _. ,l.J .
1he powers conlerred by thls
Condltlon shall be exerclsable by
the Company at any tlme untll
notlce ln wrltlng ls glven by the
lnsured that they make no clalm
under thls ollcy, or ll any clalm ls
made untll such clalm ls llnally
determlned or wlthdrawn, and the
Company shall not by any act done
ln the exerclse or purported
exerclse ol thelr powers hereunder
lncur any llablllty to the lnsured or
dlmlnlsh thelr rlght to reply upon
any ol the Condltlons ol thls ollcy
ln answer to any clalm.
il,x.Jl .l.. s:JJ ,
lJ ...Jl _l _z L:Jl l:> ,.,
J _..Jl _. l.: ,. ,., _l _J i
,.l, l..z, _J ::> ,., ,JlL. ,l
_J ,JlL. ,l ,,.z. ,. l: l ..,J,Jl
s:, i,Jl ,., _l l ,JlL.Jl dJ. _z _.l.
_l .l _. s:Jl ... 1 .l,.
_z , ,z. .. _l _.., l. l .l..
l.s _...Jl l.l,x.J .l.. _s,
,l .L:Jl l:> ,., .l ,J..
_l _Js .Jl _z lz _z., 1 J _..Jl
.Jl _z .,J,Jl ::> L: _. ,l _Js
,JlL. .
ll the lnsured or any person on thelr
behall shall not comply wlth the
requlrements ol the Company or
shall hlnder or obstruct the
Company ln the exerclse ol thelr
powers hereunder all benellt under
thls ollcy shall be lorlelted.
.s ,., _. l J _..Jl .,z., ,J l:
L:, s:Jl _lsl l _.. l: l s:Jl
_z l.s _...Jl l.l,x. .l.. _z
::> .... s .z., .z ..,J,Jl
.,J,Jl ::> _z l.s _... .
1he lnsured shall not ln any case be
entltled to abandon any property to
the Company whether taken
possesslon ol by the Company or
lYl _. l _l, J _..JJ _, 1
_J.Jl .l. ilsJ... ,l _s s:JJ
1 ,l s:Jl l,Js i:..l .
8- lorlelture:
8 _l.Jl . :
ll any clalms upon thls ollcy be ln
any respect lraudulent, or ll any
lraudulent means or devlces are
used by the lnsured or any one
actlng on hls behall to obtaln any
benellt under thls ollcy, or ll the
loss, destructlon, or damage be
occasloned by the wlllul act or wlth
the connlvance ol the lnsured all
benellt under thls ollcy shall be
::> ,., il,JlL. ,l i.ls l:
_L.. .,J,Jl _. _l _. _ _Js
_. l J _..Jl ,...l l: l :Jl
l .l. ,l .s ,., _JJ il.l
l ::> ,., .... _Js .JJ .,J,J
l J.Jl l :l.Jl iJ. l: l .Jl
_..Jl , _. .....Jl ..Jl .l _.
.... s ., .z .z.., l J
.,J,Jl ::> _z l.s _... .
9- 1lme Llmltatlon:
9 ,..lzJl J.Jl . :
ll a clalm be made and re[ected,
and an actlon or sult be not
commenced wlthln three months
alter such re[ectlon or (ln case ol an
arbltratlon taklng place ln
pursuance ol the Condltlon 14 ol
thls ollcy) wlthln three months
alter, the Arbltrator shall have
made hls award all benellt under
thls ollcy shall be lorlelted.
,., ,J l: l. ,JlL. _z ,,.z. ,. l:
_:Jl l .l _z s. _. _z 1x1
_zJl dJ: .., : ) . l _z
L:Jl ,., ,,s. t .,J,Jl ::> _. (
_z ,s.Jl _s, _l .., : 1x1 _.
.... s Lz.. :....z :l ..l .
_... .,J,Jl ::> _z l,Js .
10- 8elnstatement:
10 _,l.Jl _.Jl _J _l]l . :
ll the Company elects or becomes
bound to relnstate or replace any
property, the lnsured shall at hls
own expense produce and glve to
the Company all such plans,
documents, books, and lnlormatlon
as the Company may reasonably
requlre. 1he Company shall not be
bound to relnstate exactly or
completely but only as
clrcumstances permlt and ln
reasonably sulllclent manner and
shall not ln any case be bound to
expend ln respect ol any one ol the
ltems lnsured more than the Sum
lnsured thereon.
.J. i,.l l: l s:Jl il.l l:
:.ls, l _,l.Jl l.. _J ilsJ... ,l
_l J _..Jl _Js _,.., .z .lJl.,..l,
,, dJ. _,. .z.. _Js l,L., s:JJ
. _.Jl il.J..Jl .lz.Jl ilLL.Jl
l,JL. z..Jl .. _.. s:Jl . _J
l ,l. s:, :.ls]l, .J. s:Jl _s.
_sJ ..ls LJl , g... l. .z, Lzz
_J z..Jl .. _.. ,zls z,L,
l _l, .J. _s. _... _l, lYl _.
1sl ...Jl ..,Jl _. .l _Y ,..Jl,
, _..Jl _J,.Jl _. l.s .
11- Subrogatlon:
11 x]l . :
1he lnsured shall at the expense ol
the Company do and concur ln
dolng and permlt to be done all
such acts and thlngs as may be
necessary or reasonably requlred
by the Company lor the purpose ol
enlorclng any rlghts and remedles,
or ol obtalnlng rellel or lndemnlty
lrom other partles to whlch the
Company shall be or would become
entltled or subrogated upon thelr
paylng lor or llxlng any loss,
destructlon, or damage under thls
ollcy, whether such acts and thlngs
shall be or become necessary or
requlred belore or alter hls
lndemnlllcatlon by the Company.
z.. _Js ,z, _l J _..Jl _Js _,..,
s:Jl gl..Jll ,l,zJl _Js _zl, _l
. _.Jl .l,:Yl l.sYl dJ. _,., ,l,zJl,
_s. _.. s:Jl l,JL. _.Jl l .1
_z ,l :,... _J z..Jl ..
l...l .l. s .Jl l l l.. _J
g,., l s:JJ _, l.. ,Jl _. _,..
.Jl s:Jl _ _. . _l l ,Js
l _s _,..Jl, l.l, ..s dJ: J.
. l J. l :l. ,l gx. ,.,
l l.sYl dJ. i.ls .l. .,J,Jl ::>
, ,JL. l .1 i,.l l .l,:Yl l
_,..Jl _Js J. .., s:Jl _. .
12- Contrlbutlon:
12 .>l..Jl . :
ll at the tlme ol any loss,
destructlon, or damage happenlng
to any roperty lnsured there be
any other subslstlng lnsurance or
lnsurances, whether ellected by the
lnsured or by any other person or
persons coverlng the same
property, the Company shall not be
llable to pay or contrlbute more
than thelr rateable proportlon ol
such loss destructlon or damage.
l J. l :l. ,l . i _z . l:
. l _,.l. _l l,Js _.. ilsJ... _Y
. ...Jl ,l. l il.,.l. _. i.. .l
, l i _: _l , _. l J _..Jl
_L, _,.l.Jl l:> _ls _,i _l:l
_.. _s. _J s:Jl _z .ilsJ...Jl
_. 1sl, .>l..Jl l _z. _s J..
,,..Jl l.. l J.Jl l :l.Jl dJ. _.
.Jl .
13- Average:
13 . ) _,l.Jl L...Jl :(
ll the roperty lnsured shall at the
tlme ol any loss, destructlon, or
damage be collectlvely ol greater
value than the Sum lnsured
thereon, then the lnsured shall be
consldered as belng hls own lnsurer
lor the dlllerence and shall bear a
rateable proportlon ol the-loss
accordlngly. Lvery ltem ll more than
one ol the ollcy shall be separately
sub[ect to thls Condltlon.
..s ls.. _z ilsJ...Jl ., i.ls l:
. _s .,. .Jl l J.Jl l :l.Jl
,.., :....z l,Js , _..Jl _J,.Jl
J _..Jl _l ,Js _.Jl _s ...J l...
dJ:J lzz :l.Jl _. ,.. ,l .., .
s _., .l .., _. 1sl . l: ..,
z... s:, L:Jl l:> _J .
14- Arbltratlon:
14 ,,s.Jl . :
ll any dlllerence shall arlse as to the
amount to be pald under thls ollcy
(llablllty belng otherwlse admltted)
such dlllerence shall be relerred to
an arbltrator to be appolnted by the
partles ln accordance wlth the
statutory provlslon ln that behall
lor the tlme belng ln lorce. Where
any dlllerence ls by thls Condltlon
to be relerred to arbltratlon, the
maklng ol an award shall be a
condltlon precedent to any rlght ol
actlon agalnst the Company.
,..Jl _J,.Jl _l:, x _l l:. l:
,., .z. .,J,Jl ::> ) l]l L:,
,J...Jl, ( ,s. _J xJl dJ: l,
_lzLJl .,., _: _..lzJl _.JJ lzz
.., ...Jl _l. _s, _:Jl J.Jl : . _z
x _l Jl l _J L:Jl l:> ,.,
lL: _s, ,sJl l.. _z ,,s.Jl
_l :l.l _z _ _Y lz,.. .. .l
s:Jl .
13- Cbservance ol Condltlons:
13 L:Jl, .,z.Jl . :
1he due observance and lulllllment
ol the terms, condltlons, and
endorsements ol thls ollcy by the
lnsured ln so lar as they relate to
anythlng to be done or complled
wlth by them, shall be condltlons
precedent to any llablllty ol the
Company to make payment under
thls ollcy.
L: ,lsl, ,lJl .lzJl .,z.Jl _s,
::> l _. .,J,Jl _J .J _..Jl ,.
._: _l, xs il: ,z _s. _:Jl .Jl
_,.., lL: ,.l _. , ,l.J1l l ,l,zJl
_z. _z ,J.. ,Y s:Jl ..J lz,..
.,J,Jl ::> ,., _,.. .
Lngllsh 1ext
_,.Jl _.Jl
Advocacy Law
:l.l.Jl _.l
Chapter Cne
Yl ,l,Jl
uellnltlon ol the rolesslon ol Advocacy and the
Condltlons lor ractlclng lt
l.Jl. L: :l.l.Jl .. ,..
Artlcle 1
_JYl :.l.Jl
1he prolesslon ol advocacy under thls Law means
pleadlng on behall ol another belore law courts, the
8oard ol Crlevances and commlttees set up under
the regulatlons, orders and declslons to conslder
cases lalllng wlthln thelr competence as well as
provldlng Sharl'ah and [other] legal consultatlons.
1he person practlclng thls prolesslon ls known as an
advocate. Lvery person shall have the rlght to plead
on hls own behall.
,l.l ,Jl _s _zl.Jl ,lL.Jl l:> _z :l.l.Jl .., ..z,
.L.Yl ,., Js:.Jl _lJJl .,JlL.Jl _l,. ,sl.Jl
L.JJ illzJl .lYl .l.l..l _z Jl.Jl l,l.zJl _z
Jl ,s:Jl ill:..1l Jl. ,.lL. . _. _.., ::> l,
... _s _zl., _l _: sJ _, .l,.l. ..Jl .
Artlcle 2
,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
1he Mlnlstry ol !ustlce shall prepare a general
reglster lor reglsterlng the names ol practlclng
advocates and another lor non practltloners as at the
date ol reglstratlon. 1he two reglsters shall lnclude
the partlculars specllled by the 8lll ol
lmplementatlon ol thls Law, and the Mlnlstry ol
!ustlce shall transler the name ol the advocate who
ceases to practlce the prolesslon lor more than a
year lrom the reglster ol practlclng advocates to the
reglster ol non practlclng advocates ln accordance
wlth the saleguards establlshed by the 8lll ol
lmplementatlon ol thls Law.
_,.l.Jl .l..l .,,z.J l.ls 1. ..Jl :l ... _,.l..Jl
,. _,.l..Jl ,J i _l ,, .,..Jl g,l. i
_Js _1.Jl ..:, l:J ,:,...Jl .xJl l>... _.Jl il.l,,Jl
,.l z. ..Jl :l _Js .,lL.Jl _s ., _:Jl _.l.Jl
_,.l..Jl _,.l.Jl . _. .. _Js .,. :.. ..Jl Jl.
.xJl l>... L,l. _z _,.l..Jl , _,.l.Jl . _J
l:J ,:,...Jl ,lL.Jl .
Artlcle 3
1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
Pe who practlces the prolesslon ol advocacy must
, _l :l.l.Jl .. l, _.,z L.:, _z l.,z. ..l _s
have hls name reglstered ln the reglster ol practlclng
advocates and he whose name ls reglstered ln thls
reglster must:
l:, ..l .,z, _.,z L.:, ._,.l..Jl _,.l.Jl .
_.l, l. .Jl :
A. 8e a Saudl natlonal. lt shall be permlsslble lor a
non-Saudl to practlce the prolesslon ol advocacy ln
accordance wlth the provlslons ol agreements
between the klngdom and other countrles.
l . Jl. _...Jl ,J , .,..Jl _... _s, _l ..
_. l>, sJ..Jl _,, il,l..1l , _.z. l.J lz,L :l.l.Jl
.Jl .
8. 8e ln possesslon ol a degree lrom a Sharl'ah
college or a 8.A degree ln law lrom one ol the
unlversltles ol the klngdom or the equlvalent ol
elther ol these two degrees lrom outslde the
klngdom or a dlploma ln law studles lrom the
lnstltute ol ubllc Admlnlstratlon lollowlng the
obtalnlng ol a unlverslty degree.
, . : l .,:Jl ,Js :.l: _Js x.l _s, _l :.l
_,Jls,Jl " .L.l _.. " l. l sJ..Jl il..l . _.
_l _. l... l,l .l., _. .L.Yl il.l. ,J,. l .sJ..Jl
:.l:Jl _Js .Jl .., .l.Jl :l.]l ... ,..lJl .
C. Must have experlence ln the nature ol [legal] work
lor a perlod ol not less than 3 years and such perlod
shall be reduced to one year lor the holder ol an M.A
degree ln lslamlc Sharl'ah or [other] legal
speclallzatlon or the equlvalent ol elther ol these two
or a dlploma ln legal studles as regards the graduates
ol the laculty ol Sharl'ah. 1he holder ol a doctorate ln
the lleld ol speclallzatlon shall be exempt lrom such
_ . _s z. 1 :..J ..Jl .,,L _z :, ,.J zl.. _l x1
:.l: _Js .lJJ :.l .. _J :..Jl ::> _.. .il..
.,:Jl _z ,..l.Jl .Yl _.. _z l .,.x.]l l. l .L
.L.Yl il.l. ,J,. l .l... l,l .l., ,Js _,J ,..Jl,
_z :l.s.Jl :.l: _Js .lJl :..Jl ::> _. _.., ..,:Jl
_..Jl l. .
u. 8e ol good conduct and behavlor and must not be
. . ,Js . , dJ.Jl :,.Jl _. _s, _l .
L. Must not have been sentenced to a (Sharl'ah)
punlshment or to punlshment lor a crlme agalnst
honor or honesty, unless at least 3 years must have
elapsed slnce the executlon ol the sentence.
.> . J. ., _z ,z., l ., ,Js ,s . _s, 1l
l :Jl, ,sJl :,... .l..l _Js _.. . _s, ,J l. ..l.Yl
_Js il.. _. Yl .
l. 8e resldlng ln the klngdom.
. sJ..Jl _z l.,z. _s, _l .
1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall draw up a speclmen
declaratlon to be slgned by the appllcant lor
reglstratlon contalnlng the appllcant's declaratlon
that the condltlons specllled under paragraphs u, L &
l ol thls Artlcle have been satlslled.
_..., ..,zJl ,JlL ., l _:..l ..Jl , _., :l
ilz.Jl _z :.lJl L:Jl zl., ) ..>.. ( :.l.Jl ::> _. .
Artlcle 4
lJl :.l.Jl .,
Pe who has worked on the [udlclary ln the klngdom
lor a perlod ol not less than 3 years shall be excepted
lrom paragraphs 8 and C ol Artlcle 3.
_,.z.Jl _. _.1.., ) _., ( J iz,. _. 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl _.
il.. x1 _s z. 1 :..J sJ..Jl _z .l.zJl .l.. .
Artlcle 3
..lJl :.l.Jl
1he appllcatlon lor reglstratlon ln the reglster shall
be submltted pursuant to a lorm to be specllled by
the 8lll ol lmplementatlon ol thls Law to a commlttee
,.z, .xJl :... _:..l _z .Jl _z .,zJl ,JL ,:,...Jl
_. J. ._,.l.Jl , ., .J _J ,lL.Jl l:J :
lor the reglstratlon and admlsslon ol advocates
conslstlng ol:
1. A deputy (Mlnlster) lrom the Mlnlstry ol !ustlce to
be appolnted by the Mlnlster ol !ustlce (Chalrman).
1. ..Jl , .,., ..Jl :l _. ,s ) l.,. .(
2. A representatlve lrom the 8oard ol Crlevances
wlth the rank ol not less than the equlvalent ol a
presldent ol an A" court to be appolnted by the
resldent ol the 8oard ol Crlevances (Member).
2. .Jl _s .. z. 1 ,JlL.Jl _l,. _. 1.. .Jl J.l.
.s. _,.J ) l ( ,JlL.Jl _l,. _,. .,., ) l.s .(
3. A lawyer who has practlced the prolesslon lor a
perlod ol not less than 3 years to be appolnted by the
Mlnlster ol !ustlce (Member).
3. z. 1 :.. ..Jl .l.. _z l..l _.. _,.l.Jl .l _s
.. _. ..Jl , .,., .il ) l.s .(
1he competent authorlty shall nomlnate a
replacement lor absent members and membershlp ol
thls commlttee shall be lor 3 years renewable once.
.,l, ..s ..Jl . , _. ,..., ,...Jl Jl ,z.
l ::> _z ,..Jl :.. _s. .,..JJ J,l il.. x1 .JJ
:.l :. .
Artlcle 6
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
1he commlttee provlded lor under Artlcle 3 shall hold
lts meetlngs ln the presence ol all ol lts members and
shall pass lts declslons by ma[orlty. 1he commlttee
should verlly the satlslactlon ol the condltlons
specllled ln thls Law, and declde upon the
appllcatlon, ll complete, wlthln a perlod not
exceedlng 30 days lrom the date ol submlttlng the
appllcatlon, and ln the event ol a re[ectlon then the
reasons must be explalned, ll the commlttee ls
requested to do so. lt shall be permlsslble lor the
appllcant to lodge a grlevance wlth the 8oard ol
Crlevances wlthln 60 days ol belng notllled ol the
commlttee's declslon.
_,. ., ..lJl :.l.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl .JJl .z...
.. l.l.sl _. _z.. _l .JJl _Js .,,JYl, l.ll .
_...Jl L:Jl zl. ,JLJl _z i,. .,lL.Jl l:> _z l,Js
_,1x1 l.. 1 :.. x x..s. _ls l: ..,.z. g,l. _. l.,
, .dJ: l,J ,JL l: ,l,.Yl gl., ,, _zJl Jl _z
_l,. .J ,JL.Jl ,JLJl ,l.J _. l., _,.. x ,JlL.Jl
lz, x, g,l. .JJl .
Artlcle 7
.,l.Jl :.l.Jl
1he llcense to practlce the prolesslon ol advocacy
shall be lssued alter reglstratlon ln the reglster by a
resolutlon to be passed by the Mlnlster ol !ustlce ln
accordance wlth a lorm to be drawn up by the 8lll ol
lmplementatlon ol thls Law, whlch llcense shall be lor
3 years renewable pursuant to the condltlons
specllled ln thls Law. 1he appllcant lor the llcense
shall pay a lee ol 2,000 8lyals upon the lssuance ol
the llcense and 1,000 8lyals upon renewal.
.Jl _z .,zJl .., :l.l.Jl .. Jl., _,.Jl ..,
l:J ,:,...Jl .xJl :... _:..Y lzz ..Jl , _. lz,
_s. .,lL.Jl L:JJ lzz .,..JJ J,l il.. _. ...
,JlL _z., .,lL.Jl l:> _z :...Jl . l.. _,.Jl l.Jl :
.,..Jl ..s l, Jl _,.Jl l.. ..s l, .
Artlcle 8
..l1Jl :.l.Jl
1he Mlnlstry ol !ustlce shall notlly the courts, the
8oard ol Crlevances and the commlttees relerred to
under Artlcle 1 ol thls Law ol the names ol the
advocates reglstered ln the reglster ol practlclng
l:.Jl _lJJl ,JlL.Jl _l,. ,sl.Jl ..Jl :l _J,. _z l,J
:.l.Jl ) _JYl ( _z _,.,z.Jl _,.l.Jl .l..l, ,lL.Jl l:> _.
_,.l.Jl . .., .:.,.. l _,.Jl .. z _,.l..Jl
.Jl z. _z _l,, ,JlL.Jl _l,. .s _,.l.Jl .l..l,
advocates lmmedlately upon the lssuance or renewal
ol the llcense. 1here shall be kept at the
headquarters ol the courts and the 8oard ol
Crlevances a llst contalnlng the names ol practlclng
advocates and thelr addresses. Any person lnterested
ln revlewlng the llst shall be glven access to lt.
,Js _xL1l ,, _. _,s.. ,, .,.,l.s _,.l..Jl .
Artlcle 9
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
An advocate who ceases to practlce the prolesslon
lor more than one year shall lnlorm the Mlnlstry ol
!ustlce ol that pursuant to a lorm to be specllled by
the 8lll ol lmplementatlon ol thls Law.
_Js .,. :.. ..Jl Jl. _s ., _:Jl _.l.Jl _Js ..
,:,...Jl .xJl :... _:..Y lzz dJ:, ..Jl :l _J,, _l
l:J ,lL.Jl .
Artlcle 10
::l.Jl :.l.Jl
lt shall be permlsslble to set up a prolesslonal
company ol advocacy between two or more ol those
reglstered ln the reglster pursuant to the provlslons
ol the Law ol rolesslonal Companles.
_. 1sl l _,.1l _,, :l.l.JJ ,.. s: _,s. ,
,lL. , _.z, l.J lzz .Jl _z _,.,z.Jl ,..Jl ils:Jl .
Chapter 1wo
_.l1Jl ,l,Jl
uutles and 8lghts ol Advocates
,z _,.l.Jl il,l
Artlcle 11
:s ,.lJl :.l.Jl
An advocate shall practlce hls prolesslon ln
accordance wlth Sharl'ah practlces and prevalent
laws, must abstaln lrom any work dlshonorlng the
prolesslon, and must respect the rules and
regulatlons lssued ln thls regard.
.L.Yl ,s:Jl .xJ lzz ... Jl. _.l.Jl _Js
.slzJl ,l.l .l..ls, , .s _l _s _l...1l .,s.Jl
_z :.l.Jl il.,J..Jl _l:Jl l:> .
Artlcle 12
::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor an advocate to [brlng
up] the prlvate allalrs ol the adversary ol hls cllent or
ol hls cllent's lawyer and an advocate must abstaln
lrom abuse or accusatlons allectlng honor and
_.l.JJ , 1 ,., .lJl ,.:Jl .xJ _.., _l
_., l., ,l.1l l ,.Jl _s _..., _l ,Js .,.l. l Js.
.lsJl :Jl .
Artlcle 13
::s 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
Sub[ect to the contents ol Artlcle 12, an advocate
shall tread upon the path whlch he deems uselul ln
delendlng hls cllent, and he shall not be llable lor
what he contends ln hls wrltten or verbal
submlsslons that ls commensurate wlth rlght ol
_l _.l.JJ .::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl _z . l. :lsl. _. dJ.,
J.l.. . 1 .Js. _s _lz.Jl _z l. l>l, _.Jl _,LJl .
_z :., l.s _ .J.., l.. zl:. l l,,l.s ..zl.
_lz.Jl .
Artlcle 14
::s .,lJl :.l.Jl
1. lt shall not be permlsslble lor an advocate hlmsell
1. _l ,z, _l i ,l. Ll., l ..., _.l.JJ , 1
or through another advocate to accept any clalm or
to glve any consultatlon agalnst a party lor whlch he
works, or agalnst a party wlth whlch hls relatlonshlp
has come to an end except alter the lapse ol a perlod
ol not less than 3 years slnce the date on whlch hls
relatlonshlp wlth that party ended.
s. :l:..l _l _L., l .. l .l,.J .., ..
_. _s z. 1 :.. _.. .., 1 l, .xs i..l _. il..
l, .xs .l..l g,l. .
2. An advocate who partlally works lor hls cllent
under a contract may not accept any clalm or glve
any advlce agalnst hls cllent belore the lapse ol three
years slnce the explry ol the contract.
2. ,., ,. .., Js.J .., _:Jl _.l.JJ , 1 .zs
_l ,z, _l s. l _.. , Js. .. :l:..l _l _L.,
.z.Jl .l..l _Js il.. x1 .
Artlcle 13
::s ..lJl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor the advocate hlmsell or
through another advocate to accept a retalner lrom
hls cllent's adversary or to extend any asslstance to
hlm, not even by way ol an oplnlon, ln a clalm lor
whlch he had prevlously accepted a retalner or ln a
clalm that ls related to lt even alter the explry ol hls
,z, _l i ,l. Ll., l ..., _.l.JJ , 1 _s JlsJl
_z _lJl ,,. _Js J .... _l J _.,, _l l Js. ,.
s. JlsJl , _l J _,. _z l l,z s. xs il: J l,
.Jls .l..l .., .
Artlcle 16
:s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor he who had been a
[udge prlor to practlclng the prolesslon ol advocacy
to accept a retalner hlmsell or through another
advocate ln a clalm that had been put belore hlm.
_ls _.J , 1 ,z, _l :l.l.Jl .. Jl. , l,.l
_z i ,l. Ll., l ..., JlsJl s. ... i.ls
,Js .
Artlcle 17
::s .,l.Jl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor he who has expressed
hls oplnlon ln a case, ln hls capaclty as an olllce
holder or as an arbltrator or expert, to accept a
retalner ln that case.
l l.s. l l.L. ..., ,. _z ,l .,l _.J , 1
,.zJl dJ. _z JlsJl ,z, _l l,, .
Artlcle 18
::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
Advocates reglstered ln the reglster ol practlclng
advocates, to the excluslon ol others, shall have the
rlght to represent thlrd partles belore courts or the
8oard ol Crlevances or the commlttees relerred to
under Artlcle 1 ol thls Law.
_,.l..Jl . _z _,.,z.Jl _,.l.JJ - ,>, _. - _
. l ,sl.Jl ,l.l ,Jl _s _zl.Jl _lJJl l .,JlL.Jl _l,
:.l.Jl _z l,J l:.Jl ( _JYl ( ,lL.Jl l:> _. .
As an exceptlon to thls the lollowlng shall be
admltted to represent thlrd partles:
_.l, _. ,Jl _s _zl.JJ ,z, dJ: _. .l.1..l :
1. Any attorney ln one to three cases, so that ll the
attorney takes on three cases lor three dlllerent
persons then hls retalner lor others shall not be
1. x1 ,sJl :l, _z .x1 _J :.l ,. _z ,s _l
,>, _s .Jls ,z. xz _,..... _l:l 1x1 _s l,l. .
2. Spouses, ln-laws or relatlves up to the lourth
2. _. _,zJl _: _. _l:Yl l l.Yl l _lYl .Jl
degree. .,lJl .
3. Legal representatlve ol a [urldlcal person.
3. _...Jl _:JJ _.lL.Jl 1..Jl .
4. 1he guardlan, custodlan and endowment overseer
ln cases ol guardlanshlp, custodlanshlp and
endowment whlch they undertake.
4. .lzJl ,l.Jl l,l. _z Jl Ll. ,,zJl _.Jl
l,Js _.z, _.Jl Jl :lL. .
3. 1he treasurer ol the 8alt Al-Mal" (1reasury ol the
State) ln matters lalllng wlthln hls competence
pursuant to the law and lnstructlons.
3. ,lL.Jl ,. .l..l _. > l.,z l.Jl i,, .l.
il.,J..Jl .
Artlcle 19
::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
Law courts, the 8oard ol Crlevances, the commlttees
relerred to under Artlcle 1 ol thls Law, olllclal clrcles
and lnvestlgatlon authorltles shall extend to the
advocate the lacllltles that are requlred lor hlm to
carry out hls duty, and to enable hlm to revlew
papers and be present at lnvestlgatlons, and hls
request may not be turned down wlthout a
legltlmate excuse.
JJl ,JlL.Jl _l,. ,sl.Jl _Js _z l,J l:.Jl _l :.l.Jl
) _JYl ( _l _,z.Jl ilLJ. ,..Jl .l.Jl ,lL.Jl l:> _.
_.l.JJ ,.z. .s.. _l .,l, ,l,zJl l,..z, _.Jl ix,..Jl
. _lYl _Js _xL1l _. .l,JL _z , 1 ._,z.Jl
_:. _.. _. .
Artlcle 20
_:.Jl :.l.Jl
An advocate or an attorney must submlt hls orlglnal
retalner or a certllled copy thereol to the court,
8oard ol Crlevances or commlttees relerred to under
Artlcle 1 ol thls Law at the llrst hearlng whlch he
attends on behall ol hls cllent. ll the cllent attends
the hearlng wlth the advocate, the wrlter ol the
record or he who ls ln hls place should record that ln
the record llle, ln lleu ol [produclng] the retalner.
Should the advocate be ln possesslon ol a general
retalner olllclally certllled on behall ol one ol the
adversarles then he shall be exempted lrom
produclng the orlglnal retalner, and lt should be
sulllclent lor hlm to produce a certllled copy thereol
or to produce the orlglnal retalner together wlth a
copy thereol, whlch copy shall be certllled by the
:. l J,s. .l ,.z, _l ,sJl l _.l.Jl _Js ,, ..
l:.Jl _lJJl l .,JlL.Jl _l,. l .s.Jl _J l,Js l...
:.l.Jl _z l,J ( _JYl ( ., .J l _z ,lL.Jl l:> _.
_. s.Jl . l: .Js. _s l,z i,1l .JJl _z _.l.Jl
z, _. l L,.Jl ,.ls ,l .L,.Jl .. _z dJ: .lz. ,
l:> ,Js _... ,ls ,s. _.l.Jl .,, _ls l: .,s.Jl ,lz.
.l _s ,l,.Jl, l,.. ,s.Jl .l ,,.z. _. _.., ,.Jl
.l ,.z, l ... ... :. ,,.z., _..s, _. ,s.Jl
lz,..., _.lzJl ,z, .. :. .
Artlcle 21
:.l.Jl _:.Jl ,.lJl
Lach advocate must have one or more olllces to
conduct the cases he has been retalned lor, and he
must lnlorm the Mlnlstry ol !ustlce ol the address ol
hls olllce and ol any change allectlng lt.
:l,.J 1sl l lz. J :., _l ,l. s _Js l,l.zJl : s.Jl
lL, ,,. _l, :z. _l.., ..Jl :l .:, _l ,Js .l,Js
,Js .
Artlcle 22
_:.Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
upon the explratlon ol a retalner, an advocate shall
return to hls cllent upon hls cllent's request the
,JL ..s Js.J ., _l ,s.Jl .l.z.l ..s _.l.Jl _Js ...
,J l: J , dJ: _. .,J.Yl _lYl il.....Jl ,s.Jl
retalner document and orlglnal documents and
papers. Powever, lt shall be posslble lor hlm ll he has
not obtalned hls lees to obtaln, at the expense ol hls
cllent coples ol all the papers that are ln support ol
hls clalm and to keep wlth hlm the orlglnal
documents and papers untll the cllent pays hlm the
lees that are due and the expenses lor obtalnlng the
coples. An advocate shall not be obllgated to hand
over to hls cllent dralts ol the papers he had llled ln
the lawsult nor the letters that he had recelved.
nevertheless, the advocate should glve hls cllent
coples ol such papers upon the request and at the
expense ol the cllent.
_Js . . _s, . z.. _Js _.., _l ,l..l _. l. Js
.,JlL.JJ l... gJ.. _.Jl il.Jl _,. ,.J _z,, _l
,l..Yl s.Jl J _., _. ,J.Yl _lYl il.....Jl
z...Jl _l _.l.Jl ,J, 1 ..Jl _l..l ilz..
l.. _.Jl _lYl il... Js. ,J., ,.sJl 1 .s.Jl _z
, dJ: _. .,J :.lJl l. Js. _L., _l _.l.Jl _Js ,
.z.. _Js s.Jl ,JL _Js .l., _lYl ::> _. .
Artlcle 23
_:.Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor an advocate to dlvulge
a secret entrusted to hlm or to whlch he has had
access through hls prolesslon even alter the explry ol
hls retalner, unless such (actlon) ls ln breach ol a
Sharl'ah requlrement. Llkewlse, lt shall not be
permlsslble lor hlm wlthout a legltlmate excuse to
abandon what he had been retalned lor belore the
lawsult has come to an end.
, 1 _,L _s zs l ,Js _..l l. _:., _l _.l.JJ
.l,s: _..z. dJ: Jl, ,J l. ..Jls .l..l .., J ...
_., J , 1 l.s , ,Js s l.s _J., _l _:. ,,.
s.Jl .l..l .
Artlcle 24
_:.Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl
A cllent's clalm ln demandlng lrom hls advocate the
papers and documents deposlted wlth hlm shall not
be heard alter the lapse ol 3 years as ol the date ol
the advocate's task, unless the cllent has clalmed
them belore the lapse ol such perlod by reglstered
mall wlthln an acknowledgment ol the recelpt
thereol and so such perlod shall be computed as ol
the date ol recelvlng such letter.
_... 1 s. ,.l. ,JlL. _z s.Jl il.....Jl _lYl,
1 .... .l..l g,l. _. il.. _. _.. .., ,.J s..Jl
.. ,l.s, :..Jl ::> _.. , s.Jl l,JL l: ,..
,l..l l.,,z ..Jl ,J., l:> ,J.. g,l. _. :..Jl ::>
,l.sJl .
Artlcle 23
_:.Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl
lt shall not be permlsslble lor an advocate to buy all
or some ol the rlghts dlsputed ln respect ol whlch he
had acted as an attorney.
_.l.JJ , 1 l l,Js _l...Jl _zJl s _.:, _l l..,
l,Js x,s _s, _.Jl .
Artlcle 26
_:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
1he advocate's lees and method ol paylng them shall
be llxed ln an agreement concluded between hlm
and hls cllent, so that ll there was no agreement or ll
the agreement was contested or vold then the court
that had consldered the case at the tlme ol thelr
dlllerence shall estlmate such lees upon the request
ol the advocate or the cllent ln a manner that ls
commensurate wlth the ellort that was exerted by
the advocate and the advantage that had devolved
.Js. _. :.z., _l..l, l.z. z,L _.l.Jl ,l..l ... l:z
l.. xLl, l ,z l.J.. _l..1l _ls l _l..l dl.> _s, ,J
.s.Jl ,JL _Js '.l., .l.zx.l _s ,.zJl _z iL. _.Jl
l _.l.Jl _. ,.l.., l., s.Jl _.l.Jl J:, _:Jl .Jl
s.Jl _Js .ls _:Jl _..Jl .
upon the cllent.
1hls provlslon shall also be applled should any sub
clalm arlse out ol the orlglnal clalm.
_l ,J.Yl s.Jl _s l:. l: dJ:s ,sJl l:> _,L, s.
,sz .
Artlcle 27
.,l.Jl :.l.Jl _:.Jl
A cllent may dlsmlss hls advocate and should pay all
the lees that had been agreed upon ll lt ls proven
that the dlsmlssal was lor no legltlmate cause unless
the court competent to conslder the case sees
dlllerently ln terms ol the dlsmlssal and lull lees.
,l..Yl .ls _z., _l ,Js .,.l. ., _l s.JJ _...Jl
.s.Jl . ,J l. ._:. , ,,., .Jl _l i,1 l: l,Js
L., ...Jl ,l..Yl .ls .JJ ,..Jl, dJ: , ,.zJl .
Artlcle 28
_:.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
ln case ol the death ol the advocate and should the
helrs and the cllent lall to determlne the lees, the
court that has consldered the case shall assess hls
lees ln the llght ol the ellort exerted and the benellt
that had devolved upon the cllent, the stage whlch
the case has reached and the agreement concluded.
_Js s.Jl 1Jl _l..l ,.s _.l.Jl :lz Jl _z .,..
.. _z ,l..l ,.zJl _z iL. _.Jl .s.Jl .z. ,l..Yl
:,.Jl .Jl l.J, _.Jl J.Jl s.Jl _Js .ls _:Jl _..Jl
.z..Jl _l..1l ,.zJl .
Chapter 1hree
Jl1Jl ,l,Jl
ulsclpllnary Actlon Agalnst Advocate
_.l.Jl, .lJl _,.lzJl il,z.Jl
Artlcle 29
_:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
1he name ol advocate shall be struck out lrom the
reglster and hls llcense shall be cancelled ll he has
been convlcted ol a Sharl'ah crlme or ll punlshed lor
a crlme agalnst honor or honesty.
,Js ,s l: .,. _J, .Jl _. _.l.Jl ,.l ,L:,
.l.Yl l :Jl, J. ., _z ,z., l ., .
Wlthout pre[udlce to a clalm lor compensatlon lor he
who has sustalned damage or to any other clalm,
every advocate vlolatlng the provlslons ol thls Law or
the 8lll ol lmplementatlon thereol or who ls
breachlng hls prolesslonal dutles or commlttlng an
act allectlng the honor ol the prolesslon shall be
penallzed by one ol the lollowlng penaltles:
..Jl s., x]l ,.s _. _l l . zJ _.J _, s.
,l. s ,l., .l ..1 l ,lL.Jl l:> ,lsl Jl,
,s., l .,..Jl .l,l, , l .,:,...Jl : _. l., x.s
,.Sl il,z.Jl ., ..Jl :
1. Warnlng
1. l:.]l .
2. 8eprlmand
2. ,JJl .
3. 1o be stopped lrom practlclng the prolesslon lor a
perlod not exceedlng 3 years.
3. x1 l.. 1 :.. ..Jl Jl. _s lz,]l il.. .
4. 1o have hls name struck out lrom the reglster and
to have hls llcense cancelled.
4. _,.Jl .lJ .Jl _. ,.1l ,L: .
Artlcle 30
_1x1Jl :.l.Jl
1he Attorney Ceneral shall llle the dlsclpllnary actlon
agalnst the advocate ol hls own accord or upon the
request ol the Mlnlster ol !ustlce or ol any court or ol
the 8oard ol Crlevances or ol any ol the commlttees
relerred to under Artlcle 1 ol thls Law.
.lzJ. _. _.l.Jl _Js ,,,.l.Jl s.Jl ,l.Jl _s..Jl _z,
_l,. l ..s. _l l ...Jl , ,JL _Js '.l., l ....
_. _l l .,JlL.Jl :.l.Jl _z l,J l:.Jl _lJJl ) _JYl ( _.
,lL.Jl l:> .
Artlcle 31
_1x1Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl
1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall, by a resolutlon passed
by hlm, set up one or more commlttees to conslder
the admlnlstratlon ol the dlsclpllnary penaltles
specllled under Artlcle 29 ol thls Law whlch
commlttee shall be known as the dlsclpllnary
commlttee and shall conslst ol one [udge and two
experlenced people, ol whom one shall be an
advocate who has practlced the prolesslon lor not
less than 10 years, lrom whom the Mlnlster ol !ustlce
shall choose a chalrman. Membershlp ol thls
commlttee shall be lor 3 years renewable once. 1he
commlttee shall meet ln the presence ol all ol lts
members and pass lts declslons unanlmously. 1he
commlttee's declslons shall be sub[ect to appeal
belore the 8oard ol Crlevances wlthln 60 days ol the
date ol notlllcatlon ol the penalty declslon to whom
lt was passed agalnst.
_,. _z L.JJ 1sl l .J .. lz, ..Jl , s:,
l:> _. _,:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl _z :.lJl ,,,.l.Jl il,z.Jl
.J _... .,lL.Jl >l _. _,.1l _l _. _s. .,,.l.Jl
_z l..l _:Jl _,.l.Jl .z _. l.>.l :,Jl .l..
_s z. 1 :.. ..Jl ,.,, _. ..Jl , l., .il.. :s
_s. .l.,. J,l il.. x1 :..J .JJl ::> _z ,..Jl
:.l :. .,..JJ . .JJl .z... .l.l.sl _,. .,
,l.l _.LJJ J,l l.ll _s. .,,JYl, l.ll ... _l,.
l _x, g,l. _. l., _,.. x ,JlL.Jl .. _.J ,z.Jl
:.. .
Artlcle 32
_1x1Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
1he advocate shall be summoned to appear belore
the dlsclpllnary commlttee by an olllclal letter brlelly
lndlcatlng the lnlractlon attrlbuted to hlm and the
prool thereol at least 13 days belore the date llxed
lor the hearlng. lt shall be permlsslble lor the
advocate to appear ln person or to retaln a lawyer on
hls behall and the dlsclpllnary commlttee may order
hlm to appear ln person belore lt, and should he lall
to appear alter havlng been summoned twlce then
the commlttee may pass lts declslon ln absentla.
_,,. _.. ,lL, ,,.l.Jl .J ,l.l .Jl, _.l.Jl _J,,
.s. , dJ: .l,, l.J.l ,J ,...Jl .Jl.Jl ,z
1 :.., :...Jl .JJl , .l., :s .. _s z.
, l ..., ., _l _.l.JJ .JJ ..s l,.l. s ,,.l.Jl
.., .Jl _s J. l: .l.l.l l,.: :., .l. _l
l _,.. x, l,,l, l>l l.. .JJ .
Artlcle 33
_1x1Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
1he declslon ol the dlsclpllnary commlttee shall be
lssued alter hearlng the accusatlon and the
advocate's delense. 1he declslon must be based on
reasons and the lull reasons thereol must be read
out upon pronouncement ol the declslon at a hearlng
to be held ln camera. 1he Mlnlstry ol !ustlce shall
communlcate the contents ol the llnal declslons to
the courts, the 8oard ol Crlevances and the
competent authorltles wlthln 13 days ol the date ol
thelr comlng lnto ellect. 1hese declslons shall be
recorded ln a reglster and the dlsclpllnary declslons
shall ln all cases be communlcated by a balllll.
._.l.Jl _lz. ,l.1l _l.. .., ,,.l.Jl .J l .., ,,
_z , _L.Jl ..s J.ls ,l,.l _J.. _l .l,,.. lzJl _s, _l
.,. .J _J ,.l.Jl illzJl _L.. ..Jl :l _J,.
ilJl ,JlL.Jl _l,. ,sl.Jl :s .. x ...Jl
l., .,z .,z. . illzJl ::J :., .l>:l.. g,l. _. _J,.
,lz. ,z, ... ., _Js lYl _,. _z ,,,.l.Jl illzJl
,,J.. _,J,.Jl _LJl, _l:Jl ,l. _.l.Jl _J lzJl :.
,.lL.Jl . l,.l. lzJl g,.l l: l .Jl _. ,.1l ,L:,
.Jl Jl. _s lz,]l l .,. _z Lzz L.. :.,z ..
_s, ,J _z ._.l.Jl z. zL.. _z :.l.Jl .Jl _. 1sl
uellvery ol a copy ol the declslon to the advocate
concerned by proper means shall be good servlce ol
such declslon. When the declslon becomes llnal by
deletlng the name [ol the advocate] lrom the reglster
or by stopplng hlm lrom practlclng the prolesslon,
then the contents ol the declslon only shall be
publlshed ln one or more ol the newspapers lssued ln
the area where the advocate has hls olllce, and
should there be no newspaper there ln a newspaper
clrculatlng ln the nearest nelghborhood, at the
advocate's own expense.
_.z zL..Jl _z .,. dl.> ,l _z :.l.Jl .,.Jl
.z.. _Js dJ: .J zL.. .
Artlcle 34
_1x1Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl
An advocate may ob[ect to a declslon passed agalnst
hlm ln absentla wlthln 13 days ol the date ol
communlcatlng lt to hlm or ol recelvlng a copy ol
thereol. 1he ob[ectlon shall be llled by the advocate
or hls attorney belore the dlsclpllnary commlttee
through lts chalrman.
lzJl _Js _.., _l _.l.JJ , z, .., _:Jl _,l,Jl
... :. ,J.. l ,J,. g,l. _. l., :s .. x
_. _l.s1l ,.z, Ll., ,,.l.Jl .J _J J,s l _.l.Jl
l.,. .
Artlcle 33
_1x1Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl
Stopplng an advocate lrom practlclng advocacy
entalls removal ol the name ol the advocate lrom the
reglster ol practlclng advocates to the reglster ol
non-practlclng advocates. A suspended advocate may
not open hls olllce throughout the perlod ol
suspenslon and should he be ln vlolatlon ol that or
should he practlce hls prolesslon wlthln the perlod ol
suspenslon then he shall be penallzed by strlklng out
hls name lrom the reglster ol advocates and by
cancellng the llcense lssued to hlm to practlce the
prolesslon. 1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall, upon the
recommendatlon ol the commlttee provlded lor
under Artlcle 3, lay down the rules pertalnlng to what
should be lollowed ln connectlon wlth pendlng cases
lor whlch suspended advocates [were responslble].
,.l z. :l.l.Jl .. Jl. _s lz,]l _Js ,.., _.l.Jl
.Jl . _. .Jl , _,.l.Jl . _J _,.l..Jl _,.l
_,.l..Jl . 1 :.. lL ,.s. g.z .Jl _.l.JJ ,
... l l dJ: Jl l: .lz,]l ,l., lz,]l :.z x
J .l.Jl _,.Jl .lJ _,.l.Jl . _. ..l ,L:,
l gl.l _Js '.l., ..Jl , .., ...Jl Jl., .JJ
:.l.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl _,., l., .lJl .slzJl ..lJl
_,.l.Jl .J zJl.Jl l,l.zJl _l:, _,z.Jl .
Artlcle 36
_1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
An advocate agalnst whom a dlsclpllnary declslon
deletlng hls name lrom the reglster has been lssued
may, alter the lapse ol 3 years lrom the date ol the
comlng lnto ellect ol such declslon, apply to the
commlttee lor the reglstratlon and admlsslon ol
advocates to have hls name re-reglstered ln the
.., .Jl _. ..l ,L:, _,,.l. l .. _:Jl _.l.JJ
_.. .J _. ,JL, _l lzJl l:> :l.. g,l. _. il.. x1
:.ls _,.l.Jl , ., .Jl _z ..l ., .
Artlcle 37
_1x1Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl
1here shall be punlshed by a term ol lmprlsonment
ol not more than 1 year or by a llne ol not less than
_s z. 1 .l, l .. _Js .,. 1 :.. _.Jl, ,l., _,1x1
l.. l., l l, Jl :
30,000 8lyals both:
A. 1he person who holds hlmsell out to be an
advocate or who carrles out the prolesslon ol
advocacy contrary to the provlslons ol thls Law.
l . .. ..l _:Jl _:Jl :l.l.Jl .. _l. l _.l.Jl
,lL.Jl l:> ,lsY lzx .
8. 1he advocate who carrles out the prolesslon ol
advocacy alter hls name has been deleted lrom the
reglster ol advocates, and these penaltles shall be
meted out by the competent court.
, . Jl _.l.Jl _. ..l ,L: .., :l.l.Jl .. _l. _:
. _..Jl .l.zJl _. il,z.Jl ::> _,. ,., ._,.l.Jl .
Chapter lour
_,lJl ,l,Jl
Ceneral and 1ransltory rovlslons
,Jlz..l .ls ,lsl
Artlcle 38
_1x1Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
Saudl advocates and (legal) advlsors who are ln
possesslon ol retalners or valld llcenses lssued by the
Mlnlstry ol !ustlce or the Mlnlstry ol Commerce
pursuant to the laws ln lorce at the tlme ol the
lssuance thereol shall contlnue to carry out thelr
work on the condltlon that they shall, wlthln 3 years
ol the comlng lnto ellect ol thls Law, apply to the
commlttee lor the reglstratlon and admlsslon ol
advocates provlded lor under Artlcle 3 ol thls Law,
and thls commlttee shall reglster them ln the reglster
ol advocates and lssue new llcenses to them ln
accordance wlth the provlslons ol thls Law. 1he
competent authorltles whlch have prevlously lssued
such permlts and llcenses shall reler to the
commlttee all ol the papers and documents ln
accordance wlth whlch they had been granted the
permlts or llcenses.
ill ,,.J _,:Jl _,...Jl _l:...Jl _.l.Jl ...,
:l.Jl :l l ..Jl :l _. :.l. ::zl. _,l. l ,s.
,l.Jl .L.Yl _z _l L:, .,J.s .l.., l>.. i
l:> :l.. g,l. _. il.. _. x l..z., .J _J ,lL.Jl
_,.l.Jl , ., _. ..lJl :.l.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl
l:> l.. _,.l.Jl . _z ,>., .JJl ::> _Js .,lL.Jl
lzz ,J :.,. _,l. ilJl _Js .,lL.Jl l:> ,lsY
_,l.Jl ill]l dJ. i..l _l _,. _.Jl ...Jl _l
l,., ,. _.Jl il.....Jl _lYl _,. .JJl _J ,.
. l ill]l ,. _,l.Jl .
nevertheless, lt shall be permlsslble lor the Mlnlstry
ol !ustlce to extend the perlod relerred to under thls
Artlcle so that lt may not exceed 3 years at the most
lor Saudl advocates who are ln possesslon ol llcenses
and who satlsly the condltlons specllled under Artlcle
3 ol thls Law wlth the exceptlon ol the condltlon
deallng wlth the quallllcatlon specllled under
aragraph 8" ol the sald Artlcle, provlded that they
shall pay the renewal lee lndlcated ln Artlcle 7 ol thls
_z l,J l:.Jl :..Jl .,... ..Jl :lJ , .l _Js ::>
_,.l.JJ _.l l. il.. _. l.. 1 ,, :.l.Jl
,,.J _,:Jl _,,...Jl L:Jl ,,.J izl. _.. ._,l.
L: l.s ,lL.Jl l:> _. 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl _z :...Jl >.Jl
:z.Jl _z .lJl ) , ( s:.Jl :.l.Jl _. _z., l.z, _l _Js .:
.,..Jl ,. ,lL.Jl l:> _. .,l.Jl :.l.Jl _z ,Js _...Jl .
Artlcle 39
_1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
Sub[ect to the contents ol aragraph A" ol Artlcle 3
ol thls Law, non-Saudls who are llcensed pursuant to
the laws prlor to the lssuance ol the Councll ol
Mlnlsters 8esolutlon no. 116 dated 12/7/1400 P.,
shall temporarlly contlnue to practlce the actlvlty ol
(legal) consultatlons only and under the lollowlng
:z.Jl _z . l. :lsl. _. ) l ( l:> _. 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl _. ,lL.Jl
l .. , .L.Yl _z ,J _.Jl _,,...Jl , ...,
_: .lJl _J. ,Jl ) : ( g,l.Jl r / / t .s Jl., .>
l:..1l L:Jl, .. .., Lzz il ,.Sl :
1. Pe should be engaged lor (legal) consultatlon work
on lull tlme basls.
1. ill:..1l ..J l... _s, _l .
2. Pe should not plead belore courts, the 8oard ol
Crlevances or the commlttees relerred to under
Artlcle 1 ol thls Law ln hls capaclty as attorney, and
the sald authorltles shall not accept hls pleadlngs.
2. l .,JlL.Jl _l,. l ,sl.Jl ,l.l .zl.Jl, ,z, 1l _lJJl
:.l.Jl _z l,J l:.Jl ) _JYl ( .x,s ..., .,lL.Jl l:> _.
ilJl _Js .zl. , ,.s :s:.Jl . .
3. Pe should be resldlng ln the klngdom lor a perlod
ol not less than 9 months ln a year.
3. _z :l ... _s z. 1 :.. sJ..Jl _z ,,z, _l ..Jl .
4. Pe should satlsly the condltlons lor reglstratlon ln
the reglster ol advocates wlth the exceptlon ol the
condltlon relatlng to natlonallty.
4. L: l.s ._,.l.Jl ., .,zJl L: ,z zl.. _l
,..Jl .
3. Coples ol hls quallllcatlons and prevlous llcense
should be deposlted wlth the Mlnlstry ol !ustlce
wlthln 6 months ol the date ol the comlng lnto ellect
ol thls Law, and the Mlnlstry ol !ustlce should
prepare a speclal reglster lor the reglstratlon ol non-
Saudls who are llcensed and shall glve them
temporary llcenses. 1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall draw
up the partlculars that ought to be recorded ln such a
reglster and ln the llcense, the valldlty thereol and
the date ol lts explratlon, and the llcense shall be
regarded to have explred by operatlon ol law only
when any ol the condltlons lndlcated ln thls Artlcle ls
3. .x>. _. . _l., ,., _l :l .J _,l.Jl .,.
:l _Js .,lL.Jl l:, ..Jl g,l. _. :l .. x ..Jl
_l . .l.s ..Jl .,J _.Jl _,,...Jl , .,zJ
.. l. ,>lLs . il.l,,Jl ..Jl , .., ,lJl
l.l..l g,l. .l... ..Jl _z ..Jl l:> _z l.,.. .
.., _,.Jl L:Jl _. L: _l .zz ..s ,lL.Jl :z, l,...
:.l.Jl ::> _z ..Jl .
Artlcle 40
_.,Yl :.l.Jl
1he person llcensed ln accordance wlth Artlcle 39
shall carry out work on hls own or ln partlclpatlon
wlth a Saudl advocate, and he may not seek the help
ol a non-Saudl advocate, be that an lndlvldual or a
_l _,1x1Jl ..l.Jl :.l.JJ 'lz,L J _.Jl _Js ,, _l.,
_l J , 1 ._... ,l. _. dl.:1l, l .:. ..Jl
, ,l., _,..., s: ,l _ls l.z _... .
Artlcle 41
_.,Yl ,.lJl :.l.Jl
A Saudl advocate and an advocate llcensed under
aragraph A" ol Artlcle 3 ol thls Law, may seek the
asslstance ln hls olllce, sub[ect to work requlrements,
ol a non Saudl advocate or more pursuant to a
contract ol employment under hls own responslblllty
and supervlslon sub[ect to the lollowlng condltlons:
:z.Jl ,., J _.Jl _.l.Jl _...Jl _.l.JJ ,
( l ( lzz ,.s. _z _,..., _l ,lL.Jl l:> _. 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl _.
,l., ..Jl lJ i. .s .zs ,., 1sl l _... ,
,.Sl L:Jl, zl: .,J.. :
A. 1he advocate ln possesslon ol the llcense shall
regularly attend the olllce and shall slgn all the
correspondence lssued by the olllce ln relatlon to
cases. Pe may appolnt one to represent hlm ln that
regard lrom amongst the Saudl advocates or those
llcensed under aragraph ol A" ol Artlcle 3 ol thls
l . .,.s.Jl _z .Jl, _,.Jl ,l. _.l.Jl ,L.., _l
_l zJ...Jl ,.s.Jl _. :.l.Jl ix.l.Jl _,. _Js _,
_. _,., _l J , .l,l.zJl, _,.l.Jl _,, _. dJ: _z J1.,
:z.Jl ,., ,J _.Jl l _,,...Jl ) l ( :.l.Jl _. 1Jl1Jl
,lL.Jl l:> _. .
8. 1he non-Saudl should satlsly the reglstratlon
condltlons ln the reglster ol advocates apart lrom the
condltlon relatlng to natlonallty and shall have
experlence ln the nature ol work lor a perlod ol not
less than 3 years.
, . _,.l.Jl . _z .,zJl L: _...Jl , _z zl.. _l
1 :..J ..Jl .,,L _z :, ,.J _s. _l .,..Jl L: l.s
_. _s z. il.. .
C. Pls work should be conllned to the preparatlon ol
memoranda ln the name ol the advocate ln
possesslon ol the llcense and to extendlng asslstance
to hlm. Pe should not plead belore courts, the 8oard
ol Crlevances or the commlttees relerred under
Artlcle 1 ol thls Law.
_ . ,l. _.l.Jl ,.l, ils:.Jl .l.s _Js J.s ..z, _l
.Jl _J., 1l .J .l..Jl ,,.z. _,.Jl ,sl.Jl ,l.l .zl
l ,JlL.Jl _l,. l :.l.Jl _z l,J l:.Jl _lJJl ) _JYl ( _.
,lL.Jl l:> .
Artlcle 42
_.,Yl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
1he Mlnlster ol !ustlce shall lssue the 8lll ol
lmplementatlon ol thls Law whlch blll shall be
publlshed ln the olllclal newspaper and shall lssue
the necessary resolutlons lor the lmplementatlon
_z :.. ,lL.Jl l:J ,:,...Jl .xJl ..Jl , .., :.,Jl
::,...J .xJl illzJl .., l.s .,..Jl .
Artlcle 43
_.,Yl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
1hls Law shall be publlshed ln the olllclal newspaper
and shall come lnto ellect 90 days alter the date ol
publlcatlon thereol, and shall supersede any
provlslon that ls ln conlllct wlth lts provlslons.
_,... .., , .., ,..Jl :.,Jl _z ,lL.Jl l:> :., l.,
::. g,l. _. . . s _J, ,lsl _. .. _l.., l .
,J>Yl il,JsJl .xJ ,..Jl ,l.]l il.l]l ,:,...Jl
Lxecutlve 8ules and Admlnlstratlve and 1echnlcal rocedures
lor the 8ylaws ol the prlvate colleges .
_JYl :.l.Jl
_s. ,J>Yl il,JsJl .1 , _.z. l. :lsl. _. ...Jl _.l..Jl ..slzJl ::> _z i. l.1, .,Jl.Jl ill,.Jl il.JsJJ
:l..l lJ
Artlcle Cne
Clven due conslderatlon to the nature ol the bylaws ol the prlvate colleges, the lollowlng words and
expresslons shall have the meanlng glven hereunto as they occur ln the text ol the bylaws
' ' ' ' '
,J>Yl ,JsJl
_JYl ,..lJl .Jl g..J lJ.l., l. l il.. _,l _s l,z .l.Jl :.. z. 1 ._.Js ,. _. 1sl _. ,Js s _s..
) _,Jls,Jl ( .
,Jls,Jl J. _z l, _.Jl il...Jl _z ,J,.Jl . g.. ,JsJJ _l., _.Jl x.Jl il: Yl il...Jl l ._
..Jl _. l,J .
1he rlvate College
Lach college shall conslst ol more than one department. 1he study program perlod ln each department
should not be less than lour years or thelr equlvalent to earn a 8A or 8S degree .
1he college shall be entltled to grant a dlploma degree ln the accredlted 8A or 8S lleld ol study , or speclally
deslgned programs related to the local [ob market needs .
' ' ' ' '
.l..s1l _,.JJ .l.Jl .JJl
_. l ,., Js:.Jl .JJl _> .l..s1l ,l.Jl .l..s1l i1l.J ....Jl _lJJl ,lz. .l., ,z. ._Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl ,
_lJl .
Ceneral Commlsslon lor Llcenslng and Accredltatlon
lt ls the commlsslon lormed by a decree emanatlng lrom the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon. lt studles and
evaluates the speclallsed commlttees' reports leadlng to the general and speclal accredltatlon .
,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
l - ,,Jl il...Jl
...Jl _z ,.,J..Jl _lYl, .lJl ,,Jl il...Jl .l:.] ,:,...Jl .slzJJ lzz :l:..Jl ,,Jl il...Jl _>
.Jl ._.l1Jl lJ _.Jl Yl ,,Jl il.. .
Artlcle 1wo
A. Charlty lnstltutlons
1hey lnclude the charlty lnstltutlons created ln accordance wlth the executlve rules regulatlng the
establlshments ol prlvate charlty lnstltutlons that alm at provldlng educatlonal servlces lor post-secondary
levels, along wlth other charlty lnstltutlons that have been granted a legal status .
' ' ' ' '
, - ils:Jl
_l ,, _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l _. ,JsJl .l:.] _..,.Jl _,.Jl _Js .Jl ,J>l ,Js .l:. _J s: _,.l. ..s ,J,
_., _Js s:Jl .zs _z
8. Corporatlons
lor the establlshment ol a corporatlon wlth the purpose ol creatlng a prlvate college , an lnltlal llcense must
be acqulred lrom the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon to that ellect. 1he corporatlon contract should stlpulate
the lollowlng
' ' ' ' '
- ,J>l il,Js .l:.] ... .:... ,J... il: s: l .,..l.. s:Jl _s. _l . ._.,.Jl l>s. l..l ..,
.l.,. .l.,.z., d,: s ... _.Jl .Jl, ls ,.. .s:Jl l. _l .,.l,.. .,.. .,..l _ls. .ls:Jl .l..l
.l llz. . _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l zzl., _z g.z s:JJ .
. 1hat the corporatlon shall be ol a [olnt venture or a llmlted llablllty and dedlcated to the establlshment ol
prlvate colleges. lts appellatlon and head quarter shall be determlned as well as the names ol the
assoclates, thelr addresses ol resldence, thelr prolesslons, thelr natlonalltles, the capltal ol the corporatlon,
a clear deslgnatlon ol the share each assoclate promlses to honour and the deadllne ol lts payment, shall all
be detalled. 1he corporatlon ls entltled to establlsh branches pendlng the approval lrom the Mlnlstry ol
Plgher Lducatlon .
' ' ' ' '
r - .., 1 .,. d,:J l .ls:Jl .Y s:Jl _z .. _s .ls:Jl _. .l l.., l _,,, _l 1 .. .ls: . , 1
l ,,J..Jl :l zzl. _Jl.J .
r . 1hat no new assoclates shall be permltted to subscrlbe, nor can assoclates be allowed to sell or transler
thelr shares ln the corporatlon lor the benellt ol others or new assoclates unless an approval lrom the
Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon ls acqulred to that ellect .
r - :l , _. _.., _,... , _. J.l.Jl .,zJl, ,,z. l.,s l ..z.Jl _. l.,.. lJ,. d,: s . _s. _l ,,
_Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl .
r . Lach Shareholder's stock must be a llnlte value ol money or an equlvalent asset ol a same value as
determlned by speclallsts chosen by the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon
' ' ' ' '
t - .. s ,., / _.lL.Jl _Ll,.1l _J, _.. ,,..Jl l:> lz, , ._.lL.Jl _Ll,.1l _,s.J ,zl.Jl gl,Yl _.
l.Jl _l .. .
t . A 10 ol the net prollt shall be set aslde annually as a reserve lund, however, when thls reserve lund
reaches 30 ol the corporatlon's capltal no reserve may be deducted lrom the net lncome
' ' ' ' '
e - :l zzl. .., .:Ll.. il,Js _z ,JLJJ ,.l. .slz. .l, .., 1 s:Jl ,... ,.s _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl .
e . 1he corporatlon shall never be llquldated untll all students llnd opportunltles to be enrolled ln other
slmllar colleges and upon the approval ol the Mlnlstry ol hlgher Lducatlon .
: - . l.l:. _. _Jl .l...l l .s:Jl ,... Jl _z l.s ._Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l _J l>, l,l.Jl il,Jl il.ls]l _,.
_lYl _z l.,. .. ..l:]l :s.Jl lYl ,.x.]l _.:Jl :l _. _,...Jl, _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l _J lYl .
lJ ...Jl .
: . ln case the corporatlon ls llquldated or lts purpose ls lncomplete, llnanclal alds, donatlons, mandates ,
and others related assets and equlpment should be returned to the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon. All
endowments should also be returned to the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon ln co-ordlnatlon wlth the Mlnlstry
ol lslamlc Allalrs , Lndowments, Call and Culdance, lor the purpose ol relocatlon and use lor the purpose
lor whlch they were attrlbuted .
' ' ' ' '
- l _. ,l..l l .:l.s l ..xz l:, l .,Js Jl, l ..ls:Jl .l :lz, s:Jl _.z.. 1 _. .... _l , .s:J
.. _s .ls:Jl ..s z, 1 _l _Js _,l,Jl .ls:Jl _,, .... l .l. l.ls J .1
. 1he corporatlon should not be dlsmantled because ol one ol lts assoclate death, lmprlsoned, bankruptcy ,
lnsolvency, or wlthdrawal lrom the company but hls helrs should take over the ownershlp ol hls shares
even ll they are mlnors. 1he corporatlon should contlnue wlth the remalnlng assoclates. Powever, the
number ol actlve assoclates should never be less than llve .
1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
_Js .JJ _.Sl .. _z. _..Jl _. ,Js _. ,Jl ,.l, ,JL, ,.z.Jl ,., ,JsJl .l:.] _..,.Jl _,.Jl
Artlcle 1hree
1o acqulre the lnltlal llcense lor the establlshment ol the college, the lounder wlth the lollowlng enclosures
should address an appllcatlon to the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon
. sJ..Jl _z _. _l:..l ,.s. _. :..... ,JsJJ ,.l..1l .Jl .l. .
. A leaslblllty study lor the college approved by a llcensed consultancy olllce ln the klngdom .
' ' ' ' '
r . :Jl ,.Jl l.. _z. _,...Jl .l..l :lJl _. _...Jl .,.. _. ,.l .
r . 1he names ol the lounders along wlth thelr currlculum vltae, and ldentllylng the co-ordlnator wlth the
Mlnlstry .
' ' ' ' '
r . i. _ lsz _.,.Jl l>z. ,JsJJ g.z.Jl ,.1l .
r . 1he proposed appellatlon ol the college, lts head quarter and lts branches ll they were .
' ' ' ' '
t . sJ..Jl, _Jl.Jl ,,J..JJ .l.Jl .l,.Jl l.>l _. _zl., l., lzl.>l ,JsJl Jl. .
t . 1he mlsslon ol the college and lts goals, whlch should conlorm to general educatlonal pollcles ol Plgher
Lducatlon ln the klngdom .
' ' ' ' '
e . , _:.. ) ( _J, l. l..... ..,.. ..,
e . lorm 1 whlch should be lllled out and lncludes the lollowlng
' ' ' ' '
l - ,JsJJ ,:,Jl ,.l.Jl il,.ls.;J ,J,... il.l,, .
a. 1he detalled accounts ol the llnanclal and human resources ol the college .
, - _,...Jl , _. ,JsJJ ...Jl l.Yl .
b . 1he llnances allocated by the lounders lor the college .
' ' ' ' '
_ - l l.. _s.. _.Jl ,1,Jl il.Jl .l... _.Jl ,.J.Jl il.Jl .il.l:Jl .,.J.Jl ,l.Yl ,JsJ .
c. 1he academlc departments, the certlllcates and the degrees that lt awards, and the research unlts that
constltute the college .
' ' ' ' '
. - .l.Jl ..,J _..Jl g,l.Jl .
d. 1he expected date to begln classes .
' ' ' ' '
.,lJl :.l.Jl
_. _.Sl , _z. _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , ,.l, ,JL, ,.z.Jl ,J, ,JsJl .l:.] ,l.Jl .l..s1l _,. _Js .Jl l
Artlcle lour
1o obtaln a llcense lor the general accredltatlon lor the establlshment ol the college, an appllcatlon must
be addressed to the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon wlth the lollowlng enclosures
' ' ' ' '
. _..,.Jl _,.Jl _. :. .
. A copy ol the lnltlal llcense .
r . ,JlL Jl _s z, 1 _l _Js lJl..sl ..s ,JsJl _z ,.lL..l _..Jl ,JLJl ..s .
r . 1he expected number ol students' enrolment at the College alter lts completlon, wlth the provlso that lt
should not be less than one thousand students .
' ' ' ' '
r . .l..Yl _J.J _,:.Jl .l..l .
r . 1he names ol the nomlnees lor the 8oard ol 1rustees .
t . g.z.Jl ,JsJl .,.s ,.l .
t . 1he name ol the proposed College uean .
' ' ' ' '
e . ,JsJl .l] ...Jl _Yl ,sJ. d. .
e . 1he deed ol ownershlp ol the land allocated lor the establlshment ol the College .
' ' ' ' '
: . ,JsJl _:.J .l.,Jl g,.. .
: . 1he permlt lor the College bulldlng pro[ect .
' ' ' ' '
. l.l.,... dJ:s _zl.Jl _,. ,ll l,Js g.. _.l,.JJ ,l...Jl ,.Jl .
. 1he blue prlnt ol the bulldlngs , detalllng the numbers ol lnlrastructures and lacllltles along wlth thelr
deslgns outlays .
t . ..Jl ,JsJJ ,l.Jl .l..s1l il,JL.. ils..Jl _z J1. ) ,.lJl ( ,Jl.Jl ,.l.Yl
t . 1he requlrements ol the general accredltatlon ol the college as represented by the lollowlng baslc
' ' ' ' '
_zl.Jl _.l,.Jl 1l
lzz ,JsJJ ...Jl _Yl _Js lzzl. ,JsJl _.l,. ,lz. _.Sl ,...JJ
ll8S1 8ulldlngs and lacllltles
1he bulldlngs and the lnlrastructures ol the college shall be bullt on the land allotted lor thls purpose ln
accordance wlth the lollowlng detall
' ' ' ' '
. ,JsJl _l
..., ,J>Yl ,JsJl l.. ... t , r l..Jl ::> ,l..l _z :.....Jl l.Yl il: _.l,.Jl .. ,JlL sJ .
. 1he College land
1he surlace area ol the rlvate College shall be determlned at the ratlo ol 40 square meters per student.
1hls dlstrlbutlon ls appllcable to the multlple-storey bulldlngs .
r . _,..Jl ilsl
_Jl.Jl _Js ._.l .s .:.lJl ,.:Jl _z ,JLJl ..s .,, 1l ,,
r . 1he classrooms
1he number ol students per each class must not exceed a maxlmum ol
' ' ' ' '
- ,l.]l ,.l..]l il...Jl re l,JlL .
- ,z,,L.Jl il...Jl r l,JlL .
- ,,LJl il...Jl re l,JlL .
- re students Pumanltles and admlnlstratlon studles
- r students Applled studles
- re students Medlcal studles
' ' ' ' '
_s _,..Jl ilsl _z ,JlL sJ ...Jl l..Jl z. 1 _l L.:, ,e , r lzJl l.. z. 1 _l _Js . ...Jl s
_s :l..Jl l _,..JJ r , r ls.., ilslzJl ,s... _l L.:, l.s . :e / _z _JsJl ,xLJl ..s _.. _. Yl _Js
.l i _z ,JsJl .
lt shall be requlred that the surlace area reserved lor each student ln the classroom be no less than 1.3
square meters and that the surlace area ol the classroom reserved lor teachlng or dlscusslon be no less
than 30 square meters. lurthermore, the total number ol classrooms must accommodate at least 63 ol
the total number ol students at one glven tlme .
' ' ' ' '
r . il..Jl ilLl:.Jl _..
_..Yl l>. .., Yl _Js .l ilLl:. _.. ,JsJl _.l,. .:. r _s z. 1 l.., ,JlL r , r _..Jl ., _l ,, .
,.l..Jl :l.]l ,.,Jl ,..Jl :Yl, _..Jl , _l ,, .lLJJ _l _. _. z... _. .. g.., .
r . Audltorlum lor lectures, semlnars and symposla
1he bulldlngs ol the college shall lnclude at least one audltorlum, whlch should cover a mlnlmum surlace
area ol r square meters and have a capaclty ol at least 200 students .
1he audltorlum must have a stage, an lndependent entrance, and an exlt along wlth an emergency exlt. 1he
audltorlum must be equlpped wlth the necessary audlo-vlsual equlpment, and lt should have proper
llghtlng .
t . il,...Jl
.lJl ,..Jl l.. _s. : , r ..., .Yl _Js r , r ,JlLJJ _Js ,..Jl _z ,JLJl ..s .,, 1 ..lJl r l,JlL .
t . 1he laboratorles
1he surlace area ol each laboratory should not be less than : square meters at a ratlo ol three-square
meters per student and the number ol students' occupancy should not exceed 20 per laboratory .
' ' ' ' '
e . il..JJl .l..
..., JJl ... l.. _s. r , r _s ,JLJl ..s .,, 1 ..lJl ,JlLJJ r .lJl ...Jl _z l,JlL .
e . Language laboratorles
1he surlace area ol the language laboratory should allow a three square meter area per student, and the
number ol students uslng the laboratory should not exceed 30 students .
' ' ' ' '
: . ,.l.Jl .l..
l.. _s. .J.ls.. s,:, :. ._.l,Jl :Yl ,s. , _. il..l.Jl _Jsl _Js ,.lJl .l.. _s. _l ,,
..., ,.lJl ... r , r lLJJ _s ,xLJl ..s .,, 1 .,J rt .lJl ...Jl _z l,JlL . _.Sl ,. ,.lJl .l.. ..s _s,
: . Computer laboratorles
1he computer laboratorles must conlorm to the hlghest standards ln terms ol quallty ol equlpment, and
soltware and network. 1he surlace area ol the computer laboratory must allow lor two square meter area
per student and should accommodate 24 students at one tlme . 1he number ol computer laboratorles shall
be determlned as lollows
' ' ' ' '
- sJ _Ji ,.l l _s, sz ,.lJl _.. t ,xL .
- lor computer ma[or and related llelds, one computer lor every 4 students .
' ' ' ' '
- sJ _Ji ,.l l Yl il...Jl _,.J rt l,JlL .
- lor all other ma[ors, one computer lor every 24 students .
- ... sJ Yl _Js .,lL .
- At least one prlnter lor each laboratory .
' ' ' ' '
. .l.:.Jl _Jl
.lJl :.Jl l :Jl l.. _s. : , r ..., .Yl _Js t , r .lJl ,JlLJJ . _s ,JLJl ..s .,, 1 _l ,, e _z l,JlL
sl _,l _s l:.Jl l _Jl ilsl ..s z, 1 _l ,, l.s ..lJl :.Jl l :Jl ,...Jl il...JJ il .
. Workshops
1he surlace area allocated lor each workshop should be not less than 60 square meters, wlth a ratlo ol lour
square meters per lndlvldual student. 1he number ol students should not exceed e students ln each
workshop, and the number ol englneerlng workshops should not be less than lour .
' ' ' ' '
t . _,,l.]l .,.s _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,.ls.
t . Clllces lor the laculty members and admlnlstratlve stall
....Jl _,..Jl .,> .s ,.s. l.. _s. + , r .Jl ..s , . .l ,.s. _z _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. _,.1l dl.:l :
_s l... sJ ...Jl l..Jl z. 1 ,, ,e , r . ,.s.Jl l.. z. xz _,,l.]l _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,s _z _. l.l
....Jl t , r _s ...Jl l..Jl z. 1 . : , r s.:.Jl ,.ls.Jl _z .lJl ..JJ .
1he surlace area allocated to the olllce ol each laculty member should be nlne square meters, and ll need
be, two laculty members may share the same olllce. As a result, the surlace area allocated to each laculty
member wlll not be less than 7.3 square meters. 8egardlng the college other teachlng stall members and
the other admlnlstratlve stall, the area reserved lor each lndlvldual olllce should not be less than elght
square meters, and the surlace area reserved lor the shared olllces should not be less than slx square
meters per lndlvldual .
' ' ' ' '
+ . ,...s.Jl
l.. ,.s.Jl _.,. .l:. ..s ,JsJl _.. , , r ..z. ,.s.Jl _z zl., _l ,, . _..l .s ,JsJl _z .. ,JlL sJ
,xL .. sJ .l .
+ . 1he llbrary
1he college should allocate a mlnlmum surlace area ol one square meter lor every reglstered student, and
one seat should be made avallable per every llve students .
. ,..Jl :..Jl
,.Jl :.JJ ,Jl.]l l..JJ _..Yl .Jl _s, _l ,, : , r ,,.z.J ,.l.Yl il..l.Jl il.J...Jl zl.. _l _Js
l ..Jl .xJl ,,LJ . _Jl.Jl s:Jl, :.l,.Jl l.. _l ,,
. 1he Cllnlc
1he total surlace area allocated lor the cllnlc should not be less than 160 square meters, and the baslc
needs and standards should be met ln order to provlde the necessary medlcal servlces. 1he cllnlc should
have the lollowlng
l . _s ,JLJl ..s .l l: ..l ,,,L r sJ ,,,L ,JsJl _z _s,z r ,JLJl _. .
a. Cne physlclan, and ll the number ol students exceeds 2,000, there should be one physlclan lor every
2,000 students .
' ' ' ' '
, . _.. ) ... ( :.l,s sJ .l .
_ . l.. :l,. .
. . ,JYl ilzl..]l il.J... .
b. Cne nurse (male / lemale) lor each cllnlc .
c. An ambulance vehlcle .
d. llrst ald equlpment .
' ' ' ' '
. .,.l,Jl ,sx..Jl
,xLJJ Yl _Js .l _l ,.J. ,JsJl _z _s, :l..l .,,.Jl _,,lz.Jl ,. ,Jl.Jl ,l.JxJ Yl _Js .l _J. ,.J. .
:.....Jl il..l.Jl
- J. :s r: , t ,
- :.lL :s t , + ,
- ., :s t , r ,
- _.l _.. :s rt , ,
. lay Crounds
1here should be at least one outdoor court, and one lndoor court lor the lollowlng games
8asketball 26m x 14m
volleyball 18m x 9m
Pandball 40m x r m
1ennls Court 24m x 11m
_Js ,JsJl _z ,xLJl ..s .l l: .,xLJJ ,. :s ,.J. ,JsJl z. _l .., r ,.l, Jl. ,JsJl z. _l ,,z .,JlL
1 ,Jl. l.., zJ. _s z. r , r _s lsl..l z, 1 . ,Jl.Jl _zl.Jl l, zl., ,, .,.Jl.Jl il..l.JJ lzz ,
lt ls prelerable lor the College to provlde a lootball lleld lor the students .
ll the number ol students at the College ls greater than 3,000, the College ls requlred to provlde an lndoor
sports arena that should not be less than 2,000 square meters and not less than 7m ln helght ln accordance
wlth world standards. 1he lollowlng lacllltles should also be provlded
' ' ' ' '
l . J. :s .:. ,.JJ J,l ,sx. ..s _ls. ,sx. .:.lL :, ._.l _.. .:.lL :s .., :s . ) r ( Yl _Js .
a. Sport arena that can be converted lnto courts lor basketball, handball, volleyball, tennls, and at least 2
squash courts .
' ' ' ' '
, . lz.Jl ,l.Jl .l..J zzl. ilsl _..Jl _s _ ) . - ,.lls - ..s,l. ( l,J .,. z .l,. .JlL _.. ..sx.
,.., .
b. Addltlonal rooms to practlce martlal arts (!udo, karate, and 1alkwondo) boxlng, lng-ong, gymnastlc,
along wlth welght llltlng and gymnaslum .
' ' ' ' '
_ . l.l :.l, .l. :l,., :.. il.l.Jl _s. .,. _zl. Yl _Js il.l. 1x1 _Js _.. _,x. l, _s .
c. Locker rooms lncludlng at least three bathrooms wlth hot and cold water .
' ' ' ' '
. . ..., _,z:.JJ ,.ls. ,e , r :. l ,.. sJ .
d. Clllces lor the supervlsors shall not be less 7.3 square meters per slngle coach or supervlsor .
' ' ' ' '
.> . _JlJ _l..., .,. ... d.. l i,l1 _.. r _: .
e. llxed or moblle bleachers along wlth a trlbune ol an average capaclty ol 200 people .
_l ,, l.s sJ ,.. ..., dJ: ,l.JYl ::J _,J>. _,,.. ,JsJl z. ) ( ,JlL .
_.,.. _sl,z il,JlLJJ ,..Jl, l.l .
1he College should also provlde qualllled coaches lor these sports at the rate ol one coach per 1,000
students .
8egardlng lemale students, thelr prlvacy should be taken lnto conslderatlon .
' ' ' ' '
r . ,JsJl _zl.
_J, l. .:. ..lJl illJl _: :lsl. _. .J..Jl ilLl:.JJ ...Jl _zl.Jl _>
r . College lacllltles
1hese lacllltles deslgned lor the varlous actlvltles wlth speclal conslderatlon to dlsabled cases. 1hese
' ' ' ' '
l . .lz.Jl ,s.Jl .,.Jl ,slL.Jl .:. ,slL.Jl ) il,.,zlsJl .( z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 _.s. ,slL. ,JsJl z. _l ,,
_s rr / _l, .,JsJl _z _,J..Jl ,JLJl _.. _. , r ,JlL sJ ) ..JJ ...Jl ill..Jl J.l: il .(
a. 8estaurants
1hey lnclude the maln restaurants, caleterlas and lood stands. 1he College should provlde caterlng lacllltles
lor at least 32 ol the total number ol reglstered students at the College at a ratlo ol one square meter per
student (lncludlng the areas reserved lor servlces .(
' ' ' ' '
, . .J..Jl ilLl:.Jl _l..Jl .l] _lYl :..... ilsl ,JsJl z. _l..Jl ilsl ) i.Jl ,.sJl _l.. 1.
,..Jl .. gJl ( _s z, 1 l. ,s... ,, t / _l, ..,JsJl _z _,J..Jl ,JLJl _.. _. ) ( , r sJ l.. z. 1 ,JlL
_s :.lJl slzJl t , r .
b. Lxhlbltlon halls
1he College shall provlde varlous halls deslgned lor exhlbltlons and other actlvltles such as book
exhlbltlons, sculpture and photography etc. ln a way to accommodate 4 ol the total number ol students
reglstered at the College. A one square meter per student must be allocated, but the area ol the glven hall
should not be less than 80 square meters .
_ . _s z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 _J.. l l... ,JsJl z. il,J..Jl .l..Jl t / Jl ,JLJl _.. _. _l, .,JsJl _z _,J..
,e , r ,JlL sJ ) il..JJ ...Jl ill..Jl J.l: .( _s .lJl _J..Jl l.. z. 1 r / ill..Jl _Jl. _.
_J.. _. 1sl dl.> _ls l: :x.JJ ...Jl .
c. Mosques or rayer 8ooms
1he College shall provlde a mosque or prayer area to accommodate at least 8 ol the total number ol
students reglstered at the College, wlth a ratlo ol 0.3 square meters per student ) lncludlng servlce areas).
1he total surlace area ol the mosque should not be less than 20 ol the total area reserved lor prayer ll
there ls more than one prayer room .
' ' ' ' '
. . _s z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 _.,Jl _...Jl g,..Jl ilsl ,JsJl z. ,.,Jl ,...Jl ilslzJl t / ,JLJl _.. _.
_l, ,JsJl _z _,J..Jl , r ,JlL sJ .
d. Audlo-vlsual 8ooms
1he College shall provlde speclal rooms lor audlo-vlsual actlvltles to accommodate at least t / ol the total
number ol reglstered students at the ratlo ol one square meter per student .
' ' ' ' '
.> . Yl _Js l.. l.., l ,Jl.Jl _zl.Jl _,. ,JsJl z. _l .zYl _.
e- lt ls prelerable that the college provldes all, or at least some ol the lollowlng lacllltles
' ' ' ' '
_s z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 .,JLJl il.l...1 ixL. . t / _l, ._,J..Jl ,JLJl _.. _. ,e , r ,JlL sJ .
- Sunshades lor students use that can accommodate no less than 4 ol the total number ol reglstered
students, at a ratlo ol 1.3 square meter per student .
' ' ' ' '
,.lJl s. _.,. . .
- A computer centre bulldlng .
,.l.Jl LLJl l,JL.. 1 _.Jl ,.J.Jl ,,xLJl ilLl:.JJ ,zl.]l .l..Jl il,..Jl . ) . 1. ,.lJl :l> il,.
,.lJl ill,.Jl _l,LJl .. gJl ( _s z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 . t / _l, . ._,J..Jl ,JLJl _.. _. , r ,JlL sJ .
- Addltlonal laboratorles and workshops dedlcated to the students' extra-currlcular actlvltles such as
hobbles (radlo, llylng, cars, computers etc.) whlch would accommodate no less than 4 ol the total number
ol reglstered students at a ratlo ol one square meter per student .
' ' ' ' '
,..Jl , ,,xLJl ilLl:.JJ ilsl . ,,xLJl il,..Jl ,..Yl ,.J.Jl il..JJ ilsl . ) . i.Jl zl.Jl ilsl 1
JlLJl _.. .l,J,Jl ,,..Jl ,.,Jl _..Jl ,.Jl .. gJl ( _s z, 1 l. ,l.,..1 . / . _,J..Jl ,JLJl _.. _.
_l, , r _s :.lJl slzJl l.. z. 1 ,JlL sJ r , r .
- Semlnar halls and rooms lor students clubs and assoclatlons, along wlth rooms reserved lor extra-
currlcular actlvltles (such as rooms lor the [ournallsm, sculpture, palntlng, llne arts , photography, bllllards,
plng-pong etc.) to accommodate no less than 10 ol the total number ol reglstered students, at the ratlo
ol 1 square meter per student , the total surlace area ol each room ls no less than 30 square meters .
' ' ' ' '
r . :l.,.Jl il.
..z. _., ) _l. ( sJ :.l J.. .l ) e ( sJ :.l J.. _. .l ..z. _., .l,JlL ) r ( _,.. .,> .s
l. l _s :.... :l,. :. s l.. z. 1 ._ e , r _s z. 1 . r , r s.:.Jl :l,.Jl il. _. :. sJ .
r . 8est 8ooms
Cne lavatory and one washer should be allocated to every 30 students, and one lavatory and one washer
should be allocated to every 20 laculty members or admlnlstratlve stall. Lach tollet should have a surlace
area ol no less than llve square meters and no less than three-square meters lor common tollets .
' ' ' ' '
t . ,.Jl ,l:.Jl
sJ .l ..., :.,. .l. ,l:. _.. ) : ( l:.Jl _. .l.: ,... _l. _z ,JsJl _,... ,JLJl ,., s:, ,
.J..Jl .
t . urlnklng water lountalns
1here should be one relrlgerated drlnklng water lountaln per 60 persons. 1hey should be dlstrlbuted ln a
way to serve all students and college personnel .
e . L..Jl ill,.Jl l. .l.Jl il
_s z, 1 l. s.Jl .l.Jl ilL..Jl _.. s:. re / l _Yl l.. _. / ,.,Yl l.. _.. _. . l. l.l
l sJ :l,. _..l ., ,JLJl . _,,l.]l . _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ill,. il.l,Jl ,l.,..1 ,zls _s. _l ,,z ill,.Jl .,
,xL ::s sJ :l,. . ,.,.lsYl ,l.]l .,Jl _. _l:l ) sJ r ,JlL . ( :l,. sJ ...Jl l..Jl _s.
_Jl. e , r _l, sJ ...Jl l..Jl .Yl _Js r , r Yl _Js .
e . Creen areas and cars parklng
1he green areas must cover re / ol the total land surlace area, or 100 ol the total constructlon space. 1he
cars parklng must have enough space lor buses and laculty, stall and students ' vehlcles, wlth the lollowlng
mlnlmum dlstrlbutlon ol one car lor every lour stall members, lour laculty members, and ten male
students (thlrty lemale students). 1he parklng area lor every van car must be at least 13 square meters ,
and twlce that area lor buses .
' ' ' ' '
: . :l..,.Jl
.., _.l :l,. _l _Js ,JsJl ,.,l ..:. _l ,, r , r ., .l. Yl _Js .. , r sJ _s ,JLJl ..s .l l: ,JlL
r ,JlL . _. _,,JlL sJ .l ,.s. .. l.z., lz,l. :s:.Jl ..Jl :.l, ,., .z ,JLJJ _Jl. _s. . Jl.. _z
_Jl.Jl _s.Jl ,JL .
: . Water
1he college bulldlngs must have an underground water tank (reservolr) wlth a mlnlmum capaclty ol 300
cublc meters to whlch must be added an average ol 100 cublc meters per each 1000 students should the
number ol students exceeds 2000. ll the college provldes houslng lor students, a cublc meter ls added lor
every two resldent students .
' ' ' ' '
. _.Jl .Jl
,.l..Jl _.Jl .Jl ,z., ,JsJl ,z. _l ,, .
. Sanltatlon system
1he college must provlde an elllclent sanltatlon system .
' ' ' ' '
_.,.lsYl ,,L..Jl l,.l1
.Jl _.xJ lzz ,.Js ,.,L.. ,., ,JsJJ _s. ,Jl
SLCCnu Academlc Crganlzatlonal Chart
1he college must have a academlc organlzatlonal structure as lollows
- .l..Yl _J. .
_Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , _. lz, .l..Yl _J. s:, . .l.Jl .1 ..slzJl ::> .,J>Yl il,JsJl .1 , _.z. l., .,z.Jl _.
_.l, l. _.Jl _Js J . ,JsJl, zJ...Jl .Yl _z L.Jl, .l..Yl _J. _., .,..lJl J.JJ ill,.1l
. 1he board ol trustees
1he board ol trustees ls set up by a decree lssued by the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon upon compllance
wlth the bylaws ol the prlvate colleges, the stated regulatlons, and the bylaws governlng courses and
examlnatlons at the unlverslty level, the board ol trustees ls responslble to conslder matters related to the
college, especlally
' ' ' ' '
- ,Jl.Jl g.lJJl .l..sl .l..Yl _J. _,. _. l l, .., ,JsJJ .
. 1he adoptlon ol the laculty's bylaws that should be endorsed and approved by the presldent ol the board
ol trustees .
' ' ' ' '
r - .Jl ,.,.. il.l . ,JLJl ,z, .lJl ,:,...Jl il.l]l L:Jl _. . ,. . ,>., :.ls . ,J.z . ,.l
,..lJl J.JJ ill,.1l .l.Jl .1 :lsl. _. _.,.lsYl .l:]l ,lL. .
r . 1o set the requlrement and executlve procedures related to students' admlsslon, academlc progress,
dlsmlssal , re-admlsslon and graduatlon, ln addltlon to the system ol academlc advlsory, ln accordance wlth
the bylaws governlng courses and examlnatlons at the unlverslty level .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,,l.,..1l lLJl .. _z _.l. .z sJ ,l. ,zJl .l.sl .,.. .
r . 1o determlne the number ol students admltted to the college and the dates lor each term ln accordance
wlth the college capaclty .
' ' ' ' '
t - :l 1x1, ,JsJJ ,Jl.Jl ..Jl ,l., , ,..Jl ,,.z.Jl ,.l,.Jl .l..sl .
t . 1o approve the estlmated annual budget three months prlor to the beglnnlng ol the llscal year .
e - l.,.. _. _.l. .z , ,JsJl ,l.l _z _l.Jl .:z.Jl ,.sJl .,.l.Jl _>l..Jl l .
e . 1o approve, one semester ln advance, the currlcula, syllabl, the textbooks, and llst ol relerences lor all
departments ol the college .
' ' ' ' '
: - ,JsJl l, ,z. _.Jl Yl ,.,J..Jl il..Jl ,. .,.l.Jl ,.Jl .,.. .
: . 1o determlne the tultlon lees and any addltlonal educatlonal servlces costs ollered by the college .
' ' ' ' '
- , ,.J.Jl il.l:Jl g.. .Jl il,JL.. _. .l..xJ _Jl.Jl _.l.Jl ..Jl dJ: l., 1 _l _Js ,JsJl _J. gl.l _Js .l. .
. 1o award degree certlllcates based on the recommendatlon ol the College Councll, ll the student lulllls
all the degree requlrements by the end ol the lollowlng semester .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,JsJl ,.zJl _J. ,.. _Js .l., ,,.. .,.ls .,.s _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _,,.. _z i,Jl .
t . 1o deal wlth the appolntment, secondment and commlsslonlng ol laculty members and the llke based on
recommendatlons lrom the uepartment Councll and the laculty 8oard .
' ' ' ' '
+ - :lJl _,, l,Js _l..1l ,., _.Jl ,...Jl ..lJl _z _.J.Jl _J.Jl _J l.z _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,., ,..Jl
_.J.Jl _J.Jl ,.. _Js .l., ,.Jl l .l..Yl _J. _,. .., .,JsJl .
+ . 1o recommend the promotlon ol laculty members and relerrlng lt to the 8esearch Councll at a Saudl
unlverslty chosen [olntly by the Mlnlstry and the College. 1he promotlon declslon ls lssued by the presldent
ol the board ol trustees based on the recommendatlon ol the 8esearch Councll .
' ' ' ' '
- ,Jl.Jl ..Jl _. _,lJl :Jl ,l. , dJ: ,JsJJ _..lzJl _l.JJ _..Jl _Jl.Jl ,z.Jl :l.. .
. 1o dlscuss the annual llscal report submltted by the college llnanclal controller. 1hls ls done belore the
end ol the lourth month ol the subsequent year .
- ..,.Jl Jl _s. _l _Js ll _. l ,JsJl l. _. .., ..,, _. ._,.l.Jl _,.,..Jl l..,l _Js zzl.Jl
:lJl , _. :..... l,J .
. 1o approve scholarshlps to teachlng asslstants and lecturers, and to anyone else by the College to study
abroad, provlded that the host lnstltutlon ls accredlted by the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon .
' ' ' ' '
r - ll _. ,JsJl ,JLJ ,.z. _.Jl l l.l,JlL l l,xLJ ,JsJl l... _.Jl ,.l.Jl g..Jl l .
r . 1o approve scholarshlps granted by the college or by other lnstltutlons to lts students .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,l.Yl .l. _,,.. .
r . 1o appolnt heads ol departments .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,>.zs .lJ ,.l,. _,,l.]l _,,.. _z i,Jl .
t . 1o declde on the appolntment ol admlnlstratlve stall, thelr promotlon, and dlsmlssal .
' ' ' ' '
e - .,.s _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ..l.Jl ,zJl .L.l , _. ,JsJl Ll:. _....Jl _..Jl ,z.Jl .l..sl
,,Jl .l.sl .,J, g,l. ,. ... _.. s _z ,JLJl .l.sl _.Jl il..Jl il,..Jl .,JsJJ _Jl.Jl _.Jl ._
l.Jl.. ,. .,JsJl l. .
e . 1o approve the annual report on the College's actlvltles that lncludes the rules lor admlsslon and
studles, laculty stall members and the llke, the students ellectlve accordlng to thelr ma[ors , level ol study,
date ol admlsslon, the number ol graduates, the llnanclal status ol the college, the dllllcultles and
obstacles that the college laces and the means to overcome them .
' ' ' ' '
: - z .. _.Jl ,,xLJl .Yl _z i,Jl ,JsJl _J. _. ,J _z, l. _Js .l., .l..l _ .
: . 1o take care ol students' lssues lalllng under lts competency based on relerral lrom the College Councll .
- ,JsJl ,.l,. _z ,.J.Jl ,Jl _z _..Jl _.l, .,1,Jl _.l,Jl l .
. 1o approve academlc research programs and expanslon plans ln sclentlllc research wlthln the llmlt ol
the college budget .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,JsJl _J. .
.xJl _. ::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl _z l,Js _...Jl il.l..1l _J., .
r . 1he College Councll
1he college councll ls responslble lor the tasks stated ln artlcle slxteen ol the bylaws .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,JsJl .,.s .
_Js '.l., _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , _. lz, ,l.]l ,.J.Jl :.l.sJl, _,,...Jl _,,...Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. ,JsJl .,.s _,.,
.l..Yl _J. ,.. . :..J _,,..Jl _s, l., ,JsJJ ,Jl.Jl .,l.]l .,.J.Jl _.:Jl :l. .,..Jl _J., ..,..JJ J,l _,...
s ,l. _z .l..Yl _J. _J ,.z, .,..lJl J.JJ ill,.1l .l.Jl .1 ..slzJl ::> ..xJl ,lsl _. _l.., 1
.l. ,,J..Jl _: _s l,z. ,..l .. ,JsJl _z Ll:.Jl : .
' ' ' ' '
r . 1he uean
1he uean ol the College shall be appolnted, lrom among Saudl academlc stall members who have
outstandlng academlc and admlnlstratlve competence, lor a renewable perlod ol two years by a decree
lssued by the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon and based on the nomlnatlon submltted by the 8oard ol
1rustees. 1he uean ls responslble lor the laculty's academlc, admlnlstratlve and llnanclal allalrs ln
accordance wlth the rules and regulatlons stated ln the bylaws as well as ln the bylaws governlng to the
studles and examlnatlons at the hlgher educatlon level. At the end ol each academlc year, the dean shall
submlt to the board ol trustees a comprehenslve report on matters related to academlc allalrs and varlous
actlvltles ln the college .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,JsJl ,s .
_J. _. lz, _,., .,l.]l ,.J.Jl :.l.sJl, _,,...Jl _,,...Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. 1sl l _x,s ,JsJJ _s,
., .Jl.sl _z .,..Jl _x,sJl _l., ..,..Jl g,:. _Js '.l., .,..JJ J,l _,... :..J .l..Yl ,>.... ..s .xsJl ,.l .s ,
,JsJl _J. .l.l ,>.l _J., .,... J l ,l, .l.1l .
t . 1he vlce-uean
1he college must have two or more vlce-deans appolnted lrom among the Saudl academlc stall members
who have outstandlng academlc and admlnlstratlve competence. 1he board ol trustees, based on the
uean's recommendatlon, appolnts a vlce-dean. 1he appolntment ls lor a renewable perlod ol two years.
1he two vlce-deans shall help the dean ln hls work. ln the case ol the dean's absence or vacancy, the senlor
vlce-dean becomes actlng dean and the [unlor vlce-dean becomes the Secretary ol the College Councll .
' ' ' ' '
e - ,.zJl _J. .
_. ::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl _. _l.., 1 l., .,z _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. Jl., ,. _J. ,JsJl ,l.l _. ,. sJ _s,
l il,JsJl .1 _1J1 ., 1 _l..1l g., 1 .Yl _Js : s :. .,. _. :s., ,.zJl _J. _.., .,J>Y
_,.Jl ,z _:Jl ,.lJl g, _l..Jl ..s _,.lJl .l.sYl il.Y zJL.Jl ,,JYl, .ll ... ..l.sl . ,...
s _. _l.sl l,Js ., ,J l. ::zl. _J.Jl ill x ,JsJl .,. ) e ( ,J lJ. g,l. _. l., . ,l _Js _J.Jl _z, l:z
,z i,Jl ,x. _J.JJ ,JsJl _J. _J ,Js _...Jl lzJl l, .
e . 1he uepartment Councll
1here should be a councll lor each department ln the college. 1he academlc stall members compose the
councll. 1hls should be ln conlormlty wlth artlcle elghteen ol the prlvate colleges' bylaws . upon the
lnvltatlon ol the head ol the department, the department councll convenes at least once a month. 1he
meetlng can take place ll two thlrd ol the councll's members are present. Absolute ma[orlty ol the
members present adopts the councll's declslons. ln case ol a tle ln the votes, the slde that the Chalrman
supports, wlns. 1he councll's resolutlons are consldered approved ll the dean ol the laculty ralses no
ob[ectlon wlthln 13 days lrom the day lt reaches hlm. ll the councll malntalns lts posltlon, the contested
resolutlon ls relerred to the college councll, whlch has the power to settle the matter .
' ' ' ' '
L ,JsJl _J. _Js ,.zJl _J. g.z, .,> .l.sl _,,.. g.z, ._l.Jl .:z.Jl ,.sJl .,.l.Jl _>l..Jl ..l.Jl
l.sYl il.,..Jl il.l.Jl _,., .,.J.Jl ,Jl ils:. .l., ,z, l.s .,.l,. _,.,..Jl _,.l.Jl _,..Jl
l l.sl ,,L.. ._,.,..Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _Js ,,,..Jl lz,... ,.zJ .
1he department councll proposes to the laculty councll the teachlng programs, the currlcula, the textbooks,
and the relerence llsts. lt proposes the appolntment ol the academlc stall members, lnstructors and
teachlng asslstants as well as thelr promotlon. lt also examlnes research pro[ects, asslgns lectures, tralnlng
and workshops to academlc stall members and teachlng asslstants, and organlzes and co-ordlnates the
department's actlvlty .
, .l..l _z .. _.Jl ilz.Jl _,.. ,. s _J., l ..l. _lJ ,s:. ,.zJl _J.J ..l..Yl _J. _. l>l ..
.l.sl _,, _. .. .
Lach department undertakes the teachlng ol the courses related to lts speclallty, once the board ol trustees
approves them. 1he department councll can lorm permanent or temporary commlttees lrom among lts
members .
' ' ' ' '
: - _.J.Jl ,.zJl _,. .
g,:. _Js '.l., .l..Yl _J. _,. _. lz, ,l.]l ,.J.Jl :.l.sJl, _,,...Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. ,.zJl _,. _,.,
.l..Yl _J. zzl. ,JsJl .,.s _. . _,... :..J _,,..Jl _s, ,l.]l ,.J.Jl .Yl ,,.. _s ...Jl > ..,..JJ J,l
,z ,Jl.Jl . ,.l. .. s ,l. _z ,.zJl l.sl _s l,z. .,..JJ ,.z, .
: . 1he head ol the academlc department
1he head ol the department ls appolnted lrom among the academlc stall members who have an
outstandlng academlc and admlnlstratlve competence by a decree lssued by the presldent ol the board ol
trustees based on the uean's nomlnatlon and the approval ol the board ol trustees. 1he appolntment ls lor
a renewable perlod ol two years. 1he head ol the department ls responslble lor the management ol
academlc, admlnlstratlve and llnanclal matters wlthln the department. 1he head ol the department
submlts to the uean a report on the department's actlvltles at the end ol every academlc year .
' ' ' ' '
- ,> ,.s _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl
- ::.l.Yl .
- _sl:.Jl ::.l.Yl .
- _.sl..Jl ::.l.Yl .
- _.l.Jl .
- ,..l.Jl J. _. ilJJl ... .
- _.,..Jl .
. Members ol academlc stall and the llke
- rolessors
- Assoclate rolessors
- Asslstant rolessors
- Lecturers
- Languages lnstructors (Master's degree holders (
- 1eachlng Asslstant
_.Js _.. _z .:..... il..l _. lJ.l., l. l .:l.s.Jl . _Js _,J.lJl _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _s, _l ,,
.,LJl :J >, .
Academlc stall members must be hu holders or an equlvalent degree conlerred by an accredlted
unlverslty. 1he degree must be ln a ma[or that qualllles the member to hold an academlc posltlon .
' ' ' ' '
t - _s _,.,..Jl _,.l.Jl ,.. .,. 1 r / ..Jl .,> .l.sl _.. _J _.Js ,. s _z _,.l.Jl .l.1..l, ,.zJl _z _,
l,J.Jl ,..l. l.s..1 _,...Jl _,.,..Jl .
t . 1he percentage ol lecturers and teachlng asslstants must not exceed 20 ol the total teachlng stall ln
the academlc department . Lecturers and teachlng asslstants who are reachlng lor thelr post-graduate
degrees are not lncluded .
' ' ' ' '
+ - .l.Jl il,JL..Jl _Js ,.,.. ..z, ilJJl ... ) ,,.Jl JJl - ,,J.]l JJl ( ,... il,JL.. _s. 1 .
+ . Languages lnstructors teach only general requlrements (Arablc language, Lngllsh language). 1hey do not
teach speclallzed courses .
' ' ' ' '
- _.Yl .Jl _s, _l _Js ,J.s zzl., _,... , _,.. .,> .l.sl, .l...1l .:.Jl ..s .,JsJJ ,
,.. sJ _.,..Jl ,l..JJ : ...Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,.. z. 1l L:, ilsl. _s _, e / ,. s _z .
. 1he college may, ll need be, use the servlces ol part-tlme academlc stall members upon the approval ol
thelr employers. Lach part-tlme member ls allowed to have a teachlng load that does not exceed slx
contact hours on the condltlon that the number ol lull-tlme academlc stall members ls not less than 73 ln
each department .
' ' ' ' '
- _Jl.Jl .Jl _Js ,.s _z _. _,...Jl _,..Jl .,> .l.sY ., _., l .,, _.,..Jl ,l..JJ _.Yl .Jl _s,
. 1he maxlmum teachlng load, wlth or wlthout an extra allowance lor lull-tlme members ol the teachlng
stall, ls as lollows
' ' ' ' '
- :l..Yl t :..... ,.l. ilsl. .
- dl:.Jl :l..Yl t :..... ,.l. sl. .
- .sl..Jl :l..Yl : :..... ,.l. sl. .
- .l.Jl t :..... ,.l. sl. .
- JJl _.. t :..... ,.l. sl. .
- .,..Jl t :..... ,.l. sl. .
- rolessor 14 credlt hours
- Assoclate rolessor 14 credlt hours
- Asslstant rolessor 16 credlt hours
- Lecturer 18 credlt hours
- Language lnstructor 18 credlt hours
- 1eachlng Asslstant 18 credlt hours
' ' ' ' '
r - _.xJ lzz ,.l.Jl l:.Jl _Jl .l..Jl il,..Jl _,.z .s l,.l ,,l.. _s. _l ,,
r . 1he crlterla lor the selectlon and [ob descrlptlon ol laboratory, workshops, and graphlc deslgn
technlclans must be as lollows
' ' ' ' '
- ,.. sJ Yl _Js .l _.z _., ) ... / :. / : / ,.. .(
- At least one technlclan ls allocated to each lab ) laboratory, workshop, graphlc deslgn lab (
' ' ' ' '
_s .lJl ,.zJl _z _,,..Jl _J ,JLJl ,.. .,. 1 t 1 _l ,, _,.1l _s .lJl ,.zJl _z _,s...Jl _,,..Jl ..s z, .
- 1he ratlo ol students to technlclans ln a department should not exceed 40 1 and there should be at least
two lull-tlme technlclans ln every department .
' ' ' ' '
.Jl _..JJ _s,.Yl ,l..Jl .,, 1 _s _.. tt .sl. r _...Jl ,J sl. .
- 1he maxlmum weekly worklng hours lor the lull-tlme technlclan should not exceed 48 hours and 12 hours
lor the part-tlme technlclan .
' ' ' ' '
,J,. l .,..lJl .Jl _Js l.l _s, _l ,..Jl _.z _z L.:, ..Jl l. _z Yl _Js .l.Jl ,.l1Jl .., L...
.,..Jl ,,l..JJ lzz ,z _,., _:Jl .
- A laboratory technlclan may prelerably be a holder ol a unlverslty degree or he must at least have a post-
secondary school dlploma ln the work lleld he shall be asslgned to .
r - _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _J ,JLJl ,..
,l.]l ,.l..]l il...Jl r
,z,,L.Jl il...Jl r
,,LJl il...Jl e
r . 1he ratlo ol students to academlc stall members should be as lollows
- Pumanltles and admlnlstratlon ma[ors 30 to 1
- Applled ma[ors 20 to 1
- Medlcal ma[ors 13 to 1
' ' ' ' '
t - _,,...Jl , _. ,.s _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. .l..Jl , ,>zl. ..s _,,...JJ ,JYl .lLs :lsl. _. .
t . Whlle glvlng prlorlty to avallable Saudl academlcs , non-Saudl academlcs and the llke could be recrulted
on a contractual basls .
' ' ' ' '
e - .l.Jl ,lL. .
- _J. _J., ,J>Yl il,JsJl _Js ,...Jl il..lJl _z l, ...Jl ,..lJl J.JJ ill,.1l .l.Jl .1 _..
xJl ::> _z l,Js _...Jl ..lJl _J. il.l..l .l..Yl . .
e . System ol study
- 1he study and examlnatlons bylaws lor Saudl unlversltles are appllcable to prlvate colleges. 1he board ol
trustees shall undertake the unlverslty councll's lunctlons ln accordance wlth the Saudl unlversltles'
bylaws .
' ' ' ' '
- _J, l.s ,..lJl .Jl _Js .JJ ,.,..Jl ilsl.Jl _. _..Yl .Jl _s,
,l.]l ,.l..]l il...Jl r: sl.
,z,,L.Jl il...Jl rr sl.
,,LJl il...Jl t sl.
- 1he mlnlmum credlt hours requlred lor obtalnlng a bachelor's degree ls as lollows
- Pumanltles and admlnlstratlve ma[ors 126 hours
- Applled ma[ors 132 hours
- Medlcal ma[ors 140 hours
..lJl :.l.Jl
_z ..,Jl ,. . ,l.Jl .l..s1l ,,l.. _l i,1, l. _,... l>l.l :.. _z z, _l _..,.Jl _,.Jl _Js J. .., _..Jl _Js
.l>l. g,., _..,.Jl _,.Jl _z 1 _..,.Jl _,.Jl g,l. _. ,l.Jl .l..s1l ,,l.. il.. _,l l>l.l :.. _z z, _l
l.s _J. .
Artlcle llve
Cn acqulrlng the lnltlal llcense, the lounder should, wlthln a maxlmum perlod ol two years , provlde prool
that the requlrements lor general accredltatlon have been met. 1he lull requlrements lor general
accredltatlon must be met wlthln a maxlmum perlod ol lour years, startlng lrom the date ol the lnltlal
llcense. lallure to comply wlth the above shall legally result ln the cancellatlon ol the lnltlal llcense .
' ' ' ' '
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
_.Sl , _z. _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , ,.l, ,JL, ,.z.Jl ,., _lJl .l..s1l _,. _Js .JJ
. _..,.Jl _,.Jl _. :. .
r . ,l.Jl .l..s1l _. :. .
l ,.lJl ,JsJJ _lJl .l..s1l il,JL.. .:. ,Jl.Jl ,.l.Y
Artlcle Slx
1o acqulre a llcense lor speclal accredltatlon, an appllcatlon addressed to the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon
must be submltted wlth the lollowlng
. A copy ol the lnltlal llcense .
r . A copy ol the general accredltatlon .
1he speclal accredltatlon ol the college must lnclude
' ' ' ' '
,.s.Jl il,.. 1l
_J, l., ,J>Yl ,JsJl ,.J.
. ..., dJ: il.J..Jl .l.. J.. _. ils.. ,... .l..l ) ( ..s z, 1 _l _Js ._..l .s ,JlL sJ _.,l.s ::s
::s _s ,.s.Jl _z _,l..Jl _l.s s _. Yl _Js _l... zl.. _l ._,.l.Jl ..s _l.s 1i .
llrst 1he Llbrary Contents
1he prlvate college should commlt ltsell to the lollowlng
. 1he acqulsltlon and the development ol collectlons lrom varlous sources ol lnlormatlon at a mlnlmum
ratlo ol 10 tltles per student provlded that the llbrary should have at least ten thousand tltles at the tlme ol
establlshment. 1here shall be two coples at least ol each tltle .
r . ,JsJl _z ..... _.. s _z ,lJl il,.Jl _. _,l.s .., ,.s.Jl dl.:l _. s: _l, ,l.Jl .l..s1l _lY
.J..Jl lJls:l ) ,Jl - il..Jl - ,.J.Jl - L..Jl _lYl gJl .(
r . Subscrlptlon to llve perlodlcals lor every ma[or ln the lorm ol (paperback , mlcrollche, mlcrolllms,
compact dlscs, etc .(
' ' ' ' '
r . ,z. ,JJl ,l..Jls .l.Jl ,JJ .xJl ,.l.Yl _l.Jl ) _,.lzJl ( l..Jl .l. . ) ils..Jl ( ,l.Jl ,l.. .
.il,zl,J,,Jl ._JlLYl .,.l1Jl ,.sJl J.Yl .,.Jl .l.Jl ,.. z. 1 _l _Js .,,.Yl ,,.Jl ilJJl, gJl
_s ,..Jl e / _.. _. ,.s.Jl il,..z. .
r . 1he avallablllty ol the baslc relerences that are essentlal lor study and research, such as dlctlonarles ,
encyclopaedlas, blographles, manuals, books, atlases, blbllographles, etc, both ln Arablc and other lorelgn
languages, provlded that the relerence materlals be not less than 3 ol the whole llbrary collectlon .
' ' ' ' '
t . ilzl:sJl _l.Jl .l.s l.,... l..z lJl. lJ,.., dJ: ,..Jl il.l]l _. J.J., ,.s.Jl ils.. ,,L..
..lJl il,.s.Jl z,L. l. .l _z lJ .xJl l>.,J. _,L _s ,L. il.l, dJ:s .,J. ,,l.. .sl .L.l _. ,
l.,.. .
t . 1he appllcatlon ol technlcal procedures ln arranglng the llbrary collectlons such as catalogulng,
blbllographlcal entrles and lndexatlon ln accordance wlth the most recent lnternatlonal regulatlons and
applled by unlverslty llbrarles. 1he technlcal procedures also lnclude preservatlon ol resources through
blndlng and restoratlon .
' ' ' ' '
e . JJ il.. ,JL .,.. . .:ls ..l: ._l. _. ,.l.J..Jl il..Jl ,,.z. ,.s.Jl _z :z..Jl , .l.
.J..Jl _LJl, il..Jl ::> _. _l...1l ,.,. ._,.l.Jl _,1l,JJ .
e . Cllerlng lnlormatlon servlces, such as relerences , guldance, lendlng, reservatlon, photocopylng, orderlng
photocoples ol materlals unavallable ln the llbrary as requested by researchers and academlcs and
lacllltatlng the benellt lrom these servlces .
' ' ' ' '
: . dJ: ,JsJJ _.l.Jl _,.Jl g.,l. _. l.., _,...Jl l.. 1 :.z x ,.s.Jl ,. _z il.J..Jl .L.l .l .l..sl
.s. l. _z il....Jl ,sl.J :.l :l: _l, dJ: il:l: l _.: ,.l :l _.. _l _Js .il.J..Jl l,J
sJ e _,1l,Jl ,.JLJl , _. ,Ji _l.s l.l...1 dJ: _. _s il:l:Jl ..s z, 1 _l _Js ,JlL .
: . Adoptlng an lntegrated llbrary automatlon system wlthln a two-year lrom the date ol lssulng the llnal
llcense lor the establlshment ol the college ln order to keep the college updated wlth the advances ln the
lleld ol lnlormatlon technology. A personal computer or a computer termlnal ls to be made avallable lor
every 300 students. 1hey must be at least llve screens .
' ' ' ' '
. sJ L.. _l, dJ: l.Jl l:> _z :.....Jl ,,l..Jl _z ,.s.Jl, _,.L.Jl _. ls ..s _,,.. r z. 1 _l _Js .,JlL
_s il,.s.Jl ,.Js _z _,....Jl ,.. r / ,.s.Jl _.L. _.. _.. .
. 1he appolntment ol a sulllclent number ol llbrary stall accordlng to the approved related standards , l.e.
one stall member lor every 200 students, and those speclallzed ln llbrary sclence must represent a
mlnlmum ol 30 ol the llbrary stall .
' ' ' ' '
t . .s.Jl ilsl _s. _l _,J.l.JJ ,.ls. .z ._.l .i1l.L ._.ls _. ,JLJl _JJ ,xJl l1Yl, 11. .,s. ,
l,z .
t . 1he llbrary should be alr-condltloned and contaln adequate lurnlture, such as chalrs , tables, lockers,
shelves, and desks lor employees .
' ' ' ' '
+ . _..l ., ,.s.Jl l. _Ji ,.l ... ,z. .i...]l .. ,z. r ll .
+ . An lnternet servlce and a 20-statlon computer lab should be provlded .
' ' ' ' '
,.,J..Jl .l.Jl :Yl l,.l1
_z _,..JJ .xJl ,.,J..Jl .l.Jl :Yl ,JsJl z. _J, l. .l, ,JsJl
Second Lqulpment and educatlonal alds
1he College shall provlde the equlpment and educatlonal alds necessary lor teachlng at the College,
' ' ' ' '
. _,.. .,> .l.sl ::s sJ Yl _Js .l l ..., ,.: ,.l :l ,.,..Jl .,Jl .l.sl ,l...1 dJ: .
. ersonal computers at least one computer lor every 10 laculty members lor thelr own use .
' ' ' ' '
r . ,.,.. sl sJ .l l ..., il,zl.: _s :l .
r . 1ransparencles pro[ector lor each classroom .
r . l _.,.lsl ,. sJ .l l ..., g.l:Jl _s .
r . Cne sllde pro[ector lor each academlc department .
' ' ' ' '
t . _.,.lsl ,. sJ _,.J. _l ,.,z _l ..., ,.,.. il,lJ _,.J. ,.,z :l .
t . vldeo and televlslon sets lor teachlng purposes at the rate ol two lor each academlc department .
' ' ' ' '
e . sJ :.l Ji ..., ,.,.lsYl ,l.Yl _z _lYl ,..J i1i t ,JlL .
e . hotocopy machlnes ln the academlc departments at the ratlo ol one machlne lor every 400 students .
' ' ' ' '
: . :l _,zs,.Jl ,J,zs,.JJ sl,L :.l .
: . Mlcrollche and mlcrolllm devlces lor readlng and prlntlng .
' ' ' ' '
. ,JsJl _z Yl il.Jl ,l.Yl _z ,l.]l il.l...xJ ,.: ,,.l :l .
. ersonal computers lor use by the admlnlstratlve stall ln the departments and other unlts ol the College .
' ' ' ' '
t . l.l.J... _. ,.,.. sl s _z .l.,, glJl .
t . Whlte boards ln each classroom along wlth any necessary wrltlng and cleanlng tools .
' ' ' ' '
il.J.Jl ix.Jl l1Jl1 .
_J, l. ,JsJl z.
. l>, ,.l. ,.l.l..l ,sJ. ,. ,J,z, _J... .,JLJJ illL, il.J. ix. .
1hlrd 8ecords and llles
1he College shall provlde the lollowlng
. 8ecords, llles and students' cards relatlng to thelr admlsslon, graduatlon, behavlour , examlnatlons,
grades, etc .
r . ,lJJl .ilz..Jl .il.lJl .,.JJ illL, il.J. ix. .
r . 8ecords, llles lor lee reglstratlon cards , revenues, expenses and requlrements .
' ' ' ' '
r . dJ: , ,.J.Jl ,.l.l: ,>.zs ,.. l,z _,J.l.Jl _,,.., .l il.J. ix. .xJl _.l1Jl _. .
r . 8ecords and llles deallng wlth the recrultment ol the employees. 1hey should lnclude thelr contracts,
degrees and any necessary llle documents .
' ' ' ' '
t . ,JsJl :l., .lJl ix.l..Jl L.J il.J. ix. .
t . 8ecords and llles lor keeplng the admlnlstratlve documents ol the college .
' ' ' ' '
e . :lJl l>... l ix. .
e . Cther records specllled by the Mlnlstry .
' ' ' ' '
,Jl.Jl i1l.Jl _.. s _z _lJl .l..s1l ,,l.. .:. l.,l
lourth Crlterla lor speclal accredltatlon ln each ma[or
' ' ' ' '
. ,.,J..Jl .l.Jl ,.l.Jl l:.Jl .l..Jl il,..Jl il,., _l,, .
. A llst ol equlpment ln laboratorles, workshops, atellers unlts and ol the educatlonal alds ,
' ' ' ' '
r . Jl _.l,JJ l...x. .. ,.s.Jl il,.. zl. il,.Jl .l.,l.s _l.Jl ,.sJl ..s dJ: _z l., l.,.z. ,JsJl _.. _.
,.s.Jl _z _,J.l.Jl ix>. .,.Jl il.l,. _J .
r . 1he adequacy ol the llbrary content such as textbooks, relerence books, and [ournals lor the educatlonal
programs provlded by the laculty, ln addltlon to that the acqulsltlon pollcy and quallllcatlons lor the llbrary
stall .
r . l, _z. :lJl .J :..... il..l _. ,.l, .,.J.Jl ,.x>. . ,.s _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl .l..l, _l,,
,.l:Jl ,>,. .
r . A llst ol the academlc stall members and the llke that lncludes thelr academlc quallllcatlons , thelr
currlculum vltae and thelr prolesslonal experlence ln unlversltles accredlted by the Mlnlstry .
' ' ' ' '
t . l JJl, ,.s. ,.Js . sJ _.l. _.l., sJ ,.l.Jl LJl l,z g.. ,,J. g.l s:, ,,J.]l JJl ,,.J
t . 1he course plan lor each academlc program and lor each degree requlrement, wrltten ln Arablc and
Lngllsh ln a clear and correct lorm , where the lollowlng polnts are lully clarllled
' ' ' ' '
- l.>l .z.Jl _l.Jl ,.l.Jl ,.sJl .,.lJl ,.z. il,JL.. .:.l.Jl ils.. .:.l.Jl .
- Course ob[ectlves and contents, computer skllls requlrements , textbooks, and a recommended llst ol
relerences .
' ' ' ' '
- .,..Jl ,.Jl.Jl ,,l..Jl l ,.,.lsYl ,..Jl .
- 1he relevant background llterature lor the course or lnternatlonal academlc standards adopted ,
' ' ' ' '
- ,z,.Yl , _. .l.Jl _,, L,l.Jl .
- 1he relatlonshlp between the courses lrom a prerequlslte order .
' ' ' ' '
.,l.Jl :.l.Jl
_..Jl _Js _. :lJl ,JL. l. _,. _lJl .l..s1l ,,l.. _,... l>l.l :.. _z z, _l ,l.Jl .l..s1l _Js J. ..,
l.s _,,J. _..,.Jl _,.Jl ,l.Jl .l..s1l ,.sl 1 il..... .
Artlcle Seven
Cn acqulrlng the general accredltatlon, the lounder must meet wlthln a maxlmum ol a two-year perlod, the
requlrements lor the speclal accredltatlon and all the documents the mlnlstry demands, otherwlse, the
general accredltatlon and the lnltlal llcense shall be cancelled .
..l1Jl :.l.Jl
z.Jl ,., _.l.Jl _,.Jl _Js .JJ _.Sl , _z. _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , ,.l, ,JL, ,.
. ,l.Jl .l..s1l _. :. .
r . _.. sJ _lJl .l..s1l _. :. .
r . _.. ,JsJJ ,,l.,..1l lLJJ lzz .l.Jl x :.l :.J .lJl ,JlLJJ l, 1i .. .l., ...Jl _l. l,s., _l..
lLJJ _..Yl .Jl :lsl. .,lJl :.l.Jl _z ,,l.,..1l .
Artlcle Llght
1o acqulre the llnal llcense, an appllcatlon addressed to the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon must be
submltted, together wlth the lollowlng documents
. A copy ol the general accredltatlon
r . A copy ol the speclal accredltatlon lor each area ol speclallsatlon
r . A valld letter ol credlt lrom an accredlted bank equlvalent to the number ol students multlplled by llve
thousands Saudl 8lyals and coverlng the expenses lor runnlng the college over the perlod needed lor
degree completlon (graduatlon), assumlng that the maxlmum number ol students the college ls allowed
has been reached .
' ' ' ' '
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
_lJl .l..s1l ,l.Jl .l..s1l ,,l.. l.l:, _,L. il... l _.. zl. ..s .
Artlcle nlne
1he general accredltatlon and speclal accredltatlon crlterla should be reallzed ln case there ls an addltlon ol
new ma[or/ma[ors .
' ' ' ' '
::l.Jl :.l..Jl
:lJl _. _,.. _:, 1 _.l.Jl _,.Jl .. , .l.l, _s l ,JsJl _s _xs]l , 1 .
Artlcle 1en
unless permlsslon ls acqulred ln advance lrom the Mlnlstry, advertlsement ol the college or lts programs
cannot be made belore the llnal llcense ls lssued .
::s ,.lJl :.l.Jl
_. illz, _.l.Jl _,.Jl _lJl .l..s1l ,l.Jl .l..s1l _..,.Jl _,.Jl .., _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , .
Artlcle Lleven
1he lnltlal llcense, the general accredltatlon, the speclal accredltatlon, and the llnal llcense are granted by a
decree lssued by the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon .
' ' ' ' '
::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
. _l ,JsJJ , 1 .,.l.Jl l..L.l l .l..z. _.Jl ,.l.Jl _.l,Jl l .l... _.Jl ,.J.Jl il.Jl l .l.l.s l .l..l ,
_Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , zzl. _Js .Jl .., 1 .l.Jl l,z ,.. _.Jl _l.Jl l .
Artlcle 1welve
1he college shall not change lts name, or lts address, or the academlc degrees lt awards, or the teachlng
programs lt provldes, or lts educatlonal system, unless the approval ol the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon has
already been acqulred .
' ' ' ' '
::s 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
:l _J l,.. l,z. ,JsJl ,.z. _l.]l ._Jl.Jl ._.,.lsYl _.Jl x.l: _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl .
Artlcle 1hlrteen
1he college shall submlt to the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon an annual report ln whlch lt provldes an
account ol lts academlc, llnanclal, and admlnlstratlve status .
' ' ' ' '
l ::s .,lJl :.l.J
_z. ._lJl .l..s1l .,l.Jl .l..s1l ,,l..J lz,z. .. _Js JJ :lJl _z .... _lJ , _. l,. ,JsJl ,,z.
.l..s1l _,.JJ .l.Jl .JJl _J l>,z. .
Artlcle lourteen
Speclallzed commlsslons lrom the Mlnlstry Plgher Lducatlon undertake perlodlc evaluatlon. 1hey assess the
extend to whlch the crlterla lor general accredltatlon and speclal accredltatlon are reallzed. 1hey submlt
thelr report to the general commlsslon lor llcenses and accredltatlon ln the mlnlstry .
:.l.Jl ::s ..lJl
il.J.. il.l,, ,,.z. l .,J>Yl il,JsJl .xJ ,.l]l ,:,...Jl .slzJl l .,J>Yl il,JsJl .xJ ,JsJl .Jl. ..s
,., .Ll
Artlcle lllteen
ln case the college vlolates the prlvate colleges bylaws or the executlve and procedural regulatlons relatlve
to prlvate colleges bylaws, or ll lt provldes mlsleadlng llgures and any other erroneous lnlormatlon, the
lollowlng measures are taken
' ' ' ' '
. l:.]l _z ... :.. x .Jl.Jl Jl, l,L l>l:. .
. A wrltten warnlng settlng a perlod ol tlme through whlch all lnlrlngements should be ellmlnated .
' ' ' ' '
r . ,.Sl il.l]l .l lz, :., l:.]l _z :...Jl :..Jl .., .Jl.Jl i...l l:
r . ll the vlolatlon contlnues alter the specllled perlod ln the warnlng, one ol the lollowlng measures shall be
' ' ' ' '
1sl l _.l. ,ls :..J 1sl l .l _.. _z ,zJl .
- Paltlng the admlsslon ol students to one or more ma[ors lor one or more academlc years
' ' ' ' '
1sl l _.l. ,ls :..J ,JsJl _z ,zJl .
- 1he bannlng ol enrolment ln the college lor one academlc year or more
' ' ' ' '
.xJl il.l]l :l.l _,.Jl ,. ,JsJl _x .
- 1he close down ol the college, the wlthdrawal ol the llcense, and take the necessary measures .
' ' ' ' '
..l.Jl :.l.Jl ::s
il..lJl _z l.lL. ., l. :lJl 1.. dJ:s .il..lJl _z _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. .l..Yl _J. .l.sY .,
Yl _Js :lzls.Jl , _. ..lJl _J. .l.sl J.l.. _J.l., .,l...l ... :s:. _. ,.sJl .
Artlcle Slxteen
Members ol the board ol trustees who are also laculty members at unlversltles, as well as the olllclal
representatlve ol the Mlnlstry, are ellglble lor the same remuneratlon as specllled ln the Saudl unlversltles
bylaws, lncludlng travel allowance and salary. 1hey are treated as members ol the unlverslty councll, at
least as lar as thelr payment ls concerned .
' ' ' ' '
::s .,l.Jl :.l.Jl
il..Jl il...Jl .l _, l.,z ,...Jl il..lJl _Js ., l. ,J>Yl il,JsJl _Js ., .
Artlcle Seventeen
1he same rules lor holdlng conlerences and symposla that apply to Saudl unlversltles are appllcable to
prlvate colleges .
' ' ' ' '
::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
.slzJl ::> ,... _ _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl ,J
Artlcle Llghteen
1he Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon has the rlght to lnterpret these rules .
x. L
,:,...Jl .slzJl ::> ,... ,z _z :.....Jl ..Jl _> _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l _. :.l.Jl ,,.Jl ..Jl ,... .
1he Arablc verslon lssued by the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon ls the olllclal verslon ln lnterpretlng these
executlve rules.
:l.]l _J>Yl _Jl.Jl ,,J..JJ .l.Jl
,J>Yl il,JsJl .1
8ylaws lor the rlvate Colleges
_JYl :.l.Jl
l.l.l ...Jl _.l..Jl .xJl ::> _z i. l.1, ill,.Jl il.JsJJ _s,
,.Jl : _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl , .
:l.Jl : _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl :l .
.,JsJl : ,J>Yl ,JsJl .
_..Jl : ,JsJl .l:., lJ g., _.Jl s:Jl l ,,Jl ...Jl .
Artlcle one
1he words and expresslons that are mentloned ln the present bylaws shall have thelr meanlngs as lollows
1he Mlnlster: 1he Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon
1he Mlnlstry :1he Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon .
1he College: 1he rlvate College .
1he lounder: 1he Charlty loundatlon or the Company that wlll be llcensed to establlsh the College .
' ' ' ' '
,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
: il: ,.s , ,.,J.. il... _> ,J>Yl il,JsJl ,,,.. ,.,J.. _.l, ,,.z. _J .. . ,l,.sl ,. ) ...Jl _z
_.l1Jl ( ,.,J..Jl .l,.Jl lL _z dJ: .,.l..Jl ,.J.Jl il...Jl ,z. . _.J.Jl ,Jl ,,J..Jl ... _z _z ,l.]l
.sJ..JJ .
Artlcle 1wo
1he rlvate Colleges are non-governmental hlgher educatlonal lnstltutlons, whlch alm at ollerlng post-
secondary educatlonal and tralnlng programs, and at partlclpatlng ln the promotlon ol educatlonal and
academlc research, wlthln the lramework ol the educatlonal pollcles ol the klngdom .
' ' ' ' '
1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
.xJl ::> ,lsY lzz ,J>l il,Js .l:. _l:l .. _s l,z .ls:Jl ..s z, 1 _.Jl ils:Jl l ,,Jl il...JJ
,Jl _. lz, .
Artlcle 1hree
Charlty loundatlons or corporatlons, whlch have no less than llve members, wlll be llcensed by the Mlnlstry
ol Plgher Lducatlon to establlsh prlvate colleges ln accordance wlth the present bylaws .
' ' ' ' '
.,lJl :.l.Jl
,J>Yl il,JsJl .l:., _,.Jl _Js zzl.JJ .xJl il.,J..Jl L:Jl :lJl _.. . l.l:., l .l.Jl ,JsJJ , 1
l,. dJ:, ,Jl _. l .. .., 1 ,xLJl , lLl:. :: .
Artlcle lour
1he Mlnlstry shall put lorth the necessary rules and regulatlons prlor to grantlng the llcense lor the
establlshment ol the prlvate colleges. no colleges shall be permltted to undertake thelr educatlonal
actlvltles and admlt students belore the Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon lssues a decree to that ellect .
' ' ' ' '
..lJl :.l.Jl
,JsJl .l:. _. .Jl i,1. lJl _,,. .l. :lJl _J _,.Jl ,JlL ,.z, .
Artlcle llve
1he appllcant shall submlt to the Mlnlstry a leaslblllty study [ustllylng the need lor and provlng the
uselulness ol the creatlon ol that college .
' ' ' ' '
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
,.Sl ilLJl _z ,JsJl .l:., _,.Jl ,.,
- _..,.Jl _,.Jl l _. ,JYl zzl.Jl > _,.Jl ,JlL _J :lJl _. . ,lL, ,JsJl .l:. _Js :lJ .
Artlcle Slx
1he llcense to establlsh the college shall conlorm to the lollowlng steps
. lnltlal Llcense lt wlll be granted by the Mlnlstry to establlsh the proposed college ln a letter sent to the
appllcant .
r - ,l.Jl .l..s1l ,.l:.]l ,..Jl ,,l..Jl il..l.JJ l.l.,..l .., l.ls x,>l. J>. l,..,. l.,. ..Jl ,JsJl l,.sl
,.,L..Jl .
r . Ceneral Accredltatlon lt conslders that the college havlng already an lnltlal llcense has to have a general
accredltatlon subsequent to lts meetlng ol the technlcal and legal speclllcatlons and standards lor lts
establlshment .
' ' ' ' '
r - _lJl .l..s1l .. _.. _,..J J>. l.ls l.l..sl :.....Jl l,..,. l.,. ..Jl ,JsJl l,.sl lz,z. .., _,
:lJl l... _.Jl ,,l..JJ .
r . Speclal Accredltatlon lt conslders that the college havlng already an lnltlal llcense and a general
accredltatlon ls authorlzed to dlspense a glven ma[or, ll the college has met the requlrements put lorth by
the Mlnlstry .
' ' ' ' '
t - _.l.Jl _,.Jl lLl:. ..,, :.....Jl ,JsJJ gl..Jl .
t . llnal Llcense 1he llcense wlll be granted to the accredlted college to undertake lts educatlonal actlvltles .
' ' ' ' '
.,l.Jl :.l.Jl
l...Jl _z ,JsJl _.l, _s. .,...Jl il,JL.. _. _zl.. ..Jl _.J _,..Jl ... _.Jl i .
Artlcle Seven
1he educatlonal programs ol the college shall prepare the graduatlng students lor the employment market,
and shall satlsly the development needs ol the country .
' ' ' ' '
.l.Jl ..l1Jl :
.,> .l.sl ,>l. ... _.l.Jl _..Jl, zJ...Jl ,..Jl ,.,J..Jl lLL l.l, _z ,.J.Jl ,,l..Jl, ,JsJl ,.J.
_,,..Jl _,..Jl .
Artlcle Llght
1he college shall be requlred to conlorm to the academlc standards ln lts educatlonal and technlcal
programs and course plan prescrlbed ln lts general currlculum and to the nature and level ol quallllcatlon
ol lts laculty members and technlcal stall .
..l.Jl :.l.Jl
_. _l.., 1 l., ,l.]l ,Jl.Jl ,.,J..Jl ,Jl.Jl l.: ,.. ,JsJJ ,.J.Jl lsYl .Yl .xJl ::> ,lsl .
Artlcle nlne
1he college shall conduct lts lnternal educatlonal, llnanclal and admlnlstratlve allalrs ln lull conlormlty wlth
the present bylaws, tradltlons and academlc norms ol educatlonal lnstltutlons .
' ' ' ' '
::l.Jl :.l.Jl
_z ,zJl ,,l.. .l.,..l .., ll _. l sJ..Jl l. _. lJ.l., l. l .l.Jl ,.l1Jl _Js .Jl ,JsJl _z ,zJJ L.:,
_l.:Jl l:> _z :.l.Jl il.,J..Jl .slzJl .
Artlcle 1en
Students admlsslon to the college ls contlngent upon the completlon ol hlgh school dlploma or lts
equlvalent, lrom lnslde or outslde the klngdom, and alter the lullllment ol other requlrements ol admlsslon
ln accordance wlth the rules and regulatlons establlshed to that ellect .
' ' ' ' '
:s ,.lJl :.l.Jl :
.,..JJ J,l _,... :..J .l..Yl _J. g,:. _Js '.l., ,Jl _. lz, ,JsJl .,.s _,., .
Artlcle Lleven
1he uean ol the college shall be appolnted lor a renewable perlod ol two years by a decree lssued by the
Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon upon the nomlnatlon ol the 8oard ol 1rustees .
' ' ' ' '
::s ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
.,..JJ J,l _,... :..J ,JsJl .,.s gl.l _Js '.l., .l..Yl _J. _. lz, 1sl l _x,s ,JsJJ _,., .
Artlcle 1welve
1wo or more vlce-ueans shall be appolnted lor each college lor a renewable perlod ol two years, based on
the nomlnatlon by the uean and sub[ect to the approval ol the 8oard ol 1rustees .
::s 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
_. Jl., .l..l _J. ,JsJJ _s,
- ., Yl _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl il... l il..lJl, _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. _,.1l ,Jl l..Js, Yl _Js dl:. :l..l .
r - _..Jl ,>l., .l.sl .,l .
r - ,JsJl .,.s .
t - :lJl 1.. .
Artlcle 1hlrteen
1he college shall have a board ol trustees composed ol the lollowlng
. 1wo laculty members lrom other unlversltles or lnstltutlons ol Plgher Lducatlon. 1hey must at least be at
the rank ol Assoclate rolessor , and be appolnted by the Mlnlster .
r . lour members selected by the lounder .
r . 1he College uean .
t . 1he Mlnlstry 8epresentatlve .
' ' ' ' '
,. .l.sl _,, _. _J.Jl l., _,.JJ l,.l. l. . .,..JJ J,l il.. x1 :..J .l.sYl _,,.. _s, .
1he 8oard ol 1rustees shall nomlnate a presldent and a vlce-presldent lrom among lts members. 1he
members shall be appolnted to olllclate lor a renewable three-year perlod .
' ' ' ' '
::s .,lJl :.l.Jl
l. _.Jl _Js J .,JsJl, zJ...Jl .Yl _z L.Jl, ,JsJl .l..l _J. _., .xJl ::> , _.z. l., .,z.Jl _.
Artlcle lourteen
1he present bylaws shall glve the 8oard ol 1rustees lull control over the allalrs ol the college, speclllcally
over the lollowlng
' ' ' ' '
- ,JsJJ ,Jl.Jl g.lJJl .l..sl .
. 1o approve the bylaws ol the college .
r - ,,l.,..1l lLJl .. _z _.l. .z s _z ,JsJl _z ,zJl .l.sl .,.. .
r . 1o determlne the number ol students admltted at the college ln each term wlthln the college enrolment
capaclty llmlts .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,..Jl ,,.z.Jl ,.l,.Jl .l..sl .
r . 1o approve the estlmated annual budget .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,JsJl ,l.l _z _l.Jl :z.Jl ,.sJl ,.l.Jl _>l..Jl l .
t . 1o approve the currlculum, the textbooks and other relerences llst lor the dlllerent departments ol the
college .
' ' ' ' '
e - ,JsJl l, ,z. _.Jl Yl ,.,J..Jl il..Jl ,. ,.l.Jl ,.Jl .,.. .
e . 1o determlne the tultlon lees and any addltlonal educatlonal servlces costs ollered by the college .
' ' ' ' '
: - ,JsJl _J. gl.l _Js '.l., ,.J.Jl il.l:Jl g.. .
: . 1o award degree certlllcates based on the recommendatlon ol the College Councll .
' ' ' ' '
- _z _. _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _,,.. _z i,Jl ,,.. ,.ls ,.s .
. 1o approve the appolntment, secondment and commlsslonlng ol the laculty members and the llke .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,....Jl il..lJl . _z _.J.Jl _J.Jl _J l.z _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,., ,..Jl .
t . 1o recommend the promotlon ol the laculty members and to submlt such recommendatlon lor the
conslderatlon ol the 8esearch Councll ol one ol the Saudl unlversltles .
+ - ,.l,. _,,l.]l _,,.. _z i,Jl .
+ . 1o approve the appolntment and promotlon ol admlnlstratlve stall .
' ' ' ' '
- ,JsJl _J. _. ,J _z, l. _Js '.l., .l..l _z .. _.Jl ,,xLJl .Yl _z i,Jl .
. 1o take care ol students' lssues lalllng under lts competency based on relerral lrom the College Councll .
' ' ' ' '
- .Jl _.l, ,1,Jl _.l,Jl l ,JsJl ,.l,. _z ,.J.Jl ,Jl _z _. .
. 1o approve academlc research programs and expanslon plans ln sclentlllc research wlthln the llmlt ol the
college budget .
' ' ' ' '
::s ..lJl :.l.Jl
.l.Jl ,l.Jl _z Yl _Js _,.. ,JsJl .l..l _J. _.., .ll ... . .l.sl _1J1 ., 1 _l..1l g., 1 . _
_,.lJl .l.sYl il.l _1J1 ,,Jl, . ill _s. . _,.Jl .. i., _:Jl ,.lJl g, il.Yl _l.. Jl _z
l, x, g,l. _. l., :s .. x ,Jl _. _l.sl l,Js ., ,J l. ::zl. _J.Jl .
Artlcle lllteen
1he 8oard ol 1rustees ol the college shall meet at least twlce durlng the academlc year. 1he meetlng shall
not be ellectlve unless two-thlrds ol lts members are present and lts declslons shall take ellect ll voted by
two-thlrds ma[orlty ol the attendlng members. ln the event ol a tled vote, the party securlng the
resldent's vote shall empower the declslon. 1he declslons ol the 8oard shall be ellectlve unless the
Mlnlster ol Plgher Lducatlon opposes them wlthln lllteen days ol thelr submlsslon to hlm .
' ' ' ' '
::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
_. Jl., _J. ,JsJJ _s,
- l.,. .,..Jl .
r - .l.sl .xsJl .
r - .l.sl ,l.Yl .l. .
Artlcle Slxteen
1he college shall have a Councll composed ol the lollowlng
. 1he uean resldent
r . 1he vlce-ueans members
r . 1he Peads ol uepartments members .
_.l .s _,..Jl .,> .l.sl _. 1x1 .,.s _J ,., _l ,JsJl _J. gl.l _Js .l., .l..Yl _J.J .
,JsJl _J. _., .xJl ::> ,lsl, .,z.Jl _. _.Jl _Js ,JsJl, _J... _.Jl .Yl _z L.Jl,
1he 8oard ol 1rustees shall, upon the recommendatlons ol the College Councll, appolnt not more than
three members selected lrom among the laculty members .
1he College Councll - accordlng to the present bylaws shall deal wlth the allalrs ol the college and
especlally wlth the lollowlng
' ' ' ' '
- ,..,. .,,.. .,.ls ._,.l.Jl ._,.,..Jl ._,..Jl .,> .l.sl _,,.. gl.l .
. 1o recommend the appolntment , secondment, commlsslonlng and promotlon ol the laculty members,
teachlng asslstants and lecturers .
' ' ' ' '
r - .l..Yl _J. _J dJ:, _zJl .,JsJl ,l.l _z _l.Jl :z.Jl ,.sJl ,.l.Jl _>l..Jl gl.l .
r . 1o recommend the currlculum, the textbooks and other relerences llst lor the dlllerent departments ol
the college to the 8oard ol 1rustees .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,.J.Jl il.l:Jl g.. gl.l .
r . 1o recommend the awardlng ol degree certlllcates .
' ' ' ' '
t - l>:. _Js ..Jl ,JsJl ,l.l _,, lz,... ,.J.Jl ,Jl .l.s _,:. .
t . 1o encourage the undertaklng ol academlc research, and coordlnatlon between departments ol the
college and lacllltate lts publlcatlons .
' ' ' ' '
e - l.l, .lJl il.,L..Jl _. il.l..1l .,sl. gl.l .
e . 1o recommend the exams schedules and admlnlstratlon .
: - ,JsJJ ,Jl.Jl .xJl gl.l .
: . 1o recommend the lnternal bylaws ol the college ,
' ' ' ' '
- ,JsJJ .xJl il1.,Jl ,,..Jl LL gl.l .
. 1o recommend the tralnlng plans and the scholarshlps abroad needed by the college .
' ' ' ' '
t - ,JsJJ _..Jl , Ll:.Jl L gl.l .
t . 1o recommend the college extra-currlcular actlvltles .
' ' ' ' '
+ - dJ: l.s l.,z .l..Yl _J.J ,..Jl ..l..l _z .. _.Jl ,,xLJl .Yl _z i,Jl .
+ . 1o deal wlth students' allalrs wlthln lts competency llmlt, and to propose lts recommendatlons to the
8oard ol 1rustees to that ellect .
' ' ' ' '
- _lJl .l., .l.JJ ,.l. l .,. l .l..Yl _J. ,J J,, l.,z L.Jl .
. 1o examlne all lssues relerred to by the 8oard ol 1rustees, lts presldent or lts vlce-presldent lor
conslderatlon, and assessment .
' ' ' ' '
::s .,l.Jl :.l.Jl
,,JYl, .ll ... ..l.sl _1J1 ., 1 _l..1l g., 1 .Yl _Js : s :. .,. _. :s., ,JsJl _J. _..,
l,Js ., ,J l. ::zl. .ll _s. . _,.Jl ,z _:Jl ,.lJl g, _l..Jl ..s ._,.lJl .l.sYl il.Y zJL.Jl _l.sl
l, x, g,l. _. l., :s .. x .l..Yl _J. _,. _. .
Artlcle Seventeen
1he College Councll shall meet, upon the request ol lts resldent, at least once a month. 1he meetlng shall
not be valld unless two-thlrds ol lts members attend lt and lts declslons shall only be ellectlve ll voted by a
two-thlrd ma[orlty ol the attendlng members. ln case ol a tle ln the votes, the slde that the resldent
supports, wlns. 1he declslons shall be ellectlve unless the resldent ol the 8oard ol 1rustees opposes them
wlthln lllteen days ol thelr submlsslon to hls approval .
::s ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
.l..Yl _J. _., .,.zJl, _,..Jl .,> .l.sl ,.s ,.zJl _,. .l., _J. ,JsJl ,l.l _. ,. sJ _s,
lJ.s z,L ,l.Yl _Jl. il,x. il.l..l .
Artlcle Llghteen
Lach department ol the college shall have a Councll headed by the head ol the department as presldent ol
the councll and stall members ol the department as members. 1he 8oard ol 1rustees shall determlne the
responslbllltles and the work procedures ol each department's councll .
' ' ' ' '
::s ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
_.l, l. _.Jl _Js lJ ..xJl ::> ,lsl _,,L. _z :lJl l:] ,JsJl _..
Artlcle nlneteen
1he college shall be under the supervlslon ol the Mlnlstry ol Plgher Lducatlon to ensure the
lmplementatlon ol the present bylaws, especlally the lollowlng
' ' ' ' '
- _.,L..Jl lJs,> ,.J.Jl l.l, ,.l.Jl lLL l.l.l l.Jl. ,JsJl ,lL. .l..sl ) _l.]l _.J.Jl ( il.l:Jl
l... _.Jl il.Jl .
. 1o approve the rules and regulatlons ol the college, lts counclls, lts departments, lts currlculum, lts
academlc programs, lts organlzatlonal structure (academlc and admlnlstratlve ( lts dlplomas and degrees .
' ' ' ' '
r - _.l,Jl ,s.J l,.,.lsl ,.x.Jl ...Jl _... _.Jl .slzJl l.. ,1,Jl l>sl. ,.,J..Jl _>l..Jl .
r . 1o put lorth the regulatlons necessary lor ensurlng adequate academlc level lor the quallty ol
educatlonal programs and research centres actlvltles .
' ' ' ' '
r - l l.>Yl _z l>l.. ,JsJl _.l, ,. _. .sl.Jl J.JJ ,.,J..Jl .l,.Jl _.., l., lJ :...Jl _lY .
r . 1o ensure the appllcatlon ol the programs ol the college and lts currlcula ln accordance wlth the
prescrlbed goals and ob[ectlves and wlthln the lramework ol the educatlonal pollcles ol the klngdom .
t - ,.l.,.Jl ill,Jl ,lz.Jl x _. l.l.Y ,.Jl .l.Jl .
t . erlodlc evaluatlon ol the college perlormance through reports and lleld trlps lnspectlon .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl :.l.Jl
,.l.Jll, _s.. . _.
- ,.l.Jl ,.Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty
1he llnanclal resources ol the college are as lollows
. 1ultlon lees .
' ' ' ' '
r - ,,,..Jl il.Jl ill:..1l il.l.Jl ,Jl il.l, .
r . 8evenues lrom research, studles , counselllng and tralnlng programs .
' ' ' ' '
r - _.., l. dx.Yl _, l,z ..Jl _s .
r . lncome lrom the property lunds and lrom lts lnvestments .
' ' ' ' '
t - ils:Jl il...Jl .lzYl l..z, _.Jl ,.l.Jl g..Jl .
t . Scholarshlps ollered by lndlvlduals, lnstltutlons and buslnesses .
' ' ' ' '
e - Yl il,Jl il.ls]l l>, ils,.Jl l,l.Jl l .
e . llnanclal alds, grants, endowments, mandates , donatlons, and a llke .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl ,.lJl :.l.Jl
..Jl L., l., .lJ,:. ,JsJl .l:. _Js ,...Jl ,Jl.Jl .l,sYl _,. ,L. .s. _.Jl il.l..Jl _,. _..Jl ,.z, .
:lJl l... _.Jl .slzJJ lzz lJ _.,.lsYl .
Artlcle 1wenty-Cne
1he lounder shall provlde all the guarantees, whlch cover all the llnanclal costs, entalled by the creatlon ol
the college and lts operatlon ln a way that ensures lts academlc quallty level ln accordance wlth the
requlrements set lorth by the Mlnlstry .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl ,.l1Jl :.l.Jl
l, ...Jl ,,.l.Jl ,,l..Jl .xJ lzz .L... ,Jl. ix. il,l. ,JsJl d... .Jz... ,.l,. ,Js sJ _s, .
Artlcle 1wenty-1wo
Lach college shall have an lndependent budget and shall keep llnanclal records and reglsters ln conlormlty
wlth the llnanclal and accountlng rules .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl 1Jl1Jl :.l.Jl
Jl _>l..Jl _.l,Jl il.l,,Jl il.l]l ,L.Jl ..... l. ,. _l ,JsJJ , 1 i.. _.Jl ,.J.Jl il.Jl ,.l.Jl LL
.xJl ::> ,lsY lzz ,Jl _. lz, 1 _,.Jl :.l: l.. _z .
Artlcle 1wenty-1hree
1he college admlnlstratlon shall not be permltted to alter anythlng ln the regulatlons, procedures, the data,
the programs, the currlcula, the educatlonal plans and the academlc degrees based on whlch the llcense to
establlsh the college was granted, wlthout the Mlnlster's approval to do so ln accordance wlth the present
bylaws .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl .,lJl :.l.Jl
.. Jl _z ,,l..Jl illzJl _,. :l.l _z _Jl ,JJ _s, .lJ .L..Jl ,lsYl l l.l:. lzJ l..Jl. l ,JsJl Ll:. 1
_...Jl il.l..Jl _z ..Jl _. _,.Jl .lJ l . .l..1l ..s .l..Yl _J. ,s:. :.ls dJ: _z l., .l.Jl..J .xJl
,.lJl :.l.Jl _z l,Js _,.:.Jl .
Artlcle 1wenty-lour
ln the event that the College actlvltles lace dllllcultles or that the college does not conlorm to the decree
allowlng lts establlshment, or lts bylaws, the Mlnlster shall have the rlght to take all the necessary declslons
and sultable measures ln order to remedy the sltuatlon . 1hls lncludes restructurlng ol the 8oard ol
1rustees, ll necessary, or the revocatlon ol the llcense along wlth taklng approprlate actlons regardlng the
guarantees mentloned ln artlcle twenty-one .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl ..lJl :.l.Jl
.xJl ,..Jl ,l.]l il.l]l .xJl ::J ,:,...Jl .slzJl ,Jl .., .
Artlcle 1wenty-llve
1he Mlnlster shall lssue the executlve rules and regulatlons lor these bylaws along wlth the necessary
admlnlstratlve and technlcal procedures .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl ..l.Jl :.l.Jl
.xJl ::> ,... _ _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl _J.J .
Artlcle 1wenty-Slx
1he Councll ol Plgher Lducatlon shall be entltled to alter these bylaws .
' ' ' ' '
_:.Jl .,l.Jl :.l.Jl
.xJl ::> . , _Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl _J. lz, :.l.Jl ,,Jl , ,J>Yl il,JsJJ ,.,L..Jl .xJl . ) r / / t+ ( g,l.
: / r / t+ .xJl ::> ,lsY l,., lJ.s _. _,. _., ..> .
Artlcle 1wenty-Seven
1hese bylaws shall replace the bylaws regulatlng the non-prollt prlvate colleges lssued under declslon
number 3/10/1419 by the Councll ol Plgher Lducatlon on : / r / t+ P. All those who were treated wlth
respect to lt shall comply wlth the rules and regulatlons ol the present bylaws .
_:.Jl ..l1Jl :.l.Jl
::> :.. l>:. g,l. _. l, .., ,..Jl :.,Jl _z .xJl .
Artlcle 1wenty-Llght
1he present bylaws shall be publlshed ln the olllclal newspaper and wlll be ellectlve lrom the date ol lts
publlcatlon .
Jl.Jl ,,J..Jl _J. _. :.l.Jl ,,.Jl ..Jl ,... .xJl ::> _.. ,... ,z _z :.....Jl ..Jl _> _
1he Arablc verslon lssued by the Plgher Lducatlon Councll ls the olllclal verslon ln lnterpretlng the content
ol these bylaws