Daily Bible Study Daniel

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Daniel 1: Have You Got What It Takes?

How did you feel when you first moved away from home and were

launched out on your own? Daniel and his friends were torn from their

land and taken to Babylon as young men. They were probably only twelve program to prepare them to oversee Jewish affairs in the Babylonian

to fourteen years old. In Babylon they were placed in a three-year training Empire. A crisis of conscience erupted when the first meal was served. Warming Up to God

In what way are you currently feeling pressured by culture? Talk openly with God about your struggles. Discovering the Word orientation (vv. 3-7)? Daniel (vv. 8-10)?

What specific tactics were used to give these young Jews a new Babylonian Why were the food regulations of the Old Testament Law so important to Do you think he was making a big issue out of a minor problem? Explain. What steps did Daniel take to provide a creative alternative to the king's plan (vv. 11-14)? friends?

What factors combined to produce the exceptional ability of Daniel and his

Applying the Word

What criteria can Christians use today to determine which activities we will engage in and which we won't? convictions are challenged? What can we learn from Daniel's attitude and actions when our biblical

Daniel 2:1-30: A Disturbing Dream

In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader C. S. Lewis describes an island where dreams come true. "'This is the island I've been looking for this long time,' foot with rage. 'That's the sort of talk that brought me here, and I'd better said one of the sailors. . . . 'Fools!' said a man from the island, stamping his have been drowned or never born.'" Suddenly every man began rowing as they never had before, "for it had taken everyone just that half-minute to remember certain dreams they had haddreams that make you afraid to was both troubling and true. Warming Up to God

sleep again." In Daniel 2 Nebuchadnezzar had such a dream, a dream that

Have you ever had a dream that was so real that it almost seemed true? How did you feel when you woke up? Discovering the Word

Why do you think Nebuchadnezzar demanded to know the content of his dream as well as its interpretation (vv. 1-13)? personal crisis (vv. 14-18)? What can we learn from Daniel's example about how we should react to a What do verses 19-23 tell you about how to respond to answered prayer? Verses 20-23 have often been called "Daniel's psalm." What aspects of God's character are emphasized in these verses? to King Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 27-30)? Applying the Word

How did Daniels knowledge of God's character reveal itself in his remarks

It is common to feel like we are at the mercy of the people and

circumstances around us. How should a knowledge of God's wisdom,

sovereignty and power affect our view of the people and circumstances in our lives? Three aspects of Daniel's spiritual maturity stand out in thischapter: his

wisdom in response to a crisis, his prayer in response to a problem and his you grow in one of these areas? Responding in Prayer

praise in response to God's work in his life. How can Daniel's example help

Pray that your character will be remade in God's image.

Daniel 2:31-49: The Future from a Divine Perspective

Daniel 2 is one of the most amazing prophetic passages in the Bible. It was written in 600 B.C., yet it predicted the future rise and fall of four great world empires! Some of Daniel 2 may seem like so much ancient history to us, but it was all future to Daniel. This passage gives us a long look at the is also carrying out that plan perfectly. Warming Up to God sovereign authority of God, who not only has a plan for human history but

What experiences in your life have led you to put your trust in God? Discovering the Word

As you think about Daniel's description of the dream in verses 31-35 (not the interpretation of the dream in later verses), what was it about the dream that may have caused Nebuchadnezzar to be troubled (see v. 1)? referred to Nebuchadnezzar as the head of gold (vv. 36-38)?

The interpretation of the dream begins in verse 36. Why do you think God

While Daniel does not say who the future kingdoms are, we can identify

them as Medo-Persia (silver), Greece (bronze) and Rome (iron). What does 43)? 43)?

Daniel say about the relative nature and power of these kingdoms (vv. 36What is the significance of the mixture of clay (ceramic) with iron (vv. 41Verse 44 says that "in the time of those kings [the ones represented by the toes?] the God of heaven will set up a kingdom." What characteristics of the kingdom of God are described in verses 44-45? Applying the Word human history?

What does this chapter teach you about God's activity in the course of How can the portrait of God in this chapter encourage us to trust God with our life and circumstances? Responding in Prayer

Take time to thank God for his control over the present and the future.

Daniel 3: Bow or Burn!

The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace ranks with Daniel in the lions den and David and Goliath as one of the bestknown and most exciting Bible stories. One of the problems with a story

thats so familiar is that we tend to forget that it really happened. It is not a myth. It is history! It is also a very practical chapter for men and women who are trying to live for God in a secular society. We face the same before God in order to be accepted by others. pressure these three facedthe pressure to compromise what is right

Warming Up to God accepted by others?

In what ways are you tempted to compromise your faith in order to be

Discovering the Word (vv. 1-7)?

What do you think motivated Nebuchadnezzar to build this image of gold Why do you think the astrologers reported the disobedience of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 8-12)? when they were brought before the king (vv. 13-15)? 16-18)? What temptations do you think Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego faced What impresses you most about their response to these temptations (vv. As you look at Nebuchadnezzars response (vv. 13-15, 19-23), what these three men?

evidence do you see that his basic conflict was with God rather than with What specific actions did God take to bring assurance to the three men and to demonstrate his power to Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 24-30)? Applying the Word Some Christians claim that pain or sickness or trial are always the result of sin or lack of faith. How would you respond to that claim in light of this passage? As you look back over this chapter, what lessons about the risks and rewards of obedience are most significant to you personally? Responding in Prayer

What commitments can you make to God today that will prepare you to face the pressures of a secular world? Speak to the Lord with honesty.

Daniel 4: The Sovereign God Rules

We are not accustomed to hearing our national leaders describe their sins in public. Thats why Daniel 4 is such an unusual chapter! Nebuchadnezzar, the great, proud, powerful king of Babylon, writes a letter to the world describing in detail how God humiliated him for seven years and then graciously restored him. Warming Up to God

When have you been publicly humiliated? Discovering the Word

How does Nebuchadnezzar's proclamation in 4:1-3 differ from what he expressed in Daniel 3:28-29? As you read Nebuchadnezzar's description of the dream (vv. 9-18), what aspects of the dream might have caused the king to be "terrified" (v. 5)? (vv. 17, 25, 32). Why do you think God was so intent on impressing love? Three times in this chapter God's purpose for giving the dream is repeated Nebuchadnezzar with his sovereign authority instead of his grace or his If Nebuchadnezzar had repented of his sins as Daniel advised, do you think God would have withheld his judgment, or was his decision irrevocable at this point (vv. 24-27)? Explain. What specific steps did God take to humble Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 31-33)? Applying the Word pride?

What does Nebuchadnezzar's experience teach us about the dangers of Sometimes we gain fresh insight into God's character and ways as we this chapter for you to accept?

wrestle with a hard aspect of God's truth. What is the hardest thing about

What does that hard lesson teach you about how God works in our lives to bring us to Christlikeness? Responding in Prayer

It can be scary to have God at work in our lives. Talk to God about how you are feeling about his role in your life.

Daniel 5: The Handwriting on the Wall

Never underestimate the influence of one godly life! As chapter 5 opens, Daniel is an old man-more than eighty years old. The successors to Nebuchadnezzar's throne have ignored him. He has been shuffled off into some obscure office in the Babylonian bureaucracy. But when the king stand for God over the long haul. Warming Up to God in your life. finds himself in trouble, he calls for God's man. Daniel shows us how to

Whose life has been an example to you? Thank God for that person's role

Discovering the Word

The chapter begins with a party! As you read verses 1-4, what actions and provoked the Lord's anger?

attitudes on the part of Belshazzar and his guests do you think would have Three times Daniel has recorded the failure of the "wise men" of Babylon to Why do you think Daniel reminds Belshazzar of how God dealt with Nebuchadnezzar (vv. 18-21)? 22-23?

interpret the message of God. What point is Daniel trying to make (vv. 7-9)?

What insights into the nature of Belshazzar's sins can you find in verses

Based on what is recorded in verses 29-30, do you think Belshazzar God? Explain.

accepted Daniel's interpretation as the authoritative message of the true How has this chapter demonstrated that seventy years of life under Babylon's influence had not broken down Daniel's convictions? Applying the Word In what areas might you be tempted to be proud or arrogant? thankful to God (vv. 18-24)? Responding in Prayer How can Daniel's words to Belshazzar help you become more humble and

Ask God to make you an influencer.

Daniel 6: On the Menu at the Lions Club

Daniel in the lions' den is a story that we never get tired of hearing. As a lions' den for being bad. He was thrown in for being godly! That is an

child, I was impressed by this story because Daniel was not thrown into the important point to keep in mind as we study. We usually expect that when we do wrong we ought to be punished, and when we do right we ought to be praised. That is certainly the ideal, but it doesn't always work out that are persecuted. This chapter demonstrates that godliness can be costly. Warming Up to God way. Sometimes those who do wrong are rewarded, and those who do right

How would you feel if the people you work with decided to watch everything about your public and private life?

Discovering the Word

What do we learn about Daniel's character from the results of the investigation by his enemies (vv. 1-5)? King Darius willingly signed the document prohibiting prayer to anyone but him (vv. 6-9). How does this action resemble the sins of his predecessors?

What specific evidences do you find in verse 10 of Daniel's consistent obedience to God? How do verses 14-20 underscore the impact Daniel's life had on the king? personal example (vv. 21-24)? Applying the Word around you?

In what ways would the miracle Darius witnessed have reinforced Daniel's

How has Daniel encouraged you to be a more Christlike example to those Think back over the first six chapters. How can the fact that God "holds in his hand your life and all your ways" (5:23) help you to honor and obey him as Daniel did?

Responding in Prayer Make your prayer one of praise for the qualities of God you have been learning about like Daniel did (vv. 25-27).

Daniel 7: A Prophetic Panorama

Have you ever wondered if there was any order or plan to the course of human history? Nations and empires rise, expand, degenerate and fall. Leaders live, rule and die. But where is everything headed? Some in despair say that human history is going nowhere. Others try to sound optimistic and say that history is going wherever the human race takes it. Christians

who know their God and his Word, however, realize that history does have a plan. Thats the assurance God gave Daniel in what at first appeared to be a terrifying night vision! Warming Up to God

What questions do you have today about God's plan for you or for the give you greater understanding. Discovering the Word

world? Present your questions to the Lord, and ask him to use this text to

The sea is used in many prophetic passages to represent the nations of the world (see, for example, Is 17:12-13; 57:20 and Lk 21:25). If that is the picture here, how would you explain verses 2-3? Daniel sees four beasts which, according to verse 17, represent four kingdoms. The lionlike appearance of the first beast may represent that and fourth kingdoms are suggested by verses 5-7? kingdom's strength and majesty. What characteristics of the second, third What aspects of God's nature and power are suggested by Daniel's

description of the Ancient of Days in verses 9-10? How can this vision of God give us hope and stability when the nations (or our lives) are in turmoil?

The final figure to appear in Daniel's vision is "one like a son of man" (vv.

13-14)an apparent description of the Lord Jesus. Why do you think all

the kings and kingdoms of the world are pictured as beasts but Christ looks like a son of man? After the four kingdoms rise, "the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdoms?

kingdom" (vv. 17-18). How is their conquest different from that of the four Describe the political and military power of the "other horn" from the information found in this chapter (vv. 19-26). Applying the Word

How does reading this passage affect your attitude toward the future? with the Son of man. What do you find most appealing about Daniel's description of God's kingdom (vv. 13-14, 27), and why? Responding in Prayer to the people there.

Daniel is told that the saints of the Most High will share in the kingdom

Pray for those nations that are currently in turmoil. Ask God to bring hope

Daniel 8: World Powers in Conflict God gave Daniel the unique opportunity of looking at the future. But in chapter 8 that future gets very personal. The first seven chapters stressed on the destiny of Israel. Warming Up to God

the destinies of the Gentile world powers. In chapters 8-12, the emphasis is

Reflect on the current state of your country. What aspects of your nation's future concern you? Take time right now to pray for the future of your nation.

Discovering the Word

Daniel is first given a rather strange vision involving a ram and a goat (vv. 1-14). No interpretation is given until after the scene has passed. Why do (Why not simply tell him the historical facts?) you think God chose to communicate future events to Daniel in this way? In verse 20 Daniel is told that the ram represents the kings of the Medoexpect this kingdom to come on the world scene?

Persian Empire. From the events portrayed in verses 3-4, how would you The goat with one large horn is a symbol of the Greek Empire and their how would you describe the clash of these two empires?

notable first king, Alexander the Great (v. 21). From the scene in verses 5-8, From your experience and knowledge gained thus far in the "interpretation of visions," with Daniel as a guide, how would you interpret the symbolism of verses 9-12? The "stern-faced king" (v. 23) whom Gabriel describes is probably

Antiochus Epiphanes, who ruled Syria and Palestine from 175 to 164 B.C. He hated the Jews and their God. His most infamous act was desecrating the temple in Jerusalem in 168 B.C. For just over three years ("2,300

evenings and mornings," v. 14), no sacrifices to God were permitted. Finally, the Jews were able to drive Antiochus out of Israel and reclaim the temple. If you had been a Jew living under the tyranny of Antiochus, how would it you were experiencing? Applying the Word

have made you feel to read Daniel's prophetic prediction of the very events

In what ways can this chapter be an encouragement to you as you face

emotional discouragement or spiritual attack (or even political tyranny)? What perspective does this chapter give us in understanding how a good God can permit evil?

How does this chapter fit with Daniel's main theme of God's sovereignty?

Responding in Prayer

Ask God to make his ways known to you as you seek to understand who he is and how he works in the world.

Daniel 9: Prayer and Prediction

One morning, shortly after the Medes and the Persians had conquered Babylon, Daniel was reading the book of the prophet Jeremiah. Jeremiah had been a prophet in Jerusalem when Daniel was a boy. As he read the 12; 29:10-11). God promised that Israels captivity would last seventy prophets words, a couple of passages seemed to leap off the page (Jer 25:8years, and then God would bring them back to the land. Daniel began to

add up the years since his deportation and realized that the captivity was urge to pray was born. Gods answer to Daniels prayer was swiftand surprising! This passage not only teaches us about Daniels response to

almost over! As Daniels mind was gripped by the written Word of God, the

Gods Word; we also learn how we should respond to God's promises to us. Warming Up to God

In times of deep personal crisis, men and women are often driven to pray. When have you experienced such a time in your life? Discovering the Word basis of his requests?

In verses 4-19, which aspects of God's character did Daniel appeal to as the Daniel consistently uses the plural pronoun we throughout the prayer. Why do you think Daniel could confess for the whole nation? In verse 24 Gabriel mentions six things that will happen for the people of Israel and the holy city of Jerusalem within seventy "sevens" (usually

interpreted as 490 years; see Lev 25:8-24). What do you think these things mean individually and collectively? Verse 26 states that "the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary." The Romans destroyed Jerusalem and its temple in A.D. 70. According to verse 27, how would you describe the course of events during the final "seven," or period of seven years? Applying the Word

What aspects of God's character have you been learning about, and how? What specific insights about your prayer life can you glean from Daniel's prayer?

Responding in Prayer confess?

Consider your church and your nation. What corporate sins do you need to

Daniel 10:1-11:35: Another Vision of the Future

Wars, terrorism, assassinations-so often world events seem out of control. stop them. The last of four great visions given to Daniel presents God's perspective on world events. Warming Up to God frightened? Explain.

We are frustrated and frightened because of our inability to do anything to

What recent national or international crisis made you feel insecure or

Discovering the Word

Describe the man in Daniel's vision (10:4-6). (10:7-11)?

Why did the vision of verses 4-6 cause Daniel to react the way he did What do the angel's words to Daniel tell us about God's response to those who seek him (10:12-14)? In 11:5-35 the conflict between the Syrian division of the Greek Empire ruled by the Seleucid family ("the king of the North") and the Egyptian division of the Greek Empire ruled by the Ptolemies ("the king of the South") is outlined with amazing accuracy. The focus of the passage is on a man we have met in Daniel beforeAntiochus Epiphanes. Verses 21-24 describe his conquest of the people of Israel who had regathered in Palestine after and methods of operation?

the exile. What do we learn from these verses about Antiochus's character Antiochus invaded Egypt the first time with relative success (11:25-28).

The second time he met some new opposition and in his frustration vented we learn from 11:32-35 about why God may allow genuine believers to suffer under the hand of a godless tyrant? Applying the Word

his anger on "the holy covenant," the Jewish religion (11:29-31). What can

How might Daniel's experience encourage us to be persistent in prayer? If an evil power could hinder an angel in Daniel's day, what does this indicate about our own need for help against Satan's forces? triumph?

How can God's sovereign rule help us to stand firm when evil seems to

Responding in Prayer

Offer your praise to the Lord, who is sovereign over history.

Daniel 11:36-12:13: A Dark Day and a Brilliant End

I hope as a result of your quiet times in Daniel you have a new

appreciation for the sovereign majesty of Goda God who can predict the future in detail, a God who raises up kings and kingdoms and who also brings them to ruin, a God who can protect Daniel in the lions den, and a God who is just as concerned about us and our lives. The second part of Daniels final prophetic vision in 11:3612:13 projects Daniel far into the future to "the time of the end" of world history. The vision focuses on the nation of Israel, but gives us strong encouragement and hope during difficult times.

Warming Up to God

In the course of your study in Daniel, what have you learned about the character of God that strengthened you spiritually? Discovering the Word

Building from the prototype of the antichrist in Antiochus Epiphanes Israel who will arise at "the time of the end" (11:35-40). This "king,"

(11:21-32), the heavenly messenger now describes the final oppressor of following the example of Antiochus, will magnify himself as a god. How would you describe the "religious" character and actions of this king from 11:36-37? From 11:40-43 trace the military career of this future king.

The king's defeat and the deliverance of the godly comes through the intervention will take place? time of the end" (12:4, 9)?

intervention of Michael, "the great prince" (12:1). How do you envision this Why do you think Daniel is given the instruction to seal the scroll "until the In 12:9-13, do you think the messenger avoided Daniel's last question (12:8), or did he answer it? Explain.

Applying the Word

The antichrist's god will be "a god of fortresses"the ancient god of war and militarism (11:38-39). How do we see the influence of this "god" at work today?

How can this victory and the messenger's description of the resurrection (12:1-3) encourage us during times of tribulation or persecution? As you think back over the book of Daniel, what specific aspect of Daniel's character or example helped you most to live spiritually in a secular world? In what way?

Responding in Prayer secular world.

Ask God to continue to teach you what it means to live spiritually in a

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