This document provides technical information about rubber air cells used in oil preservation systems for power transformers. It describes the materials used, testing procedures, and packaging for the rubber air cells. The cells are made of nitrile rubber reinforced with textile and coated internally with a barrier film to improve longevity. Each cell is tested for leaks and appearance before shipment and accompanied by a test report. Cells are cleaned, packed in reinforced cardboard boxes, and include installation instructions.
This document provides technical information about rubber air cells used in oil preservation systems for power transformers. It describes the materials used, testing procedures, and packaging for the rubber air cells. The cells are made of nitrile rubber reinforced with textile and coated internally with a barrier film to improve longevity. Each cell is tested for leaks and appearance before shipment and accompanied by a test report. Cells are cleaned, packed in reinforced cardboard boxes, and include installation instructions.
This document provides technical information about rubber air cells used in oil preservation systems for power transformers. It describes the materials used, testing procedures, and packaging for the rubber air cells. The cells are made of nitrile rubber reinforced with textile and coated internally with a barrier film to improve longevity. Each cell is tested for leaks and appearance before shipment and accompanied by a test report. Cells are cleaned, packed in reinforced cardboard boxes, and include installation instructions.
This document provides technical information about rubber air cells used in oil preservation systems for power transformers. It describes the materials used, testing procedures, and packaging for the rubber air cells. The cells are made of nitrile rubber reinforced with textile and coated internally with a barrier film to improve longevity. Each cell is tested for leaks and appearance before shipment and accompanied by a test report. Cells are cleaned, packed in reinforced cardboard boxes, and include installation instructions.
for oil preservation system of Power Transformer Page 2 sur 5
TECHNICAL INFORMATION for standard oil conservator ( cylinder shape )
Material :
Nitrile rubber ( NBR ) on oil and air side, with textile reinforcement on Polyamid high tenacity ( annexe 1 DOC/COM/010 )
The internal faces of the rubber air cell are coated with a barrier film. This film is vulcanized with the internal rubber in one operation. This barrier improves the life time of the product (Better ozone resistance) *
Flange :
The gasket between the rubber air cell and the flange is directly vulcanized in one operation. This procures a better quality in leakness avoidance. That also means that this gasket is made with the same material than the rubber air cell , can not pollute the oil, can not be forgotten and is guarrantied during all the life time of the product.
Example of flange :
*This barrier film could be optionnal depending on the customer specifications
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Fixation loops :
The loops are manufactured with a reinforced coated fabric which avoid a possible tear.
Identification :
Each rubber air cell is manufactured with our company name and our serial number, with no additional label. It is printed directly in the rubber in order to avoid all risk of oil pollution. We do not recommended the using of sticker or heat welding label which could not be in accordance with ASTM D974, D877, D924 and D1500.
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Test :
All rubber air cells are tested before shipment : - a leakage test with a least 0.2 bar during 1 hour - a visual test with soap of the assembly
Test report :
All air cells are delivered with a routing test report that means that 100 % of our air rubber cells are tested before shipment. ( annexe 2 DOC/ATE/029 )
Cleaning :
Each rubber air cell is cleaned before shipment in order to be used directly in the oil conservator. After the tests, the rubber air cell is transported in specific wagons.
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Packing :
Rubber air cells are delivered in a reinforced carboard box Sizes : 1500 X 300 X 400 mm ( annexe 3 / drawing MF0522-00 ) The instructions for the installation and a test report are sent with the rubber air cell ( annexe 4 )
MUSTHANE Visa DOC/COM/010 Mis jour le : 22/02/01 FICHE TECHNIQUE TISSU ENDUIT POUR EQUILIBREURS TECHNICAL DATA SHEET CONCERNING FABRICS COATED FOR BLADDERS Support textile : Polyamide haute tenacit Basic fabric : Polyamid high tenacity Gommage extrieur DP18 (Nitrile rubber) External coating Gommage intrieur : DP18 (Nitrile rubber) Internal coating : Epaisseur NFG mm 0,9 +/- 0,1 Thickness Masse surfacique NFG 37102 g/m 950 +/- 130 Surfacic mass FSTM 191/5041 TESTS NORME UNITE RESULTAT TESTS STANDARD UNIT RESULT CH >=300 Rsistance la rupture NFG 37103 daN/5cm WP Tensile strength ASTM D 751/B TR >=300 FSTM 191/5102 WF CH >=20 Allongement la rupture NFG 37103 WP Elongation at break ASTM D 751/B % TR >=20 FSTM 191/5102 WF Rsistance la dchirure Tear resistance CH >=12 Pendulaire NFG 37129/2 WP Pendulum test ASTM D 751/A daN TR >=12 WF CH >=16 Pantalon NFG 37128/A WP Tongue test ASTM D 751/B daN TR >=18 FSTM 191/5134 WF Adhrence par collage/pelage NFT 46008 daN/cm >=3,5 Adhesion (peeling test) FSTM 601/8011 Rsistance au froid NFG 37111 C <= -20 Cold resistance MIL, T, 52983/A pass Temprature extrme static -40, +140 Temprature idale d'utilisation C Recommanded using tempera dynamic -20, +120 Rsistance la perforation daN 18 Perforation resistance Index de neutralisation laboratoire. SGS Neutralization index ASTMD974 mg KOH/g 0,02 0.03 max Rsistance dilectrique laboratoire. SGS Dielectrical resistance ASTMD877 KV 36,3 28 min Tangente delta laboratoire. SGS Power factor at 100C ASTMD924 PCT 0,54 1.1 max Coloration laboratoire. SGS ASTM color ASTMD1500 < 0,5 < 0,5 Permabilit l'oxygne NFT 46-037 mPa-1s-1 3,0 10**-18 Oxygen permeability Permabilit la vapeur d'eau NF ISO 2528 g/m.24h 11 Water vapo permeability Rsistance l'ozone ISO 1431 96H Pas de craquelure Ozone resistance 50ppcm no cracks MUSTHANE Fiche de contrle quilibreur souple/Routing test report for bladder DOC/ATE/029 FRANCE Ficha de control deposito de caucho/Controle gegevens index: B Date de livraison: Qt/Qty: Delivery time : N de srie: Serial N : Client: N de commande: Customer: Order N : Tissu/Coated fabric Plan N Tejido/Material karakteristieken Drawing N Dimensions/Dimensions (mm) Dimensionales/Afmetingen (mm) Longueur/Length B Longitud/Lengte B Prvu/Forecasted/Previstos/Vodrzien Rel/Real/Reales/Werkeluk Accessoire/Fitting Accessorios/Toebehoren Position Visa Position patte/Loop position(cf plan/drawing) Posicionamento pasadores/Positie ophangpunten Position Visa Position bride/Flange position Posicionamiento brida/Positie ophangflens Contrle dimensionnel aprs vulcanisation/Dimensional control after vulcanization B Control dimensional despues de vulcanisation/Afmetines control na vulcanizatie A Tolrance : +/- 1,5% C Etanchit l'air/Airproof resistance(0.2 bar=>1H) VISA Impermeabilidad /Dichtheids proef na vulcanizatie VISA Contrle la mousse des assemblages/Visual control with soap Control visual de los conjuntos con espuma/Visuele controle met zeepsop aan de verbindingen Contrle d'aspect / Look control O few curlings without any consequence O look flaw without any consequence O curlings without any consequence O with repairing without any consequence Remarque/Notice : Observaciones/Opmerkingen : Nom/Name RAQ : H BLOND Controleur/Controleur Dcision/Opinion RAQ Visa/Visa Apellido/Naam RAQ Controlador/controleur Decision/Beslissing RAQ Visa/Goedgekeur Date/date Date/date Fecha/datum Fecha/datum Entraxa/Ophangpunt C Largeur/Width A Anchura/Breedte A OF/WO N : itrile/Nitri Nitrile /PVC Entraxe/Entraxe C
Push the MBT into the conservator through the open end or inspection hatch in the end of the conservator.
Suspend the MBT from hooks (2) in the ceiling of the conservator using the loops
Fit the MBT flange (8) on the conservator flange using a ring* (7) to ensure airtightness of the system
Close the open end of the conservator
Fill the MBT to a pressure of 10kPa (0,1 bar). Close the filling valve (3) while leaving the system pressurised. A relief hole (4) must be on the oil filled side of the conservator so that the MBT can freely expand.
The MBT will gradually stabilise. After 6 hours, adjust the air pressure again to 10kPa (0,1 bar). A 24 hours leak test is then to be made on the MBT. After 24 hours check the pressure reading again. If the pressure has not dropped significantly, the test is correct. The temperature should be as stable as possibly during the leakage testing period.
Check that the air pressure in the MBT is 10kPa (0,1 bar). If not, increase the pressure to the correct level and close the air-filling valve. Open the air vent valves (4) in both ends of the conservator. Open the valve (6) between the conservator and transformer tank and pump in more oil so that the oil rises to the conservator. The pumping speed should be suitably slow so that the pressure within the MBT does not exceed 13 kPa (0,13 bar). Stop pumping, when oil begins to come out of the vent valves and close the vent screws. Adjust the pressure in the MBT to normal by opening the plug in the flange or air filling valve from which the pressure hose is removed. Reopen the valve (6) between the conservator and the transformer tank and continue filling with oil until the oil level indicator gives the correct reading according to the temperature of transformer.
* MUSTHANE can also supply compression rings for contact with transformer oil. Their advantages: excellent mechanical properties, resistance to temperature and aging.