Crochet Flowers
Crochet Flowers
Crochet Flowers
Heres a new skill to learn over Christmas: crochet! We know how much you loved these beauties from issue 3, so Carmen Heffernan is back to share the crochet love with even more of you online. Merry Christmas!
Supplies: Cotton DK yarn in various colours 3.5mm (UK9/US E ! croc"et "oo# $a%estry needle Abbreviations: UK terms are used in t"is %attern & c" ' c"ain & dc ' dou(le croc"et & "tr ' "al) tre(le croc"et & tr ' tre(le croc"et & dtr ' dou(le tre(le croc"et & re% ' re%eat & sl st ' sli% stitc" & st ' stitc" *) you+d li#e to use a di))erent ,ei-"t o) yarn. /ust c"ec# t"e la(el )or t"e recommended croc"et "oo# si0e and use t"at1
Large Flower 2o, 3: c" 3 2ound 2: 33 tr into 3rd c" )rom "oo#. /oin ,it" sl st to to% o) (e-innin- c" 3 (32 tr made! 2ound 3: 4oin 2nd colour into to% o) any tr st )rom last round. 5(c" 2. tr 3! into tr st. (tr 3. c" 2. sl st! into ne6t tr st5. 2e% )rom 5 to 5 7 times. 8asten o)).
2ound : 9it" 3rd colour and ,or#in- (e"ind ro, 2. ,or# 3 sl st into stitc" (:oo# 2 loo%s to create a sta(le (ase to ,or# )rom ' see %icture a(ove! (et,een %etals. (c" . 3 sl st in stitc" (et,een ne6t %etal! 5 times. c" . sl st to 3st sl st to close. (7 6 c" loo% s%aces made!
2ound 5: sl st into 3st c" s%ace. (2 c". 3 tr. 2 c" ! over eac" c" loo% s%ace. Cut yarn and )asten o)). 2ound 7: 9it" t" colour and ,or#in- (e"ind round . ,or# 3 sl st into stitc" (et,een %etals. (c" 5. 3 sl st in stitc" (et,een %etals! 5 times. c" 5. sl st to 3st sl st to close. (7 6 5 c" loo% s%aces made!
Small Flower 2o, 3: c" 2 2ound 2: 7 dc into 2nd c" )rom "oo#. 4oin ,it" sl st to )irst dc o) round. 2ound 3: c" 3. 2 dc in eac" st. (32 dc made! 4oin ,it" sl st. 8asten o)) )irst colour. 4oin in your ne6t colour in to% o) any dc st. 2ound : 5(c" 2. tr 3! into dc st. (tr 3. c" 2. sl st! into ne6t dc st5. 2e% )rom 5 to 5 7 times to end o) round. 8asten o)) and ,eave in ends.