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The following material densities and other data are an indication only. In real situations weight is affected by purity, moisture content and coarseness, as evidenced by sand which varies from 1500 to 2300 kg per m3 (and quite probably below and above that range on occasions.)
1 Cubic metre of aggregate (course) aggregate (fine) aluminium aluminium alloy asphalt asphaltic concrete bitumen Blackbutt bluemetal bolts & nuts bagged brass Weighs approx: 1450 1670 2710 2710 1300 2400 1200-1362 850-900 2000 1200 8330-8500 kg kg dry kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg m3 per tonne Bulking factor Safe depth w/out strutting Angle of repose
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1 Cubic metre of bricks (common) bricks (pressed) bricks (soft) brick mortar brick rubble (compacted) brick rubble (loose) brickwork (laid) bronze cast iron cast iron pipe (stacked) cedar cement (dry) cement (set) cement (slurry) chalk (solid) clay (dry) clay (plastic/damp) clay & gravel (dry) clay (wet) coachwood coal (loose) coal (ashes) coal (slurry) coke concrete concrete (lightweight) concrete reinforced with 2% steel copper cypress Douglas fir earth (dry loose) earth (dry packed) = ordinary soil earth (gravel) earth (moist loose) earth (moist packed) earth (mud-flowing) earth (mud-packed) earthenware pipe (loose) galvanized steel sheet bundled glass glass (plate) grain granite (ashlar) granite (loose rubble) granite (built rubble) granite (solid)
Weighs approx: 1602-1920 2240 1600 1650 1660 1330 1920 8500 7200 960-1280 550 1281-1500 2930 1442 2200 1010 1760 1600 1900 577 870-900 800 993 481-561 2400 1600 2420 9000 590-690 530 1220-1280 1520 1860 1250-1600 1540 1730 1840 320 900 2500 2580-2787 416-770 2600 1540 2480 2720 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
m3 per tonne
Bulking factor
Angle of repose
0.60m3 0.75m3
25% NA
85 degrees
45 degrees
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1 Cubic metre of gypsum gypsum plaster hardwood ice ironbark jarrah karri kauri (New Zealand) kauri (Queensland) lead 2.5 lb lead 3 lb lead 4 lb lead 5 lb lead 6 lb lead 7 lb lead 10 lb lead lime (hydrated) lime mortar (dry) lime mortar (wet) limestone (rubble) limestone (solid) loam magnesite maple (Canadian) maple (English) maple (Queensland) marble (ashlar) marble (loose rubble) marble (built rubble) mortar nails / wire (bagged) Oregon paint paper paper waste petrol pine (Colonial) pine (Hoop) pine (Kauri) pine (New Zealand White) pine (Radiata) plywood Ramin rimu rubber (processed sheet)
Weighs approx: 2300 737 960-1120 913-930 1400 800-835 850-900 640 435 11,400 12.13 14.66 19.54 24.43 29.32 34.21 48.85 490-510 1650 1750 1300 2600 see earth 3044 737 690 690 2700 1520 2400 1650 1200 520-640 2100 900-960 350 690-770 870 550 480 520-610 590 480-640 690 660 1120 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg/m2 kg kg kg kg kg
m3 per tonne
Bulking factor
Angle of repose
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1 Cubic metre of rubber (sponge) sand (river, dry, loose) sand (river, dry, packed) sand (river, wet) sand (beach, dry, loose) sand (beach, wet) sandstone (ashlar) sandstone (built rubble) sandstone (solid) sassafras sawdust screws (packed) shale (rubble) shale (solid) slag wool slate snow (fresh) snow (wet compact) soil steel straw bales tallowwood tar Tasmanian Oak terra cotta
Weighs approx: 50-160 1500 1600 1700 2000 2300 2360 2080 2400 595 210 1600 1680 2600 225-290 2800 100 320 see earth 7850 300 980-1000 1200 670 1800 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
m3 per tonne
Bulking factor
Angle of repose
38 degrees
85 degrees
1.80 m
45 degrees
timber - see hardwood, ironwood, Oregon, plywood and individual species tin tyres (rubber) water (fresh) water (salt) wire (coiled) wool (baled) wool (loose) zinc (cast) zinc (rolled) 7300 175-255 1000 1010-1200 800-1440 770 200 6800 7200 kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg kg
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Last update: 11 January 2014
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