SPSSTutorial Math Cracker

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Scatter Plot Regression ANOVA GLM Recoding Data

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Scatter Plot________________________________________________ 3

Procedure___________________________________________________________ 3 Assign Variable ______________________________________________________ 3 Fit _________________________________________________________________ 4 Spikes ______________________________________________________________ 5 Titles _______________________________________________________________ 5 Options _____________________________________________________________ 6 Output _____________________________________________________________ 6

2. Linear Regression __________________________________________ 7

Simple Linear Regression______________________________________________ 7 Output _____________________________________________________________ 9 Multiple Linear Regression ___________________________________________ 10 Output ____________________________________________________________ 11

3. ANOVA _________________________________________________ 13
One Way ANOVA___________________________________________________ 13 Output ____________________________________________________________ 14

4. General Linear Model (GLM) _______________________________ 16

GLM-Univariate ____________________________________________________ 16 GLM Univariate-Fixed Factor(s) ______________________________________ 16 Output ____________________________________________________________ 19 GLM Univariate-UNCOVA___________________________________________ 22 Output ____________________________________________________________ 24 GLM Multivariate __________________________________________________ 26 Output ____________________________________________________________ 28 GLM Repeated Measures_____________________________________________ 30 Output ____________________________________________________________ 31

5. Recoding Data ____________________________________________ 34 FAED/MAED_______________________________________________ 34

Labeled____________________________________________________________ 34 Recoding Data With Syntax___________________________________________ 41

For further assistance in SPSS, you can contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

1. Scatter Plot
A scatter plot may help you to understand how well linear regression fits your data. You may find that a quadratic equation would be more appropriate than a linear one.

Procedure For example in this section we shall create a scatter plot for Employee Data.sav from SPSS data sample. Once the Employee Data.sav dataset is open, pull down the Graphs menu and point to Interactive and click on Scatterplot option.

Create Scatterplot dialog will appear. There are 5 tabs in Create Scatterplot dialog; assign variable, fit, spikes, title and option. Assign Variable On Assign variable you can select scatter plot coordinate between 2-D or 3-D, and then

assign variable for each axis. If you select 2-D coordinate you must choose the variables you want on the X-axis and Y-axis , and if you select 3-D coordinate you must choose the variables you want on the X-axis and Y-axis. Drag and Drop variable name into axis field. This tutorial demonstrate sample for 2-D scatterplot, we have chosen 'previous experience' vs 'salary' from employee data. sav

Fit Select fit method, there are 4 options; None, Regression, Mean and Smoother. Select None for this case

For further assistance in SPSS, you can contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

Spikes Use spikes options if you want to mark spikes data

Titles Fill on chart title, chart sub-title and caption, as you need

Options Select options as you need and then click OK to produce scatter plot diagram

Output Scatter plot diagram will appear on output window

Prev.Experiences vs Salary


Current Salary









Previous Experience (months)

2. Linear Regression
This tutorial will explain two types of linear regression, there are simple linear regression and multiple linear regression. Simple Linear Regression Linear regression it is possible to output the regression coefficients necessary to predict one variable from the other. To do linear regression click on Analyze => Regression => Linear.

Linear Regression Dialog will appear. Further, there is a need to know which variable will be used as the dependent variable and which will be used as the independent variable(s). In our current example, Revenue will be the dependent variable, and Sales Number will act as the independent variable.

Click on Statistics button, and select Estimates and Model fit (as default)

Click Continue button Click Options button and define confidence interval for F-test

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear

Output Output for this case is:

Model Summary Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Square the Estimate .997 .996 5.106 a Predictors: (Constant), Sales Number

Model 1

R .998(a)

ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares Regression 107974.94 4 Residual 365.056 Total 108340.00 0 a Predictors: (Constant), Sales Number b Dependent Variable: Thousand U$ Model 1 Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients B 34.243 Std. Error 3.690 .277 Standardized Coefficients Beta .998

df 1 14 15

Mean Square 107974.944 26.075

F 4140.871

Sig. .000(a)


t B 9.281 64.350

Sig. Std. Error .000 .000

(Constant) Sales Number

17.821 a Dependent Variable: Thousand U$

Linear Regression Formula Model for this case is : Y=34.243 + 17.821X

For further assistance in SPSS, you can contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

Multiple Linear Regression

Click on Analyze => Regression => Linear. In this case we use revenue as dependent variable, product price and sales number as independent(s) variable.

Click on Statistics button and select Estimates, Model Fit,Colineary diagnostics and Durbin-Watson

Click Continue button Click Options button and define confidence interval for F-test

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear

Model Summary(b) Adjusted R Std. Error of R R Square Square the Estimate .993(a) .986 .983 5.758 a Predictors: (Constant), Sales Number, Product Price - U$ Model 1

Durbin-Watson 1.910

b Dependent Variable: Revenue - Thousands U$ ANOVA(b) Sum of Squares 27662.125 397.875

Model 1

df 2 12

Regression Residual Total

Mean Square 13831.063 33.156

F 417.148

Sig. .000(a)

28060.000 14 a Predictors: (Constant), Sales Number, Product Price - U$ b Dependent Variable: Revenue - Thousands U$ Coefficients(a) Unstandardized Coefficients Std. B Error 60.444 12.710 Standardized Coefficients Beta -.143 1.064 Collinearity Statistics Std. B Error .703 .703 1.42 2 1.42 2


t Tolerance 4.756 -3.491 25.945

Sig. VIF .000 .004 .000


Product -.396 .113 Price - U$ Sales 11.313 .436 Number a Dependent Variable: Revenue - Thousands U$

Formula Model for this case is: Y=30.444+11.313X(sales number) 0.143X(product price)

analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a collection of statitical model and their associated procedures, in which the observed varianceis partitioned into components due to different explanatory variables. Example case for this section is research about relationship between course period and grade. There are 3 kinds of course; 3 month, 6 month and 9 month. One Way ANOVA

Click on Analyze => Compare Means => One-Way ANOVA

One-Way ANOVA dialog will appear, select Grade variable as dependent list and Course variable as factor

Click Option and select Descriptive and Homogenety of variance test

Click Continue Click Post Hoc and select LSD Click Continue Click Contrast and enter coefficients number 0 and click Add, then enter coeeficient number -1 and 1. Click Continue Click OK, and output will appear

Descriptives Grade N Lower Bound 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months Total 10 10 10 30 Mean Upper Bound 7.3000 8.0750 8.8750 8.0833 Std. Deviation Lower Bound .43780 .42573 .44488 .77774 Std. Error Upper Bound .13844 .13463 .14068 .14200 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Lower Upper Bound Bound 6.9868 7.7704 8.5568 7.7929 7.6132 8.3796 9.1932 8.3737 Min Lower Bound 6.50 7.50 8.00 6.50 Max Upper Bound 8.00 8.75 9.50 9.50

ANOVA Grade Sum of Squares 12.404 5.138 17.542 df 2 27 29 Mean Square 6.202 .190 F 32.595 Sig. .000

Between Groups Within Groups Total

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Grade Levene Statistic .006 df1 2 df2 27 Sig. .994

Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Grade LSD Mean Difference (I-J) Lower Bound -.77500(*) -1.57500(*) .77500(*)

(I) Term

(J) Term

Std. Error Upper Bound .19508 .19508 .19508

Sig. Lower Bound .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000

95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound -1.1753 -1.9753 .3747 -1.2003 1.1747 .3997 Lower Bound -.3747 -1.1747 1.1753 -.3997 1.9753 1.2003

3 Months 6 Months

6 Months 9 Months 3 Months 9 Months

-.80000(*) .19508 9 Months 3 Months 1.57500(*) .19508 6 Months .80000(*) .19508 * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level. Contrast Coefficients Contrast 1 3 Months 0 Contrast Tests Term 6 Months -1 9 Months 1


Assume equal variances Does not assume equal variances

Contrast 1 1

Value of Contrast .8000 .8000

Std. Error .19508 .19472

t 4.101 4.108

df 27 17.965

Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .001

4. General Linear Model (GLM)

This tutorial will explain four types of GLM, there are; GLM Univariate-Fixed Factor(s), GLM Univariate-UNCOVA, GLM-Multivariate and GLM-Repeates Measures. GLM-Univariate GLM-Univariate analysis is regression analysis and variance one dependent variable with two or more factor variable or other variables. GLM Univariate-Fixed Factor(s) Example case for univariate-fixed factor is to know customer shopping trend.

Click on Analyze => General Linear Model => Univariate

Uniavariate dialog will appear, select shopping value as dependent variable, frequency and customer category variable as fixed factor(s).

Click Plots and Univariate: Profile Plots dialog will appear, enter frequency variable into horizontal axis and customer category (Cust_Cat) into separate lines and then click Add. frequency*cust_cat variable will move into Plots box.

Click Continue Click Post Hoc and Univariate:Post Hoc dialog will appear, Select Equal Variances Assumed Turkey and Equal Variance Not Assumed - Tamhane

Click Continue Click Option and Univariate:Option dialog will appear, move frequency*Cat_Cus from Factor(s) and Factor Interactions box into Display Means for box. Select Descriptive statistic, Estimates of effect size, Homogenety test and spread vs level plot in Display groupbox.

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label Customer Category 1 2 3 frequency 1 2 3 individu couple family once-two weeks once-a week several - a week N 337 287 176 187 461 152

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: Shopping Value Customer Category individu frequency once-two weeks once-a week several - a week Total couple once-two weeks once-a week several - a week Total family once-two weeks once-a week several - a week Total Total once-two weeks once-a week several - a week Total Mean 241549.03 267907.85 297827.14 266508.14 298406.07 324952.65 342457.78 323030.95 384409.50 400183.56 421745.30 400396.35 290654.37 318453.06 341010.90 316241.11 Std. Deviation 51076.881 47644.510 46527.810 51569.954 50142.015 47765.161 48419.239 50393.788 69602.060 78776.554 68918.993 75637.588 77743.025 75860.179 69289.815 76812.882 N 86 191 60 337 61 165 61 287 40 105 31 176 187 461 152 800

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: Shopping Value Source Corrected Model Intercept Cust_Cat frekun Type III Sum of Squares 22909853751 27.443(a) 63790494928 399.500 15978262869 44.965 16112594323 5.640 df 8 1 2 2 Mean Square 28637317189 0.930 63790494928 399.500 79891314347 2.483 80562971617. 820 F 93.477 20822.226 260.778 26.297 Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 Partial Eta Squared .486 .963 .397 .062

Type III Sum df of Squares 6899347068. 4 037 Error 24232895140 791 93.421 Total 84721024114 800 141.800 Corrected Total 47142748892 799 20.860 a R Squared = .486 (Adjusted R Squared = .481) Source Cust_Cat * frekun

Mean Square 1724836767.0 09 3063577135.3 90

F .563

Sig. .690

Partial Eta Squared .003

Customer Category * frequency Dependent Variable: Shopping Value Customer Category frequency Mean Lower Bound 241549.033 267907.849 297827.138 298406.073 324952.647 Std. Error Upper Bound 5968.500 4004.956 7145.601 7086.789 4308.960 95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 229833.061 260046.250 283800.554 284494.936 316494.299 Upper Bound 253265.004 275769.447 311853.721 312317.210 333410.996


once-two weeks once-a week several - a week


once-two weeks once-a week

Customer Category


Mean Lower Bound 342457.775 384409.496 400183.564 421745.298

several - a week family once-two weeks once-a week several - a week Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Shopping Value Tamhane

Std. Error Upper Bound 7086.789 8751.539 5401.567 9941.080

95% Confidence Interval Lower Bound 328546.639 367230.510 389580.464 402231.281 Upper Bound 356368.912 401588.483 410786.665 441259.316

(I) frequency

(J) frequency

Mean Difference (I-J) Lower Bound -27798.69(*) -50356.53(*) 27798.69(*) -22557.84(*) 50356.53(*) 22557.84(*)

Std. Error Upper Bound 6693.576 7994.172 6693.576 6638.469 7994.172 6638.469

Sig. Lower Bound .000 .000 .000 .002 .000 .002

95% Confidence Interval Upper Bound -43861.00 -69540.69 11736.37 -38504.28 31172.37 6611.40 Lower Bound -11736.37 -31172.37 43861.00 -6611.40 69540.69 38504.28

once-two weeks once-a week several - a week

once-a week several - a week once-two weeks several - a week once-two weeks once-a week

Based on observed means. * The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

For furthe r assistan c e in SPSS , you c an contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

GLM Univariate-UNCOVA Example case for this section is research about house hold income before and after participate in government program.

Click on Analyze => General Linear Model => Univariate Enter result_after as dependent variable, program status variable as Fix Factor(s) and result_before as Covariate(s)

Click Models and Univariate: Models dialog will appear, Select Custom in Specify Model. Select program variable move into Model box, select result_before and move into Model box. Select both program variable and result_before and move into Model box and then program*result_before variable will appear. Select Interaction on the Build Term(s) dropdown.

Click Continue Click Options and select Estimates of effect size.

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear. The next step is covarian analysis. Open Univariate dialog again click Model and select Full Factorial in Specify model.

Click Continue Click Option and select Descriptive statistics, Estimates of effect size, Homogenety test, and Parameter Estimates.

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear.

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label program status 0 1 not participate participate N 293 307

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: result after program Source Corrected Model Intercept program result_before program * result_before Type III Sum of Squares 16557688.72 9(a) 291519.199 114931.433 9598160.112 df 3 1 1 1 Mean Square 5519229.576 291519.199 114931.433 9598160.112 11836.725 24978.144 F 220.962 11.671 4.601 384.262 .474 Sig. .000 .001 .032 .000 .491 Partial Eta Squared .527 .019 .008 .392 .001

11836.725 1 Error 14886973.77 596 1 Total 453042500.0 600 00 Corrected Total 31444662.50 599 0 a R Squared = .527 (Adjusted R Squared = .524)

Descriptive Statistics Dependent Variable: result after program program status not participate participate Total Mean 728.84 942.67 838.25 Std. Deviation 194.917 210.011 229.118 N 293 307 600

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances(a) Dependent Variable: result after program Sig. .605 1 598 .437 Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal across groups. a Design: Intercept+result_before+program Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable: result after program Source Corrected Model Intercept result_before program Type III Sum of Squares 16545852.00 4(a) 285238.337 9691004.737 df 2 1 1 Mean Square 8272926.002 285238.337 9691004.737 6459841.024 24956.131 F 331.499 11.430 388.322 258.848 Sig. .000 .001 .000 .000 Partial Eta Squared .526 .019 .394 .302 F df1 df2

6459841.024 1 Error 14898810.49 597 6 Total 453042500.0 600 00 Corrected Total 31444662.50 599 0 a R Squared = .526 (Adjusted R Squared = .525) Parameter Estimates Dependent Variable: result after program Parameter B Lower Bound 227.856 1.587 -207.641 Std. Error Upper Bound 37.378 .081 12.906 t Lower Bound 6.096 19.706 -16.089

Intercept result_before [program=0] [program=1]

Sig. Upper Bound .000 .000 .000 .

95% Confidence Interval Upper Lower Bound Bound 154.448 301.264 1.429 -232.987 . 1.745 -182.294 .

Partial Eta Squared Lower Bound .059 .394 .302 .

0(a) . . a This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

GLM Multivariate Example case for this section is research about the impact of gender factor to expense for life style.

Click on Analyze => General Linear Model => Multivariate

Multivariate dialog box will appear, select food cost variable and lifestyle variable and move into Dependent Variable Move Gender variable into Fix Factor(s)

Click option and then select Descriptive statistics, Estimates of effect size, and Parameter estimates

Click Continue Click OK and output will appear

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label male female N 189 211


0 1

Descriptive Statistics gender male female Total lifestyle cost male female Total Mean 445.24 451.18 448.38 723.54 945.26 840.50 Std. Deviation 82.375 79.947 81.056 195.055 209.481 230.880 N 189 211 400 189 211 400

food cost

Multivariate Tests(b) Effect Intercept Value Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root gender Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root a Exact statistic b Design: Intercept+gender Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dependent Variable food cost lifestyle cost food cost lifestyle cost food cost lifestyle cost food cost Type III Sum of Squares 3525.673(a) 4900914.469(b) 80114325.673 277648789.469 3525.673 4900914.469 2617918.077 Partial Eta Squared .001 .230 .968 .944 .001 .230 .969 .031 31.425 31.425 .308 .692 .444 .444 F 6237.900( a) 6237.900( a) 6237.900( a) 6237.900( a) 88.173(a) 88.173(a) 88.173(a) 88.173(a) Hypothesis df 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Error df 397.000 397.000 397.000 397.000 397.000 397.000 397.000 397.000 Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Partial Eta Squared .969 .969 .969 .969 .308 .308 .308 .308

Source Corrected Model

df 1 1 1 1 1 1 398

Mean Square 3525.673 4900914.469 80114325.673 277648789.46 9 3525.673 4900914.469 6577.684

F .536 119.169 12179.717 6751.241 .536 119.169

Sig. .465 .000 .000 .000 .465 .000






Dependent Variable lifestyle cost food cost lifestyle cost food cost

Type III Sum of Squares 16367985.531 83037500.000 303845000.000

df 398 400 400 399 399

Mean Square 41125.592


Partial Eta Squared

2621443.750 lifestyle 21268900.000 cost a R Squared = .001 (Adjusted R Squared = -.001) b R Squared = .230 (Adjusted R Squared = .228) Parameter Estimates

Corrected Total

Dependent Variable


food cost

Intercept [gender=0] [gender=1]

B Lower Bound 451.185 -5.947 0(a) 945.261 -221.716

Std. Error Upper Bound 5.583 8.123 . 13.961 20.310 .

t Lower Bound 80.809 -.732 . 67.707 -10.916 .

Sig. Upper Bound .000 .465 . .000 .000 .

95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Bound Bound 440.208 462.161 -21.915 . 917.814 -261.644 . 10.022 . 972.707 181.787 .

Partial Eta Squared Lower Bound .943 .001 . .920 .230 .

lifestyle cost

Intercept [gender=0] [gender=1]

0(a) a This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

For further assistance in SPSS, you can contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

GLM Repeated Measures Example case for this section is research about performance of 4 weeks diet program between male and female.

Click on Analyze => General Linear Model => Repeated Measures

Repeated Measures Define dialog will appear, write weight in the Within-Subject Factor Name and enter 5 on Number of Levels. Click Add and weight5 will move into box

Click Define and Repeated Measures dialog will appear. Enter dependent variable from weight0, weight1, weight2, weight3 and weight4 in Within-Subjects Variables (weight) and gender variable in Between-Subjects Factor(s) box.

Click Option, select Descriptive statistics, Estimates of effect size, and Parameter estimates Click Continue Click OK, and Output will appears


Within-Subjects Factors Measure: MEASURE_1 weight 1 2 3 4 5 Dependent Variable Weight0 Weight1 Weight2 Weight3 Weight4

Between-Subjects Factors Value Label male female N 10 10


1 2

Descriptive Statistics Gender male female Total Weight Weeks1 male female Total Weight Weeks2 male female Total Weight Weeks3 male female Total Weight Weeks4 male female Total Multivariate Tests(b) Hypothesi s df 4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000 Partial Eta Squared .981 .981 .981 .981 Mean 84.4750 75.5000 79.9875 82.0500 73.5000 77.7750 78.9250 71.4250 75.1750 77.0250 70.4000 73.7125 74.5000 68.1250 71.3125 Std. Deviation 3.70144 3.12027 5.68324 3.37021 3.30824 5.45912 3.21898 3.26609 4.97633 4.77617 4.03320 5.48279 4.99444 4.21843 5.56237 N 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 20

Weight before program

Effect weight

Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root

Value .981 .019 51.575 51.575

F 193.405(a) 193.405(a) 193.405(a) 193.405(a)

Error df 15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000

Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000

weight * Gender

Pillai's Trace Wilks' Lambda Hotelling's Trace Roy's Largest Root

.569 .431 1.323 1.323

4.960(a) 4.960(a) 4.960(a) 4.960(a)

4.000 4.000 4.000 4.000

15.000 15.000 15.000 15.000

.009 .009 .009 .009

.569 .569 .569 .569

a Exact statistic b Design: Intercept+Gender Within Subjects Design: weight Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Type III Sum of Squares 922.129 922.129 922.129 922.129 26.271 26.271 26.271 26.271 224.875 224.875 224.875 224.875 Mean Square 230.532 824.571 764.356 922.129 6.568 23.492 21.776 26.271 3.123 11.171 10.356 12.493 Partial Eta Squared .804 .804 .804 .804 .105 .105 .105 .105

Source weight

df 4 1.118 1.206 1.000 4 1.118 1.206 1.000 72 20.130 21.715 18.000

Sphericity Assumed Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

F 73.811 73.811 73.811 73.811 2.103 2.103 2.103 2.103

Sig. .000 .000 .000 .000 .089 .162 .159 .164

weight * Gender

Sphericity Assumed Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound


Sphericity Assumed Greenhouse-Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Transformed Variable: Average Source Intercept Gender Error Type III Sum of Squares 571422.606 1445.901 1112.406 df 1 1 18 Mean Square 571422.606 1445.901 61.800 F 9246.269 23.396 Sig. .000 .000 Partial Eta Squared .998 .565

5. Recoding Data
You can recode data into either the same variable or into a new one by going to Transform > Recode. This tool is especially useful for creating dummy variables, changing values from letters to numbers, increasing or decreasing the number of possible values, or for creating specialized filters that let you have fine-tuned control over which cases to exclude. SPSS allows us to recode variables and then use the recoded variables in statistical analyses. The values in variables FAED (fathers education) and MAED (mothers education) range from 2 to 10 indicating 9 levels of education as: Labeled FAED/MAED 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Less than high school High school graduate Less than 2 years vocational education More than 2 years vocational education Less than 2 years college education More than 2 years college education College graduate Masters degree MD/PhD degree

Now we want to regroup (recode) the nine levels into four levels as: FAED/MAED 2 3 4,5,6,7 8,9,10 FAEDNEW / MAEDNEW 1 2 3 4 Labeled Less than high school High school graduate Some post-secondary education College graduate & beyond

To recode the variables, please follow the steps:

You will see the data in the SPSS Data Editor window:

Before you recode the data, you should make a copy of original data. Make sure you save the new file into the same place as the original file. Recode the FAED (fathers education) variable into a new variable From Transform menu, choose Recode, then Into Different Variable.

In the Recode into Different Variable dialogue box, you will see a list of variables in the box on the left. Click on faed, and then click on the arrow button. You will see faed appears in the right box.

Type faednew in the Output/Variable-Name box as the name of the new variable. Type Fathers education as the label for the new variable. Click on the Change button (see above). Click on the button Old and New Values, you will see the Old and New Values dialogue box. Under Old Value section, type 2 in the Value box, and type 1 into the Value box under New Value section this will recode the old value 2 into a new value 1 (as shown in the tables at the beginning of this module). Click on Add button.

Type 3 in Old value box, and 2 in New value box. Click on Add button. The recoding shows in the Old New box. Check the Range radio button, then type 4 in the first box, and type 7 in the box after the word through. Then type 3 in the New value box. Click on Add button. You will see:

Type 8 and 10 in the range boxes, and 4 in the New value box. Click on Add, you have recoded the nine old values into four new values:

Click on Continue button, you will be back to the Recode into Different Variable dialogue box. Now you will recode another variable maed mothers education. Recode the MAED (mothers education) variable In the Recode into Different Variable box, from the variable list, click on maed, and click on the arrow button to add the variable maed into the right box, it should be under faed variable.

Make sure the variable maed is highlighted, type maednew in the Output/Variable-Name box as the name of the new variable. Type Mothers education as the label for the new variable. Click on the Change button (see above). Click on Old and New Values button, you will see the previous recode settings:

We will use the same recode settings. So we do not need to change. Simply click on Continue. (If you need to change the settings, click on each of the recode settings, then click on Remove. You can add new transform settings). Now, you are back to the original dialogue box, click on OK. You will see the two new variables faednew and maednew.

For the value of these two variables, we do not need decimals. To change the decimals, look at the bottom of the Data Editor window, you can see two tabs (Data View which is the current window, and Variable View). Click on the Variable View tab.

You will see the window changes to the Variable View mode:

Click on the decimal cell of the faednew variable, the two arrows appear for you to change the decimals. Click on the down arrow to change the decimal number to 0. Repeat this step to change the decimals for the maednew variable.

Save the changes, to save the changes, from File menu, choose Save to save. Label the new values, click in the cell that crossing the Values column and the 12th row (faednew variable), you will see a small gray box.

Double click on the small gray box, you will see the Value Labels dialogue box as the following. Type 1 in the Value box, and Less than High School in the Value Label box. Then click on Add button.

Type 2 in Value box, and High School Graduate in the Value Label box. Click on Add. You should have:

Repeat Step above. Make the value label Some Post-Secondary Education for 3, and College Graduate & Beyond for 4. Then click on OK. You should see:

Repeat Step above to change the value labels for the variable maednew.You can repeat to add value labels to each variable. We can add the labels for the variables with a clear description of the variable when sometimes the meaning is not clear from the variable name itself (e.g., mathach we can add a label Math Achievement as the label). To do this: In the Variable View window, click in the Label column of the mathach variable, and type Math Achievement in the crossing cell.

You can repeat Step above to add variable label to each variable. Save the changes. Make sure you save the data as SPSS (*.sav) file. Click on the Data View tab to switch to the data. Now, you are ready to use this new set of data with recoded values in faednew and maednew variable.

Recoding Data With Syntax It is possible to use syntax when recoding variables. For example, if I had a variable that included the following values: Redbird Bluebird Yellowbird Elm Butterfly

and I wanted to recode any values that included bird into a new value bird.

For further assistance in SPSS, you can contact the guys at MYGEEKYTUTOR.COM

To solve to problem the following syntax is an option: DATA LIST LIST /var1(A15). BEGIN DATA Bluebird Redbird Yellowbird Butterfly Elm END DATA. STRING newVar(A15). DO IF INDEX(UPCASE(var1), BIRD ) > 0 . - COMPUTE newVar= BIRD . END IF. EXECUTE.

Example number two is we want to recode the above variables into variables having the same name but with the last letter being replaced by x. DATA LIST FREE /abc, sal, age, sex1, school,v1234567. BEGIN DATA 85 95 5 87 100 1 END DATA. LIST. SAVE OUTFILE='c:\temp\mydata.sav'. * suppose we want to recode the above variables into variables having the same name but with the last letter being replaced by x. FLIP. STRING newname(A8). COMPUTE newname=CONCAT(SUBSTR(case_lbl,1,LENGTH(RTRIM(case_lbl))1),"X"). WRITE OUTFILE 'c:\temp\temp.sps' /"RECODE "case_lbl" (1 THRU 87.9=1) (89 THRU 98.1=1) (ELSE=COPY) INTO "newname"."/"FREQ "newname".". EXE.

GET FILE='c:\temp\mydata.sav'. INCLUDE 'c:\temp\temp.sps'.

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