Section A: Answer All Questions

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Pusat Tuisyen Pertama Nama : _________________

Answer all questions. Every question is followed by four answer A, B, C and D. Choose the correct answer. Then, blacken your answer on the answer sheet provided. The suggested time for this section is 45 minutes. f you are unable to answer a question, proceed to the ne!t question. 1. What is meant by the basic needs of living things ? Apakah yang di maks dkan dengan kepe!l an asas nt k hid pan? A $ % D "eeds that a!e the least sed # kepe!l an yang dig nakan "eeds by living things to s !vive # kepe!l an yang dipe!l kan oleh hid pan "eeds that eve!y living thing m st have # kepe!l an setiap benda hid p yang mesti ada "eeds that fo nd in ce!tain places only # kepe!l an yang boleh didapati da!ipada sesetengah tempat


Which of the follo'ing is not a basic need of h mans ? manakah bukan kepe!l an asas bagi man sia ? A $ % D Ai! # da!a %a! # ke!eta (ood # makanan Wate! # ai!


$ased on (ig !e 1 'hy do ancient men live in caves ? $e!dasa!kan !a*ah 1 mengapa o!ang dah l tinggal di g a?

FIGURE 1 A $ % D +o help them g!o' , ickly # nt k membant me!eka membesa! dengan cepat +o help them find food # nt k memnbant me!eka menca!i makanan +o p!otect themselves f!om ea!th, akes # nt k melind ngi da!ipada gempab mi +o p!otect themselves f!om dange!- the s n and !ain. # nt k melind ngi di!i da!ipada bahaya- cahaya mataha!i dan h *an


Which of the follo'ing a!e the basic needs of animals ? Manakah anta!a be!ik t kepe!l an asas bagi hai'an? / // /// /0 A $ % D Wate! # ai! Ai! # da!a (ood # makanan 1 nlight # cahaya mataha!i / and // only / - // and /// only //- ///- and /0 only /- //- ///- and /0


+able 1 sho's the classification of animals based on thei! eating habits. Which of the follo'ing animals can be placed in g!o p Z ? 3ad al 1 men n* kkan pengkelasan hai'an be!dasa!kan ca!a makan hai'an te!seb t. Manakah anta!a be!ik t boleh di mas kkan dalam k mp lan 4 ? 5abbit# a!nab Elephant # ga*ah ! %at# k cing Wolf# se!igala TA"#E 1 A $ % D +he eagle # helang +he mo se # tik s +he python # +he c!ocodile # b aya Z %hicken#ayam $ea!#be! ang


$ased on (ig !e &- animals that can be placed in g!o p $ a!e the 7 $e!dasa!kan gamba!a*ah &- hai'an yang diletakkan dik mp lan 8 adalah77

FIGURE % / // /// /0 A $ % D bea!. #be! ang eagle. # helang ho!se. # k da chicken. # ayam / and // only / and /// only /- and /0 only //- ///- and /0 only


Which of the follo'ing sit ations 'ill ca se animals to die the fastest ? Manakah sit asi be!ik t akan menyebabkan hai'an mati dengan cepat? A $ % D Do not have ai!. # tiada da!a Do not have food. # tiada makanan Do not have 'ate!. # tiada ai! Do not have s nlight. # tiada cahaya mataha!i


(ig !e ) sho's the foot of a bi!d. Which of the follo'ing is t! e abo t the bi!d ? 5a*ah ) men n* kkan kaki seeko! b ! ng. Manakah anta!a be!ik t bena! mengenai b ! ng te!seb t?

A $ % D ;.

FIGURE & /t cannot fly. # tidak boleh te!bang /t lives in 'ate!. # tinggal didalam ai! /t eats meat only # makan daging saha*a /t eats plants only. # makan t mb han saha*a

/n 'hich of the follo'ing containe!s does the snail stay alive afte! five days ? $e!dasa!kan bekas te!seb t- sip t manakah akan te! s hid p selepas 2 ha!i?
'ire (au)e

*ea,es moist soi*

'ire (au)e

*ea,es +ry soi*

moist soi*



=lants get 'ate! th!o gh thei! 7 + mb han mendapat ai! mene! si77777.. A $ % D !oots. # aka! stems. # batang f! its. # b ah leaves. # da n



Which of the follo'ing plants !ep!od ces in the same 'ay as the banana plant ? Manakah anta!a t mb han be!ik t yang sama ca!a pembiakan pokok pisang? A $ % D >!ass # ! mp t >inge! # halia =andan s plant # pokok pandan +apioca plant # pokok bi


$ased on (ig !e .- 'hy is plant A nhealthy compa!ed to plant " ? $e!dasa!kan gamba! .- mengapa t mb han A lay be!banding dengan t mb han $ ?

c pboa!d



=lant A has d ll leaves. + mb han A memiliki da n yang =lant A has cate!pilla!s on its leaves. + mb han A te!dapat lat bel ncas pada da nnya =lant A does not get eno gh s nlight. + mb han A tidak mendapat cahaya mataha!i =lant A does not like to be in a small space. + mb han A tidak s ka be!ada dalam tempat yang kecil


(ig !e 2 sho's a pa!t of the g!ass being cove!ed 'ith a 'ooden plank. Afte! t'o days- it is obse!ved that the pa!t of the g!ass cove!ed 'ith the 'ooden plank t !ns yello'. Why does this happen ? !a*ah 2 men n* kkan sebahagian ka'asan ! mp t telah diletakkan dengan kay . 1elepas & ha!itempat yang dit t p dengan kay telah men*adi kek ningan. Mengapa keadaan ini boleh be!lak ?

FIGURE . A $ +he g!ass cove!ed 'ith the 'ooden plank cannot b!eathe. # ! mp t tidak dapat be!nafas +he g!ass cove!ed 'ith the 'ooden plank does not get food. # ! mp t tidak mendapat makanan

% D

+he g!ass cove!ed 'ith the 'ooden plank does not get 'ate!. ! mp t tidak mendapat ai! +he g!ass cove!ed 'ith the 'ooden plank does not get s nlight. ! mp t tidak mendapat cahaya mataha!i


All of the follo'ing a!e needed fo! seeds to ge!minate e/0e1t 7 1em a diba'ah adalah dipe!l kan oleh bi*i benih nt k t mb h kec ali77777 A $ % D ai!. # da!a soil. # tanah 'ate!. # ai! a s itable tempe!at !e # s h yang ses ai


Which of the follo'ing sho' the co!!ect passage of ai! d !ing b!eathing ? Manakah anta!a be!ik t yang bet l lal an da!a semasa be!nafas? A $ % D Mo th "ose Windpipe L ngs # m l t hid ng sal ! da!a pepa! "ose Windpipe Mo th L ngs # hid ng sal ! da!a m l t pepa! "ose Mo th Windpipe L ngs # hid ng m l t sal ! da!a pepa! "ose Mo th L ngs Windpipe # hid ng m l t pepa! sal ! da!a


What is the f nction of 'indpipe in h man b!eathing mechanism ? Apakah keg naan sal ! da!a dalam sistem pe!nafasan man sia? A $ % D +o !emove 'aste mate!ials # nt k memb ang bahan b angan +o ca!!y blood a'ay f!om the l ngs # nt k memba'a da!ah kel a! da!i pepa! +o ca!!y gases in and o t of the l ngs # nt k memba'a gas kel a! da!i pepa! +o ca se the movement of the chest # nt k mengge!akkan dada


Which of the follo'ing e?c!eto!y o!gans match 'ith the p!od cts in +able & ? Manakah anta!a be!ik t padanan yang bet l be!dasa!kan o!gan pe!k m han dan bahan b angannya di *ad al &? E/0retory or(an / // /// 1kin 8idney L ngs TA"#E % A $ % D 1:. /- // and /// / and // only / and /// only // and /// only Pro+u0t 1'eat U!ine (aeces

When Ali to ches a glass of hot 'ate!- he a tomatically 'ithd!a's his hands. Why does he do that ? Apabila ali menyent h gelas yang be!isi ai! panas- seca!a spontan dia mena!ik tangannya. Mengapa keadaan te!seb t be!lak ?

A $ % D 1;.

+o p!otect himself f!om p!ess !e # nt k mengelak di!inya da!ipada tekanan +o p!otect himself f!om being h !t # nt k mengelak di!inya da!ipada cede!a $eca se his finge!s cannot f nction # ke!ana *a!inya tidak be!f ngsi +o p!otect himself f!om falling do'n # nt k mengelak di!inya da!ipada *at h

What concl sion can yo d!a' f!om the belo' statement ? Apakah kesimp lan yang boleh dib at be!dasa!kan pe!nyataan diba'ah?

@ mans cannot live fo!eve!. Man sia tidak boleh hid p selamanya
A $ % D &<. @ mans p!od ce offsp!ing. # Man sia membiak dengan melahi!kan anak @ mans !espond to stim li. # man sia be!tindak balas te!hadap !ansangan @ mans b!eathe sing l ngs. # Man sia be!nafas mengg nakan pepa! @ mans e?c!ete 'aste mate!ials. # Man sia be!k m h mengl a!kan bahan yang tidak dipe!l kan.

+he g!aph in (ig !e 6 sho's the p!ocess of 7 >!af diiba'ah !a*ah 6 men n* kkan p!oses 777777
" mbe! of animals $ilangan hai'an

&<<< &<<1 &<<&

FIGURE 2 A $ % D &1. g!o'th. membesa! b!eathing. be!nafas movement. be!ge!ak !ep!od ction. membiak

$ased on (ig !e 9- 'hich of the follo'ing animals can be placed in g!o p ! ? $edasa!kan !a*ah 9- manakah anta!a be!ik t hai'an yang boleh diletakkan di k mp lan A ?

#i6e 0y0*es o6 anima*s $itar 7i+u1 7ai'an

) Cstage ) pe!ingkat

. Cstage . pe!ingkat

! Fi(ure 3 A $ % D &&. $i!d # b ! ng %hicken # ayam $ tte!fly # !amaB!ama >!asshoppe! # belalang

Which of the follo'ing plants !ep!od ce th!o gh stems ? Manakah anta!a be!ik t t mb han yang membiak melal i batang? / // /// /0 A $ % D 1 ga!cane # teb $!yophyll m # seta'a! +apioca # bi $egonia # pokok keemb ng / and // only / and /// only // and /// only /- /// and /0 only


=lants !ep!od ce in va!io s 'ays. Which of the follo'ing plants !ep!od ce by p!od cing yo ng plants ? Manakah t mb han be!ik t yang membiak melal i anak pokok? / // /// /0 A $ % D =ineapple # nanas >!ass # ! mp t (e!ns # pak pakis $anana plant # pokok pisang / and /// only / and /0 only // and /// only // and /0 only


Which of the follo'ing labeled pa!ts- A- "- C o! 45 of the animal belo' in (ig !e : helps to p!otect it f!om enemies ? $ahagian manakah hai'an dalam !a*ah : yang membant melind ngi da!ipada m s hnya?

FIGURE 8 &2. An elephant has special cha!acte!istics as sho'n in the list belo'. >a*ah memp nyai ci!i yang khas sepe!ti diba'ah.

= B La!ge ea!s # telinga besa! D B W!inkled skin # k lit be!ked t 5 B 1mall eyes # mata yang kecil 1 B $ig body # badan yang besa!
Which of the follo'ing special cha!acte!istics make the elephant 'ell adapted to hot 'eathe! ? Manakah be!ik t ci!i yang khas dalam melind ngi c aca panas? A $ % D &6. = and D 5 and 1 D and 1 = and 5

Which of the follo'ing helps the animal sho'n in (ig !e ; to live in a ve!y cold place ? Manakah yang be!ik t dapat membant hai'an dalam !a*ah ; nt k hid p ditempat yang sangat se* k?

A $ % D &9.

FIGURE 9 /t has a small body siEe.# badan yang kecil /t has thick f !. # memp nyai b l yang tebal /t has 'ate!p!oof f !. # memp nyai b l kalis ai! /t can move , ickly. # boleh be!ge!ak dengan pantas

Which of the follo'ing plants have fine hai!s that can ca se itchiness to h mans and animals ? Manakah anta!a t mb han be!ik t be!b l hal s yang menyebabkan kegatalan kepada man sia dan hai'an / // /// /0 A $ 3ackf! it # nangka $amboo # b l h 1 ga!cane # teb = mpkin # lab // and /// only /- //- /// and /0

% D &:.

/- // and /// only //- /// and /0 only

/n 'hich of the follo'ing a!e the plants matched co!!ectly 'ith the adaptation to the d!y season ? Manakah padanan yang bet l t mb han be!dasa!kan pada m sim kema!a ? / 5 bbe! t!eeB d!ops its leaves # pokok getahB mengg g !kan da nnya // %ocon t t!eeB d!ops its leaves # pokok kelapa B mengg g !kan da nnya /// MaiEe plantB c !ls its leaves # pokok *ag ng C mengg l ngkan da nnya /0 $alsam plantB c !ls its leaves # pokok keemb ng B mengg l ngkan da nnya A $ % D / and // only / and /// only // and /0 only /- /// and /0 only


A plant d!ops almost all its leaves d !ing d!y season. +he plant stays alive beca se it can b!eathe th!o gh its7 t mb han mengg g !kan da nnya pada m sim kema!a . + mb han dapat te! s hid p ke!ana ianya boleh be!nafas melal i7.. A $ % D f! its. # b ah flo'e!s. # b nga seeds. # bi*i benih stem. # batang


+he th!ee plants sho'n in the list above have a ce!tain specific cha!acte!istic to p!otect them. What is the specific cha!acte!istic ? ) t mb han te!seb t memp nyai ci!i yang nt k melind nginya. Apakah ci!i khas te!seb t?

Mimosas 5ose plant 5attan plant

A $ % D +ho!ny # be!d !i =oisono s # be!ac n $ad smell # ba b s k =!od cing late? # mengel a!kan getah

SECTION " Instru0tion : "rite your answers in the spaces provided. 1. (ill in the blanks co!!ectly 'ith the 'o!ds given belo'. inhale mena!ik nafas b!eathe be!nafas l ngs pepa! e?hale menghemb s nafas o?ygen oksigen

a. b. c. d. e.

We se o ! FFFFFFFFFFFFF to b!eathe. 8ita mengg nakan FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF nt k be!nafas. When 'e FFFFFFFFFFFFFF o ! chest moves p and do'n. Apabila kita FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF - dada akan be!ge!ak keatas dan keba'ah. When 'e FFFFFFFFFFF- ai! ente!s o ! l ngs. Apabila kita FFFFFFFFFFFF- da!a akan mas k ke pepa! . When 'e FFFFFFFFFFF- ai! e?its o ! l ngs. Apabila kita FFFFFFFFFFFF- da!a akan kel a! da!ipada pepa! +he ai! 'e inhale contains mo!e FFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Uda!a yang mas k lebih banyak gas FFFFFFFFFFFFF. (ill in the table co!!ectly 'ith the 'o!ds given belo'. 0obra u*ar te+un( *i)ar+ 0i0ak mouse tikus (ar+en snai* si1ut kebun E?ample of animal beet*e kumban( G2 ma!ksH


1pecial behavio!s a. =!od ce poison stings sengatan be!bisa b. =!etend to be dead be!p !aBp !a mati c. Loses its tail to escape menanggalkan eko!nya d. @ide in hole nde!g!o nd menyo!ok didalam l bang e. @ide in a ha!d shell menyo!ok didalam cengke!ang

G 2 ma!ksH ). D!a' a line to match the animal co!!ectly 'ith thei! !espective cha!acte!istics.


/t has !o's of sha!p teeth. >igi yang ta*am

b /t has a poisono s bite. >igitan be!bisa

c /t keeps its yo ng in its po ch. Menyimpan anaknya didalam poket

d /t has ho!ns. Memp nyai tand k

e /t c !ls its body. Mengg l ngkan badan

G2 ma!ksH



=!iya ca!!ied o t an investigation to find o t the basic needs of plants. 1he placed t'o simila! s nflo'e! plants- M and "- as sho'n belo'- in a s nny place. =!iya memb at penyiasatan nt k menca!i kepe!l an asas t mb han. Dia meletakkan d a pokok b nga mataha!i yang sama ditempat sepe!ti !a*ah diba'ah

c pboa!d


+he plants 'e!e 'ate!ed eve!y day and obse!ved. + mb han te!seb t disi!am setiap ha!i dan dicatatkan peme!hatiannya. aH What is the aim of the investigation? Apakah t * an penyiasatan ini? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG1 ma!kH bH =!edict 'hat 'ill happen afte! one 'eek. 5amalkan apa akan be!lak selepas semingg . iH M I FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG1 ma!kH iiH " I FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG 1 ma!kH cH 1tate 'hat to change. =emboleh bah dimanip lasi. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG1 ma!kH dH What concl sion can yo make? Apakah kesimp lan yang dipe!olehi? FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFG1 ma!kH


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