IEEE Test Systems
IEEE Test Systems
IEEE Test Systems
It consists of five synchronous machines with IEEE type-I exciters three of which are synchronous compensators used only for reactive power support. !here are eleven loads in the system totalling "#$ %& and '1.( %var. !his system is widely used for voltage stability as well as low fre)uency oscillatory stability analysis.
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Figure shows the single line diagram of IEEE-(1 bus test system. !he system consists of 2 synchronous generators and 4 transformers. !he system has "1 load points totalling "'(.4 %& and 1"2." %var.
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!he IEEE #- 3us !est 4ase represents a portion of the American Electric /ower 0ystem ,in the %idwestern 50. as it was in the early 1$216s from the figure we can see that this #- bus system has #- buses - generators and 4" loads. !he generator spinning reserves for the power is 2'-"1.( %& for positive and -1"-'.- for negative.
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