Ugar Sugar Works Organizational Study
Ugar Sugar Works Organizational Study
Ugar Sugar Works Organizational Study
Ex-Chairman Emeritus, Chairman & Managing Director of The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd and Visionary of our group.
Ex. Chairman & Managing Director of The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd and Visionary of our group
Late. Shri. V. S. Shirgaokar was the founder of the UGAR SUGAR WORKS LTD. He was born on 15th April 1897 and passed away on 22nd Jan.1996. The company is located at Ugar-khurd. About sixty years ago Ugar Khurd was a small hamlet in the erstwhile princely state of Sangli. It was however blessed with two great advantages; On its south flowed the perennial river Krishna and on the north, was situated the railway station of Ugar Khurd on the meter gauge line between Miraj and Bangalore, now changed to broad gauge.
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After a succesful innings, the late V.S Shirgaokar then passed on the reins of the group to his younger brother- Shri Suresh Shirgaokar, popularly known as Babu Kaka. Babu Kaka took the organization further ahead and it was under his able leadership that the crushing capacity of the company underwent further expansion(10,000TCD). Presently, the crushing capacity of the organization is 15,000 TCD.(Ugar & UnitJewargi). Sooner than later, the company diversified its activities and started its own distillery in the year 1962-63 and then added the liquor section in the year 1967-68. The company is producing high quality premium brands like Old Castle Whisky, Gokak Falls Whiskey, US Rum, Doctors Brandy, Gagarin Vodka and the company's brands are well accepted by the market The company has setup a new distillery plant for producing 45,000 litres rectified spirit including 10000 litres ENA per day during the year 1994-95 and this plant
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Registered office
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Shri. R. V. Shirgaokar Shri. P. V. Shirgaokar Shri. S. S. Shirgaokar Shri. N. S. Shirgaokar Shri. C. S. Shirgaokar Shri. B. N. Kalyan Shri. A. B. Kage Shri. S. N. Inamdar Shri. V. Balasubramania Shri. M. R. Desai Shri. M. G. Josh Shri. D. B. Shaha Shri. B. S. Patil
(Chairman & Mentor) (Executive vice Chairman) (Managing Director) (Joint-Managing Director) (Joint-Managing Director) (Director) (Director) (Director)
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Cane / R & D Department The Ugar Sugar Works Limited has a separate Research & Development Department recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi in 1978. The emphasis of agricultural R and D is understandably on sugarcane. The main objective of the Research and Development wing is to make a continuous effort to identify more dual purpose sugarcane varieties with high sucrose, high yielding potential and reasonably high fibre content. COM-88121 and Co-85019 are getting good acceptance by the cultivators. Co-7508 shows a good promise in saline soils. Co-95020 is the suitable variety for the Cogeneration plant. CoC-671 variety dominated other varieties for more than one and half decades. The R & D Section can rightly claim the credit for the introduction of the CoC-671 variety in Northern Karnataka as also some areas of the adjoining state of Maharashtra. Co-86032 and Co94012 are also high yielding and high sucrose sugarcane varieties introduced recently. Co89014 & Co-88025 are in the pipeline. Ugar's R & D department won the prestigious S.V.Parthasarathy Award eight times in nine years since its inception in 1985 for very effective R & D work in the agriculture of sugarcane. Recently it was also awarded by SISSTA, Chennai on 13th August, 2005. We are launching a massive programme of soil amelioration and popularization of green manuring crops like Dhiancha (Sesbania aculata) and Sunnhemp (crotolaria juncea) and ploughing them in the soil while still green. The work with Wheat, Soybean and Sunflower is reasonably successful as a rotation of crop
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His excellency, the President of India, A.P.J.Abdul Kalam in his speech. mentioned the raising Jatropha curcas (Raton Jyot) cultivation as one of the "Ten Immediate Missions" for achieving the goals of rural development, apart from producing Bio-diesel. Hence about 15000 seedlings have been planted by The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd as a source of Bio-diesel.
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We are dedicated to deliver overall value to our customer by delivering high quality products, exceptional financial performance to our share holder & complete satisfaction to cane growers, employees & stakeholders.
Ugar sugar will serve hard to retain its place as one of Indias premier sugar companies through sustained research, development & expansion of its operation of core compliance at global efficiency of cost, quality & standard of customer servicing and diversification to Liquor, co-generation to achieve competitiveness.
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The Ugar Sugar Works Limited is the largest single location manufacturer of sugar in southern India with a licensed capacity of 10000 TCD. Ugar manufacturers more than 15 million bags of sugar annually. The main product of sugar manufacturing process is white crystal sugar. This white crystal sugar is manufactured in the following grades:
Quality of sugar is measured with the help of four important parameters. Namely Sugar Poll, Moisture, Temperature & Color. The sugar is said to be of good quality when it have sugar poll 99%, moisture 0.4%, temperature below 40 for bagging and color 100120(below 100 for export)
Source of energy (i.e. Bagasses) out of which 28 MW is used for captive consumption. For these process they use 3 high capacity turbines imported from japan.
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The Ugar Sugar Works Limited has two distilleries with a total capacity of 75000 bulk liters per day. Some of its well known brands in the market place are old castle premium whiskey, old castle rum, US rum, vetted malt whiskey, sand piper whiskey, gentlemans whisky, Ugar directors Brandy , gargrin vodka and US gin.
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Bagasse is a residual material left after the extraction of juice from sugar cane. In Ugar sugar, it is captivelly used as a fuel by which the industry is self-sufficient for its fuel requirement. The excess is saved to the tune of 5% of weight of the cane crushed. The saved Bagasse can be selectively used as fuel in the lean period/off-season to the interested parties.
The companys 1 MW Bio-gas power generation plant for Utilizing Bio gas available from distillery effluent treatment plan jointly set up with Indian institute of science Bangalore and national bio-energy board.
It is highly viscos left over material containing sugar reducing sugar and organic/inorganic impurities. It is a raw material for distilleries of our organistaion.
Filter cake commonly known as press mud is the suspended impurities Separated during the process of cane juice clarification by the sulphitation process. The material is used as manure and the factory managers to sell the filter cake to the cane growers at concessional rates and achieves recycling of the matter back to fields.
The fermentation sludge is dried and separated. It is used for poultry feeds. Fuel oil is separated from the distillery section (mixture of higher alcohol) and used for amyl alocohol/perfumes. Carbon di-oxide is also produced in the fermentation process. It is scrubbed and filled in the cylinders. It is used for industrial purpose.
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Ugar sugar works limited is a private limited company.
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Ugar currently has two distilleries and Indian Made Liquor (IML) units in our premises at Ugar Khurd. The first one is an old distillery of capacity 30,000 LPD , while the second one is a newly constructed distillery from Praj Industries, Pune having a capacity of 45,000 LPD. The Praj distillery runs on the continuous fermentation technology. The whole unit of distillation process is having material of construction in copper, which gives a very good quality of spirit. This plant is having a high level of computerisation and automation.
In these distilleries, we are also having Malt Spirit and Malt Grain Spirit. We are producing Malt Spirit and Malt Grain Spirit as per ISI Standards. These spirits are given to the IML Division for blending.
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Mr. S V Parthasarathy's Award for outstanding performance in sugar industry for the season 1984-85
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Excess bagasse
72 c to
102 c
Mud juice
Clear juice
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1. 5S CONCEPT: 5S is the name of a workplace organization methodology that uses a list of five Japanese words which are Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, seiketsu and Shitsuke. Translated into English, they all start with the letter S. The list describes how items are stored and how the new order is maintained. PHASES OF 5S: There are 5 primary phases of 5S: SORTING, STRAIGHTENING, SYSTEMATIC CLEANING, STANDERDISING, AND SUSTAINING. 1. SORTING: Eliminates all unnecessary tools, parts, and instruction. Go through all tools, materials, and so forth in the plant and work area. Keep only essential items and eliminate what is not required. 2. STRAIGHTENING: The place for each item should be clearly labeled. Items are arranged in a manner that promotes efficient work flow, with equipment used most often being the most easily accessible. There is need to workers to bend repetitively to access materials. Each tool, part, supply, or piece of equipment are kept close to where it will be used. 3. SYSTEMATIC CLEANING: Keep the workplace tidy and organized. At the end of each shift, clean the work area and be sure everything is restored to its place. This make it easy to know what goes where and ensures that everything is where it belongs. 4. STANDARDIZING: Work practices should be consistent and standardize. All work stations for a particular job should be identical. All employees doing the same job should be able to work in any station with the same tools that are in the same location in every station. 5. SUSTAINING: Maintain and review standards. Once the previous 4 Ss have been established, they become the new way to operate. Maintain focus on this new way and do not allow a gradual decline back to the old ways.
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2. KAIZEN: Kaizen stands for improvement or change for the better, refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, supporting business processs, and management. By improving standardized activities and processes, kaizen aims to eliminate waste. IMPLEMENTATION OF KAIZEN: The Toyota production system is known for kaizen, where all line personnel are expected to stop their moving production line in case of any abnormality and, with their supervisor, suggest an improvement to resolve the abnormality which may initiate a kaizen.
The cycle of kaizen activity can be defined as: Standardize an operation Measure the standardized operation (find cycle time and amount of in-process inventory) Gauge measurements against requirements and increase production Standardize the new, improved operations Continue cycle ad infinitum
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3. SGA/QUALITY CIRCLE: A quality circle is a volunteer group composed of workers, usually under the leadership of their supervisor, who are trained to identify, analyze and solve work-related problems and present their solutions to management in order to improve the performance of the organization, and motivate and enrich the work of employees. The term quality circles derives from the concept of PDCA (Plan, DO, Check, Act) circles developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Quality circles are not normally paid a share of the cost benefit of any improvements but usually a proportion of the savings made is spent on improvements to the work environment.
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4. SIX SIGMA: Six sigma is a business management strategy originally developed by Motorola, USA in 1986. As of 2010 [update], it is widely used in many sectors of industry. Six sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the cause of defects and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business process. The term six sigma originated from terminology associated with manufacturing, specifically terms associated with statistical modeling of manufacturing processes. METHODS: Six sigma projects follow two project methodologies inspired by Demings Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. DMAIC is used for projects aimed at improving an existing business process. DMAIC is pronounced as duh-may-ick. DMADV is used for projects aimed at creating new product or process designs. DMADV is pronounced as duh-mad-vee
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5. TQM (TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT): TQM is an integrative philosophy of management for continuously improving the quality of products and processes. It is used around the world.
TQM functions on the premise that the quality of products and processes is the responsibility of everyone who is involved with the creation or consumption of the products or services offered by an organization. In other words, TQM capitalizes on the involvement of management, workforce, suppliers, and even customers, in order to meet or exceed customer expectations.
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6. ISO 9001 (INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATON): ISO, is an international standard-setting body composed of representatives from various national standards organizations, Founded on February 23, 1947.
The organization which today is known as ISO began in 1926 as the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations (ISA).
ISO is a voluntary organization whose members are recognized standard authorities, each one representing one country. The bulk of the work of ISO is done by the 2700 technical committee, subcommittees and working groups.
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Enclosed below are the details of the Ugar Sugar Works expansion plans :
Green Field Project : Unit Jewargi EOU Project for manufacture of sugar ships
Greenfield Project-Jewargi
Location : Malli Village, Taluka: Jewargi, Dist: Gulbarga, State: Karnataka. It is about 15 kms from Sindagi on the State Highway No.12
Land Area :
The land measuring about 162000 sq. mtrs shall be required for the entire factory and administrative setup
Main Product :
By Products :
a) Cogeneration b) c) Press-mud
(Electricity) Molasses
Licenced Capacity :
Sugar 3500 TCD (expandable to 5000 TCD) Cogeneration Power Plant 15MW
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Recovery - %
Power Export :
Total export 2,14,67,000 units. Due to the multi fuel boiler, power export will be done during off-season too in future.
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The photograph (L) shows Mr. R.V .Shirgaokar, explaining the working details of the plant to Mr. Montek Singh Ahuluwalia, Dy. Chairman Planning Commission & Mr. Kapil Sibbal, Honourable Minister of the Ministry of Science & Technology. Photograph
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1) 100% achievement of the pollution control parameters prescribed by ministry of Environment, Government of India and State Pollution Control Board as a distillery unit comes under highly polluting industry under 17 categories.
2) The byproduct is a complete water soluble, fine, brownish colour powder containing mainly potash and other nutrients useful for agriculture purpose, which is a value added product
3) The 100% treated effluent water is recycled for other processes in the factory thereby saving fresh water requirement
The plant is under operation since January 2003. The company has also placed an order for its additional plant of 7 lac litres per day of effluent treatment suitable to a 45,000 litres per day of distillery capacity.
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Ugar Sugar Works has contributed whole-heartedly in the field of education, towards the betterment of the residents of this region. Following are the highlights of the Education Trust programs, in which Dr. Shirgaokar and Shri Babukaka Shirgaokar are founder members: Bal Mandir
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Shri Hari Vidyalaya is a school, which is home to over 3000 students. This school has a curriculum which covers the following mediums of instruction under the primary and secondary sections : English Medium
Marathi Medium
Kannada Medium
This college is operating for a number of years at Ugar Khurd. It has Arts, Commerce and Science (first year) facultys for a Bachelors Degree. It houses over a 1000 students
The ITI was started in the year 1994 in honour of our then MD, Shri Babukaka Shirgaokar. This institute provides technical training in the following disciplines :
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Instrument Mechanic
Total strength of the ITI currently is 150 students. The following courses have been offered by the trust :
Diploma in Computer Awareness for School Children Various certificate courses Diploma in Computer Applications for college students, job holders & professionals
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The Dr. Shirgaokar Hospital is very well equiped in the following areas :
X-Rays units
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Listed below are some of the key facilities provided by Ugar Sugar Works :
Employees Society
a) Treatment at subsidised rates. b) 32 beds maternity hospital with qualif ied staff.
Education Facilities
a) Kids Playschool, Primary & Secondary School b) College c) Technical Institute (ITI) d) Health Aid (Nursing Course)
Medical Aid
Approximately 132 apartments and 400 quarters provided on rent free basis.
TV Cable connection
Medical Camp
Workers day
Celebrating workers day on 2nd October every year and felicitating the retired workers and high performers during the year.
Training Programme
Ugar Wartha
Conducts the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting for the group of fellows, who desires to give away drinking through the intergroup (self-supported) of General Service office of Alcoholics Anonymous (India). Meeting held twice in a week.
The non formal school runs for the childrens of the Harvesting workers(Gabali) during crushing season to bridge the gap of academic year and to keep touch with education during stay at factory(work) site, with the help of social organisations like Lions Club & Mahila Mandal.
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Table Tennis
Gymnasium Hall
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1 Month
3 Months
1 Year
3 Years
BSE Smallcap
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1. Involved in the manufacture of white crystal sugar for over 65 years hence well-established. 2. It has installed a full- fledged waste water treatment plant. The treatment system consists of Biomethanation followed by Evaporation & a Dryer System, a technology that has been adopted for the first time in India. 3. It has good R&D capabilities. 4. It has come up with a lot of innovation like auto cane feeding system before the mills. 5. As a Diversification cum Tax Saving Measure the Company has decided to set up Four Wind Mills in Tamilnadu for Wind Power Generation.
1. Volatility in sugarcane prices. 2. Sugar industry is obliged to supply 10% of its production at substantial concessional price, much below the cost of production, to the Government for supply to the Public Distribution System (PDS).
1. Scope for technology upgradation. 2. Opportunities in terms of export to new emerging markets.
1. Vulnerable to political interests 2. Being in an agro based Industry, inherent risks of the vagaries of monsoon and other natural calamities.
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Particulars SOURCES OF FUNDS : Share Capital Reserves Total Total Shareholders Funds Secured Loans Unsecured Loans Total Debt Total Liabilities APPLICATION OF FUNDS : Gross Block Less : Accumulated Depreciation Less:Impairment of Assets Net Block Lease Adjustment Capital Work in Progress Investments Current Assets, Loans & Advances Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Loans and Advances Total Current Assets Less : Current Liabilities and Provisions Current Liabilities Provisions Total Current Liabilities Net Current Assets Miscellaneous Expenses not written off Deferred Tax Assets Deferred Tax Liability Net Deferred Tax Total Assets Contingent Liabilities
Mar-13 Mar-12 Mar-11 Mar-10 Mar-09 Mar-08 11.25 105.09 116.34 333.07 23.50 356.57 472.91 438.86 261.37 5.96 171.53 0.00 4.50 2.49 423.43 13.07 15.81 12.90 465.21 11.25 90.27 101.52 267.03 17.73 284.76 386.28 394.61 241.08 3.26 150.27 0.00 6.94 0.08 423.70 31.19 26.94 16.30 498.13 11.25 76.45 87.70 289.89 22.96 312.85 400.55 385.27 216.82 0.00 168.45 0.00 7.13 1.39 348.60 33.91 23.72 19.78 426.01 11.25 72.43 83.68 314.53 33.99 348.52 432.20 382.32 188.31 0.00 194.01 0.00 2.96 1.39 320.22 29.58 26.65 37.00 413.45 11.25 9.00 92.47 65.14 103.72 74.14 263.70 282.79 20.41 29.38 284.11 312.17 387.83 386.31 372.27 223.01 155.90 139.41 0.00 0.00 216.37 83.60 0.00 0.00 0.52 128.83 23.71 18.78 191.71 193.11 30.00 35.93 19.27 28.26 49.10 39.76 290.08 297.06
151.18 8.49 159.67 305.54 0.00 5.14 15.56 -10.42 473.64 40.45
247.89 8.40 256.29 241.84 0.00 4.12 17.18 -13.06 386.07 43.44
188.65 1.56 190.21 235.80 0.00 0.00 8.24 -8.24 404.53 10.20
163.05 8.74 171.79 241.66 0.00 15.15 22.97 -7.82 432.20 39.00
112.17 126.58 14.81 10.73 126.98 137.31 163.10 159.75 0.00 0.00
4.21 4.12 20.08 8.77 -15.87 -4.65 387.83 386.31 44.77 14.34
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The project undertaken has helped a lot in understanding the concept of employees welfare in the industry. Overall the employees through the survey have pointed a picture conveying the satisfaction in the various dimensions in the company . Work culture in The Ugar Sugar works limited is very friendly; people have freedom to take decision which makes them more innovative without any fear.
I spent more time with my training officer Mr. Patil sir who is very friendly; he helped me in all the theoretical part. He is very cool minded he suggested me what to do what not to do. By Patil sir I learned how to communicate with others calmly.
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