Korean Cuisine
Korean Cuisine
Korean Cuisine
Originating from ancient agricultural and nomadic traditions in southernManchuria and the Korean peninsula, Korean cuisine has evolved through a complex interaction of the natural environment and different cultural trends.
[2][ ]
Korean cuisine is largely !ased upon rice, vegeta!les, and meats. "raditional Korean meals are noted for the num!er of side dishes #banchan$ that accompany steam%cooked short%grain rice. Kimchi is served often, sometimes at every meal. &ommonly used ingredients includesesame oil, doenjang #fermented !ean paste$, soy sauce, salt, garlic, ginger, pepper flakes and gochujang #fermented red chili paste$. 'ngredients and dishes vary !y province. Many regional dishes have !ecome national, and dishes that were once regional have proliferated in different variations across the country. "heKorean royal court cuisine once !rought all of the uni(ue regional specialties together for the royal family. Meals are regulated !y Korean cultural eti(uette.
See also: List of Korean dishes, Grain dishes )rains have !een one of the most important staples to the Korean diet. *arly myths of the foundations of various kingdoms in Korea center on grains. One foundation myth relates to+umong, who received !arley seeds from two doves sent !y his mother after esta!lishing the kingdom of )oguryeo.[,] -et another myth speaks of the three founding deities of +e.u 'sland, who were to !e wed to the three princesses of "amna/ the deities !rought seeds of five grains which were the first seeds planted, which in turn !ecame the first instance of farming. [0] 1uring the pre%modern era, grains such as !arley and millet were the main staples and were supplemented !y wheat, sorghum, and !uckwheat. 2ice is not an indigenous crop to Korea, and millet was likely the preferred grain !efore rice was cultivated. 2ice !ecame the grain of choice during the "hree Kingdoms period, particularly in the kingdoms of 3illa and 4aek.e in the southern regions of the peninsula. 2ice was such an important commodity in 3illa that it was used to pay taxes. "he 3ino%Korean word for 5tax5 is a compound character that uses the character for the rice plant. "he preference for rice escalated into the +oseon period, when new methods of cultivation and new varieties emerged that would help increase production. [6] 7s rice was prohi!itively expensive when it first came to Korea, the grain likely was mixed with other grains to 5stretch5 the rice/ this is still done in dishes such as boribap #rice with !arley$ and kongbap #rice with !eans$. [8] 9hite rice, which is rice with the !ran removed, has !een the preferred form of rice since its introduction into the cuisine. "he most traditional method of cooking the rice has !een to cook it in an iron pot called a sot #$ or musoe sot #$. "his method of rice cookery dates !ack at least to the )oryeo period, and these pots have even !een found in tom!s from the 3illa period. "he sot is still used today, much in the same manner as it was in the past centuries.[:] 2ice is used to make a num!er of items, outside of the traditional !owl of plain white rice. 't is commonly ground into a flour and used to make rice cakes called tteok in over two hundred varieties. 't is also cooked down into a congee #juk$, or gruel #mieum$ and mixed with other grains, meat, or seafood. Koreans also produce a num!er of rice wines, !oth in filtered and unfiltered versions.[:]
;egeta!les have !een significant crops in Korean history and cuisine according to earliest preserved legumes found in archaeological sites in Korea.[<][=>] "he excavation at Ok!ang site, +in.u, 3outh )yeongsang province indicates soy!eans were cultivated as a food cropcirca =>>>?<>> 4&*.[==] "hey are made into tofu #dubu$, while soy!ean sprouts are sauteed as a vegeta!le #kongnamul$ and whole soy!eans are seasoned and served as a side dish. "hey are also made into soy milk, which is used as the !ase for the noodle dish called kongguksu. 7 !yproduct of soy milk production is okara #kongbiji$, which is used to thicken stews and porridges. 3oy!eans may also !e one of the !eans in kongbap, which !oil together with several types of !eans and other grains, and they are also the primary ingredient in the production of fermented condiments collectively referred to as jang, such as
soy!ean pastes, doenjang and cheonggukjang, a soy sauce called ganjang, chili pepper paste or gochujang and others.[=2][= ]
Tangpyeongchae, a dish made withnokdumuk #a mung !ean starch .elly$ and vegeta!les
Mung !eans are commonly used in Korean cuisine, where they are called nokdu #, literally 5green !ean5$. Mung !ean sprouts, called sukju namul, are often served as a side dish, !lanched and saut@ed with sesame oil, garlic, and salt. )round mung !eans are used to make a porridge called nokdujuk, which is eaten as a nutritional supplement and digestive aid, especially for ill patients.[=,] 7 popular snack, bindaetteok #mung !ean pancake$ is made with ground mung !eans and fresh mung !ean sprouts. 3tarch extracted from ground mung !eans is used to make transparent cellophane noodles #dangmyeon$. "he noodles are the main ingredients for japchae #a salad%like dish$, and sundae #a !lood sausage$ or a su!sidiary ingredient for soups and stews. [=0] "he starch can !e also used to make .elly%like foods, such as nokdumuk and hwangpomuk. "he muk have a !land flavor, so are served seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil and crum!led seaweeds or other seasonings such astangpyeongchae.[=6] &ultivation of aAuki !eans dates !ack to ancient times according to an excavation from Odong%ri, Boeryong, Corth Bamgyong Drovince, which is assumed to !e that of Mumun period #approximately =0>>% >> 4&*$. 7Auki !eans are generally eaten as patbap, which is a !owl of rice mixed with the !eans, or as a filling and covering for tteok #rice cake$ and !reads. 7 porridge made with aAuki !eans, called patjuk, is commonly eaten during the winter season. On 1ong.inal, a Korean traditional holiday which falls on 1ecem!er 22, Korean people eat donji patjuk, which contains saealsim #$, a !all made from glutinous rice flour. 'n old Korean tradition, patjuk is !elieved to have the power to drive evil spirits away. [=8][=:]
See also: List of Korean dishes, Meat 'n anti(uity, most meat in Korea was likely o!tained through hunting and fishing. 7ncient records indicate rearing of livestock !egan on a small scale during the "hree Kingdoms period. Meat was consumed roasted or in soups or stews during this period. "hose who lived closer to the oceans were a!le to complement their diet with more fish, while those who lived in the interior had a diet containing more meat. [2>] Beef 4eef is the most priAed of all meats, with the cattle holding an important cultural role in the Korean home. 4eef is prepared in numerous ways today, including roasting, grilling # gui$ or !oiling in soups. 4eef can also !e dried into .erky, as with seafood, called respectivelyyukpo and eopo.[2=] "he cattle were valua!le draught animals and were regarded more as la!our forces than for consumption. "hey were also seen as e(ual to human servants, or in some cases, mem!ers of family. &attle were also given their own holiday during the first FcowF day of the lunar Cew -ear. "he importance of cattle does not suggest Koreans ate an a!undance of !eef, however, as the cattle were valued as !easts of !urden and slaughtering one would create dire issues in farming the land. Dork and seafood were more likely consumed on a more regular !asis, due to this issue. "he 4uddhist ruling class of the )oryeo period for!ade the consumption of !eef. "he Mongols dispensed with the !an of !eef during the = th century, and they promoted the production of !eef cattle. "his increased production continued into the +oseon period, when the government encouraged !oth increased (uantities and (uality of !eef.[22] Only in the latter part of the 2>th century has !eef !ecome regular ta!le fare.
Chicken &hicken has played an important role as a protein in Korean history, evidenced !y a num!er of myths. One myth tells of the !irth ofKim 7l.i, founder of the Kim family of )yeong.u !eing announced !y the cry of a white chicken. 7s the !irth of a clanFs founder is always announced !y an animal with preternatural (ualities, this myth speaks to the importance of chicken in Korean culture. &hicken is often served roasted or !raised with vegeta!les or in soups. 7ll parts of the chicken are used in Korean cuisine, including the giAAard, liver, and feet. -oung chickens are !raised with ginseng and other ingredients in medicinal soups eaten during the summer months to com!at heat called samgyetang. "he feet of the chicken, called dakbal #$, are often roasted and covered with hot and spicygochujang%!ased sauce and served as an anju, or side dish, to accompany alcoholic !everages, especially soju.[2 ][2,] Pork Dork has also !een another important land%!ased protein for Korea. 2ecords indicate pork has !een a part of the Korean diet !ack to anti(uity, similar to !eef.[20] 7 num!er of foods have !een avoided while eating pork, including &hinese !ellflower #doraji, $ and lotus root #yeonn ppuri, $, as the com!inations have !een thought to cause diarrhea. 7ll parts of the pig are used in Korean cuisine, including the head, intestines, liver, kidneys, etc. Koreans utiliAe these parts in a variety of cooking methods including steaming, stewing, !oiling and smoking. [2 ]
See also: List of Korean dishes, "egetables Korean cuisine uses a wide variety of vegeta!les, which are often served uncooked, either in salads or pickles, as well as cooked in various stews, stir%fried dishes, and other hot dishes. [ 2] &ommonly used vegeta!les include Korean radish, Capa ca!!age, cucum!er, potato, sweet potato, spinach, !ean sprouts, scallions, garlic, chili peppers, seaweed,Aucchini, mushrooms and lotus root. 3everal types of wild greens, known collectively aschwinamul #such as #ster scaber$, are a popular dish, and other wild vegeta!les such as!racken fern shoots #gosari$ or Korean !ellflower root #doraji$ are also harvested and eaten in season.[ ] Medicinal her!s, such as ginseng, reishi, wolf!erry, $odonopsis pilosula, and#ngelica sinensis, are often used as ingredients in cooking, as in samgyetang.
Medicinal foods[edit]
Medicinal food #boyangshik$ is a wide variety of specialty foods prepared and eaten for medicinal purposes, especially during the hottest >%day period in the lunar calendar, called sambok. Bot foods consumed are !elieved to restore ki, as well as sexual and physical stamina lost in the summer heat [ ,][ 0] &ommonly eaten boyangshik includeH ginseng, chicken, !lack goat, a!alone, eel, carp, !eef !one soups, pig kidneys and dog.[ 6][ 8]
Dog meat[edit]
See also: %og meat and %og meat in Korea "he consumption of dog meat #gaegogi$ in what is now Korea dates !ack to anti(uity. 1ogs raised for consumption #nureongi$ differ from those !reeds raised for pets.[ :] 1og meat is mostly eaten during the summer months prepared in soups as medicinal food to !alance the !odyFs gi& "he most popular of these soups is bosintang with vegeta!les such as green onions, perilla leaves, and dandelions, and spices such as %oenjang, Gochujang, and perilla seed powder.[ <] 7 second dish #gaejang'guk$ is prepared !y !oiling dog meat withscallions and chili powder.[ ,] 1og meat is mainly consumed !y some of the older men as a macho, !ackslapping activity. [,>][,=][,2]
Korean foods can !e largely categoriAed into groups of 5main staple foods5 #$, 5su!sidiary dishes5 #$, and 5dessert5 #$. "he main dishes are made from grains such as bap #a !owl of rice$, juk #porridge$, and guksu #noodles$. Many Korean banchan rely on fermentation for flavor and preservation, resulting in a tangy, salty, and spicy taste. &ertain regions are especially associated with some dishes #for example, the city of +eon.u with bibimbap$ either as a place of origin or for a famous regional variety. 2estaurants will often use these famous names on their signs or menus #i.e. 53uwon gal!i5$.
or freshwater fish, and tofu. "he stew often changes with the seasons and which ingredients are availa!le. Other common varieties of jjigae contain kimchi #kimchi jjigae$ or tofu #sundubu jjigae$.[,6]
Main article: Kimchi Kimchi refers to often fermented vegeta!le dishes usually made with napa ca!!age, Koreanradish, or sometimes cucum!er, commonly fermented in a !rine of ginger, garlic, scallions, and chili pepper. [,8][,:] "here are endless varieties with regional variations, and it is served as a side dish or cooked into soups and rice dishes. Koreans traditionally make enough kimchi to last for the entire winter season, as fermented foods can keep for several years. "hese were stored in traditional Korean mud pots known as +angdokdae although with the advent of refrigerators, special Kimchi freeAers and commercially produced kimchi, this practice has !ecome less common. Kimchi is packed with vitamin 7, thiamine 4=, ri!oflavin 42, calcium, and iron. 'ts main !enefit though is found in the !acteria lacto!acilli/ this is found in yogurt and fermented foods. "his !acteria helps with digestion. 3outh Koreans eat an average of ,> pounds of Kimchi each year. [,<]
Main article: Korean noodles Coodles or noodle dishes in Korean cuisine are collectively referred to as guksu in native Korean or myeon in han.a. 9hile noodles were eaten in Korea from ancient times, productions of wheat was less than other crops, so wheat noodles did not !ecome a daily food until =<,0. [0>][0=] 9heat noodles #milguksu$ were specialty foods for !irthdays, weddings or auspicious occasions !ecause the long and continued shape were thought to !e associated with the !liss for longevity and long%lasting marriage. [0>] 'n Korean traditional noodle dishes are onmyeon or guksu jangguk #noodles with a hot clear !roth$, naengmyeon #cold !uckwheat noodles$, bibim guksu #cold noodle dish mixed with vegeta!les$, kalguksu #knife%cut noodles$, kongguksu #noodles with a cold soy!ean !roth$, !apchae #&ellophane noodles made from sweet potato with various vegeta!les$ and others. 'n royal court, baekmyeon #literally 5white noodles5$ consisting of !uckwheat noodles andpheasant !roth, was regarded as the top (uality noodle dish. )aengmyeon with a cold soup mixed with dongchimi #watery radish kimchi$ and !eef !risket !roth was eaten in court during summer.[0>] !ajangmyeon, a staple KoreaniAed &hinese noodle dish, is extremely popular in Korea as fast, take%out food. 't is made with a !lack !ean sauce usually fried with diced pork or seafood and a variety of vegeta!les, including Aucchini and potatoes. 't is popularly ordered and delivered, like &hinese take%out food in other parts of the world. *amyeon refers to Korean instant noodles similar to ramen.
4anchan is a term referring collectively to side dishes in Korean cuisine. 3oups and stews are not considered !anchan. Gui are grilled dishes, which most commonly have meat or fish as their primary ingredient, !ut may in some cases also comprise grilled vegeta!les or other vegeta!le ingredients. 7t traditional restaurants, meats are cooked at the center of the ta!le over a charcoal grill, surrounded !y various banchan and individual rice !owls. "he cooked meat is then cut into small pieces and wrapped with fresh lettuce leaves, with rice, thinly sliced garlic, ssamjang#a mixture of gochujang and dwenjang$, and other seasonings. "he suffix gui is often omitted in the names of meat% !ased gui such as galbi, the name of which was originally galbi gui. Gist of grilled dishes commonly found in Korean cuisine
!jim and seon #steamed dishes$ are generic terms referring to steamed or !oiled dishes in Korean cuisine. Bowever, the former is made with meat or seafood%!ased ingredients marinated in gochujang or ganjang while seon is made with vegeta!le stuffed with fillings. Gist of steamed dishes commonly found in Korean cuisine
+oe #raw dishes$H although the term originally referred to any kind of raw dish, it is generally used to refer to saengseonhoe # !, raw fish dishes$. 't is dipped in gochujang, or soy sauce with wasa!i, and served with lettuce or perilla leaves. list of raw dishes commonly found in Korean cuisine
!eon #or buchimgae$ are savory pancakes made from various ingredients. &hopped kimchi or seafood is mixed into a wheat flour%!ased !atter, and then pan fried. "his dish tastes !est when it is dipped in a mixture of soy sauce, vinegar, and red pepper powder. Gist of jeon dishes commonly found in Korean cuisine )amul may !e used to refer to either saengchae#", literally 5fresh vegeta!les5$ or sukchae ##", literally 5heated vegeta!les5$, although the term generally indicates the latter. Saengchae is mostly seasoned with vinegar, chili pepperpowder and salt to give a tangy and refreshing taste. On the other hand, sukchae ##"$ is !lanched and seasoned with soy sauce, sesame oil, chopped garlic, or sometimes chili pepper powder. Gist of namul dishes commonly found in Korean cuisine
"onalcoholic be%erages[edit]
Main article: Korean tea See also: List of Korean dishes, nonalcoholic be,erages 7ll Korean traditional nonalcoholic !everages are referred to as eumcheong oreumcheongnyu #%&' $ which literally means 5clear !everages5. [02] 7ccording to historical documents regarding Korean cuisine, =< items of eumcheongnyu are recorded.[0 ] -umcheongnyu can !e divided into the following categoriesH tea, hwachae #fruit punch$, sikhye #sweet rice drink$, sujeonggwa #persimmon
punch$, tang #, !oiled water$,jang #, fermented grain .uice with a sour taste$, suksu ##(, !everage made of her!s$,galsu #)(, drink made of fruit extract, and Oriental medicine$, honeyed water, .uice and milk !y their ingredient materials and preparation methods. 7mong the varieties, tea,hwachae, sikhye, and sujeonggwa are still widely favored and consumed/ however, the others almost disappeared !y the end of the 2>th century. [0,][00] 'n Korean cuisine, tea, or cha, refers to various types of tisane that can !e served hot or cold. Cot necessarily related to the leaves, leaf !uds, and internodes of the $amellia sinensis plant, they are made from diverse su!stances, including fruits #e.g. yujacha$, flowers #e.g. gukhwacha$, leaves, roots, and grains #e.g. boricha, hyeonmi cha$ or her!s and su!stances used in traditional Korean medicine, such as ginseng #e.g. .nsam cha$ and ginger #e.g. saenggang cha$.[06]
'lcoholic be%erages[edit]
Main article: Korean alcoholic be,erages See also: Korean beer and List of Korean be,erages 9hile soju is the !est known li(uor, there are well over =>> different alcoholic !everages, such as !eers, rice and fruit wines, and li(uors produced in 3outh Korea as well as a sweet rice drink. "he top%selling domestic !eers #the Korean term for !eer !eing maekju$ arelagers, which differ from 9estern !eers in that they are !rewed from rice, rather than !arley. &onse(uently, Korean !eers are lighter, sweeter and have less head than their 9estern counterparts. "he 3outh Korean !eer market is dominated !y the two ma.or !reweriesH Biteand O4. "aedonggang is a Corth Korean !eer produced at a !rewery !ased in Dyongyang since 2>>2.[08] Micro!rewery !eers and !ars are growing in popularity after 2>>2.[0:] Soju is a clear spirit which was originally made from grain, especially rice, and is now also made from sweet potatoes or !arley. Soju made from grain is considered superior #as is also the case with grain vs. potato vodka$. Soju is around 22K 74;, and is a favorite !everage of hard%up college students, hard%drinking !usinessmen, and !lue%collar workers[citation needed]. /akju is a refined pure li(uor fermented from rice, with the !est known !eing cheongju.Takju is a thick unrefined li(uor made with grains, with the !est known !eing makgeolli, a white, milky rice wine traditionally drunk !y farmers. [0<] 'n addition to the rice wine, various fruit wines and her!al wines exist in Korean cuisine. 7cacia, maesil plum, &hinese (uince, cherry, pine fruits, and pomegranate are most popular. Majuang wine #a !lended wine of Korean grapes with Erench or 7merican wines$ and ginseng%!ased wines are also availa!le.
"raditional rice cakes, tteok and Korean confectionery hangwa are eaten as treats during holidays and festivals. Tteok refers to all kind of rice cakes made from either pounded rice #*+, metteok$, pounded glutinous rice #,+, chaltteok$, or glutinous rice left whole, without pounding. 't is served either filled or covered with sweetened mung !ean paste, red !ean paste, mashed red !eans, raisins, a sweetened filling made with sesame seeds, sweet pumpkin, !eans, .u.u!es, pine nuts, andJor honey$. Tteok is usually served as dessert or snack. 7mong varieties, songpyeon is a chewy stuffed tteok served at $huseok. Boney or another soft sweet material such as sweetened sesame or !lack !eans are used as fillings.Dine needles can !e used for imparting flavor during the steaming process.
/aksik is a sweet rice cake made with glutinous rice, chestnuts, pine nuts, .u.u!es, and other ingredients, while chapssaltteok is a tteok filled with sweet !ean paste. On the other hand, hangwa is a general term referring to all types of Korean traditionalconfectionery. "he ingredients of hahngwa mainly consist of grain flour, honey, yeot, and sugar, or of fruit and edi!le roots. +angwa is largely divided into yumilgwa #fried confectionery$, suksilgwa, jeonggwa, gwapyeon, dasik #tea food$ and yeot. /umilgwa is made !y stir frying or frying pieces of dough, such as maejakgwa and yakgwa. Maejakgwa is a ring%shaped confection made of wheat flour, vegeta!le oil, cinnamon, ginger .uice,jocheong, and pine nuts, while yakgwa, literally 5medicinal confectionery5, is a flower%shaped !iscuit made of honey, sesame oil and wheat flour. Suksilgwa is made !y !oiling fruits, ginger, or nuts in water, and then forming the mix into the original fruitFs shape, or other shapes. Gwapyeon is a .elly%like confection made !y !oiling sour fruits, starch, and sugar. %asik, literally 5eatery for tea5, is made !y kneading rice flour, honey, and various types of flour from nuts, her!s, sesame, or .u.u!es. !eonggwa, or jeongwa, is made !y !oiling fruits, plant roots and seeds in honey, mulyeot #-., li(uid candy$ or sugar. 't is similar tomarmalade or .amJ.elly.[6=][62][6 ] /eot is a Korean traditional candy in li(uid or solid form made from steamed rice, glutinous rice,glutinous kaoliang, corn, sweet potatoes or mixed grains. "he steamed ingredients are lightly fermented and !oiled in a large pot calledsot #$ for a long time.
Buddhist cuisine[edit]
urther information: Korean temple cuisine and 0uddhist cuisine Korean temple cuisine originated in 4uddhist temples of Korea. 3ince 4uddhism was introduced into Korea, 4uddhist traditions have strongly influenced Korean cuisine, as well. 1uring the 3illa period #08 4& ? < 0 71$, chalbap #,/, a !owl of cooked glutinous rice$yakgwa #a fried dessert$ and yumilgwa #a fried and puffed rice snack$ were served for 4uddhist altars and have !een developed into types of hangwa, Korean
traditionalconfectionery. 1uring the )oryeo 1ynasty, sangchu ssam #wraps made with lettuce$,yaksik, and yakgwa were developed, and since spread to &hina and other countries. 3ince the +oseon 1ynasty, 4uddhist cuisine has !een esta!lished in Korea according to regions and temples.[6:][6<] On the other hand, royal court cuisine is closely related to Korean temple cuisine. 'n the past, when the royal court maids, sanggung, who were assigned to Suragan #hangulH (0/ han.aH / the name of the royal kitchen$, where they prepared the kingFs meals, !ecame old, they had to leave the royal palace. "herefore, many of them entered 4uddhist temples to !ecome nuns. 7s the result, culinary techni(ues and recipes of the royal cuisine were integrated into 4uddhist cuisine.[8>]
Vegetarian cuisine[edit]
;egetarian cookery in Korea may !e linked to the 4uddhist traditions that influenced Korean culture from the )oryeo dynasty onwards. "here are hundreds of vegetarian restaurants in Korea, although historically they have !een local restaurants that are unknown to tourists. Most have !uffets, with cold food, and vegetarian kimchi and tofu !eing the main features.0ibimbap is a common vegan dish. Menus change with seasons. 9ine with the alcohol removed and fine teas are also served. "he Korean tea ceremony is suita!le for all vegetarians and vegans, and !egan with 4uddhist influences. 7ll food is eaten with a com!ination of rather slippery stainless steel oval chopsticks and a long%handled shallow spoon called together sujeo.
Ceremonial food[edit]
Main article: Korean ceremonial food See also: Korean Traditional esti,als Eood is an important part of traditions of Korean family ceremonies, which are mainly !ased on the &onfucian culture. )wan Bon 3ang +e #1234/ $, the four family ceremonies #coming%of%age ceremony, wedding, funeral, and ancestral rite$ have !een considered especially important and ela!orately developed, continuing to influence Korean life to these days. &eremonial food in Korea has developed with variation across different regions and cultures.[8=] Eor example, 2ituals are mainly performed on the anniversary of deceased ancestors, called jesa. 2itual food include rice, li(uor, soup, vinegar and soy sauce #=st row$/ noodles, skewered meat, vegeta!le and fish dishes, and rice cake #2nd row$/ three types of hot soup, meat and vegeta!le dishes # rd row$/ dried snacks, kimchi, and sweet rice drink #,th row$/ and variety of fruit #0th row$. [82]
Street food[edit]
'n 3outh Korea, inexpensive food may !e purchased from Do.angmacha, street carts during the day, where customers may eat standing !eside the cart or have their food wrapped up to take home. 7t night, they !ecome small tents that sell food, drinks, and alcoholic !everages.[8 ] 3easonal foods include hotteok, and bungeoppang, which are en.oyed inautumn and winter. Gimbap and tteokbokki are also very popular street food.[8,]
1ining eti(uette in Korea can !e traced !ack to the &onfucian philosophies of the +oseon period. )uide!ooks, such as Sasojeol #, -lementary -ti1uette for Scholar amilies $, written in =880 !y -i 1eokmu #5/ $, comment on the dining eti(uette for the period. 3uggestions include items such as 5when you see a fat cow, goat, pig, or chicken,
do not immediately speak of slaughtering, cooking or eating it5, [80] 5when you are having a meal with others, do not speak of smelly or dirty things, such as !oils or diarrhea,5[80] 5when eating a meal, neither eat so slowly as to appear to !e eating against your will nor so fast as if to !e taking someone elseFs food. 1o not throw chopsticks on the ta!le. 3poons should not touch plates, making a clashing sound5,[80] amongst many other recommendations which emphasiAed proper ta!le eti(uette. "he eldest male at the ta!le was always served first, commonly served to them in the menFs (uarters !y the women of the house. 9omen usually dined in a separate portion of the house after the men were served. "he eldest men or women always ate !efore the younger family mem!ers. "he meal was usually (uiet, as conversation was discouraged during meals. 'n modern times, these rules have !ecome lax, as families usually dine together now and use the time to converse. Of the remaining elements of this decorum, one is that the younger mem!ers of the ta!le should not pick up theirchopsticks or start eating !efore the elders of the ta!le or guests and should not finish eating !efore the elders or guests finish eating.[86][88] 'n Korea, unlike in &hina, +apan and ;ietnam, the rice or soup !owl is not lifted from the ta!le when eating from it. "his is due to the fact that each diner is given a metal spoon along with the chopsticks known collectively as su.eo. "he use of the spoon for eating rice and soups is expected. "here are rules which reflect the decorum of sharing communal side dishes/ rules include not picking through the dishes for certain items while leaving others, and the spoon used should !e clean, !ecause usually diners put their spoons in the same serving !owl on the ta!le. 1iners should also cover their mouths when using a toothpick after the meal.[86][88] "he ta!le setup is important as well, and individual place settings, moving from the dinerFs left should !e as followsH rice !owl, spoon, then chopsticks. Bot foods are set to the right side of the ta!le, with the cold foods to the left. 3oup must remain on the right side of the diner along with stews. ;egeta!les remain on the left along with the rice, and kimchi is set to the !ack while sauces remain in the front.[86]
"he manner of drinking alcoholic drinks at dining is significant in Korean dining eti(uette. *ach diner is expected to face away from theeldest male and cover his mouth when drinking alcohol. 7ccording to Byang *um +u 2ye #6%7/ $, the drinking eti(uette esta!lished in &hoseon 1ynasty, it is impolite for a king and his vassal, a father and his son, or a teacher and his student to drink face to face. 7lso, a guest should not refuse the first drink offered !y host, and in the most formal situations, the diner should politely refuse twice a drink offered !y the eldest male or a host. 9hen the host offers for the third time, then finally the guest can receive it. 'f the guest refuses three times, drink is not to !e offered any more.[8:]
Main article: +istory of Korea
'n the +eulmun pottery period #approximately :>>> to =0>> 4&*$, hunter%gatherer societies engaged in fishing and hunting, and incipient agriculture in the later stages. [2] 3ince the !eginning of the Mumun pottery period #=0>> 4&*$, agricultural traditions !egan to develop with new migrant groups from the Giao 2iver !asin of Manchuria. 1uring the Mumun period, people grew millet, !arley, wheat, legumes and rice, and continued to hunt and fish.
7rchaeological remains point to development of fermented !eans during this period, and cultural contact with nomadic cultures to the north facilitated domestication of animals.
"he "hree Kingdoms period #08 4&* ? 66: &*$ was one of rapid cultural evolution. "he kingdom of )oguryeo # 8 4&* ? 66: &*$ was located in the northern part of the peninsula along much of modern%day Manchuria. "he second kingdom, 4aek.e #=: 4&* ? 66> &*$, was in the southwestern portion of the peninsula, and the third, 3illa #08 4&* ? < 0 &*$, was located at the southeastern portion of the peninsula. *ach region had its own distinct set of cultural practices and foods. Eor example, 4aek.e was known for cold foods and fermented foods like kimchi. "he spread of 4uddhism and &onfucianism from &hina during the fourth century &* !egan to change the distinct cultures of Korea. [:=]
Gor$eo eriod[edit]
1uring the latter )oryeo period, the Mongols invaded Korea in the = th century. 3ome traditional foods found today in Korea have their origins in the Mongol invasion. "he dumpling dish, mandu, grilled meat dishes, noodle dishes, and the use of seasonings such as !lack pepper, all have their roots in the this period. [:2]
-oseon eriod[edit]
7gricultural innovations were significant and widespread during this period, such as the invention of the rain gauge during the =0th century. 1uring =,2<, the government !egan pu!lishing !ooks on agriculture and farming techni(ues, which included )ongsa jikseol#literally 53traight "alk on Earming5$, an agricultural !ook compiled under King 3e.ong.[: ][:,][:0] 7 series of invasions in the earlier half of the +oseon caused a dynamic shift in the culture during the second half of the period. )roups of silhak #5practical learning5$ scholars !egan to emphasiAe the importance of looking outside the country for innovation and technology to help improve the agricultural systems. &rops from the Cew 9orld !egan to appear, ac(uired through trade with &hina, +apan, *urope, and the Dhilippines/ these crops included corn, sweet potatoes, chili peppers, tomatoes, peanuts, and s(uash. Dotatoes and sweet potatoes were particularly favored as they grew in soils and on terrains that were previously unused.[:6] )overnment further developed agriculture through technology and lower taxation. &omplex irrigation systems !uilt !y government allowed peasant farmers to produce larger crop volumes and produce crops not only for sustenance !ut also as cash crops. 2educed taxation of the peasantry also furthered the expanded commerce through increasing periodic markets, usually held every five days. One thousand such markets existed in the =<th century, and were communal centers for economic trade and entertainment. [:8] "he end of the +oseon period was marked !y consistent encouragement to trade with the 9estern world, &hina and +apan. 'n the =:6>s, trade agreements pushed !y the +apanese government led the +oseon 1ynasty to open its trade ports with the west, and to numerous treaties with the Inited 3tates, 4ritain, Erance, and other 9estern countries. [::] "he opening of Korea to the 9estern world !rought further exchange of culture and food. 9estern missionaries introduced new ingredients and dishes to Korea. +oseon elites were introduced to these new foods !y way of foreigners who attended the royal court as advisers
or physicians. "his period also saw the introduction of various seasonings imported from +apan via western traders and alcoholic drinks from &hina. [:<]
2eflecting the regionalism of the kingdoms and !ordering countries of the peninsula, the cuisine !orrowed portions from each of these areas to exist as a showcase. "he royalty would have the finest regional specialties and delicacies sent to them at the palace. 7lthough there are records of !an(uets predating the +oseon period, the ma.ority of these records mostly reflect the vast variety of foods, !ut do not mention the specific foods presented.[<6] "he meals cooked for the royal family did not reflect the seasons, as the commonerFs meals would have. 'nstead, their meals varied significantly day%to%day. *ach of the eight provinces was represented each month in the royal palace !y ingredients presented !y their governors, which gave the cooks a wide assortment of ingredients to use for royal meals.[<8] Eood was considered significant in the +oseon period. Official positions were created within the 3ix Ministries #/ukjo, 89$ that were charged with all matters related to procurement and consumption of food and drink for the royal court. "he 4oard of Dersonnel # .jo, 9$ contained positions specific for attaining rice for the royal family. "he 4oard of 2ights # /ejo$ were responsi!le for foods prepared for ancestor rites, attaining wines and other !everages, and medicinal foods. "here were also hundreds of slaves and women who worked in the palace that had tasks such as making tofu, li(uor, tea, and tteok #rice cakes$. "he women were the cooks to the royal palace and were of commoner or low%!orn families. "hese women would !e split into specific skill sets or 5!ureau5 such as the !ureau of special foods #Saenggwa'bang, :;$ or the !ureau of cooking foods #Soju'bang, $;$. "hese female cooks may have !een assisted !y male cooks from outside the palace during larger !an(uets when necessary.[<:] Eive meals were generally served in the royal palace each day during the +oseon period, and records suggest this pattern had existed from anti(uity. "hree of these meals would !e full meals, while the afternoon and after dinner meals would !e lighter. "he first meal,mieumsang #<%3$, was served at sunrise and was served only on days when the king and (ueen were not taking her!al medicines. "he meal consisted of rice porridge #juk, =$ made with ingredients such as a!alone # jeonbokjuk$, white rice #huinjuk$, mushrooms #beoseotjuk$, pine nuts #jatjuk$, and sesame #kkaejuk$. "he side dishes could consist of kimchi, nabak kimchi, oysters, soy sauce, and other items. "he porridge was thought to give vitality to the king and (ueen throughout the day. [<<] "he sura #($ were the main meals of the day. 4reakfast was served at ten in the morning, and the evening meals were served !etween six and seven at night. "he set of three ta!les #surasang, (3$, were usually set with two types of rice, two types of soup, two types of stew #jjigae$, one dish of jjim #meat stew$, one dish of jeongol #a casserole of meat and vegeta!les$, three types of kimchi, three types of jang #$ and twelve side dishes, called =2 cheop #=2 >$. "he meals were set in the suragan #(0$, a room specifically used for taking meals, with the king seated to the east and the (ueen to the west. *ach had their own set of ta!les and were attended !y three palace servant women known as sura sanggung #(3?$. "hese women would remove !owl covers and offer the foods to the king and (ueen after ensuring the dishes were not poisoned. [=>>] 4an(uets #?@ ! %$ were held on special occasions in the Korean 2oyal Dalace. "hese included !irthdays of the royal family mem!ers, marriages, and national festivals, including 1ae!orum, 1ano, &huseok, and 1ong.i.[=>=] 4an(uet food was served on individual ta!les which varied according to the rank of the person. Isually !an(uet food consisted of ten different types of dishes. Main dishes were prepared !ased on the seasonal foods. Main dishes of the !an(uet included sinseollo, jeon, hwayang jeok, honghapcho2,nengmyun and mulgimchi&[=>=] # typical ban1uet ingredient was chogyetang 3chicken broth with ,inegar4, which was prepared with fi,e different
chickens, fi,e abalones, ten sea cucumbers, twenty eggs, half a bellflower root, mushrooms, two cups of black pepper, two peeled pine nuts, starch, soy sauce and ,inegar& -aksik was a fa,orite ban1uet dessert&[=>2]
Buctria coreean ca o preparate din buctria naional cunoscut astzi a evoluat de -a lungul secolelor de schimbri sociale i politice . Originare din tradiiilor agricole i nomade vechi din sudul Manciuria i peninsula coreean , buctria coreean a evoluat printr- o interaciune complex a mediului natural i diferite tendine culturale . [ 2 [ ! Buctria coreean se bazeaz "n mare parte pe orez , legume i carne . Mese tradiionale coreene sunt remarcat pentru numrul de feluri de m#ncare laterale $ Banchan %, care "nsoesc de orez cu bob scurt gtit cu abur . &imchi este servit de multe ori , uneori la fiecare masa . 'ngredientele folosite "n mod obinuit includ ulei de susan , doen(ang $ pasta de fasole fermentat % , sos de soia , sare , usturoi , ghimbir , fulgi de ardei i )ochu(ang $ fermentat past de chili rou % . 'ngrediente i feluri de m#ncare variaz "n funcie de provincie . Multe feluri de m#ncare regionale au devenit naional , i feluri de m#ncare care au fost odat regionale au proliferat in diferite variatii si din intreaga tara . *oreean buctria curtea regal a adus o dat toate specialitile regionale unice "mpreun pentru familia regala . Mesele sunt reglementate de eticheta cultural coreean . +limente [ edit *ereale [ edit + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , preparate de cereale Orez fiert stropit cu patru piese de struguri uscate si fierte trei castan "ntr-o oal de piatr neagr .olsotbap , orez fiert "ntr-o oal de piatr $ dolsot % *ereale au fost una dintre cele mai importante capsele la dieta coreean . Mituri timpurii ale bazelor de diferite regate "n centru *oreea de pe cereale . /n mit fundaie se refer la 0umong , care au primit semine de orz de la doi porumbei trimise de mama sa dup stabilirea regatul )ogur1eo . [ 2 *u toate acestea, un alt mit vorbete despre cele trei zeiti fondatori ai 0e(u 'sland , care urmau s fie cstorit la cele trei printese din 3#mna , zeitile au adus semine de cinci boabe care au fost primele semine plantate , care, la r#ndul su, a devenit prima instan a agriculturii [ 4 . 'n timpul erei pre - moderne , cum ar fi boabe de orz i mei au fost principalele capse i au fost completate de gr#u , sorg , i hric . 5ice nu este o cultur indigen "n *oreea , i mei a fost probabil bobul de preferat "nainte de orez a fost cultivat . 5ice a devenit cereale de alegere "n timpul perioadei celor 3rei 5egate , "n special "n regatele din 6illa si Bae7(e "n regiunile de sud ale peninsulei . 5ice a fost o marf important "n 6illa , care a fost folosit pentru a plti impozite . *uv#ntul chino- coreean pentru 8 taxa 8 este un persona( compus care utilizeaz caracterul de planta orez . 9referina pentru orez escaladat "n perioada 0oseon , atunci c#nd noi metode de cultivare i soiuri noi au aprut , care ar contribui la creterea produciei . [ : *a orezul a fost prohibitiv de costisitoare atunci c#nd a venit prima dat "n *oreea , de cereale probabil a fost amestecat cu alte cereale la 8 "ntinde 8 de orez , acest lucru este "nc realizat "n feluri de m#ncare , cum ar fi boribap $ orez cu orz % i 7ongbap $ orez cu fasole % [ . ; orez alb , care este orez cu tr#e eliminat , a fost forma preferat de orez de la introducerea sa "n buctria . Metoda cea mai tradiional de a gati orezul a fost s-l gteasc "ntr-o oal de fier numit un sot $ % sau sot musoe $ % . +ceast metod de gastronomie orez dateaz cel puin la perioada )or1eo , i aceste vase au fost gsite chiar "n morminte din perioada 6illa . 6ot este "nc folosit i astzi , cu mult "n acelai mod ca i "n secolele trecute . [ < 5ice este folosit pentru a face o serie de elemente , in afara de castron tradiional de orez alb simplu . +cesta este de obicei la sol "ntr-o fin i folosit pentru a face pr(ituri de orez numite tteo7 "n peste dou sute de soiuri . .e asemenea, este gtit "n (os "ntr-un congee $ 0u7 % , sau terci $ mieum % i amestecate cu alte cereale , carne , sau fructe de mare . *oreenii produc , de asemenea, o serie de vinuri de orez , at#t "n versiuni filtrate i nefiltrate . [ < -egume [ edit
+ tiei de gr#u , cu o supa rece, alb, "ntr-un castron inox &onggu7su , un fel de m#ncare de taitei rece cu o sup fcut din boabe de soia sol . -egume au fost culturile importante din istoria coreean i buctria "n funcie de legume conservate mai vechi gsite "n situri arheologice din *oreea [ = [ >? excavare la site-ul O7bang , 0in(u , provincia )1eongsang de 6ud indic soia au fost cultivate ca o cultur alimente circa >???. - =?? B*@ . [ >> +cestea sunt realizate "n tofu $ .ubu % , "n timp ce mugurii de soia sunt sotate ca o legum $ 7ongnamul % i soia "ntregi sunt condimentate i a servit ca un fel de m#ncare parte . @le sunt , de asemenea, realizate "n lapte de soia , care este folosit ca baz pentruantena tiei numit 7onggu7su . /n produs secundar al produciei de lapte de soia este o7ara $ 7ongbi(i % , care este folosit pentru a "ngroa tocane sau terciuri . 6oia poate fi , de asemenea, una dintre fasole "n 7ongbap , care fierb "mpreun cu mai multe tipuri de fasole i alte cereale , i ele sunt , de asemenea, ingredientul principal "n producia de condimente fermentate denumite "n mod colectiv 0ang , cum ar fi paste de soia , doen(ang i cheonggu7(ang , un sos de soia numit gan(ang , pasta de ardei iute sau )ochu(ang i alii . [ >2 [ >! O salata const#nd "n felii de (umtate transparent gelatinos alimente i legume 3angp1eongchae , un fel de m#ncare fcut cu no7dumu7 $ un (eleu de amidon de fasole mung % i legume Aasole mung sunt frecvent utilizate "n buctria coreean , "n cazul "n care acestea sunt numite no7du $, literalmente 8 fasole verde 8 % . Muguri de fasole mung , numite su7(u namul , sunt adesea servite ca un fel de m#ncare parte , albit i sote cu ulei de susan , usturoi i sare . Aasole mung teren sunt folosite pentru a face un terci numit no7du(u7 , care este m#ncat ca un supliment nutriional i a(utor digestiv , in special pentru pacientii bolnavi . [ >2 O gustare popular , bindaetteo7 $ mung cltite fasole %, se face cu fasole mung sol i mung proaspete muguri de fasole . +midon extras din boabe de mung sol este folosit pentru a face tiei de celofan transparent $ dangm1eon % . 3aiteii sunt ingredientele principale pentru (apchae $ un fel de m#ncare , cum ar fi salata % , i 6undae $ un c#rnat de s#nge % sau un ingredient filiale pentru supe si tocane . [ >4 +midonul poate fi , de asemenea, folosite pentru a face alimente (eleu - cum ar fi , cum ar fi no7dumu7 i hBangpomu7 . *ele Mu7 au un gust dulce , astfel "nc#t se servesc asezonate cu sos de soia , ulei de susan i alge marine prabusit sau alte condimente , cum ar fi tangp1eongchae . [ >: *ultivarea de fasole +zu7i dateaz din cele mai vechi timpuri "n conformitate cu o excavaie din Odong - ri , Coer1ong , Dorth provincia Camg1ong , care se presupune a fi cea a perioadei Mumun $ circa >4??-!?? ".Cr. % . Aasole +zu7i sunt "n general m#ncat ca patbap , care este un castron de orez amestecat cu fasole , sau ca o umplere i acoperire pentru tteo7 $ pr(ituri de orez % i p#ine . /n terci fcut cu fasole +zu7i , numit pat(u7 , este de obicei consumate "n timpul sezonului de iarn . 9e .ong(inal , o vacan coreean tradiionale, care cade la 22 decembrie , poporul coreean mananca pat(u7 .on(i , care conine saealsim $ % , o minge fcut din fin de orez lipicios . En veche tradiie coreean , pat(u7 se crede c are puterea de a conduce spiritele rele departe . [ >; [ >< *ondimente i condimente [ edit *ondimente sunt "mprite "n variante fermentat i nefermentat . *ondimente fermentate includ gan(ang , doen(ang , )ochu(ang i oeturi . *ondimente nefermentat sau condimente includ piper rosu , piper negru , piper chinez , cordifolia , mutar , chinensis , usturoi , ceapa , ghimbir , praz , i ceapa $ ceapa de primvar % . [ >= *arne [ edit + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , carne En antichitate , cele mai multe de carne "n *oreea a fost probabil obinut prin v#ntoare i pescuit . Enregistrri vechi indica cretere a animalelor a "nceput pe o scar mic "n timpul perioadei celor 3rei 5egate . *arne a fost consumat pr(it sau in supe sau tocanite "n aceast perioad . *ei care au trit mai aproape de oceanele au fost capabili s completeze dieta lor cu mai mult pete , "n timp ce cei care au trit "n interior a avut o dieta care contine mai mult de carne . [ 2? carne de vit
)albeni marinat "nainte de grill *arne de vit este cea mai preuit de toate carne , cu vitele care dein un rol cultural important "n casa coreean . *arne de vit se prepar "n numeroase moduri de astzi , inclusiv pr(ire , grill-ul $ )/'% sau fierte "n supe . *arne de vit poate fi , de asemenea, uscat "n sacadat , ca i cu fructe de mare , numit respectiv 1u7po i eopo . [ 2> Fitele au fost valoroase proiecte de animale i au fost considerate mai mult ca for de munc dec#t pentru consum . @le au fost , de asemenea, vzut ca egal robilor umane , sau , "n unele cazuri , membri ai familiei . Bovine s-au dat , de asemenea, propriile lor de vacan "n prima zi de 8 vaca 8 de +nul Dou lunar . 'mportana de bovine nu sugereaz coreeni m#ncat o abundenta de carne de vit , cu toate acestea , ca vitele au fost evaluate ca animale de povar i sacrificare s-ar crea probleme grave "n cultivarea terenurilor . *arne de porc i fructe de mare au mai multe sanse de consumat pe un mod mai regulat , din cauza aceast problem . Budist *lasa conductoare a perioadei )or1eo a interzis consumul de carne de vit . Mongolii distribuite cu interdicia de carne de vit "n timpul secolului al >!-lea , i au promovat producia de carne de vit bovine . +ceast cretere a produciei a continuat "n perioada 0oseon , atunci c#nd guvernul a "ncura(at at#t cantiti at#t de mari i de calitate din carne de vit . [ 22 Dumai "n a doua parte a secolului 2? a devenit carne de vit tarif mas regulat . pui 9ui a (ucat un rol important ca o proteina din istorie coreean , evideniat printr-o serie de mituri . /n mit spune de la naterea lui &im +l(i , fondator al familiei &im a )1eong(u fi anunat de strigtul de un pui de culoare alb . *a naterea fondatorului unui clan este "ntotdeauna anunat de ctre un animal cu caliti supranaturale , acest mit vorbete despre importana de pui "n cultura coreean . 9ui este adesea servit pr(it sau fiert cu legume sau in supe . 3oate piesele de pui sunt folosite "n buctria coreean , inclusiv pipot , ficat , i picioarele . 9ui tineri fiert cu ginseng i alte ingrediente "n supe medicamentele consumate "n timpul lunilor de var, pentru a combate cldura numit samg1etang . 9icioarele din carnea de pui , numit da7bal $ % , sunt de multe ori pr(it i acoperite cu sos pe baza de )ochu(ang fierbinte i picant i a servit ca un +n(u , sau garnitura , s "nsoeasc buturi alcoolice , "n special so(u . [ 2! [ 22 carne de porc 6amg1eopsal *arne de porc a fost , de asemenea, o alt important de proteine de pe uscat pentru *oreea . .ocumentele indic carne de porc a fost o parte din dieta coreean "napoi la antichitate , similar cu carne de vit . [ 24 +u fost evitate o serie de alimente "n timp ce consumul de carne de porc , inclusiv clopoelul chinez $ dora(i , % i rdcin de lotus $ 1eonn ppuri , % , aa cum combinaiile au fost gandit pentru a provoca diaree . 3oate piesele de porc sunt folosite "n buctria coreean , inclusiv capul , intestine , ficat , rinichi , etc coreenii utiliza aceste piese "ntr-o varietate de metode de gtit , inclusiv abur , fierberea , fierbere i afumare . [ 2! 9ete i fructe de mare [ edit + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , pete i 0eotgal /n castron de crabi ge(ang , marinate "n sos de soia i plci de diferite Banchan $ garnituri mic % . 9eti i crustacee au fost o parte important din buctria coreean , din cauza oceanelor limitrofe peninsula . .ovezile din secolul al >2-lea ilustreaz obinuii consumat o dieta cea mai mare parte de pete i crustacee , cum ar fi creveti , scoici , stridii , abalone , i -oach , "n timp ce oile i porcii au fost rezervate pentru clasa superioar . [ 2: +mbele pete proaspt i de ap srat sunt populare , i sunt servite crude , gratar , fript , uscate sau servit "n supe si tocane . 9ete la grtar comune includ macrou , hairtail , croa7er i hering 9acific . 9eti mai mici , crevei , calmar , molute i nenumrate alte fructe de mare poate fi srat i fermentate ca (eotgal . 9etii pot fi , de asemenea, la gratar , fie integral sau fileuri ca Banchan . 9ete este adesea uscat natural de a prelungi perioadele de depozitare i permite de transport maritim pe distane lungi .
9ete de obicei uscat includ *orvina galben , anoa $ m1eolchi % i croa7er . [2: hamsii uscate , "mpreun cu alge , formeaz baza de actiuni comune supa . [ 2; *rustacee este larg consumat "n toate diferite tipuri de pregtire . @le pot fi folosite pentru a prepara bulion , consumate crude cu chogochu(ang , care este un amestec de )ochu(ang i oet , sau se utilizeaz ca ingredient popular "n nenumrate feluri . [ 2< stridii prime i alte fructe de mare pot fi utilizate "n a face 7imchi s "mbunteasc i s varieze aroma . [ 2= srat crevei copil sunt utilizate ca agent de condiment , cunoscut sub numele de saeu(eot , pentru prepararea unor tipuri de 7imchi . *revei mari sunt de multe ori la gratar ca daeha gui $ % [ !? sau uscate , amestecate cu legume i servit cu orez . Molute consumate "n buctria coreean includ caracati , sepie i calmar . [ !> -egume [ edit Mi1eo7 )u7 , o sup fcut din alge de mare , mi1eo7 . + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , -egume Buctria coreean folosete o mare varietate de legume , care sunt adesea servit crud , fie "n salate sau murturi , precum i fierte "n diverse tocnie , feluri de m#ncare se amestec - pra(ite , i alte feluri de m#ncare cald . [ !2 legume utilizate "n mod obinuit includ ridiche coreean , Dapa varz , castravei , cartofi, cartofi dulci , spanac , muguri de fasole , ceap , usturoi , ardei iute , alge marine , dovlecei , ciuperci i rdcin de lotus . Mai multe tipuri de verdeturi slbatice , cunoscut colectiv ca chBinamul $ cum ar fi +ster scaber % , sunt un fel de m#ncare popular , i alte legume slbatice , cum ar fi Brac7en feriga muguri $ gosari % sau rdcin clopoelul coreean $ dora(i % sunt , de asemenea, recoltate i consumate "n sezon . [ !! plante medicinale , cum ar fi ginseng , )anoderma , Bolfberr1 , *odonopsis pilosula , i +ngelica sinensis , sunt adesea folosite ca ingrediente pentru gatit , la fel ca "n samg1etang . +limente medicamentoase [ edit +limente medicament $ bo1angshi7 %, este o mare varietate de alimente de specialitate pregtite i consumate "n scopuri medicinale , "n special "n timpul cea mai tare perioada de !? de zile "n calendarul lunar , numit sambo7 . +limentele consumate fierbini se crede a restabili 7i , precum i rezistena sexual i fizic a pierdut "n cldura verii [ !2 [ !4 bo1angshi7 frecvent consumate sunt, ginseng , pui , capra neagr , abalone , anghil , crap , supe vit osoase , porc rinichii i c#ine . [ !: [ !; *arne de c#ine [ edit + se vedea, de asemenea , carne de c#ine i de carne de c#ine "n *oreea *onsumul de carne de c#ine $ gaegogi % "n ceea ce este acum *oreea dateaz din antichitate . *ainii ridicate de consum $ nureongi % difer de la aceste rase crescute pentru animale de companie . [ !< .og carne este "n mare parte consumat "n timpul lunilor de var pregtite "n supe ca alimente medicament pentru a echilibra gi organismului . *ele mai populare dintre aceste supe este bosintang cu legume , cum ar fi ceapa verde , frunze de susan salbatic , i ppdia , i condimente , cum ar fi .oen(ang , )ochu(ang , i pulbere de semine de 9erilla . [ != /n al doilea fel de m#ncare $ gae(ang - )u7 %, este preparat prin fierbere c#ine carne cu praz i praf de chili . [ !2 carne de c#ine este consumat "n principal de ctre unii dintre cei mai "n v#rst ca o activitate de macho , bac7slapping Aeluri de m#ncare [ edit +limente coreene pot fi clasificate "n mare msur "n grupuri de 8alimente principale discontinue 8 $ % , 8 bucate subsidiare 8 $ % , i 8 desert 8 $ % . 9rincipalele feluri de m#ncare sunt realizate din cereale , cum ar fi B+9 $ un castron de orez % , 0u7 $ terci % , i gu7su $ tiei % . Multe Banchan coreene se bazeaz pe fermentare pentru aroma i conservare , rezult#nd "ntr-un gust picant , srat , picant i . +numite regiuni sunt mai ales asociate cu unele feluri de m#ncare $ de exemplu , oraul 0eon(u cu bibimbap %, fie ca un loc de origine sau de o varietate regional celebru . 5estaurante se va folosi de multe ori aceste nume celebre de pe semne sau meniurile lor $ de exemplu, 8 galbeni 6uBon 8%. 6upe si tocane [ edit
+ se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , 6upe G tocane 3teo7gu7 , sup fcut cu tteo7 , pr(ituri de orez 6upe sunt o parte comun din orice mas coreean . 6pre deosebire de alte culturi , "n cultura coreean , supa se serveste ca parte a cursului principal , mai degrab dec#t la "nceputul sau la sf#ritul mesei , ca un acompaniament de orez , "mpreun cu alte Banchan . 6upe , cunoscut sub numele )u7 sunt adesea realizate cu carne , fructe de mare i legume . 6upe pot fi fcute "n mai multe supe oficiale cunoscut sub numele de 3ang , de multe ori a servit ca felul principal al mesei. 0(igae sunt o mai gros , supe mai greu condimentate sau tocane . [ 2! /nele tipuri populare de supe sunt , Malgeungu7 $ % , sunt aromate cu gan(ang . *antiti mici de carne fiart de mult se poate aduga lasupa , sau pot fi introduse fructe de mare at#t proaspete i uscate , sau legume pot ficomponenta principal pentrusupa limpede . 3o(anggu7 $ % sunt asezonate cu doen(ang . 'ngrediente comune pentru )u7 to(ang includ fructe de mare , cum ar fi scoici , hamsii uscate i crevei . 9entru o supa picanta , se adaug )ochu(ang . [ 22 )omgu7 $ % sau gomtang $ % , i acestea sunt realizate de fierbere oase de vit sau de cartila( . Originar ca un fel de m#ncare rneti , toate prile vit sunt utilizate , inclusiv coada , picior i oasele costale cu sau fr carne ataate , acestea sunt fierte "n ap pentru a extrage grsime , mduv i gelatin pentru a crea o sup bogat . /nele versiuni ale acestui sup poate utiliza , de asemenea, cap de vit i intestine . Dumai *ondimentul utilizat "n general "nsupa este sare . Daenggu7 $ % , care sunt supe reci , "n general, consumate "n timpul lunilor de var s se rceasc restaurant . O m#n de lumin este utilizat de obicei "n condimente acestor supe , de obicei, folosind gan(ang i ulei de susan . [ 24 3ocane sunt menionate ca ((igae , i sunt de multe ori un fel de m#ncare parte comun . 0(igae este de multe ori at#t de gtit i servit "n oal de lut glazurate $ ttu7baegi %, "n care este gtit . Fersiunea cea mai comun de acest tocan este ((igae doen(ang , care este o tocan de past de soia , cu mai multe variante , ingrediente comune includ legume , apa sarata sau pete de ap dulce , i tofu . 3ocan de multe ori se schimb odat cu anotimpurile i care sunt disponibile ingrediente . +lte soiuri comune de ((igae conin 7imchi $ ((igae 7imchi % sau tofu $ sundubu ((igae % . [ 2: &imchi [ edit +rticol principal , &imchi Bae7 7imchi &imchi se refer la fermentat de multe ori feluri de m#ncare de legume , de obicei, realizate cu varza Dapa , *oreea de ridiche , sau , uneori, castravete , de obicei fermentat "ntr- o saramur de ghimbir , usturoi , ceap , piper i chili . [ 2; [ 2< @xista soiuri nesf#rite cu variaii regionale , i este servit ca un fel de m#ncare parte sau fierte "n supe i feluri de m#ncare de orez . *oreenii face "n mod tradiional suficiente 7imchi a dura pentru "ntregul sezon de iarn , ca alimente fermentate poate pstra mai muli ani . +cestea au fost depozitate "n vase tradiionale coreene cu namol cunoscut sub numele de 0angdo7dae dei odat cu apariia de frigidere, congelatoare speciale &imchi i 7imchi produse comercial , aceast practic a devenit mai puin frecvente . &imchi este ambalat cu vitamina + , tiamina B> , B2 riboflavina , calciu , si fier . Beneficiul su principal , dei se gsete "n lactobacili bacterii , acest lucru este gsit "n iaurt i alimentele fermentate . +cest bacterii a(ut cu digestia . 6ud-coreenii mn#nc o medie de 2? de lire sterline de &imchi "n fiecare an . [ 2= Aidea [ edit 0apchae , un fel de m#ncare coreean taitei fcut cu carne de vit i legume marinate "n sos de soia i ulei de susan . +rticol principal , coreean fidea
3aitei sau feluri de m#ncare cu taitei din buctria coreean sunt denumite colectiv ca gu7su "n nativ coreean sau meteo "n Can(a . En timp ce taitei au fost consumate "n *oreea de la cele mai vechi timpuri , produciile de gr#u a fost mai mic dec#t alte culturi , astfel "nc#t fidea gr#u nu a devenit un produs alimentar de zi cu zi p#n "n >=24 . [ 4? [ 4> 3iei din gr#u $ milgu7su % au fost produse alimentare de specialitate pentru zile de natere , nuni sau ocazii de bun augur , deoarece forma lung i a continuat s-au considerat a fi asociate cu fericirea pentru longevitate i cstorie de lung durat . [ 4? En *oreea de m#ncruri tradiionale taitei sunt onm1eon sau gu7su (anggu7 $ taitei cu o supa fierbinte clar % , naengm1eon $ fidea hric rece % , bibim gu7su $ fel de m#ncare cu taitei rece amestecat cu legume % , 7algu7su $ cuit de tiat fidea % , 7onggu7su $ taitei cu un bulion de soia rece % , 0apchae $ fidea celofan fcute din cartofi dulci cu diverse legume % i altele . En curtea regal , bae7m1eon $ literalmente 8 fidea albe 8% compus din fidea hric i fazan bulion , a fost considerat ca fiind de top antena tiei de calitate . Daengm1eon cu o sup rece, amestecat cu dongchimi $ ridiche 7imchi apos % i carne de vit piept bulion a fost m#ncat "n instana de (udecat "n timpul verii . [ 4? 0a(angm1eon , o discontinue &oreanized fel de m#ncare cu taitei din *hina , este extrem de popular "n *oreea , alimente la fel de rapid ia -out . +ceasta se face cu un sos de fasole neagr , de obicei, pr(it cu carne de porc sau fructe de mare cuburi i o varietate de legume , inclusiv dovlecei i cartofi . +cesta este popular comandat i livrat , cum ar fi chineza ia -out alimente "n alte pri ale lumii . 5am1eon se refer la taitei instant coreene similare pentru ramen . Banchan [ edit Banchan este un termen care se refer "n mod colectiv la alta feluri de m#ncare din buctria coreean . 6upe si tocane nu sunt considerate Banchan . Bulgogi , un fel de m#ncare la grtar coreean , carne i legume prezentate aici nu au fost "nc la gratar . )ui sunt preparate la grtar , care au cel mai frecvent carne sau pete ca ingredient lor principal , dar poate, "n unele cazuri, cuprinde , de asemenea, legume la gratar sau alte ingrediente vegetale . -a restaurante traditionale , carnea sunt fierte "n centrul mesei pe un gratar carbune , "ncon(urat de diverse Banchan i boluri individuale de orez . Aierte de carne este apoi tiat "n buci mici i "nvelite cu frunze de salata proaspete , cu orez , usturoi tiat "n felii subiri , 6sam(ang $ un amestec de )ochu(ang i dBen(ang % , precum i alte condimente . 6ufixul )/' este adesea omis "n numele gui pe baz de carne , cum ar fi galbeni , numele care a fost gui iniial galbeni . -ista de preparate la grtar frecvent "nt#lnite "n buctria coreean 0(im i 6eon $ preparate fierte % sunt termeni generici care se refer la preparate la aburi sau fierte "n buctria coreean . *u toate acestea , prima se face cu carne sau cu ingrediente pe baz de fructe de mare marinate "n )ochu(ang sau gan(ang "n timp ce 6eon se face cu legume umplute cu umpluturi . -ista de bucate fierte de obicei gsite "n buctria coreean Coe $ feluri de m#ncare prime % , dei termenul prevzut iniial la orice fel de m#ncare brut , acesta este "n general folosit pentru a se referi la saengseonhoe $ ! , feluri de m#ncare de pete prime % . +cesta este cufundat "n )ochu(ang , sau sos de soia cu Basabi , i a servit cu salata verde sau 9erilla frunze . -ista de bucate prime de obicei gsite "n buctria coreean Bindaeddeo7 0eon $ sau buchimgae % sunt clatite savuroase realizate din diferite ingrediente . &imchi tocat sau fructe de mare se amestec "ntr-o baz de fin de gr#u aluat , i apoi tigaie pra(it . +cest fel de mancare are un gust mai bun atunci c#nd este cufundat "ntr-un amestec de sos de soia , oet , i praf de ardei rosu . -ista de bucate 0eon frecvent "nt#lnite "n buctria coreean Damul
Damul poate fi utilizat pentru referire la saengchae $ " , literal 8 legume proaspete 8 % sau su7chae $ #" , literal 8 legume "nclzite 8 % , dei termenul indic , "n general, acesta din urm . 6aengchae este cea mai mare parte condimentat cu oet , praf de ardei iute i sare pentru a da un gust picant i revigorant . 9e de alt parte , su7chae $ #" % este albite i asezonate cu sos de soia , ulei de susan , usturoi tocat , sau , uneori, praf de ardei iute . -ista de bucate namul frecvent "nt#lnite "n buctria coreean +n(u $ garnituri de "nsoire buturi alcoolice % [ edit 0o7bal , picioarele de porc , un tip de +n(u . +n(u este un termen general pentru un fel de m#ncare coreean consumate cu alcool . *#teva exemple de an(u includ calmar aburit cu )ochu(ang , fructe asortate , .ubu 7imchi $ tofu cu 7imchi % , arahide , odeng H ohmu7 , 6ora $ $ % $ un tip de crustacee populare "n corturi alimentare de strad % , i na7(i $ caracati mici % . 6oondae este , de asemenea, un fel de +n(u , aa cum este samg1eopsal , sau dBe(igalbi , sau alimente de pui . *ele mai multe alimente coreene poate fi servit ca +n(u , "n funcie de disponibilitate i gustul restaurant lui . *u toate acestea , +n(u este considerat diferit de Banchan servit cu o mas coreean regulat . 0o7bal este picioarele de porc servit cu saeu(eot $ sos de crevei fermentate srat % . Buturi [ edit Buturi nealcoolice [ edit +rticol principal , coreean ceai + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , buturi nealcoolice .aechu cha $ ceai (u(ube % 3oate buturile nealcoolice tradiionale coreene sunt menionate ca eumcheong sau eumcheongn1u $ % &' %, ceea ce "nseamn literalmente 8 buturi clare 8 . [ 42 *onform documentelor istorice privind buctria coreean , >=! de articole de eumcheongn1u sunt "nregistrate . [ 4! @umcheongn1u poate fi "mprite "n urmtoarele categorii , ceai , hBachae $ suc de fructe % , si7h1e $ buturi orez dulce % , su(eonggBa $ curmale pumn % , 3ang $ , ap fiart % , 0ang $ , suc de cereale fermentat cu un gust acru % , su7su $ #( , butur fcut din plante % , galsu $ )( , butur fcut din extract de fructe , i medicina orientala % , de ap dulce , suc i lapte de materiale de ingrediente i metode de preparare . 9rintre soiurile , ceai , hBachae , si7h1e , i su(eonggBa sunt "nc pe scar larg favorizate i consumate , cu toate acestea , ceilali aproape a disprut de la sf#ritul secolului 2? [ 42 [ 44 . En buctria coreean , ceai , sau cha , se refer la diferite tipuri de tisane care poate fi servit cald sau rece . Du neaprat legate de frunzele , mugurii de frunze , i internoduri ale plantei *amellia sinensis , acestea sunt realizate din substane diverse , inclusiv fructe $de exemplu, 1u(acha % , flori $ de exemplu, gu7hBacha % , frunze, rdcini , i cereale $ de exemplu boricha , cha h1eonmi % sau plante i substane utilizate "n medicina tradiional coreean , cum ar fi ginseng $ de exemplu 'nsam cha % i ghimbir $ de exemplu saenggang cha % . Buturi alcoolice [ edit +rticol principal , buturi alcoolice coreean + se vedea, de asemenea , bere coreean i -ista de buturi coreene /n castron de ma7geolli , un tip de ta7(u En timp ce so(u este cel mai cunoscut lichior , exist peste >?? de buturi alcoolice diferite , cum ar fi bere , vinuri de orez i fructe , i buturi produse "n *oreea de 6ud , precum i o butur orez dulce . Berile interne de top-v#nzare $ termenul coreean pentru bere fiind mae7(u % sunt lager , care difer de la
berile de Fest, "n care acestea sunt preparat din orez , mai degrab dec#t orz . 9rin urmare , bere coreean sunt mai uoare , mai dulce i au mai puin cap dec#t omologii lor occidentali . *oreea de 6ud piata berii este dominat de cele dou fabrici de bere ma(ore, Cite i OB . 3aedonggang este o bere nord-coreean produs la o fabric de bere cu sediul la 9henian din 2??2 . [ 4; bere MicrobreBer1 i baruri sunt "n cretere "n popularitate dup 2??2 . [ 4< 6o(u este un spirit liber , care a fost iniial realizate din cereale , "n special orez , iar acum este , de asemenea, face din cartofi dulci sau orz . 6o(u realizate din cereale este considerat superior $ cum este i cazul cu cereale vs vodca cartof % . 6o(u este de aproximativ 22I +BF , i este o butur preferat de studeni hard -up colegiu , oameni de afaceri hard - potabil , i lucrtorii gulere albastre [ necesit citare . Ja7(u este un lichior pur rafinat fermentat din orez , cu cel mai cunoscut fiind *heong(u . 3a7(u este un lichior nerafinat gros face cu cereale , cu cel mai cunoscut fiind ma7geolli , un vin de orez alb , lptos but "n mod tradiional de ctre agricultori . [ 4= En plus fa de vinul de orez , diverse vinuri din fructe si vinuri pe baz de plante exist "n buctria coreean . 6alcam , prune maesil , gutui chineza , cires , fructe de pin , si rodii sunt cele mai populare . Fin Ma(uang $ un vin amestec de struguri coreene cu vinurile franceze sau americane % i vinuri pe baz de ginseng sunt de asemenea disponibile . .ulciuri [ edit
3teo7 diverse hahngBa 9r(ituri de orez traditionale , tteo7 i coreean hangBa produse de patiserie sunt consumate ca trateaz "n timpul vacanelor i festivaluri . 3teo7 se refer la tot felul de pr(ituri de orez realizate fie din orez pounded $ *+ , metteo7 % , bombardat orez lipicios $ ,+ , chaltteo7 % , sau orez lipicios tot la st#nga , fr a lovi . +cesta este servit fie umplute sau acoperite cu indulcit pasta de fasole mung , past de fasole roie , fasole roie piure , stafide , o umplere "ndulcit facut cu seminte de susan , dovleac dulce , fasole , (u(ube , nuci de pin , i H sau miere % . 3teo7 este de obicei servit ca desert sau o gustare . .intre soiuri , songp1eon este un tteo7 umplute delicioasa servit la *huseo7 . Miere sau alt material moale, dulce , cum ar fi de susan "ndulcit sau fasole neagra sunt folosite ca umpluturi . +ce de pin pot fi utilizate pentru da o arom "n timpul procesului de aburire . [ :? Ja7si7 este un tort de orez dulce fcut cu orez lipicios , castane , nuci de pin , (u(ube , i alte ingrediente , "n timp ce chapssaltteo7 este un tteo7 umplut cu pasta de fasole dulce . 9e de alt parte , hangBa este un termen general care se refer la toate tipurile de produse de cofetrie tradiionale coreene . 'ngredientele de hahngBa constau "n principal din fin de cereale , miere , 1eot , i zahr , sau de fructe i radacini . CangBa este "n mare parte "mprit "n 1umilgBa $ produse de patiserie pra(it % , su7silgBa , (eonggBa , gBap1eon , dasi7 $ produse alimentare de ceai % i 1eot . JumilgBa se face de ctre amestec pr(ire sau de pr(ire buci de aluat , cum ar fi mae(a7gBa i 1a7gBa . Mae(a7gBa este un produs de cofetrie "n form de inel fcut din fin de gr#u , ulei vegetal , scortisoara , suc de ghimbir , (ocheong , i nuci de pin , "n timp ce 1a7gBa , literalmente 8 produse de patiserie medicament 8 , este un biscuit in forma de floare din miere , ulei de susan i fin de gr#u . 6u7silgBa se face prin fierbere fructe , ghimbir , nuci sau "n ap , i apoi formarea amestecului "n form de fructe original , sau alte forme . )Bap1eon este un produs de cofetrie gelatinos fcut prin fierbere fructe acre , amidon i zahr . .asi7 , literalmente 8 cantina pentru ceai 8 , se face prin frm#ntare fin de orez , miere , i diferite tipuri de fin de nuci , ierburi , susan , sau 0u(ubes . 0eonggBa , sau (eongBa , se face prin fierbere fructe , rdcini de plante i semine din miere , mul1eot $ -. , bomboane lichide % sau zahr . @ste similar cu marmelad sau gem H (eleu . [ :> [ :2 [ :! Jeot este un bomboane tradiional coreean "n form lichid sau solid fcut din orez , orez lipicios , lipicios 7aoliang , porumb , cartofi dulci sau cereale mixte . 'ngredientele aburit sunt uor fermentate i fiert "ntr- o oal mare numita sot $ % pentru o lung perioad de timp .
Buctrii variante regionale i [ edit +rticol principal , coreean buctria regional O mas tradiional "n &aesong , *oreea de Dord . Buctrii regionale coreean $ coreean , h1angto eumsi7 , literalmente 8 alimente locale nativi 8 % [ :2 sunt caracterizate de specialiti locale i stiluri distincte "n buctria coreean . .iviziunile reflectat limitele istorice ale provinciilor "n care aceste tradiii alimentare i culinare au fost pastrate pana in perioada moderna . .ei *oreea a fost "mprit "n dou state-naiune din >=2< $ *oreea de Dord i *oreea de 6ud % , a fost o dat "mprit "n opt provincii $ paldo %, "n funcie de circumscripiile administrative ale dinastiei 0oseon . 5egiunea de nord a constat din provincia Camg1eong , provincia 91eongan i provincia CBanghae . 5egiunea central a cuprins provincia )1eonggi , provincia *hungcheong , i provincia )angBon . 9rovinciile )1eongsang i 0eolla format regiunea de sud . [ :4 9#n la sf#ritul secolului al >=-lea , reele de transport nu au fost bine dezvoltate , iar fiecare regiune provincial pstrat propriile gusturi caracteristice i metode de gtit . .iferene geografice sunt , de asemenea, reflectate de alimentele de specialitate locale, "n funcie de clim i tipuri de agricultur , precum i alimentele naturale disponibile . Odat cu dezvoltarea modern de transport i introducerea de produse alimentare strine , buctrii regionale coreene au avut tendina s se suprapun i s se integreze . *u toate acestea , multe feluri de m#ncare tradiionale unice din buctria regional coreean au fost transmise din generaie "n generaie . [ :: [ :; Buctrie budist [ edit Buctria templu coreean la 6anchon , un restaurant situat "n 'nsadong , 6eul . 'nformaii suplimentare , coreean buctria templu budist i buctrie Buctria templu coreean originea "n templele budiste din *oreea . .in moment ce budismul a fost introdus "n *oreea , tradiiile budiste au influenat puternic buctria coreean , precum i . En timpul perioadei de 6illa $ 4; ".Cr. - =!4 d.Cr. % , chalbap $ ,/ , un castron de gtit orez lipicios % 1a7gBa $ un desert pr(it % i 1umilgBa $ o gustare orez pr(it i umflat %, s-au servit pentru altare budiste i au fost dezvoltate "n tipuri de hangBa , produse de patiserie tradiional coreean . En timpul dinastiei )or1eo , sangchu 6sam $ "mpachetri realizate cu salata verde % , 1a7si7 , i 1a7gBa au fost dezvoltate , iar din rsp#ndit "n *hina i "n alte ri . Enc din timpul dinastiei 0oseon , buctrie budist a fost stabilit "n *oreea "n funcie de regiuni i temple . [ :< [ := 9e de alt parte , preparate din buctria 5o1al *ourt este str#ns legat de buctria templu coreean . En trecut , atunci c#nd slu(nicele *urtii 5egale, sanggung , care au fost atribuite 6uragan $ hangul , (0 K Can(a , , numele de buctrie regale % , "n cazul "n care au pregtit masa regelui , a devenit vechi , au trebuit s prseasc palat regal . 9rin urmare , muli dintre ei au intrat temple budiste pentru a deveni clugrie . *a rezultat , tehnicile culinare si retete ale bucatariei regale au fost integrate "n buctria budist . [ ;? Buctria vegetarian [ edit *loseup de ingredientele din goldongban sau bibimbap )astronomie vegetarian "n *oreea pot fi legate de tradiiile budiste care au influenat cultura coreean "ncep#nd cu dinastia )or1eo . @xist sute de restaurante vegetariene "n *oreea , dei istoric, au fost restaurante locale , care sunt necunoscute pentru turisti . *ele mai multe au bufete , cu hrana rece , i 7imchi vegetarian i tofu fiind principalele caracteristici . Bibimbap este un fel de mancare vegetarian comun . Meniuri schimba cu anotimpurile . Fin cu alcoolul "ndeprtat i ceaiuri fine sunt de asemenea servite . *eremonia ceaiului coreean este potrivit pentru toate vegetarieni i vegani , i a "nceput cu
influene budiste . 3oate alimentele sunt consumate cu o combinaie de oel inoxidabil betisoarele ovale destul de alunecoase i o lingur de mic ad#ncime manipulate lung numit "mpreun su(eo . +limente ceremonial [ edit +rticol principal , coreean alimente ceremonial + se vedea, de asemenea , festivaluri tradiionale coreene +limente este o parte important a tradiiilor de ceremonii de familie coreene , care se bazeaz "n principal pe cultura confucianiste . )Ban Con 6ang 0e $ 1234 K % , cele patru ceremoniile de familie $ vine - a - v#rst de ceremonie , nunta , "nmorm#ntare , i de rit ancestral %, au fost considerate deosebit de important i elaborat dezvoltate , continu s influeneze viaa coreean de aceste zile . +limente *eremonial "n *oreea a dezvoltat cu variaie "n diferite regiuni i culturi . [ ;> .e exemplu , ritualuri sunt efectuate "n principal la aniversarea a strmoilor decedai , numit (esa . +limente ritual includ orez , lichior , supa , oet i sos de soia $ primul r#nd% , fidea , s7eBered carne , legume i pete , i pr(ituri de orez $ r#ndul 2 % , trei tipuri de supa fierbinte , carne i preparate din legume $ !-lea r#nd % , gustri uscate , 7imchi , i bea orez dulce $ 2- r#nd% K . i varietate de fructe $4 r#nd % [ ;2 +limente 6treet [ edit )imbap En *oreea de 6ud , alimente ieftine pot fi cumprate de la 9o(angmacha , crue de strad "n timpul zilei , "n cazul "n care clienii pot m#nca "n picioare l#ng co sau au hrana lor sa "ncheiat pentru a lua acas . 9e timp de noapte , ei devin corturi mici care v#nd produse alimentare , buturi i buturi alcoolice . [ ;! alimente de sezon includ hotteo7 , i bungeoppang , care se bucur "n toamna i iarna . )imbap i tteo7bo77i sunt , de asemenea, foarte populare alimente strad . [ ;2 @ticheta [ edit .ining [ edit Betisoarele coreene i lingur din oel inoxidabil . @ticheta de luat masa "n *oreea pot fi urmrite "napoi la filozofiile confucianiste din perioada 0oseon . )hiduri , cum ar fi 6aso(eol $ , elementar @tiLuette pentru Aamilii +cademic % , scris "n >;;4 de ctre Ji .eo7mu $ 5 ,% , observaii cu privire la eticheta de mese pentru perioada . 6ugestiile includ elemente cum ar fi 8 atunci c#nd vezi o vac de grsime , capr , porc , sau de pui , nu vorbesc imediat de sacrificare , de gtit sau mananca o 8 , [ ;4 8, atunci c#nd avei o mas cu alii , nu vorbesc de lucruri ur#t mirositoare sau murdare , cum ar fi fierbe sau diaree , 8 [ ;4 8, atunci c#nd mn#nc o mas , nici s mn#nce at#t de "ncet ca s par a fi manca "mpotriva voinei tale , nici at#t de repede ca "n cazul "n care urmeaz s fie luai alimente altcuiva . nu arunca betisoarele pe masa . -inguri nu trebuie s ating plci , fc#nd un sunet discordant 8 , [ ;4 , printre multe alte recomandri care au subliniat eticheta de mas corespunztoare . *el mai mare mascul de la mas a fost "ntotdeauna primul servit , de obicei servit la ei "n sferturi de barbati de femei ale casei . Aemeile , de obicei, au luat cina "ntr- o parte separat a casei dup ce oamenii s-au servit . *el mai mare brbai sau femei m#ncat "ntotdeauna "nainte de membrii familiei mai tineri . Masa a fost , de obicei, linitit , ca conversaie a fost descura(at "n timpul meselor . En timpurile moderne , aceste norme au devenit permisive , ca de obicei, familiile lua masa "mpreun acum i de a folosi timpul pentru a conversa . .in elementele rmase ale acestui decor , unul este c membrii mai tineri din tabel nu ar trebui s ridica betisoarele lor sau "ncepe s m#ncai "nainte de btr#nii din tabel sau oaspeii i nu ar trebui s termine "nainte de a m#nca btr#nilor sau oaspeii termina manca . [ ;: [ ;; En *oreea , spre deosebire de *hina , 0aponia i Fietnam , bolul de orez sau sup nu este ridicat de la mas atunci c#nd mn#nc din ea . +cest lucru se datoreazfaptului c fiecare restaurant este dat o lingur de metal , "mpreun cu beioarele cunoscute colectiv ca su(eo . @ste de ateptat ca utilizarea
lingura pentru a manca orez i supe . @xist reguli care reflect decorul de parta(are garnituri comunale K reguli nu includ alegerea prin vasele de anumite elemente , ls#nd pe alii , i lingura folosit trebuie s fie curat , pentru c de obicei, .iners pune linguri lor "n acelai castron de servire pe mas . .iners ar trebui s acopere , de asemenea, gura lor atunci c#nd se utilizeaz o scobitoare dup mas . [ ;: [ ;; .e configurare de mas este important, de asemenea , i seturi individuale , se deplaseaz de la st#nga la restaurant ar trebui s fie dup cum urmeaz , castron de orez , lingura , apoi betisoarele . +limente fierbini sunt stabilite "n partea dreapt a mesei , cu alimentele reci la st#nga . 6upa trebuie s rm#n pe partea dreapt de restaurant , "mpreun cu tocane . -egumele rm#n "n st#nga , "mpreun cuorezul , i &imchi este setat laspate "n timp ce sosuri rm#n "n partea din fa . [ ;: 9otabil [ edit Modul de a bea buturi alcoolice la mese este semnificativ "n eticheta de mese coreean . Aiecare restaurant este de ateptat s se confrunte departe de cel mai mare mascul i acopere gura atunci c#nd consumul de alcool . En conformitate cu C1ang @/M 0u 6ecar $ 6% 7 K % , eticheta de consum stabilit "n dinastiei *hoseon , este nepoliticos pentru un rege i vasal lui , un tat i fiul su , sau un profesor i elev sa de a bea fa "n fa . .e asemenea , un oaspete nu ar trebui s refuze prima bautura oferit de gazd , i "n situaiile cele mai formale , la restaurant ar trebui s refuze politicos de dou ori o butur oferite de cel mai mare mascul sau o gazd . En cazul "n care gazda ofera pentru a treia oar , apoi "n cele din urm oaspetele o poate primi . .ac oaspetele refuz de trei ori , butur nu este de a fi mai oferit . 'storie [ edit +rticol principal , 'storia *oreea 9rehistoric [ edit En perioada de ceramic 0eulmun $ aproximativ <???->4?? ".Cr. % , societile de v#ntori-culegtori anga(ate "n activiti de pescuit i v#ntoare , precum i agricultura incipient "n etapele ulterioare . [ 2 .e la "nceputul perioadei de ceramic Mumun $>4?? ".Cr. % , tradiiilor agricole "nceput pentru a dezvolta cu noi grupuri de migrani din bazinul r#ului -iao de Manciuria . En timpul perioadei de Mumun , oamenii au crescut mei , orz , gr#u , legume i orez , i a continuat s v#neze i pete . +rheologice rm#ne punct la dezvoltarea de boabe fermentate "n aceast perioad , i de contact cultural cu culturi nomade din nord facilitat domesticirea animalelor . 3rei 5egate perioad [ edit Entr- o pictura murala de )a7(eochong $ AB C 8 Mormintele -upttorii 8 % , [ ;= un morm#nt )ogur1eo construit "n (urul secolului al 4-lea prezint un nobil )ogur1eo av#nd o mas cu dou doamne . [ <? 9erioada 3rei 5egate $ 4; ".Cr. - ::< *@ % a fost una de evoluie cultural rapid . Empria lui )ogur1eo $ !; B*@ - ::< *@ %, a fost localizat "n partea de nord a peninsulei de-a lungul mai mult de zilele Manciuria . .e-al doilea regat , Bae7(e $ >< ".Cr. - ::? *@ % , a fost "n partea de sud-vest a peninsulei , i a treia , 6illa $ 4; ".en - =!4 en% , a fost localizat "n partea de sud-est a peninsulei . Aiecare regiune a avut propriul set distinct de practici culturale i alimente . .e exemplu , Bae7(e a fost cunoscut pentru alimente reci i alimentele fermentate , cum ar fi 7imchi . 5sp#ndirea budismului i confucianismului din *hina "n timpul secolului al *@ al patrulea a "nceput s se schimbe culturile distincte din *oreea . [ <> 9erioada )or1eo [ edit -ingur de argint i betisoarele "nmorm#ntat cu regele 'n(ong "n >>2: En cursul acestei )or1eo , mongolii au invadat *oreea "n secolul al >!-lea . /nele alimente tradiionale gsite astzi "n *oreea "i au originea "n invaziei mongole . +ntena de aluat , Mandu , feluri de m#ncare din carne la grtar , feluri de m#ncare taitei , i utilizarea de condimente cum ar fi piper negru , toate "i au rdcinile "n aceast perioad . [ <2
9erioada 0oseon [ edit 'novaii agricole au fost semnificative i rsp#ndite "n aceast perioad , cum ar fi invenia a gabaritului de ploaie "n timpul secolului al >4-lea . En timpul >22= , guvernul a "nceput s publice cri despre tehnicile de agricultur i agricole , care a inclus Dongsa (i7seol $ literalmente 8 6traight 3al7 pe agricultura 8 % , o carte agricol compilat sub regele 6e(ong . [ <! [ <2 [ <4 O serie de invazii "n (umtatea anterioar a 0oseon a provocat o schimbare dinamic "n cultura "n a doua (umtate a perioadei . )rupa de 6ilha7 $ 8 "nvare practic 8 %, oamenii de tiin au "nceput s sublinieze importana de a privi "n afara rii pentru inovare i tehnologie pentru a a(uta la imbunatatirea sistemelor agricole . *ulturile din -umea Dou au "nceput s apar , dob#ndite prin intermediul comerului cu *hina , 0aponia , @uropa , i Ailipine , aceste culturi au inclus porumb , cartofi dulci , ardei iute , rosii , alune , i suc de fructe . *artofi i cartofi dulci au fost deosebit de favorizate , deoarece acestea au crescut "n soluri i pe terenuri care au fost nefolosit anterior . [ <: )uvernul a elaborat "n continuare agricultura prin intermediul tehnologiei i impozite mai mici . 6isteme de irigare complexe construite de ctre guvern a permis fermieri pentru a produce volume mari de culturi i produce culturi nu numai pentru hran , ci , de asemenea, ca culturile de numerar . 'mpozitarea redus a rnimii promovat , de asemenea, comerul sa extins prin creterea pieelor periodice , a avut loc , de obicei, la fiecare cinci zile. O mie de astfel de piee au existat "n secolul al >=-lea , i au fost centre comunale pentru comerul economic i de divertisment . [ <; 6f#ritul perioadei 0oseon a fost marcat de "ncura(area consecvent a comerului cu lumea occidental , *hina i 0aponia . En anii ><:? , acordurile comerciale "mpinse de ctre guvernul (aponez a condus dinastiei 0oseon de a deschide porturile sale comerciale cu Occidentul , i a numeroase tratate cu 6tatele /nite, Marea Britanie , Arana i alte ri occidentale . [ << .eschiderea *oreea a lumii occidentale a adus nou schimb de cultur i m#ncare . Misionarii occidentali introdus noi ingrediente i feluri de m#ncare "n *oreea . @litele 0oseon au fost introduse pentru aceste alimente noi cu titlu de strini care au participat la curtea regal ca consilieri sau medici . +ceast perioad a vzut , de asemenea, introducerea de diverse condimente importate din 0aponia prin intermediul comercianilor de vest i buturi alcoolice din *hina . [ <= .in secolul 2? p#n "n prezent [ edit O tocan picant "ntr-o oal Budae ((igae , o tocan picant originea "n timpul rzboiului din *oreea . O serie de rebeliuni interne a condus la cderea dinastiei 0oseon , urmat de o ocupaie treizeci i cinci ani $>=>?->=24% a peninsulei coreene de ctre guvernul imperial al 0aponiei . Multe dintre sistemele agricole au fost preluate de (aponezi pentru a spri(ini de aprovizionare cu alimente din 0aponia . Modificrile de teren care rezult din ocupaiei (aponeze inclus combinarea ferme mici "n ferme de mari dimensiuni , care a dus la randamente mai mari pentru export pentru 0aponia . 9roducia de orez a crescut "n aceast perioad , dar cea mai mare parte a fost expediat "n afara rii . *oreenii , la r#ndul su , a crescut producia de alte cereale pentru consum propriu . [ =? Mesele "n timpul ocupaiei (aponeze au fost monoton . *oreenii au m#ncat , de obicei, dou mese pe zi "n timpul anotimpurilor reci , i trei "n timpul anotimpurilor calde . 6aietate , mai degrab dec#t de calitate , a fost cel mai important . *ei din nivelurile economice inferioare au fost probabil sa se bucure de un singur castron de orez alb "n fiecare an , "n timp ce restul anului a fost umplut cu boabe mai ieftine , cum ar fi mei i orz . [ => produse alimentare de Fest a "nceput "n curs de dezvoltare "n dieta coreean , cum ar fi painea alba si capse produse comercial , cum ar fi fidea semipreparate . 9erioada de la locul de munc (aponez sa "ncheiat dup "nfr#ngerea 0aponiei "n timpul al doilea rzboi mondial . [ =2 ara a rmas "ntr-o stare de agitaie prin intermediul rzboiului din *oreea $>=4?->=4!% i 5zboiul 5ece , care separ ara "n *oreea de Dord i *oreea de 6ud . +mbele perioade au continuat prevederile alimentare limitate pentru coreeni , [ =? i tocan numit budae ((igae , care face uz de carne ieftine , cum ar fi c#rnai i spam , originea "n aceast perioad . En acest moment , istoria de Dord i *oreea de 6ud divergente brusc . En anii >=:? sub 9resident 9ar7 *hung Cee , industrializare a "nceput s dea *oreea de 6ud puterea economic i cultural pe care le deine "n economia global de astzi . +gricultur a fost ma(orat prin utilizarea "ngrmintelor comerciale i echipamente agricole moderne . En anii >=;? , penuria de alimente au "nceput s
diminueze . *onsumul de alimente instant i procesate a crescut , la fel ca i calitatea general a alimentelor . @fectivele de animale i produse lactate de producie a fost ma(orat pe parcursul anilor >=;? , prin creterea de produse lactate comerciale i fermele mecanizate . [ =! *onsumul de carne de porc i de vit a crescut foarte mult "n anii >=;? . 9e cap de locuitor consumul de carne a fost de !,: 7g "n >=:> i >> 7g de >=;= . 5ezultatul acestui consum crescut de carne a dus la creterea de restaurante bulgogi , care a dat clasa de mi(loc din *oreea de 6ud posibilitatea de a se bucura de carne "n mod regulat . *onsumul de carne a continuat s creasc , a(ung#nd la 2? 7g "n >==; , cu consumul de pete la 2=.4 7g "n >==< . *onsumul de orez a sczut continuu prin intermediul acestor ani , cu >2< 7g consumate per persoan "n >=<4 la >?: 7g "n anul >==4 i de <! 7g "n 2??! . 6cderea consumului de orez a fost "nsoit de o cretere a consumului de p#ine i tiei . [ =2 Buctrie tribunal regal [ edit +rticol principal , coreean buctria tribunal regal + se vedea, de asemenea , -ista de bucate coreene , preparate *urtea .omneasca +nap(i -a7e "n )1eong(u , capitala 6illa Britanie . *olectiv cunoscut sub numele de gung(ung eumsi7 timpul erei pre- moderne , produsele alimentare din palatul regal au fost reflectorizante de natura opulente de conductorii din trecut ale peninsulei coreene . +ceast natur este evideniat "n exemple , "n msura "napoi ca regatul 6illa , "n cazul "n care un lac artificial $ +nap(i -a7e, situat "n )1eong(u % , a fost creat cu mai multe pavilioane si sali pentru unicul scop de banchete opulente , i un canal de primvar hrnit , 9oseo7(eong , a fost creat cu scopul unic de a stabili cupe de vin pe linia de plutire "n timp ce ei au scris poezii . [ =4 5eflect#nd regionalismul a regatelor i rile vecine ale peninsulei , buctria "mprumutat poriunile de la fiecare dintre aceste zone s existe ca un exemplu . 5edevena ar avea cele mai bune specialiti regionale i delicatese trimis la ei la palat . .ei exist "nregistrri de banchete anterioare datei perioada 0oseon , ma(oritatea acestor "nregistrri reflect "n mare parte marea varietate de alimente , dar nu menioneaz alimentele specifice prezentate . [ =: M#ncrurile gtite pentru familia regal nu reflecta anotimpuri , ca mesede r#nd ar trebui . En schimb , mesele lor au variat semnificativ de zi cu zi . Aiecare din cele opt provincii a fost reprezentat "n fiecare lun "n palatul regal de ingrediente prezentate de guvernatorii lor , care au dat buctari o gam larg de ingrediente de a utiliza pentru mesele regale . [ =; /n model de buctrie regal "n tem parc .ae 0ang )eum , *oreea de 6ud . Crana a fost considerat semnificativ "nperioada 0oseon . 9oziiile oficiale au fost create "n ase ministere $ Ju7(o , 89 %, care au fost acuzai de toate problemele legate de achiziiile i consumul de alimente i buturi pentru curtea regala . *onsiliul de personal $ '(o , 9 % conine funcii specifice pentru atingerea orez pentru familia regala . *onsiliul .repturilor $ Je(o % au fost responsabile pentru alimente preparate pentru ritualuri strmo , atingerea vinuri i alte buturi , alimente i medicamente . +u fost , de asemenea, sute de sclavi i femei care au lucrat "n palat care a avut sarcini , cum ar fi a face tofu , lichior , ceai , i tteo7 $ pr(ituri de orez % . Aemeile au fost buctari la palatul regal i au fost de r#nd sau familii - nscui mici . +ceste femei vor fi "mprite "n seturi de competene specifice sau 8 birou 8 , cum ar fi Biroul de produse alimentare speciale $ 6aenggBa - bang , : ; % sau biroul de alimente de gtit $ 6o(u - bang, $; % . +ceste buctari de sex feminin ar fi fost asistat de ctre buctari de sex masculin din afara palatului "n timpul banchete mai mari atunci c#nd este necesar . [ =< *inci mese au fost , "n general, servit "n palatul regal "n fiecare zi "n timpul perioadei 0oseon , iar "nregistrrile sugereaz acest model a existat din antichitate . 3rei dintre aceste mese ar fi mese complete , "n timp ce dup-amiaza i dup mese cina ar fi mai uor . 9rima mas , mieumsang $ <% 3 % , a fost servit la rsrit i a fost servit numai "n zilele "n care regele i regina nu au fost luati medicamente pe baz de plante . Masa a constat din terci de orez $ Ju7 , = %, realizate cu ingrediente , cum ar fi abalone $ (eonbo7(u7 % , orez alb $ huin(u7 % , ciuperci $ beoseot(u7 % , nuci de pin $ (at(u7 % , i susan $ 77ae(u7 % .
)arnituri ar putea consta de 7imchi , 7imchi naba7 , stridii , sos de soia , i alte elemente . 3erci de cereale a fost gandit pentru a da vitalitate a regele i regina pe tot parcursul zilei . [ == 6ura $ ( % au fost mesele principale ale zilei . Micul de(un a fost servit la zece dimineaa , iar mesele de sear s-au servit "ntre ase i apte pe timp de noapte . 6etul de trei mese $ surasang , (3 % , au fost stabilite , de obicei, cu dou tipuri de orez , dou tipuri de sup , dou tipuri de tocan $ ((igae % , un fel de m#ncare din ((im $ tocan de carne % , un fel de m#ncare de (eongol $ o caserola de carne i legume % , trei tipuri de 7imchi , trei tipuri de 0ang $ % i dousprezece feluri de m#ncare laterale , numit >2 cheop $ >2 > % . Mesele au fost stabilite "n suragan $ (0 % , o sal de folosit "n special pentru a lua masa , cu regele aezat la est i regina la vest . Aiecare a avut propriul set de tabele i au participat trei femei funcionar palat cunoscut sub numele de sura sanggung $ (3 ? % . +ceste femei ar elimina capacele castron i de a oferi produsele alimentare "n regele i regina dup asigurarea vasele nu au fost otrvii . [ >?? Banchete $ ?@ ! % % au avut loc la ocazii speciale "n coreean 9alatul 5egal . +cestea au inclus zilele de natere ale membrilor familiei regale , cstorii , i festivaluri naionale, inclusiv .aeborum , .ano , *huseo7 , i .ong(i . [ >?> alimente conferin a fost servit la mese individuale, care au variat "n funcie de rangul persoanei . .e obicei, alimente banchet a constat din zece tipuri diferite de feluri de m#ncare . 9rincipalele feluri de m#ncare au fost preparate pe baza de alimente de sezon . 9rincipalele feluri de m#ncare de la banchet inclus sinseollo , 0eon , hBa1ang (eo7 , honghapcho 8 , nengm1un i mulgimchi . [ >?> /n ingredient tipic banchet a fost chog1etang $ supa de pui cu otet % , care a fost pregtit cu cinci pui diferite , cinci , zece abalones castraveii de mare , douzeci de ou , o (umtate de rdcin clopoelul , ciuperci , doua cani de piper negru , dou nuci de pin deco(it , amidon , sos de soia i oet . Ja7si7 a fost un desert preferat banchet .