Oracle Proposed Solution Architecture
Oracle Proposed Solution Architecture
Oracle Proposed Solution Architecture
To uniquely address the requirements of VMS and to provide an Enterprise Portal solution for VMS Oracle proposes the architecture as shown below.
Enterprise Portal eb!enter Portal is proposed to be Enterprise Portal Platform for VMS. Oracle eb!enter Portal provides an open" standards#based" and e$tensible portal framewor% that allows users to interact with business applications and services. &t supports a sin'le" modern framewor% for developin' popular styles of websites that are critical to the success of the modern or'ani(ation) internet sites" intranets" e$tranets" and social networ%s. eb!enter Portal applications ma%e it easy for users to 'et the information they need and to wor% with others to ma%e the necessary chan'es to business processes. Functional Requirement Access !ontrol Application Component Permission#based authori(ation is used for services" such as *ists" where access control is implemented within the eb!enter Portal application usin' Oracle Platform Security Services +OPSS,. Provides the ability to further tailor the usa'e of the portal and information delivered to the portal based on user-s activities.
WebCenter Spaces feature provides easy to use and confi'ure a process space that enables dynamic business communities. The process space can be inte'rated with Oracle .PM for services orchestration. Search Assists users with locatin' data" documents" e$perts" and information that are stored anywhere within the enterprise. Oracle Secure Enterprise Search +SES, is inte'rated with this service. Tags enable users to apply their own meanin'ful terms to items" ma%in' those items more easily discoverable in search results and the Ta' !enter. The Ta' !enter is a pa'e that displays the interactions amon' all the ta's" ta''ed items" and their ta''ers in an application.
Search / Ta''in'
Oracle WebCenter Content consolidates unstructured content from across diverse systems so it can be centrally mana'ed and then e$poses it throu'h business processes and applications
0MS en'ine Offline update access and Oracle WebCenter Portal includes services 1 a comprehensive set of standards#based components that enrich e$istin' portals and eb sites with the industry2s most complete and open set of social capabilities. These services include wi%is" blo's" discussions" online awareness and communications" content collaboration and social networ%s. &n addition" Oracle eb!enter Portal provides the out#of#the# bo$ inte'ration with 3aceboo%" Twitter" and 4oo'le56 for social lo'in and social sharin'. So you users can easily public and share the information with theirs favorites social networ%in' sites.
Social / !ollaboration
.usiness &ntelli'ence
The WebCenter Spaces provides a ready#to#use eb application focused on team collaboration and communities. Spaces can also be e$tended and customi(ed throu'h 3ramewor% to include" for e$ample" 'raphs and other .& visuali(ations from Oracle .usiness &ntelli'ence. &nte'ratin' Oracle .usiness &ntelli'ence Enterprise Edition and Oracle eb!enter Portal solutions in this way ma%es it possible to develop composite eb applications that include collaboration features such as blo's" wi%is" and content mana'ement alon'side rich .& data views sourced throu'h an enterprise business semantic model Oracle WebCenter Integration Services comes with a variety of adapters and pre# certified interoperability with content mana'ement repositories" comple$ human wor%flows and multiple device access. !ontent is easily inte'rated and published usin' the 7ava !ontent 8epository +7!8, 9 7S8 :;< standard. Adapters are available for Oracle =niversal !ontent Mana'ement and third#party systems" such as Microsoft SharePoint. 3or email and calendar inte'ration" Oracle eb!enter Services provide adapters to systems li%e Microsoft E$chan'e
&nte'ration Services
eb!enter Portal includes eb!enter Portal services li%e instant messa'in'" document and content mana'ement" discussion forums" wi%is" blo's" ta''in'" activity trac%in'" personali(ation" polls" and others. To provide an accessible and streamlined user e$perience" Oracle eb!enter Portal is inte'rated and certified with Oracle eb!enter !ontent" Oracle &dentity Mana'ement Suite" Oracle SOA Suite" Oracle Enterprise Mana'er" and Oracle e.usiness Suite" as well as PeopleSoft" Siebel" and 70 Edwards enterprise applications. To'ether" these tools and services empower end users and &T to build and deploy ne$t#'eneration collaborative portals that ta%e advanta'e of the creativity and intellect of every user" and improve the productivity of %ey internal and e$ternal business processes. Oracle eb!enter Portal ::' includes components that provide a full ran'e of functionality to develop customer facin' internet web sites" intranets" e$tranets" and social networ%in' applications. These components include) Oracle WebCenter Portal Framework) Speeds development and delivery of portal web applications. This modern portal framewor% enables embeddin' of A7A>#based components" portlets" services" and content into conte$t#rich customi(able enterprise portals. 3ramewor% features include pa'e hierarchies" navi'ation models" dele'ated administration" customi(ation" themes and s%ins" and portal preferences. The 3ramewor% is delivered as an e$tension to Oracle 70eveloper" which provides an inte'rated development environment for composite 7?EE applications" business processes" .& applications" and enterprise portals. Oracle WebCenter Portal Spaces) 3urnishes all the tools you require to rapidly create web sites" portals" communities" and social networ%in' sites capable of accommodatin' thousands of users and encompassin' diverse populations with differin' lan'ua'es. eb!enter Portal) Spaces empowers teams to quic%ly and efficiently mana'e their information" applications" pro@ects" and people. Oracle eb!enter Portal) Spaces allows users to wor% more effectively with pro@ect teams and wor% 'roups" includin' teams that span multiple 'eo'raphies or include e$ternal members. &t enables sharin' and collaboration on team content to focus valuable resources on solvin' business problems" tappin' into new ideas" and reducin' time to mar%et. WebCenter Portal Services) Ma%e it easy to inte'rate new social computin' tools with enterprise information and business processes. The list of services includes the most comprehensive catalo' of pre#pac%a'ed social computin' tools available today" includin' wi%is" blo's" 8SS" lists" discussions" commentin'" sharin'" polls" search" and more. Activity Streams channel the actions ta%in' place within the enterprise directly to users" and the Activity 4raph feature delivers revolutionary capabilities to recommend valuable relationships based on information access patterns between people" content" and
enterprise application activities. Other important services include 8EST" pa'elets" and analytics.
Composer in WebCenter Portal) Enables runtime customi(ation and personali(ation of pa'es that are created with eb!enter Portal) 3ramewor% or eb!enter Portal) Spaces" and includes a set of services to create and mana'e portal pa'es at runtime. 8untime customi(ations are mana'ed by Oracle Metadata Services +M0S,.
Content Management Oracle eb!enter !ontent is bein' proposed for enterprise content mana'ement as it allows consolidatin' unstructured content on a low#cost" fle$ible content mana'ement system while Acontent#enablin'- business processes throu'hout the ban%. The document upload is a %ey requirement in the ban% business process and the document upload functionality and controls of eb!enter !ontent will be inte'rated to the web forms Oracle eb!enter offers followin' %ey features)
!ore !ontent Services 1 version control" security" inde$in' / search" metadata" wor%flow en'ine" replication 0ocument Mana'ement !ontent Publishin' 0i'ital Asset Mana'ement 0ocument &ma'in' 8ecords and 8etention Mana'ement Archivin' / 3ile Store Mana'ement
0ocument Attachment in Tas% Oracle eb!enter also provides adapters for followin' third party Enterprise !ontent Mana'ement systems)
EM! 0ocumentum
&.M 3ileBet &.M *otus 0omino Microsoft SharePoint Symantec Enterprise Vault
Access Management Oracle Access Mana'er provides centrali(ed security infrastructure for web applications. The scope of this infrastructure is to provide security services such as Authentication" Authori(ation" Administration" Audit and 8eportin'. hile providin' the authentication functionality" Oracle Access Mana'er also provide sin'le si'n#on facilities to web applications for both 7?EE and .BET platform. The users need only to authenticate once to any web applications and the will be 'iven session to continue to use any web applications without the need for additional authentication.
Sin'le Si'n#On
The inte'ration is simply to ta%e advanta'e of centrali(ed security provider which allows any application to authenticate via eTo%en and to reduce the time and cost for application inte'ration. .eyond the authentication" Oracle Access Mana'er also provides an inte'rated mana'ement framewor% to mana'e user credentials and passwords" and associated authori(ation policies. All web based applications which includes new applications such as Portal" eb!enter and eb !ontent Mana'ement should ta%e advanta'e of this central security provider. Oracle Access Mana'er also supports eb Services functionalities to ta%e advanta'e for future applications to be on eb Services platform. Some of the standards that Oracle Access Mana'er supports include SAM* and >A!M*
Oracle Access Mana'er 1 Sin'le Si'n On OAM Architecture follows an n#tier approach to application desi'n and deployment and uses standard protocols for communication between the components. The dia'ram above shows the architecture for OAM Oracle Access Mana'er Supported Security Standards C Derberos" PD& +>.E<F" AES" SGA#:" 8!H" PD!S," SS* " T*S" 7AAS
The security mechanisms used to protect the coo%ie +replay" crypto'raphic components,. There are several thin's OAM does to protect the coo%ie) :, IP a ress vali ation 1 the &P address of the client is stored in the coo%ie. eb4ate chec%s to ma%e sure that the client &P address matches the value stored in the coo%ie. ?, !ashing 1 the content of the coo%ie is hashed usin' SGA:. The hash becomes part of the coo%ie. This is to ensure the inte'rity of the coo%ie itself. I, "ncr#pting 1 the entire coo%ie" includin' the hash value is encrypted usin' AES:?J. Bew %eys for this encryption may be 'enerated usin' the administrative interface. The security mechanisms used in a'ent9policy server communication +e.'." symmetric %ey" asymmetric %ey,
All a'ents +i.e. eb4ates, have to authenticate to the Access Server usin' a password unique to each a'ent. The communication between the a'ents and the policy server is encrypted usin' SS* vI. Oracle Application Development Framework Oracle ADF Oracle A03 is built on top of the MV!#based 7avaServer 3aces framewor%" Oracle Application 0evelopment 3ramewor% +A03, forms the foundation for eb!enter Portal2s components and services. A03 is an innovative" yet mature 7ava EE development framewor% available from Oracle" and" unli%e most other framewor%s" is directly supported and enabled by the award winnin' development environment" Oracle 70eveloper ::'. A03 provides unified access to bac%#end technolo'ies li%e databases" web services" >M*" !SV" .PE*" and many more. 3urthermore" A03 provides data bindin' to connect =& with bac%#end data controls. Out of the bo$" A03 provides more than :<< data aware" 7S3 view components. The fine#'rained 7AAS security model 'ives developers and administrators full control over all aspects of application security. Oracle A03 minimi(es the need to write code to implement an application-s infrastructure. This approach allows developers to focus on application features. Oracle A03 provides these infrastructure implementations as part of its framewor%. To reco'ni(e a set of runtime services is not enou'h) Oracle A03 is also focused on the development e$perience and provides a visual and declarative approach to 7ava EE development throu'h Oracle 70eveloper ::'. Oracle We !ogic Server Oracle eb*o'ic Server is also runtime foundation for Oracle eb!enter. Oracle eb*o'ic Server is a scalable" enterprise#ready 7ava Platform" Enterprise Edition +7ava EE, application server. The eb*o'ic Server infrastructure supports the deployment of many types of distributed applications and is an ideal foundation for buildin' applications based on Service Oriented Architectures +SOA,. SOA is a desi'n methodolo'y aimed at ma$imi(in' the reuse of application services. The eb*o'ic Server complete implementation of the 7ava EE E.< specification provides a standard set of AP&s for creatin' distributed 7ava applications that can access a wide variety of services" such as databases" messa'in' services" and connections to e$ternal enterprise systems. End#user clients access these applications usin' eb browser clients or 7ava clients. &t also supports the Sprin' 3ramewor%" a pro'rammin' model for 7ava applications which provides an alternative to aspects of the 7ava EE model. &n addition to the 7ava EE implementation" eb*o'ic Server enables enterprises to deploy mission#critical applications in a robust" secure" hi'hly available" and scalable environment. These features allow enterprises to confi'ure clusters of eb*o'ic Server instances to distribute
load" and provide e$tra capacity in case of hardware or other failures. Bew dia'nostic tools allow system administrators to monitor and tune the performance of deployed applications and the eb*o'ic Server environment itself. Kou can also confi'ure eb*o'ic Server to monitor and tune application throu'hput automatically without human intervention. E$tensive security features protect access to services" %eep enterprise data secure" and prevent malicious attac%s. Oracle "Developer Oracle 70eveloper inte'rates development features for 7ava" SOA" eb" 0atabase" >M* and eb services into a sin'le development tool. The various artifacts share the same pro@ect structure and development e$perience" reducin' the learnin' curve and simplifyin' the development process of composite applications that levera'e a multitude of technolo'ies.
Oracle 70eveloper 1 Visual 0eclarative 0evelopement Oracle 70eveloper is the development environment for Oracle 3usion Middleware with specific e$tensions that cover Oracle SOA Suite" Oracle eb!enter Suite" and Oracle .&. 0ia'rams allow developers to build .PM" .PE* and ES. processes" and a declarative editor provides an easy way to define business rules for the Oracle SOA Suite" all from within
70eveloper. 8ich eb interfaces for .AM and Guman with Oracle A03 in 70eveloper.
Oracle eb!enter adds capabilities for development and consumption of portlets" inte'ration with content repositories" and a host of eb ?.< services to the list of features available in Oracle 70eveloper. A developer can levera'e 70eveloper to develop components that can be deployed and used in eb!enter Portal. !omponents can be A03 tas% flows" data controls" mana'ed beans" and other assets such as s%ins" pa'e styles" tas% flow styles" pa'e templates" content present display templates" navi'ations" and resource catalo's. Portal #uilder
Portal .uilder Pa'e Portal .uilder provides a predefined pa'e that contains development and administrative portlets used to build and mana'e portal ob@ects and services.