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Design of Steel Structures (Steel -1)

Write advantages & Disadvantages of steel as a structural material? Ans. Advantages :1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Steel members have high strength per unit weight. Steel member can be conveniently handled and transported. Properly maintained steel structures have long life. The properly of steel mostly do not change with time. This makes steel the most suitable material for a structure. Steel, being a ductile material does not fail suddenly, but gives visible evidence of impending failure by large deflections. Additions and alterations can be made easily to steel structures. They can be erected at a faster rate. Steel has the highest scrap value amongst all building materials.

Disadvantages 1) Steel structure, when placed in exposed conditions, are subjected to corrosion. Therefore, they require frequent painting. 2) Steel structure need fire proof treatment, which increases cost Write note on Riveted connections ? Ans. RIVETED CONNECTIONS A rivet is made up of a round ductile steel bar piece (mild or high tensile) called shank, with a head at one end. The usual form of rivet head employed in structural steel construction is the snap head.

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The diameter of the shank is called the nominal diameter. A hole slightly greater than the nominal diameter is drilled in the parts to be connected. The rivet is inserted and the head is formed at the other end. This complete process is called riveting. The rivets may be placed in a cold state or may be heated to a hot state. The diameter of the rivets when hot is equal to the diameter of the hole and is called gross diameter. Define Rivet Value & Efficiency of rivet. Ans. Rivet value (Rv) The minimum strength of a rivet in shearing or bearing is called the rivet value. Efficiency of riveted joint () :-This is also called the percentage strength of riveted joint. It is the ratio of the strength of the joint to the strength of the main member expressed as a percentage. The effectiveness of a particular riveted joint is measured by the efficiency. = = x 100

Define (i) Gross Diameter (ii) pitch (iii) gauge? Ans. (i) Gross Diameter The gross diameter may be found by increasing the nominal diameter ( ), by certain allowances as given below. Gross diameter = nominal diameter + 1.5 mm, Gross diameter = nominal diameter + 2 mm, 25mm > 25 mm

(ii) Gauge (g) :-is the distance between adjacent rivet lines, or the distance between the back of the rolled section and the first rivet line, or centre to centre distance between two consecutive rivets measured along the width of the member or connection.
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(iii) Pitch (s) :- is the distance between the centre of two consecutive rivets measured along a row of rivets. A row generally refers to line of rivets placed parallel to the stress in a member. What is minimum pitch, maximum pitch and edge distance in rivets? Why are they provided? Minimum pitch:- The distance between centre of holes should not be less than 2.5 times the nominal diameter of the rivet. Rivets should be placed apart at a sufficient distance for the following reasons: 1) To prevent tension failure of members between the two consecutive rivets, and 2) To permit efficient installation of rivets. Maximum Pitch:- The distance between the centres of two consecutive rivets in the direction of stress should not exceed 16t or 200 mm, whichever is less in tension members, and 12t or 200 mm, whichever is less in compression members. It is also desirable to place the rivets sufficiently close together for the following reasons: 1) To reduce the length of the connection and gusset plate i.e. to have a compact joint, and 2) To have uniform stress in the rivets. Edge Distance: - This is the distance from the centre of the rivet hole to the adjacent edge of the member Rivet holes should not be placed too near the edges for the following reasons: 1) The failure of plate in tension may take place, and 2) The steel of the plate opposite the hole may bulge out and may crack.
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Define Unwins formula? Ans Unwins formula can be given by following equation D=6.01t Where D= nominal diameter of rivet t= minimum thickness of plate Name Some types of Riveted joints. Ans. Types of Riveted joints 1)Lap joint 2) Butt joint. Lap Joint: - The two members to be connected are overlapped and connected together. Such a joint is called a lap joint. The load in the lap joint has eccentricity, as the centre of gravity of load in one member and the center of gravity of load in the second members are not in the same line. Due to the eccentricity the stresses are distributed unevenly across the contact area between the rivets and members to be connected. This puts a limitation on the use of lap joints.

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Butt joint: - The two members to be connected are placed end. Additional plate/plates provided on either one or both sides, called covers plates, are placed and are connected to the main plates.

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Why Butt joints is preferred over lap joint? It is more desirable to provide a butt joint than a lap joint for two main reasons:1) In the case of double cover butt joint the total shear force to be transmitted by the members is split into two part and the force acts on each half. But in the case of lap joint there is only one plane on which the force acts and there fore the shear carrying capacity of a rivet in abut joint is double that of a rivet in a lap joint. 2) In the case of double cover butt joint, eccentricity of force dose not exists and hence bending is eliminated, whereas it exists in the case of a lap joint. Write the assumptions in the design of rivets? Ans. 1) Rivets are assumed to be Stressed Equally: - All the rivets are assumed to resist the same shear. This is true if the plates are assumed to be perfectly rigid and the rivets perfectly elastic. 2) The Rivet Hole is Assumed to be Filled Completely by the Rivet: - The assumption is true in the case of cold driven rivets, but in the case of hot driven rivets it is not true as the rivets shrink diametrically on cooling. 3) Friction Between the plates is neglected: - The load is transmitted by friction and not by shear or bearing when the load is less than the frictional resistance of the plates. 4) Shear stress is assumed to be uniformly Distributed over the Gross cross sectional Area of the Rivet : - The shear stress distribution is not uniform when the loads is within elastic range, but due to the ductility of steel the
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shear stress distribution tends to be uniform as the load approaches the ultimate load. 5) Stress in a plate is Assumed to be uniform: - Due to the presence of holes in the plate the stress distribution is non uniform. What are the failure of riveted joints? Ans. (i) Shear failure of Rivets:-The stress in the rivet may exceed the working shear stress in the rivet. Shear stresses are generated because the plates slip due to applied force. (ii) Shear failure of plates:-The internal pressure of over driven (shank length more than the grip) rivet placed at a lesser edge distance than specified causes this failure. (iii) Tension or tearing failure of plates:- The tensile stress in the plate at the net cross section may exceed the working tensile stress. Tearing failure occurs when the rivets are stronger than the plates. (iv) Splitting of plates : -Rivets may have been placed at a lesser edge distance than required causing the plates to spilt or shear out. (v) Bearing failure of plates :-The plate may be crushed when the bearing stress in the plate exceed the working bearing stress. (vi) Bearing failure of Rivets:- The rivet is crushed around the half circumference. The plate may be strong in bearing and the heaviest stressed plate may press the rivet. Explain the Strength of rivet in shearing, bearing & tearing? Ans. (1) Strength of Rivet in Shear: - The rivet shank shears along the plane of slip. The number of planes along which the rivet can be sheared indicates the number of shears, i.e. single or double shear.
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Ps = strength of riveted joint in shear in Newton d = gross diameter of rivet in mm vf = permissible shear stress in rivet in MPa n = number of rivets on each side of joint Strength of rivet in shear = cross-sectional Area x permissible shear stress single shear Strength of one rivet = d2 vf Strength of riveted joint =n Double shear Strength of one rivet = 2 d2 vf Strength of riveted joint, Ps = 2n d2 vf d2 vf d2 vf

Strength of riveted joint/ pitch length = 2n

(2) Strength of rivet in Bearing: - The bearing of a rivet is the force that can be exerted on it by the section through which it passes Pb = strength of the riveted joint in bearing in Newtons d = gross diameter of the rivet in mm t = thickness of thinner section in lap joint or = thickness of main thinner plate or sum of cover plates thickness, whichever is minimum in butt joint pf = permissible bearing stress in rivet in MPa
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n = number of rivet on each side of joint Strength of rivet in bearing = projected area x permissible bearing stress = dt pf Strength of riveted joint, Pb = ndt pf Strength of riveted joint/pitch length = ndt pf (3) Strength of plate in tearing: - strength of the plate in tearing depends upon the net section resisting the force. Pt = strength of the riveted joint in Newton s = pitch of rivets in mm B = width of plate in mm n = number of rivets in section under consideration d = gross diameter of rivet in mm pf = permissible tensile stress in plate in MPa = 0.6fy (150MPa for steel with yield stress 250MPa) Strength of joint at critical section, Pt = net area along the section x permissible Pt tensile stress in plate Pt = (B nd)t pf Strength of the joint/ pitch length = (s d)t pf

What do you mean by Factor of safety?

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Ans. FACTOR OF SAFETY:- It is defined as the ratio of strength of the member to the expected force or when the yield point is well defined, the factor of safety is defined as the ratio of the yield stress to the maximum expected stress. Comparison between Welded joints & riveted joints Ans. 1) Welded joints are economical. This is because splice plates and rivet materials are eliminated. Labour cost is also less only one person is required to do the welding whereas at least four persons are required for riveting . 2) Welded structures are more rigid (due to the continuity of the section at the joint) as compared to riveted joints. In riveted joints, cover plates, connecting angles, etc. deflect along with the member during load transfer and make the joint more flexible. 3) Due to the fact that the strength of a welded joint is the same as that of the parent metals, even a smallest piece of the metal which otherwise is a scrap can be used, bringing overall economy. 4) With welding it has become possible to connect tubular sections, which are structurally very economical. 5) Due to the fusion of two metal pieces jointed, a continuous structure is obtained, which gives a better architectural appearance than riveted joints. 6) Alterations can be done with less expenses in case of welding as compared to riveting 7) The process of welding is quicker in comparison to riveting. 8) The process of welding is silent, whereas in the case of riveting a lot of noise is produced.
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9) In welding less safety precautions are required for the public in the vicinity, whereas a hot rivet may toss and injure the persons working. 10) As splice plates, rivets, etc. Are not used, the details and drawings of welded structure are easier and less time consuming. What are the types of fillet welds? Ans. Types of fillet weld:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Fillet weld butt or groove weld plug weld slot weld spot weld flat weld.

Fillet welds are normally easier to make, require less material preparation, and are easier to fit than butt welds.


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What are the types of Butt Welds? Ans Butt welds, are provided when the members to be jointed are lined up. Various types of butt welds are shown in fig. Single V, U, J, etc. are cheaper to from, but require double the weld metal than double grooved joints.

What is the design strength of butt weld ? Ans. P = Lt tf P = strength of the butt weld in Newtons tf = permissible stress in tension or compression in N/mm2 L = effective length of the weld t = effective throat thickness What are the specifications of weld ? Ans. i) Reinforcement: - Reinforcement is the extra weld metal which makes the throat dimension at least 10% greater than the thickness of the welded
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material. The reason for providing reinforcement is to increase the efficiency of the joint. Reinforcement makes the butt weld stronger for static loads. But in case of repeated and vibrating loads stress concentration develops in the reinforcement, leading to early failure. Hence, under such types of loads it is undesirable and the weld surface is made flush. Where a flush surface is required, the butt weld is first reinforced and then dressed flush. Subsequent removal of reinforcement should not exceed 3mm. ii) Size: - The size of the butt weld used is specified by the throat dimension. This is also called effective throat thickness. In case of complete penetration of the butt weld the effective throat thickness is taken as the thickness of the thinner member jointed. In case the full penetration of butt weld cannot be achieved, an effective throat thickness of 7/8th of the thickness of the thinner member should be used. But for calculating the stress, the effective throat thickness is assumed to be 5/8th of thickness of the thinner member. iii) Effective throat thickness is the shortest distance from the root of the fillet weld to the face of the diagrammatic weld (line joining the toes) The effective throat thickness should not be less than 3mm. Effective throat thickness = K x size of weld = KS =.7S (generally taken in questions) iv) Effective area: The effective area of the butt weld is the product of effective throat thickness and the effective length of the butt weld. Effective length is the length of the weld for which the required size of the weld is done. v) Effective area: The effective area of a fillet weld is equal to the effective length of the weld multiplied by the effective throat thickness.
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vi) Overlap of plates to be fillet welded in a lap joint should not be less than 5 times the thickness of the thinner part. vii) Transverse spacing between longitudinal fillet welds should not be more than 32t or 300m whichever is lesser. What are the defects in weld? Ans. Incomplete penetration :- It is the failure of the weld metal to penetrate complete depth of joint. It is normally found with single vee and bevel joints and also because of large size electrodes. Porosity:- It occurs due to voids or gas pockets entrapped in the weld while cooling. It results in stress concentration and reduced ductility of the metal. Normally porosity is not a problem because each void is spherical and not a notch. Mainly these are caused because of care less use of back up plates, presence of moisture in the electrodes, hydrogen in the steel and excessive current. Slag inclusion: are metallic oxides and other solid compounds which are some times found as elongated or globular inclusion. Being lighter than the molten material these float and rise to the weld surface from where these are removed after cooling of the weld. Comparison between Fillet & Butt Weld. Ans. FILLET WELD VS BUTT WELD Fillet weld are preferred in comparison to butt welds due to the following reasons. 1) A fillet weld saves the operation of veeing and finishing the ends of members.

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2) In case of butt weld, members are fabricated slightly long and cut exactly to have a close fit in the field. This process is uneconomical. 3) Butt welds have higher residual stressed. Design Steps of fillet weld. Ans. Design procedure : - A fillet weld may be subjected to direct, bending and shear stresses but since the permissible stress in shear is always less, it controls the design. 1) The size (S) of the weld is assumed based on the thickness of the members to be jointed. 2) A fillet weld fails weld fails by shear at an angle of about 45 through the throat. Its strength is therefore assumed to equal the allowable shearing stress times the theoretical throat area of the weld. The strength of the weld is given by P = Lt vf P = LKS vf Where L = effective length of the weld in mm t = throat thickness in mm S = size of weld in mm vf = shear stress in the weld in N/mm2 P = strength in Newtons. 3) Pull or thrust to be transmitted by the connections is estimated. 4) Effective length of the weld is calculated by dividing the pull or thrust by the strength of weld/mm. the length can either be adjusted as longitudinal fillet welds (parallel to the load axis ) or as transverse fillet welds
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(perpendicular to the load axis) along with longitudinal fillet welds. It is a common practice to treat both the welds as it if they are stressed equally. 5) If only a longitudinal fillet weld is made, a check is provided to see that the length of each longitudinal fillet weld is more than the perpendicular distance between them. 6) End return of length twice the size of the weld are provided at each end of the longitudinal fillet weld. Write short note on Size of Fillet welds? Ans. Size: The size of a fillet weld is specified as the minimum leg length of the weld. The length is the distance from the root to the toe of the fillet weld. It is measured by the largest right angle triangle which can be inscribed within the weld. The maximum size of a fillet weld is obtained by subtracting 1.5 mm from the thickness of the thinner member to be jointed. This specification limits the size of the fillet weld so that total strength may be developed without overstressing the adjacent metal.

Define Effective Length Ans. Effective Length: - Is the length of the fillet weld for which the specified size and throat thickness of weld exist. It is taken equal to its overall length minus twice the weld size. The deduction is made to allow for craters to be formed at the ends of the weld length. End return are made equal to twice the size of the weld to relieve the weld length from high stress concentrations at their ends.

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Define radius of gyration & slenderness ratio. Ans. Radius of Gyration The radius of gyration of a section is given by r = I/A For every section the values of radius of gyration about principal axes are required so that least radius of gyration (rmin) may be obtained to find slenderness ratio. Slenderness Ratio The slenderness ratio of a compression member is defined as the ratio of its effective length to the appropriate radius of gyration: = =

What do you mean by web buckling, types and how it occurs? Ans. WEB BUCKLING The wed of flanged beam in usually quite thin and thus relatively weak when placed in direct compression and it behaves in a manner similar to a column under a direct compressive load. At point of concentrated load and at supports, unstiffened webs of universal beams and compound beams are likely to fail by buckling. Bucking of web may occur due to i) Vertical compression due to concentrated load of reaction ii) Diagonal compression due to bending iii) Longitudinal compression due to bending

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Web buckling are of two types: i) vertical buckling ii) Diagonal buckling. What are beam columns? Ans. A structural member that is subjected to varying amounts of both axial compression and bending moment is commonly termed as a beam column. It is generally known that axially (or concentrically) loaded compression members are non existent in actual structures and that all compression members are subjected to some amount of bending moment induced due to i) Eccentric load ii) Non symmetrical floor load iii) Transverse loads due to wind or earthquake iv) Joints moment due to continuous frame action (or bending frame action) v) End reactive moments. Write short note on encased beams. Ans. ENCASED BEAMS In the case of steel framed structures, where steel stanchions and beams frame into each other, it is considered desirable to encase the stanchion as well as the beam into concrete to make these fire resistant and also to improve the appearance these are called Encased Beams.

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Encased Beam In encased beams design following conditions are fulfilled a) The section is of single web and I form or of double open channel from with the webs not less than 40 mm apart. b) The beam is unpainted and is solidly encased in ordinary dense concrete with 10mm and of grade designation M15. c) The minimum width of solid casing = (b + 100)mm, where b is the width of steel flange in mm; d) The surface and edge of the flanges of the beam have a concrete cover of not less than 50 mm, and e) The casing is effectively reinforced with steel wore of at least 5mm diameter and the reinforcement shall be in the form of stirrups or binding at not more than 150mm pitch, and so arranged as to pass through the centre of covering to the edge and soffit of the lower flange.

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Write note on built up column. Ans. BUILT UP COLUMNS (LATTICED COLUMNS) To achieve economy in the design of heavily loaded long columns the least radius of gyration of column section is increased to maximum. Rolled sections are kept away from the centroidal axis of the column and are connected by some connecting system. The commonly used lattice lacing bars are batten plates , lacing with battens and perforated cover plates. When lacings are provided with battens, the shear component of the axial load tends to expand the column laterally. Because of lacing an accordian like action of the system exists which means the lateral expansion of the column must accompany shortening under load, if there is to be no shortening of lacing bars. The introduction of battens restrain this action and the lacing system with battens behaves as a truss which may result in large stresses leading to failure.

Design Steps of lacing? Ans. The following are the step in the design of laced columns; 1) Average allowable compressive stress is assumed. For steel with fy = 250MPa a beginner may assume a trial value between 110 150MPa. 2) Required cross sectional area to carry the load at the assumed allowable stress is computed. A= Where A = cross sectional area in mm2

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3) Select two channels or four angles two I section with or without extra plates as required, from I.S Handbook No 1. The area provided is recorded. 4) The sections are so spaced that the radius of gyration of the section about the axis perpendicular to the plane of lacing should not be less than the radius of gyration about the YY axis equal to or greater than that about the XX axis. 5) The effective length of the column is estimated and the slenderness ratio determined. 6) For the estimated value of the slenderness ratio the maximum allowable compressive stress ac is computed from the code IS 800. 7) The load carrying capacity of the members is computed. It should be more than the load coming over the section. Load carrying capacity = ac A > P 8) Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the component member should be kept between 40o 70o , as per I.S. specifications.

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9) The maximum spacing of lacing bars C should be such that the minimum slenderness ratio of the component member c/ryy is not greater than 50 or 0.7 times the slenderness ratio of the member as a whole, where C is the length of component member and ryy is the radius of gyration about YY axis of the component member. 10) The lacing for compression member should be proportioned to resist a total transverse shear V equal to 2.5% of the axial force in the column. This shear V is divided equally in all parallel planes N in which there are shear resisting elements, such as lacing or continuous plates. Hence V/N is the transverse force to which the lacing is subjected 11) The compressive force in the lacing bar is computed, which is equal to (V/N) cosec for single lacing system and (V/2N) cosec, for a double lacing system. The section of the lacing flat is initially assumed and then checked for 12) safety. Width of Lacing Flat (also given in IS 800) Nominal Diameter of Rivet in mm 16 18 20 22 Width of Lacing Flat in mm 50 55 60 65

Thickness: If single lacing system is adopted, the thickness t of lacing flat 1/40 of the length between the inner -ends rivets or welds. If double lacing system
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is adopted, the thickness t of the lacing flat 1/60 of the length between the inner ends rivets or welds. 13) Minimum radius of gyration for the lacing flat is computed The slenderness ratio of the lacing bar is computed which should be 14) < 145. In a riveted construction, the effective length of the lacing bar is the length between the inner ends rivets for a single lacing system and 0.7 times of this distance for a double lacing system. In welded constructions, the effective length of the lacing bar is 0.7 times the distance between the inner ends of the welds connecting the lacing bars to the member. 15) The compressive strength of the lacing flat is computed for the calculated value of the slenderness ratio of the lacing flat. This should be more then the force on the flat. 16) The tensile strength of the flat, which is equal to ( b d )t at and should be more than the force on the lacing flat, is calculated. 17) In case of riveted constructions, the rivet value is calculated and should be more than the load coming over the rivet. In case the two lacing flats are riveted at same point the load over the rivet will be 2(V/N) cot. Whereas for lacing flats connected at different points the load on the rivet will be (V/N) cosec. In case of welded construction, the welding of lacing bars to the main members should be sufficient to transmit the load in the bars. Welding should be provided along each side of the lacing bar for the full length of the lap. The overlap of lacing bar should not be less than four times the thickness of the bar the member, which is less. 18) To check the distortion of the column section at the column ends tie plate (batten) is provided at the end of the lacing system and this should be able to resist the force to which the lacing flat is subjected. The tie plate is designed as a batten plate.
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Define Battens? Ans. Battens are plates or any other rolled sections used to connect the main components members battens should be placed opposite to each other on the two parallel faces and should be spaced and proportioned uniformly throughout.

What are the limitations of Eulers formula? Ans. Limitation of Eulers formula The Eulers theory is based on the following assumptions. i) The axis of the column is perfectly straight when unloaded. ii) The line of thrust coincides exactly with the unstrained axis of the strut. iii) The flexural rigidity EI is uniform iv) The material is isotropic The buckling value of P = PE is assumed to obtain for all degrees of flexure
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Write note on Gusset Bases? Ans. Gusseted Bases In a gusseted base, part of the load is transmitted from the stanchion through the gussets to the base slab (usually known as gusseted base plate), The gussets and stiffeners support the a base slab against bending and hence a thinner base plate can be used. The gussets serve for more or less uniform transmission of the force field from the column to the base plate. The gusset itself resists the bending as a double cantilever beam supported on flanges of branches of the column. Write note on Column Bases? Ans. The base of a column is designed to distribute the concentrated column load over a certain definite foundation area and to ensure connection of the lower column end to the foundation in accordance with the planned design. The column base should be of adequate strength, stiffness and area to spread the load upon the concrete, masonry or other foundation of other supports without exceeding the allowable stress on such foundation under any combination of loads and bending moments. Two basic types of bases are distinguished: i) Pinned Bases : Slab bases ii) Rigid Bases : Gusset bases. What are slab bases? Ans. SLAB BASES A slab bases consists of a thick steel base plate placed over the concrete base and connected to it through anchor bolts. The steel base plate may either be
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shop welded to the stanchion, or else can be connected at the site to the column through cleat angles. The column is faced for bearing over the whole area Write note on Grillage Foundation? Ans.

A grillage foundation consists of two (of even more) tiers of beams, placed at right angle to each other, to distribute the load progressively to a larger area. The load from the stanchion/ column is transferred to the upper tier of beam through a base plate. The upper tier transfers the load to the lower tier, in which the number of beams much larger. The lower tier transfers the load to the concrete pedestal or to the soil directly. CRASH COURSE FOR GATE CIVIL IS STARTING FROM 1 DEC,2013 INSTITUTE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS
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What is a plate girder? Ans. When span and load increase, the available rolled section may not be sufficient, even after strengthening with cover plates. Such situations are common in the following. 1) Larger column free halls are required in the lower floor of a multistory building. 2) In a workshop, where girders are required to carry beams 3) In road or railway bridges. In such situation one of the remedy is to go for a built up I section with two flange plates connected to a web plate of required depth. The depth of such I beams may vary from 1.5 m to 5.0 m. This type of I section called plate Girder. Elements of plate girder ? Ans. ELEMENTS OF PLATE GIRDERS The following are the elements of a typical plate girder 1) Web 2) Flanges 3) Stiffeners

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Web of required depth and thickness are provided to a) Keep flange plates at required distance b) Resist the shear in the beam. Flanges of required width and thickness are provided to resist bending moment acting on the beam by developing compressive force in one flange and tensile force in another flange. Stiffeners are provided to safeguard the web against local bucking failure. The stiffeners provided may be classified as a) Transverse (vertical) stiffeners and b) Longitudinal (horizontal) stiffeners Transverse stiffeners are of two types: a) Bearing stiffener b) Intermediate stiffener

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