Shorthand Symbols For Words
Shorthand Symbols For Words
Shorthand Symbols For Words
keyword: 419
Writing is a skill and it is a gift that not everybody posses. It is also a form of art. It is important for us to continue to learn and develop this writing skill as to learn various ways on how to write by using other systems like the shorthand system and symbols. !horthand symbols for words could be very useful for writing in a short period of time. "he primary use of shorthand was to record oral dictation or discourse but it can also be used for compact e#pression. $ne good e#ample health%care professionals may use shorthand notes in medical charts and correspondence. It could also be useful for blogs and writing diaries and &ournals. "his system is a 'uick handwriting which can be used to transcribe the spoken words. "his can be very helpful in note taking and can save time especially when you are in a situation that you want to finish your work on time. !horthand symbols for words could be very useful and practical if you are working in an office or you are hired for a secretarial &ob since these words are much shorter and easier to write and on the whole much faster. !horthand symbols when being used for speech or for words even though it is easy to write it still implies a concept of order and logic. !horthand is defined in the dictionary as (a 'uick method of writing by using symbols and abbreviations for letters word and etc.) *nd the first rule of shorthand is by means of symbols to represent a word. In the shorthand system of writing it will be noticed that none of the words randomly shortened or &umbled. +ut it follows one or more of the principles of abbreviation. "he shorthand symbols for words follow mainly the original abbreviating rule which is often called as the (curtailing principle) by which the tail is cut off but the head is left for ready identification purposes. "his principle becomes of special significance in the writing of phrases. !horthand system contains symbols for all the consonants and vowels needed to write words. When the words are written in full the writing is definitely readable. +ut still it depends on the type of shorthand system being used. ,andywrite and -itman !horthand systems are e#amples of easy systems of writing using shorthand. +oth systems are cursive and fast. !horthand symbols for words make writing progressively faster and at ease. It is a very good alternative to lessen time and pressure.