Hair Coloring
Hair Coloring
Hair Coloring
For a long time, hair coloring has been serious business! For example, would-be heroes of ancient Greece used harsh soaps and bleaches to lighten and redden their hair to the color that was identified with honor and courage. First-century Romans preferred dark hair, which was made so by a dye concocted from boiled walnuts and leeks. Today, hair color remains hot, with a booming ! percent of "merican women reportedly coloring their hair. #$n %&!', only about percent of "merican women colored their hair. "nd when they did, they did it to co(er gray with their natural color and usually didn)t want anyone to know they)d done it!* +omen ha(e also decided that blondes don)t necessarily ,ha(e more fun!, Red is currently the most re-uested color at beauty salons. The good news is that most hair color products today ha(e nicer smells than the telltale rotten-egg odor that once accompanied permanents or hair coloring. "nd most color can be applied easily. some to wet hair, others to dry hair, worked into a shampoo-like lather, left to process #some formulas call for co(ering with a plastic cap during processing/ others do not* and then rinsed and conditioned. The down side is still that chemicals in hair coloring can be harsh and harmful to your hair if you don)t know what you)re doing or if you color or perm too often. 0ow peroxide and ammonia react with your hair is directly related to the le(el and kind of product you)re using. 0ere are basic descriptions of the three ma1or hair coloring product le(els used by 2lairol, 3)oreal and others. Level 1, semi-permanent color -- This product adds color without changing natural color dramatically. The hair color contains tiny color molecules that enter the hair)s cuticle, or outer layer, and go into your hair)s cortex. They don)t interact with your natural pigments. "nd since the molecules are small, they e(entually exit the hair shaft after se(eral shampoos, lea(ing the hair as it was before treatment. This le(el generally lasts for 4 to %5 shampoos, co(ers up to !' percent gray, enhances your natural color and lea(es no roots. This hair coloring won)t lighten your hair color because it contains no ammonia or peroxide. Level 2, demi-permanent color -- This product le(el lasts longer, through 56 to 54 shampoos. $n this process, pre-color molecules penetrate the cuticle and enter the cortex where they then partner to create medium-si7ed color molecules. Their larger si7e means they take longer to wash out. These products do not contain ammonia so the natural pigment can)t be lightened. 0owe(er, it contains a small amount of peroxide, which allows for a subtle, but noticeable, color enhancement. $t also blends and co(ers gray. #8oth semi- and demi-permanent colors can become permanent on permed or already-colored hair!* Level 3, permanent color -- This is what you need for a more significant color change #to go from black to blond, you)ll still need to go with a process called double process blonding and it)d be wise to get this it done professionally*. $n this le(el, both ammonia and peroxide are used. Tiny molecules enter all the way into the cortex, where they react and expand to a si7e that cannot be washed out. 9our hair actually has to grow out o(er time. This product acts to lighten the hair)s natural pigment to form a new base and then to add a new permanent color. The end result is a combination of your natural hair pigment and the new shade you chose. That means the color may appear different on you than on someone else using the same color. #That)s why the ,strand test, is so important -- more about that later.* Regular touch-
ups of 6 to 4 weeks are generally needed to eliminate roots -- hair with your natural color growing at half an inch per month from your scalp. There are also hair coloring products known as ,special effect, hair colors. These are the kits you buy to add highlights or streaks to your hair. They are a(ailable in (arying strengths. :ome are for adding highlights to natural, uncolored hair while others are made for adding highlights to already-colored hair. ;ouble process hair color, or bleaching and toning to achie(e drastic color changes, falls into this category. <ost professionals recommend you don)t try this one at home unless you)re really ad(enturous and lo(e to experiment! =ewer products on the market include color-enhancing shampoos and mousses and shampoos that keep your color (i(id longer.
8ibliography . http.>>>hair-coloring.htm