Leave Policy - TB Alert India
Leave Policy - TB Alert India
Leave Policy - TB Alert India
Leave Rules: 1. An employee shall apply for leave in writing in the prescribed format for approval by the competent authority. If an employee is reporting to more than one person for various programmatic and administrative purposes then clearance should be taken from all the reporting officers 2. The leave sanctioning authority, or in his absence, CEO will be final authority for sanction of the leaves provided that are within the entitlement of the employee 3. When exigencies of service so required, discretion to refuse or revoke the leave of any description vests with the authority empowered to sanction the leave 4. While on leave or while serving a notice period prior to leaving the organization, no employee shall take up any kind of employment or occupation. If he/she does so, suitable disciplinary action will be taken against the employee 5. The employee proceeding on leave shall properly handover the charge of work to the employee, who is asked to take over his/her duties during his/her absence 6. Employee who is seeking leave should give a status report of the work being handed by him/her along with the leave application to the reporting officer 7. Employee who is on leave should be available on office mobile and must provide address for communication while on leave in the prescribed format. 8. Holidays falling within the period of maternity leave shall be taken as part of such leaves for all employees 9. Sanction of any special leaves other then listed below will be at the sole discretion of CEO 10. Permissions for late coming(one hour late) is not at all permitted and will be considered as half day casual leave 11. Reference year for leave entitlements will be from 1st January to 31st December -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earned Leaves Eligibility: All the employees who have completed one year of service with TB Alert India will be eligible for the Earned leaves An employee is eligible for earned leaves with pay for 20 actual working days. Entitlement: Earned Leave is exclusive of official and weekly holidays. Hence if an employee takes leave during which time a declared holiday or weekend occurs, then those particular date(s) will not be counted as your Earned Leave. A minimum notice of 2 weeks shall be required before an employee proceeds on earned leave. He/She is required to avail earned leave of a minimum 3 days at a time Earned Leaves will be calculated and credited twice every year January and June Earned Leaves cannot be combined with any other type of leave expect in special instances where an employee who has proceeded on sick leave and has continue to remain away from work on account of sickness even after the exhaustion of the balance of sick leave that he/she is entitled to
Accumulation/ Carry forward No employee will be entitled to accumulate more than 20 earned leaves at any point of time
Encashment An employee who have served the organization for more than 7 years are eligible for encashment of earned leaves up to 20 days. Salary for this purpose is calculated as per the basic Balance earned leaves cannot be adjusted against the notice period during termination of services.
Process To avail earned leave, the employee is required to get his/ her reporting officers approval.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Casual Leave Eligibility All full- time employees at TB Alert India are eligible for Casual Leave Casual Leave is calculated annually for the calendar year (January-December). All the employees in the service on 1st January will be eligible for 12 days of casual leaves during the ensuring calendar year If an employee had joined during the middle of the year, casual leave will be pro-rated from the date of the employment start through December 31 of that calendar year. Entitlement Casual Leave shall be credited to the employees twice in a year- January and June for employees working from 1st January 2011. Other employees joining in after 1st January shall earn the leave of one day after working for one month Casual leave can be applied for a minimum of half day and maximum of 3 days at a time and cannot be combined with any other type of leave. If an employee avails CL and thereafter avails sick leave , the entire leave will be deemed as sick leave Casual Leaves can be either suffixed or prefixed but not both with weekends or other public holidays. However employee should report to work on the following working day. Accumulation There is no accumulation or carry forward of Casual Leave. Encashment Casual leave cannot be en- cashed or adjusted against notice pay at the time of separation.
Process An employee can request for Casual Leave to attend to personal matters. These would be granted at the discretion of the Reporting Officer In case of emergency employee shall inform the office, using the best available mode of communication (SMS/EMAIL) and later submit the leave application in prescribed format to admin section ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sick Leave Eligibility All full - time employees at TB Alert India are eligible for Sick Leave Sick Leave is calculated annually for the calendar year (January-December). All the employees in the service on 1st January will be eligible for 6 days of sick leaves during the ensuring calendar year If an employee had joined during the middle of the year, casual leave will be pro-rated from the date of the employment start through December 31 of that calendar year. Entitlement Sick Leave cannot be clubbed with Earned Leave or Casual Leave Weekly off and holidays falling between the period of Sick Leave will be counted as sick leave Where prior permission to avail sick leave cannot be taken, employee shall inform the reporting officer immediately Accumulation There is no accumulation or carry forward of Sick Leave. Encashment Sick leave cannot be en-cashed or adjusted against notice pay at the time of separation. Process Sick leave is to be taken in cases of injury / illness to the employee. An employee must intimate his/ her Reporting Officer either over the phone or on returning from leave. 2 or more days of Sick Leave will require a medical certificate from a qualified and registered medical practitioner .Notwithstanding such certificate, the organization can in its sole discretion ask the employee to present himself / herself before the organization appointed doctor for medical examination and in such situation the employee shall be eligible for paid sick leave only upon the company appointed doctor certifying the same. Misuse of sick leave will be treated as a serious breach of discipline and such days of leave shall be treated as leave without pay
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Maternity leave is a statutory leave .All women employees will be entitled to maternity benefits as per the provisions of the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and the prevailing State rules. Married and expecting women employees are eligible to avail maternity leave. Women employees who have completed a minimum of 80 days of continuous service with the company are eligible for maternity leave If you are on probation, you are entitled to avail maternity leave, provided the above condition is fulfilled
Entitlement Maternity leave is restricted to two live births during the service with the company Women employees who have worked for a minimum period of 80 days in the twelve months prior to the delivery shall be entitled to Maternity Leave of up to - 12 weeks in case of delivery - One week to 4 weeks in case of miscarriage, from the date of miscarriage All leave/s beyond the statutory limit of 12 weeks will be charged to Earned Leave Maternity Leave may be clubbed with Sick Leave.
The employee should give at least one month's notice prior to the date of commencement of leave
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paternity Leave Paternity Leave is designed to help the male employee take time off from work during the prenatal/ postnatal stage of his child. All male employees shall be entitled to Paternity Leave up to 7 working days for only two surviving children . No credit/accumulation/encashment of this leave is permissible. The male employee shall submit the application at least one month in advance, along with a certificate from the doctor specifying the expected date of delivery, to his Supervisor with a copy to the HR Department.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Compensatory Leave Any employee who has worked on a public holidays listed in the holiday list of TB Alert India is eligible for a compensatory leave Sanction of compensatory leaves will be at the discretion of Reporting Officer. Compensatory leaves cannot be accumulated for more than three days at any point of time. While availing the leaves all compensatory leaves cannot be taken at a stretch Compensatory leaves cannot be combined with any other type of leave. However prefixing and suffixing is allowed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------