World Seduction
World Seduction
World Seduction
If You Answered "Yes!" Then It's Imperative That You Read Every Word Of This Letter Very Carefully... Because You're About To Learn Attraction Secrets That'll Instantly Improve Your Success With Women...
Heres A Sneak Peek At A Few Of The Secrets You'll Learn Inside Real Word Seduction 2.0
Secret Technology For Generating Massive[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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Attraction In The Women You Desire That Emotionally Drives Them To Chase You...
Here's the advice of most dating experts: "Meeting women is a numbers game. Some women will like you, others won't. There's not much you can do about it. The only way you can improve your odds at succeeding with women is to not mess it up with the ones who like you." That's fine and dandy if you sport a 6'4" inch frame and Brad Pitt's mug. But if guys like me took this advice to heart, we'd be sitting on the sidelines and settling for scraps. Even if you are above average looking, some women aren't going to like your looks. Using your looks to get girls is a very passive way of attracting them.
Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 I'm Going To Teach You A Special Technology For Triggering A Form Of Attraction 20 Times As Powerful As The Attraction Generated By Good Looks.
It's called the Tension Loop. A Tension Loop is sparking emotional tension in a woman, increasing it, releasing it, and then sparking all over again. Soap opera writers use Tension Loops to keep women enraptured in their fictitious dramas for months sometimes years! The structure is always the same. The soap starts off with some form of conflict or drama, sparking unresolved emotional tension. Emotional tension increases up until the point of the climax. The tension, then, is released by bringing some resolution to the conflict or drama. And, finally, the show ends by sparking the tension all over again, compelling women to tune in for next week's show. When Tension Loops are used within the context of flirting with a woman, the tension becomes sexualized. In plain English...
Using Tension Loops While Bantering With A Woman Floods Her Body With Sexual Tension!
Inside Real World Seduction 2.0, you'll learn four different ways to use Tension Loops on women: Push-Pull, Open Loops, Qualifying, & RollPlaying.
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Push-Pull is whenever you emotionally Push a woman away from you and then... emotionally Pull her back in. Each Push creates emotional tension... each Pull releases it. To get a sense of where I'm going with all this, think, for example, of your favorite junk food. Imagine going on a strict diet for several weeks that prohibits you from eating your favorite food. What would it feel like to finally give in to your urge and indulge after weeks of dieting? I'm willing to bet it would taste a thousand times yummier after dieting than before. Are you starting to see the potential power behind Push-Pull? If YES, then you already know more about attraction than most guys. (Give yourself a pat on the back.) If you don't get it, don't worry you will in a few short minutes.
You Can Attract Heaps Of Women Using These Psychological Mechanisms Without Being A Jerk!
The key is to make it playful and funny. Your intention should never be to hurt a woman. Your goal is only to mess with her a bit.
Do This And Women Will See You As Having The Same Charm & Sex Appeal That Makes Them Wanna Hop In The Sac With James Bond!
Here's an example of this I've used countless times. At some point while interacting with a woman I might take her hand and praise, You have the most amazing smile I've seen tonight It makes me feel so happy inside! She'll usually respond with, Thank you! Then I'll count the fingers on my other hand and say, You know what: actually there were four other girls with really amazing smiles tonight as well. Out of them, you have the fourth best smile. I'm going to call you number four. And then I'll push away her hand. More often than not, women demand, Nooo! I want to be number one! I'll usually retort with, Alright, I'll promote you to number three[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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Warning: Don't Use Push-Pull If You're Not Comfortable With Having The Power To Leave Women No Choice But To Feel Attraction Toward You... Even If They Find You Repulsive!
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The False Barrier: a deadly form of Push-Pull that sparks emotional tension in a woman. The only way she can get past the barrier and release the tension is to prove herself to you. Have you ever known a woman who really liked a guy but he kept flaking on her? Instead of her smelling the coffee and moving on, she became more loyal? I've know tons women like this. I'm not a fan of people flaking on others - it's rude. But within the context of attraction, "flaking" packs some powerful psychological mechanisms. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll learn a form of Push-Pull that extracts these psychological mechanisms and leaves the icky manipulative part at the waste side. Use this and you'll have women eating out of the palm of your hand. Intentional Hypocriting (This powerful form of Push-Pull takes a woman's negative behaviors and quickly turns them into attraction.) When a woman is genuinely upset, most men try to be nice but end up exacerbating her bad mood. Inside you'll learn Push-Pull psychology for turning sadness into joy and attraction. A powerful Push-Pull secret to bring attention to a woman's biggest flaw without insulting her. In fact, she'll love you more for it. How to incorporate Push-Pull into stories you share with women to keep them on the edge of their seat. A word-for-word example of a woman turning a hapless male into her emotional yoyo. (Once you read this example, you'll never have to worry about women using Push-Pull to toy with your emotions again.) How to become a Raquette (The Raquette is the most powerfully type of seducer. Master it and you can author your own destiny with women.) You'll get a whopping 10 different types of Push-Pull to inc operate into your attraction arsenal.
Imagine How The Women You Desire Will React To You Once You've Master Push-Pull
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Keep in my mind...
My Book Is The Only Place On The Planet Where You'll Learn About Push-Pull
Generates Massive Amounts Of Attraction Inside Women Compelling Them To Want And Reach And Chase For More Of You!
T. V. advertisers have been using Open Loops for years to pull bored couch potatoes into their ads, compelling them to open up their wallets and shell out tons of cash.
Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 You'll Learn How To Use Open Loops To Compel Women To Women Open Up Their Legs
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Take A Few Moments To Contemplate How Open Loops Would Give You An Unfair Advantage Over Other Men
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The More You Fret Over Being Good Enough For A Woman, The Less Attraction She'll Feel For You & The More She'll Walk All Over You
So if you're guilty of doing this... STOP IT - ASAP! On another note: I've figured out a way to reverse this process, making women live up to your standards and expectations. As a result...
Women's Attraction Toward You And Their Willingness To Go Along With What You Want Them To Do Will Grow Exponentially!
There are two parts to this. The first is having high standards and expectations of women. This give them a roadmap for how to behave around you. The second I call Qualifying. Qualifying incites them to follow this roadmap. Dozens of times I've used Qualifying to play tonsil hockey with women even Hugh Hefner would rate an A+ in the looks department... and usually I do this within minutes of meeting them. But that's just the tip of the iceberg...
You Can Use Qualifying To Emotionally Drive Women To Kiss, Sleep With, & Have Threesomes With You!
Maybe you have no interest in making out with, sleeping with, or having threesomes with women you've just met. Maybe all you want is a fantastic girlfriend or wife. Well you're in luck. Most women will go along with whatever you want them to do, so long as you flip the right switch in their mind. Once you master Qualifying, you'll possess the power to get women to comply with your every whim.
Here's A Small Sliver Of A Few Of The Qualifying Secrets You'll Get Your Hands On Inside Real World Seduction 2.o
How to use Qualifying to change a woman's self-image. (If a woman's self-image isn't congruent with your desired outcome with her, your chances of achieving it are slim at[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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best. But with Qualifying, you can quickly change a woman's self-image.) You'll discover seven patented Swinggcat Qualifying formulas for quickly sparking sexual tension and compelling women to prove themselves to you. A step-by-step process for developing your standards with women, giving them a roadmap for how to behave around you. How to use Qualifying to squelch a woman's iinappropriate behavior. How to use Qualifying to goad a woman into sleeping with you that night. A Qualifying formula for getting a girlfriend or wife. A Qualifying formula that makes her give you reasons other than her looks to like her. (For most women to sleep with a man, they need to know that he like her for more than a sex object. This qualifying formula goads her into feeding you these reasons on a platter.) How to use qualifying in stories to let women know what behaviors you will not tolerate.
Imagine Giving Women A Roadmap For How You Want Them To Behave & Then Using Powerful Psychology That Incites Them To Follow That Roadmap.
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Inside Real World Seduction 2.0, You'll Learn 3 Role-Playing Games That Pump A Woman's Body Full Of Attraction & Compel Her To Do Things She Normally Wouldn't Do!
Here's An Inside Look At A Few Of The Things You'll Learn About Role-Playing
A Real World example of me using roleplaying to rapidly escalate to sex with a woman. How to use role-playing to make a move on a woman without risking rejection. How to incorporate Qualifying & Push-Pull into role-playing. (Remember: on a conscious level a woman thinks that role-playing is make pretend. But her unconscious mind processes all of the feelings and sexual tension you're sparking in her as real. Because of this, her guard is down. This makes it easy as baking a cake to get her to act on these feelings.) Two role-playing games for making out with a woman minutes after meeting her. A role-playing game I've used to sleep with women a few short hours after meet them. Two role-playing games that make women see
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you as a Prize they want to win over. How to use role-playing to fondle women seconds after meeting them.
How would Your Past Interactions With Women Have Gone Differently If You Knew These Role-Playing Secrets?
Secrets To Shattering Your Limiting Beliefs, Developing The Self-Image That You're A Prize, Expanding Your Sense Of What's Possible With Women, & Gaining Unstoppable Confidence...
Have you ever... - Felt scared of approaching a woman you desired? - Felt uncomfortable talking to a woman? - Wanted to make a move on a woman, but heard a voice inside your head scream, "Don't do it!"? These feelings are caused by two things. One, your self-image and belief system are not congruent with manifesting the necessary behaviors and actions to achieve your desired outcome with a woman. Two, manifesting these behaviors is outside your social comfort zone. If you're lugging around low self-esteem, a bad self-image, a bucket full of limiting beliefs, and a social comfort zone the size of a pinhole, consider your penis on life-support.
Newsflash: Women Feel Zero Attraction For Men Hauling Around A Pile Of Insecurities.
You cannot conceal your insecurities from women. They will find out. The only solution is to get these problems handled. On the other hand, if you ooze confidence, believe you're a Prize women want to win over, and have a social comfort zone the size of the Grand Canyon, you're well on your way to becoming a modern day Casanova.
Powerful Beliefs Compel Women To Overlook Things About You That Would Normally Prevent
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Once I Got My Inner Game In Check, My Success With Women Ballooned & I Achieved Things I Used To Think Weren't Possible.
Over the years I've refined this system and used it to help students
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and friends achieve rock solid inner game and confidence with women in a fraction of fraction of the time it took me. I want to share this system with you so you can reap the same results.
This System Makes "Being Her Type" Obsolete & Pumps Her Vajayjay Full Of Lust For You!
Here's A Small Look At A Few Of The Tools You'll Get Your Hands On For Developing The SelfImage Of A Prize & The Confidence To Approach, Attract, & Sexually Escalate With The Women You Desire...
How to develop the self-image of a Prize women want to win over... and how to make women believe this as well about you (and this works even if you think you were blessed with a mug only a mother could love and feel that you have nothing to offer women.) A secret for using your focus attention to find evidence to back up your empowering beliefs regardless of how wacky they are. Twelve empowering beliefs for succeeding with women and exercises for burning them into your neurology. A mind set from one of the world's biggest rock stars - and ladies men - that will change your approach to women and dating forever. How to use the same mechanisms inside your brain that spawn fear, self-loathing, and low self-esteem to create a kick-ass belief system. How beliefs distort our reality - for better or worse - and how to use this truism to your advantage. How to avoid getting sucked into people's negative belief systems... and the secret to pulling women into your empowering belief system. You'll get your hands on a step-by-step guide to pushing your comfort zone that utilizes principles from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. (Your comfort zone may be so minuscule, you don't feel comfortable getting eye contact
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with women. Perhaps you have a healthy sized comfort zone. You feel comfortable kissing women minutes after meeting them. But you want to expand it further. No matter where you're at, this guide will give you the tools to stretch your comfort zone every day for the rest of your life. If you follow this guide every day, just imagine where your comfort zone will be a month from now. Or how 'bout a year from now?) Seven maxims to live by that'll give you the power to push your comfort zone every single day.
Just Think What Your Reality With Women & Dating Will Be Like Once You've Developed The Self Image Of The Prize & Stretched Your Comfort Zone Like A Piece Of Silly Putty.
How Would Women React To You Differently If Your Confidence Went On Steroids?
Almost Unknown Psychology For Becoming The Prize In Any Woman's Eyes...[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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Many guys have caught sight of a piece of visual Viagra. The stimuli coming from the eye candy vigorously pumped blood into their wiener. But when they thought of pursuing her, they lamented, "There's no way she'd go for me. She's out of my league." I spent a healthy chunk of my life coming from this place. I remember in high school being attracted to cheerleaders. I'd think, "For the football players she normally dates to resemble me, they'd have to saw their legs off at the knees and starve themselves for a good month. I don't have a chance. Who am I kidding?" But then I noticed something eye-opening...
I Kept Spotting Guys Blessed With Both Brawns & Brains Head-Over-Heels For Females Beat With The Ugly Stick.
I've got no qualms about men dating 250 lb plus, three-foot tall women cursed with facial hair, a mug only a mother could love, and a personality so retched it'd drive Mother Teresa to take a baseball bat to their head. The ol' clichs 'different strokes for different folks' and 'beauty is in the eye of beholder' may be whirling around in your mind. But I highly doubt most of these guys were praying for a 300 lb female with a Kung-Fu master's beard sprouting out of her chin to come into their life. So what in the heck was - is - going on?
Most Women Know How To Raise Their Worth In Our Eyes Within Seconds Of Interacting With Us Without Needing To Improve Their Looks, Style, Education, Wealth, Or Personality One Iota.
Don't get me wrong - many women are insecure about and obsessed with their physical beauty. That's why the collective female spends a fortune having fat sucked out of her belly and butt, pumping collagen into her lips, and wedging silicone fun bags into her chest. Nonetheless, most women can up their worth on a whim without improving anything about themselves. Here's why and how... In all human interactions, there's a subtext - an underlying meaning that defines a role for each participant. This is what I call the MetaFrame . In our culture, the default Meta-Frame for male/female courtship defines the woman's role as the Prize and the man's, as the suitor desperately trying to win her over. Since us guys popped out of our mommy's womb, forces all around us - from family and friends to the barrage of media - have been socially conditioning us to play the role of the suitor. We're programmed to win the woman over. Likewise...
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Women Started Learning How To Make Men See Them As The Prize Before They Were Even Playing With Barbie Dolls!
When a woman encounters a man who doesn't show interest in her or makes zero attempt to win her over, she does something really powerful... She uses a host of unconscious strategies to prod him into the role of the suitor trying to win her over. The problem is...
Once A Woman Establishes Herself As The Prize & You As The Suitor Trying To Win Her Over, She Ceases To Feel Even A Smidgen Of Attraction For You!
Think about it: when was the last time a woman told you a guy really turned her on because he called her a billion times a day or went out of his needy-ass way to get her validation by trying to impress her? Never! The sad reality is...
In 90% Of All Male-Female Interactions The MetaFrame Gets Defined As The Woman Being The Prize The Man Is Trying To Win Over.
That means, on average only one out of ten guys takes on the role of the Prize. Who are these guys and what are they doing? Three types of guys: 1) Uber high status males: we aren't talkin' about the guy at the neighborhood bar all the girls think is cute. Think CEOs of big companies, rock stars, famous writers, and politicians. With these guys, the script is flipped. Most women blindly accept that these men are the Prize. They don't try to reverse the roles. They just chase chase chase. 2) Average Joes: Sometimes a guy with average to mediocre status accidentally defines the Meta-Frame as him being the Prize a woman is trying to win over. But over time, the woman will reverse the roles. 3) Meta-Frame Masters: A guy who can - regardless of his looks, age, status, or wealth - walk up to a girl and within seconds establish and sustain the Meta-Frame that he's the Prize she's trying to win over. In my experience, only a fraction of a fraction of the male population knows how to define the Meta-Fame of being the Prize. But the fascinating thing is... Most of the guys with the skill to define the Meta-Frame as them being the Prize are just average, ordinary Joes.
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Yet... Because these average guys establish the Meta-Frame that they're the Prize, women feel the same visceral attraction they feel for rock stars, celebrities, & politicians. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll get your hands on my entire system for setting the Meta-Frame that you're the Prize when interacting with the women of your dreams. Admittedly, I'm only human and every once in a long while I screw up by acting like a needy, approval-seeking wimp who is trying to win the woman over. But it's no big deal... because just in the nick of time I apply the Meta-Frame, compelling the woman to shift back to perceiving me as a Prize she wants to win over.
What Would Your Life Be Like If You Could Trigger The Same Visceral Attraction Rock Stars & Celebrities Do In Women - Even If You're A Homeless Bum Without A Dime To Your Name?
Here's A Small Sample Of What You'll Discover About Using The Meta-Frame To Compel Women To See You As The Prize...
How society programs women to be the Prize and men to be the suitors trying to win them over. (Once you understand the ins-and-outs of this social programming, you won't be subject it.) Why letting a woman control the Meta-Frame kills all attraction and causes her to instantly disqualify you as a potential mate. Real world examples of men falling into a woman's Meta-Frame and examples of men taking the Meta-Frame from a woman. The Fourfold Meta-Frame: this is my step-bystep foolproof system for establishing and staying in control of the Meta-Frame that you're the Prize and the woman is the suitor trying to win you over. Secret inner game psychology for assuming the Fourfold Meta-Frame before you even approach a woman. 7 humorous ways you can frame a woman's behaviors and actions to establish the Fourfold Meta-Frame. (Use them and women will laugh their way into your Meta-Frame.) All women want you to like them regardless of
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them liking you. (Inside, you'll learn how to use this truism to control the Meta-Frame.) A belief almost all women have that puts them in control of them Meta-Frame. (Inside you'll learn how to counter it to ensure that you're the one in control of the Meta-Frame.) Unconscious strategies women use to take back the Meta-Frame from you (and the secret behind rendering them useless.) Exercises specifically designed to make you a master at establishing and staying in control of the Meta-Frame.
What Would Your Success With Women Be Like If Every Female You Talked To Saw You As A Prize She Wanted To Win Over?
Proven Techniques For Successfully Approaching Women Without The Fear Of Rejection...
Many a man has been at a bar, spotted an attractive woman and thought to himself, Wow! She really works those breasts, bouncy
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bouncy. After mustering up a fistful of courage, he strutted up to talk to her. But within the first 30 seconds of conversation he went belly up as she hammered him to jelly. Alas, he walked away hunchbacked and long faced, wearing an existential funk 10 times the size of his deflated ego. You can probably relate. I know I can. I've been there about a billion times. Heck! I used to be so scared to approach an attractive woman that I'd imagine her steam rolling me, leaving me for road kill in her wake. How cool is that I'd disqualify myself without even talking to her.
Meeting And Approaching Women Is No Easy Business For Those Who Haven't Mastered The Necessary Skills!
Most men botch the approach because they're scared, aren't emotionally relevant to the woman, and/or force her to vibe with them. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll learn how to successfully approach women in an emotionally relevant way, naturally spark a powerful vibe with them, and hook and reel them into your reality.
Here's A Sneak Peek At What You'll Learn About Approaching Women Inside Real World Seduction 2.0
4 inner game steps to approaching women. (Follow these steps to eliminate the fear of doing the approach and compel women to see you as the Prize from the get go.) Three categories of women (Once you learn these three categories, you'll know how to cater your approach to the women you desire.) Crippling approach mistakes most men make. (If you've got a bad habit of making any of these mistakes, you're severely handicapping your potential success with the ladies.) You'll learn six different ways to become emotionally relevant to a woman as soon as you approach her. How to exploit the Principle of Socially Adept Behavior (Inside you'll about this principle and how to exploit it to create emotional relevance with any woman - even if she thinks you're nothing more than hunk of dog doodie.) Eight different ways to initiate an interaction
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with a woman. Seven different ways to hook and reel a woman into your reality within the first fifteen seconds of talking to her. A one-word pickup line that almost always results in you fondling the girl within seconds of meeting her. (Hint: it's all about the body language.) Women don't dress up for men; they do it to compete against each other (Inside you'll learn a pickup line that plays on this truth and makes you the most important person in a woman's life for that moment in time.) Low risk techniques for approaching women without showing any sexual interest. (I know it can be scary to show interest in a woman before you've had a chance to demonstrate to her what a great guy you are. Inside you'll learn the right way to approach women indirectly.) Pickup lines for showing a woman that you're interested in her from the get go. (Once you've developed some skill and confidence at approaching women, you'll no longer worry about showing interest in her from the beginning. In fact, when you have the confidence to do this, you have a whole arsenal of attraction tools at your disposal most men don't. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0, you'll learn how to directly approach a woman with a compliment. But I don't stop there. No. These compliments challenge the woman to act and behave in ways congruent with your desired outcome with her. In other words, the challenge gives the woman a self image to live up.) Three different ways to approach a woman with a challenge. (Challenges build sexual tension and compel women to chase you.) How to approach women using Push-Pull. My brand-spankin' new formula for approaching women. (You'll get your hands on the whole step-by-step structure to approaching women. Once you've internalized it, you'll have no need to memorize fancy pickup lines.)
Imagine Having The Power To Successfully Approach Desirable Women Anytime, Anywhere, & Anyplace.
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Secrets To Irresistible Body Language That Compels Women To See You As A Prize & Crave Your Physical Touch...
It's estimated that 90% of communication is non-verbal. That means the lions share of what you communicate to women is through your body language. If your body language communicates that you're submissive, weak, needy, nervous, or insecure, it will instantly kill any attraction a woman felt for you. There are heaps of books and courses on body language. Most of the advice contained within these books and courses is terrible. I recently got an invite to a seminar and decided to attend. What I saw horrified me. The speaker advised the attendees to thrust their butt and chest out as far as they could and bellow, "I am confident." Then the advice turned from horrifying to downright creepy. When talking to someone, the speaker suggested, open your eyeballs as far as you can a stare directly into theirs. I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty creeped out if someone did that to me. Because there wasn't any good information on body language specifically designed for attracting women when I started out, I was in the dark. I had to figure this stuff out on my own.
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Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 You'll Learn Body Language That Compels Women To Respond To You As A Prize They Want To Win Over and Discover How To Emotionally Drive Women To Crave Your Physical Touch.
Here's Just A Small Smidgen Of The Body Language Secrets You'll Learn For Compelling Women To See You As A Prize & Crave Your Physical Touch...
How to use your non-verbal communication to drive women see you as strong and masculine. Body language murderous sins. (If you're committing any of them, you're severely stifling your potential success with women.) In any male-female interaction, the person with the least reactive body language is the Prize. (Inside Real World Seduction 2.0, you'll learn the three parts to developing nonreactive body language.) An eye contact faux pas that instantly let's women know that you're a weak, submissive male and kills any attraction they felt for you. (If you're guilty of this, don't worry. Inside you'll learn quick fix to this terrible habit.) A crippling mistake men make when trying to hear a woman in a loud venue (and a powerful solution.) Hint: the solution puts you in a position to kiss her. Body language secrets for building sexual tension. Physical touch secrets to building sexual tension. The body language to Push-Pull & Qualifying. Physical touch secrets to Push-Pull & Qualifying. Three techniques for conditioning women to crave your your physical touch. (Every time you release your touch tension will be sparked... and every time you touch them, tension will be released.) How to start fondling a woman seconds after meeting her... and have her love every second of it. Step-by-step exercises for burning these body
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What Would It Be Like To Possess Body Language That Compels Women To See You As A Prize & Crave Your Physical Touch?
If You Fail To Engage A Woman, Success With Her Becomes Fairytale Impossible!
When I finally learned how to properly engage women, my love life transformed. In my book you'll learn many skills for engaging women, three of which are vibing, storytelling, and cold reading.
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running the other way. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll learn how to naturally vibe with women without having to act serious or ask them any weird questions.
Here's A Tiny Taste Of What You'll Discover About Naturally Vibing With Women...
Two vibing no-nos most men make while interacting with a woman (If you commit either of them, you'll kill the vibe instantly.) Questions that steer the vibe to its deathbed and how to avoid asking them like the plague. (Most guys mean well. They want to connect with the women they desire. So they end up asking women lots of questions. But the wrong kinda questions. As a result, they kill the vibe.) A body language mistake a lot of men make especially men who have studied body language - that instantly kills the vibe. A body language secret for compelling even the most defensive woman vibe with you. An inner game secret for making women feel comfortable around you. The secret to establishing commonalities between you and a woman (Most guys mess this up. But once you learn this secret, you'll have the power to spark powerful vibes with women.) The two types of commonalities you can establish with a woman (One type creates a powerful vibe; the other doesn't do much and can actually bring the vibe to its knees.) Secrets to goading women into trying to make you vibe with them. (This is powerful on a few different levels. One, anytime a woman invests effort into an interaction with you, she sees you as having emotional relevance. Two, I'm lazy. I love the idea of a woman doing all the leg work.) Two ways to become an authority in a woman's world. (If you can become an authority in a woman's world, she will feel an intense vibe with you and you'll become the source of validation and approval for her.) How to compliment women without giving away your power.
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Five different categories of compliments and directions on when to use them in the interaction. How to use compliments to positively reinforce her good behavior. How to use sexual compliments to give a woman naughty girl self-image. (This is subtle yet really powerful and should only be used at a certain phase in the seduction process.)
If You Could Sexually Vibe With Women From The Moment You Met Them To The Bedroom, What Would Your Success Be Like?
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on the edge of their seat.) How to create stories that build strong commonalities between you and a woman. Two techniques for transitioning into your stories. (If you jump into a story without setting the context, women will think you're mad. You need to give their mind an logical reason you're telling a story. Inside you'll learn how to do this.) How to create and tell stories that control the Fourfold Meta-Frame. How create stories that assign women a selfimage conducive with your desired outcome with them. Exercises for becoming a master at creating and telling stories.
How Might These Storytelling Secrets Change Your Success With Women?
Cold Reading...
Most of us guys have been told since we were little kids that women's favorite subject is themselves. So what do most guys do? They barrage women with a litany of questions like: "What do you do?" "What's your name?" "What do you look for in a guy?" "Do I have a chance with you?"... and so on.[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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Inside My Book You'll Learn A Cold Reading Method Specifically Designed To Create Emotional Relevance, Spark A Powerful Vibe, & Generate Attraction In The Women You Desire.
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your desired outcome with her. An almost unknown cold reading trick that makes women more compliant and receptive to sexual escalation. The powerful psychology behind what makes cold reading work (Once you learn it, you'll be able to apply this principle to other areas of your life as well.) How to use cold reading to thaw away a woman's defensive or rude outer shell. How to use cold reading to turn a woman's resistance into sexual shenanigans. Homework for mastering the art of cold reading.
Imagine Applying Cold Reading To A ColdAs-Ice, Rhymes-With-Witch & Minutes Later Playing Tonsil Hockey With Her.
Don't Be Surprised If Women Are So Intrigued, They Won't Leave You Alone! So Be Careful Who You Use This On.
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How To Handle A Woman's Tests & Poisonous Frames & Thaw Away Her Token Barriers...
John's eyeballs spotted Sally, a bona fide piece of T&A origami, at the bar. He pattered up to her and introduced himself. For over an hour he quenched her alcoholic thirst with bankrupting drink after drink and listened to her yap 'til his eardrums ached with pain. Then he suggested they get together and asked for her number. She returned the overture with an icy glare and teeth together clenched hissed, "I don't date men your height or age." Instead of quipping back with something witty, he just froze like dumb deer in headlights, feeling as if she ripped out his heart and stepped on it. Don't worry if this has happened to you. I spent years letting women fire their verbal venom at me, turning my ego into a piece of Swiss cheese. What was my rebuttal? I didn't have one. I'd just take it like a big passive bottom. I'd let them verbally pound on me like a gong. Maybe you're a masochist and enjoy - or don't mind - women insulting you. That's fine. Good for you. But you're not out of the dark. The harsh reality is... Women test men to figure out if they have a quick wit, confidence, and Prizability (Are the Prize).
If A Woman Senses A Man Is Nothing More Than A Doormat She Can Trample On... Every Morsel Of Attraction She Felt For Him Will Suffer A Gruesome Death!
I could give you a list of witty comebacks. But if a woman hurls a verbal monkey wrench your way and you don't have the know-how to respond, you're in deep doo doo . The question is: Can you learn to be witty and think of comebacks on the fly or are you stuck with the hand nature dealt you? Believe it or not, with the right tools, you can train your brain to think witty. And, once you've mastered this type of thinking, you'll possess the power to muster up witty comebacks on the spot regardless of any test, venomous frame, or token barrier a woman throws your way.
Inside My Book You'll Learn Powerful Secrets For Training Your Brain To Recognize A Woman's Tests, Venomous Frames, & Token Barriers & Using Wit & Humor To Transform Them Into Attraction.
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Here's A Small Sample Of What You'll Learn About Handling Tests, Venomous Frames, & Token Barriers...
The three types of tests women throw at men and how to recognize when a woman is testing you. (If you don't recognize when a woman is testing you and respond to it in the right way, you can kiss your chances with her and your own well being goodbye.) Has a woman ever gotten upset with you, thrown a temper-tantrum, or scolded you for something you did? (She may have really been upset. Or, perhaps, she was throwing a Damsel in Distress test your way. If she was testing you and you catered to her every whim to stop the cascade of tears, I'm willing to bet she lost all respect for you. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0 you'll learn how to spot the Damsel in Distress test so you're never victim to it again.) Has a woman ever treated you like doormat for no reason at all? Or tried to get you to do something you didn't feel comfortable with? She may have been testing to see how much crap you'd take. Alas, the more crap you endure, the less attraction she'll feel for you. Inside you'll learn how to recognize this type of test and respond in a way that communicates to women that you're the Prize. Most of the time women's barriers aren't real, they're token. But most men don't know this and end up buying into them being real. Inside you'll learn how to recognize when a barrier is token and get rid of it ASAP. Two whole chapters on using a form of verbal jujitsu called "reframing" and "outframing" to handle tests and venomous frames, and thaw away token barriers with humor and wit. The secret to stealing a woman's frame. What to do when a woman says, "I have a boyfriend." Inside you'll learn how to turn her boyfriend from a barrier into a facilitator for you achieving your outcome with his girl. An amazing reframe for handling a woman who scolds you for staring at her. How to handle a woman who accuses you of picking her up. How to turn a woman's s*** test into a role[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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playing game that instantly makes you the Prize she's trying to win over. How to handle the ol' "size matters" test (Almost every man on the planet fails this one.) High powered techniques for handling gold diggers (I'm not recommending you get involved with a gold digger. But it doesn't hurt knowing how to respond to their tests.) How to respond to a woman who gives you crap about your age in a way that lets her know that you're the Prize. How to respond to a woman (usually a girlfriend or wife) who makes you feel guilty about making her feel sad when, in reality, you didn't do anything. How to respond to the words, "I'm not sleeping with you tonight." (This is Jedi mind psychology at its best.)
Imagine The Power & Success You'll Experience With Women Once You Know How to Recognize Their Tests & Token Barriers & Handle Them In a Way That Transforms Them Into Pure Attraction.
Just Think How Good It Will Feel Having The Power To Turn A Cold Aloof Woman Into A
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Warm Affectionate Giggly Little Girl Who Can't Keep Her Paws Off You!
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Once You Know How To Sexually Escalate With A Woman, You'll Never Get Stuck In "Friend Zone" Again
An A to Z Seduction Formula That Takes You Step-By-Step From The Approach To The Bedroom...
Have you ever been out at a bar or nightclub and watched a guy approach a beautiful woman, make out with her a few minutes later, and then, before you knew it, whisk her out of the bar and off to who knows where. Weren't you dying to know what he said to her? This used to happen to me all the time. I can remember prowling the town with friends of mine. They'd quickly extract a woman from the bar and then call me the next day to boast about the crazy sex they had. I'd always ask, "How'd you do it. What did you say to them?" They'd look at me and shrug, "I dunno. Just be confident, man." This was frustrating, to say the least. In my original book, I gave you tons of tools but I didn't give you a structure that specified when to use each tool. Inside Real World Seduction 2.0, you'll get a full A to Z seduction formula. This structure will bring all of the tools into a cohesive system. But wait... there's more... On top of that, I'm including three step-by-step, word-for-word examples of yours truly meeting a woman and having sex with her a few hours later. I go into excruciating detail, revealing every last smidgen of dialogue and describing many body language and sexual tactics I used to emotionally compel her to literally force me to sleep with her.
Here's a Sneak Peek At A Few Of The Things You'll Learn About The A-Z Seduction Formula...
The full A-Z Seduction Formula that gives you a step-by-step structure from even before the approach to the bedroom. Three word-for-word field reports of me,
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personally, meeting a girl and having sex with her in under a few hours (and in one of the field reports, I sleep with her a few short minutes after meeting her.) Many techniques, tactics, and attraction secrets not contained in other parts of the book. One of the field reports took place in broad daylight. (In this field report you'll learn how to have a one-day-stand.) In one of the field reports, I sleep with a woman I just met in a public place. In one of the field reports, the girl barraged me with tests and barriers all the way to the bedroom. You'll get word-for-word dialogue of how I handled each of these tests and barriers.
Once You Learn This A-Z Seduction Formula, You'll Always Know Where You're At With A Woman & What To Do Next.
"Hey man, I've just reread your "how to get a one nighter" part -- powerful stuff." Alex, Brooklyn , NY .
Here's Why You'll Start Getting Immediate Results From This Manual...
Many dating books are passively read and then forgotten about. It's not that there are no pearls of wisdom contained in them, sometimes there are. But the sad reality is that 90% of men won't benefit from these books one bit. They may spark a great idea in someone. But they fail to give men a plan to take action. My book is different in that at the end of each chapter I have included exercises and drills, giving you a plan to immediately start implementing and benefiting from the secrets in my book immediately.
When You Reserve Real World Seduction 2.0 Right Now, You'll Also Get 3 Additional Bonuses[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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That's Why I've Put Together A Secret File Where I Reveal Step-By-Step How To Turn A Platonic Relationship Into A Passionate Love Affair!
Some of the secrets you'll learn inside this special report took me years of research to discover. But these secrets are so effective, I've personally used them on hundreds of women to get the exact outcome I wanted.
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monkey love. Instead, we're talking' good ol' fashion sleep. As she sleeps, blood sits thick in his wiener. Throughout the night his mind wrestles with lust and frustration. I've been subjected to this torture dozens of times. And it plain sucks, my friend. But... I've stumbled onto a secret method for bypassing a woman's sexual resistance.
Inside This Secret File, I Break Down StepBy-Step My Entire System For Bypassing A Woman's Sexual Resistance!
Bonus # 3: My VIP Email List Where You'll Receive Exclusive Attraction Letters Specifically Designed To Enhance The Skills You'll Learn Inside Real World Seduction 2.0
This list is closed to the general public because the information is specifically designed for owners of my eBook. On top of the great stuff we'll be discussing on that list, you'll receive ten additional letters packed to brim with attraction secrets for maximizing your results with women. (Once you sign up, you'll receive one per day over the next ten days.) Note: The value of each of these bonuses is at least $30.00 minimum. I've sold my book in the past for $59.97 and had many happy customers. This is a total of over $129.97 worth of value. But you'll get everything when you reserve your copy of Real World Seduction 2.0 today for the low price of $39.95 $9.97.
You'll Also Get A Free Month Of My Program Secrets From The Field Just For My Ebook...
Many of the people selling dating advice products online are attraction theoreticians. They love to give advice on attracting women but they don't practice what they preach. Others, used to attract women years ago but have since gotten married. That's fine. But often their advice is out of touch with what actually works.[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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On the other hand, I'm out in the single scene trenches several times a week. I've gotten several requests form people wanting a regular update on what I'm currently using in the field. So I've decided to create a program where every month I'll be sharing my most cutting edge attraction secrets. I've also gotten some close friends of mine - these guys are some of the best ladies men in the world - to share what they're currently using to attract women. I'm so confident that you'll glean a ridiculous amount of attraction knowledge from Secrets From The Field that I'd like to treat you to a month on me. If you love it (which I'm sure you will), keep it and stay subscribed. Every month I'll send you another edition of Secrets From The Field and you'll be automatically charged $19.97. If it's not for you, you can cancel at any time with no questions or hassles by emailing us at: support at If you don't completely love this bonus edition of Secrets From The Field, you can cancel and keep it just for trying it out. In other words, you get to keep your bonus edition even if you cancel right after receiving it.
2) Bonus # 1: How To Turn A Friend Into A Lover - a step-by-step roadmap for turning a friend into a lover. 3) Bonus # 2: How To Get Past Sexual Resistance - my sneaky method for quickly getting past any resistance a woman throws your way.
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4) Bonus # 3: Access to the Real World Seduction 2.0 exclusive VIP list + 10 additional letters packed to the brim with secrets to boost your success with women. 5) Bonus # 4: A Free edition of Secrets From The Field where my friends and I share our most cutting edge attraction secrets. These extra bonuses are are worth over $100.00 and you get them FREE just for trying Real World Seduction 2.0
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Reality check: If you don't commit to doing something right now about improving this area of your life, there is a high probability you'll go to your grave never getting this area of your life taken care of!
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I'm about to do something a little crazy. Well, I'm being modest. Many marketers will think I'm off my freakin' rocker. I'm going to give you access to my entire eBook for 7 days for a single dollar. You'll have a chance to read through the whole book. Go out and apply all of the secrets I reveal. You'll have an opportunity to see for yourself that I know what I am talking about before shelling out $39.95 $9.97. Why am I doing this? For years, whenever I wanted to learn about something, I was reluctant to invest money into educational material. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that if the investment paid off, I'd make it in a heartbeat. But I didn't. And because of that I squandered away years trying to figure out things on my own. There's a good chance you're the same way. But life is short and your love life is no laughing matter. That's why I've taken all the risk out of this investment by letting you test drive my book for 7 days for a single dollar. If the book is not for you - which I highly doubt - you can cancel anytime within the seven trial period. If you'd like to keep the book, you don't need to do anything further. Your credit card will automatically be billed. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Download your copy of Real World Seduction right now. Click the button to download Real World Seduction 2.0 for your 7-day test drive:
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If you have any questions about the Real World Seduction 2.0 eBook, pop us an email at: and we will get right back to you.
P. S.- Every technique, concept, and strategy you learn inside my book has been field tested by me and my students hundreds of times. I've included only concepts and techniques that get consistently results. I'm positive you too can experience success with these techniques. That's why I let you try the book out for seven days for a dollar before paying the full price of the book. I've left you with no excuses. Get this area of your life handled and download the book right now by clicking here. P.P.S. - If you are a Webmaster and you think that your traffic would be a good match for this book, click here to read about my affiliate partnership program.
P.P.P.S - Still not convinced? Check out what other people are saying about Real World Seduction 2.0...
"Hello Swingcat, book is amazing, push/pull techniques, cold readings, they all actually work. It's pretty funny to see these techniques in action. If used properly they're flawless. Thanks." click here to download Real World Seduction 2.0 C from Canada "Your material opened my mind about how women function and exist, which was a mystery for me. Now when observing or talking to women I know exactly what's happening. It's exciting." D "You have the best info out there with actual examples of real world situations. i'm having so much fun with your stuff it's incredible. girls love it when i make fun of them and tease them!!! anyways, looking forward to new things from you my man! hungry for more info!" Dr. "J" in Jersey Using your book I have managed to have 6 girlfriend at the same time. Everyone of them are totally in love with me. Ralph from fontana California "Hi. I have to tell you, your book has astounded me. Since I got divorced 2 1/2 years ago, I've had one date, with a girl who told me that she used to weigh 300 pounds before her tummy tuck surgery, and that her father was the head of the Iranian Mafia here in Oklahoma (I shit you not). In other words, I've been a total chump with women. Then I read your book at[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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3am saturday night, and then went to a bridal show the next day. I used the push-pull technique with some guy's girlfriend, and she kept hanging out with me, bringing me chocolate-covered strawberries, etc. until her boyfriend got pissed and led her away. Later that night we all went to dinner and I ended up sitting next to a smoking runway model from the fashion show. I used your techniques again, and had her laughing at my jokes, touching my arm and leg, eating off my plate, feeding me her food, etc. I even ordered her to pay me 10 cents for the french fry she stole, and she immidiately dug into her purse and give me a quarter. I went home feeling like superman. This chick was 24 years old, thin, gorgeous. I'm a 30 year old, 245 lb., glasses-wearing dude who lives in a one room apartment. I was saying really nice things to these chicks, compliments that I never would have said before because I was afraid of being "too nice." Then I'd turn around and say something insulting that I never would have said before for fear of looking like a jerk. For instance, the first girl told me that she would shave her head if she could, because she hates dealing with her hair. This girl has two or three college degrees and works as a social worker. I said, "You know, you are obviously a really intelligent girl. Very smart. But tell me in the hell does somebody earn two college degrees when they are too friggin' lazy to comb their own hair?" A few moments later she was telling me an interesting story about how she broke her arm. I acted extremely interested, asked questions, seemed to be into the story. Then, right in the middle of a sentence, I turned around and walked off to talk to somebody else. In the meantime, one of my friends was there, a nerdy looking, effeminate computer geek who seems to have a new hot girlfriend every week. I watched him talk to a girl, and he was very animated and had a big smile on his face as he talked to her, but he had his arms crossed and his body turned away from her. Just like in the book. Then he changed to an open posture. Then back. I tell you, your book has explained every damned question I've ever had about women, about friends who where good with girls, and about my own lameness. Thank you so much. It's almost scary to think of how good I'm going to be when I've re-read the book several times and mastered the techniques. I read it again today and saw several more things that I could have done even better. " Z click here to download Real World Seduction 2.0 "I recently went to a huge (500 people) singles party in Boston . I had been reading your book and was brushing up on your approaches before going in. The first few women I did the proverbial Hi, whats your name, where do you live and they couldn't wait to get away from me. Then I went into pug dog/beagle dog naming and adventuurous/spontaneous. The differencewas like night and day. The women I did these stories with were smiling at me all night, completely entertained. I am hooked on your material, reading/internalizing it every day. Iam continuing to use it on some of the women I met that night and meeting more. This is the beginning of something big for me. I guess I don't need to be a rock star after all. Just generating prizability, etc." Don T. click here to download Real World Seduction 2.0[4/25/2014 12:34:12 PM]
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Dear Swinggcat "I downloaded your book about a week ago now (a monday) I studied the first chapter intently and upon coming to the end of the first section I decided that I didn't want to wait a while to continue reading so I just carried on and read the whole first chapter in two days, taking my time of course, none the less, I decided that in the short term trying to learn all of the tecniques of bat was a bad idea and thus instead chose to pick out what seemed to be key information that with focus and determination could be securly in place to a reasonable level within a week. I went out friday night and arrived at 8. I then spent the first 1 1/2 hour of my 2 1/2 hour stay deciding which girls would be worth trying to get, at around 9.30pm one of thge most beautiful girls in the place came up and started talking to me, by 9.50pm she was my girlfriend, all thanks to you, I had spent the previous 5 years having zero sucess and now with your help I flying at the top yours gratefully D click here to download Real World Seduction 2.0 Hey Swinggcat, Great book man! Your book as well as your tips have really boosted my success with women. Just in the past 3 days, I have slept with 2 different girls; plus I am working on about 5 others. The key is, like you say, to be the prize! My phone is ringing off the hook because I am not calling these girls and they are wondering what I am doing lol Then instead of planning a night out, I just call them at around 8pm and ask if they want to chill. They always say yes and I go there for sex. The whole time there I am using open loops and undermining compliments and they respond with "Hey, stop!" and "you're mean!" but the thing is they're smiling the whole time! :) -AJC from Sherman Oaks click here to download Real World Seduction 2.0 hey swingcat, thanks for your advice. I must say, i've been enjoying the benefits a lot! You're FRAMES and PRIZABILITY concepts are absolutely astounding, and so have been the results! The best is yet to come, but thank you in advance! T from Washington You're just one click away from reading Real World Seduction:
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