Diamond Rush Guide

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Congratulations! Youve Just Joined One of the Finest Companies in Relationship Marketing! Now youre on
track to live the life youve always dreamed ofand along the way, drive a NEW Luxury Mercedes-Benz on us,
and take 2 luxurious Dream Getaway vacations a year!
Talk Fusion provides the ultimate Support System for Associates looking for the Education, Motivation and
Inspiration necessary to build a successful Relationship Marketing Organization.
Now that you have made the important decision to change your life, its time to take control of it by building a
better tomorrow for yourself and others.
You truly begin to appreciate the power and potential of the Talk Fusion Opportunity by reaching the Rank of
Diamond. When you Go Diamond, you will experience not only the satisfaction of accomplishment and the
recognition of your peers, but also be rewarded with the knowledge that you are well on your way to
Financial Security, Freedom and Unlimited Choices.
Many Associates have already climbed the ranks to Diamond & Beyond and are waiting for you to join them.
All you have to do now is . . . go for it!
The Diamond Rush Training Guide is designed
to help you achieve the Rank of Diamond as quickly
as possible. Within these pages, you will fnd the 4
steps you need to follow in order to be successful,
and the reasons why you need to follow them, as
well as how to teach the Associates you Personally
Sponsor to duplicate them exactly so you can
build a large and active Team. You will learn the
importance of the Rule of 2 in 72, the critical nature
of Going Bronze, then becoming a Bronze Maker,
and much more.
If getting to the top of your
Talk Fusion Business is your goal,
then read every word in this Guide,
and then read it again.
Bob Reina
Founder & CEO
Before You Get Started
You are here to change your life, and we are here to help make that happen. We want you to get headed down
the path to real success because when you succeed, we all succeed. The Diamond Rush Training Guide is
going to teach you what you need to know to start acquiring Customers and sponsoring Associates today!
We will show you how to concentrate your time and effort on those activities that produce results.
You shouldnt confuse personal experience with learning true learning is best accomplished by modeling your
actions after those who have attained Success, and doing EXACTLY what they did. Successful people have already
learned the hard way how to achieve the results YOU desire. Theyve already paved the way for you!
Here is what you have to do:
1. Commit to the business for AT LEAST
ONE YEAR! Just like any other
business, it takes time to master the
proper skills. The great news is you
will earn while you learn. Too many
people try for a month or two and
then quit. So, have the proper mindset
at the start. If you commit for at least one year, you should be at a place where you will not want to stop.
2. Use your own Products every day, becoming your own best Customer.
3. Get Prospects to watch or attend a Business Opportunity Presentation.
4. Teach those who see it to duplicate your actions by doing the same.
If you can learn these very basic steps, then your business will get off to a tremendous start.
REMEMBER: Simple works.
In your Talk Fusion Business, you get paid when either one of two things happens:
1. Someone becomes a Customer and purchases a Product.
2. Someone becomes an Associate and purchases a Product.
Remember to always concentrate your initial efforts
to bringing in business that produces results and
The Universal Principle behind properly building a
proftable Relationship Marketing Business is not
whether it works for YOU, but can it be Duplicated by
EVERYONE. Successful Associates concentrate on simple,
duplicable actions that they can Teach to anyone. Their number one priority is making sure their Organization does
everything they do and does it the same way every time.
Always Remember:
Duplication by your Team will come from, and be instilled by, modeling YOUR behavior.
What your people see you actually DOand NOT SAY - is what they will duplicate.
If it is not within the Diamond Rush Guide, do NOT do it. It will NOT work, or it cannot be
Duplicated. No Duplication = Small Commission Check.
The Universal Principle behind properly
building a proftable Relationship Marketing
Business is not whether it works for YOU,
but can it be Duplicated by EVERYONE.
The number one priority is making sure
your Organization does everything you do
and does it the same way every time.
2 3
Systems Equal Success
McDonalds is one of the most successful businesses in the world but most people do not understand the
reasons why. Their model has many important principles that can be applied to explode the growth of your
Talk Fusion business.
Here is what you may not have realized about McDonalds, and how it relates to your Talk Fusion business.
McDonalds has over 31,000 different locations throughout the world and more than 75% of McDonalds are
owned and operated by Independent Operators. But they ALL perform in exactly the same way. Given the
diversity of owners and locations, isnt it amazing that a Big Mac in the United States can taste the same as a
Big Mac in Japan? How is this possible?
Simple Answer: SYSTEMS!
Ray Kroc, the Founder of McDonalds, understood that standard systems meant that virtually anyone could
successfully own and operate a McDonalds franchise. Even today, most of the employees running McDonalds,
from crew manager to manager, are teenagers and young adults.
Five years after opening his frst McDonalds restaurant, Ray Kroc opened Hamburger University. The purpose
was to train McDonalds restaurant management and owners on the systems in order to create consistency in
each location.
McDonalds Corporation would not be nearly as successful as it is today and may not even exist, if it were not
for its TURNKEY systems. Despite not having the best tasting products in the world, McDonalds is one of the
largest, most successful corporations anywhere.
The Business Operations of McDonalds come down to People Pushing Buttons. Their employees do not have
to fgure out when to fip the burgers. They do not have to fgure out how to supersize an order. There is a
system for nearly everything. Everything is already fgured out for you.
The same holds true for your Talk Fusion business.
Just as Hamburger University was set up to help duplicate McDonalds franchises, Talk Fusion has established the
Diamond Rush Training to teach you how to go from zero to Diamond in 200 days or less.
You do not have to fgure out how to invite a business prospect Customer, how to conduct a business
presentation, how to follow-up. IT HAS ALREADY BEEN FIGURED OUT FOR YOU. Remember, you cannot sell
or recruit your way to the top of the Compensation Plan. You MUST DUPLICATE your way to the top. You must
become SYSTEM DEPENDENT - not people dependent. Products alone will not create Duplication;
Systems do.

As McDonalds clearly proved, if a system can be duplicated, it can become number 1, even without the
best product. What do you think would happen if your product was as good as your system? Do you think the
success would be even better? This is why we are so excited at Talk Fusion. We have unlimited potential as we
have a tremendous, proven System of Duplication that anybody can follow AND the number 1 products in the
marketplace, fantastic market timing, and the Worlds First Instant Pay Compensation Plan.
Remember, good companies are people dependent.
Great companies are SYSTEM DEPENDENT!
Talk Fusion - 4 Steps to Success
The 4 Steps to Success will help ensure you will be both productive and effective in your efforts. Getting yourself
and others off to a successful start will attract others to Talk Fusion.
This System is simple, teachable and most importantly, it can be duplicated. Remember, your level of success will
be tied directly to your ability to help others reach their goals and dreams.
STEP 1: Invite
STEP 2: Presentation
STEP 3: 3-Way Call
STEP 4: Get Plugged In
Everyone you meet, everywhere you go, is a potential Talk Fusion Associate. 95% of people, no matter what their
current occupation, are dissatisfed with at least one of the following: their job, their boss, their income, what they
are doing and the amount of time they spend doing it, their current lifestyle or their standard of living!
You can offer them the opportunity to have a better life so do it!
Build an Initial list of contacts: 25 Business Opportunity Prospects and 25 Customer Prospects
Invite them within your frst 72 hours - take action IMMEDIATELY
90% of a successful invitation is EXCITEMENT
The Invitation should be 1-2 minutes
Remember to always stay in the Action Phase, which is the continuous building of your prospect list. Top earners
have created a Prospect list of at least 100 Business Prospects and 100 Customer Prospects and are continuously
inviting and adding to it.
Invitation Script
Business Opportunity Prospect:
Warm Market Script
As soon as your friend says hello, start your invitation with EXCITEMENT AND URGENCY:
Hi (name of prospect), We need to talk!
As soon as they say, What about? Your response will be:
I just got involved with a company called Talk Fusion. Have you heard of them yet?
4 5
(Pause for answer) Great - that is exactly why I am calling. I personally do not know everything about the
business yet but average people like you and I are earning a lot of extra income, free Hawaii Vacations and
driving brand-new Mercedes.
I have to tell you about this before somebody else does. Before I do, I want to ask you a quick question:
The Beneft Question:
Do you know of anyone who can get excited about earning $5,000 or more in the next 2 weeksall from
home? Their answer will be Yes.
If they ask what Talk Fusion is, your brief response should be:
Talk Fusion has developed never-seen-before video technology that is sweeping the world. Wouldnt you have loved
to become involved in Facebook when only 1 out of 100 people knew their name? Talk Fusion is the next big thing!
Would you take a few minutes to watch an exciting online presentation to learn everything you need to know to
make a decision?
I am looking for 2 people that are serious about earning extra income.
Customer Prospect Script:
What if I could show you a simple, cost-effective way to help your business make more money?
When they say Yes, tell them the benefts of Talk Fusion:
Talk Fusion has developed never-seen-before cost-effective video technology that will allow your business
to easily stand out from the competition, increase Customer relationships, strengthen brand loyalty and
awareness, qualify sales leads, reduce advertising costs, increase response rates and so much more.
When people see it, they get it, love it and want it.
Would you take a few minutes to watch an exciting online presentation to learn everything you need to
know to make a decision?
Direct your Customer Prospect to the next available presentation and follow up with an Upline Member right
after the presentation is done.
Have your Business Opportunity Prospect or Customer Prospect watch the next available Presentation
Over 20 occur daily in many languages - See Presentation Calendar for dates and times
The Prospect will see the Products, Business Opportunity, Testimonials and System of Duplication
All Prospects, both Business Opportunity and Customer, attend the same presentation.
The frst half is about the products, and the second half is about the Business Opportunity.
If somebody is only interested in the product, they can exit the presentation after the frst half.
3-Way Call
After the Presentation, say I would like you to meet my team sponsor who is doing very well in the business.
Do you have 5 minutes to say hi?
At this point, your Sponsor will share their success story and answer any questions the Prospect may have. The
Sponsor will attempt to close the Prospect at this point.
3-way calling will make or break your business - Do NOT skip this step!
Always let somebody else who has had success do all of the talking with you on the call
A proper 3-way call should be approximately 5 minutes. It is a closing call - not another
Opportunity Presentation.
A great close is this: As you can see, the time is now to get involved as it is evident that our Products
can be used by any person or business worldwide. So my question to you is this: Do you know at least
two people that can get excited about making at least $5,000 or more in the next 2 weeks? The
Answer should be Yes. At this time, the only step remaining is to register them into the System.
Note: If youre not getting 3-way calls from your Personally Sponsored Associates within the frst 72 hours, you need to
pick up the phone and call them, as they are not following the System.
6 7
Get Plugged In
You MUST get new Associates started properly. Associates are never more excited than the minute they join.
It is critical that new Associates create momentum by Inviting Prospects immediately. If the new Associate has not
personally sponsored 2 new Associates in the frst 72 hours, they are not following the system. Contact them
immediately and stress the importance of 2 in 72.
Make sure you introduce your new Associate to multiple upline members so they know they are being supported
by a TEAM.
By putting Business Prospects and Customer Prospects through the System, you will simultaneously develop a
team of Associates and Customers. Remember, some people will say No to the Opportunity but will buy the
product and become Customers.
By becoming your own Best Customer and using the products on a daily basis, you will also sponsor both
Associates and Customers. When people see the product, they love it, get it and want it. So, make sure to use
the product on a daily basis to develop relationships with people.
Follow the 2 in 72 Rule
Explode your Team to More than 2000 Associates in the First Month Heres How:
Go Bronze - Personally Sponsor 1 Associate on your Left leg and 1 Associate on your Right leg within 72 hours of
joining. Then Become a Bronze Maker teach your Personally Sponsored Associates to Go Bronze themselves.
It is BEST to encourage Associates to Go Pro with a Pro Pak as you will become a true product of the product.
The Pro Pak has all of Talk Fusion products and is the best product value. It will allow Associates to speak with
confdence about how great all of the products are.
Any earnings portrayed in any Talk Fusion marketing materials are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Talk Fusion Associate can or will earn through his or
her participation in the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan. All references to income, implied or stated, throughout the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan are for illustrative purposes
only. These fgures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profts. Talk Fusion does NOT guarantee any level of income or earnings to
any Associate; any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading.
The aforementioned fgures include Fast Start Bonuses on your frst two Personally Sponsored Associates and Binary cycles onlyThey do not include Matching
Bonuses or any other type of Compensation. Also, please note the numbers do not refect active retail Customer sales that each Associate will register.
Day 1-3
Day 4-6
Day 7-9
Day 10-12
Day 13-15
Day 16-18
Day 19-21

Day 22-24
Day 25-27

Day 28-30
$390 USD
$690 USD
$1,290 USD
$2,490 USD
1 Star
$4,890 USD
3 Star
$9,690 USD
Triple Diamond
$19,290 USD
Blue Diamond
$38,490 USD
Grand Blue Diamond
$76,890 USD
$153,690 USD
Blue Diamond
$195 USD
$345 USD
$645 USD
$1,245 USD
$2,445 USD
1 Star
$4,845 USD
3 Star
$9,645 USD
Triple Diamond
$19,245 USD
$38,445 USD
$76,846 USD
$65 USD
$115 USD
$215 USD
$415 USD
$815 USD
$1,640 USD
$3,215 USD
$6,415 USD
$12,815 USD
$25,615 USD
# OF
8 9
Any earnings portrayed in any Talk Fusion marketing materials are not necessarily representative of the income, if any, that a Talk Fusion Associate can or will earn through his or
her participation in the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan. All references to income, implied or stated, throughout the Talk Fusion Compensation Plan are for illustrative purposes
only. These fgures should not be considered as guarantees or projections of your actual earnings or profts. Talk Fusion does NOT guarantee any level of income or earnings to
any Associate; any representation or guarantee of earnings would be misleading.
Go Pro and with as few as 10 people thats just 5 Product Sales Left and Rightyou can earn $750 USD!
Most Associates make the mistake of trying to recruit everyone and hope they stay. Your front-line positions are
VERY IMPORTANT POSITIONS. Ask your Prospects if they can fll their 2 front-line positions in 72 hours with
people who can make the same commitment. If they cannot make the commitment, tell them you will sponsor
them later.
Remember, THERE MUST BE A SENSE OF URGENCY! People want what they cannot have. Fear loss takes over
and if they think they are missing out on an opportunity they will change their minds immediatley!
The entire concept of Direct Selling is Duplication. If Duplication does not occur, IT IS YOUR FAULT! If it breaks
down on any level, it is because your team was not properly trained. If somebody is not willing to Duplicate, move on.
Lead by Example
Top Performers in Talk Fusion concentrate on teaching their Team how to run the System and let the Systems run
the business. Their Number one priority is making sure that everyone on their team knows and teaches
these 4 Steps. The only true measure of a Teams strength is the number of Leaders in it who are following and
teaching the System.
You can have the best product in the world in combination with the best compensation plan, but unless you
not reach your Dreams.
Here is the FORMULA FOR DUPLICATION: Lead a group of people to consistently do a few, simple
actions, over a sustained period of time.
One of the BIGGEST MISTAKES that new Associates make is trying to quantify everything and in doing so, they
add too much complexity. Please do not waste time building your own websites or presentation materials.
Everything you will ever need has already been provided to you! TRUE DUPLICATION will occur when you focus
on simple actions that everyone on your Team can do.
So Ask Yourself This...

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