Unit Plan Science
Unit Plan Science
Unit Plan Science
Plan (Unit Plan Science Topic- Air/Water) Notes Big Questions- What is air? Where is air (where can you find air in your world)? IntroPre Assessment-(web) ask students What is air? Dictate answers on the white board. Plan: (time approximately 35-40 minutes) Complete Air in a Bag science investigation (pull open bag towards you and then hold the bag closed). Ask the students to infer and make a guess as to What is in the bag?, What did you observe that helped you decide to give that answer? and What do you already know that helped you decide to give that answer? Read page C23 (in Science text book) together and then refer to the web on the white board. Ask student to add any information they learned from the text to answer our question What is air? (add any missing information to the web) Investigation/Differentiation- (3 groups that rotate to the 3 stations) Use time tracker for 7 minute increments (21 minutes total) Station One- Show YouTube video of brass and woodwind instruments and discuss that air is used in lots of ways (including making music). Model the use of a straw panpipe (straws of various lengths, taped together that when blown into make sounds). Pass out straws and help students tape them together to create their own straw panpipe. Allow students to experiment and discuss their panpipe investigation/observation. Station Two- Allow students to explore blowing bubbles and making them go towards the air blowing from the fan. Discuss how the bubbles are formed and their movement caused from the fan. Station Three- Allow students to use straws to blow liquid paints. Discuss what is making the paint move? How? What else can air move? What signs do you observe? (Example trees moving...) Tell the students that we now need to think about the air all around us. Ask the students What does air do? and How do you know air is around us, are there signs that air is around us? Formative Assessment- Checklist to ensure that each student went to the 3 air stations and participated in the investigation. (MATCHES OBJECTIVE) Use time tracker for 5 minutes (longer/shorter if needed) Pass out sticky notes and ask students to write/draw one way air is found around us. Model by
ObjectiveThe students will conduct simple investigations to observe air and what it can do.
Day 2 (topic-fresh water) GLCES.IP.01.11 Make purposeful observation of the natural world using the appropriate senses. Objective The students will identify at least one source of fresh water with 100 percent accuracy.
drawing a balloon and saying air is used to blow up and fill a balloon. Closure- As a ticket out the door have each student answer: Where is air? (example answers- wind, blowing into a straw, a fan, air bubbles, etc.) Big Questions- Where is fresh water found? and What is fresh water used for? Pre Assessment- Ask the students to think about water and the various ways they use water. Pass out index cards and have the students to write or draw a picture of 1 way they use water. (Model this by creating a mock index card on the board and say that I used water when I took my car through the car wash this weekend. Draw a car wash to model for the students. Allow student to share their cards with the class. (One at a time, have each student bring their card up, place it on the overhead and use the microphone to explain their drawing). Post cards on the white board. Plan (time 25-30 minutes) Tell students that today we are going to explore where fresh water is found and why we need water. Read Waters Journey by F.R. Robinson and draw (write on the board) a simple model of how water travels from a stream to a river and then into a lake. Briefly discuss how fresh water and salt water are very different. Investigation- Pass out Q-Tips that have been soaking in diluted salt water and allow students to taste salt water. Ask students to describe the difference between fresh water and salt water. Read pages C28-C29 and discuss the pictures (highlight where fresh water is found and is many uses). Closure- As a closing, discuss the importance of having fresh water and refer back to the students drawings. Post Assessment- As a ticket out the door have the students tell one source of fresh water. Differentiation -Remind students that fresh water is found in small water (streams), larger flowing water (rivers) and lakes. Tell the students they can remember this by looking at their finger as a small stream, the stream flows into their arm which represents the river then finally the water goes into the big lake which is their body. Big Question- What is the water cycle? Pre Assessment Ask the students to think about where we get water (refer to previous lesson). Ask students to think about how the water gets there. (Dictate answers on the board). Set Time Tracker for 5 minutes (longer/shorter if needed)
Day 3(topic- water cycle) GLCE S.RS.01.11 Demonstrate scientic concepts through various
illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities. Objective The students will identify and illustrate key components of the water cycle
Day 4 (topic salt water) GLCE S.IP.01.12 Generate questions based on observations Objective Students will identify oceans as a source of water on earth.
Plan (time 30-35 minutes) Tell students that today we are going to learn about the Water Cycle. (Ask students if they have ever heard of or know anything about the water cycle. (add to the board). Hang the water cycle poster (images of cycle-water, rain, clouds and sun) onto the white board. Ask the students what they see and dictate their answers onto the white board. Explain the three main components of the water cycle (condensation, evaporation and precipitation). Ask for three students to help place the labels onto our chart (condensation, evaporation and precipitation). Have the students assist by telling the students where the labels match the correct poster graphic. Show water cycle video Bob the water droplet. Illustrate Bob moving through the water cycle on the white board. Investigation- Introduce students to the Ziploc water cycle model. Discuss the how this model will show us the Water Cycle. Allow students to walk by the model and see the Bobs moving up the baggie. Differentiation- Teach students the Water Cycle Song. Post Assessment- Pass out the Water Cycle activity sheet. Allow students to color and complete the activity sheet. While they are completing the activity play Magic School Bus Water Cycle Video. Collect and check post assessments. Big Question- Where is Salt Water on Earth? Plan (time 20-25 minutes) Refer to the prior lesson and discuss where fresh water is found. (stream, rivers and lakes). Discuss that there is another type of water (salt) and discuss the salt water Q-Tip investigation from prior lesson. Show on the world map where salt water is located. Tell students that their text book is an informational text and will give us information and possibly answer questions. Have students generate questions about salt water. Dictate questions on the board. Read pages C31-C33 Refer to the questions on the board and place answers found from the reading. Investigation- Salt and salt water- observe salt and then place salt into a cup of water. Place drips of salt onto a colored plate. Ask students to predict what will happen to the water. Dictate predictions on a T char. The following day investigate the plate and complete the T chart. If time allows watch Magic School Bus Ocean Floor from www.Discover.ed
Prediction Outcome