TQM Slides
TQM Slides
TQM Slides
EM IT "#IT I I#T$%&"CTI%#
Intro'uction #ee' for (uality E)olution of (uality &efinition of (uality &imen*ion* of manufacturing an' *er)ice (uality +a*ic conce,t* of TQM &efinition of TQM TQM -rame.or/ Contri0ution* of &eming, 1uran an' Cro*0y +arrier* to TQM2
&efinition of (uality Today' there is no single uni!ersal definition of quality. *ome people !iew quality as performance to standards. +thers !iew it as ,meeting the customers needs *atisfying the customer. -ets look at some of the more common 'efinition* of (uality. Conformance to *,ecification* mea*ure* ho. .ell the ,ro'uct or *er)ice meet* the target* an' tolerance* 'etermine' 0y it* 'e*igner*2
Total .ade up of the whole/or0 1omplete. Quality 2egree of 3)cellence a product or ser!ice pro!ides to the customer in present and future. Management (ct ' art' or manner of handling ' controlling' directing' etc. TQM is the art of managing the whole to achie!e e)cellence.
customer satisfaction 80 -ow producti!ity' sales : profit ;0 -ow morale of workforce <0 .ore re6work' material : labour costs =0 igh inspection costs >0 2elay in shipping ?0 igh repair costs @0 igher in!entory costs A0 Breater waste of material
+enefit* of Quality
80 igher customer satisfaction ;0 Reliable products7ser!ices <0 Cetter efficiency of operations =0 .ore producti!ity : profit >0 Cetter morale of work force ?0 -ess wastage costs @0 -ess $nspection costs A0 $mpro!ed process D0 .ore market share 8E0 *pread of happiness : prosperity 880 Cetter quality of life for all.
Benefits of Quality Higher customer satisfaction Reliable products/services Better efficiency of operations More productivity & profit Better morale of work force Less wastage costs Less nspection costs mproved process More market share !pread of happiness & prosperity Better "uality of life for all#
*u05ect for M6781"#E 209: 6##6 "#I E$!IT7 E;6MI#6TI%#! -%$ -I#6< 7E6$ IT !tu'ent* GE2022 = Total Quality Management 8. ;. <. =. >. "#IT I 3)plain the @ steps in strategic planning. 3)plain in detail about 8= points of 2eming philosophy. 3)plain about quality council and quality planning. 3)plain the contribution of Furan to the quality mo!ement. 3)plain in detail about Furan Trilogy
"#IT II 8. 2iscuss about .aslowGs need hierarchy theory and erzbergGs two factor theory for moti!ationH ;. 3)plain in detail about >*' 42*( : kaizen <. 2iscuss about the supplier partnership procedures =. 3)plain the following /a0 Furan Triology /b0 42*( cycle /c0 .aslows theory of need hierarchy >. 3)plain the following: /a0 >s /b0 Iaizen /c0 *upplier rating : relationship de!elopment "#IT III 8. 3)plain in detail about the steps in!ol!ed in the benchmarking process ;. 3)plain in detail /a0 4rocess 1apability /b0 *i) *igma <. 2iscuss the obJecti!es' process' stages and benefits of 5.3(. =. 3)plain in detail about *i) *igma. >. 3)plain about the new se!en tools of quality and its application in detail. 8. ;. <. =. "#IT I 2iscuss about the obJecti!es' process' outcome and benefits of 9uality 5unction 2eployment /9520 3)plain briefly about the following /a0 Taguchi 9uality -oss 5unction /b0 4illars of T4. 2iscuss in detail about the cost of 9uality. 2iscuss in detail about the steps in!ol!ed in the T4. 4rocess. "#IT
8. ;. <. =.
3)plain about 9uality *ystem (uditing. 2iscuss the implementation of $*+ DEEE : ;EEE 9uality *ystems. 3)plain about the 4hilosophy and Requirements of $*+ DEEE : ;EEE 3)plain about the auditing process and role of e)ternal agencies.
>alter 62 !he.hart Kalter (. *hewhart was a statistician at Cell -abs during the 8D;Es and 8D<Es. *hewhart studied randomness and recognized that !ariability e)isted in all manufacturing processes. e de!eloped quality control charts that are used to identify whether the !ariability in the process is random or due to an assignable cause' such as poor workers or miscalibrated machinery. e stressed that eliminating !ariability impro!es quality. is work created the foundation for todays statistical process control' and he is often referred to as the ,grandfather of quality control.
>2 E'.ar'* &eming is often referred to as the ,father of quality control. e was a statistics professor at Lew Mork Nni!ersity in the 8D=Es. (fter Korld Kar $$ he assisted many Fapanese companies in impro!ing quality. The Fapanese regarded him so highly that in 8D>8 they established the Deming Prize, an annual award gi!en to firms that demonstrate outstanding quality. $t was almost <E years later that (merican businesses began adopting 2emings philosophy. ( number of elements of 2emings philosophy depart from traditional notions of quality. The first is the role management should play in a companys quality
80 1reate and publish aims7purpose of firm ;0 -earn the new philosophy <0 Nnderstand purpose of inspection =0 *top awarding business on price alone >0 $mpro!e constantly and fore!er the system ?0 $nstitute training @0 Teach and institute leadership A0 2ri!e out fear' create trust and a climate for inno!ation D0 +ptimize efforts of teams' groups and staff areas 8E0 3liminate e)hortations for the work force 880 3liminate numerical quotas for workforce and .C+ 8;0 Remo!e barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship 8<0 3ncourage education and self6empowerment for e!eryone 8=0 Take action to accomplish the transformation
TQM @$I#CI@<E!
<ea'er*hi, !trategic (uality ,lanning, Quality *tatement* Cu*tomer focu* Cu*tomer orientation, Cu*tomer *ati*faction, Cu*tomer com,laint*, Cu*tomer retention = Em,loyee in)ol)ement Moti)ation, Em,o.erment, Team an' Team.or/, $ecognition an' $e.ar', @erformance a,,rai*al Continuou* ,roce** im,ro)ement @&!6 cycle, D*, KaiEen !u,,lier ,artner*hi, @artnering, !u,,lier *election, !u,,lier $ating2 B0 !trategic @lanning3 There are *e)en 0a*ic *te,* to *trategic (uality ,lanning2 a0 1ustomer needs b0 1ustomer positioning c0 4redict the future d0 Bap analysis e0 1losing the gap f0 (lignment g0 $mplementation
<. Khat are the dimensions of qualityH =. Lame the criteria for manufacturing organization. >. 1ompare manufacturing and ser!ice organization ?. 2efine the concept of 2eming philosophy @. 2efine T9.. A. 5actors that helps in impro!ing the quality. D. Khat is fitness of useH 8E. Khat is meant by support ser!iceH
@6$T=+ 8. 2iscuss in detail about the basic concepts of quality. ;. 3)plain the dimensions of total quality management. <. Khat are terms that affects quality in manufacturing organization =. 3)plain in detail about the need for T9. >. 2escribe the barriers of T9.. "#IT II 4(RT6( 8. Khat is quality planningH ;. 2ifferentiate customer satisfaction and retention. <. 2efine 3mployee in!ol!ement. =. Khat is meant by empowermentH >. 2ifferentiate recognition and reward.
?. 2efine >s concept. @. A. ow will you measure the supplier ratingH ow will you retain the customerH
D. (d!antages of continuous process. 8E. Khat is meant by performance appraisalH @6$T=+ 8. 2escribe in detail about >s Iaizen concepts with e)ample. ;. ow to achie!e the best quality through the customerH
<. 3)plain the concept of 42*( cycle. =. 2escribe in detail about employee benefitsH >. Krite shortnotes on a. -eadership b. 9uality statements. "#IT = III @6$T=6 8. -ist the se!en traditional tools. ;. Khat is meant by si) sigmaH <. 2efine benchmark. =. 2efine (ffinity diagram >. 2raw 4areto diagram ?. Lame the terms in benchmarking process. @. Khat is meant by 5.3(H A. -ist the reasons to benchmarkH D. 2ifferentiate single sourcing and multiple sourcing.
8E. Lame any < methods in si) sigma concepts. @6$T=+ 8. 3)plain the !arious methods of si) sigma with e)ample. ;. 2escribe the se!en traditional tools of T9.. <. Khat is meant by benchmark processH 3)plain. =. 2iscuss the !arious types of diagrams that are used to impro!e the qualityH >. 3)plain how the management tools are used in manufacturing industryH "#IT = I @6$T=6 8. -ist the se!en traditional tools. ;. Khat is meant by 952H <. 2efine cost of quality =. -ist the performance measures. >. Khat is meant by Taguchi 9uality loss functionH ?. -ist the points for impro!ement needs. @. Khat is T4.H A. Bi!e three characteristics used to define the quality loss function D. Khat are the requirements of impro!ement needs. 8E. Nse of Taguchi quality loss function. @6$T = + 8. 3)plain 9uality -oss 5unction for Oarious 9uality 1haracteristics with e)ample. ;. 2escribe the concepts of 952.
<. 3)plain the concepts of T4.. =. ow to measure the cost of qualityH 3)plain with neat diagram. >. Krite shortnotes on a. traditional tools b. impro!ement needs "#IT= 8. Khy $*+ DEEE is neededH ;. Khat is $*+ 8=EEEH <. -ist = benefits of $*+ DEEE. =. (d!antages of $*+8=EEE. >. -ist some $T companies which has $*+ standards. ?. Khat are the requirements for $*+H @. Khat is meant by auditingH A. 2efine hazard analysis. D. Khat is meant by .alcolm Caldrige 1riteriaH @6$T=+ 8. 2escribe in detail about $*+DEEE and $*+ 8=EEE. ;. Khy auditing is required to impro!e the qualityH 3)plain. <. 3)plain the concept of .alcome Cridge criteria. =. 2escribe in detail about the concept of hazard analysisH >. 3)plain the concepts' requirements and ad!antages of $*+ standards. 2efine $*+DEEE6;EEE.