OER Way Forward

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International Institute

for Educational


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Open Educational Resources

Between 2005 and 2007, a large Community of Interest of more than
600 members from more than half of the 192 Member States of UNESCO
took part in online discussions on Open Educational Resources (OER) – open
content for education.
The Internet and the web offer opportunities for interaction that have
tremendous potential for an organization such as UNESCO, with a mandate
for advice and action worldwide. International meetings, workshops and
consultations are all means used by the organization to carry out its work
in collaboration with Member States, but they have limitations in their
capacity to include all those interested in the topic or activity at hand. The
Internet offers an opportunity to reach further and faster than ever before.
The tool is not yet perfect for the purpose – there are many who cannot
connect, but their numbers are diminishing, as are the costs associated
with technology and connectivity. Over the period that the OER community
has been in existence, we have been able to link many more people and
institutions than would have been feasible through other means. Experts
and neophytes alike have come together to learn from one another, share
information and deliberate on related issues. Finally, after two years of
intensive interaction, members expressed their opinion on the priority
issues and the stakeholders that should take action to advance and support
the growing movement.
This document is a testament to the power of group deliberation in a
vibrant virtual community. It presents the way forward for OER based upon
the informed opinion of an international community, and sets out priorities
for future action. It will be of interest to many readers – from decision and
policy makers at the national level to teachers and academics at the local
Initiated by the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning,
the project has benefited from the support of many. First, the energy and
interaction of the community itself was maintained by a large and diverse
number of individuals. A Consultative Committee of seventeen members
acted as a sounding board and provided helpful input at important points
over the two years. My colleague, Catriona Savage, contributed unstintingly
her very considerable energy and competence to ensure that the OER

community interaction and resource building activities were well supported.
She was also responsible for the analysis of the data presented in this
report. The format and presentation of this document owes its elegance
to another colleague, Philippe Abbou. And all of these activities benefited
from the support of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. With its
vision of promoting equal access to knowledge worldwide, it has played the
very significant role of champion of the OER movement.
The OER community has a very special character: its composition, as well as
the nature and shape of its exchanges give it that character, which is every
bit as distinct as that of a colleague or friend. From a personal perspective,
I find this community wonderful in its thoroughly energetic thought and
action, as colleagues can be – and cherished in the way that friends may
be. I feel privileged to accompany it.

Susan D’Antoni
February 2008

Open Educational Resources


The term Open Educational Resources (OER) was adopted at a UNESCO
meeting in 2002 to refer to the open provision of educational resources,
enabled by information and communication technologies, for consultation,
use and adaptation by a community of users for non-commercial purposes.
The participants expressed “their wish to develop together a universal
educational resource available for the whole of humanity… they hope that
this open resource for the future mobilizes the whole of the worldwide
community of educators”.1
This sentiment is in the spirit of the UNESCO support of knowledge societies.
In his preface to the first UNESCO World Report, Towards Knowledge
Societies, the Director-General, Koïchiro Matsuura, states, “To remain
human and liveable, knowledge societies will have to be societies of shared
knowledge.”2 This relates to the primary objective of the Open Educational
Resources movement, the sharing of knowledge worldwide.
Information and communication technology has already had an impact on
many sectors, including education. However, while various new technologies
have shown promise for education in the past, few have delivered on that
promise, and many have disappointed. One reason for this may have been
a lack of available and appropriate content for the technology in question.
Now, there is what may prove to be a fruitful convergence:
connectivity to the Internet is increasing;
low cost computers and enhanced mobile phones are being developed;
the body of open content in digital format is expanding.
The academic community has always shared knowledge, and the scientific
method and peer review processes are based upon this approach. However,
the availability of content in digital format facilitates significantly its
sharing and the ease of adaptation, localization and translation, should
it have an open license. It means that educational materials can be made
widely available. The OECD study, Giving Knowledge for Free: the emergence
of Open Educational Resources, found that more than 3,000 courses were
available in 2007 from more than 300 universities worldwide.3 While
MIT OpenCourseWare and the OpenCourseWare Consortium, with over
100 institutions, may be among the most well-known examples, there
are many others around the world and many models. Although currently

most initiatives have been undertaken by traditional institutions, open
universities with their well-designed instructional materials have also
begun to explore OER. The UK Open University has created OpenLearn to
give open access to some of its materials, and the Dutch Open University
is making content available for independent study. And governments are
recognizing the potential of OER for expanding access to knowledge and
learning opportunities. In India the National Knowledge Commission has
called for a “national e-content and curriculum initiative” to stimulate the
creation, adaptation and utilization of OER by Indian institutions.4
The growing number of initiatives has led to the emergence of an Open
Educational Resources movement – a movement that aims to increase
access to knowledge and educational opportunities worldwide through
sharing educational content. If knowledge is to be shared as OER, there
must be change – in institutional policies and procedures, in teaching
and learning. The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Open Educational
Resources Initiative has designed its support around a change strategy that
aims to equalize access to knowledge through:
sponsoring high quality open content;
understanding and stimulating use;
removing barriers.
In 2005 the UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)
took up the challenge of addressing one of the major barriers to making use
of OER – lack of information. Without adequate and accessible information
about an option, it cannot be taken into consideration for planning, and
it cannot be explored and assessed for its potential utility to any of the
education stakeholders.

Open Educational Resources

The initial focus of UNESCO action related to OER was concentrated on
awareness raising in Member States of the potential of sharing educational
material as Open Educational Resources. As a first step, IIEP assembled over
500 people in an international Internet forum. Through a discussion that
was designed as a virtual seminar, participants heard about a number of
experiences in developing and using OER, and about related issues such
as copyright, and language and cultural concerns. Much information and
intelligence was shared and the discussion of the examples and issues was
Altogether, the community Figure 1. OER community members
that has been formed unites Arab States Caribbean
3% 1%
a wide range of individuals Central and Eastern Europe
Central Asia
and organizations, as well The Pacific
4% Western
as geographic regions – over East Asia Europe
5% 30%
620 members representing
Latin America
98 UNESCO Member States, 6%

of which 67 are developing

countries (Figure 1). Although South and
West Asia
the geographic balance is not
perfect, more than half of the
members are from developing
Sub-Saharan Africa North America
countries, and this is important 16% 22%

as the community reflects upon

a concept that seeks to equalize
access to knowledge worldwide.

After a period of intense discussion on OER, it could be expected that the
community would have formed an opinion on which constitute the priority
issues for advancing the OER movement, and on which stakeholders should
take the lead.
At the end of their first interaction in 2005, participants were invited to
specify the three most important issues to promote and enable the OER
movement. Their input resulted in a comprehensive list of fourteen issues
(Appendix 1). In early 2007, the community was asked first to rank the top
five priorities from that list, and then to identify the main stakeholders who
should play a leadership role for each issue they selected.
More than 50 per cent of the community members took the time to reflect
on the list of issues and to specify their own priorities. Those who responded
mirror almost exactly the geographic representation of the full community.
They represent a fairly wide range of organizations, although over half
come from universities and distance learning institutions. Many hold high-
level positions in their organizations, either as head or senior official or
manager. Teachers, researchers and project officers also constitute an
important number (Figure 2). This profile means that this collective priority-
setting exercise largely reflects the perspective of the educator and the

Figure 2. Occupational profile of respondents

Organization or institution Position held
Other Director or
Other 9% chief executive
18% Consultant

University professional
36% 7%
4% Researcher
National NGO 12%
5% 18%
International NGO Project or
6% Distance-learning programme officer
university institution 12% Senior official or manager
International organization
11% 17%

Open Educational Resources


The five most important issues6 stand out clearly, with a sixth that
deserves attention (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Priority issues in rank order




Total votes























































Awareness raising and promotion and communities and networking,

emerge as the main priorities for promoting the advancement of the OER
movement. Third-ranked capacity development is essential to enabling
creation and reuse of OER, while the fourth issue, sustainability, points
to the importance of ensuring that OER initiatives find their way into
existing and new approaches to extending flexible learning opportunities
and knowledge sharing. The flagging of quality assurance raises a concern,
one that reflects the broader issue of accessing information on the web.
Without the control processes of the publishing industry and the selection
process of the library or resource centre, users may be on their own in
determining the quality of a resource. The very openness of access to OER
means that the traditional structures of education systems which support
and protect the learner may be absent.

The sixth issue, copyright and licensing, is of growing concern. Resources
intended for release as OER, but which contain copyrighted material, pose a
problem. Either copyright clearance must be obtained, or the material must
be replaced or eliminated. Furthermore, the license assigned to educational
resources determines the degree to which they may be openly and freely
used. Alternate open licenses have been developed (such as those from
Creative Commons), and their use is growing. Developers and users would
benefit from guidance to help them better understand the implications of
the license they select for their materials or that has been applied to the
materials they wish to use.

Priorities of developed and developing country respondents

Since different countries have different situations and face different
challenges in considering creation and reuse or adaptation of OER, the
information collected was broken down in several ways. First, developed
and developing countries were separated,7 which revealed differences in
priorities, as can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Priority issues for developed and developing country respondents

Developed countries Developing countries
1 Awareness raising and promotion 1 Awareness raising and promotion
2 Communities and networking 2 Capacity development
3 Sustainability 3 Communities and networking
4 Quality assurance 4 Technology tools
5 Copyright and licensing 5 Learning support services
6 Capacity development 5 Research
7 Accessibility 7 Policies
8 Financing 8 Quality assurance
9 Standards 9 Financing
10 Learning support services 10 Sustainability
11 Research 11 Accessibility
12 Policies 12 Copyright and licensing
13 Technology tools 13 Standards
14 Assessment of learning 14 Assessment of learning

Open Educational Resources

While awareness raising remains the highest priority for both groups, issues
such as sustainability, accessibility and copyright, for example, are ranked quite
differently. Some of the differences might be explained by current levels of
creation and availability of OER in developed and developing countries. For
instance, sustainability – in common with copyright and standards – becomes
a priority when there is a critical mass of OER initiatives. On the other hand,
capacity development, technology tools and learning support services are a
priority in countries where there is currently a low level of OER development
and use. Also identified as of higher priority in developing countries are research
and policy. This may reflect the importance of a supportive environment for
OER development in countries with very limited resources. Ensuring that
OER development is an appropriate strategy for a particular country – one
which suits its needs – might necessitate research; and facilitating such OER
development might require an enabling policy framework.

Priorities of different regions

Just as there are differences in priorities between developed and developing
countries, there are different ranking patterns among regions (see Appendix 2).
Note, however, that these patterns should be taken only as indicative, since
the number of respondents from some regions was very small.
While awareness raising appears as a high priority for those in all regions,
the ranking of policies varies quite a bit – from the fourth priority in Latin
America and the Caribbean to the lowest priority of respondents from
South and West Asia, the Pacific and the Arab States. The diversity in the
ranking of issues underlines the importance of developing regional and local
communities and initiatives that will focus on local needs and conditions.

Priorities of those involved or not in an OER initiative

More than half of the respondents indicated that they were involved in an
OER initiative. Overall, their priorities reflect fairly closely those of the whole
group of respondents, with the top three issues remaining awareness raising,
communities and networking, and capacity development. The ranking for those
involved in an OER initiative also supports the supposition that copyright and
licensing, sustainability and financing will all move up the agenda of priority
issues as OER development and use become more widespread.
Those not involved in an OER activity ranked capacity development as a
high priority, which points to the need for ‘how to’ resources for those with
no prior experience with OER.

For each issue ranked as a priority, respondents identified the stakeholders
they felt should assume a leadership role. And, just as several priority
issues stood out, so did the lead stakeholders. Four of these were assigned
significant roles, with multiple issues to take up in advancing the OER
movement (see Appendix 3 for details).

Higher education institutions

Given the topic under discussion, and the profile of respondents, one could
have predicted that higher education institutions would be identified as the
lead organization for OER. And it was the university’s primary functions –
research and supporting learning – that were cited most frequently. Yet,
awareness raising and capacity development were also seen as priorities.
More surprisingly, two issues that relate to the creation of OER – copyright
and financing – and which demand a decision at the institutional level,
were not considered to be of priority to higher education institutions. It
should be noted, however, that, throughout the discussions, participants
stressed the need for expert legal guidance on copyright. As for the low
ranking of financing, it may reflect that, currently, most OER initiatives are

International organizations
International organizations were also judged to have an important role.
Copyright, financing and standards join awareness raising as the issues that
should be addressed by international bodies. Standard setting is a function
often undertaken at the international level. However, financing OER is a less
obvious role for international organizations, and its being cited underlines
the importance of the discussion of sustainable models for OER.

National governments
National governments were seen as the most important stakeholder for policy
support for OER, and for ensuring accessibility, which is often promoted
through education policy on the one hand, and through investments on

Open Educational Resources

technology and infrastructure on the other. Along with international

organizations, national governments were identified as the stakeholder
best placed to take up the challenges of copyright and financing of OER.

Academics were identified as the stakeholder group that should take
responsibility for those issues related to their various roles and functions in
the educational institution: namely, research, learning assessment, quality
assurance and learning support.

Other stakeholders
The remaining stakeholders are assigned leadership in those issues most
clearly related to their missions and functions. For example, grant-
making organizations and higher education funding bodies could take up
the challenge of funding initiatives, while regulatory bodies could take
responsibility for quality assurance of OER.
Finally, it should be noted that an important role for stakeholders was
identified – that of championing OER. Clearly, any or all of the stakeholders
could decide to champion OER (as has the Hewlett Foundation). What is
important is that effective champions continue to step forward for OER.
For, every movement, in order to succeed, must have its champions – and
this is particularly so at the beginning.

Through its deliberation on the key issues and the lead stakeholders, the
international community on OER has sketched out a way forward for the
movement, as well as for its own actions.

Advancing the movement...

First priority
Awareness raising
If OER is to contribute to increasing access to knowledge worldwide, it
is crucial that actors – from policy- and decision-makers at all levels, to
teachers and academics – be made aware of its potential, so that they
will be able to make informed decisions on if, and how, it can be used in
their local situation. Raising awareness of OER and its attendant issues has
been the primary goal of the UNESCO IIEP community, and it is clear that
continuing and concerted awareness raising actions must be a priority.

Awareness raising at the international level among UNESCO Member

States will continue. However, this must also be complemented by
awareness-raising actions at other levels. A strategy is needed, as
well as useful resources for activities such as workshops.

Second priority
Communities and networking
The strength of the OER community and the continuing adherence of its
members underline the importance of this type of international forum
for discussion and information sharing. Building and supporting such
a community is congruent with the main functions of UNESCO: as a
laboratory of ideas and a clearinghouse, a standard setter, a capacity builder
in Member States and a catalyst for international cooperation. Nonetheless,
an international community functions under certain constraints, such as
operating in one language and necessarily focusing on topics of general
concern. Both awareness raising and capacity development would be

Open Educational Resources

strengthened by decentralized activities complementary to those of the

international community.

Regional, linguistic and topic-specific communities will complement

and extend the initial activities of the international OER community.
UNESCO will promote the development of a loose network of regional,
linguistic or topic nodes that can support appropriate regional or
local action, while maintaining contact at the international level
through the community on OER.

Enabling creation and use…

Third priority
Developing capacity
Individuals and institutions interested in creating or adapting and re-using
OER need support to help them develop their own capacity to do so. One
of the interactions of the community focussed on the elaboration of a ‘Do-
It-Yourself/Do-It-Together’ resource that would serve this function. Such a
resource was seen as particularly important to promote OER creation and
use in developing countries.

The Do-It-Yourself/Do-It-Together resource should be developed to

enable active engagement in the OER movement.

Fourth priority
Quality assurance
If the OER movement is to take hold widely, the resources must be – and
be seen to be – of high quality. When information is taken from websites
worldwide, the user often lacks a frame of reference for determining the
quality of the information being accessed. The OER movement would benefit
from an exploration of current international quality-assurance mechanisms
and general guidelines and, potentially, from linking with existing quality-
assurance agencies.

UNESCO could establish a connection with the lead agencies for
quality assurance in education on behalf of the members of the
international community on OER, and promote the development of
guidelines for OER quality assurance.

Removing barriers…
Fifth priority
If the movement is to flourish, approaches and models are needed that
will ensure the viability of OER initiatives. Currently, the majority of OER
development is undertaken on a project basis, and often with donor support.
If it is to be sustainable, OER must be integrated into the policies and
procedures – as well as the regular budgets – of organizations.

The discussion that has already begun to identify and consider all the
options for sustainability must continue. Models must be articulated,
tested and evaluated, and the lessons learned shared widely.

Sixth priority
Copyright and licensing
Copyright and licensing is an issue that permeates the discussion and debate
on creation and reuse of OER. It is an issue with important implications
for both creators and users, and for their institutions. It might be expected
to move up the agenda of key issues as more and more OER development
takes place.

Copyright and its implications for OER need to be explored by the

OER community, and the situation clarified for the institution, the
creator and the user. UNESCO will hold a discussion on the topic,
with input from a panel of experts.

Open Educational Resources

1. UNESCO. 2002. Forum on the impact of open courseware for higher
education in developing countries: final report. Paris: UNESCO. Retrieved
from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0012/001285/128515e.pdf.
2. UNESCO. 2005. Towards knowledge societies. UNESCO world report.
Paris: UNESCO, p.5. Retrieved from http://unesdoc.unesco.org/
3. OECD. 2007. Giving knowledge for free: the emergence of Open
Educational Resources. Paris: OECD, p.40. Retrieved from http://www.
4. National Knowledge Commission Working Group on Open and Distance
Education. 2007. Report of the working group on Open Access and Open
Educational Resources. New Delhi: National Knowledge Commission,
Government of India, p.3. Retrieved from http://knowledgecommission.
5. All background documents and discussion reports are available on the
IIEP website and wiki, http://www.unesco.org/iiep/virtualuniversity/
forums.php and http://oerwiki.iiep-unesco.org.
6. Weighted by priority assigned by respondent, that is an issue ranked
as first priority was weighted 5, second priority as 4, third as 3, fourth
as 2 and fifth as 1.
7. Developed and developing country classifications are taken from the
UNESCO Institute for Statistics Global education digest 2006, http://

APPENDIX 1. Classification of priority issues for
promoting the OER movement

Advancing the OER movement

Awareness raising Increasing awareness of OER through all appropriate
and promotion channels and among all stakeholders, and explaining
its potential and benefits.

Communities and Linking individuals and organizations in Communities

networking of Interest or Practice, for the exchange of information
or collaborative development of resources.

Research Investigation and inquiry into OER. Any new

development deserves investigation so that it is better

Enabling creation and re-use of OER

Policies New approaches may demand new policies to support
the creation and re-use of OER, and those who are
implicated, such as teachers and learners.

Standards An agreed set of criteria, some of which may be

mandatory. For instance, standards for licensing and
metadata are needed to ensure interoperability of OER.

Technology tools Software tools to facilitate the development, access

and sharing of OER.

Quality assurance The systematic review of OER to ensure that

acceptable standards of education, scholarship and
infrastructure are being maintained.

Capacity Increasing the capability of individuals, institutions and

development organizations to create and use OER.

Enabling learning with OER

Learning support Online services, including forums and communities, to
services support and enhance learning with OER.

Assessment of The process of evaluating knowledge, skills and

learning competencies gained through learning with OER.

Open Educational Resources

Removing barriers to OER

Accessibility The degree to which people can access and use
information and communication technologies and,
through them, access OER.

Copyright and The difficulties to creating and re-using OER

licensing constituted by copyright (which grants the exclusive
right for a certain term of years to an author to print,
publish and sell copies of the original work).

Financing Securing financial resources for OER initiatives.

Sustainability Designing and applying models that ensure the

ongoing viability of OER initiatives.

APPENDIX 2. Issues ranked by order of
priority: regional breakdowns
Western Europe North America
No. of respondents = 97 No. of respondents = 72
1 Awareness raising 1 Communities
2 Communities 2 Awareness raising
3 Sustainability 3 Sustainability
4 Copyright 4 Capacity development
5 Quality assurance 5 Quality assurance
6 Accessibility 6 Financing
7 Learning support services 7 Copyright
8 Capacity development 8 Research
8 Financing 9 Standards
10 Standards 10 Accessibility
11 Policies 11 Learning support services
12 Technology tools 12 Technology tools
13 Research 12 Assessment of learning
14 Assessment of learning 14 Policies
15 Other 15 Other

Sub-Saharan Africa Latin America & Caribbean

No. of respondents = 54 No. of respondents = 28
1 Awareness raising 1 Capacity development
2 Capacity development 1 Communities
3 Communities 3 Awareness raising
4 Research 4 Policies
5 Policies 5 Research
6 Financing 6 Quality assurance
7 Accessibility 7 Financing
8 Learning support services 8 Sustainability
9 Technology tools 8 Learning support services
10 Sustainability 8 Assessment of learning
11 Quality assurance 11 Technology tools
12 Standards 11 Standards
13 Other 13 Copyright
14 Copyright 14 Accessibility
15 Assessment of learning

Note: Issues in shaded boxes were identified as priorities by more than half of the
respondents in the region.

Open Educational Resources

South & West Asia East Asia

No. of respondents = 27 No. of respondents = 15
1 Capacity development 1 Awareness raising
2 Awareness raising 2 Copyright
3 Learning support services 3 Sustainability
4 Communities 4 Communities
4 Technology tools 5 Quality assurance
4 Accessibility 5 Capacity development
7 Quality assurance 7 Policies
8 Research 8 Learning support services
9 Sustainability 9 Accessibility
10 Assessment of learning 10 Technology tools
10 Financing 10 Financing
12 Copyright 12 Standards
13 Standards 13 Assessment of learning
14 Policies 14 Research
15 Other

The Pacific Central & Eastern Europe

No. of respondents = 14 No. of respondents = 10
1 Awareness raising 1 Awareness raising
2 Capacity development 2 Communities
3 Quality assurance 3 Research
4 Communities 4 Standards
5 Copyright 5 Policies
5 Sustainability 5 Quality assurance
7 Accessibility 7 Capacity development
8 Research 8 Sustainability
8 Standards 9 Learning support services
10 Financing 9 Accessibility
11 Technology tools 9 Financing
12 Learning support services 12 Copyright
13 Assessment of learning 13 Technology tools
14 Policies 13 Assessment of learning

Arab States
No. of respondents = 8
1 Technology tools
2 Awareness raising
3 Capacity development
4 Communities
5 Quality assurance
5 Standards
5 Learning support services
8 Research
8 Financing
10 Accessibility
11 Assessment of learning
12 Sustainability
13 Policies

Open Educational Resources

APPENDIX 3. Priority issues for stakeholders

Stakeholder Priority issues % of respondents

Higher education 1 Research 81
institutions 2 Learning support services 74
3 Awareness raising and promotion 71
4 Assessment of learning 70
5 Capacity development 69
6 Quality assurance 66
7 Sustainability 60
7 Policies 60
9 Standards 57
10 Accessibility 55
11 Communities and networking 54
12 Copyright 51
International 1 Awareness raising and promotion 75
organizations 2 Copyright 69
3 Financing 66
3 Standards 66
5 Communities and networking 60
6 Capacity development 58
7 Policies 54
8 Sustainability 51
9 Research 50
National government 1 Policies 87
2 Copyright 68
3 Financing 66
4 Awareness raising 61
5 Accessibility 56
6 Sustainability 55
7 Capacity development 50
Academics 1 Research 71
2 Assessment of learning 66
3 Quality assurance 59
4 Learning support services 53
4 Communities and networking 53
6 Awareness raising and promotion 52
OER associations 1 Communities and networking 66
2 Awareness raising and promotion 61
3 Standards 60

Professional 1 Assessment of learning 56
and academic 2 Awareness raising and promotion 55
associations 3 Communities and networking 54
Technology - Technology tools 73
Foundations or - Financing 71
other grant-making
Higher education - Financing 56
funding bodies
Regional or local - Policies 54
Publishing and - Copyright 52
media companies
Regulatory and - Quality assurance 51
accreditation bodies
Non-Governmental - Awareness raising 51

Note: The order of the issues in the table relates to the number of times that the stakeholder
was selected for each issue – only issues that were assigned to a stakeholder by more
than half of the respondents are shown. The percentages are indicative of the degree of
consensus that a certain issue should be taken up by a certain stakeholder.

International Institute
for Educational Planning

This document has been produced with support from

the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation

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