The document provides recipes for various aromatherapy massage oils using essential oils, with recipes for massages targeting sore muscles, relaxation, sleep, immunity boosting, and more body aches and pains. Instructions are given for mixing specified essential oils into a carrier oil and massaging the areas.
The document provides recipes for various aromatherapy massage oils using essential oils, with recipes for massages targeting sore muscles, relaxation, sleep, immunity boosting, and more body aches and pains. Instructions are given for mixing specified essential oils into a carrier oil and massaging the areas.
The document provides recipes for various aromatherapy massage oils using essential oils, with recipes for massages targeting sore muscles, relaxation, sleep, immunity boosting, and more body aches and pains. Instructions are given for mixing specified essential oils into a carrier oil and massaging the areas.
The document provides recipes for various aromatherapy massage oils using essential oils, with recipes for massages targeting sore muscles, relaxation, sleep, immunity boosting, and more body aches and pains. Instructions are given for mixing specified essential oils into a carrier oil and massaging the areas.
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Aromatherapy Recipes
using Essential oils for
MASSAGE Massage oil for Sore Muscles 2 drops Ginger 4 drops Cinnamon 3 Drops Cajuput 3 drops Chamomile 15 ml of your favorite carrier oil Mix all oils and use as you !ould any massage oil" #or$ into muscles especially after a strenuous !or$out CALMING MASSAGE OIL %etitgrain & drops 'range 5 drops (eroli 4 drops )dd to 15 ml carrier oil of your choice" *lend +sha$e !ell, massage into shoulders and -ac$" Fatigue Relief Massage Blend Grapefruit . & drops %almarosa . 5 drops /hyme . 4 drops Carrier 'il of your choice . 15 ml *lend essential oils in carrier oil" 0ha$e !ell and use as needed" +511 2ormulas for )romatherapy -y 0chiller and 0chiller, Muscle Relaxer Massage (iaouli . 5 drops 3avender . 4 drops *lac$ %epper and . 3 drops %ine . 3 drops Carrier 'il such as almond or apricot oil . 15 ml Mix essential oils then add carrier oil" !arm slightly and use for massage" +2rom the 3ittle Giant *oo$ of )romatherapy -y 0chiller 4 0chiller, FOR your Massage after a hectic and cra5y day6 & drops )nise 15 drops 7ose 58 in 9ojo-a & drops (utmeg &1 ml of carrier oil Massage into upper chest -ac$ of nec$ across shoulders and mid -ac$" /his is one massage oil )l li$es" :se it to relieve stress and for calming" FOR Your Massage /his is an uplifting or refreshing massage -lend 5 drops 0pearmint 3 drops *asil 3 drops 3ime 3 drops 7osemary 3 drops ;ucalyptus 3 drops *ergamot 21 ml of carrier oil )dd essential oils to a 1 ounce am-er -ottle then add carrier oil Mix !ell and use for massage" 'mit the carrier oil and use this -lend in any diffuser" <t is !onderfully refreshing6 MASSAGE OIL for SORE MSCLES 5 drops )llspice FOR Your next RELA!ING MASSAGE 4 drops 'range 3 drops )nise 4 drops Cinnamon 3 Drops Cajuput 3 drops Chamomile 15 ml of your favorite carrier oil Mix all oils and use as you !ould any massage oil" #or$ into muscles especially after a !or$out 3 drops Cedar!ood 3 drops (eroli 2 drops Chamomile in 15 ml of carrier oil for a relaxing massage RELA!ING BA"# <n a !arm -ath put 4 drops Chamomile and 2 3avender" Do this -efore -ed as this is a relaxing -lend6 RBBING OIL for Sore $oints Marjoram 11 drops ;ucalyptus = drops Cajuput 4 drops *lac$ %epper 2 drops 1 cup carrier oil Mix all oils and add to the carrier oil. sha$e !ell and !arm gently -efore massaging on sore joints" FOR a BAC% AC#E MASSAGE 2 ta-lespoons . )lmond oil 11 drops . 3avender & drops . 7osemary & drops . 0andal!ood 3 drops . Geranium Mix in )m-er -ottle 0ha$e and apply to areas of discomfort" OIL for AC#ES& 'AIN and R#EMA"ISM 7osemary . 11 drops 9uniper *erry .& drops 3avender. = drops )ny carrier +-ase, oil 1 1>2 ounces +a-out 45 ml, Mix all oils and apply externally as needed" ALER"NESS MASSAGE Ginger . & drops Grapefruit. 5 drops 9uniper *erry 4 drops 15 ml of a carrier oil FOR Your BA"# Refres(ing )at( oil* 4 drops 2ir 4 drops Geranium 4 drops 0pearmint 2 drops 9uniper *erry 2 drops 3emon and 1 teaspoon carrier oil For S+EE" ,REAMS %ut a couple of drops of Marjoram and 3avender in a !arm *ath and enjoy6 Mix !ell and add to a tu- of very !arm !ater and 7;3)?66 A SLEE' MASSAGE OIL 4 drops . %ine 4 drops . Marjoram 4 drops . Melissa 1 drops . Cinnamon in 15 ml of Carrier oil" Mix all ingredients and use to massage" (ighty (ight @., 66 SORE MSCLES- 0!eet )lmond oil . = ounces *lac$ pepper . 12 drops Marjoram . & drops 9uniper *erry . & drops Ginger . & drops *lend these oils together then use as massage oil" Aou only need to use a-out a teaspoon or t!o for a nice massage6 "O SOO"#E AC#ING MSCLES 4 drops peppermint 4 drops thyme 4 drops 3avender 3 drops Marjoram 5ml any carrier oil" Mix the essential oils first then add to the carrier oil" Massage to affected areas" /his -lend can also -e added +a-out half, to the -ath tu-" %eople !ith sensitive s$in should use cautiously as stated a-ove peppermint can -e a s$in irritant" For t(e O.ER+OR%E, BAC% 2 ta-lespoons Carrier 'il 11 drops 3avender & drops 7osemary & drops 0andal!ood 3 drops Geranium %lace the essential oils in an am-er glass -ottle" Mix !ell" )dd the 2 ta-lespoons of Carrier 'il " 0ha$e gently to mix !ell" %lace a small amount to the area of the -ac$ discomfort" /his can also -e applied prior strenuous activity or after youBve over done it" +from )romatherapy ) 3ifetime Guide to Cealing !ith ;ssential 'ils -y Dalerie Gennari Coo$sley, ENLI.ENING 51ml of Carrier 'il such as )lmond 'il 4 drops %eppermint 4 drops Geranium 11 drops 7osemary Mix the essential oils then add the Carrier 'il and Mix" )pply after or during a -ath" /his is an excellent -lend for those experiencing 9et 3ag" +from /he ;ncyclopedia of )romatherapy -y Chrissie #ild!ood," For a ROMAN"IC MASSAGE 5 drops 0andal!ood 15 drops Alang ylang 3 drops *lac$ %epper 2 drops Ginger 15 ml Carrier 'il Mix all oils and add to the carrier oil. sha$e !ell and !arm gently -efore massaging remem-er to give a reciprocating massage and enjoy6 +511 2ormulas -y 0chiller and 0chiller, For SORE MSCLES . Massage 'il Grapefruit, - 5 drops Rose - 5 drops Fatigue Relief Massage Blend Grapefruit . & drops %almarosa . 5 drops /hyme . 4 drops Carrier 'il of your choice . 15 ml *lend essential oils in carrier oil" 0ha$e !ell and Tea Tree - 3 drops Spearmint - 2 drops Carrier Oil of your choice - 15 ml Mi to!ether and massa!e into sore muscle +/his 7ecipe came from 511 2ormulas for )romatherapy -y 0chiller and 0chiller, use as needed" +511 2ormulas for )romatherapy -y 0chiller and 0chiller, Muscle Relaxer Massage (iaouli . 5 drops 3avender . 4 drops *lac$ %epper and . 3 drops %ine . 3 drops Carrier 'il such as almond or apricot oil . 15 ml Mix essential oils then add carrier oil" !arm slightly and use for massage" +2rom the 3ittle Giant *oo$ of )romatherapy -y 0chiller 4 0chiller, Ro/antic Massage oil Cedar!ood . 2 drops Clary 0age . 2 drops 'range . 1 drop Danilla 118 in 9ojo-a . 21 drops 0unflo!er oils . 2 ounces Com-ine all these oils and sha$e !ell" 0lo!ly massage into your partners s$in" /a$e your time and massage out stressful areas shoulders -ac$ and more" ;njoy a Euiet evening together" AC#ES 0 'AINS RB 1 /a-lespoon 0!eet almond 'regano . 3 drops %eppermint . 4 drops Cedar!ood . 2 drops 3avender. 2 drops )dd essential oils to the 1 ta-lespoon )lmond oil 0tir or sha$e !ell" Massage into and ru- out the )ches and %ains6 Muscle Relaxer Massage (iaouli . 5 drops 3avender . 4 drops *lac$ %epper . 3 drops %ine needle . 3 drops Carrier oil such as 0!eet almond oil or apricot oil . 15 ml Mix essential oils then add carrier oil" #arm slightly and use for massage" +2rom the 3ittle Giant *oo$ of )romatherapy -y 0chiller 4 0chiller, FOR Your BA"# . <n a !arm -ath put 4 drops 7oman Chamomile and 2 3avender Do this -efore -ed as this is a relaxing -lend6 MASSAGE 4 drops 'range 3 drops )nise 3 drops Cedar!ood 3 drops (eroli 2 drops 7oman Chamomile in 15 ml of carrier oil for a relaxing massage" RBBING OIL Marjoram 11 drops ;ucalyptus = drops Cajeput 4 drops *lac$ %epper 2 drops "AN"ALI1ING BA"# %atchouli . 1 drop 7ose 'tto . 1 drop *ergamot . 2 drops carrier oil 1 cup Mix all oils and add to the carrier oil . sha$e !ell and !arm gently -efore massaging on sore joints" +)CC0 Course in )romatherapy, *lend in a nice !arm -ath and enjoy666 7ecipe from /he 2ragrant Deil . *y ;li5a-eth Millar S"RESS RELIE.ER MASSAGE BLEN, )nise . F drops 7ose 'tto . 1 drop (utmeg . 3 drops 0!eet almond . &1 ml *lend in 2 o5 am-er -ottle and -lend +sha$e, use to massage on -ac$66 IMMNE BOOS"ING MASSAGE OIL Carrier oil . 4 o5 Geranium . 11 drops /ea /ree . 11 drops 3emon . = drops /hyme . = drops Myrrh . & drops ;lemi . 5 drops *lend together in a dar$ -ottle . massage over -ody once or t!ice a day" +)romatherapy for Di-rant Cealth and *eauty -y 7o-erta #ilson, MASSAGE OIL FOR MSCLAR2S%ELE"AL 'AIN* 3es4ecially good for lo5er )ac6 4ain*7 15 ml +1 ta-lespoon, 0!eet almond 4 drops #intergreen 4 drops Cardamom 4 drops Ginger Mix together !ell and use to massage any area that gets muscle pain" < have a -irth defect in my spine that causes me a lot of lo!er -ac$ pain"" /his recipe !or$s really !ell to ease the pain 4 it gives me more mo-ility" Massage in thoroughly -ut gently" 0u-mitted -y 3isa %" from )ustralia /han$s 3isa SORE MSCLES 8 *ay laurel G 4 drops 7osemary G 4 drops ;ucalyptus G4 drops Alang Alang G 3 drops 15 ml carrier oil of your choice *lend oils in am-er -ottle sha$e and massage onto sore muscles" ('/;@ /his is our massage -lend HMuscle 7u-H +M* G31I, <f you donBt feel li$e mixing it yourself you can purchase a 2 o5 -ottle -y going tohttp@>>-irchhillhappenings"com>aroma5"htm SCEN"S2AL "OC# MASSAGE OIL Ginger G = drops Myrrh G 5 drops 9asmine G 2 drops +see note, Cardamom G 1 drop 2 ounces of your ,E"O!IFYING BA"# Geranium G 2 drops 7osemary 2 drops 9uniper *erry G 2 drops 3avender G 2 drops Mix together in an am-er -ottle" /hen add 5G= drops to -ath" Aou might !ant to mix a larger favorite carrier oil Mix all oils together and give one another a slo! sensual massage" %lease allo! plenty of time6 ('/;@ <f using our 118 dilution of 9asmine you !ill need to add approximately 21 drops of the 9asmine a-solute 118 +/his recipe comes from )romatherapy for Dummies -y Jathi Jeville, Euantity so you can use on a !ee$ly -asis" 7ecipe adapted from )romatherapy Cand-oo$ for *eauty Cair and 0$in Care -y ;rich Jeller MSCLE SORENESS MASSAGE OIL Alang Alang G 21 drops Ginger G 21 drops (utmeg 12 drops 7osemary = drops 2 ounces of 0!eet almond *lend all essential oils together then add to the s!eet )lmond oil" #arm oil slightly and massage into sore muscles" +511 formulas for )romatherapy -y 0chiller and 0chiller, MSCLAR 'AIN 7osemary G 5 drops Cypress G 15 drops 3avender G 11 drops 1>2 ounce carrier oil such as 0unflo!er oils or 0!eet almond oil Mix together in an am-er -ottle" /hen add 5G= drops to the carrier oil" Massage as needed on the sore muscles" 13 RELA!ING MASSAGE OIL Marjoram . & drops 7oman Chamomile . 3 drops 3avender . 11 drops 0age . 3 drops 2 ounces 0!eet almond 'il *lend all essential oils in a %;/ plastic -ottle then add the 0!eet 0!eet almond oil" 0ha$e !ell" :se for massage on any day -ut especially on days !here you are more stressed" 1" FA"IGE BLEN, Cedar!ood . & drops *ay laurel . 4 drops 0pruce . 4 drops 0!eet almond oil . 2 ounces *lend all essential oils in a %;/ plastic -ottles then add the 0!eet 0!eet almond oil" 0ha$e !ell" :se for massage !hen you need a little more energy" ;specially good to massage on tired legs and the lo!er -ac$" 1" A ,E9S"RESSING BA"# 3avender . 3 drops Alang Alang . 3 drops *asil . 2 drops +#EN YO #A.E 'LAYE, "OO #AR, 7osemary . 11 drops 3avender . 5 drops 7oman Chamomile . 5 drops Geranium . 2 drops Grapefruit . 2 drops 2ill /u- !ith !arm !ater add the essential oils" Close the -athroom door and enjoy and relax" 3ight a fe! candles play your favorite relaxing music and un!ind6 3emon . 5 drops %eppermint . 5 drops 1 ounce 0!eet 0!eet almond 'il *lend all the essential oils in an %;/ plastic -ottles " /hen add the 0!eet almond oil 0ha$e !ell" Massage into all those tired %)<(2:3 and sore muscles" /his is a stronger than normal massage oil" :sed specifically for 'D;7#'7J;D and %)<(2:3 muscles" Massage gently let the essential oils !or$ for you6 Clic$ Cere to go -ac$ to "(e RECI'ES IN,E! Clic$ Cere to go to the -eginning of our On Line Catalog To the Top of the Page #on$t for!et to %OO&M'R& this pa!e for your net (isit) Disclaimer@ #e do not endorse nor do !e encourage anyone to implement )romatherapy or any suggestions contained !ithin this site !ithout the consent of his>her medical doctor" #e also do not ta$e any lia-ility for your implementation of any oils recipes or anything else availa-le through this site from any -oo$ or company recommendation or availa-le on any site lin$ed from *irch Cill Cappenings )romatherapy 33C Helpful Links Essential oils 1""* +ure ,ssential Oils More Information Complete +roduct inde Syner!istic %lends Products %ase +roducts-unscente d. %ottles Carrier Oils #iffusers /asal 0nhalers Massa!e Oils Sampler 1its Contact information 2a(orite uses 3ome 3ealth and %eauty 0nde /e4sletters Orderin! info +ri(acy +olicy Recipes Shippin! 0nformation Ta5le of Contents-catalo!. KuestionsL ;.mail )l at -hhinfoM-irchhillhappenings"com *irch Cill Cappenings )romatherapy 33C 2=I= County 7oad 113 *arnum M( 55F1F.==1= More contact info Clic$ Cere Mem-ers of
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