Curs Engleza
Curs Engleza
Curs Engleza
I am a student in Bucharest and I am 19 years old. Maria is a student, too.
She is 20 years old. I am from Bucharest and Maria is from Constanta.
We are friends. Tom and Mihai are friends. They are students, too. Tom
is from Britain and he is in Bucharest now. Mihai is from Romania, from
Today is our first day at the faculty. We are happy to meet our colleagues.
Hello! Im Helen. Whats your name?
My name is Maria. Where are you from?
I am from Bucharest, and you?
I am from Constanta. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
There are many students at the faculty today. They are happy to meet new
people and make new friends.
day = zi
first = primul, prima
friend = prieten
from = de la, din
happy = fericit
make = a face
meet = a (se) ntlni
name = nume
new = nou, nou, noi
now = acum
people = oameni
that = aceea,acela
there are = sunt, se afl, exist
there is = este, se afl, exist
these = acestea, acetia
this = aceasta, acesta
those = acelea, aceia
today = ast zi
How do you do? = ce mai facei?
Formule de prezentare.
Nice to meet you = mi face plcere s te cunosc
Nice meeting you = ______ ,, __________
Let me introduceto you = d- mi voie s-i prezint pe..
This is ..( prenumele persoanei) = se folosete informal, ntre prieteni, colegi
I.Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintele de mai jos:
friends name is a from what
1. Mary_____ a student.
2. We are ____ Bucharest.
3. I am ___ students.
4. Maria and Helen are_________ .
5. My ______ is Tom.
6. ______ is your name?
II. Traducei n limba englez:
1. M numesc Maria i am 20 de ani.
2. Astzi este prima zi de cursuri.
3. Imi face plcere s te cunosc.
4. D-mi voie s i-i prezint pe prietenii mei.
5. Ei sunt studeni.
6. Tom are 23 de ani.
A: 'My name is Pierre and I come from France, from Paris. My
surname is Richard. I am happy to be here with you. What is
your name? Where are you from?'
B: 'My first name is Paul and my surname, or family name, is
Stevenson. I come from Britain.'
A: 'Who are these pretty girls over there?'
B: 'This is Maria Ionescu and that is Susan Brown. They are
students, too.'
A: 'Hello, Maria! Hello, Susan. Im glad to meet you.'
C: 'Hi, Pierre! Im Maria. Im from Vaslui, Romania.'
D: 'Im Susan. Im American.'
A: 'There are many new faces. Im eager to meet them.'
B: 'Yes, there are. There is also one schoolmate of mine, Anna.'
Names of countries and nationalities:
* Adjectivele derivate din nume proprii se scriu cu majuscul.
III. Dai cinci exemple de nume de familie i cinci exemple de prenume.
First names:
IV. Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintele cerute de context:
Tom and Susan are ... . They . students in the first year at the Faculty of Communication
and Public Relations. Toms .. is Stevens. He is from Britain. Susans surname is Smith. She
is Britain, too. They in Romania now. They are not Britain. They are with their
. Maria and Mihai. They are at the faculty now.
V. Cutai n dicionar urmtoarele cuvinte i formai propoziii cu ele.
1.portughez 2.danez 3.japonez 4.spaniol 5.chinez
VI. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Maria este student.
2. Ea este din Bucuresti.
3. Este bucuroas s fie coleg cu Susan, Pierre i cu Tom.
4. Sunt muli studeni la facultate acum.
5. Aceasta este prima lor zi ca studeni.
6. Se afl o carte pe mas.
7. Sunt muli prieteni la aceasta facultate.
VII. Gsii rspunsuri la urmtoarele ntrebri, astfel nct s formai un dialog.
1. A: Hi, my name is Irina. Whats your name?
2. B: .
3. A: Where are you from?
4. B:
5. A: Im from Bucharest. Im 20 years old. How old are you?
6. B:
7. A: Are you a student, too?
8. B:
9. A: Whats your favourite film?
10. B: .. and whats your favourite actor?
11. A: .
Pronumele personal
Persoana 1 I *
Persoana a 2-a you
Persoana a 3-a he(masculin)
it (neutru)
Persoana 1 we
Persoana a 2-a you
Persoana a 3-a they **
* se scrie cu majuscul indiferent de locul ocupat n propoziie.
** are aceeai form pentru masculin, feminin i neutru.
I. Completai spaiile goale cu pronumele personale de mai jos:
It We You She I
1. .. am a student.
2. are at home.
3. a friend.
4. .is a good architect.
5. an interesting book.
6. are at the faculty.
7. are very glad to be here with us.
II. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Ei sunt ingineri.
2. Ne pare bine s ne intlnim cu voi.
3. Jose nu este italian, el este spaniol.
4. Frana i Germania sunt ri europene.
5. Sunt multe ri n Africa.
6. Maria i Ana sunt prietene.
7. Noi nu suntem profesori, suntem studeni.
8. Eti acas n seara aceasta?
9. Imi pare ru.
10. Ele sunt prietene.
Adjectivul posesiv
Persoana 1 my
Persoana a 2-a your
Persoana a 3-a his (masculin)
her (feminin)
its (neutru)
Persoana 1 our
Persoana a 2-a our
Persoana a 3-a their *
*are aceeai form pentru masculin, feminin i neutru.
Pronumele posesiv
Persoana 1 mine= al/a/ai/ale meu/mea/
Persoana a 2-a yours= al/a/ai/ale t u/ta/ti/
Persoana a 3-a his = al/a/ai/ale lui
hers = al/a/ai/ale ei
its = al/a/ai/ale ei
Persoana 1 ours = al/a/ai/ale noastre
Persoana a 2-a yours = al/a/ai/ale lor
Persoana a 3-a theirs = al/a/ai/ale lor
III Completai spaiile goale cu pronumele personale sau adjectivele posesive de mai jos.
Our I Their
1. house is big.
We Her My you They
2. They are in the garden.; .. dog is in the garden, too.
3. am very busy.
4. . . are a student.
5. I am in town. .. friends are with me.
6. Susan is British nationality is British.
7. are angry.
IV. Alegei rspunsul corect:
1. Tom is friend.
c. I
d ___
2. .. dog is black.
a. we
c. ours
b. our d. ___
3. This car is .
a. they
c. their
b. __ d. theirs
4. What is name?
a. your
c. yours
b. you d. ___
Articolul nehotrt
A = un, o (se pune n faa substantivelor care ncep cu o consoan)
An = un, o (se pune n faa substantivelor care ncep cu o vocal)
a) se folosete pentru a introduce un substantiv pentru prima dat n text.
b) Se folosete numai cu substantive care se pot numra. Substantivele nume de materie (wine,
sugar, meat, bread,etc.), precum i substantivele abstracte (time, weather, happiness,etc.) nu
se pot numra i deci nu pot primi articolul nehotrt.
c) Se pune n faa unor substantive care exprim meserii i ocupaii.
*(w) i (y) sunt seminconsoane i se comport ca i consoane la nceput de cuvnt, deci vor primi
determinani de consoane: a ; the pronunat ca naintea unei consoane.
*Litera h la nceputul unor cuvinte mprumutate din limba francez nu se pronun. De exemplu:
hour, heir, honour. Deci cuvintele care ncep cu aceste sunete vor primi articolul nehotrt
an. Deci, atenie! a sau an se pun n faa unei vocale sau consoane, aadar, n faa unui sunet
care are aceste caracteristici.
This is a teacher.
This is an apple.
Mike is a doctor.
He is a policeman.
This is an orange.
V. Completai spaiile goale cu articolele nehotrte corespunztore.
1 ... boy;
2. house;
3. pineapple;
4. pen;
5. horse;
14. . umbrella;
15. toy;
16. . bartender;
17. flower;
18. . girl;
6. butterfly;
7 .eye;
8 telephone;
9 .man;
10. tree;
11 ear;
12 boat;
13 car;
19 . worker;
20. professor;
21. dog;
22. . chair;
23. . architect;
24. surgeon;
25. airplane;
26. . clock;
VI. Dai ase exemple de substantive ce nu primesc articolul nehotart an.
VII. Cinci dintre substantivele de mai jos nu pot fi precedate de articolul nehotrt.
Care sunt acestea?
wine; book; sugar; weather; apple; exercise; student; beer; flower; cat; bread; teacher; road; train
VIII. Completai spaiile goale cu a, an, sau _ .
1). .. banana is yellow.
2) He drivescar.
3) We buy umbrella.
4) They see ..elephant at the zoo.
5) Sheila wants to be actress.
6) We want to buy new house.
7) Maria writes article.
8) You are .good friend .
9) Mark is photographer.
10) I like.sugar in my coffee.
Articolul hotrt
The se citete (a) n faa unui subatantiv care ncepe cu o consoan
(i) n faa unui substantiv care ncepe cu o vocal
Cazuri de ntrebuinare :
1. Insoete un substantiv ce a mai fost menionat n text.
2. Se pune n faa unor substantive unice, ca de exemplu: the earth, the sun etc.
3. Se folosete atunci cnd substantivul este precedat de o prepoziie. Exemplu: at the theatre, in
the garden, to the cinema etc.
Excepii: at home, go home, in bed, go to bed.
Substantivele: school, church, hospital,prison, university au un regim puin mai special. Ele
nu vor primi articol hotrt dac ne referim la ele ca la instituiile n care se desfoar activiti
legate de specificul lor, iar cel ce face aciunea este implicat n ele, participnd la activitile ce se
desfoar in ele.
Cu the
Mark goes to school. He is in the fifth form.
Fr the( Articol zero)
Marks mother goes to the school to talk to
the teacher.
We go to church every Sunday morning.
Timpul prezent
We go to the church to take picutres of it,
because it is a historical monument.
Verbul TO BE
Singular Plural
Persoana 1 I am = eu sunt
Persoana a 2-a you are = tu eti
Persoana a 3-a he is = el este
she is = ea este
it is = el/ ea este(neutru)
Persoana 1 we are = noi suntem
Persoana a 2-a you are = voi suntei
Persoana a 3-a they are = ei/ele sunt
Singular Plural
Persoana 1 I am not = eu nu sunt
Persoana a 2-a you are not (arent) = tu nu
Persoana a 3-a he is not (isnt) = el nu este
she is not (isnt) = ea nu este
it is not (isnt) = el/ea nu este
Persoana 1 we are not (arent) = noi nu suntem
Persoana a 2-a you are not (arent) = voi nu
Persoana a 3-a they are not (arent) = ei nu sunt
Persoana 1 am I? = sunt eu?
Persoana a 2-a are you? = esti tu ?
Persoana a 3-a is he? = este el ?
is she? = este ea ?
is it? = este el/ ea?
Persoana 1 are we? = suntem noi?
Persoana a 2-a are you? = suntei voi?
Persoana a 3-a are they? = sunt ei?
IX. Trecei la forma negativ i la cea interogativ urmtoarele propoziii.
1. Jack is a pilot.
2. The students are in the library.
3. We are happy.
4. Maria is from Madrid.
5. We are at home.
6. They are at the theatre.
7. A cat is on a chair.
8. My friend is an engineer.
X. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Este ea acas?
2. Nu, ea nu este acas.
3. Ea este n parc.
4. Numele meu de familie este Georgescu, iar prenumele este Alina.
5. Suntem bucuroi s te cunoatem.
6. John este arhitect.
7. New York este un ora mare.
8. Crile sunt pe mas.
9. Zilele sunt scurte iarna.
10. Eti liber astzi?
XI. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. Where is Bucharest?
2. What is your name?
3. Where are you from?
4. Where is Mount Fuji?
5. Where are they?
My name is Mark. I am 20 years old. I have a big family. My mothers name is Anne.
She is a doctor. She is 42 years old. She works in a hospital, near our house. My
fathers name is John. He is 45 years old. He is an engineer. He works in a
construction company. I have a sister and a brother.
My sisters name is Susan. She is 17. She is a pupil. My brothers name is Stuart. He
is 19. He is a student. I have two uncles, who are my mothers brothers and three
aunts. One is mothers sister, and two are my fathers sisters. I also have five cousins.
All my grandparents live in the country. I love to spend my holidays with them. I also
have a dog, Spot, and a cat Whiskers. They are very good friends.
all = to i, toate
aunt = mtu
big = mare
brother = frate
cousin = vr, verioar
father = tat
grandparents = bunici
house = cas
love = a iubi
pupil = elev, elev
sister = sor
spend = a petrece
uncle = unchi
who = cine
(66) (72)
(42) (45) (39) (35) ( 33) (43) ( 46)
(20) (19) (17) (14)
(20) (18) (16)
I. Citii propoziiile de mai jos i stabilii care sunt adevrate (T/TRUE)
i care sunt false (F/FALSE).
1. Mark is 19 years old.
2. Susan is his mother.
3. His grandparents live in the country.
4. He has a sister.
5. His sisters name is Anne.
6. Emma is Marks sister.
7. Billy and Lucas are brothers.
II. Incercuii cuvintele care nu aparin categoriei respective.
1. sister
2. my
3. am
4. father Romanian French British
5. teacher architect name engineer
III. Alctuii propoziii cu ajutorul cuvintelor de mai jos.
1. you/school/ in/ are/ at/ You/ the/ arent/ now/ garden.
2. his/ What/ name/ is?
3. American/ is/ nationality/ Toms/ isnt/it/ British.
4. live/ the/ grandparents/ school/his/ near.
5. the/are/two/garden/there/dogs/in.
IV. Scriei zece propoziii despre dumneavoastr. (cum v numii, naionalitatea,localitatea de
unde suntei, familia).
Verbul TO HAVE = a avea
Face parte din categoria verbelor auxiliare i alturi de verbul to be, formeaz interogativul prin
inversarea subiectului cu predicatul, iar negativul prin simpla adugare a negaiei not.
Timpul prezent
Persoana 1 I have = eu am
Persoana a 2-a you have = tu ai
Persoana a 3-a he/she/it has = el/ ea are
Persoana 1 we have = noi avem
Persoana a 2-a you have = voi avei
Persoana a 3-a they have = ei/ele au
Persoana 1 I have not (havent) = eu nu am Persoana 1 we have not (havent)
= noi nu avem
Persoana a 2-a you haven not (havent)
= tu nu ai
Persoana a 3-a he/ she/ it is not (isnt)
= el/ ea nu are
Persoana a 2-a you have not (havent)
= voi nu avei
Persoana a 3-a they have not (havent)
= ei/ ele nu au
Pesoana 1 have I? = am eu?
Persoana a 2-a have you? = ai tu?
Persoana a 3-a has he/ she/ it? = are el/ ea?
Persoana 1 have we? = avem noi?
Persoana a 2-a have you? = aveti voi ?
Persoana a 3-a have they?= au ei/ ele?
Verbul 'have' se folosete n unele expresii, pierzndu-i intelesul de a avea.
have breakfast/lunch/dinner = a servi micul dejun/ prnzul/ cina
have a break = a lua o pauz
have a class = a avea o or (ex. de englez)
have a cup of coffee/tea = a servi o ceasca de cafea/ ceai
have a cold = a fi rcit
I. Cu ajutorul unui dicionar gsii i alte expresii formate cu ajutorul verbului have.
II. Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintele de mai jos.
has father my its have are
her sisters
1. . family is big.
2. I three sisters and two .. .
3. My is an doctor.
4. He works . a hospital.
5. Have you got .. brother?
6. ... Jim .... electrician?
7. .. they mechanics?
8. names Julia.
9. .. you married?
10. She .. a dog.
11. .. name is Spot.
Pluralul substantivelor.
In limba englez exist dou feluri de plurale. Plurale regulate i neregulate.
Plurale regulate.
In aceast categorie intr substantivele care formeaz pluralul prin adugarea terminaiei s la
forma de singular.
Reguli ortografice.
1. Substantivele terminate in y:
- cnd y este precedat de o consoan acesta se va transforma n ies:
lorry lorries
fly flies
secretary secretaries
- cnd y este precedat de o vocal va rmne neschimbat:
2. Substantivele terminate n s, ss, sh, ch, z, x, th formeaz pluralul prin adugarea
vocaleie + s:
3. Substantivele terminate in f,fe formeaz pluralul prin transformarea lui f in v+es:
Excepii: roof
4. Substantivele terminate n o formeaz pluralul prin adugarea terminaiei es:
Excepii: piano
5. Substantive de origine strin.
a.Cele teminate n um primesc la plural terminaia a:
data (data, informaie)
b. Cele terminate n is primesc la plural terminaia es:
bases (baza)
crises (criza)
c. Cele terminate n us primesc la plural terminaia i:
hippopotamus hippopotami, sau hippopotamuses
Plurale neregulate.
man = brbat
woman = femeie
child = copil
tooth = dinte
goose = gsc
foot = picior (laba piciorului)
mouse = oarece
louse = pduche
ox = bou
Substantive compuse.
1. Substantivele compuse scrise ntr-un singur cuvnt formeaz pluralul n conformitate cu regulile
generale privind numrul plural al substantivelor:
2. Substantivele formate din pri de vorbire principale legate, sau nu, prin linioar de unire
formeaz pluralul urmnd regulile menionate mai sus.Semnul de plural l primete cuvntul care d
sensul cuvntului compus (substantivul de baz).
school-mate school-mates
3. Cnd substantivul compus este format i din prepoziii, adverbe etc., semnul de plural l va primi
passers-by (trector)
mothers-in-law (soacr)
4. Cnd primul element al substantivului compus este man sau woman, ambele substantive
primesc semnul pluralului:
man-servant men-servants
woman-servant women-servants
5. Cnd n componena substantivului compus nu se afl nici un substantiv, pluralul se formeaz
prin adugarea terminaiei s la forma de singular:
forget-me-not forget-me-nots( nu-ma-uita)
apartment = apartament
ash= scrum
cloth = stof, material
colour =culoare
custom = obicei
damage = deteriorare
glass = sticl; pahar
pain = durere
Forme de plural cu sens diferit.
apartments = camere; locuine, apartamente
ashes = cenu
clothes = haine
colours = 1. culori. 2. pavilion, steag, drapel
customs = 1. obiceiuri. 2. vam
damages = despgubiri
glasses = pahare; ochelari
pains = dureri; osteneal
Substantive defective.
Au aceeai form la singular i la plural.
sheep (oaie)
deer (cerb)
aircraft (aeronava) aircraft
Substantive care au numai form de singular, dar nu se pot numra. Pentru a le numra se folosete
a piece of equipment
furniture (mobila)
Substantive cu forma de plural i cu ineles de singular. Ele se acord cu verbul la singular.
news (tiri)
measles (pojar)
Substantive ca trousers, glasses, pyjamas, scissors au numai form de plural i se acord cu
verbul la pural. Pentru a le numra se folosete expresia: a pair of.
Exemplu : a pair of trousers = o pereche de pantaloni
Substantive colective
Substantive ca: family, orchestra, team, crew, committee, etc. sunt substantive colective.
Ele se acord cu verbul la singular, cnd sunt privite ca un tot unitar i la plural cnd ne referim la
toi membrii componeni ai colectivului respectiv. Substantivele police, cattle se acord numai la
III. Punei la plural urmtoarele substantive:
1. child 11. rash
21. basis
2. potato
12. brother
22. cloth
3. half
13. memorandum 23. furniture
4. equipment
5. box
6. face
7. mouse
8. toy
9. man
10. town
14. county
15. gulf
16. match.
17. life
18. cry
19. mouth
24. handkerchief
25. wolf
26. advice
27. foot
28. glass
29. window
30. datum
Genitivul substantivelor
Cazul genitiv poate fi exprimat n dou feluri.
1. Genitivul sintetic( s , sau ~s)
2. Genitivul analitic (cu prepozitia of).
1.Genitivul sintetic
a) se adaug s la forma de singular i la forma de plural a substantivelor neregulate.
boys , mens, childrens etc.
posesor+s + obiect posedat the boys toy; the childrens dog
posesori+ obiect posedat the boys toy
b) cazuri de ntrebuinare.
- dup nume de fiine
- n componena unor nume de magazine. Exemplu: bakers, grocers etc.
- cu nume de ri. Exemplu: Romanias population
- cu uniti de timp, greutate, distan, valoare, msuratori. Exemplu: a five
minutes conversation, a two miles distance
- substantivele nume proprii terminate in s : se poate pune fie substantivul+ s ,
fie substantivul + . Nu exist o regul.
Ex. Keats' poems sau Keats's poems
2.Genitivul analitic
a) se formeaz cu ajutorul prepoziiei of: the + obiectul posedat+ of + the+ posesor
Exemplu: the pages of the book
b) cazuri de ntrebuinare:
- cu nume de obiecte
- cu nume de fiine, n special atunci cnd avem o serie de genitive.
Exemplu: - the doors of the room
- He is the brother of my sisters cousin.
IV. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Sunt prietenul lui Marco.
2. Fratele Mariei are un cine.
3. Ea este secretara lui Tom.
4. Crile profesorului sunt pe mas.
5. Este o excursie de trei zile.
6. Maria este la mcelarie.
7. Mingea este n grdina vecinului meu.
8. Jane este prietena surorii mele.
9. Aceasta nu este cartea Mariei, este a mea.
10. Tim este vrul prietenului Mariei.
V. Ed .Collins scrie povestiri poliiste. Iat cteva dintre titlurile acestora.
Scriei-le folosind una din cele dou forme de genitiv.
1. the gun . Mr. Stevenson
2. the smell blood
3. the car ..the kidnapper
4. the heat the night
5. the death someone very important
6. the chairman the bank
7. the money.. the gangsters
8. the day. fhe funeral
9. the umbrella the old woman
10.the days . the old times
VI. Punei substantivele la cazul genitiv.
1. Its a special offer for this month.
2. I ll see you in a week.
3. They go on a tour of five months.
4. It is a film of two hours.
Its this special offer.
Ill see you in a . time.
They go on a .. tour.
Its a .. film.
Numeralul ordinal
twenty one
a/ one hundred
a/ one thousand
a/ one million
a/ one billion
Citirea miilor se poate face fie citind numerele cifr cu cifr, fie astfel: 1964= nineteen hundred and
sixty four.
Cnd se scrie adresa, se va scrie inti numrul i apoi strada: 31, Madison Avenue.
Exprimarea orei
In limba englez minutele se pun naintea orei.
Cuvinte i expresii folosite pentru exprimarea orei:
half = jumtate
quarter = sfert
past = i
to = fr
whats the time? sau what time is it? = ct este ceasul?
Its .. .
Its twenty minutes past nine - este 9:20
Its nine twenty este 9:20
Its two minutes to six.
Orele se pot exprima astfel :
a.. Cu numerale de la 1 la 12. Orele de la 12 noaptea la 12 ziua sunt nsoite de abrevierea a.m.
(ante meridiem), iar cele de la 12 ziua la 12 noaptea sunt insoite de abrevierea p.m.(post
b. Cu numerale de la 1 la 24. Aceast variant este preferat pentru exprimarea orei oficiale,
sau n orare.
VII. Scriei cu litere urmtoarele numere.
165; 14; 40; 55; 50; 25; 15; 1667; 888; 12; 89; 2001; 334; 3,365,878 ; 6; 607; 292; 08.
VIII. Scriei numerele de mai jos n ordinea corect.
eleven two eight five nine three ten
seven four six
IX. Citii paragraful de mai jos. Identificai greelile de gramatic i de ortografie.
Her name Anne Porter.
Shes England.
His surname is Porter.
His address is Belgravia, 29, London.
She telephone number are 071 222 785
She is an secretary.
X. Scriei n litere urmtoarele ore:
XI. Traducei n limba englez:
1. 7:25
2. 6:36
3. 8:22
4. 11:45
5. 2:12
6. 3:14
7: 4:48
8. 18:25
9. 22:35
10. 17:00
11. 9:03
12. 5:15
13. 4:40
14. 12:00
1. Sunt 60 de minute ntr-o or, 24 de ore ntr-o zi,
30 de zile ntr-o lun i 12 luni ntr-un an.
2. Luni dimineaa merg la facultate.
3. Cte secunde sunt ntr-un sfert de or ?
4. Cte minute sunt ntr-un sfert de ora?
5. Anul are 365 de zile.
6. A: C t este ceasul?
B: Este apte i douzeci i cinci.
7. Spectacolul ncepe la 8 fix.
8. Biletele cost $20,59 fiecare.
9. Lucrez de la 8:30 dimineaa pn la 4 dup amiaza.
10. Inlimea medie a unui brbat n Marea Britanie este de aproximatv 173 cm.
Not: Numerele se vor scrie n litere, nu n cifre.
I wake up every morning at half past six. I get up, go
to the bathroom, I take a shower and brush my teeth.
Then I get dressed, go to the kitchen and have
breakfast. I usually have toast, butter, jam, cereals
with milk and I drink a cup of coffee. After that I go
to university. I have classes until two oclock. At the
university I meet my friends. We study a lot of
interesting things, such as computer science,
marketing, etc. We study foreign languages, too.
English is compulsory. We also study another
language, French or German. After classes I and my
friends go for a walk, when the weather is fine or we
go to a cafe for a coffee and for a chat.
Sometimes I go to the library to study, or I go home and have lunch.
In the evening I study, I watch TV, or I go out with my friends. I go to sleep at about eleven oclock
in the evening. This is a usual day of my life.
lot of = o mulime de
go = a merge
also = de asemenea (se pune dup subiect) go for a walk = a merge la (o) plimbare
another = altul, alta
bathroom = baie
breakfast = micul dejun
brush = a spla, a peria
butter = unt
cereals = cereale, fulgi de cereale
chat = conversaie, tacla
classes = ore, cursuri
compulsory = obligatoriu
cup = ceac, can
drink = a bea
every = fiecare
foreign = strin
get dressed = a se mbrca
get up = a se scula
go out = a iei n oras
go to sleep = a merge la culcare
have classes = a avea cursuri
jam = gem
kitchen = buctrie
meet = a (se) ntlni
milk = lapte
such as = ca de exemplu, cum ar fi
take a shower = a face (un) du
toast = pine prjit
too = de asemenea (se pune la sfrsitul propoziiei,
dup virgul).
wake up = a se trezi
The four seasons:
I. Citii i potrivii jumtile de propoziii din coloana stng cu cele din coloana din
dreapta astfel nct s formai propoziii coerente i corecte din punct de vedere gramatical.
1. I go to the bathroom
2. Every day my friend Ana goes to classes...
3. We sometimes
4.I go to the kitchen
5. I sometimes go for a walk
a. for breakfast.
b. in the park.
c. to take a shower.
d. at half past seven.
e. go to a caf.
II. Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintele cerute de context.
1. Sarah Miller is . secretary.
2. .. works in a law firm.
3. She ... from 9 to 5.
4. Sarah .. at seven oclock.
5. After she . breakfast, she. to work by tube.
6. She .at twelve when she has
7. After lunch she .. back to work.
8. She finishes five oclock, when .. goes home.
9. In the evening she . goes out.
10. She does not . to work on Saturday.
III. Traducei n limba englez.
1. In fiecare diminea m trezesc la ora apte.
2. Uneori merg la o plimbare n parc cu prietenii mei.
3. Mihai ia micul dejun dup ce face un du.
4. Beau o ceac de cafea dup masa de prnz.
5. Merg la teatru n fiecare sptmn.
Mesele zilei
breakfast = micul dejun
lunch = prnz, dejun
dinner = cina
supper =supeu
* mesele zilei nu se articuleaz cu articolul hotrt.
Exemplu: What do we have for breakfast?
Zilele sptmnii
*zilele sptmnii se scriu ntotdeauna cu liter mare, indiferent de locul ocupat n propoziie.
* se folosete prepoziia on cu zilele sptmnii. Ex. On Monday I go to the theater.
*zilele sptmnii nu se articuleaz cu articolul hotrt.
Lunile anului
March March September Sept.
- lunile anului se scriu ntotdeauna cu majuscule, indiferent de locul ocupat
- se folosesc cu prepoziia 'in': 'I go to the seaside in July'
- nu se articuleaz cu articol hotrt sau nehotrt
Timpul prezent al verbelor noionale. (Present Simple)
I. Prezentul simplu al verbelor noionale se folosete pentru a exprima :
- o aciune care se petece in mod obisnuit;
- o aciune repetat;
- o situaie de rutin pe care o vedem ca permanent;
- cu verbe care exprim sentimente, activiti mintale, percepii.
Exemple: __ I usually have lunch at 12.
__ I wake up every day at six.
__ I live in Bucharest.
__ I want to go for a walk.
__ I understand what the teacher says.
__ I smell the rose.
Verbul are aceeai form la toate persoanele, cu excepia persoanei a treia singular care primete
terminaia s.
Persoana 1 I go
Persoana a 2-a you go
Persoana a 3-a he/ she/ it goes *
Persoana 1 we go
Persoana a 2-a you go
Persoana a 3-a they go
*la persoana a 3 a singular se aplic aceleai reguli ortografice care se aplic la pluralele
Exemplu: la verbele terminate n y precedat de o consoan terminaia s se va aduga astfel: y
se va transforma n i, deci vom avea ies. La cele terminate n vocal nu se va face nici o
Pentru formarea interogativului se folosete verbul auxiliar to do.
Verbul to do poate fi att verb de sine stttor (noional), ct i verb auxiliar. Ca verb auxiliar i
pierde sensul de a face i se folosete ca simplu instrument gramatical.
El se conjug astfel:
Persoana 1 I do
Persoana a 2-a you do
Persoana a 3-a he/she/it does
Persoana 1 do I ?
Persoana a 2-a do you?
Persoana a 3-a does he/she/it?
Persoana 1 we do
Persoana a 2-a you do
Persoana a 3-a they do
Persoana 1 do we?
Persoana a 2-a do you?
Persoana a 3-a do they?
Persoana 1 I do not (dont)
Persoana a 2-a you do not (dont)
Persoana 1 we do not (dont)
Persoana a 2-a you do not (dont)
Persoana a 3-a he/she/it does not (doesnt) Persoana a 3-a they do not (dont)
Deci interogativul verbelor noionale se formeaz astfel:
Do( conjugat la prezent) + Subiect + verbul de conjugat pus la infinitivul scurt ( fr to)
Persoana 1 Do I go?
Persoana a 2-a Do you go ?
Persoana a 3-a Does/ he/ she/ it go ?
Persoana 1 Do we go ?
Persoana a 2-a Do you go ?
Persoana a 3-a Do they go ?
Negativul verbelor noionale se formeaz astfel:
Subiect + do(conjugat la prezent) + not + verbul de conjugat pus la infinitivul scurt.
Persoana 1 I do not go (don t go)
Persoana a 2-a you do not go(dont go)
Persoana a 3-a he/ she/ it does not go
(doesnt go)
III. Adverbe care se folosesc cu prezentul simplu:
Persoana 1 we do not go (dont go)
Persoana a 2-a you do not go (dont go)
Persoana a 3-a they do not go (dont go)
usually (de obicei), often (adesea), always (ntotdeauna), seldom (rareori), sometimes (uneori),
ever (vreodat) , never (niciodat) ,etc.
Poziia lor n propoziie este ntre subiect i predicat.
Exemplu: I always go to school by bus.
Numeralul ordinal
Numeralele ordinale exprim numeric locul pe care-l ocup ntr-o niruire diferite obiecte:
the first = primul
the second = al doilea
the third = al treilea
the fourth = al patrulea
the fifth = al cincilea
the sixth = al aselea
the seventh = al aptelea
the eighth = al optulea
the ninth = al noulea
the tenth = al zecelea
the eleventh
the twelfth
the thirteenth
the fourteenth
the fifteenth
the sixteenth
the seventeenth
the eighteenth
the nineteenth
the twentieth
the twenty-first
the twenty-second
the twenty-third
the thirtieth
the fortieth
the fiftieth
the sixtieth
the seventieth
the eightieth
the ninetieth
the hundredth
the hundred and first
Scrierea datei in limba englez.
In limba englez data se exprim cu ajutorul numeralului ordinal.
Exist mai multe posibiliti de scriere a datei:
Luni 15 februarie 1989 : Monday, 15
February, 1989 (se citete the fifteenth of February)
Monday, February 15
, 1989 ( se citete February the fifteenth)
Monday, February 15, 1989 ( se citete 'February the fifteenth')
I. Traducei n limba englez.
1.De obicei iau micul dejun la ora 6.30.
2. Vrei s mergi la teatru cu noi ast sear?
3. Uneori mi place s m plimb n parc.
4. La ce or te scoli dimineaa?
5. Maria se spal pe dini dup fiecare mas.
6. Vreau sa beau un pahar cu ap.
7. John nu se ntlnete cu prietenii si.
8. Ce data este astzi?
9. Astzi este 21 iulie 2002.
II. Punei verbele din paranteze la forma corespunztore, fcnd modificrile necesare.
1. I (go) .. to work by bus, but my brother (go) . by car.
2. Lucy(not, speak) . French. She (speak) . English.
3. (go, you) shopping on Friday ?
4. I (read, often) . a book in the evening.
5. (she, write, always) to her parents once a week ?
6. They ( go, sometimes) . to the cinema with their friends.
7. What date ( it, be) today?
8. A: (always, you, have breakfast) .. at nine oclock?
No, I ( not, do). I (have) .. breakfast so late only on weekends.
III. Fiecare propoziie conine cte o greeal. Gsii-o i corectai-o .
1. She like apples.
2. They doesnt understand what the teacher says.
3. I have usually breakfast before I go to school.
4. The children go at the zoo on Sunday morning.
5. Sarah goes sleep at ten.
6. When do he comes?
He comes in Monday 20 June, I think.
7. There is three books on the table.
IV. Aceasta este o pagin din agenda lui Susan. Citii-o cu atenie i apoi completai propoziiile de
mai jos.
Susans calendar
Go to the cinema with John
Play tennis with John
Go to the theatre with John
Go to Helens birthday party
Write to Helen
Go shopping for Helens birthday
Walk in the park
1. On Monday .. .
2. On Saturday . .
3. On Wednesday . .
4. On Tuesday .. .
5. On Thursday . .
6. On Friday . .
V. Gsii definiia corect a cuvintelor din coloana stng n coloana dreapt.
1. briefcase =
2. comb =
3. shower =
4. clothes =
5. soap =
6. hairbrush =
7. toothbrush =
8. newspaper =
a. a publication in which you can read the news.
b. things you put on to cover yourself.
c. an object you use to comb your hair.
d. you keep your books, pens, notebooks in it.
e. it pours water on you when you wash yourself.
f. you use it to clean your teeth.
g. it looks like a cake, and you use it to wash yourself.
h. it has teeth, and you use it to arrange your hair.
VI. Rspundei la ntrebri folosind verbele want si hope.
1. Youre thirsty. What do you want?
2. Youre tired. What do you want?
3. The film seems boring. What do you hope?
4. Youre hungry. What do you want?
I want a glass of water.
5. The weather is nice today. What do you hope?
Principalele prepozitii
at = la (indic aflarea/ stationarea ntr-un loc)
to = la, ctre (indic deplasarea spre un loc)
inside = nuntrul
next to = alturi de, lng
opposite = vis-a- vis
outside = n afar, n exteriorul
VII. An interview
Susan is an English journalist. She interviews Andrei about Romanian eating habits. Here are her
questions. Read them and try to give answers.
1. When do you have your main meal?
2. Do you often eat soup?
3. Do you ever drink wine with your meals?
4. What do you eat for breakfast?
5. What do you like to drink at breakfast: tea, or coffee?
6. How many meals do eat every day?
7. Do you eat a special meal on Sunday?
VIII. In aproximativ 30 de cuvinte descriei o zi din viaa dumneavoastr.
IX. Completai poezia de mai jos cu numele lunilor care lipsesc:
Thirty days has (September).
A , J . , and N .
All the rest have .. ,
Except for F. alone;
Which has but twenty-eight, in fine,
Till leap year gives it .
X. Scriei numele ntregi ale abrevierilor de mai jos.
1. Mon.
2. Thurs.
3. Sat.
4. Aug.
5. Apr.
6. Feb.
7. Jan.
8. Tues.
9. Sept.
10. Wed.
11. Nov.
12. Oct.
XI. Paragraful de mai jos conine cinci greeli. Gsii-le i corectai-le.
I want to go to a party on saturday for Jills birthday. Her birthday is on Tuesday but she wants to
have the party on the weekend.
She want to have a barbecue. I think spring is a good time to have a barbecue because of the
weather. I love going to barbecues on the spring. My birthday is in Winter, and its too cold to eat
between = ntre doi, doua
blow, blew, blown = a sufla
I usually have lunch between 12 and 1 p.m. I go to the
cafeteria for lunch. I like to go there. The food is very good. I
usually have a soup, and some chicken and mashed potatoes,
but today Im having only a ham and cheese sandwich with
lettuce salad and a cup of coffee. My friend Sandra is eating a
soup, some chicken and rice, and a strawberry yogurt. She is
sitting at the same table with me. Michael and Diana are our
friends. They usually go to the snack bar, but today they are
having lunch here. They are sitting at a table next to ours.
They are drinking coffee. After lunch we are going for a walk
in the park, because today is a very nice and warm day. The
sun is shining and there is no wind blowing. After that we
want to go to the library to study. Sometimes, when it is cold
outside we only go to the library.
lettuce = salat verde
library = bibliotec
cafeteria = bufet/ restaurant cu autoservire
cheese = brnz
chicken = pui
cold = frig
drink, drank, drunk = a bea
eat,ate,eaten = a mnca
go for a walk = a merge la plimbare
ham = unc
mashed potatoes = cartofi piure
next to = lng, alturi de
shine, shone, shone = a strluci
sit, sat, sat = a sta jos, a edea
strawberry = cpun
warm = cald
wind = vnt
I. Punei propoziiile de mai jos n ordinea corect, astfel nct s realizai un dialog:
a) No, small please. And a tuna fish sandwich and some crisps, please. ______
b) OK. Here you are. Is that it? So, that comes to $3.85 altoghether. _____
c) Thank you. ___
d) Do you take sugar? ___
e) Hello. Can I help you?___
f) Yes, two please.___
g) No, a plain one.____
h) Yes, Id like a cup of coffee.____
i) Cheese and onion crisps? ___
j) Small, or big coffee?___
II. V plac, displac, sau nu putei s suferii urmtoarele alimente. Folosii verbele de mai jos
pentru a forma propoziii.
1. chocolate
2. coffee
3. salads
5. cheese
6. apples
7. salami
9. hamburgers
10. cakes
11. fish
13. bananas
14. milk
15. tomatoes
4. chicken soup
8. donuts
12. grapes
16. carrots
Exemplu: I like carrots, but I hate hamburgers.
III. Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintele de mai jos:
soup of the day
tuna salad cheese cake hot chocolate
apple pie
orange juice bacon
toast biscuits
scrambled eggs
1. I sometimes have and for breakfast, but today Im having only a cup of
and some .with butter.
2. I am eating a ., chicken and mashed potatoes and a for dessert.
3. Martha is having only a and an .
4. Some people like to eat with various flavours.
5. I like to drink a cup of or .. when it is cold outside.
6. Sam is going to the supermarket to buy some
7. They are drinking .
8. Children like ..
IV. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Cnd vremea este frumoas ne place s mergem la plimbare n parc.
2. Mihai st ntre Maria i Silvia.
3. El nu pune zahr n cafea.
4. Imi plac salatele, n special salata verde.
5. Copiilor le place ingheata.
V. Priviti fotografia alaturata si scriete numele fructelor i legumelor din aceasta:
Prezentul continuu (Present Continuous)
Prezentul continuu exprim o aciune n desfurare n momentul vorbirii, sau o aciune in
desfurare ntr-o perioad de timp mai indelungat dar care include i momentul vorbirii. Cuvintele
care cer prezentul continuu sunt: now, at the moment, today, this week, this month, this year.
Formare: verbul be conjugat la prezent + infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat.
Exemplu: I am writing a letter.
I am going = eu merg (acum)
You are going = tu mergi (acum)
He /she /it is going = el /ea merge
Am I going? = merg eu (acum)
Are you going? = mergi tu? (acum)
Is he/ she/it going? Merge el/ ea? (acum)
I am not going = eu nu merg (acum)
You are not (arent) going = tu nu mergi
He/ she/ it is not (isnt) going = el/ ea nu
We are going = noi mergem (acum)
You are going = voi mergeti (acum)
They are going = ei /ele merg (acum)
Are we going? = mergem noi? (acum)
Are you going? = merge i voi? (acum)
Are they going / merg ei/ ele? (acum)
We are not (arent) going = noi nu mergem (acum)
You are not (arent) going = voi nu mergei (acum)
They are not (arent) going = ei/ ele nu merg
merge (acum) (acum)
Deosebirea principal dintre prezentul simplu i prezentul continuu este aceea c prezentul simplu
exprim o aciune de durat, repetat, cu caracter general, n timp ce prezentul continuu exprim o
aciune de scurt durat ce nu are caracter repetat sau permanent.
Exist o serie de verbe ce nu se pot pune la prezentul continuu.
1. Verbele be si have atunci cnd au sensul lor de baz. Cnd ns se folosesc n expresii,
pierzndu-i sensul lor de baz, se pot folosi la prezentul continuu.
I have two sisters. Dar: I am having breakfast/ lunch/dinner.
I am having a great time.
I am at home. Dar: I am being polite.
Youre being rude.
2. Verbele care exprim percepii senzoriale se pun la prezentul continuu atunci cnd exprim
aciunea de a percepe i la prezentul simplu cnd exprim calitatea pe care o are obiectul respectiv.
to taste= a gusta
to smell= a mirosi
to feel= a pipi, a simi
Im tasting the cake. It tastes good.
Im smelling a rose. It smells beautifully.
Im feeling the velvet. It feels soft.
Verbul to see se folosete la prezentul simplu atunci cnd nseamn a vedea. El se poate folosi la
prezentul continuu numai atunci cnd se folosete n expresii, pierzndu-i sensul de baz.
Ill see you to the station = te voi conduce la gar
Im seeing the dentist today, because I have a terrible tooth ache.= merg la dentist astzi,
deoarece am o teribil durere de dini.
3. Verbele care exprim activiti mintale se pun de obicei la prezentul simplu.
Exemple: to want, to like , to know, to understand,'to remember, 'to love,to think.
to think nseamn a crede, a considera, a se gandi.Cnd nseamn a se gandi se poate
pune la prezentul continuu.
I think you are right - Cred c ai dreptate
Im thinking of buying some chocolate." - Ma gndesc s cumpr niste ciocolat.
Cnd verbele to love, to like, to enjoy exprim o aciune desfurat pe o scurt perioad
de timp ele se pot pune la prezentul continuu.
I love/ enjoy parties.
I like coffee.
Im loving/enjoying this party.
Im liking coffee more now.
I. Punei verbele de mai jos la prezentul continuu.
1. do 2. write 3. think 4. think
A: What (1). ?
B: I (2). a letter to my parents.
A: What (3) about?
B: I (4) of the winter holiday.
A: Where ..?
B: I (5) anywhere.
5. go
6. not, go
II. Completai conversaia de mai jos, punnd verbele din paranteze
la prezentul simplu sau continuu.
Tom: .. (you go) to the concert tonight?
Susan: I..(not go) because I (have) tickets.
Tom: I (want) to go because I usually ..(have) a great time at concerts. Maria(buy)
tickets for her and for me. I can ask her to buy one for you .
Susan: Thank you. You (be) so kind. I (hope) we can go together.
III. Traducei n limba englez propoziiile de mai jos,
punnd verbele la prezentul simplu sau continuu, n funcie de sens.
1. De obicei beau ceai la micul dejun, dar astzi beau cafea cu lapte.
2. A: Unde locuieti?
B: Locuiesc n Focani, dar anul acesta fac un curs de publicitate n Bucureti i stau aici.
3. Imi place s citesc o carte seara, nainte de a merge la culcare.
4. A: Ce faci acum?
B: Fac niste exerciii cu prezentul continuu.
5. Liz merge n excursie n fiecare sambt i se intoarce acas dumunica.
6. Lui Mike nu ii place s zboare cu avionul.
7. Cred c ai dreptate.
IV. Punei verbele din paranteze la prezentul simplu, sau continuu.
1. You cant see Tom now: he (have) a bath.
2. He usually (drink).. tea but today he(drink) coffee.
3. A: What you (do). in the evenings?
B: I (play, usually). cards with my wife or (watch).. TV.
4. I (not,want).. to go out now because it (rain).and I ( not have) an
5. Im busy at the moment. I (watch) a very interesting show on TV.
6. The fire (smoke) .. terribly.I cant see across the room.
7. A: Why (you, taste) . the milk?
B: I (taste) it because it (smell).. sour.
8. Anna (make).a dress for herself now because she has to go to a fact, she
(always, make) her dresses.
9. She (usually, speak) so quickly that I ( not understand) her.
10. A: Why (you, put) . On your coat?
B: I (go).. for a walk. (you, come) with me?
C. WRITING INFORMAL LETTERS (corespondena cu caracter neoficial)
Scrierea unei vederi, a unei scrisori ctre un prieten, sau o persoan apropiat se face folosind un
stil simplu, informal. In cazul unei astfel de scrisori, de obicei, se pot folosi forme contrase att
pentru verbe la toate formele: afirmativ, interogativ si negativ, ct i pentru celelalte forme de
Scrierea unei vederi.
Adresa pe vederi se scrie astfel: Numele destinatarului*
Numrul strzii, numele strzii
Statul, comitatul, judeul
Codul potal
*Se va pune n fa: Miss. =domnioara (se pronunta mis)
apelativul Ms.= apelativ adresat unei persoane de sex femnin atunci cnd nu i se
cunoate starea civil.( se pronun miz).
Mrs.= doamna (se pronun misiz)
Mr.= domnul (se pronun mist)
Formula de salut se pune n partea stng sus, urmat de prenumele persoanei i de virgul.
Coninutul poate ncepe sub formula de salut, sau cu alineat. Incheierea se face printr-o formul de
desprire, cum ar fi: See you soon, Love, Best wishes, Best regards, urmat pe rndul de
dedesubt de semntura care se pune, de obicei, la mijlocul rndului.
Dear Anne,
We are in Miami at last. The weathers great. Were
sleeping a lot and doing a lot of sunbathing on the
beach. After lunch we sleep a little, or go for a ride to
see the sights, or go shopping in the local markets. The
food is good. We eat a lot of fruit, salads and fresh fish.
Our room at he hotel is good, although a little
See you soon.
IV. V aflai ntr-o vacan de vis.
Scriei o vedere unui prieten povestindu-i despre aceasta.
Miss Anne Smith,
32, Church Street,
Woodhouse Eaves,
Su 10 8 87
Great Britain
bathroom = baie
beautiful = frumos
bed spread = cuvertur
bed = pat
bedroom = dormitor
big = mare
desk = birou, mas de scris
dining room = sufragerie
enjoy = a se bucura
garden = grdina
guest = musafir
home = cas, camin
house = cas
joy = bucurie
kitchen = buctrie
lie, lay, lain = a sta ntins, a se
I love my home. I think this is the most beautiful home
in the world. I live with my parents, my brother Mark
and my sister Susan in a pretty house with a nice
garden. It has four bedrooms, a kitchen, a dining room,
a living room, and two bathrooms. There is also a
garrage. My room is bigger than Susans room, but it
is not as big as Marks. In fact, my room is not very
big, but it has a nice view on the garden.I have a
confortable bed with a blue bed spread on it. Next to
the bed is a night table with a lamp on it. There is also
a big wardrobe where I keep my clothes. The carpet is
beige and the curtain is white. In front of the window
is a desk. There is a computer on the desk. Next to the
computer there is a lamp. The computer is one of my
greatest joys. I enjoy playing at the computer, but I use
it to study, too. We usually have our meals in the
kitchen, but on weekends, or when we have guests we
eat in the dining room. We spend the evenings in the
living room. We watch TV, we talk or play games.
When the weather is nice we stay outside in the
garden. We play with our dog Snoopy, or we just lie in
the sun.
live = a locui, a tri
living room = camera de zi
love = a iubi
nice = plcut, frumos
night table = noptier
play = a (se) juca
pretty = drgu
spend = a petrece
stay = a sta
talk = a sta de vorba
think, thought, thought = a crede, a considera, a (se) gndi
view = privelite
watch = a urmri cu privirea
window = fereastr
world = lume
I. In coloanele de mai jos exist cte un cuvnt care nu aparine categoriei respective;
gsii-l i ncercuii-l.
dining room
CD player
II. Cu ajutorul dicionarului alctuii o list cu obiectele ce se gsesc n buctrie.
III. Completai spaiile goale cu prepoziiile:
1. The pillow is . the bed.
2. Turn ....the television.
3. He listens . the radio.
4. They sit . the sofa.
5. The plates are . the cupboard.
IV. Completai spaiile goale cu cuvintle de mai jos.
soap wardrobe bathroom pillow
chest of drawers
1. We hang trousers, jackets, suits and dresses in the .
2. We keep shirts and underwear in the .
3. I sleep with my head on the .
4. I take shower in the
5. In winter I sleep under a warm .. .
6. I wash my hands with . .
V. Gsii n coloana din dreapta definiiile cuvintelor din coloana stng.
1. shoes
2. suitcase
3. glasses
4. hat
5. belt
6. gloves
7. jeans
8. rain coat
9. socks
10. sun glasses
a. You put them on your hands to protect them.
b. You put them on to protect your eyes from the sun.
c. They are of denim and are usually blue.
d. You put them on your feet .
e. You put it on to protect you from the rain.
f. You carry your clothes in it when you travel.
g. You wear it on your head.
h. You use it to hold your trousers.
i. You wear them to see better.
j. You wear them on your feet under your shoes.
Comparaia regulat
Adjective monosilabice:
Comparaia adjectivelor
Gradul comparativ: adjectivul la gradul pozitiv + terminaia _er
Gradul superlativ: the + adjectivul la gradul pozitiv + terminaia _est
Reguli ortografice:
1. Adjectivele terminate n consoan precedat de o vocal scurt dubleaz consoana pentru a
nu se modifica vocala.
2. Adjectivele terminate n y precedat de o vocal, y va rmne nemodificat.
Adjectivele terminate n y precedat de o consoan y se va transforma in i+e
the biggest
the hardest
the happiest
the hottest
Adjectivele plurisilabice : gradul comparativ: se formeaz astfel: more+ forma de pozitiv
gradul superlativ: se formeaz astfel: the + most + forma de pozitiv
more beautiful
more interesting
more terrible
the most beautiful
the most interesting
the most terrible
Punei la gradele comparativ si superlativ urmtoarele adjective:
1. happy . 7. short ...
2. pretty
3. charming
4. big
5. warm
6. boring
8. difficult
9. easy .
10. great .
11. correct
12. long
Comparaia neregulat
good = bun/
bad /ill = ru/ bolnav
much =mult/
many = muli/e
little = puin
far = departe
late = trziu;recent
old = btrn; vechi
near = apropiat
better = mai bun/
worse = mai ru/ mai bolnav
more = mai mult/
more = mai multi/e
less = mai puin
farther = mai departe
further = n plus, suplimentar
later = mai trziu
the latter = cel de al doilea
(din doi)
older = mai btrn; mai vechi
elder = mai n vrst (despre
persoane din aceeai familie
i numai atributiv)
nearer = mai apropiat
the best = cel/ cea mai bun/
the worst = cel mai ru/ bolnav
the most = cel/cea mai mult/
the most = cei/cele mai muli/
the least = cel mai puin
the farthest = cel mai departe
the furthest = cel mai deprtat
the last = ultimul,dintr-o serie
the latest = cel mai ntrziat;
cel mai recent
the oldest = cel mai vechi;
cel mai btrn
the eldest =cel mai n vrst
(despre persoane din aceeai
familie i numai atributiv)
the nearest = cel mai apropiat
the next = urmtorul
Comparativul de superioritate: adjectivul la comparativ + than + termenul de comparat.(mai
. dect)
Ex: Tom is taller than Mike. (Tom este mai nalt dect Mike.)
Mike is taller than me. (Mike este mai nalt dect mine.)
Comparativul de egalitate: as + adjectivul la gradul pozitiv + as (la fel de ca i )
Ex. Tom is as tall as his friend. (Tom este la fel de nalt ca i prietenul sau.)
Comparativul de inferioritate: not so + adjectivul la pozitiv + as (nu att de ca i )
Ex. Mike is not so tall as Tom. (Mike nu este la fel de nalt ca i Tom.)
I. Completai spaiile goale cu adjectivele care lipsesc:
more dangerous
the happiest
the hottest
the freshest
the most dangerous
the easiest
II. Completai propoziiile de mai jos cu adjectivele din paranteze puse
la gradul comparativ de superioritate:
1. Shes much ... her husband. (young)
2. Its a day ... yesterday.(warm)
3. The vegetables in this shop are .the ones in the supermarket. (fresh)
4. This new TV programme is much ...the old one.(funny)
5. Ms Jones is a teacher Mr Smith. (good)
6. You have a I have. (busy )
7. Shes much her sister. (kind)
8. Her second book is her first. (interesting)
9. The students ask .. questions.. they did before. (intelligent)
10. The exam today was .last years exam. (difficult)
III. Punei cuvintele de mai jos n ordinea corect pentru a forma propoziii:
Exemplu: Jane / you / make / better / coffee /than .
You make better coffee than Jane.
1. daughters / writing / mine / nicer / is / my/than.
2. last / nights / was / more / than / difficult / homework / this
3. Jane / your / faster / run / can / than / sister
4. than / today / yesterday / hotter / was
5. is / than / hotel / bigger / your / mine /room
IV. Corectai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos:
1. This was the goodest holiday of my life. .
2. The exercise you gave me is difficulter than this exercise. .
3. Louise is more older than me.
4. Maria is more young than Tom. ..
5. The food in the caf is good this week than last week.
6. I think English is easy to learn than Russian.
7. Hellen is happiest person I know.
8. Anne is better swimmer me. ..
9. 10
January was the cold day of this winter. .
10. The Marriot hotel is most expensive than the Minerva hotel. ..
V. Traducei n limba englez:
1. Rio de Janeiro este mai vechi dect Brasil.
2. Regina Elisabeta a doua este cea mai bogat persoana din Marea Britanie.
3. Fratele meu este mai nalt dect mine.
4. Care este cea mai popular marc de main?
5. Crezi ca parautismul este cel mai periculos sport?
6. Vaticanul este cel mai mic stat din lume.
7. Nilul este cel mai lung fluviu din lume.
VI. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What is the funniest programme on TV?
2. What is the most dangerous sport?
3. What is your favourite food?
4. Whos the most famous actor in Romania?
5. What is the highest mountain in the world?
C. GREETINGS AND OTHER EXPRESSIONS (formule de salut si alte expresii)
Cnd v ntlnii cu cineva formula de salut folosita este hi, hello, how are you?. Formulele de
desprire sunt: Goodbye, See you soon, take care!(neformal).
Cnd cineva merge la culcare i spunei: Sleep well, Sleep tight; nu se va spune niciodat good
night. Aceasta este o formula de despartire. Cnd cerei ceva este bine ca rugmintea s fie nsoit
de cuvntul please. Cele mai uzuale formule de mulumire sunt: thank you, 'many thanks', thank
you very much, I appreciate it very much.
Formule de rspuns la mulumiri: youre welcome, its all right, no problem, dont mention
Nu se va rspunde cu with pleasure, deoarece aceast formul nu exist n limba englez.
Cnd cineva urmeaz s susin un examen, un interviu pentru obinerea unui serviciu se spune:
Good luck!. In limbaj neformal se poate spune: Break a leg!.
Cnd cineva strnut se spune: Bless you!
Pentru a felicita pe cineva se folosete cuvntul Congratulations!. La ziua de natere se folosete:
Happy birthday!.
De Crciun se spune Merry Christmas!. De Anul nou se spune A Happy New Year!, iar de Pate
se spune Happy Easter.
I. Ce formule folosii n situaiile de mai jos:
1. You want to order a sandwich. How do you address the waiter?
2. Someone says Goood night to you.
3. You answer the phone. It is 10:30 a.m.
4. It is your best friends birthday.
5. You meet a friend in the street on January 1
6. Someone has taken the driving test.
II. Samantha i Hugh se ntlnesc ntr-o cafenea. Hugh spune ce nu trebuie, corectai-l.
S: Hi, Hugh.
H: Good morning.
S: How are you?
H: How do you do? Im fine.
S: Its my birthday today.
H: Congratulations.
III. Peter si Mike sunt prieteni. Mike l invit la o cafenea pentru a srbtori
ziua sa de natere.
Cu ajutorul dicionarului ncercai s alctuii un dialog ntre cei doi prieteni.
Last Saturday I went with my friends to the mountains
to ski. It was a wonderful winter morning, so we
decided to go by car, because we thought that there
were many people who wanted to go to the mountains.
The ride was very pleasant, and at about 10 oclock
we arrived in Brashov.
We didnt have reservations at a hotel, so we wanted to
find a place to stay. We managed to find
accommodation at a Bed and Breakfast place. After we
left our things there, we took our skis, and went
skiing. There was much snow, it was not very cold ,
and there were very many people on the ski slope.
Some people didnt have skis, so, they rode on sleighs,
or, simply played with the snow.
In the afternoon, after we had lunch, we went for a
walk in Brashov, to admire the sights. After dinner, we
went to the disco. We had a great time. On Sunday , in
the evening, we went back home.
about = cam, aproximativ; despre
accommodation = cazare
arrive = a ajunge la....
~ in = a alunge ntr-o localitate
~ at = a ajunge la o destinaie
be, was, been = a fi
Bed and Breakfast = pensiune
find, found, found = a gsi
go, went, gone = a merge
leave, left, left = a pleca, a prsi
manage = a reui
much = mult, mult (se folosete cu substan-
tive care nu se pot numra)
pleasant = plcut
I.Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. Where did Maria go last Saturday?
2. Why did she go by train?
3. Were there many people in Brashov?
4. Whom did she go with?
5. Where did they stay?
6. Where did they go in the evening?
7. When did they return home?
reservation = rezervare
ride = cltorie, plimbare cu un vehicul
ski = a schia
sleigh = sanie
snow = zpad
stay = a sta
take, took, taken = a lua
think, thought, thought = a (se) gndi; a cred
want = a vrea
wonderful = minunat
II. Corectai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos.
1. I go to work with car.
2. Were going sightsee today.
3. We went at the mountains.
4. Tom went to home.
5. You come to school by bus yesterday.
6. Spring and summer is seasons.
7. We has many friends.
III. Completai spaiile goale cu verbul take/ took plus unul din cuvintele,
sau expresiile de mai jos.
a course your driving test an exam train
1. At the end of the semester you have to ....................................... .
2. I wanted to learn Italian, so I ................................... .
3. It rained yesterday ,so ,I ......................................
4. I usually .......................................... to get to Ploiesti.
5. In our country, when you are 18, you can ........................................ .
IV. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What do you take with you when it rains ?
2. Where do you go to ski?
3. What do you take with you when you go to the English class?
4. When do you play with snow?
Timpul past tense simplu (Past Tense Simple)
Timpul past tense simplu se traduce n limba romn cu timpul perfectul simplu. El reprezint o
aciune care a nceput i s-a terminat n trecut. De obicei se marcheaz cu adverbe de timp, cum ar
fi: yesterday, last week/ month/year etc.
Verbe Regulate
Verbele regulate formeaz past tense prin adaugarea terminaiei -ed la forma de infinitiv scurt.
I arrived = am ajuns
you arrived= tu ai ajuns
he/she/it arrived = el/ea a ajuns
we arrived= noi am ajuns
you arrived= voi ati ajuns
they arrived= ei au ajuns
Interogativ. Se formeaz astfel: verbul do conjugat la past tense + subiect+infinitivul scurt
al verbului de conjugat
Did I arrive?= am ajuns eu?
Did you arrive? = ai ajuns tu?
Did he/she/it arrive? = a ajuns el/ea?
Did we arrive? = am ajuns noi?
Did you arrive? = ai ajuns voi?
Did they arrive? = ajuns ei/ele?
Negativ. Se formeaz astfel : Subiect + verbul do conjugat la past tense + not + infinitivul
scurt al verbului de conjugat.
I did not (didnt) arrive = eu nu am sosit
You did not (didnt) arrive = tu nu ai sosit
He/she/it did not (didnt) arrive = el/ ea nu a
We did not (didnt) arrive = noi nu am ajuns
You did not (didnt) arrive = voi nu ai ajuns
They did not(didnt) arrive = ei/ele nu au ajuns
Verbe Neregulate
In cazul verbelor neregulate timpul past tense este reprezentat de foma a doua a acestora. Verbele
neregulate se dau n dicionar cu trei forme: infinitiv scurt past tense past perfect (folosit la
formarea timpurilor compuse (present perfect, past perfect etc.)
Formele interogativ i negativ se formeaz ca i n cazul verbelor regulate. Excepie fac verbele
be, have i verbele modale, care se comport ca i la prezent (interogativul se formeaz prin
inversarea subiectului cu predicatul, iar negativul prin adugarea negaiei not). La pagina ....... vei
gsi o list cu principalele verbe neregulate.
I. Completai spaiile goale cu verbul was sau were.
1. I....... in Italy last month.
2. We...... late for school.
3. at home yesterday?
4. ......... Liam Niesen born in Ireland?
5. It.......... a lovely day yesterday.
6. He........... a very good driver.
7. The book you gave me ....... very boring.
8. The exams .......... very difficult.
9. When ........... you born?
10. ........ you ill last week.
II. Care din verbele de mai jos este regulat?
Completai lista de mai jos cu forma de past tense a verbelor.
stay .............. find
understand ................ lend .................
III. Punei verbele din paranteze la timpul past tense simplu.
1. She .......... (go) for a walk in the park, yesteday.
2. We .......... (want) to see a film.
3. My sister and her friends .............. (stay) at home last weekend.
4. Mike ............... (smoke) a lot of cigarettes when he was a student.
5. He ............. ( love) his girlfriend very much.
6. The shops .............(be) closed on Sunday.
7. Helens birthday party ............(start) at eight.
8. It ............ (snow) heavily last week.
9. They...............(have) a good time at the party.
IV. Alegei verbul corect din cele dou date n paranteze.
1. Mr. Faust (raises/rises) many different kinds of flowers in his garden.
2. The student (rose/raised) from her seat and went to the blackboard.
3. Mike (set/sat) a large vase with roses in it on the cofffee table.
4. Anna and Tom (set/ sat) next to each other at the lecture yesterday.
5. Every night before Mike goes to bed he (lays/lies) his clothes for the next day on a chair.
6. When Alex ( lay/laid) down to take a nap, he ended up sleeping for the whole afternoon.
7. Dr. Roberts (hung/ hanged) his diploma on the wall in his office.
8. Romania (lies/lays) in the south east of Europe.
9. Where are my keys? I ( lay/laid) them here on the coffee table a few minutes ago.
10. I (borrowed / lent) a book from the library.
11. Can I (lend/ borrow) your car tomorrow?
12. Will you (borrow/ lend) me some money?
C. WRITING AN INFORMAL LETTER ( redactarea unei scrisori neoficiale)
Adresa se ordoneaz n felul urmtor:
Numele i prenumele, precedate de apelativul "Mr, "Mrs, Ms, "Miss care se scrie ntotdeauna
cu majuscul.
Mr. Stan Smith
Mrs. Julie Andrews etc.
Numrul casei, urmat de virgul, apoi numele strzii. In cazul n care casa are un nume, acesta se va
scrie naintea numrului i a numelui strzii.
Cuvintele "Street(strada), "Road(drumul,calea), "Avenue(bulevardul) pot fi abreviate astfel :
"St., "Rd., "Ave..
Numele localitii. In cazul n care este vorba de un ora mare, este recomandat s se scrie sectorul
De exemplu, E.C.( East Central), W.C.(West Central), N.(North), S.W.(South West),
S.E.(south East), E.(East), W.(west).
Fiecare dintre acestea este divizat la rndul su n subsectoare, desemnate de o cifr:
London, W.C.6
Deoarece exist mai multe orae cu acelai nume este indicat s se precizeze numele comitatului,
pentru Marea Britanie, a statului, pentru Statele Unite, sau a provinciei, pentru Canada, urmat de
codul potal.
Iat o adres tipic pentru Marea Britanie:
Mr. Richard Steele
"The Willows
31,Knightsbridge Road
In Statele Unite strzile sunt adesea desemnate printr-un numeral ordinal. Cnd numeralul este
format dintr-un singur cuvnt, acesta se poate scrie n litere; n caz contrar se folosesc cifre.
666 Fifth Avenue
150 43rd Street
Dac destinatarul posed cutie potal, aceasta se indic prin abrevierea P.O.B., sau P.O. Box
(Post Office Box). Nu este indicat s se scrie adresa expeditorului pe spatele plicului. Aceasta se va
scrie n colul din dreapta sus al primei pagini a srisorii. Data este plasat n dreapta, sub adresa
Exist mai multe modaliti de a scrie data: Monday,1st March,2001
1st March 2001
March 1st,2001
March 1, 2001
Numele lunilor pot fi prescurtate astfel:
Formule cu care se ncepe scrisoarea.
O srisoare adresat unui prieten ncepe cu " Dear plasat n faa prenumelui, urmat de virgul.
Formula de nceput se scrie la captul rndului.Alte formule de nceput sunt:
My dear Mary,
Dearest Mary,
Darling Mary,
Textul scrisorii. Fiecare idee trebuie sa alcatuiasca un paragraf separat. Paragrafele se delimiteaz
fie prin 2-3 cm lasati la inceputul primului rand( indented style), fie prin dou rnduri lsate ntre
paragrafe (block style). Se pot folosi prescurtri ale formelor de vorbire.
Exemplu: "Im, "were, "dont, "hes,etc.
Ultimul rnd.
Scrisorile se pot termina cu o propoziie scurt, care face trecerea la formula de ncheiere. Astfel de
propoziii sunt:
I hope you will have a nice holiday/ a great time, = sper c vei avea o vacan plcut/te
vei distra bine.
Im looking forward to hearing from you, = atept cu nerbdare veti de la tine
Give my love to........
Im waiting for your reply.
All the best,
Best regards,
All good wishes,etc.
= transmite-i dragostea mea lui....
= atept rspunsul tau
= toate cele bune
= complimentele mele
= cele mai bune urri
Formule de ncheiere. Cele mai uzuale formule de ncheiere sunt:
Your friend,
All my love,
Dear Janet,
= a ta, al tu
= a ta prieten/ al tu prieten
= cu dragoste
= toat dragostea mea
Modele de scrisori
22, Church Street
Saffron Walden
18th January
I want to apologize because I couldnt find time to answer your letter sooner, but I was out
of town for several weeks.
The photographs you sent me are beautiful. Im mostly impressed by how much your
daughter, Ann has grown. She is already a young lady. I think she takes after you a lot.
Looking at her I have the feeling that Im looking at you when you were her age. I would
like to know more about her. Im writing to you, in fact, to invite you both to spend the
weekend at my country house. If you want to come, I would like to know in advance.
Im looking forward to hearing from you,.
Dear Tom,
We are here at last! Im happy we decided to come to this wonderful place.
You know I always wanted to see Madrid, so at last I managed to see it with my own eyes.
Its an exciting city. Theres no time to sleep.There are so many things to see, and so little
time. If you want to see everything, then you need at least a month.I can hardly wait to get
back home and tell you more about the people and places.
Looking forward to seeing you,
1. Prietenul tu i-a mprumutat o carte pe care ai pierdut-o. Scrie-i o scrisoare n care i ceri scuze
si te oferi s remediezi acest lucru.
2. Ai petrecut o vacan minunat mpreun cu familia prietenei tale la ar. Scrie-i o scrisoare
mulumindu-i pentru timpul minunat petrecut mpreun.
3. Doreti s-i srbtoreti ziua de natere smbta viitoare la munte. Scrie-le o scrisoare prietenilor
ti Janet i Mike invitndu-i la petrecere.
4. Colega ta Elizabeth te-a invitat la teatru dar nu poi merge deoarece ai cursuri la facultate. Scrie-i
o scrisoare mul umindu-i pentru invitaie i scuzndu-te c nu poi merge.
arrive(v) = a sosi
beer (n) = bere
birthday (n) = zi de natere
cake (n) = tort, prjitur
Last Saturday I went to Marias birthday party. She was
celebrating her 23
birthday, and she had a lot of guests.
When I arrived there,at nine, Maria was at the door, receiving
her guests. She was wearing a red dress. She was very happy.
There were about 20 people who were having a great time.
Some of them were dancing, others were talking. There was
plenty of food, for all tastes: all kinds of salads, roast turkey,
sandwiches, cheese, and fruit. We had beer, wine and soft
drinks for those who didnt want to drink alcohol. It was nice,
because I could meet many of my friends, and hear the latest
news about our colleagues. While I was dancing with my
friend Andrew, the birthday cake was brought in. It was a big
chocolate cake with the words Happy birthday on it . We
sang Happy birthday, and drank champagne. We stayed until
dawn.. It was an unforgettable party.
others (pron) = alii, altele
receive(v) = a primi
red (adj) = rou
roast (adj) = fript
celebrate(v) = a srbtori, a celebra
cheese (n) = brnza
dawn (n) = zori
dress (n) = rochie
drink, drank, drunk(v)= a bea
guest (n) = musafir
happy (adj) = fericit
have a good time = a se distra
meet, met, met(v)= a ntlni
nice(adj) = plcut, drgu,amabil
I. Rspundei la urmtoarele ntrebri:
1. What did Maria celebrate?
stay(v) = a sta
sing, sang ,sung(v) = a cnta
soft drink (n) = butur rcoritoare
some (pron) = unii, unele
taste (n) =gust
turkey (n) = curcan
unfogettable (adj) = de neuitat
wear, wore, worn(v) = a purta
wine (n) = vin
2. What was Maria wearing?
3. Were there many people at the party?
4. What did they eat?
5. What kind of cake was it?
6. Until when did the guests stay?
II. Cnd s-au nscut i cnd au murit aceste persoane? Alctuii propoziii pentru fiecare.
1. Christopher Columbus (1451 1506)
Christopher Columbus was born in 1451 and died in 1506.
2. Diana, Princess of Wales (1961 1997)
3. Genghis Khan (1162 1227)
4. Elvis Presley (1935 - 1977)
5. Joan of Arc (1412 1431)
6. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 1968)
III. Rezolvai exerciiile de mai jos bazate pe textul despre Gingis Han.
Genghis Khan was a famous Mongol conqueror. He was born in 1167 and died in 1227. He is
known as one of the greatest military learders of all times.
After uniting the Mongol tribes, he conquered (1213 15) most of the Chin empire of N China
from 1218 to1224 he subdued Turkistan and Afghanistan and raided Persia and E Europe.
A brilliant military leader, he ruled one of the greatest land empires of history from his capital
Karakorum. After his death his empire was divided among his sons and grandsons.
1. Incercuii rspunsul corect:
Genghis Khan is considered one of the greatest conquerors because:
a. He had many sons and grandsons.
b. He conquered all China.
c. He subdued most Asia and Eastern Europe.
2. Marcai cu T (True) si cu F (False) propoziiile de mai jos:
a. Genghis Khan was a famous Chinese leader.
b. The capital of the Chin empire was Karakorum.
c. He lived for 60 years.
d. He attacked Persia.
e. He united the Mongol tribes.
f. His empire was divided after his death.
IV. Identificai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos.
1. Im going at the theatre next week.
2. Helen is wanting to come with us.
3. They was having a great time at the party.
4. The spring is my favourite season.
5. I was read a book when you came.
6. People thinks he is a great actor.
7. The children was playing in the park.
Past tense continuu
Past tense simplu exprim o aciune n desfurare ntr-un anumit moment in trecut.
Formare: Verbul be conjugat la past tense + verbul de conjugat terminat in -ing
I/ he /she / it was going
I /he / she /it was not (wasnt) going
was I / he / she /it going
you / we /they were going
you were not (werent) going
were you / we / they going
*Pentru a se preciza c aciunea s-a desfurat ntr-un anumit moment n trecut se folosesc
markere de timp, cum ar fi:
I was studying for my exam yesterday evening.
I was having breakfast at seven oclock this morning.
* Se pstreaz aceleai reguli ca i la present continuu, n ceea ce privete verbele ce se pot folosi
sau nu, la forma continu.
Past tense simplu sau continuu?
Past continuu
1. Pentru a exprima o aciune n desfurare
I was walking across the field.
2. Pentru a exprima fundalul pe care se
desfoar aciunea.
The sun was shining brightly that day.
3. Pentru a exprima o aciune in desfasurare.
Past simplu
1. Pentru a exprima o aciune de durat, care
s-a desfurat i s-a terminat n trecut.
I walked across the field.
2. Pentru a nara o aciune desfurat
n trecut.
He went to shool at eight oclock.
3. Pentru a exprima o aciune de o durat
scurt care ntrerupe aciunea n desfurare.
I was watching a film on TV,when the lights went out.
While I was driving on the motorway I saw an accident.
I. Punei verbele din paranteze la past tense continuu.
1. What (do). this time last night.
2. The children were frightened because it (get). dark.
3. It was a fine winter day and the roads were crowded because a lot of people (rush) ..
to the mountains.
4. A: What (do) .. yesterday at 8 o clock.
B: I ( have) dinner with my family.
5. He usually wears shoes but when I saw him yesterday he (wear) . boots.
6. There was nobody in the car but the engine (run)..
7. It (rain). so heavily that I got soaked.
8. Susan(stand) .. in the bus stop when it started to rain.
9. Where ( you,live) . when you got married.
10. While (he, learning).. to drive he had three accidents.
II. Punei verbele din paranteze la past tense simplu sau continuu, n funcie de situaie.
1. I (make).. a cake when Sharon (come).
2. He (watch) television when the phone(ring)..
3. I ( not want). to meet Peter so when he (enter).. the room I
4. I (open) the door when the wind(start) blowing and (close) it.
5. As I (walk) in the park I (step) . on a banana skin and (fall).
6. She said she (like) the smell of the perfume.
7. I (taste). the soup when my brother (enter) the kitchen.
8. While Mary (knit).. her cat (want) to play with the wool.
9. A: Why is Tony in hospital?
B: He (work, in the garage) . when the gas tank (explode) ...
11. Yesterday we (have) a houseful of children for my sons sixth birthday party.
In the middle of the party, the phone ( ring) .., so I had to leave the children alone for
a few minutes. When I (come) . into the room, most of the children (still/play).
together nicely. But over in one corner, Bobby (pull) Annies hair.I quickly (run)
. over and (tell) . Bobby to stop.
III.Traducei n limba englez propoziiile de mai jos:
1. In timp ce uda florile a nceput s plou.
3. In timp ce mergeau pe strad au auzit o main venind din spatele lor.
4. De ce m-ai intrerupt? Aveam o conversaie foarte interesant cu profesorul meu.
5. In timp ce el se urca n autobuz acesta a pornit brusc i el a czut de pe scara autobuzului.
6. Cnd l-am auzit btnd la u m-am dus s-o deschid, dar nu l-am recunoscut pentru c purta
7. Cnd am ajuns la gar Helen m atepta. De ndat ce m-a vzut, mi-a fcut cu mna i a strigat
ceva dar nu am auzit-o.
8. Copiii erau nspimntai deoarece se ntuneca (ncepea s se ntunece).
9. Musafirii au venit la 8:30.
10. El se uita la televizor cnd a sunat telefonul.
11. Sheila i-a dat seama c mergea n direcia greit.
C. PUNCTUATION MARKS. (Principalele semne de punctuaie n limba englez.)
Punctul. Se folosete: a. pentru a marca sfritul unei
propoziii. He was here yesterday.
b. dup iniialele numelor de persoane F.J. Brown,P.D.James
c. uneori in abrevieri. Nu se folosete
cnd prima si ultima litera a abrevierii
reprezint un substantiv comun.
Semnul ntrebrii. Se folosete pentru a marca sfritul unei
ntrebri (propoziii interogative).
Semnul exclamrii. Se folosete pentru a marca o exclamaie
sau un ordin.
Dr., Rd., B.B.C.
Is Mike at home?
Good Lord!,Help!
Virgula.Se folosete: a. pentru a marca o pauza intre cuvintele
I like apples, bananas
sau propoziiile ce reprezinta o enumerare. and grapes.
Exceptie: cnd acestea sunt legate prin
conjunc iile and si or.
b. n faa numelui persoanei c reia ne
adresm. Numele apare fie la sfrit de
propoziie, fie ntre virgule.
c. dupa yes si no,cnd acestea
formeaz rspunsul la o intrebare.
d. dup saluturi:
e. n adrese (n special cele scrise pe
acelai rnd) i n scrierea datelor.
f. dup propoziii subordonate ce apar
la nceputul frazei.
She put on her hat, took her
bag and went out.
'How are you, Anne?
You know, Tom, youre
absolutely right.
Are you ready?
Yes, I am.sau
No, Im not.
Hello, how are you?
'Hi, my name is Mike.
23 Market St, York,
Yorkshire, England.
March, 2002
If it rains, we wont go on
the trip.
g. inainte de ntrebri disjunctive: You know him, dont you?
h. pentru a desp ri propoziiile
subordonate relative nerestrictive.
i. pentru a marca locul n care lipsesc
'James, who is a good friend,
wants to go to Paris this
Im ; hes; were; cant;
una, sau mai multe litere dintr-un cuvnt. theyve, etc.
j. pentru forme neobisnuite de plural.
k. pentru formarea genitivului.
He agreed but with ifs and
He apologized for breaking
the childrens toy.
l. pentru a marca un citat dintr-o carte, He said, My name is Tim.'
sau cita spusele cuiva.
m. pentru a sublinia un cuvnt, sau a
marca un cuvnt str in.
n. uneori naintea numelor de filme,
cri, etc.
Dont begin a sentence with
Sushi is a Japanese dish.
I saw Shakespeare in love
I. Punei punct, semnul ntrebrii, semnul exclamrii, virgul i apostrof acolo unde este cazul.
1.He arrives on 21 Sept on Tarom flight Ro 321 He is going to stay in Bucharest till next Monday.
2. Go Get out Its too dangerous to stay here
3. Where are you going
4. Be quiet Im trying to sleep
5. Look Anne the sun is setting
6. She lives at 25 Saint Andrew St Cambridge
I. Completai spaiile goale cu a, an, some sau articolul zero atunci cnd este necesar.
1. My neighbour is .. photographer.I want to ask him for.. advice about colour films.
2. A: We had chicken and.. rice for.. lunch.
B: That doesnt sound very interesting lunch.
3. I had a very bad night; I had . terrible nightmare.
4. . person who suffers from claustrophobia has .. of being confined in .small
place, such as .. lift.
5. Our lunch break is hour and .. half.
6. I hope you have .. lovely time and .. good weather.
7. I had . amazing dream last night. I saw . dinosaur eating .. meat in .. Central
Park in New York.
8. .. man is reasoning animal.
9. He broke .. leg in skiing accident.
10. She was paid hundred day for cleaning the house.
11. Would you like .. apple?
12. Ive got .cheese in the fridge.
13. Id like . pot of tea, please.
14. Do you want sandwich?
15. Id like grapes, please.
II. Completai spaiile goale cu articolul hotrt, nehotart, sau zero.
1. A: Are Tom and Mary cousins?
B: No, they are not .. they are .. brother and sister.
2. . fog was so thick that we couldnt see too far in . front of us.
3. Number .hundred and twenty five is for sale. Its quite nice house with . large
rooms and .. wide windows.
5. Its . pleasure to do business with you.
6. A: Is this.. film that you videoed yesterday?
B: Yes, it is. I like it. Its. very good western.
7. A: You were .. long time at .. supermarket.
B: Yes, I was. It was long queue.
8. Im .. English teacher and I went to China last year. Ita . very big country.
I stayed in . very good hotel in Beijing. I stayed there for.. two weeks.
I love restaurants and I had .. dinner every evening in beautiful restaurant near
III. Punei verbele de mai jos la prezentul simplu sau continuu.
write(2) snow come wake up(2)
rise set have live(2) do
1. I. to my girl friend. I to her every day.
2. Itoutside. It . down quite hard.
3. Normally I at six o clock, but today I at seven.
4. I usually . to work, but my car is at the garage , so this week I .by bus.
5. The sun .. in the east and . in the west.
6. Theres someone at the door. I cant go, I a bath.
7. We . camping every year because it is cheap and we have a great time.
8. I ... in Timisoara, but I .. in Bucharest for three months because Ia course in
IV. Gsii i corectai greelile din propoziiile de mai jos.
1. I am study here.
2. Mary and Tom is brother and sister.
3. I am not like this book.
4. This is the most interestingest film.
5. The news are not very good today.
6. Mary is looking for a new work.
7. Id like some informaions about his country.
8. Let me give you an advice.
9. Cook these rice for fifteen minutes.
10. We lend books from the library.
11. Theyre at home now.
12. My brothers name is James.
13. Is that Johns sister?
14. Its raining cats and dogs outside.
V. Scriei verbele de mai jos la toate cele trei forme, traducei-le
cu ajutorul dicionarului, iar apoi gsii-le antonime.
1. open
2. give
3. come
4. throw
5. sit
6. arrive
7. remember
8. rise
9. win
VI. Gsii cte un adjectiv care s mearg cu substantivele de mai jos: 2money
5.advice 6air
9.butter 10..milk
7 work
8 .. spaghetti
VII. Completai propoziiile de mai jos cu cuvintele cerute de context:
1. My neighbour is an person. Nobody likes her.
2. The weather this winter was . than this winter.
3. The restaurant we went last Sunday was than this one. The food was..
cooked and the music was excellent.
4. The traffic is . at five oclock.
5. Thats an . ! Lets do it!
VIII. Gsii expresiile corespunztore din coloana din dreapta pentru definiiile
din coloana stng.
1. Blue sky, sunny,warm
2. 5 stars, very famous
3. Bad person. Nobody likes him
4. 95 out of 100 in an exam
5. Dark skies, wind, rain
6. We can take a taxi
a. wonderful news
b. awful weather
c. nice weather
d. an excellent idea
e. the best hotel in town
f. an awful person
IX. Completai propoziiile de mai jos cu o prepoziie i un substantiv sau pronume.
1. Anna cant read yet, but she likes looking .. .
2. I cant find my glasses. Could you help me look ?
3. Im listening on the radio.
4. Why are you looking .. like that? Is my face dirty?
5. Use a dictiponary to look .. the words you dont know.
X. Completai conversaia de mai jos cu forma corect a verbelor din paranteze.
Tom: I (phone).. you yesterday. Where (be)you?
Cathy: I (go) . to see my parents. It (be) .. my mothers birthday.
My sister and I (cook) lunch.
Tom: (she,have) . a birthday cake?
Cathy: Yes, I (take) ..her one. She really (like) .it.
Tom: What (you do) after lunch?
Cathy: We (sit) .. and (talk) . . I (want) . to go for a walk, but my mother (not
want) . to. In the evening we (listen) .. to music. It was a nice day.
Tom: ( you sleep) .. there or (you come) .. home?
Cathy: I (not sleep) there. I (come) . home at 10 p.m. What (you do)
. yesterday, Tom?
XI. Look at the following list from a telephone directory. Write T (true) or F (false) for each of the
sentences below.
Chambers R & Son, Butchers, 197 Clarendon Rd ..Weedon 873624
Champion Taxi Company .Horsley 358716
Champney T I, 23 Heath Grove Garforth 354199
Chan Dr S W, 203 Clarendon Rd . Weedon 365552
Chanda Indian Restaurant, 42 High St . Hickley 3327
Chapman Mrs B, 3
Floor, 621 Scott Hall Rd . Danehill 284613
Chappell F D, Chemist, Fairfax Centre, 9 Orchard Rd Weedon 217647
Charlesworth Office Supplies, 19 Beach Rd Horsley 367298
Chaudhry, Jewellers, 35 Orchard Rd . Weedon 218955
1. ______ Mr T I Champney lives in South Avenue In Weedon.
2. ______ Ring Weedon 365552 if you are ill.
3. ______You want a good meal. Phone Hickley 3327 to book a table.
4. ______ Mrs B Chapman lives in a block of flats.
5. ______You want to buy a ring. Phone Weedon 873624.
6. ______ You are shopp0ing in Weedon and you want some medicine for a sore throat.
7. ______ You want some meat brought to your flat. Phone Weedon 365552.
8.______ Phone Horsley 367298 to ask about stationery.
9. _____ You have no car and you want to get to the station in a hurry. Phone Horsley 358716.
10. ______ You can find a chemist and a jeweller in the same road.
XII. Alegei varianta corect de rspuns: a, b, c, sau d.
1. The Japanese eat very much...
a. rice b. bed c. beef d. strawberries
2. French fries are made from .
a. bananas b. potatoes
c. carrots
d. garlic
3. Macaroni, spaghetti, and linguini are all types of .
a. soda b. coffee c. tea
4. Hamburgers are made from .. .
d. pasta
a. meat b. milk c. mushrooms d. soda
5. Ice cream and cake are popular types of . .
a. juice b. pizza c.desserts
d. vegetables
6. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and fries are sometimes called .. .
a. dessert b. apetizers c. main course
XIII. Incercuii YES sau 'NO' n exerciiul de mai jos.
d. junk food
1. I use a frying pan to drink out of.
2. Dishwashing liquid makes the dishes clean.
3. The refrigerator is cold inside.
4. The freezer is not as cold as the refrigerator.
5. Honey is sweeter than milk.
6. I turn on the switch to start the TV.
7. I use a knife to cut the meat.
8. The window is made of glass.
XIV. Cu ajutorul dicionarului alctuii o list cu obiectele ce se gsesc n baie.
XV. Punei cuvintele de mai jos n ordinea corect alctuind cu ele propoziii.
1. gets/ in/ she/the/ up morning.
2. did/ for/ where/ you/ summer/ go/ your/ holiday.
3. at/ closes/ this/ eleven/ restaurant/ oclock.
4. did/university/ he/the/ history/ teach/ at?
It is very difficult to be a stranger in a town - you don't know
your way around town and you have to ask people to help you.
Sometimes, even if you have a map it may be difficult to get
to the place you want, so, you can imagine how difficult it is
without it. So, I think you should listen to Matei's story.
Matei got a scholarship to study at Cambridge. He was very
excited and anxious when he got there, because he had to get
to Downing College on Regent Street.
He arrived in Cambridge at 10 a.m. and he had to be at the
college before 12. So he was afraid he might be late.
When he got out of the railway station he asked a man:
"Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Regent Street?"
The man said: "I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here myself".
So, not wanting to waste time, Matei started walking, hoping
to find someone to help him.
He met a young woman and asked her the same question. She
was very kind and answered: "Of course, in fact, I'm a student
there myself. It's very simple. All you have to do is walk along
Station Road; at the end of it turn right on Hills Road. Walk
straight ahead on Hills road and right in front of you, at the
sixth intersection, is Regent Street. Go along Regent Street,
there, on the left, is the college, you can't miss it!"
Matei thanked her and started his search of the college. He walked and walked, but because he was
very excited to be there on his own, he didn't listen very carefully to what the girl was saying. So,
instead of going straight ahead he turned left on Lensfield Road.
Instead of getting to the college in fifteen minutes he got there in thirty minutes. But, all's well that
ends well, because, even though he was tired he managed to get there in time.
He decided that, from that moment on, he should pay more attention to what people said when they
gave directions.
anxious (adj.) nerbdator
be afraid (v.) - a se teme
even if (cons.) - chiar dac
excited (adv.) - emoionat
map (n.) - hart
might (v.) - ar putea sa
miss (v.) - a pierde, a rata; fr
scholarship (n.) - burs
search (n.) - c utare
should (v.) - ar trebui
stranger (n.) - strin
thank (v.) - a mulumi
think, thought, thought (v.) - a crede, a gndi
to have to (v.) - a trebui s; a fi necesar s
waste (v.) - a risipi, a irosi
all's well that ends well - totul e bine cnd se sfrete cu bine
be late
on one's own
pay attention
- a ntrzia
- pe cont propriu
- a da atenie
I. Find synonyms for the following words:
anxious (adj.)
stranger (n.)
scholarship (n.)
search (n.)
II. With the help of the dictionary look up all the meanings of the verbs:
III. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F):
1. Mathew was a tourist who visited Cambridge.
2. Downing College was on Lensfield Road.
3. He had to be at the college by noon.
4. He didn't understand what the young woman was saying.
5. It took him thirty minutes to get there.
IV. Complete the sentences with the words below:
parking warden
bus stop
parking meters
1. We stand in a .. to wait for a bus at the ..
2. The cars wait until.. turn to green.
3. You can cross the road at a ..
4. Big advertisements are called .
5. We should put waste paper in a .
6. A . has to make sure that motorists use the correctly.
V. Fill in the blanks with one of the following prepositions: on, at, in, to where necessary.
1. You can leave your car a car park.
2. People usually have to stand .a queue .. bus stop.
3. Mark put the empty box . the litter-bin
4. You should cross the street only when the traffic lights turn .. green.
5. The boys have just got the bus.
VI. Where do these people work?
1. bus driver
2. salesclerk/ shop assistant
3. librarian
4. police officer
5. bank teller
VII. Match the questions on the left side with the answers on the right side.
1. Where can I park?
2. Where can I get a train to Bacau?
3. Where can I get informaion about hotels?
4. Where can I change money?
5. Where can I see paintings?
6. Where can I mail a letter?
7. Where can I buy a book?
A. at the bookshop
B. at the bank
C. at the post office
D. at the railway station.
E. at the library.
F. at the parking garage.
G. at the museum.
8. Where can I read (or borrow) a book without buying it? H. at the tourist informaion office
Modal verbs
Principalele verbe modale sunt:
ought to
Verbele modale fac parte din categoria verbelor auxiliare.
Caracteristicile verbelor modale sunt:
1. Nu au infinitiv lung.
Ex. 'Can' nu 'to can'
2. Verbele care urmeaz dup ele sunt puse la infinitivul scurt (fr particula 'to')
Ex. I can swim.
You must be there.
3. Nu primesc terminaia 's' la persoana a III-a singular, timpul prezent.
Ex. He can dance.
She may come.
4. Formeaz interogativul i negativul ca toate verbele auxiliare, fr ajutorul lui 'do'.
Ex. Can you help me?
I can't speak Chinese.
5. Nu au forme pentru toate timpurile, de aceea unele dintre ele folosesc alte verbe pentru
exprimarea timpurilor pe care ele nu le au.
Acestea sunt:
May (a avea permisiunea, a putea) - might (la past tense)
- to be allowed to (a avea permisiunea s) - la toate timpurile,
inclusiv la prezent
Can (a putea, a fi capabil s) - could (la past tense)
- to be able to (a fi capabil s) - la toate timpurile, inclusiv la
Must (a trebui)
Should (ar trebui)
Ought to (ar trebui)
- nu are alt form
- to have to (a trebui s) - la toate timpurile, inclusiv la prezent
- nu are alt form
- nu are inlocuitori
- nu are alt form
- nu are nlocuitori
1. Capacitatea, abilitatea de a face ceva.
Ex. I can swim
Can you play the piano?
Can they drive?
Mary cannot (can't) speak French.
2. Rugminte la interogativ (sub form de permisiune)
Ex. Can I borrow your book?
Can you open the window?
3. Permisiune
Ex. You can sit here.
She can come, too!
4. Ofert (n ntrebri politicoase)
Ex. Can I help you?
5. Imposibilitate, interzicere (numai la negativ)
Ex. You can't be hungry; you've just had lunch.
You can't sit here.
1. Abilitate n trecut
Ex. I could ride a bicycle when I was a child.
2. Intrebare politicoas, rugminte. Este mai politicos dact 'can'.
Ex. Could I borrow your pen? - A putea mprumuta pixul tu?
3. Sugestie
Ex. - I need help with my English.
- You could talk to the teacher.
4. Probabilitate, certitudine mai mic de 50%
Ex. - Where's John?
- He could be at the library. - Ar putea fi la bibliotec.
1. Rugminte, sub forma unei ntrebri politicoase. Este mai formal dect 'can'.
Ex. - May I borrow your pen? - Pot imprumuta pixul tau?
2. Permisiune formal.
Ex. You may leave the room. - Poi (ai permisiunea) s prseti ncperea.
3. Probabilitate (mai mic de 50%)
Ex. - Where's John? - Unde este John?
- He may be at the library. - Poate s fie (este probabil) la bibliotec.
Se folosete la past tense.
La prezent se traduce cu ar putea/s-ar putea s
1. Probabilitate (o certitudine mai mic de 50%)
Ex. - Where's John? - Unde este John?
- He might be at the library. - S-ar putea s fie la bibliotec.
1. Necesitate puternic, obligaie
Ex. I must read the book until tomorrow, because I have an exam tomorrow.
2. Interzicere cu desvrire (la negativ).
Ex. You must not open that door . - Este interzis s deschizi ua aceea.
3. Pentru exprimarea lipsei obligaiei la negativ se nlocuiete cu verbul 'need'.
Ex. You need not (needn't) come. - Nu este necesar s vii.
4. Certitudine de 95%, aproape total.
Ex. - Where's Johnny?
- He must be home at this hour. - Trebuie s fie acas la ora asta (sunt aproape 100% sigur)
1. Inlocuitorul lui 'must'.
2. Formeaz interogativul i negativul cu ajutorul lui 'do'.
Ex. Do you have to make so much noise? - Trebuie (este necesar) s faci aa mult zgomot?
3. Exprim necesitatea la afirmativ i interogativ i lipsa necesitii la negativ.
Ex. I don't have to go to class today, it's Saturday. - Nu trebuie s merg la ore astzi, este
1. O recomandare, un sfat, exprim prerea vorbitorului.
Ex. You should go to the dentist. - Ar trebui s mergi la dentist. (este prerea mea).
2. Certitudine 90% (mai mic dect must, numai cu sens de viitor).
Ex. She should do well in her exam, because she studied a lot. - Ar trebui s fac bine la
examen, pentru c a nvat mult.
1. Recomandare, condiii obiective cer acest lucru.
Ex. I ought to finish writing the essay. I need it tomorrow. - Ar trebui s termin de scris eseul.
Am nevoie de el mine.
2. Certitudine 90% (mai mic dect must, numai cu sens de viitor)
Ex. She ought to do well on the test.
I. Restate the following rules, using modal verbs:
1. NO SMOKING - You must not smoke
II. Translate into English:
1. Trebuie s pori centura de siguran cnd conduci maina.
2. Ar trebui s pori centura de siguran cnd conduci maina.
3. A: Imi este foarte somn!
B: Nu se poate s-i fie somn; ai dormit 5 ore!
4. A: Ce vrei s facem weekendul acesta?
B: Am putea merge ntr-o excursie la munte!
5. A: De ce nu este Maria cu voi?
B: Trebuie s fie acas, deoarece este bolnav!
III. Complete the sentences with can or can't and a verb from the box.
1. How many languages can you speak?
2. you .. Italian pasta?
3. I . this coffee! There's no sugar in it.
4. . you the piano?
5. You . many people in the street when the weather is nice.
6. Although I like going by boat I .
7. A: you fishing this weekend?
B: No, I .. . I have to go to work on Saturday.
IV. Complete the sentences with you should or you shouldn't and one of the verbs given below:
drink work
How to stay healthy
1. .. lots of fresh fruit and vegetables.
2. .. too much fat.
3. .. too many sweets.
4. ... regular exercise.
5. any cigarette.
6. too much coffee.
7. for about eight hours a night.
8. too hard.
V. Complete the sentences with must, can, could, may, might or should in the positive
and negative.
1. Annie is only one year old, but walk quite well.
2. A: I have a terrible headache.
B: You go to the doctor.
3. A: Let's go to the beach!
B: I don't think we. go to the beach because it rain this afternoon.
4. I lived in Spain when I was a child so I .. speak Spanish then but I don't think I ..speak
it now.
5. .. I open the window? It's very hot in here.
6. Passengers ..smoke when the plane takes off.
7. We go to France next summer, but we're not sure yet.
8. We . remember to pay the phone bill by the end of the week.
9. I know you like sugar, but you eat so much - it's bad for your health.
10. I was listening very carefully but . understand what she was saying. I think she was
speaking German.
VI. Choose the correct completion.
1. Mary can .. to the meeting.
A. comes B. come C. to come
2. We ought . before we drop in on them.
A. called B. to call C. call
3. I couldn't .. that book because it was too expensive.
A. bought B. to buy C. buy
4. Paul can .. Chinese very well because he studied there.
A. speak B. speaks C. spoke
5. We had an umbrella because it was raining heavily.
A. took B. to take C. to took
VII. Select the best answer, A, B or C.
1. To stay alive, people breathe oxygen.
A. must/have to B. must not
C. don't have to
2. My room is a mess but I clean it before I go out, I can do it in the morning.
A. must/have to B. must not C. don't have to
3. You come if you are too tired.
A. mustn't B. shouldn't
4. You speak so loudly. I'm not deaf.
C. can't
A. couldn't B. shouldn't C. may not
5. Mark is nearsighted, he see without glasses.
A. must B. must not C. cant
VIII. Pretend you are teaching your younger sister how to drive a car. With the help of the words
below write down a few rules for her (driving regulations and how to drive a car).
a. should
b. have to
c. shouldn't
d. ought to
e. don't have to
f. must
Ex.: You must fasten your seat belt before starting the engine.
To narrate means to tell a story or relate events in the order in which they occur, to relate what
happened in a time sequence - minute by minute, year by year, etc.
In narration you answer such questions as:
What happened and in what sequence?
When and where did the story take place?
Who was involved? What was the relationship between the people involved?
There are different types of narration:
1. autobiographical/ personal
2. biographical
3. historical
4. journalistic
5. fictional
Rules for writing narration paragraphs (they apply to all types of paragraphs):
1. To begin the paragraph, you have to compose a topic sentence which tells the reader what the
story is about, and gives an interesting observation that will make the reader want to continue.
2. Do some brainstorming to get some ideas to support the topic sentence.
3. Include details that will answer the following questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
4. Arrange your details according to time sequence and use appropriate transitional expressions.
5. Give your paragraph a beginning, middle and end. Usually, the topic sentence starts the
6. Write the paragraph in either first or third person and keep it consistent throughout the
7. Maintain the same tense throughout the paragraph. A narration is usually done in the past. You
can also use dialogues. Only in the dialogues you can use any tense required by the context.
8. Check the paragraph for unity and coherence.
9. Proofread for spelling, punctuation and capitalization errors.
10. Write the revised, final paragraph.
Transitional expressions
After that/ this
After a while
As soon as
At first
At last
At night
At noon
At present
At sunrise/ sunset
At the same time
At the start
Before that
By the time
First of all
Following this for a minute/
hour/ day, etc.
From the start
Example of a narration paragraph:
In a day/week/month/year/in the morning/afternoon/ evening
In the future
In the meantime
Last of all
On (day of week: Monday/ Tuesday, etc.)
Since then
To begin with
To start with
Even though they knew from the start that it would not be easy, in 1978, the American Women's
Himalayan Expedition climbed Anapurna, one of the highest mountains in Nepal.
To begin with
, they had to get permission from the government of Nepal to climb the 26,504 - foot
mountain. When
the climbing permit came through, the second part of their plan was to raise $
80,000 for the expedition. Then
they had to purchase, pack and ship the eight thousand pounds of
food and gear necessary to survive and climb in sub-zero weather. Next
, they had to get into shape
and practice climbing skillsas a team. After a year
of preparing for the expedition, the women's
climbing team flew to Katmandu and began the trek to the base in Anapurna. After
treacherous ice fields, and enduring storms along with avalanches, frostbite and altitude sickness,
two women were at last
successful in attaining the summit. Sadly, two others died in the attempt.
1 - topic sentence
2 - transitional expressions
I. Read the following paragraph and supply appropriate time transitions in the blanks.
Ted's schedule was quite busy today. He got up __________ and put on his sweatsuit. __________
he went down to the lake and jogged around the track __________. __________ he showered, got
dressed and drank a cup of coffee __________ driving to work. __________, Ted got his mail out
off the way __________ the division meeting. __________ the meeting, he had a business lunch
with some perspective buyers from Japan. __________ lunch, they discussed their proposals.
__________ Ted dropped them off at their hotel. __________ the afternoon he spent working out
the details of the FunSail account. __________quitting time, Al suggested they catch a quick dinner
and movie, but Ted told him that he couldn't because he had to go to his sister's birthday.
II. Read the following paragraphs and:
a. identify the
- topic sentence of the paragraph
- body
- end
b. identify the tenses used
c. underline the transitional expressions
1. On July 20, 1969, Neil A. Armstrong descended the ladder of the lunar module Eagle to the
moon's surface. Halfway down the ladder he set up a TV camera. While millions of spellbound
people back on Earth watched, first Armstrong, commander of the Apollo 11 mission, and then
Edwin Aldrin stepped onto the surface of the moon. On this historic day, people walked, ran,
played, and worked on the moon for the first time. They photographed the Eagle, and then each
other in their space suits, gathered 45 pounds of rock and soil samples, and set up a solar wind
detector, a seismic detector, and a laser reflector. After 24 hours of working and resting on the
moon, they returned to the command module, Columbia. A line on the plaque of the Eagle could
serve for the motto of their mission: WE CAME IN PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND.
2. I'll never forget the week I learned how to swim. The first day of summer camp I learned how to
float and blow bubbles with my face in the water.
The next day, the swimming instructor showed me how to propel myself across the pool by
kicking, while simultaneously turning my head to the side to inhale and then exhale with my
face in the water. On Wednesday, I was really swimming, pulling myself through the water by
mooing my arms while breathing and kicking, all at the same time. The following day, not only
could I 'crawl' the width of the pool, but I could also do the back and side stroke. Friday was
icing on the cake; I learned to dive head first into the pool - keeping my knees straight and
toes pointed - and then surface and swim the whole length of the pool. Even my big brother was
III. Having in mind the rules given above, write a paragraph, choosing from the following topics:
a. an event in your life (i.e. memories from childhood)
b. the life of an important person; a person whom you consider very important for humanity
c. narrate an event that took place: a theatrical performance, a collision on the motorway, due to
ice on the road, etc.
British food makes the most of its own produce but
also demonstrates the strong influence of other
countries. Kedgeree, a fish and rice breakfast dish,
came from the opposite direction, introduced by
Britons who lived in India.
More recently dishes from Chinese, Indian and
Pakistani restaurants are already part of the British way
of life.
London now has a reputation as a capital of food. One
of the finest cities to dine out.
Chefs trained in metropolitan kitchens try to inspire a revival of the half-forgotten local dishes.
Several of these chefs have their own television programs bringing food of different regions and
different nations to a wider audience. The end result is that Britain has a cuisine that is truly
international and multi - cultural.
Here is an example: marmalade comes from the Portuguese 'marmalada' - a quince jam. Orange
marmalade became the British breakfast favorite after a grocer in the Scottish town of Dundee used
Seville oranges imported from Spain.
Some traditional British dishes are:
Lancashire hotpot is prepared with layers of meat and vegetables topped by sliced potatoes.
Now a traditional dish, hotpot was once a food of the people, especially in the great industrial
Lightness is the secret of Yorkshire pudding, traditionally made from batter baked to catch the
drips from a roasting joint of beef.
For the British, teatime and cakes go together. Among scores of regional cakes are Welsh
cinamon cake, Speyside ginger cake and potato cake.
I. State whether the following sentences are true or false.
Mark T or F.
1. Potatoes come from India.
2. London is famous for its international restaurants.
3. Kedgeree is an old British fish and rice dish.
4. The most famous chefs have their own TV program.
5. Yorkshire pudding is famous for its lightness
II. With the help of a dictionary find the meaning of the words below and use them in sentences:
- dish
- chef
- revival
- audience
- cuisine
Places where you can eat.
Caf. It is a place where you can have coffee or tea and a snack (a sandwich or a piece of cake).
There are some cafes where you can serve a meal
Restaurant. It is more expensive than a caf. You can get a full meal there.
Coffee Shop. It is a small restaurant that serves inexpensive meals, tea, coffee, etc.
Deli. It is a store where you can buy cooked meats, cheese, salads, sandwiches. You can take them
out to eat in a different place.
Fast-food restaurant. It is a place where you can get a quick hot meal (e.g. a hamburger and french
fries, a hotdog, a pizza, etc.). Some people call fast food 'junk food' because it is not always good
for our health. 'Junk' means anything that is useless or of low quality.
In a restaurant
There are some restaurants that are so popular that you have to make reservations in advance. In our
country men enter first and then the women who are with them. In Britain and the United States it is
considered impolite not to let the women enter the restaurant door first. So, it is a matter of culture.
After the waiter shows you to your table he/she brings the menu. It usually contains appetizers (hot
or cold), entrees (which are the main courses) and deserts. It also contains the list with drinks:
juices, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.
The next step is to order food.
Here is an example of a conversation in a restaurant:
WAITER: Are you ready to order?
CUSTOMER: Yes, I'd like the shrimp cocktail, tomato soup and steak.
WAITER: Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes or fries?
CUSTOMER: Baked with butter and sour cream.
WAITER: How would you like your steak - rare, medium or well-done?
CUSTOMER: Medium, please.
WAITER: And what would you like to drink?
CUSTOMER: A bottle of red wine, please.
WAITER: Would you like something for dessert?
CUSTOMER: No, thank you. Just a cup of coffee.
WAITER: And how would you like your coffee - black, white, with sugar or with no sugar in it?
CUSTOMER: Black coffee, no sugar, please.
Some time later:
WAITER: Is everything all right?
CUSTOMER: Yes, everything's fine, thank you. I'd like the bill, please.
WAITER: Here it is.
III .Put the following words in three lists: meat, fruits and vegetables.
Then add five more items to each list (use a dictionary, if necessary):
strawberry, banana, leek, mushroom, beef, garlic, lettuce, orange, pork, steak, onion, tomato, potato,
lemon, pear, beans, orange, lamb, spinach, veal, apple, cabbage.
IV. Which of the places mentioned below do you go if you .
a restaurant
a caf
a fast-food restaurant
a coffee shop
a deli
1. want to buy a sandwich in the morning to eat at lunchtime at work?
2. want a romantic dinner for two?
3. have three small children with you?
4. are meeting a friend who might be late?
V. Look at the menu below and answer the following questions:
Shrimp cocktail
Chicken wings
Fried mushrooms
Onion soup
Tomato soup
Chicken soup
Chicken salad
Spinach salad
Green salad
New York steak
Lemon chicken
Grilled fillet of salmon
Cheese, ham or plain omelet
Spaghetti Bolognese
Ice cream - vanilla, strawberry, chocolate, peach
Fruit salad
Pie - apple, cherry
Coffee, tea, milk
Iced tea
Soft drinks - cola, diet cola, fanta, sprite
Wine: red, white, Beer
Pasta Primavera - pasta with fresh vegetables
(above entrees served with vegetable
and choice of potato: mashed, baked or fries)
1. What do you want to eat for starters?
2. What can a vegetarian eat?
3. Can you find dishes made with chicken?
4. How many kinds of dessert do they offer?
5. Which is a soft drink: coffee, tea or coca - cola?
6. Are the vegetables served with the appetizers?
VI. Choose one of the words below that can go with each of the words in each group:
ice cream
1. You can have tomato/ vegetable chicken ________ to start with.
2. Would you like a cheese/ ham/ plain _____________?
3. I'll have the chicken/ spinach/ fruit _____________.
4. I'd like the mashed/ baked/ french fried _____________.
5. Can I have the chocolate/ strawberry/ vanilla _____________, please?
6. Do you like your _____________ well done/ medium/ rare?
VII. Correct the mistakes in this dialogue:
WAITER: Are you ready for order?
CUSTOMER: Yes. I like the mushroom soup and a hamburger, please.
WAITER: How would you like your hamburger - rare, medium or done good?
WAITER: Anything to drink?
CUSTOMER: An ice tea, please.
Demonstratives and quantifiers
some , any , no si compusii lor
SOME - se pune - n faa unor substantive nenum rabile: 'some water', 'some tea', 'some coffee
- n faa unor substantive la plural: 'some children', 'some people', 'some
- se folosete - n propoziii afirmative, traducndu-se cu 'ceva', 'nite', n cazul
substantivelor nenumrabile some coffe, some time 'unii', 'unele', n cazul
substantivelor la plural, i n cel al substantivelor colective
- n propoziii interogative - numai atunci cnd se ateapt un rspuns
A: 'Did you buy some clothes?'
B: 'Yes, I did.'
ANY - se pune - n faa unor substantive nenumrabile: 'any weather' - orice vreme
- n faa unor substantive numrabile, fie la singular, fie la plural:
'Any person can do that.'
'Discuss any problems with your teacher.'
- se folosete - n propoziii afirmative, avnd sensul de 'orice', 'oricine'
- n propoziii interogative - 'ceva', 'cineva'
- n propoziii negative - ceva, vreo, vreun
'Were there any children in the park?'
'There weren't any children in the park'
NO - se folosete n faa unui substantiv, atunci cnd verbul este la afirmativ. In limba englez nu se
admit dou negaii ntr-o propoziie; dac verbul este la negativ, adjectivele i adverbele vor fi la
afirmativ i invers.
'We had no time to lose.'
'There are no shops open after 8 o'clock.'
'There aren't any shops open after 8 o'clock.'
somebody (cineva)
someone (cineva)
something (ceva)
somewhere (undeva)
somehow (cumva)
anybody (oricine)
anyone (oricine)
anything (orice)
anywhere (oriunde)
anyhow (oricum)
nobody (nimeni)
no one (nimeni)
nothing (nimic)
nowhere (nicieri)
Expresii care exprim cantitatea Se folosesc cu
substantive numrabile
One apple
Se folosesc cu substantive
Each (fiecare luat n parte)
Every (fiecare, la un loc)
Both (ambele, ambii)
A couple of (dou)
Several (cteva, mai multe)
Many (multe, muli)
A number of
A little (puin ceva, nu puin)
Little (puin, aproape deloc)
A few (puini, civa, cteva, nu puine)
Few (puini, puine, aproape deloc)
A great deal of (o mare cantitate de)
A lot of (o mulime de)
Not any/ no (nici un)
Lots of
A lot of (o mulime de)
Plenty of (o mulime de)
Most (majoritatea)
Each apple
Every apple
Two apples
Both apples
A couple of apples
Several apples
Many apples
A number of apples
A few apples
Few apples
Some apples
A lot of aples
No apple
Lots of apples
A lot of apples
Plenty of apples
Most apples
All apples
A little rice
Little rice
A great deal of rice
Some rice
A lot of rice
Lots of rice
Plenty of rice
Most rice
All rice
I. Complete what the disc jockey is saying. Put in some or any.
'That beautiful song was 'I can't find . love by Arlene Black. Now I've had..
letters asking for a record by Express. One listener says she hasn't heard .. records
by Express on this program for months. Well, I'm going to put that right straight away. And this will
be our last record because there isn't more time left. We've had great
records tonight, and I'll be here next week to play .. more. Now, here's
music from Express, with 'I never have . luck.' And this is Justin Cooper saying
goodbye and goodnight.'
II. Complete the sentences with some, any, no and their compounds:
1. A: We haven't got bread.
B: I'd better go to the supermarket and buy .. .
A: We need . tomatoes, too!
2. A: Would you like cheese and biscuits?
B: Oh, no, thank you. I don't want... else to eat.
3. A: There's at the door.
B: Oh, are we expecting visitors?
4. A: I'm looking for .. matches, but I can't find ..
B: There may be . on the shelf.
5. There's interesting on television tonight.
6. A: Is. going to help you move this furniture?
B: I don't know. Would you mind giving me .. help, please?
III. Use much or many with the following words, changing the words to plural when necessary.
Example: sentence
1. furniture
2. desk
3. branch
4. equipment
5. machine
6. woman
7. piece
8. mouse
9. advice
10. sheep
11. informaion
12. phenomenon
13. luck
14. tooth
15. knowledge
16. aircraft
17. mail
18. homework
19. child
20. prize
many sentences
much water
IV. Complete the sentences with few, a few, little, a little.
Example: Have you got a few minutes? I need a little more information.
1. After Susan tasted the soup, she added . salt.
2. I don't like a lot of salt in my food. I add .. salt to it.
3. I like music. I like to listen to music before I go to bed.
4. I have to go to the post office because I have . letters to mail.
5. Driving to the movie was easy. We got there quickly because there was . traffic.
6. Because the family is poor the children have clothes.
7. . days ago I met a very interesting person.
8. I was hungry, so I ate . nuts.
9. He's a lucky boy. Because his parents take good care of him, he has problems in life.
10. My friend came from France. months ago.
V. Translate into English:
1. Am puini prieteni.
2. Majoritatea crilor au un cuprins (index).
3. Chinezii mnnc mult orez.
4. Majoritatea oamenilor dorm ntre 6-8 ore n fiecare noapte.
5. Multe din aceste scaune sunt necomfortabile.
6. Majoritatea mobilei este necomfortabil.
7. Am foarte puini bani.
8. Tom este foarte fericit deoarece a economisit ceva bani.
9. D-mi voie s-i dau un sfat.
Modul imperativ este reprezentat n limba englez de persoana a II-a singular i plural (forme ce
sunt la fel ca infinitivul scurt). Forma verbului este, de regul, nensoit de subiect:
ASK! Intreab (tu)
Intrebai (voi)
Do not (don't) ask!
Se poate vorbi, ns, de modul imperativ i la celelalte persoane. El se formeaz astfel:
Let + pronumele personal la cazul acuzativ/ substantivul + verb la infinitiv scurt
Let me
speak (s ntreb)
(s ntrebe el
(s ntrebm)
(s ntrebai)
Modul imperativ se folosete foarte mult atunci cnd se dau indicaii, instruciuni de utilizare, de
preparare, ordine, ndemnuri.
Exemplu: 'Go straight ahead.'
'Cut the onion into small pieces.'
VI. Read the instructions below and underline the imperative forms of the verbs.
How to make English tea
Take the kettle to the cold water tap. Fill it with water. Put the kettle on the gas-stove and lit the gas.
Wait until the water boils. Pour some boiling water into the teapot. Put some tea in the teapot, then
fill the teapot with boiling water and wait three or four minutes. If you use tea bags then put the tea
bag into a cup and pour boiling water on it. Wait for about four minutes. Your tea is ready.
VII. Put the sentences below in the correct order so as to have the order in which the activities are
How to use a public telephone
- wait for the dialing tone
- lift the receiver
- dial the number
- introduce the telephone card into the slot
- wait for the phone to ring
- if the line is busy, try again
- when you finish, hang down the receiver (put it back)
There are two types of process paragraph:
1. the how-to/ instructional paragraph
2. the explanation paragraph
1. The How-to/ Instructional Paragraph
Purpose: to give the reader simple and clear instructions and directions on how to do or make
something. It follows a step-by-step order.
Topic sentence: should let the reader know what she/ he will be able to do or make.
Paragraph body: should include sequenced directions, or steps for doing or making something. All
the equipment, supplies and ingredients needed must be included.
Tenses used: this type of paragraph is written in the present or future tense.
the imperative mood is also used for giving directions.
The rules that should be followed are the same as those for the narration paragraph.
Transitional expressions:
After a while
After that
After this
As soon as
At first
At last
At the same time
Following this
For an hour
From the start
The rest (of..)
At the start In (the month/ year/ season) To begin with
Before that
Before this
By the time
In the beginning
In the future
In the meantime
Last of all
To start with
I. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions:
1. What are the transitional expressions?
2. How many steps are there?
3. What tense is used in the paragraph?
4. Is the imperative mood used?
How to make a pot from a lump of clay
Making a pot from a lump of clay is a lengthy process, which demands artistic and technical skill.
When a potter makes a pot, the first thing she/ he does is knead the clay; this eliminates air bubbles
from the clay. Second, the potter throws the clay into the desired shape - a plate, a cup, vase, bowl.
After a day or two, when the pot is dry, the potter turns the pot upside down on the wheel and trims
a 'foot'; this eliminates all excess clay from the bottom of the pot and refines its shape. Next, the pot
is fired in a kiln. Then the pot is glazed (decoratively painted) with a creamy mixture of mineral
oxides. Finally, the pot is fired a second time to a very high temperature. This gives the finished pot
a glass-like surface.
II. Read the following group of sentences. Put them into the correct order,
numbering them on the blanks next to the sentences. Note that one sentence group
is not relevant to the procedure and should be omitted. Write 'o' on the blank next to it.
_ All this time, both machines adjust themselves automatically so that they will send and receive at
the same time.
_ It's not difficult to understand how a fax machine works.
_ When the machines are both ready the sending machine scans the document and transforms what
it sees to electric signals.
_ Many companies and organizations throughout the world now utilize fax machines.
_ When the signals reach the receiving machine, it decodes the signals and prints out a copy of the
original document
_ These signals can be sent through regular telephone lines.
_ First, the document is put into the sending machine, and the number of the receiving machine is
III. Read the following paragraphs and label them according to the key below:
A: How-to/ Instructional
B: Explanation
1. Natural rubber comes from latex, a white milky liquid that comes from a tree that grows about
forty to fifty feet tall and is about six to seven inches in diameter.
A rubber tree has dark green oval leaves, about eight inches long, and it's found mostly in South
America and the Far East. A rubber tree is not ready to be tapped until it's about seven years old.
At that time a worker makes slash marks on the bark of the tree, just deep enough for the latex
to run out, but not deep enough to kill the tree. The latex is gathered in a small cup which hangs
at the base of each cut. Then it is collected in large containers and taken to a factory where it is
concentrated for shipment or processed into dry rubber.
2. Setting up an aquarium can be easy and fun. First, you must make sure that the aquarium is
cleaned and rinsed thoroughly. Next, install an under-gravel filter by laying the base down on
the bottom and then covering it with aquarium gravel about one inch thick. After that, connect
the tube from the air pump to the filter columns of the under-gravel filter. At this time, install a
heating element to maintain a constant water temperature of about 18
Centigrade. A
thermometer is also necessary to monitor the temperature. You are now ready to fill the
aquarium with tap water. At this time turn on the air pump and heating element. Allow about
two days for the water temperature to come up to 18
. Also, you must allow the filter system to
operate for about one week. After a week you may want to add some water conditioner. Finally,
you are ready to put in the fish.
IV. Write an explanation paragraph on one of the following topics:
1. How a computer works.
2. How a particular event in your life occurred.
3. How a particular object is made.
V. Write a how-to/ instructional paragraph on one of the topics:
1. How to play a particular sport.
2. How to stop a bad habit (nail biting, smoking).
3. How to make the best use of study time.
4. How to play a musical instrument.
I have always dreamt of spending a holiday in New
York City, because I consider it the most colourful and
famous city of America. If you go there as a tourist
you can find many places to visit. You can visit it
during the day. After you have walked along the streets
of Manhattan you can find a beautiful green oasis in
the middle of New York's concrete desert - Central
Park - where you can enjoy the sun and fresh air.
New Yorkers love Central Park, and they use it all the
time. In the winter they go ice-skating, in the summer
roller-skating. They play ball, ride horses and have
picnics. There is even a children's zoo, with wild birds
and animals.
New York is an international city, and its restaurants are international, too. You can eat food from
Lebanon, Japan, Mexico, Italy, etc.
In the evening, if you want to go to a theatre, you can go to Broadway, 'The Great White Way',
called so for its glamour and glitter. It is perhaps the world's best known street, because of its
famous theatres. For an actor it is an honor and a privilege to play on Broadway. If you prefer
something less glittering you can go to a small theatre, away from Broadway. As well as many
theatres, New York has a famous opera house, the Metropolitan, where international stars sing from
September till April.
Carnegie Hall is the city's most popular concert hall.
But night life in New York offers more than classical music and theatre. There are hundreds of
nightclubs where people go to eat and dance.
I. Answer the following questions:
1. Where is Central Park?
2. Why do New Yorkers love it?
3. Why is New York an international city?
4. Why is Broadway called 'the Great White Way'?
II. Find synonyms for the following words and make sentences with them:
1. famous
2. glittering
3. international
4. popular
III. Each of the group below contains a word that does not belong to that category. Identify it.
Types of films
opera house
Films can be classified in:
- comedies
- westerns
- science fiction movies
- action movies
IV. Translate into English.
- cartoons
- horror movies
- crime/ detective movies
- love stories/ romantic movies
1. Imi plac filmele fcute de regizori italieni.
2. A: Mergi deseori la cinema?
B: Nu, mai mult m uit la televizor, sau la video casete.
3. A: Ce ruleaz la Hollywood Multiplex sptmna aceasta?
B: Nu tiu, cred c e un film american, Lara Croft Tomb Raider.
4. A: Ii plac filmele western?
B: Nu prea, mai mult mi plac comediile.
V. What kind of movies are these:
1. Some cowboys rob a train.
2. A flying saucer lands from Mars.
3. James Bond saved the world.
4. Donald duck's nephews come to visit him.
5. There is lots of singing and dancing.
VI. Fill in the blanks with words of your own:
1. Do you prefer to go __________ the movies or to watch TV?
2. We ___________ a video last night.
3. Who __________ James Bond in 'Goldfinger'?
4. A lot of big __________ live in Hollywood.
5. Steven Spielberg is a famous movie __________.
VII. Answer the following questions:
1. Who is your favourite movie star?
2. What is the latest film you saw?
3. Do you like detective movies? Which is your favourite?
4. Can you watch horror movies?
VIII. Fill in the blanks with the words required by the context and put them in the correct form:
1. Sometimes I __________ to CDs or tapes.
2. I __________ to my sister on the phone every Sunday.
3. Do you ever __________ friends over for dinner?
4. Some people like to __________ a nap after lunch.
5. The children __________ computer games every day.
6. Do you want to __________ a video tonight?
7. Did you __________ the 8:00 o'clock movie on HBO last night.
IX. Arrange the following spare time activities in the order from the most interesting
to the most boring:
listening to music
watching TV
going to the theater
going to a restaurant
Timpul Present Perfect
Reprezint puntea dintre trecut i prezent
1. O aciune nceput ntr-un anumit moment n trecut i continuat i n prezent.
Exemplu: I've lived here for 20 years.
2. O aciune nceput n trecut, terminat cu foarte puin timp naintea prezentului, iar rezultatele
se vd n prezent.
Exemplu: I've just washed the dishes.
Formare: have (conjugat la prezent) + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat
I/ you have walked
He/ she/ it has walked
Have I/ you walked
Has he/ she/ it walked
I/ you have not (haven't) walked.
He/ she/ it has not (hasn't) walked.
We/ you/ they have walked Have we/ you/ they walked We/ you/ they have not (haven't)
Adverbe cu care se folosete:
Just (tocmai)
Already (deja, n propoziii afirmative)
Yet (deja, n propoziii intergoative)
Inca (n propoziii negative)
Ever, never, always, seldom, sometimes, often, etc.
For (de o anumit perioad de timp)
Since (dintr-un anumit moment)
1. He has just opened the door.
2. Have you ever been to Spain?
3. I've always enjoyed reading a good book.
4. They have already left.
5. Are we there yet?
6. I have known him for three years, since 1999.
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect tense:
1. My grandfather (fly, never) _____________ in an airplane.
2. Jane isn't here yet. I (wait) _____________ for her since noon, but she still (arrive, not)
3. I (never, meet) _____________ such an interesting person.
4. She (always, visit) _____________ her friends at Christmas.
5. I (plan) _____________ to go on this tour for two months.
6. The weather (be) _____________ terrible lately.
7. This film is so good that I (see) _____________ it three times so far.
II. Translate into English:
1. Vecinii Elenei locuiesc n casa lor nou de 3 ani.
2. Avionul a aterizat.
3. Tocmai i-am telefonat lui Ben.
4. Nu ne-am vndut casa nc.
5. A: Ai deschis scrisoarea?
B: Nu inca. Vreau s-o atept pe sora mea.
6. Maria tocmai a terminat de scris o scrisoare.
7. John nva romna de trei luni.
8. De ct timp m atepi?
9. Care sunt cele mai importante lucruri pe care le-ai fcut n viaa ta?
10. Mi-am terminat deja tema pentru acas.
III. Make questions starting with 'Have you ever.?' and using the hints below
write full answers to the questions:
1. drive a car
2. read that book
3. break a window
4. hold a snake
5. ride a horse
6. teach English
7. make a cake
8. sleep in a tent
9. have a car accident
10. build a house
11. feed a lion
12. see a ghost
13. be on a safari
14. leave your umbrella at a restaurant
15. give a speech in English
16. eat Chinese food
IV. Use either since or for in the sentences below:
1. I haven't seen my brother _____________ six month. I haven't seen my sister _____________
2. We've lived in this house _____________ three years.
3. The Smiths have lived here _____________ a long time. They've lived here _____________
4. My sister's husband got a job in Canada. He's been there _____________ two years.
5. They have been married _____________ last summer.
V. There is one mistake in each of the sentences below. Identify and correct them.
1. I has known him for two years.
2. James has plaid the violin with the London Symphony since 1985.
3. I have eaten already three pieces of cake.
4. They have live in this town for five years.
5. Have you known him since a long time?
6. Someone have turned on the hi- fi. I can hear it.
7. Susan and mike has been married for seven years.
VI. Choose the correct form:
1. I _____________ to go to China.
a. have always dreamt
b. have dreamt always
2. _____________ driven a car.
c. have always dream
d. has always dreamt
a. did you ever
b. were you ever
c. have you ever
d. are you ever
3. He _____________ the door.
a. is just opened
b. has just open
c. have just opened
d. has just opened
4. We have been married _____________ 1971.
a. since
b. for
c. from
d. by
5. They have lived in this house _____________ ten years.
a. since
b. from
c. for
d. after
To describe someone, some place or something means to put into words what you see, hear, smell,
etc., so that the receiver of the information can visualize it in his/ her imagination.
It is the act of recreating a picture with specific and vivid images and details, which we arrange in
space order. By using this order, the description moves like a movie - left to right, top to bottom,
front to back.
In a description paragraph the writer uses adjectives, adjective phrases and clauses that appeal to the
five senses - sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.
There are two ways to describe: objectively and subjectively.
An objective description is a simple presentation of facts, without making any comments, remarks
about the subject. There is no emotion involved.
The writer of an objective description creates the same effect as a video camera - recording only the
physical details of the subject.
Here is an example of an objective description:
'On the bed sits a black and white stuffed panda bear. It measures about two feet tall by one foot
wide. The fur is matted and has a musty smell giving the impression it is quite old. Its left plastic
eyeball is cracked, and its felt mouth seemed to be glued back on. Its left arm had stitches different
from the rest of the stitching. Sticking out from the back of the bear is a little key. When you turn it
clockwise, a music box inside the bear begins to play a lullaby.'
In contrast, describing subjectively includes emotions, and opinions about the subject. In this case
the writer knows the subject or has a personal attachment to it. There might be some physical
description, but usually it's not as complete as the one in an objective description.
Below is a subjective description of the same bear.
'When I was seven years old, my grandmother gave me a black and white stuffed panda bear. He
was the most beautiful bear I'd ever seen, and I decided to name him Gin Gin. He had soft fuzzy fur,
soulful brown eyes, a cute pink nose and a red felt mouth that smiled at me when I was sad. One
day my brother tried to take Gin Gin from me. During our struggle Gin Gin's left arm was pulled off
and his left eye cracked when he fell to the floor. Mom quickly came and tried to do her best sewing
Gin Gin.
Every night I fell asleep to the sweet tune of Brahm's lullaby, the song that Gin Gin's music box
played. I still have Gin Gin although he is twenty-seven years old.
I. Answer these questions:
1. What are the differences between the two paragraphs?
2. What adjectives did the narrator use to describe Gin Gin?
3. Which of the two descriptions do you like best?
II. Read the following paragraphs and state whether they are:
A. Objective
B. Subjective
1. Sabina has a face that makes my heart smile. Her skin, like with so many young children, is
very smooth and soft. Her eyes are always glowing and full of expression. When she smiles
with her beautiful blue eyes, the whole world stops for a moment. Her little up-turned nose is so
perfect just the right shape and size for a little beauty.
Her lips are full and enclose a mouth of pearly white teeth. All these are set on an oval-shaped
face that can be compared to a perfect diamond set in a charming twenty-four carat gold setting.
2. The receptionist area is a large, rectangular room on the first floor. The entrance is from the
south end, and there are large bookshelves on both sides of the entrance. The receptionist desk is
set back in the room facing the entrance. Behind the desk is a door that leads to the other
offices. The east half of the receptionist area is used for visitors waiting area. Half of the waiting
area has a small meeting room that contains a ten-foot couch, a matching chair and a small
round table.
III. Use adjective, adjective phrases or adjective clauses to describe the words below.
Use words that appeal to the five senses.
Example: diamond
sparkling diamond
smiling face
1. grass
2. hair
3. mountain _________________________
4. eyes
5. beard
6. nose
7. mouth
8. voice
9. skin
10. lake
11. cat
12. dog
IV. Write one objective and one subjective descriptive paragraph.
My first flight was from Paris to Portsmouth in 1959. The
pilot arrived late with the stewardess. He wore a leather jacket
coat, old trousers, and Wellington boots. The stewardess had
holes in her stockings and wore mirrored sunglasses. They
both went into the cockpit without a word. When we were
approaching the English coast, the stewardess appeared in the
cabin. She was still wearing the sunglasses, but her lipstick
was smudged. 'Southend? Anyone for Southend?' she shouted.
The boy in front of me put up his hand. The DC3 suddenly
landed. The boy was shown the door and he jumped down
onto the grass field and we took off again. The stewardess
went back into the cockpit. I remember thinking at the time
that flying was going to change. And I was right. In 30 years,
international travel has completely changed, and the world has
become a global village. Crossing the world is as easy as
(sometimes easier than) getting from one side of the city to
The world of air travel has developed into an industry. The airports themselves are remarkable
places: Paris's strange and space-like Charles de Gaulle, or Dallas/ Fort Worth with its vastness. But
probably one of the greatest of all is London's Heathrow, which tops the list of both international
flights and international passengers.
However, Heathrow shares the same problems as all big airports - too many planes, too many
people, too much crime. Nevertheless it is the center-point of the great air routes between Europe
and North America in one direction, and between Europe and the Gulf, Africa and Asia in the other.
I. Circle the correct answer:
1. The writer remembers his first flight because:
a. it was very unusual and uncomfortable
b. the pilot was dressed like the pilots in World War II
c. the stewardess was very rude
2. The world has become a global village because:
a. of the development of international travel
b. you can get from one part of the world to another in a very short time
c. travelling is very pleasant
3. Heathrow is among the greatest modern airports as
a. it has many problems
b. the most important air routes that link Europe and all the other continents meet here
c. it tops the list of national flights
II. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right:
1. cockpit
2. shout
3. take-off
4. cabin
5. put up
A. compartment for passengers
B. lift the airplane from the ground
C. raise
D. speak in a very loud voice
E. compartment for the crew
III. Find all the meanings of the verb 'take-off' and make sentences with them.
IV. Find the opposites of:
land (v.)
put up (v.)
arrive (v.)
approach (v.)
Travelling by plane is the fastest and safest way to travel. Nowadays people use many kinds of
transport, depending on the distance they have to go, on the money they can spend and, last but not
least, on the time. If you travel a short distance in a village or town you can use the bicycle (bike). If
you go a longer distance and you can afford, you can have a car. People who don't own a car can
travel by bus, by the tube (subway) or by taxi (cab). If you travel from one town to another you can
go by train or by coach. Travelling by coach is cheaper and more interesting, because coaches stop
from time to time to take passengers, so you can stretch up your legs and breathe the fresh air. Of
course, it takes you more to get from Bucharest to Frankfurt by coach than by train. If you travel on
water you can use a boat, for a short distance, or a ship for a longer distance.
Here are some useful travel words:
At the railway station
'The train for Manchester leaves from Platform 3.'
'The 3:30 train to Paris arrives at Platform 10.'
'Can I have a one-way/ round trip ticket to London, please?' (one-way = Lancaster - London)
(round-trip = Lancaster - London - Lancaster)
'This train has no dining car.'
'To get to Lancaster you gave to change trains.'
At the airport
'When you travel by plane you have to check in (tell the airline that you are at the airport) an hour
before the plane takes off.
You have to check big pieces of luggage before you board the plane.
When you arrive at your destination you have to pick up your luggage at the baggage claim area.
When you get on the plane you give your boarding pass to the flight attendant.
During the take-off, landing and whenever there is turbulence you should keep your safety belt
fastened. Some airlines do not allow you to smoke on the plane.
V. Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.
5. land
6. fare
7. dining car
8. ship
9. schedule
10. platform
11. luggage
VI. Answer these questions:
a. a place to eat on a train
b. bags and suitcases
c. it says when trains depart and arrive
d. what you pay for travel
e. when a plane arrives at an airport
f. it travels on water, e.g. Titanic
g. where you stand when you are waiting for a train
6. What is the difference between a one-way ticket and a round-trip ticket?
7. When do you get at the baggage claim area at the airport?
8. Does a plane take-off at the end of a trip?
9. What is the difference between a coach and a bus?
VII. Fill in the blanks with the correct verbs from the list below.
Add -s or -es when necessary:
reach wait get take(2) pay go
I sometimes . to school on foot, but usually I .. a bus because it's quicker by
bus. I . for the bus at the bus stop. When it at the stop, I . on and
. my fare. When the bus the school, I off. The journey. about
half an hour.
VIII. Here are two dialogues. One at the railway station and the other at the airport.
Make questions to fit the answers:
1. At the railway station
A. Good morning . .?
B. Good morning. I'd like a ticket to Newcastle.
A. . or ?
B. , please. I'm coming back tonight. . from?
A. Platform 10.
B. .?
A. It arrives in Newcastle at 10:30. Here's your ticket. Have a nice trip.
2. At the airport
A. Good evening, sir. .?
B. Good evening.Here you are. My ticket is inside my passport. Is ..?
A. No, there is no delay. The plane leaves on time.
B. ..?
A. No, you don't have to get off the plane in Frankfurt. You may remain on board until it departs
for New York.
IX. Finish the conversation using the words given. Make all the necessary changes:
A. I/ like/ ticket/ Edinborough.
B. You/ want/ one-way/ round-trip/ ticket?
A. One-way. How much/ ticket?
B. 25. How/ you want/ to pay?
A. Credit card.
B. Sign here. Here/ ticket.
X. Put the words in the correct order and make the necessary changes so as to form sentences.
1. how/ luggage/ you/ much/ do/ have?
2. boarding card/ is / here.
3. plane/ from/ your/ number 42/ leaves/
4. platform/ it/ what/ does/ from/ leave?
5. a/ is/ delay/ minutes/ due to/ there/ fifteen/ fog.
The Present Perfect and the Simple Past. (Present Perfect si Past Tense simplu)
Aa cum am menionat anterior timpul 'past tense simple' exprim o aciune nceput i terminat n
trecut, fr legatur cu prezentul. Timpul 'present perfect simple' exprim o aciune nceput n
trecut i continuat n prezent, sau ale crei rezultate se vd n prezent.
Sa lum cteva cazuri pentru a lmuri mai bine diferenele dintre ele.
1. Timpul present perfect se folosete pentru a exprima un rezultat n prezent al unei aciuni
'Tom has repaired the door.' (It works now.)
Past tense nu are legtur cu prezentul.
'Tom repaired the door last month and it doesn't work any more.'
2. Adesea comunicm informaii, veti folosind timpul present perfect, dar detaliile le furnizm
folosind timpul past tense.
A. 'The police have found out who the murderer was.'
B. 'Yes? How did they do it?'
3. Adesea folosim adverbele just, already i yet cu present perfect; n limba englez american ns
se folosete past tense simple.
B.E. 'I've just got here.'
A.E. 'I just got here.'
4. Folosim present perfect pentru o aciune ce se ntinde pn n momentul prezentului.
'He has written three books so far.' - A scris trei carti pina acum si probabil va mai scrie.
Folosim past tense simple pentru aciuni n trecut, desfurate pe o perioad ce s-a terminat.
'He wrote three novels then he decided to become an actor.' - A scris trei cri iar apoi s-a
hotrt s devin actor.
'Have you ever been to America?'
'Did you ever go to America when you were a child?'
5. Folosirea ambelor timpuri cu 'today'
Present Perfect
I haven't seen John today.
(este nc ziu)
Has the post come this morning?
(este nc diminea)
Past Tense
I didn't see John at the faculty today.
(orele s-au terminat)
Did the post come this morning?
(este dup-amiaz)
I. Fill in the blanks with either the past tense or the present perfect of the verb
given in parantheses.
1. I (do) .. all the housework. The house is clean.
2. Our visitors (arrive) late yesterday.
3. A: I (lose) my glasses. I can't find them anymore.
B: Where (see) them last?
A: I don't remember. I think it (be) . in the kitchen.
4. We (plant) . some fruit trees in our garden last autumn.
5. Someone (turn) .. on the television. There is so much noise, I can't sleep.
6. I (make) a cake. Would you like a piece?
7. I (make) a cake two days ago.
8. We (work) .. in the garden all morning. We (plant) . four trees so far.
9. Business people travel a lot. Bernard (travel) . a lot since he (take over)
. from his father. His father (travel) on business, too, but not as
much as his son.
II. Put in today, yesterday, this, last:
1. Ive lived with my family all my life but .. year Im living in the university campus.
2. . year I spent my holiday at my grandparents house in the country.
3. Hes been ill for a week, but .. he feels much better.
4. . we had a very difficult exam. I hope Ill pass it.
5. .. night there was a severe thunderstorm and all the lights went out because of the wind.
7. .. month the prices went up, and . month they are even higher.
8. I went shopping earlier . and spent all the money I earned . month.
9. I feel a little tired now. I got up quite early . morning. . morning I felt
much better because I got up later than today.
III. Translate into English:
A: Ai auzit ce s-a ntmplat cu Cathy?
B: Nu, ce s-a ntmplat?
A: A avut un accident. Alerga dup autobuz cnd a czut i i-a rupt un picior.
B: Oh, mi pare ru. Cnd s-a ntmplat?
A: Ieri diminea. Susan mi-a povestit despre asta asear.
B: Asear? Ai aflat asear i mie nu mi-ai spus pn acum?
A: Pi, nu te- am vzut asear. tiam c ne vom ntlni astzi, aa c am ateptat sa te ntlnesc.
IV. Answer the following questions:
1. What significant changes have taken place in your life since you finished high school?
2. Where are some of the places you've visited and when did you visit them.
V. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or past tense simple:
1. A: This is my house.
B: how long (live) here?
A: I (live) .. here since 1956.
2. He (live) in London for ten years and then (move) to Paris.
3. Shakespeare (write) many plays.
4. A: You (be) .. here before?
B: I (spend) my holidays here last year.
A: you (have) . a good time?
B: yes, I (have), although it (be) .. not very warm.
5. A: You (see) .. Tom lately?
B: yes, I (have) (see) . him at Mary's birthday last Saturday.
6. It (be) a very warm winter so far.
7. We (miss) .. the train. Now we have to wait for the next one.
8. A: You (see) my shoes?
B: Here they (be) .. I just (clean) them.
9. A: you (lock) the door before you left the house?
B: I don't remember. I think I (do) .. .
10. Mr. Smith (work) as an accountant for 40 years. Then he (retire) and
(go) to live in the country.
To compare means to determine similarities between two people, places, ideas, etc.
In a comparison paragraph, you examine what is common, the resemblance, between two objects or
topics that you compare.
In order to be able to compare them, the two topics must be of the same general type. For example,
you can compare a guitar and a piano because they are both musical instruments, but you cannot
compare a guitar and a table, because they are of different classes.
We use the comparison paragraph only when we feel that we think that the reader does not see the
similarities between the two topics.
The structure of a comparison paragraph:
The topic sentence
- should let the reader know what two people, places, objects, ideas, etc. the writer will compare;
- should also include a word, or phrase that will indicate the fact that the writer will make a
Example: Although they are thousand of miles apart and on different continents New York City,
USA, and Cairo, Egypt, are remarkably similar.
The paragraph body
- will show the characteristics/ properties, features that are similar between the two topics;
- the comparison may be organized according to one of the patterns:
a. - block
b. - point-by-point
a. The writer presents all the information about one topic first, then he presents the parallel
information about the other topic.
The body looks like this:
Topic A
1. Point 1
2. Point 2
3. Point 3
Topic B
1. Point 1
2. Point 2
3. Point 3
Here is the whole paragraph about New York city and Cairo, organized according to the block
Although they are thousands of miles apart on different continents, New York City, USA
and Cairo, Egypt are remarkably similar. New York City is over-populated with people from
all over the world and all walks of life. It has a fascinating mixture of nationalities, cultures,
religions and beliefs.
Because of a shortage of land to build outward, most New Yorkers live in high-rise
apartment buildings and condos. Because of the large population, there is heavy traffic; this
makes the public transportation system indispensable. Besides the subway system, the
streets are packed with cars, taxis, and buses.
New York City is the heart of the international-cultural scene in the entire US. It offers
Broadway plays, operas, international cuisine, museums and many tourist sites such as the
Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building and many others.
Just as New York City is overpopulated, the same is true of Cairo, the most populated city in
Egypt. It also has a variety of nationalities, cultures, religions and beliefs. The land area is
limited, just as with New York City, so the Cairenes live mainly in apartment buildings of
two to twenty stories high. There is heavy traffic in Cairo, as well. Besides a small subway
system, you can see cars, taxis, buses, motorbikes, and even horse or donkey drawn
carriages. Like New York City, Cairo is the center of international-cultural activities in
Egypt. It also offers international entertainment, museums, cuisine, and many tourist sites as
the Nile River, and the Sphinx and the great Pyramids in a neighboring town. These are two
of the most exciting and captivating cities in the world.
Answer the questions: 1. What are the aspects examined in the paragraph?
2. What is the most striking similarity between the two cities?
b. The narrator presents first a piece of information about Topic A, then a parallel piece of
information about Topic B. After that he presents the next piece of informaion about Topic A
and then a parallel piece of informaion about Topic B, and so on.
The paragraph looks like that:
A. Topic A
B. Topic B
A. Topic A
B. Topic B
A. Topic A
B. Topic B
Try to rewrite the paragraph about New York City and Cairo organized according to the point-
by-point pattern.
A comparison paragraph may be written in the present or past tense, using any person you want.
The points are presented from the least important to the most important, or vice versa.
Transitional expressions
In a comparison paragraph one can use certain transitional expressions, such as:
as well as
in addition
in the same way/ manner
just as
Try to figure our which of the expressions above are used in the block pattern paragraph and which
are used in the point-by- point paragraph.
I. Look at the following topics and write three similarities between each pair.
Write the names of the two topics compared and then list underneath their similarities.
Example: two teachers you've had.
Ms. Smith
a. taught English in high school
Professor Jones
a. taught English in the university
b. taught a special English class of very good students (pupils) b. taught the advanced English
c. gave too much homework
1. two family members
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
2. two friends
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
3. two cars
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
4. two TV channels
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
c. gave too much homework
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
a. _________________________
b. _________________________
c. _________________________
II. Write a comparison paragraph, arranging it first according to the block pattern and then to the
point-by-point pattern.
It's a nice spring day. Here I am, waiting in a queue at the
bank, instead of going for a walk in the park. I have been
waiting for twenty minutes and I have already started to be
impatient. The bank is open from nine to five, but it is almost
closing time. I hope I can solve my problem before that. All I
want is to make a deposit and to open a savings account. We
want to buy a new car and we need a larger sum of money.
The only way we can do that is by having a savings account
because the interest is bigger and we cannot withdraw money
from the account whenever we want. So, even if I would like
to be in a park, I have to stay and solve the problem.
I. Match the words in column A with the definitions in column B:
1. deposit
2. queue
3. savings account
4. withdraw
5. interest
a. sum of money deposited in the bank for a longer period of time
b. a take out money from your bank account
c. a sum of money placed in the bank
d. a percent from the money you have deposited in the bank and
which you get from the bank
e. a line in which you have to stand to get on a bus, enter a shop, etc.
II. Below is some information about a bank service. Decide whether the statementabout it are True
(T) or False (F):
Around the clock assistance - around the world
Planning to travel abroad during the long vacation? You should know that almost anywhere you
choose to go in the world, immediate assistance is only a phone call away with Barclay
International Rescue. This complimentary service operates 24 hours a day, everyday of the year. If
your Barclay card is lost or stolen abroad, we can advance you a cash sum in local currency -
normally within 24 hours of your call - or if appropriate arrange to send a replacement card to you
by courier. If required, we can also arrange emergency medical assistance and legal advice. Barclay
International Rescue is an advisory service and cannot be responsible for any resultant costs that
may arise.
____ 1. Barclay International Service is available only in Britain.
____ 2. They can send a replacement card by courier.
____ 3. The service operates 24 days.
____ 4. They can also provide medical assistance.
____ 5. They can help you only if you lose your credit card.
____ 6. Barclay International Service is a telephone company.
III. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you spend your money on?
2. Do you save money? How do you do that?
3. Do you like to borrow money?
4. Can you borrow money from a bank?
5. Have you ever lent money to a friend when he needed it?
IV. Fill the blanks below with one of the prepositions:
in from
1. I spend a lot of money ______ food.
2. I live ______ a big house.
3. I've put some money ______ my bank account.
4. I withdrew 200 ______ my bank account.
5. He has been working ______ this bank for twenty years.
V. Put a tick next to the activity you can do at the bank.
______ 1. You can buy stamps.
______ 2. You can change money.
______ 3. You can deposit money.
______ 4. You can open or close an account.
______ 5. You can borrow books.
______ 6. You can withdraw money.
VI. Complete the dialogue below:
Clerk: Good morning. ..?
Client: Good morning. I want to open an account.
Clerk: .?
Client: I'd like to open a savings account.
Clerk: OK. Here's the form you have to fill in. .?
Client: I want to deposit 300.
Clerk: If you open a savings account the interest is 6%. You can also have the interest transferred
on a credit card.
Client: Oh, that is great. ?
Clerk: All you have to do is fill in another form, sign here and here.
Client: .?
Clerk: We can send you the credit card in ten days.
Client: Thank you very much.
Clerk: You're welcome. Have a nice day.
Client: You too. Good-bye.
Clerk: Good-bye.
Present Perfect Continuous
Timpul 'present perfect continuous' se folosete pentru a exprima o aciune ce a nceput n trecut i
se desfoar i n prezent.
Formare: Have/ has + been + verb de conjugat + infinitiv
Exemplu: I have been waiting
Cazuri de folosire a present perfect continuous:
a. o aciune ce se desfoar de ceva timp.
Ex.: 'We've been waiting all morning.'
b. o aciune ce se repet de ctva timp pn n momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: 'She has been playing tennis for five years.'
c. o aciune ce tocmai s-a ncheiat cu foarte puin timp nainte de momentul vorbirii.
Ex.: 'I've been painting. That's why my hands are dirty.'
Cuvinte ce se folosesc cu acest timp:
how long
'How long have you been waiting?'
'I've been waiting for 2 hours, since five.'
'Tom hasn't been feeling well recently.'
Present perfect continuous sau present perfect simple?
Este o ntrebare pe care i-o pun toi cei care nva limba englez i nu-i condamn pentru acest
Citind cazurile de folosire a fiecruia n parte ni se pare, pe bun dreptate, c sunt identice.
Pentru a lmuri ct de ct lucrurile, vom ncerca s punem alturi cele dou forme i s vedem care
sunt diferenele dintre ele.
Present Perfect Continuous
1. O aciune ce se desfoar de ceva timp.
'We've been touring France.'
Present Perfect Simple
O aciune ce s-a ncheiat.
'We've finished our tour of France.'
Forma ce se va alege depinde de vorbitor, n funcie de cum vede aciunea, nc n desfurare sau
ncheiat de foarte puin timp.
2. O aciune ce s-a desfurat un anumit timp,
s-a terminat cu foarte puin timp nainte
de momentul vorbirii i se vd rezultatele imediate.
Aciunea s-a ncheiat i se vd
'I've been studying the present perfect continuous and I'm 'I've studied the present perfect tense
tired now.'
'Tim has been cutting the grass. His shoes are green.'
3. Se folosete cu expresia 'how long?'
A: How long have you been writing letters?
B: I've been writing letters all afternoon.
and I can solve the exercise now.'
'Tim has cut the grass and the garden
looks very nice.'
Se folosete cu expresia 'how many?'
A: How many letters have you written?
I. Use either the present perfect simple or continuous of the given verbs.
1. The children are at the park. They (play) football for the last
two hours.
2. Jim (play) .. football only a couple of times, so he's not
very good at it. He's much better at tennis.
3. Jane (sleep) for almost twelve hours. Don't you think we
should wake her?
4. I (fly, not) on a plane since last year when I was on a
planethat had problems with one engine.
5. A: How much longer until we arrive in Sinaia?
B: Let me see. It's about 9:15. We (drive) .. for almost
two hours. We should be there soon.
II. Translate into English:
5. Virginia este student la drept. De cnd a intrat la facultate n-a lipsit de la nici un curs.
6. Katie i-a crescut copiii singur. Acum sunt aduli i toi au servicii bune.
7. A: Mai caut echipa de salvare supravieuitori?
B: Da, ei caut nc. Lucreaz de trei zile.
8. A: Familia Brown i construiete o cas.
B: De ct timp lucreaz la ea?
A: Construiesc casa de 5 luni. Pn acum au construit 2 camere.
9. Sunt foarte fericit. In sfrit am ceea ce mi-am dorit de mult timp.
10. Sunt surprins c George i-a cerut scuze. El nu i-a cerut niciodat scuze.
11. Fiica fratelui meu a crescut aproximativ 20 cm de cnd am vzut-o ultima dat.
III. Identify the mistakes in the sentences below and correct them.
1. He have never seen a camel before.
2. We have been done our homework for two hours.
3. My brother painted the outside of his house for two weeks and he hasn't finished yet.
4. The rice has boiling for two hours.
5. I never have understood why they are friends.
6. The Smiths are on a safari. They have been drive through Africa for the past two weeks.
IV. Complete the sentences below with your own words:
1. My feet hurt because ..
2. I'm sleepy because I
3. Mark knows this film very well because
4. My friend is angry because she ..
5. The children are tired because .
6. Since I bought my sons a set of drums he ...
7. Since I last saw Mary she ...
To contrast means to determine differences between two people, places, objects, ideas, etc. In a
contrast paragraph, you examine what is different between the two topic. These two topics must be
of the same general type or class.
We write a contrast paragraph to show obvious differences between the two topics. Even though
they sometimes may seem very similar.
Topic sentence. The topic sentence should lead the reader know what two people, places, ideas, etc.
will be contrasted. It should also contain a word or phrase that should let the reader know that a
contrast will be made.
Example: Even though both get you to your destination, travelling by car and travelling by airplane
are altogether different.
Paragraph body. It will show the characteristics, features that are different. One can use the same
patterns, block or point-by-point as for the comparison paragraph.
Terms used - present or past tense.
Logical order - the order of climax, that is you examine the least important elements to the most
important ones or vice-versa.
Transition expressions. In a contrast paragraph you can use the following transitional expressions:
all the same
be that as it may
even if
even so
even though
in spite of
no matter what
not only
on the contrary
on the other hand
regardless (of)
yet whereas
Here is the whole paragraph organized according to the block pattern:
Even though both get you to your destination, travelling by car and travelling by airplane are
altogether different. Travelling by car is one of the cheapest forms of motorized transportation.
With the cost of gasoline decreasing, car travel is very cost efficient. The only big expense
connected with car travel might be a maintenance check and possible repairs, before setting out on a
long trip.
Travelling by car takes longer to reach one's destination; however, if the driver has plenty of
vacation time, the length of time of the trip probably doesn't matter.
For the person who enjoys beautiful scenery and sight-seeing, travelling by car is ideal.
Because car travel is slower than some other types of transportation, a
person can take advantage of his/ her beautiful surroundings.
In fact, many drivers will make frequent stops to take pictures or to take
side trips to see places of interest off the main highway.
In contrast to car travel, airplane travel is the most expensive form of
transportation. Even though one can sometimes find good bargains on
plane fares, ticket prices are still costlier than gasoline prices.
Flying may be more expensive, but a traveller can get to his/ her
destination quickly, unlike car travel which could take days or even
weeks to get to a location. If the traveller is not interested in sightseeing
or taking in beautiful scenery, plane travel is the way to go.
After ten minutes into the flight, the only scenery one can see is the
blanket of clouds through which the plane is flying.
Both modes of transportation have their advantages and disadvantages,
so neither is the better nor worse way to go.
It is simply up to the individual traveller to weigh the pros and cons, and
then make a decision.
I. Rewrite the paragraph above organizing it according to the point-by-point pattern.
II. Look at the following topics and write three differences between each pair.
Write the names of the two topics and then list underneath their differences.
Example: two teachers you've had
Mr. Johnson
a. taught English in high school
b. taught the best English classes
c. gave too much homework
1. two family members
a. .
b. .
c. .
2. two friends
a. .
b. .
c. .
3. two restaurants
a. .
b. .
c. .
Mr. Davis
a. taught physics in high school
b. taught the remedial physics classes
c. gave very little homework
b. ...
b. ...
b. ...
III. Write a contrast paragraph. Remember that the emphasis is on differences. Use either the block
or point-by-point pattern of organization.
Last year I, my husband Mark and our friends Susan and
Arthur Smith decided to spend a few days in Chicago. We had
never been to Chicago and we had heard many things about it.
So, to make sure that we had a place to stay we had made
reservations at The Old Country Inn in downtown Chicago.
It was a hotel that resembled the British hotels, quite
confortable and not very expensive. So, after a long and tiring
flight we landed at Chicago airport and took a taxi to our
hotel. We were looking forward to getting to our rooms and
having some sleep. We had reserved two double rooms with
bathrooms, TV sets, and minibars but when we got to the hotel
we found out that there had been a misunderstanding and we
had one double room and one single room.
We were very upset, and asked to speak to the manager. In the
end, they apologized for the mistake they had made and gave
us a beautiful suite for the same price. So, after all what had
started as a very unpleasant holiday turned out to be a very
pleasant one.
I. Match the words from column A with the definitions in column B:
1. single room
2. double room
3. suite
4. turn out
5. upset
a. to prove to be apartment in a hotel
c. a room for one person
d. angry
e. a room for two persons
II. Complete the conversation below with words of your own so as to form
meaningful sentences.
check in
check out
the view
room service inkeeper single room dining room
Clerk: Good afternoon, the Holiday Inn. May I help you?
Customer: Good afternoon. Id like some information about your hotel.
Clerk: Of course, its a pleasure to tell you about our hotel Were located in New Braunfels,
just half an hour drive from the city.
Customer: What kind of accomodation do you have?
Clerk: For a very special vacation we have the honeymoon (1) .
Customer: Well, I dont think .
Clerk: Or, if you prefer, you can reserve a smaller (2) .. .
Customer: That might be a better idea.
Clerk: Or a double room with a fireplace and a balcony.
Customer: Well, I dont know. Its qute difficult to make up my mind.
Clerk: But (3) . of the river from the balcony is absolutely gorgeous!
Customer: I dont know what to say.
Clerk: And after you have walked around town and enjoyed our beautiful sights you can
relax and have a romantic dinner in our (4) . .
Customer: Well, we may be..
Clerk: Too tired to come to our dining room? Dont worry. Our friendly (5) .. is
always ready to bring delicious meals to your room.
Customer: Oh, how nice!
Clerk: Nice? Our (6) .. , Mrs. Brown is the nicest person youve ever met.
Customer: What time is ..?
Clerk: Check in? Well,you can (7) . any time after one p.m. and (8) .. any
time before twelve noon. Now, when would you like your (9) and what
type of rooms would you like?
Customer: Well, I have to think. Ill call you back in a few minutes. Thank you, good-bye.
Clerk: Good-bye, madam. Always at your service.
III. Fill the empty spaces with words belonging to the same category.
hotel room
IV. Complete the conversation with the words given below.
TV set
TV set
hair dryer
Clerk: Good afternoon, sir, can I help you?
Guest: Good afternoon, Can I have a (1) room for a week, please?
Clerk: Let me see if there is any room available.Would you like a (2). or a
nonsmoking room?
Guest: Nonsmoking,please. And has the room got a (3).?
Clerk: All the rooms have a (4), a (5) . and a (6).. .
Guest: Is there a (7). in the bathroom?
Clerk: I can give you room 432 on the fourth(8) .. . It has everything you need. Heres
your (9) .Would you like help with your(10) .. ?
Guest: Yes, that will be nice, thank you.
Clerk: Enjoy your stay,sir.
Guest: Thank you.
V. Match what you want in column A, with what you need, in column B:
1. to have coffee in your room
2. to go to your floor
3. to dry your hair
4. to open the door
5. to watch the news
6. to sleep on
7. to talk to your wife
8. to carry your clothes
9. to order something to eat pay for your stay at the hotel
VI. Use the words below to form meaningful sentences.
1. have/ I/ please/ room service/ can?
2. reverse charge/ to/ want/ I/ a/ make/Berlin/ to/ call.
3. area code/ know/ you/ for/ the/ do/ Romania?
4. a/ can/ travellers/ I/ cash/ cheque?
5. some/ I/ where/ exchange/ can/ money?
a. a bed
b. room service
c. a telephone
d. a kettle
e. the bill
f. the lift
g. a key
h. a TV set
i.a hair dryer
j. a suitcase
VII. Write as many questions as you can, imgining that you are in a hotel.
The questions should begin with: Can I/you..?
Example: 'Can you tell me the area code for France?
VIII. Find the meanings of the words below with the help of a dictionary.
1. reverse charge
2. dial
3. lift
4. receiver
5. hang up
6. dialling tone
7. engaged tone
Timpul 'past perfect
Exprim o aciune care a avut loc n trecut, naintea altei aciuni trecute.
Se formeaz: had + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat.
Exemplu: He had lived in London before he moved to Manchester.
(El locuise n Londra nainte de a se muta la Manchester.)
Interogativul i negativul se formeaz dup aceleai reguli ca i verbul 'to have; prin inversarea
subiectului cu predicatul (interogativ) i prin adugarea negaiei 'not la negativ.
Exemple: Had he lived in London before he moved to Manchester?
He hadnt lived in London before he moved to Manchester.
Exist un numr de conjuncii i adverbe ce se folosesc pentru a marca succesiunea evenimentelor
(aciunilor) n trecut.
Acestea sunt: by the time that, when, after,as soon as, ever, never, just, before,already, for (+a
period of time), since (+point in time), neverbefore etc.
When I arrived Susan had already left.(Cnd am sosit Susan plecase deja.)
He had just come into the room when the telephone rang. (Tocmai intrase n camer cnd a sunat
Uneori past perfect funcioneaz ca un echivalent n trecut al lui present perfect.
Julie was very excited because she had never been to a dance before.
(Julie era foarte emoionat pentru c nu mai fusese la dans nainte/ pn atunci.)
Timpul past perfect continuu. (Past perfect continuous/progressive)
Se folosete pentru a se accentua faptul c aciunea a fost n curs de desfurare pe o anumit
perioad de timp naintea altei aciuni trecute.
Exprima o aciune nceput n trecut naintea altei aciuni trecute i care are consecine n past tense.
Se formeaz: had + been + ~ing( forma n ~ing a verbului de conjugat)
Exemplu: a. She was very tired. She had been typing letters all day.
(Era foaret obosit. Dactilografiase scrisori toat ziua.)
Asta nseamn fie c ea nu mai dactiligrafia scrisori n momentul marcat de Past
tense, fie c abia terminase aceast aciune.
b. When I first met Lucy she had been working as a receptionist
(Cnd am ntalnit-o pe Lucy pentru prima oar lucra ca recepionist. Lucrase i
nc mai lucra atunci cnd am cunoscut-o eu, sau tocmai ncetase.)
Diferena dintre o aciune aflat nc n desfurare i una ale crei consecine se vd n momentul
marcat de past tense este dat de context.
I. Put the verbs in brackets either in the past perfect simple or continuous,
according to the context.
Susan went into the kitchen. It was empty but the kettle was boiling. Someone (want)
.. to make tea.
I (play) .. tennis for two hours and I was very angry because (not win)
. a single game.
Mike and Sandra finally arrived at the hotel. They (drive) . all day and they
were very tired. They (drive) . 500 kilometres.
When I met Brian last month he said he (quit) smoking.
Some children started a house fire. They (play) .. with matches.
A young woman was hit by a car. She (walk) .. in the middle of the road.
John (read) all afternoon. He (read) . four chapters by six oclock.
It was midnight. I (study) . for five hours. No wonder I was tired.
Yesterday I met Frank, an old friend of mine. I (not see) . for two years.
It (rain) .. all night, so when we got up the streets were wet.
II. Translate into English.
Anul trecut am vizitat muzeul Prado. Am vzut multe tablouri de pictori celebri. Nu mai
vzusem niciodat att de multe tablouri celebre.
Dinozaurii au trit pe pmnt cu milioane de ani n urm. Ei au disprut, ns, cam pe timpul
apariiei omului.
Nu am putut traversa rul. Podul fusese distrus de ploi.
Cine a ajuns acolo naintea ta?
Nu mai auzisem niciodat o poveste att de interesant.
Familia mea terminase cina cnd am ajuns acas.
III. Choose the correct answer.
When I first (travelled/ had travelled) .. abroad to study, I ( had never been living/
I had never lived) . in a dormitory before. During the first year, I ( had/
had had) .. a roommate from France who (became/ had become)
a very good friend. I (had never lived/ never lived ) ... with someone from another
country before I ( had met/met) .... her.
IV. Complete the following sentences with your own words.
1. I had never before I . .
2. By the time he had already . .
3. In 1998, I . Prior to that time, I had
4. When I , someone else had .. .
5. Last January, I .. . Before that, I had never .. .
6. The film had .. by the time we . .
7. I had never until I . .
In the comparison and contrast paragraph we examine both the similarities and the differences
between two topics. The two topics must be of the same general nature.
Paragraph structure.
Topic sentence. I t should let the reader know what two persons, objects, places, etc. are going to
be compared and contrasted. The topic sentence should also include a word or phrase so as to let the
reader know that the two topics have both differences and similarities and that the reader will be
able to see them when reading the paragraph.
'My two dogs Maxi and Thor share quite a few common traits, yet they differ in several important
Paragraph body. It will present the characteristics, properties, features that are similar as well as
different between the two topics. The easiest way to do that is to use the point-by-point pattern. In
using this pattern it is best to examine all the similarities first and then the differences. This way the
reader will not become confused with so many details.
The best order to follow is the order of climax.
Transitional expressions. In a comparison and contrast paragraph one should use the same
transitional expressions that are used for the comparison and for a contrast paragraph.
Here is the whole paragraph:
My two dogs Maxi and Thor share a few common traits, yet they differ in many ways. Naturally,
being both dogs they both bark their heads off when they see or smell a cat. They both love
spending their time running around, playing with a ball, basking in the sun and begging for food
when were eating. I think there is no better food for them than the one that is on our table. So,
when we eat they come and sit next to the table and look at us as if they had not eaten anything
from the day they were born. They are very good friends and they share their food and toys. Their
friendship ends, however, when they each get a bone. Maxi, who is a small, white and very
ferocious puddle who weighs six kilos usually wins the battle. Although Thor is a big German
shepherd he always gives in. The only explanation we could find was that Maxi is the older of the
two and he was the one who received Thor in the house, and probably Thor considers him older and
respects him.
So, even though they belong to the same species, and thus have many traits in common, my dogs
differ a lot. As Ive already said, Maxi is a small puddle, not bigger that a tomcat, but he has a
strong personality. He will always be the first to do everything and to get everything. He walks very
proudly with his tail up in the air and barks at all the dogs he meets in the street, especially bigger
ones. On the other hand, Thor is much bigger and much calmer. Whereas Maxi fidgets all the time,
Thor is very calm and barks only when a stranger comes near our door. He is overprotective with
the family, and when my grand daughter was born he considered it was his duty to protect her. At
first Maxi was very jealous but not he loves her very much and plays with her. Thor has never been
jealous of her and has always loved her and taken care of her. In fact jealousy is a feeling that is not
known to Thor. So even if they are both dogs and have grown up in the same house, therefore the
same environment, their characters differ in many ways and it is much fun to have them as your
friends, becuse both of them love us unconditionally.
Write comparison and contrast paragraphs on the following topics:
Two very good friends.
Living in the country and living in the city.
Being a taxi driver or a bus driver.
Being a baker or a potter.
Two towns / cities.
Last night I switched on the TV to watch the weather forecast.
I didnt do that because Im a fan of the weather forecast, but
because I wanted to find out what the weather is going to be
like today. Having a free week-end were planning to go on a
trip to the Yorkshire moorlands. So, heres how the forecast
sounded: In Southern England and the Midlands itll be
mainly dry and sunny, but quite cold, with temperatures
around six or seven degrees celsius. It should stay dry all day,
but therell be quite a wind day. Now, going west to Wales
and Southern Ireland, you can expect some rain in the
morning and afternoon and quite strong easterly winds, and
the temperature will be lower than yesterday, around three to
four degrees celsius. The East Coast of England will see the
best of todays weather. Itll be warmer than yesterday, no
winds, and sunshine, so quite warm for this time of the year.
In Scotland and Northern Ireland, however, therell be heavy rain and maybe some snow during the
afternoon, an don the hills the temperatures will drop to below freezing, minus four or five. So, put
on warm clothes. Thats all for now.
When I saw that, I called my friends and we decided to stay home rather than freeze up in the hills
of Yorkshire. It will be much more pleasant to go for a walk in Hyde Park and after that got o the
cinema. I think it will be fun spending a week-end at home and doing whatever I please.
I. Match the definitions from the right column with the words from the left column.
_____ 1. dry
_____ 2. sunny
_____ 3. wind
_____ 4. rain
_____ 5. cloudy
_____ 6. snow
_____ 7. hill
_____ 8. drop
_____ 9. freezing
II. Answer the following questions:
a. water that falls from the sky.
b. a high form of relief but not so high as a mountain.
c. it is not wet
d. it is so cold that makes the water turn into ice.
e. go down suddenly
f. full of sun
g. it blows and takes leaves and dust up in the air.
h. it is white and falls from the sky in winter.
i. when the sky is covered with clouds and you cannot
see it or the sun.
1. Why did Maria watch the weather forecast?
2. What will the weather be like in Southern England?
3. Will it be windy on the East Coast?
4. Why did she change her mind about going to Yorkshire?
III. Find the word that does not belong to the category in each column.
rain cloudy nice
IV. Find the opposites of the following words:
pleasant ______
sunny ______
dry ______
happy ______
cold ______
strong ______
V. Fill the blanks with one of the words given below.
wet dry hot topics
clear holidays changeable
I always watch the weather forecast on television to see what tomorrows weather will be like. In
England the weather changes very often. This is one of the reasons why talking about the weather is
one of the most favourite (1) ... with the English. Its very (2). . Sometimes
it rains for a day or two, but after the (3)... weather,often with noisy thunderstorms, it is
sometimes very (4) for a long time, with no (5) .. at all.
On some days the sun shines and the sky is (6).. but on other days it is so (7) ....
that you cant see the sun.The summers arent usually very (8) .. or even (9)... .
The climate isnt good for (10) . but it makes the country (11).... .
VI. Translate into English.
1. Este foarte cald n Mexic.Adesea temperatura depete 40 de grade n timpul verii.
2. Uneori este foarte cald i umed n Washington D.C..
3. Sahara este un deert. Clima este foarte cald i uscat.
4. O furtun cu descrcri electrice este o furtun cu fulgere i tunete.
5. Vara este anotimpul meu favorit, deoarece este cald i nu plou mult.
6. Primvara vremea este uneori foarte umed.
7. Este periculos s mergi cu barca pe mare n timpul unei futuni.
8. Cnd plou mi iau umbrela cu mine.
9. Astzi este frig i nnorat, dar mine va fi senin i cald.
VII. Finish the sentences below with their halves fom the right column.
1. We take an umbrella ..
2. It is much colder outside ..
3. We sometimes go on a picnic
4. We should wear warm clothes
a. when it is cold outside.
b. when the sun shines.
c. when it rains.
d. when the wind blows.
Exprimarea ideii de viitor n limba englez.
Exprimarea ideii de viitor n limba englez se poate face astfel:
1. Cu ajutorul prezentului simplu, atunci cnd este vorba de orare oficiale, progame stabilite
dinainte. Se folosesc adverbe de timp pentru a marca desfurarea aciunii n viitor.
Exemple: 'What time does your train leave tomorrow?
'The plane leaves at 9.30 on Mondays and 14.25 on Sundays.
2. Cu ajutorul prezentului continuu atunci cnd este vorba de aranjamente personale.
Exemple: ' Theyre not going anywhere tonight.
'Im meeting Paul at eight tomrrow.
3. In propoziii condiionale (dup 'if, 'unless) i n propoziii de timp marcate cu 'as soon as,
till, untill, etc. ideea de viitor se exprim cu ajutorul timpului prezent.
4. Timpul viitor simplu ( simple future tense)
Formare: shall/will * + infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat
shall se folosete la persoana I singular i plural n limba englez britanic. In limba
englez american se folosete 'will la toate persoanele, att la singular, ct i la
plural. Exist tendina, n limba englez britanic de a se folosi will la toate
persoanele, dup modelul american.
Forma interogativ se formeaz astfel: shall/will+subiect + verbul de conjugat la
infinitivul scurt.
Exemplu: 'Will they come with us?
Forma negativ: subiect + shall/will + not + infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat.
Exemplu: 'They will not (wont) come with us.
5. Viitorul de intenie (going to future).
Aa cum o indic i numele, acest timp exprim intenia de a realiza ceva n viitor.
Ex.: 'Im going to buy a new dictionary.
Formare: verbul be conjugat la prezent + going to + verbul de conjugat pus la infinitivul
Interogativ: am/are/is + subiect + going to + verbul de conjugat pus la infinitivul
Exemplu: 'Are they going to come with us?'
Cazuri de folosire a viitorului simplu si a viitorului de intentie.
Shall/ will future
a. exprim o hotrre luat pe loc pentru a
face o aciune n viitor.
'This bag is very heavy. Ill help you carry it.
b. O previziune bazata pe ceea ce credem c se
va ntmpla n viitor.
'One day people will travel to Mars.
c. se folosete pentru a da detalii i a face
comentarii legate de o previziune.
'Therell be ten of us.
6.Viitorul continuu (future continuous tense).
going to future
a. exprim intenia de face ceva n
'Im going to visit my friends this
b. exprim o previziune bazat pe o
prezen (ceea ce ne dm seama c se va
'The sky is covered with clouds. Its going
to rain in the afternoon.
c. adesea se folosete pentru exprimarea
unei intenii.
'Im going to spend the Easter holiday with
my parents.
Se folosete pentru a exprima o aciune ce se va desfura n viitor pe o anumit perioad de
Formare: shall/will be + forma n ing a verbului de conjugat.
'This time next year Ill be driving through England.
Question tags (intrebri disjunctive)
O ntrebare disjunctiv este o scurt ntrebare ataat la o propoziie afirmativ. Se traduce n limba
romn cu 'nu-i aa?.
Intonaia unei propoziii poate fi ridicat sau cobort. O intonaie cobort exprim certitudinea
vorbitorului c cele spuse sunt adevrate, deci nu cere o confirmare din partea interlocutorului su.
Nu este de fapt o ntrebare, ci mai curnd o invitaie la iniierea sau continuarea unei conversaii.
Ex. Its a nice day, isnt it?
Pronunat cu tonul cobort nu cere o confirmare din partea interlocutorului deoarece vorbitorul
este sigur de un rspuns afirmativ. Cnd ns se pronun cu o intonaie ridicat se exprim o mai
mic siguran din partea vorbitorului, acesta ateptnd o confirmare, sau un rspuns din partea
Formare: Exist dou tipuri de ntrebri disjunctive: 1. propoziia principal este afirmativ
2. propoziia principal este negativ
1. Propoziie afirmativ + ntrebare disjunctiv interogativ-negativ
verb auxiliar + nt + pronume
Ex. You know Tom, dont you?
You have played before, havent you?
2. Propoziie negativ + ntrebare disjunctiv interogativ
verb auxiliar + pronume
Ex. You dont know Tom, do you?
In cazul n care verbul din propoziia principal este 'be, 'have sau un verb modal acesta
se va folosi ca auxiliar pentru formarea ntrebrii disjunctive. Cnd n propoziia
principal avem un verb noional se va folosi verbul auxiliar 'do pentru formularea
ntrebrii disjunctive.
Ex. You are at home tonight, arent you?
You have money to buy that book, havent you?
You know Maria, dont you?
Intotdeauna se va pstra acelai timp n propoziia disjunctiv ca i n cea principal.
I. Put the verbs in brackets at the simple future or going to future depending on the context.
1. A: 'Theres someone at the door.
B: 'I (go) . and see.
2. A: 'Tea or coffee?
B: 'I (have) . some tea, please.
3. A: 'Im going to the supermarket. I (buy) some milk, egs, bread and some oranges.'
B: 'How long (stay) . ?
A: 'I dont know. I (call) you when I get back.
4. I (know) .. the results next week.
5. Do you think that he (recognise) .. me?
6. I (remember) this day all my life.
7. I see that you have bought a newspaper. (you, really, read) it?
8. (you ride) .. that horse? It looks wild to me.
9. (you do) . something for me?
10. I (paint) the room by myself.
II. Use either the present simple or present continuous to express the idea of future.
1. My uncle (make) .. speech on Tuesday.
2. The train (arrive) .. at platform number 9 in ten minutes.
3. I (have) .. lunch with my best friend on Monday.
4. A: 'We (go) the theatre tonight.
B: 'Where (leave) .. your car, because theres no car park near the theatre.
A: 'We ( not take ) . the car. We (take) .. a taxi.'
III. Read the text below and underline the future forms.
There has been an alert on TV. A tornado is about to strike the city of San Antonio .On its way its
moving quickly to hit a farm. The people on the farm have taken all the necessary steps to protect
themselves and the animals. When the tornado hits theyll be sitting in the storm cellar and wait for
the storm to end. Theyll be hiding in the safest place on the farm. They will be listening to the
sounds of the storm and will be asking questions about the farm. They will want to know what the
farm will be like after the storm. They know that when the storm is over they will have a lot of work
to do.
IV. Each of the sentences below contains a mistake. Identify and correct it.
The tornado will moving very quickly.
The family will seen the tornado in time.
The train is arriving at 10, according to the schedule.
He are going to listen to some music.
It will going to rain tonight.
We are go to go to a concert on Friday.
Im going to help you carry that heavy suitcase.
The team will be play soccer this time next Monday.
It is rain very heavily.
10. The storm will passes in a few hours.
V. Translate into English:
Tom: Ce citeti?
Maria: O carte despre China. Am de gnd s merg acolo vara viitoare. Voi petrece vacana acolo.
Tom: Pare grozav.
Maria: Da, ntr-adevr. Atept cu nerbdare. Avem de gnd s facem un tur al rii. Vom
vizita Marele Zid, Shanghai i bineneles, Beijing.
Tom: Ii urez o vacan plcut.
VI. Complete the sentences with 'will or 'am/are/is going to .
1. A: Excuse me, waiter! This isnt what I ordered. I ordered a chicken sandwich.
B: Sorry, sir. I . take this back and bring you a chicken sandwich.
A: Thank you.
2. A: Would you like to join Linda and me tomorrow? We visit The
National Art Gallery.
B: I be delighted. Ive never been there.
3. A: Wheres the mustard?
B: In the refrigerator, on the middle shelf.
A: Ive looked there.
B: OK. I .. find it for you.
4. A: Why have you bought all this paint? (you) . paint your house?
B: No, we . paint my mothers house.
5. A: Paul, do you want to go with met o the shopping mall?
B: No, thanks. I have some things to do today. I wash my car and then clean
the kitchen.
6. A: Someone needs to take this report to the deans office.
B: I .. do it.
A: Thanks.
7. A: Why did you buy so many vegetables?
B: I . make a large salad.
8. A: Mike, I need a favour.
B: What can I do for you?
A: I .. go for a job interview this afternoon and I dont have a decent tie.
B: I . lend you mine.
A: Thank you. You are a life saver.
VII. Complete the setences below by adding question tags.
This film is very good, . ?
We cant sit on the grass, ?
Hes Marias brother, ?
The weather has been very hot lately, ?
You came alone, .. ?
There arent many people wiating to get in, .?
You worked there last year, ?
They have a big house, ?
To persuade is to convince someone to have a certain point of view or opinion. If you do it in
writing you have to strongly believe in what you present and have to be able to convince the readers
to do the same by utilising different methods of logical reasoning or arguing.If the reader has a
different opinion from that of yours, then you will have a more difficult job.
In a persuation paragraph there are three things that you want to do:
Change someones poin of view.
Convince someone t ogive up a habit
Persuade someone to do something.
Persuasive writing is mostly used in:
TV commercials
newspaper and magazine advertisements
letters to the editor
political speeches
letters of recommendation
When writing persuasive paragraphs you have to keep in mind what kind of audience you are
addressing and use the proper style.
Paragraph structure.
Topic sentence. It should let the reader know what issue will be examined. It is the most
important sentence of the whole paragraph because it shows whether the you are for or against
You may use words such as; 'should/ shouldnt, 'ought to/ ought not to, 'must/ must not to show
your opinion and to strenghthen your point of view.
Paragraph body. The body of a persuasive paragraph should present the arguments to support the
your opinion. You should present your arguments in such a manner as to show respect for the
opinion of the reader and should try to convince the reader to adopt the your opinion, or point of
There are three methods of reasoning:
referring to an authority
facts and statistics
predicting the consequences
answering the oposition
Referring to an Authority
If you write using this technique you should refer to an expert who is a very reliable source and who
can give very objective information. For example, if you want to persuade the reader to give up
smoking because it is bad for the health you should quote the words of doctors of medicine experts
in respiratory diseases.If you want to present a product that is excellent for protecting the washing
machine against limestone deposits you should use the opinion of a specialist in repairing washing
Facts and Statistics
You present the truth based on facts and statistics. In order to do so you have to use facts and
figures that are very accurate, recent and can be easily checked. You should avoid using such
phrases as : everyone knows, peole say, its widely known that, etc. , because you will lose
Predicting the Consequences
If you want to predict the consequences of a fact, event, situation you should use very logical
arguments and avoid making an illogical,exaggerate prediction of consequences, because you may
either scare the reader, or make your presentation less credible.
Answering the Opposition
In this type of style you address the other side of the issue by trying to respond to possible critics
arguments. You should avoid calling the opposition names. The idea is to address the opositions
argiments, not verbally attack people who have a different opnion.
So, in conclusion, when writing a persuation paragraph you may use any of the techniques
mentioned above, or as many as you feel like using in your paragraph in order to persuade your
reader. There is another very important element that you should keep in mind, namely the target
reader, and therefore use the proper style and register, in order to be better understood.
You may use any tense you may feel will be most effective.
The best order is the order of climax. You may begin with the least important reasoning and build
to a climax, or start with the most powerful reasoning to impress the reader and use it as an eye
Transitional Expressions
The most used transitional expressions are:
To give reasons: first (of all)
To answer the opposition: on the other hand
some may say
of course
To draw conclusions: consequently
I. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.
Every nation in the world should phase out its nuclear power generating stations. First, nuclear
power stations produce radioactive waste materials which can be used to produce nuclear bombs.
Second, nuclear power stations produce radioactive waste which is difficult, if not impossible, to
contain for the thousands of years that are necessary for safe storage. In fact, obsolete radioactive
materials that were buried in the 1950s and the 1960s are now leaking aut of their conteiners and
contaminating ground water. Finally, tragic accidents can occur at nuclear power stations; the
explosion and resulting fallout from Chernobyl is a good example of this. The nuclear power
generating experiment has proven itself too dangerous to be continued. Now we must minimise
fallout and radioactive waste for future generations.
1. What is this paragraph arguing for or against?
2. How many reasons are providede to support the argument?
3. What method of persuasion is used in the first reason, and what information is presented?
4. What method of persuasion is used in the second reason, and what information is presented?
5. What example supports the second reason?
6. What method of persuasion is used in the third reason, and what information is presented?
7. What example supports the third reason?
8. What transitional expressions are used in this paragraph?
II. Write persuasion paragraphs on the following topics:
People should/ should not be allowed to smoke in public places.
Women and men should/ should not get the same salary for the same job.
The government ought/ ought not to provide free housing for the people living below the
poverty level.
The city hall should/ sould not kill all stray dogs.
The speed limit on motorways should/ should not be raised.
I. Match the words in column A with the words from column B so as to form sentences:
Example: 1-C
1. I'm going to wait here
2. after the rain stops
3. Mark had lived in Manchester
a. to prepare for our trip to Africa next year
b. you'll have health problems
c. until Jane comes
4. we have put some money away d. before he came to live in London
5. you should smoke less, or e. the flowers will look wonderful
II. Choose the word that best fits the context. Only one answer is correct.
Example: you can catch the 53 bus at the on the corner
A: board B : stop C: pole D: sign
When you are driving abroad you should make sure that you have all your documents with you.
These (1) your passport, your driving license and insurance papers. It (2) very
inconvenient if you cannot find (4) quickly. You must also make sure that your car has a
nationality plate which shows the country where the car is registered; for (5) , GB for
Great Britain, F for France, N for Norway and so on. In some (6) you have to pay if you
don't (7) motoring laws and this can sometimes cost you a lot of money. For instance, you
may have to pay immediately if you are stopped by a police officer for taking no notice of traffic
lights, speed (8) or if you allow children (9) the age of twelve to (10)
in the front seat of a vehicle.
1. A. include
2. A. should
3. A. miss
4. A. that
5. A. once
6. A. countries
7. A. do
8. A. marks
9. A. under
10. A. follow
B. make
B. can
B. hide
B. those
B. example
B. positions
B. allow
B. spots
B. lower
B. pass
C. mean
C. is
C. lose
C. their
C. general
C. ways
C. obey
C. limits
C. over
C. travel
D. contain
D. has
D. pass
D. them
D. fact
D. routes
D. continue
D. numbers
D. behind
D. wait
III. Identify the word, which does not belong to the respective category:
Example: car bus van helicopter
fast food
IV. Choose the correct answer. Circle a, b, c or d:
1. To stay alive people ______ breathe oxygen
A. must B. must not C. don't have to
2. You finish ______ your work on this project before you go on vacation. You'll probably lose
your job if you don't.
A. must B. don't have to C. can
3. Thank goodness we ______ study all these books for the exam.
A. can B. don't have to C. should
D. ought to
4. My room is in a mess. I think I ______ clean it before I go out with my friends, because I don't
want to do it when I come home tonight. I'll be too tired.
A. should B. can C. mustn't D. may
5. Mary ______ to the meeting because she's ill.
A. can't B. may not C. needn't
6. The children ______ play outside when it rains.
D. doesn't have
A. mustn't B. don't have to C. shouldn't D. needn't
7. ______ I have another cup of tea, please?
A. shall B. can C. must
8. I ______ buy the book because I didn't have enough money.
D. should
A. can't B. had to C. could D. couldn't
V. There are five different situations below.
Make up a short dialogue between the two speakers.
The dialogue should contain a polite request and a response to it.
Example: You don't have enough money to go to the movie tonight. You want to borrow some from
your friend.
A: There's a movie I really want to see tonight, but I don't have enough money. Could you
lend me some?
I'll pay you back next Monday.
B: Sure, no problem. How much do you need?
1. You are in a fast-food restaurant and want to sit down to eat your lunch. The only empty seat is
at a table where two people are eating and are having a lively conversation.
2. A man and a woman are having dinner in a restaurant. The man gets up and bumps into the
table, and spills a glass of wine on the woman's dress.
3. You need help in understanding the 'past perfect tense'. Your friend and colleague could do that.
4. You have to write a project for the English class. You need information that is available only on
the Internet but you have never used the Internet. Ask a friend to help you.
5. You are in the middle of an intersection and your car has stopped. You can't start the engine and
you ask the other drivers to help you.
VI. Each of the sentences below contains one mistake. Identify and correct it.
1. She has arrived home before the rain started.
2. People doesn't want to pay so much on taxes.
3. He cans help you with your homework because he is very good at maths.
4. You must to remember that nothing in life is for free.
5. He is going to go in vacation in June.
6. Childrens cannot go to good universities when they don't study hard.
7. This is the most best film and I think it will get an Oscar.
8. I'm going to the supermarket to buy a bread, some sugar and milk.
9. They had to listen the tape twice to be able to do the listening exercise.
10. I always have wanted to have a red car.
VII. Put the words in the correct order to form sentences:
1. heard/ big/ a/ never/ I/ lie/ have/ such.
2. just/ need/ your/ money/ can't/ you/ salary/ 've received.
3. is/ going/than/ plane/ going/ by/ faster/ train/ by.
4. nice/ the/ walking/ people/ is/ weather/ enjoy/ when.
VIII. Fill in the blanks with the correct preposition:
1. Simon is ______ hospital because he broke his leg.
a. at b. in c. to
2. They listen ______ the news every morning.
a. to b. for c. with
3. Mike is ______ home this evening.
a. with b. to c. at
4. I want to look ______ the book before I buy it.
a. in b. at c. for
5. We're going ______ the theatre this evening.
a. to b. at c. in
6. Susan usually goes to school ______ bus.
a. on b. by c. with
IX. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
A: What (seem) .to be the trouble, Ms Jones?
B: I (send) .in my money for a subscription to your magazine, two months ago, but
to date I (receive, not) ..any issues.
A: I'm terribly sorry to hear that. Unfortunately, one of our main computers (function, not) . the moment. However, our engineers (work) very
hard to fix it at the present time. We (start) .you new subscription as soon as possible.
B: Thank you.
X. Your doctor has advised you to change your eating habits in order to improve your health. Below
is the paper your doctor has given you. Write a letter to your friend explaining in general what you
have to do and giving your opinion on it. Use about 100 words.
The easy-to-follow healthy eating plan for a fitter fresher you!
as much as
you like
any two of
these each day
a little
of these
not at all
Dear ,
Thank you for your postcard. I'm glad everything's well with you. I myself am feeling
XI. Write process (how to) paragraphs on the following topics:
1. How to do the washing up.
2. How to make a telephone call using a public telephone.
3. How to use an ATM.
4. How to use a computer.
XII. Write a comparison and contrast paragraph on:
1. Travelling by plane and travelling by train.
2. Living in the city and living in the country.
XIII. Write a persuasion paragraph on the following topic.
You present a new car, smaller, with less fuel consumption and easier to drive in a city. Try to
persuade the reader to buy it.
XIV. You want to persuade someone to buy a certain brand of tooth paste.
a. it costs less than most popular brands
b. it looks pretty with green stripes against the white
c. three out of four dentists recommend it
d. it has fluoride
Be = a fi
Bear = a purta
Beat = a bate
Become = a deveni
Begin = a ncepe
Bend = a ndoi
Bet = a paria
Bind = a lega
Bite = a muca
Bleed = a sngera
Blow = a sufla
Break = a sparge
Breed = a crete; a educa
Bring = a aduce
Broadcast = a radiodifuza
Build = a construi
Burn = a arde
Burnt/ Burned *
Burnt/ Burned
Burst = a izbucni; a exploda
Buy = a cumpra
Catch = a prinde
Choose = a alege
Come = a veni
Cost = a costa
Creep = a se tr; a se furia
Cut = a tia
Do = a face
Dream = a visa Dreamt/ Dreamed * Dreamt/ Dreamed
Drink = a bea
Drive = a conduce
Eat = a mnca
Fall = a cdea
Feed = a hrni
Feel = a simi
Fight = a lupta
Fiind = a gsi
Fly = a zbura
Forget = a uita
Forgive = a ierta
Freeze = a nghea
Get = a obine
Give = a da
Go = merge
Grow = a crete
Hang = a atrna; a spnzura
Have = a avea
Hear = a auzi
Got/ Gotten(USA)
Hide = a ascunde
Hit = a lovi; a izbi
Hold = a tine
Hurt = a rni
Keep = a tine; a pstra
Kneel = a ngenunchea
Know = a ti; a cunoate
Lay = a ntinde; a culca
Lead = a conduce
Lean = a (se) sprijini
Leap = a sri
Learn = a nva
Leave = a pleca
Lend = a da cu mprumut
Let = a permite, a lsa
Lie = a se ntinde
Light = a aprinde
Lose = a pierde
Make = a face; a fabrica
Mean = a nsemna
Meet = a ntlni
Pay = a plti
Put = a pune
Read = a citi
Ride = a clri
Ring = a suna
Rise = a rsri; a se ridica
Run = a alerga
Say = a spune; a zice
See = a vedea
Seek = a cuta
Sell = a vinde
Send = a trimite
Set = a apune; a pune
Sew = a coase
Shake = a scutura
Shine = a strluci
Shoot = a mpuca
Show = a arta
Shrink = a se micora
Shut = a (se) nchide
Sing = a cnta
Sink = a (se) scufunda
Sit = a edea; a sta jos
Sleep = a dormi
Slide = a aluneca
Smell = a mirosi
Speak = a vorbi
Speed = a (se) grbi
Leant/ Leaned *
Learnt/ Learned *
Lit/ Lighted *
Smelt/ Smelled *
Leant/ Leaned
Learnt/ learned
Lit/ Lighted
Sewn/ Sewed
Showed/ Shown
Smelt/ Smelled
Spell = a scrie liter cu liter; a silabisi Spelt Spelt
Spend = a petrece
Spill = a vrsa
Spin = a roti; a rsuci
Spit = a scuipa
Split = a despica
Spoil = a strica; a rsfa
Spread = a rspndi
Spring = a izvor; a ni
Stand = a sta n picioare
Steal = a fura
Stick = a (se) lipi
Sting = a nepa
Stink = a mirosi urt
Strike = a lovi
Swear = a jura; a njura
Sweep = a mtura
Swim = a nota
Take = a lua
Teach = a preda; a nva pe cineva
Tear = a rupe
Tell = a spune; a povesti
Think = a crede; a se gndi
Throw = a arunca
Understand = a nelege
Wake = a (se) scula
Wear = a purta
Weave = a ese
Weep = a plnge
Win = a ctiga
Wind = a (se) rsuci
Write = a scrie
Spilt/ Spilled *
Spoilt/ Spoiled *
Woke/ Waked *
Spilt/ Spilled
Spoilt/ Spoiled
Woken/ Waked *
1. Oxford Practice Grammar
John Eastwood
Oxford University Press, 1992
2. English Grammar in Use
Raymond Murphy
Cambridge University Press, 1994
3. Understanding and Using English Grammar
Betty Schrampher Azar, Donald A. Azar
Regent/ Prentice Hall
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 1990
4. Basic Vocabulary in Use
Michael Mc. Carthy
Felicity O'Dell
Cambridge University Press, 2001
5. Elementary Vocabulary
B.J. Thomas
Longman, 1997
6. Matters, Elementary
Gillie Cunningham
Longman, 1998
7. Headway, Elementary
John & Liz Soars
Oxford University Press, 1992
8. Letters Writing in English
Anna Maria Malkoc
English Language Programs Division
Bureau of Educational and Central Affairs
U.S. Information Agency
9. P.E.T.
Ann Ward
Oxford University Press, 1995
10. Basic American Language Instructor Course
Component A: Grammar and Writing Defense Language Institute
English Language Center
Lackland A.F.B., Texas, 1993