Web Service Workshop
Web Service Workshop
Web Service Workshop
# !" vs !eb applications
# #ntroduction to !"
# #ntroduction to "$A%& !"'(& )''#
# *A+-!" ,ello !orld %rogram: glassfish
# *A+-!" ,ello !orld %rogram:tomcat
# *A+-!" annotation in depth
# )nderstanding !"'(
# )nderstanding "$A%
#)sing "$A% )#
Web application vs WS
-. ,ow !" is different than other web
applications /
2 t0pe of !eb applications:
--. A presentation-oriented web application
generates interactive web pages
--. containing various t0pes of mar1up
language 2,34(& +4( etc.5 and d0namic content in
response to re6uests.
--. A service-oriented web application
implements the endpoint of a web service.
Presentation-oriented applications are
often clients
of service-oriented web applications.
Introduction to WS
!hat is !"/
--. !eb services are !eb-based enterprise
applications that use open& +4(-based standards and
protocols to e7change data with calling
--. "$A
--. 'ifferent "$A based tech grown over the
0ear in the industr0
8$9:A& '8$4& 94#& ;*:& 9;4$3#<=
!h0 !"/
"ome feature of !"
--. have <o )#
--.#nteracts with applications 24 to 45
--. !or1s with an0 browser client
Application area !"
--. 'ata providers: e.g.& a service
providing stoc1 6uotes
--. : to : process integration: e.g.&
purchase orders
--. ;nterprise application integration ;A#
-.'ifferent applications wor1 together
simpl0 b0 adding a webservice wrapper
Arch of !"
30pe of !"
--. "$A% based
--. 9;"3>)( !"
Introduction to SOAP, WSDL, UDDI
3hree 1e0 components of "$A% based !"
==> UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery
and Integration)
==>WSDL (Web Services Description Language)
==>SOA (Si!ple Ob"ect Access rotocol)
,ow does !" !or1s
8onsumer --------. #nterfce-----------
--.(ets sa0 i have a ws & how i share details of
its to customer/
,ow to provide an interface 2contract5 to the
consumer and that language independent too?
--.>ormat that is understood b0 all the client
irrespective of technologies/
--. !e need +4( doc that is called !"'(
--. !"'( contain information about what is the
method & arguments and return t0pe etc.
--. 3ools generate it
--. A !"'( document is a set of definations
with a single root element&"ervice can be defined
using following elements:
!"'( describing the following:
--. !hat a service does
- the methods that the service provides
--.,ow a service is accessed
- details of the data formats and
--.protocols necessar0 to access a service
--/ !here a service is located/
- details of the protocol specific networ1
address& such as a )9(
"$A% messages
--. ,ow to pass java "tring to 8@@
application A e7change of data/7ml formate
--. !hat 8@@ app does with java seriliBed
--.+4( protocol that all to transmit data b/w
client and service provider
basic idea how "$A% !or1/
--. "$A% wor1s same as
marshling/unmarshling in 94#
!ho does the conversion A form *ava object to
"$A% objects/
--.8onversion is done b0 ";# 2"ervice end
point interface5
--.3ranslate whole ws call to "$A% A so
that other side can understand it
--. ";# is specific to appliction to client sideA
we need seperate ";# to handle 8@@ client
--. tools gernate itA wsimport
--. it translate java call to ws call ?
*A+-9%8 vs *A+-!"
--. *A+-!" is annotation based
--.*A+-9%8 is older st0le
JA-WS !ello World Pro"ra#
*ava A%# for +4( !eb "ervices 2*A+-!"5
--. specification 2*"9 22C5 provided b0 "un
which consists
of a set of A%# used for creating !eb
--. *A+-!"& is divided into 2 parts:
3he >irst part
-. 8onsists of an A%# 2*"9 5 provided
b0 ")<.
-. 3he A%# consists of a set of
interfaces& annotations&
7ml files and abstract classes
2sometimes ma0be a few base classes5
which are to be used when using that
3he "econd part
-. is the implementation.
4ultiple reference implementations b0 different
--."un 2*'E 1.F5
--.Apache 28+>& A+#" 25
--.#:4 2!eb sphere5
--.$9A8(; 2!eblogic App "erver5
--.=lassfish 24etro5.
!eb service design approaches
--. 8ontract last or :ottom up approach
--.!rite implementation first
--. then generate !"'(
--. 8ontract first or 3op 'own Approach
--. !rite !"'( 28ontract5 first
--. 'efine and fi7 the contract and
then write the implementation
"teps to create *ava :ottom up approach
1. 8reate an implementation class that
annotate with G!eb"ervice annotation
2. Annotate the methods to be e7posed with
G!eb4ethod annotation
3. =enerate !"'(& +"' and :inding
classes using wsgen functionalit0 2glassfish5
C. 'eplo0 the service on server 2=lassfish5
H. =et !"'(
F. 3est service using ;clipse !eb "ervice
I. 8alling !" from an client %rogram
'emo !" using *A+-!"
1. 8reating !eb "ervice ;ndpointA and deplo0 on
pac1age sampleA
import java7.jws.!eb"erviceA
public class 8alculator
public int sum2int param1& int param25
return param1 @ param2A
public int multipl02int param1& int
return param1 L param2A
2. 8reating !" client
)se wsimport
--. 3he wsimport command-line tool
processes an e7isting file and generates
the re6uired portable support classes for
developing *A+-!" web service applications.
--.;ssentiall0& it is going to automaticall0
generate all of the class files involved with the "$A%&
+4( and communication aspects of our
web service?
<ow from scr issue:
wsimport -1eep
it will generate re6uired
<ow 8reate clinent of !"
pac1age sampleA
public class 8alculator8lient J
public static void main2"tringNO args5 J
8alculator"ervice service - new
//create pro70
8alculator pro70 -
"0stem.out.println2P"um of the arguments -
P @ pro70.sum22&355A
"0stem.out.println2P4ultiple of the
arguments - P @ pro70.multipl02I&255A