5 - 2 Propiedades Fisicoquímicas Del Suelo

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Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.


Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Soil properties
Exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity 3
Acid - Base Ion Exchange Reaction In Soils 3
Anion retention 5
Soil Profile And Its Importance 7
Water, air and particles in soil 8
Micro And Macro-Nutrients In Soil 9
Nitrogen Phosphorous And Potassium In Soil 10
Phosphorous 12
Potassium 12
Soil reclamation 15
Saline soils and their remediation 13
Wastes And Pollutants In Soil 15

Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Soil properties
Soils contain clay minerals and organic matter as a result of weathering
and the addition of organic debris soils act as buffer zone between atmosphere
and ground water, and provides plants a steady supply of nutrients. Soils have
this sorptive property because of electrical charges and large surface area of the
clay minerals and humus.
Because of their structure and chemical composition, the clay minerals
and humus usually bear a negative charge. The charge is pH independent.From
the surfaces of the clay minerals (alumiusilicates and hydrated oxides of iron and
aluminium) and from acidic groups in humus, protons dissociate. This
dissociation of protons gives a negative charge which is pH dependent. Hydrous
oxides of iron and aluminium present in clay become positively charged at low
pH by adsorption of protons. The sources of electrical charge on soil clays and
humus are shown in the following table 1.
Table .1 Sources of electrical charge on soil clays and humus
1. Permanent negative charge on 2:1 and 2:2 clay minerals due to
isomorphous substitution as discussed above.
2. pH dependent charges:
(a) negative charges at broken surfaces and edges of clay minerals.
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Si - OH
Al O
Al O
H2O ......(1)

(b) negative charges on humus due to dissociation of carboxyl and phenolic
hydroxyl groups.
+ H2O

+ H2O

(c) negative and positive charges on hydrous oxides of iron and aluminium.

+ H2O


Because the pH-dependent change arises at the surfaces and edges of clay
minerals, it is greater the more disordered in the structure.
In clays the negative charge is exactly balances by the adsorbed cations.
Some of the cations in 2:1 clays are held in interlayer spaces and can diffuse
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
only very slowly into the outer solution. These cations are non exchangeable in
these clays (such as illite) since in these, the silicate sheets are held tightly
together and dont allow the potassium ions in the inter layer to move out. On the
otherhand in smectites , the silicate sheets are not held together strongly. As a
result, each interlayer space is wider and cations in this space can readily diffuse
into outer solution. The important consequence is that smectites, with more
available surface area, hold more exchangeable cations than illite, which has a
higher charge density.
Exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity:
As discussed previously the negative charge of humus and part of the
negative charge of clay minerals varies with pH. The capacity of the soils to hold
exchangeable cations therefore also depends on the pH. There are many
standard methods for the determination of cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the
soil. In one of the method CEC is measured at the soil pH by displacing the
exchangeable cations with a solution of potassium chloride, which is unbuffered.
All the displaced cations are determined (by flame atomic absorption
spectroscopy) and the summation is the cation exchange capacity, now known
as the effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC). CEC has been found to be
useful in characterising the soils in which most of the negative charge is pH
dependent, as with many soils in tropics.
Acid - Base Ion Exchange Reaction In Soils:
Essential trace metals are made available to plants as nutrients by the
exchange of cations which is the important function of soils.. Both mineral and
organic fractions of soils exchange cations. Humus shows a very high cation
exchange capacity (300- 400 meq/100g).
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Trace metal nutrients are provided by the cation exchange in soil. The metal ions
are taken up by the roots while H+is exchanged for the metal ions.
2 2
2 2
soil}Ca 2CO 2H O soil}2H Ca (root) 2HCO
+ + +
+ + + +

Soil acts as a buffer and resists change in pH. The buffer capacity of the soil
depends on its type. The oxidation of pyrite in soil causes formation of acid-
sulphate soils called cat clays .
2 2 2
FeS 3.5O H O Fe 2H 2SO
+ +
+ + + +

2 2

Most common plants grow best in soil with near neutral pH. Acid soils can be
improved by the addition of lime.
2 2
soil}(H ) CaCO soil}Ca CO H O
+ +
+ + + ..........................................(8)
The soil may turn alkaline in the presence of basic salts such as Na
drought-prone where there is less rain fall.. Alkaline soils can be improved by the
addition of aluminium sulphate or ferric sulphate.
3 2
4 2 3
2Fe 3SO 6H O 2Fe(OH) 6H 3SO
+ +
+ + + + .........................(9)
Sulphur also can be used to acidify the alkaline soils, since it is oxidised to
sulphuric acid in the presence of bacteria present in the soil.
soil bacteria 2
2 2 4
S 1.5O H O 2H SO
+ + + ........................................(10)

Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Anion retention:
At low pH positive charges are developed on the surfaces of hydrated
oxides of iron and aluminium as discussed peviously and to a less extent on 1:1
clay minerals. Under these conditions Cl
, NO
and other anions are adsorbed
and undergo exchange with each other. Adsorption is however blocked by
competition from organic anions.
This can be explained as due to the formation of surface complex between anion
and a metal, usually Fe or Al, in a hydrated oxide or clay mineral.
2 2 4 3 2 2
+ + (11)
2 4 3
+ +
These reactions increase the negative charge on the surface. Silicate,
sulphate and probably fulvic acid are adsorbed similarly to phosphate. Sulphate
however forms a weaken complex than phosphate. Under field conditions the
release of phosphate may depend partly on the generation of organic acids or
OH- by microorganisms.
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Soil moisture
Aeration zone
water table
Ground water saturated
Clay or impervious rock
Capillary Zone

Fig 1. Distribution of water underground
Fig1. gives the distribution of water in the soil. Within the soil there are
three zones: aeration, capillary, and ground water. The ground water zone exists
below the water table. The capillary zone is the zone through which water will
rise through the soil pores by capillary action. The upper zone is the aeration
zone where the pores are occupied by air. After rainfall events, the air may be
expelled from the pores by hydrostatic pressure to allow the infiltration of water to
occupy the pores.
Water table is crucial in predicting the flow of wells and springs and the
levels of streams and lakes. It is also an important factor in determining the
extent to which pollutant and hazardous chemicals underground are likely to be
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
transported by water. The water table is not usually level and varies with
differences in permeability and water infiltration.
Soil Profile And Its Importance:
As discussed earlier the soil is the result of weathering of parent rocks and
is a variable mixture of minerals, organic matter and water capable of supporting
plant life on the earth's surface. Fig.2 shows

Loose organic matter
Partially decomposed organic matter
Maximum organic material
Maximum leaching; minimum clay,
organic material
Maximum accumulation of
silicate or oxide clays
Broken up/partially
changed parent minerals

Fig 2. Soil profile showing soil horizons
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
the idealised vertical profile through a series of soil layers. The top layer is
usually a vegetation of grass, crop or trees, but it may base soil. Below this is the
litter layer, more easily identifiable in forest areas as composed of dead leaves,
bark and other decomposed growth. Below this is the soil proper. The upper or A
horizon in mineral soil is generally friable and rich top soil. It is that part of soil in
which living matter is most abundant and in which the organic matter is most
plentiful. Being closest to the surface, it becomes more leached by rainfall than
the lower layers. The middle level or B horizon, often called subsoil, is mainly
composed of well-weathered plant material interoven with roots and
microorganisms. Lying between A and c horizons, it has some of the properties
of both, with fewer living organisms than A but more than C. By comparison with
A horizon, the B horizon has a high content of iron and aluminium oxides, humus
or clay that have been partly leached from A horizon. The lower C horizon is
unconsolidated rock material composed of a wide range of stones of different
sizes. Below C horizon is the D horizon which contains parent consolidated rock.
The depth of each layer varies from millimeters to meters.
Water, air and particles in soil
Large quantities of water are required for the production of most plant
materials. It is the basic transport medium for carrying essential plant neutrients
from solid soil particles into plant roots and to the farthest reaches of the plants
leaf structure. The water enters the atmosphere from the plants leaves, through
Water is made available to plants by gradients arising from capillary and
gravitational forces. The availability of nutrient solutes in water depends on
concentration gradients. Water present in larger spaces in soil is relatively more
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
available to plants and readily drains away. But water held in smaller pores or
between the unit layers of clay particles is held more strongly. Soil rich in organic
matter may hold relatively large amount of water compared to other soils but is
relatively less available plants due to physical and chemical sorption of water by
organic matter.
Because of the high surface to volume ratio of colloid clay particles, a
great deal of water may be bound with them.
When the soil is water logged (water-saturated) it undergoes drastic
change in physical, chemical and biological properties. Oxygen in such soil is
rapidly used up by the respiration of microorganisms that degrade soil organic
matter. Thus excess water in such soils is detrimental to plant growth, since it
does not contain the air required for most plant roots. Most useful crops with the
exception of rice cannot grow on water logged soils.
Micro And Macro-Nutrients In Soil :
Plants require both macro nutrients and micro nutrients for their growth.
The essential micronutrients for plants required are boron, chlorine, sodium,
copper, iron, manganese, zinc, vanadium and molybdenum. They are required at
trace levels and if present at higher levels, have a toxic effect. Most of these
serve as components of essential enzymes. Some of these such as chlorine,
manganese, iron, zinc and vanadium are likely to take part in photosynthesis.
The essential macronutrients required for the plants are carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur, potassium, calcium and magnesium.
The atmosphere and water are the sources of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Nitrogen may be obtained by some plants, directly from atmosphere, through
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
nitrogen fixing bacteria. The other essential macronutrients are obtained from the
soil. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) are commonly added to soil as
fertilizers. Calcium deficiency in soil is due to calcium uptake by plants,and
leaching by carbonic acid in acidic soils, and competitions with high levels of
sodium, potassium and magnesium in alkaline soils. Calcium-deficient soils are
generally treated with lime (liming) to provide the required calcium supply for
Magnesium is made available to plants through ion- exchanging organic
matter or clays . Magnesium deficiency in soil is caused by high levels of
calcium, sodium or potassium, sulphur in the form of assimilable SO
is taken
up by the plants.Unlike in the case of K
, sulphate ions are not bound by ion-
exchange binding and it would be available for assimilation by plant roots.
Nitrogen Phosphorous And Potassium In Soil:
Management of N and P cannot be accomplished without the cognizance
of the transformations of the nutrients that occur in nature, represented
conveniently by Nitrogen and Phosphorous cycles. In agricultural systems, these
transformations largely occur in the soil and are a function of complex
interactions between the atmosphere, soil particles, soil bacteria, plant and
animal life, and soil water. The fig 3 summarises the primary sinks and path ways
of nitrogen in soil. The nitrogen content in the soil is mostly organic in nature
(90%) resulting from the decay of dead plants (biomass) and animals, plant
residues; and faeces, urine of animals, etc.It is hydrolysed to NH
, which can be
oxidised to NO
by the action of bacteria in the soil.
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Nitrate Nitrite Ammonia
Dead organic

Fig 3 Nitrogen sinks and pathways in soil
Nitrogen bound to soil humus is responsible for maintaining soil fertility. It
serves as reservoir for the nitrogen required by plants. An additional advantage
of its property is that its rate of release of nitrogen to plants roughly parallels
plant growth.
Plants use NO
from soil in general. When nitrogen is applied to soils as
(fertiliser), nitrifying bacteria converts it into NO
for use by plants. Certain
leguminous plants, eg: Soya beans, alfalfa, clover etc. possess the unique ability
to fix atmospheric nitrogen through nitrogen fixing bacteria on their root modules.
Legumes can add considerable quantities of nitrogen to soil.
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Eventhough the percentage of phosphorous in plant material is very low, it
is an essential component of plants. The assimilable phosphate species by the
plants are H
and HPO
which exist at the soil pH. Orthophosphate is
most available to plants at pH values near neutrality. In acidic soils, the
orthophosphate ions are either precipitated or sorbed by cations, viz, Al
, Fe
etc. In alkaline soils, the following reaction occurs with CaCO
, whereby
hydroxyapatite is precipitated:
4 3 2 10 4 6 2 3
6HPO 10CaCO 4H O Ca (PO ) (OH) 10HCO 2OH

+ + + +

Since phosphorous is fixed as hydroxyapatite very little phosphorous, added as
fertiliser, leaches from the soil.
Potassium is one of the three major fertiliser elements required by
plants. In general potassium status of soils is satisfactory only when enough
potassium is added to compensate for the potassium removed in the crops. This
is because any excess potassium added is largely retained in the soil by sorption
on clays and organic matter. In areas where crops have been grown for many
years without the addition of adequate potassium containing fertilisers, yield
gradually decrease as the potassium from between the illite layers is slowly
removed. If potassium fertiliser is then added, the increase in yield is not as great
as might be expected. This is because the potassium returns to the illite structure
rather than remaining immediately available for plant growth. As a consequence
the formers are faced with the high costs of potassium fertilisers without receiving
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
a comparable increase in crop yield. High yields of any crop can be sustained
only by replacing the nutrients removed with the crop.
Saline soils and their remediation:
Rainwater always contains small concentrations of many elements and
when it percolates freely through a well drained soil, some of these dissolved
ionic species are retained at various depths by interaction with soil particles. At
the same time weathering and leaching can cause dissolution of elements from
the soil. The composition of water in the soil pore is therefore determined by a
combination of removal and dissolution reactions. In regions of heavy rain fall
therefore, the drainage water usually contains only a very small concentration of
ionic species and there is no significant accumulation of salts in any part of the
soil profile.
On the otherhand in regions where there is limited precipitation and high
rates of evaporation, the downward movement of water may be insufficient to
leach out all the salts that accumulate near the soil surface. Salt-affected soils
are therefore common in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. When
evaporation and evapotranspiration from the soil exceed the downward
percolation of rainfall over extended period of time, salinity related problems
arise. The possibility of soils accumulating salt is enhanced, when the input
irrigation water itself contains relatively high concentrations of salts.

Soil salinity is usually confirmed by measuring the electrical conductivity
of the saturated extract of the soil. The sodium hazard from the dissolved salts is
expressed as the sodium absorption ratio (SAR) where SAR=[Na] / [ca+Mg]
with concentrations in millimoles per litre.
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
The high concentration of accumulated salts in soil leads to several
environmentally significant consequences. The large clay minerals present in the
fine-grained soils become dipersed into individual particles and remain as
separate units. The problem becomes acute for sodic and sodic-saline soils,
where in the large (hydrated) monovalent sodium ion contributes most to
dispersion of the clay minerals, resulting in losing its structure and thus becomes
highly impervious to the movement of water. At elevated salt concentration plants
have to expend more energy as physiological response in order to maintain a
constant water potential gradient between the root and soil solution. As a result,
plant growth is inhibited. Furthermore, high concentrations of particular ions like
sodium in the soil solution can create a nutrient ion inbalance; for example,
calcium deficiency is frequently observed in high-sodium soils.
Soil reclamation:
Depending on the situation and the specific properties of the salt-affected
soil in question, there are a number of technologies that can be applied for their
The simplest remediation procedure involves flushing the salts in
saline soil with water that is itself low in salts; adequate drainage of the leached
water should be ensured. Simple flushing cannot be used when the sodium
content in the soil is very high.
For saline-sodic soils, the input flushing water should contain a high
concentration of calcium and /or magnesium ion inorder to increase the soil
permeability. As a result, exchangeable sodium ions are replaced by those of the
divalent alkaline earth metals. Subsequent flushing using water with low ion
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
concentrations can then be done without dispersion of the clays inorder to bring
the conductivity into the normal range.
Since the sodic soils contain high concentrations of sodium ion and are
alkaline due to the presence of the carbonate ion, it is necessary to remove both
these species.
One treatment is to add to the soil a large amount of gypsum (calcium
sulphate) and maintain continuous moist conditions. The calcium sulphate reacts
with sodium carbonate to produce insoluble calcium carbonate and soluble
sodium sulphate. Simultaneously, a large fraction of sodium on the exchange
sites is replaced by calcium. The soil can then be flushed with low conductivity
water to remove the soluble sodium sulphate.
An alternative treatment procedure involves the addition of elemental
sulphur to the soil. The added sulphur to the soil is oxidized microbially to
produce sulphuric acid. This acid again serves to convert sodium carbonate into
sodium sulphate which is then washed out of the soil as mentioned before.
Wastes And Pollutants In Soil:
Large quantities of untreated industrial municipal and agricultural wastes
are dumped into the soil. Heavy metals like mercury, lead, cadmium, nickel and
arsenic cause serious land pollution problems. For example wastes from mines
and factories located in agricultural areas have been found to have contaminated
the soil with heavy metals. In some cases, land disposal of degradable
hazardous organic wastes is practiced as a means of disposal and degradation.
In soil a pesticide may be transported into various sectors of the environment by
different physical processes, such as adsorption by the soil, leaching by rain
Environmental Chemistry and Analysis Prof. M.S.Subramanian

Indian Institute of Technology Madras
water or be taken up by plants and animals or carried away by wind. But the
processes that actually play important roles in reducing their total amount of
residues, are those mediated by microorganisms, animals, plants and sunlight.
Other factors are pH and heat. Catalytic agents in the soil and soil enzymes also
play important roles in degrading relatively unstable pesticides. The major group
of soil microorganisms such as acitnomycetes, fungi and bacteria, degrade
pesticides through oxidation, ether cleavage, ester and acid hydrolysis, oxidation,
epoxidation etc. The notable characteristics of degradation systems in micro-
organisms are the reductive systems. Combustion of sulfur-containing fuels emit
and finally leaves sulphate in the soil. Atmospheric nitrogen oxides are
converted into nitrates in the atmosphere and the nitrates eventually are
deposited on the soil. Particulate lead from automobile exhausts also settles on
soil along with rides of highway with heavy automobile traffic. High levels of Pb,
Zn etc, are absorbed on soils near lead and zinc mines, etc. All these result in
deterioration of soil quality, due to effects on the microfauna, bacteria, fungi, etc.
Biological degradation is also associated with lowering or depletion of soil
organic matter.


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