GEP Issue 9
GEP Issue 9
GEP Issue 9
April 29-July 28, 2014 Vol. 6, Issue No.9
# 4291 Emilia St., Brgy Palanan,
Makati City.
Mobile Numbers: 09161506266
The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper
By: Alexander B. Estoesta II
efned as a cancer that grows in the tissues surrounding the cervix, which
is the organ connecting the uterus and vagina, cervical cancer is a
slow-growing form of the illness that will not immediately manifest...
Francis B. Burton mobile numbers 09177996168 / 09212535496
we accept made to order furniture, paintings and other artworks
Heritage Village, Vigan City
Minex Crystals:
A gem of a Business
Cofee Break
Palawan &
Princesa City
its symptoms but can be detec-
ted with regular Pap examinations
(a test in which cells are taken
from the cervix and analyzed un-
der a microscope).
Infection coming from the hu-
man papillomavirus (HPV) is the
primary culpirt behind the on-
slaught of cervical cancer. In the
United States, the disease accounts
for 12,360 individuals being af-
ficted resulting in 4,020 deaths in
early 2014. Worldwide, there are
500,000 cases being reported each
year that correspond to 270,000
deaths from the illness.
Additionally, cervical cancer
has the tendency to develop in
midlife. Majority of reported ca-
ses are found in women younger
than 50. Rarely it manifests in
women below 20 years of age.
However, most older women
do not realize that having cervical
see page 3
One more look
Contact no. 09228268707/09285035846
email address: superb
address: 816 Aurora Boulevard
corner P. Bernardo, Street,
Cubao, QC
The Original
The shop is small but it's cute and cozy. You will defnitely fall in
love with the place's atmosphere. They have a mezzanine foor
with small homey sofa sets, bean bags and low tables, and on
the wall is an astounding collage of photos of a lot of customers,
as well as post it messages and other similar stuff. The mezzanine is
where one can quietly chill out with friends or just want to be left
alone and enjoy your coffee while surfng the net. Now if are a
smoker and want to enjoy your coffee while smoking they do also
have an outdoor section-- a decent ante-room. At night they set-
up their table on the street where you will be able to enjoy your
coffee while enjoying the very beautiful ambiance of Vigan.
The coffee shops minimalist location contrasts what it can
serve in terms of coffee and dishes. It has a wide range of hot
beverages to choose from like cafe americano, cafe latte's, rice
coffee, soya coffee, and matcha green tea! Believe me, they
have the best tasting and most aromatic coffee in Vigan. Now
if you are into cold drinks and refreshments they do have also a
large selection from ice blended coffee, smoothies to iced tea's--
with different favors which most likely include you own personal
favorite. And along with your favorite hot or cold coffee, you can
also order burgers, pasta, cakes, pastries, frappes, breads, and
more. Their nachos has a lot of beef and cheese, it's so good!
Looking at all the pictures posted on the wall-- a lot of happy
customers have been there, a lot of laughter have been shared,
and a lot of stories told. Really true to their motto, They offer "A
Classic Taste, In A Historic Place." We hope they keep brewing,
blending and providing quality service as they do now.
Coffee Break Vigan is located at 3 Salcedo St. (Calle Salcedo)
with phone number (077) 674 8998. Like their offcial Facebook
page ( or check in on
Pour in a little of your time,
add a little bit of friends,
sprinkle some stories, stir
with a lot of fun, then sip
to the uniqueness of the
experience. Coffee Break
Vigan-- your perfect choice
to quality time and coffee.
201 Escola St., Cor. Plaza
Moraga, Binondo, Manila
347 Del Monte Ave., Cor
Banawe St., Quezon City
Tel no. 363-7851, 363-7852
194 5th Ave. Cor Rizal Ave.,
Caloocan City
Tel No. 709-1233, 709-1255
2069 F.B. Harrison St. Cor
Gil Puyat, Pasay City
Tel No. 831-1555, 556-6714
email address:
The Original
from front page
Stress is one of the most common
and life threatening illness that af-
fects our body. Everyday, we em-
brace in different level of stress from
our work deadlines, traffc, fnance,
and family matters. Whats more
alarming is that stress-related disor-
ders encompasses a broad array of
conditions, including detoriation of
gums, heart problems, gastroen-
teritis, and cancer.
The truth is, almost half of the po-
pulation in the country, is experien-
cing high-level of stress. One of the
most effective methods of coping
with stress is taking care of ourselves.
Staying ft and healthy is one way to
battle these stress-related disorders.
But with the fast paced lifestyle and
technology today, most of us failed
to do healthy living chores.
Filipino owned company GoldLife
Distribution Phils.Inc, which distribu-
tes healthy and supplement pro-
ducts in the country, believes that
nutraceutical line of products is the
next way to go in strengthening the
quality of life and health of every
individual. These nutraceutical pro-
ducts is designed to bring preven-
tion, and reinforcement of defense
system, and protection to the body
in a more natural way. Thus, redu-
cing stress related disorders.
Their product Chlorevita capsule
is one good example. It contains
100 percent Chlorella a unicellular
fresh green algae, which is abun-
dant source of nutrients. In the food
we take, the amount of nutrients
that our body absorbs is important.
Chlorevita has Chlorella, which is
packed with Vitamins B6 and C ne-
cessary to achieve proper meta-
bolism. With over 20 vitamins inclu-
ding Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex,
Vitamin C and Vitamin E, Chlorella
in Chlorevita is considered a trea-
sure house of micronutrients.
Chlorevita is characterized as a
whole food that provides readily
absorbed nutrients through its pure
Chlorella content that is rich in pro-
tein, amino acids, vitamins and
minerals and fber. This super food
contains the building blocks of life
through the protein, which makes
up 60 percent as the primary life
substance of our body responsible
for the state of our structural and
functional compositions.
Chlorevita is also known for be-
ing the best product to detoxify,
cleanse toxins, and for containing
Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF).
Studies shows that CGF promotes
faster growth for children than the
normal without adverse side effect,
while in adults it enhances DNA
functions responsible for production
of proteins, enzymes and energy,
stimulates tissue repair, and pro-
tects against toxic substance.
Chlorevita has lots of health be-
nefts. It helps every person achieves
a leaner and ftter body because of
its fber components that fushes fats
and cholesterol out of the body,
while its protein content builds mus-
cles on those who exercise, said,
May Morales, Marketing Manager
of GoldLife Distribution Phils.Inc.
With combined diet and exer-
cise, Chlorevita is an excellent
choice this summer to achieve that
ideal weight everyone wants to
have, adds Morales.
In our body, Chlorevita helps pro-
motes immune stimulation proper-
ties such as detoxifcation, boosts
energy level, prevents colon can-
cer, supports joints and muscles,
and optimized health in the aging
Morales shared, At GoldLife, we
strive to promote wellness by en-
couraging the practice of preven-
tion through our quality and affor-
dable products, so that every per-
son may enjoy the abundant life
that awaits the healthy and happy
human being.
To stay healthy this summer, you
can take one to two capsules a day
or two to six capsules (for diagnos-
tic purpose) of Chlorevita. GoldLife
Distribution Phils.Inc is the exclusive
distributor of Chlorevita.
The company is a recipient of 2011
most outstanding wellness health
products provider at the Consumers
Choice Award and most outstan-
ding health and wellness marke-
ting company at the Global Brand
For product inquiries, call (02) 410-
0100 or log on at www.goldlifeinc.
cancer is still possible even as they age.
More than 20% of cases of cervical can-
cer are diagnosed in women over 65. On
the other hand, the illness seldom afict
those who are getting occassional scree-
ning exams for cervical cancer before they
were 65.
Knowing Cervical Cancer
Just like any other forms of cancer, cer-
vical cancer undergoes the same process
in which the disease develops.
First, cells grow uncontrollably and
develop into sizes and shapes not within
the range considered as normal within the
body, specifcally the tissues around the
cervix area. In turn, these large shaped
cells attack and destroy healthy cells,
spreading later to attack vital organs and
systems within a persons physique.
If lef untreated, cervical cancer will
slowly spread out of the cervix and into
the surrounding tissue and organs. Te
illness can go down to the vagina and the
surrounding muscles that support the
bones of the pelvis. It can also spread up-
wards, blocking the ureters, the tube that
runs from your kidneys to your bladder.
Causes of Cervical Cancer
In almost all cases of cervical cancer,
the change or mutation in the cell DNA
triggered by the Human Papillomavirus
(HPV) is the main cause behind the emer-
gence of the di-sease.
Specifcally, more than 90% of cervi-
cal cancer cases are reported in women
who have been previously infected or
had a history with HPV infection. HPV
has more than a hundred diferent types.
It is not limited to a single strain of virus
Spread through sexual intercourse, HPV is
considered as a common infection as one in
three women is at risk of contracting a HPV
infection within two years of having regular
sex. About 4 in 5 women will develop the in-
fection within their lifetime.
Another cause of cervical cancer is the
occurrence of pre-cancerous conditions that
may happen in the cervix. Pre-cancerous con-
ditions do not pose an immediate threat to a
persons health, but they can potentially de-
velop into cancer in the near future.
Tese conditions are cervical intraepitheli-
al neoplasia (CIN) or, less commonly, cervical
glandular intraepithelial neoplasia (CGIN).
CIN and CGIN are changes in the cells in
the cervix. But even if one does develop CIN
and CGIN, the chances of these progressing
into cervical cancer are quite small, as long as
they are screened and discovered early.
Te progression from becoming infected
with HPV to developing CIN or CGIN and
then developing cervical cancer is very slow,
ofen taking between 10 and 20 years.
Risk Factors for Cervical Cancer
Te following are possible risks factors for
women to develop cervical cancer, as presen-
ted in NHS Choices, the leading online health
information service of the Uni-ted Kingdom.
Tese include:
Smoking women who smoke are twice
as likely to develop cervical cancer than wo-
men who dont; this may be caused by the
harmful efects of chemicals found in tobacco
on the cells of the cervix.
Having a weakened immune system this
can be the result of taking certain medications,
such as immunosuppressants, which are used
to stop the body rejecting donated organs, or
as a result of a condition such as HIV/AIDS.
Taking the oral contraceptive pill for
more than fve years women who do this are
thought to have twice the risk of developing
cervical cancer than those who do not take the
pill, although it is not clear why this is.
Having children (the more children you
have, the greater your risk) women who
have two children have twice the risk of get-
ting cervical cancer compared with women
who do not have any children.
Preventing Cervical Cancer
Among the possible steps in preventing the
development of cervical cancer include:
-Being monogamous- HPV virus is spread
through sexual contact, so having a single
partner lessens the risk of having an HPV in-
fection through sexual intercourse.
-Avoid smoking- Like any other cancers,
smoking increases the chances for one to de-
velop cervical cancer, as tobacco has ingredi-
ents which can cause mutation of normal cells.
-Undergo regular testing- Pap smear test
and HPV test are two of the well-known exa-
minations in preventing and detecting
the onset of cervical cancer. It is highly reco-
mmended that those at risk for cervical cancer
start having regular Pap tests at age 21 until
their latter years in life.
-Take the HPV vaccination Te vaccine
can help prevent various kinds of HPV infec-
tions, including those that cause most cervical
Cervical Cancer in the Philippines
Cervical cancer or cancer of the cervix is
the 2nd most common cancer in women, in
reference to the Philippine Cancer Facts and
Estimates of 2010. Annually, there are 6,000
new cases detected in the country with an ave-
rage of 12 Filipino women succumbing to the
disease on a daily basis. It ranks 5th among the
common forms of cancer for both sexes. Cer-
vical cancer also accounts as the 3rd leading
cause of cancer death in the Philippines.
Tis alarming fact has
spurred the National
Government and the Department of Health
(DOH) to boost its monitoring and diagnosis
of cervical cancer among women in the coun-
try thru declaring May of each year as Cervi-
cal Cancer Awareness Month through Procla-
mation No. 368, s.2003.
Almost 80 percent of cases occur in deve-
loping countries. Tere are no symptoms in
the early stage of cervical cancer. In late stages,
symptoms include abnormal vaginal bleeding,
more ofen afer intercourse, and abnormal
vaginal discharge.
In his speech for the Cervical Cancer
Awareness Month last year, Health Secretary
Enrique Ona stressed the importance of Pap
smear screening for HPV infection and cervi-
cal cancer for Filipino women.
He also added that a healthy lifestyle prac-
tice should be observed which in women
should be monogamous, have proper diet and
nutrition, avoid vices such as smoking and
drinking, and be vaccinated against the Hu-
man Papillomavirus or known as the HPV
Also, the Department of Health (DOH)
has conducted free cervical cancer screening
in selected hospitals and medical centers in
Metro Manila in line with its objective of cur-
bing rising cervical cancer cases in the coun-
According to DOH Regional Director Ed-
uardo C. Janairo, all women are at risk of de-
veloping this form of cancer, with most cases
occurring during reproductive age. Hence, he
stresses the importance of regular screening
and HPV vaccination to susceptible individu-
Women should not be afraid of having
cervical cancer because it is highly curable
if detected and treated early. Tat is why the
DOH will be providing free screening every
Wednesday in selected health facilities for the
detection and treatment the disease, says Dr.
According to Director Janairo, cervical
cancer afects the young women and causes
unnecessary deaths. Women must be pro-
tected that is why we are raising awareness
that cervical cancer is preventable and can be
prevented through early screening, he em-
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and Puerto Princesa City
(PART 1)
shared stories circling around
Puerto Princesa City and Pa-
Tird Day
(March 20, 2014)
Checking out at noontime
from the hotel, Mr. Rabara
found himself going back to
the Puerto Princesa airport
to catch the fight back to
Manila. Despite having spent
only a handful of days in the
island paradise, he is looking
forward to his next travel ad-
venture to Palawan and Puer-
to Princesa City, in which he
hopes to see more of the pro-
vinces natural treasures and
man-made attractions.
Even though I have stayed
in Puerto Princesa City for
a few days, I have been im-
pressed with the scenic loca-
tions and friendly people li-
ving in the city. With this, I
am looking forward for my re-
turn visit to Palawan, wherein
our newspaper, Great Philip-
pines Expedition, will be able
to document and showcase
some of the best tourist at-
tractions that this province
has to ofer, says Mr. Rabara.
Alexander B. Estoesta II
With summertime already
in our midst, Great Philippines
Expedition Managing Director
Rodel Rabara had the initial
salvo of welcoming the vaca-
tion season as he embarked on
a recent trip to the capital city
of Puerto Princesa in the island
paradise of Palawan.
Mr. Rabara narrated to
Great Philippines Expedition
his sojourn of three days and
two nights, beginning from
March 18 until March 20,
2014, in the Southern Luzon
He explains a feeling of ex-
citement brimming around
him in the days leading to the
trip, noting that it has been a
decade since he last set foot
in the island, when he was a
working for a newspaper pub-
lication back in 2004.
First Day (March 18, 2014)
Arriving in Puerto Princesa
City from Manila, Mr. Rabara
decided to take a quick tour
of the city. Hiring the sevices
of a driver who owns a modi-
fed tricycle cab, the primary
means of commuter transpor-
tation in the area, Mr. Rabara
immediately went around the
various establishments in Puer-
to Princesa.
Among his stops included
passing by the Puerto Princesa
Market. With its abundance of
fresh and quality seafood, Mr.
Rabara partook his lunch con-
sisting of diferent kinds of ma-
rine delicacies including grilled
fsh, squid, among others.
Afer his hearty meal, he then
proceeded to check-in at the D
Lucky Garden Inn Suites, which
is located at P.E.O. Road, Puerto
Princesa City. Mr. Rabara was
welcomed by hotel owners, cou-
ple Francia and Teddy Constan-
tino and daughter Marianne. He
specifcally notes the warm and
accommodating service exten-
ded by the inns management
and service staf.
I appreciate the wonderful
service given to me by the ma-
nagement and staf of D Lucky
Garden Inn Suites. Tey truly
made my stay in Puerto Prin-
cesa a noteworthy one through
their kind and accommodating
gestures, says Mr. Rabara.
Going out again at 4 in the
afernoon following a short nap,
Mr. Rabara proceeded to one
of Puerto Princesas landmark
attractions, the Baywalk area.
He takes time to relax amid the
cool and refreshing breeze that
greets visitors and tourists to
the area in the night time.
Mentions Mr. Rabara: Peo-
ple visiting Palawan and Puerto
Princesa City should pass by the
Baywalk area since the place is
very ideal to unwind and relax
amid the serene calmness of the
Come dinner time, Mr. Ra-
bara had some of the fnest deli-
cacies being served in Baywalk,
among them its multitude of
grilled seafood as well as a one-
of-a-kind specialty, the Croco-
dile sisig which is being sold at
fve hundred persos (P500.00)
per order.
Afer a sumptuous supper,
Mr. Rabara headed back to his
hotel room to call it a day.
Second Day
(March 19, 2014)
Day 2 of Mr. Rabaras travel
found himself visiting the Pala-
wan Provincial Tourism Ofce
and the Puerto Princesa Tou-
rism Ofce, both located in the
capital city but are 20 minutes
apart by commute.
He started by making a cour-
tesy call to the Palawan Provin-
cial Tourism Ofce, headed by
Ms. Maribelle Bui, the provin-
cial tourism ofcer. Mr. Rabara
and Ms.Bui discussed some
events and projects in relation
to the tourism activities being
pursued by the Palawan Provin-
cial Tourism Ofce.
Aferwards, Mr. Rabara pro-
ceeded to the Puerto Princesa
Tourism Ofce. However, the
City Tourism Ofcer was not
around due to a prior com-
mitment. Still, he was accom-
modated by the City Toursim
staf on his courtesy call. Mr,
Rabara also noted that he will
again make a similar visit to the
Puerto Princesa City Tourism
Ofce upon his return to the
area anew.
Given the Tourisms ofce
proximity to the airport, Mr.
Rabara proceeded to the venue
weherein he brought an as-
sortment of souvenirs ranging
from mugs, t-shirts and the like
which symbolize the colorful
and rich nature of Palawan and
Puerto Princesa tourism.
He likewise ended the day
with an intimate dinner with
the Constantinos, owners of
the D Lucky Garden Inn Suites,
wherein they bonded and
Suite 201 Chelsea Bldg., Chateau
Valenzuela,Lingunan, Valenzuela City, Philippines
Mobile numbers : 09183858571 & 0932-6641028
The Premium Health,Travel and Lifestyle Newspaper
Managing Director/ Editor-in-Chief
Rodel T. Rabara
Section Editor
Jonel I. Marasigan
Alexander B. Estoesta II
Leonila Garcia
Renacelle Cruz-Punzalan
Graphic Designer/ Layout Artist
Joy Bernadette Sanchez
Advertising Account Manager
Antonina Barsana
Rudy Cudal
Randy T. Rabara
Freelance Advertising Executives
Rishelle Q. Ramos
Maria D. Tumanlao
Gina T. Evangelista
Louie Tacasa
Peter Orfano, Jr.
Thelma Tolentino
Kris C. Lim
Rey-An Santelices
Adrian Caballero
Jason Soriano
Field Assistant to Senior Executive
Ronie M. Diata
By Leony R. Garcia
(and those who work long on the computer)
I told her I didnt know and I enumerated how I was feeling
at that time. Her immediate prime suspect: Cervical spasm. She
listed my medication and asked me to undergo neck x-ray.
After a day or two, the x-ray confrmed the suspicion cervi-
First there was this feeling of lousiness.
Then there was pain in the eye areas,
neck and shoulder. After three days, there
was headache and vertigo and the feeling
of having fever or fu coupled with weak-
ness in my right arm. And so I decided to
see a doctor who asked me: What are you
sick with?
Laser Fit: We melt it, you burn it!
Dr. Claudine Roura, MD, is a no-non-
sense and non-commercialized beauty doc-
tor in the country. The managing director of
Contours Advanced Face and Body Sculp-
ting Institute and Zerona Laser Slimming
and Aesthetics, defes the usual celebrity-en-
ser strategy to popularize her clinics. Ins-
tead, she relies on the power of word-of-
mouth endorsements and the Internets mas-
sive reach.
Roura said her one and only guiding
principle in the performance of her job is,
Never promise what you cannot deliver.
As her personal commitment to clients, she
is emphatic about her being no-nonsense in
her service and pledges to assure satisfac-
tion. Unlike others, I only promise what I
can deliver, probably more but nothing less. I
will remain true about my service to my cli-
ents, not oversell just to make a quick buck,
she said during an interview with this writer.
Roura who earned a medical degree from
the University of Santo Tomas Faculty of
Medicine and Surgery, is a certifed derma-
tologist and Fellow of the Philippine Derma-
tological Society
(PDS) as well as
the Philippine
cal spasm which could even cause numb-
ness, tingling, or weakness in the arms or
legs. The good doctors recommendation
was to see an orthodontic and under-
go physical therapy sessions along with
stretching exercises.
Our neck is a complex interlocking
structure consisting of bones, joints,
nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments.
Its main job is to hold up the weight of
your head which, at around 5 kilograms, is
no mean task. Add to this the requirement
that the head must be able to move from
side to side and up and down (and do these
simultaneously), plus the fact that the neck
has to form a conduit for the spinal cord,
carry blood vessels to and from the head,
and contain passageways for air and food,
and you have quite a complex feat of en-
gineering. No wonder then that our necks
cause us pain and discomfort, not only on
occasion, but for some people in an ongo-
ing fashion.
Symptoms of neck pain
Muscle spasm
A spasm is a sudden, powerful,
involuntary contraction of muscles. The
muscles feel painful, stiff and knotted. If
you have neck muscle spasms, you may
not be able to move your neck some-
times people call it a crick in the neck.
Your doctor or physiotherapist may call it
acute torticollis or wry neck.
Muscle ache
The neck muscles are sore and may
have hard knots (trigger points) that are
tender to touch. Pain is often felt up the
middle of the back of the neck, or it may
ache on one side only.
The neck muscles are tight and if you
spend too long in one position they feel
even tighter. Neck stiffness can make it
diffcult or painful to move your neck.
Nerve pain
Pain from the neck can radiate down
the arms, and sometimes, the legs. You
may feel a sensation of pins and needles
or tingling in your arms, which can be
accompanied by numbness, burning or
weakness. This pain is typically worse at
Headaches are common in conjunction
with neck problems. They are usually a
dull aching type of headache, rather than
sharp pain. While the headaches are often
felt at the back of the head, the pain may
also radiate to the sides, and even the front
of the head.
Reduced range of motion
If you cant turn your head to the side
to the same degree towards each shoulder,
or you feel limited in how far forward you
can lower your head to your chest, or how
far you can tilt your head back, you may
have reduced range of motion. Your doctor
will be able to test this.
Muscle strain is the most common
cause of neck pains for journalists, BPO
workers, layout/graphic artists and those
who practically make a living out of com-
puter work. Ongoing overuse of your neck
muscles (which can be caused by a poor
neck position during everyday activities,
couple with work-related stress and a toxic
job, co-workers or boss!) can trigger neck
muscle strain, causing chronic neck pain
and stiffness. The pain is often worse with
movement and may be associated with
headaches, muscle spasms and restriction
of neck movements. Aside from medica-
tions that the doctor shall prescribed, the
patient will be subjected to rehabilitation
sessions supervised by a Physical Thera-
pist. Heres what was done to me for two
weeks for six sessions.
of Cutaneous Surgery (Pacas). She also holds
the distinction of being the frst and only
Filipina cosmetic surgeon to practice Vaser
High-Defnition Lipo-Sculpture in the coun-
Being totally different from the rest of
celebrity-powered competition was not an
option because, according to her, We are not
being endorsed by major artista [actors and
actresses]. We have no fancy gimmicks. We
deal more with real clients who want real re-
Her immense enthusiasm in the art of
body sculpture and her thirst for further
knowledge about it continue to push Roura
into trying to discover newer technologies
and undergo even more extensive training
here and abroad to keep her abreast with the
many meticulous aspects of dermatologic and
cosmetic surgery.
Locally, Rouras training included one on
cosmetic surgery under distinguished cosme-
tic surgeon Dr. Raul Guanzon, a fellow of the
Philippine Society for Cosmetic Surgery. She
also underwent further training in dermato-
logic surgery under a training program of the
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
with Dr. Sorin Eremia in Riverside, California.
Having a keen interest in phlebology,
Roura was awarded the 2005
Walter de Groot Phlebology
Fellowship. She fnished her
fellowship under renowned
dermatologic surgeon and
phlebologist Dr. Robert
Weiss at the Maryland
Laser, Skin and Vein
Institute in Baltimore,
Maryland, in October
We melt it, you
burn it! has easily
become the man-
tra at all Con-
tours clinics
nat ionwide
as Roura
i n t r o -
duced the companys latest offering, the La-
serFit. That mantra is fast becoming the craze
thing among more and more health buffs,
body-conscious and even overweight indivi-
duals. And why not? Melting unwan-
ted fats has never been this easier and cheaper!
Laserft is a holistic approach to weight
loss and body contouring. This is a combi-
nation of non-invasive full body cold laser
exposure to melt fat, 10-minute power circuit
workouts to burn fat and proper nutritional
Cold laser (Zerona) exposure releases fats
from the body for three days. Daily 10 minutes
workouts are recommended to burn fatr, trim
down and lose weight, Roura explains saying
the patient will begin to see improvement after
the second session with his or her clothes get-
ting loose.
Rouras clinics have the regular menu of
services for face and body enhancement. What
apparently makes her practice stand out from
the rest is her mastery of the art of body con-
touring. Her clientele, which includes foreig-
ners, want to look perfectly contoured.
Roura opened her frst clinic in November
2008 after a short stint at Las Pias Hospital
in Metro Manila. Today, Contours Advanced
Face & Body Sculpturing Institute is now
recognized in the feld of dermatologic surgery.
Branches are at SM Megamall; The Block
SM North Edsa; Podium; Festival Mall Ala-
bang; and South Park Plaza, Paseo de Ma-
gallanes, Makati City. For inquiries, visit or call hotline 55
64878. Leony Garcia
A Modern medical facility in the heart of
and business establishments
outside Metro Manila to the adja-
cent suburban Eastern Rizal. As
economic progress continued,
transportation infrastructures and
facilities lagged behind, creating
a monster of congestion in all the
roads leading to Metro Manila.
Immediate access to a premiere
tertiary hospital was therefore
a foreseen predicament. Tis
Te unabated increase in population
and unprecedented economic boom du-
ring the last decade of the year 1900, com-
pounded with lack of space for housing fa-
cilities and business enterprises, resulted
in the relocation of families
prompted a group of 21 profes-
sionals to conceptualize building
a modern tertiary hospital within
the locality of eastern Rizal to
comprehensively service the health
needs of the community.
Manila East Medical Center
(MEMC) has a complete line of
certifed specialists, about 160,
both medical and dental, whose
expertise will considerably beneft
the clients. Te hospital is manned
by competent and trained ancil-
lary staf. It likewise has essential
laboratory facilities, a diagnostic
section with X-ray, CT Scan, Ul-
trasound and 2D ECHO. It also
has Laparoscopy and Endoscopy
instruments and other necessary
equipment of a modern tertiary
hospital. Tere are 5 operating
rooms, 2 delivery rooms, NICU,
ICU, Dialysis and Physical Reha-
bilitation sections. Te emergency
section is spacious and departmen-
talized, with an emergency physi-
cian specialist on duty everyday.
Today, MEMC stands on the
threshold of a bright new pro-
mise. Having religiously instituted
its foremost concern of an efcient,
reliable and cost-efective delivery
of health care services to the ut-
most satisfaction of the clientele,
more patients are patronizing the
hospital. Te out-patient depart-
ment has a ten-fold increase in
patient census since the ope-
ning. With this highly encouraging
event, the management is looking
forward to expanding the hospital
and its facilities to fully service the
health needs of the community.
CENTER is located along Manila
East Road, Brgy. Dolores, Taytay,
Rizal. Teir contact numbers are
632-6600000 and 632-6589971 or
visit www.manilaeastmedicalcent-
A Healthcare facility
that truly cares
Most Filipino families have deemed great healthcare is only for the privi-
leged elite who can afford the high prices of medical care, thus, with sky-
rocketing professional fees and medicine prices, most people would rather
resort to self medication.
Commonwealth Hospital and Medical Center (CHMC) wants to defy the
norms by providing affordable, quality and effcient medical care to the
community. Barely 3 years since it opened the facility, CHMC have been
operating on full bed capacity with services at par with exclusive hospitals
in the Metro.
CHMC, a Tertiary hospital is located at the Neopolitan Business Park ,
Regalado Highway, Novaliches, Quezon City right beside SM Fairview. Pa-
tients coming from this side of the city that extends to Caloocan and Bula-
can area will stand to beneft from CHMCs pool of 350 Top doctors.
Recently, CHMC inaugurated its newly constructed HMO section where-
in patients dont have to endure long lines in processing their HMO benefts.
Furthermore, CHMC recently had a groundbreaking of its expansion
building to cater to the growing requirements of the community.
For more information, you may visit or call 02-9300000.
Newest Healthcare facility
in the heart of Quezon City
Pacifc Global Medical Center (PGMC) is a Level 3 Tertiary private Hospital with 100
bed capacity located along Mindanao Avenue near Quirino Hi-way in Novaliches in
Quezon City. It is strategically located to cater the immediate surrounding vicinity in-
cluding patients coming from Northern Luzon.
PGMC is established to provide medical and clinical laboratories services and similar
undertakings in relation to the advancement of healthcare needs of the people as well
as the professional advancement of medical and surgical services.
The Pacifc Global Medical Center has an integrated Medical Arts which accommo-
date consultation clinics for expert doctors and physicians that also provide services to
the hospital.
As a healthcare institution, the Pacifc Global Medical Center is not really a proft
oriented type of business investment. Instead, it is more of an investment of a person
to ones healthcare. The investment will help protect investor from the unprecedented
rising costs of healthcare. Meanwhile, the undertaking also increases the number of
healthcare providers in the country thereby providing more universal access to people
in need of medical care and attention.
You may get in touch with them at Telephone no. 632-9014941
Contact and visit Catherine Bautista
at 3rd Floor, Victory Mall, Caloocan City
Mobile Nos: 09294052523 and 0927-8310483
Email add:
Relatively new in the Philip-
pines, yacon was introduced in
country in 1998. It quickly gained
acceptance within the local agri-
cultural community as the plant is
easily grown without the need for
farm inputs such as pesticides and
fertilizers. Hence eliminating costs
that is usually associated with far-
ming practice.
Te warm climate of the coun-
try is also suitable for planting ya-
con, as it is similar to the areas in
South America where it is tradi-
tionally grown.
Looking like an elongated version of the potato, the yacon distincts itself from
the aforementioned root crop with its juicy and sweet tuberous roots. Also known
as the peruvian ground apple given its white and juicy fesh similar to the inside
of an apple, the yacon is endemic to most countries in South America where it
is abundantly grown and harvested.
Health Benefts of Yacon
Yacon is considered as a health
crop given its high nutritional va-
lue. Te plant contains vitamins A,
C and E. Tese vitamins are essen-
tial in boosting the bodys immune
system in fghting and warding of
Yacon is high in inulin, a fruc-
tose sugar, making it a sucrose-free
food for the diabetics. It stores car-
bohydrates in the form of inulin
and not in the form of starch, which
is common in other rootcrops.
Te crop also has a signifcant
amount of oligofructose or also
called fructo-oligosaccharide. It is a
dietary sugar with the human body
is unable to metabolize, hence its
potential use for diabetics and body
weight control. Moreover, resear-
chers found that an increased in-
take of oligofructose is associated
with the improvement of gut health
because of the stimulation of the
benefcial bifdus bacteria in the
Moreover, fructooligosaccha-
rides have prebiotics. A prebiotic
is what helps the good bacteria in-
side of the colon, and in turn your
immune system is given a healthy
Yacon as a Medicinal Crop
For its medicinal and wellness
properties, yacon is helpful to peo-
ple who are sufering from diabetes,
obesity, constipation, insomnia, ar-
thritis and kidney diseases. Te crop
can also lower blood pressure from
5 to 10%. Having a signifcant mois-
ture content makes yacon an ideal
blood purifer as well.
More so, yacon was also shown
to lower cholesterol levels and pre-
vent blood clotting. Te plant is also
recommended for people with cons-
tipation as it has a high fber content
that is benefcial for digestion.
Yacon also has antimicrobial
properties that is liver protecting,
eliminating harmful bacteria that
can damage the liver and other body
Te tea leaves of the crop have
also been determined to contain
properties which help
control and eliminate ill-
nesses that can damage the
arteries such as arterioscle-
rosis. Ingesting tea with
yacon leaves helps in redu-
cing plaque that may block
and clog the arteries.
Te Yacon Market
in the Philippines
Locally, Doalnara
Restoration Society Phil-
ippines Multi-Purpose
Cooperative is one of the
countrys producers of ya-
con. Located in the moun-
tains of Claveria in the
Mindanao region, Doalnara Coo-
perative grows and harvests organi-
cally produced yacon. From Min-
danao, the Cooperative ships yacon
and its byproducts to Metro Manila
where it is being sold in several or-
ganic food shops and stores.
Also, Doalnara yacon has greatly
benefted many Filipinos stricken
with diferent ailments, thanks to its
many health and wellness proper-
ties. One of which is Great Philip-
pines Expedition Managing Direc-
tor Rodel Rabara.
Sufering a stroke more than two
years ago, in March 2012 at San Fer-
nando, La Union, Mr. Rabara has
made a complete recovery from the
incident thanks in part to Doalnara
yacon products.
Aside from the crop, he also par-
took of the juice and syrup extracted
from the yacon plant which is also
made by the Doalnara Multi-Pur-
pose Cooperative. Today, Mr. Ra-
bara has fully recovered as he cur-
rently oversees the daily operations
and activities of Great Philippines
Expedition as Managing Director.
Te Doalnara Restoration So-
ciety Philippines Multi-Purpose
Cooperative is located at Sitio San
Roque, Brgy. Aposkahoy, Claveria,
Misamis Oriental. For those inte-
rested to avail of yacon products
and other items by the Cooperative
in Metro Manila, contact and visit
Catherine Bautista at 3rd foor of the
Victory Mall in Caloocan City. Mo-
bile numbers are: 09294052523 and
Alexander B. Estoesta II
Limber up, loosen up at
Teceruma Spa and Salon
By Leony R. Garcia
In December 2013, Maria Teresa
D. Herbst, owner of Teceruma Spa
and Salon thru her representatives
was awarded as Outstanding En-
trepreneur by Ex-link Management
and Marketing Services Corpora-
tion during the 5th Outstanding
OFW and Balikbayan Reputation
Awards (OBRA) at SMX Conven-
tion Center in Pasay City.
I love to help people and in the
process, I guess Ive become an
Entrepreneur, Herbst said in her
acceptance speech thru the video
tape she sent for the awarding cere-
Her frst business, according to
Herbst, is a grocery store near her
home in Cavite which was intended
to give frst time job opportunities
for her unemployed relatives co-
ming to Manila from their province
in Samar.
My house then was always a
kind of hotel for family passing
thru . Many of our grocery store
graduates have since gone abroad
and on to bigger and better profes-
sions, she said.
As the store prospered, Herbst
said she was able to use some funds
to purchase land in Borongan Eas-
tern Samar which soon has pro-
duced rice and coconuts, and have
paved the way for building a rice
mill which employed more of the
enterprising ladys family members
and friends.
Herbst said she also provided
the seed money which was used to
help start a sports uniform businesses
for her aunts in Samar.
But Herbst said the dream of buil-
ding and operating a world class Spa
has always been her frst love having
worked as spa supervisor in the spa
clinics of fve-star hotels, including
Hyatt and New World.
It also upset me that many of my
talented and highly trained friends
who worked with me in the various
hotels were unemployed, she said.
Luck seemed to be on her side when
she was given the opportunity to tra-
vel and live abroad in the US when she
married her American husband, John
Herbst, afer her frst marriage to a
Filipino crumbled and was annulled.
In the Land of the Free, Herbst was
amazed at fnding out that elderly
people work hard and are happy and
In fact, my gym trainer is 80 years
old but she still goes to the gym to
work. Whereas in the Philippines,
people half the age of my trainer are
either unemployed or have already re-
tired from their work, she said.
Married to a traveling businessman,
Herbst goes home every chance she
gets to visit her children and relatives
in the Philippines.
Ten I realized I have sisters, nie-
ces, cousins in their 40s who are out
of work simply because companies do
not hire them because they are catego-
rized to be old for the job they want,
she said.
Teceruma Spa & Salon
Since she had mastered the ins and
outs of the spa business, Herbst de-
cided that it would be her business in-
vestment in her home country.
She admitted to wanting to feel
good herself by being beautiful all
the time and so she combined her spa
business with a salon. Tus, Teceruma
Spa & Salon was born on May 26,
Conveniently located on the sixth
foor of BSA Twin Towers in Ortigas
Center, Teceruma ofers a wide range
of world-class spa and salon services
that would surely soothe your tired
body, release your tension and relax
your mind at afordable prices.
It boasts of its well-loved massage
called Teceruma Signature Massage.
Its a 90-minute massage that is a
combination of diferent techniques
and procedures such as Raindrop
Terapy, Reiki energy therapy, Dra-
gonfy stroke, Lomi-lomi, Swedish
massage, Shiatsu, Tai massage and
the traditional Pinoy hilot, among
others, Herbst said.
During the frst quarter of 2012, she
devoted her time personally teaching
her therapists diferent massage tech-
niques. She also mentored her staf on
public and human relations and even
the smallest aspects of
the business, such as cashiering and
serving snacks to clients.
To make sure I give them [cus-
tomers] the best, I personally bake
goodies and fruit cakes, which the spa
serves along with im-
ported teas afer the
rejuvenating massage
of the clients. Here at
Teceruma foremost to
us is to guarantee the
wellness and satisfac-
tion of our customers, Herbst said.
To ensure quality services of the
spa, she hired health and wellness
experts, including a nurse, who hap-
pens to be her niece, and some of her
colleagues in the spa business who are
master therapists in their own right.
Tecerumas signature massage is
the newest innovation in spa services
developed by the owner herself, who
calls herself a spaholic. Since she is
married to a traveling businessman,
she goes with her husband around the
world and gets every opportunity to
try the spa services ofered in diferent
Every now and then, I try and
study the spa services, the techniques
and procedures in other countries. I
pick the best and apply them in my
own spa. Tats how I came up with
Teceruma signature massage. Its
a combination of the best tech-
niques in many parts of the world,
Herbst said.
Since then, Teceruma Spa and Salon
has taken on an advocacy of teaching,
training and eventually employing
others, especially those who are con-
sidered old for employment by Phi-
lippine standard.
I promised myself that when I
set up my spa business, I would be
training and employing old people
for as long as they can and are wi-
lling to work, Herbst said.
Supporting Tecerumas CEO
in her advocacy are her business
partners Cecille, Ruth and Mayeth.
Teceruma is a family business.
Teceruma stands for Tess, Cecille,
Ruth and Mayeth. We are here to
help each other and help others as
On her recent visit to the Philip-
pines, Herbsts husband of six years,
John, accompanied her.
John said that he and his wife
want their spa business to be their
retirement business as well in the
future. We work hard and live sim-
ply in the US. We want to help by
employing others as well.
A second TECERUMA Spa was
opened in July 2013 in Dolores Eas-
tern Samar and a third TECERUMA
Spa was under construction in near-
by Borongan. It was scheduled to
open in January 2014 but was unfor-
tunately slowed down by Typhoon
Its not easy. But whatever our
business is, our motto is to serve the
customer so well that they will never
go anywhere else! Herbst said.
There's no stopping
CHEERS in advocating
health and safety as a
way of life
Te biggest and deadliest earthquake
to date in Philippine history hit Baguio
City and provinces around the Cordi-
llera and Central Luzon on July 16, 1990.
Dubbed as the 1990 Baguio City Earth-
quake, it measured 7.9 magnitude on the
Richter scale in 45 seconds, killing an es-
timated 1,621 people and causing damages
worth P15 billion.
Te earthquake and the ensuing afer-
shocks covered a 125 kilometer area, run-
ning from Dingalan, Aurora to Cuyapo,
Nueva Ecija. Te quake also destroyed
buildings, including the Hyatt Hotel in Ba-
guio where 80 died.
Sandy S. Montano, Vice President
of Community Health Education Emer-
gency Rescue Services (CHEERS), herself,
had experienced the trauma of this killer
quake. A student of Saint Louis Univer-
sity in Baguio City at that time, she was
trapped under the ruins of their collapse
boarding house for three grueling days.
And having been lost for three days, she
was announced dead through the radio
station in Baguio.
Sandy recalled she had no food to
eat nor water to drink. She only had the
clothes on her back to call her own. And
worst, she was very weak and had no ca-
pacity to help those trapped under the
ruins. Her only hope for survival then was
her determination and prayer that GOD
will send someone to rescue her. She said
her ordeal continued in the evacuation
area when she and fellow evacuees were
getting sick due to lack of food, water, and
It was a life-changing experience for
Sandy and at the same time an eye opener
to hone her skills on disaster preparedness.
Due to trauma from the killer earthquake
experience, she transferred to Manila to
look for a paramedic school but since there
is no such course being ofered yet in the
Philippines, she pursued a nursing course,
and became an active volunteer of Philip-
pine National Red Cross (PNRC).
For ten years, Sandy served as Chair-
person of Red Cross Youth giving basic
life support (BLS) and frst aid training.
Her dedication to educate people on how
to save lives benefted more than 100,000
Filipinos in schools, companies and ba-
rangays who became equipped to rescue
countless human beings in the midst of
fear and anxiety. In 1994, as one of the
leading volunteer instructor & rescuer she
was selected as the countrys representa-
tive to the Hajime No Ippo (First Big Step)
student exchange program in Japan for
embodying the Red Cross creed Service
to Humanity.
In the year 2000, Sandy was a Rotary
Foundation Scholar under the Group Study
Exchange Program for Brazil where she
was exposed to a higher level of awareness
on the conduct of humanitarian eforts in
South America for six weeks. In grati-
tude for her international humanitarian
training, Sandy served as Matching Grants
Coordinator volunteer for 10 Rotary Dis-
tricts covering 10,000 kids per district.
From 2000-2004, they were able to serve
more than 100,000 kids through various
community health education programs.
It was during Sandys exposure to
diferent humanitarian eforts here and
abroad that she realized the great disparity
between the level of knowledge and skills
of Filipino emergency responders from
other countries. In the United States, con-
fdent of her more than 10 years experience
as instructor for BLS and frst aid, she was
disappointed that she was made to under-
go beginners level training because what
she knew and what she has been teaching
is not at par with international standards of
emergency medical services (EMS).
For this experience, Sandy became
more determined and got her certifca-
tions as instructor from international or-
ganizations like the American Safety and
Health Institute (ASHI), American Heart
Association (AHA) and Australasian Re-
gistry of Emergency Medical Technicians
(AREMT). But with 90 million Filipinos
who are potential victims in times of di-
saster, Sandy knew she cant do it alone as
a certifed EMS responder. Tus, the social
enterprise Community Health Education
Emergency Rescue Services (CHEERS)
Corporation was born in 2008.
Knowing that the Philippines is the
3rd most disaster risk country worldwide
(Source: National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan 2011-2028), Sandy
saw the need for professionally trained and
internationally competent EMS respon-
ders. Together with husband Alvin Mon-
tano and United Nations EMS Instructor
and Consultant Ahed Najjar, CHEERS
was set up to train Filipinos
to become globally certifed
providers of Emergency Care
and to uplif their confdence
to save lives through educa-
Since then, CHEERS has
partnered with key organiza-
tions such as Private Sector
Disaster Management Net-
work (PSDMN), National
Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Council (NDR-
RMC), Commission on
Higher Education (CHED),
Te Professional Regulation
Commission (PRC), Depart-
ment of Labor and Emplo-
yment (DOLE), Department
of Health (DOH), Overseas
Workers Welfare Organiza-
tion (OWWA), and Tech-
nical Education and Skills
Development Authority
(TESDA). For the fve years
of existence, CHEERS was
able to train more than 33, 721 healthcare
students and professionals, disaster front
liners and ordinary citizens to be equipped
in responding to emergency situations to
prevent unnecessary human, property and
economy loss.
CHEERS Starts Expansion
in ASEAN Region
In a bid to expand its presence in South
East Asia, CHEERS partnered with STIKes
Budi Luhur, a Higher Education Institu-
tion in Cimahi, Indonesia. CHEERS will
train Indonesian nurses under STIKes
Budi Luhurs Graduate Program on Global
Disaster Preparedness and Basic Life Sup-
port System.
CHEERS Training Center Director
John Alvin L. Montano and his wife Sandy
gave the initial training and orientation
on Global Disaster Preparedness Program
(GDPP) and Basic Life Support (BLS)
Program of the American Heart Associa-
tion which equips Indonesian nursing stu-
dents on internationally certifed health
and safety procedures.
Aside from partnership with STIKes
Budi Luhur, CH Training in London UK
also partners with CHEERS in providing
the National Examination Board for Oc-
cupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH)
a requirement for safety practitioner wor-
king abroad.
CHEERS ensures that its graduates are
globally competitive and at par with in-
ternational standards. CHEERS provides
American Safety Health Institute (ASHI)
international certifcation to participants
who successfully pass the skills assessment
and examinations which give them an edge
over other graduates. Te GDPP conforms
to the latest guidelines on frst aid science,
emergency cardiovascular care, CPR and
the mandatory use of Automated External
Defbrillator (AED) machine in all work-
place abroad.
As one of the Regional Country Afli-
ate of the Australasian Registry of Emer-
gency Medical Technicians (AREMT),
CHEERS Emergency Medical Technician
(EMT) Program provides training and in-
ternational certifcation for its graduates to
make them EMT professionals recognized
anywhere in the world due to AREMTs
international reciprocity feature. CHEERS
EMT classes are multicultural, students are
from diferent Emergency Medical Ser-
vices (EMS) providers in the Middle East
and UAE Region such as the Sharjah Police
Ambulance Department which hires EMT
To ensure CHEERS EMT graduates are
legitimately placed in companies abroad,
the Philippine Overseas Employment Ad-
ministration (POEA) conducts assessment
in CHEERS for the applicants of the Na-
tional Ambulance Company in UAE Te
company will be needing 700 additional
nurses and EMTs to work in pre-hospital
Te Department of Labor and Employ-
ment (DOLE) recognizes CHEERS as the
frst and only NGO training provider for
both First Aid Science and Occupational
Safety and Health. Its Workplace Innova-
tion on Safety and Health (WISH) prog-
ram equips future safety ofcers with
knowledge and skills which they can use to
work locally and abroad.
What if a 7.2 earthquake hit Metro
Manila? a front page newspaper article
asked in the afermath of Cebu earthquake
in October 2013. Sandy and the CHEER-
trained EMS responders hope we can sur-
vive this catastrophe by transforming pos-
sible victims to empowered responders.
Afer all, it is CHEERS aspiration to
become the ultimate health and safety so-
lutions provider as it also desires to create a
safety consciousness among Filipinos.
Speed, familiarization on
racetrack, and precision
riding. These were some of
the key factors needed by
each riders participated in
the recent 2014 Shell Ad-
vance Asia Talent Cup held
at Doha, Qatar.
The Shell Advance Asia Tal-
ent Cup organized by Dorna
Sports which is the exclusive
holder of all commercial
and TV rights of MotoGP
World Championship since
1992 is a pan-Asia motorcy-
cle talent search program of
Shell that serves as a feeder
series to the MotoGP World
The competition aims to
give young talented grass-
roots racers between 13 to
20 years old an opportu-
nity to be recognized in the
competitive world of road
racing. An eight-race series
in six events, the competi-
tion also includes Qatar, In-
donesia, China, Japan and
According to Koh Kar Tai,
Global Brand Manager of
Shell Advance, The Asia
Talent Cup was brought
to us by Dorna. This is really
supporting the dreams and
aspiration of young talen-
ted Asian young bikers. We
believed that by coming
out with this platform we
are helping riders to pursue
their dreams and eventually
move on to the higher Mo-
toGP class.
Tai added, Shell Advance
has the biggest market in
Asia. So obviously we wan-
ted more activities and con-
tinuity. This is not a one-time
race. After they graduated
here, they might take the
chance (but with no guar-
antee) to take the rookie
Representing the Philippine
fag was 15-year old Ralph
Kenneth Torres, who won the
frst place at the 2013 Scoo-
terking Inside Racing Cup
and Inside Racing Grand Prix
in the 130cc class. During the
race, Torres admits that he
frst got intimidated by some
of the international riders.
He said, This race has
a huge impact on me. I
learned a lot from the frst
leg race. Though its hard
to admit that we were not
able to qualify, but I wont
just stop there. I know its not
going to be an easy task be-
cause theres more leg series
to come. But this is a race I
wont just quit. Ill do my best
to make my country proud
of me.
The Filipino rider did not
complete the fnal 12-laps
race after getting a bad fall
on his bike on the seventh
laps. The top three winners
who successfully made the
podium were all Japanese
riders. They were 14-year old
Yuta Date, the overall cham-
pion of the Shell Advance
Asia Talent Cup, followed
by Tsurugi Kitami in second
place, and Ayumi Sasaki, in
third position.
Meanwhile, the only fe-
male rider Muklada Sara-
puech from Thailand had
her chance of winning on
the fnal 4-laps when Japa-
nese rider Sasaki bump the
tail of Kitami pushing Sara-
puechs bike on the corner
apex and making her re-
tired. Sarapuech total time is
24 minutes and 53 seconds.
All riders were using the
identical Honda NSF250R
race bikes, powered by Shell
V-Power racing fuel and lu-
bricated by Shell Advance 4T
Ultra motorcycle oil. To know
more about the 2014 Shell
Advance Asia Talent Cup,
you may log on at www.fa-
Hundreds of Tablets
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Lazada, the countrys on-
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The strong partnership of
Lazada and WeChat has pre-
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Its easy to shop at Lazada
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tial discounts on best-selling
items. The new promotion will
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nity to purchase their favou-
rite Lazada items through We-
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Watch out for the upcoming event of
Interested sponsors will coordinate and
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on the 7th day of August 2014 Te event entitled
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Experts Agree! Novuhair:
Nature's Answer to Hairloss
Making healthy lifestyle chan-
ges has become the trend these
days, one notable habit shift is
the preference for the all natu-
ral products. Experts in fitness,
beauty and science are reaching a
consensus on the beneficial use of
herbal products and while objec-
tives vary, one need that mother
nature has been serving as of re-
cent is hair loss.
Beauty icon Fanny Serrano
would know. It was no other than
during the height of his career that
he discovered he was losing hair.
After a series of failed product tri-
als, Fanny fatefully chanced upon
Novuhair Topical Scalp Lotion.
With skepticism and nothing left
to lose, he decided to give it a try
and came away from the experi-
ence discovering the answer to his
Novuhair is made of all natu-
ral ingredients that include panax
ginseng, moringa oleifera, the es-
sential oils of rosemary, laven-
der and peppermint, and virgin
coconut oil. Known as natures
answer to hair loss, Novuhair
nourishes the scalp by increa-
sing its flow of nutrients and im-
proving blood circulation. This
helps reduce excessive hair fall
and eventually remedies hair loss,
while also working as a preventa-
tive measure. It comes with other
beneficial side effects, as well:
delaying early hair graying, and
maintaining the hairs natural lus-
Fanny is not the only one who
has discovered Novuhairs effica-
cy. Today, natures answer to hair
loss has been tested and proven ef-
fective by its wide user base. This
is thanks in part to the backing of
the wellness community, inclu-
ding medical experts such as Dr.
Edwin A. Bien.
The founder of LeBIEN Well-
ness Specialists, Dr. Bien is a long-
time member of the local wellness
movement. He started his clinic
in the early nineties with the mis-
sion of spreading knowledge and
championing the benefits of na-
tural medicine, educating health
practitioners, patients and the
public alike. As of today, Dr. Bien
has publicly vouched for the effec-
tiveness of Novuhairs all natural
ingredients, having given an inter-
view on radio about the best topi-
cal solution to hair loss.
Novuhair is available as a
shampoo, conditioner and topi-
cal scalp lotion varied enough to
complement different preferences
and lifestyles, and as a complete
set to deliver Novuhairs optimum
potential. Endorsers range from
athletes to beauty queens, models
to musicians, politicians to busi-
nessmen all of whom could attest
to the efficacy of Novuhair.
One of the latest in the brands
string of ambassadors is TV Host
and triathlete Kim Kuya Kim
Atienza. The nations trusted
weatherman has maintained a re-
putation as an expert, building on
his knowledge for healthy living
through research. It is thus of no
surprise to find that for Kuya Kim,
nothing beats natural when it
comes to being good to your body.
And nothing could get as natu-
ral as Novuhair when it comes to
caring for your scalp.
For the experts, Fanny, Dr. Bien
and Kuya Kim, it all comes down
to knowing your bodys needs and
understanding that nature has
provided it all and for hair loss,
too, no less. After all, in this day
and age of medical discoveries
and revelations, why go on with
anything artificial when you could
certainly go all natural?
Novuhair delivers, the experts
agree. And in the face of hair loss,
the experts will tell you in unison:
Novuhair is all you need.
Novuhair Topical Scalp Lo-
tion is available as an individual
purchase; part of a combo pack
that includes a bottle of Novu-
hair Herbal Shampoo; and a 3-in-
1 pack that includes the herbal
shampoo and a bottle of Novuhair
Herbal Conditioner. Novuhair
Topical Scalp Lotion is available
in all Mercury Drug Stores and all
leading drug stores nationwide.
For more information visit www., like the brands of-
ficial Facebook Fan Page at Novu-
hair Official, and follow the brand
on Twitter at @NovuhairUpdates,
or call the Novuhair hotlines at
4136570 and 09228830575.
Dinner at D Lucky Garden
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Original food is happy to collaborate with the Philippines
newspaper, in order to show what you are able to grow in
your back yard, a healthy organic food production. You
could produce your own vegetables on an open feld gar-
den, house net, and green house.
In this case we are going to talk about a little house net
you can build in your own home. It does not require a lot
of material and it does not require a blue print lay out,
or a permit. Te only thing it requires is imagination,
knowledge on what you are going to do, and hard work.
as you can see you could use PVC pipes, cement, plastic
to cover the foor, something to keep the plastic on the
ground, and of course the net (I recommend a net of 50
Once its installed the house will be able
to block up to 30% of the UV light, which
in the hot summer weather will dehydrate
the pollen and the plant wont be able to
produce fruit, but in the other hand if
you do have a house net you will be able
to produce tomatoes (Solanum lycopersi-
cum), peppers (capsicum anun), squash
(cucurbita), cilantro
(coriandrum sativum), etc.
You could use
this house net as a
gathering spot or
horticulture therapy
(using plants to
heal physical and
mental problems).
Tis combination of
knowledge and skills
will be essential for
future generations,
to produce their
own organic foods.
Glomys Empanada and Catering Ser-
vices is certainly one of the biggest
and known restaurants along Brgy.
Valdez in Batac. Te original name of
the place was Glory and Glomys Em-
apanada, named afer the mother and
daughter team of Gloria Cocson and
Glomelynn Rigonan. Gloria Aduana
Cocson was the one who made em-
panada famous in Batac, Ilocos; back
then, it consisted mainly of grated
papaya and monggo, but through the
years, empanadas have continuously
evolved, most of which come in dif-
fering variants nowadays.
What makes them diferent from
others of the same business is the fact
that they have their own recipe for the
famous Vigan longganisa, and thats
also the secret why their empanadas
are so richly favored.
Some scientists decided to do the following experiments on a dog.
For the first experiment, they cut one of the dogs legs off, then they told the
dog to walk. The dog got up and walked, so they they learned that a dog could
walk with just three legs.
For the second experiment, they cut off a second leg from the dog, then they
told the dog once more to walk. The dog was still able to walk with only two
For the third experiment, they cut off yet another leg from the dog and once
more they told the dog to walk. However, the dog wasnt able to walk with only
one leg.
As a result of these three experiments, the scientists wrote in their final report
that the dog had lost its hearing after having three legs cut off.
What is the longest word in the English
SMILES: there is a mile between the first and
last letters!
A Scotsman who was driving home
one night, ran into a car driven by
an Englishman. The Scotsman got
out of the car to apologize and of-
fered the Englishman a drink from
a bottle of whisky. The Englishman
was glad to have a drink.
Go on, said the Scot, have an-
other drink.
The Englishman drank gratefully.
But dont you want one, too? he
asked the Scotsman.
Perhaps, replied the Scotsman,
after the police have gone.
While showbiz has tagged
him to be the Heir of Rap, after
his father Master Rapper Francis
Magalona has passed on in 2009,
Elmo seemed to be taking a dif-
ferent direction lately. Instead of
performing as a singer/rapper,
Elmo is visible on TV as an
actor, proving he also is
heir of the acting
competence of
his famous
Pancho Mag-
alona and Tita
Well, ever since
nung mas bata ako, nung
grade school, sumasali
ako sa mga plays sa school,
and mga musical. Naging
hilig ko rin sya ever since,
nadiscover ko lang sya ulit
when I entered showbiz, he ex-
plains. Singing kasi is not some-
thing I think I would do profes-
sionally kasi wala naman akong
lessons sa singing. Pero thru time,
I kept on working on it, singing,
performing and I got comfortable
with it. Ever since maliit ako, ac-
ting was really my thing and iba
yung satisfaction kapag maganda
yung eksenang ginawa mo. says
the Elaborative Elmo.
Having a name that is re-
spec-ted in the in-
dustry, getting
into showbiz
was not a
needle-i n-
kind of exper i ence
for this young Magalona,
but sta- ying in it is the cha-
l l e n g e . Para syang dou-
ble-edged sword, its not as diff-
cult as how others entered showbiz
like through reality shows or dis-
covered through something, but
its also hard because of the ex-
pectations and comparisons of a
lot of people. Im so blessed how I
started my career and everything.
But like a fun fact, before I star-
ted showbiz, naging commercial
model na rin naman ako so kaya
rin siguro naging comfortable
din naman ako. Ive been doing it
almost more than half of my life,
entertainment will never be out-
side of my life, stated Elmo.
Acting-wise, Elmo starred in
TV series like Together Fore-
ver, became part of the sup-
porting cast of shows Pilyang
Kerubin, Bantatay, Andres
de Saya, Daldalita, Tweets
for My Sweet, and did several
guestings in Maynila, all shown
in GMA 7. His current project,
Villa Quintana (remake of the
90s TV hit) is doing very well
that it already got an extension
midway of its season run. In the
remake, he plays the male lead,
Isagani, and female lead Lynette
is played by Janine Gutierrez. For
his flm credits, Elmo headed the
Elaborative, Lazy, Mix and Obvious are the
NA described himself, using the letters of his
(screen) name.
cast in Teen
Academy and
was male lead in Just
One Summer.
Asked about his dream role,
his answer was not an out-of-this-
world thing but something close to
reality. Dati palagi kong sinasabi,
gusto ko yung parang young fa-
ther na maraming pinagdaraanan,
yung role na hindi lang one-sided,
pwedeng bida, pwedeng kontra-
bida pero hindi yung porket bida
parang walang maling ginagawa.
Pwede yung role (thinks hard)
something like a politician. Parang
ang dami lang sigurong kwento, I
think that would be challenging
for me. I also wanna do an indie
(flm). As an actor I wanna be
able to work with so many peo-
ple in the industry, Elmo eagerly
said. He considers getting acting
awards really not too important
but a bonus, its an achievement
pero thats not what I live for.
I live for the moment when the
camera is rolling and when Im in
front of it.
Probed if he is willing to ex-
plore doing a role that will require
him to wear a female disguise, just
like his father did in some movies
and Elmo revealed that if its for
comedy maybe he would but if for
a serious role, hes not ready yet
to do it. Hindi naman ako picky
when it comes to requirements for
the role like example sa clothes,
nakikinig ako sa takbo ng story,
he expounded.
His passion for acting now has
somehow put his plans for his own
music on hold. As early as the
start of the year, there has been
clamor for his album.
I feel bad kasi na-promise
ko yun ang focus ko starting this
year but then na-set aside. I dont
wanna do something na hindi ko
mabibigay na 100%. Hindi ko na
mababalik kasi nasabi ko nang
gagawa ako ng album. Then I
dont think its the right time for
me to release an album, he ex-
Backtracking, Elmo is the half
of the popular JuliELmo singer/
rapper tandem that was a
result of a successful ex-
periment in GMA7s for-
mer Sunday variety show,
Party Pilipinas. As of late,
Elmo hosts and occasionally
performs in Sunday All Stars.
JuliElmo was a big help for
me and Julie because that where it
started. Its a big part of us when
you think back, after so many
years, syempre babalik pa rin yun
right where you came from, where
you started and I consider it as
like one of the frst few things that
I achieved as a performer, Elmo
proudly says.
Having thousands of followers
in the social media, Elmo of course
is one of the most sought-after en-
dorsers and Elmo feels nothing
but grateful.
Im just being myself and I
feel its not an added pressure
but more of a blessing and
me re- membering
things that I
s h o u l d
appr eci at e.
Im just thank-
ful that some-
one like me as
an ambassador
of these things, I
should be able to
share something
The saying
silent waters run
deep aptly ap-
plies to Elmo.
Timid and shy
as compared to
some teen actors
of his time, Moe
knows how to
deal with people
from all walks
of life and sees it
as the strength of
his personality.
M a d a l i
akong makisa-
ma sa maraming
tao, and alam ko
when I have to
be serious and
when I can joke
around. I take
my craft and my
work seriously
because I wanna
show people na
papasok ako dito
because I really
want to do this and ayaw ko pa-
hirapan yung mga katrabaho ko.
Whenever I get into something,
I take it seriously, Elmo affrms.
However, even when he can
blend with just about anybody, he
confesses that he has quite weak
social skills.
Hindi ako palakausap, its
still something that Im working
on. Kasi Im an introvert. Hindi
mo yun makikita when I per-
form, pero when we talk, hirap
ako, I dont know how to open a
conversation. That is why inaayos
ko, its my new years resolution
actually because some people will
understand you but most people
wont, so ako yung mag-aadjust, it
should be my initiative, my move,
I have to do the moves, Elmo
says and laughs, realizing that Do
The Moves is the tagline of his la-
test endorsement.
Elmo acknowledges that being
the middle child with quite large
age gap from each preceding and
succeeding siblings has some-
thing to do with him being an
introvert. Nobody can exactly re-
late on the experiences hes going
through because its either theyve
passed that stage or havent been
there yet. Then he says, thats
where friends come in to listen
and give sound advice.
Even up to know, it still hap-
pens, Im still the middle child. My
older siblings have passed through
kung ano yung dinadaanan ko
ngayon, and then sina Arkin, they
havent gone through it. I think its
a part of how I am today, but as
I grow older, nag-i-improve. Its
like a slow-paced race for me.
Mixture comes to mind when
asked how much did he get of his
parents traits. Physically, yes si
Papa, may mga nuances si Papa
na nakuha ko, pero sumunod sa
kakulitan ni Papa, si Maxx. Konti
lang yung nakuha ko. Kay mama,
ang nakuha ko yung pagiging
responsible nya.
Part of that responsibility is
balancing his career and his stu-
dies. Eventhough he was exposed
to music through his father Fran-
cis M, it didnt became an option.
He thought of Business Manage-
ment but the idea of food being a
necessity convinced him to take
up BS HRIM-Culinary Arts at
DLSU-College of St. Benilde.
However, the recent developments
in his career also set studies aside,
just for the meantime.
Babalik ako as soon as I fnd
the right schedule that will ft with
work sked, right now its clearer
to me what I wanna do. I wanna
be known as an actor. 10 years
from now I wanna be that guy
who brings something new on the
table, Elmo confrms.
To tell of himself as obvious
meant his being transparent of
how he feels, yet he claims he can
keep quiet when he is upset. What
he does to ease his mind? I think
of my family or I count from 1 to
Oh, he did use Lazy to describe
himself, but got too lazy to elabo-
rate that one. #.
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Quotes in Q U I Z
1. 2.
-from the music ministry group of JESUS
To all DWCV Batch 83, my Mom and Sis. Como Esteis.Todos
- Virgie Pinto from Spain
Kumusta kayo amin dita, nangruna kadagiti kakabagyan ken
gagayyem dita An-annam Bantay, Ilocos Sur.
- Eddie & Melodie Pagaoa from Las Vegas, Nevada.
Regards to all my kababayan, especially Narvacaneos.
Hope to see all my relatives soon.
-Zenaida Cabanilla, from Portland,Oregon
April 29-July 28, 2014 Vol. V, Issue No.9
he birthplace in inventor Tomas Alva Edison and United States
President Grover Cleveland, New Jersey is renowned as Te
Garden State due to its breath-taking farmlands, delicious toma-
toes, sweet blueberries, tasty cranberries, and sumptuous peaches.
It is famed for its natural beauty, fantastic attractions, beautiful
beaches, and enchanting fora and fauna. NJ is also home to some
rare bird species. Te state has a rich cultural diversity and abun-
dant natural resources.
New Jersey is bordered on the north and east by the state of New York, on the south-
east and south by the Atlantic Ocean, on the west by Pennsylvania, and on the southwest
by Delaware. New Jersey lies mostly within the sprawling metropolitan areas of New York
City and Philadelphia and is the most densely populated state in the United States. It has a
population of 8,791,894; according to the 2010 United States Census. It is also the second
wealthiest by 2009 median household income.
NJ was originally inhabited by Native Americans for more than 2,800 years, with
historical tribes such as the Lenape lived along the coast. In the early 17th century, the
Dutch and the Swedes build the frst European settlements in the area. Today, some of the
early European, Swede & Dutch settlements still exist in some parts of the state. When the
Dutch ruled New York, the New Jersey area became a section of colonial New Netherlands.
In 16644, England took control of the region afer the Dutch surrendered to the British
naming it the Province of New Jersey. It was named as a British colony for Sir George Car-
teret and John Berkeley, 1st Baron Berkeley of Stratton. It was also named afer the biggest
isle of the British Channel Islands- Jersey, which was also the birthplace of Carteret.
During the American War of Independence, NJ was also the site of several decisive
battles during the revolution. Te state motto of New Jersey is Liberty and Prosperity,
because it played an active role in the American History. Te state was the site of more
than 100 battles fought during the revolution, including the Battle of Trenton (1776), the
Battle of Princeton (1777), and the Battle of Monmouth (1778).
Factories in cities such as Elizabeth, Paterson, and Trenton contributed to the begin-
ning of the industrial Revolution in the 19th century. Te states location at the heart of the
Northeast metropolitan area- between Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
and Washington, D.C., ignited its swif growth and prosperity throughout the suburban
boom of the 1950s and beyond
Regards to all relatives and friends in An-annam Bantay,
Ilocos Sur.
- Jose Pinto from Barcelona Spain