Assignment On Jamuna Bank

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Organizational Behavior Practices of Jamuna Bank


East West University
Submitted To
Sharmin Akther
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration
East West University
Submitted By
Group-Innovative Thinkers
Course: MGT251 (Organizational Behavior)
Section: 04

Contribution of Members

25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Jahurul Islam
Adnan Islam Yesmin Akter
Contribution Out of 100

Sl no:

Name of the students

ID No.
1 Mohammad Jahurul Islam 2012-3-10-083
2 Nouman Hossain 2012-3-10-098
3 Sohanur Rahman 2012-3-10-160
4 Adnan Islam 2012-3-10-090

Letter of Transmittal

Date: 13
March, 2014

Sharmin Akther
Department of Business Administration
East West University

Subject: Submission of assignment on Organizational Behavior Practices of Jamuna Bank .

Dear Madam,

This is to inform you that we are submitting the assignment on Organizational Behavior
Practices of Jamuna Bank upon completion of our formal assignment attachment with
Jamuna Bank Limited. We have tried to discuss all the relevant points of a feasibility
study while keeping consistency with Jamuna Bank Limited.

We would be glad to clarify any discrepancy that may arise or any clarification that you
may require

Thanking you in anticipation,

Group Name: - Innovative Thinkers

Sincerely yours

Sl no:

Name of the students

ID No.
1 Mohammad Jahurul Islam 2012-3-10-083
2 Nouman Hossain 2012-3-10-098
3 Sohanur Rahman 2012-3-10-160
4 Adnan Islam 2012-3-10-090



First and fore mostly we would like to thank the Almighty Allah who blessed us with knowledge,
understanding and ability to do this Assignment.
We are indebted to many people for providing us encouragement and support during our learning and
working while making this Assignment and we want to show our gratefulness to these people. We are
very much grateful to Ms. Sharmin Akther, our respected course instructor of MGT251
(Organizational Behavior), who assigned us this challenging work. She always guided us to take and
overcome this challenge successfully. Without her help in every step it was quite impossible for us to
finish this report properly in time.
We are also grateful to Abu-Taher, Branch Manager, Jamuna Bank Ltd. We also thank Quamrul
Hassan Faisal, First Executive Officer, Jamuna Bank Ltd Select for giving us valuable information.


Table of Content
Topic Pages
Chapter # I: Introduction 06
Brief History of Jamuna Bank Ltd 06

Chapter # II: Main Body 07-18
Employee motivational tools used by Jamuna Bank(JBL)
Application of OB by JBL
Employee Involvement program byJBL
Variable pay programs
Conflict & Negotiations of Jamuna Bank(JBL)
Conflict in JBL
Organizational Culture



Chapter # III: Conclusion 21
Definitions of Terms


Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a Banking Company registered under the Companies Act, 1994 with
its head office at Printers Building (2
floor and 8
floor), 5, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka-1000. The Bank
started its operation from 3rd June 2001.
Jamuna Bank Limited is a highly capitalized new generation Bank started its operation with an
authorized capital of Tk.1600.00 million and paid up capital of Tk.390.00 million, as of December
2006 Paid up capital of the Bank raised to Tk.1072.5 million and number of branches raised to 29
(Twenty nine).
JBL undertakes all type of banking transactions to support the development of trade and commerce in
the country. JBLs services are also available for the entrepreneurs to set up new ventures and BMRE
for industrial units. The Bank gives special emphasis on Export, Import, Trade Finance, SME
Finance, Retail Credit and Finance to Women Entrepreneurs.
To provide clientele services in respect of International Trade it has established wide correspondent
banking relationship with local and foreign banks covering major trade and financial centers at home
and abroad.
Vision statement of the bank
To be in the forefront of national development by providing all the customers inspirational strength,
dependable support and the most comprehensive range of business solutions, through our team of
professionals who work passionately to be outstanding in everything we do.
Mision statement of the bank
Jamuna Bank Ltd will become most caring, focused for equitable growth based on diversified
deployment of resources, and nevertheless would remain healthy and gainfully profitable Bank.
Will become most caring, focused for equitable growth based on diversified deployment resources,
and nevertheless would remain healthy and gainfully profitable Bank. Jamuna Bank Limited aims to
become one of the leading banks in Bangladesh by prudence, flair and quality of operations in their
banking sector. The bank has some mission to achieve the organizational goals. Some of them are as
follows as:

Jamuna Bank Limited provides high quality financial services to strengthen the well being and success
of individual, industries and business communities.
Its aim to ensure their competitive advantages by upgrading banking technology and information
JBL intends to play more important role in economic development of Bangladesh and its financial
relations with the rest of the world by interlining both modernistic and international operations.
JBL encourages investors to boost up share market.
The bank creates wealth for the shareholders.
The bank believes in strong capitalization.
It maintains high standard of corporate and business ethics.
Jamuna Bank Limited extends highest quality of services, which attracts the customers to choose them
The bank creates wealth for the shareholders.
The bank maintains congenial atmosphere for which people are proud and eager to word with Jamuna
Bank Limited.
Jamuna Bank Limited intends to provide better benefits to their customers and good returns to their
The bank intends to meet the needs of their clients and enhance their profitability by creating corporate

Jamuna Bank Ltd will become most caring, focused for equitable growth based on diversified
deployment of resources, and nevertheless would remain healthy and gainfully profitable Bank.
Product Scheme
The products and services can be classifying in two ways & those are.
The deposit products & services
The lending products & services
Deposits products & services Lending/Investment products & services
Corporate Bankin
Hi-her Purchase
Personal Banking Lease Finance
Online Banking Personal loan for woman
Monthly Savings Scheme Project Finance

i Monthly Benefit Scheme

ii Loan Syndication

Double/Triple Benefit Scheme Consumer Credit
Marriage Scheme Import and Export. Handling Financing
Education Scheme
Lakhpati Deposit Scheme
Q-Cash ATM

Principal activities of Jamuna bank Ltd.
The principal activities of the bank are to provide all kind of commercial bank activities encompass a
wide range of services including excepting deposits, making loans, discounting bills, conducting
money transfer and foreign exchange transactions and performing other related services such as safe
keeping, collections, issuing guarantees, acceptances and letters of credit to its customers through its
branches in Bangladesh.
The Banker Customer relationship is essentially a debtor-creditor contractual relationship. This
relationship may be divided into two categories,
1. Legal relationship
2. Behavioral relationship
After the contractual relationship is established between the banker and customer, they have to avoid
by some implied conditions of the contract as well as practices of the bank.
Some of the conditions and practices are as follows:
1. Customer is to use cheque books while demanding payment from his account.
2. Customer should keep cheque books in his safe custody.
3. Customer must inform the bank on time for any loss of cheque leaf or cheque books.
4. Customer while depositing money or presenting cheque, they must do that during business hour of the
5. Banker also should give necessary banking advice and help the customer in various banking activities.
Rights of a customer
Duties & obligations of a banker
Right to deposit money in his A/C on time. Must credit the deposited the amount to the
customers A/C.

Right to demand repayment by issuing cheque or
written order properly in proper time and place.
Must honor cheque if otherwise in order.

Right to get pass book/statement of A/C. Must supply pass boo/statement of A/C as
Right to stop payment on his cheque. Must abide by the stop payment order.
Right to give standing instructions. Must abide by the instructions.
Right to claim interest of his deposit balance in the
interest bearing account.
Must pay/credit interest as per rule.
Right to have secrecy of his account. Must maintain secrecy of customers A/C if the
bankers not bound to disclose it under certain
Right to claim damages of any loss and for
defamation due to wrongful/willful dishonor of
cheque by bank.
Must compensate the loss.
Right to demand the proceeds of the instrument
deposited for collection and collected accordingly.
Must collect the proceeds of the instrument in
customers A/C and honor the cheque drown
against the amount.
Right to claim money paid by bank from his A/C
wrongly or payment is not made in due courses.
Payment should be made in due courses in good
faith and without negligence.
Right to return deposit if not in proper manner and
Must deposit the amount properly and in time.
Right to return the cheque if not drown properly or
in time or for some other reason.
Must demand payment by issuing cheque or
written order properly.
Right to debit customers A/C for any charges,
interest and commission if recoverable.
Must pay the bank charges, interest and
commission if payable.
Right to lien, right of set off etc. Must abide by the law.
Employee motivational tools used within the Jamuna Bank:
Concept of Management by objectives (MBO)

Management by objectives (MBO), also known as management by results (MBR), is a process of
defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives
and understand what they need to do in the organization in order to achieve them. The term
"management by objectives" was first popularized by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of
The essence of MBO is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making.
An important part of the MBO is the measurement and the comparison of the employees actual
performance with the standards set. Ideally, when employees themselves have been involved with the
goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill
their responsibilities.
According to George S. Odiorne, the system of management by objectives can be described as a
process whereby the superior and subordinate jointly identify its common goals, define each
individual's major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these
measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.
Applications of OB by Jamuna Bank:
Jamuna Bank has been set the principle of Management by Objectives (MBO) is for employees to
have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities expected of them. Then they can
understand how their activities relate to the achievement of the organization's goal. Also places
importance on fulfilling the personal goals of each employee.
Employee of Jamuna Bank get some of the important features and advantages of MBO are:
1. Motivation Involving employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasing
employee empowerment. This increases employee job satisfaction and commitment.
2. Better communication and coordination Frequent reviews and interactions between
superiors and subordinates help to maintain harmonious relationships within the organization
and also to solve many problems.
3. Clarity of goals
4. Subordinates tend to have a higher commitment to objectives they set for themselves than
those imposed on them by another person.
5. Managers can ensure that objectives of the subordinates are linked to the organization's
6. Common goal for whole organization means it is a directive principle of management.
Linking MBO and Goal-Seeing Theory:
Since it was first researched five decades ago, goal-setting theory has been the most researched, utilized, and
established theory of work motivation in the field of industrial and organizational psychology (PSU, 2012).
The theory began with the early work on levels of aspiration developed by Kurt Lewin and has since been
primarily developed by Dr. Edwin Locke, who began goal setting research in the 1960s. The research revealed

an inductive relationship between goal setting and improved production performance. A goal is the aim of an
action or task that a person consciously desires to achieve or obtain (Locke & Latham, 2002; Locke & Latham,
2006). Goal setting involves the conscious process of establishing levels of performance in order to obtain
desirable outcomes. If individuals or teams find that their current performance is not achieving desired goals,
they typically become motivated to increase effort or change their strategy (Locke & Latham, 2006).
After implementing that Goal-setting theory, Jamuna Bank finds that:
1. Goal-setting theory demonstrates that:

a. Hard goals result in a higher level of individual performance than do easy goals.
b. Specific hard goals result in higher levels of performance than no goals at all or generalized
c. Feedback on ones performance leads to higher performance.
d. Implies that goals must be perceived as feasible
e. Is most effective when the goals are difficult enough to require stretching

2. MBO directly advocates specific goals and feedback.
3. The only area of possible disagreement with goal setting theory is participation.
MBO strongly advocates it.
Goal-setting theoryassigning goals to subordinatesfrequently works just as well participation.
Jamuna Bank arranges employee Recognition Programs:
A. What Are Employee Recognition Programs?

Employee recognition programs consist of personal attention, expressing interest, approval, and
appreciation for a job well done. They can take numerous forms. The best ones use multiple sources
and recognize both individual and group accomplishments.
B. Linking Recognition Programs and Reinforcement Theory
About Fifteen-hundred employees were surveyed in a variety of work settings about what they
considered to be the most powerful workplace motivator. Their response was recognition!

Consistent with reinforcement theory, rewarding a behavior with recognition immediately following
that behavior is likely to encourage its repetition.
Employee Involvement programs by Jamuna Bank:
A. What Is Employee Involvement?

Employee involvement has become a catchall term to cover a variety of techniques. It encompasses
employee participation or participative management, workplace democracy, empowerment, and
employee ownership. Employee involvement is a participative process that uses the entire capacity of
employees and is designed to encourage increased commitment to the organizations success. The
underlying logic is that by involving workers in those decisions that affect them and by increasing
their autonomy and control over their work lives, employees will become more motivated, more
committed to the organization, more productive, and more satisfied with their jobs.

B. Examples of Employee Involvement Programs
Four forms of employee involvement are participative management, representative participation,
quality circles, and employee stock ownership plans. Participative management- The distinct
characteristic common to all participative management programs is that subordinates actually share a
significant immediate degree of decision-making power with their superiors. It has been promoted as
a panacea for poor morale and low productivity. However, it is not appropriate for every organization.
For it to work, there must be adequate time to participate, the issues in which employees get involved
must be relevant to their interests, employees must have the ability (intelligence, technical
knowledge, communication skills) to participate, and the organizations culture must support
employee involvement. Managers often do not know everything their employees do. Better decisions,
Increased commitment to decisions, Intrinsically rewarding employees makes their jobs more
interesting and meaningful.

Dozens of studies have been conducted but the findings are mixed. It appears that participation
typically has only a modest influence on productivity, motivation, and job satisfaction.
Job Redesign and Scheduling Programs by Jamuna Bank:

. Ways to reshape jobs so that they are more challenging, stimulating, and motivating.

Three Job redesign optionsjob rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment

Job rotation (sometimes referred to as cross-training). The practice of periodic shifting of
an employee from one task to another.
o Reduces boredom and increases motivation
o Training costs are increased, productivity is reduced

Job enlargement Expanding jobs horizontally.
o Efforts have met with less than enthusiastic results
o Some successful applications.

Job enrichment refers to the vertical expansion of jobs. Increases the degree to which worker
controls planning, execution, and evaluation of their work.
How does management enrich an employees job?

Combining tasks
Forming natural work units
Establishing client relationships
Expanding jobs vertically
Opening feedback channels
Overall evidence indicates that job enrichment reduces absenteeism and turnover costs and increases
satisfaction. Evidence is inconclusive on the issue of productivity.
Flextime (flexible work hours). Allows employees some discretion over when they arrive at and
leave work.

Benefits include reduced absenteeism, increased productivity, reduced overtime expense, and
reduced hostility toward management, and increased autonomy and responsibility for
Major drawback is that its not applicable to all jobs.


Job sharing allows two or more individuals to split a traditional 40-hour a week job. Telecommuting,
employees who do their work at home at least two days a week on a computer that is linked to their
Variable Pay Programs by Jamuna Bank:
Variable Pay Programs can take the form of piece-rate wages, bonuses, profit sharing and gain
sharing. A portion of an employees pay is based on some individual and/or organizational measure
of performance. Unlike more traditional base-pay programs, variable pay is not an annuitythere is
no guarantee. The fluctuation in variable pay programs makes them attractive to management. The
organizations fixed labor costs turn into a variable cost reducing expenses when performance
declines. Also, tying pay to performance recognizes contribution rather than being a form of
entitlement. Four widely used programs are piece-rate wages, bonuses, profit sharing, and gain

Piece-rate wages

a. Around for nearly a century
b. Popular as a means for compensating production workers
c. Workers are paid a fixed sum for each unit of production completed.
d. A pure piece-rate planthe employee gets no base salary and is paid only for production.
For example: Selling peanuts in ballparks works this way.
e. Modified piece-rate planemployees earn a base hourly wage plus a piece-rate


These can be paid exclusively to executives or to all employees. Increasingly, bonus plans are
taking on a larger net within organizations to include lower-ranking employees to reward production
and increased profits.

Skill-Based Pay Plans by Jamuna Bank :
Skill-based pay is an alternative to job-based pay. It is sometimes called competency-based pay or
knowledge-based pay. Competency-based pay sets pay levels on the basis of how many skills
employees have or how many jobs they can. The appeal, from managements perspective is

Filling staffing needs is easier when employee skills are interchangeable.
Organizations today require more generalists and fewer specialists.
It facilitates communication across the organization because people gain a better
understanding of others jobs.
It lessens dysfunctional protection of territory behavior.
Additionally, it helps meet the needs of ambitious employees who confront minimal
advancement opportunities.
It appears to lead to performance improvements.

Downside of skill-based pay:

People can top out, learning all the skills the program calls for them to learn.
Skills can become obsolete. Organizations paying for skills they no longer need.
Skill-based plans do not address level of performance.
Conflict in Jamuna Bank
A process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about
to negatively affects something that the first party cares about. It is that point in an ongoing activity
when an interaction crosses over to become an interparty conflict.

Defining Conflict
Conflicts a process in which people disagree over significant issues, thereby creating friction. For
conflict to exist, several factors must be present:
People must have opposing interests, thoughts, perceptions, and feelings

Those involved must recognize the existence of different points of view
The disagreement must be ongoing rather than a singular occurrence
Conflict can be a destructive force. However, it can also be beneficial when used as a Source of
renewal and creativity. Before we look at views, sources, consequences, and ways to manage conflict,
note that we often use the terms conflict and competition interchangeably, although the two differ.
Competitions the rivalry between individuals or groups over an outcome and always has a winner and
a loser. While competition can be one of the sources of conflict, conflict does not necessarily involve
winners and loser; we can have conflict over issues, but cooperate so that no one loses or wins

Source of conflicts in Jamuna Bank


How can conflict be managed in Bank successfully?
Indirect conflict management approaches
Reduced interdependence, Adjusting the level of interdependency among units or individuals when
workflow conflicts exist Options:-Decoupling, buffering, and linking pin roles. Lose-lose conflict:
nobody gets what he or she wants. AvoidanceEveryone simply pretends that the conflict does not
really exist and hopes that it will go away. Accommodation or smoothingInvolves playing down
differences among the conflicting parties and highlighting similarities and areas of agreement
CompromiseEach party gives up something of value, but neither partys desires are fully satisfied.
Win-Lose conflict one party achieves its desires at the expense and to the exclusion of the other
partys desires. CompetitionOne party achieves a victory through the use of force, superior skills, or
domination. Authoritative commandUse of formal authority to dictate a solution and specify who
gains what and who loses what.
Win-win solutions should:Achieve each others goals; Be acceptable to both parties; Establish a
process whereby both parties see a responsibility to be open and honest about facts and feelings.

Negotiation on Jamuna Bank
Negotiation is a process whereby two or more parties reach a mutually agreeable arrangement. It is
one of the most commonly used and beneficial skills managers can develop. The global business
environment, the diverse workforce, rapid pace of change, and shift toward teams and empowerment
all require managers to hone their negotiation skills.
The Negotiation Process
All negotiations share four common elements:32
Members involved are in some way interdependent
Members are in conflict over goals and processes
Members involved are motivated and capable of influencing one another

Members believe they can reach an agreement
Phases of Negotiation

Selective disclosure: Negotiators highlight positive information and downplay or fail to mention
negative information
Misrepresentation: Negotiators misstate facts or their position; for example, they misrepresent the
lowest price they are willing to accept
Deception and lying: Negotiators give the other party factually incorrect information or
information that leads to incorrect assumptions or conclusions
False threat and false promises: Negotiators provide misinformation about actions that they may
take and concessions they may be willing to make
Inflict direct or indirect harm: Negotiators intentionally sabotage the other partys chance of
success any of these violations is likely to occur in negotiations. The last two, giving false
information inflicting harms, are the most severe violations, although how a negotiator ranks the
others depends on his values and morals, and in some cases, his culture. Table 11.6 provides some
guidelines for monitoring your own ethical behavior.
Organizational Behavior
Organizational culture (strong culture, weak culture, general organizational culture;
how employees learn culture within the organization):
Small idea about their culture:

As preparing the term paper on organizational behavior we selected Jamuna Bank. And we conduct
a field survey in the bank with some questioner and direct communication. Now as describing their
organizational culture their answer was very mixed and tricky. Not negative and not in positive side.
But the organizational culture is sometimes very strong in the customer service sector, daily routine
work, and seriousness in the work. Also in some sector as they have mentioned that there org culture
is comparatively weak is the objection to use innovation at their work. They have to be observed.
They have a boundary and they cannot do anything beyond their boundary line. There is no scope to
make the work in own style. For this reason it can be considered as a weak part of the organizational

When surveying we noted some of their values and culture. They have some important values that
they think it is important part of their culture. These are
i. Customer focus
ii. Integrity
iii. Quality
iv. Team work
v. Harmony
vi. Fairness
vii. Courtesy
viii. Commitment
ix. Respect for the individuals
x. And most important Business ethics.
These are some values that they agree that it is part of their culture. They are strictly follower of these
values. So we discussed a brief detail of Jamuna Bank. Now we are going to describe about how
employees learn culture within the organization. Besides, the bank has innovated different services
like online banking, i banking, credit transfer etc for the welfare of the customers which can be also
said to be a part of the organizations culture.

How employees learn culture within the organization?
The employees of the Jamuna Bank learn culture through the corporate environment. Sometimes they
provide training to the employees to act and work like their own culture. For some extent the learning
of culture varies from person to person. The employee who is very eager to work they learn culture
comparatively fast than the others. in contraction one employee said that the learning of culture is
very much influenced b y the upper level managers. If the upper level managers are friendly to the
employees than it is certain that the employees will learn culture and work through culture. And if the
first line managers or officers are not so communicative or very tough in nature, it is hard to learn
culture but not impossible. Besides, the organization is very structured in corporate line. Moreover, in

certain situation like turnover or absenteeism the Organizations culture is to follow some certain
rules and back to back solution. And also the org conduct a performing appraisal, evaluation
semiannually or annually to monitor the performance of the individuals employees. Besides, they
perform different types of CSR activity like scholarship program for the poor students, providing help
to the natural calamity affected people which are their part of the culture and employees learn it.
Mainly the individuals take chance and cope with the environment to learn organizational culture at
their own accord or at stack. There are some activities (short points) which help them to learn
organization culture properly. They are:
To manage and operate the bank in the most efficient manner to enhance financial
performance and to control cost of fund.
To strive for customer satisfaction through quality control and delivery of timely services
To identify customers credit and other banking needs and monitor their perception through
their performance.
Reviewing the update policies procedures and practices to broad the ability to extent better
service to the customers.
To diversify portfolio both in the retail and wholesale market
Increasing direct contact with customers in order to cultivate a closer relationship between the
bank and its customers.
Now those are the culture learning activities which help the employees learning culture.
The following factors are recommended to this report to improve customers perception about the
advertisement of Jamuna Bank Limited. Though JBL is more popular to the customers for their better
services but they have to expand it. It is therefore imperative to get to the customers to know their
impression on the services of this important communication medium. Such as:
The Bank can get huge more popularity to the people by using different advertisement tool to
its customer.
The Bank should give more emphasize on their marketing efforts and try to increase their
sales force.


It is a great pleasure for us to have practical exposure to Jamuna Bank Limited, Dakshinkhan Branch.
At present Jamuna Bank Limited is one of the developing banks in Bangladesh. Because of its
services the bank has already achieved immense popularity top let people know about the company,
every company uses different types of promotional tools. Though personal selling is used in a wide
range but besides this JBL must have to use other tools to advertise their banks products and
services. Such Billboard is one of the most popular using promotional tools to the company. As it is
cheap and mostly seen in an open place, most of the company likes to use this tool because of its wide
repeated exposure.


Definition of terms
ADB- Asian Development Bank
DPC- Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre
ADRC -Asian Disaster Reduction Centre
AFD- Armed Forces Division
APD- Academy for Planning and Development
ASEAN - Association of South East Asian Nations
BARD- Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
BBS -Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics
BCAS- Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies
BCS - Bangladesh Civil Service
BDRCS- Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
BFS&CD- Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense
BGD -Bangladesh
BGS- British Geological Survey
BMD- Bangladesh Meteorological Department
BNBC- Bangladesh National Building Code
BNDV -Bangladesh National Disaster Volunteers
BPATC- Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre
BS -Bangladesh Scouts
BUET- Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
BWDB- Bangladesh Water Development Board
CBO- Community Based Organization
CCC - Climate Change Cell
CCDMC- City Corporation Disaster Management Committee




1.Annual Report of Jamuna Bank Limited, 2005, 2006,2007
2. Chowdhury, L.R; A Textbook on Foreign Exchange, Fair Corporation,139, Azimpur, Dhaka, 1205
3. Foreign Exchange Manual, Jamuna Bank Limited., 1
4. Collyer Gary, ICC Uniform Customs And Practice For Documentary Credits ,3rdEdition,
International Chamber Of Commerce, ICC Publication No.600
5. Bangladesh Bank Foreign Exchange Guidelines, Volume-1


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