Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic CMOS Latched Comparator

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International Journal of Engineering Research and Development

e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X,

Volume 10, Issue 4 (April 2014), PP.01-06
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic CMOS Latched

D.Nageshwar Rao
, M.S Sameera
, M D.Nizamuddin Salman
, Zubeda Begum

(Ece Dept,Nizam Institute Of Engineering & Technology/Jntuh,India)

Abstract: A novel of low power high speed comparator is proposed in this paper which consists of less
sensitive in delay using dynamic CMOS latched comparator method. It aimed for less sensitive in delay and
high speed design compared with other design techniques. The simulation results carried out using LT spice tool
shows up to 62% less sensitivity of the delay, which is about 0.098ns than the conventional double-tail latched
comparators at approximately the same area and power consumption.

Due to fast-speed, low-power consumption, high-input impedance and full-swing output, CMOS
dynamic latched comparators are very attractive for many applications such as high-speed analog-to-digital
converters (ADCs), memory sense amplifiers (SAs) and data receivers. They use positive feedback mechanism
with one pair of back-to-back cross coupled inverters (latch) in order to convert a small input-voltage difference
to a full-scale digital level in a short time. However, an input-referred latch offset voltage (hence offset voltage),
resulting from the device mismatches such as threshold voltage V
, current factor (=C
W/L) and parasitic
node capacitance and output load capacitance mismatches, limits the accuracy of such comparators [1], [2].
Because of this reason, the input-referred latch offset voltage is one of the most important design parameters of
the latched comparator. If large devices are used for the latching stage, a less mismatch can be achieved at the
cost both of the increased delay (due to slowing the regeneration time) and the increased power dissipation.
More practically, the input-referred latch offset voltage can be reduced by using the pre-amplifier
preceding the regenerative output-latch stage as shown in Fig 1. It can amplify a small input voltage difference
to a large enough voltage to overcome the latch offset voltage and also can reduce the kickback noise [3].
However, the pre-amplifier based comparators suffer not only from large static power consumption for a large
bandwidth but also from the reduced intrinsic gain with a reduction of the drain-to-source resistance r
due to
the continuous technology scaling [4].
The various types of the comparators can be classified in to three: Open-loop Comparators (op-amps
without compensation), Pre-amplifier Based Latched Comparators (open-loop comparator combined with
dynamic regenerative latch), and Fully Dynamic Latched Comparator. In this paper, various kinds of fully
dynamic latched comparators will be fully analyzed in terms of their advantages and disadvantages along with
operating principles and experimental results of the speed, delay ,power consumption at a limited area.

Fig 1: Typical block diagram of a high-speed voltage comparator.

In the literature, a few dynamic comparators can be found, such as Resistor divider (or Lewis-Gray)
[5], Differential pair [6], double tail latch type SA [7]-[8], however, very little emphasis is placed on actual
details of operation of these structures [5]. In this paper various comparator deals about how non-idealities due
to process variation affect these structures along with experimental results to comparison of delay of different
structures [1] with the different load capacitance of 7fF and 10fF. These experimental values varies in ns.
However, the literature is devoid of any information on how other non-idealities such as imbalance in parasitic
capacitors, common mode (CM) voltage errors or clock timing errors affect these structures. The operation and
the effects of non-idealities of such dynamic comparators have been explore in this paper. A new dynamic
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic Cmos Latched Comparator
comparator structure which achieves a less propagation delay has been developed. In the new comparator
structure, inputs are reconfigured [2]-[4] from the typical differential pair comparator [6] so that each
differential pair branch contributes equal current at the meta stable operating point (or trip point) along with
keeping the differential pairs tail current in saturation region. Comparison of the new architecture with respect
to typical differential pair structure [6] is made as both structures share the same base structure.

3.1 Open loop comparator
Open-loop, continuous time comparators are an operational amplifier without frequency compensation
to obtain the largest possible bandwidth, hence improving its time response. Since the precise gain and linearity
are of no interest in comparator design, no-compensation does not pose a problem. However, due to its limited
gain-bandwidth product, open-loop comparators are too slow for many applications. One the other hand, a
cascade of open-loop amplifiers usually has a significantly larger gain-bandwidth product than a single-stage
amplifier with the same gain. However, since it costs more area and power consumption, cascading does not
give practical advantages for many applications.

3.2 Regenerative comparator
Regenerative comparators (latches) use positive feedback to accomplish the comparison of two
signals. Fig 2 and Fig 3 shows basic NMOS latch and PMOS latch . Latches have a faster switching speed and
the propagation delay of the regenerative comparator is slow at the beginning and speeds up rapidly as time

Fig 2: NMOS Latch Fig 3: PMOS Latch

3.3 High speed comparator
High speed comparator consists of open loop and regenerative comparator. It mainly consist of three
blocks, Input stage, a flip flop and S R latch. It uses a preamplifier to build up the input change to a sufficiently
large value and then applying it to the latch. This architecture combines the best aspects with a negative
exponential rise due to preamplifier stage and positive exponential rise due to latch stage. The main advantage
of high speed comparator have a propagation delay as low as possible and faster response.

4.1 Dynamic Latch
A dynamic latch is defined as the memory unit that stores the charge on the gate capacitance of the
inverter. A simple dynamic latch is shown in Fig 4.The circuit is driven by a clock. During one phase of the
clock (clk =1) when the transmission gate is closed, the latch acts transparent, and the inverter is directly
connected to the input. In the other phase of the clock (clk = 0), the transmission gate opens and the inverters
output is determined by the node. Setup and hold times determined by the transmission gate must be taken in
consideration in order to ensure proper operation of the latch i.e. adequate level of voltage is stored on the gate
capacitance of the latch.

Fig 4: Dynamic Latch
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic Cmos Latched Comparator
4.2 Resistor Divider Comparator (or Lewis-Gray Comparator)
Fig 5 shows the Lewis-Gray comparator. Since the input transistor M1A/B and M2A/B operate in the
triode region and act like voltage controlled resistors, this comparator is called Resistive Divider Comparator.
The advantage of this comparator is its low power consumption (No DC power consumption) and adjustable
threshold voltage (decision level) since Lewis-Gray comparator shows a high offset voltage and its high offset
voltage dependency on a different common mode voltage V
, it is only suitable for low resolution comparison.

Fig 5: Lewis-Gray Comparator.(Comparator1)

4.3 Latch-type Voltage SA

Fig 6: Latch-type Voltage SA .(Comparator2)

Comparing with Lewis-Gray comparator, Latch-type SA comparator shows faster operation and less
overall offset voltage. The Fig 6 shows latch -type voltage SA However, still its structure which consists of a
stack of 4 transistors requires large voltage headroom and it is problematic in low-voltage deep-submicron
CMOS technologies .In addition, since it shows the strong dependency on speed and offset voltage with a
different common-mode input voltage V
[6], and it has less attractive in applications with wide common-
mode ranges such as ADCs [7].
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic Cmos Latched Comparator
4.4 Double-Tail Dynamic Latched Comparators
To mitigate the drawbacks (strong dependency on speed and offset with a different common-mode
input voltage V
and problem in low power supply voltage operation due to its structure: a stack of four
transistors) from the comparator shown in Fig 6, a comparator with separated input-gain stage and output-latch
stage, shown in Fig 7.This separation made this comparator have a lower and more stable offset voltage over
wide common-mode voltage (V
) ranges and operate at a lower supply voltage (V
) as well.

Fig 7: Double-Tail Dynamic Latched Comparators.(Comparator3)

4.5 Operation Principles of Proposed Comparator

Fig 8 : Schematic of Proposed comparator.(Comparator4)

The schematic circuit diagram of the proposed comparator is shown in Fig 8.The proposed comparator
provides better input offset characteristic and faster operation in addition to the advantages of those comparators
such as less kickback noise, reduced clock load and removal of the timing requirement between Clk and Clkb
over a wide common-mode and supply voltage range.
For its operation, during the pre-charge (or reset) phase (Clk=0V), both PMOS transistor M4 and M5
are turned on and they charge Di nodes capacitance to V
, which turn both NMOS transistor M16 and M17 of
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic Cmos Latched Comparator
the inverter pair on and Di nodes discharge to ground. Sequentially, PMOS transistor M10, M11, M14 and M15
are turned on and they make Out nodes and Sw nodes to be charged to V
while both NMOS transistors M12
and M13 are being off.
During the evaluation (decision-making) phase (Clk=V
), each Di node capacitance is discharged
from V
to ground in a different time rate in proportion to the magnitude of each input voltage. As a result, an
input dependent differential voltage is formed between Di+ and Di- node. Once either Di+ or Di- node voltage
drops down below around V
- |V
|,the additional inverter pairs M18/M16 and M19/M17 invert each Di node
signal into the regenerated (amplified) Di node signal. Then the regenerated and different phased Di node
voltages are amplified again and relayed to the output-latch stage by transistor M10M13. As the regenerated
each Di node voltage is rising from 0V to V
with a different time interval (or a phase difference, which
increases with the increasing input voltage difference V
), M12 and M13 turn on one after another and the
output-latch stage starts to regenerate the small voltage difference transmitted from Di nodes into a full-scale
digital level: Out+ node will output logic high (V
) if the voltage difference at Di nodes Di(t) is negative
(Di+(t)< Di-(t)) and Out+ will be low (0V) otherwise. Once either of the Out node voltages drops below
around V
- |V
|, this positive feedback becomes stronger because either PMOS transistor M8 or M9 will turn

The various comparator circuits are designed and simulated with LT SPICE using 180nm PTM
(Predictive technology Model) and the design circuits operated at 1V power supply. Outputs of the different
comparators shown in Fig:9,10,11 & 12

Fig 9 :Lewis-Gray Dynamic Latched Comparator Fig 10:Latch-type Voltage SA ( Comparator 2)

Fig 11 : Double-Tail Dynamic Latched Comparator Fig 12: Proposed Dynamic Latched Comparator
(Comparator3) (Comparator4)

To compare the performances of the proposed comparator with other comparators , each circuit
was designed using 180 nm PTM technology with V
=1V and simulated with SPICE. The simulation
results shown in table 1.In order to compare their relative speeds with less sensitive in delay multi-stage
Design of Low Power High Speed Fully Dynamic Cmos Latched Comparator
dynamic comparators (Comparator3 and Proposed Comparator4) which has a separate input-stage and
output-latch stage were designed to have the same C
(Di nodes capacitance/drain current of M1 and
M2) ratio at the same area. All sizes of the input transistor pairs were designed as W/L (=2m/0.12 m) to
have a relatively the same transconductance and offset voltage, which causes the largest portion of the total
offset voltage except for resistive divider comparator [19]. After setting the widths of the mismatch critical
transistors to have relatively large size (>1m), the rest sizes of transistors are optimized for high speed,
low offset and less power consumption.

Table1: Simulated Values With The Different Load Capacitance Of 7ff And 10ff For Selected
Multi-Stage Dynamic Comparators

A new dynamic latched comparator which shows less sensitive in delay and higher load drivability than
the conventional dynamic latched comparators has been designed. With two additional inverters inserted
between the input- and output-stage of the conventional double-tail dynamic comparator, the gain preceding the
regenerative latch stage was improved and the complementary version of the output-latch stage, which has
bigger output drive current capability at the same area, was implemented. As a result, the circuit shows up to
62% less sensitivity of the delay which is of about 0.098nsec than the conventional double-tail latched
comparators at approximately the same area and power consumption.

[1]. Jun He, Sanyi Zhan, Degang Chen, and R.L. Geiger, Analyses of Static and Dynamic Random Offset
Voltages in Dynamic Comparators, IEEE Trans.Circuits Syst. I: Reg Papers, vol. 56, pp. 911-919,May
[2]. Nikoozadeh and B. Murmann, An Analysis of Latch Comparator Offset Due to Load Capacitor
Mismatch, IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II: Exp. Briefs, vol. 53,no. 12, pp.1398-1402, Dec. 2006.
[3]. Pedro M.Figueiredo, Joao C.Vital, Kickback Noise Reduction Techniques for CMOS Latched
Comparator, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, vol.53, no.7, pp.541-545, July 2006.
[4]. B. Murmann et al., "Impact of scaling on analog performance and associated modeling needs," IEEE
Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 9, pp. 2160-2167, Sep. 2006.
[5]. T. Kobayashi, K. Nogami, T. Shirotori and Y. Fujimoto, A current-controlled latch sense amplifier
and a static power-saving input buffer for low-power architecture, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol.
28, pp.523-52, April 1993.
[6]. B. Wicht, T. Nirschl, and D. Schmitt-Landsiedel, Yield and speed optimization of a latch-type voltage
[7]. sense amplifier, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 39, pp. 1148-1158,July 2004.
[8]. D. Schinkel, E. Mensink, E. Kiumperink, E. van Tuijl and B. Nauta, DoubleTail Latch-Type Voltage
[9]. Sense Amplifier with 18ps Setup+Hold Time, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 314-315 and 605, Feb.
[10]. M. Miyahara, Y. Asada, P. Daehwa and A. Matsuzawa, A Low-Noise Self Calibrating Dynamic
[11]. Comparator for High-Speed ADCs, in Proc. A-SSCC, pp.269-272, Nov. 2008.

Design type No. of
Width(m) Delay in ns
When C=7fF
Delay in ns
When C=10fF
Comparator1 10 18.4 0.29 0.46
Comparator2 11 18.4 0.198 0.31
Comparator3 14 18.4 0.116 0.18
Comparator4 15 18.3 0.098 0.15

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