The document describes a trek to Everest base camp that took 15 days. It then discusses the scenery, altitude sickness, and local food experienced. Finally, it expresses excitement for future travels to Egypt.
The document describes a trek to Everest base camp that took 15 days. It then discusses the scenery, altitude sickness, and local food experienced. Finally, it expresses excitement for future travels to Egypt.
The document describes a trek to Everest base camp that took 15 days. It then discusses the scenery, altitude sickness, and local food experienced. Finally, it expresses excitement for future travels to Egypt.
The document describes a trek to Everest base camp that took 15 days. It then discusses the scenery, altitude sickness, and local food experienced. Finally, it expresses excitement for future travels to Egypt.
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Read the passage.
Dear Mum and Dad, How are you? I am exhausted! I have just trekked all the way to the Everest base camp. It took ffteen days. !rst "#$ I flew on a small plane from %athmandu to &ukla. I met other trekkers and "'$ we all walked to(ether. )e had porters who carred our backpacks because they were so heavy and "*$ they cooked for us. )e had a +epalese (ude who showed us the way. )e slept n tents. It was very cold sleepn( n ",$
them. Every mornn( we woke up at - a.m. .fter breakfast at / a.m. we started trekkn(. )e stopped for a lunch break at ## a.m. )e trekked n the afternoon untl * p.m. 0he scenery was stunning. It1s the best vew I have ever seen. )hen we reached the Everest base camp, t was ama2n( lookn( up at Everest. )ow! I felt on top of the world. I had alttude sickness because we were so h(h. I couldn1t (et enou(h o3y(en. 4ut I dd (et to 5,*6m whch s even h(her than Mt. %nabalu. 0he cooks dd a (ood job and I had a chance to taste the local 7dhal baht1 whch s a lentl soup eaten wth rce. "5$ It was not bad, but I do mss your mee (oren(, Mum. )hat an e3perence! 8ff to E(ypt ne3t. Hope you are both well. &ove Hanf
Look at the words which are numbered in the passage. hat do the! mean" rite the answer. #. I '. we *. they ,. them 5. It #$ marks% &nder'ine the correct answer. -. (exhausted) means a$ very hun(ry b$ very tred c$ very thrsty d$ very an(ry /. (backpacks) means a$ shoes b$ tents c$ ba(s d$ shrts 9. (stunning) means a$ beautful b$ terrble c$ u(ly d$ nosy :. (reached) means a$ away from b$ above c$ below d$ (ot to #6. (sickness) means a$ tredness b$ sadness c$ happness d$ llness #$ marks% Answer the *uestions in a sentence. ##. )here dd the trekkers sleep ? #'. )hat tme dd they wake up ? #*. )hat tme dd they stop trekkn( ? #,. How dd he feel lookn( up at Everest ? #5. )ho carred ther backpacks for them ? #$ marks% 2 SECTION + Read the announcements and ,i'' in the spaces in the tab'e. Malaysan .rlnes !l(ht *** to %uchn( leaves at #,;'6. <4. !l(ht number *-5 to =urabaya leaves at #5;66. Malaysan .rlnes fl(ht number '-# to =n(apore leaves at #*;65. <4. fl(ht number /*' to Duba leaves at #6;#6. Malaysan .rlnes fl(ht number ,*# to =urabaya leaves at :;*6. <4. fl(ht number '/# to =n(apore leaves at ##;*6. 0ha .rlnes fl(ht number /:' to 4an(kok leaves at #9;*6. <4. fl(ht number 6:' to %ota %nabalu leaves at #/;#6. Malaysan .rlnes 56' to Mr leaves at #5;*6. <4. fl(ht number ::: to 4alkpapan leaves at #';'6. Air'ine -'ight Number .estination Time Malaysan *** %uchn( #,;'6 <4. /0111111111111 =urabaya #5;66 Malaysan '-# /21111111111111 #*;65 <4. /*' Duba /31111111111111 Malaysan /4111111111111 =urabaya :;*6 561111111111111 '/# =n(apore ##;*6 0ha /:' 5/1111111111111 #9;*6 <4. 551111111111111 %ota %nabalu #/;#6 571111111111111 56' Mr #5;*6 <4. 581111111111111 4alkpapan 5$111111111111 #/6 marks% SECTION C Read the con9ersation and then ,i'' in the b'anks. 3 +oramdah telephones the travel a(ent to arran(e a holday. Lim >ood mornn(. My name s &m, can I help you? Noramidah >ood 50 ????????????????, my name s +oramdah. I want to (o on holday n +ovember but I don1t know where to (o. Lim Do you want to (o to a hot or cool country? Noramidah I thnk I want to (o to a hot 52 ????????????????? . Lim .nd what knd of holday do you want, a rela3n( holday or an actve 53 ?????????????????? Noramidah Lim Noramidah @mAA. I want to rela3 a lttle and have some actvty. Do you lke beaches? 8h yes, I love 54 ????????????? Lim 8%. )ell, I su((est you (o to .ustrala. Noramidah )hy do you su((est 76 ??????????????????????? Lim )ell, +orthern .ustrala s hot and you can dve on the >reat 4arrer <eef, treck n the desert and rela3 on the beach. Noramidah I would love to (ot to the >reat 4arrer <eef but I don1t know how to 7/ ???????????? . Lim )ell, you can learn to dve on your holday. Noramidah 8% .ustrala sounds wonderful. Lim )hen n +ovember would you lke to (o? Noramidah 8n the 75 ??????????? of +ovember. Lim 0he #- th of +ovember s fne. Bou can fly from 4rune to Darwn on that day. )hen would you lke to return? Noramidah I need to 77 1????????????? on the *6 th of +ovember. Lim 0here s no return fl(ht on the *6 th so you wll need to return on the ': th . Noramidah 8% 0hat1s fne. )hat are the fl(ht tmes? Lim 0he fl(ht to Darwn leaves 4=4 at two o1clock. Noramidah &et me wrte that down. 0o Darwn at 78 ?????????? o1clock. Lim 0he fl(ht from Darwn leaves at 7$ ????????? o1clock. Noramidah !rom Darwn at nne o1clock. 0hank you for your help I1ll come to the offce tomorrow. Lim I1ll see you tomorrow. >oodbye. #/6 marks% 4 SECTION . Look at the pairs o, sentences be'ow. Choose one o, the ,i9e words to :oin the sentences. rite the new; 'ong sentence. but and because so a'though e.g. I went to Mount %nabalu. I was too tred too clmb. I went to Mount %nabalu but I was too tred too clmb. *-. I lke traveln( by boat. I don1t lke (on( by bus. */. .l doesn1t enjoy walkn( n the jun(le. He1s scared of snakes. *9. =he felt very hot. =he went for a swm. *:. .t 0urtle Island we watched the turtles layn( e((s. )e put one n the sea. ,6. 0he chldren played badmnton. It was rann(. #$ marks% 5 Read the passage and then ,i'' in each b'ank with one word. .a! 5 < Cairo I had a wonderful day today. I 8/ ??????????on an or(ansed tour from the hotel. I left the hotel at 9.*6 a.m. 85 11111111a half day tour of the Cyramds of >2a. )e went to >2a 87 111111111 bus. 0he Cyramds 88 1111111 fantastc! 8ur (ude, 8la, told 8$ ?????????? that the lar(est pyramd s 80 11111111 Cyramd of Dheops. It s #*/m h(h. 82 11111111 smallest pyramd s called Mykernus. 83 ?????????? s --m h(h. It certanly ddn1t look small. )e rode on camels 84 111111 the nearby =phn3. However, my camel $6 11111111 to race the other camels and ran off very Euckly. I was $/ ?????????? scared. 0he =phn3 s enormous! 8la told us that no one really knows $5 ?????????? t was bult. .fter lunch 8la took us to the E(yptan museum to see the famous %n( 0utankhamun collecton. He was a %n( n E(ypt thousands $7 ?????????? years $8 ?????????? . )e saw $$ 11111111111 pure (old coffn where %n( 0utankhamun1s body was found. 8la told me that the (old coffn we(hed ##6k(. I also $0 ?????????? %n( 0utankhamun1s (old mask. It s the $2 ?????????? beautful mask I $3 111111111ever seen. 0he collecton was enormous! I wsh I $4 11111111 (o back and see t 06 ?????????? a(an. #/6 marks% End o, =aper 5 were us to by a(o It the wanted very could saw 0he for why all most the have of went 6