APA References
APA References
APA References
PA citation style refers to the rules and conventions established by the American
Psychological Association for documenting sources used in a research paper. APA style
requires both in-text citations and a reference list. For every in-text citation there should
be a full citation in the reference list and vice versa.
The examples of APA styles and formats listed on this page include many of the most
common types of sources used in academic research. For additional examples and more
detailed information about APA citation style, refer to the Publication Manual of the
American Psychological Association and the APA tyle !uide to "lectronic #eferences.
Also, for automatic generation of citations in appropriate citation style, use a
bibliographic citation management program such as #ef$or%s or "nd&ote. 'ou can find
more information on this in our (itation Management page.
#eference (itations in Text
)n APA style, in-text citations are placed $ithin sentences and paragraphs so that it is
clear $hat information is being quoted or paraphrased and $hose information is being
Works by a single author
The last name of the author and the year of publication are inserted in the text at the
appropriate point.
from theory on bounded rationality *imon, +,-./
)f the name of the author or the date appear as part of the narrative, cite only missing
information in parentheses.
imon *+,-./ posited that
Works by multiple authors
0hen a $or% has t$o authors, al$ays cite both names every time the reference occurs in
the text. )n parenthetical material 1oin the names $ith an ampersand *2/.
as has been sho$n *3eiter 2 Maslach, +,,4/
)n the narrative text, 1oin the names $ith the $ord 5and.5
as 3eiter and Maslach *+,,4/ demonstrated
0hen a $or% has three, four, or five authors, cite all authors the first time the reference
6ahneman, 6netsch, and Thaler *+,,+/ found
)n all subsequent citations per paragraph, include only the surname of the first author
follo$ed by 5et al.5 *3atin for 5and others5/ and the year of publication.
6ahneman et al. *+,,+/ found
Works by associations, corporations, government agencies, etc.
The names of groups that serve as authors *corporate authors/ are usually $ritten out each
time they appear in a text reference.
*&ational )nstitute of Mental 7ealth 8&)M79, :;;</
0hen appropriate, the names of some corporate authors are spelled out in the first
reference and abbreviated in all subsequent citations. The general rule for abbreviating in
this manner is to supply enough information in the text citation for a reader to locate its
source in the #eference 3ist $ithout difficulty.
*&)M7, :;;</
Works with no author
0hen a $or% has no author, use the first t$o or three $ords of the $or%=s title *omitting
any initial articles/ as your text reference, capitali>ing each $ord. Place the title in
quotation mar%s if it refers to an article, chapter of a boo%, or 0eb page. )talici>e the title
if it refers to a boo%, periodical, brochure, or report.
on climate change *5(limate and 0eather,5 +,,</
Guide to Agricultural Meteorological Practices *+,4+/
Anonymous authors should be listed as such follo$ed by a comma and the date.
on climate change *Anonymous, :;;4/
Specific parts of a source
To cite a specific part of a source *al$ays necessary for quotations/, include the page,
chapter, etc. *$ith appropriate abbreviations/ in the in-text citation.
*tigter 2 ?as, +,4+, p. ,@/
?e 0aal *+,,@/ overstated the case $hen he asserted that 5$e seem to be
reaching ... from the hands of philosophers5 *p. :+4/.
)f page numbers are not included in electronic sources *such as 0eb-based 1ournals/,
provide the paragraph number preceded by the abbreviation 5para.5 or the heading and
follo$ing paragraph.
*MAnnich 2 piering, :;;4 para. ,/
eference !ist
#eferences cited in the text of a research paper must appear in a #eference 3ist or
bibliography. This list provides the information necessary to identify and retrieve each
"r#er: "ntries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors= last names. ources
$ithout authors are arranged alphabetically by title $ithin the same list.
Authors: 0rite out the last name and initials for all authors of a particular $or%. Bse an
ampersand *2/ instead of the $ord 5and5 $hen listing multiple authors of a single $or%.
e.g. mith, C. ?., 2 Cones, M.
$itles: (apitali>e only the first $ord of a title or subtitle, and any proper names that are
part of a title.
Pagination: Bse the abbreviation p. or pp. to designate page numbers of articles from
periodicals that do not use volume numbers, especially ne$spapers. These abbreviations
are also used to designate pages in encyclopedia articles and chapters from edited boo%s.
%n#entation&: The first line of the entry is flush $ith the left margin, and all subsequent
lines are indented *. to < spaces/ to form a 5hanging indent5.
'n#erlining vs. %talics&: )t is appropriate to use italics instead of underlining for titles of
boo%s and 1ournals.
$wo a##itional pieces of information shoul# be inclu#e# for works accesse# online.
%nternet A##ress&&: A stable )nternet address should be included and should direct the
reader as close as possible to the actual $or%. )f the $or% has a digital ob1ect identifier
*?D)/, use this. )f there is no ?D) or similar handle, use a stable B#3. )f the B#3 is not
stable, as is often the case $ith online ne$spapers and some subscription-based
databases, use the home page of the site you retrieved the $or% from.
(ate: )f the $or% is a finali>ed version published and dated, as in the case of a 1ournal
article, the date $ithin the main body of the citation is enough. 7o$ever, if the $or% is
not dated andEor is sub1ect to change, as in the case of an online encyclopedia article,
include the date that you retrieved the information.
F The APA has special formatting standards for the use of indentation and italics in
manuscripts or papers that $ill be typeset or submitted for official publication. For more
detailed information on these publication standards, refer to the Publication Manual of
the American Psychological Association, or consult $ith your instructors or editors to
determine their style preferences.
FF ee the APA tyle !uide to "lectronic #eferences for information on ho$ to format
B#3s that ta%e up more than one line.
Articles in )ournals, maga*ines, an# newspapers
#eferences to periodical articles must include the follo$ing elementsG author*s/, date of
publication, article title, 1ournal title, volume number, issue number *if applicable/, and
page numbers.
+ournal article, one author, accesse# online
6u, !. *:;;4/. 3earning to de-escalateG The effects of regret in escalation of
commitment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 105*:/, ::+-:H:.
+ournal article, two authors, accesse# online
anche>, ?., 2 6ing-Toler, ". *:;;</. Addressing disparities consultation and outreach
strategies for university settings. Consulting Pscholog !ournal" Practice and #esearch,
5$*-/, :4@-:,.. doiG+;.+;H<E+;@.- ,:,H..,.-.:4@
+ournal article, more than two authors, accesse# online
Ian Iugt, M., 7ogan, #., 2 6aiser, #. J. *:;;4/. 3eadership, follo$ership, and
evolutionG ome lessons from the past. American Pschologist, %&*H/, +4:-+,@.
Article from an %nternet,only )ournal
7irtle, P. J. *:;;4, Culy-August/. (opyright rene$al, copyright restoration, and the
difficulty of determining copyright status. D'(i) Magazine, 1**<E4/.
+ournal article from a subscription #atabase -no ("%.
(olvin, !. *:;;4, Culy :+/. )nformation $orth billions. +ortune, 15,*:/, <H-<,. #etrieved
from Jusiness ource (omplete, "J(D. #etrieved from httpGEEsearch.ebscohost.com
/aga*ine article, in print
6luger, C. *:;;4, Canuary :4/. 0hy $e love. -ime, 1.1*-/, .--@;.
0ewspaper article, no author, in print
As prices surge, Thailand pitches DP"(-style rice cartel. *:;;4, May ./. -he /all 0treet
!ournal, p. A,.
0ewspaper article, multiple authors, #iscontinuous pages, in print
?elaney, 6. C., 6arnitschnig, M., 2 !uth, #. A. *:;;4, May ./. Microsoft ends pursuit of
'ahoo, reassesses its online options. -he /all 0treet !ournal, pp. A+, A+:.
#eferences to an entire boo% must include the follo$ing elementsG author*s/ or editor*s/,
date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.
0o Author or e#itor, in print
Merriam-0ebster=s collegiate dictionary *++th ed./. *:;;H/. pringfield, MAG Merriam-
"ne author, in print
6idder, T. *+,4+/. -he soul o1 a ne2 machine. JostonG 3ittle, Jro$n 2 (ompany.
$wo authors, in print
Fran%, #. 7., 2 Jernan%e, J. *:;;</. Princi3les o1 macro'economics *Hrd ed./. JostonG
2orporate author, author as publisher, accesse# online
Australian Jureau of tatistics. *:;;;/. -asmanian ear )oo4 5000 *&o. +H;+.@/.
(anberra, Australian (apital TerritoryG Author. #etrieved from
httpGEE$$$.ausstats.abs.gov.auEausstatsEsubscriber.nsfE;E(A:.@4<+;;;@,4, ...
E#ite# book
!ibbs, C. T., 2 7uang, 3. &. *"ds./. *:;;+/. Children o1 color" Pschological
interventions 2ith culturall diverse outh. an FranciscoG Cossey-Jass.
#eferences for dissertations should include the follo$ing elementsG author, date of
publication, title, and institution *if you accessed the manuscript copy from the university
collections/. )f there is a BM) number or a database accession number, include it at the
end of the citation.
(issertation, accesse# online
'oung, #. F. *:;;</. Crossing )oundaries in ur)an ecolog" Path2as to sustaina)le
cities *?octoral dissertation/. Available from ProNuest ?issertations 2 Theses database.
*BM) &o. H:<@4+/
Essays or chapters in e#ite# books
#eferences to an essay or chapter in an edited boo% must include the follo$ing elementsG
essay or chapter authors, date of publication, essay or chapter title, boo% editor*s/, boo%
title, essay or chapter page numbers, place of publication, and the name of the publisher.
"ne author
3aba1o, C. *:;;H/. Jody and voiceG The construction of gender in flamenco. )n T. Magrini
*"d./, Music and gender" 3ers3ectives 1rom the Mediterranean *pp. @<-4@/. (hicagoG
Bniversity of (hicago Press.
$wo e#itors
7ammond, 6. #., 2 Adelman, 3. *+,4@/. cience, values, and human 1udgment. )n 7. #.
Ar%es 2 6. #. 7ammond *"ds./, !udgement and decision ma4ing" An interdisci3linar
reader *pp. +:<-+-H/. (ambridgeG (ambridge Bniversity Press.
Encyclope#ias or #ictionaries an# entries in an encyclope#ia
#eferences for encyclopedias must include the follo$ing elementsG author*s/ or editor*s/,
date of publication, title, place of publication, and the name of the publisher. For sources
accessed online, include the retrieval date as the entry may be edited over time.
Encyclope#ia set or #ictionary
adie, ., 2 Tyrrell, C. *"ds./. *:;;:/. -he ne2 Grove dictionar o1 music and musicians
*:nd ed., Iols. +-:,/. &e$ 'or%G !rove.
Article from an online encyclope#ia
(ontaineri>ation. *:;;4/. )n 6ncclo37dia Britannica. #etrieved May @, :;;4, from
Encyclope#ia article
6inni, T. J. *:;;-/. ?isney, 0alt *+,;+-+,@@/G Founder of the 0alt ?isney (ompany. )n
6ncclo3edia o1 (eadershi3 *Iol. +, pp. H-.-H-,/. Thousand Da%s, (AG age
esearch reports an# papers
#eferences to a report must include the follo$ing elementsG author*s/, date of publication,
title, place of publication, and name of publisher. )f the issuing organi>ation assigned a
number *e.g., report number, contract number, or monograph number/ to the report, give
that number in parentheses immediately after the title. )f it $as accessed online, include
the B#3.
3overnment report, accesse# online
B.. ?epartment of 7ealth and 7uman ervices. *:;;./. Medicaid drug 3rice
com3arisons" Average manu1acturer 3rice to 3u)lished 3rices *D)! publication &o. D")-
;.-;.- ;;:-;/. 0ashington, ?(G Author. #etrieved from
3overnment reports, 3P" publisher, accesse# online
(ongressional Judget Dffice. *:;;4/. 611ects o1 gasoline 3rices on driving )ehavior and
vehicle mar4ets" A CBO stud *(JD Publication &o. :44H/. 0ashington, ?(G B..
!overnment Printing Dffice. #etrieved from
$echnical an#4or research reports, accesse# online
?eming, ?., 2 ?ynars%i, . *:;;4/. -he lengthening o1 childhood *&J"# 0or%ing Paper
+-+:-/. (ambridge, MAG &ational Jureau of "conomic #esearch. #etrieved Culy :+,
:;;4, from httpGEE$$$.nber.orgEpapersE$+-+:-
(ocument available on university program or #epartment site
Iictor, &. M. *:;;4/. Gaz3rom" Gas giant under strain. #etrieved from tanford
Bniversity, Program on "nergy and ustainable ?evelopment 0eb siteG
Au#io,visual me#ia
#eferences to audio-visual media must include the follo$ing elementsG name and
function of the primary contributors *e.g., producer, director/, date, title, the medium in
brac%ets, location or place of production, and name of the distributor. )f the medium is
indicated as part of the retrieval )?, brac%ets are not needed.
Achbar, M. *?irectorEProducer/, Abbott, C. *?irector/, Ja%an, C. *0riter/, 2 impson, J.
*Producer/ *:;;-/. -he cor3oration 8?I?9. (anadaG Jig Picture Media (orporation.
Au#io recor#ing
&hat 7anh, T. *pea%er/. *+,,4/. Mind1ul living" a collection o1 teachings on love,
mind1ulness, and meditation 8(assette #ecording9. Joulder, (DG ounds True Audio.
/otion picture
!ilbert, J. *Producer/, 2 7iggins, (. *creen$riterE?irector/. *+,4;/. 8ine to 1ive
8Motion Picture9. Bnited tatesG T$entieth (entury Fox.
$elevision broa#cast
Anderson, #., 2 Morgan, (. *Producers/. *:;;4, Cune :;/. %0 Minutes 8Television
broadcast9. 0ashington, ?(G (J &e$s.
$elevision show from a series
0hedon, C. *?irectorE0riter/. *+,,,, ?ecember +-/. 7ush 8Television series episode9. )n
0hedon, C., Jerman, !., !allin, ., 6u>ui, F., 2 6u>ui, 6. *"xecutive Producers/, Bu11
the 9am3ire 0laer. Jurban%, (AG 0arner Jros..
/usic recor#ing
Cac%son, M. *+,4:/. Jeat it. On -hriller 8(?9. &e$ 'or%G ony Music.
'n#ate# Web site content, blogs, an# #ata
For content that does not easily fit into categories such as 1ournal papers, boo%s, and
reports, %eep in mind the goal of a citation is to give the reader a clear path to the source
material. For electronic and online materials, include stable B#3 or database name.
)nclude the author, title, and date published $hen available. For undated materials,
include the date the resource $as accessed.
1log entry
Arrington, M. *:;;4, August ./. The viral video guy gets L+ million in funding. Message
posted to httpGEE$$$.techcrunch.com
Professional Web site
&ational #ene$able "nergy 3aboratory. *:;;4/. Bio1uels. #etrieved May @, :;;4, from
(ata set from a #atabase
Jloomberg 3.P. *:;;4/. #eturn on ca3ital 1or He2itt Pac4ard 15:&1:$0 to 0$:&0:0,.
#etrieved ?ec. H, :;;4, from Jloomberg database.
(entral tatistics Dffice of the #epublic of Jots$ana. *:;;4/. Gross domestic 3roduct
3er ca3ita 0%:01:1$$* to 0%:01:500, 8statistics9. Available from (")( ?ata database.
Entire Web site
0hen citing an entire 0eb site *and not a specific document on that site/, no #eference
3ist entry is required if the address for the site is cited in the text of your paper.
0itchcraft )n "urope and America is a site that presents the full text of many essential
$or%s in the literature of $itchcraft and demonology