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Slide 1

Buildings consume ~ 40% of U.S. energy.

Fossil fuels produce ~ 75% of our energy.
Coal-fired power plants emit more fine particulate
material than any other U.S. activity.
Natural gas (CO
), nuclear energy (radiation), and
hydroelectric power (habitat disturbance) all have a
negative impact on ecological systems.
Improving the energy performance of buildings
reduces pollution and cost and enhances comfort.
LEED emphasizes integrated energy strategies
Energy & Atmosphere

Buildings consume a large percentage of all energy and close to 70% of all electricity in the
United States. As most electricity comes from polluting coal-fired power plants, buildings that
reduce their percentage of energy use will have a major impact on the environment. LEED
acknowledges this impact and addresses energy in buildings through reducing energy use and
increasing renewable forms of energy. Less energy also means less utility costs, which can
make a quick payback to any efficiency upgrades or renewable energy expenses.

Slide 2

P1 Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy
Systems (prerequisite)
P2 Minimum Energy Performance (prerequisite)
P3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management (prerequisite)
1. Optimize Energy Performance
2. On-Site Renewable Energy
3. Enhanced Commissioning
4. Enhanced Refrigerant Management
5. Measurement & Verification
6. Green Power
Establish Energy Efficiency and System Performance
Optimize Energy Efficiency
Encourage Renewable and Alternative Renewable Sources
Support Ozone Protection Protocols
Credits Overview
Energy & Atmosphere

Energy & Atmosphere credits aim to optimize energy performance in order to reduce the energy
consumption of our buildings, thereby decreasing negative environmental impacts. This involves
building commissioning, energy modeling, use of non-ozone depleting substances and
encouragement to use renewable energy technologies.

Slide 3

(prerequisite/credit 3)
Energy Performance
(prerequisite/credit 1)
Refrigerant Management
(prerequisite/credit 4)
Clean Energy
(credit 2/credit 6)
Measurement & Verification
(credit 5)
Presentation Outline
Energy & Atmosphere

This module has been organized by category rather than credit number to help make the credit
requirements as clear as possible.

Slide 4

Optimized energy efficiency, IAQ and comfort
Improved construction documents
Identification and resolution of issues on
Focus on project requirements
Minimizing callbacks
Lower operating costs
May qualify a project for state assistance or
utility rebates
Successful commissioning implementation
increases EE by 5-10%
Benefits of commissioning:
INTENT: Verify that the buildings energy related systems are installed, calibrated
and perform according to the owners project requirements, basis of design, and
construction documents.
Fundamental Commissioning of the Building
Energy Systems
Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 1

Commissioning verifies that all the building equipment and systems are working efficiently
together. Along with energy performance, following the measures of this prerequisite can help
improve the building occupants well-being and productivity as commissioning helps create a
better indoor environment. This can equate to money savings from the decrease in employee
illness and turnover. Commissioning will also lower your liability related to indoor air quality and
early equipment replacement.

Slide 5

Six items to meet prerequisite:
1. Engage experienced commissioning team/agent:
Projects > 50K sq.ft. may use someone else in the
Mechanical and Electrical firm but not on the design
Projects < 50K sq.ft. may use someone on the design team
2. Review design intent.
3. Include commissioning in CDs.
4. Develop requirements into plan.
5. Verify installation, performance, and
6. Complete commissioning report.
Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 1

Requirements vary depending on the size of the project. The key to achieving the credit
requirements is to plan for commissioning at project inception. If commissioning doesnt take
place up-front, it will happen over the life of the building - problems will be diagnosed slowly over
time, and meanwhile, energy may be wasted. Commissioning at the beginning of the project
reduces callbacks, because commissioning agents act as an objective, third party; keeping the
owners best interest in the foreground.

Slide 6

Additional commissioning Must be experienced third party
provides greater value for limited additional investment
further increases productivity, energy efficiency, and health
Six additional requirements to achieve credit:
1. Engaged qualified 3
2. Review design prior to mid-CDs.
3. Review contractors equipment submittals.
4. Develop systems manual.
5. Verify that requirements for training are
6. Review building operation within
10 months after substantial completion.
INTENT: Begin the commissioning process early during the design process and
execute additional activities after systems performance verification is completed.
Enhanced Commissioning
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 3

This credit may require additional meeting time and costs but can greatly reduce operating costs
and liabilities. With additional commissioning, a building will perform as intended for the life of the
building. Additional commissioning includes educational documentation and trainings to keep
personnel and the owner aware of the procedures for maintaining efficiency through the buildings
life. Occupants can greatly benefit from indoor air quality and comfort that commissioning tests,
thus improving their productivity, well-being and health. The owner will also benefit with the
reduction of repairs and energy costs in the building.

Slide 7

Environmental concerns:
Fossil fuels (global warming)
Nuclear power (waste processing,
transportation, and storage)
Requirement: Comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2004
(without amendments)
Compl ying with ASHRAE 90.1:
Reduces energy consumption and
demand charges
May result in lower fist costs (smaller
HVAC for example)
INTENT: Establish the minimum level of energy efficiency for the proposed
building and systems.
Minimum Energy Performance
Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 2

Maximize energy performance as much as possible through lighting, HVAC, an air tight and
insulated building envelope, and water heating systems. The components of ASHRAE include
building envelope, heating, ventilating, air conditioning, service water heating, power and lighting.
ASHRAE 90.1 is the energy standard for many states, so attaining this credit usually requires no
extra planning.

Slide 8

ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance Methods:
Mandatory Requirements:
Building Envelope
Lighting, HVAC, and
Water Heating
Energy Cost Budget Method
Also used for EA credits 1-10
Regulated loads only
Minimum Energy Performance
Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 2

To comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2004, there is the option to do a Prescriptive Method or the Energy
Cost Budget method (ECB). The Prescriptive Method includes specific line items to follow: e.g. if
you have a metal building, you must have R-19 insulation in the roof. The Energy Cost Budget
method exceeds some of the prescriptive measures provided there are energy cost savings in
other areas. The ECB method is more flexible: if you are using extremely efficient windows, you
may not need as much insulation to meet code; the designer has the ability to balance their
energy budget.

* If the building has an energy model to document points in Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1, the
model can be used in lieu of the Energy Cost Budget Method to demonstrate compliance with the
prerequisite requirements.

Slide 9

Option 1 Whole Building
Energy Simulation (1 10pts)
Demonstrate a % improvement compared
to the baseline building performance
rating per ASHRAE/IESNA Standard
90.1-2004 (without amendments) by a
whole building approach simulation.
Include all energy costs in the model
Plug loads count (process)
Design and baseline must comply with
Appendix G, ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004
10 35% 42%
9 31.5% 38.5%
8 28% 35%
7 24.5% 31.5%
6 21% 28%
5 17.5% 24.5%
4 14% 21%
3 10.5% 17.5%
2 7% 14%
1 3.5% 10.5%
Points Existing New
Optimize Energy Performance
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1
INTENT: Achieve increasing levels of energy performance above the baseline
in the prerequisite standard to reduce environmental and economic impacts
associated with excessive energy use.

Optimize your buildings performance through a tightly sealed building envelope and with efficient
systems. By limiting the amount of energy used in a building, you are also able to save on lower
energy bills and smaller, less expensive equipment.

With Energy Modeling required in Option 1, buildings can be much more efficient, saving both
money and energy. Use the energy model to demonstrate an improvement between a baseline
case and the design case to earn points. The minimum energy cost savings percentage for each
point threshold is as listed in the table.

Slide 10

Compl y with ASHRAE Advanced Energy
Design Guide for Small Office Buildings 2004:
Building must be under 20,000 square feet
Must be office occupancy
Must comply with Advanced Energy Design Guide
for the climate zone
Option 3 Prescriptive Compliance Path (1 Point)
Compl y with the Basic Criteria and Prescriptive Measures of the
Advanced Buildings Benchmark Version 1.1:
(except for sections 1.7, 1.11 and 1.14)
Must comply with Advanced Buildings Benchmark for the climate zone
Option 2 Prescriptive Compliance Path (4 Points)
Optimize Energy Performance
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1
NOTE: All projects registered after June 26, 2007 must earn at least two points under EA Credit 1

The second option for credit compliance provides a simplified approach for small office buildings
for exceeding ASHRAE standards. The guide has recommendations relating to the building
envelope, interior lighting, and HVAC systems that are climate-specific and help improve the
buildings energy performance by 30%.

The third credit compliance option focuses on exceeding national codes and standards with the
Advanced Buildings Benchmark by the New Buildings Institute. Compliance for this LEED credit
is associated with sections 5 and 6 in the Advanced Buildings Benchmark standards.

Slide 11

Demand Reduction
Overall footprint reduction
Improved insulation & glazing
Ducts inside building envelope
Task lighting vs. ambient
Occupancy sensors
Relax temperature design criteria
Free Energy
Building orientation (passive solar)
Natural ventilation
Envelope and material choices
Increase Efficiency
High performance lighting technology
State-of-the-art mechanical systems
Spray foam insulation in ceiling
Design Strategies
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1

Decreasing energy use, harnessing renewable energy, and increasing the efficiency of the
building are the most effective means of achieving a higher energy performance. The most
effective design strategies vary for each project, so analyze the different options early in the
design process. The list provided is in order of the priorities the project should take to optimize
energy efficiency.

First decrease the amount of energy used in the building. Strategies include reducing the
building footprint through sharing spaces. Use continuous insulation and extend the building
envelope to the roofline.

The second priority is to harness natural and free energy, such as sunlight. Passive solar design
depends on the buildings orientation, but can help reduce the energy use if appropriately
designed with south and north facing windows.

Finally, after energy demand is reduced and free energy is harnessed, use highly efficient
systems and high performance technology to achieve the best energy performance possible.

Slide 12

1. Schematic Design
Building shapes & orientation
Materials assessments (mass versus
light, amount of glass)
Various types of HVAC systems
2. Design Development
Glass types & shading
HVAC strategies
Insulation values
Lighting and daylighting
3. Final Design
Final LEED Submission
Changing the building orientation in this
example to a longer east-west axis
reduced energy cost by 14%.
How and When to Model
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1

Only Option 1 requires an energy simulation model. Five energy simulation runs are required in
order to comply with the credit requirements: one proposed design and four baseline models that
are identical to each other except for the building orientations and window SHGC (Solar Heat
Gain Coefficient) requirements described in ASHRAE 90.1.

Slide 13

% Savings = 100 x (ECB-DEC) / ECB
ECB = $75k + $25k = $100k
DEC = ($60k + $10k) ($2k
) = $68k
% Savings = 100 x (ECB-DEC)/ECB
= 100 x (100k-70k)/100k = 32%
* For new construction this would earn 7 points.
Calculating the Percentage of Cost Savings
Model Using Energy Cost Budget
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 1
ECB = Energy Cost Budget case = (electric$ + gas$)
Base building
DEC = Design Energy Cost case = (electric$ + gas$)
Design building
(renewable $)

The whole building simulations are used to report the total energy costs of the building. The
example above describes the calculations involved in determining cost savings. Energy
consumption and peak demand are also reported in the model.

Slide 14

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)s destroy the ozone layer
and cause serious environmental & health problems
Skin cancer and cataracts
Weakened immune systems
Reduced crop yield
Disruption of marine food chain
The U.S. is the largest emitter of ozone depleting substances (ODS)
U.S. ended CFC production in 1995 (Montreal Protocol)
Manufacturers must label products containing / made with ODS
No new CFC-based refrigeration equipment
CFC conversion plan for existing equipment
INTENT: Reduce ozone depletion.
Fundamental Refrigerant Management
Energy & Atmosphere: Prerequisite 3

Install equipment in the building that does not use CFC-based refrigerants. If reusing HVAC
equipment, create a replacement schedule and CFC phase-out plan. Though CFCs are no longer
available in new equipment, CFC based systems are still found in existing buildings. If the new
building is connected to an existing building, that system must also be CFC free.

Slide 15

Do not install refrigerants
Install refrigerants and HVAC&R
systems that do not exceed a
maximum threshold for the
combined contributions to ozone
depletion and global warming
Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)
and Halons deplete the ozone layer
to a lesser extent than CFCs
May result in reduced efficiencies or
higher first cost
LCGWP = Lifecycle Direct Global
Warming Potential
LCODP = Lifecycle Ozone Depletion
Do not install fire suppression equipment that
contains ozone depleting substances.
(CFCs, HCFCs and Halons)
INTENT: Reduce ozone depletion and support early compliance with the
Montreal Protocol while minimizing direct contributions to global warming.
Enhanced Refrigerant Management
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 4

Buildings that comply with this credit eliminate the use of HVAC&R systems that damage the
atmosphere with CFCs, HCFCs and Halons. Select refrigerants with low ozone depletion and
global warming potential, and prevent leakage of these compounds into the atmosphere. All
equipment that accompanies chlorinated refrigerants including HCFCs will be phased out by
2010. Projects should select equipment that does not depend on these chemicals to be better
prepared for the phase out plan under the Montreal Protocol. Projects that have naturally
ventilated buildings with no active cooling systems or natural refrigerants including water, carbon
dioxide, and ammonia are eligible for this credit.

* The calculation determines the average refrigerant atmospheric impact and it must be less than
100 to comply with the credit requirements.

Slide 16

Types of Renewables:
Solar Thermal
Low Impact Hydro
Biomass / Bio-gas
Geothermal from a
REQUIREMENTS: Supply at least 2.5% of total
energy use through renewable technologies to
reduce fossil fuel use.
% of Total Points
2.5 1
7.5 2
12.5 3
INTENT: Encourage and recognize increasing levels of on-site renewable energy
self-supply in order to reduce environmental and economic impacts associated
with fossil fuel energy use.
A vertical wind turbine produces
energy for the building.
On-Site Renewable Energy
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 2

This step is encouraged after energy efficient building measures are in place to help offset
building costs most effectively. Achieve credit compliance if a percentage of the buildings energy
use is supplied from renewable technologies that are generated on site (see table). Make use of
net metering arrangements with local utilities. Many companies not only pay for the installation of
a wind generator for a facility, but will also own and maintain it. In return they sell the electricity at
a fixed rate to the building.

Slide 17

These inventive
window treatments
have a double use to
provide shade and
supply energy
(above and right).
This glazing has a transparent
peel and stick layer of PV so
it generates electricity without
losing its function of a window
(left). Solar shingles have the
aesthetic of roof shingles, but
generate electricity (top left).
On-Site Renewable Energy
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 2

Slide 18

REQUIREMENTS: Engage in a two-year contract for
Green-e certified power to provide at least 35% of the
buildings energy.
Types of Renewables:
Solar Thermal
Low Impact Hydro
Biomass / Bio-gas
Geothermal (geyser)
INTENT: Encourage the development and use of grid-
source, renewable energy technologies on a net zero
pollution basis.
Three Approaches for Credit Achievement:
1. Open electrical market select a Green-e certified power
2. Closed electrical market enroll in a Green-e accredited utility
program by local utility company.
3. Tradable Renewable Certificates (RECs) green tags that
compensate Green-e generators for the premium of production
over the market rate they sell to the grid.
Buying RECs will have no impact on the cost of electricity
from the local utility
Green Power
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 6

Green power is derived from solar, wind, geothermal, biomass or low-impact hydro sources and
helps increase renewable sources of energy on the grid, rather than coal powered electricity.
Businesses can purchase renewable energy through their local utility and must secure a two-year
contract for a minimum of 35% of their annual electrical power consumption. The power
purchased to comply with this credits requirements need not be Green-e certified. Other sources
of green power are eligible if they satisfy the Green-e programs technical requirements such as
renewable energy certificates (RECs), tradable renewable certificates (TRCs), and green tags.

Slide 19

The Green-e definition includes:
Minimum 50% from renewable energy
Emissions criteria for non-renewable portion
Nuclear power not permitted
Voluntary certification and verification program for green
electricity products
Must include newly developed green power facilities to
enhance generation capacity
Visit for more information
Understand Green tags vs. actual provider
Cost: ~2.5 cent/kwh or ~10-20 cents/s.f. - ex. green tag broker
Option for Innovation point 2 years @ 70%
Favors small projects in terms of cost
Green Power
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 6

The Green-e renewable energy requirements are stated here but can be viewed in more detail on
the programs website. Green tags equate to paying a subsidy to encourage renewable power
generation somewhere on the grid, even if those kilowatts are not directly supplied to your
building. The typical added cost for renewably generated electricity over standard electricity is
$0.025/killowat. A project can attain an innovation point if a two year green power contract
matches 70% of the buildings electrical power consumption. Small projects are favored because
it is cheaper for a small project to match 35% of the electrical output compared to a large building,
creating a more affordable point.

Slide 20

Lighting and Controls
Motor Loads and Drives
Chiller Part-load Efficiency
Cooling Loads
Economizer and Heat Recovery
Ductwork and Ventilation
Boiler Efficiencies
Building Process Systems and
Indoor Water Risers and Outdoor
INTENT: Provide for ongoing accountability of building energy
performance and water consumption over time
Install Continuous Metering Equipment for:
Measurement & Verification
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 5

Most buildings are built to last more than 50 years. When examined over that time frame, energy
savings can be drastic if proper maintenance of the building is in place throughout the time frame.
The goal of M &V practices is to verify that the building is performing properly and efficiently
throughout the lifetime of the building and account for changes as they occur. Monitoring the
buildings energy use allows the owner to verify the performance level of the building and
minimize long-term energy use by knowing when the building is not performing optimally.

Slide 21

Referenced Standard: 2003 International Performance Measurement &
Verification Protocol (IPMVP), Vol. III - options B or D
Option D Whole Building Calibrated Simulations,
Savings Estimation
Best for buildings with a large number of ECMs
or systems that are interactive, rendering
isolation impractical.
Option B Energy Conservation Measure (ECM) Isolation
Addresses M&V at the system level. Suitable for smaller and/or
simpler buildings. Isolates the main energy systems and assesses
Measurement & Verification
Energy & Atmosphere: Credit 5

There are two different options based on the IPMVP referenced standard, and the options vary
depending on the size and type of the building.

Option B isolates areas that impact performance and is better suited for a smaller building where
systems are not as thoroughly connected.

Option D involves comparing (calibrating) the energy savings predicted by the energy model
(simulation) with the actual savings recorded once the building is operating. If there is a
discrepancy, it may indicate an opportunity for improved performance and/or the faulty operation
of equipment.

Slide 22

P1 Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy
Systems (prerequisite)
P2 Minimum Energy Performance (prerequisite)
P3 Fundamental Refrigerant Management (prerequisite)
1. Optimize Energy Performance 1-10
2. On-Site Renewable Energy 1-3
3. Enhanced Commissioning 1
4. Enhanced Refrigerant Management 1
5. Measurement and Verification 1
6. Green Power 1
Points Summary
Energy & Atmosphere

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