Flying in 4

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Copyright 2008 by Alex Maroko & Kelly Baggett. All Rights Reserved.

No portion oI this e-book may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any Iorm or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including Iax, photocopy, recording or any inIormation
storage and retrieval system by anyone but the purchaser Ior their own personal use. This
e-book may not be reproduced in any Iorm without the express written permission oI
Alex Maroko or Kelly Baggett, except in the case oI a reviewer who chooses to quote
very brieI passages Ior the sake oI a review written Ior inclusions in a magazine,
newspaper, or journal - and these cases require written approval Irom Alex Maroko or
Kelly Baggett prior to publication.
For more inIormation, please contact:
Warning: There is always risk oI injury when perIorming exercise with weight. BeIore beginning any
exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure that you are in proper health. This program is not
meant to provide medical advice; you should obtain medical advice Irom your private healthcare
practitioner. The inIormation here is oIIered Ior educational purposes only; the reader should
be cautioned that there is an inherent risk assumed by the participant with any Iorm oI physical activity.
With that in mind, those participating in strength and conditioning programs should check with their
physician prior to initiating such activities. Anyone participating in these activities should understand that
such training initiatives may be dangerous iI perIormed incorrectly. The authors assume no liability Ior
injury; this is purely an educational manual to guide those already proIicient with the demands oI such
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Section 1 Message from Alex Maroko
Section 2 Flving in Four Beginner Edition
Section 3 Flving in Four Intermediate Edition
Section 4 Flving in Four Advanced Edition
Section 5 Stretching
Section 6 Exercise Descriptions
Section 7 Reallv Frequentlv Asked Questions
Section 8 Testing
Section 9 Surprise from Alex
Right now, write down your current
standing and running vertical jump:
Date: _____________________
Sign this agreement with yourself:
I, _________________, agree to fully work
my tail off for the next 4 weeks and follow
this brand-new, cutting-edge vertical
jump program from Kelly Baggett. I
won`t cut any corners, I won`t take any
short-cuts and I won`t ever back down.
instead, I`m going to look gravity in the
face and say ~hey? How ya doin? Oh
yeah, by the way.screw you :-).
Got all of that done?
Good, let`s get started.
This is the 'Beginner edition oI Flving in Four. II you have little training experience or
squat less than 1.5 x bodyweight, do Option I.
Day 1
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20 (each ground
contact equals 1 rep)
B1) Manual Reverse Hyper or Barbell Hip Thrust (use 2 second pause
at top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Isometric hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
minute (hold yourself parallel to the ground squeezing your glutes and
F1) Calf Raise- 2 x 20 (Use a machine, barbell, or do them 1 leg at a
time holding a dumbbell in 1 hand)
**Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 2
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 total reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 3
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 3 x 20
Day 4
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 5
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
F1) Calf Raise- 3 x 20
Day 6
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 7
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 8
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20 (each ground
contact equals 1 rep)
B1) Manual Reverse Hyper or Barbell Hip Thrust (use 2 second pause
at top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Isometric hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
minute (hold yourself parallel to the ground squeezing your glutes and
F1) Calf Raise- 2 x 20 (Use a machine, barbell, or do them 1 leg at a
time holding a dumbbell in 1 hand)
*Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 9
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 total reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 10
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 3 x 20
Day 11
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 12
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
F1) Calf Raise- 3 x 20
Day 13
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 14
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 15
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20 (each ground
contact equals 1 rep)
B1) Manual Reverse Hyper or Barbell Hip Thrust (use 2 second pause
at top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Isometric hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
minute (hold yourself parallel to the ground squeezing your glutes and
F1) Calf Raise- 2 x 20 (Use a machine, barbell, or do them 1 leg at a
time holding a dumbbell in 1 hand)
*Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 16
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 total reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 17
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 3 x 20
Day 18
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 19
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
F1) Calf Raise- 3 x 20
Day 20
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 21
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 22
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust (use 2 second pause at
top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
G1) Calf Raise
Day 23
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 24
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 2 x 20
Day 25
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 26
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 27
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 28
Go to the Testing Section of Flying in Four right now to learn exactly
what to do for your vertical jump re-evaluation.
This is the 'Intermediate version oI Flving in Four. II you squat at least 1.5 x your
bodyweight with GOOD FORM, but not 2.0 x your bodyweight or more, do this:
Day 1
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20 (each ground
contact equals 1 rep)
B1) Manual Reverse Hyper or Barbell Hip Thrust (use 2 second pause
at top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Isometric hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
minute (hold yourself parallel to the ground squeezing your glutes and
F1) Calf Raise- 2 x 20 (Use a machine, barbell, or do them 1 leg at a
time holding a dumbbell in 1 hand)
**Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 2
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 total reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 3
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 3 x 20
Day 4
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 5
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
F1) Calf Raise- 3 x 20
Day 6
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 7
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 8
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20 (each ground
contact equals 1 rep)
B1) Manual Reverse Hyper or Barbell Hip Thrust (use 2 second pause
at top) 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1) Bulgarian split squat Isometric hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
minute (hold yourself parallel to the ground squeezing your glutes and
F1) Calf Raise- 2 x 20 (Use a machine, barbell, or do them 1 leg at a
time holding a dumbbell in 1 hand)
*Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 9
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 total reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 10
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump side to side 2 x 20 (each ground contact = 1
B1) Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust - 2 x 10-15
C1) Loaded bulgarian squat 3 x 8-10 (use the same type of
progression as the squats)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold with bodyweight x 1 minute/side
E1) Calf raise- 3 x 20
Day 11
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 12
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Low box depth jump forward and back- 2 x 20
B1)Manual Reverse hyper or Barbell hip thrust 2 x 10-15
C1) Squat- 3 x 5 (counts work sets only)
D1)Bulgarian split squat Iso hold x 1 minute/side
E1) Back extension iso hold or Advanced glute bridge iso hold x 1
F1) Calf Raise- 3 x 20
Day 13
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Standing and Running Vert at 90% (not maximum) 3-5 reps each
C1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
D1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
E1) Prone one leg glute x 50 reps each side
F1) Seated Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 14
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 15
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 w 40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running VJ x 2 (optional)
C1)Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 16
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 17
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) squat or high box squat 4 x 3
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 18
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 19
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 with 40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running VJ x 2 (optional)
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 20
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 21
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 22
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 23
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
**Dynamic warm-up only**
Day 24
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 25
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 26
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 27
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 28
Go to the Testing Section of Flying in Four right now to learn exactly
what to do for your vertical jump re-evaluation.
This is the 'Advanced version. II you're strong, (can solidly squat 2 x your bodyweight
or more with GOOD Iorm) do this:
Day 1
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Depth Jump- 2 x 10 from ~18 inch box (keep ground contact
times very short and use little knee bend. Each ground contact equals
1 rep)
B1) 1/4 Jump squat- 4 x 8 w/40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running vertical jumps x 2 (optional)
C1) Squat singles 4 x 1 at 90% (Use a weight you could do
approximately ~3 times. Heavy, but not maximum)
D1) Leg curl/glute Ham- 3 x 8
**Go to the end of the Flying in Four ebook for exercise
Day 2
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20 (Use the progression described in the leg
lowering drill)
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 3
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Depth Jump- 2 x 10 from 18 inch box
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 w/40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running Vert x 2
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-12
Day 4
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 5
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Depth Jump- 2 x 10 from ~18 inch box (keep ground contact
times very short and use little knee bend)
B1) 1/4 Jump squat- 4 x 8 w/40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running vertical jumps x 2 (optional)
C1) Squat singles 4 x 1 at 90% (Use a weight you could do ~3 times.
Heavy, but not maximum)
Leg curl/glute Ham- 3 x 8
Day 6
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 7
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 8
NOTE: ** Starting this week on depth jumps use a box height that
allows you to jump the highest immediately after ground contact,
starting with about an 18 inch box and going up in 6 inch increments.
Instead of concentrating on short ground contact times, try to bounce
off the ground as high as possible. For example, if your vert is 20
inches and you jump 18 inches from a 18 inch box, 20 inches from a
24 inch box and 22 inches from a 30 inch box youd use the 30 inch
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 3 x 5 depth jump **Use box optimized for best VJ height
B1) squat or high box squat 4 x 3 (use the same weight each set.
Weight should be fairly heavy, but not maximal.)
C1) Manual reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 9
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 10
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 3 x 5 DJ Use box optimized for best VJ height
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 with 40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running VJ x 2 (optional)
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 11
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 12
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 3 x 5 DJ Use box optimized for best VJ height
B1) squat or high box squat 4 x 3 (use the same weight each set.
Weight should be fairly heavy, but not maximal.)
C1) Manual reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 13
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 14
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 15
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 w 40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running VJ x 2 (optional)
C1)Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 16
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 17
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) squat or high box squat 4 x 3
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 18
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second hold
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 19
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) 4 x 5 depth jump optimized for best VJ height
B1) Jump squat 4 x 8 with 40% total system weight
B2) Standing or Running VJ x 2 (optional)
C1) Reverse hyper or barbell hip thrust 3 x 10-15
Day 20
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
A1) Dynamic warm-up
B1) Plank 2 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 21
Off. Relax, give your mind and body a break, youll be going harder
and higher TOMORROW.
Day 22
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 23
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
**Dynamic warm-up only**
Day 24
Perform Exercises in order, starting with "A1" and on
(complete all sets of an exercise before moving on).
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 25
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 26
Dynamic warm-up
A1) Standing and Running Vert Jumps 8-10 total reps
B1) Plank 3 x 30 second hold
C1) Leg raise 2 x 15-20
D1) Advanced glute bridge 2 x 10-15 reps with 3 second pause at top
E1) Standing Hip Flexor Drill 2 x 8/side with 3 second pause
Day 27
**Dynamic Warm-Up Only**
Day 28
Go to the Testing Section of Flying in Four right now to learn exactly
what to do for your vertical jump re-evaluation.
**After each workout perform the following stretches for at least 1 set
of 30 seconds each**
Kneeling rectus femoris/quad
Or to see it up close and personal:
Hip Flexor
** On squats start with an empty 45 pound bar and do sets of 5. Add
50 pounds per set or so and continue doing sets of 5 until you find a
weight that "challenges your form (could be adding 25 lbs. per set as
you work your way up if youre "less strong). At this point keep the
weight the same and do 2 more sets for a total of 3 "work sets.. The
next time you repeat the workout try to use slightly more weight (10
lbs or so), or if your form was a bit shaky use the same weight but
seek to better your form. A typical squat progression including warm-
ups and all might look like this:
Bar x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
205 x 5 #1
205 x 5 #2
205 x 5 #3
** On Bulgarian split squat Isos be sure to pull back with the lead foot
to activate the lead side glute and hamstring.
** Make sure to do the calf raises smooth and under control.
**If theres a B1 and a B2 in a workout, all that means is that you do
one set of B1, take your respective rest time, then do a set of B2.
Take your rest time again, then go back to B1, then B2 and so on until
all assigned sets are completed.
Stretch: after each workout, every day (stretches are shown below).
Rest Intervals: Should be self monitored. Go when you feel ready to
go. Dont rush yourself but dont sit around for 10 minutes either. In
general, 3 minutes is about right for heavy and intensive lifts like
squats. One minute is about right for ab work and easier stuff.
Dynamic warm-up:
Youre gonna want to do a short series of bodyweight and movement
drills to increase your core body temperature, while simultaneously
improving potential weak points, like hip mobility, ankle mobility or
glute activation.
Heres a sample dynamic warm-up:
Jumping Jack x 15
Seal Jumping Jacks x 15
Walking Lunges x 8 (each leg)
Side Lunges x 8 (each leg)
Fire Hydrants x 8 (each way, each leg)
Run 30 yards at 70% of top speed
Pogo Jumps x 10
Skip 30 yards at 70% of top speed
Pogo Jumps x 10
Walking Cradles (pulling foot to hip with knee turned out so thigh is at
or near 90 degrees) X 6 (each leg)
Ankle Circles x 6 rotations (each way, each foot)
Low box depth jump forward and back: Stand on a low box or
step about 6-8 inches high. A staircase or even a curb works perfect
for this. Drop-off backwards and immediately bounce off your toes and
rebound back up as soon as you hit the ground. You should be able to
perform the movement rhythmically, almost like jumping rope. If you
cant the box is too high).
Low box side to side depth jump: Stand on low box or object 6-12
inches high. Drop off the box to your left, hit the ground, then
immediately bounce back up onto the box. Repeat to the right, left,
right, left etc. Perform in a rhythmic fashion
Reverse hyper:
Or for a complimentary video to see two "home-made versions, check
this out:
Barbell hip thrust
See a good video example here:
Advanced Glute Bridge
Another video of it for you (if you didnt notice yet, we put some of the
more "trickier exercises all on one page in video so you can see
exactly how to do them):
Weighted Jump Squat w/40% Total System Weight: See the last
video on this webpage for explanation:
Bulgarian Split Squat: Use either dumbbells or a barbell (On the iso
hold take a big step out, go all the way down to the bottom, and
pull BACK with the lead leg activating the lead leg hamstring and
glute while you hold yourself in position)
Standing Hip Flexor Drill: (Try not to let the knee of the plant leg
bend) Place your foot on a box so the thigh is above parallel. Next, lift
your knee towards your chest, hold for 2 seconds and lower.
Prone 1-leg glute (lift one leg up and squeeze your glute.
Simultaneously contract your abs)
Back Extension
Squat Form: Here are a couple of videos from Mark Rippetoe of
Starting Strength on squat form that you might find helpful:
Q: What if I miss a workout?
A: Just pick up where you left off the next day or 2. Dont sweat it.
Q: Can I play sports/basketball with this training?
A: As long as you dont run yourself into the ground. In other words,
an hour or so of basketball twice a week is unlikely to be problematic.
Three hours of ball 7 days per week could be. If in doubt just pay
attention to your bodyweight and strength gains. If youre getting
weaker or youre losing weight and dont want to you definitely need to
either cut back on extra activity or decrease the frequency of your
workouts. To do that, simply insert an extra day or 2 of rest each week
and extend the workout from 4 weeks 5 or 6 weeks.
Q: Why am I doing squats, I thought those were bad? Why
am I doing this, that etc?
A: There is a time and place for everything. If you want to understand
all the theory these workouts are based on stay tuned for the Vertical
Jump Bible 2.0 at some point in the future.
Q: How much weight do I use on each exercise?
A: Use as much weight as you can on each exercise for the prescribed
rep range that you can use with good form. Look at the squat weight
progression example in the notes section of the first workout above for
an idea. The weight doesnt have to identically match up with the reps
but should be within a few reps either way. For example, if an exercise
calls for you to do 10 reps you should choose a weight that allows you
to get at least 8 perfect reps, but ideally not more than 12 If you cant
get at least 8 go a bit lighter on the next set. If you can do more than
12 increase the weight a bit next time.
Q: How low do I need to go on squats and Bulgarian split
A: Unless specified otherwise go down until the crease at your hip
joint breaks slightly below the top of your knee. Use a mirror or have
someone watch you if youre not sure how low youre going.
Note how the crease at the hip where the arrow is pointing is slightly
below the top of the knee. A half squat, which I recommend you
perform using a box to gauge your depth, is a few inches higher.
Dont rest all your weight on the box, simply tap it with your butt
Q: I'm female, do I need to change or modify anything?
A: Actually you dont need to change a thing.
``Testing Section``
First off, congratulations on completing the last 4 weeks of training.
Wanna know a really shocking fact that always makes me want to
Based on my surveying, more than half of the athletes and
coaches who invest in training products and programs NEVER
use those products or programs (at least for more than a week
or so).
Why? I sadly do not have the answer. I WISH that everyone who
invested in these programs would put them into action and get all the
benefits and rewards they had planned on getting. We put so much
time into making sure everything were providing is cutting-edge, easy
to use and most importantly, that it flat-out works, and its crazy to
think so many people spend their hard-earned money on something
theyll never use.thankfully, youre different :-)
So, again, you owe yourself one hell of a pat on the back for finishing
the last 28 days of gravity-hating, gut-wrenching workouts.way 2 go!
Now, youve taken the time the last few days to unload and let a lot of
the fatigue youve accumulated the last few weeks to dissipate, and
its likely youre feeling really good and springy right now.
Naturally, this is the time to test out your new vertical.
Here is your game plan for the day.
Set the time and place for where and when youre going to be testing
your new vertical.
Make sure its a time youre comfortable training at (preferably the
same time youve been conducting your other workouts). And make
sure you have some way to test out the height of your new VJ.
Within an hour of testing time, there a couple things you can do to
make your VJ potentially even better.
1. Visualize- Spend 5-10 minutes an hour before laying down on
your back, eyes closed. Visualize the whole thng. See yourself
getting up higher than you ever have. Smell the gym or place
where youre going to be testing. Feel the beads of sweat slowly
drip down the side of your face. Prepare yourself for the ass-
kicking youre about to hand gravity. And see yourself
succeeding, over and over again.
2. Try some L-Tyrosine- L-Tyrosine is just an amino acid that can
act as a precursor to some really helpful neurotransmitters and it
can really "rev up your system. Take anywhere from 1-3 grams
30-40 minutes before.
3. Caffeine- (Note: Only do this step if you normally ingest
caffeine) Take 100-150mg of caffeine 30 minutes before the
test. As it says, if you do not normally take caffeine, dont do it
now. Peoples responses to caffeine vary considerably so if you
dont know exactly whats going to happen when you take it,
dont. It won't make THAT much of a difference anyway.
When you get there, go through a small warm-up. It can be an exact
replica of either of the warm-ups youve been following up to this
point, or something you want to do on your on. The truth is, that you
are going to se excited and jacked up for this, that a real warm-up will
probably not be necessary. And when you do warm-up, be careful not
to go too hard as you will be so ready to go, you could easily over-tax
yourself and compromise your testing results.
Once youre ready to go, let out a Herculean scream of power and go
get it!
Note: Give yourself at least 5-7 tries at your standing vertical jump
and running vertical jump. Which of those jumps will be your best is
gonna be highly individual. Personally, I always hit my best jumps
later in my testing workouts, but Ive seen a lot of athletes be
completely gassed by the time I start to hit my stride.
If you want to really get after it, take another couple days off after this
testing day, and do another repeat testing day some cases,
youll be getting up even higher on that second testing day.
``Surprise From Alex:
First of all, I hope you didn't just open this bad-boy
up, and skip all the way down to the last page.a lot
of time was put into making this thing really friggin'
good :-)
But, since I already have you here, here's the deal:
I have TWO mystery bonuses sitting here next to me
as I type.these are not your typical "decent"
bonuses.they're really, *really* good (and not
available to the public right now).
Why am I telling you this?
I want to send you these bonuses for FREE.
What do you have to do to get these mystery
bonuses? It's easy really. (and you were gonna do it
Just finish Flying in Four. Figure out which 28-day
program fits you best and rock the hell out of it. Then,
after you finish and your vert's gone up and
everything's awesome, I want to hear about (and if
it's really good enough, feature you on the Flying in
Four Official Website).
Just finish the program, then send me an email at answering these two
1. How, specifically, did Flying In Four change the way
you train to get faster and quicker?
2. What would you say to a friend who was thinking of
investing in Flying In Four - but wasn't sure?
**That will get you the first bonus**
How do you get the second bonus?
There are two ways, and they both involve VIDEO.
Everyone knows people love video on the Internet
these days, so.either:
1. Send me a video of yourself answering those 2
questions above
2. Send me a video of you dunking, jumping really
darn high, etc.anything that can show other
people how powerful the programs in Flying in
Four are.
The second one would probably even be preferred (if
you sent a video of you doing both, that'd be
So, again, I have these seriously valuable bonuses
here and ready to be sent to just gotta do
what you were gonna do anyways: Finish and
dominate the program (and then just tell me either in
writing or in video about it, answering those 2
questions above).
Hope to hear from you soon, rock on!
"Your program really works. I went from grabbing the rim to dunking. After
Novice Weights and Plyos I gained about 6 inches on my running one leg
after my rest week. Thank you."
Max Prysyazhnyuk
"Third week of bodyweight VJB and i went from hanging with two hands to
dunking an alley oop with two hands last week on a 9`9 rim. I am 6`1."
Drini Manjani
"Four weeks on your program and my vert is already up 6 inches! I can
now throw down a 2 handed dunk for the first time."
PauI Starkey
"I'd like to send another testimonial to my previous one.
It's been like about 4 months now I believe since I used your programs
from the VJB, and my vert and overall athleticism have been improving
steadily. I now have a 30 inch vertical, 11 inches more than I had 4 months
ago! I always go back to the different workouts you provided in the vertical
jump bible to my own workouts since they work for me. Thanks Kelly."
MichaeI Tran

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