System KKS

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The document describes a coding system used for a power plant project.

A hierarchical coding system is used, with the top level codes describing major systems and subcodes for equipment/components.

Heat generation systems described include the conventional heat generation system, support structures, fireside heat transfer surface cleaning equipment, ash removal systems, main firing systems etc.

KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 5 (22)

It is agreed that plant codes in Central Termoelctrica Andina CFB project are 10 (Common system for all the
Plant), 11 (Unit 1) and 12 (Unit 2).
Following system classification and numbering is used in Central Termoelctrica Andina CFB project. The list will
be updated according to process needs. Note! For example material handling process design is on-going, so most
of the coding of that area is still missing.
5.1 H - Conventi onal heat generati on
H HA Pressure system
HAC Economi ser system
HAC10 Economizer I
HAC50 Hanger tubes ECO
HAC60 Piping from ECO to drum
H HA HAD Evaporator system
HAD10 Drum with auxiliaries
HAD11 Drum overflow
HAD12 Downcomers
HAD13 Supply pipes, furnace
HAD14 Ricer pipes, furnace
HAD17 Supply pipes, separator
HAD20 Furnace, front wall
HAD21 Furnace, right side wall
HAD22 Furnace, rear wall
HAD23 Furnace, left side wall
HAD30 Return leg 1
HAD31 Return leg 2
HAH HP superheater system
HAH01 Saturated steam pipes
HAH80 Steam cooled cross over duct, left
HAH81 Steam cooled cross over duct, right
HAH70 Steam cooled Convection Cage
HAH10 Superheater I
HAH20 Wingwall Superheater II
HAH30 Wingwall Superheater III
HAJ Reheat system
HAJ10 Reheater 1
HAJ20 Reheater 2
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 6 (22)
H HB Support structure, enclosure, steam generator
HBC Refract ory
HBF Hanger rods
HBG Access doors
HBH Buckstay
H HC Fireside heat transfer surface cleaning
HCB Steam soot bl owi ng system
HCB01 Soot blowing steam, distribution
HCB30 Soot blowing steam, second back pass, left
HCB40 Soot blowing steam, second back pass, right
H HD Ash and slag removal system
HDA Furnace ash and sl ag removal system (bottom ash)
HDA11 Bottom ash from Furnace, dropping point 1
HDA12 Bottom ash from Furnace, dropping point 2
HDA13 Bottom ash from Furnace, dropping point 3
HDA14 Bottom ash from Furnace, dropping point 4
HDA15 Bottom ash from Furnace, dropping point 5
HDG Fl y ash ci rcul ati on system
HDG10 Fly ash discharge from back pass to fly ash silo
HDG11 Fly ash discharge from fly ash silo to furnace
HDG12 Fly ash discharge from fly ash silo to furnace
H HH Main firing system
HHE Fuel feedi ng system (from incl. day silo to boiler)
HHE01 Fuel silo 1 with auxiliaries
HHE30 Fuel feeding line 1 from silo 1
HHE31 Fuel feeding line 2 from silo 1
HHE02 Fuel silo 2 with auxiliaries
HHE32 Fuel feeding line 1 from silo 2
HHE33 Fuel feeding line 2 from silo 2
HHE03 Fuel silo 3 with auxiliaries
HHE34 Fuel feeding line 1 from silo 3
HHE35 Fuel feeding line 2 from silo 3
HHH Bed materi al system
HHH01 Bed material silo filling
HHH10 Bed material silo with auxiliaries
HHH11 Bed material feeding to furnace
HHH12 Bed material feeding to furnace
HHM HP ai r generati on system
HHM01 HP air fan 1
HHM02 HP air fan 2
HHM03 HP air fan 3
HHM10 HP air from blowers to distribution net
HHM04 HP air distribution duct
HHN HP ai r distributi on system
HHN01 HP air to wall seal/bottom left
HHN02 HP air to wall seal/bottom right
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 7 (22)
HHS Fl ui di zat i on ai r for fuel feedi ng
HHS01 Air to fuel feed fluidization
HHS30 Air to fuel feed fluidization, line 1 from silo 1
HHS31 Air to fuel feed fluidization, line 2 from silo 1
HHS32 Air to fuel feed fluidization, line 1 from silo 2
HHS33 Air to fuel feed fluidization, line 2 from silo 2
HHW Seali ng fl ui d supply system
HHW30 Pressurization air to fuel feeding system
H HJ Oil system, ignition firing equi pments
HJA Igni ti on burners
HJA21 Start-up burner 1
HJA22 Start-up burner 2
HJA23 Start-up burner 3
HJA24 Start-up burner 4
HJA25 Start-up burner 5
HJF Oi l temporary storage, pump and distributi on system
(light oil)
HJF01 Oil tank system
HJF10 Oil to pumps
HJF11 Oil pump system
HJF12 Oil pump system
HJF13 Oil pump system
HJF15 Oil pump system
HJF16 Oil pump system
HJF20 Oil distribution system
HJF21 Light oil start-up burner 1
HJF22 Light oil start-up burner 2
HJF23 Light oil start-up burner 3
HJF24 Light oil start-up burner 4
HJF25 Light oil start-up burner 5
HJG Gas pressure reducti on, di stri buti on system
HJG02 Ignition gas to start-up burners
HJG21 Ignition gas to start -up burner 1
HJG22 Ignition gas to start -up burner 2
HJG23 Ignition gas to start -up burner 3
HJG24 Ignition gas to start -up burner 4
HJG25 Ignition gas to start -up burner 5
HJN Atomi zi ng medi um suppl y system (air)
HJM01 Cooling air supply to burners
HJM21 Atomizing air to start-up burner 1
HJN22 Atomizing steam to start-up burner 2
HJN23 Atomizing steam to start-up burner 3
HJN24 Atomizing steam to start-up burner 4
HJN25 Atomizing steam to start-up burner 5
HJQ Cooli ng suppl y system (air)
HJQ01 Cooling air supply to burners
HJQ21 Cooling air to start-up burner 1
HJQ22 Cooling air to start-up burner 2
HJQ23 Cooling air to start-up burner 3
HJQ24 Cooling air to start-up burner 4
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 8 (22)
HJQ25 Cooling air to start-up burner 5
H HL Combustion air system
HLA Ducti ng system, pri mary ai r
HLA10 Primary air intake
HLA11 Primary air fan 1
HLA12 Primary air fan 2
HLA20 Primary air to external air preheater
HLA30 Primary air to flue gas air preheater
HLA40 Primary air to wind box
HLA50 Wind box
HLB Combust i on ai r fans
HLB11 Primary air fan 1
HLB12 Primary air fan 2
HLB21 Secondary air fan 1
HLB22 Secondary air fan 2
HLC External ai r heati ng system (not fl ue-gas-heat ed)
HLC10 Steam coil air preheater, primary air
HLC20 Steam coil air preheater, secondary air
HLD Ai r heati ng system (flue-gas-heated)
HLD10 Flue gas air preaheater, Luvo
HLE Ducti ng system, secondary ai r
HLE10 Secondary air intake
HLE11 Secondary air fan 1
HLE12 Secondary air fan 2
HLE20 Secondary air to external air preheater
HLE30 Secondary air to flue gas air preheater
HLE40 Secondary air to nozzles
HLE50 Secondary air nozzles, front wall
HLE51 Secondary air nozzles, front wall
HLE60 Secondary air nozzles, front wall
HLE61 Secondary air nozzles, front wall
HLE70 Secondary air nozzles, rear wall
HLE71 Secondary air nozzles, rear wall
HLE80 Secondary air nozzles, rear wall
HLE81 Secondary air nozzles, rear wall
H HN Flue gas exhaust (without flue gas treatment)
HNA Ducting system
HNA10 Cross over duct, left
HNA11 Cross over duct, right
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 9 (22)
HNA30 Back pass
HNA50 Ducting to electrostatic precipitator
HNA51 Ducting to electrostatic precipitator
HNA52 Ducting to electrostatic precipitator
HNA61 ID fan 1 ducting
HNA62 ID fan 2 ducting
HNA70 Ducting after ID fan
H HQ Electrostatic precipitator
H HR Chemical flue gas treatment systems
HRB Li mestone st ori ng, pretreat ment and feedi ng system
HRB10 Limestone silo with auxiliaries
HRB11 Limestone feeding line 1
HRB12 Limestone feeding line 2
HRB13 Limestone feeding line 3
HRC Li mest one f eedi ng fl ui di zat i on ai r
HRC11 Air to limestone feeding system
HRC12 Air to limestone feeding system
HRC13 Air to limestone feeding system
HRC Li mest one f eedi ng fl ui di zat i on ai r
HRC11 Air to limestone feeding system
HRC12 Air to limestone feeding system
HRC13 Air to limestone feeding system
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 10 (22)
5.2 L - Steam, water, gas cycl es
L LA Feedwater system
LAB Feed water pi pi ng system
LAB60 Feedwater main valve group area
LAB61 Feedwater main valve group bypass
LAB70 From feedwater valve group to Eco
LAE HP desuperheati ng spray system
LAE09 Spray water from feedwater line
LAE10 Spray water to SH I -SH II
LAE20 Spray water to SH II -SH III
LAE61 Spray water to HP reduction 1
L LB Steam system
LBA Mai n steam pi pi ng system
LBA10 Main steam line from last SH
LBG Auxi l i ary steam pi pi ng system
LBG10 Auxiliary steam header system
LBG15 Auxiliary steam to primary air preaheater
LBG20 Auxiliary steam to secondary air preaheater
LBG25 Extinguishing steam to fuel feeding area
LBG40 Auxiliary steam to flash tank
LBH Start-up steam system, shutdown steam system
LBH10 Start-up steam system
LBU Common dump l i ne
LBU10 Main safety valves exhaust system
LBY Control and protecti on equi pment
LBY20 Control unit for main safety valves
L LC Condensate system
LCL Steam generator drai ns system
LCL10 Atmospheric flash tank system
LCL20 Drain header
LCL30 Vent box
LCN Auxi l i ary steam condensate system (col l ecti ng and return
syst em)
LCN15 Condensate from primary air preheater
LCN20 Condensate from secondary air preheater
LCQ Steam generator bl ow down system
LCQ10 Continous Blow-down tank system
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 11 (22)
5.3 P - Cool i ng wat er systems
P PG Closed cool ing water system for conventi onal
PGA Pi pi ng system (suppl y)
PGA05 Closed cooling water, common piping
PGA20 Cooling water to I.D, fan
PGA25 Cooling water to compressor units
PGA80 Cooling water to bottom ash screws
PGA81 Cooling water to bottom ash screw 1
PGA82 Cooling water to bottom ash screw 2
PGA83 Cooling water to bottom ash screw 3
PGA84 Cooling water to bottom ash screw 4
PGA85 Cooling water to bottom ash screw 5
PGB Pi pi ng system (return)
PGB05 Closed cooling water, common piping
PGA20 Cooling water from I.D, fan
PGB25 Cooling water from compressor units
PGB80 Bottom ash screws cooling
PGB81 Cooling water from bottom ash screw 1
PGB82 Cooling water from bottom ash screw 2
PGB83 Cooling water from bottom ash screw 3
PGB84 Cooling water from bottom ash screw 4
PGB85 Cooling water from bottom ash screw 5
PGC Pump system
PGC10 Closed cooling water pump 1
PGC20 Closed cooling water pump 2
PGD Cool ers, heat exchangers, col d syst em i f t wo separate
PGD10 Closed cooling water heat exchanger 1
PGD20 Closed cooling water heat exchanger 2
PGJ Expanci on tank system for cl osed cool i ng water system
PGJ10 Expansion tank system for closed cooling water system
KKS coding in Foster Wheeler 12 (22)
5.4 Q - Auxi l i ary systems
Q QE General pressuri zed air and carries air supply
QEC Pressuri zed air to air canoons (bottom ash chutes)
QEC10 Pressurized air to air canoons (bottom ash chutes)
QEH Service ai r di stri buti on system i n boi ler house
QEH01 Pressurized air distribution piping
QEJ Pressurzed air to start-up burner system
QEJ01 Pressurized air to burners
Q QF General instrument air supply
QFH Instrument ai r di stri bution system in boi ler house
QFH10 Instrument air distribution system

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