Requirement Gathering
Requirement Gathering
Requirement Gathering
Key Definitions
The As-Is system is the current system and may or may not be computerized
The To-Be system is the new system that is based on updated requirements
The System Proposal is the key deliverable from the Analysis Phase
1. Requirements Determination
What is a Requirement?
A statement of what the system must do
A statement of characteristics the system must have
Focus is on business user needs during analysis phase
Requirements will change over time as project moves from analysis to design to implementation
Requirement Types
Functional Requirements
o A process the system hast to perform
o Information the system must contain
Nonfunctional Requirements
o Behavioral properties the system must have
Cultural and political
Determining Requirements
Participation by business users is essential
Three techniques help users discover their needs for the new system:
o Business Process Automation (BPA)
o Business Process Improvement (BPI)
o Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Basic Process of Analysis
Understand the As-Is system
Identify improvement opportunities
Develop the To-Be system concept
Techniques vary in amount of change
o BPA small change
o BPI moderate change
o BPR significant change
Additional information gathering techniques are needed as well
2. Requirements Analysis Techniques
Business Process Automation
Identifying Improvements in As-Is Systems
Problem Analysis
o Ask users to identify problems and solutions
o Improvements tend to be small and incremental
o Rarely finds improvements with significant business value
Root Cause Analysis
o Challenge assumptions about why problem exists
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
o Trace symptoms to their causes to discover the real problem
Business Process Improvement
Duration Analysis
Calculate time needed for each process step
Calculate time needed for overall process
Compare the two a large difference indicates a badly fragmented process
Potential solutions:
o Process integration change the process to use fewer people, each with broader
o Parallelization change the process so that individual step are performed simultaneously
Activity-Based Costing
Calculate cost of each process step
Consider both direct and indirect costs
Identify most costly steps and focus improvement efforts on them
Studying how other organizations perform the same business process
Informal benchmarking
o Common for customer-facing processes
o Interact with other business processes as if you are a customer
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
Search for and implementation of radical change in business processes to achieve breakthrough
improvements in products and services
o Reorganize complete flow of data in major sections of an organization
o Eliminate unnecessary steps
o Combine steps
o Become more responsive to future change
Identification of processes to reengineer
o Key business processes
Set of activities designed to produce specific output for a particular customer or
Focused on customers and outcome
Same techniques are used as were used for requirements determination
Identify specific activities that can be improved through BPR
Disruptive technologies
o Technologies that enable the breaking of long-held business rules that inhibit organizations
from making radical business changes
Business Process Reengineering Steps
Outcome Analysis
Consider desirable outcomes from customers perspective
Consider what the organization could enable the customer to do
Technology Analysis
Analysts list important and interesting technologies
Managers list important and interesting technologies
The group identifies how each might be applied to the business and how the business might benefit
Activity Elimination
Identify what would happen if each organizational activity were eliminated
Use force-fit to test all possibilities
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
Selecting an Analysis Technique
Business Business Business
Process Process Process
Automation Improvement Reengineering
Potential Business Low-Moderate Moderate High
Project Cost Low Low-Moderate High
Breadth of
Analysis Narrow Narrow-Moderate Very Broad
Risk Low-Moderate Low-Moderate Very High
2. Requirements Gathering Techniques
Requirements Gathering
Characteristics for gathering requirements
o Impertinence
Question everything
o Impartiality
Find the best organizational solution
o Relaxation of constraints
o Attention to detail
o Reframing
View the organization in new ways
o Open-ended and close-ended questions
o Preparation is key
o Must be carefully designed
o Can contain close-ended as well as open-ended questions
Other means of gather requirements
o Observing workers
o Analyzing business documents
Joint Application Design (JAD)
Gather facts, opinions and speculations
Observe body language and emotions
o Plan
o Be neutral
o Listen
o Seek a diverse view
Interviews Steps
Selecting Interviewees
Based on information needs
Best to get different perspectives
o Managers
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
o Users
o Ideally, all key stakeholders
Keep organizational politics in mind
Designing Interview Questions
o Types of Questions
o Closed-Ended Questions
How many telephone orders are received per day?
How do customers place orders?
What additional information would you like the new system to provide?
o Open-Ended Questions
What do you think about the current system?
What are some of the problems you face on a daily basis?
How do you decide what types of marketing campaign to run?
o Probing Questions
Can you give me an example?
Can you explain that in a bit more detail?
Organizing Interview Questions
o Unstructured interview useful early in information gathering
Goal is broad, roughly defined information
o Structured interview useful later in process
Goal is very specific information
Interview Preparation Steps
o Prepare general interview plan
List of question
Anticipated answers and follow-ups
o Confirm areas of knowledge
o Set priorities in case of time shortage
o Prepare the interviewee
Inform of reason for interview
Inform of areas of discussion
Conducting the Interview
o Appear professional and unbiased
o Record all information
o Check on organizational policy regarding tape recording
o Be sure you understand all issues and terms
o Separate facts from opinions
o Give interviewee time to ask questions
o Be sure to thank the interviewee
o End on time
Conducting the Interview Practical Tips
Take time to build rapport
Pay attention
Summarize key points
Be succinct
Be honest
Watch body language
Post-Interview Follow-Up
Prepare interview notes
Prepare interview report
Have interviewee review and confirm interview report
Look for gaps and new questions
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
Joint Application Development
A structured group process focused on determining requirements
Involves project team, users, and management working together
May reduce scope creep by 50%
Very useful technique
JAD Participants
o Trained in JAD techniques
o Sets agenda and guides group processes
o Record content of JAD sessions
Users and managers from business area with broad and detailed knowledge
JAD Sessions
Time commitment day to several weeks
Strong management support is needed to release key participants from their usual responsibilities
Careful planning is essential
e-JAD can help alleviate some problems inherent with groups
JAD Meeting Room
Managing Problems in JAD Sessions
Reducing domination
Encouraging non-contributors
Side discussions
Agenda merry-go-round
Violent agreement
Unresolved conflict
True conflict
Use humor
A set of written questions, often sent to a large number of people
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
Mostly closed-ended questions
May be paper-based or electronic
Select participants using samples of the population
Design the questions for clarity and ease of analysis
Administer the questionnaire and take steps to get a good response rate
Questionnaire follow-up report
Administering Questionnaires
Choosing respondents
o Should be representative of all users
o Types of samples
Random sample
Purposeful sample
Stratified sample
Good Questionnaire Design
Begin with non-threatening and interesting questions
Group items into logically coherent sections
Do not put important items at the very end of the questionnaire
Do not crowd a page with too many items
Avoid abbreviations
Avoid biased or suggestive items or terms
Number questions to avoid confusion
Pretest the questionnaire to identify confusing questions
Provide anonymity to respondents
Document Analysis
Study of existing material describing the current system
Forms, reports, policy manuals, organization charts describe the formal system
Look for the informal system in user additions to forms/report and unused form/report elements
User changes to existing forms/reports or non-use of existing forms/reports suggest the system
needs modification
Types of information to be discovered:
o Problems with existing system
o Opportunity to meet new need
o Organizational direction
o Names of key individuals
o Values of organization
o Special information processing circumstances
o Rules for processing data
Watch processes being performed
Serves as a good method to supplement interviews
Users/managers often dont accurately recall everything they do
Checks validity of information gathered other ways
Be aware that behaviors change when people are watched
o Often difficult to obtain unbiased data
Be unobtrusive
Identify peak and lull periods
IS 460 Notes Professor Yong Tan
Selecting the Appropriate Techniques
Interviews JAD Questionnaires Document Observation
Type of As-Is As-Is As-Is As-Is As-Is
Information Improve. Improve. Improve.
To-Be To-Be
Depth of High High Medium Low Low
Breadth of Low Medium High High Low
Integration Low High Low Low Low
of Info.
User Medium High Low Low Low
Cost Medium Low- Low Low Low-
Medium Medium
o Repetitive process
o Rudimentary version of system is built
o Replaces or augments SDLC
o Goal: to develop concrete specifications for ultimate system
Quickly converts requirements to working version of system
Once the user sees requirements converted to system, will ask for modifications or will generate
additional requests
Most useful when:
o User requests are not clear
o Few users are involved in the system
o Designs are complex and require concrete form
o History of communication problems between analysts and users
o Tools are readily available to build prototype
o Tendency to avoid formal documentation
o Difficult to adapt to more general user audience
o Sharing data with other systems is often not considered
o Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) checks are often bypassed