- This review summarizes the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
- The reviewer found New Moon an improvement over the previous Twilight film, with a better portrayal of Jacob Black and the Volturi scenes.
- However, some dialogue was poorly delivered and hard to understand, especially from Kristen Stewart. The storyline also focused more on romance than vampires.
- This review summarizes the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
- The reviewer found New Moon an improvement over the previous Twilight film, with a better portrayal of Jacob Black and the Volturi scenes.
- However, some dialogue was poorly delivered and hard to understand, especially from Kristen Stewart. The storyline also focused more on romance than vampires.
- This review summarizes the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
- The reviewer found New Moon an improvement over the previous Twilight film, with a better portrayal of Jacob Black and the Volturi scenes.
- However, some dialogue was poorly delivered and hard to understand, especially from Kristen Stewart. The storyline also focused more on romance than vampires.
- This review summarizes the film The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
- The reviewer found New Moon an improvement over the previous Twilight film, with a better portrayal of Jacob Black and the Volturi scenes.
- However, some dialogue was poorly delivered and hard to understand, especially from Kristen Stewart. The storyline also focused more on romance than vampires.
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I watched this film shortly after it came out when I was still slightly obsessed with the series but not completely. I was pleased at how much this film had improved from the previous one. Warning that this post may contain spoilers. New Moon was released in 2009 and was directed by Chris Weitz, a welcome change from Twilight director Catherine ardwic!e. It was produced by "ar! "organ and Wyc! #odfrey. "elissa $osenberg returned as screenwriter for the film. %ew Moon was one of my least favourite boo!s in the Twilight series, mainly because of the e&tended period of time in which 'dward Cullen wasn(t a part of the story. I )uic!ly s!immed over this part because it was so boring and I e&pected that part of the movie to be the same. *ut I was wrong, this is where I found that the movie was better than the boo!. +he film shortened the period of 'dward Cullen(s absence while still leaving all the important plot points involving ,acob *lac!. It gave us all of the feelings that -tephanie "eyer was e&pecting us to feel without the boredom. I was also very happy with the way that the .olturi was portrayed. In fact, the scenes with the .olturi in them tended to be my favourites of the film. /robably because these scenes were the only ones in the whole film that had a real sense of danger and e&citement to them, which is deplorable considering that there were many other scenes that were meant to but failed to do so. +he .olturi remind me more of the cliche vampire, regal, powerful and a !iller. +hat is where the upsides of film film end, however. +here are some lines said so poorly that I could barely understand what was being said. "ost of the lines mumbled li!e this are said by 0risten -tewart who has seemed to have gained no more acting s!ills since the previous instalment. It(s pretty annoying, especially because it interrupts the storyline. owever, +aylor 1autner 2,acob *lac!3 did a surprisingly good 4ob, as did some other minor characters such as ,ac!son $athbone 2,asper ale3 and 5a!ota 6anning 2,ane3. ,ust li!e the previous instalment, the storyline has much more to do with romance and relationships than it has to do with vampires and adventure which means that it has a fairly narrow viewing range of generally pre7teen to young adult women. 8et, despite the fact that I fit into that category, I still didn(t really en4oy the movie. +here were times I 4ust had to pause it and do something else because of it, but at least it didn(t have any cringe7worthy aw!ward scenes li!e Twilight did.annoying when this mumbling happens because it stops the flow of the story and really depreciates the )uality of the film. +aylor 1autner 2,acob *lac!3 does a surprisingly good 4ob with his part, despite his poorly written script, as do other minor actors such as ,ac!son $athbone 2,asper ale3, *illy *ur!e 2Charlie -wan3 and 5a!ota 6anning 2,ane3. +he score by 9le&andre 5esplat is pretty good, and one of the few redeeming )ualities of the film. Where the acting and script is lac!ing, the music tries desperately to fi& it, and it succeeds somewhat. It(s full and very orchestral, a massive contrast to the score of the previous film :%ew "oon; !illed part of my soul. -eriously, it did. "y soul is dead now.