Bruno 2001 Financial Disclosure (GY-10)

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Le Ethics

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--- .~::.. ",,'- Bo x 7 ;; . L. O. B.


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Albany. N~w

York .2247

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Annual Statemenc of Fioancial Disclosure
~c , C 3~ : c a r Year ~OOl

1. Name .Jo se ph I.. fin n a

2. (a) T~(le of Position New York St a t e Sen a t or , 43r d Di st ric t

Ib) Dep a r c me n c . Ag e ; or- ocher Governmencal Encity

New York St a t e S e n At Q
Le g i s l i'l c i v (~ Off Le e Bu i l d i n g, Ro o I 90 9
t c ) J1.ddress of P :: _ c.: e nt Office ~.h.;n;;:-, ;" £1" y<:)£!. 1 2 '~ /1 7

(d~ Office Telephone Number 5 1 8- !155- 31 9 1

3. (a I Mar.ltal Sta.tuS M:,ni t.- d ] f married. p l. e s e glve

spou~e's full name lncluding ma i d e n name where appl icable .
lla r ba r a r . Bru no

(0) Lise the names of all unemancipaced children.

- none. -


Ans~eT d = r. c: t~e ~ollowln9 qu c s [ Jons comp letely, ~Ith r e s p c c: tv

cale n d a r year ~ O O I. unless another p~rjod or d~ t c i ~ o ~he r W l~ e
s pe c r r r e d . :~ a dd r r r cria I space i s needed. a c c a ch add i c i e n e l o ge s .

k'henev.!:- 0 .. V6 1ue-"' 0 r "o mouf\ t : i s r~qJJ.I. red '1:0 b e r c pc r t ~d h e re 1 n ,

such vhlue or ~mounl sh a l l be reported 35 bei ng wl :hln o n ~ o f lhe
{o)10~ln9 Ca:egor :es , : u l e g o ry A . under 55 . 0 0 ; Catego ry B -
SS .OOO to under 520.000 ; Cat e g o ry C - S~C.OOC t o under So O. OCO:
CQtegory D . S6 0 .0 0 0 to under $100.000; Category E - S1 0 0 , O ~ O
(0 under S~50. 0 0 G: an ~ C ~t eqory f - S~SO.OOO or over . A r e p or t l ng
lndlVldU<li s h a ll :ndlcate th e Category by l e t c e r or:ly.

Whenever "lncome" IS r-e qu r r c d to be r e pc r t e d ne r e i n . the term ":r.cofJ'le:'

sn611 ~ean the 399re9~le net income belore taxes trom the ~Ource

;he t.e~ wcale-ndar ye.:lY·' shall. mean c.he year ending the Dl;:-celRb~~ )lS[
pfec~d~ng the d~te 0; fillng o! t.he annual Slac.ement.

L.t.C . Porm 1 (J/991


s. (a l Li t he naaddr s s and des cr i cion of any o c c u p a -
c i on, (oc her than the mpJ o y m n ::. Li s t d u rid e r
e rnp Lo ym e nt .
I t e m 2 above ), t.rade, business or pr o !.. e ss io n e ng a g ed in by
Lh e report in g individual. If such act ivity was l i c e n s e d by
any s t. a t e o r Loc.a I agency, WclS regulated by any s c a r e
regulat.ory a g e n c y or local agency, 01', as a r e q u La r and
significant pare of the buslness or activity of said entity,
did business with, o r had mar.t e r s other than minisr:erial
matters before, any s ~ a t e or lo c al agency, list the name of
any such agency .

Name t. Ajdl-ess $1;.a.t.Q or

Posit.i.on of rga n l 7.<J ;' l O:1 Description Local Agency

Sec Attac h ment "A"

(b) 1ft. he spouse or unemanc ipaced chi ld of t. he report i n9

individual was engaged in any occupation, employment, trade,
busines6 or profession which activity was licensed by any
stac.e or local agency, ~as regulated by any stat.e regulatory
agency or local agency, or, as a regular and significant
part of the business or activity of said entity, did
business ~ith, or had matters other than ministerial matters
before, any st.ate or local agency, list c.he name, add r e s s
and description of such occupation, employment, trade.
busine6s or profession and the name of such agency.
NAme I. State or
Position of Ol:ganiZa(lOn Descriptlol'l Local Agency
- nOlle -

6. List any interest. in EXCESS of $1,000, held by the report-

ing individual, such individual's spouse or unemancipated
child, or partnership of which any such person is a member,
or corporation, 10% or more of t.he Btock of which is oWTIed
or controlled by any such person, whether vest.ed or contin-
gent, in any contract made or executed by a state or local
agency and include the name of the entity which holds su:h
int.erest and che relationship of the reporting individual
or such individual's spouse or such child to 6uch entity

Attachment "AI.'

Joseph L. Bruno

Question 1/5

Name & Address

Sea te
Posi tion of Organization ' Description or Local Agency

Senator New York State Senate Legislative Branch of

LOB-909,Albany. NY New York State government

Director until First Grafton Corp. Real Estate Development To\oT11 of GraEton
6/92, then turned 23 Mason Street Renssealer Count
over to a Trust Glens Falls, NY

Sale Proprietor Mountain View Farm Breeding & Rai~ing

345 Bulson Road. Troy. NY Thoroughbred Horses none

Consultant C3pita: Eusiness Consultants. LLC

345 Bulson Rd . . Troy, NY consulting none
Consultant The Winthrop Corporation consulting none
1000 Lafayette Blvd.
Bridgeport. CT 06604

Partner Tamarac Apartments real estate none

851 Farm to Market Road
Tro y, New York 12180

not lise (he name of the individual client.s, customers 01-
- no ne -

(b) List the name, principal address and general description

or the nature of the business activity of any entity in
which ~he reporting individual or such individual's spouse
had an investment in excess of $1 ,000 excluding investments
in securities and interests in real property.
- l\on~ -

9. List each source of gifts , EXCLUDING campaign contributions,

in EXCESS of $1,000, received during the reporting period
for which this statement is filed by the reporting individu-
al or such individual's spouse or unemancipated child from
the same donor , EXCLUDING gifts from a relative . INCLUDE
the name and address of t.he donor . The te rm "gifts ,. does
not include reimbursements, which term is defined in item
10. Indicate the value and nature of each such gift.
Self , Category of
Spouse or Name of Nat:ure v .... lue of
Chi Id Donor Addrefl6 o( Gi (t. Gift:

- none -

10. Identify and briefly describe the 60urce of any reimburse-

menes for expenditures, EXCLUDING campaign expenditures and
expenditures in connection with official duties reimbursed
by the state, in EXCESS of $1,000 from each such source.
For purposes of t.his i t ern , the term "reimbursements II shall

( b) DeSC I-.l. be t.he par i e s t o an d t h ~ r e rrn s of a n y a q r e me n ;
pro v i d . n 9 f o r con t. i n u a t, i o n 0 f p a J e r. t.
C"0 X" b·~ . e f 1 t !'; t. 0 ~ he
RE PO T I NG INDIV1DUAL i n EX CESS o f S . 0 00 L r o rn a p no l:"
emp loy e r OTHER 11-W'J the s c e c e . (T h i s i n c ud e s .i n re r e s !; i n
or co n tr i b utions t.o a pension fund, prof i t-shar~ng pl a n , o r
1i Ie or h e al th insurance; buy-our. a g ::.- e e men t s; severance
payments; etc .)
.. non

13 . List below the nat.ure and amount of any income in EXCESS of

S 1, 000 f rom EACH SOURCE for t he report i ng i ndi. v .i du a 1 and
such individual's spou s e for the caxable year last occurring
prior (0 the da[~ of f i ling , Nature of income includes, bUL
is not limited to, all income 10Lher than that received from
the employment listed under Item 2 above) from compensac.ed
employment. whether public or private. directorships and
other fiduciary positions, contractual arrangemencs,
teaching income , pa r c ne r s h i p s . honorariums . lecture fees,
consultane fees. bank and bond interest, dividends, income
derived from a t ru s t , real e s c a t e r e n t.s . and recognized
gains from the sale or exchange of real or other property.
lncome from a business or profession and real esca~e rents
shall be reported with the source identifL€d by the building
address in the case of real escate rents and otherwise by
the name of r.he ent~ty and not by the name of the individual
customers , clients or tenants. with the aggregate net income
before t axe s tOT each bui lding address or e nc i t y , The
receipt oE maintenance received in connection with a
matrimonial act.ion, alimony and child support payments shall
not be listed.
Self/ o!
Spouse Sou.rce Nacure .bJnOl.lJ1.t.

s~~ Att.Jchmellt "8"

Attachment "B"

Joseph L. Bruno

Question ~lJ

Category of
Self /Spouse Source Narure Amou n c

1- Self Nel.J York State Senate s a La r y Category E

2. Self The ~iDrhrope Corporation salary Cac:egory E

J. Self/Spouse 411 J Taylor Courc, Troy r«ot Category B

4. Self Capical Business Consultants, LLC consulting fees Category E

has t r ansferred assets to such crust for n l S or her ben e f it
1n wh i _h e v e n t such securities shall b e l i ~ · e d unless the y
are noc a s c ercainable by che repor t i n g il d ·vidual b e c a u s e
the trustee is under an obligation or has b e ~n in5truct~d in
writing not to disclose the contents of che trust to
the re _ ar c i ng individual. Securities of which the reporting
individual or the reporting individual's spouse is the O~TIer
of record but. in WhlCh such individual or t.he reporting
individual's spouse has no beneficial ince4est shall not be
listed. Indicate percentage of ownership ONLY it th e
reporting person or the reporting person's spouse holds more
c ha n f a v e percent l5\) of the s co c k of a corporation in
which the stock is publicly traded or more than t.en percent
(lO~) of che stock of a corporacion in which the stocK is
NOT publicly eraded . Also list securities owned for
investrnent purposes by a corporation more than fifty percent
(50%) of the stock of which is owned or controlled by the
reporting individual or such individual's spouse. Por the
purpose of this item the term "securities" shall mean mutual
funds, bonds. mortgages, notes, obi igat ions, wa r r a n t s and
s t oc k s of any class, investment interests in limited or
general parcnershlps and certificdtes of deposits (CDs) and
s u ch o c ne r ev idences of indebtedness and c e r c i fica t.e s of
interest as are usually referred to as securities. The
market value for such securities shall be reported only if
reasonably ascertainable and shall not be reported if the
security is an interest in a general partnership that was
listed in item 8(a) or if the security is corporate Beock,
NOT publicly traded, in a trade or business of a reporting
individual or a reporting individual's spouse .
of. co rpo r a ce
E:t.ock ol.lTled Category of
or cQncrol)ed Market Value
(l i ITIOr~ chan .!IS of the
S\ publicly
o[ c Loae o f the
t.raded stock. tax.ab}e year
O!' more t nan last: occur-
lO't of stOCK ring prior to
not pubbcly the filing
SeH / 1&6lnng Type of traded. is of chis
Spouse E'nt.i c y Security held} s t a t erne nt
See Ar[ n . hme nc lie"

11. List be Low the location. s a z e , general nature, acquisition

date . market value and percentage of ownership of any real
property in whicn any vested or contingent interest in EXCESS
of Sl,OOO is held by t.he individual or the re-
porting individual's 5pouse. Also list real property owned
for invescment purposes by a corporation more than fifty
percent (50\) of the stock of which is owned or controlled by

At t ac hme n t "c"

Joseph L. Bruno

Question 016

Percentage of
Corporate st e.
Category Owner OT
Type of ·of Marke.t Controlled
Self/Spouse. Issuing Entity Security Value (etc. )

1- Self First Gr a f t o n Corp. Stock In Trust, 251

Trust unknown

2. Self Smith, Barney Honey

Market account Category A -0-

3. Spouse Exxon Corp- Stock Categ·ory A Unknown

4. Spouse Arne r i c an
El ectric Stock Category A Un\c.noun
Power Co. [n c .
5. Spouse General Electric Stock Category A Unkno on

6. Self fidelity Investments Stock Cac·egory B Unknol.m

7. Self Vanguard Group Stock Category C UnIc:.n 0 IJn

8. Self AMNEX Inc. 'Srock Category A Unknown

9. Self \JorldCom rnc. Stock Category A Unknown

LO. Self Centrum INDS Inc. Stock C.olcegory A Unknown

11. Self Interl1anc Stock Category A Unknovn

12. Self Vytek Wireless Inc_ Stock Category'A Unknown

13. Self Advanced Tissue Inc, Srock Category A Unknown

14. Sell Mechanical Technologies Inc. Stock CategoTY A Unknown

15. Se.lf Plug POlJer Inc. Stock Category A Unknown

16. Self Brunswick Equities, LLC Stock Not
Ascertainable 33 1/37-
7. Self Dreyfes Funds Stock Category A U:lknown

ttachment "0"

oseph L. Bruno

u est ion 1/17

Category of Perce.ntage
Cene r a l Aquistion ~Ia r ke t of
elf/Spouse Location Size Nature nate Value Ownership

Self ~pouse 443 Taylor Court duple.x 12/84 Category n 100 7-

Troy, New York 12180

2. Self Spouse 94 Bulson Road Single. 6/89 Categroy 0 1007-

Troy, New York 12180 family home

3. Self/Spouse 337 Bulson Road Single 2/97 Category E 1007.

Troy, New York 12180 family home

4. Self / Joseph & Tamarac Apartments 12 unit

Catherine Magno 851 Farm to Ma~ket Rd. apa r t rne n t house 6/99 Category £ 50%
Troy, New York 12180

interest, when incurred or made in the ordinary course of the
trade business or profession a l p r a c c ice of c.he report ing

individual or such individual' s spouse. Include the name of

t he creditor and any collateral pledged by such i n d i v i d u a l to
s ecure payment of any £uch liability. A report i ng ~ndividual
shall not l~sc any obligation to pay ma~ntenance in connection
with a matrimonial action, alimony or child support payments.
Any loan i SEued in t.he ordina ry course of. ou s i ne s s by a
financial institution LO finance educational costs, the cost
of horne purchase or improvements for a primary or secondary
residence, or purchase of a personally owned motor vehicle,
household furniture or appliances shall be excluded. If any
such liability has been guarant.eed by any third
person, list the liability and name the guarantor.
Name ot Credi~or Type of Llabili~y of
or Guarant.or and co i r s ce r e i . if any AmOUJ"lt

T ~oy Savi ngs Bank Mort ga ge. 4 43 T a y l o ~ Ct . Ca t e gor y n

Tro y . NY .1 2180

Troy Savin gs Ba nk Morcga ge, Tamarac Aparr me u t s Categury £

851 F~rm To Ma r ke t Road
Troy, New Yo r k 121 80

The requirements of law relating to the reporting of the financial

interests are in the public incerest and no adverse inference of
unethical or ~llegal conduct or behavior will be drawn merely from
compliance with these requirements.

No)' 15, 2002

Date (month/day/year)


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