Bruno 2001 Financial Disclosure (GY-10)
Bruno 2001 Financial Disclosure (GY-10)
Bruno 2001 Financial Disclosure (GY-10)
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Le Ethics
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Albany. N~w
York .2247
;he t.e~ wcale-ndar ye.:lY·' shall. mean c.he year ending the Dl;:-celRb~~ )lS[
pfec~d~ng the d~te 0; fillng o! t.he annual Slac.ement.
L.t.C . Porm 1 (J/991
s. (a l Li t he naaddr s s and des cr i cion of any o c c u p a -
c i on, (oc her than the mpJ o y m n ::. Li s t d u rid e r
e rnp Lo ym e nt .
I t e m 2 above ), t.rade, business or pr o !.. e ss io n e ng a g ed in by
Lh e report in g individual. If such act ivity was l i c e n s e d by
any s t. a t e o r Loc.a I agency, WclS regulated by any s c a r e
regulat.ory a g e n c y or local agency, 01', as a r e q u La r and
significant pare of the buslness or activity of said entity,
did business with, o r had mar.t e r s other than minisr:erial
matters before, any s ~ a t e or lo c al agency, list the name of
any such agency .
Attachment "AI.'
Joseph L. Bruno
Question 1/5
Director until First Grafton Corp. Real Estate Development To\oT11 of GraEton
6/92, then turned 23 Mason Street Renssealer Count
over to a Trust Glens Falls, NY
not lise (he name of the individual client.s, customers 01-
- no ne -
- none -
( b) DeSC I-.l. be t.he par i e s t o an d t h ~ r e rrn s of a n y a q r e me n ;
pro v i d . n 9 f o r con t. i n u a t, i o n 0 f p a J e r. t.
C"0 X" b·~ . e f 1 t !'; t. 0 ~ he
RE PO T I NG INDIV1DUAL i n EX CESS o f S . 0 00 L r o rn a p no l:"
emp loy e r OTHER 11-W'J the s c e c e . (T h i s i n c ud e s .i n re r e s !; i n
or co n tr i b utions t.o a pension fund, prof i t-shar~ng pl a n , o r
1i Ie or h e al th insurance; buy-our. a g ::.- e e men t s; severance
payments; etc .)
.. non
Attachment "B"
Joseph L. Bruno
Question ~lJ
Category of
Self /Spouse Source Narure Amou n c
has t r ansferred assets to such crust for n l S or her ben e f it
1n wh i _h e v e n t such securities shall b e l i ~ · e d unless the y
are noc a s c ercainable by che repor t i n g il d ·vidual b e c a u s e
the trustee is under an obligation or has b e ~n in5truct~d in
writing not to disclose the contents of che trust to
the re _ ar c i ng individual. Securities of which the reporting
individual or the reporting individual's spouse is the O~TIer
of record but. in WhlCh such individual or t.he reporting
individual's spouse has no beneficial ince4est shall not be
listed. Indicate percentage of ownership ONLY it th e
reporting person or the reporting person's spouse holds more
c ha n f a v e percent l5\) of the s co c k of a corporation in
which the stock is publicly traded or more than t.en percent
(lO~) of che stock of a corporacion in which the stocK is
NOT publicly eraded . Also list securities owned for
investrnent purposes by a corporation more than fifty percent
(50%) of the stock of which is owned or controlled by the
reporting individual or such individual's spouse. Por the
purpose of this item the term "securities" shall mean mutual
funds, bonds. mortgages, notes, obi igat ions, wa r r a n t s and
s t oc k s of any class, investment interests in limited or
general parcnershlps and certificdtes of deposits (CDs) and
s u ch o c ne r ev idences of indebtedness and c e r c i fica t.e s of
interest as are usually referred to as securities. The
market value for such securities shall be reported only if
reasonably ascertainable and shall not be reported if the
security is an interest in a general partnership that was
listed in item 8(a) or if the security is corporate Beock,
NOT publicly traded, in a trade or business of a reporting
individual or a reporting individual's spouse .
of. co rpo r a ce
E:t.ock ol.lTled Category of
or cQncrol)ed Market Value
(l i ITIOr~ chan .!IS of the
S\ publicly
o[ c Loae o f the
t.raded stock. tax.ab}e year
O!' more t nan last: occur-
lO't of stOCK ring prior to
not pubbcly the filing
SeH / 1&6lnng Type of traded. is of chis
Spouse E'nt.i c y Security held} s t a t erne nt
See Ar[ n . hme nc lie"
At t ac hme n t "c"
Joseph L. Bruno
Question 016
Percentage of
Corporate st e.
Category Owner OT
Type of ·of Marke.t Controlled
Self/Spouse. Issuing Entity Security Value (etc. )
4. Spouse Arne r i c an
El ectric Stock Category A Un\c.noun
Power Co. [n c .
5. Spouse General Electric Stock Category A Unkno on
ttachment "0"
oseph L. Bruno
Category of Perce.ntage
Cene r a l Aquistion ~Ia r ke t of
elf/Spouse Location Size Nature nate Value Ownership
interest, when incurred or made in the ordinary course of the
trade business or profession a l p r a c c ice of c.he report ing