Engineering Orientation
Engineering Orientation
Engineering Orientation
Engineers vs Scientists
“The scientist seeks to understand what is. The Engineer seeks to CREATE what
never was.”-Theodore von Karman
Engineers apply physical and chemical laws and principles and mathematics to design
millions of products and services that we use in our everyday lives.
Civil Engineering
1. Oldest branch of engineering profession
2. The term ‘civil’ was used to distinguish this field from military engineers
3. Involves application of the laws, forces and materials of nature to the design,
construction, operation and maintenance of facilities that serve our needs in an
efficient, economical manner.
4. Civil engineers works outdoors at least some of the time, more than any other
5. Structural Engineers
• Design bridges, buildings, dams, tunnels and supporting structures
6. Transportation Engineers
• Design, construct, operate and maintain facilities tat move people and
goods throughout the world, whether by land, sea or air.
7. Environmental Engineers
• Maintains a healthful environment by proper treatment and distribution of
drinking water, treatment of wastewater and control of all forms of
8. Geotechnical Engineers
• Carefully studies the soil, rock and groundwater conditions before any
structure can be erected to ensure stability of pavements and structures
• Plans cement and asphaltic concrete mixes for all types of construction
9. Surveying Engineers
• Develop maps for any type of engineering project. If a road is to be built
on a mountain range, surveying engineers will determine the exact route
and develop a topographical survey, which is then used by the
transportation engineer to lay out the roadway
10. Construction Engineers
• Often works outside at the actual construction site
• Involved with the initial estimating of construction costs for surveying,
excavation and construction.
• Supervises the construction, start-up, and initial operation of the facility
until the client is ready to assume operational responsibility
Chemical Engineering
1. Deals with the chemical and physical principles that allow us to maintain a
sustainable development.
2. Creates, design, and operate processes that produce useful materials, including
fuels, plastics, structural materials, food products, fibers and fertilizers
3. As our natural resources become scarce, chemical engineers are finding ways to
extend them or creating substitutes.
4. Have a strong background in basic and advanced chemistry (organic, inorganic,
physical, analytical, materials and biochemistry)
5. Research Engineers
• Develops new products and materials that benefit humankind and the
6. Unit Operations/Process Engineers
• Determines the feasibility of carrying on a process on a large scale in a
pilot plant through the identification of unit operation processes
necessary to produce the desired product.
Mechanical Engineering
1. Involved with all forms of energy generation, distribution, utilization and
2. Design and development of machines, control of automated systems,
manufacturing and processing of materials and creative solutions to
environmental problems
3. Research, manufacturing, operations, testing, marketing, administration and
Electrical Engineering
1. Design, develop, test and supervise the manufacture of electrical equipment,
such as Power Transformers, Generators, and industrial motors
2. Designs power, lighting, alarm and safety system requirements and wiring
thereof of buildings, cars, buses, trains, ships and aircrafts.
3. Major branches are Power Generation, Power Transmission, Power Distribution
and Controls.
Industrial Engineering
1. Primary Objective: to improve the competitiveness and vitality of industry,
government and nonprofit institutions through the application of theory to human
2. Areas of Specialization
• Manufacturing
Understand the fundamentals of modern and economic
Use product specification as the keystone to part
Verify a product’s conformance to specifications
Design logical manufacturing layouts
• Human Factors
Analyze and design both the job and worksite in a cost-effective
manner using time studies
Design, implement and evaluate human-computer interfaces
according to outlined principles
E. Other Considerations
♥ Doing volunteer work
♥ Get to know your classmates
♥ Get to know an upper-division engineering student
♥ Vote in Local and National Election