5 Things To (Now
5 Things To (Now
5 Things To (Now
t'' I
3. t{ ARtA
D€olh1ol:l 5miliof/yem
4. D]ARRlIOI,\
Dcorh roll 2.2 milion/ytur
tuE:0m rchydrorion {lt
IT/ Si.ce r988. tlie WIIO, IiNICEF and t|e Rotary CON I INl:lNI/ AIDS is cssentiall\ a set otirfectioDs Dturh roii: Z ml ton/F(]r
FoundaLion have led a i{orldwidc clTon to eradicale that rffects tlrc hnman inrn)une s!steni oDce it is
lolio. 2t) ] ears snrc. this gitt tionr the 2oLh certuN damag.d b] HI\: (human irnniurodefi ciencv \irus). 5rro N lD TB me djirg
tothe 21si'xrs madc, the Anericas, lurope rDCl36 No disease |as inslired rs n ch impassioncd
othcr counhies hale been decla.ed pol ficc. Iflvc celebrjL) h.tnd-nanrgins as AIDS. for unlike pol io aod
strccced, il willo!! bethe secord tnlc rnanlind has malaria,,UDS has Dot lcftthc cliie nor theglitlerrti
sDccesslul\ e..rdicateda diseas. sincc lgTg slictory uDtouched. Thc rcd AIDS ribbon. created to short
orersrDallpor. Butpolio can oDl] bceradicated once solidaity with HIV l)osilive per,ple, has becoDe a
.n ,,.1r ,lir rr I i-rt. ,auooot \apuf,r...iur trendy fashion accessorv Lhe r99os symlnrl of
is establjshcd. A.t count!-thal lets their vacciDatroD coDu.ssion lbr all tashioDable crNes. Holl)nrood
cfforts slid. eDds up threatenirg the prcvious hrs ever made hit novies likc REIT, glarnonrising
irnnruni\'as any ore uDr:Lccinrtcd child caD lead to 11IV positive peorlc as h.roes.nd conde rniDs
a nelvpocli€t ofdisease. \llieD Nigcria haltcd irs poli.) preiudicial attitudcs iow. s Lbeni. Yet, the nedia
vaccinitjon p.ogrannne in 2oo3 duc to Nidespread overexposurc has not been enough to chaDge the
nunours that the mccin. coDtained lhe AlDs lirus sitlation for the toor 90% ol the 40 Diilljon HIV
andwaspart ofafosi SAt.mber rl ricio(s WesterD infcctcd pcople I ile h delelopiDs couDtries aDd ha\c
constiracy to sterilize Nluslun girls. 18 previorisly limited access to treatnient becausc of in.c.urale
folio fr'ce counlrjes had poLio outbreak traccabl. to inJbrnratjoD rbout,^lDS procntion, dre |ish cost ol
Nigeria. Donor iDterest is lagging and the 20 !ea. niedicrtioDs aDd hnitcd |eah| ca.e infiastructuEs.
lorgcarnprigD to emdicatepolio is shosingsiil sof {lDS is lit.ralh d.cinralinA lan}ilies, iDdusties,
serious fatjgue. Polio pr.v.ntjon is incrediblr tedious, am1i.s, schools rnd the cjyil senice in sub-sahamn
re.tuiriDs 1o doscs ol chilled racci es space.l African nations !hich hosts 70% of HIY tositrvc
Drcnths airart: a fiagile t|ocess easilv disrupted b] | .,-. \i '\',ir l.\,-r .rJ| ,'lrt gr^rt' n
misinfohr.d religious z€alots,renophobicmoth.rs Alricn to lall rs rNch as r.2% polcar. As leAions o1
and corruft clinic officials who lct lacciD.s gro$ learhers. lierithcarc \'orlos, parenls and soldiers
wa.n aud useless becausc ih.v pocketed lhe lreezer die tu th.ir trnn., Africa s abilitl to b.eak ort of
povcfty.nd stlile A.o\{s daDJ.eroush thin. (t
3 4
\rorst hit !rlnoLUn worst hitr {,5,..t lnrl/.lrs/J d/i{.4;,rrrd,!/
ti ,'
NOI l N 'l I l Ii
\lOS'f EXTREilItr CASES/ \'aniiy
is a ferpe(ual hurDan problem and fca pcoplc
pa.Licularb $onen, are conpletclv plcascd with t|eir
lool(s. Lve$one at sone ponrt has obscsscd about an
unfo.tunrte pimple or tbc 5kg they ca.not s€eri to
shed. Nluch ofthc blame so ta. has been l.rid on the
slamourcus fas|ion and media nrdustries forpushins
BII,C,\USN I T'S STILL THE I,EADINC CAUSL an in oeasingly sldnnl iderl typified by the enti.c cast
Ul l,L\IIl \\(lRI D\\lDl- H^l 'p'd lia ofCossrp Ctl and Bererl! /1ills gopro 2.o. Bcautilirl
crusted wjth salt. Doublc bacon cheeseburgers models and actresses havc th.ir.y.ry stin
drippirlg witli beeffat. A lcallv bis icy mug olcoke. discolouratioD aDd little folds of fat meLiculousll
A Djght on thc couc| waLching old .e Nrs. So nd Photoshopped outpixcl bypixel.1l is no $.onder tliat
likc a drcam? Untbrlunalely, ar erjoyablchish salt, e\€n modcls and actrcss€s th emseh,es dietobsessiveh
hiit| fat, high sugarsedertan lifestjlchas cDded up aDd fall trey to nu rerous eating clisoders to lit into
in lelhal nightrnares for nillioDs i{hohavedied liom an ideai eve the) caDot attain - staN likc Lindsav
ca.diovascular disease. Rcgrctflrllv, your lirsl heart Inhan, Jenniter,\iston, Nicole tuchic, Kicra Knightle!
attaclt or stroke is usuallv the only svmptom or drrr
'lri Ln B.r.il,.,\.h.,r'\r ,r',s.rir,it.,,.,i ,-
warniDs tou get that tells you loor blood vessels arc rate siDce tliejr first nrcdia aff.ahnces.
gcttjDg too clogged up wiLh tattr deposits. Victims
can bc yoLtng or old. rjch o. poor - yon arc at hig| But thc most exheme cases ofbody loathiDg cannot
dsk as lolg as tou use alot oftobacco, cat unhealthib be blanred on the nedir s $'orshif of sizc zcrc waifs
and a.e generally physically inactile. Repo.tedly, but on psi,chologicrl disor de$ iike obscssirc comfDlsi\"
tatq deposits nay eicn bc found in childrcn as t.ruDg disorderorflrwed Deurotransnitt.N. Suftirers ol Bodl
as ro and the deposits kccp mouDinrg silentLy through Dtsnorphia Disorder (BDD) D til.te themselves, Eo
theyears ntil a criticalnrass is reached. Shockinslv for excessive plastic surgcrt' (lile Michael Jackson) Dot
thc skiDny are not exenrpt: even superbly fit marathon out ofa d.sirc to be beaulilill but out ofa desire to l{xrk
runners like Jim liis hare died fion hcaft attacks nornal. BDD sullerers are obsesse.l with how
a late nttribtrted to familyhistory, his old two pack unbeljevabl) ugly and defomed thcy arc cvcD thoLrsh
a day habit and hish cholestool levels. Il current Lhey are nomal or even attractilc looking. lheir
treDds go oD as the,v arc, by 2.)15, an estinuted 2(r si"rlp ' ... r1:'.r^r'\vir\ir ,.'itj FJo,,.r:Iur
millioD peopl. will hrvc died Irom heart attacks or defect theiIphlsical app.arance rcnder Lhem unable
strokes. China aheady laces Lhe hearf b rdcn of lu'.Lr..i^a,,-Iui,,olF,., -\-,r,- LI1L
Thoug| often seen as a womaD s ilhess, BDD affccts
fotcntially losinit $558 billior ni rutional inconre
oler the n€xt ro yerrs as more Chinese adopt both Dren and women equally aDd s ffcros arc
Wester style living ud eatiDg and succumb to heart ext.enelvhish dskcandidat.s for suicide It
diserse. strcke and diabet.s. at
lh. $o.st c\crsscs ol . tll)ictl trb , irard with the libcrnlisation of ihcs. fonner and }lelinda Gales Forndrtion irad morc
lil-cslr lc \rilh ',("!c of lh. connnaDd ecoDonics. Fei! city m.)ors xre money at its disposal thaD the Wo.ld Heal lh
sofbislic.tcd sulporl sr sl.nrs ri(h wilhrg to lay do$'n laws that Lake a$'ay Organisation (wllo) even bcfore Warren
pcoplc usc 1,, trcdiate ils .llil ts. The belovcd Marlboros and fries fro Lhen Buffett,S largcsse is a teslimon] to Nhere
top fire causes of dcath in the delcloPed voleB. Nc$'YorLs Nlichacl Bloonberg is the p.iorities iD wo.ld$.ide healthcarc lie.
!o dindesce dinsordera.ehea diseasc, anerception: he ised cigarcttc tdes a d
stf okc, pulmonary disease, respiratory banned smokirs fron all rvorkplaces a d 1\ hilc lo(.1 hcrlLh ilstitulions still
infec ons and Lung canccr. Lting at tle .cstrrrrrnls in 2.)(]2 aD.l hter. banD.dtMns b.nr lhc brunt ol-.csponsib;lil] i
bottom of th. top ten list sits sricide. Such fat from restaumnts ir12()06. Nanagins the hcallh ol thcil PeoPlc,
urban Dialaise is rsually attdbuted to cedriD i1 is Jalol)rl ilstiturions lhrt mattc't
hallnarks ol t)-pical urban lile: snroknis, nDc lhrl .\cr. The prospects for globnl
alcoholism, slressful desk-bound office ihinli lhrt the drunrl;c nP\ta surs.: health are iitftNically tied to thc prcspe.ts
work, recreational dNs use, rnultiple scx oi-$callh radr from r .cntrLr! ol- ofslobal economic aDCt political cqualit!.
partneN, livins done, a srowiDs dependence ceononiic slol)alistt;on h.s .csultcd Rcfoml of healthcarc is useless wiL|out ihe
on processcd foods that are hish nr caLories in an rqurl ur)srrd sut ge in k\.ls of ref.nn of h-rae flr]es. labour laws. hadc
btrt low in nutritioDal value. For nost !tL)brl hc.llh. Nluch ink has been spillcd larilfs, domestic subsidics,.iebt reliel and
Russians,the arival ofPereslrcika sai{ an on t|e bcnefits of the frec narket and fair {id floils that.nable all counticsto be fi€e
upsurye iD prostitution and drug abuse t.i d e, catolliDg the cxponential enough 1o prosper ir healrh and aealth
mtes, blorvirg the nurnber of AIDS paticnis rdvancemcDt of scientific nurovation, the independently. From r legal peNfcciile, it
to 7 million in a country $'hose annual development of infrastnrctln€ aDd the b.oad is neither WHO nor tlie World Bank i{ho
healt| budset onLy covcrs the cost of sains in Life expcctarc)' $.e have made over bolds the true centre of power in global
treatnert for 5oo.If a risk anal-vst in New healih sovernance bui the Wo.Ld Tradc
York desires to tuN her lile (aDd blood O.garisation (WIO). Thc $To ove.sees
prcssure) around, shc can still toh to her Iiul lhc p.olerhirl clephrDt in ll,c GATI and TRIPS : two coniroversial
pe$onal trainer, medical i ro,'n, so studionrlr ignorcd br s{, nultilateral trade agreemenls that rffect
health foo.t store and yogaguN. BL't lvhat Dranr politi(ians it lhrt lh. Prolit global health. OstcNibly, both agrccments
messures can a waitress in Bansltok (or nrni!( s;ll al1\.ts.ns,,.c that ro cncourage healthca.e innovation bv
downlom BrcokllD for that matter) take? nr.rliet is irnll ticc .,r(l lridc .ulcs protecting the fropert) rig|ts of
iil ahvars l-rvorr the ri(b xnd pharmaccuticaL conrpanics but what t|ey
Today, more than 8(l% oftobacco dcaths r)o$c.ful Nho (.rft them. Withirr eDd up donrg is to make patented drugs
arc fron developing countries aDd derelopnrs ard even devcloped nalions nore expensirc ald prohibitiDs developing
traditionally rich world p.oblems like themselvcs,larye swalhes of poor people natioDs l|oDr having access to cheap€r
morbid obcsii*, diabetes andcardiovascLtlar renain cut off fron the dividencls ol
, ir ,,, i,, ,r- ,, r'rl.rl t l:r'r.,rril i,.r, i. ir riiriilrr, r rrir/i1f:l
08 ER0ADtRPtRSPttTlWS ine
ADd $'hile these international trade ArgentiDa's cconomv cut inlo proliL But globalisation DrcaDs thar ro
agreetnents contain measures to protect margins. SAUR i{as contracted to use a pcrson aDal couDt.l Dccds ro llght
public health inte.ests, the rules arc so $96 nrillion World Banlt LonD to distribute aldrc. Thcprtscnce of strongtansnational
compler that countrics nust haYe waler to Senagalese - but till today, most social networks can provide enotioDal,
representati\€s of considcrablc .xp.rtise in Sengalese siniply cannot afJord thc p.iccs infornational, llnarcial and €ven politicat
iDternatioDal cconornics arrd taw lo be ible SAUR sets and still usc untrcaicd $'ater for support tor artore involi€d in thefightfor
to $adc thFugh that labvri. th yicloriousb their own nccds- Thc IMF too has been proper heJthcarc. T nsnatioDal NGOS like
a luxury not all nations poss€ss. c.iiiciscd for forcingTanzania to privatise OIfan aDd DoctoN Ulithout Borders ard
itswateras a condition of liavi.g its debts nrdividuals likc Bono and the Cates ar€
'l hough or,auis{tir)Ds likc thc \VlO folai\€n. Ofthe €Soo,ooo given to UKthink raisins firnds. delilering mediciDes and
nnd $'UO $erc formeil \!ilh lhc tankAdam Smidi Institute to prorid. adric. addressing unlai. laivs. ln soo7, S$'iss
h; ghcst idc rls abo ul cq u.r l to the TanzaniaD governmertj more than pharmaceutical corporatjoD Novartis
en4xtrlcrDrcnt of rll mcnrl)cr nnl ioDs. hJlfofit r!6 spcnt oD making a promotional chailenge.l Lidia's Patent Acts La$' to
it is still thc nrcmbcr nili,m with thc streD'atlien their nonoDolr on existins
srcatcsr poliri(nl clonr (rnd rhe druss. A Yictory for Novartis would have
induslrinl inl(rcsts thel rcprcscnt) dcalt a serious blos' lo the heaLth ofthepoor
* l,o Jtcl\ r(r\ ed first. Pmmftcd by a 0oorcst. slobalisatiois bcncfits arc as the Indian Seneric drus industry is the
ch.rllenge mounted by Amcrican trade ,n,l ol-rcr(h as ldrg as intcrnrtioo.l \dorld s biggest produc'er and exportcr of
.epreseDtatives and b.cf froducers, the ;nt(NcntioD does Dot Aivc thc , i allordabie generic Dledicnies to dcvclopnrs
WTO n ed asainsta Europear Union baD sigDifi(aDt boosl out oi thcirc\istinJa nations. While the Indian court olenLrled
oD beef Dr oduccd \ith growth hornonesin quriiDrn c. Dccades of weali gorernnients, Novarlis, ovcr.12o,ooo pcopleworldwjde
r 997. setting a precedent diat colld be used corrupt despots and perpetLral $'adar. sigDcd a petition req!esting Novartis to
to strike down future attempts by Dations plague states like Conso aDd Ansola, i{hilc d.op the case: amongst them, ordiDary
Lo set ftrod safeta staDdards. To furthcr their healthcare systenN limf along i{ith people tc, the wo.ld s power brokers likc
(onrplic{te matters, not all politi.il death ard diseasc unchecked. The UN fo.n€r Sxiss PrcsideDt Ruth Drcifirss. South
lerdcrs shuc thc saDrc co ricliurs predjcts that br 2(]15, HIV/AIITS wilL haye Af.ican Archbishop Dcsrnond Tutu and
about\Lhat$orks aDd whal does not. decimaicd thc South African Defence rorce, nembeN from thc Etrrol)€an ParljameDt
whet|e. America funds $,orld health undenninirrg a crilical peacekeepins force and the US Congrcss.
initiatiles depends on the peculiarbcljefs within the regioD - plunsiDs Africa into
ol jts present adninjstmtion: under George Il-$c xre not mo\cd sinpl) bt thc
Bush Jr. s bmnd ofrcligious conservatism, Doral call to rlle\iatc thc snficridjls
onlr abstiDencc bascd AIDS progranmes .\lso, \ridestrcrd .orrrplio nnd ofconmron huDaDit\. thcn $c shoukl
colhboratiin hct\rcc'r l1,c elitc atrd at lc{st realisc that lhc ncgalivc
thr illi(it od tlrc krcal aDd dobrl lerel e\tcrnrlitics ol econoDic
I)ct.lor)i!tg DnlioDs struliiil..hc\) t() har. .\!cerba t e(l the suffcring ofthc globalis.lion $ ill nndemiDe its ve{
lhonscl\es because gL)l)rlisatioD his I'oor. Ircm lndoDesiato Russia. expeDsil,e o$ n lbuDdatioDs. Ho$'ph$ically hcalthy
been a tstFcdged s\!i).d ibr th..r. dorated medicnrcs haYe l)een knowr to the wliole i{orld is nr the end reflects how
Iirstll. the incrcascd nrobililr {'f resurfacc lato in the black markets of economicalh hcalthv it can be and how
labou in { liec cco o'Iv lhat has delclopcd nations, haying beeD palmed otr norally hcalthy it rcallyis. \\c n,us( not
hc\)cd dc\dopi e natioD! prospo and sold for a handsoDle profit by bribed rcducc hn an bcallh lo rrl rnother
prcscDls rD ironi( bio\r tlJ thcir politiciar$ to t.aDsrational oryaDiscd crimc p.iratc go'di a presqaa. ibr thosc $'1n)
lrcallhcare srstemsr dorlopinit nations nehvorkrl. Worse still. collusion nreans thar :rrc nlreadl ri(h. hale and heart!:
like x{exico,Jamaica, P|ilippines. tndia illicit trade thai i{orsens health goes priced out ofthr reach ofthosc sho
and GhaDa arc losing thrcles oltheirn.rst uDpoliccd and unDunished be it ne(I it DDst. Hcalthcarc should be lept
skilcd healthcare worke$ to .icher Dations prostiiution. dmg tmlllcking rDd Dow, the as iDclusivc and non niera.chical as
like the United Lrrgdom who ca! afford production and sale ofpirated nedicines. possible. The resporsibilitr of healthcare
to prolide better renunemtion for thcir WHO estimates up to 25% of mcdicincs does nol lall under the puNie{. of
hard \rork. Se(on d1), acccpting cc,nsuned iD developing n.tions are researchers, scientists, tradc bodies,
i nterDrtionrl help also r.r.s counterfeitaDd thc elTects offake drugs are politicians aDd $'calthy thilanlhropists
acceptiDg tcrDrs that nrar bcncl-il deadly. Usclcss flacebos mislend patierts aloDe. Wc can a1l do much nrore to ma\imise
iDternrtir)nrl (orpo..lc ;nlrrcsls nrio bcliNing the.!- are being cu.ed, cause the bcncfits and rnininise the harn of
mo.r thaD thcir !hl;o'r's hrrlth. Thc comtlicaliors and enable i iNses to nutatc globalhation in oorown small ways.
maioritt of World Bank loms for xrtcr fi om and become stroDger. sophisticatcd fakc
2oo3 to 2(]o8 have requircd developirg drugs that contain enough i.accs of the rcal Allhunan lives, no nutter whcrcihevare
natioDs to priyatise water a move that iryredients to l)ass lab tests but notenough lired, are worth thc samc. A unifomrl) hale
bcDcfits mostl!, Europear water companjes to clu! have caused a resurgence of far nore and hcariv $'orld rnay be an inpossible
aDd consukanls. ]n 2oo2. SueT tenninrted dangcrous. drug resisLant strains of nulaia, dram but surelv. thatone truth is enough
its water and sewerage seFices to Bucnos polio a|d ArDS. lo nalie the drean woftii rfight?lt
Aires when the finrn.irl m.lrd.rn.f
Pfizcr cxperinentil antibiotic, Trovan. $'as iln cD to thal position till this da].
ilcr€dibly easr to find r plcDtiful Dunrbo of palients cirNequence has ldrgtcrm rcr.cussions where these !rvillingly Difg ued ro len
for ch tials rs thcythink that tlese clinicaltests Dations aDd pcoplc sometinres reltrs€ new
will bcth. bcst chance i]ret ha\€ aI qualiN liealth care immunisations, rheir fear beirg that it is the ilhite
for thc rcst of Lheir Li\'€s. And the trials caD bc mcn coning ro ldll rhem asain.
conducled sL,ch lhal lheyrenderthe q icklndposiii!e
results that drug conpanies Dccd to gct fast apprclal. tuF hr- sun. n;,1r1. i ,' 1. siri p p\c.tior.
Iror era.iple, up to 99% ofclinicaltrials iD China can that rvill rarelv be repcat.d? Unfortunalely these
besto$'positive rcsults trl)on treal ent. lro ically, examples mavbeih€ tiDDins Doint oflutu.e scardals
p{ticnts in dcvcloping nations also nake better lab l. ' T' . c-^LrJ- rr.' la i_ I tnJn -\pFrin,rrlrliJr' .
rats bccause tbey rar€l] talie nedjcines for thcir booning becnuse c,I lhe erpardins .lemaDd iD druss,
illnesses and the.efore are jr abcttcr statc to pro\€ ,,rurl\irun,.h-l'\.lup-J{oid {rrh^r , devp or rg
thal wLat kn ts happeD is froDr thc drus. nations as \yell. Consider thc fact t|at drug t alsare
rrpi.tlt' nicreasins nr Durnbe$ acrossihe idorld as the
G.atrted there arc cthical guidelines aod codes thrt drtrs industry cxpands. NIost of the rorld's larsest
safcgrard to frote.t]Fople ilr ciinicil procedures, like fhannacexticnl compa ies have established a presence
thc LrN CoDvenlio olthe Rights ofa Child andthc in India {here it is estnnated close t{r two rnillion
Nuremberg Code. Tlie Nurembcry code arose in lhe people \rill take parl in clinical t als.
.tftermath of the horrific hunran €xDerinrents
condtrcted d ing \-odd \\'hr II and is.rearl to pmtect Regnlatory bodjcs a.c somelirnes part olthe prcblem
hunar subjccts f.om injuN. disabilitv or death. Yet as wcll. FDA.pprclal p.ocedures do not sohe the
thesc cthical protocols are essentialll toothless and proltcn eit|er. l h€ r:DA is notorious for its caunous
casily circtmlertted by liraDcial grc'e.l. Thc U.S. afproa..h Lo appr.rvjrg drugs for the local Durkct.ltt,
Goverrrnrent iD wantirg to ensllre tb. safct\ of tbe corryenientll these regulations stop ai the border.
druss sol.t for childrcn prcvide an urtbreseen incentiye Theydo not rcquirc notification i{hen resea.ch talies
at the same tinc. Pharmaccutical companies are grven place olcrscas. Rcquirenrents lhat co rpanies p.ove
sjx moDihs of pai.nt protection or rnaritel excLusi\it! .\ ',- \,' r ', pr rn Jr ,8. i r .'lF un r.:n.l . -,, r,
whcn th€ylohntarib test dmgs.,n childreD. .vcn siarting lests on hunans are not applicablc to
p.r..ond'.raroIs:,1 u tL Sr t).\\aar Nc.ccis
SLrcL incentiyes oriv eDco rase thc $.rying h end ol one set ofacceptable isks for patients at |one and
l- li|Jur"l lr' ,I \' 1ro"F- li I oin" anotlier setforthosc abroad.In llre mid r99os, control
eramdc of childrcn beins piss also
Lrsed as guiDea J.rt's^fHa 1l.tpdp Fgrdn $"rn-r.:r .1,'.l"r,
occlrcd iD l.inra. Peru. This tnne the child.en we,c corurt es Nere denied anti.etrovi.al drugs despite
r, 1^. .-i-i'rl lrial of .',-r ti..lr r',.4 nd-.. [restern doctors ltnowing that the &argis {ou]d reduce
semn con I aini.g svntheiic proteiDs not atprovcd tor tie .ate of iDfection in iheir babics by two thirds.
'p li|! :r .'n' p.' u l'- r J B' .i' , or gr, wi, lnlints needlesslv contractcd HIV$'|ile the doctors
'.r "
health coDccrrs about cXI rice. ine U.S. based nuintaincd thc nrtcs !vand rigou r ol their nedjcal
conrtan!, Vcnhia, decided to etpernnent iD a
dclclopirg coLrrlry. lhe f.ials ivere conducted throrgh
The off-quoted argument still applies: the profit forced to rethink its traditional way ofbuiness beyo
incentive is a necessary impet s for inDovation. itslargel' rerti.dll) inlrgalFd approa.l ro dqplofinB.
Without jnnovation and the proteciion ofiniellestual manufacturins and sellins druss- This includes
properry rights, there wiil be fewer life-saving drugs lereraging on rhe srowl , nl hp i 'dd e clds.pq in
in the tuture. The brealiry of drus patents may mearl energins ecoDonies - Indiat market alone is expected
that more patients will get .lrugs now but it also means torcach $2obillion in 2015 and China's numbers are
that dns fiIru wil bc nore wary of developing dnss expected to be eveD more spectacular. As such, drug
for the tuture. If al their pmlits are goins to come companies are startin€ to focus on buildins up local
solely tuom rich countries, they will naturally think expertise and research in these developins markets.
twice about researching cures for diseases in tbe Insrerd olmFr-\ uolars cul .n.r.. rr,e\ are lakjng
developing world, which are aheady woefully an interest in local healih care needs. For exanple,
neglected. Novartis now has res€arch centres in Shanghai and
Sinsapore focusing on tropical diseases.
It is also a little erteme to ihink that stripping away
Bjs Pharma s wil solve
patent rights in poor comh ies Nor are dlug companies so evil s to disrcsard pressure
all problems for the long term. The intellectual from NGOS or goverDments, nor so patentiyblind as
ploperty issue never goes away. Matrufacturers of to ignore th€ short shrift they are getting from the
Seneric druSq dre F\olving irom .opy.al\ ro being nedia. GSK already makes no prcfitlrom the drugs
innovaloF rhem:rl!er dd ar".t rtilc'o derend thFn .old in poorAfri.ar ndrion.. and offer. tiered pr:.int,
own new dnss {ron copyins. This will becorne nore for mosi ofthei. drugs, calculated on the country's
of an issue as cuttins edge research moves fron the ability to pay. Even the WHO applauded cSK's
de\elopcd cou.ltrie' lik" \'!FslFfn Lufopp. ar.aca decision to donate 5cl million doses of its new flu
andJapan to countries thatusedto conduci the less vaccine to an energency stockpile.
sophisticated back end work of prodrct developneni.
wlile mntr@ersies Ncr Big Phamra s responsibilities
However Big Pharu is also showing that it is capable and oblisations will still continue to rage, these new
of change. Wiih the patents of nost blockbuster dngs shifts of thinking and action suggest that there is hope
expiring iD ihe ner110 years and thedemolishing of for the drugs industry after all, such that there's no
pice controls jn developed nations which will result need to destroy all basis of inteliectual prcperty just
iD their profits beins halved, Big Pharna has been
I knos.thrt learniDgnr ans\cr q cstions lvell h as beeD aD inloftrDt skill as it has brought
jnniense gro\th in my ch.mder. work lil€. personrl lifc' rnd thc livcs of otl.rs. Flach
tiDe I drswer qrcstions, I .ealise that I am listeDing iD ordcr ro fillly understand
thc contcfi and holivations behiDd the qucstions poscd to mc. tlr !Dde.standing
this.I have learnl to structure, u.l rcstNcturc mt responses. a swe.ing the queNi{cll bl
satist),in3 tlie notitation bchiDd tlrc qu€slion. S€eirrg the satisfaction oD stklcDts aDd
l.iends'1aces becausc ofwcll an$r.red questions has becone ajovthat I h!v. corn. to find
delisht in.
Snnilad!, t|cr. are a Ielv icadernic poiDts I necd you to garDcr fro'n whaL I l)ave slrr.ed
In this issre, we are goirg to oudirc thc most llequently asked questioDs /
arguments thtt rppear in thc 'A'lcvcls. l'hese will be marhed b! sfigic $ords or
sho.t lhnses tlut tpicallv signfost \'hattbe issL,e al hand is. By masteing thcsc arguDrcDts,
ud ad.lressnrg th.sc \ords in e!er'-.' parag.aph, rou \yill succcssflrllt rns\.r the queslion
tu a logical aDd cohfle.l lislioD, and I ass reyou.bdrgmn.hd.lighlto)ourrerder.
Unfortunat.l), thc lisl ca..ot be exhrustive and$'c hrlc onlysp.ce to showlou the three
most coDmon argurrelt tlpes aslied. r\sk !our icachcrs for insiitht i!to othe. key ilords
sothat the! cair helprou be norc full! frcparcd forthe exa.rs
rgproachins qnes t jons tlisw.! rcldresses thc qtrcics I startc(l o1l \!ilh. MOSt people
do not ansrver questions wcll simply because thel'remain
ignorant of what is reallv being asked. .rr," u,u." aifii"urt
is wheir people do nr fxct uDdcrstand t|c queslio. posel to thern but let irtcDti(Dally aloid
answe.irig jt. hi the contc{ ofOP, this rcieJlr Lo studenrs who have bccn niad. a$'.rc of
these skiils but lctstillcnd rp l!oiding a direct responsc.
So lct s st.It t|is aJljcl€ lJ.' tirst uDderstaDding r\'h! sorn. srude.ls behye this \!a\'.
Qunera/ liTs
I ialked to So students siih the s ne Do nol e h<><;5e ozl-Sl)c>n5
prcfilciD o erto better understand
whal the], $rrc ihinking. l hese werc
/y /o-(;ng {<>r {ami/i,,r t <>nlenl .<rea;
all students $'ho liad conpetent to It still fuzzles nre ltow slrrddrts rctuall) sLudl l,rr this subjcct. lt is Dol llrnl r.rdnrg up oD
commerldable lansuase sldlls, had LrontcDi is \rroDg- Ior jt is c cvrnd o!r pel\0..tncs ard de\elop th. c.ncctjrrgon
rcirl to
allbee lrainedto sfot aDd add.ess lor frlticular topics. Du t C P is also a slills .lrire! !a flr . Thcrc is no svllalrus inloh cd and
keI argumenls, bui Iet aere still rherelbrc rbsol telt no gLra.rnlee thatNhatcler it is stud.nts invcst tine ir studling \ill
iailins tlieir essays. Ihe follolenrs rltuallt bc l cst.d nr thc ex{n$. Ln, t sl l,d.nts do !) an\'$,a\'. lia.r ili \ith the $'.Ly tlie\' sl dy I
will gilcboth teache$ and students lbr coDtent dfien H2 subjccts, students irrerila|b DrcDntrise to lael .rore sccurc or PFlarel
som€ stroDg insisht into tieir for thc rrans. l|e probl.n ariscs wher tl,el .onrmitto qucstiols iir P.fd ODc based oD
lsrcholo$ and beha\iour; thereby rvhrt th.t fc'el is lirnili,rr cont.Dti Dot xt .tll co.sld.r'iDg thlt thel ma! ltirc.hoscn a vcN
sirirg the a sood basis b)' whicb dilli.uli argument to haixlle.
io better establish their tundamental
trndcNtanding ol essay qucstions. S!ccess is thocforc. in tlieir rriI s, nr istik.nh defiDed b\' q urliq aDd rohme o l e\u Dr l)lcs,
ancL not cL.r, il!
rnd forcc ofxrgulLer)1. Slrdcnts clinn out Iraragrr|hs olcontent thilrlti.g
t|rt thcv are lojng N.ll, $'hcD in 1r(t Ll,er hr!. not clcn beguD lo r.l.lrcss tlic fossibl!
comflcx questjon lh.yIa\c chosen.lla.) slrd.nts go rlread witjt lheirqu.stbns rDF{a'
d.spitcthc strons Lun.h th.tthq arc not!!$!e ng it. lbr lcar that dire(tl! .ddrcssingthe
!rL.stion or clioosing a.olh.r ltill expose eve. mor. things thel arc igrorlDt of
the studenls I toll.d lrosth all k,und thc cxperience lir.ilirr. Not confident o1 their oM
contcnt, ther mcJnoris.d Dotes or bool,s rnd nscd then !s a clul.h So dcspite e'hal Na\
sct ir the queslion, th.l \onld insist o! using l|at content. regrdless ofhoi! thc questidr
lvas phrased as ther jell 1lr.! had to banli on the.ont.nt tliev menrorised
Selc.iing r GP questior Lhnl \ou crn .rsilltdd.ess hrs vcr) lcss to do Njlh th. subjccl
nuLter.rnd morc to do i{iih t|€ comd.\iB ofthe argunenl.There is no Suatantce that
(onlcnt that is fanrilinr to you $ill Decessatit\ come couplcd \tith a
st.{ishllb.{i.dquestion.The$rongassunr$ionisthatall qu.stionsnr.thesanreaDd
ollv differentialed b!.ontcDt. Thtt is fa. irodr lhct|utli, as ile shallsooD sc.
ShouL.:l ue stilL reguLate the inedia uhen a rapidlrJ chatlsitls oorld tnakes it itlcreasinqlu
Notice liow the argumeDt is nrde morc complcx each time I inselt e{ra parameters of
I am not suggesinrg ther€for€ that the shortest questions are :drvals the easiest, but certaniy
wo s into the questiorl oriy nrcreascs tlic numbcr
we see thal the insertion ol n1c,re choice
ol rcquirenents the exaniner expects you to deal with. It is the mastery ofrhcsc choice
words that enable students to always rd&ess the qrestior.
All these wolds suggest the absoluie; i.c. the subject inatLer is ihc 'best", "oDly"or"most"
ofrvhatever is to b. aryued. Ir order to trovc or disp.ove ihat absolutc we will n€ed Ln
dmrv i oLher facto$ that gire us a basis of cornparison, belbre assessing $'hether thev
are indeed the best ' or "most '. The problem viih this argtrnient st.uctur! comcs in tlie
large anouDt ol cortentihat rcquires variation. Lett takc the following samflc paragraph
to sho$'the dyDanics ofthis aryument.
Ifyou study tlie pa.agriph carctully, you wiLl realise that wc act ally int rod uced thrcc
areasofcontcDt. Most obviously. stlcccsstul Sovermnce-necds to beQ.ied to i toduce
De$.areas ofdiscussioD fo. eich point: e.g. successful environmental SoverDance or
successlu l govemancc ofpopulation groi{th.
,vu,s n,ke.V, Ptoro cr.[Drr/..a'lsie1d. IlirkrcrrtiveconnnD.r
rB Bf0ADlR PiKPffllvf5 the h.dithcitt! issuc
W"il.o\., . I runo i... .hit.rn ,r.... dat , "gilJ\n.o ,. nt-qr.ur ir..1rntrlr' ..
FLrrther pa.agrrphs wo l.l halc rcquned us lo re(leftre "st.ong le{.lcrshilt as Dcrtrrps
haviDg cler. visior lbr thc counq or !!islonr necessary to makc good decisions. l his
laiation of 'stroDg lcad€rshif wouLd ol(ou.se Deed to bc comparcd !ith ot|er tac(orc
th{t rre csscntial to success lu I goverDaDce. These othcr factors could include i country's
avajlablc rsources. the p.esence ofregional assistancc /.lissension or eyen the advent of
lifc alt.dng lech oLog).
]'here is in this casc no need lo i.troduce othe. fackrs to dralr aD], cnmpadsor. You simpll
jNtn.cd to comferc th€ t$,r, fictors p(^idcd.
This questjor ori) nccds ustoconpare ip.oblens" ald"beDcfits"in each p agraph. lhere
is absolltclr Do nccd to b ng in other fi(tors $ the ar suncni is alreadv linr iled Lo iddr€ssjnJr
th.'\norc th.n cl.use.
T]ris is perhals the nost connnon argurncnt in Paper One. cenerally st dents ar. taugbt
to disngree with the absolutc statcmcDl as it is an ert.eme strnd rnd thercforc rarclvtrne.
Ho$.ever let ne liake oDc imNrt.nl caleal. Absolutes do exist as val csortnne |onored
traditidN. Takc for ilstan.e ihe value that ne shoul.l ncvcrlic, or ne should never gne up
hopc. Or consid.r the nditions thrt we should ahrals cclcbrate 5oth weddin8 :nDi\ersa.ies.
In cac| ofthese cases, these values/tMditioDs cxisi h our psyche as absolutes that $€ ideaily
do not lvanl Lo undennitie or challcngc. Expl.ining lhes€ ideils preseDts opportuDiti.s at
lIe begnr hg ofrn essav for grcatd .vahratio. or jn the conclusioD {s a rcfrcsbiDg point
Besidcs this ircatnent o l the algu nent challenging th. absolutc also ca n be don€ by rie$ing
itthrongh dre contert oltiine or space.
t}le possible argumeDts we car raise would be that this nay have beeD true olthe llast bui is hos e!e.
not true lbr the prcscni or tuture (tnne based analiEis). or wc can anallse tlie questlon \ia a contc\tral
analysisj i.e. bellveen dch or poor, east or west or even seeing thh question in the light ofrcligious
n-s,rul rrr.'r's,.p .pbr\4d.nari.J.l.
1. TOO
ln orderto coDviDce us that there is too much ofsomethins, we need to Drovc that t{e have Lone
in excess of$hat is connonly acceptnble.
In this case, $'e need to e\plain what aD acceptable reliance on technolog) is and show how the
wo d has sone overboard in ils dependalce. The conmonly acceprablc lcvcl is unfortunately ver:,
subjectivc and is nore easily defined byestablishins alevel thai is p.obably univeNally accepted.
i.e. the loss offrccdon,loss ofidenlity,loss ofvalucs. If cardidates can prove how Man s reliance
on technolo&v has causcd us to forsake ourlieedom. ideniiti, privacl orvalues, lhen thcy sorld
have cedainLl proved too".
the assumption we are naking is that therc $'as indeed a place lbr cha ty in the past, and the
candidate is expecicd to lary these reasons in every paragraph. Theywould subscquently need to
addressthe argunent whether these reasons in the past arc still lalid today in each paragraph/point
thcy raise. (t
ranclj hent. lunch PIoro cRtrDIT/ sd/ao d(o&tsd, l.Tictr a',!dn!. a-bDDr.ns
onr:'s health b-"- exercising. IIo1\ lvoulcl they apploach the nholc del)ate on our- mod.m .ijets?
A\ co'rcei\ cd b\ Lirn Pei Pei
Is eating healthily the sole lesponsibility ofthc individual?
.rtificially raise the prolein collLerll in the rnilli.lts that focuscd oD catnrg thc right cariohydrates and ,4GRIIUITURI
grim ircny indeed, $hensuch asoureofs stenance fats. Ho$'about t|c Blood TIpe diel deleloped by MODIRIi L II
is rade Loxic due to uDscNpulous corNption and Daitrrof.tbic physician. Peler D Adamo which
declared lhal people are fitte. when thei. diets are
cuslonised to theirspecific blood bpes? trveDbodv
I reccnilv rcad }lichacl Pollni's tt1D.li,w ol t ootl knoils rou stiouldjust ext less, nake sure tou hay.
ri.h attacked all Lhe scienlilic advic€ we halebeer b{hDce.l mcals, aDd kccp moliDgl I-ook at the
g€ltirg abouL lbod throughout the prst 5() )ears. t|c h€alr|iest in the $'orld the.t
,Iapancsc $'ho arc
Pollan belie!€s that redrLciDg food jDto DutrieDt dontlvorwabout sood carbs a.d badcarbs'a d
conpon€nts is a ftliculous puadism that has hchcd ccrtainlydon t lhinLabout $4rit susli rnatches whicli
the health supplements iDdustry rnakc milllors
oui ofthe latcst Dutlicnt ircnd St Jo|n s Worl. C00D Mosuhe (he{ks our
sinsko bilabo, fis| oil pills, mangosteen jujce. so There is Do lack ofsucc.ssors for cach passing fad vho'rhe U$ ir ml ns from
Dany products that lout tlienselves xs health foods becarsc crcatiDg nutdtion fads are necessary to slay
and supplements end up haming the h\€s ofthosc profitablc. To leep nry titnels centre successful, I
who consume them, rnd notjust physically. I kDoN loro$'I musl constanllr looli out for novel aDd
some athletes wlio realjscd toolatc that thc frotein ir I o\' l..r Fr-r' i.e r mr l" Jpl rr-.1.-.'1.- r ir_
pplements thcy i{crc taking to build op nruscles ul o,rn r ,brr..'nJ r--p tl- r" r'ir'3h:-l.\^.r
lrad bccn adulterated !vi(h steroids. as tlie canrot just have aerobics aDd spinnins classcs
manulactu.ers warted to artificiallv eDhance the anlrnorc. lbu nc.d dance|cise. kic.kboxing aod l'oga.
etlects ol th€ lroducts. And there aresoneprodncts -{Dd not snnp\'vo8a bul Hatha loga, ltelga.toga,
$'hich are nerely placebi)s of iimitcd trsc. I ihink Bikram )oga ma)be lr tslood ]-vpe roga is Dot too
PolhD nuy be scareDronscrnrg i{hcn hc condemns lar ofll uode.n people cherish thei. comfort, set
health supplcm.Dts I takc rnulti\itamin! nrysellLc) bored easily ard like to hrre De$'thiDgs to tr,a so thcv
stavc off colds. I believe as long as trustwortliy lu- l -\r). , I' d nrc. ...-dI g I' q\Jr '.
associations such as t]lelleaLth Supplemerts In.lustry rationally hcalthier fort|em.IIan) do noL like the
Associatjon of SiDsalore (HSIAS) aDd thc Hcalth boredon or dificully oi co sistent ex€rcise and
Sciences Authoritl (HSA) do thcir job better healrhyealinil.
safeguards and fiforDration on th.se supflemenls
.. rl\" t n. d, d. \\'|t r1;i ior i- I Li16 F 1.pr'i inF Blanirg (or?outjoDs for conspirins to NiD nha rc
(TCII) becomins more popular these days. it is also -., Ltr l.r 'n.'. 1,. . .rla r' r',s i!.,r'rp
hearreninB lo linow that HSA also oversees the that ar. dcdicat.dtolourheakh and Dranvcustomers
.egulation ofTCXI prlducts. Ultimrteb, it's still cvcrl who keep Lrs nr business. if lood corpo.aiioDs are
indiiidual's responsibilivto chcck $lut hc consDrnes, nraling bad lbod, it's niajnlr because $'e stjll happily
as last cases have sholn that dcspitc th..}ec.ks and pa) lbr bad lood. xlorc people are choosinst{r pay a
regulations, nnsafc suplnenrents and dftrgs stiLl premnun for chenical-free oryanic rood andfi..
managc to tind t|eir lval to the shops to be bought range cattle and po ltrl', and suffofiing rcstaurants
bv nsuspectnrgconsun1ers. likc Chez PaDissc and bxsinesses like Whole Foods.
Bis food coryorations liLe Henrz and Krali ultnnateb
I'm also coDcerncd that advcrtiscments ererlnrhere cnrc about where the Diarket jsgonu aD.t if coDsruneN
sccmto.quatc hcalib! lning with raDid \€iAhl loss. a.e goilg healthy, they will be forced to go thc sarnc A8I]l]TI|]IWRTIR
Uhatc\cr hafp.ncd to exercisinit and eating sensjbl)? rorte.It is your haDd that chooses i{hich rcsiau.ani
So nrany De\r faDgled diets have turned such doo.sto opeD,r'hatto tut in vour sholping calt and
conlentional wisdo r on its herd. There was that 'lorr when to fut do$n that forl and liftt|ose dumbbells.
crrbs craze in the earl,v nilleDiuDr. thaDks to thc Wc are nhat we eat and we are also what we pa)
Allir'" ,li l ll "l ,a ,\ ,ft d t ^tr ' ro ,',r', p ll p - for, where we shop aDda']ro xc sufport.It
iDtakc of carbohldrates. Then there nas the South
A Macrobiotic F'armer
Macrobiotic farme$: are thevirrst paranoid hea]th nuts or do they have soDrething reasonable
to say about t]le way we eat today? ds conceived by Lorraine Lce
Even in lhe case of health supplemcnts aDd formulatcd to nntrcle diges(ile ard i rnunit! tn f00D
Nationalised Healthcare
Such sivings i! costs fiees up the golcrDrncDt to c ,' a,r' ii.," !' r' i., b'.' li. -.lru, .. "r ,
spend tli€ noDey else$'here that focuscs on prc\cntile adranlages uni.tue to r snall nation statc. SiDgaforc
care prosunines (promotioD of hcalthr eaft rs habils, lns a srull aDd relatively vouns populatio!, politi..l
sports aDd heaith club subsidies to encou.age an stabilitl that cnablcd sncc.ssivc gov.rnnrflrls lo
activc lifc) or nnfroving erNironnert lactors like the intrcducc timcl! and suptofiinil
raFr ro, o'.o-JC:o,."i \-.','l l,-rrl', rnl hcalthcare regulalion, an(l heaithca.e irfrastNctLre
^lp^-l r(^,. c..pntidt, LU.ir.,rn L ,.er1 ri ^, ihat hrs close prorinrit) to one aDotlier. Part of
comes in Lhe lomi of supply-sicle policies that rcgulat. Singapore s srccess is also that grorvtli of thc
the nurnber ofhospjtal beds, doctors aDd the use of Singaporc's econon] has actralll outpaccd irlcrcascs
higli-cost technolo$ . Thcsc Drcasurcs guards aita insl in healtli care inflatioD. B t this slst.m is an iling .t
or€rlv-long hosfital sta)s,.are tlat Ias to be based a crossrcads as SingaDorc faccs t|e c|allenges ol
oD high volunre to be Drofltable, and ar over reliaDce contiDucd cost contanr merrl s'hjle haying Lo deal with
on e\l)ensive lec| olo$. rr', sr,Jr,rlpir\,rF,, ,., ot r. ; i,.pupll rur'
and increasinillr e\pensive Diedical tecliDology.
't he gole.nneDt .lso lieeps basic healthor. atrordable Sinilaporc needs to be e\eD nore frrseeins and Dnnblc
b) su bsmisins public hospitals (rdcccaps ar. fla.ed in order to balan(e the elenmts of govcrnmcDi
or all services and rroccdurcs).nd sover.nient suppoft, persoDal responsilility and frnat.
o tpatient clinics. Even this is not a lree lunch that
'e^,sr'\.ri'_i,.Jf',"F, ..r.',F-l ir;L
to bein oduced ir 2ooo 1o rnrke eveD norc suc
" aDd pedectionistic, people rith thosc'
qurlitites mat not neccessarill snffcr fron OCD but
ocPD lobsessile-comfulsivc pcrsonality disord.r).
$rlut s.famtcs soDrconc idro is mcrcly iastidious il orn
{r ,r \q.l o, Dr,\Jtl .^\.,s.i^r .^r.^nprl..o-. GlaxoSmithl{ine
uv' l. ' r, . '\.'..\"r-ur'\e.n,at1,F u, IIl,lRO / Don't dismiss Big Phamayct forhaving no
' 'i,'- heart. ID JuDc this vcar, GlaxoSDrithKlinc ((;SK)
emotionally distlessinit and caose impaiDneDt in lis
r€lationships. OCD sufterers rnay obsess over certair 'n,.ur.,dtl., I,. \,,, IrrB \.i'l.r gFlo.'.
inapprcp.iate thoughts or compulsively repcat c.ftain frofilnrg dala llom slud)jr)g ca cercells lorfree to the
rcts like srvitchtug offlights at a c.rtain fixcd iimc. '''. ndl:on I rF. r' l, ' n'rn ,r.il. ll,i, 1..'"si\-
iiDiDg up all thcir cloihcs in tmfect position donation is of g.eat benefit to the b.illiaDt bui
and taking only a ccrtail .umber ofsteps to reach n underinnded encer .esea.cliers Nho do not havc acccss
destinition. Theseacts are us!ally aimed at p.eventing to the truckloads of eafcDsivc irfomratioD GSK has
some unrelaled d.eaded erellt tliat th€r believe \rill amasscd. qnics may scofi thai all Bis Phann. is doins
liappen iftheir self-imroscd Nlcs aE not folloi{ed.It is relyins on smaller companies and acndemics to dc)
pioneering $o.li betr,.e s$.oopi!g back oDto the sceDe
Clll-llllRI]I SUFItrRERS/ Cameron rliaz (cleannLg lo spjn offnew and profitable products thrt leverage
doorknobsl. Da\id Becha.r rs!nmetNl. LeoDa.do di upon their ilork. Still, jfthe outcome is tl t lons-ai{aited
Cap o (no steppirs on cracks h the pavemerts) cu.e for caDcer. should cSK Dot desenc soDc financial
retums for hclpiDs to bdns it about? ft
bleat for healthcare. witl tlle Internet and brealithroughs in material technolosr, tl1e future
of mankind (at least for those who can afford it) looks reasonably healtly. By Nadja Mah
essentially about using tools to rip open the hunan
body and patch up prcblems - aD invasive, aen mrde
sohition that results in complications and a longer
healing process. However nanotechnologypronises
io reduce the size of surgical tools so radically that
suryerycatrbe done interDaliy, bypassing the need
io cut the body up unnecessarily. Scientists fron the
Universiiy of Texas and Rice University have
di..overedhowtolr-,1li'Fr .rr'r{ sI
ncigirbournrg tissue. In initial er?eriments, scientists
implanted carbon nanolnbes so minuscle ihat
7s,ooo of them lined side by side would be tbe width
"l J lurnar hr.r -,lir".rl) inro liv"r tumouh rr
l"bbiLs. The rabbits were then er?osed to radio waves
and the nanotubes pmduced heat, destroying the
ttrmotrr directly. A new Datlo sjzed endoscope will ARTIFICIAL ORGANS AND IMPLANTS
also allow doctors to discover even the smallest aDd WHERT] DOES MY HEART BEAT NOW?/ Its
most elusive tumours. By using light from a sinsle nam€ is a nouthftrl - the Chmniclc Implanrable
optical fibre through a probe about the width ofa FlaemodyDamic Mo. il or. But wliat it does is simple
human hair, the endoscope can navigate the most and life saving: it is a 2417 heart monitor inplanted
delicate areas of ihe human body like the middle ear in lo pdlienl whi.h .eids a mns.JSc M-ciFss y vi:
or ventricles in the brain, resultiDs in less tissue the IDternet to their dociors the moment ihcir heafts
dn,l damag" lron p\ce,.ivp ana.sll,.sia. get into irouble- With the Chronicie IHM, doctoN
"!matF @n monitor their patient's condition fron anlNhere
\anorF'l,nulo$ hJ"dl.opro'idFdaldndvso u io l via th€ world Wide web - heart rate, body
to health problens caused by contaminated water. tenperaiure, fluid lelels most significantly the
About r.7 million deaths take place in the world due diastolic and systolic pressures of the heart.
to poor waier hygiene- ScieDtists {ion the Unive ity
of South Australia have succcssfull)' used Anothe. major breathrough for lung transplaDt
DaDopaticles to exert an electrostalic atLract ion onto patients has been tlie iDvention of the BioLuDgby a
toxiDs. Once dirty water is flushed through a filter Michisan professor of surgery. The artificiai lung
with the nanopanicles, the toxins attach themselves works with a paiie 's heart to manage oxygen and
ro h. pani.le zIdJtsl lrippFo:n IhFijhFr.leavng blood fow h"ouglo'r rlpbod).Sin'1 rhFLleri.F
behind clcan, potable wate. - and a significantly depends on tbe heaft rather than some neclianical
cheaper, less enersy consumins method of $'ater device to pump blood, patients do not have to be
puificatioD. rt hooked p to a machine in hospital and are frce to
onlir., t|ev are morc aggressivel! rcs.fuchirs 06e pojr surqery infod ms
altcnr.lne cures and di.gnoses to $'hat thei. doctds Mennwhie, New Zeuhfder
,"" P,u ,u,.d,.t, ..r 1.1.J "tJi !r ,r.. ftfrilll hove derivsd lfre hoy
lo. Dedical $rccess stoies wit| n contact list of
.'ili, tr',.,',,t..ri.'.:.' ^,1- l., r. doctors rnd cu red prtients to nr i. e practical Nisdom
fidn suids.
se r
Theqe isonfbhedinsmdonri
u'he.e evcrt hc,daclre and ras|.o!ld be Lbol..nd tlut nrighl jLrsl get thcm rl ough rhejr da*csl d.t) s. sro.tug, moking I ideo forsiid
ereryeroticcur. li.rnr cnstd |crling to mrcmbiotj(
rgeiy,ornreri( rgnyord
diets - lcgitimxle. Ilost trtbrts Lhough, itcl lhnl CHECI( OTTI'
rnore good thr. i{ill b. b.urre lJ]' this t.lienr
bad ]\sl Dr' \{'eil. uuir.dru]t1.(rn
toTrticDl .royement Dr Weil of thc nn.)efsel) McdlineplLrs. uuLu.n/D r r ih.s aD/Dlc.llrti?ttrs ONIBTOl]DTYPI
popuiar sil€ lrleil.conr drcarrs ofsomcdrr seeils (rons! i ner La b, LU!ri o.consuilerlah..o 10 RUrrlHtMAtt
an o.llne heahngrcgjslJ\' $hercl)aii.nlsca!sc c| lverybody ovu rype 0bood
lr is ihe me b oorlrype rhor wo*s
of oll pmpie. Io rove rhe
OUTBREAl( WARNING SYSIEMS ptrsrio shortogc thor blood
bonks ko md min mi$ e$ol
EXTIaA l.rxlld\ REAI) ALLr$()Ul lt /Should
mlx ups, medl(ol omprry
th. n,r\l arian flu or nitah viNs ourbrealt hit. votr Zyme0!6i is wo'kif! oi
crn bet tlrrt thc IDro.eL ivill bc thc firsL ro br€lkth. le{hnolosy rhor wi I ionven ol
r1, ,,,..ir, .", ,.: t,...."f. b oodrypg ro 0 by remov ns rhe
li.ding trustworlhy irtbrnution n,nid thc vilru.l $gormole(ules o1didore
llotsam rDdj.ts.rn, Nr! bc a Irl'(l task. Noi{ rhrnl,s
to llealthll.f. !o! \!ill not ]r.ve to sjcvc rhrouglr
l \ '{r.l r, 5. i-,, i e i.,.-.,I stARtIS'SLJRGIRY
hox.sick lhe BndgcliD. s childreD u. to ger ro tlie W]TH IVIl]NITs
most cJ\,cirl facts. H.aLtl$lap sip|ons tert fionr ln ?008, oarsmf rcmoyed o
Google News, thc World llealth OrgnnjsrtioD aDd poliert kidney throush llie
other onliDe discnssioi, grotrps, thcn lllte.s it do$D lely bu|or, eviry o neory
suppoltcd herlthcare slstcms have lundic.pped
nsbh sro.Ihis remokob e
nrlo Nalpcd data lhaL uublichcrlrh \aorlters, mcdicat discasc .ontrol efforts. (loojlle.org Irs granred
firnrlirrk rd p'o@d!re w6
researchers aDd tIe public can nsr to Lrrckthc lat.sr Ilcrlthllip S,l5o.ooo to heb its cfforrs since its
outbrcrks. r.gjo!
on/y po$lble rhrouqh AGS !
b! r.gion. Brsed oD fn|liclv rynem of moqners p ored
xlailallc ne$s sourccs aDd lo$.op.ratnrg (osts,
o!rrlde obdomen rlror
I lcrlthll.rp .enuils a 1i c. se n ice that will be .rl nxrst cHricK oul' \lorked
loseih {irh orhcr
nntofrnre to thc d.y.lot)ing i{orld $,bere poortl He{lthmrt. uLr!.l,edliiD&p.or.i mogmt droded rorinysrgi(l
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