This document provides information about the Anatomy and Physiology 2B course offered at Riverside Community College during the spring 2014 semester. The course will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-8:55 am in rooms MTSC 401 for lecture and 301 for the mandatory laboratory. The instructor is Michael R. Cryder and the course focuses on human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on organ system relationships and integration of concepts. By the end of the course students will be able to discuss anatomical and physiological principles and relationships using proper terminology. The grade will be based on exams, quizzes, lab practicums, and participation. The tentative schedule outlines the chapters, topics, and labs to be covered
This document provides information about the Anatomy and Physiology 2B course offered at Riverside Community College during the spring 2014 semester. The course will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-8:55 am in rooms MTSC 401 for lecture and 301 for the mandatory laboratory. The instructor is Michael R. Cryder and the course focuses on human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on organ system relationships and integration of concepts. By the end of the course students will be able to discuss anatomical and physiological principles and relationships using proper terminology. The grade will be based on exams, quizzes, lab practicums, and participation. The tentative schedule outlines the chapters, topics, and labs to be covered
This document provides information about the Anatomy and Physiology 2B course offered at Riverside Community College during the spring 2014 semester. The course will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-8:55 am in rooms MTSC 401 for lecture and 301 for the mandatory laboratory. The instructor is Michael R. Cryder and the course focuses on human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on organ system relationships and integration of concepts. By the end of the course students will be able to discuss anatomical and physiological principles and relationships using proper terminology. The grade will be based on exams, quizzes, lab practicums, and participation. The tentative schedule outlines the chapters, topics, and labs to be covered
This document provides information about the Anatomy and Physiology 2B course offered at Riverside Community College during the spring 2014 semester. The course will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-8:55 am in rooms MTSC 401 for lecture and 301 for the mandatory laboratory. The instructor is Michael R. Cryder and the course focuses on human anatomy and physiology with an emphasis on organ system relationships and integration of concepts. By the end of the course students will be able to discuss anatomical and physiological principles and relationships using proper terminology. The grade will be based on exams, quizzes, lab practicums, and participation. The tentative schedule outlines the chapters, topics, and labs to be covered
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The key takeaways are that this course will cover human anatomy and physiology with a focus on fluid and electrolyte balance. It will include both lecture and lab components.
The course is split 60% lecture and 40% lab. The grade is based on exams, quizzes, labs and participation. There are 4 lecture exams, 1 final exam, 4 lab practicums and various quizzes. Exams and quizzes cannot be made up.
The first few weeks will cover neurons, the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system based on chapters 11-14.
Riverside Community College
Anatomy and Physiology 2B: AMY-2B-SPRING; 4 units Course Hours and Location: T/Th 8-8:55 a.m. MTSC 401/301
Instructor: Michael R. Cryder, M. S. E-mail: Website: Phone: (951) 222- 8263 Office: MTSC 324 Office Hours: TBA
This course provides each student with a basic biological foundation in human anatomy and physiology. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationships of organ systems and the integration of concepts from various areas of study. The course includes both a mandatory laboratory and lecture. General biological science 1 and Anatomy 2A are official pre- requisites. Although chemistry classes are not official prerequisites, they are highly recommended prior to taking Anatomy 2B. Throughout this spring semester, our focus will be concentrated on complete mastery and integration of our understanding of how the human body maintains systemic (fluid and electrolyte) balance through monitoring of the various organ systems (nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive.)
By the end of the course, a successful student will be able to: Discuss anatomical and physiological principles and relationships using appropriate terminology. Properly use a compound microscope, do basic metric conversions, understand basic human biochemistry, cell structure, function and transport processes. Understand the structure of skin, its accessory components and the four primary tissue types that make it up (epithelia, connective, muscle and nervous). Discuss bone at an identity, chemical composition, microscopic and macroscopic, functional level as well as the mechanisms of bone remodeling, growth, repair and disorder in the body. Understand all aspects of each muscle type, muscle contraction, attachments and resulting actions. Discuss structure, function and basic clinical disorders related to the eye, ear and special senses. Integrate principles from different systems to evaluate clinical problems and physiology.
Required Texts: E. N. Marieb, Human Anatomy and Physiology, 9 TH ed. Textbook or Mastering A & P (Benjamin & Cummings) R. Loomis et al. Anatomy and Physiology 2B: Laboratory Packet, 2nd ed. Lab Manual
Grade: Your grade will be based on your overall percentage of the following point totals. Lecture grades and lab grades will be weighted according to a 60% to 40% distribution respectively. Lecture: 4 100- 125 point Lecture Exams: 450 pts. 1 200 point Cumulative Final: 200 pts. Participation: 100 pts. Lab: 4 100- 150 point Lab Practicums: 500 pts. 1 50 point Lab Practicum: 50 pts. Quizzes (10 or more): 5 to 25 pts. each Total Available Points: 1350 to 1400 pts.
Exams and Quizzes: EXAMS and QUIZZES CANNOT BE MADE UP. Lab exams in particular take several hours to set up, so there are both practical and philosophical reasons for this policy. Exceptions may be made due to extreme circumstances that are deemed by the instructor to be beyond the students control. A signed statement describing the nature of the circumstances as well as substantiating documentation of the emergency may also be required at the discretion of the instructor.
Attendance: Attendance in both lecture and lab is a requirement and is mandatory. Attendance/ participation points will be available at the beginning and end of each class meeting. You must be present to participate. Come to class on time. Tardiness is disruptive to the entire class. Chronic latecomers may be dropped from the class.
Special needs: If you have a physical, psychiatric/emotional, medical, or learning disability that may impact your ability to carry out the assigned course work, I urge you to contact the staff in Disabled Student Services (DSPS) at 222-8060 or 222-8061 (TDD), located in the Administration building, room 121. DSPS will review your concerns and determine, with you, what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Academic Honesty: You will be expected to adhere to RCC policies on academic honesty at all times. Anyone caught cheating or plagiarizing on any work for this class will be issued a 0 for the assignment and the incident will be immediately reported to the Dean of Instruction.
Tentative Semester Schedule LECTURE (T, Th. in Rm. #401: 8:00 8:55 a.m.) LAB (T, Th.; W, F; - Rm. #301) WEEK #1 February 18, 20 Lecture: The Neuron and its physiology Chap. 11 Lab: Neurons, Nerves and Spinal Cord Labs 1, 2, 3
WEEK #2 February 25, 27 Lecture: The Central Nervous System (CNS) Chap. 12 Lab: CNS: Brain, Meninges, and C.S.F. Lab 4 CNS: Nerve Impulses Lab 4, 5
WEEK #3 March 4, 6 Lecture: The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Chap. 13 Lab: Brachial Plexus; Lumbo-sacral Plexus Labs 6, 7
WEEK #4 March 11, 13 Lecture: The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Chap. 14 Lab: Reflexes, Tracts Labs 8, 9, 10 Lecture: Examination #1 Review Chap. 11-14
[3] Riverside Community College Anatomy and Physiology 2B: AMY-2B-SPRING; 4 units Course Hours and Location: T/Th 8-8:55 a.m. MTSC 401/301
WEEK OFF April *14- 18* SPRI NG BREAK: Have a RELAXING, Fun and Enjoyable Holiday!!! (PLEASE: Be SAFE, SANE and use this time to recharge your batteries ;-])
WEEK #10 April 22, 24 Lab: Respiratory Histology Labs 16 Lecture: Respiratory System Chap. 23 Lab: Respiratory System Lab 16, 17
WEEK #11 April/ 29, 1 May Lecture: Urinary System Chap. 26 Lab: Urinary System Lab 18 Lecture: Urinary System/Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Chap. 26 & 27 Lab: Urinary System Lab 19 Lab: Respiratory/Urinary Review Labs 16 - 19
WEEK #12 May 6, 8 Lecture: Examination #3 Lab: Lab Practicum #3 Lecture: Digestive System Chap. 24 Lab: Digestive System Lab 20
WEEK #13 May 13, 15 Lecture: Reproduction: MALE Chap. 28 Lab: Digestive review/ MALE Labs 20, 21
WEEK #15 May 27, 29*(No school Monday 26 th ; Memorial Day) Lecture: Reproduction: FEMALE/ Final Exam wrap-up Chap. 24 & 28 Lab: Digestive/ Reproduction Review Labs 20 22
WEEK #16 June 3, 5*(FINALS WEEK BEGINS!!!) Digestive/ Reproduction Review
FI NALS WEEK June 5 th - 11 th = FI NAL EXAM WEEK
June 5 th (8 AM & 2 PM), 6 th (8 AM)
LAB EXAM Final Lab Practicum #4 Labs 20 22
June 7 th
June 10 th ** FINAL CUMULATI VE LECTURE EXAMINATION: (08:00 - 10:30 AM in MTSC Building (Rm. #401).
(*) = National Holidays: (Fri. 02/14/14 & Mon. 02/17/14 = Presidents Day weekend; 03/31/14; 04/14/14 - 04/20/14 = Spring Break; 05/26/14 = Memorial Day).
NOTE: (**Final Cumulative Lecture Examination; Each of these final exam dates and times are assigned by the college, not the instructor. You MUST attend the scheduled final in order to be eligible to complete the course**)