Linda Goodman - Sun Signs

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The document provides information about different zodiac signs and their characteristics.

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Characteristics and descriptions of each zodiac sign


March 21 - April 20

July 24 - Aug. 23

Nov. 23 - Dec. 21

April 21 - May 21

Aug 24 - Sept. 23

Dec. 22 - Ja". 20

May 22 - Ju"e 21

Sept. 24 - &ct. 23

Ja". 21 - (e%. 1)

Ju"e 22 - July 23

&ct. 24 - Nov. 22

(e%. 20 - Mar. 20

.&/ T& 0ND+1STAND S0N S2#NS
A12+S the 1a$
March 21st through April 20th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e A12+S
The A12+S Ma"
The A12+S /o$a"
The A12+S !hil-
The A12+S 4oss
The A12+S +$ployee
TA010S the 4ull
April 21st through May 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e TA010S
The TA010S Ma"
The TA010S /o$a"
The TA010S !hil-
The TA010S 4oss
The TA010S +$ployee
#+M2N2 the T,i"s
May 22"- through Ju"e 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e #+M2N2
The #+M2N2 Ma"
The #+M2N2 /o$a"
The #+M2N2 !hil-
The #+M2N2 4oss
The #+M2N2 +$ployee
!AN!+1 the !ra%
Ju"e 22"- through July 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e !AN!+1
The !AN!+1 Ma"
The !AN!+1 /o$a"
The !AN!+1 !hil-
The !AN!+1 4oss
The !AN!+1 +$ployee

L+& the Lio"
July 24th through August 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e L+&
The L+& Ma"
The L+& /o$a"
The L+& !hi-
The L+& 4oss
The L+& +$ployee
21#& the irgi"
August 24th through Septe$%er 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e 21#&
The 21#& Ma"
The 21#& /o$a"
The 21#& !hil-
The 21#& 4oss
The 21#& +$ployee
rL241A the Scales
Septe$%er 24th through &cto%er 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e L241A
The L241A Ma"
The L241A /o$a"
The L241A !hil-
The L241A 4oss
The L241A +$ployee
S!&1*2& the Scorpio"5 +agle or #ray Li3ar-
&cto%er 24th through Nove$%er 22"-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e S!&1*2&
The S!&1*2& Ma"
The S!&1*2& /o$a"
The S!&1*2& !hil-
The S!&1*2& 4oss
The S!&1*2& +$ployee
SA#2TTA120S the Archer
Nove$%er 23r- through Dece$%er 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e SA#2TTA120S
The SA#2TTA120S Ma"
The SA#2TTA120S /o$a"
The SA#2TTA120S !hil-
The SA#2TTA120S 4oss
The SA#2TTA120S +$ployee

!A*12!&1N the #oat
Dece$%er 22"- through Ja"uary 20.
.o, to 1ecog"i3e !A*12!&1N
The !A*12!&1N Ma"
The !A*12!&1N /o$a"
The !A*12!&1N !hil-
The !A*12!&1N 4oss
The !A*12!&1N +$ployee
A60A120S the /ater 4earer
Ja"uary 21st through (e%ruary 1)th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e A60A120S
The A60A120S Ma"
The A60A120S /o$a"
The A60A120S !hil-
The A60A120S 4oss
The A60A120S +$ployee
*2S!+S the (ish
(e%ruary 20th through March 20th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e *2S!+S
The *2S!+S Ma"
The *2S!+S /o$a"
The *2S!+S !hil-
The *2S!+S 4oss
The *2S!+S +$ployee


(or Mi7e To--
the #e$i"i
,ho really 7"e, the people he 7"e,
a"- 8or Melissa A""e
the *isces
to 7eep a pro$ise . 5 5
Thus gre, the tale o8 /o"-erla"-9
Thus slo,ly5 o"e %y o"e5
2ts 'uai"t eve"ts ,ere ha$$ere- out-A"a5 "o, the tale is -o"e . . .

2 ,oul- li7e to e:press $y grate8ul tha"7s 8or the help a"- a-vice give" $e %y $y
8rie"- a"- teacher5 astrologer Lloy- !ope5 a irgo. /ithout his e"courage$e"t a"-
8aith5 this %oo7 $ight have re$ai"e- ;ust a"other Aries -rea$.
The verses use- throughout the te:t have %ee" ta7e" 8ro$ the ,or7s o8 Le,is
The ter$ <Su" sig"< $ea"s that5 i8 you are5 8or e:a$ple5 a #e$i"i5 the Su" ,as i"
the 3o"e o8 the 3o-iac calle- #e$i"i ,he" you ,ere %or"5 appro:i$ately %et,ee"
May 21st a"- Ju"e 21st5 i"clusive. =ou>ll 8i"- that the -ates coveri"g the Su" sig"
perio-s are slightly -i88ere"t5 -epe"-i"g o" ,hich astrology %oo7 you rea-. Most
astrologers -o">t ,ish to co"8use the lay$a" ,ith the i"8or$atio" that the Su"
cha"ges sig"s i" the $or"i"g5 a8ter"oo" or eve"i"g o8 a particular -ay. 2t>s all very
"ice a"- "eat a"- easy to prete"- each "e, sig" %egi"s precisely at $i-"ight. 4ut it
-oes">t. (or e:a$ple5 e:cept 8or leap year variatio"s5 the Su"5 8or the last several
-eca-es as ,ell as at the prese"t5 %oth leaves Aries a"- e"ters Taurus so$eti$e o"
April 20th. 2t>s i$porta"t to 7"o, that April 20th co"tai"s %oth sig"s. &ther,ise5
you $ight go arou"- all your li8e thi"7i"g you>re a Taurus ,he" you>re really a"
Aries. 1e$e$%er that i8 you ,ere %or" o" the 8irst or the last -ay o8 a"y o8 the Su"
sig" perio-s liste- i" this %oo75 you>ll have to 7"o, the e:act ti$e a"- the lo"gitu-e
a"- latitu-e o8 your %irth to ;u-ge ,hether or "ot the Su" ha- cha"ge- sig"s %y that


.&/ T& 0ND+1STAND S0N S2#NS
A tale %egu" i" other -ays5 /he" su$$er su"s ,ere glo,i"g- A si$ple chi$e5 that
serve- to ti$e The rhyth$ o8 our ro,i"g-
So$e-ay5 you ,ill -ou%tless ,a"t the co$plete -etails o8 your perso"al "atal chart.
Mea",hile5 you ca" %e sure that stu-yi"g your Su" sig" is a" i$porta"t 8irst step.
.o,ever5 stu-yi"g your Su" sig" shoul-">t %e co"8use- ,ith stu-yi"g the
pre-ictio"s %ase- o" your Su" sig" alo"e i" $aga3i"es a"- "e,spapers. They $ay
hit you ,ith i$pressive accuracy $ore o8te" tha" they $iss5 %ut they>re 8ar 8ro$
%ei"g i"8alli%le. &"ly a "atal chart calculate- 8or the e:act hour a"- $i"ute o8 your
%irth ca" %e co$pletely -epe"-a%le i" such a speciali3e- area.
&" the other ha"-5 -o">t %elieve the co$$o" accusatio" that these pre-ictio"s are
<;ust a %u"ch o8 ge"eral phrases that ca" %e scra$%le- arou"- to 8it a"y%o-y.<
That>s e'ually u"true. The pre-ictio"s ?i"-icatio"s ,oul- %e a %etter ,or-@ apply as
they are pri"te-5 to the Taurus or *isces or irgo perso" i"-ivi-ually. They -o">t
apply helter-s7elter to a"y o8 the t,elve Su" sig"s. They are ,ritte" %y co$pete"t
pro8essio"als a"- %ase- o" $athe$atical calculatio"s o8 the aspects 8or$e- %et,ee"
your "atal Su" a"- the pla"ets $ovi"g overhea-5 a"- they give you a 8air -egree o8
accuracy5 as 8ar as they go. The 8act that they>re "ot %ase- o" the e:act -egree o8
your "atal Su"5 "or o" the a--itio"al aspects 8ro$ the other eight pla"ets i" your
"atal chart5 plus your "atal Moo"5 is ,hat creates the 8la,. Still5 they ca" %e
i"teresti"g a"- help8ul5 i8 allo,a"ces are $a-e 8or the -iscrepa"cies.
The Su" is the $ost po,er8ul o8 all the stellar %o-ies. 2t colors the perso"ality so
stro"gly that a" a$a3i"gly accurate picture ca" %e give" o8 the i"-ivi-ual ,ho ,as
%or" ,he" it ,as e:ercisi"g its po,er through the 7"o," a"- pre-icta%le i"8lue"ces
o8 a certai" astrological sig". These electro-$ag"etic vi%ratio"s ?8or ,a"t o8 a %etter
ter$ i"> the prese"t stage o8 research@ ,ill co"ti"ue to sta$p that perso" ,ith the
characteristics o8 his Su" sig" as he goes through li8e. The Su" is">t the o"ly 8actor
i" a"aly3i"g hu$a" %ehavior a"- traits5 %ut it>s easily the $ost i$porta"t si"gle
So$e astrologers 8eel that a %oo7 a%out Su" sig"s is a ge"erali3atio" co$para%le to
lu$pi"g together all the *olish5 2rish5 !hi"ese5 Negro5 2talia" a"- Je,ish people- or
li7e lu$pi"g all %utchers5 %a7ers5 ca"-lestic7 $a7ers5 $ercha"ts or 2"-ia" chie8s.
Though 2 respect their 8eeli"gs5 2 ca">t agree ,ith the$. True5 Su" sig"s ca" %e
$islea-i"g i8 they>re use- ,ith the ,ro"g attitu-e. 4ut i" the a%se"ce o8 a "atal
chart5 they>re 8ar ahea- o8 a"y other 7"o," 'uic75 relia%le $etho- o8 a"aly3i"g
people a"- lear"i"g to u"-ersta"- hu$a" "ature.
A" i"-ivi-ual>s Su" sig" ,ill %e appro:i$ately eighty perce"t accurate5 so$eti$es
up to "i"ety perce"t. 2s">t that 8ar %etter tha" 3ero 7"o,le-geA That e:tra te" or
t,e"ty perce"t5 is5 o8 course5 $ost i$porta"t a"- $ust %e co"si-ere-. 4ut i8 you
7"o, a perso">s Su" sig"5 you>re su%sta"tially %etter i"8or$e- tha" those ,ho 7"o,
"othi"g a%out hi$ at all. There are "o pit8alls i" applyi"g Su" sig" 7"o,le-ge ,he"
it>s -o"e ,ith -iscretio". Just pla"t a" i$agi"ary police$a" i" your $i"- to 7eep
,ar"i"g you that you $ight %e o88 %y that te" or t,e"ty perce"t5 a"- you ca" use
the$ ,ith co"8i-e"ce.
/hat is a Su" sig"A A particular 3o"e o8 the 3o-iac- Aries5 Taurus5 #e$i"i5 etc.-i"
,hich the Su" ,as locate- at the $o$e"t you -re, your 8irst %reath5 a" e:act
positio" ta7e" 8ro$ a set o8 ta%les calle- a" ephe$eris5 calculate- %y astro"o$ers.
As poi"te- out i" the "ote to the rea-er that prece-es the Ta%le o8 !o"te"ts5 i8 you
,ere %or" o" the 8irst or the last -ay o8 a"y Su" sig" perio-5 youll have to 7"o,
your e:act %irth ti$e a"- the lo"gitu-e a"- latitu-e o8 your %irth place to ;u-ge
,hether or "ot the Su" ha- cha"ge- sig"s %y that hour. 2" other ,or-s5 the -ates
,hich %egi" a"- e"- the Su" sig" perio-s i" this or a"y astrology %oo7 are
appro:i$ate5 a"- this is $ost i$porta"t to re$e$%er. These t,o -ays are calle- the
cusps5 a"- -o">t let the$ co"8use you. So$e astrologers eve" give the$< a lo"ger
perio-. 4ut either ,ay there>s %ee" e"tirely too $uch stress lai- o" the$ 8or the
lay$a". No $atter ,hat you>ve hear-5 i8 the Su" ,as i" #e$i"i ,he" you ,ere
%o$5 it ,as i" #e$i"i5 ho,ever "ear it $ay %e to the cusp5 a"- that>s that. The
i"8lue"ces ,hich $ay %e i$presse- o" your perso"ality 8ro$ the sig" prece-i"g or
8ollo,i"g #e$i"i ,ill "ever %lot out your #e$i"i characteristics e"ough to tur"
you i"to a Taurus or a !a"-ceria". Nothi"g ca" -i$ the %rillia"ce o8 the Su"5 ,hile
it>s actually i" a sig"5 a"- the variatio"s you get 8ro$ %ei"g %or" o" a cusp are "ever
stro"g e"ough to su%sta"tially alter your %asic Su" sig" perso"ality. The i$porta"t
thi"g is to esta%lish through your %irth hour that you ,ere -e8i"itely %or" ,ithi" the
cusps. Ma7e a s$all allo,a"ce 8or the$5 a"- the" 8orget it.
/hat is a "atal chartA =ou ca" thi"7 o8 it as a photograph o8 the e:act positio" o8 all
the pla"ets i" the s7y at the $o$e"t o8 your %irth5 8or$e- %y precise $athe$atical
calculatio". 2" a--itio" to the Su" a"- Moo" ?the t,o lu$i"aries@5 there are eight
pla"ets5 all o8 ,hich i"8lue"ce your li8e5 accor-i"g to the sig"s they ,ere i" ,he"
you ,ere %o$5 their -ista"ce 8ro$ each other %y -egrees ?aspects@ a"- their e:act
28 you ,ere %or" o" Ju"e )th5 you>re a #e$i"i5 o8 course5 %ecause the Su" ,as i"
#e$i"i5 a"- a%out eight out o8 every te" #e$i"i traits ,ill sho, i" your character.
.o,ever5 the Moo"5 ruli"g your e$otio"s5 $ight have %ee" i" Aries5 colori"g your
e$otio"al attitu-es ,ith Arie" 'ualities. Mercury5 ruli"g the $i"-5 coul- have %ee"
i" Scorpio5 so your $e"tal processes ,oul- o8te" %e Scorpio" i" "ature. Mars5
ruli"g your speech a"- $ove$e"ts5 a$o"g other thi"gs5 coul- have %ee" i" Taurus5
so you ,oul- spea7 rather slo,ly5 li7e a Taurea". e"us $ight have %ee" i"
!apricor"5 givi"g you a" esse"tially !apricor" attitu-e i" love5 artistic a"- creative
$atters-a"- so o" ,ith the other pla"ets. =et5 "o"e o8 these place$e"ts ,ill totally
erase the %asic 'ualities o8 your #e$i"i Su". They si$ply re8i"e the -etails o8 your
co$ple: perso"ality.
There are other 8actors to co"si-er i8 you>re to %e o"e hu"-re- perce"t correctly
a"aly3e-. (or o"e thi"g5 the aspects 8or$e- %et,ee" the pla"ets a"- the lu$i"aries
at your %irth ca" $o-i8y their positio"s i" the sig"s. 4ut the $ost i$porta"t
co"si-eratio" is your asce"-a"t-the sig" risi"g o" the easter" hori3o" ,he" you
too7 your 8irst %reath-a"- its e:act -egree. =our asce"-a"t greatly $o-i8ies the
perso"al appeara"ce ?though your Su" sig" has a lot to say a%out that5 too@ a"- it
8or$s your true i""er "ature5 upo" ,hich the $otivatio"s o8 your Su" sig" are
%ase-. 28 your asce"-a"t is A'uarius5 8or e:a$ple5 you $ay have stro"g A'uaria"
lea"i"gs5 a"- ,o"-er ,hy the -escriptio"s o8 your #e$i"i Su" sig" -o">t i"clu-e all
o8 your i-iosy"crasies a"- secret lo"gi"gs. The t,o $ost i$porta"t positio"s i" a"y
"atal chart5 a8ter the Su" sig"5 are the asce"-a"t a"- the Moo" sig".
=ou>ll 8i"- it i"teresti"g to o%tai" your asce"-a"t 8ro$ a" astrologer ?,hich ca" %e
-o"e 'uic7ly over the telepho"e@5 a"- the" rea- the -escriptio" 8or that sig"5 alo"g
,ith your regular Su" sig". =ou>ll 8i"- that the t,o o8 the$ %le"-e- $a7e up your
total perso"ality to a re$ar7a%le -egree. A thir- %le"-i"g o8 your Moo" sig" ,ith
the other t,o ,ill give you a" eve" $ore co$plete picture.
Ne:t5 the houses o8 the horoscope $ust %e co"si-ere-. These are $athe$atically
co$pute- locatio"s i" the "atal chart ,hich have i"8lue"ce over -i88ere"t areas o8
your li8e. There are t,elve o8 the$5 o"e 8or each sig". The 8irst house is al,ays
rule- %y the sig" o" your asce"-a"t5 a"- so o"5 i" cou"ter-cloc7,ise or-er arou"-
the circle ,hich 8or$s the horoscope. The astrologer ,ho has care8ully calculate-
your "atal chart5 %ase- o" the e:act ti$e o8 your %irth a"- its geographical locatio"5
$ust i"terpret the $ea"i"g o8 each sig">s i"8lue"ce o" these houses-or locatio"s-also
ta7i"g i"to co"si-eratio" the pla"ets ,hich 8all i"to their speci8ie- areas. 4le"-i"g
all the 8oregoi"g 8actors i" a"aly3i"g your character5 your pote"tial5 a"- the
i"-icatio"s o8 your past a"- 8uture $ista7es a"- possi%ilities ?,hich are %ase- o"
the aspects o8 the progresse- a"- tra"siti"g pla"ets to your "atal pla"et positio"s@ is
calle- the art o8 sy"thesis i" astrology. That>s ,hat ta7es the ti$e5 tale"t5 e88ort a"-
7"o,le-ge o8 the astrologer. !alculati"g the chart itsel8 is a relatively si$ple tas75
o"ce certai" $athe$atical 8or$ulas are 8ollo,e-.
4ut %ac7 to your Su" sig"5 %ecause5 a8ter all5 that>s ,hat this %oo7 is a%out. 2" a
,ay5 sayi"g that you>re a #e$i"i is rather li7e sayi"g you>re 8ro$ Ne, =or75 ,hich
is">t the ge"erali3atio" it see$s to %e. /oul-">t it %e 8airly easy to spot a Te:a" i" a
Ne, =or7 %ar-or a Ne, =or7er i" a Te:as restaura"tA 2s">t there a co"si-era%le -i8-
8ere"ce %et,ee" a #eorgia" politicia" a"- a !hicago i"-ustrialistA &8 course. A
rather $ar7e- -i88ere"ce.
2$agi"e that you>re a Te:a"5 -iscussi"g a $a" ,ho is a%out to arrive 8or a %usi"ess
$eeti"g. So$eo"e says5 <.e>s a Ne, =or7er5< a"- i$$e-iately a" i$age is 8or$e-.
.e>ll pro%a%ly have 8aster5 $ore clippe- speech tha" a Te:a"5 %e less ,ar$ i" his
perso"al relatio"ships5 a"- ,ill ,a"t to plu"ge i"to %usi"ess ,ithout too $a"y
preli$i"ary pleasa"tries. .ell pro%a%ly %e i" a hurry to get the co"tracts sig"e- a"-
catch a pla"e %ac7 to the east coast. .e>ll %e sophisticate- to so$e -egree5 a"-
pro%a%ly $ore li%eral tha" the Te:a" i" his politics. /hy is this i"sta"t i$pressio"
li7ely to %e pretty accurateA 4ecause the Ne, =or7er lives a 8ast li8e i" a 8ast city5
,here slo, reactio"s $ay lose hi$ the seat o" the su%,ay or the ta:i i" the rai".
.e>s co"sta"tly ru%%i"g shoul-ers or el%o,s ,ith the 8a$ous5 so he>s "ot easily
a,e-. .e has access to the latest plays a"- the %est $useu$s5 so it>s har- 8or hi$ to
re$ai" u"sophisticate-. Due to higher cri$e rates a"- cro,-e- livi"g co"-itio"s5 he
,o">t %e as hospita%le or as i"tereste- i" his "eigh%ors as the Te:a"-his perso"ality
,ill %e so$e,hat cooler.
&8 course5 a Ne, =or7er ca" %e a slo,-tal7i"g Taurea" or a slo,-$ovi"g
!apricor"5 %ut he ,oul-">t %e 'uite as slo, as the Te:a" Taurea" or !apricor"5
,oul- heA Nor ,oul- a 8ast-thi"7i"g a"- acti"g #e$i"i %e 'uite as 8ast i8 he live-
i" Te:as as he ,oul- i8 he live- i" Ne, =or7. 2t>s all relative.
All right5 he>s a Ne, =or7er. No, assu$e you -iscover he>s 2talia". A"other i$age.
.e>s a ,riter 8or televisio". A thir- i$age. .e>s $arrie-5 ,ith si: chil-re"-a"- yet
a"other -i$e"sio" o8 the $a" is reveale-. There8ore ?although this is a" a"alogy5
a"- all a"alogies are i$per8ect@5 sayi"g he>s a Ne, =or7er is li7e sayi"g he>s a
#e$i"i5 8or i"sta"ce5 a"- a--i"g the 8urther i"8or$atio" is co$para%le to 7"o,i"g
that his Moo" ,as i" irgo a"- he ha- a Scorpio asce"-a"t ,he" he ,as %or"5 etc.
4ut eve" ,ithout the e:tra 7"o,le-ge5 ;ust 7"o,i"g that he>s a Ne, =or7er puts
you co"si-era%ly ahea- o8 those ,ho -o">t 7"o, i8 he>s 8ro$ Ti%et or the South Sea
2sla"-s. 2" the sa$e ,ay5 eve" ,ithout a "atal chart5 ;ust 7"o,i"g a $a" is a
#e$i"i or a Leo ca" give you $ore u"-ersta"-i"g o8 hi$ tha" coul- ever %e
possesse- %y those ,"o -o">t 7"o, i8 they>re copi"g ,ith a 8iery Sagittarius or a"
earthy Taurus.
2t>s true that a -etaile- "ativity ca" i"8alli%ly reveal the 8i"er "ua"ces o8 character. 2t
ca" i"-icate $ar7e- i"cli"atio"s to,ar- or agai"st -ope a--ictio"5 pro$iscuity5
8rigi-ity5 ho$ose:uality5 $ultiple $arriages5 a -istur%e- chil-hoo-5 alie"atio" 8ro$
or "eurotic attach$e"ts to relatives5 hi--e" tale"ts5 career a"- 8i"a"cial pote"tial. 2t
ca" sho, clearly te"-e"cies to ho"esty or -isho"esty5 cruelty5 viole"ce5 8ears5
pho%ias a"- psychic a%ilityB plus $a"y other stre"gths a"- ,ea7"esses o8 i""er
character ,hich $ay %e late"t 8or years5 the" %urst 8orth u"-er provocatio" -uri"g
pla"etary progressio"s a"- tra"sits ,hich a88ect the "atal pla"et positio"s 8or a
te$porary perio- o8 ti$e. Suscepti%ility a"- i$$u"ity to acci-e"t a"- -isease are
reveale-5 secret attitu-es to,ar- -ri"75 se:5 ,or75 religio"5 chil-re"5 ro$a"ce-a"-
the list coul- go o" a"- o". There are "o secrets hi--e" 8ro$ the accurately
calculate- "atal chart. No"e e:cept your o," -ecisio" co"cer"i"g ho, $uch o8
your i"-ivi-ual 8ree ,ill you $ay -eci-e to e:ercise.
.o,ever5 i" the a%se"ce o8 such a co$plete a"alysis5 everyo"e ca" pro8it 8ro$ a
stu-y o8 Su" sig"s5 a"- the 7"o,le-ge ca" $a7e us $ore tolera"t o8 o"e a"other.
&"ce you u"-ersta"- ho, -eeply i"grai"e- certai" attitu-es are i" people>s "atures5
you>ll %eco$e $ore sy$pathetic to,ar- their %ehavior. Lear"i"g Su" sig"s ca" help
cool5 poise- Scorpio pare"ts to %e $ore patie"t ,ith the 'uic7 %right"ess they
,oul- other,ise thi"7 ,as restless 8i-geti"g i" a #e$i"i chil-. 2t helps e:troverte-
stu-e"ts u"-ersta"- i"troverte- teachers5 a"- vice versa. =ou>ll 8orgive the irgo his
pic7i"ess ,he" you reali3e he ,as %or" to 7eep every hair straight a"- to u"ta"gle
issues %y e:a$i"i"g each -etail. 2t>s easier to %ear the careless"ess o8 the Sagittaria"
,he" you u"-ersta"- he>s too %usy 8i"-i"g causes to cherish a"- -e8e"- to loo7
,here he>s goi"g every $i"ute or "otice ,hose toes he>s steppi"g o". .is 8ra"7"ess
,ill cut less ,he" you>re a,are o8 his co$pulsio". to spea7 the truth5 ,hatever the
=ou ,o">t %e as hurt ,he" a !apricor" -oes">t <ooh< a"- <ah< over the gi8t you
gave hi$5 a8ter you>ve re$e$%ere- that he>s -eeply grate8ul5 %ut i"capa%le o8 sho,-
i"g his pleasure ope"ly. .is i"siste"ce o" -uty ,ill cha8e less ,he" you 7"o, that
he -iscipli"es hi$sel8 as severely as he -oes others. *utti"g up ,ith the e"-less
Li%ra" argu$e"ts a"- hesitatio"s is so$eho, $ore %eara%le ,ith the Su" sig"
7"o,le-ge that he>s o"ly tryi"g to %e 8air a"- reach a" i$partial -ecisio". The
A'uaria" ,o">t see$ as ru-e ,he" he roots i"to your private li8e i8 you stop to thi"7
he ,as create- ,ith a" u"co"trolla%le urge to i"vestigate people>s $otives.
&"ce i" a great ,hile you $ay co$e across a Leo5 8or e:a$ple5 ,ith5 say5 8ive or
si: pla"ets i" *isces. The *iscea" i"8lue"ces ,ill o%viously pro;ect the$selves
stro"gly5 $a7i"g his Su" sig" har-er to guess5 si"ce they>ll greatly su%-ue his Leo
'ualities. 4ut that ,ill happe" o"ly rarely5 a"- i8 you>re co$pletely 8a$iliar ,ith all
t,elve Su" sig"s i" -etail5 he ca">t -isguise his true "ature 8orever. No $atter ho,
har- the 8ish tries to hi-e the lio"5 that Leo Su" sig" ,ill "ever %e totally eclipse--
a"- you>ll catch hi$ u"a,ares.
Never $a7e the $ista7e o8 s7i$$i"g the sur8ace ,he" you>re tryi"g to recog"i3e
Su" sig"s. Not all !aprico$s are $ee75 "ot all Leos are out,ar-ly -o$i"eeri"g a"-
"ot all irgos are virgi"s. =ou>ll 8i"- a" occasio"al Aries ,ith a savi"gs accou"t5 a
'uiet #e$i"i or eve" a practical *isces. 4ut loo7 %eyo"- the o"e or t,o traits that
thre, you o88. =ou>ll catch that 8lashy !apricor" pee7i"g at the social register-the
shy Leo pouti"g over a slight to his va"ity-a"- the rare 8lirtatious irgo %uyi"g
i"sectici-e %y the case5 %ecause it>s cheaper. The 'uiet #e$i"i $ay "ot tal7 8ast5 %ut
her $i"- ca" operate at ;et spee-. The e:ceptio"al thri8ty Aries ,ill ,ear a %right
re- Mars coat to the %a"7 or tal7 %ac7 to a ru-e teller-a"- the practical *isces
secretly ,rites poetry or i"vites si: orpha"s 8or -i""er every Tha"7sgivi"g. No o"e
ca" success8ully hi-e his or her Su" sig" 8ro$ you5 i8 you 7eep your eyes a"- ears
ope". +ve" your pet ,ill sho, u"$ista7a%le Su" sig" traits. Do">t $ove the 8oo-
-ish o8 a irgo cat to a stra"ge spot-a"- "ever try to ig"ore a Leo -og.
2t>s 8u" to practice ,ith 8a$ous people5 politicia"s5 8ictio"al heroes a"- heroi"es.
Try to guess their sig"5 or ,hat sig" they $ost represe"t. 2t sharpe"s your
astrological ,its. =ou ca" eve" try co$ic strip characters. #oo- ol- !harlie 4ro,"
is o%viously a Li%ra"5 a"- Lucy coul- o"ly %e a Sagittarius ,ith a" Aries asce"-a"t
a"- her Moo" i" irgo. As 8or S"oopy5 ,ell5 a"yo"e ca" easily see he>s a" A'uaria"
-og5 the ,ay he ,ears that cra3y scar8 a"- the /orl- /ar 2 aviator>s cap5 ,hile he
chases a" i$agi"ary 1e- 4aro" 8ro$ the roo8 o8 his -og house. ?S"oopy $ay also
have a" a88licte- Neptu"e.@ Try it yoursel85 a"- you>ll have go%s o8 8u". 4ut ,hat>s
$ore i$porta"t5 as you play the Su" sig" ga$e5 you>ll %e lear"i"g so$ethi"g very
serious a"- use8ul9 ho, to recog"i3e people>s hi--e" -rea$s5 secret hopes a"- true
characters-ho, to u"-ersta"- their -eepest "ee-s-ho, to li7e the$ %etter a"- $a7e
the$ li7e you-ho, to really 7"o, the people you 7"o,. 2t>s a happier ,orl-5 a"-
people are pretty great5 ,he" you loo7 8or the rai"%o,s hi--e" i"si-e the$.
2s">t that really li8e>s $a;or pro%le$A 0"-ersta"-i"gA A%raha$ Li"col" sai- it
si$ply a"- clearly9 <To correct the evils5 great a"- s$all5 ,hich spri"g 8ro$
positive e"$ity a$o"g stra"gers5 as "atio"s or as i"-ivi-uals5 is o"e o8 the highest
8u"ctio"s o8 civili3atio".<
Start right "o, to stu-y your Su" sig"s5 use reaso"a%le cautio" ,he" you apply
the$5 a"- people ,ill ,o"-er ,here you got all your "e, perceptio" ,he" you
%egi" to u"$as7 their real "atures. 2" 8act5 u"-ersta"-i"g the t,elve Su" sig"s ,ill
literally cha"ge your li8e. =ou>re o" your ,ay to u"-ersta"-i"g people you>ve "ever
eve" $et. =ou>ll soo" 8eel closer to stra"gers5 as ,ell as to 8rie"-s5 a"- is">t that
really rather ,o"-er8ulA
2t>s "ice to 7"o, you.

Li"-a #oo-$a"

A4&0T T.+ A0T.&1
Li"-a #oo-$a" ,as %or" a"- %rought up i" *ar7ers%urg. /est irgi"ia. She
,or7e- 8irst as a colu$"ist a"- 8eature ,riter 8or the *ar7ers%urg "e,s-se"ti"el a"-
the !lar7sville ?Te""essee@courier. Si"ce the" she has %ee" a sta88 ,riter 8or several
ra-io a"- televisio" statio"s5 i"clu-i"g three years at N4! ,riti"g <Mo"itor< a"-
At prese"t she is co$pleti"g the %oo7 a"- lyrics 8or a 4roa-,ay $usical-i" the ti$e
she ca" spare 8ro$ prepari"g astrological charts a"- co"8erri"g ,ith a si3a%le
She lives i" Ne, =or7 ,ith her hus%a"- a"- 8our chil-re".

A12+S5 the 1a$
March 21st through April 20th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The A12+S Ma"
The A12+S /o$a"
The A12+S !hil-
The A12+S 4oss
The A12+S +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e A12+S
They ,oul- "ot re$e$%er the si$ple rules their 8rie"-s ha- taught the$9 such as
that a re- hot po7er ,ill %ur" you i8 you hol- it too lo"gBa"- that5 i8 you cut your
8i"ger very -eeply ,ith a 7"i8e5 it usually %lee-s.
.ave you rece"tly $et a" u"usually 8rie"-ly perso" ,ith a 8orce8ul $a""er5 a 8ir$
ha"-clasp a"- a" i"sta"t s$ileA #et rea-y 8or a -i33y -ash arou"- the $ul%erry
%ush. =ou>ve pro%a%ly ;ust %ee" a-opte- %y a" Aries. +specially i8 you 8ou"- it a
little tough to ta7e the lea- i". the co"versatio".
2s he co$$itte- to so$e i-ealistic cause a"- a"grily -e8e"-i"g the u"-er-ogA That
8igures. Male or 8e$ale5 these people ,ill 8ight ,hat they 8eel is a" i";ustice o" the
spot5 a"- they>re "ot %ash8ul a%out voici"g their opi"io"s. The ra$ ,ill tal7 %ac7 to
a tra88ic cop or a" ar$e- ga"gster ,ith e'ual vigor5 i8 either o"e happe"s to a""oy
hi$. .e $ay regret it later5 %ut cautio" ,o">t co"cer" hi$ i" the heat o8 the
$o$e"t. Mars people co$e straight to the poi"t5 ,ith "o shilly-shallyi"g.
Aries is the 8irst sig" o8 the 3o-iac. 2t represe"ts %irth5 as *isces represe"ts -eath a"-
co"scious"ess o8 the soul. The ra$ is co"scious o"ly o8 hi$sel8. .e>s the i"8a"t o8
the 3o-iac-the "e,%or" %a%y-co$pletely a%sor%e- ,ith his o," toes a"- 8i"gers.
.is "ee-s co$e 8irst. A" i"8a"t -oes">t care ,hether or "ot his pare"ts or the
"eigh%ors are sleepi"g. /he" he>s hu"gry or ,et5 he yo,ls i" -isco$8ort. .e ,a"ts
his %ottle5 a"- he ,a"ts his -iaper cha"ge- "o,5 a"- -o">t %e po7ey a%out it. /he"
the Aries perso" has a" i-ea or so$ethi"g he ,a"ts to get o88 his $i"-5 he>ll call you
at 8our i" the $or"i"g ,ithout a 'ual$. /hy shoul-">t you %e a,a7e to liste" to
hi$A .e>s a,a7e. That>s all that cou"ts. .e ,a"ts so$ethi"g. .e gets it.
Li7e the i"8a"t5 Aries is co"cer"e- ,ith the ,orl- o"ly as it relates to hi$sel8. 4ut
,ho coul- call the s$all %a%y truly sel8ishA .e>s per8ectly ,illi"g to lavish his
s$iles a"- 8avors o" those ,ho satis8y his -e$a"-s. 2t>s har- to resist a %a%y5
%ecause he>s so totally u"a,are that he>s causi"g a"yo"e the slightest i"co"ve"ie"ce.
So it is ,ith the ra$. .is i""oce"ce ha"gs over hi$ a"- $ello,s his ag-
gressive"ess5 li7e the i""oce"ce o8 the "e,%or" so8te"s his egoce"tricity.
This -isar$i"g "aivete is also ,hy Aries people are so 8earless. The %a%y 8ears
"othi"g a"- "o o"e5 u"til he gets %ur"e-. +ve" the"5 he>ll trusti"gly try agai"5 ,he"
he>s 8orgotte" the hurt. There>s "ot a trace o8 cu""i"g ,ile i" the ra$5 a"- he>ll
re$ai" this ,ay throughout his li8eti$eB 8orever %elievi"g ,ith all his heart5 al,ays
8alli"g -o," a"- getti"g up agai" to try o"ce $ore. A"y -ou%ts he collects alo"g
the ,ay are i$$e-iately -isplace- %y the "e:t perso" ,ho>s 7i"- to hi$5 ;ust as the
%a%y 8orgets the pai" o8 the sa8ety pi" that acci-e"tally stuc7 i" his leg the "e:t ti$e
so$eo"e spri"7les the po,-er.
The ra$ ca" $a7e %elieve 8ro$ here to to$orro,5 a"- spi" 8a%ulous -rea$s5 %ut he
ca">t lie ,orth a ti"7er.
2 /hat you see %e8ore you is ,hat he is. There>s "othi"g hi--e" or co$plicate-
a%out hi$. .e>s ;ust as vul"era%le as the %a%y5 a"- ;ust as helpless. /he" stro"ger5
$ore $ature people 8orce hi$ or ta7e thi"gs a,ay 8ro$ hi$5 he reacts i" the o"ly
$a""er he 7"o,s-yelli"g a"- causi"g so $uch -istur%a"ce5 that people give i" ;ust
to get peace. .e -oes">t "ee- <-elicate strategy. Lu"g po,er a"- sel8-a%sor%e-
-eter$i"atio" su88ice %eauti8ully to allo, hi$ to get his ,ay. *erhaps helpless is "ot
the right ,or-. ul"era%le5 yes-%ut helpless5 "o.
2t>s a ci"ch to recog"i3e the physical appeara"ce o8 the ra$. Aries people have
-eci-e- 8eatures5 usually sharp5 sel-o$ so8t or %lurre-. The ,ell-$ar7e- %ro,s
o8te" ;oi" ,ith the "arro, %ri-ge o8 the "ose i" 8or$i"g the sig" o8 the ra$ ?<C@5
perhaps as a ,ar"i"g to a"yo"e ,ith the silly i-ea o8 tryi"g to stop or co"'uer hi$
that those sy$%olic hor"s $ea" %usi"ess. =ou $ay "otice a $ole or a scar o" the
hea- or 8ace5 a re--ish cast to the hair i" the su"light5 a"- $ore color tha" average
i" the co$ple:io". =ou $ay also se"se i"visi%le spar7s shooti"g out i" all
-irectio"s. The $ove$e"ts ,ill usually %e 'uic7 a"- capa%le5 ,ith a $e"tal process
to $atch. 4oth the $ale a"- 8e$ale ra$s "or$ally have %roa- shoul-ers5 a"- they
$ay ,al7 ,ith the %o-y slightly %e"t 8or,ar-5 lea-i"g ,ith the hea-5 so to spea75
a"- al$ost al,ays i" a great hurry. ?&8te"5 they>re i" a hurry to get to a %ric7
%uil-i"g to 7"oc7 -o,"5 though their ho$s $ay get %e"t i" the %utti"g.@ There>s
little that>s grace8ul a%out the ra$5 u"less it>s his s$ooth ,ay o8 ha"-li"g a crisis
?,hich "ever 8ails to surprise people ,ho u"-eresti$ate hi$@. The %o"e Structure is
8i"e a"- stro"g5 a"- 8e, Aries people slu$p. Their posture re8lects their supre$e
ego a"- sel8-co"8i-e"ce. 28 you see a" Aries ,ith -roopi"g shoul-ers5 he>s pro%a%ly
a sheep type5 ,ho ,as %a-ly hurt i" the ego ,he" he ,as you"g. 2t $ay ta7e hi$
so$e ti$e to recover5 i8 the ,ou"-s ,e"t -eep5 %ut he>ll straighte" up so$e-ay. =ou
ca" cou"t o" it. Nothi"g 7eeps these people -o," 8orever5 8ailure least o8 all.
The Mars-rule- perso" ,ill loo7 you straight i" the eye5 ,ith u"a%ashe- ho"esty
a"- rather touchi"g 8aith. =ou>re his 8rie"-5 are">t youA =ou li7e hi$5 -o">t youA
NoA The" the tears ,ill start5 %ut i"s>-e. .e>ll "ever sho, it o" the sur8ace5 i8 he ca"
help it. 28 you see hi$ ope"ly ,eepi"g5 you ca" %e certai" that he>s %ee" cut to the
very soul i" so$e ,ay. Aries ,oul- rather %e caught -ea- tha" %e <caught ,ea7-a"-
so$e o8 the$ literally ris7 the 8or$er to avoi- the latter.
The ra$ ,ill sel-o$ gla"ce "ervously arou"- the roo$. /he" he -oes5 he>s "o
lo"ger i"tereste- i" tal7i"g ,ith you. So$ethi"g else has caught his atte"tio"5 a"-
8or the $o$e"t5 you are 8orgotte". So is ,hat you>re sayi"g. Do">t %e o88e"-e-.
1e$e$%er the %a%y a"- his toes a"- 8i"gers.
.e ,ill u"-ou%te-ly %e at the hea- o8 his chose" career or i"volve- i" a pro8essio"
o" his o,". 28 he>s "ot5 the" you ca" easily recog"i3e hi$ %y the -isco"te"t he
clearly sho,s at %ei"g 8orce- to su%$it to others. =ou ca" loo7 8or a li%eral attitu-e5
lavish ge"erosity ,ith %oth ti$e a"- $aterial thi"gs5 a"- a $ar7e- -esire to lea- all
the $arches -,ith lou- cy$%als. 4ut -o">t loo7 8or su%tlety5 tact or hu$ility. The
average Arie" ,as %ehi"- the %ar" -oor ,he" those 'ualities ,ere passe- out. .e>s
a little short o" patie"ce5 too. 2" a co88ee shop5 he>ll 'uic7ly critici3e the ,aitress
a"- the sa"-,ich5 i8 the 8irst is 8resh a"- the seco"- is stale. 4ut he>ll pro%a%ly leave
a" u""ecessarily %ig tip ,he" the service is goo-.
Aries is very -irect5 to put it $il-ly. Deceptive"ess a"- -evious"ess are e"tirely
8oreig" to the Mars "ature. (ra"7"ess a"- re8reshi"g ho"esty are Arie" tra-e$ar7s5
yet ra$s -o">t $a7e the %est cre-it ris7s. So$e o8 the$ lac7 sta%ility a"- evi-e"ce a
chil--li7e lac7 o8 respo"si%ility. +ve" those ,ho have $ature- ca" 8orget -e%ts i"
the e:cite$e"t o8 the ever-prese"t "e, challe"ge o8 the $o$e"t5 ,hich ,ill al,ays
co"su$e their e"tire atte"tio". They>ll eve"tually pay their %ills cheer8ully a"-
,illi"gly5 %ut you $ay %e out o8 %reath ,he" you catch up ,ith the$.
Although Aries is the 8ire%ra"-5 ,ho 8orges his ,ay through li8e ,ith -ari"g5
i"itiative a"- e"terprise5 there>s a stra"ge 'uir7 to his %ravery. .ell 8ace the
a%o$i"a%le s"o,$a" or the (ra"7e"stei" $o"ster ,ithout the slightest trace o8
8ear5 yet he ca">t sta"- physical pai". .e>s "ever a $oral co,ar-5 %ut he ca" %e a
huge sissy a%out a"ythi"g that hurts. The -e"tist is "ot o"e o8 his 8avorite people.
+very Arie"5 at so$e ti$e i" his li8e5 ,ill i"-ulge i" rash %ehavior that %ri"gs a"
i";ury to the hea- or 8ace. !uts a"- %u$s are also li7ely5 a"- severe or eve"
$igrai"e hea-aches5 ,hich coul- ste$ 8ro$ 7i-"ey i"8ectio"s. The ra$ ,oul- %e
,ise to steel hi$sel8 a"- see that -e"tist regularly5 guar- his eyesight5 ,atch his
-iet5 treat hea- . col-s seriously5 a"- stay a,ay 8ro$ alcohol ?"ot o"ly D %a- 8or the
7i-"eys5 %ut 'uite co$%usti%le ,he" co$%i"e- D ,ith the Mars te$per@. S7i" rashes5
pai"8ul 7"ee caps a"- D sto$ach -isor-ers also plague those %or" i" late March or D
April. The ra$>s co"stitutio" is stro"g a"- tough5 i8 he D -oes">t a%use it5 ,hich he
usually -oes5 %y ig"ori"g it. D /he" you see hi$ co"8i"e- to %e- ,ith little to say5
you D 7"o, he>s really sic7. +ve" so5 it $ay re'uire ha"-cu88s to D 7eep hi$ -o,".
.e ca" survive 8evers high e"ough to 7ill D the average perso"5 a"- $a"y o8 the$
are %rought o" %y D his hea-stro"g Mars te"-e"cy to carry through u"-er Ea-verse
circu$sta"ces5 at the ,ro"g ti$es ,ith the ,ro"g Epeople. The a"gry i$patie"ce
a"- 8rustratio" this al,ays Etriggers is the real cause o8 his health pro%le$s. .is re-D
actio" to -elay $a7es hi$ ill5 a"- the co"scious cultivatio" D o8 patie"ce a"-
cautious -eli%eratio" ,oul- 7eep the D -octor a,ay. Not that he>ll ta7e such a-vice.
.e 7eeps 2 the -octor a,ay 8or years at a ti$e a"yho,5 u"til he D either -rops i"
e:haustio" or reaches a" age ,he" he gets D $ore se"si%le. There>s "ot $uch -a"ger
o8 a" Aries %e-D co$i"g a--icte- to -rugs. Nor$ally5 the ra$ ,o">t eve" ta7e a
sleepi"g pill. .e>- $uch rather stay ,i-e a,a7e. ?.e>s a8rai- he $ight $iss
4ecause o8 his 8orce8ul opti$is$5 Aries ?alo"g ,ith the other 8ire sig"s5 Leo a"-
Sagittarius@ sel-o$ 8alls victi$ to the chro"ic5 li"geri"g -iseases-,hich astrology
has al,ays taught a"- $e-ical scie"ce "o, reali3es are triggere- or i"te"si8ie- %y
$ela"choly a"- pessi$is$. The 8ire sig"s are $ore suscepti%le to ragi"g 8evers5
8ul$i"ati"g i"8ectio"s5 stro7es5 high %loo- pressure a"- viole"tly acute ill"ess. Say
,hat you ,ill a%out his i$pulsive"ess5 the ra$ is sel-o$ guilty o8 gloo$. The see-s
o8 -epressio"5 eve" i8 pla"te-5 ,ill -ie a 'uic7 -eath i" Arie" soil. 4ut that precious
i-ea Aries hol-s5 that "o o"e else ca" -o a"ythi"g as e88icie"tly as he ca"5 $ay ru"
a,ay ,ith hi$ a"- > lea- to a thousa"- -isasters. .e>ll carry through his sche$es
,ith -ash a"- co"8i-e"ce5 sel-o$ reali3i"g that he>s overreachi"g hi$sel8 a"-
hea-e- 8or ulcers or a "ervous %rea7-o,". No o"e ever accuses hi$ o8 la3i"ess.
4ecause o8 their guileless "ature5 su%tle tric7s o8 strategy are i$possi%le 8or these
people. &"e Aries 2 7"o, ,ell5 ,ith his 8iery5 co"tagious e"thusias$5 got a
8i"a"cial a"gel to %ac7 o"e o8 his origi"al i-eas. Just as the -eal ,as a%out to %e
close-5 a"- this ra$ ,as a%out to reali3e his 8o"-est -rea$s5 the a"gel logically
suggeste- that a ,ell-7"o," e:pert oversee the operatio". The Aries ,as positive
that "o o"e coul- ru" it as ,ell as hi$sel85 a"- he ,as 8ear8ul o8 getti"g i"volve-
,ith so$eo"e 8ro$ ,ho$ he $ight have to ta7e or-ers5 so he respo"-e- 'uic7ly5
,ith the usual Aries hu$ility. .e ,ave- his cigar i" the air i" a superior gesture5
a"- as7e- %lu"tly5 <.o, -o you ,a"t your "o5 8ast or slo,A< The 8i"a"cial a"gel
;ust as 'uic7ly ,ith-re, his %ac7i"g5 a"- the poor Aries pro$oter soo" -evelope- a
severe case o8 %usi"ess leprosy. (or $a"y 8rustrati"g $o"ths5 those ,ho ha-
8or$erly %ee" %ehi"- hi$ o"e hu"-re- perce"t ,ere $ysteriously out to lu"ch or i"
+urope every ti$e he calle-.
A little tact8ul -iplo$acy coul- have 7ept his -rea$ 8ro$ e:plo-i"g5 %ut it ta7es the
average ra$ $a"y years to reach the -iplo$acy o8 a" Arie" li7e Dea" 1us7. *eople
,ho have arrive- at the top through har- a"- patie"t ,or7 ;usti8ia%ly rese"t a"
aggressive Aries5 ,ho thi"7s he 7"o,s 8ar $ore ,ith 8ar less e:perie"ce. .e lear"s
$o-esty a"- hu$ility o"ly a8ter $a"y -is$al 8ailures. 4ut o"ce he>s lear"e-5 he ca"
$a7e a pro;ect pay o88 li7e a gusher5 a--i"g stac7s o8 creative i-eas5 a"- i"tuitively
$a7i"g the right $oves. .e reaches lea-ership o"ly %y 8irst respecti"g those a%ove
hi$ i" cre-it a"- stature5 yet success5 ,he" it co$es5 is "or$ally giga"tic a"-
i$pressive. Stra"gely5 $ost Aries people o8te" create ,ealth 8or others rather tha"
8or the$selves. Lots o8 ra$s pay re"t $ost o8 their lives5 a"- sel-o$ o," their o,"
ho$e. 2t -oes">t see$ to %rea7 the Mars spirit that cash -oes">t al,ays cli"g to hi$5
perhaps %ecause ,hat he see7s is "ot "ecessarily i" the %a"7.
Though Aries pushes ahea- ,ith co"8i-e"ce5 cari"g little 8or the 8eeli"gs o8 others5
a"- his attitu-e5 especially i" youth5 is <$e 8irst5< he ca" %e the ,ar$est a"- $ost
ge"erous o8 all the Su" sig"s. .e>s "ot cruel. .e ;ust ho"estly %elieves that he ca"
-o a"ythi"g %etter tha" a"yo"e else5 a"- he>s psychologically u"a%le to sta"- %y
,hile others 8u$%le a"- 8lop. #ive hi$ a choice o8 $o"ey or glory5 a"- he>ll ta7e
glory a"y ti$e. .e>s as 8o"- o8 a -ollar as the "e:t perso"5 %ut he>s ;ust a 8e, sha-es
8o"-er o8 praise a"- 8a$e. The ra$ has a ,ay o8 $a7i"g i"sta"t -ecisio"s ,ithout
the authority o8 his superiors. .is speech ca" %e satirical a"- cutti"g i" i"vective.
Arie" a"ger 8lashes 8orth ,ith the spee- o8 sou"-5 %ut it>s usually go"e %e8ore the
victi$ 7"o,s ,hat it>s all a%out5 a"- the happy5 chil--li7e s$ile 'uic7ly retur"s.
&"e ca">t help %ei"g re$i"-e- o8 a tB certai" i$pulsive ra$5 Ni7ita Frushchev5 ,ho
o"ce %a"ge- his shoe i" a 8it o8 chil-ish te$per5 o" a ta%le at the 0"ite- Natio"s5 i"
8ull vie, o8 a televisio" au-ie"ce5 a"- the -evil-ta7e-the-hi"-er$ost. .e ,as %ei"g
ig"ore-5 a"- ,hat Arie" cares a%out tact ,he" he>s %ei"g ig"ore-A =et this sa$e
Aries ,as truly heart%ro7e" ,he" he $isse- e";oyi"g the $agic ,o"-er o8
Mars people are o8te" accuse- o8 havi"g a terri%le te$per. They have. 4ut they also
have a co$plete i"a%ility to re$ai" a"gry5 a"- o"ce over ,ith5 the grieva"ce is
ge"erally %urie- a"- 8orgotte". .e>s hurt a"- surprise- that you still re$e$%er the
rash thi"gs he sai- %ut -i-">t $ea". #ive" the cha"ce5 Aries ,ill apologi3e to his
,orst e"e$y5 regar-less o8 a"y -ire threats he $a-e i" the throes o8 e$otio". .e
see7s accepta"ce5 eve" ,hile he hee-lessly a"- -eli%erately courts re;ectio". Aries
people sel-o$ %eco$e a"gry ,ith i"-ivi-uals. =ou $ay get the sho,er o8 spar7s5
%ut the 8ire is actually -irecte- to,ar- a" i-ea or a situatio" he 8i"-s i"tolera%le.
The ra$ is capa%le o8 tryi"g to tell a s$all ,hite lie5 i8 it ,ill put hi$ 8ore$ost or
save o"e o8 his cherishe- r-eals5 %ut $ost o8 the ti$e5 he has little use 8or lies5
,hich is 8ortu"ate5 %ecause he gets caught every ti$e. 4lu"t ca"-or is 'uic7er5 a"-
si"ce the $ai" i"terest is i" getti"g to the poi"t i" a hurry5 he pre8ers to tell the truth.
.e has "o ti$e at all 8or gossip. That i"volves -iscussi"g others5 a"- Aries is 8ar too
i"tereste- i" hi$sel8 to ,aste a"y e:cess e"ergy speculati"g o" the i""er secrets5
%ehavior or $otives o8 a"yo"e else. 4esi-es5 people are "or$ally either %lac7 or
,hite to hi$. .e -oes">t %other ,ith the gray to"es. Do">t $ista7e this 8or pre;u-ice5
ho,ever. 28 he has heavy pla"etary a88lictio"s o8 his "atal chart5 the Aries i$pulsive
-isregar- 8or the 8acts $ay co$e 8orth i" the 8or$ o8 cruelty or pre;u-iceB %ut this is
e:tre$ely rare. The typical ra$ ,ill -i"e ,ith %eggars a"- 7i"gs ,ith e'ual ease
a"- ge"ui"e a88ectio". A"y reputatio" he gets 8or pre;u-ice co$es 8ro$ his
te"-e"cy to lu$p people i"to t,o -isti"ct ca$ps-his 8rie"-s a"- his e"e$ies-a"-
he>ll e:pect you to li"e the$ up the sa$e ,ay5 i8 you>re close to hi$.
Despite his shoc7i"g 8or,ar-"ess5 the ra$ ca" also %e the epito$e o8 social grace.
.e ca" co"verse 8or hours i" a" e:citi"g5 i"teresti"g $a""er o" su%;ects he 7"o,s
a%solutely "othi"g a%out. There>s a lot o8 sur8ace polish to cover that aggressive
Mars -rive. *atie"ce ,ith -etail is">t his stro"g poi"t. .e>- rather leave the $i"or5
petty sta-. tistics to so$eo"e else. That>s se"si%le e"ough. So$eo"e else ,oul-
ha"-le the$ 8ar $ore e88icie"tly. Ti$e spe"t pi""i"g -o," the 8acts is rese"te-5
%ecause the ra$ cares "othi"g 8or yester-ay>s lesso"s5 a"- to$orro, is too 8ar a,ay
to ,orry a%out. To-ay is his "atural resi-e"ce. This hour a"- this $i"ute. .e>s
totally co"su$e- i" the actio" o8 the prese"t.
A realist5 yet a -eci-e- i-ealist5 Aries o8te" -e8ies e$otio"al -escriptio". No o"e
ca" sho, such tough5 8orce8ul %ehavior. =et5 8e, others are capa%le o8 such
se"ti$e"tality5 ,ist8ul i""oce"ce a"- %elie8 i" $iracles. Mars people are literally
i"capa%le o8 accepti"g -e8eat. They ,o">t recog"i3e it-eve" ,he" it stares the$ i"
the 8ace. They>re i"cura%le opti$ists a%out the e"- result o8 a"ythi"g 8ro$ love to a
%ase%all ga$e. 4ei"g very clever i"-8ighters5 the ra$s %attle %est ,ith their hea-s5
$ea"i"g their $i"-s. They e";oy oppositio" %ecause o8 the challe"ge it prese"ts5
a"- they>ll go out o8 their ,ay to $eet a" o%stacle a"- co"'uer it lo"g %e8ore it
co$es to the$-a"- o8te" ,he" it $ight have %ee" hea-e- i" the opposite -irectio".
They -o">t ,ait arou"- 8or success to -rop i" their laps5 either5 They>ll chase it at a
8urious pace5 ,hich is ,hy you>ll 8i"- very 8e, Arie"s o" ,el8are lists.
Just thi"7i"g a%out the e"ergy o8 the ra$ ,ears out $ost people. 4ut Arie"s are also
capa%le o8 %ei"g cal$5 ,ise a"- serious ,he" they choose. 0"8ortu"ately5 they
usually -o">t choose u"til youth has passe- a"- $aturity has $ello,e- their rash
i-ealis$ a"- se"se o8 -rivi"g haste. They ca" arouse popular sy$pathy easily5 yet
they -o">t "ecessarily $a7e goo- politicia"s. Tho$as Je88erso" a"- +uge"e
Mc!arthy are rare e:ceptio"s to the rule. &8 all the Arie"s ,ho have tosse- their
hats i" the ri"g5 $ost have ha- co$paratively %rie8 or trou%le- political careers. /e
have">t ha- a" Aries presi-e"t i" the 0"ite- States si"ce Joh" Tyier i" 1G40. The
8iel- o8 politics is -i88icult 8or the average ra$. (or o"e thi"g5 he>s "ot the very %est
eco"o$ist i" the ,orl-. (or a"other5 he>s i$pulsive i" his speech a"- he hates to
he-ge5 %oth -ea-ly traits 8or a politicia". Most politicia"s ,ait to see ,hat people
,a"t %e8ore airi"g their positio"s. The average Aries has his o," i-eas o8 ,hat the
people "ee-5 "ever $i"- ,hat they ,a"t5 a"- he>ll see that they get it5 soo"er tha"
$ight %e politically e:pe-ie"t. Still5 he>s so i-ealistic that o"ce the Arie" has co$e
%e8ore the pu%lic he 8ires their i$agi"atio" a"- $a7es the$ %elieve i" the$selves
agai". The 8resh"ess o8 Mars ca"-or ca" %lo, through the s$o7e o8 political %ac7
roo$s li7e a %ree3e.
4ut $ost Aries people are usually happier i" %usi"ess or the creative arts5 ,here
they>re so -esperately "ee-e-. &thers $ay e:cel i" pla""i"g strategy. !al$er hea-s
a"- $ore practical $i"-s $ay %e %etter at e88icie"t orga"i3atio". 4ut ,ithout the
-irect actio"5 e"ergy a"- origi"ality o8 the ra$s5 the $ost -esira%le pro;ects ,oul-
8all to the grou"- or $a7e little hea-,ay.
=ou $ay 8i"- a" occasio"al Arie" ,ho is shy5 %ut you>ll
5 "ever 8i"- o"e ,ho>s u"certai" ,here he sta"-s. 2t>s -i88icult to e:press your o,"
i"-ivi-uality arou"- these people. Aries is 8ar happier ,he" he>s tal7i"g a%out
hi$sel8 a"- his pla"s tha" a%out a"y%o-y or a"ythi"g else ?,ith the e:ceptio" o8 the
love- o"e5 ,he" he>s caught i" the clutches
2>o8 a ro$a"ce@. &"ce you get his i"terest-a"- lots o8 luc7-hell %e a" atte"tive
liste"er5 especially i8 your i-eas are e:citi"g a"- progressive. .e>ll pro$ote you to
the s7ies5 a"- o88er you his ti$e5 $o"ey5 sy$pathy a"- loyalty. /he" you>re i" the
hospital5 he $ay 8orget to se"- a car-5 %ut he $ay choose the hospital 8or you5 -rive
you there hi$sel8 a"- re8er you to his o," -octor ?,ho ,ill %e superior to *asteur
a"- %oth o8 the Mayo %rothers5 o8 course@. &"ce i"volve- i" helpi"g you through a
rough ti$e5 Aries ,ill ,al7 the e:tra $ile ,ithout hesitatio". 4ut sho, your
gratitu-e5 please. .e>ll %e -eeply hurt5 i8 "ot -o,"right a"gry5 ,he" you -o">t
appreciate his stre"uous actio"s5 ,hich ,e"t 8ar %eyo"- the call o8 -uty5 a"- also
pro%a%ly 8ar %eyo"- ,hat you "ee-e- or ,a"te-. .e e";oys -oi"g 8avorsB the larger
the charita%le gesture the %etterB
%ut the ra$ ,a"ts his cre-it ,he" it>s co$i"g to hi$. 28 tha"7s are ,ithhel-5
ho,ever5 it pro%a%ly ,o">t 7eep hi$ 8ro$ helpi"g agai". .is a$a3i"g 8aith i"
hi$sel8 is $atche- o"ly %y his "aive trust i" others5 ,hich is ,hy he>s al$ost
co"sta"tly -isillusio"e-5 a"- co$plai"i"g that so$eo"e has let hi$ -o,". &8
course5 he ,o">t stay -o," lo"g. .e>ll pic7 hi$sel8 up5 -ust hi$sel8 o885 a"- soo" %e
rea-y5 ,illi"g a"- a%le to %last a,ay agai"5 a8ter a typical %i"ge o8 viole"t %ut %rie8
The ra$ gives such a" i$pressio" o8 si"cerity that it>s startli"g to 8ace his sheer
au-acity ,he" he clai$s 8or a 8act so$ethi"g he 7"o,s-or shoul- 7"o,-to %e
u"true. Accuse hi$ o8 -isho"esty5 a"- he>ll loo7 at you i" a$a3e$e"t5 ,ith ca"-i-
eyes ope" ,i-e i" utter horror that you coul- -ou%t hi$. .e ca" ,ear %li"-ers a"-
ear plugs to shut out a"ythi"g he -oes">t ,a"t to %elieve. +ve" ,he" his positio" is
co$pletely u"te"a%le5 he>ll %ravely stic7 to his gu"s a"- ,or7 8or the lost cause ,ith
ear"est co"victio". Still5 he ca" cha"ge his $i"- a%out a" opi"io" you thought he
,as %or" ,ith i" a $o$e"t o8 8ast -ecisio"5 a"- ,he" he -oes5 it>s i$possi%le 8or
hi$ to regai" his 8or$er poi"t o8 vie,5 let alo"e re$e$%er it. .is urge to toss the
past i" the trash ca" a"- go 8or,ar- at 8ull spee- ?o"e o8 the chie8 reaso"s he a-apts
to "e, locatio"s a"- people so pai"lessly@ $a7es hi$ thi"7 those ,ho try to reaso"
,ith hi$ are i"ter8eri"g ,ith his progress. The" he>s lia%le to thro, ,hat little tact
he has to the 8our ,i"-s. The ultra co"servative5 ,ho ,eighs every ,or- a"- -eci-
sio"5 is $a--e"i"g to the Mars souls5 ,ho ca" co$$u"icate their a""oya"ce a"-
8rustratio" ,ith clear a"- a%u"-a"t $ea"i"g. So it>s easy to see ,hy they so$eti$es
$a7e such %itter e"e$ies o8 ol-er5 ,iser hea-s.
Aries has a" i""oce"t ,ist8ul 8acet to his "ature5 a"- a 7i"- o8 eter"al5 ;oyous5 "aive
8aith5 %le"-e- ,ith the %li"- 3eal o8 the %or" crusa-er. Li7e the -ia$o"-5 his Mars
hor"s are har-5 a"- tough to crac7.
.e sees %right re- 8re'ue"tly5 %ut ,he" the spar7s have -isappeare-5 he %eco$es as
cheer8ul a"- ope"ly 8rie"-ly as the happy Arie" -aisy. .is $etal is iro"5 a"- its u"-
%e"-a%le stre"gth gives hi$ "i"e ti$es as $a"y lives tc live as othersB "i"e ti$es as
$a"y cha"ces o8 ,i""i"g the %attle. The 8ire that co"su$es his spirit ca" %e a
8la$i"g torch that lights the ,ay to courage 8or a"yo"e ,ho recog"i3es his great
.e is the pio"eer5 al,ays lea-i"g others o",ar- to a" i$possi%le goal. .is %eauti8ul
iro" 8aith is pure-u"$i:e- ,ith the alloys o8 hypocrisy a"- gree-. .e sel-o$
a$asses a 8ortu"e5 a"- i8 he -i-5 he ,oul- %e too %usy to stop a"- cou"t it. .elp
yoursel8 to his $o"ey5 clothes or ti$e. .e al,ays has so$e to spare5 ho,ever
presse- or poor he $ay %e te$porarily. The ra$ 7"o,s that %rea- cast o" the ,aters
"ot o"ly 8ee-s his ego a"- retur"s agai" i"crease-5 %ut it $a7es people happy5 o"e
o8 the thi"gs he e";oyA $ost i" li8e. To Aries5 $iracles are a -i$e a -o3e". 28 you
ru" out5 hell $a7e you so$e $ore5 ,rappe- i" %rave5 scarlet -rea$s.
(a$ous Aries *erso"alities
Dea" Acheso" 4is$arc7 Mario" 4ra"-o !harles !hapli" 2l7a !hase Julie !hristie
Joa" !ra,8or- 4ette Davis Tho$as De,ey 4er"ar- #i$%el .arry .ou-i"i .e"ry
Ja$es Tho$as Je88erso" #eorge Jessel Ni7ita Frushchev !lare 4oothe Luce
.e"ry Luce +uge"e Mc!arthy A"-re, Mello" J. *. Morga" /ay"e Ne,to" Lily
*o"s Joseph *ulit3er Si$o"e Sig"oret .arol- Stasse" Leopol- Sto7o,s7i #loria
S,a"so" Lo,ell Tho$as Arturo Tosca"i"i *eter 0sti"ov i"ce"t a" #ogh
/e$her vo" 4rau"
Te""essee /illia$s

The A12+S Ma"
.e sai-5 <2 go $y ,ays
A"- ,he" 2 8i"- a $ou"tai"-"il
2 set it i" a %la3e ...<
<So either ,ay
2>ll get i"to the gar-e"5
a"- 2 -o">t care ,hat happe"s.<
That creature over there $a7i"g a pho"e call-is it a" electrically charge- -y"a$oA
2s it a 8la$i"g torchA is it a %ir-5 a" e:plosio"-or is it Super$a"A /ell5 practically.
2t>s a" Aries $ale5 ,hich is pretty close. Let>s hope you 7"o, ,hat you>re loo7i"g
8or. Shoul- it %e e:cite$e"t5 a" Aries $a" ,ill provi-e it %y the %ushel5 ,ith
sel-o$ a -ull $o$e"t to %lur the spar7le. 4ut i8 you>re loo7i"g 8or the security a"-
co"te"t$e"t o8 a soothi"g love5 you>re i" the ,ro"g telepho"e %ooth.
Aries ca" over,hel$ you ,ith passio"ate ar-or o"e $i"tue5 a"- %e as icy as a polar
%ear the "e:t. 2"sult hi$ or lose his i"terest-either or %oth-a"- that ,ar$5 i$pulsive
Mars "ature ,ill 8ree3e i"sta"tly. To ig"ite it agai" $ay $ea" starti"g all over 8ro$
Act &"e5 Sce"e &"e.
Aries $e" are 8airly %ursti"g ,ith i-eas a"- creative e"ergy. Feepi"g up ,ith hi$
$ay %e tiri"g5 %ut 7eep up you>- %etter. At least $e"tally. Aries has a ,ay o8
leavi"g the s"ails %ehi"- a"- "ot gla"ci"g %ac7. .e>ll pro%a%ly loo7 a"- act you"ger
tha" spri"gti$e5 ,hich is all very -elight8ul5 %ut his youth8ul aura $ay carry over
i"to his $e"tal a"- e$otio"al attitu-es u"til he>s $ature-5 ,hich ,o">t %e early i"
li8e. The Aries $a" is i$patie"t ,ith slo, po7es5 %ol- a"- co"8i-e"t5 al,ays ahea-
o8 others5 a"- so$eti$es ahea- o8 hi$sel8 as ,ell. .e ca" %e the soul o8 ge"erosity5
givi"g his ti$e5 $o"ey5 sy$pathy a"- possessio"s %y the carloa- cheer8ully to
stra"gers. 4ut he ca" also %e e:asperati"gly i"tolera"t5 thoughtless5 sel8ish a"-
-e$a"-i"g5 ,he" his -esires are -elaye-5 or he>s 8orce- to %e arou"- "egative
/he" it co$es to love5 his hee-less attitu-e is a%solutely a$a3i"g. .e>ll plu"ge i"to
a" a88air5 positive that this is the o"ly true love ever 7"o," %y a"y t,o people ever
%or"5 ,ith the possi%le e:ceptio" o8 1o$eo a"- Juliet. /he" it %rea7s i" hal85 hell
pic7 up the pieces5 a"- try every a"gle he ca" thi"7 o8 to salvage the -ea- ro$a"ce.
28 it>s %eyo"- repair5 hell start all over agai" ,ith a "e, Juliet5 a"- it ,ill %e li7e the
very 8irst ti$e. No $atter ho, $a"y ro$a"tic $ista7es he $a7es5 the ra$ is sure
his true love or soul $ate is ;ust arou"- the "e:t -rea$. 0"less you>re a Scorpio
8e$ale5 the Aries $a" is as passio"ate as a"y ,o$a" coul- as7. There>s little le8t to
-esire. .e>s so i-ealistic a"- suscepti%le to se"ti$e"t5 he>ll s'uee3e all the ti"gles5
sighs5 ectasies a"- poetry it>s possi%le to s'uee3e out o8 a relatio"ship. Aries is">t
capa%le o8 goi"g hal8,ay. .e gives all o8 hi$sel8 to the %ur"i"g i"terest o8 the
=ou $ay %e i"volve- ,ith o"e o8 the 'uieter sheep. Do">t let hi$ 8ool you. .e>s still
rule- %y Mars. .e -oes">t tal7 $uch right a,ayA .e>s "ot ope"ly e:u%era"t a"-
pushyA =es5 2 7"o, o"e5 too. 4ut ta7e $y ,or- 8or it5 i8 you coul- see i"si-e that
har- hea-5 you ,oul- -iscover that his %rai" is spi""i"g at appro:i$ately t,o
hu"-re- revolutio"s per seco"-. A"y ti$e you $eet this 7i"-5 o"e ,ho -oes">t at
8irst appear to have the typical Mars -rive5 chec7 the prese"t recor- o8 the %usi"ess
he>s co"-ucti"g. =ou>ll soo" %e co"vi"ce- you>re -eali"g ,ith a" Aries. The" as7
his e:-girl 8rie"-s. They>ll pro%a%ly a"s,er ,ith a giggle. <.i$A 4ash8ulA Ti$i-A
=ou $ust $ea" so$eo"e else.< A8ter a ,hile5 you shoul- %egi" to get the picture.
That 'uiet -e$ea"or is a $as7 8or a 8iery heart a"- a tough %usi"ess -rive.
Naturally5 it>s easier ,he" you>re i" love ,ith a plai"5 si$ple ra$5 ,ho $a7es it
o%vious ;ust ho, e"thusiastic he is a%out everythi"g 8ro$ potato chips to $oo"light
a"- $otor trips.
No other Su" sig" ca" %e so scrupulously 8aith8ul as Aries ,he" he>s really i" love
8or 7eeps. .is ho"esty ,ill usually 7eep hi$ 8ro$ 8ooli"g you5 a"- his i-ealis$ ,ill
7eep hi$ 8ro$ ,a"ti"g to. *ro$iscuity or eve" light 8lirtatio"s are "ot a" Arie"
ha%it5 "o $atter ,hat the %oo7s tell you. Not ,he" he>s -eeply i"volve- ,ith all his
heart. .e>s loo7i"g 8or a story%oo7 ro$a"ce5 a"- story%oo7 ro$a"ces "ever i"clu-e
a casual attitu-e to,ar- love a"- se:. Those other girls ,ere 4.=.!.A. ?%e8ore you
ca$e alo"g@. 2" 8act5 2 7"o, o"e Aries ,ho 8re'ue"tly prece-es -iscussio"s o8
yester-ay ,ith his curre"t 8la$e ,ith5 <That ,as4.0.< ?%e8ore us@.
&8 course5 you $ust 7eep alert to 8uture possi%ilities5 %ecause as si"cere as he is i"
his prese"t -evotio" a"- pro$ises o8 co$plete loyalty ?,hich are u"-ou%te-ly a%so-
lutely true@5 his "ee- 8or ro$a"ce is so stro"g that he>s capa%le o8 loo7i"g else,here
i8 you -o">t 7eep his illusio"s alive co"sta"tly. The $i"ute you let your $utual love
lose its story%oo7 8lavor5 he $ay ,a"-er o88 .the stea-y path. 2" case you>re "ot
sure5 story%oo7 love5 to hi$5 -oes "ot i"clu-e goi"g to -rea$la"- at "ight ,ith a
8e$ale ,ho has ic7s salve o" her chest to clear up her cough. 2t also -oes "ot
i"clu-e ,atchi"g your i"ti$ate perso"al toilette5 such as polishi"g your "ails5
,hite"i"g your teeth5 %righte"i"g your hair ,ith <%lo"-es have $ore 8u"< %leach5
peeli"g your su"%ur"5 8ili"g your "ails or 8ighti"g ,ith your $other 8or hours o" the
pho"e. So$eho,5 i" his $i"-5 this is "ot the ,ay story%oo7 pri"cesses %ehave. A"-
goo-"ess 7"o,s5 Juliet ,oul- "ever have sat ,ith her 8eet up5 che,i"g ta88y a"-
,atchi"g T. /ear your per8u$e ,he" he>s arou"-5 a"- giggle ,ith your girl
8rie"-s ,he" he>s "ot. .e 8i"-s it -i88icult to visuali3e hi$sel8 as *ri"ce !har$i"g
,he" he 7isses you a,a7e a"- you either s"ore5 or shout u"pleasa"tly5 <(or gosh
sa7es5 let $e sleep5 ,ill youA< No,5 really5 is that the ,ay Sleepi"g 4eauty ,oul-
have acte- ,he" she ,o7e upA 4e prepare- to greet hi$ -e,y-eye- a"- %reathless
each $or"i"g5 8resh 8ro$ your -rea$s5 thrille- to 8i"- his ha"-so$e 8ace so "ear.
A"- let hi$ 7"o, it.
Aries $ales ,hose s,eethearts "eglect ro$a"ce are heart%ro7e" at 8irst. The" they
%eco$e a"gry. The" they go loo7i"g 8or a pri"cess ,ho -oes">t s"ore a"- thi"gs
li7e that. This is">t -isho"est as 8ar as he>s co"cer"e-. .e -i-">t %rea7 a pro$ise.
=ou -i-. =ou $a-e hi$ thi"7 you ,ere a lovely "ighti"gale5 si"gi"g i" the
$oo"light5 li7e it says i" his 8avorite so"g. No, he 8i"-s out you>re a chatteri"g
s'uirrel or a "aggi"g %lue ;ay a"- the ;olt rouses < hi$ 8ro$ his heave"ly ,orl- o8
a"gelic choirs a"- %ells ri"gi"g every ti$e he touches your ha"-. .o, ca" %ells
ri"g ,he" your ha"-s are al,ays 8ull o8 -irty ashtrays5 a"- ho, ca" he hear choirs
,he" you>re screa$i"g at hi$ that he staye- out u"til a8ter $i-"ight 8or t,o "ights
i" a ro,A ?/hich he -i-5 o8 course5 %ut ,ho are you to thi"7 you ca" -ictate his
every $oveA Marriage is "ot a priso"5 a"- you are "ot his ,ar-e"-that>s his
28 you lea$ ho, to ope" your eyes a"- loo7 at hi$ $istily a"- all the rest o8 it5 he>ll
stay ,ith you happily5 a"- ig"ore every 8e$ale o" earth 8or you. The ra$ is highly
u"li7ely to co$$it hi$sel8 physically to $ore tha" o"e ,o$a" at a ti$e ?u"less
there>s a #e$i"i asce"-a"t or so$e e"us a88lictio" i" his "atal chart@. 2t ;ust
,oul-">t 8it his i$age o8 o"e true a"- lasti"g love. The -ecisio" to %rea7 o88 the ol-
,ill al,ays %e $a-e %e8ore %eco$i"g too -eeply i"volve- ,ith the "e,. =ou>ll
have ple"ty o8 ,ar"i"g. A" Aries $a" ca" rarely prete"- a passio" he -oes">t 8eel.
This alo"e preve"ts a"y u"-ue a$ou"t o8 -eceptio". 4esi-es5 "o, you 7"o, ho, to
7eep hi$ i"si-e the pages o8 that story%oo7.
Just -o">t %e -ull5 "egative or overly ti$i-. To hol- hi$5 you>ll have to %e a
co$%i"atio" o8 #race Felly5 0rsula A"-ress5 Marie Dressier5 Ma-a$e !urie a"-
6uee" ictoria5 ,ith a little %it o8 !lare 4oothe Luce thro," i". No o"e pri"cess
,ill ever satis8y his i$age o8 the i-eal. 2t>s 'uite a tric7 to co"vi"ce hi$ you>re
superior to all other 8e$ales5 %ut it ,ill 7eep hi$ spotlessly 8aith8ul5 i8 you ca"
s,i"g it. 2t>s really ,orth a try5 %ecause5 i8 the Aries plu"ge i"to ro$a"ce is
hea-lo"g5 his race out o8 it is e'ually rec7less. .e>s %oth a" i-ealist a"- a" egotist5
,hich $ea"s he hates to a-$it he>s ,ro"g5 or that the love he chose coul- -ie. Still5
al,ays re$e$%er that he>s capa%le o8 8i"-i"g situatio"s u"%eara%le that others
,oul- co"si-er par 8or the course. A8ter a separatio"5 i8 you catch hi$ i" the right
$oo-5 you ca" 8ire his ro$a"ce all over agai"5 i8 you act as i8 there ha- "ever %ee"
a"y previous i"ti$acy. =ou>ll have to play har- to get5 %ecause he loves a challe"ge.
To $a7e it easier to 8orgive hi$5 i8 trou%le ever arises5 re$e$%er that a"y strayi"g
,as -ue to a su--e" i$pulse a8ter his "ighti"gale stoppe- si"gi"g i" the $oo"light5
"ot to a -eli%erate see7i"g o8 casual variety. A-ultery is actually -istaste8ul to his
ho"est "ature. Do">t 8ret a%out the 8uture. =ou have the $agic 7ey to his heart. Loc7
28 you have a"y i-eas a%out playi"g ga$es ,ith hi$ %y 8lirti"g--rop the$. =our
8irst i"-iscretio" ,ill pro%a%ly %e your last. =ou ca" lose hi$ ,ith ;ust a ,hisper or
a" i"ti$ate loo7 at a"other $a"5 let alo"e a"y actual i"8i-elity.
.e i"sists o" %ei"g 8irst i" everythi"g5 a"- you ca" %et your ol- presse- gar-e"ia
this i"clu-es %ei"g 8irst i" your heart. Aries is possessive a"- ;ealous i" the e:tre$e.
&"ly a Leo $ale ca" get ,il-er at the thought o8 a tra"sgressio" o" the part o8 his
%elove-. To $a7e it ,orse5 the ra$ ,ill "ever give you the %li"- 8aith he e:pects
you to give hi$ i" such $atters. =ouHll si$ply have to u"-ersta"- that his a"i$ate-
co"versatio"s ,ith other ,o$e" are i""oce"t5 %ecause he>ll -e$a"- all the 8ree-o$
o8 social co"tact he -e"ies to you5 a"- the" so$e. =our Mars lover ,ill glue you to
a pe-estal5 a"- e:pect you to stay there. Do">t $ove a si"gle toe. Do">t eve" loo7 as
i8 you ,a"t to.
The Aries $ale is a "atural re%el. .e loves to -e8y authority a"- he thi"7s he ,as
%or" s$arter tha" a"yo"e else. *erhaps he ,as5 %ut $ost people -o">t relish %ei"g
tol- so. Tha"7s to his rash ,ay o8 pushi"g his superiority5 he>s lia%le to 8all 8lat o"
his 8ace $ore tha" o"ce. 4ecause o8 his "ee- to lea- a"- re8usal to 8ollo,5 those i"
$ore po,er8ul positio"s ,ill teach hi$ 8re'ue"t lesso"s i" hu$ility. At these ti$es5
you>re ,ay ahea-5 %ecause he>ll ru" to you 8or co$8ort a"- assura"ce ,he" his ego
is %ruise-. The" you>ll lea$ that5 %e"eath his sel8-co"8i-e"t5 aggressive 8ro"t5 lies a"
i"8eriority co$ple: he>- rather -ie tha" a-$it havi"g. The ,o$a" ,ho ha"-les his
shattere- co"8i-e"ce ,ith ge"tle a"- total -evotio" has the %est cha"ce o8 7eepi"g
his heart per$a"e"tly. Never $a7e the $ista7e o8 agreei"g ,ith his $o$e"tary
e"e$y5 or tryi"g to %e 8air a"- seei"g the other si-e o8 the co"troversy. =ou $ust
love ,hat he loves a"- hate ,hat he hates. .e -e$a"-s the sa$e 8ierce a"-
u"'uestio"i"g loyalty that he gives5 i" %oth love a"- 8rie"-ship. 2t>s his co-e. 0"less
you ho"or it5 8i"- a"other $a".
There are "o su%tle tric7s i" the Aries "ature. 2t>s "ot at all har- to recog"i3e ,he" a
Mars $a" is 8i"ishe- ,ith a relatio"ship. The ice a"- %ore-o$ i" his voice a"-
$a""er ,ill %e u"$ista7a%le5 a"- ,ill usually %e acco$pa"ie- %y a 8ra"7 state$e"t
that $a7es it crystal clear. &" the other ha"-5 a" e:plosive 8la$e o8 scorchi"g a"ger
is less serious5 sig"i8yi"g that his -ispleasure is pro%a%ly ;ust a passi"g $oo-5 a"-
the ro$a"ce ca" %e save-. =ou have $ore reaso" to 8ear his ice tha" his 8ire.
Aries $ales -o">t li7e ga$es. .ell %e -irect i" all his approaches. A"- that $ea"s i"
ro$a"ce5 as ,ell as i" %usi"ess. .e ,o">t ,aste a seco"-5 o"ce the love has %ee"
recog"i3e-5 %ut %e sure to let hi$ %e the o"e to recog"i3e it. Do">t chase hi$5 pho"e
hi$ 8re'ue"tly5 get starry-eye- or -eclare your 8eeli"gs u"til you>re a%solutely sure
the passio" is $utual. The 'uic7est ,ay to lose hi$ is to $a7e the 8irst a-va"ce. .e
$ust %e the lea-er here5 as else,here. 28 you -o">t allo, hi$ to %e5 he ca" lose
i"terest so 8ast it ca" asto"ish you a"- crush you at the sa$e ti$e. &"ce you>re each
8ir$ly co$$itte-5 ho,ever5 -o">t %e too cool a"- casual5 or he>ll see7 atte"tio"
so$e,here else. Love ,ith a" Aries $a" is li7e ,al7i"g a tightrope %et,ee" ,ar$
i"terest a"- aloo8 -etach$e"t. =ou practically have to %e a trape3e artist. Do">t ru"
a8ter hi$. Do">t ru" a,ay 8ro$ hi$5 either. Stic7 a pe""y i" your shoe5 carry a 8our-
lea8 clover a"- ,ish o" a star. That ,ill get you as 8ar as a"y "or$al5 $etho-ical
strategy. May%e 8arther. =ou have to 7eep hi$ guessi"g5 eve" a8ter you>re his. At
the sa$e ti$e5 he "ee-s the assura"ce that your love is al,ays there. Lear" to live
,ith it-or lear" to live ,ithout a" Aries.
&" the plus si-e5 although your Aries lover ,ill i"sist o" %ei"g 8irst i" the
relatio"ship5 he>ll also %e the 8irst to say he>s sorry a8ter a 'uarrel5 a"- the 8irst to %e
there ,he" you "ee- hi$. .e>ll %e right %y your si-e ,he" you>re ill or u"happy.
.e>ll spe"- $o"ey o" you 8reely a"- ,illi"gly ?i8 he>s a typical so" o8 Mars@. .e>ll
co$pli$e"t your appeara"ce5 appreciate your tale"ts a"- %e a sti$ulati"g $e"tal
co$pa"io". Although he ca" %e %ossy a"- lose his te$per over a tri8le5 he>ll sel-o$
let the su" go -o," o" his a"ger %e8ore $a7i"g up. =ou $ay %e the $ost i$porta"t
thi"g i" his li8e5 %ut he>ll e:pect you to 7"o, that5 a"- ,ait 8or a88ectio" a"-
atte"tio" ,he" he>s all e:cite- %y so$e "e, i-ea ,hich is co"su$i"g his i"terest.
.e ,a"ts to %e your ,hole ,orl-5 %ut u"li7e other $e"5 he>ll let you share his
,orl-5 i8 you>re his e'ual.
The Aries $ale ,ill e:pect his la-y 8air to %e ultra-8e$i"i"e a"- a to$%oy at the
sa$e ti$e. .e ,a"ts you to %e co$pletely i"-epe"-e"t5 yet ,illi"g to stay a 8e,
paces %ehi"- hi$. .e>ll e:pect you to praise hi$ a"- %e -evote- to hi$5 %ut "ever
play the role o8 hu$%le slavey. Are you still ,ith $eA #oo-. 4rave girl. There>s
$ore to co$e. .e>s capa%le o8 sayi"g %itterly cruel a"- sarcastic thi"gs to you ,he"
his ego has %ee" ,ou"-e-5 thi"gs he ,o">t $ea" at all5 %ut ,hich $ay %rea7 your
heart i8 you -o">t u"-ersta"- hi$. The" he>ll e:pect you to 8orgive a"- 8orget as
rea-ily as he -oes. =ou>ll have to li7e all his 8rie"-s5 ,hile he reserves the right to
%e %ore- %y yours. /ell5 you ,a"te- a $a"5 -i-">t youA =ou>ve sure got o"e i" your
Aries $ate. 28 you>re a real ,o$a"5 your love a88air ca" %e the e"vy o8 everyo"e i"
to,"5 ;ust li7e 1o$eo a"- Juliet ?,ithout the trage-y5 o8 course@.
&"ce you>ve $arrie- hi$5 the Aries $ale ,ill -o$i"ate the ho$e or leave it. .e
,o">t sta"- 8or %ei"g "agge- i" pu%lic or private5 especially a%out %o, he spe"-s
his lettuce. .e ear"e- it5 -i-">t heA 2t>s his $o"ey5 is">t itA ?So$eti$es that
possessive pro"ou" ca" stretch to i"clu-e the $o"ey you ear"5 too.@ .e $ay "ot
%ala"ce the %u-get too ,ell-a"- 2>$ %ei"g 7i"- to put it so tact8ully-%ut -o">t ta7e it
over yoursel85 eve" i8 you $a-e straight A>s i" $ath. Never 'uestio" his 8i"a"cial
a88airs. 2t>s esse"tial that he co"trol the purse-stri"gs all the ,ay. .e>ll %e ge"erous
,ith his cash5 i8 he>s a typical Arie"5 a"- give you ,hatever you "ee-. =ou ca" have
that co%ra s7i" ha"-%ag a8ter he>s %ought that alligator %rie8 case5 i8 there>s a"ythi"g
le8t over. ?.e $ay %e a little sel8ish5 %ut he>s "ever sti"gy.@
Though the ra$ $ay cha"ge ;o%s 8re'ue"tly u"til he %eco$es his o," %oss5 he
,o">t let you starve. .e>ll 8i"- a ,ay to 7eep the -ollars 8lo,i"g i"5 eve" though
they $ay 8lo, out agai" ;ust as 8ast. 4etter save a 8e, 'uarters i" the %lue chi"a pig
a"- surprise hi$ ,ith it ,he" he "ee-s it $ost5 %ecause he>s "ot li7ely to salt a,ay
$uch o8 his ear"i"gs hi$sel8 ?u"less he has a hi--e" asset5 li7e the Moo" i"
!apricor" or !a"cer5 or a" asce"-a"t ,hich -ictates eco"o$y@.
+ach "e, %a%y ,ill 8i"- hi$ %ehavi"g li7e the -evote-5 prou- papa o8 your -rea$s.
Later5 he $ay %e a little %ossy ,ith the chil-re"5 a"- try to -ictate their careers. .e>ll
%e a ,ar$ a"- ,o"-er8ul 8u" -a--y5 %ut he $ight have to %e re$i"-e- that the
you"gsters "ee- i"-epe"-e"ce as $uch as he -oes. (atherhoo- is -e8i"itely a role
he>ll e";oy. 4ase%all5 tal7s a%out the %ir-s a"- %ees5 8oot%all5 8ather--aughter
-i""ers5 the ,hole ,or7s. Just -o">t let hi$ thi"7 little .er$a" or .e"rietta is $ore
i$porta"t to you tha" he is5 ho,ever5 or his e";oy$e"t o8 the role $ay cool
#o ahea- a"- co"ti"ue your career a8ter $arriage i8 you li7e. .e pro%a%ly ,o">t
rese"t it5 as lo"g as you -o">t outshi"e hi$. 2t>s easier 8or hi$ to 8orgive i"sta"t
suppers or 'uic7-8ro3e" 7u$'uats tha" to 8orgive your lac7 o8 8aith i" his i-eas.
That>s i$porta"t to re$e$%er.
+"courage his i"-epe"-e"ce5 %ut try to cur% his i$pulsive"ess-tact8ully. .e $ust
lea- or li8e is ,orth little to hi$. .is great a"- %u%%ly e"thusias$ ca" -ie a sa-
-eath i8 you -ouse it ,ith ,et %la"7ets or short circuit his positive e"ergy ,ith
"egative thi"7i"g. The $i"ute he loses authority o" the ;o% or i" the ho$e5 his
re8reshi"g opti$is$ ,ill tur" to $oo-y -isco"te"t a"- 8i"ally5 co$plete -isi"terest.
2t>s "ot his "ature to su%$it. .e>s a $a">s $a". Never -estroy his $asculi"ity5 %ut
"ever lose your o," i"-ivi-uality. Do">t try to push hi$ arou"-5 a"- -o">t let hi$
push you arou"-. A" Aries hus%a"- ,o">t put up ,ith a ,i8e ,ho ru"s arou"- to
clu% $eeti"gs every "ight. Neither ,ill he tolerate a ,i8e ,ho sits ho$e a"-
crochets %e-sprea-s a"- ta%lecloths all -ay. =ou>ll have to ai$ so$e,here i" the
$i--le. 28 you>re success8ul5 ;ust thi"7- you>ll %e the o"ly ,hite-haire- Juliet i" your
cro,- so$e--ay5 ,ith a hus%a"- ,ho>s still se"ti$e"tal o" your gol-e" ,e--i"g
a""iversary. That>s 'uite a challe"ge i8 you>re a ro$a"tic5 a"- o8 course you are5 or
you ,oul-">t %e i"-B volve- ,ith a" Aries $a" i" the 8irst place.

The A12+S /o$a"
<4ut are">t you goi"g to ru" a"- help herA<
Alice as7e-...
<No use5 "o useI< sai- the Fi"g. <She ru"s so 8ear8ully 'uic7
you $ight as ,ell try to catch a 4a"-ers"atchTJ
So you>re i" love ,ith a" Aries girl. 2 -o">t 7"o, ,hether to co"gratulate you or
sy$pathi3e ,ith you.
/he" 4yro" ,rote that <Ma">s love is o8 $a">s li8e a thi"g apartB >tis ,o$a">s
,hole e:iste"ce5< he 8orgot a%out ;K the Aries ,o$a". She $ay thi"7 love is her
,hole e:iste"ce5 %ut she>s too vitally a%sor%e- i" the ,orl- arou"- her5 "ot to
$e"tio" i" hersel85 8or it to %e the %egi""i"g a"- e"- o8 her li8e. She ca" get alo"g
,ithout a $a" easier tha" a"y 8e$ale you>ll ever $eet.
&8 course5 getti"g alo"g ,ithout a $a" is "ot the sa$e thi"g as getti"g alo"g
,ithout ro$a"ce. She>ll al,ays "ee- that hero o8 her -rea$s to year" 8or i" her
heart. .e $ay %e lo"g ago a"- 8ara,ay-or hi-i"g ;ust out o8 sight a"- touch5
so$e,here i" to$orro,>s $ists-%ut she>ll thi"7 a%out hi$ i" a" April rai". .e>ll
hau"t her ,he" the 8irst s"o, 8alls5 ,he" she hears a certai" so"g or sees light"i"g
8lash. .o,ever5 ,hile she>s year"i"g5 i8 there>s "o $ale arou"- i" actual physical
prese"ce5 she ,o">t $iss hi$ terri%ly. A"ythi"g he coul- -o5 she ca" -o %etter-she
The Aries girl ,ill ope" her o," -oors. Shell also put o" her o," coat5 8ight her
o," %attles5 pull out her o," chair5 hail her ta:i a"- light her cigarette ,ithout a"y
$asculi"e help. Doi"g it hersel8 is5 to her5 the 8astest ,ay to get it -o"e. Naturally5
this -oes">t set too ,ell o" the vul"era%le $ale ego. The Mars girl is -eter$i"e- to
ta7e the lea-5 to %e the 8irst to $ove to actio"5 a"- that i"clu-es the actio" o8 $a7i"g
the 8irst a-va"ce i" ro$a"ce. Aries 8e$ales are the $ost li7ely o8 all the Su" sig"s
to -o the proposi"g5 especially i8 the $a" is slo, a%out "a$i"g the -ate. A"- that>s
a%out as early as you ca" sa8ely sho, your 8eeli"gs-,he" she proposes. 4e8ore that
you>re ta7i"g a cha"ce. 4e very care8ul a%out $ovi"g i" o" a" Aries girl. She ,a"ts
to %e the lea-er i" the love a88air. 4etter %e sure you have her heart sa8ely i" your
poc7et %e8ore you try to gra% her arou"- the ,aist a"- 7iss her goo-"ight. &ther-
,ise5 she $ay give you a sharp right hoo7 to the ;a, a"- ru" li7e a 8righte"e- -eer.
Do">t %e $isle-. The reaso" 8or her ru""i"g is">t $ai-e"ly $o-esty. She>s "ot a8rai-
o8 your passio"ate i"te"tio"s. Those she ca" ha"-le. .er 8light is %ase- o" the 8ear
o8 getti"g ta"gle- up ,ith a ,orshipi"g slave or a lovestruc7 puppy -og5 either o"e
o8 ,ho$ ,oul- %ore her to tears. 4e casual5 7eep her guessi"g5 a"- the cha"ces are
shell chase you i"to a co$er i"stea-. A $a" ,ho resists her i$pact al,ays i"trigues
a" Aries 8e$ale. She ca">t u"-ersta"- ,hy she is">t over,hel$i"g hi$ ,ith her
o%vious char$s. The" her Mars ego ,ill leave "o sto"e u"tur"e- to prove she>s
-esira%le5 eve" ,he" she has "o lasti"g i"terest i" hi$.
Scariett &>.ara is the very epito$e o8 the Mars-rule-
Aries 8e$ale. Li7e Scariett5 the Aries girl ,ill gather every availa%le $ale 8or a
hu"-re- $iles arou"- to her 8eet5 ,hile her ,ill8ul heart year"s 8or the o"e $a" she
ca">t have 8or o"e reaso" or a"other. Li7e Scariett5 the Mars ,o$a" ca" 'uic7ly
a-apt 8or survival i8 "ecessary5 ,ithout ,hi$peri"g. 4oth the &>.ara a"- the Aries
characters are tough e"ough to -e8y co"ve"tio"5 8ace a" a-va"ci"g ar$y5 or eve"
shoot a $a" through the hea- ,ith icy cal$"ess5 9 i8 he threate"s her love- o"es.
Never ,as Scariett $ore Mars-li7e tha" ,he" she ,as starvi"g5 alo"e a"-
8rie"-less5 a"- ,ithout ,aiti"g 8or a $a" to co$e to the rescue5 she cle"che- her
8ist to,ar- D heave" a"- shoute-5 <2>ll survive this . . . a"- ,he" 2 -o5 2>ll "ever %e
hu"gry agai" ... 28 2 have to lie5 cheat5 steal i or 7ill-as #o- is $y ,it"ess5 2>ll "ever
%e hu"gry agai"I< D Much later5 her e$otio"s shattere-5 her %elove- chil- -ea- L a"-
the o"e $a" she love- a%out to ,al7 out o8 her li8e5 D this typical Aries ,o$a" ,as
still a%le to say5 <2>ll thi"7 o8 so$e ,ay to get hi$ %ac7. There>s "ever %ee" a $a" 2
coul-">t get5 o"ce 2 set $y $i"- o" hi$. . . . A8ter all5 to$orro, is a"other -ay.<
=es5 Scarlett &>.ara creates a vivi- i$age o8 the 8irst M Su" sig" o8 the 3o-iac5 ,ith
all the Mars stre"gth a"- a%ility to %ou"ce %ac7 a8ter trage-yB a%le to play the
8e$ale role to the hilt5 ,ith 8lutteri"g lashes a"- a ,ell-ti$e- tear5 %ut ;ust as a%le to
ta7e over a $a">s ;o% ,he" the $e" are">t arou"-. A care8ul stu-y o8 Scarlett>s
character ca" give you a" e:celle"t u"-ersta"-i"g o8 ,hat you>re i" 8or ,ith a"
Aries ,o$a"-a"- "aturally5 also the re,ar-s you ca" loo7 8or,ar- to a8ter you>ve
%ee" %rave e"ough to clai$ her. .er aggressive -rive $ay %e har- to ta7e5 %ut her
shi"i"g opti$is$ a"- 8aith i" to$orro, ca" %e $ighty upli8ti"g.
The Aries girl is rather a pushover 8or 8lattery5 i8 it has a" ho"est %ase. Let her 7"o,
you a-$ire her5 %ut -o">t %e too 8lo,ery or sugary a%out it. .er loyalty i" love is
giga"tic5 as lo"g as you 7eep the se"ti$e"t alive5 8or she is -eeply se"ti$e"tal.
There>s the typical Arie" co"tra-ictio" i" her9 she -oes">t ,a"t to %e o%viously
chase-5 yet she 'uic7ly loses i"terest i8 you>re too -etache-. She -oes">t ,a"t a
co$pletely -o$i"eeri"g $ale5 %ut "either ,ill she ,ar$ up to a $a" ,ho sits
a-ori"gly at her 8eet. 4e8ore love ca" %ri"g her happi"ess5 the Aries ,o$a" $ust
$eet the eter"al Mars challe"ge-her stro"g -esire to co"trol the lover5 co"8licti"g
,ith her secret ,ish to %e co"trolle- %y hi$. 0"%elieva%ly i-ealistic5 so$eti$es she
searches i" vai" 8or that %rave 7"ight i" shi"i"g ar$or5 ,ho ,ill s,eep her o88 her
8eet5 co"'uer the ,orl-5 ha"- it to her ge"tly a"- yet "ever sacri8ice his $a"hoo-.
Si"ce he e:ists o"ly i" 8airy tales a"- the $yths o8 Fi"g Arthur>s court5 the Aries
,o$a" o8te" ,al7s alo"e5 ,ithout a star to gui-e her. .er -ays are %right a"- 8ull o8
e:cite$e"t5 her "ights are so$eti$es -ar7 a"- 8ull o8 lo"gi"g. =et5 ,he" her
-e8eate- -rea$s %eco$e s$ol-eri"g ashes-;ust as you thi"7 the 8la$e is -yi"g5
Aries leaps up to %uil- a"other 8ire.
She $ust %e prou- o8 you to love you. 4ut -o">t %e so i$porta"t that you "eglect to
"otice her tale"ts a"- a%ilities. Though she>ll -e$a"- a lot 8ro$ you5 she>ll give
-ou%le $easure i" retur". The Aries girl ca" %e ge"erous to a 8ault ,ith her ti$e a"-
sy$pathy5 cheer8ully shari"g her possessio"s a"- $o"ey5 %ut ,he" it co$es to love5
she>s -o,"right sti"gy. </hat>s hers is hers< i" the ro$a"ce -epart$e"t5 a"- it ,ill
ta7e very little to set o88 a ;ealous e:plosio". Do">t a-$ire your 8avorite $ovie
actress i" her heari"g5 or pay too $a"y co$pli$e"ts to her girl 8rie"-s. The $a"
,ith a" Aries ,i8e is sa8er ,ith a $ale secretary. 28 she>s "ot 8irst ,ith you i" every
,ay5 you>ll soo" ,o"-er ,here all the i"te"se passio" a"- thrilli"g e$otio" ,e"t so
8ast. /he" the Aries ,o$a" has %ee" really hurt5 she tur"s 8ro$ 8ire to ice. .er 8ire
%u$s hot a"- -ies 'uic7ly. .er ice ca" %e eter"al. Me$ori3e that5 i8 you care -eeply
a%out her-a"- it>s -ou%t8ul that she>ll sta"- 8or you cari"g a%out her a"y other ,ay.
Aries plays 8or 7eeps.
She puts the love- o"e o" a pe-estal5 e:pecti"g hi$ to live up to a" i$possi%le
i$age o8 per8ectio"5 stu%%or"ly re8usi"g to loo7 at his clay 8eet5 u"til they %eco$e
too $u--y 8or eve" her to $iss. Never critici3e the lover5 hus%a"- or chil-re" o8 a"
Aries ,o$a" u"less you>re ,eari"g a" as%estos suit. She>s capa%le o8 %ei"g
-e$a"-i"g5 sel8ish5 a"- $a7i"g cutti"g re$ar7s ,he" you -a$pe" her hope8ul
pla"s. =et5 she ca" also %e ge"tle5 -evote- a"- cooperative ,he" she>s $et hal8,ay.
Si"ce she pre8ers the co$pa"y o8 $e" to ,o$e"5 a"- solicits a-$iratio" 8ro$ every
$ale she $eets5 %e he "i"e or "i"ety5 you>ll have ple"ty o8 cha"ces to 8eel the sta%s
o8 those little gree" $o"sters o8 ;ealousy. (orget it. As 8iercely possessive as she is
o8 you5 she ,o">t put up ,ith your possessive"ess o8 her 8or a" i"sta"t. The Aries
girl i"sists o" co$plete 8ree-o$5 %e8ore a"- a8ter $arriage. =ou>ll have to trust her
,herever she goes a"- ,hatever she -oes5 though she ,o">t have that 7i"- o8 8aith
i" you ?u"less she>s lear"e- the har- ,ay to 7eep her e$otio"s u"-er co"trol i8 it
7ills her5 ,hich it al$ost ,ill@. 2t>s "ot as %a- as it sou"-s5 %ecause she>ll %e 8aith8ul5
o"ce she>s really yours. A" Aries girl is sel-o$ a%le to love t,o $e" at the sa$e
ti$e. She>s si$ply too ho"est 8or such -eceptio". 4arri"g u"usual circu$sta"ces5
she>ll let you 7"o, clearly that love is -ea- %e8ore goi"g ahea- i" total co$$it$e"t
to so$eo"e else.
This ,o$a" is capa%le o8 -eep passio" a"- $ystical i-ealis$5 ,ove" together i"
stra"ge patter"s. 2" a"y relatio"ship she 8eels is real a"- 8orever a8ter5 there ,ill %e
"o hol-i"g %ac75 "o 8e$i"i"e ,iles5 co'uettish tric7s or silly ga$es. .er love5 li7e
her speech a"- actio"s5 is -irect. There>s so$ethi"g clea" a"- 8resh a%out the utter
si$plicity o8 her e$otio"s5 %ut eve" so5 they o8te" get her i"to ,aters ,ay over her
hea-. =ou $ay have to ta$e her a little5 %ut she>ll accept 2t ,ith surprisi"g -ocility
i8 she really loves you.
Mars 8e$ales are o8te" career girls. They ca" ha"-le al$ost a"y pro8essio" a $a"
ca" ha"-le5 8ro$ stoc7%ro7i"g to real estate. They ca" also tur" a "ice a"7le or
pro8ile i" strictly 8e$i"i"e occupatio"s li7e $o-eli"g a"- acti"g. 2t $ay %e -i88icult
to get her to give up her ;o% 8or you5 i8 it>s a real career or pro8essio". She $ay toss
it over%oar- 8or a perio-5 ,hile she>s su88use- ,ith the glo, o8 ro$a"ce a"-
picturi"g a story%oo7 cottage 8or t,o %esi-e the sea ?typical o8 the Arie"
i$agi"atio" that lea-s straight to the happy part a"- ig"ores the -ull part@. 4ut ,he"
the cottage %egi"s to "ee- a pai"t ;o%5 the roo8 starts to lea7 a"- the 8irst 8i"e rapture
-i$s slightly5 she $ay %e a":ious to -ig out her social security car- agai". Let her.
She>ll %e 8ar happier a"- $ore lovi"g-eve" $ore ge"tle-i8 she>s allo,e- to 8ill her
i-le hours ,ith so$ethi"g that i"terests her. Mars e$otio"s5 u"8ul8ille-5 ca" loo7 8or
$olehills o8 8rustratio"s to %uil- i"to huge $ou"tai"s o8 trou%le.
There>s practically "othi"g this ,o$a" ,o">t tac7le. 28 it>s a challe"ge or ;ust
so$ethi"g she thi"7s she ,a"ts to %righte" her li8e5 she>ll $a7e so$e 7i"- o8 a sta%
at it ,hether it>s practical or "ot. 2 7"o, a" Aries ,o$a" ,ho ,as 8orce- 8or
8i"a"cial reaso"s to live 8or several years i" 5 t,o roo$s ,ith a hus%a"-5 8ive active
chil-re" a"- a -og.
That 7i"- o8 a" arra"ge$e"t ca" get a little cra$pe-5 a"- ;ust co"te$plati"g it
$ight give a ,o$a" ,ith a"y co$$o" se"se a 8e, -ou%ts. Not a Mars 8e$ale. This
o"e cope- so$eho,5 though she $ay have let it goa- her i"to a 8e, ta"tru$s. 2" the
$i--le o8 the situatio"5 ,he" a" astrologer rea- her "atal chart a"- poi"te- out that
her pla"etary aspects sho,e- a lo"g perio- o8 great har-ship i" her li8e5 she ,as
pu33le- a"- i"trigue-. </he" -oes it loo7 li7e it $ight happe"A< she ,a"te- to
This sa$e i$pulsive Aries ,o$a" got a su--e" urge o"e -ay to a-- a"other -og to
the group ca$pi"g out i" t,o roo$s. She 8elt the 8a$ily>s $ale pet "ee-e- a 8e$ale
co$pa"io". .e loo7e- lo"eso$e. 4esi-es5 the chil-re" thought it ,as a rollic7i"g
goo- i-ea. The -iscovery that the seco"- -og ,as">t house%ro7e" thre, her o"ly
te$porarily. Li7e a -eter$i"e- -rill sergea"t5 she assig"e- every $e$%er o8 the
8a$ily their tur" at scru%%i"g the carpet. A8ter she sa, that it ,oul- "ever %e the
sa$e agai"5 she surveye- the situatio" a"- $a-e a -ecisio". To get ri- o8 the seco"-
-ogA &8 course "ot. She ,as secretly hopi"g there ,oul- %e puppies so$e-ay soo".
The $o"ey ,oul- ;ust have to co$e 8ro$ so$e,here to get a "e, rug. (u""y
thi"g-it -i-. As 8or the puppies5 she ,as sure so$e $iracle ,oul- happe" to $ove
the e"tire cro,- i"to a "e, apart$e"t %e8ore the happy eve"t. (u""y thi"g-it -i-.
Miracles have a ,ay o8 happe"i"g to those ,ho %elieve i" the$. Aries ,o$e"
certai"ly %elieve. So$eti$es to the poi"t o8 8oolish"ess. .er rash ,ays ca" get her
i"to so$e co$plicate- pic7les5 a"- she $ay have a 8e, gray hairs %e8ore she lea$s
ho, to avoi- the sa$e pic7le t,ice. Aries is "ot "ote- 8or lear"i"g 8ro$ e:perie"ce.
The spirit is ,illi"g5 %ut the -ispositio" is hea-stro"g. There>s "o use to try to
cautio" a typical Aries 8e$ale ,ith the %i%lical ,ar"i"g5 <*ri-e goeth %e8ore a 8all.<
.er i"terpretatio" o8 the phrase5 si"ce she 8irst hear- it i" Su"-ay School5 is </he"
your pri-e goes5 you 8all.<
Never ,orry that your Aries girl ,ill succu$% to the char$s o8 a ,ol8. She>s
i$$u"e to ,olves a"- play%oys5 a"- i" 8ar $ore -a"ger o8 %ei"g se-uce- %y a"
i-ealist ,ith a cause5 pre8era%ly a lost cause. 4ut eve" ,ith hi$5 she>ll assert her
i"-ivi-uality 8re'ue"tly. 2t ,ill "ever %e co$pletely co"'uere- i" the Mars ,o$a"5
though it ca" %e su%-ue- %y the right $a". She>ll %uy you gi8ts5 loa" you $o"ey5
"urse you through ill"ess5 a"- help you get a ;o%.
A"- she>ll e:pect the sa$e 8ro$ you.
She>ll -e"y it vehe$e"tly ?she -oes al$ost everythi"g vehe$e"tly@5 %ut ,he" she>s
$isera%le5 you shoul- %e $isera%le. /he" she>s happy5 you shoul- %e happy. To
Aries5 love is e'ual shari"g. She>ll e:pect to share your ra3or5 your %a"7 accou"t5
your 8rie"-ships a"- your -rea$s. 2" retur"5 you ca" share hers. &8 course5 her ra3or
$ay %e %ro7e"5 her %a"7 accou"t a little over-ra,"5 her 8rie"-ships slightly
scattere- a"- her -rea$s too large 8or you to s,allo,. 4ut she>s "ot sel8ish ,ith
the$. Feepi"g a secret 8ro$ her ca" -rive her ,il-5 a"- it>s "ot a goo- i-ea to -rive
a" Aries ,il-. Do">t ever e$%arrass her %y your gra$$ar5 clothi"g or %ehavior i"
pu%lic. She ,o">t e$%arrass you5 at least "ot i" these $atters.
To i";ure her pri-e or -a$pe" her e"thusias$ ,ill al$ost %rea7 her heart. &thers
,ill co"sta"tly %e -oi"g ;ust that to her. The ,orl- rese"ts a 8e$ale ,ho tal7s %ac7
to it5 a"- ,ho thi"7s she>s s$arter tha" everyo"e else. /he" she -iscovers she
really -oes">t ru" the u"iverse a8ter all5 she>ll co$e ru""i"g i"to your ar$s i" tears5
her ,orl- all -ar7 a"- -is$al. The" you>ll have a cha"ce to see her as she really is5
-e8e"seless a"- vul"era%le i" the e:tre$e5 8or all her outer co"8i-e"ce. She>s "ot
really Tug%oat A""ie. She>- ;ust li7e to %e. She a-$ires stre"gth a"- tries to i$itate
it. The Aries i-ealis$ a"- opti$istic 8aith i" hu$a" "ature is o8te" -ashe- to %its %y
reality. !o$8ort her ,ith te"-er"ess at these ti$es5 a"- you>ll pro%a%ly "ever lose
her. Al,ays -e8e"- her agai"st her e"e$ies. She ca" "ever 8orgive you i8 you 8ail to
8ight 8or her or ta7e her si-e. ?4ut %e prepare- to $a7e up ,ith the$ ,he" she -oes5
,hich $ay %e 'uic7ly.@ At least she>s laya%out it. She>ll also -e8e"- you. A" Aries
,o$a" ,ill thro, a,ay 8a$e or 8ortu"e -e8ia"tly right i" the 8ace o8 a"yo"e ,ho
hurts a 8rie"- o8 hers. 28 she loves you5 her i"-ig"atio" ,ill have "o %ou"-s. These
,o$e" are "othi"g i8 "ot loyal.
As a ,i8e5 she $ay %e 'uite a ha"-8ul. There ,ill pro%a%ly %e outsi-e i"terests5
%ecause ho$e ,ill sel-o$ %e e"ough 8or her creative e"ergies. Do">t e:pect her to
%e a happy little cric7et5 chirpi"g a,ay co"te"te-ly %y the hearth. She>ll %e a
co$pete"t e"ough coo75 a"- she>ll 7eep the house spa"7i"g clea"-at least the part
that sho,s. She>ll se, o" %utto"s a"- iro" shirts5 too5 %ut she ,o"Ht li7e it. Still5
she>ll -o it ,he" it>s "ecessary. ?A" Aries >o$a" ca" -o al$ost a"ythi"g ,he" it>s
"ecessary.@ .er re is $ore li7e that o8 a glitteri"g -ia$o"- tha" li7e the Aar$5
co$8orti"g glo, o8 the 8ireplace. There>s u"-e"ia%ly %rittle si-e to her "ature5 a"-
she $ay agitate you $ore 8te" that she soothes you. 4ut she>s e:citi"g a"- certai"ly
ever %ori"g. The" there are al,ays those $o$e"ts o8 o8t"ess that %elie her stro"g
-rive-8or a $a" ,ho has tie patie"ce to %ri"g the$ out. Mars ,o$e" are al,ays
o8ter i"si-e tha" a"y %ut those ,ho have %ee" really close 3 the$ ever 7"o,. .er
co"versatio" ,ill %e very i"telli-Be"t a"- very 8re'ue"t. Do">t hi-e %ehi"- the
"e,spaper .t %rea78ast. She>ll e:pect co$pa"io"ship 8ro$ you5 or you .a" ;ust
scra$%le your o," eggs.
=ou>ll rarely 8i"- her co$plai"i"g o8 ill"ess or 8atigue. iut ,he" she>s i" pai"5 she>ll
e:pect to"s o8 sy$pathy. Mthough you $ay have to sit o" her to get her to go to Ne-
,he" she has a ragi"g 8ever5 %e prepare- to ,ait o" icr ha"- a"- 8oot ,he" she has
a toothache.
This is "ot the ,o$a" to call a"- tell you>ll %e ,or7i"g ate at the o88ice5 u"less you
e";oy creati"g (ourth o8 July ire,or7s i" the $i--le o8 (e%ruary. She ,o">t $i"-
7eep-"g the gravy hot5 %ut she ,o">t li7e "ot 7"o,i"g ,here Oou really are5 a"-
,hat you>re really -oi"g5 a"- she $ay Ball %ac7 to 8i"- out. The Aries ,i8e ,ill
pro%a%ly $a7e a" i:celle"t i$pressio" o" your %oss5 i8 you ca" 7eep her 8ro$
9elli"g hi$ ho, to ru" his %usi"ess. She ,o">t $i"- goi"g 9Nut to %ri"g ho$e the
%aco" ,he" you>re te$porarily out PNt a ;o%5 %ut she ca" "ever respect a $a" ,ho
$a7es less $o"ey tha" she -oes ?though a" Aries ,o$a" ,oul- "ever leave a $a"
8or this reaso"-she>- %e $ore i"cli"e- to $a7e e:cuses 8or hi$@. 28 she has a rare
spell o8 letti"g hersel8 go5 the 8irst ,or- o8 -isapproval 8ro$ you ,ill se"- her
8lyi"g %ac7 to the $irror a"- per8u$e %ottle. ?2" this ,ay5 she>s as 8e$i"i"e as +ve
hersel8.@ A 8latteri"g co$$e"t a%out your secretary>s "e, hair style ,ill -o the sa$e
thi"g5 %ut it>s $ore -a"gerous. 4esi-es5 you ,ere ,ar"e- to hire a $ale secretary.
There>s a vai" strea7 i" a Mars ,o$a" ,hich $a7es her se"sitive a%out everythi"g
8ro$ her age to a" i""oce"t re$ar7 a%out ho, tire- she loo7s5 ,hich she $ay ta7e
as a hi"t that you thi"7 she loo7s li7e a" ol- hag.
Feep the passio" a"- ro$a"ce alive i" your $arriage5 or she>ll %e $isera%ly
u"happy. Aries ,ill ,aste little ti$e cha"gi"g a"y situatio" ,hich causes
u"happi"ess5 a"- that ca" lea- to a hasty separatio" or a" i$pulsive -ivorce. 2"
$ost cases5 letti"g her ha"-le the 8a$ily chec7%oo7 ,oul- %e u",ise5 %ut you ca"
try it5 i8 the %a"7 is ga$e.
As a $other5 she>ll see that the %a%y is clea"5 happy5 healthy a"- love-. She
pro%a%ly ,o">t pic7 hi$ up every ti$e he cries5 8uss over hi$ or overCprotect hi$.
4ut her chil-re" ,ill get lots o8 ,ar$5 i$pulsive 7isses a"- %ear hugs. A" April
$other ,ill teach her you"gsters to %elieve i" leprechau"s. She>ll ta7e the$ 8or
,al7s i" the par75 a"- poi"t out the spar7li"g "ec7laces le8t o" the la," %y the
8airies ,he" they -a"ce- u"-er the $oo" ,here others $ight see o"ly the early
$or"i"g -e, o" the grass. Aries ,o$e" create a $agic ,orl- o8 8a"tasy 8or their
chil-re". 2t>s ,here they live the$seves. She ,o">t %e a per$issive pare"t5 she>ll
i"sist o" strict -iscipli"e5 a"- ,ill pro%a%ly %e very 8ortu"ate i" raisi"g her o88spri"g
to %e i"-epe"-e"t a-ults. .er 8avorite ,eapo"s o8 chil- psychology are9 a ,oo-e"
pa--le5 %e-ti$e stories a"- goo-"ight 7isses.
This ,o$a" ca" %e u"reaso"a%ly te$pera$e"tal5 a"- create so$e viole"t sce"es.
4ut her 'uic7ly arouse- te$per ,ill splatter li7e su$$er hailsto"es a"- soo" $elt
a,ay. She>ll "ever hol- a gru-ge5 see7 reve"ge5 i"-ulge i" sel8-pity or %itter"ess.
A8ter a" e$otio"al stor$5 her opti$istic5 April "ature ,ill retur" li7e the rai"%o,
su--e"ly appeari"g a8ter a sho,er. Lots o8 people ,ill tell you a" Aries ,o$a" is
co$pletely $asculi"e5 %ut -o">t you %elieve the$. She>s all ,o$a" u"-er"eath her
8lashi"g5 8orce8ul e:terior5 perhaps too $uch ,o$a" 8or the average $a". 4ut5 o8
course5 a 7"ight i" shi"i"g ar$or is">t a" average $a". Are there a"y lo"ely5
courageous 7"ights out thereA This is the 8air la-y o8 your -rea$s5 ,orth all the
-rago"s you>ll have to slay to ,i" her.
Do">t 8orget that she %ruises easily5 i" spite o8 her %right5 %rave s$ile. ?That>s ;ust
her shiel- agai"st hurt.@ 28 you ca" tur" the ra$ i"to a la$%5 you>ll have a ,o$a"
,ho is ho"est a"- passio"ate5 loyal a"- e:citi"g-though she $ay %e a little
i$pulsive5 %ossy a"- i"-epe"-e"t. /ell5 you ca">t have everythi"g5 you 7"o,. The
Aries girl ,ill help you 8i"- your lost illusio"s a"- she>ll have a 8ierce 8aith i" all
your -rea$s. =ou -o">t have a"yA 4orro, so$e o8 hers. She has ple"ty to spare. 28
you %elieve i" her ;ust hall as $uch as she %elieves i" you5 you coul- $a7e so$e
$iracles together.

The A12+S !hil-

<All 2 7"o, is so$ethi"g co$es at $e 5 Li7e a Jac7-i"-lhe-%o: A"- 2 go up li7e a
S7y 1oc7etL<
/hile *apa is passi"g out the cigars5 the cri$so"-8ace- little Aries %a%y ,ill yell 8or
atte"tio" i" the %assi"et. .o, -are you ig"ore hi$ a"- tal7 to the "urseA /ho>s the
%oss arou"- here a"y,ayA
=ou ,o">t a"y $ore tha" get hi$ i" the ta:i o" the ,ay ho$e %e8ore that 'uestio"
,ill %e e$phatically a"s,ere-. =our Mars i"8a"t is the %oss. Do you have a"y
-ou%tsA They>ll 8a-e a,ay ,he" he>s ol- e"ough to sit i" the high chair a"- %a"g his
spoo" o" the tray i8 you leave hi$ alo"e too lo"g. .e>ll "ever tease you or %e su%tle
a%out his pre8erre- -iet. There>s "ot a su%tle %o"e i" his stro"g5 active5 %roa--
shoul-ere- little %o-y. The Aries tot ,ill spit out his vegeta%les as i8 they ,ere shot
8ro$ a ca""o"5 a"- ru% the cereal %o,l o" his ti"y5 %al- hea- to $a7e it 'uite clear
that this is -e8i"itely "ot the 8oo- %a%y li7es. The girls ,ill %e as -irect i" their
actio"s as the %oys. May%e $ore so5 though you har-ly e:pect such 8ierce
-eter$i"atio" 8ro$ a so8t5 little $iss. Di- 2 say so8tA April>s $etal is iro"5 a"-
April>s sto"e is the -ia$o"-5 the har-est su%sta"ce 7"o," to $a".
.e>ll pro%a%ly ,al7 earlier tha" other %a%ies5 a"- certai"ly ,ill tal7 earlier. .e
,o">t %e easy to co"trol. Say5 <No5 "o5< to a" Aries to--ler5 a"- he>ll sha7e his
chu%%y little 8i"ger right %ac7 at you i" -e8ia"ce. Discipli"e shoul- %e starte- 'uite
you"g. 4e o" guar- agai"st 8alls a"- i";uries to the hea- or 8ace. .e>s acci-e"t-
pro"e5 to put it $il-ly. Feep sharp 7"ives out o8 reach5 ,atch out 8or %ur"s a"-
scal-s. 28 there>s a"ythi"g hot or 8or%i--e" arou"-5 you ca" ;ust %et the Aries chil-
,ill stic7 his curious 8ist i" it i$pulsively. =ou thi"7 that ,ill teach hi$ a lesso"A
Not this you"gster. .e>ll try to %rea7 his o," recor-.
Teethi"g ti$e $ay %e 8everish a"- severe. 4a%y ,ill co$e through the or-eal ,ith
little -i88iculty5 %ut ,ill youA .
/he" he gets a little ol-er5 you $ay get the %reath s'uee3e- out o8 you ,ith o"e o8
his lovi"g %ear hugs. Aries chil-re" are usually a88ectio"ately -e$o"strative5 e:cept
8or the 8e, Mars you"gsters ,hose early e$otio"al e:perie"ces 8ree3e their
"or$ally ,ar$ hearts. These are the sa-5 'uieter little sheep. 4ut their hor"s are ;ust
as -a"gerous.
4etter "ot as7 relatives to %a%ysit ,ithout ,ar"i"g the$. 28 poor Au"t Mau-e
%ravely ta7es hi$ ,hile you have a %rie8 vacatio"5 thi"gs coul- %eco$e a little
strai"e-. She>ll catch your Aries tot ,ith his %usy ha"- i" the sugar %o,l5 a"-
pro%a%ly $a7e the $ista7e o8 sta$pi"g her 8oot i" -ispleasure. That ,ill %oth
surprise a"- outrage the little ra$ i"to sta$pi"g his o," s$all 8oot5 a"- %ursti"g out
,ith his 8irst co$plete se"te"ce5 <Au"t >Mo->--o">t you tell $e su$pi">.< So 'uai"t.
4et she ,o">t <tell hi$ so$ethi"g< agai" soo". ?=ou $ight have to co$e ho$e a
little early. .e %ro7e his %ig toe ,he" he sta$pe- his 8oot.@
As he gro,s ol-er a"- stro"ger5 a8ter havi"g 8ought $easles5 $u$ps5 chic7e" po:
a"- scarlati"a5 a"- ,o" ha"-s -o,". ?a %attle ,ith ger$s is "o co"test ,ith the
'uic7ly recuperati"g Mars "ature@5 your Aries chil- ,ill %egi" to sho, a patter" o8
te$per. =ou>ll "otice that he or she ca" %e $ost u"reaso"a%le ,he" th,arte-5 %ut
the a"ger ,o">t last lo"g. A8ter a perio-ic e:plosio"5 the Aries %oy or girl ,ill %ea$
a large5 %right a"- ,i""i"g s$ile your ,ay.
.e>ll share his toys ,ith a$a3i"g ge"erosity ,ith you5 his play$ates5 the $ail$a"5
the "eigh%or>s %ull-og a"- the alley cat. .o,ever5 his ge"erosity ,ill e"- i8 o"e o8
the$ hurts his 8eeli"gs or gets i" the ,ay o8 so$ethi"g he ,a"ts to -o or
so$e,here he ,a"ts to go. The" loo7 out 8or 8ire,or7s.
Aries %oys a"- girls $ay 8all i"to the early ha%it o8 "eglecti"g ho$e,or75 a"- usi"g
your $ore o%e-ie"t little !apricor"5 !a"cer5 irgo or *isces chil- as a" e:a$ple
,ill har-ly i$press hi$. ?2>$ assu$i"g you -o">t have $ore tha" o"e Aries
o88spri"g. The pla"ets -o">t -o that to pare"ts very o8te".@ 2"stea- o8 sha$i"g the
Mare you"gster i"to stu-yi"g5 challe"ge hi$. .e>ll lap up a challe"ge li7e that
8avorite stray alley cat o8 his laps up crea$. Just tell hi$ ?or her@ that he>s pro%a%ly
;ust slo,5 or "ot as %right as the other stu-e"ts5 i"8erior i" so$e ,ay5 %ut you -o">t
$i"-. =ou love hi$ a"y,ay. Myl->.o, .the -ust ,ill 8ly o88 those school%oo7s5 as
he sets out to prove ,hat a ri-iculous theory that is. So$eo"e ,ho ca" top hi$A
That ,ill %e the -ay-or "ight.
A8ter you>ve ,atche- the $agic o8 such strategy at ho$e5 tip o88 his teacher. She>ll
get -o," o" her 7"ees a"- tha"7 you. 28 she has $ore tha" o"e Aries stu-e"t i" her
class5 she $ay se"- you a 8ive-pou"- %o: o8 ca"-y. Actually5 Mars you"gsters ca"
lear" a"ythi"g i" "othi"g 8lat5 "ever 8orget it5 a"- %ree3e through their stu-ies5 i8
they apply the$selves. Not all pare"ts 7"o, ho, to acco$plish this. They $ay
spe"- years ,o"-eri"g ,hy Mi7e a"- Maggie test ,ith such a high 2.6.5 a"- still
$a"age to stay i" the thir- gra-e 8or 8our years. They "ee-">t ,orry too $uch5
ho,ever5 %ecause little Mi7e a"- Maggie ,ill $a7e up 8or lost ti$e ,ith the spee-
o8 a %ullet5 o"ce they get out i" the ,orl- a"- 8i"- out people are s$arter tha" they
are. A couple o8 hu$iliatio"s to the Mars ego5 a"- they>ll cra$ so 8iercely5 they>ll
s7ip a 8e, gra-es.
=our April you"gster ,ill have a vivi- i$agi"atio"B he>ll %e as -rea$y a"-
se"ti$e"tal as a story%oo75 %ut he>ll 7"o, very ,ell ho, to get his %rea- toaste- at
the sa$e ti$e. 28 there is such a co"tra-ictory thi"g as a har-5 practical i-ealistic
-rea$er5 it>s your Aries chil-. .e>s as "aive as he is toughB as ge"tle as he is pushy.
All these co"8licti"g traits are ,ove" i"to his 8iery little "ature. =ou>ll $arvel at it
a"- ,o"-er a%out it. So ,ill your 8rie"-s later o"5 "ot to $e"tio" his %oss5 his 8uture
e"e$ies a"- the u"suspecti"g soul he $arries.
Aries chil-re" ,ill ta7e the lea- ,ith play$ates5 start "e, ga$es a"- i"ve"t "e,
i-eas 8or the ga"g. They>ll i"sist o" havi"g their o," ,ay or %utt their hea-s agai"st
authority5 so you>- %etter -eci-e to set -o," so$e 8ir$ rules i" the %egi""i"g. The
Aries chil- ,ho is">t trai"e- to o%ey i" his youth ,ill %e taught so$e crushi"g
lesso"s i" $aturity. 1e$e$%er that his heart is as so8t as %utter5 a"- it hi-es -eep-
seate- 8ears o8 %ei"g -isli7e- a"- u"love-5 -espite his %rave 8ro"t. 1e;ectio" o8 his
%right -rea$s or -a$pe"i"g o8 his e:citi"g e"thusias$ ,ill se"- hi$ ru""i"g ho$e
to you i" tragic tears. .ol- hi$ very close ,he" this happe"s. .is heart ,ill %e
%ro7e". (or all his rash -o$i"eeri"g ,ays5 the Aries i-ealis$ is se"sitive a"- it
%ruises ,ith the slightest %u$p. .e>ll %e getti"g ple"ty o8 - those %u$ps o" his
"aive5 hope-8ille- opti$is$ -uri"g his li8eti$e5 a"- he "ee-s $ore protectio"
agai"st the$ tha" you $ight thi"7.
.e %elieves i" 8airy go-$others ,ith $agic ,a"-s5 a"- gia"ts ,ho ca" topple over
,hole cities ,ith o"e s,eep o8 a po,er8ul ha"-. 0"8ortu"ately5 Aries chil-re"
"aively i-e"ti8y ,ith these t,o o$"ipote"t types. /he" they -iscover that there are
gia"t 7illers out there i" the %rutal ,orl--a"- %lu"t realists5 ,ho ca" $a7e those
$agic ,a"-s pathetically i$pote"t5 they>ll ta7e so$e har- tu$%les. 4ut they>ll get
%ac7 up5 %rush the$selves o885 a"- push 8or,ar- agai" i"-e8i"itely. They>ll teach
that -ull5 u"i$agi"ative ol- ,orl- a thi"g or t,oI There $ay %e a 8e, sears %e8ore
it>s over5 %ut -o">t cou"t your Mars chil- out o8 the 8ight5 "o $atter ho, $a"y ti$es
he>s 7"oc7e- -o,". /ait 8or hi$ to holler <0"cle.< =ou $ay have a lo"g ,ait.
.i-e %irth-ay prese"ts i" a sa8e place. .ell %e i$patie"t5 a"- u",illi"g to ,ait 8or
surprises. Do">t -estroy his 8aith i" Sa"ta !laus a"- the +aster 4u""y too soo". To
8irst %elieve 8iercely5 a"- the" lea$ "ot to %elieve5 toughe"s his e$otio"s. 2t>s a
"ecessary lesso". .is allo,a"ce ,ill %ur" a hole right through his poc7et5 %ut he>ll
cheer8ully give you his last -i$e 8or the $il7$a". =our Aries -aughter $ay pay the
"eigh%orhoo- %ullies a "ic7el a -ay to stop steppi"g o" a"ts. A" Aries chil- ha"-le-
harshly i" the i$pressio"a%le years ca" sho, a -e8e"sive cruel strea75 %ut gui-e-
ge"tly a"- ,isely5 he>ll i"sist o" his rights ,ith less 8orce5 a"- sho, a giga"tic
ge"erosity a"- sy$pathy 8or his 8ello, $a". Do">t give hi$ or-ers5 al,ays as7 hi$
to -o thi"gs ,ith a cheer8ul s$ile5 a"- he>ll 7"oc7 hi$sel8 out to please you. Never
-estroy his co"8i-e"ce. 2t>s as i$porta"t to hi$ as the air he %reathes. .e $ay ru"
a,ay 8ro$ ho$eB the Mars i"-epe"-e"ce sho,s early5 %ut he>ll co$e %ac7 ,iser.
Teach hi$ that it>s u"7i"- to -o$i"ate $ee7er you"gsters. .e truly -oes "ot ,a"t to
%e u"7i"-.
4ei"g arou"- col-5 "egative people ca" ,ou"- hi$ -eeply5 %ut "othi"g ,ill ever
%rea7 his spirit. ?1e$e$%er the -ia$o"-.@ .e>ll pro%a%ly %e ,il- a%out %oo7s a"-
%e a" e:celle"t rea-er5 yet he $ay "ot %e a":ious to settle -o," to 8our years o8
college. Aries is too i"tereste- i" getti"g i"to the actio" o8 choppi"g -o," all those
challe"gi"g %ea"stal7s. 4ut -o">t give up too 'uic7ly. .e ca" use the a--itio"al
-iscipli"e o8 higher e-ucatio" to help his $i"- catch up ,ith his 8la$i"g e$otio"s
a"- su--e"5 pu33li"g %ursts o8 sharp i"tuitio". The $ore he %al7s at the i-ea o8 a
rigi- scholastic sche-ule a"- pre8ers the 8ree-o$ o8 tryi"g out a 8e, ;o%s5 the $ore
you ca" %e sure he "ee-s the sche-ule.
.e>ll have to lea$ respo"si%ility5 %ut you>ll teach hi$ this a"- other thi"gs 8aster
through -irect logic a"- ho"est a88ectio". 4oth appeal to hi$. *are"ts a"- teachers
shoul- "ever 8orget that Aries chil-re" glo, u"-er praise a"- -ogge-ly procee- to
top their o," e88orts5 %ut they sputter li7e 8irecrac7ers u"-er attac7 a"- lose all
i"ce"tive to try. Tell hi$ ,hat you li7e a%out hi$5 a"- he>ll -o less that you -o">t
li7e. Aries you"gsters live up to e:actly ,hat>s e:pecte- o8 the$5 i"clu-i"g those
,ho hi-e their %ur"i"g -rive u"-er a cal$er perso"ality. This chil- $ust al,ays %e
7ept %usy5 or hell ,a"-er i"to trou%le. 2-le"ess spells -a"ger. .e "ee-s stac7s o8
sleep to re"e, all that scattere-5 $isplace- e"ergy.
.ell love stories a%out %rave5 shi"i"g heroes ,ho co"'uere- "e, ,orl-s. 4ut he
also %elieves i" leprechau"s a"- ,ishi"g ,ells5 a"- he>ll co"ti"ue to %elieve i" the$
lo"g a8ter you>ve %ro"3e- those little Aries %a%y shoes a"- ,elco$e- the 8irst
gra"-chil-. 28 you lea- your Mars chil- ge"tly5 ,ith co"sta"t love5 he>ll gro, up
,ith the ,o"-er8ul po,er to -rea$ the i$possi%le -rea$-a"- $a7e it co$e true.

The A12+S 4oss
</ell "o, that ,e have see" each other5< sa- the 0"icor"5
<i8 you>ll %elieve i" $e5 2>ll %elieve i" you. 2s that a %argai"A<
The Aries %oss ,o">t %e popular ,ith la3y e$ployees. 28 you>re loo7i"g 8or a
te$porary so8t spot to 8ill i" the ti$e ,hile you see7 a per$a"e"t career5 or a place
to pic7 up a little spe"-i"g $o"ey -uri"g a lull i" your li8e5 you>- %e ,ell a-vise-
"ot to ,or7 8or a" Aries. This $a" si$ply ca">t a%i-e hal8-hearte- ,or7 or a lac7 o8
e"thusias$ i" those arou"- hi$. .e>ll e:pect you to %e as -evote- to the co$pa"y
as he is5 a"- ;ust as i"te"tly co"cer"e- ,ith its 8uture pote"tial. .e>ll pro%a%ly hire
you 8ast5 pro$ote you 8ast-a"- poi"t out your $ista7es ;ust as 'uic7ly.
28 he suspects you are coasti"g5 you>re lia%le to get a %lu"t a"- -irect-to-the-poi"t
to"gue-lashi"g5 ,ith "o 8eeli"gs spare-5 %ut you>ll also get a seco"- cha"ce5 perhaps
eve" a thir- or 8ourth o"e5 i8 you a-$it you>re ,ro"g a"- pro$ise to -o %etter. =ou
$ight as ,ell %e prepare- to ,or7 overti$e 8or the Aries %oss 8re'ue"tly. .e>ll
e:pect it. &" the other ha"-5 i8 he>s a typical Aries5 he pro%a%ly ,o">t 8ro," at the
cloc7 or gla"ce at his ,rist,atch ,he" you arrive late i" the $or"i"g or ta7e a"
e:tra hal8 hour or hour 8or lu"ch. .e>s "ot a cloc7 ,atcher hi$sel8. 4ecause o8 his
highly i"-ivi-ual perso"ality5 he>ll u"-ersta"- that you ca">t tur" o" creativity li7e a
light s,itch at "i"e i" the $or"i"g a"- tur" it o88 agai" at 8ive i" the a8ter"oo". .e>s
a %oss ,ho ,ill o8te" as7 you to ,or7 a" e:tra Satur-ay5 %ut he>s also li7ely to
accept the e:cuse o8 your gra"-$other>s 8u"eral ,he" you ,a"t to atte"- that
%ase%all ga$e5 though you>- get the ti$e o88 ;ust as easily %y telli"g the truth. .e
ca" see ,hy5 o" su--e" i$pulse5 you>- li7e to root 8or your tea$ o" a spri"g -ay.
Though he>ll usually %e ge"erous ,ith vacatio"s5 salaries5 raises a"- all such
$atters5 he>ll 8ully e:pect you to -rop everythi"g-perso"al pla"s5 e$otio"al ties5
travel co$$it$e"ts or ,hat-have-you-i8 so$ethi"g o8 great i$porta"ce pops up at
the o88ice. 2 hate to say it5 %ut 2 -o 7"o, o8 o"e Aries %oss ,ho ha- a %usi"ess crisis
re'uiri"g the rou"--the-cloc7 services o8 a value- e$ployee. The 8act that the
%usi"ess e$erge"cy occurre- o" a -ay this e$ployee ,as. sche-ule- 8or a"
appeara"ce as a %ri-e ,as i"ci-e"tal. /hat i8 she ha- $a-e pla"s 8or si:
%ri-es$ai-s5 a 8lo,er girl5 a ri"g-%earer5 a"- a receptio" 8or three hu"-re-
The Aries %oss coul-">t u"-ersta"- ,hy all that coul-">t %e postpo"e-5 i"clu-i"g the
ho"ey$oo"5 8or a" urge"t $eeti"g co"cer"i"g a $illio" -ollar -eal ,hich coul- put
the co$pa"y o" the %ig %oar-. .e ,oul- %e ,illi"g to -elay his o," $arriage 8or
such a crisis5 so ,hy ,oul-">t youA /hat>s the $atter5 are">t you loyalA This is
a-$itte-ly a" e:tre$e case5 %ut you>ve %ee" ,ar"e-.
2t>s a rare Aries %oss ,ho is">t $ore lavish tha" the or-i"ary e$ployer at !hrist$as-
ti$e. Depe"-i"g o" ho, stro"g a" Aries he is5 you ca" cou"t o" getti"g a larger
%oius chec7 tha" your 8rie"-s i" other o88ices-or eve" a har--pic7e-5 e:pe"sive gi8t5
,hich coul- %e so$ethi"g yol>ve %ee" ,a"ti"g 8or a lo"g ti$e. A Mars %oss is "ot
li7-y to %e sti"gy ?u"less there>s a co"8licti"g Moo" sig" or isce"-a"t@.
.e>s "ot as suscepti%le to 8lattery as other astrological sigis5 %ut it ,o">t hurt you to
pay hi$ a si"cere co$pli-$eit "o, a"- the". 28 you let hi$ 7"o, i" a straight-
8orvar- ,ay that you appreciate hi$ as a" e$ployer5 you a-"ire his e88icie"cy a"-
you thi"7 he>s ;ust a%out the s$irtest %oss i" to,"5 your ;o% security is guara"tee-.
.ovever5 -o or say this o"ly i8 you really %elieve it a"- $e." it. .e ,ill have
co"te$pt 8or a" e$ployee ,ho guiAles his praises ;ust to $a7e poi"ts5 ,hile he>s
secretly -oi%t8ul o8 the ra$>s a%ility to hea- the co$pa"y. The Arts is "ot or-i"arily
a goo- ;u-ge o8 character5 %ut he>g so e"sitive to other people>s opi"io"s o8 hi$ that
he ca" prety ,ell tell i8 he>s -isli7e- %y those arou"- hi$ -ay a8t88 -ay. To %e li7e-
is his secret "ee-. =ou $ight "ever guss it 8ro$ his sel8-co"8i-e"t air a"- his %rave
8ro"t5 %utu"-e$eath all that s,agger he>s -esperately i" "ee- o8 theapproval o8 his
8ello, $a". That i"clu-es you5 his ,i8e a"- his -og-eve" the stra"ger o" the
elevator. Despite tha sur8ace i"-epe"-e"ce5 "othi"g $a7es hi$ happier thai to %e
loo7e- up to a"- recog"i3e- as the capa%le pero" he 7"o,s he is. &" the other ha"-5
"othi"g ca" $ale hi$ as -epresse-5 cra"7y a"- so$eti$es -o,"right pety as
suspecti"g that those ,ho ,or7 8or hi$ -o"t appove o8 his $etho-s or -o">t reali3e
his value a"- pot."tial.
2 you hear a ru$or that the co$pa"y is a%out to go %ai7rupt5 -o">t loo7 arou"- 8or
a"other ;o% too 'uic7ly. =oi $ay "ot "ee- a "e, ;o%5 a8ter all. 28 a"y%o-y ca" pu0
theco$pa"y out o8 trou%le5 save it at the last $i"ute 8ro$ 8i"acial -isaster u"-er the
$ost -ire circu$sta"ces5 a"- $ale the e"tire operatio" see$ rather li7e Moses
parti"g the1e- Sea5 it>s your Aries %oss. .e>s i"-epe"-e"t5 -ari"g a"c ve"tureso$e.
.is -rive ?u"li7e the $ore e$otio"al -ire o8 the Scorpio@ is vital5 8ro$ the spirit5
a"- al$ost al,ys i-ealistic. ?.e $ay lose out to the e'ually -eter-r"iie- Scorpio
pitte- agai"st hi$5 ho,ever5 a"- %e u"a%le to "atch the stea-y ruthless"ess o8 *luto-
though hell recover 8ro$ the loss a"- ,i" so$e,here else.@
Aries i"itiates. 28 there>s a suggestio" %o: arou"- the o88ice a"- you -rop i" e"ough
,or7a%le5 creative i-eas5 you>re al$ost sure to a-va"ce to a high positio" 'uic7ly
,ith this $a". .e appreciates e$ployees ,ho care e"ough a%out the co$pa"y to
$a7e suggestio"s a"- ,ho are origi"al i" their thi"7i"g-as lo"g as they $a7e it
per8ectly clear they have "o i"te"tio"s o8 tryi"g to outshi"e hi$.
/ill po,er is o"e o8 the stro"g 8eatures o8 the Aries $a". .e 8ights o88 all $i"or
ail$e"ts a"- he ,o">t give i" to serious ill"ess either. So$eti$es he ca" -elay or
e"tirely preve"t -isease %y sheer positive thi"7i"g. 28 he -oes have a col- or virus
i"8ectio" ?pro%a%ly acco$pa"ie- %y a high 8ever@5 he>ll get -resse- to co$e i" to the
o88ice 8or so$e urge"t %usi"ess a"- %y the ti$e he arrives5 the 8ever $ay %e go"e5 to
the $ysti8icatio" o8 his -octor a"- the suspicio" o8 his e$ployees that he ,as really
at ho$e goo8i"g o88.
The Mars ,ill is so 8a"tastically stro"g that your Aries %oss ?,ho ,ill pro%a%ly %e
8airly luc7y at ga$%li"g@ ca" go to the racetrac7 a"- practically root his horse i"to
the lea-. =ou>re %ou"- to 8eel the e88ect o8 such a 8orce8ul perso"ality5 so e:pect
ple"ty o8 8ire,or7s5 e:cite$e"t5 chaos a"- i"te"se activity arou"- the o88ice. =our
%usi"ess -ay ,ill sel-o$ %e u"eve"t8ul. So$ethi"g ,ill al,ays %e happe"i"g.
There ,ill %e "othi"g lethargic a%out hi$5 a"- there ha- %etter "ot %e a"ythi"g
lethargic a%out you. =our Aries e$ployer ,ill pro%a%ly have little i"terest i" a"y
previous %a- ;o% recor- you hel- %e8ore or i" the reaso"s ,hy your 8or$er %oss $ay
have 8ire- you. .e>s the %est %et to approach u"-er these circu$sta"ces. 4ecause o8
his co"victio" that he>s goi"g to $a7e the 8uture ,hat he ,a"ts it to %e5 Aries is
sel-o$ %othere- or co"cer"e- %y the past. =ours or his.
The Mars e:ecutive is too prou- to let others 7"o, they>ve hurt hi$. 2" spite o8
'uic7 out%ursts o8 te$per ?,hich ,o">t last lo"g or %e vi"-ictive5 a"- ,ill %e 8or-
gotte" as soo" as they>re over@5 he ,ill hi-e 'uite ,ell those thi"gs ,hich truly
a88ect hi$ -eeply. The ra$ ,o">t a-$it his -epe"-e"ce o" a"yo"e %ut hi$sel8. .e
-oes "ee- others-8ar $ore tha" he ,ill ever a-$it5 %ut his 5 stre"gth co$es 8ro$
i"si-e5 a"- he ca" al,ays 8i"- a ,ay . o8 goi"g it alo"e ,he" he $ust.
28 you ca" a-$ire his e"ergy a"- courage5 though you 8i"- it i$possi%le to i$itateB
i8 you ca" $a7e up 8or his i$pulsive5 slap-ash ,ays %y patie"tly 8illi"g i" the
-etails he>s overloo7e- i" his haste ?a"- -o this u"o%trusively@5 he>ll pro%a%ly pay
you $ore $o"ey tha" you ca" $a7e a"y,here else a"- you>ll %e ,ith hi$ 8or li8e.
Tact8ully atte$pt to 7eep hi$ 8ro$ -oi"g or sayi"g rash thi"gs hell regret later.
1e$i"- hi$ ge"tly that those to ,ho$ he -irects his te$porary righteous a"ger
$ay %e ery 2$porta"t *eople a"- they coul- react i" a ,ay ,hch ,ill hurt his
%usi"ess i8 he alie"ates the$.
That>s the i$porta"t thi"g to re$e$%er a%out your Aries %oss. 2" spite o8 his great
i"-epe"-e"t spirit5 ,he" his i-ealistic5 opti$istic e"thusias$ gets hi$ i" over his
hea-5 he really "ee-s your help5 8aith a"- loyalty. #ive these to hi$ i" a%u"-a"ce
a"- you>ll "ever 8i"- a pi"7 slip i" your pay e"velope. =ou ,o">t have to ,orry
,he" $issi"g a ta:i i" rai"y ,eather $a7es you late 8or ,or75 i8 you "ee- a"
e:traC,ee7>s vacatio" ti$e 8or a" operatio"-or a%out so$eo"e you"ger a"- $ore
e88icie"t replaci"g you. More tha" a"y other 7i"- o8 %oss5 he>ll repay loyalty ,ith
loyalty. Feep a 8ull supply o8 aspiri" i" the -es7 -ra,er 8or 8re'ue"t e$erge"cies5
polish up your s$ile5 -o">t ta7e his out%ursts seriously-a"- you ca" thro, a,ay the
classi8ie- a-s. =ou>ll ,a"t to stay ,here the actio" is.

The A12+S +$ployee
<O sca- it very lou- a"- clear
2 ,e"t a"- shoute- i" his ear
A"- ,he" 2 8ou"- the -oor ,as loc7e-
2 pulle- a"- pushe- a"- 7ic7e- a"- 7"oc7e-.
<4ut it>s "o use goi"g %ac7 to yester-ay 4ecause 2 ,as a -i88ere"t perso" the".<
A ;o% i"tervie, ,ith a prospective Aries e$ployee5 i8 he>s a typical ra$5 $ight ru"
so$ethi"g li7e this9
+M*L&=+19 2 see 8ro$ your resu$e a"- re8ere"ces that you>ve %ee" ,ith si:
-i88ere"t 8ir$s i" the past t,o years5 Mr. 4ootsi7aris.
A12+S9 !all $e !harlie5 Mr. (la:$a". =es5 2 %elieve i" tryi"g to a-va"ce $ysel8.
/he" you outgro, a ;o%5 ,hat>s the poi"t o8 stayi"g i" a positio" ,here there>s
"othi"g $ore you ca" lear" a"- "othi"g $ore you ca" co"tri%ute to the co$pa"yA
+M*L&=+19 That>s ;ust ,hat %others $e5 !har-uh5 Mr. 4ootsi7aris. 2>$ a8rai- you
$ay outgro, us i" a short > ti$e5 also5 a8ter ,e>ve spe"t the $o"ey to trai" you.
A12+S9 2 thought that $ight co"cer" you. 4ut you -o">t have to ,orry. 2>ve
i"vestigate- your co$pa"y5 a"- 2>$ sure 2 ,oul-">t 8eel restless5 %ecause 2 ca" see
there>s ple"ty o8 opportu"ity ,ith you 8or a"yo"e ,ho really tries. 2>ve al,ays
,a"te- to ,or7 ,ith a really great5 creative a"- progressive $a"age$e"t. They>re
so rare that 2>- rather ,ait >til there>s a" ope"i"g here tha" go a"y,here else.
Nee-less to say5 the %oss ,ho ca" overco$e his i"itial shoc7 at such a" u"usual
i"tervie, is li7ely to hire the Aries o" the spot. That 7i"- o8 si"cere e"thusias$ 8or
the Q co$pa"y is har- to co$e %y i" these -ays o8 seeurity-B $i"-e- a"- u"io"-
co"scious e$ployees-"ever $i"- the E a%rupt"ess a"- the superego.
.iri"g a" Aries ca" %e the s$artest $ove you ever $a-e D or the largest hea-ache
you>ve ever 7"o,"5 -epe"-i"g o" 5 ho, you ai$ this co$%usti%le5 $isgui-e-
$issile. Ai$i"g 2 hi$ to,ar- a routi"e5 "i"e-to-8ive ;o% is the ,ro"g -irec-D tio". 2"
the %egi""i"g5 he $ay shi"e li7e a silver -ollar to D i$press you5 %ut it ,o">t %e lo"g
%e8ore he>s restless a"- D u"happy. A"- he>ll let you 7"o, it i" u"$ista7a%le ,ays5 D
li7e co$i"g i" a little later each -ay5 ta7i"g e:tra ti$e 8or D lu"ch5 or ,riti"g
perso"al letters at his -es7. These are E all -a"ger sig"als that your Aries e$ployee
is "ot satis8ie-. D .e>s still e:tre$ely valua%le to your 8ir$5 %ut he>s %ore-5 ; a"-
,he" the ra$ gets %ore-5 his virtues are 'uic7ly %urie- ( u"-er his shortco$i"gs.
*ut your Aries ,or7er i" a positio" ,here he has co$plete 8ree-o$ to $a7e
-ecisio"s5 a"s,era%le i8 possi%le5 o"ly to you. 28 you ca" -o it ,ithout hurti"g o88ice
$orale5 allo, hi$ to co$e to ,or7 at o-- hours. A8ter a short perio- you>ll "otice
that5 although he $ay appear as late as te" or eleve" i" the $or"i"g5 or ta7e t,o
hours 8or lu"ch5 hell also %e the very last o"e to leave at "ight5 especially a i8 there>s
e:tra ,or7 to get out. .e>s $ore li7ely tha" a"y o8 your other e$ployees to accept
a--itio"al assig"$e"ts as a challe"ge5 ,ithout co$plai"i"g.
Ma"y a". Aries ,ill la%or u"til the ,ee s$all hours5 i8 it>s "ecessary5 or i8 there>s a"
e:citi"g pro;ect u"-er ,ay5 a"- pro%a%ly %e $ore 8a$iliar to the "ightly clea"i"g
,o$a" tha" to the early $or"i"g s,itch%oar- receptio"ist. =ou ,o">t 8i"- hi$
getti"g e-gy or pee7i"g at the cloc7 arou"- 8ive o>cloc75 so ,hy shoul- you %e 8ussy
i8 it>s t,e"ty $i"utes past te" ,he" he arrives i" the $or"i"gA That>s his reaso"i"g5
a"- there>s a certai" logic i" it.
The Arie" is co"stitutio"ally u"a%le to 7eep to a tight a"- u"i8or$ sche-ule5
regar-less o8 sta"-ar- o88ice proce-ure. .is great5 creative e"ergy co$es o" hi$ at
all hours5 a"- it ca">t %e a-;uste- to 8it so$eo"e>s i-ea o8 the proper ,or7i"g -ay.
.e $ay as7 to leave early so$e a8ter"oo" 8or pressi"g perso"al reaso"s5 %ut hell
co$e %ac7 later the sa$e "ight to %u$ the $i-"ight oil5 or pop i" %e8ore the %ir-ies
chirp the 8ollo,i"g $or"i"g to $a7e up the ,or7 he>s $isse-. &"e thi"g Aries ca">t
sta"- is to tur" i" ,or7 ,hich is less per8ect tha" he 7"o,s he ca" -o. Despite his
careless"ess ,ith -etail a"- his -is-ai" o8 "or$al o88ice routi"e5 that 'uality is too
goo- to $iss. 2t>s ,orth putti"g up ,ith the Mars i"-epe"-e"ce to ta7e a-va"tage o8
his ,o"-er8ul -eter$i"atio" to succee-5 ,hich ,ill o%viously %e"e8it your
co$pa"y5 i8 you>re astute e"ough a"- patie"t e"ough to utili3e it properly.
Mo"ey is "ever his pri$e reaso" 8or ,or7i"g. .e ,ill i"sist o" %ei"g pai- ,hat he>s
,orth ?,hat he thi"7s he>s ,orth@ 8or the sa7e o8 ego a"- status5 %ut $o"ey is "ever
his $ai" o%;ective. .e>s $otivate- %y success5 a"- cash is al,ays seco"-ary. .e
$ay 8re'ue"tly as7 to %orro, $o"ey5 %ecause the ra$ usually lives %eyo"- his
i"co$e. Still5 a" e:tra pat o" the %ac7 ,ill o8te" get $ore out o8 hi$ tha" a" e:tra
8ive -ollars a ,ee7 i" his pay e"velope. &8 course5 you $ay have to ta$e his "atural
-esire to ta7e over everyo"e else>s -epart$e"t5 si"ce he>s %ursti"g ,ith i-eas o8 ho,
everyo"e i" the 8ir$ coul- get ,here they>re goi"g 8aster5 i"clu-i"g you. 4ut i8 you
ca" lea$ "ot to ta7e o88e"se at his 8re'ue"t a"- i$perti"e"t suggestio"s5 youll 8i"- a
%o"us o8 origi"al a"- pro8ita%le thoughts.
Al,ays put Aries i" the actio" ;o%5 i" a positio" ,here he ca" get out a"- pro$ote
the 8ir$ a"- $i: ,ith people. Never put hi$ %ehi"- a -es7 ,here he has to -o the
sa$e thi"g -ay a8ter -ay u"-er the scruti"y o8 a"other e$ployee. Aries ,ill ta7e
or-ers ,illi"gly 8ro$ very 8e, people5 si"ce he %elieves very 8e, people are
superior to hi$. .e u"-ou%te-ly thi"7s you are5 or he ,oul-">t have gotte" $i:e-
up ,ith you i" the 8irst place. &"ce he>s sure you u"-ersta"- a"- appreciate his
e88orts5 he>ll pro%a%ly %e the $ost loyal5 har--,or7i"g a"- co$pete"t e$ployee o"
your payroll. 4ut put hi$ i" a" i"8erior positio" a"- he>ll %e relucta"t to $a7e a"y
%ut the $ost per8u"ctory e88ort.
Naturally5 he ca">t al,ays start at the top5 though he>- li7e to. 28 he $ust %egi" at the
%otto$ a"- lear" a "e, tra-e or pro8essio"5 try to a-- so$e 7i"- o8 i$porta"t-
sou"-i"g respo"si%ility to his -aily -uties5 so he>ll at least thi"7 he>s at the top. 2t
allo,s hi$ to save 8ace ,ith hi$sel8. To %ri"g out his %est5 he "ee-s to 8eel that the
place coul-">t ru" ,ithout hi$. The ra$ is a "atural pro$oter. .e>ll pro$ote your
%usi"ess to his ,i8e a"- 8rie"-s e"thusiastically5 to ca% -rivers5 ,aiters a"- a"yo"e
else ,ho ,ill liste"-at the $ovies5 i" the s,i$$i"g pool-a"- "ot ;ust -uri"g the
hours he>s %ei"g pai- to -o so. .e>ll tur" everyo"e 8ro$ his %ro7er to his i"sura"ce
$a" i"to a %ooster 8or your 8ir$. (e, people ?e:cept Leos@ ca" e'ual hi$ i"
%ri"gi"g i" "e, accou"ts5 savi"g custo$ers you thought ,ere hopelessly lost a"-
putti"g over the largest5 $ost a$%itious sche$es you ca" -evise-especially ,he" he
thi"7s you>re -epe"-i"g o" hi$ to co$e through.
28 there>s ever a"y 7i"- o8 8i"a"cial trou%le5 your Aries e$ployee is "ot o"e to -esert
a si"7i"g ship. .e>ll stic7 ,ith you through the crisis5 a"- possi%ly a-- a 8e, i-eas
o8 his o," a%out ho, to solve it. The Arie" is literally u"a%le to co"ceive that
a"ythi"g or a"yo"e he %elieves i"5 i"clu-i"g hi$sel85 ca" 8ail. &%viously5 such a
trait ca" %e $ighty ,elco$e so$e %lac7 -ay.
As7 this e$ployee to ,or7 o" ,ee7e"-s or holi-ays5 ta7e a te$porary cut i" salary
-uri"g a" e$erge"cy or per8or$ so$eo"e else>s ;o% i" a--itio" to his o," i" case o8
ill"ess or vacatio"5 a"- he>ll sel-o$ co$plai". Just %e sure you tha"7 hi$ ,ar$ly
a"- let hi$ 7"o, you ho"estly appreciate it. There>s little he ,o">t -o to get
e"thusiastic approval 8ro$ you. Never give so$eo"e else cre-it 8or ,or7 he>s -o"e5
"ever $a7e hi$ 8eel guilty a%out %ei"g late5 -o">t co$pli$e"t others too o8te" ,he"
he>s arou"-5 -o">t harp o" his $ista7es-especially i" 8ro"t o8 other people-a"- "ever
give hi$ the i$pressio" you ,ish he>- stay i" his place. &ther,ise5 he>ll %e irrita%le5
8rustrate- a"- la3y. =ou ,o">t have to 8ire hi$. .e>ll $ost li7ely 'uit %e8ore you get
arou"- to it. 2t>s usually "ot "ecessary to scol- the ra$5 a"y,ay. .e>ll %e the 8irst to
apologi3e 8or errors he>s co$$itte- through his "atural haste a"- i$pulsive"ess5 i8
he>s $et hal8,ay5 a"- he>ll si"cerely try "ot to repeat the$. +ve" i8 he>s "ot al,ays
success8ul i" that atte$pt5 his i"te"tio"s are a-$ira%le. =ou $ay ,a"t to trai" hi$
tact8ully a"- privately "ot to %e so rash a"- over-co"8i-e"t5 %ut "ever %rea7 his
spirit. 28 you try5 you>ll 8ail5 a"- the atte$pt ,ill ;ust lose you all that re8reshi"g a"-
valua%le opti$is$.
/he" you recog"i3e his tale"ts5 Aries ,ill literally 7"oc7 hi$sel8 out to top
hi$sel8. !riticis$ ,ill "ever acco$plish its i"te"-e- purpose ,ith hi$. 4esi-es5
he>s $ore o8te" right tha" ,ro"g ,ith his hu"ches5 "o $atter ,hat so$e o8 the
e:perts ,ho have %ee" arou"- 8or years $ight thi"7. Aries has a" u"ca""y a%ility to
u"-ersta"- to-ay ,ith a clarity "ot possesse- either %y those ,ho cli"g to yester-ay
or those ,ho pi" all their hopes o" to$orro,. So it pays to liste" to hi$5 eve"
though his eager"ess a"- his sure"ess that he>s right $a7es hi$ -rop his $a""ers
"o, a"- the"5 ,ith a lou- a"- u"pleasa"t thu-.
As soo" as you ca"5 give hi$ a raise or a title to let hi$ 7"o, he>s -oi"g ,ell a"-
that you>re please-5 a"- %y all $ea"s5 as 'uic7ly as you ca"5 let hi$ either ,or7
alo"e or lea- others. Let hi$ 8eel he>s your perso"al associate. 2t>s i$perative that
those -eali"g ,ith a" Aries i" a"y ,or7i"g or pro8essio"al capacity reali3e that he
,ill pour out a" a$a3i"g "u$%er o8 valua%le co"tri%utio"s to the pro;ect at ha"-
o"ly i8 he 8eels that5 i" so$e ,ay5 he>s i$porta"t. /he" his e:cite$e"t a"- his
i-ealis$ are -a$pe"e-5 he 'uic7ly loses i"terest5 %eco$es -ishearte"e- a"- sta"-s
%ac7 to let others ta7e over-glu$ a"- $isera%le-a" u""ecessary ,aste o8 rare a"-
use8ul tale"t. 0"less the ra$ is allo,e- to pro$ote5 create a"- origi"ate5 he>s "o use
to hi$sel8 or a"yo"e else. Logic a"- 7i"-"ess ,ill reach hi$ every ti$e.
4ecause he>s a "atural i""ovator a"- lea-er5 Aries is at ho$e i" al$ost a"y career or
pro8essio". There are "o special places ,here he thrives %est. /hether it>s a gree"-
house or a police statio"-,hether he ,ears a 8ire$a">s hat or a surgeo">s $as7-he
$ust %e i" charge. The 8iel-s o8 a-vertisi"g a"- pu%lic relatio"s attract hi$5 si"ce
they give hi$ a cha"ce to pro$ote5 a"- he ta7es to selli"g li7e a -uc7 ta7es to
,ater. 4ut you ca" place hi$ i" a"y ;o%5 8ro$ teachi"g to truc7i"g-8ro$
%roa-casti"g to %uil-i"g -a"- he>ll 8it right i"to the slot5 i8 the slot is ,i-e e"ough to
ta7e up his e:cess e"ergy a"- ego.
=ou $ay ru" across a ra$ ,ho hi-es his -rive u"-er a cal$er5 $ore co"trolle-
$a""er5 %ut -o">t 7i- yoursel8 i"to thi"7i"g you ca" push hi$ i"to the cor"er. That>s
8or little Jac7 .or"er5 "ot hi$. .is place is i" 8ro"t-ava"t-gar-e. !ha""el his
a%ilities a"- he>ll $a7e a heap o8 $o"ey 8or you5 as ,ell as give you u"s,ervi"g5
u"'uestio"e- loyalty-especially ,he" the chips are -o,". 28 you -o a little
co$parative shoppi"g arou"-5 you>ll 8i"- those virtues are cheap at hal8 the price.
<O shall sit here< he sai-5 <o" a"- o885 8or -ays a"- -ays.<

TA010S5 the 4ull
April 21st through May 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e TA010S
The TA010S Ma"
The TA010S /o$a"
The TA010S !hil-
The TA010S 4oss
The TA010S +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e TA010S
<Ta7e care o8 the se"se5 a"- the sou"-s ,ill ta7e care o8 the$selves.<
A travel %ug 8rie"- o8 $i"e5 ,ho has %ee" every,here at least t,ice5 tol- $e he ,ill
"ever 8orget his 8irst trip to souther" Spai" o" a tra$p stea$er. &"e -ay5 ,hile he
,as o" -ec7 a-$iri"g the vie,5 a huge $ass o8 soli- roc7 loo$e- ahea- i" the
-ista"ce5 risi"g gra"-ly out o8 the %right5 %lue Me-iterra"ea". So$eo"e o" the ship
shoute-5 <Loo7I The 1oc7 o8 #i%raltarI< A,e- a"- i$presse-5 $y 8rie"- s"appe- a
picture o8 it 8or the 8ol7s %ac7 ho$e5 the" tur"e- to a %ore- tee"ager i" the "e:t
-ec7 chair5 a"- ,a:e- poetic. <2s">t it %eauti8ulA< he as7e-. <To"s o8 ,ater have
%eate" agai"st it through the ce"turies5 stor$s have lashe- at it5 ar$ies have
assaulte- it5 civili3atio"s have co$e a"- go"e5 %ut it ;ust sits there. Nothi"g ever
cha"ges it5 a"- "othi"g ca" $a7e it $ove.< The tee"ager ya,"e-. <=eah. 1e$i"-s
$e o8 $y ol- $a".<
.is 8ather ,as %or" i" May. A"- that>s ho, you recog"i3e Taurus5 the %ull. The
$ost 8ertile places to loo7 8or hi$ ,oul- %e a 8ar$5 a %a"7 or a real estate o88ice5
%ut you>ll also 8i"- hi$ gra3i"g i" other pastures. There are Taurea" e"gi"eers5
$ovie stars5 cler7s5 gar-e"ers5 7i"gs a"- 'uee"s5 chi$"ey s,eeps5 %utchers5 %a7ers
a"- ca"-le-> stic7 $a7ers. =ou ca" al,ays tell the %ull %y his stro"g5 sile"t attitu-e.
0"til you get to 7"o, hi$ %etter5 his le"gthiest $o"ologues ,ill pro%a%ly %e <=ep5<
<Nope5< <Tha"7s5< <So lo"g5< a"- 8re'ue"tly <0h-uh5< a su%stitute 8or <Nope.< 28 he
ha- a stro"g #e$i"i5 Aries or Sagittarius i"8lue"ce at %irth5 he $ay %e a little
ga%%ier a"- ,al7 ,ith $ore %ou"ce. 4ut the typical Taurea" pre8ers to $ove
-eli%erately a"- spea7 spari"gly.
Li7e #i%raltar5 he is soli- a"- stea-y a"- "othi"g -istur%s his tra"'uility. =ou ca"
thro, ,ater o" hi$ or light a 8ire %et,ee" his toes. =ou ca" %eat o" his chest ,ith
cle"che- 8ists5 glare at hi$ hyp"otically or shout at the top o8 your lu"gs. Taurus
,o">t %u-ge a" i"ch. &"ce his $i"- is set5 he 8ol-s his ar$s cal$ly a"- -igs i" his
heels. .e stic7s out his rather pro$i"e"t chi"5 8lares his "ostrils5 pi"s %ac7 his ears
a"- you>ve ha- it.
The %ull sel-o$ rushes 8or,ar- to sto$p o" your toes. .e si$ply ,a"ts to %e le8t
alo"e. Do">t -istur% hi$ a"- he>ll re$ai" co"te"te-. *ress hi$ a"- he %eco$es
o%sti"ate. Shove too har-5 tease too $uch5 a"- %e prepare- 8or viole"t rage. .e ca"
go 8or $o"ths a"- years o" e"-. e:hi%iti"g per8ect poise a"- co"trol5 i"hali"g the
8ragra"ce o8 the posies a"- ig"ori"g the "ervous clac7i"g a"- cluc7i"g all arou"-
hi$. The" so$e u"e:pecte- -ay5 a pushy perso" ,ill pile o"e stra, too $a"y o" his
%roa- %ac7. .e>ll s"ort5 %egi" to pa, the earth5 "arro, his eyes-a"- charge. #et out
o8 the ,ay as 8ast as you ca" a"- ru" 8or your li8el The Taurea" te$per is sel-o$
-isplaye- i$pulsively5 %ut ,he" the %ull gets $a-5 he ca" -estroy everythi"g i" his
path5 up to a"- i"clu-i"g Scorpios. Destroy is "ot the right ,or-. De$olish is %etter.
2t $ay %e so$e ti$e %e8ore the -ust settles a"- peace reig"s agai". So$e Taurea"a
have such co"trol that they o"ly charge o"ce or t,ice i". a ,hole li8eti$e. +ve" the
'uic7-te$pere- o"es ,o">t erupt $ore tha" o"ce or t,ice a year5 i8 that o8te". Still5
it>s %est to re$e$%er that Taurus usually -oes">t get ;ust a little $a- or a""oye-. 28
the i"ci-e"t is large e"ough to roc7 his "or$ally placi- e$otio"s5 you ca" cou"t o"
%li"- 8ury5 "o or-i"ary a"ger.
2 7"o, o"e Taurus $ale ,hose ,i8e ha- "ever see" hi$ a"gry -uri"g all the years
o8 her $arriage5 u"til o"e "ight i" a cro,-e- supper clu%. A" o%"o:ious -ru"7
stu$%le- over to their ta%le a"- $a-e a" o88-color re$ar7. She e:pecte- her
hus%a"- to ha"-le the $a" 8ir$ly5 ,ith his usual sel8-co"trol5 a"- she ,as as
shoc7e- as the rest o8 the custo$ers ,he" the Taurea" su--e"ly stoo- up5 shove-
over t,o ta%les5 li8te- the $a" i" the air5 a"- se"t hi$ 8lyi"g to the other si-e o8 the
roo$5 "early -e$olishi"g the %a"-sta"-. Not a ,or- ,as e:cha"ge-. 2 trust this ,ill
$a7e you properly cautious. 4e8ore eve" ,i"7i"g at a stra"ge ,o$a"5 it ,oul- %e
,ise to 7"o, her escort>s %irth-ay.
=ou ca" e:pect $a"y May people to actually rese$%le a %ull5 the $e" that is5 a"-
the ,o$e" %or" u"-er the Su" sig" ,ill have a" i"ta"gi%le5 elusive %ovi"e 'uality
a%out the$. The loo7 i" the 8e$ale Taurea">s eyes ,ill %e sere"e a"- li$pi-5 yet
stea-y. She ,ill $ove grace8ully5 i"-ole"tly5 %ut ,ith a suggestio" o8 hi--e"
stre"gth. As 8or the $ales5 the "ec7 ,ill o8te" %e thic7 or $uscular5 the shoul-ers5
chest or %ac75 or all three5 %roa- a"- stro"g. The e"tire %o-y ,ill %e ,ell
proportio"e-5 ,hether short or tall. The ears are usually s$all a"- close to the hea-.
/he" they eat5 they che, slo,ly5 a"- or-i"arily have e:celle"t -igestio"s. =ou
$ay "otice a loc7 o8 hair ?rese$%li"g the %ull>s 8oreloc7@5 or a curl that ha"gs i" the
ce"ter o8 the 8orehea-. Not all5 %ut $a"y Taurea"s have curly or ,avy hair. 2t>s
usually -ar75 li7e the eyes a"- s7i". +ve" the occasio"al %lo"-e5 light-eye- a"- 8air-
s7i""e- Taurus people ,ill "ever suggest 8ragility o8 $i"- or character.
Naturally5 you ca">t e:pect every Taurea" to loo7 li7e (er-i"a"- the %ull or +lsie
the co,. 2t>s true that they 8re'ue"tly have large5 ge"erous %o-ies5 ra"gi"g 8ro$
$uscular to plu$p to 8at. 4ut i8 you get that i$age too set i" your $i"-5 you ,o">t
recog"i3e the s7i""y o"es5 a"- it>s i$porta"t to lear" to spot the$5 too. /hat are
you goi"g to -o ,he" you tur" o" televisio" a"- The Late5 Late Sho, 8eatures
Taurea"s 4i"g !ros%y5 (re- Astaire or #ary !ooperA Do">t let it thro, you. (or all
his *iscea" light"ess o8 8oot5 a"- his airy #e$i"i char$5 (re- Astaire is a" earthy
Taurus. The other pla"etary i"8lue"ces i" his chart ca">t cha"ge that. Just as7 his
8rie"-5 choreographer .er$es *a"5 or a"yo"e else close to the -a"ci"g lege"-. As7
the$ ho, tough it is to get this T,i"7letoes to go so$e,here he -oes">t ,a"t to go
or -o so$ethi"g he -oes">t ,a"t to -o. 4i"g !ros%y is also 8a$ous 8or his u"ru88le-
perso"ality a"- his cal$5 easygoi"g $a""er. ?That ,as pro%a%ly o"e o8 4i"g>s so"s
o" the tra$p stea$er.@ As 8or #ary !ooper5 ta7e a"other loo7 at the tall5 la"7y
8ra$e o8 that hero o8 the vi"tage co,%oy sho,s. .is soli- 8eet see$ to %e gro,i"g
right out o8 the grou"- as i8 they ,ere roote- there. .e $oves across your televisio"
scree" ,ith slo, -eli%eratio"5 a"- the total "u$%er o8 co$plete se"te"ces the actor
spea7s i" those ol- ,ester"s is roughly u"-er a -o3e". ActorA (ollo,i"g the
ve"era%le .olly,oo- syste$ o8 type casti"g5 #ary !ooper al,ays super%ly playe-
#ary !ooper. A"- li7e $a"y a"other Taurea" you>ll $eet a,ay 8ro$ stage a"-
ca$era5 the !ooper love sce"es 8eature a ro$a"tic girl5 ,ho cries5 <2 love you
$a-ly5 passio"ately. 2 ca">t live ,ithout you. =ou>re $y ,hole li8e5 -arli"g. Tell $e
you care. Say you 8eel the sa$e ,ay. Do you love $eA Do youA< /hat a"s,er -oes
the poor girl get 8or her torre"t o8 se"ti$e"tA <=ep.< ?4ut it ca" %e stra"gely
Taurus is stro"gly attracte- to the opposite se:5 %ut aggressive pursuit o8 a"y 7i"- o8
pleasure is">t i" his %ag o8 tric7s. .e pre8ers to attract people to hi$. /hy shoul- he
,aste his e"ergy chasi"g the$ over the cou"trysi-eA A short trip to a 8ar$ a"- so$e
astute o%servatio" o8 the la,s o8 "ature ,ill $a7e it clear ho, the Taurea" e$otio"s
are activate- i" %oth love a"- 8rie"-ship. *assivity is the typical %ehavior. Taurea"s
,oul- rather e"tertai" hospita%ly at ho$e tha" go to the trou%le o8 visiti"g. The
e88ort re'uire- 8or sci"tillati"g popularity -oes">t appeal to the %ull>s "ature. 28 you
,a"t hi$5 you ca" call hi$. .e>ll %e there. Thro, out the li"e o8 co$ra-eship or
ro$a"ce5 a"- hell pic7 it up5 i8 it i"terests hi$. .e>ll 7"o, ,hat > to -o ,ith it5 too5
,hich is">t al,ays true o8 the $ore gregarious sig"s.
Taurus sel-o$ ,orries5 8rets or che,s his "ails. .e ca" pout a"- %roo- ,he" thi"gs
-o">t suit his 8a"cy5 %ut he>s "ot the "ervous5 t,itchy type. 2t>s his "ature to %e stoic5
a"- ta7e thi"gs i" his stri-e5 a"- "othi"g really alters this %asic te"-e"cy.
2 7"o, a Taurea"5 ,ho is %oth a" attor"ey a"- a certi8ie- pu%lic accou"ta"t5 a
-ou%le career that ,oul- give a"yo"e ple"ty to ta7e i" stri-e5 especially at ta: ti$e.
No,5 this Taurus $ay %ite his "ails a little. All right5 he %ites the$ a lot. .e tal7s
8aster tha" 2 -o ?,hich is pretty 8ast@5 a"- he -oes have a couple o8 ,orry creases i"
his 8orehea-. 4ut there>s a heavy #e$i"i i"8lue"ce i" his "atal chart that causes the
-eceptive spee-5 a"- i8 you loo7 %ehi"- the ,hirli"g actio" o8 his -y"a$ic outer
i$age5 you>ll still -iscover a Taurus. .is %rai" $ay calculate li7e light"i"g5 %ut his
-erisio"s are $a-e slo,ly a"- care8ully. .is actio"s are pre-icta%le5 his character is
stro"g5 a"- you ca" as7 his ,i8e ;ust ho, $uch o8 a pushover he is ,he" she tries to
get hi$ to -ress up a"- go so$e,here o" the "ights he>- rather stay ho$e. =ou ca"
also as7 his clie"ts ,ho try to rush hi$ i"to closi"g -eals 'uic7ly. .e>ll liste"
patie"tly a"- pleasa"tly5 %ut the papers -o">t get sig"e- u"til the %ull $a7es up his
$i"- it>s the right $ove. &h5 yes5 he>s a Taurus5 "ever $i"- the #e$i"i ,it a"-
agility. (lighty actio" is "ot a$o"g his vices. .e rushes slo,ly5 a"- that>s "ot a "o"
Taurus people are ho$e 8ol7s. There>s scarcely a %ull ,ho -oes">t love to lu:uriate
u"-er his o," roo8 a"- stretch out a$i- co$8orta%le5 8a$iliar surrou"-i"gs. !ha"ge
upsets hi$ ?u"less there>s a #e$i"i5 Sagittarius or A'uarius Moo" or asce"-a"t@. 28
the Taurus you 7"o, -oes">t o," his o," ho$e5 he>s -rea$i"g a%out it5 a"- he ,ill
so$e-ay. .e>s close to the earth5 a"- the love o8 the la"- ,ill co$e to hi$
eve"tually5 o"e ,ay or a"other. 28 he>s 8orce- to live i" a cro,-e- apart$e"t
%uil-i"g5 hell pro%a%ly have a ,i"-o, %o: 8ull o8 gera"iu$s or petu"ias. /he" the
"oisy clatter o8 the city threate"s to press i" too close5 hell -eter$i"e-ly gra% his
8ishi"g pole a"- hea- 8or a 'uiet5 pastoral spot. Let the ,orl- spi" at too -i33y a
pace 8or hi$5 a"- Taurus si$ply gets o88 8or a spell u"til it slo,s -o,". 28 he has "o
8ishi"g pole or ,i"-o, %o: outlet5 he $ay -a%%le i" real estate5 a"- $a7e arra"ge-
$e"ts 8or other people>s $ortgages5 ,hich gets hi$ out to the su%ur%s occasio"ally.
There>s al,ays a co""ectio" ,ith the la"-5 ho,ever re$ote5 li7e ha"gi"g arou"- the
race trac75 or ta7i"g his Su"-ay stroll through the par7 a"- -ri"7i"g i" the sights
a"- 8ragra"ces o8 "ature.
The average %ull is super%ly healthy5 ,ith a stro"g co"stitutio". 2t ta7es a lot to put
hi$ o" his %ac75 %ut o"ce he>s -o,"5 he $ay recuperate slo,ly5 partially -ue to his
stu%%or" re8usal to o%ey the -octor. .is "atural i"cli"ar tio" to -istrust opti$is$
-oes">t pro$ote spee-y recovery5 either. The se"sitive areas 8or acci-e"t a"-
i"8ectio" are the throat5 "ec75 legs5 a"7les5 repro-uctive orga"s5 the %ac7 a"- the
spi"al area. !ol-s o8te" tur" i"to sore throats5 a"- over,eight %rought o" %y the
lege"-ary Taurea" love o8 8oo- a"- -ri"75 $ostly 8oo-5 ca" put a strai" o" the heart5
a"- plague the %ull ,ith poor circulatio"5 ,ea7 a"7les5 varicose vei"s a"- other
chro"ic co$plai"ts. #out is a"other possi%ility. Most May people5 ho,ever5 ca"
easily stay healthier tha" the rest o8 us i8 they avoi- o%esity5 lethargy a"- 7i-"ey
i"8ectio"s. Let>s %e %lu"t. 28 the %utt -ri"7s to e:cess or gets 8at a"- la3y5 he>ll lose
his sple"-i- physi'ue a"- his ro%ust goo- health. &"e o8 the $ai" causes 8or his
ill"esses is a lac7 o8 cou"try air a"- e:ercise. .is syste$ al,ays "ee-s it5 eve"
though his o%sti"ate ,ill $ay -e"y it.
Spea7i"g o8 o%sti"acy5 there>s "o use telli"g a Taurea" .e ?or she@ is o%sti"ate. 2"
the %ull>s $i"-5 he>s "ot stu%%or" at all. .e>s patie"t. 2t>s a $atter o8 se$a"tics. .e>s
"ot har-hea-e--he>s ;ust se"si%le a"- 8ir$. (or the li8e o8 hi$5 he ca">t see ,hy
people ;u-ge hi$ so u"8airly.
The truth is that Taurus is as stu%%or" as a hu$a" ca" %e a"- "ot actually tur" i"to
soli- sto"e. Taurea" $e" a"- ,o$e" see$ to %e glue- to %oth their seats a"- their
opi"io"s. A Taurus hus%a"- ,ill re8use to acco$pa"y his ,i8e to a 8rie"->s house i8
there are "o co$8orta%le chairs there 8or hi$ to sit i". She ca" plea- i" vai". .e ;ust
,o">t go. A Taurus ,o$a" ,ho -oes">t approve o8 her hus%a"->s cro"ies si$ply
,ill "ot tal7 to the$. Still5 the %ulls ca" also clai$ the virtue o8 patie"ce ,ith
;usti8icatio". Ma"y a Taurea" %ears e$otio"al a"- physical %ur-e"s i" sile"ce 8or
years ,ithout co$plai"t. The higher the trou%les pile up5 the $ore stre"gth Taurus
8i"-s to %ear the$. .is loyalty a"- -evotio" to 8a$ily a"- 8rie"-s o8te" surpass all
u"-ersta"-i"g. Lots o8 Taurus $e" a"- ,o$e" -eserve gol- $e-als 8or courage
u"-er %lo,s o8 8ate that ,oul- have lo"g ago %ro7e" the %ac7 o8 those %or" u"-er
other Su" sig"s. (i"e. 2>ll go alo"g ,ith a,ar-i"g a %lue ri%%o" i" recog"itio" o8 the
Taurus 8ortitu-e. 4ut he>s still stu%%or".
There>s very little that tur"s his appetite 8ai"t. The %ull ca" usually eat a"ythi"g
8ro$ 8rie- peppers to chocolate ,hippe- crea$ ca7e5 sour pic7les a"- tur"ips-all at
the sa$e $eal-,ithout a trace o8 i"-igestio". Stea7 a"- %ee8-are usually his
8avorites5 a"- he loves to clea" up the le8tovers. 28 alcohol is a--e-5 the Taurea" ca"
closely. rese$%le Fi"g .e"ry 2225 happily gorgi"g at a royal %a"'uet. ?&8 course5 a
irgo asce"-a"t ca" 7eep hi$ o" ra, carrots a"- lettuce5 ,ashe- -o," ,ith pru"e
The Taurea"s> 8u""y %o"es are tic7le- %y %roa- a"- slapstic7 co$e-y. Ma"y o8
the$ 8ail to catch su%tle satire5 %ut they>ll ho,l ,he" so$eo"e slips o" a %a"a"a
peel or gets a custar- pie i" the 8ace. Taurus hu$or is ,ar$ a"- earthy5 play8ul a"-
re$i"isce"t o8 (alsta88. These people are sel-o$5 i8 ever5 really cruel or vi"-ictive.
2t>s a stra"ge 8act that cruel Taurea"s o8te" have $a"y pla"ets i" Aries at %irth. The
t,o sig"s -o">t see$ to $i: ,ell i" the sa$e horoscopes. .itler is a goo- e:a$ple.
No,5 a%out the su%;ect o8 $o"ey-the %ull a"- his $o"ey are sel-o$ parte-. Not
every Taurea" is a $illio"aire5 %ut you ,o">t 8i"- $a"y o8 the$ sta"-i"g i" li"e 8or
8ree soup. Taurus li7es to %uil- e$pires slo,ly a"- surely. .e starts ,ith a soli-
8ou"-atio"5 the" gra-ually a--s a story at a ti$e5 u"til he>s %uilt a sta%le %usi"ess
a"- a %a"7 accou"t ,ith $uscles. &--ly5 Taurus li7es to accu$ulate po,er5 alo"g
,ith cash5 %ut si$ply 8or the se"sual e";oy$e"t o8 possessi"g it. They o8te" tur"
over the actio" to su%or-i"ates. Just 7"o,i"g the po,er is there alo"g ,ith the
-ollars see$s to satis8y the Taurea" "ee- 8or security. /hy shoul- he %e %othere-
,ith the e88ort o8 $a"ipulati"g all the stri"gsA There are !apricor"s a"- !a"ceria"s
arou"- to -o that5 ,hile he s"oo3es5 s$ells a -aisy or eyes the pretty girls. 2t>s
e"ough that every%o-y 7"o,s ,ho o,"s the pasture. Soo"er or later5 $o"ey ,ill
co$e to Taurus5 a"- it usually stic7s li7e glue ,he" it -oes. The %ull pri3es his cash
a"- his possessio"s as he -oes his 8a$ily5 %ut he>s "ot sti"gy. The Taurea" ge"erous
heart a"- poc7ets are ,i-e ope" to real 8rie"-s i" real trou%le.
.e>s i$presse- %y %ig"ess. The larger a %uil-i"g5 the gra"-er it is to hi$5 a"- he>ll
,al7 right past the $o"7eys at the 3oo to stare i" 8asci"atio" at the po,er8ul
elepha"ts. Taurus ,ill 8ace huge a"i$als ,ith $ag"i8ice"t courage5 %ut he 8ears a
$ouse. A tiger o" the loose ,o">t cause the %ull to 8lic7er a" eyelash5 ,hile a ti"y
,asp ca" se"- hi$ cli$%i"g up the "earest tree i" "ervous pa"ic.
(i"e pai"ti"gs a"- great sy$pho"ies stir hi$ -eeply. +very Taurea" o,"s so$e
evi-e"ce o8 the e"us love 8or art a"- $usic5 i8 it>s o"ly a" ol- !aruso recor-5 or a
$useu$ postcar- o8 a" early a" #ogh tuc7e- u"-er the s,eat shirts he ,ears
,he" he>s out ;oggi"g o" ,ee7e"-s. Ma"y Taurus $e" a"- ,o$e" have %eauti8ul
voices. So$e o8 the$ si"g pro8essio"allyB others ,ar%le i" the %ath5 soa7 i" rich oils
a"- -rea$ o8 gilt-e-ge- security. Music ,ill al,ays touch their lives i" so$e ,ay5
a"- -ra,i"g or pai"ti"g are o8te" either ho%%ies or careers.
The se"suous %ull is tra"'uili3e- %y the color o8 the s7y. Sha-es o8 %lue %athe his
e$otio"s ,ith peaceB also rose a"- pi"75 i" a lesser ,ay5 %ut "ever re-5 as a"y
$ata-or coul- tell you. The gree"s a"- %ro,"s o8 "ature cal$ a"- soothe hi$ too.
#ree" paper $o"ey a"- a %ro,"sto"e house ,ill 7eep hi$ per8ectly co"te"te-.
Although Taurea" i-eas are al,ays se"si%le5 they ca" also spar7le ,ith the clarity
a"- -epth o8 8i8tee" precious sapphires that a-- up to si: 7i"-s o8 goo- 8ortu"e5 as
he -ou%les his $o"ey u"-er the %e"ig" s$ile o8 the go-s. There>s "othi"g s$all
a%out Taurus5 i"clu-i"g his capacity 8or lasti"g love a"- his pote"tial 8or ,ealth.
!opper5 the Taurea" $etal5 is a" e:celle"t co"-uctor o8 electricity a"- heat5 a"- it
glo,s ,ith %ur"ishe- %eauty through years o8 use a"- ,ear. Let the e:cita%le o"es
scurry a"- s'ua%%le 8or 8irst place. The %ull>s 8i:e- "ature "ee-s "o 8la$i"g torches
to light the ,ay to the security he see7s. +ve"tually success ,ill co$e to hi$5 a"-
he ,ill %e rea-y. 4ecause the 8ar-o88 e"us sho,ers hi$ ,ith the love o8 lu:ury5 he
pays -early 8or his possessio"s a"- treasures the$ 8or a li8eti$eB yet he>s the s,or"
e"e$y o8 ,aste a"- e:travaga"ce. .is ho$e is his castle-a"- let "o $a" -istur% the
peace o8 the %ull. Taurus is as patie"t as ti$e itsel85 as -eep as the 8orest5 ,ith a
-epe"-a%le stre"gth that ca" $ove $ou"tai"s. 4ut he>s stu%%or".
(a$ous Taurus *erso"alities
(re- Astaire 4al3ac
Lio"el 4arry$ore 2rvi"g 4erli" Joha""es 4rah$s !atheri"e5 the #reat *erry !o$o
#ary !ooper &liver !ro$,ell 4i"g !ros%y Salva-or Dali Stephe" A. Douglas
6uee" +li3a%eth 0 Du7e +lli"gto" +lla (it3geral- .e"ry (o"-a Margot (o"tey"
Sig$u"- (reu- 0lysses S. #ra"t
/illia$ 1. .earst Au-rey .ep%ur" .itler
.e"ry J. Faiser /illie Mays =ehu-i Me"uhi" la-i$ir Na%o7ov 1o%espierre
Sugar 1ay 1o%i"so" 4ertra"- 1ussell /illia$ Sha7espeare 4ishop (ul8o" Shee"
Toots Shor Fate S$ith 4ar%ra Streisa"- Nor$a Tal$a-ge Shirley Te$ple .arry S.
Tru$a" &rso" /elles

.=our (rie"-ly 4a"7er

The TA010S Ma"
</hy5 2 ,oul-">t say a"ythi"g a%out it5 eve" i8 2 8ell o88 the top o8 the housel<
<. . . &"ly you>- %etter "ot co$e very close 2 ge"erally hit everythi"g 2 ca" see-
,he" 2 get really e:cite-.<
*erhaps you picture the typical Taurus $a" as a 'uiet5 practical soul5 as se"si%le a"-
-o,"-to-earth as a" ol- pair o8 shoes. 2t>s true-he is. =ou $ay also o%serve that he>s
slo, to $ove to actio"5 -eli%erate a"- care8ul. True agai". There8ore5 you -e-uce5
it>s o"ly logical to assu$e he>s "ot very ro$a"tic. *ositively 8alse.
/here -i- you get the i-ea you ca" a"aly3e the Taurea" "ature %y usi"g pure logic
alo"eA *ro%a%ly 8ro$ so$e Li%ra 8ello, ,ho>s tryi"g to $a7e a" i$pressio" o"
you. /ell5 he>s ,ro"g. Logic is">t very help8ul ,he" you>re tryi"g to solve the ri--le
o8 a stro"g5 $asculi"e sy$%ol li7e the %ull5 ,ho>s rule- %y a lovi"g5 peace8ul pla"et
li7e e"us. Se"- that Li%ra $a" ,ith his clever $i"- %ac7 to the li%rary.
The %u0 $ay ta7e a lo"g ti$e -eci-i"g i8 he ,a"ts you 8or his ,o$a". .e>s "ot
goi"g to e:ecute a 8lashy s,a" -ive i"to the pool o8 ro$a"ce a"- -iscover o" the
,ay -o," that so$eo"e 8orgot to 8ill it ,ith ,ater. 4ut o"ce he>s $a-e up his $i"-
that you>re the o"e5 a"- o"ce he sets his $i"- o" ,i""i"g you5 he>ll $a7e the Li%ra
lover loo7 li7e a 8u$%ler. .e>ll eve" put the s$itte" lio" a"- the passio"ate Scorpio
to sha$e. That se"si%le5 practical5 slo,5 -eter$i"e- Taurus $ale is capa%le o8
se"-i"g you o"e pi"7 rose each -ay u"til you surre"-er to his proposal-o8 $arriage-
or ,hatever. .e ca" eve" ,rite a poetic so"g or verse5 a"- %ash8ully $ail it to you
,ithout sig"i"g it5 7"o,i"g you>ll guess the se"-er. Taurus ca" %e a te"-er5 ge"tle
a"- protective lover. .is se"sual "ature ,ill $a7e hi$ vul"era%le to your e:otic
per8u$e5 the s$ooth"ess o8 your s7i" a"- so8t"ess o8 your hair. .e $ay "ot say so
i" 8lo,ery la"guage to your 8ace5 %ut he ,ill 8i"- a ,ay to co"vey the $essage. The
Taurus se"se o8 touch is a ta"gi%le thi"g.
This "egative5 8i:e- earth sig" is 8ull o8 co"tra-ictio"s i" love. A Taurea" ,ill li7e
to see you -ress i" lu:urious 8urs a"- rich colors. .e $ay %uy you a 8ragra"t %u"ch
o8 8resh5 spri"g violets 8or your 8urs 8ro$ the little ol- la-y o" the cor"er5 a"- leave
a large tip i" her %as7et %ecause she re$i"-s hi$ o8 his $other. ?=ou5 ho,ever5 ,ill
-e8i"itely "ot re$i"- hi$ o8 either his $other or his sister -e:cept ,he" it co$es to
protecti"g you 8ro$ the ru-e gla"ces o8 other %ulls ,ho try to $ove i".@ Music ,ill
stir his e$otio"s a"- put hi$ i" the $oo- 8or love. .e>s al$ost sure to have a
8avorite so"g that re$i"-s hi$ o8 you each ti$e he hears it. 2t>s the o"e he 7eeps
playi"g o" the ;u7e %o:.
28 you "ee- $ore proo8 o8 the ro$a"ce i" his soul5 the typical Taurus $a" ,ill help
you %uil- your hope chest ,ith %irth-ay gi8ts o8 chi"a a"- silver5 a"- at !hrist$as
he>ll re$i"- you o8 Sa"ta hi$sel8 ,he" he co$es calli"g5 loa-e- -o," ,ith
$ysterious pac7ages a"- se"ti$e"tal tri"7ets. .e>ll suggest $oo"light s,i$s5
pic"ics i" cool5 seclu-e- ,oo-s5 a"- ,al7s -o," cou"try la"es u"-er the stars. .is
,ill %e the largest5 8a"ciest5 $ost elo'ue"t ale"ti"e the post$a" ever -elivere- o"
(e%ruary 14th. /he" a Taurus $a" courts you5 he courts you. .e -oes">t 8ool
arou"-. =ou>ll pro%a%ly %e ta7e" to -i"e i" gla$orous restaura"ts5 ,ith so8t lights
a"- violi"s5 a"- he>ll "ever 8orget the -ate you 8irst $et or a"y other i"ti$ate a""i-
versary %et,ee" you. (or the love o8 %uttercups5 ho, $uch ro$a"ce -o you "ee-A
2t>s per8ectly true that the %ull is">t a ,il- -rea$er li7e the A'uaria" $ale. Taurus
,ill "ever s,eep you o88 your 8eet li7e a Leo5 or pro$ise to ta7e you 8loati"g a,ay
to live ,ith hi$ i" a 8airy castle5 -ri8ti"g o" pi"7 clou-s 8orever a"- a -ay5 li7e a"
Aries. .e>s $ore li7ely to -rop %y o" 8oot so$e Satur-ay "ight5 ,ith the architect>s
%luepri"ts 8or the house he pla"s to %uil- 8or you5 out o8 real lu$%er a"- ,ith real
cash. .e>ll pro%a%ly $a7e the -o," pay$e"t o" the property5 or at the very least5 o"
the apart< $e"t lease5 %e8ore you %eco$e e"gage-. This $a" $ea"s %usi"ess. /he"
the %ull li8ts you across his threshol- a"- pla"ts you 8ir$ly i" his su%sta"tial ho$e5
,hich ,o">t %ear the 8ai"test rese$%la"ce to a 8airy castle5 you ca" %e sure the
$ortgage is secure at the %a"7. That>s har-ly so$ethi"g to co$plai" a%out. =ou>ll
,o"-er ,hy you ever ,a"te- to %e ,rappe- i" those pi"7 clou-s5 o"ce you>ve %ee"
,ar$ly a"- s"ugly e"8ol-e- i" the so8t Taurea" %la"7et o8 security. =ou>ll %e too
%usy e";oyi"g your "e, 8ur"iture a"- chec7i"g accou"t ?or the certai"ty that they>re
;ust arou"- the cor"er@ to ,eep 8or $isty -rea$s that pro%a%ly ,oul-">t have co$e
true a"y,ay. That is5 i8 you>re a 8e$ale ,ho appreciates soli- value. Not every
,o$a" -oes5 $ore>s the pity. 4ut se"si%le girls5 8ro$ eightee" to eighty5 value the
peace8ul5 easygoi"g ,ays o8 the %ull a"- his cal$5 sta%le "ature. .is se"ti$e"tal
gestures a"- pleasa"tly earthy ,ooi"g ca" %e ;ust as satis8yi"g as the soul8ul5 poetic
sighs o8 $ore color8ul lovers5 or the -ashi"g e:cite$e"t o8 the 8lashier Do" Jua"s5
'uite o8te" eve" $ore so. As7 a"y ,o$a" ,ho>s %ee" se"si%le e"ough to get hersel8
goo- a"- love- %y a stro"g Taurea". There are lots o8 co"te"te- co,s a"- happy
hei8ers arou"-.
A Taurus $a" pla"s 8or to$orro, care8ully. As the s'uirrel stores his "uts ,he"
they>re ple"ti8ul i" the su$$er5 to provi-e security 8or the col-5 %arre" ,i"ter-the
te$porary pleasures o8 a %right a8ter"oo" ,ill "ever -istract Taurus 8ro$ prepari"g
8or the -ays ,he" the slush piles up at the cur%. 2t>s a 8u""y thi"g5 %ut the hus-C
%a"-s ,ho are 8i"a"cially a%le to ta7e or se"- their ,ives to (lori-a i" Ja"uary are
o8te" %or" i" May.
Naturally5 there are -ra,%ac7s to a ro$a"tic escapa-e ,ith a Taurus $ale-all is "ot
peaches a"- per8ectio". (or o"e thi"g5 youll have to %rush up o" your la-yli7e
%ehavior. No Taurus $a" is goi"g to put up ,ith a lou-5 $asculi"e 8e$ale ,ho
crac7s a ,hip li7e a" a"i$al trai"er. 28 you have a"y 8orce8ul opi"io"s5 -o">t shove
the$ -o," his throat or %rag a%out your %rai"po,er i" pu%lic. *rivately5 he respects
a 8e$ale ,ith i"tellige"ce ?though he places a higher pre$iu$ o" plai" co$$o"
se"se@5 %ut you>- ;ust %etter let hi$ %e the %right o"e o8 the tea$ ,he" you>re out
together -a"ci"g chee7 to chee7-eve" i8 you>re ;ust sitti"g i" a restaura"t5 7"ee to
7"ee. Ma7e li7e the e$a"cipate- ,o$a" i" 8ro"t o8 his 8rie"-s a"- he>ll have o"e o8
t,o reactio"s. 28 he>s a pri$itive Taurea" ?a"- you>- %e surprise- ho, $a"y o8
those there are@5 he>s li7ely to give you a shove a"- a sha7i"g5 $ay%e eve" a goo-
s$ac7 i" the right place ,he" you get
ho$e-or ,orse5 %e8ore you get ho$e. 28 he>s a $ore sophisticate- type5 he>ll si$ply
cla$ up o" you i" 8ro"t o8 everyo"e a"- sit there li7e a large chu"7 o8 col- sto"e5
re8usi"g to spea7 a ,or- the rest o8 the "ight5 u"til you>re so e$%arrasse- you ,ish
the 8loor ,oul- s,allo, you. =our 8rie"-s ,ill %e $ost u"co$8orta%le5 too. 2t ca"
really -a$pe" a" eve"i"g5 "ot to $e"tio" cra$p your style.
=our 8irst i$pulse ,ill %e to try to u"-o the -a$age5 %ut tryi"g to ;olly hi$ out o8
his stu%%or" $oo- %e8ore it>s ru" its course is literally i$possi%le. 2t>s li7e tryi"g to
$ove the 1oc7 o8 #i%raltar. As a $atter o8 8act5 i8 you atte$pt to tease hi$ %ac7
i"to "or$al social %ehavior5 you $ay ,ish you ha- ;ust let hi$ sul7. A hu"7 o8 col-
sto"e is i"8i"itely $ore accepta%le tha" his reactio" to your coa:i"g a8ter you>ve
a"gere- hi$. *ush hi$ too 8ar a"- he>ll tur" 8ro$ a sile"t sphi": i"to a %ello,i"g
%ull5 ,ho $ay very ,ell let loose so$e $ighty earthy la"guage5 ,hich ,ill cause
your chee7s to 8la$e eve" pi"7er. +ither that5 or he>ll say cal$ly to the group5
<+:cuse $e 8or %rea7i"g up the party5 %ut 2 have to -rag this ,o$a" ,ith the te"t
8lap $outh ho$e a"- teach her a 8e, lesso"s.< =ou>ll hi-e 8ro$ everyo"e you 7"o,
8or ,ee7s a8ter,ar-s. A"- all %ecause5 ,he" he>s hol-i"g the group spell%ou"- ,ith
his su$$ary o8 the political sce"e5 you i"terrupt hi$ ,ith a re$ar7 li7e5 <&hN
ho"ey5 -o">t %e so "aive. +veryo"e 7"o,s 0tter%ach ta7es %ri%es. /ith his recor-
he coul-">t get electe- chair$a" o8 the 4oy Scout coo7ie sale5 let alo"e
!o"gress$a". =ou -o">t 7"o, ,hat you>re tal7i"g a%out5< at ,hich poi"t he>ll -ig i"
those heels5 8ol- his ar$s across that %ee8y chest5 a"- %egi" to pout-or clo%%er you-
,hichever. 28 you see hi$ reach 8or his coat5 you $ight as ,ell put o" yours5 too. A
Taurus $a" ,ill sel-o$ leave his ,o$a" alo"e ,ith the ,olves5 u"protecte-5 "o
$atter ho, a"gry she>s $a-e hi$. .e>ll ta7e her alo"g5 %y the hair5 i8 "ecessary. So
-o">t get a"y i-eas o8 stayi"g %ehi"- to get sy$pathy 8ro$ the others. /he" he
leaves5 you leave. A"- 2 ,oul- stro"gly a-vise you to apologi3e %e8ore you get
ho$e. .e ,o">t. 1u""i"g to Ma$a>s ar$s ,o">t -o a"y goo-. =ou share his %e- a"-
%oar-5 as lo"g as he pays the re"t. Mother-i"-la, i"ter8ere"ce is a%out the last thi"g
the typical %ull ,ill sta"- 8or. The 8irst ti$e you try that <ru""i"g ho$e to Mother<
routi"e ,ill pro%a%ly %e the last. A8ter they o"ce e:perie"ce his 8ury5 your pare"ts
,ll pre8er to 7eep the -oor loc7e- a"- let you ha"-le your o," pro%le$s.
2 7"o, a Taurus $a" ,ith a" aggressive ,i8e ,ho 8ou"- au"i'ue solutio". .e
si$ply re8uses to go out ,ith her i" pi%lic. .er irresisti%le 8orce $et a" i$$ova%le
o%;ect- t$. She ca" go out a"- ro% other $e" o8 their $as-cili"ity all she ,a"ts5 "ot
Taurus5 the %ull. .e>s very 8o"- o9 his positive $ate5 a"- they have rather a "ice
tea$ go"g i" $a"y ,aysB they respect each other tre$e"-ously -%ut u"til she lear"s
to su%$it5 7eep her $outh close-5 ai- let hi$ %e the $a"5 she>s 8orce- to go to
parties5 roeti"gs a"- the theater ,ithout a" escort. This particular Tiurea" has
re8use- to acco$pa"y her ever si"ce the ti$e t%y ;oi"e- several other couples 8or
-i""er at a 8a"cy pice. .is ,i8e gra%%e- the $e"u 8ro$ hi$ a"- or-ere- 8a- the
,hole group. She $a-e u"8latteri"g re$ar7s a%out hi haircut a"- his tie -uri"g the
8irst course5 a"- supplie- t% pu"ch li"e to three o8 his ;o7es -uri"g the e"tree. 2S@,
she goes to social 8u"ctio"s alo"e5 ,hile her Taurus "ate re8uses to %u-ge 8ro$ his
castle. =ou ca">t really %7$e the %ull. .e>s ;ust %ei"g true to his Su" sig". 2t>s s8ll a
soli- $arriage5 %ut you $ay "ot %e so luc7y. So A">t te$pt your Taurea" %y shovi"g
hi$ arou"-.
.e>s e:tre$ely patie"t5 %ut he ,o">t ,ear a ri"g i" his ">se. .e -oes">t "ecessarily
,a"t a cli"gi"g vi"e5 either. .>s too practical5 a"- he li7es his 8ree-o$ too $uch to
ei;oy a 8e$ale ,ho stic7s to hi$ li7e ru%%er ce$e"t a"- cies at the -rop o8 a ha"7y.
.e -oes">t $i"- a ,o$a" ,th so$e 8ire a"- spu"7. 2t i"trigues hi$ a"- %ala"ces hs
o," stea-ier $aturity. /ith a s$ile o8 -etache- a$use-"s"t5 he>ll ,atch her
cheer8ully sca$peri"g arou"- i" tpical 8e$i"i"e 8ashio"5 as o"e ,oul- ,atch a
%elove-5 petty 7itte" playi"g ,ith a %rightly colore- %all o8 ya$. Jst so 7itty 7"o,s
,he" the %ull gives a stro"g tug o" t% yar"5 it>s ti$e to stop the 8u" a"- ga$es a"-
liste" to t% voice o8 her $aster. No o"e ca" %e 7i"-er5 $ore ge"tle ai- truly tolera"t
tha" a Taurus $a"5 ,he" his $as-cli"ity is secure. .e>ll -o a"ythi"g i" the ,orl- 8or
the ,N$a" he loves e:cept allo, her to ,ear the pa"ts. Tiurus $ay so$eti$es
%ehave li7e a clu$sy circus %ear5 ai- his hu$or is o8te" rough a"- ri-iculous. 4ut
he ,ill "Rt play the role o8 the 8ool a8ter the party is over.
The %ull e";oys shoppi"g arou"- a"- he>ll sel-o$ rush pill $ell i"to a serious
courtship. The pu33le- girl he>s %ee" ta7i"g to the $ovies every Satur-ay "ight 8or a
year $ay ,o"-er i8 he>s ever goi"g to catch 8ire. 2t ta7es ti$e 8or hi$ to ,or7 up
e"ough stea$ i" the %oiler to get the e"gi"e goi"g at 8ull spee-5 %ut o"ce he>s set his
sights o" a particular 8e$ale5 he ca">t %e si-etrac7e-. .e $ay eve" 8orget to %e
se"si%le a"- cautious. The typical Taurus $a" is %li"- to a"y ,ar"i"gs o8
i"co$pati%ility ,he" he>s %ee" pierce- %y !upi->s arro,. The $ore his 8rie"-s poi"t
out possi%le stu$%li"g %loc7s5 the $ore o%sti"ate he gets5 a"- you 7"o, ho,
o%sti"ate that ca" %e. !o"se'ue"tly5 the Taurea" 8re'ue"tly $a7es the $ista7e o8
getti"g ta"gle- up ,ith 8ire a"- air sig"s5 ,he" he>s %etter o88 ,ith earth a"- ,ater5
i" $ost cases. So$eti$es5 it ,or7s out %e"e8icially. &pposites ca" attract5 a"- stay
attracte-. 4ut ,he" it -oes">t5 Taurus ,ill ta7e a lo"g ti$e to get over the scars o8 a
-ivorce %e8ore he>s rea-y to settle -o," agai" ,ith a ,i8e ,ho $ore closely
$atches his o," -ispositio" a"- outloo7.
The 8i"a"cial picture ,ith a Taurus $a" is usually e:celle"t. *ai"t it pi"7 a"- rosy.
(e, Taurea"s ,ill 8ail to accu$ulate at least security5 i8 "ot ,ealth. So$e o8 the$
play the ga$e o8 Mo"opoly ,ith real $o"ey. A"- they ,i". 4oth real estate a"-
cash are easily co"'uere- %y the %ull.
.e pro%a%ly loves the cou"try5 8oot%all5 8ishi"g a"- ca$pi"g. 28 "o"e o8 these5 he
li7es 8lo,ers5 gar-e"i"g or lo"g ,al7s. .e pre8ers to rea- %oo7s a%out the -ashi"g
heroes o8 ol-e" -ays or the %iographies o8 e$pire %uil-ers5 rather tha" sophisticate-
8ictio" or -eep philosophy. Most Taurus $ales su%scri%e to several $e">s
$aga3i"es5 so$e earthy a"- practical5 others 8eaturi"g glossy pages o8 8e$i"i"e
.e>s the ulti$ate i" a $a">s $a"5 so -o">t ever serve hi$ those -ai"ty tea
sa"-,iches ,ith the crusts slice- o88. .e li7es goo-5 ol--8ashio"e- ho$e coo7i"g5
,ith. ple"ty o8 potatoes a"- gravy5 a"- apple pie li7e Mo$ use- to $a7e. #et
yoursel8 a goo- coo7%oo7. .e>ll also %e ,illi"g to ta7e you out to -i"e 8re'ue"tly.
Typical Taurea"s -o">t e:pect their ,ives to %e 7itche" slaves. ?4ut he $ay $ess up
your pots a"- pa"s ,he" he plays Su"-ay che8 a"- e:pects you to play %us %oy.@
As a pare"t5 he>s a per8ect -elight. .e>ll thi"7 it>s i$porta"t to have a so" to carry o"
the 8a$ily "a$e5 %ut hell love the little girls ,ith special te"-er"ess. Taurus $e"
$a7e lovi"g5 a88ectio"ate5 ,ar$ a"- sy$pathetic 8athers. .e>ll set high sta"-ar-s
8or the chil-re" a"- e:pect the$ to respect property a"- possessio"s. The Taurea"
-a- is patie"t. .e ,o">t $i"- i8 the chil-re" lear" their lesso"s slo,ly5 so lo"g as
they get the$ correctly. .is attitu-e is that you"g $i"-s shoul- %e trai"e- gra-ually
to,ar- $aturity. =ou $ay 8i"- that he puts too $uch e$phasis o" $aterial $atters
a"- sho,ers the$ ,ith e:pe"sive gi8ts that spoil the$. 4ut he>ll also sho,er the$
,ith his ti$e a"- -evotio"5 a"- the 8ir$ ha"- o8 -iscipli"e ,ill %e there ,he" it>s
"ee-e-. 2" ge"eral5 li8e ,ith 8ather5 i8 he ,as %or" i" May5 ca" %e a ,ar$
e:perie"ce5 over8lo,i"g ,ith love-e:cept 8or those rare occasio"s ,he" the %ull
charges i" %li"-5 8urious a"ger5 a"- the ,hole 8a$ily has to hi-e %ehi"- the pia"o.
The typical Taurea" hus%a"- is ge"erous to a 8ault ,ith his ,i8e. .e ,o">t -e"y you
"ice clothes5 per8u$e a"- %au%lesB attractive %ut practical 8ur"iture a"- a 8ull pa"-
try. The %ull sel-o$ s7i$ps o" 8ur"ishi"gs5 clothi"g or 8oo-. Still5 $o"ey ,o">t
%u$ a"y "oticea%le holes i" his poc7ets ?u"less there are i$pulsive 8i"a"cial aspects
i" his "atal chart@. .e loves lu:ury5 %ut he>s ;ust as e"a$oure- ,ith value5 a"- he>ll
$a7e sure his cash %uys $ore tha" a sales$a">s hot air.
This $a" ,ill ,or7 har- a"- "ee- lots o8 rest. See that he gets it5 %ecause he ca" %e
'uite a gru$py grouch ,he" he>s tire- a"- out o8 sorts. Do">t ever "ag hi$ or
accuse hi$ o8 %ei"g la3y. That>s li7e ,avi"g a re- 8lag i" his 8ace. .e lives li8e at
his o," leisurely pace5 a"- he ,o">t %e rushe- or pushe-. .is spee-o$eter is set at
o"e spee---eli%erate. Atte$pts to $a7e hi$ spi" $errily through a co"ti"ual rou"-
o8 ,hirl,i"- social activity are -oo$e- to 8ailure. .e ,ill e";oy e"tertai"i"g i" his
o," ho$e5 %ut he>ll pre8er a 8e, people o8 co$pati%le i"terests to large cro,-s.
2"vite ol- 8rie"-s5 or those ,ho have serious goals a"- a$%itio"s5 a"- he>ll %ehave
pleasa"tly a"- hospita%ly. 28 you i"sist o" clutteri"g his castle ,ith e$ptyhea-e-5
8rivolous #o-#o types5 he $ay ;ust -isappear 8ro$ the sce"e-so$eti$es
4uy hi$ o"e o8 those papa %ear chairs that stretches out i"to a recli"i"g positio".
No lou- "oises5 %lari"g ra-ios a"- T sets5 chaos a"- scattere- toys5 please. Feep
your ho$e 8ull o8 $usic5 %eauty a"- peace. 1e$e$%er that the trousers 8it hi$
%etter tha" they -o you. 4e his ,o$a"5 a"- you coul-">t as7 8or a %etter $a". No
o"e else ,ill ever treat you ,ith such gracious co"si-eratio". .e really -eserves to
%e respecte- 8or it. Taurus love is si$ple5 plai" a"- ho"est. .is a88ectio"ate "ature
a"- 8latteri"g atte"tio" ,ill $a7e you sure you are love-5 i" spite o8 all your little
8aults a"- 8aili"gs that other $e" ,oul- co"sta"tly critici3e. Taurus gives e"-uri"g
loyalty a"- -evotio"5 ,ith a 8aith8ul heart. That a--s up to e$otio"al security. !o$-
%i"e- ,ith 8i"a"cial security a"- ro$a"ce5 there>s little else to as7 8or. So all right5
he>s stu%%or"5 %ut re$e$%er that stu%%or""ess tur"e- upsi-e -o," is patie"ce5 a"-
that>s a rare virtue.
#et a "ice5 8urry5 8lu88y %la"7et ?Taurus loves thi"gs that 8eel so8t to the touch@5 tuc7
it arou"- hi$ ,he" he>s i" his papa %ear chair5 a"- rea- hi$ the stoc7 $ar7et report.
4e sure he gets his hot %ath ,ith sce"te- oils a"- lots o8 8ragra"t soap. Serve hi$ a
%ig %o,l o8 rich porri-ge. The" you>re sure to have a stro"g5 ge"tle $a"5 ,ho ,ill
protect you 8ro$ all the stor$s. !o"te"t$e"t is the ,or-. Does">t it have a co3y

The TA010S /o$a"
/ithout5 the 8rost-the %li"-i"g s"o,5 The stor$-,i"->s $oo-y $a-"ess- /ithi"5 the
8irelight>s ru--y glo,5 A"- chil-hoo->s "est o8 gla-"ess.
2 re$e$%er a co"versatio" 2 o"ce ha- ,ith a ,riter ,hose $other ha- %ee" %or" i"
May. 2" -iscussi"g her pare"t>s ha%its a"- character5 the girl happe"e- to $e"tio"
that <Mother ,as a tall ,o$a".< <=ou $ust ta7e a8ter your 8ather the"5< 2 re$ar7e-5
si"ce the girl hersel8 ,as o"ly o8 average height. She s$ile-. A"- 2 shall "ever
8orget ,hat she sai-. <2 -i-">t $ea" i" i"ches. Mother ,as shorter tha" 2 a$. That
,as ;ust soul tal7.< The girl ,as a *isces5 the sig" that loo7s -eep i"si-e you.
She ,as right. A Taurus 8e$ale is a tall ,o$a". +ve" i8 she $easures u"-er 8ive
8eet5 she ca" reach tall e"ough to $eet al$ost a"y e$erge"cy li8e chooses to thro,
hA ,ay. 2" $a"y ,ays5 the Taurea" 8e$ale is the salt olthe earth5 a co$%i"atio" o8
$ost o8 the sterli"g 'ual-itis every $ale loo7s 8or a"- sel-o$ 8i"-s. She $ay have a
Oiole"t te$per that ,oul- 8righte" a stro"g $a" i"to ru"i"g 8or the ,oo-s ?or at least
-uc7i"g u"-er a ta%le--th@5 %ut she ,o">t go o" a ragi"g ra$page ,ithout go-
provocatio". &r-i"arily5 i8 you -o">t tor$e"t her %Co"- hu$a" e"-ura"ce5 or i8 (ate
-oes">t ha"- her a reJ2y rough %u"ch o8 car-s5 she>ll play the ga$e o8 li8e 88>rly5 ,ith
cool5 a-$ira%le cal$. .er ca"-or a"- >%sic ho"esty are u"-ilute- ,ith "or$al
8e$i"i"e tric7s ay tears. The Taurea" girl has $ore $oral a"- e$otio"al corage
tha" $a"y a tough $ale5 %ut she has e"ough co"-8iRe"ce i" her o," se: to let you
%e the %oss5 i8 you ,a"t th ;o%. 28 you -o">t 8ill it5 she $ay gra% co"trol a"- ru" tt"gs
hersel85 %ut she>- $uch rather have it the other ,y arou"-. She see7s a real $a".
That>s %ecause she ho,s she>s a real ,o$a"5 a"- she>s prou- o8 it. To her5 %R"g a
,o$a" -oes">t "ecessarily $ea" %ei"g a" i"corrigi-%1 8lirt5 a $e"tal 8lu88 %all or a
$e,i"g 7itte" ,ho prete"-s to %e ,ea7 to get her o," ,ay. 2t ,o">t %e lo"g %e8ore
yRu see she has a $i"- o8 her o,"5 a"- it>s 'uite stro"g 8ilough "ot to have to resort
to teasi"g to gai" a" o%-JeBtive.
There>s e"ough sel8-co"trol i" the average Taurus ,o$-S(s $a7e-up to hol- %ac7 a
tea$ o8 horses ?a 8air i-ea olthe 8orce o8 her hi--e" ,ill@5 i8 she chooses to e:ercise
it. Let>s hope she -oes. /ith a" Aries or Leo asce"-a"t 01 Moo"5 she $ay %e
capa%le o8 occasio"al cruelty or 8C'ue"t e$otio"al stor$s a"- ,ith heavy *isces or
6$i"i i"8lue"ces i" her "atal chart5 she $ay %e $ore re.tless a"- ,averi"g-%ut the
typical Taurea" 8e$ale prac-tiies sel8 restrai"t i" all areas at $ost ti$es. 2t>s a goo-
th"g5 %ecause her "or$ally placi- e:terior co"ceals a se"sual "ature that coul- sta"-
a little chec7i"g.
Me" al,ays appreciate her gracious te"-e"cy to ta7e *tople as they are5 ,ithout
'ui%%li"g. She>s as $uch at hS$e ,ith a scie"tist ,ho stu-ies tsetse 8lies i" the
!o"go as ,ith the s,or- s,allo,er i" the si-e sho,. They>re ->i"g ,hat co$es
"aturallyB they>re "ot pho"ies a"- that>s ,hat cou"ts ,ith her. .er close 8rie"-s $ay
%e ,eir- Matures straight out o8 the ,orl- o8 Toulouse-Lautrec5 01 they $ay %e
Nor$a" 1oc7,ell pai"ti"gs co$e to li8e.
4ut they ,ill %e real people5 "ot stu88e- shirts or statues. /he" she ru"s across
so$eo"e she -isli7es5 she -oes">t start a %ig ca$paig" to -estroy hi$ or challe"ge
his i-eals a"- $otives. She si$ply avoi-s hi$. The Taurus ,o$a" ca" sho, 8rigi-
i"-i88ere"ce to her e"e$ies5 %ut i8 she cou"ts you as a 8rie"-5 she>ll %e loyal through
all your ups a"- -o,"s. .er -eter$i"atio" to stic7 ,ith you ,oul- $a7e the
relatio"ship %et,ee" Da$o" a"- *ythias loo7 li7e a casual ac'uai"ta"ce.
=ou ca" -rive a Ma:,ell5 cli$% a 8lag pole5 get loc7e- up i" the po7ey or ,ear
-aisies i" your hair. =ou are her 8rie"-5 a"- so$eho, she>ll ;usti8y your actio"s.
There>s ;ust a s$all catch here. She>ll -ogge-ly e:pect you to retur" her %li"-
allegia"ce a"- u"s,ervi"g loyalty. 28 you -o">t give her your co$plete -evotio" i"
retur"5 she ca" sul7 i" the co$er li7e a gloo$y5 gray clou- o8 represse- rese"t$e"t.
This is">t the sa$e thi"g as ;ealousy5 ho,ever. The average Taurus ,o$a" ,ill ta7e
the $asculi"e ho%%y o8 girl ,atchi"g i" stri-e. 0"li7e the Aries or Leo ,o$a"5 she
,o">t tur" scarlet ,ith rage every ti$e you ope"ly a-$ire a pretty girl. 2t ta7es $ore
tha" a casual 8lirtatio" or 7issi"g a goo- ?8e$ale@ 8rie"- goo-"ight o" the chee7 to
arouse her Taurea" a"ger. 28 you go %eyo"- the %ou"-s o8 her i-ea o8 8air play5 she
ca" %e a holy terror o" ,heels5 %ut the li"e is -ra," ,ith ge"erous stro7es. She>ll
have to %e really presse- to the ,all i" so$e ,ay to e:plo-e i" typical Taurus 8ury.
=ou ca" go ahea- a"- ,i"7 at that attractive cashier5 %ut -o">t test her patie"ce too
8ar. 2t -oes have a li$it5 %ou"-less as it appears to %e. 28 you>ve "ever see" her $a-5
leave ,ell e"ough alo"e.
These ,o$e" are">t -o$i"ate- %y strictly $e"tal goals. That>s "ot $ea"t to i$ply
that the Taurus 8e$ale is">t s$art a"- clever. She ca" $atch %rai"s ,ith the
%rightest $e" a"- ,o$e"5 %ut she>s "ot 8iercely i"tereste- i" 8iguri"g out the theory
o8 relativity or -elvi"g i"to a%stractio"s. Multiple u"iversity -egrees -o">t i$press
or thrill her. Just o"e is su88icie"t to gai" her respect. *ractical co$$o" se"se a"-
the a%ility to u"-ersta"- the 8u"-a$e"tals o8 a"y su%;ect is5 to her5 esse"tial. 4ut the
typical Taurea" girl is">t a" i"tellectual ,ho rea-s the philosophers 8or 7ic7s5 a"-
i"tricate i-eologies are "ot her 8orte. She>s a soli-5 practical thi"7er5 ,ith "o 8rills or
sho,y $e"tal gy$"astics. .er 8eet are pla"te- o" terra 8ir$a5 a"- there are
-e8i"itely "o ,i"gs attache- to her soli- heels. Taurus ,o$e" are sel-o$ restless-
they 7eep their hea-s a"- thieir %ala"ce. The Taurea" perspective re$ai"s "or$ally
straight a"- true5 ,ith "o t,ists a"- tur"s or -istortio"s ?though a #e$i"i Moo" ca"
put her i" a %it o8 a ,hirl@.
She>s strictly a physical creature. That ,ill u"-ou%te-ly i"terest you5 %ut to i"terest
her5 a" o%;ect or a" i-ea has to appeal to her 8i"ely tu"e- se"ses. She -oes">t ,a"t to
hear that it>s <goo- 8or her5< that <every%o-y else is -oi"g it5< or that it ,ill
<sti$ulate her $e"tally.< That sort o8 persuasio" ,ill $a7e her ya,". To respo"-
,ith ge"ui"e e:cite$e"t5 she has to -erive so$e se"sual satis8actio" 8ro$
everythi"g she -oes.
=oull sel-o$ see a Taurus ,o$a" stu88i"g a 8e, arti8icial %loo$s i" a vase. .er
8lo,ers $ust %e real5 a"- have a$ ho"est 8eel or 8ragra"ce. She>ll gather huge
%u"ches o88 pussy,illo, a"- %itters,eet i" the spri"g a"- 8all5 a"- 88lll the house
,ith stur-y $u$s a"- -ahlias i" the su$$er. .er per8u$e ,ill usually %e e:otic
a"- li"geri"g5 though so$e Taurea" ,o$e" lea" i" the opposite -irectio"5 a"-
pire8er the o-or o8 s'uea7i"g clea" hair a"- s7i". Taurus girls ,ill %e visi%ly $ove-
%y 8reshly ,ashe- sheets saturate- ,ith the s,eet s$ell o8 su"shi"e or the -elicious
aro$a o8 %rea- %a7i"g i" the ove". She>s spiritually arouse- %y the sce"t o8 the
$or"i"g paper5 the i"to:icati"g o-or o8 "e,ly cut grass a8ter a spri"g rai"5 %ur"i"g
,a: ca"-les or the s$o7e 8ro$ a pile o8 s$ol-eri"g a"itu$" leaves. This shoul-
clue you to use a goo- %ra"- oS8 shavi"g lotio"5 ru% so$e -a$p "e,spri"t o" your
ears5 t$c7 a %ur"e- lea8 i" your lapel a"- tur" o" the spri"7lers ;$st %e8ore you 7iss
her goo-"ight. 0"pleasa"t o-ors a88ect her ;ust as -rastically5 i" a reverse ,ay. This
is "ot a girl ,ho ,ill appreciate a pet s7u"75 eve" i8 he has %ee" -eo-ori3e-. Do">t
ta7e her o" a 8ish 8ry u"less you ta7e alo"g a ca" o8 8loral spray. 2t>s the coo7i"g
o-or that causes the pro%le$. The 8ragra"ce o8 8ish 8resh out o8 the strea$ is
-i88ere"tB that>s "atural. The sta%les ,o">t o88e"- her -elicate "ostrils5 either. Mother
Nature agai". =ou $ay have to $a7e a care8ul list i8 you ,a"t to ,oo her ,ith
ol8actory success.
!olors se"- her se"ses soari"g5 too5 the richer the %etter. +very sha-e o8 %lue5 8ro$
po,-er to i"-igo5 ,ill ,ea7e" her stro"g resista"ce. So ,ill rose a"- pi"7. /ear a
%lue tie a"- a shoc7i"g pi"7 shirt ,he" you visit her5 %ut "ot at the sa$e ti$e.
1e$e$%er5 she also has a se"se o8 har$o"y5 a"- you -o">t ,a"t to loo7 li7e a co-e-
.er 8oo- $ust taste ;ust right5 a"- she>ll usually spri"7le o" the seaso"i"g
ge"erously ?u"less she has a irgo or !apricor" asce"-a"t@. 4e sure to ta7e her to
places ,ith the %est che8s5 %ecause 8lat ha$%urgers a"- %la"- pea soup leave her
e$otio"ally col-. 28 you>re luc7y5 she>ll i"vite you 8or a ho$e-coo7e- $eal5 a"- you
$ay propose %e8ore -essert is serve-. /he" this girl ties o" a" apro"5 it>s "ot ;ust to
$a7e ci""a$o" toast. 2t>s al,ays a goo- i-ea to -rop i" o" her ,ith a" e$pty
sto$ach. A typical Taurus ,o$a" ca" coo7 her ,ay right i"to your heart5 a"- her
7itche" is a real $a" trap.
.ar$o"ious sou"-s a"- %eauti8ul visual e88ects -ra, her li7e a $ag"et. Most
Taurea" ,o$e" have a $ar7e- tale"t 8or5 or a" appreciatio" o8 $usic a"- art. .er
-oo-les o" the telepho"e pa- are o8te" very clever -ra,i"gs. !o"certs a"- art
e:hi%its are a goo- %et o" -ates5 a"- Niagara (alls or the #ra"- !a"yo" are the %est
choices 8or a ho"ey$oo". She>ll %e ecstatic at the sight o8 "ature>s gra"-eur.
28 you ca">t a88or- Niagara5 ta7e her to a" a$use$e"t par7. She>ll pro%a%ly love to
ri-e o" a 8er"s ,heel5 8eel the sharp ,i"- across her chee7s5 ,atch the colore- lights
a"- liste" to the calliope $usic. ?The roller coaster ,ill appeal $ore to her Aries
a"- #e$i"i sisters.@ 2t>s a rare Taurus girl ,ho has "ever %ee" o" a 8ar$ "or hi7e-
i" the cou"try-,ho -oes">t love horse%ac7 ri-i"g a"- 8ishi"g. /ith all her
se"suality5 the Taurea" 8e$ale is a to$%oy at heart. The earth %ec7o"s her ,ith a
se-uctive call-a"- she respo"-s %y thro,i"g her ar$s arou"- Mother Nature i"
ho"est rapture. 28 you ,a"t her to thro, her ar$s arou"- you i" ho"est rapture5 %e
sure you -o">t play raucous $usic o" your recor- $achi"e5 eat garlic ,ithout
gargli"g or ,ear clashi"g colors.
(i"ally5 there>s the se"se o8 touch. Taurus ,o$e" are the o"es ,ho co$plai" that
your s,eater is <scratchy.< 2t -oes">t <8eel "ice.< They ca" al$ost tell the color o8 a
8a%ric %y stro7i"g it ,ith their eyes close-. The $aterials she ,ears ,ill %e so8t a"-
lu:urious to the touch5 "ever irritati"g5 a"- she>ll pro%a%ly -ress ,ith si$plicity a"-
taste. .er se"suous "ature $ay "ot stretch to i"clu-e 8ussy li"gerie a"- -ai"ty
clothi"g ?%arri"g a *isces or Leo asce"-a"t or Moo"@. She pre8ers sports,ear a"-
plai"5 e:pe"sive out8its ,ith "o e:cess tri$$i"gs5 a"- she -resses $ostly 8or
co$8ortB her practical "ature ta7i"g over i" the costu$e -epart$e"t. 28 she happe"s
to have a heavy A'uaria" i"8lue"ce i" her chart5 she ca" go a little cuc7oo i" stores
o" occasio"5 %ut eve" the" her o88%eat selectio"s ,ill serve a utilitaria" purpose.
As you get to 7"o, her %etter5 you>ll reali3e that this girl ca" %e a to,er o8 stre"gth.
She>s sel-o$ -e$a"-i"g5 e:cept i" the area o8 loyalty5 a"- her -ispositio" is ge"-
erally eve"5 -o,"-to-earth a"- pleasa"t. *eople love her straight8or,ar-5 easy-goi"g
$a""er-it>s as rela:i"g as a ,ar$ %ath. She>s pro%a%ly 8o"- o8 ,ar$ %aths hersel85
,ith lots o8 lotio"s a"- oils a"- %u%%les. Taurea" %athroo$s o8te" loo7 li7e
!leopatra>s private 'uarters. =ou 7eep e:pecti"g to see a slave appear a"- start
,avi"g a pal$ lea8 8a".
=ou $ight have to 8i"- out the har- ,ay that a Taurus ,o$a" -oes">t li7e to %e
co"tra-icte-5 especially i" pu%lic5 %ut ,hy -o that5 ,he" you ca" lear" the easy ,ay
%y u"-ersta"-i"g her Su" sig"A 1e$e$%er that she li7es to -o thi"gs slo,ly. 28 you
hurry her or rush her5 she>ll %eco$e a"gry5 a"- it is">t ,ise to $a7e a Taurea"
8e$ale a"gry. .er te$po ra"ges 8ro$ slo, to -eli%erate a"- stea-yB it sel-o$ raises
to i$pulsive5 %ut it ca" reach viole"t5 ,he" she>s goa-e- too 8ar.
Motherhoo- %eco$es her "icely. 2t %le"-s s$oothly ,ith her sere"e -ispositio" a"-
$atches her %ovi"e "ature %eauti8ully. She>ll cu--le little %a%ies a"- a-ore to--lers5
%ut as the you"gsters gro, ol-er5 she $ay %e too strict a"- -e$a"-i"g. There>s a"
u"%e"-i"g5 stu%%or" strea7 i" Taurea" 8e$ales that $a7es it har- 8or the$ to accept
easily the $ultiple a"- co"8usi"g cha"ges o8 a-olesce"ce. The Taurus $other
%eco$es a"gry ,he" her -iscipli"e is th,arte-. She ,o">t sta"- 8or -iso%e-ie"ce or
-e8ia"ce. All the 8ury o8 the %ull is arouse-. She>ll also 8i"- it -i88icult to tolerate
la3i"ess or sloppi"ess5 a"- the chil-re" ,ill pro%a%ly 7eep their roo$s "eat-or else.
The Taurea" love o8 %eauty a"- har$o"y preve"ts cal$ accepta"ce o8 u"ti-y ha%its.
Messy you"gsters a"- sloppy surrou"-i"gs ca" $a7e her see re-. &utsi-e o8 these
8e, 8aili"gs5 she>ll pro%a%ly %e a goo- pare"t5 $ore o8 a 8rie"- to her chil-re" tha" a
$other i$age as the years pass. Most o88spri"g o8 a May-%or" ,o$a" re$e$%er
her >as a ,ar$5 $ater"al i$age i" the early years a"- a pal ,ith a se"se o8 hu$or i"
their later years. The i"%et,ee" years-,he" youth8ul i$patie"ce clashes ,ith the
%ull>s 5 8ir$ -eter$i"atio"-$ay leave a 8e, u"pleasa"t $e$ories. D She>ll 8iercely
a"- loyally -e8e"- the$ 8ro$ outsi-e hurts Da"- teach the$ to i$itate her o,"
ho"est courage.
? Taurus 8e$ales are "ever sissies. They sel-o$ ,hi"e or D co$plai". This is a
,o$a" ,ho ,ill 'uietly ta7e a ;o% to D support a hus%a"- i" $e-ical school or ,or7
at ho$e i8 D there>s a te$porary 8i"a"cial crisis i" the 8a$ily. She > -oes">t have a
la3y %o"e i" her %o-y5 -espite her o8te" 2 slo,5 -eli%erate $ove$e"ts a"- "ee- 8or
8re'ue"t rest perio-s. Taurus 8e$ales are har- ,or7ers. She ca" cli$% I a stepla--er
to pai"t or scru% the ,alls ,ith the stre"gth o8 9 a $a"5 %ut she "ee-s that a8ter"oo"
"ap to 7eep her stur-y. 9 She>ll ,al7 prou-ly %esi-e her $a"5 a"- sel-o$ try to pass
hi$ or sta"- i" his sha-o,. Ma"y a Taurea" ,i8e helps her hus%a"- ,ith his
stu-ies5 i8 he>s ta7i"g special courses i" a pro8essio"al career5 or types up the
%usi"ess correspo"-e"ce he %ri"gs ho$e 8ro$ the o88ice. She>s a" e:celle"t
help$ate i" these areas. Taurea"s "ever e:pect to %e supporte- ,ithout co"tri%uti"g
their share5 a"- they>re $isera%le ,ith a $a" ,ho -oes">t co"tri%ute his5 though
they>ll try to $a7e the %est o8 it. Taurus ,o$e" -isli7e ,ea7"ess i" a"y 8or$.
.er i$passivity to pai" a"- e$otio"al stress is al$ost 9 $iraculous5 o8te" eve"
surpassi"g that o8 the Scorpio iv-$ale. 2 re$e$%er a sce"e 2 o"ce ,atche- i" a
hospital. A Taurus ,o$a" ,as goi"g upstairs 8or serious surgery5 so serious that her
cha"ces o8 survivi"g the operatio" ,ere very s$all5 a"- she 7"e, it. 2t ,as a
calculate- ris7. As her hus%a"- ,atche- her %ei"g place- o" the cart that ,oul-
,heel her to the operati"g area5 she "otice- the tears i" his eyes. 4ut she "ever
co$$e"te-. She $a-e ;o7es i"stea-5 u"til the "urses giggle- a"- eve" the -octor
s$ile-. The last thi"g her 8a$ily hear- her say as the or-erlies ,ere pushi"g a"-
pulli"g5 tryi"g to get the cart i"to the elevator5 ,as typically Taurea". 2"stea- o8
gla"ci"g %ac7 at her love- o"es ,ith a tear8ul loo7 o8 8are,ell5 she raise- up o" o"e
el%o, a"- spo7e to the you"g $e" 8ir$ly. <4e8ore you put $e %ac7 o" this thi"g
agai"5 get so$e oil a"- grease those -a$"e- ,heels.< A Taurus ,o$a" "ever lets
se"ti$e"t i"ter8ere ,ith practicality.
A $a" ,ho $arries a 8e$ale %or" i" May ,o">t $arry a cry %a%y or a gol- -igger.
She>ll e:pect hi$ to provi-e 8or her a"- $a"age the 8a$ily 8i"a"ces se"si%ly. She>ll
also ,a"t the %est 'uality ,he" it co$es to 8oo- a"- 8ur"ishi"gs. 4ut she>ll al,ays
7eep a sharp eye out 8or %argai"s5 a"- %e ,illi"g to ,ait 8or the lu:uries she craves.
6uic7 8ortu"es ,ithout a soli- 8ou"-atio" -o">t appeal to her se"se o8 sta%ility.
She>- rather see you %uil- care8ully 8or the 8uture. Ma7i"g a goo- i$pressio" is
i$porta"t to her5 a"- lots o8 Taurea" ,o$e" e"courage their hus%a"-s to ai$ 8or a
secure 8uture %y i"viti"g i"8lue"tial people to -i""er. A Taurus ,i8e is the soul o8
This is a girl ,ho ,ill stay up "ight a8ter "ight ,ith a sic7 chil- a"- pray hi$ %ac7
to health ,ith a roc7-%ou"- 8aith-the 7i"- o8 ,o$a" ,ho ca" te"-erly reple"ish a
$a">s store o8 hope ,he" the ,orl- has -e8eate- hi$5 i"8usi"g hi$ ,ith her o,"
%rave5 -au"tless e:a$ple. She>s as -epe"-a%le a"- pre-icta%le as a gra"-8ather
cloc75 as capa%le o8 patchi"g a %ro7e" pipe or 8i:i"g a %lo," 8use as she is o8
%a7i"g a cherry pie or se,i"g o" a $issi"g %utto". There>s al,ays roo$ e"ough a"-
love e"ough i" her heart to ,elco$e stra"gers a"- relatives to her hearth5 a"- her
house ,ill ,ar$ you ,he" you>ve ;ust co$e i" out o8 a stor$. Li7e $y 8rie"- sai-5
a Taurus 8e$ale is <a tall ,o$a".<

The TA010S !hil-
<2t>ll %e "o use putti"g their hea-s -o," a"- sayi"g5 >!o$e up agai"5 -earI> . . . OO O
ti7e %ei"g that perso"5 8ll co$e up9
28 "ot5 2>ll stay -o," here. ...<
2t $ay %egi" to %e evi-e"t that your "e,%or" %a%y is a Taurea" ,he" you try to
-ress hi$ to ta7e hi$ ho$e 8ro$ the hospital. <*ut your little ar$s i"si-e your "ice
s,eater #ra"-$a 7"it 8or you5< you>ll $ur$ur i" te"-er5 $ater"al to"es. </hy are
you cle"chi"g your little 8ists a"- hol-i"g your ar$s so sti88A Let go5 li7e a goo-
little %a%y. *lease5 let go.<
<Let $e try5< says your hus%a"-. <&7ay5 co$e o" "o,5 Fi-. Let>s get those ar$s i"
the sleeves. +asy -oes it. .eyI Di- you hear $e5 !harlieA Let go. Move your ar$s.
Move the$I<
The "urse co$es i". <Do">t %e upset5< she .says. <2t>s al,ays har- to -ress the$
,he" they>re little. My5 ,hat a goo- %a%y. /i-e a,a7e5 %ut he -oes">t $a7e a
<=es5 he>s 'uiet5< says your hus%a"-. <4ut he 7eeps 8ol-C i"g his ar$s across his
chest5 a"- 2 ca">t pull the$ apart .e>s so stro"g5 2 ca">t eve" pry the$ apart.<
<2 -o">t thi"7 he ,a"ts his s,eater o"5< you re$ar7 u"easily5 a $other>s i"tuitio"
%egi""i"g to rise.
The "urse approaches your little %ull ,ith pro8essio"al e88icie"cy. <2>ll -o it. All
right "o,5 upsy -aisyI 2" the sleeve-8ist 8irst-that>s the ,ay.<
She 8orces the ti"y ar$ through the ope"i"g i" the s,eater. Su--e"ly5 your s$all
%ull>s 8ace tur"s a -eep5 %luish-purple-re- color5 a"- a ,ail is hear- that %ri"gs every
"urse o" the 8loor rushi"g i"to the roo$. ?2t>s $ore o8 a roar tha" a ,ail. The i"ter"
-o," the hall thought the %oiler ha- e:plo-e- i" the %ase$e"t.@ =our Taurus %a%y
is ;ust a""ou"ci"g that he -oes">t appreciate %ei"g pushe-. 2t>s a ,ar"i"g. A"- it
,ill %e repeate-.
=our "eigh%ors ,ill hear the sa$e sou"- every ti$e you try to press your May chil-
i"to -oi"g so$ethi"g he -oes">t ,a"t to -o. There ,ill %e lots o8 little pro%le$s li7e
tryi"g to stu88 oat$eal i"to a $outh that>s glue- shut5 pressi"g a" iro" leg i"to a pair
o8 ru%%er pa"ties5 a"- tryi"g to 8orce a chu%%y5 pi"7 %o-y5 su--e"ly tur"e- to
u"yiel-i"g ce$e"t5 i"to the %athtu%. =ou>ll lose lots o8 ,eight a"- -evelop stro"g
$uscular co"trol. Mothers o8 Taurus chil-re" al,ays have $uscles li7e *opeye5
though they o8te" loo7 as haggar- as &live &yl.
&utsi-e o8 %ei"g ;ust plai" pig-hea-e-5 the Taurus %a%y is a -elight to raise. *are"ts
o8 Taurea" %oys a"- girls ,ill 8i"- their you"gsters cu--ly a"- lovi"g. They a-ore
%ei"g s'uee3e- a"- hugge- a"- pette-. The little %ull ,ith a co,lic7 or curly
8oreloc7 ,ill ;u$p up o" your lap to get a 7iss a"- leave you out o8 %reath ,ith his
%ear hugs. .e>ll give your 8rie"-s the sa$e a88ectio"ate treat$e"t5 i8 he trusts the$.
The ti"y Taurus girl ,ill 8lirt 8ro$ the high chair to get a" e:tra helpi"g o8 -essert.
She>s pro%a%ly
Da--y>s little girl. .e>ll 8i"- it har- to resist her li$pi- char$5 as -i88icult as
Mo$$y 8i"-s it to resist her Taurea" so">s 'uiet s,eet"ess. The chil-re" o8 %oth
se:es ,ill %e stro"g5 healthy a"- athletically i"cli"e-. The %oys ,ill %e all %oys5
so$eti$es little terrors5 8ull o8 8u"5 stur-y a"- tough. The little girls ,ill %e all
8e$ale5 ta7i"g care o8 their -olls li7e s$all $others5 7eepi"g thi"gs ti-y a"- playi"g
house. So$e o8 the$ ,ill %e to$%oys5 a"- you>ll catch the$ cli$%i"g trees or
shooti"g $ar%les ,ith the %oysB
%ut esse"tially5 they have all the char$s o8 8e$i"i"ity to call o" ,he" they choose5
a"- they>ll choose o8te".
Taurus you"gsters see$ to %e ge"erally $ore co$pete"t5 eve" as to--lers5 tha"
other chil-re". (or o"e thi"g5 they>re e$otio"ally sta%le5 sel-o$ su%;ect to -eep
$oo-s o8 -epressio"5 8its o8 i$pulsive"ess or sho,-o88 te"-e"cies. They ca" %e
"egative a"- stu%%or"5 so$eti$es shy a"- ti$i-5 %ut there are 8e, o8 the "or$al
ha"g-ups a"- gro,i"g pai"s. Taurea" -ispositio"s are "or$ally cal$ a"- pleasa"t.
They>re "ot easily ru88le- or -istur%e-. +:cept ,he" they %al7 at %ei"g pushe- too
8ar or too har-5 their perso"alities are s$ooth5 cheer8ul a"- 'uite pre-icta%le. There>s
a $aturity a%out the$ that chil-re" %or" u"-er other Su" sig"s ?e:cept !apricor"
a"- Scorpio@ lac7. +ve" the very you"g Taurea"s are usually 'uite ,ell-%ehave- i"
8ro"t o8 co$pa"y5 %ut they>ll act as i8 the cat got their to"gues i8 they>re 8orce- to %e
the ce"ter o8 atte"tio". Leave the$ alo"e to play i" the co$er a"- the cha"ces are
that visitors ,ill %e i$presse- at ho, ,ell they>ve %ee" trai"e-.
A Taurea" you"gster 'uietly $i"-s his o," %usi"ess5 a"- the you"g %ull ,ill
sel-o$ e$%arrass you %y ru-e"ess or a s$art-alec7y attitu-e. .o,ever5 i8 you
challe"ge his te$per %y teasi"g hi$ ?,hich he ca">t sta"-@5 %y applyi"g stea-y
pressure5 or -e$a"-i"g that he -o so$ethi"g his $i"- is -ea- set agai"st-he ca"
tur" %elligere"t. The o"ly ,ay out o8 such -e8ia"ce is love. Never 8orce. A Taurea"
chil- ,ho>s %ee" 8orce- %y ol-er people too o8te" $ay tur" i"to a sile"t5 $oo-y5
cruel a-ult. 1e$e$%er that he ca">t re$ai" stu%%or" agai"st physical
-e$o"stratio"s o8 a88ectio". A lovi"g s'uee3e or a %ig5 8rie"-ly 7iss a"- a cheer8ul
s$ile ,ill coa: hi$ out o8 his o%sti"acy. Al,ays spea7 ge"tly a"- logically. =elli"g
a"- harsh voices raise- i" co$$a"- ,ill ;ust $a7e hi$ shut his eyes a"- ears. .e
ca" resist -iscipli"e a"- or-ers u"til -oo$s-ay. .e ca"t resist a88ectio" 8or a
+ve" ,he" he>s very you"g5 his $i"- ,ill respo"- to co$$o" se"se. 28 it sou"-s
reaso"a%le to hi$5 hell -o it- %ut he>ll ,a"t a practical e:pla"atio". Nothi"g co$pli-
cate-. Just the plai"5 ho"est5 u"var"ishe- truth. <=ou have to go to %e- "o, %ecause
2 say so5< ,ill get you "o,here at all. That>s "either se"si%le "or reaso"a%le to hi$.
.o,ever5 a so8tly spo7e" -eclaratio" li7e5 <=ou have to go to %e- "o, %ecause
,e>re goi"g to tur" out the lights. 28 you -o">t5 ,e ca">t let you go out to play
to$orro,5 %ecause you>ll %e too tire-5< ,ill pro%a%ly get hi$ i"to his sleepers a"-
rea-y 8or the sa"-$a". 2t also ,or7s to say5 <.op i"to your ,ar$ %e- "o,5 %et,ee"
your "ice5 clea" sheets5 ,hile 2 tuc7 i" your so8t %a%y %ear %la"7et. The" 2>ll rea-
you a little story.< No $atter ho, stu%%or" he has %ee"5 he>ll al$ost al,ays tur"
i"to a -ocile a"gel at those ,or-s. .is is a very se"sual "ature5 a"- -escri%i"g the
8eel o8 thi"gs sel-o$ 8ails to stri7e a respo"sive chor-. *ushi"g hi$ to give i" to
your -e$a"-s is %oth 8utile a"- -a"gerous to his 8uture perso"ality.
!olors a"- sou"-s ,ill a88ect his -ispositio" a"- his e$otio"s -eeply. 4right5
clashi"g ora"ges a"- re-s i" his roo$ ,ill $a7e hi$ restless a"- o%sti"ate. *astel
sha-es5 especially pi"75 rose a"- all to"es o8 %lue5 ,ill pro-uce al$ost $agical
results. This chil- ,ill react to colors visi%ly. 28 they>re har$o"ious to his Taurea"
vi%ratio"s5 he>ll re$ai" tra"'uil. 28 they>re -iscor-a"t5 they ca" literally -a$age his
e$otio"al sta%ility. Lou- "oises ,ill have the sa$e e88ect.
2t>s a goo- i-ea to give a Taurus chil- $usic or si"gi"g lesso"s as soo" as possi%le.
Al$ost every o"e o8 the$ ,ill have a lo,5 so8t5 $elo-ious voice5 a"- $a"y o8 the$
have co"si-era%le vocal or $usical tale"t5 a"- you>ll ,a"t to -iscover it ,hile he>s
you"g e"ough to %e trai"e- i" the right -irectio". +ve" i8 he>s "ot goi"g to $a7e
$usic his career5 he>ll e";oy liste"i"g to it o" his o," little recor- player i" his
roo$. .e $ay pre8er the classics to $o-e$ sou"-s or "ursery rhy$es. .e>ll
pro%a%ly li7e to -ra,5 color or pai"t5 a"- the cha"ces are goo- that he $ay have
so$e real artistic a%ility. 4e sure your Taurus has lots o8. paper a"- colore- pe"cils.
2t>s his 8avorite ,ay o8 e:pressi"g hi$sel8.
Teachers usually 8i"- the Taurus chil- a cre-it to the class. 0"less there are
a88licti"g pla"et positio"s i" 8he "ativity5 Taurea" %oys a"- girls ,ill %e i"-ustrious
i" school5 lear" their lesso"s $etho-ically a"- have e:celle"t po,ers o8
co"ce"tratio". They>re "ot ,hi3 7i-s li7e the #e$i"i a"- A'uaria" or Aries
stu-e"ts5 %ut they pro%a%ly ,o">t %e tar-y or thro, spit %alls i" stu-y hall5 though
they $ay %rea7 up i8 Teacher gets her 8i"ger caught i" the pe"cil sharpe"er. The
Taurus you"gster is or-i"arily 'uite o%e-ie"t. .is $i"- a%sor%s slo,ly5 %ut he
"ever 8orgets ,hat he>s lear"e-5 o"ce a 8act or -ate is $astere-. These %oys a"- girls
usually -o ,ell o" tests5 %ecause they prepare 8or the$ care8ully. They>re o8te"
chose" lea-ers o8 group activities5 -ue to their love o8 8air play-a"- also -ue to their
o%vious co$$o" se"se a"- goo- ;u-g$e"t.
The Taurus chil- $ay give his el-ers a 8e, %a- $o$e"ts %ecause o8 his
stu%%or""ess5 %ut they>ll %e 8e, a"- 8ar %et,ee". &"e $other o8 a you"g Taurea" 2
7"o, too7 her so" to school o"e -ay a"- ,as sorry she -i-">t stay ho$e a"- 7eep
out o8 it. The little %ull ha- i"sulte- his teacher %y i"sisti"g her 8acts ,ere ,ro"g.
So;vas the author o8 the te:t%oo75 "aturally. The "e:t -ay5 his $other $arche- hi$
to the teacher>s -es7 ,ith the 8ir$ co$$a"-5 <Apologi3e to Miss Applegar-e"5
Sa$$y.< That ,as a%out "i"e o>cloc7 i" the $or"i"g. At "oo"5 i" the pri"cipal>s
o88ice5 the $other ,as hear- ,earily repeati"g the or-er5 <Apologi3e to Miss
Applegar-e"5 Sa$$y.< Later i" the -ay5 a8ter the stu-e"ts ha- %ee" -is$isse-5 the
;a"itor ,as gatheri"g up trash %as7ets. As he passe- the o88ice5 he hear- a stra"ge5
8ara,ay5 tre$%li"g voice5 al$ost ghost-li7e5 8loati"g 8ro$ the i""er sa"ctu$.
<Apologi3e to Miss Applegar-e"5 Sa$$y5< it sai-. <(or the last ti$e5 apologi3e.<
Through the close- -oor ca$e the hollo, sou"- o8 a ,oo-e" pa--le %ei"g applie-.
The" sile"ce. The "e:t -ay5 the little %oy ,as %ac7 at his -es7. .e ha- outlaste- the
teacher5 his $other a"- the pri"cipal. .e "ever -i- apologi3e. 4ut he $a-e the
ho"or roll.
&"ce you>re resig"e- to the 7"o,le-ge that "othi"g this si-e o8 a -erric7 ,ill $ove
your Taurus you"gster ,he" he -igs his stur-y toes i" the earth5 you>ll e";oy
,atchi"g hi$ gro, up. .ell pro%a%ly get to"s o8 -irt o" his clothes playi"g ,ith his
toy truc7s a"- tractors-a"- the hair o8 little Taurea" %oys has the o--est ,ay o8
s$elli"g li7e a ,ar$ %ir->s "est5 "o $atter ho, o8te" you ,ash it-%ut he ,o">t lose
his report car- or his $ar%les. .e ,o">t -rive Da->s car too 8ast a"- e"- up
,rappi"g it arou"- a telepho"e pole ,he" he>s ol-er. .e $ay rai- the re8rigerator5
a"- eat the 8rie- chic7e" you ,ere savi"g 8or -i""er5 or %e tough o" the "e,
8ur"iture. 4ut he>ll %e $ighty easy o" your heart ,he" he gets %ig. A"- he ,o">t
8orget your %irth-ay. =our little Taurus girl $ay tear her party -ress cli$%i"g i"to
her tree house5 or go i"to a rage ,he" so$eo"e %rea7s o"e o8 her precious
possessio"s. 4ut she>ll help you %a7e gi"ger%rea- $e"5 a"- you>ll al,ays %e
,elco$e i" her lovely ho$e a8ter she>s happily >settle- -o," ,ith her o," 8a$ily.
=our gra"-chil-re" ,ill pro%a%ly %e ,ell-%ehave-5 i" either case.
1aise your little %ull or hei8er i" a co3y5 s"ug at$osphere o8 love. Surrou"- hi$
,ith visi%le a88ectio" i"stea- o8 i"visi%le %ar%e- ,ire 8e"ces. Do">t pull o" his ho$s
too har-5 a"- let hi$ gra3e at his o," cal$ te$po. (ill his ears ,ith $usic a"- his
eyes ,ith %eauty5 a"- he>ll 8ill your heart ,ith peace so$e-ay. +ve" Miss
Applegar-e" ,ill 8orgive hi$.

The TA010S 4oss

<.a, the creatures or-er o"e a%out5 a"- $a7e o"e repeat lesso"sI<
<2 se"t to the$ agai" to say 2t ,ill %e %etter to o%ey.<
=ou say you have o"e o8 those s,eet Taurus %osses ,ho "ever "ags or 8usses5 a"-
you -o">t "ee- a"y a-vice or tips o" ho, to ha"-le that co$place"t5 -ear5 -ocile
creatureA =ou have hi$ ;ust ,here you ,a"t hi$-i" the pal$ o8 your ha"-A /ell5
you>re certai"ly lear"i"g your Su" sig"s ;ust i" ti$e to avoi- a -isaster. 4e8ore it>s
too late5 you>- %etter $e$ori3e the o"e $a;or rule 8or -eali"g ,ith a Taurea"
e:ecutive9 Do">t try his patie"ce too 8ar.
2t>s a tougher rule tha" it see$s. 28 he>s a typical Taurus %oss5 he has such e"or$ous
patie"ce5 it>s -o,"right te$pti"g to try it. .is $a""er is so peace8ul a"- his
-ispositio" so spa-y5 you>re apt to thi"7 o8 hi$ as <goo- ol- Mr. 4eari$ple.< The"
you>ll start treati"g hi$ li7e a "ice5 shagBy %ear5 ,ho>s a little stu%%or" perhaps5 %ut
7i"-ly a"- per8Rctly har$less. =ou>ll re$e$%er the happy e"-i"g to the 8iol-iloc7s
story5 a"- let your guar- -o,". That>s ;ust ,hai you shoul- "ot -o. 2t coul- %e the
%egi""i"g o8 the e"-.
=es5 2 7"o, that #ol-iloc7s got a,ay ,ith eati"g *apa 4eai>s porri-ge5 sitti"g i" his
%ig chair5 a"- "appi"g o" his S-. 4ut %ears are "ot %ulls. Do">t co"8use your a"i"als.
Just %ecause they get the$ $i:e- up i" the stoc1. $ar7et -oes">t $ea" you shoul-
get the$ $i:e- up i" tie o88ice. 4ears live i" the ,oo-s5 a"- so$eti$es go a8te9
ho"ey. 4ulls live o" the 8ar$5 a"- so$eti$es go a8ter pusly people. 4ears ca"
s'uee3e stra"gers har- i" a spirit o8 8i"5 %ut they $ea" "o har$. They>re play8ul.
4ulls ca" -estoy trespassers a"- chi"a shops i" %li"- 8ury5 o" purpose. They>re
-a"gerous. +"- o8 3oology lesso".
TN-ay5 you>re sa8e. 4ut ,ho 7"o,s ,hat to$orro, $ay %rirsA 2t $ay %ri"g you
su--e" regret that you trie- the patiB"ce o8 your Taurus %oss too 8ar. =ou $ay ,ish
you ha-i>t i$pose- o" his goo- "ature ,ith such casual co"8i-e"t. 2t>s "ot har- to
see ho, you got o" the ,ro"g path. 2t %ppe"s all the ti$e to people ,ho ,or7 8or
Taurea" e:eiutives. .e>s so $ee7 a"- u"-ersta"-i"g ,he" you tur" i" i letter that>s
sloppily type-5 you $ay "ot %other to cheB7 your spelli"g too o8te" a8ter,ar-s. .e>s
so co"si-erate ,he" you $ess up the 8igures o" your se$ia""ual rep>rt5 you $ay %e
a little careless ,ith your $ath o" ot%r papers. Si"ce he -oes">t yell a"- glare at you
,he" you ta7e a" e:tra hal8 hour at lu"ch5 you $ay try 8or a" i:tra hour the "e:t
,ee75 a"- gra-ually stretch it to t,c hours. 2t>s so easy to sli-e i"to a 8ool>s para-ise.
.ave yoi allo,e- yoursel8 to -ri8t i"to these la3y ha%its u"-er the spell o8 your
Taurea" %oss>s easy-goi"g perso"ality a"c 'uiet $a""erA =ou>- %etter ha"g o"e o8
those <Da"ger-(erocious 4ull< sig"s ?the 7i"- you see out i" the coi"try@ over your
-es7. 2t $ight save your li8e very so-5 or at least your ;o%5 a"- so$eti$es o"e is
pretty syo"y$ous ,ith the other. =ou ca">t very ,ell say to yoir la"-lor-5 <2>$ sorry
2>$ three $o"ths %ehi"- o" $y ret95 %ut 2 have">t 8ou"- a "e, ;o% yet. 2 got 8ire-
8ro$ $y las o"e ,ith "o "otice5 %ecause5 you see5 2 ha- this %oss ,hN ,as %or" i"
May-a"- 2 -i-">t u"-ersta"- a%out the
Taurea" te$per %ecause o8 the e"us rulership. 2t ,as that -ar"e- e"us that
8oole- $e.< 28 you 8i"- a la"-lor- ,ho ,o">t give you a" i$$e-iate evictio" "otice
a8ter that e:pla"atio"5 you $ust live i" the la"- o8 &3.
2t>s $uch easier to practice your Su" sig" 7"o,le-ge i" the %egi""i"g. The reaso"
your %oss ,as so "ice a"- u"ru88le- ,he" you type- that letter5 $a-e those $ista7es
i" the report a"- li"gere- so lo"g over your lu"ch hour5 ,as "ot %ecause he>s a "ice5
shaggy %ear pushover. Nor ,as it %ecause he>s too shy a"- ti$i- to e:press his
,ishes or e:ert his authority. (ra"7ly5 he -i-">t see a"y poi"t i" e$%arrassi"g you
%y $a7i"g a %ig 8uss over o"e or t,o or eve" a 8e, goo8s. .e 8igure- you ha-
e"ough co$$o" se"se ?re$e$%er that phrase@ "ot to repeat yoursel8 li7e a %ro7e"
recor-. .e -eci-e- to ,atch you patie"tly to see i8 you ,ere practical e"ough to
pro8it %y past errors o" your o,". AyeI There>s the ru%I .is patie"ce ,as care8ully
calculate- to,ar- a -e8i"ite purpose-to test you5 a"- to give you a cha"ce to prove
your $ettle. .e a-$ires people ,ho lear" the 7"ac7 o8 -iscipli"i"g the$selves.
.e>s a sel8-$a-e $a". /hy shoul-">t you %eA .e>s ,illi"g to give you the
.e is -eter$i"e- to give everyo"e a 8air %rea7. .e ,o">t ;u-ge hastily. .e ,o">t
e:pect $iracles over"ight5 "or ,ill he $i"- i8 you>re a little slo, i" catchi"g o" to
his $etho-s a"- his very set proce-ures. =ou>ll %e give" a cha"ce to 8i"- your ,ay
arou"-5 a"- hell loo7 the other ,ay $ore tha" o"ce i8 you stu$%le i" the -ar7. 4ut
$a7e "o i""oce"t5 "aive $ista7es a%out his ulti$ate goal. .e ,a"ts thi"gs -o"e his
,ay. .is ,ay coul- co"ceiva%ly %e the ,ay thi"gs ,ere -o"e ,he" the S$ith
4rothers got together a"- -eci-e- to cure coughs5 %ut to hi$5 it>s the trie- a"- true5
prove" $etho-. 4esi-es those 8ello,s still cure his coughsI As lo"g as his $etho-s
7eep $a7i"g $o"ey5 he>s goi"g to %e loyal to the$. .e>s ,illi"g to ,aste ple"ty o8
his huge supply o8 patie"ce to 8i"- e$ployees ,ho 8it his ce$e"t $ol-. .o,ever5
o"ce you>ve presse- his patie"ce too 8ar5 he ,ill 8irst %al75 the" s"ort i" a"ger5 a"-
8i"ally shout5 <=ou>re 8ire-I<-possi%ly at the top o8 his lu"gs. ?At least it ,ill see$
lou-5 %ecause it ,ill %e so e$phatic.@ =our o"ly ,ar"i"g ,ill pro%a%ly ,ill %e that
he 8aile- to a"s,er your cheer8ul5 u"suspecti"g5 <#oo- $or"i"g5< the previous -ay.
F"o, %eyo"- a"y -ou%t that he>s "ot goi"g to cha"ge his $i"- a8ter he>s -eci-e- to
sac7 you. Nothi"g cha"ges the Taurus $i"-5 o"ce it>s $a-e up. .e $ay give you a
ge"erous slice o8 severa"ce pay5 %ecause he -oes">t ,a"t that col--hearte- la"-lor-
to thro, you a"- your sic7 gra"-$other a"- the t,elve chil-re" out i" the s"o,.
4ut he ,o">t give you a"y $ore cha"ces o"ce he>s 8ir$ly co"vi"ce- hi$sel8 that
you>re -ea- ,eight to the co$pa"y he cherishes o"ly a sha-e less tha" he -oes his
,i8e. 2t>s "ot that he is u"7i"-. =our $e$ory is short i8 you thi"7 that. .is is "ot.
1ecall5 as you rea- the classi8ie- a-s 8or a "e, ;o%5 ho, 7i"- he ,as 8or all those
$o"ths ,he" you ,ere so care8ully ta7i"g a-va"tage o8 his 8aith i" you.
The Taurea" %oss is a thoroughly practical soul. Although he "ee-s to 8eel that his
%usi"ess allo,s hi$ to e:press the %eauty i" his "ature creatively5 he "ee-s eve"
$ore to succee- $aterially. Taurus $e" are "ever satis8ie- to ru" a s$all %usi"ess.
They ,a"t to %uil- it i"to a possi%le e$pire. The Taurus %oss ,o">t %e co"te"t
,ithout so$e e:pa"sio"5 ho,ever $i"or. There ,ill %e "o -ra$atic5 s,eepi"g
cha"ges5 a"- progress ,ill procee- o"e step at a ti$e. .ell %uil- gra-ually5 ,ithout
8lash or 8a"8are5 %ut he>ll %uil-. .e stic7s to a"ythi"g he starts a"- 8i"ishes ,hat he
%egi"s5 a"- he>ll e:pect you to -o the sa$e thi"g.
Do">t try too $a"y short cuts. .e ,a"ts his 8acts plai"5 "ot 8a"cy. Taurus %osses
have "o $ore patie"ce ,ith the art o8 gil-i"g the lily tha" !apricor" e:ecutives.
&"e o8 his 8avorite phrases ,ill %e5 <#et to the poi"t5< %ut he>ll say it ,ithout ra"cor
or sarcas$. Le"gthy preli$i"aries i" e:plai"i"g i-eas $a7e hi$ "ervous5 though
he>ll retai" his out,ar- i$$o%ility.
2t ,ill %e 8rustrati"g ,he" he re8uses to %u-ge a" i"ch 8or your $ost e:citi"g
co"cepts5 a"- ,he" he ,o">t let you try out that "e, syste$ you rea- a%out i"
(ortu"e ?or pic7e- up 8ro$ your %rother-i"-la,5 ,ho>s such a crac7er;ac7
pro$oter@. #ra"te-5 so$eti$es he>s ,ro"g 8or re8usi"g to liste" to progressive
i-eas5 a"- you>ll 8eel s$ug ,he" a"other co$pa"y tries the$ 8irst success8ully. 4ut
over the lo"g haul5 ,he" the 8i"al score is tallie-5 hell co$e out ahea-. /hat i8 that
"e, ga-get he stu%%or"ly re;ecte- as <a hare%rai"e- a%ortio" o8 so$e schi3ophre-
"ic>s -ay-rea$< ru"s i"to a s"ag5 a"- the co$pa"y that 3oo$e- ahea- %y usi"g it
su--e"ly goes %a"7rupt ,he" the ga-get %ac78iresA The" your s$ug"ess ,ill %e
replace- %y a 8oolish 8eeli"g5 a"- 8i"ally %y respect 8or this so$eti$es gru$py5
o8te" o%sti"ate5 %ut 7i"-ly a"- u"-ersta"-i"g %oss5 ,ho has such a practical hea- o"
his stur-y shoul-ers.
Taurus e:ecutives usually pre8er 8oot%all to %ase%all5 a"- peace to "oisy argu$e"ts.
.e>ll al,ays try 'uiet co$$o". se"se -iscussio"s to avoi- e$otio"al sce"es.
1e$e$%er5 co$$o" se"se is his 7ey phrase. 4ut that -oes">t $ea" he>s lac7i"g i"
i$agi"atio" or appreciatio" o8 the 8i"er thi"gs i" li8e. =ou>ll %e pretty sure to $a7e a
large hit ,ith hi$ i8 you ,ear goo- per8u$e a"- polish your "ails ,ith a rosy ti"t ?i8
you>re a girl5 that is@. .e loves "ice s$ells a"- soothi"g5 pastel colors. =oull also
please hi$ i8 you occasio"ally %ri"g hi$ a ;ar o8 ho$e-$a-e vichys-soise your
$other coo7e--%ut you>- %etter call it potato soup. (a"cy "a$es a"- titles -o">t
i$press hi$ as $uch as they $a7e hi$ u"easy. Me" ,ho ,or7 8or a Taurea"
shoul- ,ear 'uiet5 %lue ties5 se"si%le shoes5 a"- 7eep their 8eet o" the grou"-5 "ot
o" his -es7.
=ou $ay cha8e at his stu%%or"5 %ull-hea-e- attitu-e at least o"ce a ,ee75 %ut
re$e$%er this a%out your Taurus -%oss9 he>s also stu%%or" a%out %ei"g loyal to
people ,ho "ever let hi$ -o,". 4e o"e o8 those people5 a"- you>ll "ever have to
8ear the -a"gerous %ull. .e>s really 'uite ge"tle i8 the re- 8lag o8 -e8ia"ce is">t
,ave- i" his 8ace too o8te". #ra% so$e co"crete %loc7s5 a"- help hi$ %uil- his
e$pire. .e>ll %e gla- to share it ,ith you5 i8 you -eserve it. *ro$otio" he
u"-ersta"-s. (eather%e--i"g he -oes "ot. <#oo- ol- Mr. 4earu$ple< ,ill e:pect
you to carry your o," ,eight5 %ut he>ll al,ays give you a li8t ,he" the loa- gets
heavy. .e>s stro"g a"- -epe"-a%le. .e says ,hat he $ea"s a"- he $ea"s ,hat he
says. =ou ,o">t "ee- a" i"terpreter. 28 he says you>re a %loc7hea-5 leave 'uic7ly a"-
'uietly a"- -o">t 'ui%%le. 28 he says <=ou>ll -o ,ell e"ough5< you have real ;o%
security. That $ea"s you>ve passe- his test o8 loyalty5 si"cerity5 a%ility a"-
pote"tial. Move to the hea- o8 the class. =ou>ve $a-e the ho"or roll.
!o"gratulatio"sI Do">t let it s,ell your hat si3e5 a"- you have a pro$isi"g 8uture
ahea- o8 you.

The TA010S +$ployee
</ell5 2 "ever hear- it %e8ore ... %ut it sou"-s u"co$$o" "o"se"se.1
(irst o8 all5 2 hope you -o">t have your Taurus e$ployee ,or7i"g 8or you as a
sales$a". 28 you -o5 have his horoscope chec7e- as soo" as you ca". .e $ay have
so$e pla"ets i" #e$i"i5 Aries5 Leo or *isces. 2" that case5 you ca" sa8ely let hi$
co"ti"ue to pe--le your ,ares. &ther,ise5 you each ,oul- %e %etter o88 i8 you
ge"tly ease- hi$ ?8or goo-"ess sa7es5 -o">t push hi$@ i"to so$e other positio" ,ith
your co$pa"y.
As a pro$oter or sales$a"5 he $ay "ot $a7e the %est possi%le i$pressio" o" your
clie"ts. 2" givi"g a spiel to a custo$er5 his "or$al attitu-e ,oul- %e5 <28 you ,a"t it5
ta7e it. 28 you -o">t5 $ove alo"g.< The average Taurus e$ployee is">t a%out to
per8or$ a 8ast %uc7 a"- ,i"g 8or a prospective %uyer. Nor is he "ote- 8or his gol-e"
to"gue a"- outpouri"g o8 i$agi"ative5 -escriptive phrases. 0"less you call <0$ph<
a"- <#u$ph< a"- <M$$ .$$< a"- <Mu$ph< i$agi"ative5 -escriptive phrases.
Not that he -oes">t have $a"y sterli"g 'ualities. .e -oes. 4ut they>re usually "ot the
7i"- to s,ay people or press the$ i"to sig"i"g o" the -otte- li"e. .e>s 8ar $ore
li7ely to tell the$ ,hy they shoul-">t get i"volve-.
The $ost i$porta"t reaso" Taurea"s sel-o$ gravitate to selli"g5 ho,ever5 is relate-
to the %asic Taurus "ee- 8or security. .e $ust 8eel a se"se o8 security i" his ,or75 or
his pote"tial 8or success-,hich ca" %e tre$e"-ous-,ill %e $ar7e-ly -ilute-. No
$atter ho, large the possi%le re,ar- $ay %e5 i8 it 8luctuates5 the Taurus e$ployee
,ill pre8er the sa8ety o8 7"o,i"g ho, $a"y -ollar %ills he ca" cou"t each ,ee7. A
Taurea" o" straight co$$issio" is usually o"e o8 the u"happiest hu$a" %ei"gs i"
the ,orl-. A set salary5 plus a %o"us i"ce"tive 8or sales5 ,oul- co$e closer to
givi"g hi$ the se"se o8 achieve$e"t he "ee-s5 %ut eve" so the positio" o8 sales$a"
is">t the i-eal spot 8or the %ull.
&8 course5 there are a 8e, e:ceptio"s to the rule5 i" a--itio" to the a8ore$e"tio"e-
pla"etary i"8lue"ces. Most Taurea"s ca" ha"-le certai" lo,-pressure sales pitches
,ith -isti"ctio"5 i8 the pro-uct is soli- a"- sta%le5 ,ith %uilt-i" security. 4ut the list
is short. (ar$ e'uip$e"t5 tractors5 $a"ure sprea-ers5 truc7s a"- $o,i"g $achi"es
or such ,oul- %e right up his alley. Those he coul- sell. .e tal7s the sa$e la"guage
as the people ,ho %uy the$. Mo"ey is a"other ite$ he ca" ha"-le o" either si-e o8
the -es75 a"- selli"g cash $ay eve" %e a specialty. Tra"slate-5 that $ea"s he>s a
super $a" to have i" charge o8 the loa" -epart$e"t5 i8 your %usi"ess is %a"7i"g. 4ut
let>s %e truth8ul5 ho, $uch persuasio" is "ee-e- to co"vi"ce a" i"solve"t $a" he
"ee-s $o"eyA
There $ay %e a couple o8 other categories ,here he coul- shi"e as a sales$a". 1eal
estate5 8or i"sta"ce. A Taurea" is per8ectly at ho$e sho,i"g people through houses
or telli"g the$ a%out the value o8 the la"-. .e>ll poi"t to the vie, a"- say5 <0$ph.<
The" hell -escri%e the la"-scapi"g possi%ilities ,ith a" ecstatic <#ru$ph.< A8ter
that5 he>ll -e$o"strate the plu$%i"g a"- closet space ,ith <M$$ .$$5< a"-
8i"ally -iscuss the 8i"a"ci"g ,ith a 8ir$ <Mu$ph.< .ar- as it $ay %e to %elieve5 the
a"s,er 8ro$ the prospective ho$e %uyer ,ill pro%a%ly %e5 <=ep. 2>ll ta7e it.< A8ter
,hich the Taurus sales$a" ,ill a"s,er5 <&7ay. =ou>ve got it.< &r so$ethi"g
si$ilar. The tric7 here is that the Taurea" ho"esty a"- o%vious -epe"-a%ility
i$presses people ,ho are soc7i"g -o," e"ough $o"ey 8or a house. The" there>s the
8iel- o8 e-ucatio". .e %elieves i" 8ir$ 8ou"-atio"s a"- 8acts ,ith such 8ervor5 a"-
he has such 8aith i" prepari"g 8or the 8uture5 alo"g ,ith a positive -istaste 8or
ig"ora"ce5 that he coul- tal7 a girl i"to ta7i"g the e"gi"eeri"g course at M.2.T. .e
,oul-">t see a"ythi"g silly at all a%out a 8e$ale stu-yi"g e"gi"eeri"g. To hi$5
practical is practical5 regar-less o8 se:.
There>s also a possi%ility that a Taurea" ,ith a #e$i"i asce"-a"t or Mars i" #e$i"i
,oul- $a7e a superior ra-io or T a""ou"cer. The typical5 $usical to"es o8
Taurea" speech couple- ,ith #e$i"i char$ a"- gli%"ess ca" $a7e hi$ a "atural i"
such $e-ia. The"5 too5 i8 the right pla"ets ,ere i" Aries at %irth5 their i"8lue"ce
coul- co"ceiva%ly co$%i"e ,ith his Taurus Su" to give hi$ e:ceptio"al pro-
$otio"al or pu%lic relatio"s a%ilities5 though he ,oul- "ever %e a high-pressure
type. 2>$ a8rai- that ;ust a%out covers the territory 8or a Taurus sales$a". 2" $ost
other areas5 a"- ,ithout the proper a--itio"al pla"etary i"8lue"ces5 he>s $uch %etter
o88 -oi"g thi"gs that co$e $ore "aturally to his i$pertur%a%le "ature.
&"e o8 those thi"gs is 7"o," i" politics as hol-i"g the ce"ter together5 a" a%ility
,hich is also e:tre$ely valua%le i" the %usi"ess ,orl-. /hatever -es7 he>s assig"e-
to5 he>ll root hi$sel8 %ehi"- it ,ith -eter$i"atio" to succee-5 a"- he pro%a%ly ,ill.
.e>ll ,or7 slo,ly a"- ai$ 8or per8ectio"5 ,hich he usually achieves i8 he>s le8t
alo"e a"- "ot pushe- too 8ast. The $ore respo"si%ility the positio" re'uires o8 hi$5
the s$arter you>ll %e to put hi$ i" charge. =ou>ll sel-o$ e";oy the services o8 a
$ore -epe"-a%le5 trust,orthy a"- ho"est e$ployee. .ell see7 to help your co$-
pa"y e:pa"-5 "ot his o," ego. A success8ul Taurea" ,earS the sa$e hat si3e as he
-i- ,he" he ,as still tryi"g.
Much as he -isli7es cha"ge5 i8 he>s a" e:ceptio"al Taurus5 you ,o">t 7eep hi$
8orever. .e ,o">t leave %ecause he>s 8lighty5 %ut 8or a %asic reaso" that>s part o8 his
"ature. &"ce he>s esta%lishe- the gro,th o8 your co$pa"y5 he>s "ot the type to
re$ai" there a"- ru" it 8or you. Taurus is $ore i"tereste- i" %uil-i"g po,er a"-
,ealth. .e li7es his 8ree-o$ too $uch to %e tie- to the co"sta"t $a"ipulatio"s o8
gui-i"g a co$plicate- %usi"ess5 or o8 %ei"g the u"see" cog. .e>s relia%le a"-
co"te"t to stic75 %ut he ,a"ts to %e 8ree to co"ti"ue to %uil- i"stea- o8 %ei"g tie- up
,ith i"tricate -etails. /he" there>s "o $ore i"ce"tive to gro, ,ith your 8ir$5 he>ll
8eel the lege"-ary Taurea" itch to lay his o," 8ou"-atio" a"- erect his o," e$pire5
$i"or or $a;or.
A Taurus e$ployee5 ,hether he>s e:ceptio"al or average5 is al,ays a" outsta"-i"g
,or7er5 a"- o"e o8 his $ost e"-eari"g 'ualities is his ,illi"g"ess to ta7e or-ers
,ithout rese"t$e"t. The reaso" %ehi"- it is si$ple. .e has a" i""er co"victio" that
the ,ay to %eco$e a %oss ,ho gives or-ers is to %e 8irst a cheer8ul su%or-i"ate ,ho
ta7es or-ers. .is respect 8or authority is %ase- o" his 7"o,le-ge that ,he" he
%eco$es a" e:ecutive5 he>ll e:pect his e$ployees to 8ollo, his -irectio"s. As a %oss
hi$sel85 hell have -e8i"ite a"- pro%a%ly rigi-ly set i-eas a"- $etho-s. There8ore. he
8i"-s "oth$e stra"ae or u"pleasa"t a%out your i"siste"ce o" a-heri"g to a 8i:e-
patter" ,he" he ,or7s 8or you. As 8ar as he>s co"cer"e-5 you>re i" charge.
Such a" attitu-e is o%viously 'uite a %o"us5 %ut -o">t let his 7i"-ly -ispositio" "or
his se"si%le ac'uiesce"ce to superiors 8ool you i"to thi"7i"g he ca" %e easily shove-
arou"-. .e has a sort o8 Machiavellia" -etach$e"t to,ar- those ,ho thi"7 they>re
$a"ipulati"g hi$5 a"- he>ll ha"-le the$ ,ith s$ooth tact a"- -iplo$acy. =et5 i8
you loo7 closely5 you>ll see his to"gue is i" his chee7 ,hile he>s hu$ori"g the
aggressive people ,ho try to -rive hi$. 2" the e"-5 Taurus ,ill have his o," ,ay.
.is success is eve" $ore assure- %y his a%ility to ,ait as lo"g as "ecessary u"til he
,i"s out over the pushy types. .o,ever5 ,he" his perso"al e$otio"s are tra$ple-
o" or his -eep pri-e is hurt5 his cool stea-i"ess $ay -isappear a"- %e replace- %y a
chil-ish stu%%or""ess. 1e$e$%er5 that ,hile he>s pouti"g5 he>s co$%usti%le5 a"-
lia%le to e:plo-e 8i"ally i" a 8ierce -isplay o8 te$per. 2t ,o">t last lo"g5 a"- the %ull
,ill %e o$i"ously 'uiet a8ter such a <charge5< %ut i8 the cause is">t recti8ie-
i$$e-iately5 he>ll si$ply leave5 a"- he ,o">t gla"ce %ehi"- hi$. /he" a Taurus
goes out the -oor5 he has le8t. There ,o">t %e a"y sheepish retur"s to try agai". The
%ac7 o8 his %roa- shoul-ers ,ill %e the last you see o8 hi$. Nothi"g you ca" say or
-o ,ill persua-e hi$ to reco"si-er. The %ull $a7es up his $i"- so slo,ly i" the
8irst place5 there>s "ever a"y "ee- to ta7e a seco"- loo7 at the $atter. Taurea"
8oresight preclu-es the "ee- 8or hi"-sight. Si"ce his is such a se"sual5 lovi"g "ature5
you ca" pro%a%ly 8i"- ple"ty o8 e:-s,eethearts ,ho ,ill sa-ly tell you that ,he" he
,aves goo-%ye he -oes">t co$e %ac7 8or e"cores. 2" %oth love a"- %usi"ess5 people
8re'ue"tly $a7e the $ista7e o8 thi"7i"g the Taurea">s patie"ce is eter"al5 ;ust
%ecause it ta7es hi$ so lo"g to lose it.
The 8e$ale Taurea" e$ployee is usually a real ;e,el. 28 she>s a typical Taurus5 she>ll
have a 'uiet5 lo,-pitche- voice a"- soothi"g $a""er. These ,o$e" "or$ally $a7e
great e:ecutive secretaries. +$erge"cies -o">t thro, the$ o88 %ala"ce. A crisis
%ri"gs out the %est i" the$5 a"- that>s co"si-era%le. She $ay %e a %it slo,er tha" the
others ,ith typi"g a"- -ictatio". She>s "ot e:actly a 8ire%all5 a"- you>ll "ever see her
ri-i"g a $otorcycle to ,or75 %ut her ;o% ,ill get -o"e. /ell -o"e. Li7e the $ales5
she 8eels that i8 a ;o% is ,orth -oi"g at all it>s ,orth -oi"g ,ell5 to the very %est o8
her a%ility. +very May perso" has that $otto chisele- so$e,here per$a"e"tly. This
girl ,o">t ya," i" your 8ace ,he" you>re e:pou"-i"g your pet theories. 28 the i-eas
are practical5 shell pro%a%ly co"verse ,ith you a%out the$ li7e a $a". .er vie,s
,ill %e ,orth %eari"g5 a"- her approach ,ill %e se"si%le a"- logical. 4ut -o">t let
that give you the i$pressio" she>s "ot a real 8e$ale.
4e care8ul. This is "ot a ,o$a" ,ho ,ill or-i"arily %eco$e i"volve- i" casual
o88ice 8lirtatio"s. She ca" cut up a"- %e loa-s o8 laughs5 %ut u"-er"eath her ,ar$5
%ovi"e hu$or is a $i"- 8ir$ly set o" $arriage. 28 she accepts a -i""er i"vitatio"
t,ice5 she>s pro%a%ly alrea-y si3i"g you up as a goo- provi-er 8or a li8eti$e5 "ot ;ust
a" e:citi"g -ate 8or a rai"y Thurs-ay. These ,o$e" are 'uite serious a%out the
sta7es i" a"y ro$a"tic ga$e. 28 you 8it the 'uali8icatio"s o8 a Taurea" 8e$ale as
hus%a"- $aterial5 you>re "ot a" or-i"ary $a" %y a"y%o-y>s sli-e rule. The $a" i"
the co$pa"y ,ho>s the recipie"t o8 the Taurus ,o$a">s atte"tio"s is the $a" to
,atch. .e>s goi"g so$e,here. 28 it happe"s to %e yoursel85 you $ay soo" lose a
peach o8 a secretary5 %ut you>ll get a ,i8e i" a $illio"5 ,hich shoul- %ri"g you out
(e$ale Taurus e$ployees are pleasa"t to have arou"- %ecause they s$ell "ice5 they
loo7 "ice5 they>re gracious a"- they -o">t s$o7e cigars5 a$o"g other thi"gs. ?0"less
you happe" to have o"e ,ith a" Aries Moo" or asce"-a"t5 ,ho ,oul- s$ell a"-
loo7 ;ust as "ice5 %ut ,ho $ight very ,ell s$o7e cigars a"- shout a little.@
Taurus people o8 %oth se:es hate to sleep i" stra"ge %e-s5 a phrase they>re 8o"- o8
repeati"g. There8ore5 $ost Taurea" $e" a"- ,o$e" pre8er to spe"- their vacatio"s
at ho$e. 4arri"g a #e$i"i Moo" or Sagittarius asce"-a"t5 the grass ,ill al,ays
loo7 %oth gree"er a"- thic7er i" the %ull>s o," %ac7yar-. /he" he>s o" vacatio"5
se"sually sippi"g le$o"a-e a"- i"hali"g the sce"t o8 8lo,ers 8ro$ his ha$$oc75
you ca" sa8ely call hi$ i" 8or a" o88ice e$erge"cy. .ell pro%a%ly o%lige ,ith a
goo--"ature- gri"5 a"- eve" 8eel it>s his -uty to help out. 4ut -o">t i$pose too o8te".
There>s a li$it to his patie"t accepta"ce o8 repeate- i$positio"s5 a"- it>s 8oolhar-y
to ris7 $a7i"g hi$ a"gry to -iscover that li$it. Stop ,hile you>re ahea-.
The %ull ,or7s happily as a 8lorist5 i" the livestoc7 or poultry i"-ustry5 i"
super$ar7ets or i" the ,holesale 8oo- i"-ustry. .e $a7es a goo- -octor or
e"gi"eer5 too. A"- he ca" %e 'uite co"te"te- i" a" artistic career. The sou"- o8
$usic a"- the visual hyp"otis$ o8 art pull hi$ $ag"etically. .e>s "ever $ore at
ho$e tha" ,he" he>s e:pressi"g hi$sel8 creatively5 through his se"ses5 as lo"g as
the 8i"a"cial re,ar-s are sou"- a"- the 8ou"-atio" is">t sha7y.
A Taurus so"g,riter is usually $isera%le5 especially -uri"g the lea" years5 %e8ore he
,rites his 8irst %ig hit. 4ut ,he" he co$%i"es his creative tale"t ,ith the $ore
sta%le5 secure tas7 o8 pro-uci"g recor-s or arra"gi"g scores5 he>s i" his o," ele$e"t.
=ou>ll 8i"- that every Taurea" si"ger or co$poser5 ,ithout e:ceptio"5 eve"tually
e"-s up i" the pro-uctio" e"- o8 the $usic %usi"ess to so$e -egree.
A8ter the %ull has 8ou"- the right $ea-o,5 ,here the opportu"ities gro, ple"ti8ully5
he sel-o$ see7s cha"ge or "e, 8iel-s to co"'uer. .e>ll ,eigh5 %ala"ce a"- soa7 up
7"o,le-ge o8 his career through years o8 -evotio" to it. .e ca" put up ,ith a lot5 i8
he>s co"vi"ce- hi$sel8 there>s a 8uture5 a"- i8 the occupatio" 8its hi$ s"ugly or
<8eels goo-< to hi$. Taurus is i"cre-i%ly capa%le o8 perseveri"g u"til the re,ar-
co$es5 %ut o"ly ,he" he>s at the ce"ter o8 thi"gs5 "ever ,he" he>s i"securely
che,i"g arou"- the e-ges a"- hopi"g 8or a %rea7. &"ce he 8eels the "ecessary se"se
o8 achieve$e"t a"- security %e"eath hi$5 a"- o"ce he>s pla"te- hi$sel8 i" a
positio" ,here he ca" %uil- ever higher5 he $oves 8or,ar- ,ith co"8i-e"ce. The"
he %eco$es irresisti%le to the elusive5 8ic7le go--ess o8 success. 2t ,o">t tur" his
hea-. .e>ll stay 8aith8ul to her5 %ut he>ll put her i" her place-a"- it ,ill %e a li8elo"g
love a88air.

J>OO ta7es all the ru""i"g you ca" -o5
to 7eep i" the sa$e place.
28 you ,a"t to get so$e,here else5
you $ust ru" at least t,ice as 8ast as that(J

#+M2N25 the T,i"s
May 22"- through Ju"e 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The #+M2N2 Ma"
The #+M2N2 /o$a"
The #+M2N2 !hil-
The #+M2N2 4oss
The #+M2N2 +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e #+M2N2
<2 ,ish you ,ou-">t 7eep appeari"g A"- va"ishi"g so su--e"ly. =ou $a7e o"e
'uite gi--yI< This ti$e it va"ishe- 'uite slo,ly5 %egi""i"g ,ith the e"- o8 the tail5
a"- e"-i"g ,ith the gri"5 ,hich re$ai"e- 8or so$e ti$e a8ter the rest o8 it ha- go"e.
28 there are ti$es ,he" a #e$i"i perso" $a7es you thi"7 you>re seei"g -ou%le5
-o">t ru" out a"- cha"ge your glasses. Just re$e$%er that #e$i"i is the sig" o8 the
t,i"s5 a"- there are t,o -isti"ct si-es to his cha"gea%le perso"ality. No, you see it5
"o, you -o">t. /as it love you thought you caught 8leeti"gly o" those $o%ile
8eaturesA .ateA +cstasyA 2"tellige"ceA 2-ealis$A Sorro,A JoyA The $ercurial
cha"ges o8 a #e$i"i>s e:pressio" are as 8asci"ati"g to ,atch as the psyche-elic
lights i" a -iscothe'ue. 2t>s har- to tell ,here reality e"-s a"- illusio" %egi"s. They
%le"--the" they separate.
F"o,i"g ,here to loo7 8or this versatile creature re'uires a little 8orethought. .e
$ay %e o"e place to-ay a"- so$e,here else to$orro,. Su--e"ly5 too. A #e$i"i
ca" cha"ge his clothes5 his ;o%5 his love li8e or his resi-e"ce as 8ast as he cha"ges his
$i"-5 a"- that>s pretty 8ast. (i"-i"g a goo- e:a$ple to stu-y $ay 7eep you hoppi"g.
=ou coul- try a %oo7store. .e>s a %ro,ser5 %ecause he ca" get the gist o8 the
co"te"ts i" a %rie8 sca""i"g o8 the pages. ?2t>s "o acci-e"t that Joh" (. Fe""e-y ,as
a spee- rea-er.@ Mercury people also have that "asty ha%it o8 rea-i"g the last page
8irst. 28 you 7"o, a #e$i"i ,ho has ever rea- a %oo7 8ro$ %egi""i"g to e"- ,ithout
getti"g %ore- hal8,ay through5 se"- hi$ to the S$ithso"ia" as a curio ?or chec7 his
"atal chart to see i8 he has Taurus5 !apricor" or o"e o8 the $ore persiste"t sig"s o"
the asce"-a"t@. #e$i"is li7e to s7ip %ac7 a"- 8orth i" a %oo75 a patter" o8 actio"
they also pre8er ,he" it co$es to thi"gs other tha" rea-i"g.
=ou>re sure to 8i"- a #e$i"i or t,o s7i$$i"g through the halls a"- $atchi"g ,its
,ith people i" a ra-io statio"5 a pu%lic relatio"s 8ir$5 a pu%lishi"g house5 a
telepho"e a"- . s,eri"g service5 a" auto sho,roo$ or a" a-vertisi"g age"cy-i8 you
ca" catch o"e %et,ee" appoi"t$e"ts. - /he" you>ve 8ou"- this 'uic7silver perso"5
stu-y hi$ care8ully5 eve" i8 you -o get e:hauste- 8ollo,i"g hi$ arou"-. The 8irst
thi"g you>ll "otice is a "ervous e"ergy that 8airly s"aps5 crac7les a"- pops i" the air
arou"- hi$. 28 he has a Scorpio5 Li%ra5 !a"cer or !apricor" $oo"5 he $ay "ot
vi%rate ,ith so $uch o%vious crac7le5 %ut the s"ap a"- pop are late"t5 a"- you>ll
se"se their prese"ce u"-er the i"8lue"ce o8 the other pla"etary positio"s. A"
occasio"al #e$i"i ,ill spea7 slo,ly5 %ut $ost o8 the$ tal7 8ast. All o8 the$ liste"
Ma" or ,o$a"5 #e$i"i is i$patie"t ,ith co"servative stic7-i"-the-$u-s5 or ,ith
people ,ho ca">t $a7e up their $i"-s ,here they sta"- o" particular issues. #e$i"i
7"o,s ,here he sta"-s5 at least 8or the $o$e"t.
0"less there>s a co"8licti"g asce"-a"t5 the #e$i"i %uil- is ge"erally sle"-er5 agile
a"- taller tha" average. Ma"y o8 the$ have s$all5 sharp 8eatures5 as i8 they ,ere cut
i" a ca$eo. =ou>ll 8i"- so$e ,ith %ro," eyes5 o8 course5 %ut the $a;ority o8 those
rule- %y Mercury ,ill have %eauti8ul5 crystal-clear ha3el5 %lue5 gree" or gray eyes
that t,i"7le a"- -art here a"- there. #e$i"is "ever rest their eyes o" o"e o%;ect 8or
$ore tha" a 8e, seco"-s. 2" 8act5 their alert5 'uic7-$ovi"g eyes are o8te" the easiest
,ay to recog"i3e the$. The co$ple:io" te"-s to %e rather pale5 yet they usually ta"
easily5 a"- that>s the ,ay to spot the$ i" the su$$er. ?2" the ,i"ter5 they o8te" have
,i"- %u$s 8ro$ s,oopi"g -o," a s7i slope.@
There>s a" eager"ess a%out #e$i"is5 a" i$$e-iate5 sy$pathetic 8rie"-li"ess5 a"-
u"usually 'uic75 %ut grace8ul $ove$e"ts. The hair ca" %e light or -ar7 or %oth-li7e5
strea7e-. T,i"s5 re$e$%erA The "ose is li7ely to %e lo"g a"- straight or -ai"ty-i"
either case5 pro%a%ly ,ell 8or$e-. There>s 8re'ue"tly a rece-i"g hairli"e i" the $e"
?8ro$ all that activity i" the %rai"5 perhaps@5 a"- %oth se:es "or$ally have rather
high 8orehea-s.
2t>s usually a $ista7e to try to pi" #e$i"is -o," to either o"e place or o"e i-ea. 2t>s
al,ays a $ista7e to challe"ge the$ to a %attle o8 ,its5 %ecause they ca" tal7 the$-
selves i" a"- out o8 situatio"s ,ith the greatest ease. They thi"7 8ast o" their 8eet ?or
i" a"y other positio"@B they ca" %e sharply satirical5 a"- they>re $ore clever tha" al-
$ost a"y%o-y. So$e Mercury people ta7e a $ischievous -elight i" -isco"certi"g
slo,er $i"-s ,ith their light"i"g 8ast $e"tal processes. .o, ,oul- you li7e to get
i"to a" argu$e"t ,ith #e$i"i 4o% .opeA
A Ju"e perso" ,ill so$eti$es appear to light "ear you5 li7e a" i"'uisitive %ir-5
survey the sce"e ,ith e:cite- curiosity5 the" -art o88 i" a -i88ere"t -irectio" al$ost
%e8ore you ca" say hello. 2 o8te" ;oi" a #e$i"i 8rie"- i" Li"-y>s 8or cheeseca7e a"-
so$e casual co"versatio". .e>s thirty-8ive to 8orty years ol-5 %ut he loo7s li7e a
college stu-e"t5 ,hich is typical o8 #e$i"i>s ageless appeara"ce. (or a ,hile ,ell
tal7 pleasa"tly5 i"terrupti"g each other a"- easily %ou"ci"g 8ro$ o"e topic to
a"other. The" 2>ll search i" $y purse 8or a co$pact or a pe"cil5 loo7 up-a"- li7e
so$e -isappeari"g artist i" a $agic act5 $y #e$i"i 8rie"- has va"ishe- i"to thi" air5
ta7i"g the chec7 ,ith hi$. ?The $ore u"evolve- types use this agility to leave you
,ith the chec7.@ /he" he pulls o"e o8 those 8ast -issolves5 2 gla"ce arou"- the roo$
a":iously5 a"- su--e"ly5 there he is-$a7i"g a pho"e call or ,avi"g to $e gaily as
he s7ips out the -oor to ,ho-7"o,s-,here.
This particular #e$i"i ,as rece"tly e"gage- to a ,o"-er8ul A'uaria" girl ?i8
a"yo"e ca" cope ,ith a" elusive #e$i"i5 it>s a" A'uaria"@5 a"- a ,ee7 %e8ore the
,e--i"g5 8ive ,oul- get you t,e"ty a"y,here o" 4roa-,ay that he ,oul- 8i"- a
,ay to slip out o8 the "oose-that so$eho,5 he ,oul-">t $a7e it to the church o"
ti$e. 4ut he -i-. #e$i"is ca" surprise you. +specially ,he" they>re i" love.
&"e o8 $y 8avorite #e$i"ia"s is a Mercury ,o$a" ,ho-typically-ru"s 4elles
Li$ite-5 a Ne, =or7 a"s,eri"g service. The play. The 4ells Are 1i"gi"g5 ,as
%ase- o" her li8e. *ossi%ly -ue to %ei"g glue- to the telepho"e t,e"ty hours a -ay5
she>s "ot 'uite as light o" her 8eet as she ,as ,he" she use- to %righte" 4illy 1ose>s
chorus li"e. =ou coul-">t call her agile5 si"ce she sel-o$ gets a cha"ce to leave her
s,itch%oar-5 %ut still she gives the i$pressio" o8 8lyi"g arou"-5 eve" ,he" she>s
i$$o%ile. Li7e $ost #e$i"i 8e$ales5 she has a" e:tre$ely pretty5 i"teresti"g 8ace5
,ith i"tellige"ce sta$pe- o" every 8eature5 a"- her 'uic7 Mercury ha"-s 8lutter i"
the air li7e lively %ir-s.
0si"g $ore char$ a"- ,it tha" the la, allo,s5 she cheer8ully solves everyo"e>s
pro%le$s i" the t,i"7li"g-o8 o"e o8 her clear5 %lue eyes. 2>ve ,atche- this ,o$a"
< 8i"- a %a%y sitter a"- a pair o8 ger%ils 8or a custo$er5 $a7e out the grocery list5
,rite thirty-t,o chec7s ?o"e o8 her 8avorite occupatio"s@5 pho"e a 4roa-,ay
pro-ucer o" a-yacht i" the !ari%%ea"5 se"- "i"e telegra$s5 8ol- the 8a$ily lau"-ry5
8igure the ,ee7>s ,or7i"g sche-ule 8or her operators5 8i"- her hus%a"->s %lue tie5
,rite -o," the -irectio"s 8or the shop ,here he coul- pic7 up so$e tropical 8ish 8or
their so"5 s"ap 8our *olaroi- pictures o8 the -og5 ope" a"- rea- her $o"thly %ills
?the" a%se"tly 8ile the$ i" the ,aste%as7et@5 help a casti"g o88ice locate a" actress
,ho spea7s si: la"guages5 a"- give t,elve clie"ts a ,a7e-up call -all i" the space o8
a little over a" hour ,ithout leavi"g her s,ivel chair. #o top that.
The secret is i" the #e$i"ia" -uality. They ca" -o t,o. thi"gs at o"ce ,ith less
e88ort tha" it ta7es $ost o8 us to -o o"e. Mercury ,o$e" o8te" iro"5 8ee- the %a%y
a"- tal7 o" the pho"e at the sa$e ti$e. So$e people s,ear that all #e$i"is ,ere
%or" ,ith a pho"e i" each ha"-.
A"y 7i"- o8 routi"e ca" $a7e a typical #e$i"ia" 8eel li7e a -roopy %ir- i" a cage
,ith his ,i"gs clippe-. These people rese"t -ru-gery a"- $o"oto"y al$ost 8iercely.
0sually5 they are">t the $ost pu"ctual souls i" the ,orl- ?u"less they happe" to have
a irgo asce"-a"t5 i" ,hich case they %eco$e hu$a" alar$ cloc7s@. The typical
#e$i"i5 ho,ever5 al,ays arrives late5 "ot %ecause he 8orgets the ti$e5 %ut %ecause
so$ethi"g caught his i"terest o" the ,ay a"- si-etrac7e- hi$. The restless
Mercurial "ature -e$a"-s co"sta"t e:cite$e"t a"- cha"ge or the spirit %eco$es
-e;ecte- a"- $orose.
28 you have a Mercury 8rie"-5 you>ve pro%a%ly alrea-y e:perie"ce- a co$$o"
#e$i"i ha%it that ca" %e so a""oyi"g it ca" give you ulcers. .e>ll suggest so$e
activity to you5 li7e -roppi"g over to his apart$e"t ?it ,ill sel-o$ %e a house-too
per$a"e"t@5 catchi"g a" ol- .u$phrey 4o-gart 8il$ ,ith a" &ur #a"g co$e-y
?-ou%le 8eature5 "aturally-he -oes">t play si"gles@5 -rivi"g out to a $i"iature gol8
ra"ge to practice a little putti"g or stoppi"g i" Jac7 De$psey>s 8or a 8e, 4loo-y
Marys. =ou>re tire- a"- you>re o" the ,ay ho$e. =ou tha"7 hi$ a"y,ay5 %ut as7
8or a rai" chec7. The #e$i"i argues ,ith you. !o"vi"ci"gly. .e tur"s o" those %a%y
%lues ?or gree"s or %ro,"s@ a"- ,eaves a cocoo" o8 char$ arou"- you. .e tal7s so
8ast a"- his s$ile is so persuasive that5 a8ter a ,hile5 you give i". =ou>ll go. .e has
a 8e, erra"-s to ru"5 so he says he>ll $eet you o" the co$er i" a%out a" hour. That
you -i-">t e:pect so you start to %ac7 out5 %ut he tur"s o" his tech"i'ue agai"5 a"-
you 8i"ally agree to $eet hi$. 2t>s a real -rag5 7illi"g the hour5 a"- %esi-es5 your 8eet
hurt5 %ut you $a"age to -o it5 a"- you sho, up o" the co$er at the appoi"te- ti$e.
#oo- ol- Ji$ is a hal8 hour late a"- a little out o8 %reath ,he" he gets there. #uess
,hatA .e>s cha"ge- his $i"-. .e>s really %eat. .e>s -eci-e- to call it a -ay5 hit the
sac7-a"- $a7e the sce"e to$orro, "ight. =ou -o">t $i"-5 -o youA &"ly a #e$i"i
coul- avoi- a soc7 i" the ;a, at that poi"t. 4ut he -oes. =ou 8orgive hi$5 a"- ,hat>s
really ri-iculous is that you>ll actually $eet hi$ the "e:t "ight5 li7e you ha- goo-
se"se or so$ethi"g. =ou>ve o"ly yoursel8 to %la$e 8or succu$%i"g to the irresisti%le
#e$i"i sales pitch. 28 you get stoo- up agai" the 8ollo,i"g eve"i"g5 you have it
co$i"g. 2t serves you right 8or letti"g hi$ s,eet tal7 you.
There>s a -eep-seate- "ee- i" all Ju"e people to -isguise their true $otives. Li7e the
*isces they 8eel a co$pulsio" to %ehave i" a ,ay e:actly opposite to their real -e-
sires. 4ut this a$a3i"g #e$i"i versatility a"- 8acility o8 speech $a7es the$ terri8ic
politicia"s5 "ot to $e"tio" e:perts i" the 8iel- o8 hu$a" relatio"ships. A #e$i"i
7"o,s ho, to s,erve you 8ro$ your $ost stu%%or"ly hel- co"victio"s. .e ca" t,ist
you li7e a pret3el ,ith his $e"tal 7arate5 get you to agree ,ith hi$ a"- love hi$ 8or
-oi"g it to you. 4ut i8 trou%le -evelops5 he 7"o,s i"sti"ctively ;ust ,here the
s7eleto"s are %urie- i" your closet5 a"- he ca" use his 8ast $i"- a"- clever to"gue to
rattle those %o"es -a"gerously.
There>s a stra"ge thi"g a%out #e$i"is a"- ,riti"g. The Su" sig" itsel8 rules ,riti"g.
There8ore5 practically every Mercury $a" or ,o$a" ca" tur" a clever phrase a"-
stri"g ,or-s together i"tellige"tly. =ou>ll 8i"- ,hole sle,s o8 the$ ,riti"g
speeches5 co$$ercials5 -ocu$e"taries5 plays a"- %oo7s. 4ut the %oo7s ,ill %e
"ovels5 te:t%oo7s5 "o"8ictio" or %iographies. ery sel-o$ ,ill you 8i"- the
#e$i"ia" ,riti"g his o," li8e story. A"- it>s e:tre$ely rare to 8i"- o"e ,ho li7es to
,rite perso"al letters. The typical #e$i"i hates to a"s,er correspo"-e"ce. .e>ll
procrasti"ate 8or ,ee7s.
2t $ay see$ to %e co"tra-ictory at 8irst5 %ut the reaso" is clear5 ,he" you reali3e the
relucta"ce o8 Mercury people to %e pi""e- -o," to a" opi"io". They hesitate to put
their thoughts o" paper %ecause they i"sti"ctively 7"o, that ,hat they %elieve
to-ay5 they $ay "ot %elieve to$orro,- a"- they -o">t ,a"t to %e co$$itte- i"
,riti"g. (e, #e$i"is "ee- to %e ,ar"e- %y their attor"eys to <Say it5 -o">t ,rite it.<
They ,ere %or" ,ith that -e8e"se $echa"is$. There are a" asto"ishi"g "u$%er o8
#e$i"i authors ,ho choose to use a pseu-o"y$-a"- eve" the average #e$i"ia"
,ill eve"tually 8i"- so$e reaso" to a-opt a" alias -either a co$plete cha"ge-a
-i88ere"t spelli"g5 or at the very least5 a "ic7"a$e. The rule is so co"siste"t5 you ca"
,i" a "ice "est egg %etti"g o" it ,ith all the #e$i"is you 7"o,.
Al$ost every #e$i"i spea7s5 u"-ersta"-s or rea-s $ore tha" o"e la"guage a"-
(re"ch is the 8avorite. &"e ,ay or a"other5 the #e$i"i ,ill triu$ph ,ith ,or-s. .e
cut his teeth o" /e%ster>s 0"a%ri-ge-. .e ca" sell ice cu%es to a" +s7i$o or -rea$s
to a pessi$ist. 28 you happe" to catch hi$ i" so$e -o-ge5 he ca" cha"ge the su%;ect
so 8ast5 a"- -irect the co"versatio" a,ay 8ro$ hi$sel8 so a-roitly5 that the ,hole
a88air e"-s ,ith you o" the carpet i"stea- o8 hi$. So$eti$es the Mercury te"-e"cy
to 8ool people ca" lea- to -isho"esty or cri$i"al activity5 %ut "ot as o8te" as you>ve
%ee" le- to %elieve. Although his tale"ts ca" te$pt a" occasio"al #e$i"i to live i" a
,e% o8 lies a"- -eceptio"5 $ost o8 the$ are too i-ealistic 8or a li8e o8 cri$e. Still it
$ust %e a-$itte- Mercury gives the$ superior e'uip$e"t 8or success i" that 8iel--
a"- they ca" %e %rillia"t co" artists i8 they choose. /ith their $a"ual -e:terity5 i8
they pic7 a poc7et5 8orge a chec7 or cou"ter8eit a sa,%uc75 at least they>re "eat
a%out it a"- sel-o$ get caught.
28 you co$e across a s$ooth-tal7i"g use- car sales$a" ,ho ,as %or" i" Ju"e5 a"-
he tells you the %lue Stu-e%a7er ha- ;ust o"e 8or$er o,"er-a little ol- la-y ,ho
-rove it o"ly to church every Su"-ay $or"i"g-you>- %e ,ise to as7 the "a$e o8 the
church a"- chec7 ,ith the little ol- la-y ?u"less she>s a #e$i"i5 too@. 4ut seriously5
u"less the a88lictio"s a"- pla"etary positio"s i" the "atal chart are $ar7e-5 the
$a;ority o8 #e$i"is are ho"est-a"- so$e o8 the$ are eve" pai"8ully ho"est to a
8ault. They see$ to go 8ro$ o"e e:tre$e to a"other. =et5 they all-petty thie8- co"
$a"-a"- upsta"-i"g citi3e" ali7e-,ill %e u"a%le to resist putti"g a light coat o8
var"ish o" a story at ti$es. &8 course5 that>s "ot lyi"g. That>s i$agi"atio".
As pro$oters5 all Mercury people are a%solutely super%. They have "o e'ual5 "ot
eve" Aries. The pro$otio"s ca" %e strictly a%ove%oar-5 %ut 8e, people are stro"g
e"ough to outlast the co$%i"atio" o8 char$ a"- sharp i"tellect #e$i"i -ishes out5
a"- that alo"e $ay %e ta7i"g u"8air a-va"tage. /he" a #e$i"i tac7les a ,orth,hile
pro;ect- to sell so$ethi"g $a"7i"- -eeply "ee-s a"- ,a"ts5 the a"gels s$ile o"
hi$5 a"- ,e ca" tha"7 those %or" u"-er this Su" sig" 8or $a"y great a"- lasti"g
i$prove$e"ts ,hich have %e"e8ite- all o8 us. At heart5 every Mercury-rule- perso"
is a sales$a"5 eve" the #e$i"i Jesuit priests a"- *rotesta"t $issio"aries. Ta7e t,o
e"tirely -iverge"t e:a$ples ,hich prove it. #e$i"i Joh" (. Fe""e-y sol- the ,hole
,orl- a shi"i"g i-eal-a"- #e$i"i Michael To-- sol- 4roa-,ay a -rea$ or t,o.
+ach i" his o," ,ay5 a Mercury chil-. 4oth the ,orl- a"- 4roa-,ay are "otori-
ously ;a-e- a"- har- to sell.
#e$i"is "ee- to rest their %usy %rai"s ,ith t,ice as $uch sleep as a"yo"e else.
0"8ortu"ately5 si"ce they>re so suscepti%le to i"so$"ia5 they rarely get e"ough.
Nevertheless5 they shoul- try har- to achieve rest5 rest a"- $ore rest5 to heal those
;a"gle- "erves a"- re"e, the over-active %rai" cells5 %ecause "ervous e:haustio" is
a co"sta"t threat. #o%s o8 8resh5 u"pollute- air a"- %arrels o8 %right su"shi"e are
also "ecessities to 7eep the$ out o8 hospitals. A lac7 o8 a"y o8 these5 plus
suppressio" o8 activity-ca" $a7e #e$i"is suscepti%le to acci-e"ts a"- i"8ectio"s
i"volvi"g the shoul-ers5 ar$s5 ha"-s a"- 8i"gers. The lu"gs $ay %e ,ea75 also the
i"testi"es. *ro%le$s i"volvi"g the 8eet5 %ac75 eli$i"atio"5 arthritis5 rheu$atis$ a"-
$igrai"e hea-aches are al,ays a possi%ility 8or the Mercury people ,ho "eglect
their health. The o-- thi"g is that the #e$i"i ca" su88er a" e$otio"al %rea7-o,"
$ore easily 8ro$ %ore-o$ a"- co"8i"e$e"t tha" 8ro$ over-activity.
Deep i"si-e his searchi"g5 i$patie"t "ature5 the #e$i"i see7s a" i-eal5 a"- his chie8
pro%le$ is i" recog"i3i"g ,hat it is. 2t coul- %e a"ythi"g5 si"ce his i$agi"atio"
7"o,s "o %ou"-aries. Mo"ey5 8a$e5 ,ealth5 love a"- career are "ever 'uite e"ough.
Mercury calls #e$i"i higher a"- higher-o" a"- o"-a%ove a"- %eyo"-5 ,ith a
se-uctive pro$ise o8 so$ethi"g al,ays ;ust a little %etter. The grass al,ays loo7s
gree"er ;ust across the roa-. The s7y is %luer over a"other ocea". The starJ shi"e
%righter i" a -i88ere"t place. /hat is it he see7sA *erhaps so$e hi--e"5
u"-iscovere- co"ti"e"t ,ithi" hi$sel8. #e$i"i is the $e"tal e:plorer.
.is eyes are sharp a"- his tale"ts are $ultiple. .e has a %rillia"t hu$or5 tact5
-iplo$acy a"- a-roit"ess-yet he lac7s persiste"ce a"- patie"ce. .e thro,s a,ay the
precious ol- too 'uic7ly 8or the u"trie- "e,5 the" lives to regret the i"sta"t -isposal.
2" spite o8 all the people arou"- hi$5 he shares his -eepest e$otio"s o"ly ,ith his
o"e co"sta"t co$pa"io"-his other t,i" sel8. The air is his ele$e"t a"- his real
ho$e. .e>s a stra"ger to earth.
#e$i"i ca" char$ a %ir- right out o8 its tree a"- give it 8ive "e, so"gs to si"g. 4ut
the restless Mercurial $i"- ca" too easily overloo7 the %lue%ir- o8 happi"ess
,aiti"g ,ist8ully year a8ter year i" his o," %ac7yar-. .e ,ears clear yello,s5
gree"s a"- %lues5 silver a"- gray-a"- his $oo-s re8lect his glitteri"g a'ua$ari"e
;e,el. .e has the light touch5 echoe- i" the -elicate 8ragra"ce o8 the lily-o8-the-
valley5 a"- he has %reathe- the 8resh pro$ise o8 the gree"est 8er"s i" the -eepest
part o8 the 8orest. 4ut the col- $etal o8 Mercury -ivi-es #e$i"i ,ith t,i" -esires5
u"til he stops-a"- ,aits-a"- liste"s-to his o," heart%eat
(a$ous #e$i"i *erso"alities
4e""ett !er8 Joh" Dilli"ger Arthur !o"a" Doyle 4o% Dyla"
Du7e o8 +-i"%urgh la" (le$i"g +rrol (ly"" Ju-y #arla"- *aul #augui" Tho$as
.ar-y 4o% .ope Al Jolso"
Joh" (. Fe""e-y 4eatrice Lillie Marily" Mo"roe !ole *orter 1osali"- 1ussell
*ra"coise Saga" /allis Si$pso" Michael To-- 1u-olph ale"ti"o /alt /hit$a"
(ra"7 Lloy- /right 4righa$ =ou"g

The #+M2N2 Ma"
<2 coul- tell you $y a-ve"tures- %egi""i"g 8ro$ this $or"i"g-<
<At least 2 7"e, ,ho 2 ,as ,he" 2 got up this $or"i"g5 %ut 2 thi"7 2 $ust have %ee"
cha"ge- several ti$es si"ce the".<
4ei"g i" love gives you a "ice se"se o8 ,ar$ security. There>s that heave"ly
co$8ort o8 al,ays 7"o,i"g so$eo"e. is goi"g to %e there ,he" you "ee- hi$-that
you "o lo"ger ,al7 alo"e. All the -ou%ts you 7"e, %e8ore ;ust $elt a,ay. That is5
u"less you>re havi"g a ro$a"ce ,ith a Mercury $a"5 ,hich $ight ta7e the e-ge o88
that <,ar$ security.< 2" 8act5 you>ll a-;ust $uch %etter to a #e$i"i i8 you se"- hi$
out 8or a loa8 o8 %rea- o" Mo"-ay a"- -o">t e:pect hi$ %ac7 u"til Thurs-ay. Never
loo7 8or hi$ u"til you see hi$ co$i"g-a"- -o">t ha"g o"to his coat-tails ,he" he
,a"ts to leave.
&"ce you>ve schoole- yoursel8 to accept his restless5 u"pre-icta%le spirit5 there>s a
goo- cha"ce o8 $a7i"g it ,or7. 4ut "ot i8 you>re goi"g to i"sist o" <that heave"ly
co"a8ort o8 al,ays 7"o,i"g so$eo"e is goi"g to %e there.< =o$>ll pro%a%ly "ever
7"o, 8or sure ,he" this $a" is goi"g to %e a"y,here5 a"- that ca" %ri"g %ac7 so$e
o8 those -ou%ts ro$a"ce is suppose- to $elt a,ay. 2t>s true that ,he" you>re i" love
,ith a #e$i"i5 you ,o">t ,al7 alo$e. =ou $ost certai"ly ,o">t. =ou>ll have at least
t,o people to ,al7 ,ith you-a"- %oth o8 the$ ,ill %e hi$. .e ,as %or" u"-er the
sig" o8 the t,i"s5 you 7"o,. 2" his case5 they>re "ever i-e"tical t,i"s. The -ual
"ature o8 #er$i"i co$%i"es t,o co$pletely -i88ere"t perso"alities. =o$ $ight
eve" %e i"volve- ,ith o"e o8 those Mercury $e$ ,ho are triplets or 'ui"tuplets5
a"- i8 so5 you have 'uilte a cro,- to 7eep you co$pa"y5 eve". ,he" you>re alo"e
,ith hi$.
The typical #e$i"i is the 8avorite o8 every hostess. .e li7es people. The $ore the
$errier. 2t>s a rare #e$i"ia" ,ho>s "ot a per8ectly -elight8ul co"versatio"alist. .e
has e:'uisite taste5 he>s loa-e- ,ith ,itty re$ar7s5 a"- his co$pli$e"ts are
$asterpieces o8 ,ar$ si"cerity. 0sually a $aster o8 i$pecca%le $a""ers a"- social
a-roit"ess5 he 7eeps the party $ovi"g i" $ore ,ays tha" o"e.
=ou 7"o, those scave"ger hu"ts5 ,here people pair o88 ,ith a list o8 ,hac7y ite$s
to collect5 li7e a hair 8ro$ the hea- o8 a 8a$ous $ovie star a"- a piece o8 the %lotter
o" the -es7 o8 the chie8 o8 police5 a"- the couple ,hich has rou"-e- up the $ost
ite$s o" the list gets the pri3eA 2t>s the #e$i"i>s 8avorite 7i"- o8 party5 %ecause it
co$%i"es the highest possi%le e:posure to people o8 all 7i"-s ,ith the highest
possi%le opportu"ity to $ove arou"- 8ro$ place to place-a"- he see7s %oth.
28 you $eet hi$ 8irst at a social a88air ,here he>s per8or$i"g his 8asci"ati"g $ultiple
perso"ality act5 you have">t a cha"ce. =ou>ll %e co"vi"ce- he>s the $ost e:citi"g5
i"teresti"g5 i"tellige"t $a" you>ve ever co$e across. No o"e coul- 'uarrel ,ith that
a"alysis. .e pro%a%ly is. 2t>s "o ,o"-er you>re e:cite- a"- i$presse-. 4ut %e8ore
you let hi$ cha"ge your "a$e5 %e sure you>re capa%le o8 >tac7li"g a" u"certai"
8uture ,ith a $a" ,hose ,hi$s $ay cha"ge ,ith the ,i"-5 a"- ,hose goals i" li8e
$ay shi8t -rastically %e8ore the ho"ey$oo" is eve" over. #e$i"ia" /alt /hit$a"
o"ce ,rote the li"es9 <Do 2 co"tra-ict $ysel8A ... 2 co"tai" $ultitu-es.< /hether he
reali3e- it or "ot5 he ,as su$$i"g up the Mercury "ature.
&"e -ay your #e$i"i $a" $ay call o" you ,ith a chatteri"g $o"7ey perche- o" his
shoul-er a"- suggest goi"g to a 8lea circus. .e>ll %ri"g you 8lo,ers5 per8u$e5 a
pho"ograph recor- or a couple o8 %oo7s5 $ay%e eve" o"e he ,rote hi$sel8. The
hours ,ill spee- %y as you happily su" yoursel8 i" his cheer8ul -ispositio"5 laugh at
his %right5 Blever ;o7es a"- $elt u"-er his gay5 galla"t char$. .e>ll ay <2 love you5<
a hu"-re- -i88ere"t ,ays5 li7e "o o"e ilse i" the ,orl- coul- -o.
The "e:t -ay5 he>ll pho"e you a"- %rea7 a -ate 8or "o iarthly reaso" ,hatsoever5
causi"g you to i$agi"e all sorts o8 thi"gs. /as he o"ly ;o7i"g a%out lovi"g youA 2s
he > Bei"g so$eo"e elseA 2s he i" trou%leA =our 8ears $ay %e <ue. The" agai"5 they
$ay %e 8alse. A ,ee7 later5 he>ll sappear5 8ull o8 sarcastic re$ar7s5 $oo-y a"-
.e>ll %e i$patie"t5 critical a"- petula"t. .e $ay critici3e your shoes5 your lipstic7 or
your literary taste5 a"- have so$e pretty cutti"g -ou%ts a%out the possi%ility o8 your
happi"ess together. +ither all this5 or he>ll %e sulle" a"- trou%le-5 his $i"- 8ar a,ay5
-ista"t a"- aloo8. No use as7i"g ,hy5 you ,o">t get a" a"s,er that $a7es a"y
28 you survive that e:perie"ce5 a 8e, $ore -ays ,ill 8i"- you visiti"g a" art gallery5
theater5 $useu$5 li%rary or opera ,ith your #e$i"i $a"5 a%solutely hyp"oti3e- %y
his 7"o,le-ge a"- ,i-e i"terests. .ell %e u"usually te"-er5 8ull o8 8ragile5 %utter8ly
-rea$s a"- i$agi"ative hopes 8or to$orro,. The" he>ll propose. Li7e that. 6uic7 as
light"i"g. =ou>ll 8orget all the thu"-er a"- stor$ clou-s5 all the rai" that 8ell %e8ore5
say <yes5< %e8ore he cha"ges his $i"--a"- there you are-e"gage- to a" e"ig$a.
=es5 2 sai- e"ig$a. 28 you e:pect a"ythi"g else5 li7e a $a" ,ho>s sta%le a"- patie"t5
,ho ,ill ge"tly play Dar%y to your Joa" ,hile li8e a"- love gli-e o" as s$oothly as
a go"-ola -o," a ro$a"tic ca"al i" e"ice5 you>re hea-e- i" the sa$e -irectio" as a
$erry-go-rou"-. 2" circles. #et o88 8ast a"- "ever $i"- a%out gra%%i"g the %rass
ri"g. Do">t let the gay5 light-hearte- $usic se-uce you i"to 8ollo,i"g a pai"te-
sce"e o8 co"sta"tly cha"gi"g colors5 ,ith sha-es o8 -reary gray as li7ely to sho, up
as su""y yello, or %liss8ul %lue. 28 you>re a" i"cura%le ro$a"tic5 see7i"g per8ect
har$o"y5 you>re i" $ore tha" a little -a"ger.
No $atter ,hat the rest o8 his "atal chart says5 i8 the Su" ,as i" #e$i"i ,he" he
,as %or"5 this $a" ,ill "ot re$ai" to$orro, ,hat he is to-ay5 "or ,ill he have a"y
lasti"g $e$ory o8 yester-ay. 2" o"e ,ay or a"other5 he ,ill cha"ge. #ra"te-5 the
cha"ges $ay al,ays %e 8or the %etter a"- he $"siste"tly ai$ higher. 4ut the
ele$e"t o8 cha"ce is al,ays there. 28 you>re a ga$%ler5 you $ay very ,ell hit the
;ac7pot ,ith hi$5 a"- 8i"- a glorious $e"tal a"- e$otio"al co$pati%ility to
cele%rate o" your gol-e" ,e--i"g a""iversary. 4ut all goo- ga$%lers 7"o, the
o--s %e8ore they place their %et. Just %e sure you -o. T,o rare e:ceptio"s to
#e$i"ia" i"sta%ility o8 purpose see$ to %e *resi-e"t Fe""e-y a"- +"gla"->s 6uee"
ictoria. .o,ever5 7eep i" $i"- that Joh" Fe""e-y ha-5 at all ti$es a $ultitu-e o8
i"terests5 ,hich cha"ge- co"sta"tly5 a"- 6uee" ictoria ?,ho ,as very close to
%ei"g a Taurus %y pla"etary positio"@ %rought a%out a great $a"y i$porta"t cha"ges
i" her cou"try>s custo$s. A"y,ay5 very 8e, o8 us $arry 7i"gs5 'uee"s or presi-e"ts5
,ho have %ee" 8orce- %y circu$sta"ces to $ature a"- Settle i"to a set patter".
A" e:celle"t e:a$ple o8 #e$i"ia" -uality o8 e:pressio" is the co"8essio" o8 a
,o$a" ,ho ,as e:pose- to it. The Mercury-rule- $a" ,as a pro-ucer5 a"- the
,o$a" ,as a 8a$ous5 -ar7-haire- *isces actress. A8ter a ,ee7e"- party ,ith
8rie"-s as the guest o8 the #e$i"i o" his %oat5 -uri"g ,hich he ,as ope"ly
i"sulti"g5 ru-e a"- aloo8 to her5 %y tur"s5 the actress ,as -is$aye- a"- pu33le-.
Later5 she $a-e the re$ar75 <2 -o">t 7"o, ,hat>s ,ro"g ,ith hi$. .e $ust hate $e.
2>ve "ever -o"e a"ythi"g to hi$5 yet he har-ly spo7e a ,or- to $e all ,ee7e"-.<
Ah5 %ut -o">t you see5 she ha- -o"e so$ethi"g to hi$. She ha- $a-e hi$ 8all i"
love ,ith her. The e$otio" ,as serious e"ough 8or hi$ to $arry her soo" a8ter the
i"ci-e"t. 4ut ho, -i- he react to his 8irst 7"o,le-ge o8 a 8eeli"g o8 te"-er"ess
to,ar- herA As though she ,ere Lucretia 4orgia.
.er e:perie"ce pro%a%ly ,o">t 7eep you 8ro$ leapi"g i"to a ro$a"ce ,ith a
Mercury $a". Still5 it $ight soothe the ,ou"-s o8 a 8e, o8 you girls ,ho have %ee"
su88eri"g 8ro$ the col- actio"s o8 a #e$i"i ,ho>s pro%a%ly helplessly i" love ,ith
you a"- cleverly co"ceali"g it 8or his o,"5 u"8atho$a%le reaso"s. #e$i"is have a"
u"co"scious urge to -isguise their true i"te"t5 to 8e"ce ,ith others ver%ally a"-
cloa7 their $otives ,ith -ual actio"s. 2" ge"eral5 they see7 to co"8use you. The"
,ith true #e$i"ia" i"co"siste"cy5 they>ll tur" right arou"- a"- %e so -irect5 they>ll
8airly ta7e your %reath a,ay ,ith their 8ra"7"ess a"- %lu"t"ess.
Lovi"g a #e$i"i is easy a"- 8u"5 i8 you -o">t try to get too close. There>s a i""er
core that %elo"gs o"ly to hi$5 that he>ll "ever share ,ith a"other hu$a" %ei"g5 eve"
you. Feep thi"gs cool a"- light5 a"- -o">t %e overly passio"ate or -ra$atic. Do">t
%ore hi$5 al,ays e:cite hi$ a"- your #e$i"i ro$a"ce ca" %e very special. Do">t
re%el agai"st his cha"gea%ility. !ha"ge ,ith hi$. 4e as alert a"- i"tereste- i" li8e as
he is. &ther,ise5 the love a88air coul- %eco$e ;ust o"e o8 those thi"gs. .e see7s a
$e"tal co$pa"io" a%ove all else. &"e ,ho ca" $atch his ,its5 eve" top hi$ "o,
a"- the"5 %ecause he>s "ot a" egotist. .e>s a realist5 a"- he thrives o" $e"tal
challe"ge. The last thi"g he ,a"ts is a -oor$at or a -ull $ouse. Let your %rai" sho,
through5 your 8e$i"i"e i$age. 2t ,o">t scare hi$ o885 as it $ight so$e $e". 2t ,ill
spi" hi$ arou"- i" the right -irectio"-to,ar- you.
#e$i"is te"- to -iscar- ol- 8rie"-s 8or "e, o"es5 %ut "ot %ecause they>re heartless.
Their o," perso"alities 8luctuate a"- a-va"ce so rele"tlessly5 it>s o"ly "atural 8or
the$ to see7 those ,ho $atch their i"terests at the ti$e. A"y,here #e$i"i ha"gs
his hat is ho$e. There>s sel-o$ a"y -eep5 lasti"g attach$e"t to ol- $e$ories5
places5 people a"- thi"gs. Duri"g a lo"g perio- o8 lo"eli"ess5 he ca" she- so$e
se"ti$e"tal tears5 %ut it>s the lo"eli"ess that -oes it5 rather tha" "ostalgia 8or
yester-ay. .e>s gregarious5 a"- he hates-eve" 8ears-%ei"g alo"e 8or e:te"-e-
perio-s. 28 you ca" hit hi$ ,ith the $essage that you>ll %e a part"er ,ho ,ill al,ays
%e arou"-5 %ut ,ho ,o">t lea" o" hi$ "or e:pect hi$ to lea" o" you5 he>ll pro%a%ly
co"si-er sig"i"g a lo"g-ter$ co"tract. 4ut re$e$%er those o--s. Ma"y #e$i"is
$arry $ore tha" o"ce5 although $ultiple $arriage is $ore li7ely to occur ,he" they
,e- too you"g tha" i8 they ,ait 8or $aturity. Not every #e$i"i has t,o ,ives5 %ut
he>ll have t,o o8 al$ost everythi"g else-perhaps t,o cars5 t,o apart$e"ts5 t,o
college -egrees5 t,o ;o%s5 t,o -rea$s5 t,o pets5 t,o ra3ors5 t,o ho%%ies5 t,o
a$%itio"s. .e li7es to -ou%le up.
My goo- #e$i"i 8rie"- (ra"7 4lair5 N4! "e,s$a" o" the <To-ay< sho,5 eve"
ta7es his a""ual vacatio" at t,o separate ti$es -uri"g the year. .is ho%%iesA .e
pilots his o," private pla"e5 sails his o," %oat a"- plays a $ea". ga$e o8 gol8. ?2>$
"ot sure5 %ut 2 thi"7 (ra"7 $ay %e o"e o8 the triplet #e$i"is.@ .e plays t,o $usical
i"stru$e"ts5 has $ultiple chil-re"5 $ultiple a,ar-s a"- trophies o" his o88ice ,all
at N4!5 $ultiple 8rie"-s5 t,o shi8ts at the "et,or7 ?o"e 8or the <To-ay< progra$5
a"other 8or recor-i"g <+$phasis< a"- special sho,s@5 t,o electric ra3ors i" his -es7
a"- at least a -o3e" -rea$s a"- pla"s at a ti$e5 ,hich cha"ge a%out every si:
$o"ths. .e has ;ust o"e ,i8e. ?.e $ust have a !a"cer or Taurus asce"-a"t.@ =ou>ll
"ote that he>s also i" a typically #e$i"i occupatio"-%roa-casti"g. Mercury rules
co$$u"icatio" a"- "e,s. .e certai"ly has the #e$i"i char$ a"- $a"ual -e:terity.
(ra"7 o8te" pours a glass o8 to$ato ;uice5 -ictates to his secretary5 pho"es his ,i8e5
shaves5 a"- pac7s his %rie8 case-so$eho, all at o"ce. #e$i"is are e:perts at sleight
o8 ha"-.
2" 8i"a"cial $atters5 the -uality ta7es over agai". A Mercury $a" $ay %e at 8irst
8a%ulously ge"erous5 the" a%ruptly tur" $iserly. 28 you average out his t,i"
attitu-es5 $y guess is that the ge"erosity ,oul- ,i"5 ha"-s -o,". #e$i"i has little
-esire to accu$ulate either $o"ey or 7"o,le-ge. 2" each case5 he pre8ers to a%sor%
it5 sort it5 a"- give it %ac7 i$prove-. .e>s the co$$u"icator ,hose 8u"ctio" is to
create ever "e,5 origi"al i-eas a"- serve others through the versatility o8 his 'uic75
%rillia"t $e"tal processes.
/ill he %e 8aith8ul to youA 2" his 8ashio"5 yes5 he ,ill. There are a thousa"- a"s,ers
to that 'uestio" ,here Mercury is co"cer"e-. .e li7es to co"verse a"- he li7es to
$i:. .e>s also stra"gely attractive to ,o$e"5 so there $ay %e occasio"s 8or
,hispers a"- suspicio"s. 4ut you ca" cou"t o" this9 2t>s a rare #e$i"i $a" ,hose
-eeply i"grai"e- se"se o8 8air"ess ,ill let hi$ %e -isho"est i" his actio"s i8 you
have 8aith i" hi$. 2 $ea" real 8aith a"- real trust. Not the 7i"- that secretly ,o"-ers.
.e>ll al,ays %e a%le to se"se i8 you secretly ,o"-er. Mercury $i"-s o8te" i"tercept
your private thoughts as though you ,ere %roa-casti"g the$. .o,ever5 it>s "ot a
goo- i-ea to e:pect a #e$i"i hus%a"- to give all 8e$ales a col- shoul-er ;ust
%ecause he ,ears a ,e--i"g %a"-. (e$ales are part o8 the sce"e5 a"- #e$i"i $ust
$a7e the sce"e. 28 they>re arou"-5 he>ll tal7 to the$-$ay%e eve" laugh ,ith the$ or
have a -ri"7 ,ith the$. 2t>s o"ly "atural 8or Mercury to co$$u"icate5 regar-less o8
the se: o8 the liste"er. 4ut that -oes">t $ea" he has to ro$a"ce the$.
2t>s true that there are lots o8 #e$i"ia"s ,ho are ;ust plai"5 outright pro$iscuous5
yet "o $atter ,hat you>ve hear-5 there>s al,ays a cause. To %e $istruste- or $is-
u"-erstoo- i" a"y area -eeply -istresses a Mercury $a". 2t 8rustrates a"- -epresses
hi$5 a"- such a" u"happy #e$i"i ca" 8ly here a"- there5 see7i"g relie8 8ro$
ta"gle- e$otio"s. /he" he>s 8ree 8ro$ a 8eeli"g o8 $e"tal isolatio"5 a"- has "othi"g
to prove to a"yo"e5 he loses the co$pulsio" to e:peri$e"t a"- ta7e 8lights o8 8a"cy.
A ,o$a" ,ho has per8ect $e"tal har$o"y ,ith a #e$i"i "ee- "ever 8ear
e$otio"al or physical u"8aith8ul"ess. That>s so true o8 these $e"5 it>s al$ost a cut
a"- -rie- rule. 4ut he ,o">t %e chai"e- u"reaso"a%ly. To e:pect your #e$i"i "ot to
s$ile %ac7 ,he" so$eo"e s$iles at hi$5 ,hether it>s a chil- or a" a-ult5 a $a" or a
,o$a"5 is to e:pect the su" "ot to shi"e. .is cheer8ul5 8rie"-ly "ature see7s
co$pa"io"ship co"sta"tly. 2t coul- %e the co"-uctor o" the co$$uter trai" or the
,aitress at the co88ee shop arou"- the co$er 8ro$ ,here he ,or7s. Do">t try to
sti8le hi$. /he" a"yo"e tries to co"8i"e the #e$i"i>s spirit5 he ca" %eco$e as
elusive a"- as u"pre-icta%le as the ,i"- itsel8.
/ith the you"gsters5 hell %e a %u--y5 %ut "ot a -iscipli"aria"5 a"- he>ll teach the$ a
lot %e8ore they eve" get to 7i"-ergarte". They>ll pro%a%ly love to co"8i-e i" hi$5
%ecause he>ll sel-o$ %e shoc7e- or harsh i" his ;u-g$e"t. .e 7"o,s ho, to love
,ithout s$otheri"g. The relatio"ship %et,ee" the #e$i"i a"- his chil-re" is usually
very close5 %ut perhaps a %it loose5 eve" though that $ay sou"- co"tra-ictory. As
a88ectio"ate5 e:citi"g a"- lively as he is ,ith you"g people5 he $ay 8ail to i"sist that
they 8ollo, routi"es5 si"ce he -isli7es routi"es so $uch hi$sel8. There>s also a
te"-e"cy to critici3e their %ehavior o"e -ay a"- approve o8 it the "e:t -ay5 ,hich
ca" co"8use the$. Although hell $a"age a goo- lecture5 you>- %etter e:pect the
spa"7i"gs a"- really serious -iscipli"e to 8all i" your -epart$e"t. #e$i"i 8athers
te"- to spoil their chil-re".
.is i$agi"atio" $ay ru" a,ay ,ith hi$5 a"- cause hi$ to $a7e a" occasio"al
state$e"t he ca">t %ac7 up. =ou>ll have to $a7e hi$ see the i$porta"ce o8 7eepi"g
his ,or-. 1egar-less o8 all his goo- i"te"tio"s5 a 8e, o8 his 'uic7 i$pulsive
pro$ises $ay %e %ro7e". 28 the chil-re" -o">t tie hi$ -o," i" a"y ,ay5 or 7eep hi$
8ro$ his $ultiple activities5 he>ll e";oy the$ e"or$ously. &"e ,or- o8 ,ar"i"g9
Although he ,ill sel-o$ pu"ish the chil-re" physically5 the #e$i"i proclivity 8or
su--e"5 sti"gi"g5 sarcastic speech $ay cause -eep ,ou"-s i" little hearts or create a
hurt ,hich ca" %e re$e$%ere- 8or a li8eti$e. There $ay also %e a relucta"ce to
sho, a88ectio" i" the 8or$ o8 7isses a"- hugs5 u"less a co"scious e88ort is $a-e to
overco$e the "atural #e$i"ia" cool"ess. =et5 2>ve 7"o," so$e #e$i"i pare"ts
,ho see$ to give the ,ar$th they ca">t release to Ca-ults i" a%u"-a"ce to their
chil-re". See that the you"gsters -o">t co"8i"e hi$ "ee-lessly5 -o">t as7 hi$ to
%a%ysit u"less he o%viously ,a"ts to5 a"- he>ll ta7e to 8atherhoo- "icely5 ,ith o"e
chil- or a -o3e".
Jealousy is so$ethi"g you $ay "ever have to ,orry a%out ,ith a #e$i"i hus%a"-5
%ecause possessive"ess is "ot a typical #e$i"i trait. 28 suspicio" occasio"ally
,hispers i" his ear5 he>ll usually %rush it a,ay ?u"less a" a88lictio" i" the "atal chart
i"-icates other,ise@. So$e -egree o8 ;ealousy is "atural i" everyo"e5 o8 course5 %ut
it>s "or$ally "ot e:aggerate- i" a #e$i"i. Love is "ot a strictly physical relatio"ship
,ith this $a". .e hears $ore5 sees $ore a"- 8eels $ore through his se"ses tha"
others -o5 a"- Mercury helps hi$ recor- the $ost -elicate i$pressio"s vivi-ly. .is
love has such a" airy5 elusive 'uality5 it $ay see$ to lac7 the earthy passio" o8
other Su" sig"s. 4ut i8 you>re "ot see7i"g a ,il- cave $a" ,ho ,ill -rag you i"to
the ,oo-s %y the hair5 he shoul- %e a $ore tha" satis8actory lover. .e>ll spea7 o8 his
e$otio"s ,ith ro$a"tic5 i$agi"ative phrases5 a"- 8ill the hu"ger o8 your heart ,ith
the stra"ge %eauty o8 his i-ealis$.
1e$e$%er that the typical e$otio"al col-"ess o8 Mercury ca" %e ,ar$e-
co"si-era%ly i8 you %oth hear the sa$e $usic a"- -rea$ the sa$e -rea$s. .e $ust
e:perie"ce a total %le"-i"g o8 the $i"- a"- the spirit %e8ore the physical passio"s
catch up i" i"te"sity. That $ay see$ o%li'ue5 %ut it>s the o"ly real roa- to his heart.
=ou>ll have to get use- to the ,or- <i8.< .e>ll say5 <28 2 love- you5 ,e coul- . . .< a"-
<28 2 love- you5 there $ight %e . . .< a"- so$eti$es "ever 8i"ish the se"te"ce. =ou
$ay have to liste" ,ith your heart a"- 8i"ish it 8or hi$. 4lot out the ,or- <i8.< .e
o"ly uses it as a s$o7e scree" or as a sa8ety precautio". .arsh5 critical "aggi"g a"-
co"ti"ual e$otio"al sce"es ,ill surely -ull the e-ge o8 the 8i"e5 se"sitive #e$i"i
love. Try to s'uee3e a pu--le o8 $ercury i" your ha"-. /hat happe"sA 2t -issolves
i$$e-iately i"to hu"-re-s o8 spar7li"g silver %alls that 'uic7ly escape through your
tightly cle"che- 8i"gers. &"e #e$i"i $a" ,hose ,i8e thought she 7"e, hi$ very
,ell ,rote the 8ollo,i"g li"es ;ust %e8ore he le8t her5 a"- she 8ou"- the$ a$o"g his
papers a8ter the -ivorce9
<2"to the -rea$ you ca$e
A"- across the so8t carpet o8 $y reverie you ,al7e-
/ith ho%"ail %oots ...<
=ou>ll o8te" rea- or hear it sai- that #e$i"is $ust al,ays have t,o loves at o"ce.
This #e$i"i -uality5 hi"ti"g at -eceptio"5 is so 8re'ue"tly $e"tio"e-5 it $ay cause
u"8ou"-e- a":iety. May 2 $o-i8y that -escriptio"A A #e$i"i "ee-s t,o loves. Not
"ecessarily t,o ,o$e". That>s a ri--le. 28 you truly u"-ersta"- hi$5 youll 7"o, the
a"s,er to it.

The #+M2N2 /o$a"

Though she $a"age- to pic7 ple"ty o8 %eauti8ul rushes as the %oat gli-e- %y5 there
,as al,ays a $ore lovely o"e that she coul-">t reach. <The prettiest are al,ays
8urtherI< she sai- at last5
,ith a sigh at the o%sti"acy o8 the rushes i" gro,i"g so 8ar o88.
.ave you al,ays secretly thought 4righa$ =ou"g ha- a se"satio"al i-ea ,he" he
a-vocate- several ,ives 8or o"e $a"A Do you i",ar-ly e"vy the +aster" pote"tates
,ith their hare$sA =ou "ee-">t resig" yoursel8 to ro$a"tic /alter Mitty -ay-rea$s.
Just $arry a #e$i"i girl. That ,ay5 you>ll %e guara"tee- at least t,o -i88ere"t
,ives5 a"- o" occasio"al ,ee7e"-s5 as $a"y as three or 8our.
Naturally5 there>s a s$all catch. The -i88ere"ce %et,ee" a girl %or" u"-er the sig" o8
the t,i"s a"- a hare$ is her appare"t lac7 o8 i"terest i" earthy passio". 2t>s har- to
get her to settle -o," lo"g e"ough to ta7e passio" or a"ythi"g else very seriously.
.er $i"- is al,ays traveli"g5 a"- she 7eeps up a pretty goo- ru""i"g co$$e"tary
si$ulta"eously. 4ut loo7 a little -eeper. So$e,here5 hi--e" a$o"g the several
,o$e" ,ho $a7e up o"e #e$i"i 8e$ale5 is a ro$a"tic o"e-o"e ,ho is capa%le o8
i"te"se passio"5 i8 you ca" $a"age to $a7e the $e"tal5 spiritual a"- physical
%le"-i"g co$plete. .o, to -evelop her a"- still e";oy all the other ,o$e" %ottle-
up i"si-e the #e$i"ia" perso"ality $ay create a pro%le$. 2 ca" tell you that o"e
#e$i"i girl e'uals several ,o$e". 4ut 2>$ a8rai- it>s up to you to -elve i"to the
a-va"ce- alge%ra o8 sorti"g the$ out. +ach i"-ivi-ual case is -i88ere"t.
.er age ,ill %e a" i$porta"t clue to ,hat you ca" e:pect5 %ecause u"til she $atures5
ro$a"ce is o"ly a ga$e to her. She ca" %e 8ic7le a"- u"pre-icta%le to a" i"cre-i%le
-egree. (irst she>ll %e ecstatically carrie- a,ay %y your s$ile a"- your voice5 eve"
the ,ay you ,al7. The" she>ll reverse her ecstasy a"- critici3e everythi"g 8ro$ your
soc7s to your haircut5 a"- she usually -oes it ,ith such clever5 sharp sarcas$5 you
$ay "ee- io-i"e 8or your ,ou"-s. No,5 -o">t let this put you out o8 the $ar7et 8or a
#e$i"i ,o$a". 1e$e$%er you>re getti"g at least t,o 8or o"e5 a"- that>s
i"-isputa%ly a %argai".
Mercury 8e$ales are">t as heartless as they see$ to %e >at ti$es. Their active
i$agi"atio"s create $a"y 8a"tasies. 1o$a"ce is the easiest ,ay they ca" e:press
the$5 a"- #e$i"is have at least t,ice as $uch to e:press as other ,o$e". A
#e$i"i $a" ca" %e a pro-ucer5 a si"ger5 a sailor5 a la,yer5 a" actor5 a sales$a" a"-
the chair$a" o8 a 8e, %oar-s o8 -irectors all at o"ce-a"- e:press hi$sel8 a-
i"8i"itu$. 4ut a ,o$a" ca">t very ,ell s,i"g all that5 or she ,oul- %e co"si-ere- a
little 8rea7ish. Not that Mercury girls -o">t pursue careers. They -o. Al$ost every
last o"e o8 the$. 4ut u"-er the e:isti"g co"-itio"s o8 society5 a career still -oes">t
o88er her as $a"y opportu"ities as ro$a"ce to try out her $yria- theories a"-
practice her e$otio"al gy$"astics.
The #e$i"i girl "ee-s your pity5 "ot your a"ger. 2t>s pai"8ully -i88icult 8or her to
really co$$it hersel8 to o"e perso" at a ti$e. /hile she>s %ei"g i$presse- ,ith a
$a">s $e"tal a%ilities a"- his i"tellige"t ,it5 a"other si-e o8 her is "otici"g his
a"tipathy to,ar- the arts or his lac7 o8 respo"se to $usic a"- poetry. /he" she
8i"-s so$eo"e ,ho>s appropriately creative5 ,ho>s at ho$e at the %allet or i" the
literary ,orl-5 the -uality pops up agai". 1ight i" the $i--le o8 a stroll through the
$useu$5 her other sel8 ,ill %egi" to ,o"-er i8 he>s practical e"ough to $a7e a
livi"g or i8 he has e"ough co$$o" se"se to 7"o, ,here he>s goi"g. 2 trust you>re
%egi""i"g to have a $ore sy$pathetic u"-ersta"-i"g o8 the co"8licts peculiar to
those %or" i" Ju"e.
#ive her cre-it. Shell usually $a"age to 7eep her %e,il-er$e"t at her o," co$ple:
character to hersel85 a"- "ot %ur-e" you ,ith it. She>s a lively a"- gay co$pa"io".
Most o8 the ti$e ?,he" the $oo- is o" the up-s,i"g@5 she>ll spar7le ,ith a vivacious
perso"ality5 a$use you ,ith her clever5 ,itty re$ar7s5 a"- co"verse i"tellige"tly
a%out al$ost a"y su%;ect u"-er the su". She e";oys all the se"ti$e"tal gestures o8
ro$a"ce a"- has "o trou%le $a7i"g co"'uests. No ,o$a" you>ve ever $et ,ill
-elight you ,ith $ore i$agi"ative ,ays o8 lovi"g you a"- such appeali"g char$.
She ca" 8lutter her lashes ,ith -elicate 8e$i"i"ity5 %ut she>s "ot at all helpless ,he"
it co$es to ear"i"g her o," livi"g. A #e$i"i ,o$a" ca" play the gi--y party girl
to per8ectio"5 8latteri"g a helpless5 trappe- $ale right out o8 his $i"- a"- his %a"7
%oo7. 4ut she ca" s$oothly cha"ge i"to a -e$ure a"- a-ori"g house,i8e5 8ro$
,hich she ca" 'uic7ly s,itch i"to a serious i"tellectual ,ho stu-ies the great
philosophers a"- tal7s a%out politics or poetry %rillia"tly5 the" su--e"ly tur" i"to a
%u"-le o8 ra, e$otio"5 8ull o8 "erves5 tears a"- 8ears. She>s certai"ly "ot stu88y or
28 you thi"7 this is a" e:aggeratio"5 re$e$%er the late Marily" Mo"roe. +very $a"
she ever 7"e,5 8ro$ !arl Sa"-%urg to her hair-resser5 sa, her as a totally -i88ere"t
perso" tha" the other $e" ,ho thought they 7"e, her5 too. *lace a photograph o8
her as the se-uctive love go--ess "e:t to a picture o8 her ,eari"g hor"-ri$$e-
glasses5 a %a%ush7a a"- "o $a7e up5 seriously i"te"t o" a lecture a%out 1ussia"
authors. The" a-- a thir- a"- 8ourth shot o8 her i" a gi"gha$ apro"5 lear"i"g to
%a7e a cheese sou$e 8or a hus%a"- ,hose athletic tale"ts a"- ,ar$5 hu$a"
'ualities she ,orshipe--a"- ,al7i"g se-ately %esi-e a"other hus%a"- ,hose
i"tellectual a%ilities a"- literary tale"t she -eeply respecte- a"- a-$ire-. A-- t,o
$ore photos. &"e sho,i"g her ,ith a tear-stai"e- 8ace5 8ull o8 lo"gi"g5 a8ter losi"g
her thir- %a%y-a"other shot o8 her i" a %i7i"i5 gaily laughi"g ,ith a ha"-so$e
(re"ch $ovie star o" the 1iviera. These are "ot pose- pictures. They ,ere s"appe-
,he" she ,as">t eve" loo7i"g5 let alo"e see7i"g pu%licity. 2t>s a per8ect e:a$ple o8
the eye o8 the ca$era e:posi"g all the ,o$e" co"tai"e- i" o"e #e$i"i 8e$ale5 ,ho
success8ully 7ept her $ultiple "ature hi--e" %ehi"- the i$age she chose to pro;ect
the $ost 8re'ue"tly.
=our Mercury-rule- girl lo"gs to %e <really5 truly i" love5< %ut it 7eeps elu-i"g her.
She year"s 8or $otherhoo-5 %ut o8te" that elu-es her5 too. She 8i"-s a -i88ere"t
per8ectio" i" each $a" she $eets5 as she restlessly searches 8or the o"e $a" ,ho
has all the 'ualities she "ee-s 8or happi"ess.
=ou>ll 8i"- her a great pal. The Mercury girl ,ill go alo"g ,ith you o" a"ythi"g
8ro$ scu%a -ivi"g to spee- raci"g-%icycli"g or %a-$i"to". She>ll sho, a" i"terest i"
all the out-oor sports5 a"- still $a"age to loo7 as so8t a"- 8e$i"i"e as a po,-er
pu885 ,ith a $i"- as 8ast as a ,hip. The #e$i"ia" sharp $e"tality ,ill sho, clearly
,he" her curiosity is e:cite- %y a"y "e, su%;ect. .er Mercurial $i"- ,ill let her
see all the i"tricacies o8 your creative i-eas5 a"- she>ll pro%a%ly thro, i" a 8e,
pro$otio"al sche$es o8 her o,". As lo"g as you -o">t -e$a"- co"siste"cy 8ro$
her5 she>ll %e co$pletely 8asci"ati"g.
2t>s o"ly 8air to ,ar" you that this girl ca" si"cerely %elieve she>s i" love5 a"- 8i"-
other $e" attractive at the sa$e ti$e. 0"less she>s "ear you all the ti$e5 she ca"
8orget you 'uic7er tha" a ,o$a" %or" u"-er a"y other Su" sig". 2t>s her "ature to
accept cha"ge5 eve" see7 it. 0"til she lea$s to co"trol her -evote- courtship o8 co"-
sta"t activity5 "eglecti"g to cultivate patie"ce a"- sta%ility5 the #e$i"i 8e$ale ca"
$a7e 'uite a $ess o8 her li8e- a"- yours. (ortu"ately 8or the $e" i" love ,ith the$5
$ost #e$i"ia" ,o$e" settle -o," i"to a -eeper u"-ersta"-i"g o8 their o," "atures
%e8ore it>s too late.
&"ce you>ve propose- to her a"- she>s accepte-5 you ca" pity all those $e" ,ho are
-oo$e- to a li8e o8 $o"oga$y ,ith ;ust o"e ,o$a". =ou>ll have several ,ives
,he" you $arry your #e$i"i.
/i8e Nu$%er &"e ,ill %e a%le to a-;ust to a"ythi"g you re'uire o8 her. 28 you
re'uire 8aith8ul"ess5 she ca" $a"age that5 too5 provi-i"g you>re i"teresti"g e"ough
to have ,o" her real love. 2 re8er to that %le"-i"g o8 $e"tal5 spiritual a"- physical
co$pati%ility5 ,ith the physical part a--e- last5 li7e the papri7a5 a8ter the other three
are ,ell $i:e-. This ,i8e ,ill "ever sul7 i8 you ta7e a "e, ;o% out o8 to,". /ith
her i"ge"uity5 taste a"- se"se o8 color5 she ca" $a7e a "e, ho$e loo7 lovely ,ith a
light touch o8 her -ai"ty5 clever ha"-. 4esi-es5 she>ll love the a-ve"ture5 a"- there
,ill %e "o "aggi"g reproaches that you>re ga$%li"g ,ith 8uture security. The
e:cite$e"t o8 "e, hori3o"s i"terests her $ore. She $ay have a surprisi"gly goo-
hea- 8or %usi"ess a"- she>ll %ac7 all your origi"al i-eas. =ou ca" cou"t o" her to go
to ,or7 i8 you "ee- e:tra i"co$e5 a"- she>ll %e pretty practical a%out ho, to spe"-
it. Although she $ay give a" out,ar- i$pressio" o8 8lighti"ess5 she>s "ot as "ighty
as she appears. She>s a thi"7er5 a"- a very clever o"e5 u"-er"eath all the %right s$all
/i8e Nu$%er T,o ,ill %e $oo-y. =ou $ight ;ust as ,ell e:pect it. She>ll have her
satirical $o$e"ts ,he" she ca" %e cy"ical a"- 8lippa"t5 %y tur"s. At the sa$e ti$e5
she>ll challe"ge you $e"tally. 4ut a $a" "ee-s to %e sti$ulate-5 -oes">t heA #o
ahea-5 top her i" a" i"tellectual argu$e"t. ?2t>s ,hat she secretly ,a"ts a"y,ay.@
This ,i8e ,o">t %e easily shoc7e- %y li8e or have a"y preco"ceive- pre;u-ices. She
$ay -eci-e to $arch i" a protest para-e or ;oi" a sit-i" a"- 8orget to co$e ho$e
u"til $i-"ight. /hat i8 you -o have to ;oi" the 8ello,s ,hile she>s out $a7i"g a
speech or goi"g to "ight school to pic7 up a 8e, e:tra cre-itsA At least she pro%a%ly
,o">t hou"- you ,ith Q suspicious 'uestio"s a%out ,ho you ,ere ,ith5 ,here you
,ere5 a"- ,hat you ,ere -oi"g. Do">t 'uestio" her5 either. =ou>re o" the ho"or
syste$. So is she. This o"e is a highly i"-epe"-e"t i"-ivi-ualist.
/i8e Nu$%er Three ,ill %e %ore- a"- -epresse- ,ith house7eepi"g routi"es. The
%e-s ,ill %e u"$a-e a"- the -ishes ,ill sta"- i" the si"7 ,hile she -ay-rea$s5
rea-s or ,rites the outli"e 8or a play. She $ay serve you a ca" o8 %ea"s 8or >-i""er
,ithout eve" %otheri"g to ope" the ca". 4ut you ca" have the $ost soul-satis8yi"g
co"versatio"s ,ith her i"to the ,ee5 s$all hours. She>ll sy$pathi3e ,ith your
8rustratio"s at the ,ay li8e has treate- you. She>ll satis8y %oth your e$otio"al a"-
your i"tellectual cravi"gs5 %e curious a%out your opi"io" o8 4u--his$ a"- e:cite-
a%out your atte$pts to ,rite a so"g. 2" short5 she>s pretty goo- co$pa"y. She>ll %e
very a88ectio"ate5 too5 si"ce you have">t %ugge- her a%out -usti"g a"- %a7i"g a"-
all that "o"se"se. This ,i8e $ay $a7e a $ess o8 the chec7%oo7 "o, a"- the". 4ut
i8 you suggest a su--e" ca$pi"g trip or a 8e, -ays i" Las egas5 she>ll
e"thusiastically pac7 her suitcase ,ithout a %u"ch o8 silly o%;ectio"s5 li7e ho, it>s
goi"g to a88ect the %u-get or ,ho ,ill 8ee- the Sia$ese cat a"- ,hat i8 the %athtu%
lea7s ,hile you>re go"e.
/i8e Nu$%er (our ,ill %e a gay a"- laughi"g $other. She ,o">t let the chil-re"
restrict her5 %ecause she>ll pro%a%ly have too $a"y pro;ects goi"g co"sta"tly to
s$other the$ ,ith over-protective"ess. They>ll i$itate her i"-epe"-e"ce a"-
%e"e8it %y it. 28 a"yo"e as7s her ho, $uch ti$e she spe"-s ,ith the$5 she>ll
pro%a%ly a"s,er5 <2" our 8a$ily5 it>s "ot a $atter o8 ho, $uch ti$e. 2t>s a $atter o8
ho, $uch love.< A"- she>ll %e right. The chil-re" $ay "ot al,ays o%ey her5
%ecause she>s i"cli"e- to %e e$phatic o"e -ay5 the" $elt a"- give i" the "e:t5 %ut
the you"gsters ,ill love their lo"g tal7s ,ith her. .er i$agi"atio" ,ill $atch theirs5
a"- they>ll a$use each other. She>ll pro%a%ly %e a per$issive $other5 %ut she>ll
,orry a%out scholastic averages5 a"- she>ll pro%a%ly i"sist o" goo- gra-es. They
,o">t get %y ,ithout -oi"g their ho$e,or7 i8 she ca" help it5 although they $ay get
%y ,ithout ha"gi"g up their clothes.
/i8e Nu$%er (ive ,ill %e a %eauti8ul hostess5 a" e:pert at the ,hole ca"-lelight5
8lo,ers a"- sterli"g silver routi"e. =ou ca" %ri"g a"yo"e5 8ro$ your %oss to the
#over"or ho$e to -i""er5 a"- she>ll %e so gracious a"- char$i"g5 they>ll "ever ,a"t
to leave. Shell orga"i3e her li8e e88icie"tly a"- e88ortlessly5 -ress li7e a 8ashio"
$o-el a"- love the theater. =ou ca" ta7e her to art galleries a"- co"certs- she>ll %e
right at ho$e i" a"y 7i"- o8 society. +veryo"e ,ill stare at you e"viously a"-
,o"-er ,ho the gla$orous ,o$a" is ,ho ha"gs o" your ar$ so s,eetly. She>ll %e
ro$a"tic a"- ultra-8e$i"i"e5 $ay%e eve" ,rite you a poe$ 8or your %irth-ay. =ou>ll
,a"t to %uy her velvet -ressi"g go,"s a"- e:pe"sive per8u$es5 %ecause her
gracious style ,ill $a7e you 8eel li7e a cou"try s'uire. 28 you $e"tio" a trip to
+urope5 her eyes ,ill spar7le. She>s a sophisticate.
/ell5 there you are. 2 $ay have $isse- a 8e, girls i" your #e$i"i hare$. +very
hus%a"- i" to," ,ill %e gree" ,ith e"vy ,he" they see you ,ith a -i88ere"t ,o$a"
every -ay. 28 they as7 you ho, you get a,ay ,ith it5 play it cool. *olyga$y is
agai"st the la,5 you 7"o,.
=our #e$i"i ,o$a" ,ill "ever ta7e a trai" ,he" she ca" 8ly. She>ll "ever %e sile"t
,he" she ca" spea7. She>ll "ever tur" a,ay ,he" she ca" help. A"- she>ll "ever
,al7 ,he" she ca" ru". .er $i"- is 8ull o8 so $a"y thoughts a"- her heart is 8ull o8
so $a"y hopes5 she $ay see$ to "ee- a co$puter to sort it all out. &r -oes she ;ust
"ee- so$eo"e ,ho ca" ru" %esi-e her a"- toss -rea$s ,ith her-8ro$ here to
to$orro,A 28 you>re that $a"5 she -oes">t -are loo7 over her shoul-er to see i8
you>re "ear. So$e -eep5 u"e:plai"e- 8ear ,ithi" her 7eeps her 8ro$ ever loo7i"g
%ac7. /he" you 8i"ally $atch her spee-5 get her to slo, -o," to your pace. =ou
ca" -o it5 i8 you hol- her ha"- tightly a"- "ever let it go. Though Mercurial "orth
,i"-s -rive her o"5 secretly she $ay lo"g to rest a,hile $ore tha" you 7"o,. Do
hurry a"- try to reach her. She "ee-s you.

The #+M2N2 !hil-
</ill you ,al7 a little 8asterA<
sai- a ,hiti"g to a s"ail5 <There>s a porpoise close %ehi"- us5
a"- he>s trea-i"g o" $y tail.<

28 the stor7 ;ust -elivere- a #e$i"i %a%y to your house5 sharpe" your roller s7ates
a"- sha7e the co%,e%s out o8 your %rai". =ou>ll "ee- to %e 8ast a"- alert 8or the "e:t
8i8tee" to t,e"ty years5 a"- you $ight as ,ell start right "o,5 ,hile your little
%u"-le 8ro$ Mercury is still pi""e- -o," i" his cri%. 2t ,o">t %e lo"g %e8ore he
lear"s to ,al7 a"- tal7. 28 you>re "ot rea-y to 8ly %esi-e hi$5 he $ay slip i" a"- out
o8 your 8i"gers li7e a glo% o8 air. Di- you ever try to hol- o" to a glo% o8 airA
The 0.S. !e"sus 4ureau 8igures prove that there are $ore $ultiple %irths -uri"g the
perio- o8 #e$i"i5 the t,i"s5 tha" at a"y other ti$e o8 the year. So your Ju"e eve"t
$ight have %ee" t,i"s-or $ore. NoA Do">t %e too sure. =ou $ay %e a%le to cou"t
o"ly te" toes a"- te" 8i"gers5 ,hich a--s up to o"e i"8a"t i" $ost cases5 %ut "ot
"ecessarily i" the case o8 a #e$i"i i"8a"t. There $ay have to %e a cha"ge i" your
co"cept o8 $athe$atics. =ou>ll see ,hat 2 $ea" soo" e"ough ,he" he starts to
cra,l. 2t ,ill happe" a -o3e" ti$es a -ay. =ou>ll s,ear you ;ust this seco"- sa, hi$
,ith his ha"- i"si-e the electric $i:er i" the pa"try. 4ut ho, coul- that %eA There
he is5 all the ,ay out o" the 8ro"t porch5 %liss8ully che,i"g the petu"ias. .o, ca"
he %e t,o places at o"ceA 1e$e$%er that your o88spri"g is rule- %y Mercury. .e>s
that #ree7 go- you see picture- i" %oo7s ,ith ,i"gs o" his 8eet5 ,eari"g a %right
silver hel$et. Stic7 a 7itche" pa" upsi-e -o," o" your #e$i"i %a%y>s hea- 8or a
hel$et5 a"- use your i$agi"atio" 8or the ,i"gs sprouti"g out o8 his chu%%y little
pi"7 heels.
See the rese$%la"ceA
2 have "ever perso"ally approve- o8 those har"ess-li7e attach$e"ts they sell to
$others to strap arou"- their to--lers ,he" they ta7e the$ out shoppi"g. 2t al,ays
$a7es $e thi"7 the ,o$a" is ,al7i"g her -og. .o,ever5 2 ,oul- stro"gly a-vise
the $other o8 a #e$i"i chil- to %uy t,o or three o8 the$5 ;ust to %e o" the sa8e si-e.
=our 8irst thought $ight %e that5 i8 %a%y is goi"g to %e that active5 a stur-y plaype"
is a $ust. 2 ca" see your logic5 eve" sy$pathi3e ,ith it5 %ut 2>$ "ot so sure a%out
plaype"s a"- #e$i"i chil-re". !o"8i"e$e"t i" a s$all space ca" a$ou"t to cruelty
,ith a little #e$i"ia"5 ,hose e"tire "ature urges hi$ to see75 to e:plore5 to lear".
+ve" ,orse tha" the physical curtail$e"t is the $e"tal .%ore-o$ o8 %ei"g stuc7 o"
o"e little %lue a"- pi"7 plastic recta"gular pa-5 ,ith the ,hole e:citi"g ,orl- out
there to see a"- e";oy. *erio-s o8 %ei"g coope- up i" a plaype" shoul- %e %rie8. Too
$uch restrictio" a"- ha$peri"g o8 the #e$i"ia" 8ree-o$ ca" lea- to e$otio"al
-epressio" he $ay "ot outgro, so easily. 1e$e$%er5 he>s a" air sig"5 a"- air $ust
$ove. Ma7e sure he has a variety o8 toys a"- ple"ty o8 %right %oo7s to loo7 at ,he"
you $ust 7eep hi$ 8e"ce- i".
&8 course5 he ,o">t stay there lo"g5 o"ce he>s ha- it. Mercury rules the vocal chor-s5
a"- ,he" your little #e$i"i tot -eci-es to e:ercise his tale"t i" this -irectio"5 youll
,o"-er ho, all that "oise coul- possi%ly co$e out o8 o"e s$all $outh. 4et you
ta7e hi$ out o8 the plaype" 8ast. 0"less you have u"-ersta"-i"g "eigh%ors5 ,ho are
a little har- o8 heari"g.
#e$i"i chil-re" o8te" $a7e ol-er5 $ore placi- people "ervous ,ith their %ir--li7e5
'uic7 $ove$e"ts. #ro,"ups are al,ays telli"g the little #e$i"ia" to stop 8i-geti"g5
or to %e patie"t a"- -o o"e thi"g at a ti$e. 4ut -oi"g t,o thi"gs at a ti$e is "atural
to these you"gsters. /hat sto-gy or poise- people call 8i-gety is5 to the #e$i"i5
$erely his "or$al state o8 activity. 2t>s ,ro"g to $a7e hi$ 8eel he ,oul- get $ore
approval i8 he trie- to i$itate the slo,er5 less lively people. .e shoul- %e taught to
slo, -o," a little5 perhaps5 8or his o," goo-5 %ut his %asic "ature ca">t %e cha"ge-
,ithout 8rustrati"g his "atural i"cli"atio"s. /e shoul- try to re$e$%er that the
'uic7 #e$i"i chil- ,ho a""oys his $ore i"troverte- el-ers-a"- the 'uiet5 care8ul
!apricor" chil- ,ho irritates his $ore aggressive el-ers5 are si$ply %ei"g
the$selves. 4ei"g yoursel8 is al,ays har- e"ough to -o5 ,ithout people tryi"g to
8orce a perso"ality cha"ge.
Love your #e$i"i chil- 8or ,hat he is-a 8rie"-ly5 alert5 i"'uisitive a"- precocious
little perso". =ou ca">t tur" the 8ire8ly i"to a s"ail or the s"ail i"to a 8ire8ly. Nor ca"
the leopar- cha"ge his spots. 2 $ight a-- that5 i8 so$eo"e tries to scru% the$ o885
he>ll %e a $ighty u"happy5 "eurotic leopar-.
&8 course5 you are">t raisi"g leopar-s. =ou>re raisi"g a %right5 i"teresti"g5
e"thusiastic chil-. 4ut the a"alogy is logical. Let those spots o8 -uality i" your
#e$i"i you"gster re$ai". So$e-ay he $ay $a7e you prou- o8 a %uil-i"g he
-esig"e- a"- a literary pri3e he ,o"B a"- ,he" he $a"i8ests such a -ou%le tale"t5
you>ll ,o"-er ,hy you ever trie- to sta$p hi$ i"to a si"gle $ol-. 28 he leaps a%out
as though he has ;u$pi"g %ea"s i"si-e hi$ he>s ;ust practici"g the 8ast re8le:es he
,as %or" ,ith. .is 8ire8ly $i"- ca" co"8use you5 %ut re$e$%er that it>s pursui"g a
thousa"- 8a"cies5 sorti"g the$5 -eci-i"g ,hich to -iscar- a"- ,hich to treasure.
Teachers ,ill usually "otice right a,ay that these %oys a"- girls have "o trou%le
lear"i"g to rea-. #e$i"i al$ost i"ve"te- ,or-s. They ,o">t $i"- %ei"g calle- o" to
recite5 a"- they $ay s$ile as the rest o8 the stu-e"ts sigh5 ,he" a the$e is assig"e-.
These you"gsters -elight i" co$$u"icati"g ,ith others a"- shari"g their 7"o,le-ge
ver%ally or o" paper. Ma"y o8 the$ are $echa"ically i"cli"e- a"- a$%i-e:trous. 2t>s
"ot u"usual to 8i"- a #e$i"i chil- ,ho ,rites ,ith his le8t ha"- a"- -ra,s ,ith his
right. .e $ay %ite his "ails5 %ut his 8i"gers are "or$ally sli$ a"- 8le:i%le5 ,hich
$a7es hi$ a-ept at $agic tric7s a"- playi"g $usical i"stru$e"ts. So$e-ay it coul-
$a7e hi$ a 8i"e surgeo"5 -e"tist or ,atch$a7er. #e$i"i ha"-s are se"sitive5
e:pressive a"- capa%le.
There>s usually a $ar7e- a%ility to $i$ic others. The #e$i"i se"se o8 sharp ,it a"-
satire appears early. At ho$e or i" school5 the #e$i"i chil- lives i" a ,orl- o8
$a7e-%elieve a"- reality5 co"sta"tly %le"-i"g5 ,here truth is o8te" portraye- as
8a"tasy5 a"- 8a"tasy is -isguise- as truth. .e $ay give the i$pressio" o8
e:aggerati"g or eve" telli"g lies. 4ut he ;ust ca">t help splashi"g a little color arou"-
,he" he>s relati"g a" i"ci-e"t5 a"- he o8te" co"vi"ces hi$sel8 it really happe"e-
that ,ay. At such ti$es5 he shoul- %e ha"-le- ge"tly5 si"ce he>s actually stretchi"g
a"- e:ercisi"g his vivi- i$agi"atio". 1ather tha" $a7e hi$ 8eel guilty 8or havi"g a"
i$agi"atio"5 he shoul- %e tol- al,ays to spea7 the truth a"- ,rite the story -o," o"
paper. &"ce he $asters this5 hell %e a%le to see the -i88ere"ce %et,ee" the -rea$
a"- the 8act5 i"stea- o8 %ei"g lost so$e,here %et,ee" the t,o ,orl-s. #e$i"i
you"gsters ,ho are">t allo,e- to e:press a"- co$$u"icate "aturally $ay retreat
i"to a hal8-,orl- o8 illusio" i" sel8--e8e"se. 2t>s a goo- i-ea to start hi$ o" 8oreig"
la"guages early-,hich he>ll pro%a%ly lear" e88ortlessly. Li7e the Sagittarius chil-5
he>ll 8i"- %i-li"gual tale"ts ,ill co$e i" ha"-y %ecause he>ll tal7 a lot a"- travel a
The #e$i"i chil- ,ho argues ,ith you that he ca" -o his ho$e,or7 a"- liste" to
the ra-io at the sa$e ti$e is pro%a%ly telli"g the truth. 28 his gra-es %ac7 hi$ up5
,hy "otA #e$i"is are "ever satis8ie- ,ith o"e pursuit at a ti$e. 2t>s as i8 they ha-
t,o lives to live i" o"ly o"e li8eti$e5 so they $ust a%sor% all they ca"5 as 8ast as
they ca". The chie8 -a"gers are a lac7 o8 patie"ce a"- a" u",illi"g"ess to persist
u"til a thi"g is thoroughly lear"e-. These you"gsters have to %e -iscourage- 8ro$ a
te"-e"cy to let the"-'uic7 i"tellects a"- gli% ,its s7i$ over 7"o,le-ge ,ithout
co$pletely u"-ersta"-i"g it.
=our #e$i"i chil- $ay 8i"- it har- to %e pu"ctual5 %ecause he>s al,ays ru""i"g i"to
so$e "e, -iscovery o" his ,ay to a"y,here. .e $ay also 8i"- it har- to liste"
,ithout i"terrupti"g5 %ecause he>s caught the thought i"sta"tly a"- -oes">t ,a"t to
hear the -etails. .e $ay te"- to repeat hi$sel85 %ut he ,o">t allo, you to -o so5
,hich 'uite "aturally $ay irritate people. 2" the classroo$5 he ca" %e -istracte- %y a
8ly5 a piece o8 colore- paper or a ,isp o8 s$o7e outsi-e the ,i"-o,. 2t>s "ever easy
to get his atte"tio"5 %ut ,he" you -o5 you>ll %e richly re,ar-e- %y the #e$i"ia">s
i"te"t curiosity a"- 8latteri"g i"terest.
=our tee"age #e$i"i %oy ,ill practically live o" the telepho"e5 go stea-y ,ith a
-i88ere"t perso" each ,ee75 cha"ge his $i"- a hu"-re- ti$es a%out his 8uture
career5 -rive the car a little too 8ast5 putter ,ith the e"gi"e a"- 8i: your ,asher. The
girls ,ill %e popular a"- %e a%le to tur" o" a sho,er o8 tears or a su""y s$ile li7e a
light s,itch. These you"gsters ,ill 7eep you o" your toes a"- 7eep you you"g.
/he" your #e$i"i chil- 8i"ally gro,s up5 lots o8 people ,ill tell you
-isapprovi"gly that <he has too $a"y 8i"gers stuc7 i" too $a"y pies.< =ou>ll s$ile
the"5 a"- they $ay %e a""oye-. 4ut you>ll %e re$e$%eri"g o"e spri"g -ay ,he" he
,as seve". .e stuc7 his 8i"gers i" your chocolate

pies5 his 8ather>s shavi"g crea$5 the 8ish %o,l5 the gar%age ca"5 a pot o8 hot soup
a"- a" electric soc7et. =ou ,ere 8urious. Later5 at t,ilight5 you ,atche- hi$ ru"
arou"- chasi"g light"i"g %ugs i" the grass. A8ter a ,hile5 you sighe-5 a"- as7e-
yoursel8 alou-5 </hy $ust he rush arou"- soA /hy $ust he get i"to everythi"gA
/hat i" the ,orl- is he searchi"g 8orA< .e overhear- you a"- it trou%le- hi$.
=ou>ll "ever 8orget the loo7 i" his %right5 clear eyes ,he" he a"s,ere-. <#ee5
Mo$$y ... 2 -o">t 7"o,. 4ut -o">t you ,orry. 2>ll 8i"- it.<

The #+M2N2 4oss
.e sai-5 <2 loo7 8or %utter8lies
that sleep a$o"g the ,heat 1 $a7e the$ i"to $utto"-pies5
A"- sell the$ i" the street. 2 sell the$ u"to $e"5< he sai-5
</ho sail o" stor$y seasB
A"- that>s the ,ay 2 get $y %rea--
A tri8le5 i8 you please.<
&"e -ay your #e$i"i %oss ,ill %e a ,al7i"g cloc7 ,hose ca$era eye recor-s each
seco"- you ta7e past your co88ee %rea7. &" a"other5 he ,o">t eve" "otice i8 you
co$e %ac7 three hours late 8ro$ lu"ch. =ou ca" try 8lippi"g a coi" to pre-ict his
cha"ges. 2t>s a%out as sa8e as a"ythi"g else. 2 reali3e that it ,oul- %e a %ig help to
7"o, ,hich -ay he>s goi"g to ta7e ,hat attitu-e.
4ut the #e$i"i e:ecutive -oes">t 7"o, hi$sel8 ,hich si-e o8 the %e- he>s goi"g to
get out o" each $or"i"g5 a"- si"ce he -oes">t 7"o,5 you ca" see that 2 ca">t tell you.
The sa8est ,ay is "ot to e:pect hi$ to %e to-ay ,hat he ,as yester-ay5 a"- cross
your 8i"gers a%out to$orro,.
This $a" ca" %e a %rillia"t5 though restless5 e:ecutive9
.e>s $ore at ho$e i" the presi-e"t>s chair tha" the other $uta%le sig"s o8 irgo5
*isces or Sagittarius ,oul- %e5 %ut he>s "ot e'uippe- to co$$a"- or lea- others 8or
his e"tire li8eti$e. A #e$i"i ,ho thi"7s he>s co"stitute- to ru" a large co$pa"y
,ith cal$ assura"ce is ;ust 7i--i"g hi$sel8 ?al,ays co"si-eri"g the e:ceptio"s to
the rule5 li7e a Su" sig" #e$i"i ,ith a Leo asce"-a"t a"- a Li%ra Moo"5 8or
e:a$ple@. 2" the 8irst place5 it>s har- 8or hi$ to sit still %ehi"- a -es7 8or $ore tha"
a" hour at a ti$e. *resi-e"t Fe""e-y5 o"e o8 the rare #e$i"is e'uippe- to ta7e o"
the %ur-e"s o8 lea-ership5 solve- that pro%le$ "eatly. .e si$ply release- his
"ervous e"ergy %y $a7i"g his roc7i"g chair 8ly.
=our Mercury-rule- %oss $ust $ove arou"-. #e$i"i is a" air sig"5 a"- -i- you
ever see air sta"- stillA 2t $ay see$ to so$eti$es o" a hot5 hu$i- -ay ?a"- so ,ill a
#e$i"i i8 you catch hi$ i" a rare $o$e"t@5 %ut that>s o"ly a" illusio" i" %oth cases.
The typical #e$i"i %oss ,ill ,ear a hole i" the carpet paci"g up a"- -o," i8 he>s
cage- up i" a" o88ice too lo"g. .e>s happier as a $a"age$e"t co"sulta"t5 a"
e88icie"cy e:pert or a vice presi-e"t i" charge o8 trou%le-shooti"g tha" ,he" he>s
8orce- i"to the co"8i"i"g $ol- o8 a "i"e-to-8ive positio"5 "o $atter ho, 8a"cy the
title. .e -eals ,ith i-eas5 pri"ciples a"- a%stractio"s. The hu$-ru$ a"- $aterial
respo"si%ilties o8 the average e:ecutive eve"tually -epress his soari"g spirit.
There8ore5 ,he" a #e$i"i parachutes hi$sel8 i"to a" e:ecutive spot5 he>ll %e 'uic7
to e:ercise his acute -iscri$i"atio" a"- -elegate authority to others arou"- hi$.
These care8ully chose" specialists ,ill really ru" the %usi"ess5 8reei"g his o," rest-
less $i"- 8or progressive sche$es a"- origi"al pla"s that ,ill -ou%le the co$pa"y>s
pro8it a"- lo,er its overhea-. .e>s i$patie"t ,ith -ull5 $u"-a"e -etails.
28 your co$pa"y ;ust hire- a #e$i"i as your superior you ca" e:pect so$e cha"ges
to %e $a-e i" short or-er. The slo,est 8or$ o8 co$$u"icatio" arou"- the place ,ill
pro%a%ly %e ca%legra$s5 a"- he $ay re'uire a 8e, $ore %utto"s o" his telepho"e
tha" his pre-ecessor. =our "e, #e$i"i %oss ,o">t %e o" the ;o% a ,ee7 %e8ore he>s
i"'uisitively po7e- arou"- i"to every area o8 the operatio". As soo" as he lear"s
,hat>s %ei"g -o"e a"- ho, it>s %ei"g -o"e5 he>ll ,a"t to 7"o, ,hy. The a"s,er5
</e>ve al,ays -o"e it this ,ay5< ,ill cause his %right eyes to tur" to ice cu%es that
coul- 8ree3e you at thirty paces. #e$i"i is "ot eve" slightly i"tereste- i" or
i$presse- ,ith tra-itio". /he" he>s tol- so$ethi"g is a" ol- custo$5 that>s reaso"
e"ough 8or hi$ to cha"ge it. The typical Mercury %oss ,ill Qhave the 8ur"iture
$ove- arou"- 8re'ue"tly5 -rive his
secretary i"to a 8it o8 the 8i-gets o"ce a ,ee7 ,ith a "e, i-ea 8or a 8ili"g syste$
that ,ill ,or7 $ore e88icie"tly5 a"- cha"ge the ,or7 sche-ules %ac7 a"- 8orth u"til
he 8i"-s o"e that clic7s ,ith hi$.
There>s o"e thi"g you ca" cou"t o"5 a"- o"e o8 the 8e, thi"gs you ca" cou"t o"
co"siste"tly ,ith a #e$i"i. .e 95 ,ill "ever %e $o"oto"ous. .e>ll sel-o$ %e
-og$atic either. ? .is opi"io"s are 8le:i%le. =ou ca">t $islea- hi$ or co"8use .
the issue5 %ecause his 'uic7silver $i"- ,ill i"sta"tly re-uce the 8rills5 pe"etrate the
s$o7e scree"s a"- e:pose all si-es o8 the 'uestio" ,ith crystal clarity. That $ea"s
he also 5 e:poses o88ice i"trigues ,ith little -i88iculty. So$eti$es5 you>ll s,ear he
has eyes i" the %ac7 o8 his hea--a"- a" y e:tra pair o8 ears there5 too. Spea7i"g o8
his a"ato$y a"- such5 it>s eve" har- to cre-it hi$ ,ith ;ust o"e pair o8 > 8eet5 si"ce
there ,ill %e ple"ty o8 occasio"s ,he" he appears 2 to %e t,o places at o"ce.
Never 8ear that your #e$i"i e$ployer ,ill hate you or %e your e"e$y. (e, people
i"terest hi$ lo"g e"ough 8or that 7i"- o8 i"te"sity. =ou ,o">t %e i" his thoughts 8or
$ore tha" a" hour or so at a ti$e. That>s "ot lo"g e"ough to ,or7 up a"y viole"t
8eeli"gs5 8or or agai"st. 4esi-es5 he has a pretty 8air u"-ersta"-i"g a%out ho, the
other perso" 8eels.
2t $ay pu33le you to -iscover that5 although your #e$i"i e$ployer is a"
i"-ivi-ualist i" every ,ay5 he $ay "ot treat you as a" i"-ivi-ualist. 2t see$s
i"co"siste"t5 %ut the" this is a -ual sig"5 ,ith $ore tha" o"e surprise. 2 -o">t $ea"
that he ,o">t respect your i"-ivi-ual opi"io"s.. .e ,ill. 2t>s ;ust that he -oes">t
al,ays see you perso"ally as a" i"-ivi-ual. The #e$i"ia" $i"- is so a%stract that
he o8te" sees o"ly %asic -esig"s i" %oth o%;ects a"- people. All 7i"-s o8 people are
8asci"ati"g to hi$5 %ut he te"-s to categori3e the$ accor-i"g to their a%ilities5 i-eas
a"- pote"tial.
=et this o-- vie,poi"t -oes">t $a7e hi$ u"attractive as a hu$a" %ei"g. 6uite the
co"trary. +ve" though his approach is 8ar $ore ratio"al tha" e$otio"al5 he li7es
people so $uch5 they ;ust ca">t help li7i"g hi$ %ac7. /ithout the co"sta"t challe"ge
o8 hu$a" co"tact5 he ,oul- -ry up a"- 8loat a,ay. Mercury -e$a"-s that he %e gre-
garious a"- live vicariously or %e $isera%le. =ou>ll rarely see hi$ %y hi$sel8. .e
$ay classi8y people %y types a"- re$ai" -etache- e$otio"ally5 %ut he "ee-s the$
=our #e$i"i %oss ,ill pro%a%ly have co"si-era%le po,ers o8 persuasio". .e ca"
,hee-le you i"to or tal7 you out o8 $ost a"ythi"g5 si$ply %y -ousi"g you ,ith a
%uc7et o8 that irresisti%le char$ a"- ,it o8 his. 4ut it>s a co$pe"sati"g tale"t he ,as
give" %y the pla"ets at %irth5 that hi-es a %asic col-"ess o8 "ature. #e$i"i lives i"
vague5 airy palaces i" the s7y the average perso" ca">t reach. .is true character5
-espite his sur8ace ,ar$"ess5 is cool5 aloo8 a"- lo"ely5 i" the 8i"al a"alysis5
searchi"g 8or so$ethi"g i"si-e itsel8 $ore tha" 8ro$ others5 "o $atter ho,
8re'ue"tly he see7s their co$pa"y. =et5 he>s "ot u"sy$pathetic. .is $a""er ca" %e
ge"tle a"- co$passio"ate5 %ut at the sa$e ti$e5 he o88ers his sy$pathy a"-
u"-ersta"-i"g the sa$e ,ay he o88ers love a"- 8rie"-ship-8ro$ a -ista"ce.
.e>ll have a" e:celle"t se"se o8 hu$or5 a"- you ca" ,i" hi$ over ,ith a ;o7e $ore
'uic7ly tha" ,ith tears. .e>s "ot overly se"ti$e"tal5 %ut hell al,ays see the
ri-iculous si-e o8 thi"gs. A se"se o8 hu$or is a prere'uisite to true i"tellige"ce5 so
it>s "ot surprisi"g to 8i"- it i" the Mercury people5 though so$eti$es it $ay %e
ti"ge- ,ith sharp sarcas$. There ,ill al,ays %e a slight ,hirl o8 co"8usio" arou"- a
#e$i"i-ru" o88ice-a"- co"sta"t activity. -4ut he ,o">t %e the o"e ,ho is co"8use-.
#e$i"i sorts it all out a"- clears the $u--y ,aters o8 all the gu"7. .is 'uic7 eye
a"- his trigger 8ast %rai" ,or7 i" per8ect sy"chro"i3atio". The eye ,ill pro%a%ly
have a t,i"7le i" it. .e>ll %e the co$pa"y>s %est sales$a"5 $a7e speeches a"-
e"tertai" a lot. A"- he>ll pro%a%ly travel so $uch5 he $ay 7eep a suitcase rea-y to
8ly at a $o$e"t>s "otice. 28 he 8lirts ,ith the pretty "e, secretary5 %etter tell her he>s
"ot the least %it serious5 ;ust sharpe"i"g his char$ a little.
+";oy this %oss ,hile you ca"5 %ecause #e$i"is get su--e"ly %ore- a8ter they>ve
$a-e 8i"a"cial or %usi"ess successes5 a"- they rush o88 to the "e:t challe"ge lo"g
%e8ore retire$e"t ti$e. 4e8ore he goes5 lea$ ,hat you ca" a%out his strategy. 2t>s
really 8a"tastic. .e>s a" e:pert at -ou%le tal7. .e>ll ru" arou"- a" argu$e"t i"
circles5 $i: you up5 tur" you arou"-5 the" ,i" you over to his si-e %e8ore you
reali3e ,hat>s happe"e-. =et5 as clever as he is i" co$petitive situatio"s5 he>s still a"
i"cura%le -rea$er5 a"- a s$ashi"gly goo- storyteller. *ay "o atte"tio" to ,hat
"atio"ality he says he is. /hether he ,as %or" i" 2srael5 Australia or A8gha"ista"5
every si"gle #e$i"i i" the ,orl- is 2rish at heart. .o, else coul- he possess such a
,o"-er8ul gi8t o8 %lar"eyA Notice all those gree" ties he ,ears. /hat -i- 2 tell you-
pure !ou"ty !or7.

The #+M2N2 +$ployee
<The ti$e has co$e5< the /alrus sai-5
<To tal7 o8 $a"y thi"gsB
&8 shoes-a"- ships-a"- seali"g ,a:-Q
&8 ca%%ages-a"- 7i"gs- A"- ,hy the sea is %oili"g hot-
A"- ,hether pigs have ,i"gs.<
=et5 ,hat ca" o"e poor voice avail Agai"st three to"gues togetherA
Do you have so$e e$ployees arou"- your o88ice ,ho tal7 8ast5 $ove 8ast a"- thi"7
8astA Do they loo7 you"g a"- act you"g5 8orget a%out their agesA Are they
u"pre-icta%le5 restless5 origi"al a"- i$patie"tA /hat a s$art $a" you areI =ou>ve
go"e a"- hire- yoursel8 so$e #e$i"is.
2t>s easy to u"-ersta"- ,hy. /ith all that char$ a"- guile5 "ot to $e"tio" 8lashi"g
i"tellect a"- creative i$agi"atio"5 you pro%a%ly coul-">t help yoursel8. No, that
you>ve ha- a cha"ce to ,atch these Mercury people i" actio"5 you>ve lear"e- that
they ca" ta7e a" a%stract i-ea a"- re-uce it to a 8or$ula %etter tha" a"yo"e else i"
the o88ice. =our A'uaria" e$ployee ca" thi"7 i" ,il-ly a%stract ter$s5 your Aries
e$ployee ca" toss out so$e re--hot i-eas5 s$othere- i" e"thusias$5 a"- the irgos
ca" orga"i3e the -etails $eticulously. 4ut #e$i"i ca" -o all three.
4e8ore you 8ire those other people5 ho,ever5 re$e$%er that the #e$i"i -oes">t have
the i"te"se -rive o8 the Aries5 "or the ,illi"g"ess to ,or7 overti$e. .e also lac7s
the 8i:e- a"- stea-y purpose o8 the A'uaria" a"- he>ll "ever u"-ersta"- the e"-less5
-evote- -e-icatio" o8 the irgo. /e ,o">t cover the other Su" sig"s. =ou get the
ge"eral i-ea. =our #e$i"i e$ployee is "ot a o"e-$a" sho,5 all %y hi$sel85 eve" i8
he is a -ual perso"ality. .e>ll co$e closer to it tha" a"yo"e else5 %ut you>ll "ee- the
other ,or7ers ;ust the sa$e.
#e$i"is share ,ith irgo5 Aries5 Leo a"- Scorpio a %uilt-i" a%ility to -eal ,ith
e$erge"cies. They ca" $eet a crisis s,i8tly. The typical #e$i"i ,ill $a7e i"sta"t
-ecisio"s a"- go i"to actio" ,hile $ost o8 the people arou"- hi$ are still polishi"g
their s7is. .e>s easily %ore- ,ith routi"e5 happiest ,he" he>s 8ree5 so -o">t try to
chai" hi$ -o," to the ,or7 %e"ch. .e>- rather -o a stretch o8 ti$e i" Si"g Si"g
tha" ,or7 8or a cloc7-,atcher. At least i" priso" he coul- tur" his curious $i"- to
stu-yi"g the %ehavior o8 the i"$ates. 2>- si"cerely li7e to poi"t out here that the
#e$i"i %ehi"- %ars is a lo"ely $a" ,ho coul-">t 8i"- the right "iche 8or his
$ultiple tale"ts i" a" over-orga"i3e-5 co"8or$ist society. Ma"y a #e$i"i 8orger or
petty thie8 is %asically as ho"est as the ;u-ge ,ho se"te"ce- hi$5 a"- t,ice as
i-ealistic. /he" #e$i"i is $a-e to 8eel guilty a%out his vivi- i$agi"atio" a"-
restless e"ergy i" chil-hoo-5 the" co"sta"tly critici3e- %y the %usi"ess ,orl- 8or
%ei"g too progressive a"- re8usi"g to 8it i"to stale patter"s5 his high se"se o8 $oral
a"- $e"tal ethics %eco$es -istorte-5 a"- he stri7es out o" the o"ly origi"al path he
8eels is le8t to hi$.
Most #e$i"is are so gli%ly persuasive they ca" tal7 people i"to %uyi"g thi"gs they
coul-">t possi%ly eve" use. 2t>s "ever a $ista7e to utili3e their tale"ts i" sales or pro-
$otio"al activities. /he" the #e$i"i>s silver to"gue gets through e:tolli"g the
virtues o8 your 8ir$5 you ,o">t eve" recog"i3e it yoursel85 eve" i8 you>re a %li"-
egotist a%out your o," co$pa"y. Se"- your #e$i"i $a" out to sell the pu%lic5 or to
,hee-le your custo$ers a"- clie"ts i" restaura"ts a"- o" gol8 courses. &r se"- hi$
o" the roa- to gather up a" avala"che o8 goo- ,ill a"- or-ers 8or %usi"ess. 28 you
$ust 7eep hi$ i" the o88ice5 %e care8ul ,here you place hi$. .e -oes">t rese"t
supervisio" as 8iercely as Leo or Aries5 %ut he ,ill %eco$e "ervous a"- i"a-e'uate
i8 he>s co"8i"e- a"- u"a%le to e:press hi$sel8. /he" this happe"s5 your #e$i"i
e$ployee ,ill %rea7 his shac7les a"- %ree3e o88 to $ore 8ree-o$ ,ithout a"
i"sta"t>s regret. No, -o">t ru" i" a"- ta7e a hasty pee7 at his -es7 to see i8 he>s still
there. .e ,o">t 8ly a,ay or -isappear i"to thi" air u"til he>s ha- a cha"ce to tell you
his reaso"s a"- ta7e his cha"ces o8 ,i""i"g you over to his poi"t o8 vie,. 0"less
you hear -i88ere"tly5 -irectly 8ro$ hi$5 he>s pro%a%ly as happy as a ,i"ge-
$esse"ger 8ro$ the go-s coul- %e here $ earth5 -oi"g ,hatever it is you have hi$
applyi"g his agile $i"- to. 28 there>s a" o88ice pool o8 a"y 7i"-5 you $ay see your
Leos5 Aries a"- Sagittarius people -oi"g lots o8 sho,y %etti"g5 %ut you ca" %et your
ol- 4roo7ly" Do-gers %utto" hat it ,as pro%a%ly $aster$i"-e- %y o"e o8 those
strea7s @8 light"i"g you e$ploy ,ho ,as %or" i" Ju"e. The #e$i"i vo">t thro,
e:travaga"t su$s o8 $o"ey i"to a co$plicate- $%%le sche$e as rea-ily as Leo5 the
lio". .e>s $ore li7ely 9o ris7 his security i" a situatio" ,here there>s a challe"ge o
his ,its5 ,here there>s 8ast actio" a"- a 'uic7 retur". .is co"versatio" ,ill %e 8ull o8
phrases li7e <Let>s give it i spi"5< <2t>s ,orth a 8lyer5< a"- <2>ll try a"ythi"g o"ce.<
A"- he ,ill5 too. Try a"ythi"g o"ce5 that is. T,ice is out.
.e>s %ore- %y the".
=our #e$i"i e$ployee $ay %e co"spicuous %y his a%se"ce or a%se"t-$i"-e-"ess
?sa$e thi"g@5 -uri"g %ase%all seaso" or gol8i"g play-o88s. Most Mercury people
e";oy these sports5 a"- $a"y o8 the$ have participate-5 tha"7s to the u"ca""y
#e$i"ia" -e:terity. There>s little he ca">t -o ,ith the sy"chro"i3atio" o8 his
i"tellige"ce a"- his clever ha"-s5 a"- that ca" i"clu-e calculati"g precisely ho, to
s,at a ,hite %all over the 8e"ce or $a7i"g a hole-i"-o"e o" the gree". Sports o8te"
attract hi$ as a ,ay to ,or7 o88 all that "ervous e"ergy. 2" the lo"g ru"5 ho,ever5
the #e$i"i pre8ers to e:ercise his ,its a"- give his $i"- a ,or7out5 so he ca" %at
ple"ty o8 ho$e ru"s 8or your 8ir$. Still5 he shoul- %e e"courage- to e"gage i"
physical activity. 2t ,ill ,ear hi$ out so he ca" sleep. All #e$i"is are pro"e to
i"so$"ia. Ma"y #e$i"i e$ployees ,ho ,or7 i" o88ices ,here they>re re'uire- to
%e o" the ;o% early i" the $or"i"g ca" %e recog"i3e- %y the circles u"-er their eyes.
=our #e$i"is ,ill 7eep the o88ice hu$$i"g ,ith %usy activity5 lots o8 ;o7es a"-
gay chatter. 4ut they>ll get thi"gs -o"e. The Mercury secretary $ay %e the 8astest
typist i" the cro,-5 a"- 'uic7 to catch your -ictatio". Nor$ally5 i8 she>s a typical
#e$i"i5 she>ll %e a%le to 8or$ a" i"tellige"t5 clearly-state- letter ,ith ;ust a hi"t
8ro$ you a%out the su%;ect $atter. 2" spite o8 her secretarial tale"ts5 you $ight %e
%etter o88 to put her out i" 8ro"t ,here she ca" char$ the people ,ho ,al7 i" the
-oor a"- ru" the s,itch%oar- 8or you. ?Doi"g t,o thi"gs at o"ce a"- ;uggli"g the$
e:pertly is "o pro%le$ 8or a Mercury girl.@ =ou>ll have 8e,er -isgru"tle- people
calli"g you. Not o"ly ,ill she s,eet tal7 stra"gers cleverly5 she>s "ot apt to scra$%le
the cor-s a"- cut you o88 i" the $i--le o8 a call to Fala$a3oo to co""ect you ,ith
2>- %etter ,ar" you "ot to -iscuss raises5 %o"uses5 co$$issio"s a"- such ,ith a
#e$i"i5 i8 you ca" possi%ly help it. 0se a ste$ !apricor" or a -og$atic Taurus or a
"o-"o"se"se irgo as your $i--le $a". 28 you -o">t5 the #e$i"i $ay tal7 you i"to
givi"g hi$ a higher positio" ,ith the 8ir$ tha" you have availa%le ,ithout 8iri"g
your ,i8e>s %rother a"- t,ice as $uch $o"ey as you $a7e yoursel8. .e>ll $a7e it all
see$ per8ectly logical. 2t>s $uch sa8er to avoi- 8i"a"cial hu--les ,ith a persuasive
#e$i"i. 28 you>re ga$e5 go ahea- a"- try it. 4ut you $ay co$e out o8 the hu--le
havi"g pro$ise- hi$ a ,ee7ly e:pe"se accou"t that ,oul- support a couple o8
irgos a"- !a"ceria"s 8or a year.
=ou>re li7ely to trip over a 8e, %ro7e" hearts i" the o88ice hall,ays ,he" you have
Mercury e$ployees. A 8lirtatio" or t,o a $o"th a"- a rather 8ic7le ,ay o8 cha"gi"g
his $i"- is the average %ehavior %e8ore $aturity. There>s a youth8ul air o8
irrespo"si%ility a%out $a"y a #e$i"i ?u"less the "atal chart i"-icates a $ore sta%le
"ature@. .e has a $i"- at least a $illio" years ol-5 a"- the e$otio"s o8 a tee"ager.
.e>ll loo7 li7e o"e5 too.
The truth is that the #e$i"i5 li7e *eter *a"5 hates to gro, up. A"- li7e *eter5 he
"ee-s a /e"-y as s$art as he is to clea" house 8or hi$ every spri"g5 letti"g hi$
co$e a"- go as he pleases. 28 you>re the 7i"- o8 %oss to play o88ice !upi-5 -o">t
i"tro-uce hi$ to a"y other 7i"- o8 girl5 or you $ay have to loa" hi$ $o"ey to pay
his ali$o"y shortly a8ter,ar-s.
Do you ,a"t to $a7e your o88ice really s,i"gA *ut your Aries e$ployee a"- your
#e$i"i e$ployee together i" a roo$ to -iscuss a "e, pro;ect. The" stu88 so$e
cotto" i" your ears to protect the$ 8ro$ a sou"- li7e o"e hu"-re- a--i"g $achi"es
a"- t,o hu"-re- tic7er tapes all goi"g at o"ce. Sta"- close %y ,ith a %ig5 stro"g "et
to catch all the pi"7 %alloo"s that ,ill %e 8lyi"g through the air. #ather the$ up5
ta7e the$ i" to your o88ice5 a"- stu-y the$ care8ully %e8ore you stic7 a pi" i" the$.
&"e o8 the$ is li7ely to co"tai" a $illio" -ollar i-ea.
.e thought he sa, a" Al%atross
That 8luttere- rou"- the la$p9
.e loo7e- agai"5 a"- 8ou"- it ,as
A pe""y-postage-sta$p. <=ou>- %est %e getti"g ho$e5< he sai-5 <The "ights are very

!AN!+15 the !ra%
Ju"e 22"- through July 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The !AN!+1 Ma"
The !AN!+1 /o$a"
The !AN!+1 !hil-
The !AN!+1 4oss
The !AN!+1 +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e !AN!+1
<2 ca">t e:plai" $ysel85 2>$ a8rai-. %ecause 2>$ "ot $ysel85 you see5<
<&h5 $y 8ur a"- ,his7ersi< 2t is this5 it is this that oppresses $y soul.
The %est ti$e to hu"t 8or hu$a" cra%s is %y the light o8 the silvery Moo". 2t>s
usually easier to recog"i3e the$ at "ight5 ,he" they>re all -resse- up to go
-rea$i"g5 ,rappe- i" vivi- i$agi"atio". Moo"light %eco$es the$ %eauti8ully. 2t
goes ,ith their $a"y $oo-s5 a"- it $atches their cha"gi"g e$otio"s.
=ou>ll gather lots o8 clues to the !a"ceria" "ature %y -oi"g so$e Moo"-ga3i"g o" a
clear "ight i" the cou"try. 2t $ay %e har- to see it through the s$og i" the city5 %ut
you ca" al,ays stu-y a" al$a"ac. Notice the Moo">s cha"gi"g shape a"-
appeara"ce. As it ,a:es a"- i"creases i" light5 it slo,ly gro,s i"to a per8ect5 rou"-
%all i" the s7y. /he" it ,a"es5 it gra-ually -isappears5 so there>s "othi"g visi%le %ut
a thi" sliver o8 light ,ith a 8ai"t5 silver shi$$er.
The !a"ceria">s passi"g $oo-s are sy"chro"i3e- to the Moo"5 a"s,eri"g to the
sa$e $ysterious lu"ar i"8lue"ce that causes the ti-es o8 the ocea" to 8lo, i" a"-
out. =et5 the Moo" -oes">t really cha"ge at all. 2t ;ust see$s to. Li7e,ise5 the
!a"ceria" re$ai"s the sa$e perso" through all his 8luctuati"g highs a"- lo,s. Such
-epe"-a%le perio-icity-co"sta"t i" its i"co"sta"cy-$a7es the cra% easy to recog"i3e5
o"ce you 7"o, the phase he>s i" ,he" you see hi$.
=ou $ay 8irst co$e across hi$ ,he" he>s laughi"g the <cra3y lu"ar laugh.< 2t>s
i"escapa%ly co"tagious. 2t ru"s up a"- -o," the scales ,ith a -eep5 throaty
u"-erto"e. 2t giggles a"- gurgles5 the" 8i"ally erupts i" a lou- cac7le that sou"-s
e:actly li7e t,o hu"-re- he"s layi"g t,o hu"-re- per8ect eggs. 2" his li8e-o8-the-
party $oo-5 youll have "o trou%le 8i"-i"g the !a"ceria". .ell %e the 8u""iest o"e i"
the roo$5 a laugh a $i"ute. 28 he>s "ot per8or$i"g hi$sel85 the" he>ll %e gri""i"g at
so$eo"e else>s a"tics. No o"e li7es a ;o7e %etter tha" !a"cer5 a"- his 8u""y si-e is
all the $ore startli"g ,he" it pops up so i"co"gruously 8ro$ his "or$ally 'uiet5
ge"tle perso"ality. Lu"ar hu$or ru"s -eep. 2t>s "ever shallo, or super8icial5 %ecause
it ste$s 8ro$ the se"sitive o%servatio" o8 hu$a" %ehavior. !a"cer $ay "ot ,ear his
lu"ar laugh every -ay5 %ut he ca" al,ays -ig it out o8 his ol- tru"7 i" the %ase$e"t
at a $o$e"t>s "otice.
These people -o">t pa"t a8ter the spotlight li7e the e:tro-verte- Leos or-clo,"ish
Sagittaria"s5 %ut !a"ceria"s have a" u"ca""y se"se o8 pu%licity5 ,he" it pleases
the$ to %e "otice-. Do">t let that u"assu$i"g $a""er 8ool you. They secretly e";oy
atte"tio"5 a"- they>ll soa7 up a"y hea-li"es they get. =ou ,o">t 8i"- !a"cer
pursui"g 8a$e ,ith passio" ?he pursues "othi"g ,ith true passio"@5 %ut he certai"ly
,o">t shri"7 8ro$ it. .e>s 8ar $ore li7ely to %as7 i" the re8lecte- glo, o8 applause
tha" to ru" a,ay. !a"cer $ay hi-e 8ro$ thi"gs5 %ut you ca" %e sure that apprecia-
tio" is "ot o"e o8 the$.
28 you>re the 7i"- o8 perso" ,ho catches col- easily5 ,ear your rai"coat ,he" you
e:pose yoursel8 to the -a$p"ess o8 a !a"ceria" i" a $ela"choly $oo-. .e ca" ,rap
you i" ,et %la"7ets u"til you shiver a"- sha7e. !a"cer ca" tur" %luer tha" a"
i"7,ell5 a"- -ro," you i" -epressio" -eeper tha" the 8loor o8 the ocea". .is 8ears
are usually ,ell covere- %y the "utty lu"ar hu$or5 %ut they are al,ays ,ith hi$5
hau"ti"g his -ays a"- "ights ,ith a vague se"se o8 "a$eless -a"gers5 lur7i"g i" the
sha-o,s. *essi$is$ is "ever 8ar a,ay5 al,ays rea-y to spoil those %eauti8ul "ights
o8 8a"cy. A !a"ceria" ca" ta7e the -rea$iest trips to the stars o" the gossa$er
,i"gs o8 his i$agi"atio"5 i8 he lea$s to ig"ore that harpi"g i""er voice ,hich 7eeps
"aggi"g hi$ a"- ,ar"i"g hi$ he $ight get lost i" outer space. 4ut u"til he lea$s to
co"'uer his 8ears5 they 8or$ his Achilles> heel5 a"- they hurt every ti$e he starts to
8ly too high.
.is tears are "ever croco-ile tears. They 8lo, 8ro$ the -eep rivers o8 his 8ragile a"-
vul"era%le heart. =ou ca" ,ou"- his se"sitive 8eeli"gs ,ith a harsh gla"ce or a
rough t- to"e o8 voice. !ruelty ca" %ri"g o" %ri$$i"g eyes or a >co$plete
,ith-ra,al ?2t>s a" o-- thi"g that !a"ceria"s sel-o$ get 8eversB they>re $ore li7ely
to su88er 8ro$ the chills.@ 2t ,o">t %e easy to spot the cra% i" this $oo-5 %ecause
,he" he>s hurt5 he -isappears i"to reproach8ul sile"ce. So$eti$es5 he ca" retaliate
,ith a" al$ost scorpio" reve"ge5 %ut he>ll usually -o it secretly5 sel-o$ ope"ly ,ith
the Scorpio>s 8i"e co"te$pt 8or co"se'ue"ces. Most o8 the ti$e5 ho,ever5 hell tur"
a,ay 8ro$ getti"g eve"5 co"te"t to hi-e u"-er his protective shell. &"ce you>ve
,ou"-e- hi$5 you ca" po7e at hi$ ,ith a sharp stic7 8or -ays a8ter,ar-s a"- "ot
reach hi$. .e ,o">t a"s,er his pho"e5 his -oor%ell or his $ail. 2" the $i-st o8
u"certai"ty5 -espair a"- sa-"ess. !a"cer people see7 retreat a"- solitu-e. Just li7e
real cra%s.
That>s a"other $oo- !a"ceria"s have. !ra%%y. The perso" ,ho gave you a cra"7y
a"s,er ,he" you as7e- 8or the ti$e5 the o"e ,ho "early s"appe- your hea- o88
,he" you as7e- hi$ to pass the salt-,as pro%a%ly a !a"cer perso" goi"g through
o"e o8 his occasio"al cra%%y spells that $a7es hi$ hate the ,orl-. .e>s "ot a"gry
,ith you. .e>s -isappoi"te- ,ith li8e. .e>ll get over it5 a"- %e his o," s,eet5 ge"tle
a"- u"-ersta"-i"g sel8 ,he" the Moo" cha"ges. !o"sult the -aily paper 8or the "e:t
'uarter5 or ,ait u"til the ti-es co$e %ac7 i".
There are t,o %asic !a"cer types. The 8irst 7i"- has a Q ha"-so$e rou"- 8ace5 so8t
s7i"5 a ,i-e5 gri""i"g $outh5 al$ost circular eyes5 rather a %a%y-8ace- loo7. Thi"7
o8 the $a" i" the $oo". That>s a per8ect i$age. The seco"- type is $ore co$$o".
The u"$ista7a%le <loo7 o8 the cra%< is i$$e-iately "oticea%le i" the 8ace. =ou>ll
see a 8airly large s7ull5 a" overha"gi"g %ro, a"- high chee7%o"es. The %ro,s
the$selves ,ill see$ to 7"it together i" a sort o8 per$a"e"t 8ro," ,hich5 stra"gely5
is">t o88e"sive5 %ut rather i"teresti"g. There>s a pro"ou"ce- lo,er ;a,5 a"- the teeth
are either pro$i"e"t or irregular i" so$e ,ay. The eyes are s$all a"- usually 8ar
apart. So$eti$es you>ll see a !a"ceria" ,ho co$%i"es %oth the lu"ar 8ace a"- the
cra% 8ace %ut each is so -isti"ctive that5 eve" ,he" they>re %le"-e-5 it>s easy to
recog"i3e the$ as Moo" people5 %or" u"-er the sig" o8 the cra%. So$e o8 the$ are
i"-isputa%ly plu$p5 %ut the great $a;ority have a stri7i"gly %o"y structure. The
ar$s a"- legs $ay %e e:tra lo"g i" proportio" to the rest o8 the %o-y. The shoul-ers
,ill %e %roa-er tha" average5 a"- o8te" the ha"-s a"- 8eet are either u"usually ti"y
or 'uite large. Most !a"ceria"s are a little top heavy5 a"- they ,a--le slightly ,he"
they ,al7 8ast. /hether the %o-y is plu$p or ,iry5 the ,o$e" ,ill usually ,ear a
s,eater si3e co"si-era%ly larger tha" the s7irt si3e. &r they>ll %e a%solutely 8lat-
cheste-. +ither ,ay5 this particular characteristic is 'uite $ar7e-. There is "ever a
$i--le grou"- 8or this part o8 the a"ato$y ,ith 8e$ale cra%s.
All lu"ar people have e"or$ously e:pressive 8eatures. A thousa"- $oo-s play
8leeti"gly across their 8aces i" the course o8 a co"versatio". Do you 7"o, so$eo"e
,ho so$eti$es cac7les ,il-ly5 the" ,eeps -espo"-e"tly5-,ho occasio"ally s"aps at
you irrita%ly5 a"- the" hi-es ,he" you hurt hi$A Does he "or$ally treat you ,ith
ge"tle co"si-eratio"A 28 he>s gru885 yet 7i"-ly5 a 8asci"ati"g co"versatio"alist ,ith
-eep ,ells o8 creative i$agi"atio"5 that perso" ,as pro%a%ly %or" i" late Ju"e or
!a"eeria"s have such co"trol o8 i$agery5 a"- their $oo-s are so i"te"se5 they ca"
$a7e you 8eel the$5 too. Their i$agi"atio" sei3es ;oy a"- -espair5 horror a"- co$-
passio"5 sorro, a"- ecstasy5 a"- hol-s each e$otio" 8ast ,ith a rete"tive $e$ory.
Li7e $irrors a"- ca$eras5 they a%sor% i$ages a"- re8lect the$ 8aith8ully. +very
e:perie"ce is e"grave- o" the heart as a photograph is etche- o" a "egative plate.
They "ever 8orget a"y o8 the lesso"s li8e has taught the$ "or -o they 8orget the
lesso"s history has taught $a"7i"-. A !a"ceria" reveres the past a"- is usually
patriotic to the core. .istorical 8igures i"trigue hi$ as $uch as his o," a"cestors
-o. .e o8te" collects a"ti'ues5 ol- treasures a"- a"cie"t relics a"- has a" i"satia%le
curiosity a%out yester-ay. !a"cer is a sort o8 $e"tal archaeologist5 al,ays -iggi"g
8or $ore 8asci"ati"g 8acts.
.e>s also a ,ell o8 secrecy. *eople auto$atically co"8i-e their secrets to the cra%5
%ut ,ith his se"sitive e$otio"s he alrea-y 7"o,s ,hat>s o" their $i"-s. !a"ceria"
co$passio" is -eep a"- highly i"tuitive. There>s har-ly a secret he ca">t strip "a7e-5
i8 he chooses. 2t>s a o"e-,ay street5 ho,ever. .e>ll eve"tually soa7 up all there is to
7"o, a%out you5 %ut you>ll "ever guess his o," private thoughts. .e guar-s his
i""er 8eeli"gs care8ully 8ro$ pryi"g eyes. The typical !a"cer perso" -oes">t li7e to
-iscuss his perso"al li8e5 %ut he>s -elighte- to hear a%out yours5 as his lu"ar
i$agi"atio" lets hi$ easily guess the parts you leave out. !a"cer sel-o$ ;u-ges5
ho,ever. .e si$ply gathers5 a%sor%s5 re8lects.
Although the cra% gives %ac7 e$otio"s li7e a $irror5 he ,o">t give up ta"gi%le
thi"gs ,ithout a struggle. Ta7e a stroll alo"g a"y %each a"- o%serve the ha%its o8
the real cra%. /he" he gra%s a" o%;ect ?a"- $a7e sure it>s "ot your %ig toe@5 he>ll
ha"g o" 8or -ear li8e. .e>- rather lose a cla, tha" let go. 28 the cra% -oes sacri8ice a
cla,5 he gro,s a "e, o"e5 so he ca" gra% hol- o"ce $ore ,ith the sa$e te"acityB
a"- let that %e a lesso" to you ,he" you>re tryi"g to get a !a"ceria" to give up
so$ethi"g he or she really ,a"ts. !a"cer ,ill "ever reli"'uish a treasure- o%;ect5
a"- that ca" ra"ge all the ,ay 8ro$ a %elove- 8rie"- or relative to a title or a
positio"-8ro$ a" ol- ti"type photo to a pair o8 8ra33le- house slippers5 ,ith the soles
hal8 ,or" a,ay.
/hile you>re still o" the %each5 ta7e a 8e, $ore "otes o" the custo$s o8 the real
cra%. The ,ay he ,al7s5 8or i"sta"ce. 28 his eye is o" that %ig toe5 he>ll "ever co$e
8orth -irectly a"- hea- 8or your 8oot. (irst5 he $oves %ac7,ar- a 8e, paces. The"
he $oves si-e,ays. Su--e"ly5 ,ithout ,ar"i"g5 he cra,ls to the other si-e. .e
al,ays appears to %e $ovi"g i" the opposite -irectio". 4ut he>s ,atchi"g every
seco"-. 28 that -elicious toe starts to get a,ay 8ro$ hi$5 he>ll $ove straight 8or,ar-5
a"- you>- %etter ru" i8 you -o">t ,a"t those cla,s to -ig i". .e $ea"s %usi"ess
,he" he sees he has a cha"ce o8 losi"g the $orsel he covets. The hu$a" cra%
i$itates these tactics precisely. !a"ceria"s "ever go -irectly a8ter ,hat they ,a"t.
Their strategy is to $ove i" every -irectio" %ut straight ahea-. They>ll play this
shi8ti"g ga$e i"-e8i"itely5 u"til it loo7s as i8 so$eo"e else is a%out to gra% the pri3e.
The" the car-s are playe- 'uic7ly a"- cleverly-!a"cer lu"ges 8or,ar-5 ta7es hol-
8ir$ly5 a"- re8uses to let go.
They %ehave $uch the sa$e ,ay ,he" it co$es to ge"erosity a"- givi"g. !a"cer>s
heart is too so8t "ot to %e touche- %y so$eo"e>s "ee-. .e truly cares a"- he ,a"ts to
help. 4ut he>ll sit %ac7 cautiously a"- ,ait to see i8. there>s a"yo"e else ,ho $ight
$ove i" 8irst. /hy shoul- he 8oolishly s'ua"-er his ti$e or $o"ey i8 it is "ot
"ecessaryA /he" all other sources 8ail5 ,he" "o other help sho,s a"y sig" o8
$ateriali3i"g. !a"cer ,ill rescue the struggler at the last $i"ute. .e>ll let you go
-o," t,ice5 %ut he>ll save you ;ust %e8ore you su%$erge the thir- ti$e. .e>s too
7i"- to ,atch you -ro,"5 %ut he>s certai"ly "ot goi"g to get all ,et i8 there>s a li8e
guar- arou"-5 or i8 it loo7s as i8 you ca" s,i$ to shore yoursel8. 2t>s sel8-
preservatio"5 "ot sel8ish"ess or u"7i"-"ess. The cra%>s heart is so8t at the core5 u"-er
his har-5 co"servative outer shell. 4ut there>s ;ust so $uch o8 his ti$e5 his $o"ey
a"- his e$otio"s he has to give5 a"- he chooses to -istri%ute each ,isely. .is eve"-
tual gesture ,ill o8te" %e gra"- a"- ge"erous. =et5 i" his $i"-5 it>s o"ly se"si%le to
,atch a"- ,ait %e8ore plu"gi"g. No o"e coul- accuse hi$ o8 %ei"g i$pulsive.
/he" he -oes $a7e a $ove5 he>ll ,a"t so$e sort o8 trac7 recor- %ehi"- hi$-or
%ehi"- you. The cra% care8ully calculates his actio"s o" e:perie"ces5 either his o,"
or so$eo"e else>s. .e "ee-s the stre"gth o8 a" accepte- prece-e"t or the assura"ce
o8 8i"a"cial security as a 8ou"-atio". .e 8ears goi"g it alo"e ,ithout such a"
i"sura"ce policy5 ,hich is ,hy $ost o8 his ve"tures are success8ul a"- each 8i"al
$ove a coup -e grace5 e:ecute- ,ith 8i"esse. Naturally5 !a"ceria"s ,ill sel-o$
stu$%le i"to -eep holes i" the -ar7. /ith a 8iery Moo" sig"5 or a 8ire sig" o" the
asce"-a"t5 he $ay ga$%le o" a" occasio"al $a"euver5 %ut i8 he 8ails5 he>ll %e
$isera%le a%out goi"g agai"st his o," %etter i""er ;u-g$e"t. Leo or Sagittarius
i"8lue"ces $ay have -rive" hi$ to act5 %ut ,he" he 8alls %ac7 o" his o," Su" sig"
a8ter -e8eat5 $isery sets i". !a"cer te"-s to %roo- over $ista7es i"stea- o8
shruggi"g o88 %a- luc7 a"- tryi"g agai"5 a"- it ,ill %e so$e ti$e %e8ore he ta7es
a"other cha"ce.
Male or 8e$ale5 the !a"ceria" loves his ho$e ,ith a respect %or-eri"g o"
revere"ce. No -evout high priest o8 a"cie"t ti$es ever co"si-ere- his altar $ore
sacre- tha" !a"cer co"si-ers the place ,here he ha"gs his ol- hat. =ou>re lia%le to
"otice a sa$pler o" his ,all ,ith the ,or-s5 <There>s No *lace Li7e .o$e5 4e 2t
+ver So .u$%le.< ?=es5 2 7"o, the verse is %ac7,ar-s5 %ut his little girl $a-e it at
school5 a"- to hi$ it>s a $asterpiece5 a pearl %eyo"- price. A-$ire it o8te".@ .is
ho$e is ,here he plays5 lives5 loves5 -rea$s a"- 8eels sa8e. Though he $ay travel
over hal8 the earth i" co""ectio" ,ith his career5 "o !a"cer perso" is ever 'uite
happy ,ithout a hearth to call his o,". So$eti$e $a7e a poi"t o8 "otici"g the
e:pressio" o" the 8ace o8 a cra% ,ho has ;ust retur"e- ho$e 8ro$ a lo"g trip. *ure
No $atter ho, $uch $o"ey he piles up i" reserve5 !a"cer "ever 8eels really secure5
a"- "o $atter ho, $uch love he gets5 he al,ays "ee-s $ore. .is e$otio"s "ever let
hi$ %eco$e sure e"ough to rela: co$pletely. .e>s al,ays pili"g up ta"gi%les
agai"st so$e i$agi"ary 8uture -isaster. So$e !a"ceria"s actually 7eep %ig
car-%oar- carto"s o8 8oo- o8 all 7i"-s u"-er their %e-s. 2t 7eeps a,ay those
"ight$ares. =ou $ay thi"7 that>s stretchi"g the truth5 %ut ,he" ,as the last ti$e
you loo7e- u"-er a !a"cer>s %e-A 28 you -o">t 8i"- the ca""e- 8oo-s there5 loo7 o"
the closet shelves. =ou $ay 8i"- t,o -o3e" ca"s o8 papri7a a"- t,e"ty-eight %o:es
o8 8orti8ie- %rea- cru$%s he %ought o" sale i" 1)43. /hat>s he savi"g it 8orA Do">t
as7 ri-iculous 'uestio"s. There $ight %e a 8a$i"e so$e-ay. .e>s prepare-. ?Noah
$ust have %ee" %or" i" July. The 8loo- -i-">t catch hi$ ,ith his ru--ers -o,"5
either.@ /hy -oes">t he use all that papri7a a"- all those %rea- cru$%sA The a"s,er
to that o"e raises a"other 'uestio". /hy -oes">t he use those 8ourtee" pairs o8 "e,
pa;a$as a"- the seve" -o3e" cash$ere scarves he>s %ee" give" over the years as
gi8tsA They>re still i" the origi"al tissue paper. /ho 7"o,sA May%e he>s pla""i"g to
,rap the$ arou"- the a"i$als to 7eep the$ ,ar$ ,he" the "e:t 8loo- co$es.
!oul- %e. .e thi"7s that 8ar ahea-5 a"- he re$e$%ers yester-ay>s catastrophes
vivi-ly5 eve" i8 he ,as">t there.
=ou>ll o8te" 8i"- the !a"ceria" o" the ,ater. 28 he>s "ot s,i$$i"g5 he>s ,ater-s7ii"g
or at the very least5 ,a-i"g. 0"less there>s so$e -e8i"ite pla"etary a88lictio" i" his
"atal chart that $a7es hi$ 8ear the ,aves5 he>ll usually %e 8ou"- spe"-i"g $ost o8
his leisure ti$e o" a %each. Lots o8 !a"cer people o," their o," %oats. .e>- $uch
rather have a tri$ little ship he ca" escape to tha" a -o3e" color televisio" sets a"-
8i8ty li$ousi"es. So$e cra%s have 8a%ulous yachts5 %ut eve" i8 it>s a ro,%oat or a
ca"oe5 he>ll %liss8ully ro,5 pa--le or steer it to happi"ess. 2t>s as though the
!a"ceria" has a special5 private -rea$ that>s %ee" lost out there so$e,here i" the
-eep ,aters5 a"- he 7eeps see7i"g it. &ver hal8 the cra%s you $eet ,ill %e ,ee7e"-
sailors. May%e it>s the $oo" a"- the ti-es calli"g hi$. /hatever it is5 he>s "ever as
$oo-y ,he" he>s happily ,al7i"g his o," -ec7 i" the te""is shoes he %ought ,he"
he gra-uate- 8ro$ college. ?Do">t ever suggest that he %uy "e, o"es. There>s o"e
thi"g you have to u"-ersta"- a%out these people. 28 it>s ol-5 it has value. 28 it>s "e,5
it>s suspect.@
!a"ceria" e$otio"s ca" %e stro"ger tha" the physical %o-y. /orry a"-
apprehe"sio" ca" $a7e hi$ ill5 a"-
2 cheer8ul"ess ca" $a7e hi$ ,ell. &8te"5 he 8ears 8i"a"cial J collapse or the loss o8
so$eo"e he "ee-s e$otio"ally. 28 his security is threate"e-5 either at the %a"7 or i"
his heart5 he ca" 8all i"to a -epressio" ,hich u"co"sciously courts sic7"ess or
acci-e"t. .is active i$agi"atio" ca" %e $or%i- e"ough to tur" a $i"or ill"ess i"to a
grave or chro"ic o"e. /he" he gets gloo$y5 he respo"-s poorly to positive
state$e"ts. The" he>s apt to thi"7 you>re u"7i"- 8or "ot sy$pathi3i"g ,ith hi$. 4ut
sy$pathy is the last thi"g !a"cer "ee-s ,he" he>s sic75 "ever $i"- ,hat he says. 28
he gro,s $ela"choly a%out 8earso$e possi%ilities5 he i"vites real trou%le5 a"- he>ll
ta7e t,ice as lo"g to get ,ell.
The $ost vul"era%le areas are the chest or %reast regio"5 the 7"ees5 7i-"eys5 %la--er
a"- s7i". The hea- a"- 8ace areas are also se"sitive5 as are the sto$ach a"- the
-igestive syste$. !a"ceria"s practically i"ve"te- ulcers. 4ut those ,ho 7eep sere"e5
a"- ,ho call o" their $arvelous se"se o8 hu$or to see the$ through their $oo-s5
ca" easily stay ,ell u"til a ripe ol- age. 28 they get a 8ir$ grip o" happi"ess a"-
re8use to let go5 the cra%s have the po,er to cli"g to li8e ,ith the sa$e te"acity that
they cli"g to those ol- "e,spapers a"- pot hol-ers. !heer8ul"ess5 opti$is$ a"-
laughter5 ta7e" -aily i" large -oses5 ,ill 7eep their $i"-s a"- %o-ies healthy. As
!a"cer i$agi"es hi$sel8 to 8eel5 so shall he actually 8eel. No other sig" is so pro"e
to let "egative thoughts %ri"g o" ill"ess5 yet "o other sig" ca" create such $iracles
o8 sel8-heali"g. 2t>s a stra"ge co"tra-ictio"5 a"- it ,oul- i$$e"sely %e"e8it all
!a"ceria"s to po"-er it.
Lots o8 !a"cer people have very gree" thu$%s. They pro-uce so$e %eauti8ul
gar-e"s that are te"-e- a"- ,atere- ,ith lovi"g care. Most o8 the$ also have very
gree" savi"gs accou"ts5 ,hich they cultivate ,ith the sa$e -evotio". Mo"ey cli"gs
to !a"cer5 a"- they li7e the 8eel o8 it5 so they allo, it to cli"g. They spe"- 8rugally5
to say the very least. +ve" ,ith i$pulsive i"8lue"ces i" the "atal chart5 !a"cer ,ill
7eep a 8e, -ry %ills asi-e 8or a rai"y -ay. 28 he tells you he>s %ro7e5 he $ea"s he>s
-o," to his last 8e, thousa"-. To hi$5 that>s a -esperate situatio". No o"e is a $ore
capa%le $a"ager o8 8u"-s tha" the cra% ?although Taurus5 !apricor" or irgo $ay
ru" a close seco"-@. .e>s a" e:pert at accu$ulati"g cash a"- $a7i"g it gro, li7e the
trees a"- 8lo,ers he pla"ts. 2t ,ill sel-o$ -,i"-le i" his te"acious ha"-s or ru"
through his shre,- 8i"gers5 a"- you ,o">t catch hi$ tossi"g %u"-les o8 it out the
,i"-o, 8or the sheer ;oy o8 getti"g ri- o8 it. .is ge"erosity is e:cee-e- o"ly %y his
cautio". !a"ceria" Joh" D. 1oc7e8eller5 Sr. pro%a%ly thought he ,as %ei"g
,ic7e-ly e:travaga"t ,he" he ha"-e- out all those -i$es to s$all chil-re"B
it tic7le- hi$ to go o" such a ,il- spe"-i"g spree a"- teach eco"o$y at the sa$e
ti$e. Still5 the cra% ,ill share ,hatever he has ,illi"gly ,he" so$eo"e he li7es or
loves is i" real "ee-. A chil- ,ill "ever 8ail to $ove hi$ to part ,ith cash5 %ut hell
co$e -o," har- o" a grocer ,ho overcharges hi$ t,o ce"ts o" a ca" o8 %ea"s.
*oo- so$eho, represe"ts security to !a"ceria"s. 28 &l- Mother .u%%ar- ha- %ee"
%or" i" July5 she ,oul- "ever have recovere- 8ro$ 8i"-i"g the cup%oar- %are.
/hether he actually eats it or "ot5 the cra% 8eels sa8er ,he" the lar-er is 8ull a"-
over8lo,i"g. Just tal7i"g a%out 8oo- %ri"gs a rosy glo, to his e:pressive 8ace5 a"-
stories o8 starvatio" ,ill actually horri8y hi$. !a"ceria"s care -eeply a%out the
hu"gry5 a"- they 8eel a respo"si%ility to,ar- every e$pty sto$ach i" the ,orl-.
?The "ote- $athe$aticia"-astrologer !arl *ay"e To%ey has poi"te- out that
!a"ceria" Nelso" 1oc7e8eller ca$paig"e- i" super$ar7ets ,ith the political
sloga"5 <.e !ares.<@ /asti"g 8oo- is a cri$e to !a"cer. =ou>ll get all the seco"-
helpi"gs you ,a"t5 %ut %e sure you clea" up the plate.
There>s a stro"g $ater"al i"sti"ct i" %oth se:es. They>re al,ays tryi"g to stu88 hot
8oo- i"to you5 or %u"-le you up agai"st the -a$p5 "ight air. !a"ceria"s %a%y their
8rie"-s a"- love- o"es a"- hover over the$ protectively. 2t>s har- to tell ,hich stirs
the lu"ar e$otio"s $ore -eeply-chil-re"5 8oo- or $o"ey.
The cra%>s se"sitive "ature is covere- ,ith a har- shell5 a"- he>s ,ise e"ough to
avoi- the stor$y seas. .al8 the ti$e he lives o" -ry la"-5 the other hal8 i" -eep
,aters. .e ,ears the lu$i"ous5 pale gol- a"- shi$$eri"g colors o8 $oo"light5 a"-
hi-es his po,er8ul e$otio"s %ehi"- the pale gree"5 $auve a"- lave"-er ti"ts o8
There>s a touch o8 Moo" $a-"ess i" every !a"ceria". .e 7"o,s a ,il- a"- secret
place ,here t,o lilies a"- seve" ,hite roses gro, a$o"g the iris. So$eti$es the
$e$ory o8 this 8ara,ay gar-e" causes hi$ to e:plo-e ,ith laughter. No, a"- the"
it causes hi$ to ,eep ,ith sa-"ess. !a"cer patie"tly gathers the e$eral-s5 pearls
a"- $oo"-sto"es carelessly -roppe- i" the sa"- %y others5 as he ,aits 8or the ti-es
to ,ash his silver -rea$s ashore.
(a$ous !a"cer *erso"alities
Joh" 6ui"cy A-a$s Louis Ar$stro"g 2"g$ar 4erg$a" Milto" 4erle Julius !aesar
Ja$es !ag"ey Marc !hagall Jea" !octeau #eorge M. !oha" !alvi" !ooli-ge.
*hyllis Di0er Stephe" (oster Joh" #le"" &scar .a$$erstei" +r"est .e$i"g,ay
.e"ry 222
.ele" Feller !harles Laughto" #ertru-e La,re"ce A""e Li"-%ergh #i"a
Lollo%rigi-a Marcel *roust 1e$%ra"-t
Joh" D. 1oc7e8eller Nelso" 1oc7e8eller 1ichar- 1o-gera 1e- S7elto" 4ar%ara
Sta",yc7 1i"go Starr .e"ry D. Thoreau Joh" /a"a$a7er Du7e o8 /i"-sor

A"-re, /yeth

The !AN!+1 Ma"
<2 so$eti$es -ig 8or %utter rolls5 &r set li$e- t,igs 8or cra%s9
2 so$eti$es search the grassy 7"olls (or ,heels o8 .a"so$-ca%s9
A"- that>s the ,ay5< ?he gave a ,i"7@ <4y ,hich 2 get $y ,ealth-
A"- very gla-ly ,ill 2 -ri"7 =our .o"or>s "o%le health.<
A tacitur" e:pert at circu$locutio" he is. A scatter%rai" a"- a chatter%o: he is "ot.
Do">t e:pect this $a" to %are his soul ,he" he 8irst $eets you. !a"ceria"s "ever
co"8i-e i" stra"gers5 a"- there are certai" thi"gs eve" their %est 8rie"-s -o">t 7"o,.
2t ,ill ta7e a lo"g ti$e a"- a 8air a$ou"t o8 patie"ce to really 7"o, hi$. 28 you
catch hi$ i" o"e o8 his ca"ta"7erous $oo-s5 you $ay "ot %e very a":ious to really
7"o, hi$5 %ut try agai". Do">t give up so easily.
.e ca" %e 8lirtatious a"- 8ic7le5 %ut he ca" also %e se"sitive a"- loyal. /ithout
,ar"i"g5 that ,ri"7le- 8ro," ca" %e replace- %y a ge"tle s$ile. .is cra%%y
co$plai"ts aa- gru88 $a""er ca" ,ar$ slo,ly i"to a te"-er to"e5 ;ust %e8ore he
%rea7s i"to a -eep chuc7le5 a $u88le- giggle or lou-5 hysterical lu"ar laughter.
/he" he>s sa- a"- ,ist8ul5 you>ll ,a"t to put your ar$s arou"- hi$5 a"- soothe
a,ay his $ela"choly. /he" he>s sho,i"g o88 his sharp5 i"tuitive $i"-5 you>ll stare
at hi$ i" a,e. .is cautio" ,ill i$press you. .is pessi$is$ ,ill -epress you.
.e ca" %e so courtly5 courteous5 a"- co"si-erate5 you hal8 e:pect hi$ to as7 you to
-a"ce the irgi"ia 1eel. There>s "o 'uestio" that he>s a ro$a"tic -rea$er5 yet he>s
so se"si%le a"- practical5 his e"e$ies $ay call hi$ <&l- Mar%le Nose< %ehi"- his
%ac7. /hat -o you -o ,ith a $a" li7e thisA
=ou try to u"-ersta"- hi$. These are">t cha"ges o8 perso"ality. They>re si$ply
lu"ar $oo-s5 $ovi"g across his co"scious"ess5 here to-ay-go"e to$orro,. 4oth
-uri"g a"- %et,ee" each $oo-5 the !a"cer $a" is true to hi$sel8. .is "ature "ever
-eviates 8ro$ its %asic $ol-5 -espite the cha"ges o8 e:pressio" that play o" his
8eatures. Al,ays try to re$e$%er that although a !a"ceria">s $a""er ca" %e rough
a"- aloo85 his heart is al,ays so8t a"- a88ectio"ate5 a"- so 8ull o8 se"ti$e"t it o8te"
$a7es hi$ 8eel too vul"era%le. The" he cra,ls i"to his co"ve"ie"t shell ?the o"e he
carries ,ith hi$ at all ti$es@5 sa8e 8or a ,hile 8ro$ his o," e$otio"s. =ou>ll thi"7
he>s a real cra% a"- give up ,he" he retreats i"to i";ure- sile"ce. 4ut the "e:t ti$e
he cautiously pee7s out to see the su"shi"e5 you>ll %e te$pte- all over agai" to get
close to hi$. 0"8ortu"ately5 a !a"cer $ale ca" %e a regular ,et -ishrag "o, a"-
the"5 -isparagi"g everythi"g a"- every%o-y5 a"- splashi"g gloo$ i" %ig5 %lue -rops
all over your ego. =et5 at other ti$es he ca" %e as 8u""y as a" ora"guta" ,ith the
hiccups. No ,o"-er you -o">t 7"o, ,hether to give hi$ a col- shoul-er or a ,ar$
hug. The te$perature cha"ges o8 a !a"ceria" coul- pu33le a"yo"e. (irst you shiver
u"-er his 8ree3i"g gla"ces5 the" you get s$othere- ,ith -evotio". .is $oo-s are the
$ea"est ,he" he>s the $ost a8rai- o8 losi"g so$ethi"g. May%e it>s you. 1eassure
hi$ you>re his a thousa"- a"- o"e ti$es. /or-s o8 love are $usic to his ears.
&8 course5 he $ay ,a-e i"to o"e o8 his loo"y spells right i" the $i--le o8 a te"-er
sce"e so$e "ight u"-er a 8ull Moo". Just ,he" you>re -ri8ti"g a,ay o" lovely
-rea$s5 he $ay o88er to tell you his 8avorite poe$. =ou>ll sigh5 lea" %ac7 o" his
shoul-er a"- close your eyes. The" he>ll cac7le so$ethi"g li7e5 <The stag at +ve ha-
-ru"7 his 8ill-,here -a"ce- the Moo" o" Mo"a">s rill. .e %le, his "ose a"- shi"e-
his shoes-a"- too7 a s,ig o8 Mou"tai" %oo3eI< 2t $ay ;olt you out o8 your $agic
spell5 %ut that 8ull Moo" ca" -o stra"ge thi"gs to the lu"ar e$otio"s. /hat 2 $ea"
is5 he ca" %e as "utty as a cuc7oo5 eve" i8 he is s$art e"ough to $a7e a $illio"
-ollars a"- 7eep it.
2>$ gla- ,e %rought up $o"ey. =ou ,ill %e too. 28 you>re the 7i"- o8 girl ,ho li7es
to pay the re"t o" ti$e5 you>re i" love ,ith e:actly the right $a". .e>s al$ost as
8o"- o8 security as he is o8 you. =ou $ay have a slight e-ge5 %ut you ca" sa8ely
co"si-er $o"ey your ,orst rival. .e>s goi"g to pursue it ,ith -e-icatio" a"- a sort
o8 'uiet5 religious 8ervor 8or $ost o8 his -ays. ?The "ights $ay %ri"g other thi"gs to
pursue.@ 2t>s "ot the ,orst 8ate you coul- e:perie"ce. (i"a"ces have 8asci"ate- hi$
si"ce chil-hoo-5 a"- savi"g ,ill %e su%sta"tially $ore attractive to hi$ tha"
spe"-i"g. .e>s "ot e:actly sti"gy5 %ut let>s say it>s "ot li7ely you>ll ever see hi$
lighti"g his pipe ,ith a -ollar %ill 8or a parlor tric7. The !a"ceria" se"se o8 hu$or
sel-o$ ta7es i" the topic o8 col-5 har- cash. Mo"ey is "ot a laughi"g $atter to the
cra%. .e coul- pro%a%ly a-- a colu$" o8 8igures i" his hea- %e8ore he lear"e- the
alpha%et5 a"- ha- a paper route ,he" he ,as eleve". Do">t %e surprise- i8 you 8i"-
he still has his 8irst piggy %a"75 u"ope"e-. The ti"7le o8 silver a"- the rustle o8 8ol--
i"g gree" paper soothe his "erves5 %ut he ,o">t %rag a%out his Du" a"- 4ra-street
rati"g. !a"ceria"s sel-o$ collect cash 8or status. They collect it 8or its o," s,eet
sa7e. 2" 8act5 he ,ill pro%a%ly %elittle his 8i"a"cial ,i3ar-ry. .e>s <;ust a poor %oy5
tryi"g to ear" a livi"g5 a"- getti"g alo"g the %est he ca".< =ou $ay eve" 8eel so
sorry 8or hi$5 you>ll o88er to get hi$ a loa" at the %a"7. Do">t. .e pro%a%ly o,"s
part o8 it.
A 8ire sig" o" the asce"-a"t $ay give hi$ a rare e:travaga"t urge5 ,hich he>ll resist
,ith a-$ira%le courage. +ve" i8 he gives i" to a" occasio"al spe"-i"g spree to cheer
hi$sel8 out o8 a %lue $oo-5 it ,o">t %eco$e a ha%it. 4e-8oi-e you start $u$%li"g
<tight,a-< u"-er your %reath5 you shoul- 7"o, that the !a"cer $a" has a"
i"teresti"g i-ta o8 eco"o$y. .e>- rather ta7e you out to the %est restaura"t5 a"- get
,hat he pays 8or5 tha" ris7 o88e"-i"g his se"sitive tastes ,ith over-coo7e- la$%
chops a"- i"-i88ere"t service i" a seco"--rate place. .e thi"7s it>s silly to ,aste
$o"ey o" a cloth coat5 ,he" a $i"7 or chi"chilla ,ill a$orti3e itsel8 over the years.
A goo-5 co"servative !a-illac or 4e"tley is a sa8er i"vest$e"t5 i" his opi"io"5 th'"
a cheap car that -epreciates as soo" as you -rive it arou"- the co$er. 6uality a"-
thri8t are sy"o"y$ous to the !a"ceria". There5 2 thought that ,oul- %ri"g the
spar7le %ac7 to your eyes.
Tve" the $ost poetic a"- -rea$y !a"ceria"s5 ,ho spe"- their lives i$$erse- i"
$usic5 art or other cultural pursuits5 have a shre,- se"se o8 the value o8 cash. A
lu"ar artist $ay pai"t i" a" attic5 %ut you "ee-">t se"- hi$ a"y !are pac7ages. There
are pro%a%ly so$e stoc7s a"- %o"-s hi--e" i" the ra8ters. .e ,o">t -o"ate his
pai"ti"gs5 either. .e>ll sell the$ 8or a pretty price5 i8 he>s a pro8essio"al. 4ut they>ll
%e ,orth it. /he" a !a"cer perso" tac7les a career5 he>s sure to %e at the top o8 it.
.e>s loa-e- ,ith artistic tale"t. =ou $ight suggest that your !a"cer $a" -esig"
your !hrist$as car-s. They>re sure to %e lovely5 eve" i8 he>s o"ly a" a$ateur.
28 he>s a true !a"ceria"5 he ,o">t %e ,il- a%out sports clothes. There>s a certai"
8or$ality a%out his toilet. /hether %e>ss ,orth %illio"s or o"ly a 8e, paltry
thousa"-s5 he li7es co"servative cuts a"- goo- tailori"g. .e o8te" lea"s- to colllar
%utto"s ?yes5 they still sell the$-to !a"ceria"s@5 (re"ch cu88s a"- e:pe"sive shirts
he gets ,holesale5 usually ,ithout $o"ogra$s ?too sho,yB he pre8ers to %e i"co"-
spicuous@. +ve" ,he" he>s short o8 cash 8or a %rie8 perio- ,hiile he>s ,or7i"g o" his
8irst $illio"5 his shoes ,ill %e poliishe- a"- his soc7s ,ill stay up. Duri"g a"y
sha7y 8i"a"cial perio- ?a"- it ,ill %e te$porary@5 a !a"cer $ale ,ill. so$eho,
e:u-e a" air o8 ge"teel rich5 or o"e ,ho has 7"o," %etter -ays. 28 he has">t5 he ,ill.
(airly su%sta"tial a$ou"ts o8 $o"ey ,ill so$e-ay co$e to this $a"5 or he>ll %e
give" the opportu"ity to ear" large su$s o8 it. .e ,o">t al,ays %e ,ealthy5 %ut a
!a"ceria" i" the u"-e$rsloy$e"t li"e is as rare as a pi"eapple tree i" Si %eria. .is
secret $otto is that <all play a"- "o ,or7 gives Jac7 a s7i""y %ill8ol-5< a"- he
pre8ers his ,allets pleasi"gly plu$p.
Let>s hope you 8i"- his $other co"ge"ial. 2" 8act5 let>s pray you -o. 2t>s 8airly certai"
she>ll pop up i" his co"versatio" 8re'ue"tly5 i" re$ar7s li7e5 <My $other "ever
,ears $uch $a7eup5 a"- she>s a %eauti8ul ,o$a". Do">t you thi"7 your eye sha-o,
is a little heavy5 s,eetheartA< &r <=ou use 8ro3e" pies a"- i"sta"t potatoesA My
$other use- to %a7e her o," %rea- ,he" 2 ,as a you"gster.< This parago" o8 virtue
is 'uite li7ely to pop up ;ust as o8te" i" perso"5 ,he" you least e:pect it. <Darli"g5 2
have to ca"cel our -ate 8or the theater to"ight. 2>$ -rivi"g Mother out to the cou"try
8or a 8e, -ays.< To put it $il-ly5 the !a"cer $a" $ay %e relucta"t to -ethro"e
Ma$a a"- cro," you as his "e, 'uee". .e>s a terri%ly -o$esticate- cra%5 8or all his
occasio"al stirri"gs o8 ,a"-erlust5 a"- i8 his $other $a-e his ho$e co3y5 he>ll %e i"
"o hurry to leave it. !a"ceria"s are either very5 very close to their $others or
co$pletely alie"ate- 8ro$ the$. The relatio"ship is "ever casual. Those ,ho -o">t
revere the $ater"al pare"t are either a-opte-5 or ;ealousy o8 the 8ather>s place i" the
$other>s a88ectio" has cause- a" e$otio"al %loc7. The" there ca" %e a" u""atural
col-"ess a"- isolatio".
/ith the typical cra%5 ho,ever5 the pro%le$ is 8ar $ore li7ely to %e close"ess.
There>s "o use hi-i"g the 8acts o8 li8e. 28 you>re i" love ,ith this $ore co$$o" type
o8 !a"ceria"5 you>ll have to cultivate his $other5 a"- you>ll have to %e her rival
,hile you>re sho,eri"g her ,ith co$pli$e"ts. 2t>s "ot easy to cultivate a"- co$pete
at the sa$e ti$e5 %ut that>s the strategy you>ll "ee-. Do">t ever let her get the e-ge
o" coo7i"g a"- ho$e$a7i"g. Let her teach you ho, to %a7e le$o" chi88o" pie.
.e>ll li7e that -you t,o girls getti"g alo"g so "icely. The" tur" arou"- a"- -o a
%rillia"t %ee8 Stroga"o88 o" your o,". 4e sure to spoil hi$ at least as $uch as she
-oes5 a"- that $ay %e a lot. .e>s pro%a%ly gro," accusto$e- to %ei"g co"si-ere-
the apple o8 her eye. 4ei"g 8usse- over5 8e- regularly5 catere- to5 hovere- over ,he"
he>s sic75 a"- tuc7e- i" %e- te"-erly at "ight ca" tur" hi$ i"to a $ighty s,eet cra%.
!a"cer $e" ,ill "ever a-$it it5 %ut they love to %e pette- a"- %a%ie- %y 8e$ales.
There are certai" traits5 ho,ever5 ,hich ca" eve" up the score i" your relatio"ship.
(or o"e5 he>ll %e a pretty goo- che8 hi$sel8. .e $ay surprise you ,ith his a%ility to
,hip up a gour$et $eal. /he" this $a" i"vites you to co$e up to his apart$e"t 8or
-i""er5 he>s usually 'uite serious. +ve" i8 he as7s you to loo7 at his etchi"gs5 there
$ay %e "o ulterior $otive. The typical !a"ceria" $ale is a -evotee o8 the 8i"er
thi"gs i" li8e. 2" plai" tal75 he -iga culture. (or all you 7"o,5 he $ay actually o,"
so$e rare etchi"gs or at least a 8a%ulous recor- collectio". =ou>re 8airly sa8e i"
ris7i"g a" u"chapero"e- trip to his roc7y cave5 %ecause the typical lu"ar $a" is the
soul o8 galla"try ,ith ,o$e". .ell usually %e a ge"tle$a" u"til you stop %ei"g a
la-y. 2t>s the ,ay they -i- it i" #ra"-$a>s -ay5 a"- to hi$5 those ,ere the goo- ol-
-ays. ?That>s pro%a%ly #ra"-$a>s photograph o" the $a"tel.@ As7 hi$ a%out his
8a$ily tree. .e>ll love to tell you. Most !a"ceria"s -elight i" their %ac7grou"-s a"-
their %loo- li"es. .e li7ea ol- thi"gs5 8ro$ #ra"-$a hersel8 to that +ightee"th !e"-
tury 8ruit,oo- ta%le he %ought the 8irst ti$e he ,e"t to +urope.
28 he as7s to ta7e your picture5 -o">t gra% your %a%ush7a a"- ru". *hotography is a
co$$o" lu"ar ho%%y5 a"- 8e, !a"cer $ales live their lives ,ithout at least o"e
ca$era. &8 course5 he coul- have e"us i" Scorpio or a Leo Moo"5 so $ay%e it
,oul- %e $ore -iscreet to chec7 his "atal chart %e8ore you agree to a"ythi"g.
/hatever it is5 ;ust say5 <2>- love to5 -ear5 %ut -o you $i"- i8 2 call $y astrologer
8irstA 2>ll "ee- your %irth-ay.< 28 he thi"7s you>re ;esti"g5 you ca" straighte" that out
right a,ay. Just tell hi$ that J. *. Morga" sel-o$ $a-e a $ove i" the stoc7 $ar7et
,ithout co"sulti"g astrologer +va"geli"e A-a$s5 ,ho ,as the gra"--aughter a"-
great-gra"--aughter o8 Joh" 6ui"cy A-a$s a"- Joh" A-a$s. The co$%i"atio" o8
%oth history a"- $o"ey ,ill ope" his eyes ,i-e ,ith i"terest.
The !a"cer $a" $ay go 8or 'uite a spell ,ithout i"viti"g you to see either his
etchi"gs or his 8ruit,oo- ta%le. Although he $ay e"gage i" light 8lirtatio"s5 it $ay
%e $a"y years %e8ore he %eco$es seriously e"a$oure-5 %ecause it is">t easy 8or hi$
to 8i"- a ,o$a" he 8eels is ,orthy o8 his i"terest. /he" he 8i"-s her5 he>ll %e
%eauti8ully se"ti$e"tal5 a"- he>ll lavish her ,ith gi8ts a"- a-$iratio". 4ut his
sta"-ar-s are high. Not every girl ca" $eet the$. Most cra%s are a8rai- o8 %ei"g
%ur"e-5 a"- "ot ,ithout cause. A $is$atche- allia"ce ,hich ,oul- cause o"ly a
8e, sa- ,ee7s o8 rea-;ust$e"t 8or the average $a" ca" %e a -isaster to the cra%.
/he" so$ethi"g separates hi$ 8ro$ a part"er he>s allo,e- hi$sel8 to get close to5
he ca" carry a torch 8or $a"y years.
.e>s "aturally shy o8 rushi"g i"5 %ut o"ce he>s sure5 he ,o">t %e easily re%u88e-.
!a"ceria"s ca" play the role o8 the ro$a"tic lover art8ully. A8ter he>s -eclare-
hi$sel85 a"- has so$e hope o8 ,i""i"g you5 his ti$i-ity ,ill s,itch to te"acity
over"ight5 a"- you>ll 8i"- yoursel8 %ei"g courte- %y a" ear"est5 -eter$i"e- $a" ,ho
,o">t ta7e "o as a" a"s,er 8or a"y proposal he has i" $i"-. .e>s li7ely to stu88
hi$sel8 i" your $ail%o: ?8iguratively5 o8 course@5 ca$p o" your -oor$at a"-
$o"opoli3e your pho"e. 2t>s har- to sli-e a,ay 8ro$ the grip o8 the cra%. =ou
pro%a%ly ,o">t ,a"t to5 o8 course. Lots o8 girls are loo7i"g 8or a $oo"lit ,orl- li7e
his to -rea$ i"5 ,here so$eo"e ,ill hol- the$ tightly a"- protect the$ 8ro$ the
%ig5 %a- ,ol8 at the -oor.
No, that you 7"o, he>s "ot a sloppy -resser or a spe"--thri8t5 that he ca" pro%a%ly
coo7 li7e a -rea$5 has e:celle"t taste5 is loo7i"g 8or a" ol--8ashio"e- girl li7e the
girl ,ho $arrie- -ear ol- -a-5 a"- that he ca" %e a cooi"g love%ir- ?,he" he>s "ot
i" a s"appy $oo-@5 ,hat other i"8or$atio" coul- you possi%ly "ee-A .o, is he as a
8atherA That>s the %est "e,s o8 all. !a"ceria"s are all $others at heart. +ve" the
/hat 2 really $ea" to say is5 he>ll %e a 8i"e pare"t5 %ecause o8 the sa$e cari"g5
ge"tle5 sy$pathetic5 a"- u"-ersta"-i"g "ature you 8ell i" love ,ith yoursel8. .e>ll
have i"8i"ite pa-e"ce ,ith the chil-re"5 %e ge"ui"ely i"tereste- i" every $ashe-
toe5 %ro7e" toy a"- toothache. .ell ,ear a paper hat at their %irth-ay parties5 %e a
pie- piper 8or all the 7i-s o" the %loc75 a"- spe"- cou"tless hours e"tertai"i"g the
little people. !a"cer -a-s are prou- o8 their so"s a"- 8iercely protective o8 their
-aughters. /he" they>re s$all5 he>ll %e ;ust the gra"-est -a--y you coul- i$agi"e.
.o,ever5 a-olesce"ce $ay chu$ up the ,ater so$e,hat. .e>- li7e his love- o"es
to lea" o" hi$ 8orever5 a"- ,he" they sho, sig"s o8 i"-epe"-e"ce5 he $ay %eco$e
a cra"7y cra% agai" 8or a perio-5 as he re%els agai"st their -esire to e:peri$e"t ,ith
the ,orl- outsi-e.
.ell pace the 8loor u"til he ,ears a hole i" the carpet ,he" you"g .e"ry has the car
out a8ter $i-"ight or ,he" pretty Lucy stays at the -a"ce past her cur8e,.
1e$e$%er ho, 8igures i$press hi$A 0se plai" ar th$etic to $a7e hi$ see the error
o8 his ,ays. <2t>s li7e this5 -earest. 1ight "o,
,e have t,o chil-re". /he" they get $arrie-5 ,e $ight have si: or eight
gra"-chil-re"5 li7e -ivi-e"-s at the %a"7. 9
Si: or eight a--s up to $ore happi"ess tha" t,o5 rightA< ?=ou have hi$ there.@ <2>$
so gla- you agree5 luv. No, ,ill you please tell us ,here you hi- Lucy>s ,e--i"g
go,"5 a"- ,ill you please ta7e those ha"-cu88s o88 .e"ry so he ca" pic7 up his
$arriage lice"seA< Do">t try it -uri"g a 8ull Moo". .e $ight $isu"-ersta"-.
4esi-es5 "o !a"ceria" ca" thi"7 straight ,he" the lu"ar vi%ratio"s are stro"g. 2t>s
har- 8or hi$ to give up co"trol5 %ut ,he" he>s re$i"-e- that he still has you to cli"g
to5 his grip ,ill
/ell5 that>s all i" the 8uture. =our i$$e-iate pro%le$ is to e"tice your cra% to $ove
-irectly to,ar- a proposal soo"5 i"stea- o8 cleverly -o-gi"g 8ro$ si-e to si-e a"-
s7irti"g the issue. =ou $ight try prete"-i"g you>re leavi"g hi$ 8or a %ol-er5 cave
$a" type. 0sually the cra% ,ill stop his %ac7,ar- -irectio" ,he" the o%;ect-that>s
you -sho,s sig"s o8 getti"g a,ay. 4ut that re'uires scouti"g arou"- 8or a"other $a"
to ,a7e hi$ up. A"- that ca" %e a real %ore5 si"ce he ,atches you so closely.
The easiest ,ay to get hi$ i" the $oo- to ta7e hol- tightly a"- stop playi"g
scra%%le every "ight is to ,or7 o" his e$otio"s5 ,hich are al,ays right %elo, the
sur8ace o8 his a--i"g $achi"e $i"-. Music5 poetry5 8lo,ers5 %eauti8ul clothes5
e:pe"sive per8u$e spari"gly use-5 so8t ,or-s a"- s,eet caresses are all ,eapo"s
,hich shoul- $o, -o," his ,ea7 resista"ce to ro$a"ce. Do">t overloo7 that -irect
li"e %et,ee" his heart a"- his sto$ach. !ut out %a%y pictures 8ro$ $aga3i"es5 leave
your se,i"g $achi"e out i" 8ull vie,5 ta7e up the he$s o8 your s7irts a" e:tra i"ch5
a"- %a%y hi$ a little. /ear o"e o8 those %racelets $a-e o8 8oreig" coi"s. That ,ill
stri7e t,o se"sitive chor-s-travel to 8ara,ay shores-a"- cash. &"e "ight he>ll
i$pulsively as7 you i8 you>- li7e to $eet his $other. The very "e:t $or"i"g 8eel
per8ectly sa8e to or-er your i"vitatio"s a"- your trousseau. =ou ,ill have ,o" the
heart o8 a $oo-y lu"ar $a" ,ith a thousa"- secret -rea$s-a"- the approval o8 his
%est girl. The" you ca" <sail a,ay 8or a year a"- a -ay< a"- <-a"ce %y the light o8
the $oo"< ,hile you <eat ,ith a ru"ci%le spoo".< 4o" voyageI Do">t 8orget-"ever
thro, a,ay his %attere- ol- hat5 his tor" te""is shoes5 his sta$p collectio" or his
gra-e school report car-s. They>re his treasures. 4e sure to ta7e your u$%rella
alo"g. There ,ill %e so$e -a$p "ights. May 2 say that you loo7 %eauti8ul i" your
chi"chillaA 4ut o8 course. A ,o$a" is %eauti8ul o"ly ,he" she is love--a"- you are.

The !AN!+1 /o$a"
. . . +choes 8a-e a"- $e$ories -ie9
Autu$" 8rosts have slai" July.
Still she hau"ts $e5 pha"to$,ise5 Alice $ovi"g u"-er s7ies Never see" %y ,a7i"g
There>s so -ou%t a%out it. 2" the %egi""i"g5 you>ll have trou%le -eci-i"g i8 your
!a"ceria" girl is a ge"tle $oo" $ai-e" or a ,il- loo"y-%ir-. 2" the e"-5 you still
,o">t 7"o,.
Duri"g the rai"y seaso"5 she>ll -ro," you i" her sorro,s. /he" the su" pee7s
through the clou-s agai"5 she>ll -ou%le you up ,ith laughter5 a"- touch you ,ith
te"-er"ess. +:perie"ci"g her $oo-s is li7e ,atchi"g o"e o8 those ol--ti$e sile"t
$ovies ,here hysterical slapstic7 hu$or co$es o" ;ust %e8ore the *erils o8 *auli"e
thriller5 a"- the e"tire sho, is %ac7e- %y the ti""y pia"o i" the pit So$eti$es the
tu"e is lively a"- gayB the" it gets $ela"choly a"- %lue. The $usic is varia%le5 to
suit the occaC sio"5 "ever stag"a"t or $o"oto"ous. So it is ,ith the !a"cer girl.
She>s ;ust a little $a-5 slightly sa- a"- super%ly i$agi"ative. She also 7"o,s ho, to
save the she7els.
Naturally5 you ca">t loo7 u"-er her $attress u"til a8ter you>ve $arrie- her. Mo-esty
is a thi"g ,ith her. 4ut you ca" sa8ely $a7e a %et she pro%a%ly has a" ol- soc7
there5 stu88e- ,ith gree" %ills a"- silver coi"s. She $ay have a" e:travaga"t
asce"-a"t or Moo" sig"5 %ut eve" so5 she>ll> have a 'uarter or t,o stuc7 u"-er the
potte- a3alea5 or salte- a,ay i" the 8ol-s o8 that lace ta%lecloth she got 8or her
%irth-ay te" years ago a"- still has">t ever use-. &pe" &"e o8 her %oo7s o8 poetry5
a"- a ,ri"7le- -ollar %ill $ay 8all out5 %li"7i"g at the light o8 -ay. A !a"cer 8e$ale
ca" go o" a su--e" spe"-i"g spree ,he" she>s %ee" hurt a"- "ee-s %al$ 8or her
i";ure- ego5 %ut $ost o8 the ti$e her outgo ,ill lag co"si-era%ly %ehi"- her i"co$e.
=our savi"gs accou"t $ay %e o8 u"usual i"terest to her5 a"- $o"ey $ay %e o"e o8
her 8avorite topics o8 co"versatio". She ,o">t loo7 -o," o" you i8 you -o">t have it5
so lo"g as you>re the 7i"- o8 $a" ,ho tries to get it. She>ll help you $a7e it a"-
save it5 %ut you>re o" your o," ,he" it co$es to ,asti"g it. Do">t go too 8ar5 or
she>ll see your $utual security slippi"g a,ay. /he" you give this girl a terri%ly
e:pe"sive gi8t5 a"- she says5 <=ou shoul-">t have -o"e it5< let $e tell you5 she
$ea"s it.
To ta7e her $i"- o88 i"sura"ce5 $ortgages5 re"t5 %ills a"- her !hrist$as clu%
%ala"ce at the %a"75 %u"-le her o88 to the seashore at $i-"ight 8or a ,al7 i" the
$oo"light. That>s ,he" shell %e at her %est. The Moo" ,ill pull out all her secret
-rea$s5 a"- the "ear"ess o8 the ,ater $ay loose" her 8our hu"-re- a"- three
i"hi%itio"s. =ou>re lia%le to see her ,hole ra"ge o8 e$otio"s i" the space o8 a" hour.
The" you ca" choose the o"e you li7e the %est a"- e"courage her to cultivate it. A
stra"ge tra"s8or$atio" ,ill ta7e place ,he" you get the typical !a"ceria" girl alo"e
o" a %each u"-er a 8ull Moo". That cool a"- reserve- la-y you see i" the -ayti$e5
or eve" the giggly5 outrageous 8lirt you "otice o" a" occasio"al eve"i"g i" a
restaura"t or theater5 ,ill su--e"ly %eco$e a creature 8ro$ a"other ,orl- ,he" the
$ag"etic rays o8 the Moo" shi"e i" her eyes a"- the co$pelli"g sou"- o8 the sur8
8ills her ears. She>ll tur" i"to a sea "y$ph5 ,ho ca" soar ,ith you as 8ar as your
i$agi"atio" ca" reach. 2t ,ill ,or7 "i"e ti$es out o8 te"5 a"- the te"th ti$e you
pro%a%ly pic7e- a "e, Moo". That ,o">t acco$plish the sa$e purpose. She>ll %e
shy a"- s,eet ,he" the Moo" is ,a"i"g %ut ,hat you really ,a"t is a Moo" that>s
8ull e"ough to arouse all her late"t tale"ts. 0"-er its spell5 at the right ti$e i" her
perso"al e%% a"- 8lo, o8 e$otio"s5 she ca" ,rite a poe$5 co$pose a so"g or tear
the veil o88 $ysteries the philosophers have po"-ere- 8or ce"turies. Naturally5 she
$a7es a" i"teresti"g co"versatio"alist at these ti$es. To say the very least.
=ou shoul- 7"o, that there are t,o -isti"ctive approaches ,he" a !a"ceria"
8e$ale is i" love ,ith you. The 8irst is ge"tle a"- ,o$a"ly5 shy5 $o-est a"-
pleasa"tly tre$%ly. The seco"- is rather stic7y. This last type ,ill use every tric7 o8
+ve to sit as close as possi%le to you i" the %ooth. 2t ca" %e very e:citi"g5 o8 course5
i8 you really care 8or her. 4ut i8 you>re ;ust %ei"g 8rie"-ly5 a"- she -eli%erately
s'uee3es your ha"- or %usses you o" the chee7 ;ust as the girl you 8ou"- at the e"-
o8 the rai"%o, ,al7s %y5 the ga$e $ay lose so$e o8 its 8lavor. =ou ca" go alo"g
,ith the gag5 %ut 2 7"o, o"e $a" ,ho -i-5 a"- the other girl5 ,ho ,as 8or real a"-
-i-">t play ga$es5 7ept o" ,al7i"g. .e ,as le8t ,ith a cli"gi"g cra% ,ith a 8it o8 the
giggles. This 7i"- o8 !a"ceria" ,o$a" ca" %e a real threat to true love a"- happy
ho$es. (ortu"ately5 she is i" the $i"ority. Still5 eve" o"e ca" cause a lot o8 trou%le.
As you 7"o, 8ro$ the other Su" sig"s5 8e, ,o$e" are per8ect. The Aries girl is
al,ays ru""i"g arou"- haili"g her o," ta:is a"- %utti"g her hea- agai"st %ric7
,alls5 the Sagittarius girl is shoc7i"gly outspo7e"5 the Scorpio girl ca" 8righte" you5
#e$i"i ca" %e 8ic7le5 Leo too prou-- a"- so o". !a"cer ,o$e" or-i"arily have
"o"e o8 these 8aults.
Nevertheless5 there are so$e <-o">ts< to re$e$%er ,ith her. She hates to %e
critici3e-5 she is -eeply ,ou"-e- %y ri-icule5 a"- she ;ust ca">t sta"- %ei"g re;ecte-.
&"e5 t,o5 three. They>re %asics. Sel-o$ ope"ly aggressive5 the typical !a"ceria"
hesitates. =ou>ll have to $a7e the 8irst $ove. 28 she $oves a"y,here at all5 it ,ill %e
%ac7,ar-s or si-e,ays. /ith her %asically shy "ature a"- 8ear that she ,o">t %e
accepte-5 she echoes .the $ale o8 the Su" sig". 2 7"o, o8 a !a"cer ,o$a" a"- a
!a"cer $a" ,ho5 8or seve" hours5 sat close to each other o"e "ight i" her apart$e"t5
u"-er the prete"se o8 loo7i"g at $aga3i"es. /hile their pulses pou"-e- sile"tly5
they ,e"t through a stac7 o8 %ac7 issues5 the $or"i"g a"- eve"i"g papers5 a"-
,or7e- a 8e, cross,or- pu33les. Neither cra%5 you see5 ,a"te- to $a7e the 8irst
4e 7i"- to her $other5 or she>ll "ever 8orgive you. Mother is a la-y she ,o">t li7e to
see a%use-. The !a"cer girl>s se"se o8 hu$or -oes">t react 8avora%ly to $other-i"-
la, ;o7es. A"- "ever rea- her 8ive-year--iary. 2t pro%a%ly has a loc7 a"- 7ey5
a"y,ay. !a"ceria"s li7e to 7eep secrets. They>re "ot $uch 8or true co"8essio"s5
u"less you>re the o"e -oi"g the co"8essi"g.
The 8ears o8 your lu"ar lovely ca" really ha"g you up5 alo"g ,ith her. She>s a8rai-
she is">t pretty e"ough5 she is">t s$art e"ough5 she is">t you"g e"ough or she is">t
ol- e"ough. 2t $a7es "o -i88ere"ce i8 she has a 8igure li7e e"us -e Milo5 a 8ace li7e
.ele" o8 Troy a"- a $i"- li7e Aristotle9 she>ll still 8eel i"a-e'uate. Assure her that
she>s you"g5 she>s lovely5 she>s e"gage-5 a"- she has you. A%out t,e"ty ti$es a -ay
shoul- %egi" to $a7e a -e"t. .er $oo-s ,ill cha"ge o" the average o8 8our ti$es a
$o"th5 ,ith each 'uarter Moo" plus $i"or 8luctuatio"s t,ice a -ay- re8lecti"g the
ti-es. She>s sort o8 pre-icta%le i" a" u"pre-icta%le 7i"- o8 ,ay. 2t $ay $a7e her
8asci"ati"g a"- $ysterious5 %ut so -oggo"e aggravati"g youll 8eel li7e ,hac7i"g
her. Duri"g o"e o8 her %lue spells5 she $ay eve" %e a8rai- she>s "ot a goo- coo75
,hich is utterly ri-iculous5 %ecause the typical !a"ceria" ,o$a" ca" $a7e a (re"ch
che8 loo7 li7e the $ess sergea"t you ha- at %oot ca$p. This ,o$a" is">t a"
auto$atic ca" ope"er or a 8ro3e" 8oo- 8a". She ,oul- rather shell her o," peas a"-
%a7e her o," %iscuits. .er casseroles are se"satio"al5 her potatoes are 8lu88y5 her
vegeta%les are crisp a"- cru"chy5 a"- she tops it all o88 ,ith heave"ly stra,%erry
;a$. !a"cer ,o$e" are very 8rie"-ly ,ith their ove"s. The 7itche" ,ill %e her
8avorite roo$ %y 8ar ?"e:t to the "ursery@. She>ll 8uss over you li7e a $other he"5
a"- you>ll pro%a%ly love it.
Most $e" -o.
2" a--itio" to the o%viously u";usti8ie- 8ear a%out her culi"ary s7ill5 she $ay %e
a8rai- you -o">t love her e"ough. That shoul- %e easy 8or a"y re--%loo-e- $ale to
re$e-y. #o ahea- a"- prove it-as o8te" as you li7e. She>ll %e %eauti8ully receptive.
&"ce you>ve tur"e- o" the gree" light5 she>ll happily recog"i3e the sig"al5 ,hich
$ay re$ove her 8eeli"gs o8 i"a-e'uacy5 %ut ,hich creates a "e, pro%le$.
Truth8ully5 a8ter you>ve ,o" the !a"ceria" 8e$ale5 she $ay %e ;ust a little te"acious-
li7e5 she>ll "ever let go o8 you as lo"g as she lives. That>s "ot %a-. There Sre $e"
,ho starve 8or such loyalty. =ou>ll "ever starve 8or either 8oo- or a88ectio" ,he"
you>ve %ee" luc7y e"ough to ,i" her 7i"- o8 love. The loo"y laugh that
acco$pa"ies it ca" %e 7i"- o8 7ic7s5 too. .er rich hu$or is eve" ,ar$er a"- -earer
,he" you thi"7 o8 all the sarcastic sire"s ,ith their cy"ical ,it a"- hypocritical
2t>s %rutally u"8air to toy ,ith the heart o8 this girl5 %ecause shell love5 ho"or5 o%ey
a"- "ag you a little ,ith si"cere -evotio". /hy e"courage such rare love u"less you
$ea" to reciprocate ,ith e'ual ar-orA 1e$e$%er her te"acity. =ou $ay o"ly %e
8lirti"g lightly5 %ut you>ll have a har- ti$e calli"g the e"- o8 the i""i"g. She ,o">t
hear the ,histle. There>s "othi"g shallo, or super8icial a%out the se"ti$e"ts o8 a
!a"cer ,o$a". /he" she o,"s a $a" or a teacup5 it>s hers 8orever.
She $ay "ot over,hel$ your 8rie"-s ,ith her vivacity a"- spar7li"g 8lattery5 %ut
she ,o">t 8ail to i$press you ,ith her char$. July ,o$e" pre8er to save their
-eepest e$otio"s 8or people closest to the$. A8ter you>ve -ate- other girls a"-
co$pare- the$ to her5 you $ay go ru""i"g right %ac7 to your 8e$ale cra%5 a"- %eg
her to ha"g o" agai". Tightly.
The tric7iest aspect i" ha"-li"g her is to 7eep her 8ro$ cra,li"g i"to the al,ays
ha"-y5 tough !a"ceria" shell. .er 8eeli"gs are so se"sitive a"- te"-er5 the slightest
u"i"te"tio"al re$ar7 ca" ,ou"- her harshly. 2t>s har- to 7"o, ,he" she>ll su--e"ly
%eco$e vul"era%le to hi--e" $ea"i"gs. =ou coul- ,alt3 i" so$e "ight a"- say5
<=our hair loo7s gorgeous5< a"- she>ll get a tear i" her eye. /hyA 4ecause you
i"si"uate- her hair loo7e- 8right8ul the last ti$e you sa, her. !a"cer ,o$e" ca" %e
'uite touchy. They cry a lot. Al,ays have a 8resh ha"-7erchie8 rea-y.
(e$ales %or" u"-er the sig" o8 the cra% are">t "ecessarily sti"gy5 %ut they have this
little ha%it o8 savi"g thi"gs. =ou coul- say it>s a -o,"right co$pulsio". She>ll
sel-o$ thro, a,ay pieces o8 stri"g5 %utto"s5 ;ars5 ca"s5 hus%a"-s5 or ol- -ress
patter"s. /ho are you to say she ,o">t 8i"- a purpose 8or those tor" theater stu%s5
8a-e- love letters a"- use- tea %agsA So$e-ay i" the u"pre-icta%le 8uture5 she $ay
"ee- the %ur"e--out 8uses she 7eeps i" the -ra,er ,ith those %ro7e" !hrist$as
or"a$e"ts. Do">t as7 her ho, she>s goi"g to 8i"- a use 8or t,o hu"-re- stoc7i"gs
a"- gloves5 lo"g -ivorce- 8ro$ their $ates. She ,ill5 she ,illI This is">t the girl to
ta7e 7i"-ly to so$eo"e ,ho %ur"s a hole i" the heirloo$ %e-sprea- her great-au"t
Matil-a 'uilte-. +verythi"g has a se"ti$e"tal value5 i"clu-i"g ca"cele- chec7s 8ro$
1)U2 a"- her ol- #irl Scout %a-ges. She treasures the thi"gs she o,"s a"- guar-s
the$ ;ealously. That5 o8 course5 i"clu-es you. She>s "ot so $uch ;ealous as
possessive. There>s a sha-e o8 -i88ere"ce.
/o$e" %or" u"-er the 8ire sig"s $ay strai" a"- protest agai"st li8e>s -elays a"-
-isappoi"t$e"ts5 %ut the !a"cer girl usually 8eels "othi"g ca" %e cha"ge- or
overco$e %y getti"g all stirre- up. /he" thi"gs -o">t go her ,ay5 she $ay she- a
8e, 'uiet tears alo"e5 %ut her "or$al reactio" ,ill %e to 8ol- her ha"-s sere"ely a"-
,ait patie"tly 8or thi"gs to right the$selves. *atie"ce is o"e o8 her loveliest virtues.
/he" she>s -epresse-5 ho,ever5 youll have to 8i"- a ,ay to ta7e her out o8 hersel8.
Try to catch her %e8ore she has %urro,e- too -eep. She -oes have a ,ay o8 ,a"ti"g
to %e %a%ie-. The -esire to %e a little spoile- %y love- o"es see$s to %e %urie- -eep
i" the !a"ceria" "ature. She "ee-s -esperately to 7"o, you ca">t live ,ithout her.
a"- so$eti$es shell go to great le"gths to arouse your pity a"- protective i"sti"cts5
;ust to %e assure- she $ea"s a lot to you. 2t>s really very little 8or her to as75 ,he"
she gives so $uch i" retur". 4ut -o">t %e 8oole- %y her ,ea7"ess -uri"g these
episo-es. That helpless little %a%y ,ho see7s your %ig5 stro"g ar$s to 7eep out the
col-5 cruel ,orl- is per8ectly a%le to $a"age %y hersel85 i8 she $ust. 2" the $i--le o8
a 'uarrel5 ,he" your lu"ar girl loo7s up at you ,ith her eyes all ,et a"- -e,y a"-
8righte"e-5 re$e$%er that a8ter you leave a"- are sa8ely arou"- the cor"er5 she>s
li7ely to -ry her eyes5 put a stac7 o8 recor-s o" the player5 a"- cal$ly clea" out her
closets. &8 course5 you ca">t rule out the ti$es ,he" her -epressio" is real5 i"stea-
o8 a typical !a"ceria" %i- 8or sy$pathy. Those "ights you>- %etter stay5 liste" to the
$usic ,ith her5 a"- hol- her ha"- te"-erly.
There>s "o e"- to the heroic sacri8ice a !a"cer ,o$a" ,ill %e capa%le o8 8or those
she loves. The %ravery she ca">t see$ to $uster 8or hersel8 a"- her o," 8ears is
there shi"i"g ,he" so$eo"e close "ee-s her to %e stro"g. She>ll "ever let you -o,"
,he" thi"gs get really -is$al5 a"- the" she>ll re$i"- you $ore o8 a giga"tic5 rugge-
roc7 tha" a 8ragile5 silvery $oo"%ea$. .er chil-re" ,ill also 8i"- her a to,er o8
stre"gth a"- re8uge. She>ll help the$ 8i"- their ,ay ,ith se"sitive u"-ersta"-i"g.
They>ll cli"g to her5 a"- the ,ar$th o8 her love ,ill $a7e their ho$e as rich a"-
co$8orta%le a"- %right as a palace5 eve" i8 it>s a shac7. =ou $ight su88er a slight
loss o8 atte"tio" ,he" the %a%ies co$e alo"g. !a"cer rules $otherhoo-5 you 7"o,.
There ,ill still %e roo$ 8or you5 %ut you>ll have to $ove over a 8e, i"ches. ?A
chil-less !a"ceria" ,o$a" ,ill love a" a"i$al or her 8rie"-s ,ith her store- up
$ater"al a88ectio"5 a"- the pets a"- pals ,ill %e 8ortu"ate.@ Li7e %a%y %ir-s5 her
you"gsters ,ill pro%a%ly %e 8e- every ti$e she 8i"-s their $ouths ope"5 a"- al,ays
the 8oo- ,ill %e hot a"- "ourishi"g.
Nothi"g is too goo- 8or her 8a$ily. /he" a chil- s"ee3es5 he>ll get ploppe- i"to %e-
,ith $e-ici"es5 hot tea a"- chic7e" %roth u"til he gets ol- e"ough to resist. The
o88spri"g o8 a !a"cer $other ,o">t get a,ay ,ithout ,eari"g his thic7 s,eater o" a
col- "ight5 his scar8 a"- $itte"s i" the s"o, or his galoshes i" the rai". A chil- has
to have lots o8 ,ill po,er to 8ight the cra%>s protective solicitu-e. .e has to %e pretty
tough "ot to get spoile-5 too. 2t>s o8te" 'uite a ;olt ,he" he goes out i"to the ,orl-
a"- 8i"-s out he>s "ot the ce"ter o8 everyo"e>s u"iverse. Such co$plete -e-icatio"
a"- -evotio" ca" give hi$ a ,o"-er8ul 8eather%e- o8 security to 8all %ac7 o" ,he"
li8e gets too real5 %ut it ca" also $a7e hi$ a%"or$ally -epe"-e"t o" ho$e ties5 a"-
u"a%le to see his o," 8aults. 2t>s o8te" i$possi%le to tell ,hether a !a"cer $other
ties her chil-re" to her apro" stri"gs or they choose to tie the 7"ot the$selves. She>ll
save every spelli"g test paper5 prou-ly ha"g clu$sy crayo" -ra,i"gs o" the ,all
a"- te"-erly ,rap %a%y shoes i" tissue paper. Those little ,ri"7le- %its o8 ,hite
7i-s7i" are precious5 %ecause the lu"ar pare"t ,ith her clear5 photographic $e$ory
,ill recall a chil->s 8irst steps lo"g a8ter he>s 8lo," a,ay 8ro$ the "est. The 8light
itsel8 $ay %e pai"8ul. !a"cer ,o$e" are relucta"t to give up their you"gsters to the
ties o8 $arriage. They te"- to ha"g o" too har- a"- too lo"g5 a"- thi"7 "o o"e is
goo- e"ough 8or the$. So$eti$es5 the pote"tial %ri-e or groo$ o8 a $a" or ,o$a"
,ith a July pare"t has to pass everythi"g %ut the i"7 %lot test to get approve-.
2 o"ce 7"e, a !a"cer $other ,ho use- to $eet her s$all so" every -ay a8ter
school. .e ,oul- al,ays co$e %ursti"g through the -oor li7e a ;et-propelle- roc7et5
a"- i$$e-iately ru" 8uriously arou"- the schoolyar- a 8e, ti$es %e8ore he ca$e
"ear her. &"ce5 ,he" she ,as acco$pa"ie- %y her sister5 the au"t starte- to go a8ter
the little %oy5 %ut the !a"cer $other stoppe- her. <No5 let hi$ %e5< she sai- 'uietly.
<.e>s ;ust ,or7i"g o88 stea$. .e>ll %e %ac7 ,he" he>s through ru""i"g.< (i"ally her
so" ,al7e- over to her5 too7 her ha"- a"- sai-5 <Let>s go ho$e. Mo$. 2>$ hu"gry.<
That su$s up the ,hole attitu-e o8 the lu"ar 8e$ale to,ar- all 8or$s o8 love5 a"-
$ost o8 all to,ar- her $ arriage. 2t>s her stra"ge %ra"- o8 possessive"ess that>s
u"sha7a%le5 %ut "ever aggressive. She 7"o,s5 i" her secret heart5 that "o $atter ho,
8ar a,ay you go to 8ollo, your -rea$5 youll al,ays co$e %ac7 agai" a"- she>ll %e
there patie"tly ,aiti"g. .er eyes ,ill still %e %eauti8ul ,ith the Moo" $agic you
re$e$%er5 the 7itche" ,ill s$ell -eli-ciously o8 ,ar$ spices5 a"- she>ll as7 you
ho, thi"gs ,e"t5 ho, you 8eel. 28 thi"gs ,e"t %a-ly a"- you 8eel $isera%le5 shell
tell a ;o7e to get you to laugh. The" she>ll 8ill your sto$ach5 a"- a8ter you>re rela:e-5
she>ll ge"tly s$ooth a,ay your ,orries ,ith her se"si%le a-vice a"- her rich hu$or.
Later5 i" the 8irelight5 you>ll loo7 at her sere"e 8ace a"- as7 yoursel8 all over agai"5
<2s she really a Moo" $ai-e" 8ro$ so$e $isty gar-e" or a lova%le loo"y %ir-A< 4ut
the a"s,er ,o">t see$ very i$porta"t.

The !AN!+1 !hil-
Dear5 -ear5 ha, 'ueer everythi"g is to-ayI A"- yester-ay thi"gs ,e"t o" ;ust as
/rite it -o," so you>ll re$e$%er it a"- "ot %e surprise- every -ay o8 your li8e9
your !a"cer %a%y ,ill cha"ge his $oo-s as 8re'ue"tly as you cha"ge his -iaper. 2t>s
a stra"ge "e, ,orl- 8or the lu"ar i"8a"t. .e>ll %e 8asci"ate- %y -elicious thi"gs to
eat a"- -ri"75 a"- he>ll love all the color8ul pictures ,hich pass %e8ore his sharp
little eyes5 a"- i$press the$selves o" his i"-eli%le $e$ory. /hat he e:perie"ces
,ill "ever leave hi$. /he" he>s ol- a"- gray5 your !a"ceria" %oy or girl ,ill
re$e$%er every 8eeli"g a"- e$otio"5 a"- %e a%le to give it %ac7 as a" e:act i$age.
&"e o8 the -earest !a"ceria" ,o$e" 2 ever 7"e, ,as %or" i" +urope5 a"- ,he" she
,as ill5 she ,oul- si"g every ,or- o8 the 1ussia" lulla%ies she ha- hear- as a chil-5
eve" though she ca$e to A$erica al$ost hal8 a ce"tury ago. Most o8 us ,oul- %e
luc7y i8 ,e re$e$%ere- the tu"e or ,or-s to <1oc7a%ye 4a%y.<
(ro$ %rea78ast u"til %e-ti$e5 the %usy $i"- o8 the !a"ceria" chil- ,ill %e
recor-i"g ,hat he sees a"- hears.
2t>s -i88icult 8or ,orl-ly a-ults to 8ollo, hi$ up his Moo" $ou"tai" o8 -rea$s or go
%esi-e hi$ as he ,a-es i" the strea$s o8 his lu$i"ous i$agi"atio". .is e$otio"s
are rich5 color8ul a"- varie-5 %ut 8or all that5 he $ay %e lo"ely.
*layi"g ,ith lu"ar %a%ies ca" %e loa-s o8 8u". They>re 8u""y little creatures5 ,ith
-roll e:pressio"s a"- eyes that al$ost tal7 %y the$selves. Their 8eatures co"sta"tly
eo"-tort ,ith tears5 t,ist ,ith a gri$ace or sprea- ,i-e ,ith s$iles. 2t>s i"teresti"g
to ,atch those elastic e:pressio"s5 %ut you $ay 8re'ue"tly ,ish you coul- pre-ict
,he" he>s goi"g to giggle5 or get that 8ara,ay loo7 i" his eye as he liste"s to the
curious $usic every Moo" chil- hears.
These you"gsters have $ore e$otio"al "ee-s that *isces %oys a"- girls. Much $ore
tha" ,ith a"y other chil-re"5 the stro"gest i"8lue"ce o" !a"ceria"s is al,ays the
early ho$e e"viro"$e"t. (ro$ i"8a"cy through the tee"s5 you"g cra%s are
tre$e"-ously -epe"-e"t o" the reactio"s o8 their pare"ts a"- their %rothers a"-
sisters. =our lu"ar chil- $ay %e too shy to e:press his real i""er -esires5 %ut he
secretly ,a"ts to %e $a-e over5 cu--le- a"- a-ore-. 28 he -oes">t get atte"tio" a"-
approval 8ro$ his 8a$ily5 relatives a"- 8rie"-s5 the re;ectio" ca" si$ply crush hi$. 2
have a close 8rie"- ,ho ,as %or" i" July. Late o"e "ight i" her 7itche" ?,here
elseA@5 ,e ,ere tal7i"g a%out her chil-hoo-.
She tol- $e5 </he" 2 ,as a little girl i" gra-e school5 $y pare"ts gave $e te" or
8i8tee" ce"ts a ,ee7 to spe"-. 4ut 2 "ever spe"t it. 2 save- it5 so 2 coul- give a
<(or ,hatA< 2 as7e- her.
A ,ist8ul loo7 passe- across her ,o"-er8ully $o%ile 8eatures. </ell5 2 use- to o88er
8i8ty ce"ts at the e"- o8 each $o"th to the 8rie"- ,ho treate- $e the "icest.<
At 8irst 2 ,as a$use-5 a"- starte- to re$i"- her o8 all t8ae ca"-y a"- treats she ha-
$isse- %y passi"g out her e"tire allo,a"ce 8or 7i"- treat$e"t5 %ut so$ethi"g i" her
eyes cha"ge- $y $i"-.
Although your you"g !a"ceria" $ay %rie8ly tur" i"to a re%el ,ithout a cause i"
a-olesce"ce5 -uri"g his te"-er years the little cra% is usually easy to $a"age a"-
-iscipli"e. .is i""er li8e is very real to hi$5 a"- he>ll happily play %y hi$sel8 8or
$a"y hours. .e $ay eve" have a" i"visi%le play$ate calle- so$ethi"g li7e 4oris or
4etty5 ,ho helps hi$ $a7e $u- pies5 pla"t i$agi"ary 8lo,ers or play co,%oy a"-
2"-ia". The $a7e-%elieve 4oris or 4etty are al,ays ,ell-%ehave- a"- courteous.
They ,ill al,ays let the !a"cer you"gster ,i"5 a"- they>ll give i" to his -esire to %e
a ge"tle lea-er ,ithout a $ur$ur. So$eti$es these i$agi"ary play$ates ,ill
-isappear 8or ,ee7s at a ti$e5 %ut they>ll retur" as soo" as a real5 live "eigh%orhoo-
chu$ or school$ate ,ou"-s those little lu"ar 8eeli"gs or %osses the Moo" chil-
arou"- too $uch. As -ocile a"- 'uiet as $ost !a"ceria"s are. !a"cer is a car-i"al
Su" sig" o8 lea-ership. Despite their te"-er e$otio"s a"- ge"tle $a""ers5 they are
"ot 8ollo,ers. There>s a great -eal o8 i"-epe"-e"t thi"7i"g a"- i"-ivi-ualis$.
28 your o88spri"g 8ollo,s the patter" o8 $ost July chil-re"5 he>ll get his ,ay a"- %e
slightly spoile- arou"- the e-ges. 2t>s the s'uea7y hi"ge that gets the $ost oil. .e
,o">t e:actly s'uea75 %ut he ca" get $ighty ,eepy ,he" he>s ig"ore- or treate-
harshly. Tal7 a%out tearsI A Moo" chil- ca" cry rivers a"- 8loo- a roo$. 2t>s as i8
so$eo"e le8t the 7itche" spigots ru""i"g. 28 all that -a$p"ess -oes">t get hi$ the
te"-er sy$pathy he $ust have 8or healthy e$otio"s5 the little !a"ceria" %oy or girl
,ill gro, up i"to a -ry-eye- a-ult ,ith a %arre" heart5 u"a%le to give or receive love
easily-see7i"g solitu-e5 8or$i"g very 8e, ,ar$ 8rie"-ships-a"- %eco$e a recluse i"
ol- age.
/he" such a se"sitive little cra% is i" your care5 it>s really urge"t to laugh a"- cry
,ith hi$ a"- to cal$ his 8ears. .ell have a ,hole passel o8 the$. =our o,". lu"ar
chil- $ay "ot have each o"e o" the list5 %ut he>s sure to have 'uite a 8e,. .e ca" %e
a8rai- to go to sleep i" the -ar7 ,ithout a so8t "ight light5 a8rai- o8 8ire a"- $atches5
a8rai- o8 8ast cars a"- lou- "oises. .e ca" 8ear stra"gers5 large a"i$als5 %right
lights5 8oo- he>s "ever taste- %e8ore5 light"i"g a"- thu"-er.
Lots o8 you"g loo"y-%ir-s get the %lues ,he" it rai"s. A spri"g or 8all sho,er ca" -o
stra"ge thi"gs to the i""er "ature. 2t ca" $a7e hi$ su--e"ly ,a"t to ,rite a poe$5
pai"t a picture or $a7e $usic. At other ti$es5 it ca" cause hi$ to hi-e his 8righte"e-
little hea- u"-er the %e-sprea-5 ,hile his %otto$ hal8 protru-es a"- tre$%les
This chil- re'uires $uch e$otio"al e$pathy to -evelop his 8i"e5 lovi"g5 artistic a"-
creative 'ualities. 28 it is give" ,holehearte-ly i" his 8or$ative years5 it ,ill help
hi$ gro, i"to a patie"t5 ge"erous5 'uietly co"8i-e"t a"- ope"-hearte- a-ult. 28
atte"tive u"-ersta"-i"g is -e"ie- hi$5 his "atural co$passio" a"- ge"tle"ess $ay
%e ,arpe- a"- t,iste- i"to sel8-pity a"- %itter5 sile"t %roo-i"g. (ear5 u"less cope-
,ith early5 ca" %eco$e illogical pre;u-ice a"- hatre-. Little cra%s ,ho have %ee"
stu"te- i" their e$otio"al gro,th so$eti$es tur" i"to suspicious s"appers5 o8te"
reve"ge8ul a"- eve" suici-al. At %est5 these $oo-y5 u"happy $e" a"- ,o$e" lea-
sa-5 u"eve"t8ul lives5 u"less they $a7e a -ra$atic -ecisio" to %ury the$selves i"
%uil-i"g a 8i"a"cial e$pire or -evelopi"g a late"t tale"t. +ither o"e ca" $erci8ully
replace the love a"- a88ectio" ,ithhel- 8ro$ the ge"tle lu"ar heart ,he" it ,as the
$ost vul"era%le -i" chil-hoo-.
2t ca">t %e e$phasi3e- e"ough that these se"sitive chil-re" ca" i$agi"e hurts or
slights5 a"- -rea$ up a re;ectio" ,hich "ever e:iste-. Special care has to %e ta7e" to
co"vi"ce the$ that they>re goo-5 s$art5 pretty5 ha"-so$e5 love- a"- ,a"te-. Ma"y
pare"ts se"se this5 ,hich is ,hy lots o8 little cra%s are pa$pere- so $uch at ho$e
that they get 'uite a shoc7 as a-ults ,he" they -iscover the ,orl- ta7es a cool5
-isi"tereste- vie, o8 their perso"al -esires. No ,o"-er so $a"y !a"ceria"s 8o"-ly
re$e$%er Ma$a a"- practically %uil- a shri"e to her as they gro, ol-er. No o"e
else ,ill ever agai" care 'uite so $uch. The %ig 'uestio" ,ith a Moo" chil- is
al,ays ,hether to %e overly 8ir$ a"- ,arp hi$5 or overly per$issive a"- spoil hi$.
(i"-i"g the $i--le roa- is "ever easy5 a"- the pro%le$ ca" 7eep you up a 8e,
"ights. The 7ey,or- is9 rela:. Love usually 8i"-s the ,ay. The %est 8or$ula is a
goo- ol--8ashio"e- spa"7i"g ,he" he "ee-s it5 ,ith ple"ty o8 hugs a"- 7isses a"-
lots o8 physical e:pressio"s o8 a88ectio" at all other ti$es.
Teachers "or$ally 8i"- the !a"ceria" %oys a"- girls ,hi33es i" history. They
sel-o$ 8orget -ates or eve"ts. That>s %ecause5 tha"7s to their $irror-li7e se"sitivity5
they ca" rea- a%out so$ethi"g that happe"e- years ago5 a"- al$ost %elieve they
,ere there. 28 *aul 1evere5 Tho$as Je88erso"5 or A%raha$ Li"col" the$selves
coul- retur" a"- tell their stories5 they pro%a%ly ,oul-">t %e recou"te- ,ith $uch
$ore color tha" the typical you"g !a"ceria" uses ,he" he -iscusses the happe"i"gs
o8 the -i$ a"- -usty past. 2t>s as i8 they actually sa, the 4attle o8 Le:-i"gto"5 the
sig"i"g o8 the Declaratio" o8 2"-epe"-e"ce a"- the shot 8ire- o" (ort Su$ter.
There>s har-ly a -etail they ca">t i$agi"e. 2t>s easy to see ,hy so $a"y o8 these
se"sitive %oys a"- girls go o" the stage5 %eco$e creative photographers or 8ollo, a
-isti"guishe- career i" $usic or art. 2"structors o8 the you"g lu"ar $i"- $ay "o,
a"- the" co$plai" o8 stu%%or""ess or -ay-rea$i"g5 %ut it>s "ot o8te" that either
8aili"g %eco$es pro"ou"ce- e"ough to %e really trou%leso$e. There $ay %e so$e
e:aggerati"g. The %oy $ay -escri%e the or-eal o8 %ei"g attac7e- i" the ,oo-s %y a
-a"gerous %ear to e:plai" so$e scratches cause- %y a 8all 8ro$ his o," 8ro"t porch.
The girl $ay give a sa- recital o8 ho, she ,as loc7e- out ,ith "o supper %y cruel
pare"ts5 a8ter ,hat ,as o"ly a $il- argu$e"t ,ith her 8a$ily. 4ut a 8e, tall tales
ca" %e e:pecte- ,he" you co"si-er the stro"g $e"tal i$pressio"s create- %y
rea-i"g a-ve"ture stories ,ith the lu"ar i$agi"atio". /he" there>s real heartache5
i"stea- o8 $a7e-%elieve trage-y5 the typical !a"ceria" chil- ,ill "or$ally re$ai"
'uiet a"- -ecli"e to spea7 a%out it. There>s a" ol- !hi"ese prover%9 <.e ,ho is
really hurt--oes">t tal7.<
Li7e the Li%ra" chil-5 happy !a"ceria" you"gsters ca" ru" up the 8a$ily 8oo- %ill to
8a"tastic proportio"s a"- soothi"g hurt 8eeli"gs cause- %y the "ic7"a$e (atty is
co$$o". 28 there>s a lot o8 %roo-i"g or "ervous"ess5 the "ic7"a$e $ay %e S7i""y.
2t>s %est to %ypass all "ic7"a$es ,ith Moo" chil-re". They shoul- "ever %e tease-.
Most you"g cra%s loo7 8or,ar- to ,or7i"g 8or pay5 a"- they>ll scour the
"eigh%orhoo- 8or o-- ;o%s. =our !a"cer chil- ,ill %egi" early to cut grass5 s,eep
leaves a"- %a%ysit. .e>ll retur" %ottles 8or re8u"-s5 help ha"g out the lau"-ry5 assist
the trash $e"5 sell le$o"a-e at the cur%5 or a"ythi"g else he ca" thi"7 o8 that ,ill
$a7e his poc7ets ;i"gle. The pe""ies5 "ic7els5 -i$es5 'uarters-a"- 8i"ally the -ollars
he $a7es ,ill %e care8ully accou"te- 8or5 a"- a goo- portio" o8 the$ save-. A8ter a
,hile5 you $ay %e a%le to save so$e yoursel8-o" his allo,a"ce. .e>ll pro%a%ly sup-
ply his o," spe"-i"g $o"ey soo"er tha" other chil-re"5 a"- %e prou- o8 it. =ou>ll
8i"- hi$ easy o" your poc7et-%oo7 i" $a"y ,ays. These chil-re" o8te" ,or7 their
,ay through college. The %oys ,ill have a healthy curiosity a%out the %usi"ess
,orl-. The girls ,ill %e e88icie"t i" cash $atters5 too5 %ut they>ll also spe"- lots o8
ti$e ,ith their -olls a"- %a7i"g %ro,"ies5 practici"g 8or their 8uture careers as
The !a"cer chil- ,ill 7eep you a$use- ,ith his ;o7es a"- his co"tagious laugh. .e
ca" $a7e 8u""y 8aces that loo7 li7e .allo,ee" $as7s5 a"- he sees the hu$or i"
every 8acet o8 the hu$a" para-e as it passes. #ive hi$5 i8 possi%le5 a little plot o8
earth he ca" call his o,"5 ,here he ca" pla"t thi"gs ,ith his gree" thu$% a"- ,atch
the$ gro,. .e>ll %e te"-erly co"cer"e- ,ith relatives ,ho are ill5 8i"a"cial
e$erge"cies i" the 8a$ily5 a"- the -i88iculties o8 his 8rie"-s a"- "eigh%ors. Lu"ar
you"gsters love %oo7s a%out heroic people ,ho %rave- har-ships to -o great -ee-s5
a"- they>ll %e especially ge"tle a"- sy$pathetic ,ith a"i$als. 4ut i8 they 8eel
cruelly treate- the$selves5 they $ay pass o" the cruelty5 or rather5 re8lect it to others
s$aller tha" the$selves i" a sort o8 <7ic7 the cat< progressio". =ou"g cra%s ca" live
up to the "a$e a"- %e 'uite cra%%y5 %ut such $oo-s sel-o$ last $ore tha" a 8e,
hours5 %e8ore they>re replace- %y a lova%le loo"y gri".
As you tur" o88 the la$ps at %e- ti$e5 you $ay ,o"-er5 as all pare"ts -o a%out a
-ay i" the "ot too 8ar -ista"t 8uture ,he" the little hea- that 7eeps poppi"g up <8or
o"e $ore -ri"7 o8 ,ater< ,ill %e $issi"g. The house ,ill %e still the"5 a"- e$pty o8
his alter"ati"g tears a"- laughter5 a8ter the 8u""y5 i$agi"ative little cra% cra,ls
a,ay to raise his o," 8a$ily. /ill he 8orgetA Not i8 he ,as %or" i" late Ju"e or July.
=ears ca" go %y5 a"- he $ay sail o" -ista"t seas5 %ut you ca" 7eep his %ea" %ag-the
o"e he gave you that Satur-ay a8ter"oo" you 'uarrele--o" his -resser. A"- you ca"
leave her rag -oll i" its place o" the ,i"-o, seat. =our Moo" chil- ,ill co$e ho$e
agai" > $a"y ti$es throughout every to$orro,-to $eet ol- $e$ories a"- retur" to
the past. No $atter ho, $a"y $iles separate hi$ 8ro$ yester-ay5 a"y,here he lives
is al,ays ha"-y to ho$e. Feep the coo7ie ;ar 8ull

The !AN!+1 4oss
<=ou see5< he ,e"t o" a8ter a pause5 <i8s as -,ell to
%e provi-e- 8or everythi"g. That>s the reaso" the horse has all those a"7lets
arou"- his 8eet.< <4ut ,hat are they 8orA< Alice as7e-5 i" a to"e o8
great curiosity. <To guar- agai"st the %ites o8 shar7s5< the F"ight
A8ter lear"i"g a%out the !a"ceria" se"se o8 hu$or5 you $ay have the i$pressio"
that the o88ice o8 a !a"cer %oss is a real 8u" place5 ,ith everythi"g e:cept co"8etti
a"- a so$$elier to serve cha$pag"e. The e$ployees ,ill all %e straight $e"5 a"-
the lu"ar e:ecutive is the sta"--up co$ic ,ith the clever o"e-li"ers. 2t ,ill %e li7e
goi"g to ,or7 i" a "ightclu% every -ay. /ell5 "o-"ot e:actly.
28 you ,or7 8or a T or $ovie 8u""y$a"5 all that ;ust $ight apply. A"y,here else5
you>- %est -ust the co"8etti o88 your shoul-er5 straighte" your tie a"- 8orget the
;o7es. The serious5 har--,or7i"g !a"eeria" e:ecutive -oes">t go 8or hilarity o" the
;o%. .is ,or7i"g hu$or ca" co"sist o8 a"ythi"g 8ro$ laughi"g at a" over-co"8i-e"t
co$petitor 8alli"g o" his 8ace to a 8ai"t chuc7le ,he" you as7 hi$ to -ou%le your
salary %e8ore you have prove- yoursel8. 4oth o8 these situatio"s ,ill stri7e his 8u""y
ri%s a"- %ri"g a ,i-e gri". Nothi"g else ,ill arouse $uch $irth or $a"y giggles.
The hu$or is still there5 %e"eath his crisp %usi"ess 8ace a"- his s"o,-,hite collar5
%ut it ,ill %e use- spari"gly o" the ;o%. Most o8 his laughs at ,or7 ,ill %e save- 8or
the hu$a" co$e-y o8 errors5 or to ease so$eo"e>s "ervous"ess5 a"- the to"e ,ill
usually %e 7i"-ly. Seve" hours a"- 8i8ty-"i"e $i"utes out o8 every eight ,or7i"g
hours5 ho,ever5 ,ill %e hu$orless5 eve" gri$.
2 -o">t $ea" to 8righte" you i"to thi"7i"g he>s Si$o" Legree ?though there are a 8e,
!a"ceria" %osses o8 that type scattere- arou"- the ,orl-@. 2t>s ;ust that your ;o%
u"-er a !a"cer %oss ,ill %e $ore secure i8 you see that your trousers are crease-5
your hair is parte- "eatly5 a"- your %rai" is operati"g at a sharp level tha" i8 you tell
a 8e, 8ast o"es5 happily tryi"g to play seco"- %a"a"a. The top %a"a"a you>re tryi"g
to i$press is o88 -uty i" the hu$or $ill ,hile he sits %ehi"- that polishe- $ahoga"y
-es75 ,ith his $other>s picture o" o"e si-e5 a"- the group picture o8 his 8a$ily o"
the other. !a" you i$agi"e ,hat ,oul- have happe"e- to a $e$%er o8 !alvi"
!ooli-ge>s ca%i"et i8 he pulle- the o"e a%out <,ho ,as that la-y 2 sa, you ,ith last
"ight< i" the $i--le o8 a $eeti"gA 2 7"o, a" e$ployee ,ho $a-e a serious error i"
'uoti"g a shippi"g -ate to a value- clie"t. /he" his !a"ceria" superior calle- hi$
i" 8or a" accou"ti"g5 prepare- to %e 7i"-5 he cheer8ully sai-5 <4oss5 2 si"cerely
regret $y stupi-ity5 a"- i8 you>ll give $e a couple o8 -ays5 2>$ sure 2 ca" co$e up
,ith several e:celle"t e:cusesI< .e ,oul- have %ee" a screa$ i" ol--ti$e
vau-eville5 %ut he got the hoo7 8ro$ his u"a$use- !a"cer e$ployer.
.ope8ully5 you ,ill pro8it 8ro$ the large egg that e$-i ployee lai- at his last
per8or$a"ce. The !a"cer %oss is i" D %usi"ess 8or o"e purpose o"ly. To $a7e
$o"ey. *erio-. 2 Mo"ey. 2t>s $a-e o8 gree" a"- %lac7 pri"te- paper5 a"- D it has
-i88ere"t "u$%ers i" the upper co$ers5 sig"i8yi"g I ho, $uch po,er5 prestige5 a"-
lu:ury it ,ill %uy. =ou tra-e it 8or har- ,or7. The har-er you ,or75 the $ore pieces
o8 this gree" a"- %lac7 pri"te- paper you get a"- the larger the "u$%ers are i" the
upper co$ers. That>s his philosophy5 i" a cra% shell. 2t ,oul- %e ,ise to $a7e it
So you thi"7 he>s a little stu88y5 -o youA May%e i8 he rela:e- $ore5 a"- stoppe-
%ei"g so strict a%out goo8i"g o885 -a"- create- a 8rie"-lier at$osphere5 he ,oul- "ot
o"ly %e $ore success8ul5 he ,oul- %e happier5 too. .as that occurre- to youA
#la"ce at a copy o8 /ho>s /ho i" !o$$erce a"- 2"-ustry. The su$$er %irth-ays
,ill %e the heaviest5 a"- July ,ill top the$ all. The" ta7e a"other loo7 at the "a$es
o8 the !a"ceria"s at the e"- o8 <.o, to 1ecog"i3e< this Su" sig". .e $ust %e -oi"g
so$ethi"g right.
/hatever %usi"ess he is i"5 the !a"cer %oss is really i" his ele$e"t ,he" it co$es to
tra-i"g-8ro$ horses to stoc7s-a"- a"ythi"g i" %et,ee". .e is a past $aster at
8iguri"g out ,hat people ,a"t a"- supplyi"g it at a su%sta"tial pro8it.
The lure o8 cash $ay eve" have ta7e" hi$ a,ay 8ro$ the e-ucatio" he ,a"te-5 a"-
he %eca$e a sel8-$a-e $a". 2t "ot5 the" you ca" sa8ely ,ager a $o"th>s paychec7
that5 ,hile he ,as i" college he ,as ,or7i"g part-ti$e a"- setti"g a little $oola
asi-e. /hat a$ 2 sayi"g5 collegeA This $a" pro%a%ly ha- his 8irst e$ploy$e"t at
the age o8 si: or seve"5 goi"g to the co$er store to get $il7 or %rea- a"- chargi"g
his -oti"g $other t,o ce"ts 8or the trip. As7 hi$ ,he" he %ega" his 8irst salarie-
;o%. =ou>ll pro%a%ly get 'uite a shoc7. 4ut it ,ill i"crease your status ,ith hi$.
.e>ll respect you a"- $a7e a $e"tal "ote that you>re thi"7i"g right. 4y the ,ay5
,atch those $e"tal "otes he $a7es. .e has a $e$ory li7e a" elepha"t. !a"cer
%osses sel-o$ 8orget a thi"g. That i"clu-es ,hat ti$e you arrive5 ,hat ti$e you
leave a"- ho, $a"y ti$es you visit the ,ashroo$ ,hile you>re there. 4ut hell also
re$e$%er the "ights you staye- late a"- the ti$e you ,or7e- all ,ee7e"- to help
hi$ ,ith a" i$porta"t co"tract5 a"- you>ll %e ;ustly5 eve" ge"erously5 re,ar-e-.
.e $ay have i"herite- ,ealth a"- positio"5 %ut the !a"cer %oss ,ill sel-o$ rest o"
his 8a$ily>s laurels. .e has to prove he ca" stac7 up the gol- pieces o" his o,".
Still5 he>s "ot gree-y. .e>s truly sy$pathetic a"- charita%le5 ,ithout %ei"g "aive
a%out it. To hi$5 charity %egi"s at ho$e. .is 8a$ily co$es 8irst. Ne:t5 his %usi"ess.
A8ter that5 it>s your tur"-a"- every%o-y else>s. No o"e ca" %e as %ig-hearte- a"-
8i"a"cially ge"erous ,he" the recipie"t is -eservi"g5 a"- ,he" there>s really
"o,here else he ca" go 8or help. The cra% ,ill $a7e his gesture the"-a"- it Q ,o">t
%e s$all. Just re$e$%er that there>s a ,i-e %erth %et,ee" ho"est charity a"- rash
speculatio". .e has a so8t heart5 %ut he -oes">t have a so8t hea-.
2" reality5 your !a"cer %oss is a -eeply se"sitive5 ge"tle perso"5 a"- %asically
i"secure. Success cal$s $a"y o8 his i""er 8ears5 a"- that>s ,hy he pursues it so
-evote-ly. /he" he>s hurt5 a"- that $ay %e 8ar $ore 8re'ue"tly tha" you reali3e5 he
cra,ls i"to his har- shell. 2t>s also a !a"ceria" -e8e"se ,he" he -oes">t get ,hat he
,a"ts5 a"- it o8te" ,or7s to his a-va"tage. *eople al,ays 8eel sorry 8or a cra% ,ho
has retreate- i"si-e his shell5 a"- so$eti$es they>ll pro$ise 'uite a %it to coa: hi$
%ac7 out.
There are lots o8 8e$ale !a"ceria" %osses5 too. Al$ost every si"gle !a"cer ,o$a"
you>ll ever $eet has ,or7e- at so$eti$e i" her li8e5 is ,or7i"g "o,5 or is %ossi"g
you "o,. She $ay %e i" love ,ith love5 %ut it ,ill have a rival i" her ;o% that ca"
,i" i" a ,al7. She ,o">t %e happy ,ith e$otio"al security alo"e5 eve" i8 she
so$eti$es thi"7s she ,oul-. To all !a"ceria"s5 happi"ess is a t,i"-$o"ey a"-
a88ectio" i" e'ual $easure. The 8e$ale cra% pro%a%ly -etests house,or75 a"y,ay.
Most !a"cer ,o$e" -o. 28 you>ve hear- -i88ere"tly5 it>s %ecause o8 the attach$e"t
they have to the 7itche". Actually5 these ,o$e" ,oul- $uch rather co$pete i" a
$a">s ,orl-5 ,ith all their se"si-;tive 8eeli"gs5 tha" -ru-ge through the -aily routi"e
o8 ; s,eepi"g a"- -usti"g a"- -usti"g a"- s,eepi"g5 ,ith a" i occasio"al $oppi"g
thro," i" to relieve the $o"oto"y. D They hate to a-$it it5 a"- their ho$es are
usually pleasa"t D e"ough places5 clea" or $essy5 %ut they -o -isli7e %ei"g B
house,ives. The a88ectio" a"- protectio" that goes ,ith it 2 is -a"-y5 %ut the
8ur"iture polish they ca" -o ,ithout 2" $ost ,ays5 the ,o$e" e:ecutives -o">t
-i88er esse"tially 8ro$ the $e"5 ,ith o"e e:ceptio". The girl cra%s -o"t ,ear
trousers a"- ,hite shirts a"- ties. They ,ear ge"tle s$iles to hi-e te"-er hearts a"-
har- shell $i"-s5 usually toppi"g it o88 ,ith 8e$i"i"e a"- ro$a"tic clothi"g.
All !a"cer %osses have a re$ar7a%le i"sight i"to your 8eeli"gs. They>ll u"-ersta"-
everythi"g you say ,ith u"ca""y accuracy5 a"- the u""ervi"g part is that they>re
also perceptive e"ough to se"se the $ea"i"g o8 the ,or-s you leave u"spo7e"5 so
,atch ,hat you leave u"spo7e". !a"ceria"s are">t really lo"ers. They $ay act li7e it
at ti$es5 ,he" they>re passi"g through a cra"7y or -epresse- $oo-5 %ut they usually
surrou"- the$selves ,ith people. Solitu-e is 8ear8ul to $ost cra%s5 e:cept to those
,ho have sought it %ecause o8 very -eep ,ou"-s very early i" li8e5 a"- eve" they
are $isera%le alo"e5 though they $ay "ot co"sciously reali3e it.
2t>s goo- to ,or7 8or a !a"ceria" e:ecutive. =oull 2e a$ $ore i" o"e $o"th 8ro$
hi$ tha" you ,ill i" a year 8ro$ other %osses. The $ost i$porta"t thi"g you>ll lear"
is co"si-eratio". A !a"cer %oss -rives a har- %argai"5 %ut he>s 8air ,hile he>s %ei"g
shre,-. *layi"g a ga$e o8 ,i" or lose ,ith the %ig guys ,ho hol- the %lue chips is
o"e thi"g. Ta7i"g a-va"tage o8 the i""oce"t is a"other.
2 .e>s esse"tially a 7i"- a"- -ece"t $a"5 ,ho>s $ove- to -eep pity %y %oth cruelty
a"- $is8ortu"e. !ourtesy a"- co$passio" are">t ol--8ashio"e- ,or-s to hi$. They
are part o8 his ge"tle$a">s co-e. 28 your i"te"tio"s are si"cere5 your $otives are
sou"- a"- your heart is ho"est5 he>ll %ac7 you through $ista7e" opi"io"s a"-
perso"al trou%les.
The cra% ,aits patie"tly a"- te"aciously5 ,ith %oth eyes ,i-e ope". .is $i"-
re$ai"s alert a"- practical5 %ut his heart -rea$s5 a"- the -rea$s are as $agic as the
$oo"light that stirs hi$. They ca" ta7e hi$ o" a gla$orous5 e:citi"g trip arou"- the
,orl-5 or i"spire hi$ to %uil- a to,eri"g i"-ustry that uses its e:cess pro8its to
e"courage scie"ti8ic research ,hich ,ill help hu$a"ity. 4ut every -rea$ is %uilt o"
a soli- 8ou"-atio". .is poetry is %eauti8ul5 %ut it al,ays $a7es se"se.
As 8or that ;o7e5 $a7e sure you tell it to hi$ at lu"ch5 "ot o" co$pa"y ti$e. 28 it>s
a%out plai" people a"- has a goo- poi"t5 hell laugh. The" you>ll 8i"- out ,hat he>s
really li7e. /atch his eyes5 a"- you>ll see that the lu"ar laugh is a %right a"- %rave
a"s,er to i""er 8ears a"- hurts that o"ly the patie"t cra%5 ,ith his ge"tle heart a"-
tough shell5 coul- -are to give.

The !AN!+1 +$ployee
<A"- they -re, all $a""er o8 thi"gs- everythi"g that %egi"s ,ith a" M- .. . such as
$ouse-traps5 a"- the $oo"5 a"- $e$ory5 a"- $uch"ess. . . .<
2t>s al,ays "ice to have a !a"ceria" ,or7 8or you5 %ecause he actually ,or7s 8or
you. .e -oes">t ,or7 8or glory or a $isty chi$era5 a"- he -oes">t stop %y each -ay
%ecause he has a crush o" the receptio"ist. .e "ever thi"7s o8 his ;o% as a ,ay to
e:press his ego or as a" a$usi"g ,ay to pass the ti$e %et,ee" co88ee %rea7s. .e
,or7s 8or the si$plest> reaso" i" the ,orl-. Security. Mea"i"g5 o8 course5 his pay-
=ou shoul- u"-ersta"- i$$e-iately that a !a"ceria" paychec7 $ust %e $a-e o8
elastic. 2t ,ill have to gra-ually stretch %igger a"- %igger. As ti$e goes o"5 a"- he
gathers e:perie"ce5 proves his loyalty a"- sho,s his tale"ts or a%ilities5 he>ll e:pect
$ore $o"ey. .is i"co$e $ust al,ays e'ual his output5 a"- his output ,ill stea-ily
i"crease. The paychec7 ,ill have to $atch it or he>ll %e 8orce- to -o so$ethi"g
co$pletely agai"st his "ature-let go o8 his ;o% a"- go else,here. 2t>s "ever easy 8or
the cra% to let go o8 a"ythi"g-tooth%rushes5 ol- get-,ell car-s5 shoe-stri"gs5 soc7s5
girls5 e$pty %all-poi"t pe"s or ;o%s. .e gets a 8ir$ grip a"- you ca">t pry hi$ loose.
Depe"-a%ility a"- te"acity ,ere the $aterials use- i" %uil-i"g his "ature5 a"- they
,ere use- ,ith a lavish ha"-. They serve hi$ ,ell o" his a$%itious cli$% to
success. .e $ay sha7e a"- shiver a"- tre$%le a little o" the ,ay ,he" the shar7s
appear a"- his e$otio"s are cut to the 'uic75 %ut all that ,ill %e 7ept sa8ely e"case-
i"si-e his tough shell o8 -eli%erate purpose. Despite the cra%>s appare"t ge"tle"ess5
!a"cer is a car-i"al sig"5 ,hich $ea"s !a"ceria"s ,ere %or" to ta7e respo"si%ility-
to lea-5 "ot %e le-. They>ll accept -iscipli"e 8ro$ the %oss ,ith cal$ -ocility ,hile
it>s "ecessary5 %ut "ever 8orget ,hat>s %ehi"- their ,illi"g"ess to 8ollo, or-ers
grace8ully. /he" the cra% o%e-ie"tly serves5 he>s really servi"g his o," secret
purposes. .is ;o% happe"s to represe"t a" i$porta"t %ric7 i" the large e-i8ice he>s
%uil-i"g. As soo" as the stur-y structure is co$plete-5 he ,ill ta7e over a"- rule. 2"
other ,or-s5 he is ai$i"g 8or a" e:ecutive positio". 2t "ever leaves his $i"- 8or a"
i"sta"t. 2t>s %est you 7eep it i" yours also5 8or o%vious reaso"s.
.is $otivatio" i" layi"g those %ric7s ,ith such stro"g $ortar is sel-o$ a -esire 8or
po,er. *restige -oes">t goa- hi$ o"5 as it -oes the !apricor"5 the goat5 "or ego5 as it
-oes Aries5 the ra$. .e>s -rive" to accu$ulate cash a"- a" u"sha7a%le positio" o8
authority 8or -i88ere"t reaso"s. !a"ceria"s "ee- the security o8 7"o,i"g that all their
to$orro,s are sa8e5 so they ca" 8i"ally rela: a"- live ,here their hearts are-i"
yester-ay. That ta7es $o"ey. A"ti'ues are e:pe"sive. So are huge5 ol- houses a"-
lu:urious -i""ers5 serve- graciously. !ollecti"g ol- autographs re'uires a lot o8
cash5 too5 a"- ha"-so$e 8ra$es to hol- portraits o8 a"cestors are">t cheap. #oo- hi-
8i sets 8or classical $usic cost ple"ty o8 -i$es. 4esi-es5 the !a"cer e$ployee $ay
"ee- u%sta"tial su$s to support relatives ,ho have $ove- i" -uri"g a trou%le-
spell5 or a" o88spri"g $ay %e i" "ee- o8 $ore $o"ey 8or a variety o8 reaso"s. 2"
a--itio"5 the cra% has a $ultitu-e o8 8ears5 %oth real a"- i$agi"ary. They 8or$ a
co$plicate- "et,or7 o8 "aggi"g sel8--ou%ts a"- 8eeli"gs o8 i"a-e'uacy5 ,hich
authority a"- lea-ership ,ill ease the ,ay "ovocai"e -ulls pai".
.e "ee-s o"e $ore thi"g. A88ectio". Naturally5 that>s "ot your respo"si%ility. Still5 it
helps to %e a,are o8 it. So$e--ay you $ay have to give hi$ a s'uee3e o8 the ha"-
a"- a speech o8 ,ar$ gratitu-e i"stea- o8 a raise. 2t ,o">t %e a su%stitute 8or cash %y
a"y $ea"s5 %ut it $ight $a7e hi$ -eci-e to stay arou"- a little lo"ger. Appreciatio"
is soothi"g to the !a"ceria"5 %ut it ,ill "ever co$pletely replace his se"ti$e"tal
attach$e"t to his %a"7 %ala"ce.
So -o">t go over%oar- a"- get i"to the ha%it o8 sayi"g5 <1oc7y5 ol- %oy5 2 ca">t pay
you the $o"ey you>re ,orth "o,5 %ut 2 love you $a-ly.< .e $ay $isu"-ersta"-
your $otive a8ter a ti$e or t,o. That is5 he $ay thi"7 you>re i"si"cere. 4e e'ually
cautious ,ith your 8e$ale !a"ceria" e$ployees. =ou coul- easily %e $isu"-erstoo-
%y the$. The !a"cer ,o$a" is shy a"- ti$i- ,ith stra"gers5 %ut she recog"i3es a
ro$a"tic sig"al 8ro$ $iles a,ay ,ith 8righte"i"g spee-. 28 she>s si"gle5 you>- %etter
hope you are5 %ecause she>ll get that te"-er5 possessive loo7 i" her eyes5 a"- you>ll
have 'uite a ti$e getti"g out o8 the "oose. 28 she>s $arrie-5 she>ll 8ree3e you col- or
s"ap at you u"til you>re properly respect8ul. #ive your lu"ar people love5 %ut try to
re$ai" i$perso"al a%out it. 2 7"o, that>s li7e sayi"g5 <.a"g your clothes o" a
hic7ory li$%5 %ut -o">t go "ear the ,ater5< %ut that>s the ,ay it is. The strategy is
so$ethi"g you>ll have to 8igure out 8or yoursel8.
Just as surely as !a"ceria" Stephe" (oster ,rote <My &l- Fe"tuc7y .o$e5< the
sy$%ol o8 ho$e ,ill e"ter the lives o8 these e$ployees o"e ,ay or a"other. =our
lu"ar secretary>s $other $ay -rop %y 8re'ue"tly to lu"ch ,ith her -aughter-a"- a
8e$ale cra% ,or7i"g respo"si%ly as a cler7 i" a -epart$e"t store 8or years ,ill ,al7
out su--e"ly i8 her so" is i" trou%le or ill5 a"- "ee-s her. That sales$a" ,ho ,as
%or" i" July ,ill e";oy a %it o8 travel5 i8 he>s a %achelor ?as lo"g as so$e o"e calls
his $other every -ay ,hile he>s go"e to see i8 she ,a"ts a"ythi"g@. 4ut i8 he>s
$arrie-5 he $ay "ot appreciate %ei"g se"t out o8 to," or %ei"g as7e- to sacri8ice
holi-ays at ho$e 8or %usi"ess e$erge"cies.
28 you have a"y !a"ceria" e$ployees ,ho are goi"g through a separatio" or
-ivorce5 you have a pro%le$ o" your ha"-s that $ay -isrupt your sta88 8or ,ee7s.
They>ll sprea- a clou- o8 gloo$ over the o88ice. 28 it>s a 8e$ale5 -ou%le your or-er o8
Flee"e: 8or the po,-er roo$. There ,ill %e perio-s o8 $oo-y ,eepi"g5 a"- she
$ay spe"- a lot o8 ti$e i" court. The ;u-ge ,ill a,ar- her su%sta"tial ali$o"y or
else. 28 support $o"ey 8or chil-re" is i"volve-5 she $ay "ee- a $o"th o88. *hysical
-esertio" is %a- e"ough5 %ut the threat o8 losi"g 8i"a"cial security ,ill arouse every
ou"ce o8 te"acity i" her5 a"- that>s a lot o8 ou"ces. !ra%s o8 %oth se:es ta7e a %ro7e"
ho$e very har-. =our %est %et a%out this !a"ceria" ho$e 8i:atio" is to ha"g a poe$
o" the ,all o8 every o88ice. <.o$e 2s /here The .eart 2s.< Just %e"eath it5 ha"g o"e
o8 those arra"ge$e"ts o8 rare coi"s5 o" a %ac7grou"- o8 lave"-er velvet5 8ra$e- i"
sterli"g silver. .ave you $isse- the poi"tA They ,o">t.
/he" there>s so$ethi"g you ,a"t to -iscuss ,ith the !a"cer e$ployee5 a"- you
,a"t to put hi$ i" a receptive 8ra$e o8 $i"-5 ta7e hi$ to lu"ch or -i""er.
!a"ceria"s a-ore people ,ho i"vite the$ 8or a $eal. Not o"ly -oes it $ea" he ,o">t
have to pic7 up the chec75 %ut 8oo- spells security i" capital letters. Just ,atch his
eyes light up. .e $ay "ot %e a %ig eater hi$sel85 %ut he>s still $ore co"te"te- a"-
peace8ul ,he" there>s a" a%u"-a"ce o8 8oo- arou"-. 4e sure you ta7e hi$ to o"e o8
the 8i"est restaura"ts i" to,". .e>ll love the lu:ury5 si"ce he>s "ot payi"g the %ill.
!a"ceria"s are i"-ustrious ,or7ers. =ou ca" rely o" the$ to %e stea-y a"- relia%le
u"-er all circu$sta"ces5 e:cept o"e. !a"cer is a ,ater sig"5 a"- people %or" u"-er
the three ,ater sig"s e";oy li'ui-s i" all 8or$s. 28 the aspects %et,ee" the pla"ets
,ere a88licte- at %irth5 o"e o8 these 8or$s $ay %e a hu"-re- proo8. The !a"ceria"
,ith a -ri"7i"g pro%le$ is rare5 %ut i8 you shoul- happe" to co$e across a July-%or"
e$ployee ,ho 8ills the air ,ith the cra3y lu"ar laugh too 8re'ue"tly5 or ,ho ,eeps
$ela"choly tears co"ti"ually5 he $ay %e e";oyi"g so$ethi"g stro"ger tha" Java o"
his co88ee %rea7s. Do">t 8or$ the opi"io" that every *isces5 Scorpio or !a"cer
perso" is a "ipper. True5 people %or" -uri"g these perio-s are $ore o8te" 8ou"-
-ro,"i"g their sorro,s tha" others5 %ut that>s a" overall statistic5 coveri"g $illio"s
o8 hu$a"s5 a"- you ca" "ever use it ,he" ;u-gi"g people i"-ivi-ually. Most o8 the
!a"ceria"s you $eet ,ill %e so%er. 2" 8act5 they $ay %e so so%er you ,ish they
,oul- rela: a little over a coc7tail.
They ta7e their ,or7 seriously5 a"- the$selves eve" $ore so. The lu"ar se"se o8
hu$or is ,ar$ a"- ,o"-er8ul5 8ull o8 se"sitive i"sight i"to hu$a" "ature5 %ut ,he"
so$eo"e>s ,it hits a te"-er spot5 the cra% $ay %e -eeply hurt. 2t>s %est to let hi$
$a7e the ;o7es. /ith his 7i"- heart a"- his sharp perceptio"5 it>s u"li7ely that he>ll
,ou"- a"yo"e u"-er the guise o8 co$e-y. The typical !a"ceria" e$ployee ,o">t
scatter his pu"ch li"es -uri"g ,or7i"g hours o" co$pa"y ti$e5 %ut ,he" you ta7e
hi$ to -i""er5 he $ight 7eep you chuc7li"g 8ro$ the to$ato ;uice through the
cherries Ju%ilee. !ra%s ca" %e utterly 8asci"ati"g co"versatio"alists5 u"less they>re i"
a gloo$y $oo-5 i" ,hich case o"e ,or- a" hour5 s"appe- out %rie8ly5 ,ill %e a%out
par. They ca" pout %eauti8ully. 4ut they ca" also spea7 $ag"etically5 a"- s,ay your
e$otio"s easily through their a%ility to play o" people.
!a"ceria"s 8eel thi"gs. No o"e ca" %e $ore te"-er a"- sy$pathetic tha" a !a"cer
perso" ,he" you "ee- a 8rie"-5 a"- "o o"e ca" %e cra"7ier ,he" they suspect
so$eo"e is tryi"g to ta7e so$ethi"g 8ro$ the$5 either e$otio"ally or ta"gi%ly.
/he" the %a"7 state$e"t -oes">t %ala"ce5 they $ay 8ro," i" sulle" sile"ce 8or
hours a8ter,ar-s5 a"- i8 a cra% thi"7s a" associate is a8ter his or her ;o%5 there ca" %e
so$e pretty chil-ish %ehavior5 as a prelu-e to a 8ight-to-the--eath 8or possessio" a"-
o,"ership. The victi$ $ay "ot eve" suspect ,ar has %ee" -eclare- u"til the victory
has %ee" ,o". !a"ceria"s have $ore secrets tha" J. +-gar .oover5 Ja$es 4o"- a"-
Sherloc7 .ol$es co$%i"e-. They sel-o$ a-vertise their $oves i" a-va"ce5 a"-
they al$ost "ever reveal their true i""er thoughts5 e:cept to those ,ho are so close
to the$ there>s little cha"ce the co"8i-e"ce ,ill ever %oo$era"g.
The cra% -oes ,ell i" a"y positio" that lets hi$ use his "atural a%ilities. .e>s o8te"
success8ul i" $ercha"-isi"g5 tra-i"g5 $a"u8acturi"g a"- %uyi"g 8or large chai"s.
The %a7i"g5 ca""i"g5 pac7i"g a"- -istri%utio" o8 8oo-s attracts $a"y a !a"ceria".
Art ?pai"ti"g or sculpti"g@5 -esig"i"g a"- i"terior -ecorati"g5 $usic5 $useu$s5
,riti"g5 accou"ti"g5 real estate5 chil-re">s clothi"g5 social ,or75 acti"g a"-
-irecti"g5 photography5 gar-e"i"g5 lecturi"g5 teachi"g5 %a"7i"g5 oil5 co$$erce5
shippi"g a"- politics are all typical !a"cer careers. Ma"agi"g hotels or restaura"ts5
co"trolli"g theaters a"- arra"gi"g loa"s are also "atural occupatio"s 8or lu"ar
=our 8e$ale !a"cer e$ployee loves %a%ies5 chil-re"5 $e"5 8lo,ers5 ,ar$ly heate-
o88ices5 courtesy5 ro$a"ce5 coo7i"g5 $ovies5 %oo7s a"- $o"ey. She>s se"sitive5 re-
spo"sive to 7i"-"ess5 respo"si%le a"- e:tre$ely capa%le.
She>s $oo-y.
=our $ale !a"cer e$ployee loves %a%ies5 chil-re"5 ,o$e"5 respect5 a-$iratio"5
,ar$ly heate- o88ices5 courtesy5 ro$a"ce5 coo7i"g5 $ovies5 %oo7s a"- $o"ey. .e>s
se"sitive5 respo"sive to 7i"-"ess5 respo"si%le a"- e:tre$ely capa%le. .e>s $oo-y.
/ell5 ca" you tell the -i88ere"ce %et,ee" the %oy a"- girl cra%s o" the %eachA 4oth
se:es are ge"tle a"- -rea$y5 yet as se"si%le a"- practical as re- 8la""el u"-er,ear.
=ou>ll %e gla- you hire- the$ ,he" %usi"ess ta7es you a,ay 8ro$ the o88ice $ore
tha" you li7e. They love to ,atch the store.
The 6uee" tur"e- cri$so" ,ith 8ury5 a"-5 a8ter glari"g at her 8or a $o$e"t li7e a
,il- %east5 %ega" screa$i"g5 <&88 ,ith her hea-iI

S.= *0SS=!ATS
VTis the voice o8 Lo%sterH 2 hear- hi$ -eclare55
W=ou have %a7e- $e too %ro,"5 2 $ust sugar $y hair.X

L+&5 the Lio"
July 24th through August 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The L+& Ma"
The L+& /o$a"
The L+& !hi-
The L+& 4oss
The L+& +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e L+&
2t loo7e- goo--"ature-5 she thoughtB
still5 it ha- very lo"g cla,s a"- a great $a"y teeth5 so she 8elt it ought to %e treate-
,ith respect.
.as a"yo"e sai- to you lately5 <Do">t -o $e a"y 8avors5< %ut -a33le- you ,ith a"
utterly gorgeous s$ile as he sai- itA =ou>ve %ee" e:pose- to the %ig cat. Do">t
,orry5 you>ll recover. /hat>s a little scorche- spot here a"- thereA 2t>s "ot at all
u"usual 8or Leo to -isplay his arroga"t pri-e a"- his su""y play8ul"ess at the sa$e
ti$e5 ,hich is ,hy he gets a,ay ,ith $ur-er.
Leo5 the lio"5 rules all the other a"i$als. Leo5 the perso"5 rules you a"- every%o-y
else. ?=es5 yes5 2 7"o, he really -oes">t. 4ut please -o">t tell hi$. 2t ,oul- %rea7 his
%ig5 ,ar$5 egotistical heart.@ 2t>s %est to hu$or hi$. The" he>ll purr5 i"stea- o8
roari"g a"- scari"g you hal8 to -eath. The lio" alter"ates %et,ee" %ei"g
e"ergetically gregarious a"- %eauti8ully i"-ole"t5 as he sti8les a lu:urious ya,". 28
you ,a"t to stu-y the %east5 hit all the %right5 spar7li"g places arou"- to,". At least
hal8 the people you see livi"g it up i" style ,ill %e Leos. The shyer pussycats ,ill %e
at ho$e livi"g it up. Leo hates the -ar7 a"- %ore-o$ e'ually.
28 you see o"e ,ho %lushes easily $a7e sure you are">t getti"g a %lush co"8use-
,ith a 8lush o8 pri-e or ego. There>s $ore -i88ere"ce %et,ee" a %lush a"- a 8lush
tha" a letter o8 the alpha%et. .is 8ace $ay %e pi"7 %ecause he>s %ee" -a"ci"g too
har-. .is chee7s $ay %e su88use- ,ith a rosy glo, %ecause the love o8 his li8e ;ust
passe- %y. 4ut his high color is">t cause- %y i"troversio" or sel8-e88aci"g ti$i-ity.
There are "o i"troverte- Leos. There are o"ly Leos ,ho prete"- to %e i"troverts.
That>s i$porta"t to re$e$%er. =ou $ay 8i"- a 8e, lio"s ,ho 7eep their ruli"g Su"
-i$$e- a"- go a%out %ei"g stro"g5 -ig"i8ie- 1Y4 a"- -eter$i"e- 'uietly. Do">t let
that so8t purr 8ool you. +ve" the ge"tle Leos are i",ar-ly sol- o" their royal right to
rule 8rie"-s a"- 8a$ily as they pee7 out 8ro$ %ehi"- the curtai"s a"- ,atch 8or their
cha"ce o" stage. 28 you -o">t %elieve $e5 ;ust choose a 'uiet Leo ,ho>s prete"-i"g
to %e a" i"trovert5 a"- attac7 his pri-e. Ta7e so$ethi"g a,ay 8ro$ hi$ ,hich he
%elieves is right8ully his5 give hi$ or-ers a"- sho, hi$ "o respect. =ou>ll hear that
suppose-ly ge"tle cat roar 8ro$ here to the 3oo. 2t ta7es a %rave soul to challe"ge
hi$ ,he" he>s -e8e"-i"g his rights a"- his -ig"ity. So$e Leos $ello, ,ith age5 %ut
the lio" "ever really lo,ers his prou- hea-. Never.
As 8or the physical attri%utes o8 this Su" sig"5 ;ust loo7 arou"- 8or people ,ho
rese$%le a lio" or a lio"ess5 ,ith a $a"e o8 hair that s,eeps %ac7 o88 the 8ace5 a"- a
-eceptively la3y loo7. Leos ,al7 straight a"- prou-5 ,ith the s$ooth gli-e o8 the
cat. The 8e$ales co$%i"e lithe grace ,ith a hi--e"5 'uiveri"g i"te"sity. This last
,ill %e -isguise- %y a so8t5 usually cal$ a"- stea-y "ature. 4ut -o">t 8orget that the
lio"ess is al,ays rea-y to pou"ce i8 she 8eels threate"e-. .er cla,s are sheathe-5
%ut sharp.
=ou>ll "otice a co$$a"-i"g air a"- stately %eari"g5 as Leo loo7s -o," o" all the
$ere $ortals %e"eath hi$. &r-i"arily5 the $ove$e"ts a"- speech are -eli%erate.
Leos sel-o$ tal7 8ast5 ru" or eve" ,al7 'uic7ly ?u"less there>s a" Aries or #e$i"i
asce"-a"t or Moo"5 8or e:a$ple@. =ou ,o">t ig"ore the lio" 8or lo"g i" a group.
.e>ll either get the ce"ter o8 the stage ,ith -ra$atic state$e"ts a"- actio"-or hell
get it %y pouti"g a"- sul7i"g %ehi"- the potte- pal$s u"til so$eo"e rushes over to
as7 ,hat>s ,ro"g. The sig" pro-uces its share o8 %lue eyes5 %ut $a"y Leos5
especially the 8e$ales5 have -ar7 %ro," eyes that are 8irst so8t a"- ge"tle5 the" s"ap
a"- crac7le ,ith 8ire5 o8te" rou"- i" shape a"- slightly tilte- at the co$er. The hair
is -ar7 or re--ish %lo"-e a"- usually ,avy5 ,or" i" a ,il-5 careless style that
ups,eeps5 sta"-s out 8ully o" the top a"- the si-es or is slee7e- -o," tightly5 o"e
e:tre$e or the other5 a"- there>s a "oticea%le ru--y co$ple:io".
Leos have a stra"ge e88ect o" people that>s -o,"right 8u""y to ,atch. 2t>s har- to
sta"- i" 8ro"t o8 the lio" ,ithout -ra,i"g yoursel8 up to 8ull stature5 sto$ach i"-
shoul-ers %ac7. 2 really -o">t 7"o, ,hether ,e peasa"ts -o this i" i$itatio" o8 the
royal $a""er o8 the Leo ,e>re 8aci"g or to gather courage 8or a possi%le lecture5 8or
they -o love to give 8ree a-vice. They have a 7"ac7 8or telli"g you ,ith a slightly
superior5 co"-esce"-i"g $a""er e:actly ho, you shoul- $a"age your li8e.
This love o8 teachi"g is ,hy so $a"y Leos e"- up as e-ucators5 politicia"s a"-
psychiatrists. The e:asperati"g thi"g is that they>re 'uite goo- at ratio"ali3i"g thi"gs
a"- s$oothi"g out the ,ri"7les i" your li8e. Too %a- they ca">t $a"age their o,"
a88airs ,ith as $uch ease a"- 8i"esse. Still5 this is ,hat $a7es the lio" so -o,"right
lova%leB his ho"est superiority a"- e:celle"t a%ilities5 i"co"gruously $i:e- up ,ith
a terri%le5 tra"spare"t vul"era%ility o8 ego. The prou-5 -ig"i8ie- cat vul"era%leA =es
i"-ee-. .e>s -eeply ,ou"-e- ,he" you -o">t respect his ,is-o$ a"- ge"erosity. To
su%-ue hi$5 si$ply 8latter hi$. Ni"e ti$es out o8 te"5 he>ll tur" 8ro$ a roari"g %east
i"to a %ash8ul5 -ocile 7itte"5 al$ost visi%ly rolli"g a"- %as7i"g i" the ,ar$th o8
co$pli$e"ts. 2t>s this ,ea7"ess ,hich is the /aterloo 8or $a"y a ste$5 autocratic
Leo. .is va"ity is his Achilles> heel. (attery acts li7e cat"ip to hi$5 lac7 o8 respect
%li"-s hi$ ,ith rage a"- %oth e:tre$es $a7e hi$ i"capa%le o8 %ala"ce- ;u-g$e"t.
There are so$e Leos ,ho co"trol these te"-e"cies success8ully5 %ut they>re al,ays
late"t i" the Su" sig" a"- prese"t to so$e -egree.
Try it so$eti$e. 2" the $i--le o8 receivi"g o"e o8 his lectures5 i"terrupt respect8ully
a"- tell your Leo 8rie"- he loo7s positively $ag"i8ice"t i" that s,eater. The result
,ill pro%a%ly %e a" a%rupt 8all 8ro$ -ig"ity5 as the lio" %lushes a"- says5
co$pletely -isco"certe-5 <1eallyA =ou really thi"7 2 -oA< 2" $ost cases5
appreciati"g the i"tellect ,or7s as ,ell as co$pli$e"ti"g the appeara"ce.
Leo ;ust ca">t help 8eeli"g superior a"- %ehavi"g -ra$atically "o, a"- the". &"e o8
$y chil-re" has a" August-%or" teacher. She ca$e ho$e 8ro$ school o"e -ay to
say5 <Mother5 $y teacher is so 8u""y. .e>s a,8ully s$art a%out everythi"g5 %ut
so$eti$es he ru"s arou"- the roo$ a"- ,aves his ar$s i" the air a"- shouts5 >2>$
surrou"-e- %y i-iotsI> /e al,ays giggle5 %ecause ,e 7"o, he -oes">t $ea" it.<
*oor lio"5 eve" the chil-re" 7"o, his roar is ,orse tha" his %ite. 2t>s o"ly 8air to
re$i"- you that you $ay stu$%le o" o"e ,ho has a" a88licte- Mars or Mercury
,ith5 say5 Scorpio risi"g5 a"- the" the %ite ,ill %e $ore serious5 %ut ,e>re spea7i"g
"o, o8 the typical cat 2" $a"y ,ays5 Leo is e:tre$ely astute. .ell sel-o$ ,aste his
e"ergy tryi"g to get ,ater 8ro$ a -ry ,ell5 as Aries o8te" -oes5 ,hich $a7es hi$ a
super% orga"i3er a"- a ,ise -istri%utor o8 -uties. .is co$$a"-s are surprisi"gly
e88ective ,he" he to"es -o," the -ra$atics5 %ecause he ca" %e a $aster o8 the
si$ple5 straight8or,ar- speech5 eve" i8 it s$ac7s slightly o8 theatrics. Leo e:presses
approval ge"erously a"- ope"ly5 a"- ca" give al$ost e$%arrassi"gly e:travaga"t
co$pli$e"ts. .e>s "ot at all %ash8ul a%out his -ispleasure5 either. /hatever he says5
he usually $ea"s. 2t ca" soothe or %u$5 %ut it "ever 8ails to leave a" i$pressio".
The regal ,ays o8 this Su" sig" are sple"-i- ,he" the Leo $a" or ,o$a" is host or
hostess. They $a7e you 8eel you are %ei"g e"tertai"e- i" a royal palace. =ou 7eep
e:pecti"g to see a coach a"- 8oot$a" pull up outsi-e the -oor at a"y $o$e"t to
-rop o88 Marie A"toi"ette5 or5 at the very least5 Nell #,y" a"- Ma-a$e Du 4arry.
Leos surrou"- their guests ,ith heaps o8 super% 8oo-5 8i"e ,i"es5 %eauti8ul ,o$e"5
a"- so8t $usic. 2 $ust a-$it 2 -o 7"o, o"e lio" ,ith stro"g irgo pla"ets i" his
"atal chart ,ho serves -ice- cucu$%ers spri"7le- ,ith her%s5 parsley a"- ,heat
ger$ at parties5 %ut the other tri$$i"gs are lu:uriously leo"i"e5 al,ays i"clu-i"g
the 8e$i"i"e guests. Such pulchritu-eI Louis Z2 "ever ha- it so goo-. 4ut a8ter
Louis Z2 the -eluge-a"- a8ter $a"y a Leo>s ro$a"tic -a"ci"g a"- -i"i"g co$es a
-eluge o8 proposals5 passio"5 tears5 a"ger5 apologies5 a"- ;ust plai" se"ti$e"tal
No, that ,e 8i"- ourselves o" the su%;ect o8 ro$a"ce5 ,hich is a pretty co$$o"
place to 8i"- yoursel8 ,he" you>re i"volve- ,ith the lio"5 either i" perso" or o"
paper5 ,e shoul- "ote that you ,o">t 8i"- $a"y %achelors or spi"sters %or" u"-er
this Su" sig". 28 you co$e across o"e5 -o">t 8or$ a -e8i"ite opi"io" u"til you>ve
-iscreetly chec7e- the closet. There>s usually a para$our hi-i"g "ear%y a"y lio">s
lair. .e $ay "ot %e $arrie- ,he" you 8irst $eet hi$5 %ut he>ll %e i" love5 or ;ust
a%out to %e5 or hell have rece"tly %ro7e" a ro$a"tic shac7le5 a"- ,ill %e ,eari"g a
pathetic5 lost loo7. The 8iery pri-e o8 Leo causes ple"ty o8 shattere- love a88airs a"-
$arriages. A lio" $i"us his $ate is usually a ,oe8ul sight to %ehol-5 %ut ,he" his
pri-e has %ee" i";ure- %y a lover or a legal $ate5 he ca" -rop his sa--eye- loo7 a"-
%eco$e pretty 8ierce a"- ,il- i"stea-. Still5 there>s "o o"e ,ho ca" %ear $ore i"
stoic -ig"ity5 or a-;ust $ore courageously to -epressi"g co"-itio"s ,ith sheer 8aith
a"- opti$is$ ,he" it>s "ecessary.
Si"ce 8orgive"ess a"- sy$pathy o8 spirit are part o8 the %ig cat>s i""er "ature5 the
reco"ciliatio"s are a%out as 8re'ue"t i" Leo>s e$otio"al li8e as the splits5 o"ce the
8ire,or7s o8 outrage- -ig"ity have sputtere- out a"- he gets lo"ely. .e>s al$ost
co"ti"ually i" the throes o8 passio"5 "ot ;ust ,ith the opposite se:5 %ut ,ith li8e
itsel8. Li8e ,ithout love5 to %oth lio"s a"- shy pussycats5 is li7e a plug ,ithout a
soc7et. The Su" 8orgets to shi"e 8or the$ ,he" ro$a"ce -ies.
These $e" a"- ,o$e" "ever lea" o" others. 2"stea-5 they pre8er to %e lea"e- o".
1espo"si%ility to,ar- the ,ea7 a"- helpless appeals to the$. Leo $ay roar
theatrically that everyo"e -epe"-s o" hi$ a"- he>s 8orce- to carry the ,hole loa-5
%ut -o">t pay a %it o8 atte"tio" to his co$plai"ts. .e loves it. Try to relieve hi$ o8
his %ur-e"s or le"- a helpi"g ha"-5 a"- youT2 see ho, 'uic7ly Leo ,ill -is-ai"8ully
re8use your help. Accepti"g 8i"a"cial ai- is so$ethi"g he especially pre8ers to
avoi-. Though he $ay %e %ro7e 8re'ue"tly5 he>s al,ays certai" he>ll 8i"- so$e ,ay
to li"e his poc7ets agai" soo". ery 8e, Leos are cautious ,ith cash. =ou $ay 8i"-
a" occasio"al o"e ,ho ,as 8righte"e- %y a %ill collector at a" early age5 a"-
%ehaves as i8 he>s hea-e- 8or -e%tor>s priso" a"y $o$e"t. 4ut the typical lio" is a
spectacular ga$%ler at heart5 o8te" ,il-ly e:travaga"tB eve" the rare cat ,ho
pi"ches pe""ies ,ill -ress e:pe"sively5 a"- al,ays loo7 ,ell tur"e- out. .e ,a"ts
8irst class a"- lu:ury all the ,ay5 a"- he>ll spe"- 8reely o" 8u" a"- pleasure. Leo
,ill give $o"ey to al$ost a"y%o-y. 28 he>s as7e- 8or a loa" a"- he>s short o8 cash5
hell o8te" go out a"- %orro, it 8ro$ so$eo"e else %e8ore a-$itti"g that the Fi"g
is">t i" a positio" to help his >"ee-y su%;ects. That>s a last resort5 ho,ever5 %ecause
Leos are $orti8ie- to %e 8orce- to tur" to others 8or $o"ey5 a-vice or
e"courage$e"t. They have e"ough ego to supply ?heir o," e"courage$e"t5 they>re
clever e"ough to accu$ulate their o," pot o8 gol--a"- goo-"ess 7"o,s they -o">t
see7 a-vice rea-ily. &"e see7s a-vice o"ly 8ro$ those a%ove hi$5 a"- ,ho is
superior to the lio"A
Leo o8te" ru"s high 8evers5 is pro"e to acci-e"ts5 su--e"5 viole"t ill"esses a"- is
usually i$$u"e to chro"ic5 li"geri"g -isease. Si"ce they sel-o$ -o a"ythi"g
hal8,ay5 these people either ra-iate i"cre-i%le vitality or else co$plai" that they>re
"ot lo"g 8or this ,orl-5 the latter a typical reactio" to lac7 o8 appreciatio" a"-
starvatio" 8or a88ectio". Leos see$ to have either super%ly stro"g hearts or so$e
sort o8 ,ea7"ess i" the heart area. They $ay su88er 8ro$ pai"s i" the %ac7 a"-
shoul-ers5 spi"al trou%les5 acci-e"ts to the legs or a"7les5 pro%le$s relati"g to the
repro-uctive orga"s a"- hoarse"ess or sore throats. 4ut they recuperate ,ith vigor
8ro$ sic7"ess5 a"- their $ai" -a"ger is careless"ess a%out health or getti"g up too
soo" ,he" ill"ess stri7es. To stay i" %e- a"- %e ,aite- o" 8latters the Leo va"ity at
8irst5 %ut ,he" he reali3es he>s playi"g the role o8 ,ea7 i"stea- o8 stro"g5 his spells
o8 i"capacitatio" are 'uic7ly co"'uere-.
There>s "o i"%et,ee" ,ith the Su"-rule-. They are either -rea-8ully careless a"-
sloppy or $eticulously "eat a"- or-erly. They rather e";oy gossip5 a"- they 8eel hurt
or le8t out i8 so$ethi"g is goi"g o" arou"- the$ they -o">t u"-ersta"-. Leos are
8i:e- i" "ature. 2t>s har- to s,ay the$ 8ro$ a set path5 though they ca" s,ay others
,ith co"vi"ci"g oratory. They accu$ulate o"ly so that they ca" -istri%ute to others5
o"ce they>ve provi-e- the$selves ,ith a glitteri"g thro"e co$plete ,ith a so8t5
8eather pillo,. They ca" sho, as $uch 8erocious e"ergy as a stea$ roller5 a"- the"
%e as sleepily la3y as the cat5 stretchi"g out a"- s"oo3i"g i" the su". /he" they
,or75 they ,or7. /he" they play5 they play. /he" they rest5 they rest. Most lio"s
have a" i$pressive ge"ius 8or cheer8ully -elegati"g $essy a"- u"pleasa"t ;o%s to
others5 ,hile they atte"- to i$porta"t $atters5 li7e -eci-i"g ,ho shoul- %e electe-
*resi-e"t a"- ho, the ,ar shoul- %e ,o".
Surprisi"g hi$sel85 ,he" a real e$erge"cy 8alls o" Leo>s stro"g shoul-ers5 he>ll
carry it lightly a"- "ever shir7 his -uty5 helpi"g the -e8e"seless5 protecti"g the
8righte"e- ?though he $ay %e t,ice as 8righte"e- hi$sel8 i"si-e@5 cheeri"g the
$ela"choly a"- tac7li"g his true respo"si%ilities ,ith courage. This is the i"%re-
Leo "ature5 ,hich ,ill shi"e 8orth a8ter the play%oy phase has %ee" tuc7e- a,ay
,ith his gau-y ha"--pai"te- ties a"- that guitar he use- to play.
The "e:t ti$e you>re o" the receivi"g e"- o8 the lio">s prou- roar5 re$e$%er the
6uee" o8 .earts ,ho co"sta"tly shoute-5 <&88 ,ith his hea-5< ,hite everyo"e>s
hea- staye- securely 8aste"e- o". 1e$e$%er the co,ar-ly lio" i" <The /i3ar- o8
&3< ,ho te"-erly "urse- his %eauti8ul tail i" i";ure- -ig"ity5 a":iously searchi"g
the ,orl- over 8or the gi8t o8 true courage5 o"ly to 8i"- he ,as really the %ravest o"e
o8 the group ,he" the real crisis ca$e.
Leo is a 8iercely loyal 8rie"-5 a ;ust %ut po,er8ul e"e$y5 creative a"- origi"al5
stro"g a"- vital-,hether he>s a 'uiet or a 8la$%oya"t lio"5 8or there are %oth 7i"-s.
.e -resses i" glorious rai$e"t5 appropriate to his color8ul perso"ality. /e overloo7
his arroga"ce5 his so$eti$es i"su88era%le ego5 his rather ri-iculous spells o8 va"ity
a"- la3i"ess5 %ecause his heart5 li7e his $etal5 is pure gol-.
4ri$$i"g over ,ith 8u" a"- ge"erosity5 the gay5 a88ectio"ate lio" pra"ces i" a 8iel-
o8 poppies ,he" his Su" is high i" the s7y-a"- the -ice he thro,s ,ith co"8i-e"ce
%ear the "u$%ers o"e a"- 8our. Leo prou-ly ,ears a topa3 8or luc75 the" pushes it
too 8ar5 %ut he has a true i""er -ig"ity a"- grace that lets hi$ carry his $is8ortu"es
,ith courage. The ,ar$5 yello, rays o8 his cheer8ul hope -eepe" to ora"ge i" the
su"set>s glo,5 a"- his "ights are %right ,ith a thousa"- stars.
(a$ous Leo *erso"alities
#racie Alie" Lucille 4all +thel 4arry$ore 4er"ar- 4aruch 4ill <!ou"t< 4asic
Davi- 4elasco Napoleo" 4o"aparte /alter 4re""a" 1o%ert 4ur"s (i-el !astro
Julia !hil- Arle"e Dahl !ecil 4. DeMille +--ie (isher

Joh" #als,orthy
Al8re- .itchcoc7
Al-ous .u:ley
!arl Ju"g
Jac'ueli"e Fe""e-y
*ri"cess Margaret 1ose
&g-e" Nash
Dorothy *ar7er
/alter Scott
#eorge 4er"ar- Sha,
*ercy 4ysshe Shelley
1o%ert Taylor
Mae /est

The L+& Ma"
< >Tis love->tis love that "u7es the ,orl- go rou"-I<
/he" #ray ,rote the li"es a%out a 8lo,er <%or" to %lush u"see" a"- ,aste its
s,eet"ess o" the -esert air5< he certai"ly ,as">t -escri%i"g a Leo. =ou $ight see
this $a" %as7i"g i" the %right su"light5 a"- you $ay 8i"- hi$ $a7i"g 8lo,ery
speeches5 %ut it ,o">t %e i" the solitu-e o8 the -esert. Most li7ely it ,ill %e o" a
stage or i" 8ro"t o8 a circle o8 a-ori"g 8rie"-s a"- relatives. .e $ay ,aste $o"ey5
%ut he>s "ot a%out to ,aste his s,eet"ess i" the e$pty air. There ,ill al,ays %e a"
There you are5 i" a "utshell. The secret o8 s"ari"g the lio" is that si$ple. 4e his
au-ie"ce. Totally -i88ere"t 8ro$ the relucta"t irgo a"- A'uaria" $ales5 your Leo
pal ,ill happily succu$% to the throes o8 -elicious ro$a"ce5 i8 you play your car-s
right5 a-ore hi$5 8latter hi$5 a"- respect hi$.
2s he a 8la$%oya"t August $aleA /ear -ar7 glasses a"- su%$it to his %rillia"t
su"light. 2s he o"e o8 the ge"tle5 'uiet LeosA Do">t %e ta7e" i" %y his slee7 so8t"ess.
Stro7e hi$ the ,ro"g ,ay a"- spar7s ,ill 8ly. 1e$e$%er5 he>s o"ly playi"g the role
o8 the $ee7 soul. 4e"eath his courteous $a""er a"- patie"t 8i:ity are s$ol-eri"g
8ires o8 prou- -ig"ity a"- arroga"t va"ity5 rea-y to 8la$e up a"- %u$ the pushy
8e$ale silly e"ough to thi"7 she ca" rule hi$.
The lio" ,ill %e a chivalrous a"- galla"t suitor5 te"-erly protective a"-
se"ti$e"tally a88ectio"ate. =ou ,o">t "ee- to lay $uch o8 a trap to te$pt hi$ i"to
ro$a"tic a-va"ces. &"e $ight say Leos possess a 7i"- o8 i"sta"t passio". Just a--
opportu"ity-$i: ,ell ,ith ca"-lelight a"- lush violi"s-a"- love>s i" %loo$ li7e the
re-5 re- rose. As a $atter o8 8act5 you ca" leave out the ca"-les a"- $usic i8 they>re
"ot ha"-y5 a"- ;ust use the 8irst i"gre-ie"t. Sa$e thi"g.
28 love is $issi"g 8ro$ his li8e5 the 8iery lio" ,ill si$ply pi"e a,ay--ra$atically5 o8
course. .e has to %e ,orshipe- or -ie5 a"- you ca" ;ust a%out ta7e that literally. Leo
$ales sel-o$ spare e:pe"ses ,he" they>re courti"g. =ou>ll %e ta7e" to the %est
restaura"ts5 sho,ere- ,ith per8u$e a"- 8lo,ers5 prou-ly escorte- to the theater a"-
you>ll tie a ri%%o" arou"- so$e pretty 8a"tastic love letters. To tell you the truth5
you>- have to have a heart $a-e o8 sto"e to resist.
4y "o,5 you>re pro%a%ly thi"7i"g you>ve got it $a-e.
Thi"7 agai". That leo"i"e ro$a"ce ,o">t %e co$pletely trou%le 8ree. =ou $ight
ta7e a lesso" 8ro$ the pa$pere- 8avorites o8 royalty. Leo ,ill i"vite you i"to his
-e" a"- ,ar$ you at the hearth o8 his %ig heart5 %ut the lio">s lair ca" tur" i"to a
plush5 lu:urious priso". 2s he ;ealousA The a"s,er is <=es5< a"- you ca" spell it ,ith
%ig electric light %ul%s. =ou %elo"g to hi$5 %o-y5 soul5 a"- $i"-. .e>ll tell you ,hat
to ,ear5 ho, to part your hair5 ,hat %oo7s to rea-5 ,hich 8rie"-s are %est 8or you
a"- ho, to orga"i3e your -ay %etter. .e>ll ,a"t to 7"o, ,hy you ,ere go"e 8or t,o
hours shoppi"g ,he" you sai- you>- %e %ac7 i" o"e hour5 ,ho you $et o" the ,ay5
,hat they sai-- a"- he>ll eve" pout i8 you -o">t tell hi$ ,hat you>re thi"7i"g as you
stare out the 7itche" ,i"-o, ,hile you>re scra$%li"g his eggs. A8ter all5 you coul-
%e thi"7i"g o8 a"other $a". Just -o">t ever 8orget the 8orce o8 his i$pulsive te$per
,he" it>s arouse-. Teasi"g hi$ %y occasio"al 8lirtatio"s to prove to hi$ you are still
-esira%le is a%solute 8olly. .e 7"o,s you>re -esira%le. .e "ee-s "o proo8
,hatsoever. 4esi-es5 your Leo $a" is lia%le to 8latte" your i""oce"t $asculi"e
8rie"-s to the 8loor-i8 "ot put the$ i" the hospital-,he" he>s pushe- too 8ar.
All is "ot roses a"- ho"ey i" a love a88air ,ith a lio"5 a"- that i"clu-es the 'uiet
pussycats alo"g ,ith the 8lashy tor" cats. There>s "o -i88ere"ce i" the %asic "ature.
+very ,o$a" i" love ,ith a Leo shoul- get a copy o8 A""a a"- the Fi"g o8 Sia$
a"- stu-y it ,ell. The Sia$ese $o"arch ,as a typical Leo a"- youll get i"valua%le
tips 8ro$ A""a>s tech"i'ue. (irst the provocative challe"ge to i"terest hi$5 the"
8i"al 8e$i"i"e su%$issio" a8ter you>ve taught hi$ you ,o">t %e co$pletely
-evoure-. Truly5 her story is a $ust. Sleep ,ith it u"-er your pillo,.
4e prepare- to %ala"ce his great e"thusias$s ,ith cal$ reaso" a"- ,illi"g to soothe
hi$ as he %lo,s up pro%le$s i"trN h"op. ?ti$e"sio"s. The ee"tle Leos -o this
'uietly5 %ut ,hat>s the -i88ere"ceA /hether he roars a"- rages %ecause his
e$ployees re8use- to o%ey hi$5 or pouts o" the %ac7 porch %ecause the "eigh%ors
s"u%%e- hi$ the e"- result is i-e"tical. .e "ee-s your sta%ility to %ala"ce his
irratio"al pri-e. 28 you -o">t possess it yoursel85 your love $ay tur" i"to a co"sta"t
%attle royal. =ou>ll %e %rea7i"g up a"- $a7i"g up ,ith such spee- that your
asto"ishe- 8rie"-s ,ill as75 </here>s the 8ireA< /hereA /hy5 right i"si-e your co3y
lio">s -e". .
Do">t try to %e a career girl. .e>ll "ever sta"- 8or it .e>s your career. The lio" $ay
per$it his $ate to go out hu"ti"g 8or a 8e, s7i"s ,he" the %a"7 accou"t gets lo,5
%ut she>- %etter $a7e it clear the ;o% co$es last5 a8ter hi$ a"- the ho$e "est. .e
,o">t tolerate co$petitio" 8ro$ a $ale or a" outsi-e i"terest. 28 you>re %rave e"ough
to accept these challe"ges5 go ahea- a"- %uy your trousseau5 %ut %e sure it>s stylish.
.e>ll ,a"t to sho, you o88 i" his o," +aster *ara-e5 i" Dece$%er as ,ell as i"
ApriL +$%arrass hi$ %y appeari"g i" pu%lic loo7i"g a"ythi"g %ut 'uee"ly a"- you
$ight $iss a 8a$iliar 8ace i" the church ,hile the choir is si"gi"g <&h5 *ro$ise
A8ter you>re $arrie-5 $ate-5 a"- -eeply love-5 cou"t your re,ar-s. =our Leo
hus%a"- ,ill %e as 7i"- a"- goo--hearte- as Fi"g Arthur5 provi-e- you let the
8a$ily revolve arou"- hi$. 28 he gets the respect he -e$a"-s5 hell repay it %y
pouri"g out ge"erosity. =ou $ay %e tol- ho, lovely you loo7 repeate-ly5 he>ll
pro%a%ly give you a large allo,a"ce5 a"--,o"-er o8 ,o"-ers5 ,ith his ro$a"tic -is-
positio"-he>ll %e li7ely to re$ai" 8aith8ul. There>s al,ays a %etter cha"ce o8 that a8ter
$arriage tha" ,he" he>s si"gle5 a"- 2>ll tell you ,hy. The lio" is usually too la3y to
chase pretty 8aces5 o"ce he>s 8ou"- a lio"ess ,ho ,ill capa%ly ru" his 7i"g-o$5
,hile he lu:uriously s"oo3es i" the ha$$oc7. .ell play a88ectio"ately ,ith his
cu%s5 protect his $ate 8ro$ all -a"ger5 a"- thrill her ,ith his a$%itio" to rise to a
positio" o8 i$pressive superiority i" his career.
=ou ,ill lea- a" active social li8e ,ith your Leo hus%a"-5 as lo"g as he gets his
%eauty sleep. 4ut there ,ill %e a 8e, "ights out ,ith the %oys5 a"- there $ay also %e
so$e ;uggli"g o8 8i"a"ces5 -ue to su--e" ga$%li"g urges5 or a cha"ce i"vest$e"t he
thought ,oul- pay o88. A Leo $a" 2 7"o, o"ce %ought te" shares i" a" oil ,ell.
Although he ,as o"lv o"e verv $i"or stoc7hol-er a$o"g thousa"-s5 a%out t,ice a
$o"th5 he ,oul- visit the site o8 the -rilli"g a"- loo7 i$porta"t. /he" a"yo"e
as7e- hi$ ,hat he ,a"te-5 he ,oul- tell the$5 <2>$ ;ust chec7i"g to see ho, thi"gs
are goi"g ,ith $y ,ell.< The -rillers treate- hi$ ,ith great respect. They thought
he ,as a $e$%er o8 the 4oar- o8 Directors.
Ta7e it all i" stri-e-there are co$pe"satio"s. .o, ca" he scol- you 8or %uyi"g that
e:pe"sive $i"7 hat a8ter he lost the price o8 a $i"7 coat i" a little ga$e ,ith the
8ello,s or a8ter he spe"t your savi"gs at a" auctio" o" t,o %o: cars o8 8ol-e-
car-%oar- carto"s i" assorte- si3es5 ,he" he too7 a "otio" to go i"to the $ail or-er
%usi"essA ?The" he coul-">t use the$ %ecause it tur"e- out that they ,ere sta$pe-
all over ,ith the ,or-s <1at *oiso"< a"- a large s7ull a"- cross%o"es.@ Feep hi$
a,ay 8ro$ auctio"s i8 you have to loc7 hi$ up5 %ecause he has a" irresisti%le urge to
%i- higher tha" a"y%o-y o" a"ythi"g at a"y ti$e .e>ll %e 'uite the chec7 gra%%er i"
pu%lic too5 cheer8ully sayi"g5 <The treat>s o" $e5< ,ith the $o"ey 8or the "e,
8ree3er. Leo ,oul- %e right at ho$e i" Te:as or Las egas5 ,here he ,oul-
i"sta"tly %e recog"i3e- as a high roller ?u"less his Moo" or asce"-a"t -ictates eco"-
There>s o"e thi"g a%out the lio" you $ay 8i"- very ha"-y. Al$ost all Leos have a
$arvelous 7"ac7 8or 8i:i"g thi"gs. 2t ca" %e a"ythi"g 8ro$ a %ro7e" -oor 7"o% or a
stu%%or" %athroo$ 8aucet to a tape recor-er or a co$plicate- stereo hi-8i set. 28 he>s
a typical Leo5 he ,o">t %e a%le to resist tryi"g his ha"- at $a7i"g so$ethi"g ,or7
,he" it>s o" the %li"7. 28 all else 8ails5 he>ll give the o88e"-i"g $achi"e or ,hatever a
resou"-i"g 7ic7 i" sple"-i- leo"i"e a"ger5 a"- su--e"ly the -oor 7"o% ,ill tur"5 the
,ater ,ill spray li7e Niagara (alls5 the tape recor-er ,ill start tal7i"g a"- the hi-8i
,ill start si"gi"g. There see$s to %e so$ethi"g $echa"ical a%out this Su" sig". Lots
o8 Leo $e" ca" ta7e e"gi"es apart a"- put the$ %ac7 together agai"5 har-ly soili"g
their ha"-s i" the process. .e>s "ot the type to let a hi"ge ha"g 8or $o"ths u"-
scre,e- or a carpet lie o" the 8loor u"tac7e-. A surprisi"g "u$%er o8 lio"s are
e:perts at $a7i"g their o," 8ur"iture a"- %uil-i"g a" e:tra roo$ o" the house ,ith
"o pro8essio"al help. .e $ay have his o," ,or7shop i" the %ase$e"t. Do">t
co$plai" a%out a little sa,-ust o" the 8loor. 2t 7eeps hi$ co"te"te--a"- ho$e at
The lio" is the li8e o8 $ost parties5 %ut he>s "o 8ool. .e ,ears the ;ester>s $as7 to get
atte"tio"5 a"- his au-ie"ces usually se"se they>- %etter respect hi$ -uri"g his
te$porary play8ul spells. 1egar-less o8 appeara"ces5 there>s "othi"g easygoi"g
a%out the i""er "ature o8 your Leo $a". .e>s 8ar $ore stea-8ast a"- te"acious tha"
he see$s. .e 7"o,s ,hat he ,a"ts5 a"- he usually gets it. .e>s pretty goo- at
7eepi"g it5 too.
28 you e:pect hi$ to %e 8aith8ul -uri"g the courtship5 %e sure you 7eep hi$ ,ell
"ourishe- ,ith ro$a"ce a"- a88ectio" or his huge "ee- 8or love a"- a-$iratio" ,ill
$a7e hi$ stal7 all over the ;u"gle i" search o8 it. 28 your relatio"ship is real a"-
-eep5 he>ll pro%a%ly %e true to you5 %ut his eyes $ay ,a"-er a %it. &ther tha"
7eepi"g hi$ %li"-8ol-e-5 there>s very little you ca" -o a%out that. Leo appreciates
%eauty5 so i8 you>re the type to get ;ealous over a" appreciative gla"ce at a"other
8e$ale5 you>- %etter get tolera"t 8ast. A Leo $a" ,hose la-y love leaves hi$
%ecause o8 his 8lirti"g ,ill %e ho"estly hurt a"- asto"ishe-. .e>s e"tirely capa%le5
the"5 o8 8a7i"g a"ythi"g 8ro$ a heart attac7 to a tear-stai"e- 8are,ell "ote to get you
to sy$pathi3e a"- ru" %ac7 i"to his %ig5 ,ar$ ar$s5 a"- hell %e so co"vi"ci"g
you>ll 8eel li7e a cruel $o"ster. 0"less you e";oy e$otio"al5 -ra$atic sce"es
yoursel85 it>s $uch less trou%le to u"-ersta"- hi$ i" the 8irst place. .is capers ,ill
pro%a%ly %e i""oce"t a"- har$less a"y,ay5 i8 you>re treati"g hi$ right. Never
overly se"sitive to the 8eeli"gs o8 others5 i" spite o8 their %asic 7i"-"ess5 $ost Leo
$e" are so ,rappe- up i" the$selves that they ca" %e %rutally 8ra"7 a"- u"tact8ul.
4ut his -a33li"g s$ile soo" clears the air. The ,ar$ lio" -oes">t have a $alicious
%o"e i" his stro"g5 grace8ul %o-y. .e $ay %lo, o88 terri8yi"g stea$5 yet $alice is
"ot a part o8 his $a7e-up a"- he ca">t cope ,ith real cruelty ?u"less there>s a"
a88lictio" i" his "atal chart@. .e ,ill e";oy sports5 %ut as he gro,s ol-er5 he ,ill
pre8er to ,atch the$ 8ro$ the co$8ort o8 his pa--e- thro"e5 ,hile you ,ait o" hi$.
Not al,ays5 %ut very o8te"5 there>s a" o-- t,ist to Leo $ales. 0"li7e the !apricor"5
,ho see7s to rise socially through ,e-loc75 the lio" so$eti$es te"-s to $arry %e-
"eath hi$. .e has as $uch -esire 8or social status5 %ut he ;ust ca">t resist ac'uiri"g a
<su%;ect< to ,ho$ he>s superior. So$eti$es he $a7es a ,ro"g choice5 a"- the
shri"7i"g violet ,ho sat a-ori"gly at his 8eet $a7es a surprise $ove to gra% the
sceptre a,ay 8ro$ hi$. /he" that happe"s5 the -ethro"e- Leo is a $isera%le
hus%a"- ,ho .,ears the tragic co$pressio" o8 a" e:ile- $o"arch.
2t>s sa-. %ut true- that Leos sel-o$ raise large 8a$ilies. Ma"y o8 the$ have "o
chil-re"5 are separate- 8ro$ the$5 or raist a" o"ly chil-. Too %a-5 %ecause they
$a7e ,ar$5 ,o"-er8ul 8athers5 perhaps so$e,hat too per$issive %et,ee" ste"
tal7s a%out prope> %ehavior. =our o88spri"g $ay cha8e u"-er his -e$a"-s a"- %e
%ore- ,ith his lo"g lectures5 %ui they>ll soo" lear" ho, to 8latter hi$ i"to su%-
$issio". .e>11 i"sist o" their respect a"- get it5 %ut they>re lia%le to ,hee-le hi$ out
o8 a"ythi"g %y the clever usage o8 <=es5 Sir. =ou>re right. Sir.< There8ore5 the real
-iscipli"e $ay %e up to you. The chil-re" $ay rese"t his arroga"t ,ays. %ut Leo
8athers are al$ost al,ays re$e$%ere- ,ith a88ectio" i" later years. &"e tip. Do">t
give the you"gsters $ore atte"tio" tha" you give hi$5 or you $ay e"- up ,ith 'uite
a lot o8 trou%le o" your ha"-s i" the 8or$ o8 a gia"t %ruise- ego5 ,hich ,ill %e
"early i$possi%le to heal.
.o, ca" you si3e up the pu33li"g $ale LeoA 2s he 7i"-hearte- or -a"gerous5
ge"erous or cruelly sel8ishA 2s he really a socia%le 8ello, ,ho loves peopleA Does
he gai" his reputatio" 8or superiority u"-er 8alse prete"ses5 or -oes he5 li7e the real
lio"5 -eserve to %e calle- Fi"gA &%viously5 %y his o," sta"-ar-s at least5 he -oes
-eserve to %e the Lor- a"- Master i" his love li8e a"- his career. =ou have to a-$it
that he>s usually highly success8ul i" %oth ro$a"ce a"- %usi"ess.
/hether the Leo $a" is truly a 7i"g5 or ;ust a prete"-er to the thro"e5 ,e $ay "ever
7"o,. 4ut there are several thi"gs you -o 7"o, a%out your o," lio". .e has i"-
satia%le appetites5 a"- he>s as prou- as a peacoc7. .e has a$ e"or$ous "ee- to
co$$a"- a"- to %e love- %y those he rules. 1e$e$%er that Leo secretly 8ears he
$ay 8ail a"- %e ri-icule-. 2t>s a co"sta"t i""er torture5 a"- the true source o8 his
va"ity a"- e:aggerate- -ig"ity. =et5 ,he" his "o%ility has %ee" arouse- %y a great
cause5 he 7"o,s "o 8ear. &"ly the" -oes the lio" lear" that the $ag"i8ice"t stre"gth
a"- courage he>s %ee" prete"-i"g to have has really %ee" there all alo"g.
=our Leo $ay -rive you ,il- %y his a"tics -uri"g courtship5 %ut he>s "ot at all a %a-
$ate 8or a lo"g ter$ possi%ility. 28 you -o">t $i"- su%$ergi"g your ego5 a"-
%uil-i"g your li8e arou"- his5 o"ce you>ve ta$e- this $a"5 you>ll %e a-ore- a"-
youll "ever %e lo"ely agai". 4esi-es5 he ca" 8i: those %athroo$ 8aucets.

The L+& /o$a"
J >Tis a" ho"or to see $e5 a 8avor to hear9
>Tis a privilege high to have -i""er a"- tea Alo"g ,ith the 1e- 6uee"5 the /hite
6uee" A"- $eI<
There>s o"e thi"g the Leo ,o$a" pro%a%ly o,"s that you ,o">t li7e. A scrap%oo7
o8 pictures a"- $e$e"tos 8ro$ all her ol- %oy8rie"-s. 2t>s "o use tryi"g to get her to
%ur" it5 %ecause the lio"ess is se"ti$e"tal.
She>s "ot a ,all8lo,er. She>s a su"8lo,er. !ha"ces are she>s ri-iculously popular5
a"- you>ll have ple"ty o8 co$petitio" i8 you ,a"t her to -esce"- to usi"g your "a$e
8or the rest o8 her li8e. =ou ,ill %e a 8e, leaps ahea- i8 your "a$e is St. .oy$e or
Mou"t%atte"5 !a%ot or Lo-ge. A"ythi"g that sou"-s royal or "o%le or i$porta"t. 2
ho"estly ca">t i$agi"e a Leo ,o$a" $arryi"g a"y%o-y ,ith the "a$e !ar%u"7le or
S$ith. 2t>s possi%le. A"ythi"g is possi%le. 4ut she>ll pro%a%ly cha"ge S$ith to
Most li7ely5 she>ll %e the social lea-er o8 her group5 lor-i"g it over lesser ,o$e"
li7e a 'uee"5 %ut ,ith such -isar$i"g ,ar$th a"- such a %eauti8ul s$ile5 "o o"e
really $i"-s. *erhaps the other girls se"se she ,as %or" to rule a"- -ictate styles5
custo$s a"- $a""ers. A"y,ay5 it ,oul-">t -o $uch goo- to try to usurp her
Nature see$s to have sho," so$e pre;u-ice ,he" she 8ashio"e- the lio"ess ,ith
e"ough vivacity5 clever"ess5 grace5 %eauty5 a"- ;ust plai" se: appeal 8or at least
three ,o$e"5 ,ith so$e le8t over. 28 you>re the victi$ o8 a" i"8eriority co$ple:5
you>- %etter set your sights o" a %ir- ,ith less %rillia"t 8eathers. Do">t e:pect to
ta$e her i"to a -ocile little $ai- ,ho ha"gs o" your every ,or-. The $a" ,ho
e:pects a Leo girl to ,orship at his 8eet is livi"g i" a 8ool>s para-ise. !o"si-er
yoursel8 luc7y i8 she $eets you hal8,ay5 respects you5 is ,illi"g to %e your part"er
a"- allo,s you to possess her e$otio"ally. 4y the very act o8 per$itti"g you to love
her5 she>s practically 7"ighte- you5 8or heave">s sa7e. Seriously5 you coul- -o-a lot
,orse. A lio"ess is a lot o8 ,o$a". She>s rather a lu:ury ite$5 "ot availa%le i" the
%argai" %ase$e"t.
2t pays to re$e$%er that the Leo 8e$ale ca" act up a stor$5 a"- prete"- to %e as
s,eet a"- har$less as a %o,l o8 ;elly %ea"s. She $ay have a voice li7e a ,hisper5
ge"tle5 courteous $a""ers a"- %ig5 so8t eyes that spar7le -elight8ully ,he" she %ats
her lashes. A Leo 8e$ale ca" appear to %e as s$ooth a"- cal$ as a cool a"- placi-
la7e. &" guar-. That>s ;ust a role she assu$e- %ecause it got goo- revie,s. 1e$ove
her as the star o8 your love pro-uctio"5 cast her i" the part o8 the u"-erstu-y or
seco"- lea-5 a"- you>ll soo" 8i"- out ;ust ho, shy a"- su%$issive she is">t. &8
course5 $ost o8 the Leo ,o$e" to ,ho$ you pay ho$age ,ill ope"ly $a7e it clear
that they>re too prou- a"- -ig"i8ie- to ta7e a"y "o"se"se. 2>- ;ust hate to see you
stu$%le i" case you get i"volve- ,ith the other 7i"- o8 lio"ess5 ,ho hi-es hei
cla,s5 %ut sharpe"s the$ every -ay ;ust the sa$e.
The 8irst step ,he" you>re courti"g this girl is to go prepare- ,ith gi8ts. 2t -oes">t
$a7e $uch -i88ere"ce ,hat they a-e5 so lo"g as they>re e:pe"sive5 i" e:celle"t taste5
a"- you>re -resse- properly ,he" you o88er the$. The" you shoul- practice
-i88ere"t ,ays o8 co$pli$e"ti"g her. *lease %e origi"al a"- creative. *hrases li7e
<=ou se"- $e5 4a%y5< a"- <=ou>re really cool5 s,eetheart5< ,ill get you thro,"
right out o8 the palace5 %ac7 ,ith the peasa"ts5 ulgarity a"- sla"g %oth leave her
ice col-. 1e$e$%er5 you>re ,ooi"g royalty. She ca">t e:ist ,ithout 8latteri"g
appreciatio"5 %ut 7eep i" $i"- that she a-$ires your $asculi"ity5 a"- she has "o
-esire to tur" you i"to a he"pec7e- ,ea7li"g. A Leo ,o$a" coul-">t love you i8
you ,ere">t stro"g. 2t>s ;ust that she ,o">t per$it you to i"sult her ,ith a
co"-esce"-i"g attitu-e. 2" her $i"-5 she is -e8i"itely "ot the ,ea7er se:.
Lots o8 Leo girls are athletic a"- e";oy sports5 %ut you>- %e s$arter to ta7e your
lio"ess to the theater tha" to the %all par7. The stage a"- 8ootlights ,ill "ever 8ail to
$ag"eti3e a"- tra"s8igure her. ?4etter %uy orchestra seats. (orget the %alco"y.@
!hoose a play i" ,hich the heroi"e %ehaves the ,ay you ,a"t her to %ehave that
"ight5 a"- your cha"ces are %etter tha" average that she>ll act the part u"co"sciously
a"- "ever $iss a" i"8lectio". A8ter the 8estivities are over5 -o">t ta7e her to a
ha$%urger sta"- a"- e:pect her to sit at the cou"ter $u"chi"g 8re"ch 8ries %ecause
she>s so $uch i" love ,ith you. =ou>re %etter o88 to ta7e her out less o8te" to $ore
gla$orous places. She>s "ot "ecessarily a gol- -iggerB i" 8act5 she>s usually ge"erous
-she ,o">t o%;ect to 8re'ue"t Dutch -ates a"- she>ll pro%a%ly sho,er you ,ith
al$ost as $a"y gi8ts as you give her. 4ut she>s ;ust plai" u"co$8orta%le i" sha%%y
surrou"-i"gs. The poorest Leo ,o$a" i" the ,orl- ,ill $a"age to accu$ulate
e"ough pe""ies to %uy -raperies 8or the ,i"-o,s5 ri"gs 8or her 8i"gers a"- %ells 8or
her toes. No, a"- the" she $ay go slu$$i"g5 out o8 curiosity5 %ut o"ly as a
spectator5 aloo8 8ro$ the cro,-. *overty -epresses her a"- $a7es her physically ill.
28 you -ress li7e a slo% a"- o88er her a shac75 you have">t got a cha"ce.
There>s a story a%out a "o%le (re"ch,o$a" ,ho tur"e- to her lover i" the gar-e"s
o8 ersailles a"- as7e-5 <Darli"g5 -o the co$$o" people 7"o, this e:'uisite
e$otio" o8 loveA< /he" she ,as assure- that they -i-5 she crie- out i" i";ure-
surprise5 <2t>s e"tirely too goo- 8or the$I< She ,as pro%a%ly a Leo.
Do">t %la$e the lio"ess 8or her occasio"al arroga"ce a"- va"ity. 2t>s her "ature to
8eel hersel8 a%ove the co$$o" $asses. *eople sel-o$ rese"t it5 %ecause the Leo
,o$a" ,ho>s ,ar$ly love- a"- respecte- ca" %e the 7i"-est a"- $ost ge"erous o8
8e$ales5 ,ith a ,o$a"ly co$passio" 8or chil-re" a"- 8or the helpless a"- the
8orsa7e". =ou ca">t really e:pect her to step -o," 8ro$ a thro"e that>s her %irthright.
28 she>s a typical Su" chil-5 she>s so gracious a"- -a33li"g that $ost people gla-ly
give her cre-it 8or %ei"g out o8 the or-i"ary. Truth8ully5 she is. She>s i"tellige"t5
,itty5 stro"g5 a"- capa%le5 yet -eliciously 8e$i"i"e at the sa$e ti$e. No o"e i" his
right $i"- coul- call that co$$o".
A little 8lattery ,ill get you every,here ,ith your Leo la-y. =ou>ve alrea-y 8ou"-
out it>s her secret ,ea7"ess. A"- here>s a"other secret5 i8 you pla" to $arry her9
eve"tually5 she>ll tire o8 her gil-e- cage a"- ,a"t to roa$ the ;u"gle to see ,hat>s
-oi"g ,ith all the other cats out there. !o"8i"e$e"t i"si-e 8our ,alls a"- u"-er o"e
roo8 ca" soo" ro% her o8 her spar7le. Let her have her career. Shell ,ither o" the
vi"e i8 she>s 8orce- to %e ;ust a haus-8rau5 u"less you have e"ough $o"ey to allo,
her to %e a co"sta"t hostess a"- a" e:travaga"t ho$e -ecorator.
The Leo girl usually $a7es a ;e,el o8 a ,i8e. =ou>ll sel-o$ see her -resse-
8ru$pily i" a tatty %athro%e5 ,eari"g curlers a"- ,ri"7le crea$. Not that she s7ips
the %eauty treat$e"ts. The typical lio"ess ,ill spe"- hours i" 8ro"t o8 the $irror a"-
a 8ortu"e o" cos$etics5 %ut she ,a"ts you to see the results5 "ot the strategy. There
$ay %e ti$es ,he" you 8eel you>re supporti"g her hair-resser>s e"tire 8a$ily. Ma"y
a hus%a"- o8 a Leo ,o$a" 8i"-s hi$sel8 plea-i"g5 <.o"ey5 -o you have to spe"- so
$uch $o"ey at the %eauty parlorA< 4ut 8e, lio"esses li7e to -o their o," hair. A
sha$poo a"- set $a7es the$ 8eel pa$pere-5 a"- 8eeli"g pa$pere- -oes so$ethi"g
8or every Leo.
0"less she has a !a"cer5 irgo or !apricor" asce"-a"t5 you $ay have to ,atch her
,ith charge accou"ts. Leos easily slip over%oar- ,he" it co$es to spe"-i"g 8or 8i"e
8eathers5 8ur"ishi"gs 8or the ho$e or gi8ts 8or 8rie"-s. .er ,ar-ro%e ca" %e 'uite
e:te"sive. She ca" loo7 luscious i" eve"i"g go,"s5 -rippi"g ,ith se'ui"s a"-
rhi"esto"es5 or lo,-cut5 -ressy out8its. 4ut she>ll pro%a%ly pre8er casual clothes a"-
sports,ear5 i8 she>s a typical Leo girl. She li7es tailore- cuts a"- rich $aterials5 %ut
"ot "ecessarily 8rills a"- ru88les. So8t cash$eres5 goo- 2talia" 7"its a"- i$porte-
+"glish t,ee-s are her 8avorites. .er taste is usually e:celle"t5 i8 a %it e:pe"sive.
A" occasio"al Leo ,o$a" ,ill over-o a"- %ury her se"se o8 style i" gau-y5
shoc7i"g clothes5 %ut she>s a" e:ceptio" to the ge"eral rule o8 the tra-itio"al leo"i"e
e:'uisite 8lair 8or 8ashio".
=ou>ll 8i"- her a super% hostess ,he" you %ri"g the %oss ho$e 8or -i""er. .e>ll
thi"7 you>re a ge"ius to have ,o" her. She>ll pro%a%ly $a7e a hit ,ith his ,i8e5 too5
%ecause the lio"ess is popular ,ith %oth $e" a"- ,o$e"5 a"- each se: gets treate-
to her 8rie"-ly s$ile a"- her outgoi"g perso"ality e'ually. A"yo"e ,ho happe"s to
%e sta"-i"g i" her %right su"light 8eels the ,ar$th. Leos sel-o$ cast a sha-o,.
As a $other5 shell pour love o" her chil-re" ge"erously a"- lavish a88ectio" o"
the$. 2t ,o">t %e easy 8or her to see their 8aults5 %ut ,he" she -oes5 she>ll %e strict.
Si"ce she ca">t sta"- %ei"g ta7e" 8or gra"te-5 i8 the chil-re" -o">t respect her she
ca" pout i" regal sile"ce. Ma"y Leo $others have a peculiar ,ay o8 spoili"g the
chil- ,ithout spari"g the ro-5 'uite a co"tra-ictio" ,he" you thi"7 a%out it. She
$ay ro$p a"- play ,ith her cu%s5 have lo"g5 chu$$y tal7s ,ith the$5 %ut shell
also teach the$ to s"ap to atte"tio" li7e sol-iers5 polish their $a""ers5 a"- %e
o%e-ie"t to their el-ers. At the sa$e ti$e5 there>s a -a"ger o8 provi-i"g a sha-e too
$uch spe"-i"g $o"ey5 a"- givi"g i" to re'uests 8or lu:uries. 2" a ,ay5 you $ight
say she treats her o88spri"g li7e pette- $e$%ers o8 a royal 8a$ily5 -eeply love-5 %ut
e:pecte- to $i"- their p>s a"- '>s5 especially i" pu%lic. She>ll %e 8iercely prou- o8
their acco$plish$e"ts5 a"- heave" help the outsi-er ,ho atte$pts to hurt the$ or
;u-ge the$ u"8airly. /ith all this5 she ,o">t s$other the you"gsters. She>s too
i"-epe"-e"t to hover over the$ every seco"-. She>ll lea- her o," li8e5 7eepi"g a
,atch8ul eye out 8or her cu%s5 8ro$ a -ista"ce. Ma"y Leo ,o$e" are ,or7i"g
$others5 %ut their you"gsters sel-o$ starve 8or atte"tio". The career-$i"-e- Leos
usually $a"age to %ala"ce $otherhoo- a"- a ;o% ,ith per8ect aplo$%.
There are ti$es ,he" she>ll lose her -ig"ity a"- poise a"- %eco$e a rolloc7i"g5
play8ul lio"ess5 ,ith a 8lair 8or pure slapstic7. She ca" roar ,ith laughter li7e a
healthy a"i$al5 %ut ,he" the $o$e"t is go"e5 the sati" voice a"- regal %eari"g
retur". No o"e ca" s'uelch a 8resh re$ar7 or a ru-e 'uestio" ,ith as $uch col-
co"te$pt as a Leo 8e$ale. She -oes">t appreciate 8a$iliarity 8ro$ stra"gers.
Although she>ll clo," arou"- a"- %e surprisi"gly casual ,ith i"ti$ates5 outsi-ers
are e:pecte- to 7eep their place.
2" the area o8 8aith8ul"ess5 the Leo ,o$a" $ay re$i"- you o8 the ol- toast5 <.ere>s
to $e a"- here>s to you5 a"- here>s to love a"- laughter-2>ll %e true as lo"g as you-
"ot a si"gle $i"ute a8ter.< +"ough sai-.
Do">t %e ;ealous o8 her 7"ac7 8or %ei"g the ce"ter o8 atte"tio" i" a roo$8ul o8
a-$iri"g $ales. .ea-s al,ays tur" ,he" the lio"ess s$oothly gli-es %y. She 8eels
it>s o"ly "atural 8or $e" to pay court to her. She $ay e"courage $asculi"e
co$pli$e"ts a"- i"-ulge i" light5 i""oce"t 8lirtatio"s5 %ecause her -eep "ee- 8or
applause a"- a-ulatio" covers a stra"ge 8ear that she>s "ot 8e$i"i"e e"ough a"- she
$ust co"sta"tly reassure hersel8 that she>s -esira%le. 2t -oes">t $ea" she>s "ot still i"
love ,ith you5 ;ust %ecause she s$iles at your %est 8rie"- a"- tells hi$ she a-ores
his "e, sports ;ac7et. 4ut -o">t try telli"g her %est 8rie"- you li7e her "e, . irt.
That>s a ,hole -i88ere"t %all ga$e. /hat>s sauce 8or the ga"-er is "ot sauce 8or the
goose5 to reverse the ol- "ursery rhy$e. 28 she hears you call your secretary
a"ythi"g $uch $ore i"ti$ate tha" <Miss /hat>s-her-"a$e5< your purri"g 7itte"
$ay scratch.
&8 course5 it>s "ot 8air. 4ut i8 you ,a"t to %e the prou- possessor o8 all those
gorgeous %rillia"tly-colore- 8eathers5 you have to $a7e a 8e, co"cessio"s. A8ter all5
o,"i"g a peacoc7 is har-ly the sa$e thi"g as o,"i"g a cuc7oo %ir- or a cooi"g
pigeo". .u$or her va"ity. She>ll pro%a%ly %e i$porta"t i" her o," right5 %ecause
8e, Leo ,o$e" ca" resist co$peti"g ,ith $e" 8or prestige5 i8 "ot i"co$e. =our
lio"ess coul- %e a"ythi"g 8ro$ a" actress to a surgeo".
&"e o8 $y %est 8rie"-s a"- 8avorite Leos is a ,ell-7"o," Ne, =or7 psychiatrist.
#ra"te-5 it>s a career ,hich per$its her to lecture a"- a-vise ?Leo>s 8avorite
pasti$e@5 %ut she gives her cou"sel ,ith such a ,ar$ s$ile5 spar7li"g eyes a"- -eep
co$passio"5 her patie"ts 8eel %etter ;ust %ei"g i" the sa$e roo$ ,ith her. .er
hus%a"- pays her all the respect a"- a-oratio" she -e$a"-s as her royal right5 %ut
he has a pro8essio" o8 his o," to $atch hers. .e>s a gi8te- ,riter a"- poet5 tale"ts
,hich al,ays i$press the se"ti$e"tal Leo. They share e'ual %illi"g i" 8ro"t o8 the
8ootlights5 yet he>s the $a" a"- the %oss %ehi"- the sce"es. A per8ect success
8or$ula 8or ta$i"g the lio"ess.
A"- that>s the 7ey to a s$ooth relatio"ship ,ith your Leo girl. Do">t let her s$other
you-%ut -o">t try to top her. Just paste a %ig5 %right star o" her -ressi"g roo$ -oor5
a"- pu88 up your ego. =ou>re 'uite a guy5 you 7"o,-to have ,o" the ha"- o8 the
prou- lio"ess. Tell $e5 ho, -i- you $a"age to -o itA

The L+& !hi-
<T,ee-le-u$ a"- T,ee-le-ee Agree- to have a %attleB
(or T,ee-le-u$ sai- T,ee-le-ee .a- spoile- his "ice5 "e, rattle.<
1e$e$%er the ga$e you use- to play calle- (ollo, the Lea-erA 1e$e$%er the
little 8ello, ,ho al,ays sul7e- ,he" he -i-">t get to %e lea-erA 28 he ,as the sa$e
pal ,ho loa"e- you $o"ey to %uy licorice stic7s a"- +s7i$o pies ,he" your
allo,a"ce ra" out5 you $ust have ha- a Leo i" your "eigh%orhoo- ga"g.
The typical lio" cu% is su""y5 happy5 play8ul5 a"- ;olly ,he" he gets his o," ,ay.
/he" he -oes">t5 stor$ clou-s gather out o8 "o,here5 alo"g ,ith a thu"-erous roar5
or a hurt5 %roo-i"g ,ith-ra,al. +ve" i8 he -oes see$ to %e a %it 8ull o8 hi$sel85 the
you"g Leo shoul-">t %e co"sta"tly put -o,". Suppressi"g his e"thusias$ a"- high
spirits ca" cause -eep scars that $ay -ar7e" his Su" 8or years. Little lio"s a"-
lio"esses have a ha%it o8 %ossi"g the other chil-re" ,hich o8te" a""oys the $others
o8 $ore i"hi%ite- you"gsters5 %ut they shoul- %e restrai"e- ge"tly a"- "ever scol-e-
harshly i" 8ro"t o8 play$ates. The great pri-e o8 the Leo reacts viole"tly to a" attac7
o" va"ity5 especially i" pu%lic.
2t>s goo- to e"courage the "atural lea-ership i" Leo chil-re"5 %ut they shoul- %e
taught that everyo"e $ust have his tur"5 %ecause that>s the 8air ,ay5 eve" i8 they are
stro"ger tha" the others.
The leo"i"e se"se o8 ;ustice ,ill usually cause the you"gster to see the light. .e>s
"ot $aliciously aggressive. .e ;ust has a co$pulsio" to hea- 8or the 8ro"t o8 the
para-e. These %oys a"- girls have a stro"g urge to sho, o885 a"- it>s har- to
-iscourage i8 it>s allo,e- to get out o8 ha"-. The little lio" is the o"e ,ho prou-ly
sta"-s o" his hea- i" the schoolyar- or ,al7s o" a 8e"ce to thrill the girls. /ise
pare"ts ,ill %egi" early to $a7e the Leo chil- reali3e that sho,i"g o88 is really very
u"-ig"i8ie-. This "or$ally ,or7s li7e a char$5 si"ce Su"-rule- chil-re" have a"
i""ate se"se o8 -ig"ity.
=ou>ll "otice it i" the ti"iest Leos. There>s a sort o8 regal %eari"g5 ,hich creates the
i$pressio" that %a%y is $o"arch o8 all he surveys. The ter$ <.is $a;esty5 the %a%y<
,as coi"e- to -escri%e a Leo i"8a"t. Little cu%s ,ill %egi" early to rule the roost5
,rappi"g $other a"- -a--y a"- the e"tire reti"ue o8 relatives arou"- their 8i"gers
,ith very little e88ort. 2t>s the o--est thi"g5 %ut a s$all lio" sitti"g o" his thro"e-2
$ea" i" his high chair-covere- ,ith pru"e ;uice a"- egg yol75 a"- "ee-i"g a cha"ge
o8 -iapers5 ,ill so$eho, $a"age to 7eep his -ig"ity i"tact. 2t co$es "aturally to a
Leo %a%y to allo, -oti"g pare"ts a"- a-$ir-5 i"g 8rie"-s to pay ho$age to hi$5
,hile he graciously accepts their atte"tio"5 gi8ts5 a"- "atteri"g tri%utes. .e 8i"-s
a-oratio" very easy to ta7e. Notice the please-5 s$ug loo7 o" his 8ace ,he"
stra"gers stop to $a7e a 8uss over hi$.
=our Leo chil- ,ill %e $ore rec7less tha" the average you"gster5 ta7e $ore cha"ces
a"- %e $ore active. The" ,ill co$e those perio-ic spells o8 leo"i"e la3i"ess5 ,he"
he>ll lie arou"- the house too tire- to li8t a 8i"ger5 e:cept to $otio" 8or you to ,ait
o" hi$. Leave hi$ alo"e a"- $a7e hi$ u"-ersta"- "o o"e is his serva"t. 28 he
,a"ts so$ethi"g5 he ca" get it hi$sel8 ,he" his e"ergy retur"s. &ther,ise5 a
spoile- Leo chil- ca" %eco$e a regular tyra"t. No, a"- the"5 o8 course5 it -oes">t
hurt to %ri"g hi$ a %oo75 ha"- hi$ a glass o8 chocolate $il7 or other,ise per8or$ a
8rie"-ly 8avor. 4ut a little such su%$issio" to the lio">s ,hi$s is ple"ty5 u"less you
have a secret urge to %e a la-y-i"-,aiti"g or a pri"ce>s e'uerry. Leo you"gsters ,ho
have %ee" trai"e- that they $ust respect the rights o8 others i8 they are to %e
respecte- the$selves ca" %e lots o8 8u" to live ,ith. They>re as play8ul a"-
a88ectio"ate as those a-ora%le little cu%s you see at the 3oo5 a"- li7e the cu%s5 they
"ee- strict a"- lovi"g -iscipli"e. The ,ar$ 7iss a"- the tough %irch ro- ,ill %oth
have to %e e$ploye- 8re'ue"tly %y lio" ta$ers. +ither o"e ,ithout the other is
al,ays i"e88ective a"- -a"gerous.
There arc t,o 7i"-s o8 Leo %oys a"- girls. The 8irst 7i"- are the e:troverts5 gay5
cheer8ul5 outgoi"g5 ,ar$ a"- ge"erous5 i8 a %it pushy at ti$es. The others are
'uieter5 al$ost ti$i- o" the sur8ace. Such out,ar-ly %ash8ul little lio"s $ay have
su88ere- a serious %lo, to their va"ity 8ro$ -o$i"eeri"g pare"ts or 8ro$ too $uch
atte"tio" %ei"g pai- to %rothers a"- sisters. Secretly5 they "ee- po,er a"- applause
as $uch as the others. The -a"ger i" such situatio"s5 i8 they>re prolo"ge-5 is that the
Leo chil- ,ill either get the atte"tio" he see7s later i" li8e %y 8orci"g issues at the
,ro"g ti$e ,ith the ,ro"g people5 or retreat i"to pai"8ul shy"ess a"- -estructive
8rustratio". Leo ego5 u""aturally %ottle- up 8or lo"g perio-s5 is $ost u"healthy.
As you"gsters5 Leo %oys $ay li7e to play ,ith sol-iers a"- e";oy ga$es o8
challe"ge ,ith a stro"g ele$e"t o8 cha"ce. The little 8e$ale Leo ,ill %e la-yli7e5 i8
stro"g-,ille-5 $ay e";oy "ice clothes a"- %ei"g tol- she>s pretty5 a"- ,ill pro%a%ly
li7e %ei"g give" respo"si%ilities arou"- the house. A" occasio"al Leo girl is a
to$%oy5 %ut va"ity ,ill eve"tually ,i" out5 a"- the phase passes. Do">t e:pect these
you"gsters to e";oy ta7i"g out the gar%age or cleari"g the 8loors. They ,ill re%el
agai"st $e"ial tas7s5 so assig" the$ $ore i$porta"t a"- -ig"i8ie- -uties that give
the$ a se"se o8 authority.
Teachers ca" e:pect the Leo stu-e"ts to -o a little i"structi"g o8 their o,". They
love to e:plai" thi"gs to others5 a"- "othi"g -elights the$ $ore tha" playi"g the
role o8 su%stitute i"structor ,he" the teacher has to leave the roo$. 2t puts the$ i"
the spotlight. Nor$ally5 the Leo chil- le8t i" charge at school ,ill a-$i"ister
-iscipli"e happily5 %ut "o, a"- the" his play8ul spirit ,ill co$e 8orth5 a"- the
teacher ca" retur" to 8i"- a three-ri"g circus i" progress.
=ou"g Leos ca" lea$ 8ast ,he" they ,a"t to. They>re i"tellige"t5 a"- are o8te"
richly re,ar-i"g to the patie"t teacher5 %ut they have a te"-e"cy to %e a little la3y
a%out lear"i"g. They pre8er to sli-e %y o" su""y perso"ality a"- i"gratiati"g char$.
Teachers ca" %e a little su" %li"-e- %y their s$iles a"- co$pli$e"ts5 a"- it>s "ot
u"usual 8or little cu%s to get %etter gra-es tha" they -eserve. They $ay have to %e
8orce- to -evelop goo- stu-y ha%its. &" seco"- thought5 8orci"g is a ,aste o8 ti$e.
The easiest ,ay to raise the gra-es o8 a Leo chil- is to appeal to his va"ity5 to $a7e
hi$ ,a"t to %e superior to the others. That ,ill usually tur" the tric7. /he" he>s
goo-5 pat hi$ o" the %ac7 so he really 8eels it. Light taps ,o">t -o. No $atter ho,
$a"y co$pli$e"ts he gets5 he>s al,ays hu"gry 8or $ore.
These chil-re" ,ill pro%a%ly re'uire $ore spe"-i"g $o"ey tha" their $ore 8rugal
8rie"-s. =our Leo chil- $ay give a,ay $ost o8 his spare "ic7els5 %ut he ,o">t short-
cha"ge hi$sel85 either. 2t>s a goo- i-ea to teach hi$ the rule the 1oc7e8eller chil-re"
,ere taught a%out 8i"a"ces9
<#ive so$e5 spe"- so$e5 save so$e.< +specially the last
/he" they gro, ol-er5 the you"g lio"s a"- lio"esses ,ill "otice the opposite se:
$uch soo"er tha" you"gsters %or" u"-er other Su" sig"s. +:pect a tur%ule"t
a-olesce"ce5 %ecause your Leo chil- ,ill %e up a"- -o," e$otio"ally a hu"-re-
ti$es a -ay. 4oth his 8rie"-ship a"- his ro$a"ces ,ill %e terri%ly -ra$atic5 a"- 8ull
o8 color8ul ecstasy a"- heart%rea7. All Leo chil-re" love to go to parties. #ive the$
ple"ty o8 8ree-o$5 or they>ll si$ply ta7e it. .arsh or-ers -estroy their pri-e a"-
-ig"ity. 28 you %uil- the courage a"- 8latter the ego o8 your you"g Leo %y telli"g
hi$ si"cerely you 7"o, he ca" -o it5 he>ll prou-ly %e stro"g 8or you.
2t>s "ever a" easy tas7 to raise a" August chil-. There ,ill %e $o$e"ts ,he" you
8eel your cage- lio" ,ill "ever %e ta$e-. 4ut he ca" %e5 i8 you re$e$%er that he
"ee-s ge"tle a"- co"ti"uous -iscipli"e-a"- love a"- a88ectio" are the t,o $agic
7eys that u"loc7 his gol-e" heart. 2t>s "ot the lio"s ,ho ,ere a-ore- as chil-re" ,ho
gro, up i"to u"happy a-ults. 2t>s the little cu%s ,ho ,ere e$otio"ally starve- a"-
"eglecte-. 1e$e$%er that he>ll prete"- to %e very %rave5 %ut secretly 8ears he is">t.
.ug hi$ tightly every "ight a"- love hi$ ,ith all your heart.

The L+& 4oss
<No, -o">t i"terrupt $e5 2>$ goi"g to tell you all your 8aults
2t pu33le- her very $uch at 8irst 4ut a8ter ,atchi"g it a $i"ute or t,o She $a-e it
out to %e a gri".
=ou have a Leo %oss a"- you>ve ,or7e- 8or hi$ 8or over a yearA 1eallyA =ou $ust
%e a very goo- liste"er.
=our Leo %oss ,ill pro%a%ly 8eel that corporate ta:es5 gover"$e"t regulatio"s a"-
u"io" rules ,ere all i"ve"te- as a perso"al co"spiracy agai"st hi$5 %ut he>ll -ispose
o8 the$ easily. Most lio"s are e:celle"t orga"i3ers a"- per8ect ge"iuses at
-elegati"g authority. .is ,ay o8 i$ple$e"ti"g such a""oyi"g situatio"s is to tur" to
you a"- -ictate5 ,ith great "ourish5 so$e resou"-i"g phrases o" the ge"eral su%;ect5
the" ,ave his ha"- regally5 a"- ,ith a gorgeous s$ile say vaguely5 <=ou ta7e it
8ro$ there.< The" he>ll pro%a%ly a-- that he>- li7e the report co$plete- a"- place-
o" his -es7 as soo" as possi%le. <Ta7e your ti$e5< he>ll say. <As lo"g as 2 get it
%e8ore "oo" to$orro,.< Leos are "ot 8o"- o8 -etails. They pre8er to pai"t the picture
i" %ol- stro7es a"- let you ,orry a%out %otherso$e tri8les li7e 8igures a"- statistics.
The classic e:a$ple o8 a Leo %oss is o"e 2 7"o, ,ho calle- i" his secretary to
-ictate a" a"s,er he ha- prepare- 8or a" especially i$porta"t clie"t. <.ave you -e-
ci-e- ,hat you ,a"t to sayA< as7e- the i""oce"t girl5 shortha"- %oo7 ope"5 pe"cil
poise-. <=es5 2 have5< s$ile- her Leo e$ployer. <Tell hi$ $ay%e. #ot thatA May%e.
=ou 8ill i" all the other stu88.< /ith those $aster8ul i"structio"s5 he cheer8ully ,e"t
to lu"ch ,here he e"tertai"e- several people at a" e:pe"sive %istro5 playe- a 8e,
rou"-s o8 gol85 retur"e- to the o88ice arou"- 8ive o>cloc7 a"- ,a"te- to 7"o, i8 the
letter ,as rea-y. 2t ,as. ?The secretary ,as a irgo.@ A8ter rea-i"g it ,ith sole$"
approval5 the Leo reache- 8or the pho"e a"- 'uote- the letter to a" associate. .is
,or-s 8loate- through the o88ice -oor to the lo"g-su88eri"g secretary. <.o, -o you
li7e itA< he as7e- i"to the receiver. <2 thi"7 2 -i- a" e:celle"t ;o% o8 putti"g the
,hole situatio" together a"- $a7i"g it clear ,here ,e sta"-5 -o">t youA &8 course5
2>ve al,ays ha- a ,ay o8 e:pressi"g $ysel8. My ,i8e is al,ays telli"g $e 2 shoul-
%e a ,riter5< he 8i"ishe- $o-estly.
This $ay %e a so$e,hat e:tre$e case5 %ut you ,ill 8i"- echoes o8 such a" attitu-e
li"geri"g i" the air i8 you have a typical Leo %oss. #ive hi$ all your origi"al i-eas.
.e>ll love you 8or it. August-%or" e:ecutives te"- to 8avor e$ployees ,ho a--
creative thi"7i"g to the 8ir$. .o,ever5 %e prepare- to see hi$ gri""i"g li7e a
!heshire !at the "e:t -ay as he procee-s to orga"i3e the pla" you gave hi$ the
"ight %e8ore5 tossi"g out the startli"g co$$e"t5 <2t>s o"e o8 the %est i-eas 2 ever
ha-.< .e ho"estly %elieves he thought o8 it 8irst. Truly. &8 course5 you triggere- his
i$agi"atio"5 ,hich is ,hy you>re so valua%le to hi$. 4ut it ,as his i-ea. 1e$e$%er
No, a"- the" your Leo %oss $ay see$ a ti"y %it u"grate8ul. Li7e he>ll toss a huge
stac7 o8 letters o" your -es7 %ecause he ca">t %e %othere- or %ore- rea-i"g the$
hi$sel8. The" the "e:t $or"i"g5 ,he" you>re %leary-eye- 8ro$ stayi"g u"til
$i-"ight to 8i"ish the e:tra ,or7 he thre, at you5 hell sha7e his lio">s $a"e
-isapprovi"gly5 a"- $u$%le a co$$e"t o" the sloppy co"-itio" o8 your -es75 as he
,al7s to his o," plush lair. &h5 yes5 he>s al$ost sure to have a lu:urious private
o88ice. 2t $ay have so8t .lights5 $usic5 8lo,ers5 a -o,"-cushio"e- so8a a"- a cherry-
,oo- -es7. +ve" i8 the %u-get is s$all5 you>ll sel-o$ 8i"- hi$ surrou"-e- %y
pi"eapple crates a"- -i"gy ,i"-o, pa"es ,ith "o -raperies. The ,alls $ay %e
covere- ,ith e:celle"t pri"ts o8 goo- pai"ti"gs or photos o8 hi$sel85 ta7e" ,ith
i$porta"t -ig"itaries. A"y a,ar-s or certi8icates he>s ear"e- ,ill %e "eatly 8ra$e-5
a"- hu"g i" a pro$i"e"t
A"other Leo %oss 2 7"o, ha- a" assista"t ,ho ,or7e- overti$e every "ight a"- all
-ay o" Satur-ays a"- Su"-ays 8or three $o"ths o" a special pro$otio". She also
$a"age- to $ove 8ili"g ca%i"ets5 pac7 huge %o:es o8 $ercha"-ise a"- cha"ge the
%ottles i" the ,ater cooler every other -ay. Mea",hile5 she 8ou"- ti$e to -o her
%oss>s !hrist$as shoppi"g a"- pic7 up his clea"i"g o"ce a ,ee7. &"e %right5 su""y
$or"i"g she overhear- hi$ si"gi"g her praises to a vice presi-e"t o8 the 8ir$. <That
.ester is a real ;e,el5< he ,as sayi"g. <2 -o">t 7"o, ,hat 2>- -o ,ithout her. The
girl is really 8a"tastic. &8 course5 she>s a little %it la3y5 %ut you ca">t e:pect to 8i"-
everythi"g i" o"e perso".<
Di- .ester 'uit o" the spotA 2 shoul- say "ot. /hy shoul- she let a little thi"g li7e
that %other herA She>s a s$art girl5 ,ho 7"o,s that a"yo"e>s e88orts see$ -ra% ,he"
they>re co$pare- to her %oss>s 8a%ulous vitality ?i" %et,ee" his -aily %eauty "aps o"
the velvet chaise lou"ge i" his private o88ice@. /hy shoul- she leave a %oss ,ho
"ever 8ails to a-$ire her "e, -ressA She ,oul- har-ly ha"- i" her resig"atio" to a
$a" ,ho prese"te- her ,ith a topa3 %racelet 8or her %irth-ay5 a set o8 /ater8or-
crystal 8or her hope chest5 a"- ,ho so s,eetly u"-erstoo- that the color o8 her
type,riter $a-e her "ervous. .e eve" pai"te- it %right yello, 8or her5 though he
,as a little sloppy5 a"- so$e o8 the pai"t -rippe- o" the 7eys. 2t ca$e o88 o" her
8i"gers 8or ,ee7s a8ter,ar-s5 %ut she -i-">t $i"-5 %ecause it ,as a pleasure to ,ash
her ha"-s every hour ,ith the sce"te- soap he 7eeps i" the ,ashroo$.
.er Leo %oss helpe- her 8ather 8i"- a "e, ;o%5 pai- her $other>s hospital %ill5 a"-
ge"erously gave i" to her re'uests to hire her cousi" i" the $ail roo$. 4esi-es5 she>s
prou- o8 his reputatio" i" his pro8essio". .e ,o" t,o a,ar-s last yearB he>s -ictati"g
a %oo7 to her a%out his li8eB
he>s liste- at the top o8 the %est -resse- $e" i" +s'uireB
he>s -eeply i" love ,ith his ,i8e5 a-ores his chil-re"5 a"- has cause- the 8ir$>s
pro8its to go s7y high5 i" spite o8 those ,il- cha"ces he too7 a couple o8 ti$es. .e
sel-o$ "otices i8 she ta7es e:tra ti$e at lu"ch. Last ,ee75 he 8ou"- her a larger
apart$e"t ,ith lo,er re"t a"- scol-e- her 8ia"ce %ecause he ,as">t treati"g her
right. 6uitA /hat -o you $ea"5 'uitA
28 you>re a $a" ,ho ,or7s 8or a Leo e:ecutive5 you have so$e special pro%le$s. 4e
origi"al5 -ari"g5 creative5 a"- har- ,or7i"g. 4ut re$e$%er that he ,ill al,ays %e
$ore origi"al5 -ari"g5 creative a"- har- ,or7i"g tha" you -T" his eyes. Say <=es<
to $ost o8 his %rai"stor$s ?a"- he>ll .ave 'uite a pac7 o8 the$ i" the course o8 a
,ee7@. 28 you $ust say <No5< prece-e it ,ith a huge co$pli$e"t a"- close it ,ith
a"other o"e. Sa"-,iche- i" %et,ee" that 7i"- o8 appreciatio"5 he $ight accept it.
4ut %e tact8ul a"- procee- care8ully.
+ve" the ge"tler5 less sho,y Leo e:ecutives "or$ally li7e to sprea- su"shi"e5 a"-
have oo-les o8 -elight8ul char$. /he" your leo"i"e %oss gets every last ou"ce o8
cre-it he -eserves5 plus a" e:tra helpi"g o8 respect 8or goo- $easure5 he>ll $a7e you
glo, ,ith his praise o8 a ;o% ,ell -o"e. .e>ll "ever %e sti"gy ,ith co$pli$e"ts. .e
,o">t hol- %ac7 his -isapproval either. The lio" is apt to poi"t out your $ista7es
,ith very little -iscretio". +$ployees ,ith ultra se"sitive "atures ,oul- %e happier
,or7i"g else,here. So ,oul- those ,ith large egos o8 their o,". There>s $ore tha"
a trace o8 arroga"ce i" your Leo e$ployer5 %ut it>s pro%a%ly te$pere- ,ith goo--
"ature- opti$is$. .e>ll 7eep thi"gs hu$$i"g a"- ru""i"g s$oothly. Leos ,ere
%or" to co$$a"-5 ,ith a" e"via%le tale"t 8or assig"i"g the right ;o%s to the right
people a"- seei"g that they>re 8i"ishe- o" ti$e.
&88ice i"trigues ,ill a"ger hi$. .e si$ply ca">t sta"- people 7eepi"g secrets 8ro$
hi$. .e $ust 7"o, everythi"g that>s goi"g o". Do">t %e a""oye- i8 your Leo %oss is
a %it "osey a%out your private a88airs or gives you lectures o" ho, to ru" your
perso"al li8e. 2t>s really a sta$p o8 royal approval. 2t $ea"s he li7es you e"ough to
,a"t to protect you %y givi"g you the a-va"tage o8 his superior ,is-o$.
Leo %osses ca" %e very 8u""y. They ca" have 8ear8ul rages5 a"- the" pout %ehi"-
close- -oors 8or hours ,he" they thi"7 they>ve %ee" i"sulte-. They $elt u"-er
8lattery -espite the$selves. They -ress ,ell5 eat ,ell a"- sleep ,ell. They>re ,ar$
a"- ge"erous to a 8ault5 a"- i8 they get the respect they -e$a"-5 they ca" tur"
8ailure i"to victory over"ight ,ith a" a,eso$e stre"gth o8 character. The lio" gets
tre$e"-ous i""er satis8actio" 8ro$ givi"g or-ers5 a"- -eliveri"g lectures is
so$ethi"g he>s especially 8o"- o8 -oi"g.
=ou $ay have the 7i"- o8 Leo e$ployer ,ho hi-es his hu"ger 8or the spotlight
u"-er a 'uiet -e$ea"or. 4ut the typical -ig"ity5 pri-e a"- va"ity o8 the Su" sig" is
;ust as $uch a part o8 his %asic "ature as it is ,ith the -ra$atic types. A"y -ou%tsA
Try to pu"cture his ego i" the s$allest ,ayB the" sta"- %ac7 out o8 ra"ge.
&"e Leo %oss 2 ha-5 ,ho 8ell i"to the 'uiet pussycat category5 use- to call a special
$eeti"g o8 the e"tire sta88 i" his o88ice every Tues-ay $or"i"g. The oste"si%le
reaso" ,as to i$prove ,or7i"g relatio"ships5 %ut the real $otive %ehi"- those
,ee7ly sessio"s ,as that they ,ere the shy Leo>s %ig cha"ce to -eliver his thoughts
to a captive au-ie"ce. 4less his heart5 it ,as his $o$e"t o" stage.
/he" he>s treate- right5 there>s "o o"e o" earth ,ho ca" %e as lova%le as the lio".
/hat i8 he -oes see7 a-$iratio" i" huge -oses to 8ee- his i"satia%le va"ityA Most o8
the ti$e5 he ho"estly -eserves to %e a-$ire-. .e $ay plagiari3e your i-eas a"- ro%
you o8 cre-it "o, a"- the". =ou $ay ,eary o8 liste"i"g to his co"-esce"-i"g
a-vice a"- o8 telli"g hi$ ho, super he is. 4ut "o other %oss ,oul- have let you
7eep the %a%y carriage right "e:t to your -es7 that ti$e you lost your sitter. &8
course5 you ,oul- have pre8erre- the ti$e o88 to care 8or the i"8a"t at ho$e. 4ut the
%oss "ee-e- you at the o88ice. A"- a8ter all5 he>s the %a%y>s #o-8ather.

The L+& +$ployee
The su" ,as shi"i"g o" the sea5
Shi"i"g ,ith all his $ight9
.e -i- his very %est to $a7e
The %illo,s s$ooth a"- %right-A"- this ,as o--5 %ecause it ,as
The $i--le o8 the "ight.
28 your e$ployee is a typical Leo5 it ,ill %e al$ost i$-D possi%le to ig"ore hi$. 28
he>s a 'uiet Leo5 it ,oul-">t J %e ,ise to ig"ore hi$. The $ore aggressive lio" ,ill
8orce ; you to appreciate his tale"ts a"- recog"i3e his value %y D si$ply telli"g you
ho, ,o"-er8ul he is. The shy pussycat
type ,ill pout u"til you give hi$ the sa$e treat$e"t. D 2t a--s up to the sa$e thi"g.
Do">t ig"ore your Leo e$-> ployees.
/hether the lio" roars 8ro$ ce"ter stage or %i-es his ti$e i" the ,i"gs5 he is prou-.
.e is -ig"i8ie-. .e 7"o,s his superiority a"- he -oes">t ,a"t a"yo"e to overloo7 it.
B Leos are "ot the 7i"- to hi-e their light u"-er a %ushel. D 28 tri%ute is">t pai- to their
va"ity5 %oth types o8 lio"s ,ill 8i"- a"other sava""ah to ho"or ,ith their prese"ce.
They ca">t %ear to %e u"-eresti$ate-.
All Leos love titles. The %igger a"- 8a"cier5 the %etter. B &88er the lio" a su%sta"tial
raise5 %ut give the 8ello, at the "e:t -es7 the title o8 <!hie8 o8 &88ice !oor-i"atio"5<
a"- the lio" ,o">t tha"7 you 8or the e:tra cash i" his pay e"velope. .e>ll %e too %usy
%roo-i"g over the i"crease- status o8 his co-,or7er5 ,ho coul-">t possi%ly -eserve
such a pro$otio" as $uch as he -oes5 o8 course.
2t>s "ot perversity that causes hi$ to i"sist o" his rights. .e ,as %or" to %e the
$aster o8 all he surveys. Lea-ership is a" i"here"t part o8 his "ature a"- i$possi%le
to root out co$pletely. Leo is 8ully e'uippe- to ta7e charge. .e 8eels useless a"-
helpless5 as ,ell as u",a"te-5 ,he" he>s "ot assu$i"g so$e 7i"- o8 o%ligatio". 28
there>s "othi"g else availa%le to %uil- his se"se o8 i$porta"ce5 hell get it %y ha"-i"g
out 8ree a-vice to his 8rie"-s a"- 8a$ily. Stra"gers ,o">t %e "eglecte-5 either. Leo
scatters his pearls o8 ,is-o$ i$partially. .e>ll tell you ho, $uch you shoul- pay
8or havi"g a" e:tra roo$ %uilt over your garage5 cou"sel your secretary a%out her
ali$o"y pro%le$s5 i"8or$ the clea"i"g ,o$a" ,hat 7i"- o8 oi"t$e"t to use o" her
sore toe5 a"- e:plai" to the $ail$a" ho, he coul- $a7e his -eliveries $ore
e88icie"tly. The less i$porta"t he is o" the ;o%5 the $ore seriously he>ll practice his
cou"seli"g service5
2 7"o, o"e Leo $a" ?the 'uiet type@ ,ho ,or7e- 8or a large co$pa"y. (or years5
his 8a$ily ha- the vague i$pressio" that he ,as the -istrict sales $a"ager. 2"
reality5 he ,as a" or-i"ary sales$a" a"- a route supervisor5 as ,ell as o"e o8 the
$ost i"-ispe"sa%le $e" i" the co$pa"y. Si"ce he coul-">t %e sales $a"ager u"til
the ,ell-'uali8ie- $a" ,ho hel- the title ha- retire-5 the Leo s,allo,e- his i";ure-
pri-e5 a"- satis8ie- his leo"i"e va"ity %y allo,i"g his 8a$ily to assu$e he ha- the
.is e"or$ous se"se o8 respo"si%ility ,as evi-e"t i" his co"siste"t loyalty a"-
-evotio" over the years. .e spe"t a 'uarter o8 a ce"tury supplyi"g creative
a-vertisi"g i-eas to the 8ir$ that pai- o88 i" stea-ily risi"g pro8its. At the sa$e ti$e5
he co$pete"tly supervise- the co$pa"y>s truc7 routes at all hours5 i" all 7i"-s o8
,eather5 a"- ,aite- 8or the recog"itio" he -eserve-5 %ut his pro$otio" to the top
positio" ,as al,ays ;ust arou"- the cor"er. /he" the sales $a"ager 8i"ally retire-5
a you"ger $a" ,as %rought i" 8ro$ Ne, =or7 to ta7e over. That ,as the -ay the
Leo 'uit. There ,as a heavy !apricor" i"8lue"ce i" his chart5 so the situatio" ,as
easier 8or hi$ to %ear tha" it ,oul- have %ee" 8or the typical Leo5 %ut he>ll carry the
scars o8 the -eep ,ou"- to his pri-e all his li8e. There>s "othi"g i" this ,orl- as sa-
as the sight o8 the -ig"i8ie- lio" ro%%e- o8 the respect he -esperately see7s a"- has
ho"estly ear"e-.
=ou ha- %etter $a7e a "ote that the leo"i"e se"se o8 respo"si%ility5 ,hich ca" %e so
i$pressive5 usually -oes">t sho, itsel8 u"til $aturity. 2" his youth5 the lio" is the
classical play%oy5 pra"ci"g ;oyously through -ays a"- "ights o8 ,i"e5 ,o$e" a"-
so"g5 ,eari"g the 8lashiest clothes i" the group5 $a7i"g everyo"e laugh at his
clo,"-li7e a"tics a"- roari"g ,he" so$eo"e steps o" his $ag"i8ice"t tail.
2t>s usually ,ise to use you"g Leo e$ployees i" pro$otio" a"- sales. They>re
"atural sho,$e"5 a"- they>ll 7eep your custo$ers happy ,ith their ,ar$5 su""y
-ispositio"s. Later5 as they $ature5 the %ig cats ca" gra-ually %e ease- i"to the top
positio"s5 ,here they>ll usually live up to every %it o8 respo"si%ility you give the$.
2t>s a s$art %oss ,ho 7"o,s at ,hat poi"t the lio" has gra-uate- 8ro$ the role o8
play%oy pri"ce to the ;ust5 -ig"i8ie- 7i"g.
2t>s a stra"ge thi"g a%out Leos o8 %oth se:es. 0"-er"eath their %rave 8ro"ts5 they
secretly 8ear they have "o real courage They ca" %ehave ,ith the $ost e:asperati"g
pri-e a"- outrageous va"ity5 -isplay i"su88era%le ego5 e:hi%it perio-s o8 pure
la3i"ess. The" alo"g co$es a crisis or e$erge"ce5 either o" the ;o% or i" their
perso"al lives. Su--e"ly5 to everyo"e>s surprise5 the lio" a"- lio"ess sho,
the$selves to %e the stea-y o"es. &"ly u"-er great pressure5 ,eighe- -o," %y the
heaviest %ur-e"s li8e has to o88er5 -oes the i""er stre"gth %or" i" this Su" sig" co$e
8orth i" all its glory.
Jac'ueli"e Fe""e-y>s chil-hoo- o8 ease a"- co$8ort le8t people totally u"prepare-
8or her i"cre-i%le courage i" the 8ace o8 u"spea7a%le trage-y. The Leo ,ith the
reputatio" o8 a play%oy ,ill surprise his 8rie"-s ,he" he %ravely a"- cheer8ully
supports a" i"vali- ,i8e a"- t,o el-erly au"ts a8ter a thoughtless5 care8ree5
irrespo"si%le youth. Those %or" u"-er the sig" o8 the Lio" a"- rule- %y the Su"
"ever guess ,hat a,eso$e po,er they possess u"til the test co$es. 0"til that ti$e5
al,ays re$e$%er5 they are o"ly prete"-i"g to %e stro"g. The lio">s 8ierce roar hi-es
a" i"8eriority co$ple: ,hich is totally u""ecessary.
28 Leo ca">t %e the %oss5 the" he $ust have a positio" ,here he ca" -isplay his
tale"ts a"- a%ilities to the ,orl- i" so$e ,ay. A8ter cha"gi"g ;o%s a -o3e" ti$es
%ecause he has">t a-va"ce- to at least a vice presi-e"cy5 the typical Leo ,ill usually
hea- 8or a pro8essio" ,here he ca" %e his o," %oss. 28 the role o8 e:ecutive or
lea-er is -e"ie- the$5 they>re happier as teachers5 sales$e"5 -octors5 la,yers5
$a"agers5 cou"selors5 spea7ers5 a""ou"cers5 actors5 actresses5 ,riters or eve"
plu$%ers a"- tourist gui-es. The lio" see7s a" occupatio" ,hich allo,s hi$ to give
his superior 7"o,le-ge to others i" so$e $a""er5 or to sta"- i" the %right spotlight
o8 pu%licity. They shi"e the %rightest i" the 8iel-s o8 politics a"- pu%lic relatio"s.
Feep i" $i"- that the Leo e$ployee ,ill either %eco$e a" e:ecutive o" your o,"
level i" a reaso"a%le le"gth o8 ti$e5 or he>ll leave. .e ca" "ever %e co"te"t to ,or7
%ehi"- the sce"es. The applause he "ee-s is out 8ro"t. Still5 you>re luc7y to have the
lio" 8or ,hatever perio- he re$ai"s ,ith you. .e>ll ,or7 har-er tha" al$ost a"yo"e
else to sho, you ,hat a ,o"-er8ul perso" he is5 a"- a stea-y supply o8 co$pli$e"ts
,ill i"spire hi$ to a poi"t ,here he>ll sho, a" u"%elieva%le vitality 8ar %eyo"- the
li$its o8 "or$al e"-ura"ce. /ithhol-i"g 8lattery 8ro$ your Leo e$ployee ,ill ro%
you o8 at least 8i8ty perce"t o8 his pote"tial value.
See that your lio"ess gets her va"ity plu$pe- up regularly too. &ccasio"ally %ri"g
her a yello, rose to tuc7 i" her hair5 a"- "ever $i"- the ,hispers o8 the gossips.
=ou ca">t a88or- to lose her. The gossips -o">t have her virtues a"- a%ilities. Tell her
8re'ue"tly ho, lovely she loo7s5 ho, s$art she is5 a"- occasio"ally ha"- her co$-
pli$e"tary tic7ets to a co"cert or a gala a88air. Al,ays t,o tic7ets5 please5 %ecause
the Leo girl ,ill i"varia%ly %e $arrie-5 %e i" love or have a special %oy 8rie"- i" all
As 8or the lio"5 ta7e hi$ to lu"ch o8te"5 i" a" e:pe"sive restaura"t5 ,here i$porta"t
people ca" see hi$ ,ith the %ig $a". Let %oth your $ale a"- 8e$ale Leo e$ployees
%e the o"es to trai" "e, ,or7ers ,he" you ca". They ,o">t $i"- the e:tra ,or75
they>ll %e prou- o8 the respo"si%ility a"- they>ll love telli"g others ,hat to -o a"-
ho, to -o it.
A little astrological psychology5 cleverly applie-5 ca" $a7e your prou-5 touchy
Leos a real cre-it to the co$pa"y. They>ll -ecorate the o88ice ,ith their grace a"-
e"thusias$. Surrou"- the$ ,ith %right lights5 vivi- yello, or ora"ge -raperies a"-
carpets5 a"- the $ost e:pe"sive -es7s a"- type,riters you ca" a88or-. Nothi"g
-epresses a Leo>s spirit $ore tha" havi"g to ,or7 ,ith sha%%y5 o%solete e'uip$e"t5
u"less it>s ,or7i"g ,ith pessi$istic5 u"i$agi"ative people.
They>ll "ee- ge"erous e:pe"se accou"ts a"- a little e:tra ti$e 8or lu"ch. Meals are
social occasio"s 8or Leos5 a"- they use such opportu"ities to practice their art o8
pro$oti"g. Just give the$ the %arest i-ea to start ,ith5 a"- they>ll e:plo-e it i"to a
-ra$atic ca$paig" ,hich $ay %ri"g i" lots o8 "e, custo$ers. =ou ca">t e:pect
the$ to operate at 8ull spee- ,he" they have to ,atch the cloc7 a"- ,orry a%out
$o"ey. Leos ca" %e 8ast ,ith 8igures5 %ut so$eho, they sel-o$ lear" the 7"ac7 o8
cou"ti"g pe""ies.
As 8or the cloc75 it cra$ps their style. The lio" is easy to ta$e5 ,he" you 7"o,
ho,. 1ela: the rules slightly a"- let -o," the %ars a little. These e$ployees ca">t %e
8e"ce- i"5 or they>ll sul7 a,ay the hours a"- lose their %right i"ce"tive.
2t>s s$art to hire a Leo. .e>ll a-- a -ash o8 e:cite$e"t a"- he ca" carry so$e
giga"tic loa-s o" his %ac7 ,ithout co$plai"i"g. .e "ee-s a rich -iet o8
co$pli$e"ts5 authority5 raises5 titles a"- 8ree-o$5 %ut it>s "ot too high a price to pay
8or his i"tellige"ce5 loyalty5 8aith5 i-eas a"- se"se o8 respo"si%ility. A8ter all5 ho,
$a"y %osses have royalty o" the payrollA (ee- %oth your %ig cats a"- shy pussycats
ple"ty o8 cat"ip5 a"- they>ll ;usti8y it %y %ei"g your %iggest %oosters5 as prou- o8
your co$pa"y as i8 they o,"e- it the$selves. The lio">s heart is as %ig as his ego.
<28 seve" $ai-s ,ith seve" $ops
S,ept it 8or hal8 a year5 Do you suppose5< the /alrus sai-5
<That they coul- get it clearA< <2 -ou%t it5< sai- the !arpe"ter5
A"- she- a %itter tear.

21#&5 the irgi"
August 24th through Septe$%er 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The 21#& Ma"
The 21#& /o$a"
The 21#& !hil-
The 21#& 4oss
The 21#& +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e 21#&
<&"ly $ustar- is">t a %ir-5< Alice re$ar7e-. <1ight as usual5< sai- the DuchessB
</hat a c8ear ,ay you have o8 putti"g thi"gsI<
irgo is the sig" o8 the virgi"5 %ut you ca">t ta7e the sy$%olis$ too literally. 2 ca"
assure you that a Septe$%er %irth-ay is "o guara"tee o8 virgi"ity. Although lots o8
irgos re$ai" %achelors a"- spi"sters5 there are also ple"ty ,ho 8i"ally settle i"to
co""u%ial %liss. They $ay "ot -o so ,ith a"y su--e" %urst o8 8ire a"- passio"5
%ecause $arriage is "ot a "atural state 8or the irgi"ia" "atureB yet it>s surprisi"g
ho, $a"y o8 the$ $aster its tea$,or75 a"- they>re al$ost al,ays -evote- to their
Marrie- or si"gle5 it>s 8airly si$ple to spot the irgo i" pu%lic. (or o"e thi"g5 he
,o">t %e $a7i"g $uch "oise. .e>s "ot e:actly garrulous5 a"- he>ll sta"- out as a
lo"er. See that ge"tle5 attractive $a" over there i" the co$er5 ,ith the thesaurus
u"-er his ar$A The o"e ,ith the tic7-toc7 $i"-5 clic7i"g a,ay the hours "eatly a"-
$etho-ically "otici"g the s$allest -etailsA 28 you loo7 closely5 you ca" al$ost see
hi$ $easuri"g each $i"ute 8or ,hat it>s ,orth. .e>s a irgo. See that 'uiet girl ,ith
the %eauti8ul5 so8t eyes5 ,aiti"g 8or the %usA Notice her spic7-a"--spa" ,hite gloves5
her cool $a""er. She>ll have the e:act coi"s 8or the 8are rea-y i" her ha"-. She
,oul-">t -rea$ o8 as7i"g the %us -river to cha"ge a 8ive -ollar %ill. She>s a irgo.
Social gatheri"gs are "ot the %est hu"ti"g grou"-s ,he" you>re searchi"g 8or these
per8ectio"ists. =ou>re $ore li7ely to 8i"- the$ ,or7i"g late at the o88ice tha" %ei"g
gregarious at a coc7tail party. 2t>s "ot easy 8or irgos to rela: su88icie"tly to e";oy
the care8ree social s,i$5 %ecause they>re %asically u"co$8orta%le i" cro,-s. They
so$eti$es $a7e atte$pts to 8ollo, the party routi"e5 through pure 8rustratio"5 %ut
-uty ,histles too i"siste"tly to allo, 8or $uch 8rivolity. So$eti$es5 irgo ca"
$a7e !apricor" loo7 li7e a goo--ti$e .arry5 a"- that>s really goi"g so$e. =ou>ll
sel-o$ see the$ %lo,i"g %u%%les i" the air or %uil-i"g castles i" the sa"-. irgos
are too %usy to -ay-rea$5 a"- they>re usually too tire- at "ight to ,ish o" stars.
The 8irst thi"g you>ll "otice a%out the typical irgo is the -e8i"ite i$pressio" he
gives that there>s a serious pro%le$ o" his $i"- he>s struggli"g to solve-or a vague
8eeli"g that he>s secretly ,orrie- a%out so$ethi"g. .e pro%a%ly is. /orry co$es
"aturally to hi$. &"e $ight eve" say he>s a88ectio"ately attache- to the ha%it. 2t>s a"
i"ta"gi%le thi"g5 a"- elusive5 %ut his -elight8ul s$ile ,ill al,ays see$ to %e hi-i"g
so$e great trou%le.
Although the asce"-a"t a"- other "atal positio"s ca" $o-i8y the typical Jac7 Spratt
spare 8igure5 you ca" ge"erally loo7 8or a rather ,iry %uil-5 a"- u"usually lovely5
'uiet eyes. irgo eyes are o8te" so asto"ishi"gly clear you ca" al$ost see your
re8lectio" i" the$. They spar7le ,ith i"tellige"ce a"- clarity o8 thought. There>s a
purity a"- tra"'uility o8 e:pressio" o" irgo 8eatures that see$s to -e"y those
secret ,orries. Most o8 the$ are e:tre$ely attractive5 ,ith -elicate "oses5 ears a"-
lips. There>s certai"ly "o lac7 o8 grace a"- char$5 a"- there $ay %e a %it o8 va"ity
,hich pops up at o-- $o$e"ts. irgos are very critical o8 their o," photographs
a"- 8ussy i" the e:tre$e a%out ho, they loo75 %oth o" 8il$ a"- i" perso". 28 you>re
o%serva"t5 you>ll catch the$ pri$pi"g i" 8ro"t o8 a $irror ,he" they thi"7 "o o"e is
loo7i"g. They>re al,ays ,ell tur"e- out5 a"- usually $eticulous5 i8 co"servative5
-ressers. irgo Maurice !hevalier ,oul- rather %e caught ,ithout a so"g tha"
,ithout his %outo""iere a"- his tie tac7.
The irgo is "or$ally a s$all perso"5 certai"ly "o gia"t5 %ut he>s $uscular5 a"- he
has 8ar $ore stre"gth tha" his 8ragile appeara"ce suggests. These people ca" sta"-
$ore i"te"se ,or7 over a lo"ger perio- o8 ti$e tha" the tougher5 $ore %ra,"y
sig"s-i8 they ca" avoi- a "ervous %rea7-o," i" the process. Although they>re e:-
ter"ally capa%le a"- cool5 i""er a":ieties g"a, a,ay at the$5 upsetti"g their
-igestio" a"- their e$otio"al %ala"ce. Tac7li"g $ore ,or7 tha" they ca" sa8ely
$a"age5 a"- the" strai"i"g the$selves to the %rea7i"g poi"t to 8ul8ill the o%ligatio"s
is %ehi"- $a"y a irgo>s ragge- "erves. They ,ere $ea"t to %e cal$ a"- soothi"g
,he" their i"tricate a"- -elicate $echa"is$s are ru""i"g s$oothly a"- the ,heels
are">t clogge- ,ith %rai" 8atigue.
irgos are u"'uestio"a%ly -epe"-a%le a"- si"cere. Nevertheless5 they>re capa%le o8
prete"-i"g to %e sic7 ,he" they -o">t ,a"t to go so$e,here or -o so$ethi"g. At
these ti$es5 the late"t irgi"ia" tale"t 8or acti"g co$es 8orth. &ccasio"ally5 they
$a"age to co"vi"ce the$selves o8 such i$agi"ary ills5 %ut the cool eye a"- clear
hea- o8 Mercury-rule- people i"sure that $ost i"sta"ces o8 such sel8--eceptio" are
short-live-. They are 8asti-ious a"- e:acti"g i" groo$i"g5 eati"g5 ,or7i"g a"-
ro$a"ce. =our "eat irgo 8rie"- ,ho loo7s as i8 he ;ust steppe- out o8 the sho,er
pro%a%ly ;ust -i-. .e ta7es $ore %aths a"- sho,ers tha" a"y 8our people you 7"o,
put together. .e also has very precise i-eas a%out health5 little patie"ce ,ith
la3i"ess5 a"- very 8e, illusio"s a%out li8e a"- people5 eve" ,he" he>s i" love. Male
or 8e$ale5 ro$a"ce "ever clou-s irgo>s eyes ,ith a thic7 e"ough 8il$ to %li"- hi$
to a"y e:isti"g 8la,s a"- shortco$i"gs i" either the relatio"ship or i" the love- o"e.
To use the i-io$ o8 the -ay5 irgo al,ays <7"o,s ,here it>s at5< though the sla"g-
hati"g irgos ,ill shri"7 i" -istaste 8ro$ that phrase.
&8 course5 you shoul-">t get the i-ea that everyo"e %or" i" late August or Septe$%er
is 8ussy5 prissy a"- -og$atic. Lots o8 irgi"ia"s shi"e ,ith a clever Mercury ,it-i8
you catch their si-e re$ar7s-a"- they pro;ect a %right5 Mercurial char$ that>s har-
to resist. Sophia Lore" is a irgo5 ,hich shoul- settle that poi"t o"ce a"- 8or all.
=ou $ay ru" across a irgo ,ho is so %usy 7eepi"g the cor"ers o8 his ?or her@ $i"-
"eat a"- or-erly that he>s %eco$e careless a%out his clothi"g or his surrou"-i"gs5
,hich $ay 8ool you ,he" you catch hi$ i" a" o88 $o$e"t. 4ut ,ait. Soo"er or
later you>ll 8i"- hi$ pic7i"g up a pi" 8ro$ the rug5 %rushi"g his hair or pi"chi"g a
piece o8 li"t o88 his shoul-er.
Although they -rea$ very 8e, i$possi%le -rea$s5 irgos o8te" have the
i"co"siste"t trait o8 loo7i"g li7e lovely -rea$ers-as i8 they ,ere all ,rappe- up i"
the very rai"%o,s their logical $i"-s re8use to %elieve i" or 8ollo,.
/he" they>re a""oye- %y vulgarity5 stupi-ity or careless"ess5 irgos ca" su--e"ly
%eco$e cra"7y5 irrita%le5 scol-i"g a"- "ervous. 4ut $ost o8 the ti$e they>re ge"tle
8ol75 a"- 'uite "ice to have arou"-5 especially arou"- the sic7 roo$. So$e o8 the
8i"est "urses are %or" u"-er this sig"5 8ull o8 e88icie"t sy$pathy a"- crisp capa%ility.
/he" you have a hea-ache5 your irgo 8rie"- is the o"e $ost li7ely to ru" to the
-rugstore 8or you. 28 you>re at his place5 he ,o">t have 8ar to go5 %ecause there ,ill
pro%a%ly %e a $i"iature -rugstore right i" his house. .is %athroo$ $e-ici"e ca%i"et
is usually loa-e- -o," ,ith pate"t relie8s 8or sto$ach-ache5 co"stipatio"5 upset
liver or aci- i"-igestio". *ee7 i"si-e so$eti$e. .e>ll "ever ta7e a -rug u"less he>s
8a$iliar ,ith each i"gre-ie"t a"- ho, it ,or7s5 so hell %e a" e:pert at telli"g you
,hich re$e-y ,ill %e %est 8or your hea-ache5 -epe"-i"g o" ,hat cause- it. irgos
,ho travel o8te" ta7e their porta%le -rugstores right alo"g ,ith the$. They $ay
carry a" e:tra suitcase5 ;ust 8or the pills a"- %ottles. 28 they>re use- to a certai" %ra"-
o8 soap or lotio"5 they>ll tuc7 that i"5 too. 2t ,oul- %e a -isaster i8 they happe"e- to
get stuc7 i" a to," ,here they -i-">t sell ,hat the irgo is accusto$e- to usi"g. .e
usually %uys his soap> a"- su"-ries %y the case5 %ecause it>s cheaper-or at least %y
the -o3e"-,hich is a"other reaso" he -oes">t li7e to purchase thi"gs e" route.
So$eti$es a irgo ,ill eve" tote his o," ,ater ,ith hi$ o" trips. Do">t laugh- -o
you 7"o, ,hat ca" happe" to a perso">s sto$ach ,he" .certai" 8oreig" %o-ies i"
stra"ge -ri"7i"g ,ater e"ter the -igestive syste$A irgos ca" tell you. /he" these
people 8or$ ha%its5 they 8or$ ha%its5 a"- ta7i"g a vacatio" or a %usi"ess trip is "o
e:cuse to %rea7 the$. 28 he>s use- to .7eepi"g his soc7s i" the $i--le le8t-ha"-
-ra,er o8 the %ureau at ho$e5 that>s ,here the soc7s go i" the hotel roo$. 28 it>s o"e
o8 those %ureaus ,ith o"ly three large -ra,ers5 a"- "o choice o8 le8t or right5 it ca"
really ha"g hi$ up 8or a,hile. .e $ay e"- up ;ust leavi"g the$ i" the suitcase5 %ut
his sleep ,ill %e restless. The "e:t $or"i"g5 the ,aitress i" the hotel -i"i"g roo$
,ill 'uic7ly lear" that 2 ,he" the irgo says three-$i"ute eggs5 he -oes">t $ea" 2
t,o $i"utes a"- 8orty-8ive seco"-s. &r ,he" he says su""y-B si-e up5 he -oes">t
$ea" su""ysi-e -o,". A"- hell > -e8i"itely %ase his tip o" her atte"tio" to such
A irgo $ay critici3e your state$e"ts ,ith hairsplitti"g argu$e"ts ,hich -rive you
,il-5 %ut i8 you are i" a ;a$5 D he>ll also 'uic7ly step i" to tur" thi"gs right si-e up
agai" Q ,ith "o $otive e:cept to serve. 28 the ;o% you tac7le- has you so %ogge-
-o," i" %ori"g -etails you -espair o8 $eeti"g the -ea-li"e5 irgo ,ill roll up his
sleeves a"- pitch i" ,illi"gly. 2t>s "ot ego that $a7es hi$ itch to ta7e over ,he"
thi"gs are i" a sha$%les. 2t>s ;ust that his or-erly Mercurial $i"- ca">t sta"-
procrasti"atio"5 "eglecte- -etails or co"8usio" o8 purpose. .e $ay eve" straighte"
thi"gs out %e8ore he>s as7e-5 ,ith "o i"te"tio" o8 ru-e"ess5 %ecause %ri"gi"g or-er
out o8 chaos is i"sti"ctive ,ith hi$. .e>s the 7i"- o8 guest ,ho ,ill happily help the
hostess clea" up a8ter the party. 4ut he>s also the 7i"- o8 guest ,ho ,ill "otice
i$$e-iately that you have care8ully place- the Satur-ay 1evie, o" the co88ee ta%le
to hi-e a" ugly stai"5 a"- arra"ge- the cushio"s o" the couch to cover the cigarette
Li7e the Li%ra"5 irgo is 'uic7 to -e"y his ha%its a"- traits. .e has a" appare"t
%li"-"ess to his 8aults a"- he see$s u"a%le to see his o," ,ea7"esses i" as clear a
light as he sees everythi"g else. 4ut the truth is that he -oes see the$-a"- he sees
the$ i" such i"8i"ite -etail that he ca">t %ear to hear the$ ge"erali3e-. Try to tell a
typical irgo he>s critical5 a ,orrier5 8ussy5 "eat or u"usually co"cer"e- ,ith -iet
a"- health5 a"- you>ll 8ace a 8iat -e"ial. /ho5 hi$A .e>s "ot li7e that at all. 2 still
have the te"-page letter 8ro$ a irgo house,i8e5 ,ritte" i" a ti"y5 precise
ha"-,riti"g5 i" ,hich she care8ully -etails all the reaso"s ,hy the -escriptio"s o8
her Su" sig" -o">t 8it her5 "ever reali3i"g that the very or-erly 8or$ a"- le"gth o8
her hairsplitti"g co$plai"t ,as givi"g her a,ay.
<2>$ ;ust "ot "eat5< she ,rote. <My house is terri%ly sloppy.< 4ut the" she co"ti"ue-5
<A8ter all5 2 -o have t,o very s$all chil-re"5 ,ho co"sta"tly $a7e $esses ,hich
-rive $e cra3y. 2 pic7 up a8ter the$ every seco"- o8 the -ay.< ?She the" procee-e-
to ite$i3e her e"-less chores5 o"e %y o"e5 very care8ully.@ <2 try to 7eep thi"gs i" a
particular spot5 a"- 2 "ever ,aste ti$e rea-i"g or ,atchi"g T li7e $y "eigh%ors
-o. 4ut thi"gs are still u"ti-y ,he" $y hus%a"- gets ho$e 8or -i""er. 2 -o">t thi"7
he has a"y right to co$plai"5 %ecause 2 -o ,or7 till a8ter $i-"ight ,hile he>s
sleepi"g5 getti"g the house i" shape 8or $or"i"g. 2 coul-">t get %rea78ast i" a -irty
7itche". Dirt %ree-s ger$s5 a"- sic7"ess sprea-s 8ast i" a 8a$ily. 4ut %e8ore he
leaves 8or ,or7 everythi"g>s a $ess agai". So this "eat"ess thi"g a%out irgos really
a""oys $e. 2>$ really "ot "eat. 2>$ also "ot a ,orrier "or a hypocho"-riac. 2 "ever
critici3e $y hus%a"->s $ista7es ,ith the chec7 %oo75 at least "ot very o8te"5 %ecause
it>s "ot a ,i8e>s place to -o that. . . . 2>- li7e to %e "eat5 %ut ,hat ca" 2 -o ,ith the
chil-re" a"- allA 1eally5 i8 you coul- see ho, they . ..< a"- so o". ?Naturally5 she
care8ully i"clu-e- a sel8-a--resse-5 sta$pe- e"velope 8or a reply.@ The last li"e i"
her letter ,o"-ere-5 <!a" you tell $e ,hy the -escriptio"s o8 $y Su" sig" -o">t 8it
$e at allA< So$e-ay 2 pla" to have those pages 8ra$e- a"- ha"g the$ o" the ,all
u"-er a sy$%ol o8 irgo.
=ou shoul- %e a%le to pic7 out a irgo i" a roo$8ul o8 people ,ith "o trou%le. .e>s
i"capa%le o8 sitti"g still 8or very lo"g. A8ter a ,hile5 he>ll %eco$e visi%ly restless
a"- pace the 8loor or cha"ge chairs li7e a ;u$pi"g ;ac75 a"- pro;ect a vague se"se o8
urge"cy as i8 he>s late 8or a"other appoi"t$e"t so$e,here. At the sa$e ti$e5 the
8acial e:pressio" ,ill portray a certai" tra"'uility5 h7e a $as7. The 8ull -a$age
cause- %y irgo>s "ervous i"te"sity sel-o$ sho,s co$pletely o" the outsi-e5 %ut it
surely ca" $ess up the -igestive syste$ i"si-e. That>s ,hy you>ll o8te" 8i"- the$
carryi"g a roll o8 Tur"s 8or the tu$$y.
2t>s i$porta"t to $e"tio" here the still u"see" pla"et ulca"5 the true ruler o8 irgo5
si"ce its -iscovery is sai- to %e i$$i"e"t. The -iscovery o8 the true ruler o8 a sig"
cha"ges the characteristics o8 those %or" u"-er it. To give o"ly o"e e:a$ple5 -uri"g
the perio- ,he" %oth A'uarius a"- !apricor" ,ere rule- %y Satur"5 the (e%ruary-
%or"5 such as A%raha$ Li"col"5 clearly sho,e- the $ela"choly traits o8 that pla"et.
4ut ,he" 0ra"us ?the sy$%ol o8 electro"ics a"- space5 a"- the true ruler o8
A'uarius@ ,as Discovere--i" its proper ti$e i" the u"iversal pla"- M.'uaria"s %ega"
to re8lect 'ualities o8 restless -iscovery5 $- a $ore electric5 u"pre-icta%le5
progressive perso"ality5 Buch as that o8 0ra"us-rule- A'uaria" (ra"7li" D. 1oose-
velt. Ma"y astrologers 8eel that ulca"5 the pla"et o8 thu"-er5 ,ill %eco$e visi%le
through telescopes ,ithi" a 8e, years. Shortly %e8ore or a8ter ulca" $oves close
e"ough to the earth to %e see"5 irgos "o, livi"g5 as ,eu as those %or" i" the
8uture5 ,ill lose $uch o8 the Mercurial @ressure that causes the prese"t "ervous
strai". Mercury Aei"g $ore co$pati%le ,ith the airy sig" o8 #e$i"i tha" ,ith the
earthy irgo. The thu"-erous ulca" ,ill also yvs to irgos their astrological
i"herita"ce o8 courage a"- so"8i-e"ce5 a"- ,ill release $a"y o8 the typical irgo
"hi%itio"s. A8ter ulca" is -iscovere-5 the last re$ai"i"g ria"et to %e i-e"ti8ie-5 ac
cor-i"g to a"cie"t pre-ictio"s5 is >Apollo5 the true ruler o8 Taurus. The" each Su"
sig" ,ill a"s,er to the vi%ratio"s o8 its right8ul ruler-t,elve sig"s a"- t,elve
heave"ly %o-ies. 2t>s i"teresti"g to "ote that ulca"5 i" #ree7 $ythology5 is the
la$e go- ,ith the %rillia"t $i"-. Ma"y irgos have a slight li$p5 or else so$e
peculiar a"- u"usual 'uality to the ,al7 or posture.
=ou ,o">t 8i"- those people lavish i" a88ectio" or i" spe"-i"g $o"ey. They>re
"or$ally pru-e"t i" %oth areas5 givi"g their love 'uietly a"- stea-ily ,ith little
-e$o"stra-tive"ess5 a"- ha"-li"g cash ;ust as co"servatively. Stra"gely5 as ,illi"g
as irgos are to give e88icie"t service to others5 they have a" al$ost "eurotic a"-
i"te"se -isli7e o8 accepti"g 8avors the$selves. They -o">t ,a"t to %e o%ligate- to
a"yo"e 8or a"y reaso". A"- they -o">t ,a"t to -epe"- o" a"yo"e %ut the$selves 8or
a"ythi"g. The -eeply i$%e--e- 8ear o8 -epe"-e"ce i" ol- age is ,hat $a7es $a"y
o8 the$ live so eco"o$ically as to %e calle- sti"gy. 4ut that>s really too harsh a
,or-. /he" there>s ple"ty o8 security a"- "o "ee- to ,orry a%out the 8uture5 irgo
,ill spe"- $o"ey $ore 8reely5 although eve" the" it ,ill %e spe"t ,ith 8ull value
receive-- -or %ac7 to the store 8or a re8u"-.
Though he has a%solutely "o sy$pathy 8or %eggars or i-le ,astrels5 he is u"8aili"gly
ge"erous ,he" a 8rie"- is i" trou%le. The irgo ,ho is al$ost $iserly ,here his
perso"al "ee-s are i"volve- ,ill $a7e char$i"g gestures o8 8i"a"cial ai- to those
,ho really -eserve it5 or to people he really li7es or loves. 4ut you>ll "ever 8i"- hi$
thro,i"g $o"ey a,ay carelessly5 %ecause ,aste is o"e o8 his pet peeves. irgos
la%or har- 8or ,hat they have5 a"- e:travaga"ce "ever 8ails to shoc7 the$. They
usually have a 8e, sharp thi"gs to say a%out spe"-thri8ts a"- people ,ho are too
la3y to ,or7.
There>s o"e thi"g that ,ill re$ove so$e o8 the sti"g o8 irgo>s criticis$5 ho,ever5
a"- that>s the 7"o,le-ge that he>s secretly as critical o8 hi$sel8 as he is o8 you. .e
;ust ca">t help seei"g the 8la,s5 %ecause he ,as %or" to "otice the ti"iest crac7 i" the
vase. .e ,o">t ta7e to late"ess a"y $ore 7i"-ly tha" he -oes to ,aste8ul"ess.
Actually5 to %e late is ,aste o8 a 7i"-. 2t>s a ,aste o8 ti$e5 a"- to irgo5 ti$e is the
stu88 o8 ,hich li8e is $a-e. So %e pu"ctual i8 you ,a"t to avoi- his sti"gi"g
-isapproval. (ra"7 Si"atra>s 8rie"-s have lear"e- that ,he" the si"ger says <-i""er
at eight5< he $ea"s eight5 a"- "ot eight-8i8tee" or eight-thirty. Although Si"atra is a
,ar$5 8iery Sagittaria" %y Su" sig"5 he -oes have a irgo asce"-a"t ,hich also
e:plai"s ,hy he>s so pai"sta7i"g a%out rehearsi"g a"- such a %ug 8or -etail i" $usic
arra"ge$e"ts. +very "ote a"- every to"e $ust %e e:actly correct ,he" he recor-s or
the sessio" ,ill %e repeate- u"til he>s satis8ie-. A-- such $eticulous a"- i$pecca%le
taste to the Sagittarius 8ire a"- ,ar$th a"- you ca" see ,hy he sells a so"g.
2t>s har- to u"-ersta"- ,hy irgi"ia"s are so$eti$es calle- sel8ish5 si"ce they
usually 8i"- $ore satis8actio" i" servi"g others tha" i" satis8yi"g their o," perso"al
a$%itio". The sel8ish la%el pro%a%ly arises 8ro$ the irgo a%ility to say <"o< a"-
really $ea" it. .e gives 8reely o8 his ti$e a"- e"ergy5 %ut he ,o">t go %eyo"- the
poi"t o8 reaso"a%le"ess. /he" -e$a"-s %eco$e e:cessive5 irgo ,ill %al7 a"-
$a7e his o%;ectio"s 'uiet clear5 perhaps too clear. As $uch as he loves to poi"t out
the 8la,s o8 others5 he 8iercely rese"ts ope" criticis$ o8 his o," $ista7es. /he" a
irgo $a7es a" error5 ,hich ,ill %e rare5 poi"t it out tact8ully i8 you ,a"t to 7eep
his 8rie"-ship.
irgos are surprisi"gly healthy5 i" spite o8 their traveli"g -rugstores ?u"less they
,orry the$selves i"to ill"ess through over,or75 $e"tal te"sio" a"- pessi$is$@.
They ta7e goo- care o8 their %o-ies a"- they>re 8ussy a%out their -iets. Still5 they
$ay co$plai" a%out $i"or ail$e"ts5 such as upset sto$ach5 i"-igestio"5 chro"ic
pai"s i" the i"testi"al area5 hea-aches a"- 8oot pro%le$s ?re$e$%er ulca"5 the
la$e go-@. They shoul- %a%y the$selves ,he" they have a chest col-5 %ecause
they>re suscepti%le to lu"g ail$e"ts i8 their i"-ivi-ual pla"ets are a88licte- i" the
"atal chart. They $ay %e plague- ,ith pai"s i" the hips5 ar$s5 shoul-ers- gout5
arthritis5 rheu$atic trou%les a"- so$eti$es sluggish liver a"- %ac7 aches. 4ut the
irgo>s co"cer" a%out his o," health ,ill preve"t $ost serious ill"ess. Ma"y o8
the$ are vegetaria"s. 28 "ot5 you ca" %et they 7"o, e:actly ,hat they shoul- eat a"-
ho, it shoul- %e coo7e-. No, a"- the" you $ay co$e across a ger$-co"scious
irgo ,ho ,ears ru%%er gloves to $i: a $eat loa8 or %oils his tooth-%rush every
"ight5 %ut that>s a" e:tre$e. Still5 eve" the average irgo ,ill %e sure to ,ash his
ha"-s ,ith vigor %e8ore a $eal.
irgos li7e cats5 %ir-s a"- s$all5 helpless creatures. They also li7e truth5
pu"ctuality5 eco"o$y5 pru-e"ce a"- -iscreet selectivity. They hate gushy se"ti$e"t5
-irt5 vulgarity5 slop-pi"ess a"- i-le"ess. Theirs is a practical "ature5 ,ith e:cessive
-iscri$i"atio"-the true i"-ivi-ualists5 ,hose 7ee" perceptio" 7eeps their -esires
clear o8 $u--y5 ,ish8ul thi"7i"g. A 8resh %ree3e %lo,s through the -rea$ o8 a
irgo5 s,eepi"g it 8ree o8 ,isps o8 ,il-5 i"accurate 8a"cies. &"ce he>s lear"e- to
$aster li8e>s co$plicate- -etails5 i"stea- o8 letti"g -etails $aster hi$5 he ca" shape
his o," -esti"y ,ith $ore certai"ty tha" a"y other Su" sig".
!ool gree" ;a-e a"- pure plati"u$ co$ple$e"t hi$ a"- %ri"g hi$ luc7. 4ut
irgi"ia" goo- 8ortu"e is al,ays 8ollo,e- %y 8ive 7i"-s o8 lo"eli"ess5 a"- -uty>s
clario" call is "ever still ,ithi" these ge"tle hearts. Do">t 8orget that the shy5 ,ist8ul
s$ile o8 irgo hi-es a secret or t,o. 4oth the 'uic7silver o8 Mercury a"- the -ista"t
thu"-er o8 ulca" ru" through his 'uiet %loo-5 as he -resses i" his 8avorite colors o8
gray5 %eige5 "avy %lue5 all sha-es o8 gree" a"- star7 ,hite. 0"-er"eath his serious
$a""er lies the alluri"g aura o8 the irgi"-purity o8 thought a"- purpose5
sy$%oli3e- %y the irgo hyaci"th. &"ce you>ve 7"o," the 8ragra"ce o8 this +aster
8lo,er5 you>re "ever 'uite 8ree o8 its spell. 2t retur"s each spri"g to hau"t the
$e$ory. irgo has its o,"5 secret ,ay o8 $a7i"g the heart re$e$%er.
(a$ous irgo *erso"alities
*ri"ce Al%ert Laure" 4acall 1o%ert 4e"chley 2"gri- 4erg$a" Leo"ar- 4er"stei"
Si- !aesar Maurice !hevalier Theo-ore Dreiser 6uee" +li3a%eth 2 .e"ry (or- 22
#reta #ar%o Arthur #o-8rey #oethe
Joh" #u"ther Ly"-o" Joh"so" +lia Fa3a" Joseph Fe""e-y La8ayette D. ..
La,re"ce Sophia Lore" .. L. Me"c7e" /alter 1euther !ar-i"al 1ichelieu *eter
Sellers 1o%ert Ta8t
/illia$ .o,ar- Ta8t 1oy /il7i"s

The 21#& Ma"
</hy5 i8 a 8ish ca$e to $e5 a"- tol- $e he ,as goi"g o" a ;our"ey5 2 shoul- say5
>/ith ,hat porpoiseA> < <Do">t you $ea" >purpose>A< sai- Alice. <2 $ea" ,hat 2
say5< the Moc7 Turtle replie- i" a" o88e"-e- to"e.
/e $ay as ,ell get this out i"to the ope" right a,ay. Do">t pi" your hopes o" a
irgo $a" i8 your heart is hu"gry 8or ro$a"tic -rea$s a"- 8airy tales5 or you>ll 8i"-
yoursel8 o" a starvatio" -iet. A love a88air ,ith a irgo ,ill -u$p a ,ar$
se"ti$e"talist o" the col- grou"- ,ith a har- thu-5 a"- it ca" hurt.
This $a" lives al$ost e"tirely o" a practical5 $aterial level5 a"- he has little use 8or
the a%stractio"s o8 story%oo7 ro$a"ce. &8 course5 the ,hole pro%le$ $ay %e
aca-e$ic a"y,ay5 si"ce it ,ill ta7e "o little e88ort to %ri"g hi$ a"y,here "ear the
threshol- o8 a $a"-,o$a" relatio"ship i" the 8irst place. .e>s "ot the type to
sere"a-e you %e"eath your %ou-oir ,i"-o,. =ou>ll have a lo"g5 lo"ely ,ait o" your
$oo"lit %alco"y u"til he starts cli$%i"g the rose trellis ?or the 8ire escape5 i8 you
live i" a ,al7-up@.
Actually5 irgos are -eeply i"volve- ,ith love 8ro$ earliest chil-hoo-5 %ut "ot the
1o$eo-Juliet 7i"- o8 love. .is chie8 ,ay o8 e:pressi"g the ,or- is co"cer"e- ,ith
u"sel8ish -evotio" to 8a$ily5 8rie"-s a"- those ,ea7er or $ore -isorga"i3e- tha"
hi$sel8. .e ,as %or" ,ith a" i"sti"ctive love o8 ,or75 love o8 -uty a"- -iscipli"e
a"- -evotio" to the helpless. +ve" the u"evolve- irgo5 5,ho -oes">t 'uite reach
such heights5 8eels slightly guilty that he is">t livi"g up to a sel8less i-eal i" so$e
The 7i"- o8 love ,hich -isplays itsel8 i" -ra$atic e$otio"s5 se"ti$e"tal pro$ises5
tear8ul -eclaratio"s a"- $ushy a88ectio"5 "ot o"ly leaves a irgo $a" col-5 it ca"
8righte" hi$ i"to catchi"g the "earest %us or trai" out o8 to,". ?*la"es are too 8ast
a"- too e:pe"sive 8or hi$5 u"less he>s really -esperate.@ 4ut he ca" %e $elte- i8 the
te$perature is ;ust right5 eve" though he see$s to %e $a-e o8 a co$%i"atio" o8 steel
a"- ice. There are -e8i"itely ,ays to the irgo heart. Secret ,ays. Aggressive
pursuit is "ot o"e o8 the$. Neither is co'uetry "or se:uality5 as $a"y a 8lirtatious
va$p a"- sli"7y sire" has lear"e-5 to her surprise a"- -isappoi"t$e"t.
irgos see7 'uality rather tha" 'ua"tity i" ro$a"ce. Si"ce 'uality is at pretty $uch
o8 a pre$iu$ i" a"y category5 they have 8e, real love a88airs5 a"- the 8e, they -o
have are -esti"e- to %e u"luc7y or sa- i" so$e ,ay5 $ore o8te" tha" "ot. irgo>s
reactio" to such a -isappoi"t$e"t is "or$ally to %ury hi$sel8 i" the har-est ,or7 he
ca" 8i"-5 stay a,ay 8ro$ society i" ge"eral5 a"- %e t,ice as cautious at the "e:t
opportu"ity. =ou ca" see that you>ll have to use co"si-era%le strategy a"- patie"ce.
The %asic irgi"ia" i"sti"ct is chastity5 a"- he>s tur"e- 8ro$ it o"ly 8or a goo- cause
or 8or a $ighty goo- ,o$a". Ma"y irgos-though a-$itte-ly "ot all-ca" live ,ith
celi%acy 8ar $ore easily tha" a"y other Su" sig"5 ;ust as they put up ,ith rules o8
-iscipli"e they -o">t u"-ersta"-5 %ecause o%e-ie"ce to 8ate ,ithout struggli"g co$es
"aturally to the$. 28 8ate -ecrees a si"gle li8e5 irgo is prepare- to accept it ,ithout
e:cess regret or e$otio"al trau$a5 so there are lots o8 irgo %achelors arou"--%ut
still5 i" their 'uiet ,ay5 they ca" $a"age so$e very poetic5 i8 8ragile5 love a88airs.
Although he>s "ever o%vious5 irgo ca" %e a $aster o8 the art o8 su%tle se-uctio". A
couple o8 ge"eratio"s o8 ,o$e" ,ho have tre$%le- i"si-e ,he" a certai" (re"ch-
$a" s$iles his shy5 ge"tle s$ile ca" tell you all a%out it. Maurice !hevalier -i-">t
%eco$e a lege"- %ecause he has a si"gi"g voice li7e !aruso5 you 7"o,. .e $ay "ot
%e o8 $y ge"eratio"5 %ut 2 too get %utter8lies i" the heart regio" ,he" 2 see or hear
The irgo $a" is a %le"- o8 sharp i"tellect a"- soli- earth. .e ca" %e -etache-
e"ough to %rea7 lots o8 hearts ,ith a cool 7i"- o8 8lirti"g5 %ut his critical a"alytical
se"se a"- his 8asti-ious -iscri$i"atio" sel-o$ allo, these 8re'ue"t e:cursio"s to
leave the plato"ic are"a. 2t has to %ur" ,ith a ,hite heat to pro-uce real passio" i" a
irgo. .is $o-esty a"- selectivity alo"e preve"t u"-ue pro$iscuity. &8 course5
there $ay %e a" occasio"al 8all i"to a" earthy5 physical e:perie"ce5 %ut such
i"-iscretio"s are the e:ceptio"5 rather tha" the rule. The rule is aloo8 i"terest. 2 7"o,
p"e irgo $a" ,ho accepte- a part i" o"e o8 those really ra, <8or a-ults o"ly<
8il$s5 %ut he -i- it strictly 8or the cash-he ,as 8lat %ro7e at the ti$e-a"- he still
%lushes ,he" a"yo"e $e"tio"s it. Naturally5 a $a" is a $a"5 a"- "ot all irgo9
re$ai" tech"ical virgi"s5 %ut they -o al,ays e$ai" puu i" outlool-. There>s
i"varia%ly so$ethi"g clea" i"- chaste a%out irgo love5 ,hich is "ever allo,e- to
%eco$e soile---cve" i" the $i-st o8 passio"- -"o $atter vhat u"8ortu"ate eve"ts
$ay give the out,ar- appeara"ce p8 casualtiesC.
.e>ll ta7e his o," precious ti$e a%out 8i"-i"g a love o%;ect5 %ecause he>s as critical
a"- pai"sta7i"g i" the selectio" o8 a ,o$a" as he is i" his eati"g5 groo$i"g5 health
Ea"- ,or7 ha%its. Do">t try to 8ool hi$ or lie to hi$. =our ;virgo lover hol-s "o
illusio"s. .e ,a"ts a -ece"t5 ho"est ?a"- ge"ui"e relatio"ship. .e 7"o,s very ,ell
ho, s$all Dhis cha"ces are o8 8i"-i"g it5 %ut it>s useless to e:pect hi$ Dto accept
a"ythi"g less. 28 circu$sta"ces ever -o i"volve Dhi$ i" a sor-i- a88air5 you ca" %e
certai" he ,o">t re$ai" Di" its clutches 8or lo"g.
D .e is a -i88icult $a" to stir e$otio"ally. .e ca" go 8or Da lo"g ti$e ,ithout 8eeli"g
a"y %ur"i"g "ee- 8or a per$a-2"e"t $ate. 2t>s e"ough to $a7e you cry i8 you>ve set
your D cap 8or hi$. =ou>ll ,o"-er i8 he>s $a-e o8 $ar%le or i8 he D,as %or" ,ithout a
heart. No5 he is">t $a-e o8 $ar%le Da"- yes5 he -oes have a heart. 4e patie"t. To her
,ho ?,aits co$es eve"tual success.
D No, a"- the" a curious5 8rustrate- irgo $ay try a D 8li"g at -eli%erate
pro$iscuous %ehavior5 si$ply to see i8 Dhe>s lac7i"g i" $asculi"ity. .e>s "ot5 o8
course5 a"- as D soo" as he -iscovers it5 he see7s "o $ore arti8icial e:pe-Drie"ces to
prove hi$sel8. No cool5 clear a"- collecte- irgo ca" %e i$$u"e to the call o8
hu$a" "ature 8otever5 %ut o"ce he -oes succu$%5 hell %e shy a%out a-$itti"g it.
/he" he>s o" the threshol- o8 su%$issio"5 he>ll cover his true 8eeli"gs ,ith
ela%orate casual"ess. There is $ore tha" a spar7 o8 su%-ue-5 %ut e:tre$ely re8i"e-
acti"g tale"t i" irgo. .e ,ill prete"- to %e -isi"tereste- as cleverly as he prete"-s
to %e ill ,he" he>s "ot e";oyi"g hi$sel8 at a party. Do">t e:pect hi$ to respo"- ,ith
a"y great -isplay o8 ecstatic surre"-er eve" a8ter he>s co$$itte-5 a"- ,hile he>s still
-eci-i"g i8 you>re really the o"e 8or ,ho$ he>ll 8orsa7e his si"gle state5 he>ll play it
$ighty cool5 i"-ee-.
&"ce he>s -eci-e- it>s 8or real5 ho,ever5 he>ll -eclare hi$sel8 ,ith touchi"g
si$plicity. .is love ,ill %ur" ,ith a stea-y 8la$e5 "ever 8luctuati"g li7e the love o8
other Su" sig"s5 a"- it ,ill give ,ar$th over the years ,ith ,o"-er8ul
-epe"-a%ility. 2s that so %a-A The o"e 'uality o8 8airy tale ro$a"ce a%out irgo is
that5 i8 he>s ge"ui"ely i" love5 he ,ill ,ait 8or years to clai$ his true $ate5 or travel
over a thousa"- $ou"tai"s to %ri"g her ho$e to his hearth. .e>s capa%le o8
e"or$ous sacri8ice i" the pursuit o8 that o"e -ai"ty 8oot he>s -iscovere- ,ill 8it the
glass slipper. There>s "o -e"yi"g that the 8la$e is stro"g5 o"ce it>s %ee" 7i"-le-. 2t>s
al$ost i$possi%le to e:ti"guish it. =ou>ll %e as eter"ally a-ore- as !i"-erella
hersel8. The tric75 2 suppose5 is i" the Qorigi"al 7i"-li"g. 2t>s a rare 8oot that 8its his
glass slipper. irgo is e"or$ously particular.
A8ter you>ve caught hi$5 hell sel-o$ i8 ever i"vite your ;ealousy5 a"- he>ll %e
-eter$i"e- to overco$e a"y rough spots cause- %y 8i"a"cial pro%le$s5 relatives or
outsi-e i"ter8ere"ce. .e>ll sho, i"cre-i%le stre"gth through e$otio"al a"- $aterial
har-ships5 as lo"g as you re$ai" %y his si-e. =ou coul-">t as7 8or a $ore te"-er5
ge"tle co$pa"io" ,he" your heart is %ro7e" 8or a"y reaso" %y a cruel ,orl- or
,he" you>re physically ill. .e ,o">t sho,er you ,ith $o"ey5 %ut you>ll %e ,ell
supplie- ,ith "ecessities5 a"- he ,ill sho,er you ,ith co"si-eratio".
A irgo $a" is i"varia%ly 7i"-ly a"- thought8ul a%out all those little thi"gs ,hich
$atter to ,o$e". .e has a crystal clear $e$ory a"- pro%a%ly ,o">t 8orget special
-ates5 though he $ay %e a %it $ysti8ie- as to ,hy you thi"7 they are so i$porta"t.
.e ,o">t %e ,il-ly5 passio"ately ;ealous5 yet irgo $ales are possessive i" the
e:tre$e. This sou"-s li7e a 8i"e li"e to -ra,5 %ut it>s i$porta"t. +ve" though he
-oes">t thro, e$otio"al sce"es o8 ;ealousy over the atte"tio"s other $e" pay you5
his -eeply roote- pos-sessive"ess shoul- ,ar" you that a little 8ree-o$ goes a lo"g
,ay. The ,i8e o8 a irgo ,ho ,a"-ers too 8ar a,ay 8ro$ the ho$e 8ires too o8te"
$ay 8i"- hersel8 ,ithout a hus%a"- to retur" to. irgos are utterly loyal a"- they
-isli7e -estroyi"g 8a$ily ties i"te"sely5 %ut ,he" their se"se o8 -ece"cy has %ee"
8i"ally outrage- they ,o">t hesitate to $a7e a col-5 clea" %rea7 i" the -ivorce court.
No $essy5 co$plicate- trial separatio"s 8or the$. /he" it>s over5 it>s over. #oo-%ye
a"- goo- luc7. +ve" the irgo>s sharp5 u"usually e:celle"t $e$ory ,o">t cause hi$
to cry se"ti$e"tal tears over the past5 si$ply %ecause he>s a%le to -iscipli"e his
$e$ory as 8ir$ly as he -oes his e$otio"s. Sel8--iscipli"e is part o8 his very "ature.
The irgo $a" ,ith his $i"- $a-e up $oves o"-a"- havi"g $ove- o"5 all your
tears a"- apologies are useless i" getti"g hi$ to cha"ge his $i"-. .e>ll "ever 8all
victi$ to the illusio" that glui"g together the %ro7e" pieces ,ill recreate per8ectio"
i" ,hat has o"ce %ee" seriously 8la,e-.
28 your heart is set o" a irgo $a"5 you>- %etter %rush up your thi"7i"g cap a"-
,ear it ,he" he>s arou"-. irgos hate ig"ora"ce5 stupi-ity a"- sloppy thi"7i"g
al$ost as $uch as they hate -irt a"- vulgarity5 a"- that>s a lot. The girl ,ho s"ares
the irgo heart ha- %etter %e s$artly -resse- ,ith a si3a%le %rai" u"-er her "eat hair
style-a"- you>ll "otice 2 sai- "eat hair style. irgos loo7 8or ,o$e" ,ho are clea"
i" %o-y a"- $i"-5 a"- ,ho -ress ,ell5 %ut "ot i" 8lashy e:tre$es o8 8ashio".
=ou ,o">t have to %e Julia !hil-5 %ut 8or goo-"ess sa7es5 -o">t ever %e "aive
e"ough to thi"7 a irgo hus%a"- ,ill let you 8ee- hi$ out o8 ca"s. A pleasure-
see7i"g5 sel8ish5 $e"tally la3y ,o$a" ,ill "ever $a7e it ,ith a irgo $ale5 eve" i8
she>s 8airly oo3i"g ,ith se: appeal. This is the very last $a" i" the ,orl- you ca"
e:pect to 8i"- ru""i"g o88 ,ith a topless #o-#o girl5 though he $ight loa" her his
s,eater i8 she>s chilly. /he" it co$es right -o," to the "itty gritty5 he>s loo7i"g 8or
a ,i8e-"ot a $istress i" a"y se"se o8 the ,or-.
irgo $e" have "o stro"g year"i"g 8or 8atherhoo-5 as a rule. Their particular 7i"-
o8 ego -oes">t see$ to re'uire chil-re" 8or e$otio"al 8ul8ill$e"t5 a"- irgos te"- to
have s$all 8a$ilies. =et5 o"ce a chil- or chil-re" have %ee" %or"5 the irgo is a"
e:tre$ely co"scie"tious pare"t5 a"- ,ill "ever ta7e his respo"si%ilities lightly. .ell
spe"- $a"y hours teachi"g his you"gsters s7ills a"- tra"s$itti"g hia o," high
sta"-ar-s o8 co"-uct. .e>ll %e cheer8ully ,illi"g to help ,ith ho$e,or7 a"- ,ill
pro%a%ly $a7e "o e"- o8 sacri8ices 8or ho%%ies5 $usic lesso"s5 ca$p a"- especially
college. A irgo 8ather ,ill place great e$phasis o" i"tellect a"- trai" his chil-re"
rigi-ly i" $atters o8 ethics5 courtesy a"- goo- citi3e"ship. +ve" the -ivorce- irgo
,ill eve"tually see to it so$eho, that his o88spri"g are ,ell are- 8or5 ,herever they
$ay %e5 a"- that they get a" e-u-atio". !hil-re" o8 irgo 8athers usually gro, up
,ith %oth love a"- respect 8or %oo7s a"- lear"i"g. =ou>ll sel-o$ 8i"- a
irgo<<pare"t spoili"g a chil-5 a"- there ,ill al,ays %e ple"ty o8 "ecessary
-iscipli"e. All this is 8i"e5 %ut there $ay %e a "ee- 8or $ore physical e:pressio"s o8
love %et,ee" a irgo 8ather a"- his you"gsters5 si"ce a88ectio" is "ot so$ethi"g that
co$es "aturally to hi$. 0"less a serious e88ort is $a-e i" this area 8ro$ %a%yhoo-
o"5 there>s $ore tha" a s$all cha"ce that he>ll o"e -ay -iscover a" i"sur$ou"ta%le
%arrier has gro," %et,ee" hi$ a"- the o88spri"g he loves so -eeply. There>s also a
te"-e"cy to %e too critical5 to e:pect too $uch too soo" a"- %e too strict.
A irgo ,ill e:pect you to 8uss a %it over his health5 %ut hell ,ait o" you ,he"
you>re sic75 too5 a"- allo, you to %e a regular !a$ille. .e $ay have his cra"7y a"-
$oo-y spells "o, a"- the"5 perhaps eve" 8re'ue"tly. 4ut o"e thi"g is sure. 28 you
leave hi$ alo"e5 he ,o">t go out o8 his ,ay to start a" argu$e"t ,ith you. Just let
hi$ get over his gru$pi"ess a"- he>ll surprise you ,ith te"-er"ess to $a7e up 8or it.
Let hi$ ,orry. 2t>s goo- 8or hi$5 sort o8 a irgo $e"tal e:ercise. 4ut ,he" you see
it>s a88ecti"g his physical state5 s"ap hi$ out o8 it %y suggesti"g so$ethi"g
i"teresti"g or -i88ere"t to -o. 2t is">t har- to catch the $e"tal atte"tio" o8 a irgo5
though it $ay %e har- to 7eep it.
No, that you 7"o, ,hat you>re i" 8or5 i8 you>re still i" love ,ith that irgo $a"5
you ca" loo7 8or,ar- io a pretty co"te"te- 8uture. =ou>ll have a hus%a"- ,ho>s alert
a"- ,ell-i"8or$e-5 ,ho ,o">t e:pect you to ,ait o" hi$ ha"- a"- 8oot or e:pect
you to ru" arou"- loo7i"g se:y all the ti$e ,ith a -a% o8 per8u$e %ehi"- each ear
a"- a rose i" your teeth. ?Although he $ay e:pect you to go arou"- ,ith a ca7e o8
soap i" each ha"-.@
.ell %e relia%le a"- pleasa"t5 i8 you>re tact8ul a%out his 8aults. .e ,o">t have $a"y
o8 the$ a"y,ay-u"less you call the ,ay he ru"s his 8i"ger across the 8ur"iture every
"ight5 loo7i"g 8or -ust5 a 8ault. Little ha%its li7e that. No $atter ,hat he -oes5 try
"ot to "ag hi$. 1e$e$%er5 he>s "ot co"stitute- to %e a%le to ta7e the critical
a"alysis he applies to others. #et use- to his ha%it o8 critici3i"g you5 a"- laugh it o88
,ith the reali3atio" that he ca">t help %ei"g such a se"sitive hairsplitter. &"ce that
rese"t$e"t is out o8 the ,ay5 you ca" rela:5 a"- really e";oy your %right5 loyal
irgo. .e>s "ot a" a"gel. There are "o ,i"gs sprouti"g o" his shoul-ers. 4ut lots o8
,ives ,ill %e ;ealous o8 you.
A8ter all5 ho, $a"y ,o$e" are $arrie- to a har-,or7i"g5 ha"-so$e $a" ,ho>s
"eat a"- ti-y arou"- the house5 ,ho re$e$%ers a""iversaries a"- per8or$s
$iracles ,ith the chec7%oo7A .o, $a"y ,ives have a s$art hus%a"- ,ho -resses
,ell5 sel-o$ goes out ,ith the %oys or $a7es passes at other ,o$e"5 a"- is usually
ge"tle a"- co"si-erateA Loo7 closely agai". 2s that ;ust the re8lectio" o8 the street
lights arou"- his hea-5 or coul- it %e . . . A No5 it coul-">t possi%ly %e a halo. Not
a8ter the ,ay he s"appe- at you ,he" you spille- the %uttere- popcor" i" his lap at
the theater to"ight. &8 course "ot. That cra"7y characterA Still5 there is a 7i"- o8 a"
aura. A"- ,he" he s$iles-a"- you ca" see yoursel8 i" his clear eyes-,ell5 he>ll -o
u"til so$eo"e ,ith real ,i"gs co$es alo"g.

The 21#& /o$a"
She ha- "ever 'uite 8orgotte" that
i8 you -ri"7 $uch 8ro$ a %ottle $ar7e- <poiso"5<
it is al$ost certai" to -isagree ,ith you5
soo" or later.
So$eti$es she scol-e- hersel8 so severely as to %ri"g tears i"to her eyes.
Do you visuali3e the irgo girl as a ge"tle5 virgi"al $ai-e"5 pure as the -rive"
s"o,A =ou $ay %e a%out to get so$e illusio"s shattere-. She is "o /hite 1oc7
"y$ph i" a gau3y tu"ic5 7"eeli"g %y the pool. Sorry to spoil your i$age.
A irgo ,o$a" ca" leave her hus%a"- 8or a $a" she $et %esi-e so$e 8ara,ay
ocea"5 %ear her lover>s chil- %e8ore the %e"e8it o8 $arriage5 a"- 8ace a hostile ,orl-
,ith her hea- hel- high. That>s "ot very $ai-e"ly or virgi"al. There>s a lot to lea$
a%out this te"-er5 8ragile little sy$%ol o8 spotless ,o$a"hoo-. (or o"e thi"g5 her
spi"e is $a-e o8 stai"less steel.
2t>s 'uite true that she>s %asically shy. No argu$e"t there. irgo girls -o">t cli$% o"
soap %o:es to $a7e 8iery5 aggressive speeches or chop up saloo"s ,ith hatchets5 li7e
!arry Natio". They -o">t get arreste- 8or -ru"7e" -rivi"g5 either5 a"- 111 give you a
8ive -ollar %ill 8or every o"e you 8i"- 8eature- i" a %urles'ue sho,. 4ut a irgo
,o$a" is a ,o$a". She has all the "ecessary ,iles a"- ,eapo"s5 i"clu-i"g a
-eter$i"atio" to pursue happi"ess ,herever the path happe"s to lea- her. A 8e,
pric7ly thor"s alo"g the ,ay ,o">t cause her either to 8ai"t or cry ,ea7ly 8or help.
/he" you hear o8 a irgo ,o$a" ,ho has outrage- the la,s o8 society5 %e sure you
rea- %et,ee" the li"es. She is %asically pure-$i"-e--true. 4ut so is love. 1eal love.
A"- irgo is "ot i"tereste- i" a"y other 7i"-. She>ll cli$% the tallest $ou"tai"s a"-
stor$ the ragi"g seas i" galoshes a"- a pea ;ac7et5 o"ce the spirit o8 Mercury has
%ee" e:alte-5 ,hich ca" co"si-era%ly -i$ that ,ispy5 chi88o" i$age. 1e$e$%er5
too5 that irgo>s true ruler5 the -ista"t ulca"5 is the go- o8 thu"-er. A irgo
,o$a" ,ho recog"i3es her $arriage as i$per8ect a"- 8i"-s a-love ,ithout a 8la,
?or thi"7s she has5 ,hich is the sa$e thi"g@5 ,o">t hesitate to cut 8or$er ties. /he"
she uses the 7"i8e5 she>ll %e as cool a"- precise as a surgeo". Much as she hates to
%rea7 the 8a$ily circle5 the irgo hates hypocrisy $ore.
&"ce she>s accepte- a love as true a"- i-eal5 the purity o8 her o," co"cept o8 the
relatio"ship reig"s supre$e over all the pieces o8 legal paper i" the ,orl-. She>s the
o"e ,o$a" i" the 3o-iac ,ho ca" %e -ea-ly practical a"- -ivi"ely ro$a"tic at the
sa$e ti$e. That situatio" o8 the love a88air %esi-e so$e 8ara,ay ocea" $ay see$
casual a"- i$$oral o" the sur8ace. Actually5 it>s a pre-icta%le e:a$ple o8 a
irgi"ia" %ehavi"g true to character ,he" caught i" a -i88icult -ecisio". She>ll
su88er ago"ies o8 e$%arrass$e"t over the co"-e$"atio" o8 society i" such a" a88air5
%ut that ,o">t alter her course o8 actio" a"y $ore tha" it ,ill alter the purity o8 her
$otivatio". 2t>s a per8ect e:a$ple o8 the 8ir$ practicality o8 irgo>s earth ele$e"t5
%le"-e- ,ith the $e"tal5 airy5 i-eal-see7i"g Mercury. There>s a ,hite heat to irgo
love5 o"ce it>s ig"ite-5 that ca" put the passio"s o8 other Su" sig"s to sha$e %y its
very i"te"sity a"- si"gle"ess o8 purpose. 2g"iti"g it $ay ta7e so$e ti$e5 ho,ever.
2 ,ill a-$it that the 8iery5 physical aspect o8 love $ay %e so$e,hat su%-ue- i" the
typical irgo 8e$ale5 %ut there>s a $ysterious5 'uiet5 ,aiti"g 'uality i" this ,o$a".
a"- <passio" o8 the spirit< is a $ost satis8actory su%stitute to $e" ,ho pre8er the
-elicacy o8 u"-erstate$e"t i" ro$a"ce.
She>s a per8ectio"ist5 %ut that -oes">t $ea" that she hersel8 is per8ect. She has her
"egative traits5 a"- they ca" %e very tryi"g. To %egi" ,ith5 irgo 8e$ales have this
-ogge- %elie8 that "o o"e ca" -o thi"gs as or-erly a"- as e88icie"tly as they ca".
/hat really -rives you ,il- is that- usually-"o o"e ca". They>re also stic7lers 8or
pro$pt"ess. Di- you ever 7eep a irgo ,o$a" ,aiti"g 8or a -ateA /he" she>s upset
or cra"7y5 she ,o">t rage a"- stor$ a"- %rea7 %ottles over your hea-5 %ut she ca" %e
shre,ish a"- 8ussy ,he" you>ve a""oye- her. =ou $ight as ,ell e:pect a 8ra"7
scol-i"g. A" occasio"al irgo ,o$a" ca" co$e pretty close to %ehavi"g li7e a
virago5 %ut $ost o8 the$ -o">t carry it that 8ar. Ta7e her 8lo,ers. A-$it you>re
,ro"g a"- -o">t argue. 2t ,o">t -o you a %it o8 goo-5 you ca">t ,i" ,ith a irgo.
The earth is her ele$e"t5 so she appreciates the creatio"s o8 "ature5 a"- the posies
,ill so8te" her irritatio". As 8or the apologies5 7eep the$ %rie8 a"- accurate. The
irgi"ia" is "o%o-y>s 8ool. .er clarity o8 visio" ,ill spot a" ela%orate lie %y the
s$oothest tal7er5 a"- the 8ai"test s$ear o8 lipstic7 o" the e-ge o8 a collar. She $ay
%e pure-$i"-e-5 %ut she>s certai"ly "ot "aive.
2>$ "ot i$plyi"g that she>ll go through your lau"-ry5 at least "ot %e8ore you>re
$arrie-. A8ter that5 it ,ill %e i" her house5 a"- she ,o">t 8eel so guilty a%out it.
This girl has a $e"tal %loc7 ,he" it co$es to a-$itti"g she>s ,ro"g-li7e a %loc7 o8
,oo- right i" 8ro"t o8 her %rai"-so you>- %e s$art to ta7e the %la$e right a,ay.
Most o8 the ti$e5 she>ll %e right5 8rustrati"g though it $ay %e. So ,hy 8ight itA /he"
you>ve put her %ac7 i"to her "or$al $oo-5 she>s such a" e:'uisite -elight5 you ,o">t
care ,ho ,o" or lost.
28 you ca" %ear the ,ou"- to your $ale ego5 you $ight pro8it 8ro$ ta7i"g her
8i"a"cial a-vice5 or letti"g her ha"-le the %u-get. She>s co"cise a"- practical5 a"-
she catches ti"y errors eve" a !*A $ight overloo7. ?0"less there are a88lictio"s i"
her "atal aspects5 or she has a" i$pulsive asce"-a"t.@
4rush up o" your $a""ers a"- your gra$$ar i8 you>re -ati"g a irgo 8e$ale. She
,o">t ta7e 7i"-ly to a%use o8 the la"guage5 s,eari"g or -ri"7i"g 8ro$ the 8i"ger
%o,l. Do">t che, celery close to her ear a"- it>s %etter i8 you pass up cor"-o"-the-
co% altogether. That>s e"ough o8 a challe"ge at a"y ti$e5 let alo"e tryi"g to eat it
-ai"tily i" 8ro"t o8 her. Tell the ,aiter to cut it o88 a"- serve it to you o" the plate.
=ou>ll "ever pass i"spectio" ,ith sloppy clothi"g5 either. &"ce i" love ,ith a irgo5
you $ight as ,ell resig" yoursel8 to shavi"g t,ice a -ay5 a"- the sa$e goes 8or
sho,ers. Splash o" a8ter shave lotio"5 %rush o88 the li"t5 spruce up your hair5 ,ear a
8resh shirt5 $i"- your $a""ers5 a"- polish your shoes %e8ore you go a-courti"g this
girl. A"- here>s a very valua%le tip9 the "e:t ti$e you>re late5 prete"- you -o">t
reali3e ,hat ti$e it is. /al7 i" her -oor a"grily. /he" she as7s you ,hat>s ,ro"g5
tell her that silly5 ri-iculous5 %laste- li%rary ?that>s a%out as pro8a"e as you>ll -are to
get@ 7eeps closi"g 8ive $i"utes %e8ore they>re suppose- to5 accor-i"g to their rules.
2t ,oul-">t %e so %a- "o, a"- the"5 %ut they loc7 the -oors o" you every "ight ,he"
you have all those heavy scie"ti8ic ;our"als to put a,ay. She>ll 8orget all a%out the
Do">t ta7e her to the racetrac7 a"- let her see you thro, a,ay a ,ee7>s pay o"
#ol-e" !ha"ce i" the 8i8th5 o" the "ose. Save your o88-color stories 8or the $e" at
lu"ch5 a"- tell her co"sta"tly you>re gla- she>s "ot the 8lighty type5 =ou are5 are">t
youA She>s "ot a cli"gi"g vi"e5 either. irgo goes to "o e:tre$es. She ca" ta7e care
o8 hersel85 tha"7 you. 4ut she -oes">t have to act li7e a $a" to -o it.
Do">t overpo,er her ,ith your physical char$s or %ear hug her o" the su%,ay5 a"-
-o">t rush the goo-"ight 7iss o" the 8irst or eve" the te"th -ate-,ait 8or %etter
thi"gs. 2" ge"eral5 u"-erplay the ,hole sce"e. Move i" slo,ly5 ,ith grace a"- taste5
or you>ll e"- up i" the orchestra pit ,ith all the other %a";o thu$pers. Spea7i"g o8
the theater5 she>ll pro%a%ly love it. *ara-es5 too. The po$p a"- pagea"try5 the
-ra$atic e$otio"5 give her a" outlet 8or her o," tightly co"trolle- e$otio"s.
4esi-es5 she>s o"e great critic. .er highly -evelope- i"tellect a"- artistic taste co$-
%i"e to give her a 7ee" perceptio". 28 you coul- $a7e 4roa-,ay pro-ucers
u"-ersta"- this5 you>- %e sho,ere- ,ith 8ree passes to out-o8-to," ope"i"gs. A
irgo ,o$a" ,ill call the critics> revie,s i" a-va"ce al$ost every ti$e.
Discri$i"atio" is o"e o8 her 7ey,or-s. She loves plays5 co"certs a"- %oo7s5 %ut
she>s severely critical o8 the co"te"t. She>s ;ust as critical o8 your tie a"- ho, you
,ear your hair5 ,hat you -o a"- ,hat you say. To critici3e is as "atural to her as
%reathi"g is to you. irgo is the eter"al per8ectio"ist5 a"- ,ithout her5 ,e ,oul- all
%e pretty Q"essy a"- sloppy arou"- the e-ges. Do">t cr itici3e her5 lo,ever. That>s
agai"st the rules. The gol-e" rule -e8i"itely -oes "ot apply here. /hat she -oes to
you5 you>- %etter "ot -o to her. .er crystal-clear thi"7i"g $a7es her i",ar-ly as
a,are o8 her o," i$per8ectio"s as she is o8 yours5 a"- she ;u-ges hersel8 8re'ue"tly
a"- harshly5 ,hich is ,hy she 8eels she -oes">t "ee- a"y help 8ro$ you. &8 her it
ca" %e truly sai- that she>s <her o," ,orst critic.<
&"e "ice thi"g a%out %ei"g i" love ,ith this ,o$a" is that she>ll -o all your
,orryi"g 8or you5 a"- possi%ly eve" e";oy it. She>ll 7eep you 8ro$ goo8i"g ,ithout
ro%%i"g you o8 your $a"hoo-5 a" art that ,o$e" %or" u"-er other Su" sig"s $ight
,ell i$itate.
As 8or the $atter o8 8aith8ul"ess5 you $ay hear o8 a rare irgo 8e$ale ,ho5 8or her
o," u"8atho$a%le reaso"s5 has -eci-e- to toss a,ay virtue ,ith a ve"gea"ce5 %ut
there>s usually a -esire to prove so$ethi"g to hersel8 at the %otto$ o8 such a spree5
a"- it ,o">t last lo"g. irgo 8e$ales ,ho ta7e a" occasio"al ,hirl -o," the
pri$rose path o8 pro$iscuity are clever e"ough to cover up the lapse5 a"- such
%ehavior is $ost certai"ly a" e:ceptio". &r-i"arily5 i8 she really loves you5 you>- %e
sa8e to trust the typical irgi"ia" ,o$a" ,ith the se:iest $a" you 7"o, o" a -esert
isla"- 8or a $o"th. (or t,o $o"thsA /ell5 irgos are hu$a"5 you 7"o,. They>re
"ot ,al7i"g5 tal7i"g co$puters. They have hearts ,ar$er tha" people suspect5 a"-
e$otio"s that ca" thu"-er ,ith 8eeli"g5 eve" i8 they -o">t care to re"t a %ill%oar- to
a-vertise it. The e$otio"al "ature o8 irgo is co"trolle-5 %ut "ot "o"e:iste"t.
1e$e$%er that. 2t ,ill give you courage.
The irgo girl is a""oyi"gly $eticulous a%out s$all thi"gs5 %ut she ca" also %e the
7i"-est5 $ost ge"erous a"- a88ectio"ate little creature i" the ,orl-. !o"si-er her
per8ectio"is$ a virtue5 i"stea- o8 a vice. /ith all the i$pulsive"ess ra$pa"t i" the
,orl-5 ,hat ,oul- ,e -o ,ithout the sharp eye a"- $i"- o8 irgoA +ve" ,hile
she>s irritati"g you ,ith her critical ,ays5 there>s a lova%le 'uality a%out her that>s
-o,"right irresisti%le. 4ut o8 course you>ve alrea-y -iscovere- that5 or you ,oul-">t
%e shavi"g t,ice a -ay a"- goi"g to the li%rary every "ight. .er $o-est $a""er a"-
so8t5 clear eyes have -o"e their ;o% ,ell. =ou>ve pro%a%ly eve" 8ou"- out ho, $uch
8u" she is ,he" people -o">t pic7 o" her5 a"- ,hat a clever ,it lies i"si-e that pretty
hea-. 2t>s a lovely a"- stra"ge thi"g that ,he" irgo ,o$e" laugh it o8te" sou"-s
li7e the peal o8 little %ells.
She has "o illusio"s5 so -o">t try to sell her a"y pho"y i-eas. To her5 truth is %eauty-
a"- %eauty is truth. #et use- to her e$ptyi"g the ash trays every three seco"-s5 %e
7i"- to her stray 7itte"s5 a"- she>ll per8or$ the pipe a"- slippers routi"e ,ith
8e$i"i"e grace. She>ll share hersel8 cautiously5 o"ly ,ith o"e she trusts5 a"- little
thi"gs $ea" a lot to her. Despite her $o-esty a"- "atural shy"ess5 she>s tough
e"ough a"- stro"g e"ough 8or others to 8i"- co$8orti"g ,he" -ar7 clou-s gather.
The 'uiet courage a"- -eep se"se o8 respo"si%ility o8 irgo ,o$e" o8te" acts as a
$agic glue to hol- large 8a$ilies together. She>ll pro%a%ly %e a goo- coo75 a"- she>ll
"ever poiso" you ,ith her soup. =our house ,ill %e clea" a"- co3y5 a"- the %ig
%o,l o" the co88ee ta%le ,ill hol- apples i"stea- o8 chocolate ca"-ies ?%a- 8or the
teeth a"- ge"eral health@.
=ou>ll pro%a%ly "ever see your you"gster ru""i"g arou"- the "eigh%orhoo- ,ith a
ru""y "ose5 a ;a$-stai"e- 8ace or tor" s"ea7ers. =ou ,o">t 8i"- ti"y 8i"gers scatter-
i"g your to%acco or colori"g o" your private papers5 either. She>ll %e a 8ir$
-iscipli"aria". irgo ,o$e" sel-o$ have $ore tha" o"e or t,o chil-re"5 a"- -o">t
see$ to "ee- $otherhoo- to satis8y their 8e$i"i"ity. 4ut o"ce %a%y has %ou"ce-
i"to her li8e5 she>ll "ever "eglect his physical5 $oral or e-ucatio"al "ee-s. She $ay
"ot supply his e$otio"al "ee-s as easily5 %ut i8 she>s sure o8 your love a"- 7"o,s
she>s appreciate-5 she>ll rela: a"- give her o88spri"g ple"ty o8 ,ar$ a88ectio". Little
o"es o8te" 8i"- irgo $others -elight8ully 8u""y a"- ge"tle. They>ll %e 8ir$5 a"- try
to i"still goo- ha%its5 %ut they have a te"-er touch that tells a chil- he>s securely
1e$e$%er the poe$ that says you shoul-">t %uy %rea- ,ith your last si:pe"ce5 %ut
<hyaci"ths 8or the soul<A #ive this ,o$a" %oth. =ou $ay o8te" catch her %usy ,ith
se,i"g or $e"-i"g5 a"- i8 you have a really typical irgo ,i8e5 your house $ay %e
8ull o8 the heave"ly $i:e- 8ragra"ce o8 8resh 8lo,ers a"- hot ho$e-$a-e %rea-
%a7i"g crisply i" the ove". 2t>s pretty "ice to co$e ho$e to. She>ll -ust o88 all your
ol- -rea$s a"- $a7e the$ shi"e agai"5 a"- you>ll have a ,o$a" ,ho ,ill "ever
%orro, your ra3or or use your tooth%rush 8or her $ascara. She>ll "urse you li7e a"
a"gel ,he" you>re ill5 a"- she ,o">t e$%arrass you %y 8lirti"g ,ith your %est 8rie"-.
She>ll -ress "eatly a"- %e a%le to tal7 ,ith you a%out so$ethi"g %esi-es -iapers a"-
%eauty parlor gossip. =ou>ll get every ou"ce o8 loyalty a"- -evotio" you -eserve.
She ,o">t thro, e$otio"al sce"es o8 ;ealousy or thro, your $o"ey a,ay 8oolishly.
She>ll 7eep your secrets i" her heart5 help you orga"i3e your ,or75 a"- pro%a%ly
,o">t get ,ri"7le- i" $i--le age. No, really5 is">t all that ,orth $i"-i"g your
$a""ers a"- 7eepi"g your 8i"ger"ails clea"A .er eyes are cool pools o8 pure love5
a"- ,he" she s$iles5 she ca" light up a ,hole roo$ ,ith her ra-ia"ce. 4etter 7eep
her. =ou $ay "ever get so luc7y agai".

The 21#& !hil-
4ut 8our you"g oysters hurrie- up5
All eager 8or the treat9
Their coats -,ere %rushe-5 their 8aces ,ashe-5
Their shoes ,ere clea" a"- "eat-
As he tries to i$itate the sou"-s he hears i" the "ursery5 the ti"y irgo i"8a"t carries
the see- o8 a sel-o$-$e"tio"e- irgi"ia" tale"t 8or acti"g. The a%ility to $i$ic
$a"i8ests itsel8 al$ost 8ro$ %irth. The irgo %a%y is alert a"- 'uic75 yet at the sa$e
ti$e $ore peace8ul a"- tra"'uil tha" other i"8a"ts5 a co"tra-ictio" ,hich
8oresha-o,s a 8uture perso"ality that ,ill soothe a"- irritate %y tur".
Do">t try to 8ee- your little irgo applesauce ,he" he ,a"ts peaches or you $ay %e
i" 8or a lo"g siege. =ou>ll e"- up ,ith applesauce all over the high chair5 %ut %a%y
,o">t e"- up ,ith a spec7 o8 it i" his sto$ach i8 he -oes">t li7e it5 though he>ll s$ile
char$i"gly as he 8ir$ly tur"s his hea- a,ay. .e $ay surprise you %y pre8erri"g
spi"ach to ice crea$. irgo>s $eticulous selectivity a%out 8oo- sho,s early.
Asi-e 8ro$ %ei"g 8ussy eaters a"- a" occasio"al spell o8 8ret8ul i"-igestio"5 raisi"g
a irgo you"gster is a pleasa"t e:perie"ce5 ,ith little co"8lict a"- 8e, ta"tru$s.
+ve" ,he" they>re very s$all5 these chil-re" are i"cli"e- to %e "eat a"- put a,ay
their toys cheer8ully. =our irgo you"gster $ay %e %ash8ul a"- 'uiet i" co$pa"y or
cro,-s5 %ut arou"- 8a$ily a"- 8rie"-s the cat certai"ly ,o">t get his to"gue. .e>ll
pro%a%ly tal7 early a"- 8lue"tly5 e:cept i" 8ro"t o8 stra"gers. A irgo chil- is
sel-o$ trou%leso$e5 a"- he>s a ,o"-er8ul co$pa"io" as $other -oes her house-
,or7. .e>ll happily i$itate ,hatever she is -oi"g a"- he>ll usually $i"- the 8irst
ti$e he>s tol-5 ,ith little scol-i"g "ecessary.
2" school5 irgos are apt to %e teacher>s pets5 si$ply %ecause they>re the easiest %oys
a"- girls to -iscipli"e a"- the o"es ,ho stu-y their lesso"s care8ully. 2t>s a -elight to
i"struct the typical5 %right irgo chil- ,ith ge"tle $a""ers. !riticis$5 ho,ever5
shoul- %e use- spari"gly. Too $uch stress o" $ista7es ,ill cause hi$ to ,orry
u"-uly5 so$eti$es to the poi"t o8 actual ill"ess.
A lecture i" 8ro"t o8 the class ,ill %e pai"8ully $orti8yi"g5 a"- it $ay s$other the
-esire to lea$ 8or a lo"g perio-. irgo you"gsters "ee- to %e tol- o"ly o"ce5 'uietly5
i8 a" error has %ee" $a-e. They>ll %e ;ust as co"cer"e- as the teacher ,ith correcti"g
it5 perhaps $ore so.
&8te" the $u"-a"e chores5 -isli7e- %y the rest o8 the class5 ,ill %e accepte- as
i$porta"t respo"si%ilities %y irgo chil-re". They>re e88icie"t5 -epe"-a%le little
people5 ,ith a serious5 %ut 8rie"-ly5 pleasa"t -ispositio"5 though they>re se"sitive
e"ough to %eco$e cra"7y i8 tease- %y $ore e:tro-verte- class$ates. The irgo
chil- is $ar7e-ly a-apta%le5 pro%a%ly ;ust as a-ept at pai"ti"g sce"ery as he> is at
e-iti"g the school paper. 2t ,oul-">t hurt to suggest that the irgo you"gster try out
8or -ra$atics. .e ,o">t see7 the spotlight5 %ut he $ight sho, a surprisi"g a%ility to
i"terpret characters ,ith co"vi"ci"g reality5 i8 he ca" overco$e his stage 8right.
irgo>s ho"esty a"- care8ul atte"tio" to -etails $a7e hi$ a 8avorite choice to gra-e
papers ,he" the teacher "ee-s help. As a class $o"itor5 he>ll %e ethical a"- alert.
4ut there are occasio"s ,he" the teacher ca" get a re- 8ace ,he" she>s $a-e a"
erro"eous state$e"t ?teachers %ei"g o"ly hu$a"@ a"- the "or$ally shy5 'uiet little
irgo raises his ha"- to poi"t out the $ista7e i" "o u"certai" ter$s. irgo stu-e"ts
,a"t to 7"o, the ,hys a"- the 8acts. They>ll rarely 'uestio" authority5 %ut they ,ill
'uestio" 7"o,le-ge i" %oo7s u"less they 7"o, ,hat>s %ehi"- it. The pri"te- ,or-
o8te" is">t e"ough 8or the i"'uisitive5 pai"sta7i"g irgo $i"-. These chil-re" "ee-
ple"ty o8 e-ucatio"al toys5 a"- ,he" they>re very you"g they shoul- %e rea- to as
$uch as possi%le. They>ll %eco$e $ost u"happy $is8its as a-ults i8 they have">t
receive- a 8ull e-ucatio". To 7"o, less tha" others tur"s irgos i"to irrita%le
i"troverts ,ho are pai"8ully e$%arrasse- %y their i"a-e'uacies.
2t>s %est to ig"ore the irgo tee"ager ,he" he or she %egi"s to "otice the opposite
se:. Teasi"g a girl a%out her 8irst %oy 8rie"- ca" give her a per$a"e"t e$otio"al
scar5 a"- pro%i"g i"to a %oy>s -ates ca" hea- hi$ to,ar- %achelorhoo-. irgos -o">t
easily accept close relatio"ships lea-i"g to $arriage5 a"- the path shoul- %e $a-e as
s$ooth as possi%le.
=ou>ll have to supply your irgo chil->s e$otio"al "ee-s ,ith sig"s o8 physical
a88ectio". .e>ll "ever sho, you ho, -eeply he -esires this 7i"- o8 love5 %ut the lac7
o8 it ,ill stro"gly a88ect his 8uture relatio"ships. +ve" very pretty a"- very s$art
little girls-a"- very ha"-so$e5 clever little %oys have to %e co"vi"ce- they>re
i"teresti"g. 2t>s har- 8or the$ to %elieve that their $o-est u"assu$i"g ,ays are as
attractive as the $ore aggressive perso"alities o8 their 8rie"-s. The irgo ego ca"
sta"- lots o8 e"courage$e"t ,ithout %eco$i"g e:cessive5 so -o">t %e sti"gy ,ith
%ear hugs5 7isses5 si"cere co$pli$e"ts a"- pats o" the %ac7. =our irgo chil- "ee-s
large5 -aily -oses o8 such e$otio"al vita$i"s5 alo"g ,ith his co- liver oil.
.e>ll have $a"y e:act ha%its5 a"- hell co$plai" i8 his %elo"gi"gs are $ove- or his
privacy i"va-e-. .e -oes certai" thi"gs at certai" ti$es5 a"- i8 his perso"al sche-ule
is upset5 he ,ill %e5 too. 2t $ay %e -a"gerous to as7 hi$ 8or a 8ra"7 opi"io"B
other,ise5 he>ll usually %e re8reshi"gly polite to co$pa"y. This chil- ,ill critici3e
every $e$%er o8 the 8a$ily5 so$eti$es ,ith a$usi"g5 %ut cutti"g i$itatio"s o8 their
8aults. .e>ll pro%a%ly as7 8or his o," roo$ early a"- %e 8ussy a%out your coo7i"g.
No lu$ps i" the $ashe- potatoes5 please5 a"- "ot so $uch seaso"i"g i" the stu88i"g.
4ut he>ll sho, a" e:celle"t se"se o8 respo"si%ility %e8ore $ost other chil-re" have
lear"e- the alpha%et. .e>ll %e sy$pathetic ,ith Mother>s hea-aches a"- Da--y>s
8i"a"cial pro%le$s. =ou ca" e:pect hi$ to try si"cerely to $a7e goo- gra-es at
school5 ,illi"gly help arou"- the house a"- $a"age his allo,a"ce care8ully.
Although he>s 8ar 8ro$ a $o-el o8 per8ectio"5 a"- you>ll 8eel li7e sha7i"g hi$ Rvhe"
he $a7es you ta7e the %ea"s out o8 the chili5 or re8uses to ,ear the shirt you ;ust
iro"e- %ecause it has t,o s$all ,ri"7les-$ost o8 the ti$e5 a irgo chil- is a ;oy to
have arou"- the house.
These chil-re" shoul- have a 7itte" or a %ir-5 so they ca" lear" the lesso"s o8 love
'uietly a"- u"o%trusively5 %y cari"g 8or the helpless. Do">t %uy hi$ a St. 4er"ar- or
a police -og. 28 he>s a typical irg$ia" you"gster5 he>ll pre8er a s$aller pet. .e>ll %e
8asci"ate- %y o"e o8 those a"t villages. /atchi"g the ti"y a"ts i"-ustriously goi"g
a%out their %usi"ess at close ra"ge shoul- really i"trigue his curious5 practical little
Liste" to hi$ ,he" he tal7s. .e has a ,is-o$ %eyo"- his years. =ou ca" a88or- to
7eep "aggi"g at a $i"i$u$5 %ecause he>ll try very har- to please you i8 he 7"o,s
e:actly ,hat you e:pect o8 hi$. 1e$e$%er that his i$agi"atio" "ee-s ple"ty o8
%oosti"g a"- lots o8 roo$ to gro,5 or it ca" easily %eco$e sti8le-. =ou "ee- "ever
,orry a%out spoili"g hi$ or givi"g hi$ too $a"y illusio"s. The irgo chil- is $a-e
o8 ster"er stu88 tha" that.
#ive hi$ all the lovely -rea$s you ca" cro,- i"to his heart. Such %right $o$e"ts
o8 8a"tasy ,ill guara"tee hi$ a $uch-"ee-e- e$otio"al %ala"ce ,he" he gro,s up.
4e very sure he has a secret star to ,ish o". Me$ories o8 $agical -ay-rea$s ,ill
7eep hi$ 8ro$ %ei"g lo"ely i" the years to co$e5 a"- there ,ill %e $a"y occasio"s
8or 8uture lo"eli"ess. 0"li7e other chil-re"5 the you"g irgo $ay "ot %e very 8o"-
o8 8airy stories a"- $a7e-%elieve. .e>s a true little realist. *erhaps that>s ,hy he
"ee-s the$ $ost o8 all.

The 21#& 4oss
</e ca" tal75< sai- the Tiger-lily9
<Q,he" there>s a"y%o-y ,orth tal7i"g to.>
28 you have a irgo %oss5 %e 7i"- to hi$. .e>s pro%a%ly secretly trou%le- a"-
u"happy. irgos are "ot %or" to %e high-po,ere- e:ecutives ,ho lea- others
8orce8ully a"- they soo" regret the -ecisio" to %ite o88 $ore tha" they ca" che,. &8
course5 -ue to i"-ivi-ual pla"etary positio"s a"- aspects i" the "atal chart5 there are
certai"ly so$e irgos ,ho are e:tre$ely co$pete"t i" positio"s o8 po,er5 %ut
they>re 8e, a"- 8ar %et,ee". =ou ca" pro%a%ly cou"t the o"es you 7"o, o" the toes
o8 o"e 8oot.
The typical irgo is at his %est as the po,er %ehi"- the thro"e5 the o"e ,ho
-epe"-a%ly carries through the origi"al D8 i-eas o8 others. .e>s happier a"- $ore
success8ul i" the J chec7$ate positio" o8 chair$a" o8 the %oar- tha" as the
presi-e"t o8 a huge corporatio" ,ho has to cope ,ith the pro%le$s o8 his e$ployees
a"- prese"t a ;olly co$pa"y i$age. The very last thi"g $ost irgos ,a"t is to
glori8y the sel8 a"- %eco$e a liste"i"g post 8or everyo"e>s trou%les5 #oo-"ess
7"o,s5 they have e"ough trou%les o8 their o," to 7eep the$ %usy ,orryi"g 8or a
li8eti$e5 eve" i8 $a"@ o8 the$ are i$agi"ary.
!opi"g ,ith the pressure o8 %ei"g respo"si%le 8or the i$pulsive actio"s o8
progressive associates5 8iri"g or-ers a1 su%or-i"ates5 a"- pushi"g pu%lic relatio"s5
,hile ;uggli"g the 8i"a"ces o8 %ig e$pires5 re'uires a thic7er s7i" a"- e 8atter ego
tha" the average irgo possesses. &"e reasor he>s such a" u"happy $is8it as a"
e:ecutive is %ecause he te"-s to see the trees clearly a"- co$pletely $iss the 8orest
-yet this is the very trait ,hich $a7es hi$ such ac i"-ispe"sa%le ;e,el as the $a"
,ho gui-es the presi-e"t ol the 8ir$. .e $ay "ot %e the o"e ,ho sees the %ig
picture5 %ut he ca" erase the 8u33i"ess 8ro$ the pictures the $ore aggressive people
pai"t so carelessly. 28 a"yo"e ca" $a"ipulate co$plicate- pro;ects a"- see the$
through ,ith T $i"i$u$ o8 -isastrous $ista7es5 it>s a irgo. .e ca" ta7e the ,il-est
sche$es ,ith a thousa"- -a"gerous5 -a"gli"g loose e"-s a"- $a7e the$ ,or7. A
tale"t li7e that shoul- "ever %e ,aste- up 8ro"t ,here there>s "ot e"ough privacy to
acco$plish his $eticulous $iracles. 2" 8act5 i8 he>s 8orce- to per8or$ his
orga"i3atio"al $agic %e8ore a pu%lic au-ie"ce5 the irgo is li7ely to loo7 as i8 he>s
-ou%le-tal7i"g5 ,he" he>s really "ot. The irgo ,hose hi--e" va"ity has cause- hi$
to %e put i" such a positio" usually e"-s up accuse- o8 this very thi"g.
A irgo ,ill pull 8e, pu"ches ,he" he>s as7e- 8or a critical opi"io"5 a"- let>s 8ace
it5 a" e:ecutive o8te" has to s$ile a"- say <yes< ,he" he $ea"s <"o5< a"- 8ro," a"-
say <"o< ,he" he $ea"s <yes.< 2t>s all part o8 the ga$e. 4ut a irgo calls a tur"ip a
tur"ip5 a"- he>s %e,il-ere- ,he" people tur" o" hi$ %ecause he -i-">t prete"- it
,as a tulip.
!o"se'ue"tly5 the irgo i" a high-po,ere- positio" so$eti$es resorts to -eceptio"
i" sel8--e8e"se5 a"- -si"ce -eceptio" is e$phatically "ot o"e o8 his i""ate tale"ts5 he
e"-s up %ei"g accuse- o8 %ei"g -o,"right sly a"- hypocritical. /hat a pity5 ,he"
irgo hates hypocrisy so $uch. 4ut that>s the price he pays 8or sitti"g i" a chair he
,as">t $ea"t to occupy. The e"-less5 chatty lu"cheo"s ,ith clie"ts ,ho have to %e
,i"e- a"- -i"e- a"- catere- to ,oul- -rive the average irgo i"to a her$it>s cave
a8ter a 8e, $o"ths5 a"- a 8e, years o8 it $ight actually give hi$ a serious $e"tal
A"y irgo ,ho searches his o," soul eve"tually co$es up ,ith the 7"o,le-ge that
he>s %etter o88 -oi"g the actual ,or7 o8 ru""i"g the $achi"ery i"si-e the
orga"i3atio" a"- letti"g so$eo"e else pose 8or the pictures. 28 he>s truly -e-icate- to
his ,or7 ?is there a irgo ,ho is">tA@5 he secretly scor"s the social a"- political
e:tra-curricular activities the hea- o8 a 8ir$ is 8orce- to e"gage i"5 %ecause it causes
hi$ to "eglect his -uties-a"- %e assure- that "eglect o8 -uty is "ot so$ethi"g a
irgo ta7es lightly.
Still5 i8 the %usi"ess is a s$all o"e ,ith5 say5 u"-er a -o3e" e$ployees5 a irgo $ay
-o very ,ell as the captai" o8 the tug%oat. .e certai"ly ,o">t let it hit a"y
u"8oresee" s"ags %ecause he>ll have every pote"tial -a"ger charte- i" -etail5 upsi-e
-o," a"- %ac7,ar-s. 4ut %ig %usi"ess a"- the typical irgi"ia" si$ply -o">t %le"-5
al,ays allo,i"g 8or the occasio"al e:ceptio" to the rule. A irgo ,ith a !a"cer
asce"-a"t a"- a !apricor" Moo"5 8or e:a$ple5 ,oul- %e a horse o8 a -i88ere"t gait.
Such a irgo at the hea- o8 a large co$pa"y ca" %e a real ,i""er5 ;ust as the
average irgo at the hea- o8 a s$all co$pa"y is usually success8ul. They also e:cel
i" lea-i"g scie"ti8ic5 e:peri$e"tal groups5 ,here pai"sta7i"g research is the
This %oss ,ill "ot overloo7 the sloppy $ista7es o8 a secretary ,ho co"sta"tly
$isspells ,or-s5 ,ears i"7 %lots o" her thu$%s a"- 8orgets to ,ater his gera"iu$s.
=ou>ll have to %e alert a"- o" your toes i8 you ,a"t a pro$otio" 8ro$ irgo. Never
tell hi$ the appoi"t$e"t is 8or three o>cloc7 ,he" it>s really 8or t,o-8orty-8ive5 or
you>ll 8ace a cra"7y5 irrita%le %oss ,ho ,o">t hesitate to poi"t out your 8u$%le ,ith
hairsplitti"g 8ra"7"ess. As 8or re$i"-i"g hi$ i" sel8--e8e"se that he hi$sel8 $islai-
the papers he "ee-e- 8or the sa$e $eeti"g5 8orget it. 2"stea- o8 causi"g hi$ to %e
$ore tolera"t o8 your errors i" relatio" to his o," - e:cee-i"gly rare goo8s5 he>s 8ar
$ore li7ely to glare at you ,ith e:tre$e a""oya"ce. Try it $ore tha" o"ce a"- you
$ay e"- up ,ithout a ;o%. A little criticis$ goes a lo"g ,ay ,ith your irgo %oss.
&" his si-e5 that is. As 8ar as you>re co"cer"e-5 resig" yoursel8 to ple"ty o8 it.
There>s ;ust o"e ,ay out a"- o"e ,ay o"ly. Do">t $a7e $ista7es. 2t>s really 'uite
&"ce you>ve a-;uste- to his per8ectio"ist attitu-e5 youll 8i"- your eagle-eye- irgo
%oss is 7i"--hearte- a"- 8air. .e ,o">t ,a"t to hear the -etails o8 your latest
ro$a"ce5 si"ce se"ti$e"t %ores the typical irgo5 %ut he>ll liste" ,ith sy$pathy to
your re'uest 8or a leave o8 a%se"ce %ecause your le8t s$all toe"ail "ee-s atte"tio".
Sic7 leave ,ill %e u"-erstoo-. &88ice 8lirtatio"s a"- careless ha%its ,ill "ot. Feep
your -es7 ti-y5 -o">t 8lash arou"- the o88ice i" $i"i s7irts a"- heavy $a7e-up5 "ever
%rush your hair over his papers5 a"- liste" care8ully to all his i"structio"s. 28 he
approves o8 your groo$i"g5 your ,or7 ha%its a"- your %rai"5 he ca" %e a
surprisi"gly ge"erous a"- 7i"-ly5 co"si-erate $a" to ,or7 8or. .e has his little
i-iosy"crasies5 %ut -o">t ,e allA
Me" ,ho ,or7 8or a irgo %oss 8ace a slightly -i88ere"t pro%le$. .e>ll e:pect you
to co$e up ,ith creative i-eas a"- to %e aggressive i" the area o8 pro$otio" a"-
sales$a"ship. 2" 8act5 he>ll -epe"- o" you to 8ill i" these gaps i" his o," $a7e-up.
Just %e sure you ha"-le yoursel8 ,ith $o-esty. .e 7"o,s you have $ore -irect
-rive tha" he -oes5 %ut he>s also a,are that he has $ore orga"i3atio"al a%ility5 "ot to
$e"tio" practicality a"- cautio"5 a"- he ,o">t %e thrille- i8 you let it %eco$e
o%vious that you coul- ru" thi"gs ,ithout his close supervisio". .e>s u"-ou%te-ly
correct. .e usually is5 ,hich $ay %e a little 8rustrati"g u"til you get use- to it a"-
lear" to respect hi$ 8or it.
=our irgo %oss $ay have a -ra,er 8ull o8 i"-igestio" re$e-ies a"- a $i"- 8ull o8
8acts a"- 8igures5 %ut he also has a heart 8ull o8 co$passio" a"- the a%ility to
straighte" out i"ter-o88ice -isagree$e"ts. .e ,o">t give out Jaguars5 or $i"7 capes
as !hrist$as %o"uses5 %ut he ,ill pay you ,hat you>re ,orth a"- ,o">t cheat you.
1e$e$%er that he>s e"tirely capa%le o8 si3i"g up e:actly ,hat you are ,orth5 too.
2t>s -i88icult5 i8 "ot i$possi%le5 to 8ool hi$.
Do">t e:pect hi$ to get e:cite- a%out gla$orous %u%%le pro$otio"s. .e $ay "ot %e
overly i$agi"ative5 %ut he has e"ough i$agi"atio" to visuali3e such %u%%les
%ursti"g ,ith a lou- %a"g a"- a spray o8 ,ater5 ,hich $ay leave you all ,et. 4e
sure your suggestio"s a"- $etho-s o8 ,or7i"g have a sou"- 8ou"-atio" i" 8act5 or
he>ll -is$iss your sche$es as -ay-rea$s a"- he $ay -is$iss you5 too. =ou $ay get
i$patie"t 8re'ue"tly ,ith his co"sta"t splitti"g o8 hairs a"- 8ault8i"-i"g criticis$5
%ut a8ter all5 you ca">t ;ust say to a superior that <2t>s a -rag to "ag.< So you $ight as
,ell accept his critical ha%its grace8ully. 2t ,o">t hurt you to let hi$ shape you up a
%it5 a"y,ay.
Al,ays tell hi$ the truth. 2t>s useless to lie to hi$. (ra"7ly5 your irgo %oss $ay
strai" at g"ats-%ut hell sel-o$ s,allo, a ca$el.
28 you give hi$ the u"-ersta"-i"g support a"- respect
he "ee-s5 he>ll "ever hurt you. 2"si-e5 he>s really a ge"tle soul a"- o8te" terri%ly
lo"ely5 $arrie- or si"gle. .e -oes">t $a7e 8rie"-s easily5 a"- hell %e touchi"gly
grate8ul 8or your e"courage$e"t. Li7e all irgos5 he lives ,ith a secret -rea$ a"-
is">t "early as isolate- 8ro$ e$otio" as he see$s to %e. Let hi$ 7"o, you>ve
-iscovere- that his %ar7 is ,orse tha" his %ite ?eve" though his %ar7 is ge"tle a"-
'uiet@5 a"- he>ll step -o," 8ro$ his ivory to,er. Never $i"- i8 the other e$ployees
call hi$ sti"gy. #o to hi$ ,he" you>re really i" trou%le a"- see ho, ,ro"g they

The 21#& +$ployee
</he" you say >hill5> < the 6uee" i"terrupte-5 <2 coul- sho, you hills5
i" co$pariso" ,ith ,hich
you>- call that a valley.< <A hill ca">t %e a valley5 you 7"o,.
That ,oul- %e "o"se"se-<
The 1e- 6uee" shoo7 her hea-. <=ou $ay call it >"o"se"se> i8 you li7e5< she sai-5
<4ut 2>ve hear- "o"se"se5 co$pare- ,ith ,hich > that ,oul- %e as se"si%le as a
28 you have a irgo e$ployee ,ho>s a typical irgi"ia"5 treasure hi$ ?or her@ a"-
pla"5 slo,ly a"- care8ully5 to $"vp. hi$ to the oositio" o8 your assista"t. Do">t -o it
too 'uic7ly or hell 8eel u"prepare- a"- relucta"t. (ast a-va"ces -o">t tic7le the
irgo ego5 they ;ust alar$ hi$ a"- $a7e hi$ suspect that you>re too i$pulsive 8or
hi$ to trust.
=ou "ee-">t sho,er this e$ployee ,ith %o"uses. &" the other ha"-5 -o">t u"-erpay
hi$ either. .e>s ,ell a,are o8 his co$para%le a"- curre"t $ar7et value5 a"- he
,o">t hesitate to $ove o"5 regar-less o8 his %asic loyalty a"- sta%ility5 i8 he 8eels
you>re %ei"g u"8air or u"reaso"a%le. 2t>s %ee" sai- that irgos give service ,ithout
thought o8 re,ar-5 ,hich has create- a %it o8 a pro%le$ i" se$a"tics. 2t>s $ore
accurate to say that they give service ,ithout thought o8 perso"al ego grati8icatio"
?though they secretly -esire this $ore tha" they let o"@. The irgo e$ployee 8ully
e:pects to %e pai- 8or his e88orts5 %ecause $o"ey is i$porta"t to hi$. 2t>s "ot the
cash itsel8 as a status sy$%ol5 "or the !a"ceria" -esire to accu$ulate that $otivates
hi$. 2t>s his i"%re- 8ear o8 goi"g o" relie8 so$e-ay ,he" he>s ol- a"- sic7 a"-
8ee%le a"- 8orce- to -epe"- o" others. The very thought o8 such a situatio" gives the
typical irgo goose %u$ps. .e>ll pro%a%ly %e 8ar healthier i" his ol- age tha" $ost
o8 the other 3o-iac sig"s. Though o8te" ,ea7 i" chil-hoo-5 irgo gathers physical
stre"gth as the years a-va"ce. Still he>ll secretly ,orry a%out his health a"- his
8i"a"cial 8uture. The t,i" $e"tal i$ages o8 the hospital a"- the poorhouse are "ever
8ar 8ro$ his thoughts5 so you ca" see ,hy irgos are 'uietly a$%itious to a-va"ce
i" their ,or7 u"til they reach a positio" ,here they ca" achieve 8i"a"cial security
8or to$orro,. At this poi"t5 a"- at this poi"t o"ly5 the "ervous irgo i"te"sity
%egi"s to u",ri"7le a"- he ca" rela:. &8 course5 irgos "ever co$pletely rela:5 %ut
let>s say he is "ot 'uite as ;u$py as he ,as %e8oreB he %ites his "ails less5 a"- his
allergies let up a little.
=ou>ll -iscover that he has a per8ect eye 8or -etail5 so$eti$es a little too per8ect to
%e co$8orta%le. Just %ecause you>re the %oss ,o">t 7eep hi$ 8ro$ catchi"g your
$ista7es a"- poi"ti"g the$ out i" typical5 %lu"t irgo 8ashio". *ositio"s a"- titles
are">t sacre- to hi$9 per8ectio" is-though5 ,ith typical irgo char$5 hell pro%a%ly
give you $ore out,ar- courtesy a"- respect tha" his associates -o.
/hatever his 8aults5 you ca" al,ays cou"t o" these e$ployees5 $ale or 8e$ale5 to
e:hi%it stro"g a"alytical a%ility a"- e:celle"t taste. .is ?or her@ sharp se"se o8
-iscri$i"atio" $a7es the typical irgo ,or7er a" e:celle"t critic5 ,ith the 7"ac7 o8
spotti"g the ,ea7 log i" the 8e"ce5 "ot to $e"tio" the ,ea7est li"7 i" the chai"5 ,ith
'uic7silver accuracy a"- spee-. irgo ,or7ers are a-apta%le a"- versatile5 clear-
thi"7i"g5 precise5 i"tellige"t a"- relia%le. They>ll "ever tur" i" sloppy ,or7 a"- they
have "o paN tie"ce ,ith a ;o% hal8 -o"e or la3i"ess. That i"clu-es your o,"
occasio"al la3i"ess. The %oss ,ho ta7es a -ay o88 to play gol8 $ay retur" to the
o88ice to 8i"- the irgo e$ployee eyei"g hi$ ,ith a thi"ly -isguise- loo7 o8 -is-
approval5 though the o%e-ie"t5 $a""erly irgi"ia" ,ill pro%a%ly 7eep sile"t a%out
irgos usually shi"e $ore i" %usi"esses ,hich give service to the pu%lic i" ge"eral.
*u%lishi"g5 the literary 8iel-5 $e-ici"e5 phar$acy5 a"ythi"g to -o ,ith 8oo-5
scie"ti8ic la%oratories5 service age"cies o8 all 7i"-s5 %oo77eepi"g a"- accou"ti"g-all
these areas are co$pete"tly a"- e88icie"tly ha"-le- %y the a-ept5 syste$atic irgo.
No ti"y -etail is u",orthy o8 his co"si-eratio"5 a"- he>ll stay overti$e ,ithout a
thought i8 so$ethi"g is "ot 'uite right a"- "ee-s his atte"tio".
=ou ca" 8eel co$pletely sa8e i" letti"g your irgo e$ployee ,or7 ,ithout
supervisio". .is se"se o8 ethics a"- respo"si%ility are total. 4esi-es5 he>- pro%a%ly
pre8er to ,or7 either 'uietly alo"e or co"8i-e"tly %esi-e you tha" %e e:pose- to a"y
possi%le criticis$ 8ro$ 8ello, ,or7ers. irgo ,or7s 'uic7ly5 %ut it $ay "ot %e
o%vious at 8irst. That>s %ecause he 8eels i"secure ,ith short cuts a"- is "ever
satis8ie- u"til all the 8acts have %ee" chec7e-. .e $ay appear to %e slo, si$ply
%ecause he>s -oi"g a thorough ;o%. Actually5 his $i"- ,or7s as 8ast as Mercury5
though $ere spee- ,ill "ever %e allo,e- to replace cautious5 $etho-ical
Although a-vertisi"g is">t a "atural at$osphere 8or his realistic5 practical approach5
he $ight %e valua%le i" so$e positio" ,here he ca" patie"tly pic7 up the pieces o8
those creative %rai"stor$s that occasio"ally %lo, s7y high5 a"- $a7e sure that the
8a%ulous i-eas ,hich have %ee" so ;oyously tosse- i"to the pro$otio"al hat -o">t
have large holes i" the$.
2t ,oul- "ot %e a-visa%le to se"- your irgo e$ployee out to pro$ote your
co$pa"y or sell your pro-uct. .e>s a %it too ho"est a"- plai" spo7e" to pai"t a"y
glo,i"g >ctures 8or your pote"tial custo$ers5 a"- his %asic "ature A C'' shy a"-
retiri"g to push either hi$sel8 or your 8ir$ ,ith a"y great go%s o8 e"thusias$. ery
8e, irgos $a7e eoo- sales$e"5 o"ly the rare e:ceptio"s to the rule.
.e>ll -ress "eatly5 spea7 ,ith ge"tle -ictio"5 %e as clea" as a %ar o8 2vory soap5 a"-
pro%a%ly have a -es7 that>s so ti-y it loo7s positively "a7e-. =ou $ay co$e across a
irgo ,ith a slightly cluttere- o88ice5 %ut "ever 8ear. .is $i"- is">t cluttere-. .e
7"o,s the e:act or-er o8 the appare"t -isor-er5 a"- ;ust ,here to put his 8i"ger o"
,hatever he ,a"ts. .is -es7 $ay loo7 li7e a heap o8 trash to you5 %ut he 7"o,s the
,herea%outs o8 every postage sta$p a"- paper clip.
/he" irgos %eco$e really "oticea%ly u"ti-y5 either at ho$e or at ,or75 it>s al$ost
al,ays a sy$pto$ o8 e$otio"al u"happi"ess-;ust as the sa$e thi"g is true o8 a
Sagittaria" ,ho su--e"ly %eco$es "eat a"- $eticulous.
4ite your to"gue ,he" you get a" urge to critici3e a irgo>s ,or7. .e>ll pro%a%ly
catch his o," $ista7es %e8ore you -o. A"y "ecessary criticis$ shoul- %e give"
%rie8ly a"- 'uietly5 a"- a"y u""ecessary criticis$ shoul- %e 8orgotte". 2t ta7es very
little to ,ar$ his heart to loyalty a"- gratitu-e5 %ut it also ta7es very little to cause
irgo to %ristle a"- 8ret a"- sul7. Still5 as 'uic7 as he is to pout over i$agi"e-
slights5 he>s ;ust as 'uic7 to help ,ithout %ei"g as7e- ,he" you>re i" trou%le. Duri"g
a real crisis5 you>ll s,ear he>s gro," t,o 8eet taller.
Never 8orce irgos to ,or7 arou"- ,il-5 %right colors. 2t -istur%s their 'uiet i""er
"ature. #ive the$ the $ost $o-er"5 $ost e88icie"t e'uip$e"t you ca" a88or-5 a"-
they>ll $a7e goo- use o8 it. They -o">t li7e "oise a"- co"8usio" ,he" they ,or7.
They also -o">t li7e irregular sche-ules. Let the$ have a regular -ay o88 a"- stic7 to
it. They>ll ,or7 overti$e i8 you "ee- the$5 %ut they hate the i"security a"-
co"8usio" o8 cha"gi"g shi8ts. Their e$otio"al re'uire$e"ts are hi--e"5 %ut they are
there ;ust the sa$e5 a"- a certai" a$ou"t o8 ope" appreciatio" $ay %e -esperately
Although the typical irgo sel-o$ i"-ulges i" esoteric or i$agi"ative ,or75 you
,ill occasio"ally 8i"- a 8e, ,ho -o. 4ut re$e$%er that they are still irgos. The
irgo astrologer ,ill split hairs over his occult i"vestigatio"5 the irgo poet ,ill use
precise $eter5 the irgo pai"ter ,ill co"ce"trate o" -etail a"- the irgo actor or
actress ,ill $a.ster the per8ect -ialect or acce"t 8or the role ,ith pai"sta7i"g stu-y.
Never let it thro, you ,he" so$eo"e %or" u"-er a certai" Su" sig" -oes">t see$ to
%e -oi"g ,hat cot"es "aturally5 as 8ar as his choice o8 career is co"cer"e-. FeBep
o%servi"g a"- you>ll see he>s still %ei"g true to his %asic "ature.
>&"ce you>ve gra-ually $ove- your irgo e$ployee 8ro$ the %otto$ ?,here he
,o">t $i"- starti"g5 %y the ,[y@ to the positio" o8 your right-ha"- $a" or your gal
(ri-ay5 you ca" rela: a"- really play so$e gol8 8or a chia"ge5 co"te"t i" the
7"o,le-ge that so$eo"e totally relia%le is coveri"g you %ac7 at the o88ice. &8
course5 you $5ay 8eel a little guilty ,he" you retur"5 u"-er the re-prroach8ul
e:pressio" i" those lovely5 clear irgo eyes. =ou "iiea" you "ever "otice- ho,
attractive your irgo e$-plloyee isA Loo7 agai".
/ill you5 ,o">t you5 ,ill you5 ,o">t you5 ,ill you ;oi" the -a"ceA
The 8urther o88 8ro$ +"gla"-5 the "earer is to (ra"ce.
<!o"trari,ise5< co"ti"ue- T,ee-le-u$5 <i8 it ,as so5 it $ight %eB
a"-5 i8 it ,ere so5 it ,oul- %eB
%ut as it is">t5 it ai">t.
That>s logic.<

L241A5 the Scales
Septe$%er 24th through &cto%er 23r-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The L241A Ma"
The L241A /o$a"
The L241A !hil-
The L241A 4oss
The L241A +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e L241A
<=our 8ace is the sa$e as every%o-y has-
the t,o eyes5 so ... "ose i" the $i--le5
$outh u"-er. 2t>s al,ays the sa$e.
No,5 i8 you ha- the t,o eyes
o" the sa$e si-e o8 the "ose5 8or i"sta"ce-
or the $outh at the top-
that ,oul- %e so$e help.<
Li%ra"s hate to %e ru-e5 yet they>ll straighte" the croo7e- picture o" your ,all a"-
s"ap o88 your %lari"g T s88t. Li%ra"s love people5 %ut they hate large cro,-s. Li7e
ge"Kle -oves o8 peace5 they go arou"- $e-iati"g a"- patchi"g tip 'uarrels %et,ee"
othersB still they e";oy a goo- argu$e"t the$selves. They>re goo-"ature- a"-
pleasa"t5 %ut thCy ca" also %e sul7y5 a"- they %al7 at ta7i"g or-ers. Li%ra?is are
e:tre$ely i"tellige"t. At the sa$e ti$e5 they>re i"cre-i%ly "aive a"- gulli%le. They>ll
tal7 your ear o885 yet they>re ,o"-er8ully goo- liste"ers. Li%ra"s are restless people.
4ut they sel-o$ rush or hurry. Are you co$pletely co"8use-A =ou>re "ot alo"e.
There>s a 8rustrati"g i"co"siste"cy to tlSis Su" sig" that pu33les the 0%ra"s
the$selves as $uch SKit -oes others.
Lots o8 people ,ill tell you that Li%ra is all love aiS- %eauty a"- s,eet"ess a"-
light. That>s 8i"e5 as 8ar as it goes5 %ut it stops a little short o8 accuracy. 2t also stops
short o8 +uge"e &>Neill. Just %ecause the sig" is sy$%oli3e- %y the gol-e" scales o8
;ustice5 -o">t ever thi"7 that Li%raAS are al,ays per8ectly %ala"ce-. 2t see$s to %e a
logical -e-uctio". A8ter all5 the purpose o8 scales is to %ala"o\. .o,ever5 -i- you
ever ,atch the %ala"ci"g process o" a pair o8 ol--8ashio"e- phar$aceutical scalesA
The ulti$ate goal is to get %oth si-es eve"5 %ut ,hat happe"sA (irst o?ie si-e is lo,5
the" the other. 0p a"- -o,"5 a"- they -ip u"til there>s per8ect %ala"ce. Drop i"to a
8rie"-ly "eigh%orhoo-. phar$acy a"- ,atch the$ i" actio". ?Just tell the -ruggist
you>re tryi"g to 8i"- out ,hat $a7es Au"t Martha tic7.@
Never agai" ,ill you have a $e"tal picture o8 a Li%ra" as a cal$5 per8ectly
%ala"ce-5 s,eet5 gracious a"- char$i"g i"-ivi-ual =ou>ll have a $e"tal picture o8 a
perso" ,ho has that 7i"- o8 -ispositio" hal8 the ti$e. The other hal8 o8 the ti$e5
Li%ra ca" %e a""oyi"g5 'uarrelso$e5 stu%%or"5 restless5 -epresse- a"- co"8use-.
Li%ra is 8irst up5 the" -o,". .e s,i"gs o"e ,ay5 the" a"other. Su--e"ly5 li7e the
scaels-per8ect %ala"ceI 2t>s heave"ly. 4ut there is al,ays that perio- o8 ,eighi"g a"-
-ippi"g %e8ore the $o$e"t o8 heave"ly %ala"ce is achieve-.
The physical appeara"ce o8 these people $ay re'uire al$ost as $uch co"ce"tratio"
as the perso"ality. There>s "o such thi"g as a typical Li%ra 8eature5 u"less i8s the
e"us -i$ple. Li%ra" 8eatures are al$ost al,ays eve" a"- ,ell-%ala"ce-. They>re
pleasi"g5 %ut "ot very "oticea%le5 so it>s easier to start ,ith the -i$ples. There ,ill
usually %e a couple i" the chee7s or o"e i" the chi". 28 they>re "ot i" the 8ace5 you
$ight chec7 to see i8 the 7"ees are -i$ple-. Ma"y Li%ra" 7"ees are. 4ut %e care8ul.
ery 8e, girls ,ill %elieve you ,he" you tell the$ you ,ere stari"g at their 7"ees
<%ecause 2 ,a"t to see i8 you ,ere %or" i" &cto%er.< 4e -iscreet5 %ut chec7. /ith
the $e"5 o8 course5 the trousers rule out that clue5 u"less you>re o" the %each or
playi"g te""is. Do">t get -iscourage- i8 you 8i"- -i$ples5 the" -iscover the perso"
,as "ot %or" i" &cto%er. Those 8etchi"g -i$ples have a right to %e there5 %ecause he
or she ,ill have a Li%ra asce"-a"t5 so your guess is still correct.
A8ter you>ve rule- the e"us -i$ples i" or out5 "otice the e"tire e88ect o8 the 8ace. 2t
,ill al,ays ,ear a $ar7e-ly pleasa"t e:pressio". +ve" ,he" the Li%ra" is a"gry5
so$eho, he or she ,ill $a"age to loo7 $il-5 or at the very least5 "eutral. e"us
voices are typically s,eet a"- clear as a %ell5 a"- these people sel-o$ raise the$ to
a shrill or %ello,i"g pitch. A Li%ra" is the o"ly perso" o" earth ,ho ca" say5 <2 hate
you a"- 2>$ goi"g to pu"ch you i" the "ose5< a"- sou"- as i8 he>s reciti"g
4ro,"i"g>s <.o, Do 2 Love TheeA< The $outh is usually %o,-shape-5 a"- the lips
,oul- have %ee" -escri%e- i" #i%so" girl -ays as <lips li7e cherry ,i"e.< 2" 8act5
the typical Li%ra 8ace re$i"-s you o8 "othi"g so $uch as a %o: o8 %o"%o"s. &r a
sugar coo7ie. So$e o8 the$ loo7 li7e hu$a" lollipops5 or a cara$el su"-ae toppe-
,ith rich5 ,hippe- crea$. They li7e to eat those thi"gs5 too5 a"- i8 a"y Li%ra"s are
rea-i"g this5 they>re pro%a%ly ,ea7 ,ith hu"ger %y "o,.
The ,o$e" are al$ost i"varia%ly pretty5 a"- the $e" are usually ha"-so$e. Still5
"ot all o8 the %eauti8ul people i" the ,orl- are Li%ra"sB e"us %eauty is i" a class %y
itsel85 a"- it>s "ot al,ays easy to separate it 8ro$ the goo- loo7s o8 other Su" sig"s.
My o," secret ,ay to recog"i3e the$ is to %egi" %y thi"7i"g a%out the s,eet
e:pressio"s o8 D,ight +lse"ho,er a"- 4rigitte 4ar-ot5 a"- the" go o" 8ro$ there.
The trou%le is that so$eti$es the ,o$e" ,ill loo7 li7e 27e a"- the $e" li7e 4ar-ot.
=ou have to $a7e allo,a"ces.
2>$ "ot i$plyi"g that the Li%ra ,o$a" is $asculi"e.
Most o8 the$ are a%out as 8e$ale as the average $a" ca" sta"- ?u"less there>s a"
aggressive asce"-a"t@. A"- 2 certai"ly -o "ot i$ply that Li%ra $e" are 8e$i"i"e.
They>re usually 'uite virile $ale a"i$als. 4ut there>s "o -e"yi"g that they have a
purity o8 8eature that 7eeps you 8ro$ Q getti"g the$ $i:e- up ,ith pri3e 8ighters or
,restlers. +ve" the rare Li%ra" ,ho $ight %e calle- ugly5 a"- it ,ill %e $ost
u"usual to 8i"- o"e5 has such a char$i"g e:pressio" you>re persua-e- to co$$e"t
that there>s real %eauty o8 character i" his ?or her@ 8ace.
=ou>ll "ever $eet a Li%ra" ,ho -oes">t have a s$ile li7e a so8t5 ,hite clou-. That
e"us s$ile coul- $elt a chocolate %ar at t,e"ty paces. /he" it hits you 8ull 8orce5
it has e"ough ca"-le po,er to tra"s8igure eve" plai" or -o,"right ho$ely 8eatures-
literally5 "ot 8iguratively.
Most Li%ra"s are 8ull o8 curves5 rather tha" a"gles. Their hair is o8te" curly. They>re
"ot "ecessarily 8at ?though a Taurus asce"-a"t ca" pro-uce so$e pretty plu$p
pigeo"s@. Still5 they ca" 8ool you5 go o" a -iet a"- cut 'uite a tri$ 8igure. 4ut eve"
so5 the curves ,ill %e there i" spots5 rather li7e a sli$ hourglass shape. 0si"g 4ar-ot
o"ce $ore as a" e:a$ple5 o"e certai"ly coul- "ot call her 8at-%ut coul- o"e call her
s7i""yA There>s o"e $ore tric7 i" $asteri"g the e"us appeara"ce a"- physical
characteristics. =ou>ll "otice a %right5 lilti"g laugh that ri"gs ,ith $erri$e"t. &"ce
you>ve hear- it5 you ,o">t soo" 8orget it.
No, you $ight thi"7 that to %e %or" attractive a"- -i$ple-5 to see7 8air"ess a"-
loveli"ess5 to %e pleasi"g a"- easily please-5 is a %lessi"g. =ou $ight i$agi"e that
ge"tle"ess a"- i"tellige"ce5 grace a"- u"-ersta"-i"g are the gi8ts o8 a 8airy
go-$other. =ou $ight %e right. /he" the Li%ra scales are %ala"ce-5 i8s utterly
-elight8ul5 li7e $eeti"g a" a"gel 8ro$ para-ise. The pro%le$ is that 8airy
go-$other. She 7eeps rappi"g o"e si-e o8 the .scales ,ith her ,a"- a"- the" the
other5 $a7i"g Li%ra -ip %ac7 a"- 8orth. She ca">t see$ to $a7e up her 8ic7le $i"-
,hether she $a-e a $ista7e or "ot5 a"- she passe- her i"-ecisio" o" to Li%ra"s.
(irst they>ll tal7 up a stor$ a"- $o"opoli3e the co"versatio". The" they>ll liste"
i"te"tly5 ,ith 8latteri"g i"terest. /he" others are 8ighti"g5 theyll play the role o8
peace$a7er5 a"- s$ooth everyo"e>s ru88le- 8eathers. The" they>ll tur" right arou"-5
-eli%erately ta7e the other si-e i" -iscussio"5 a"- start a" argu$e"t 8or the pure
relish o8 it.
They see7 har$o"y. =et5 lots o8 Li%ra"s i"-ulge i" e:cessive eati"g5 -ri"7i"g or
love-$a7i"g5 co$pletely upsetti"g the coo7ie cart5 "ot to $e"tio" thro,i"g
har$o"y out o8 7ilter. 2" 8act5 you>ll co$e across a 8e, Li%ra"s ,ho ,ill re$i"- you
o8 Dr. Dolittle>s <push $e-pull you< a"i$al.
The Su" sig" itsel8 is 7"o," as La3y Li%ra5 a"- that>s a"other i"co"siste"cy. (or
-ays5 ,ee7s or $o"ths o" e"-5 Li%ra"s ca" %e too %usy to play. They>ll %ur" gallo"s
o8 $i-"ight oil5 the" rise a"- shi"e i" ti$e to hear the rooster cro,. 2t ,ears you out
;ust to ,atch the$. Su--e"ly5 they>ll plop -o," i"to a chair5 say5 <2>$ %ushe-5< a"-
give the %est i$itatio" o8 la3i"ess you>ve ever see" ?especially a8ter all that 8re"3ie-
activity@. &"ce they>ve ploppe-5 you ,o">t catch the$ $ovi"g a $uscle i8 they ca"
help it. 2t ,ill %e a" e88ort 8or the$ to pic7 up a spoo" or raise a glass ?though they
,ill $a"age@. 28 there>s a"yo"e arou"- ,ho>s ,illi"g5 they>ll e:pect to %e ,aite- o"5
ha"- a"- 8oot. /he" the scales have -ippe- -o," to,ar- lethargy5 you coul-">t
$ove Li%ra ,ith a stea$ shovel. .ell tal75 rea-5 ya,"5 s"oo3e5 ,atch T or stare
out the ,i"-o,5 a"- see$ %arely a%le to $a7e it i"to the %e-roo$ ?though he>ll
$a"age@. All the "aggi"g a"- shouti"g i" the ,orl- ,o">t i$press hi$. 2t>s as i8 he
,ere i" a"other ,orl-. A8ter a perio-5 ,he" he>s recoupe- his 8orces5 hell 8eel a
spurt o8 e"ergy5 get up5 a"- start chuggi"g -o," the trac7 agai". .is "ose ,ill go
%ac7 to the gri"-sto"e5 a"- his ha"-s a"- 8eet ,ill 8ly. &"ce $ore5 he>ll ,or7 li7e a
$ule i" har"ess5 7eepi"g a $iraculous %ala"ce a"- a stea-y5 eve" pace5 as he
har$o"iously pla"s his chores ,ith e88icie"t ease. Although Li%ra is "ot a -ual sig"5
$ost o8 their 8rie"-s thi"7 they 7"o, t,o -i88ere"t people. Try to tell so$eo"e ,ho
has 8re'ue"tly see" a Li%ra" i" the $i-st o8 a" ups,i"g that Li%ra is la3y5 a"- hell
stare at you %la"7ly. !o"versely5 i8 you try to tell so$eo"e ,ho has %ee" e:pose- to
the Li%ra lassitu-e that this creature is a %u"-le o8 po,er8ul -rive5 he>ll retort ,ith5
<That la3y %u$A =ou $ust %e 7i--i"g.<
Li%ra"s 7"o, i"sti"ctively that to restore har$o"y to the %o-y5 they $ust alter"ate
their active spells ,ith co$plete rest. Their perso"al arra"ge$e"t o8 ge"es a"- cells
a"- electrical i$pulses -e$a"- it5 a"- $ost o8 the$ are pretty a-ept at $a"agai"g
this -elicate physical %ala"ce. .o,ever5 har$o"y o8 the $i"- a"- e$otio"s is">t
al,ays as i"sti"ctive ,ith the$. They ca" ,eep ,ith over8lo,i"g se"ti$e"t5 tur"
sharply sarcastic5 the" %e as %right a"- cheer8ul as the 8irst ro%i" i" spri"g. 2t>s "ot at
all the -uality o8 #e$i"i. The Li%ra" is co"sta"tly -ippi"g -eeply i"to o"e e$otio"
a"- the" the other %y tur"s5 ,hich is">t the sa$e thi"g as the co$plete cha"ge o8
character o8 the #e$i"i t,i"s. There>s a -eep rich"ess to Li%ra>s e$otio"s5 "o
$atter ,hich e$otio" is high or lo, at a give" $o$e"t5 a"- a philosophic approach
to %oth sorro,s a"- ;oys that sel-o$ 8ails to s$ooth thi"gs out eve"tually.
A" i"sti"ct 8or sa"ity 7eeps $ost Li%ra"s $e"tally healthy a"- physically 8it.
0sually5 they avoi- serious %rea7-o,"s o8 %o-y a"- $i"-. The %iggest threat to
their health is over i"-ulge"ce o8 so$e 7i"-. +ati"g s,eets ca" %ri"g o" o%esity5
sto$ach -isor-ers a"- $ottle- s7i". +:cessive use o8 alcohol ca" cause severe
7i-"ey a"- %la--er Q-istur%a"ces5 ,hich i" tur" result i" viole"t hea-aches o8
$igrai"e i"te"sity. #ivi"g i" to -epressio" ca" cause itchy se"satio"s i" the s7i"
a"- eve" %oils. The %reast area is a se"sitive part o8 the %o-y5 a"- so$eti$es there
are 8oot pro%le$s a"- i"testi"al -isor-ers though these are">t as co$$o". 0lcers
%eset $a"y a Li%ra"5 "ot 8ro$ ,orry as $uch as 8ro$ a%use o8 the -igestive syste$
a"- the topsy-turvy e$otio"al $a7e-up. #e"erally5 Li%ra"s are healthier tha" $ost
people5 u"less they push the$selves too %ar-5 a"- 8orget to ta7e those "ecessary rest
perio-s. The e88ect o8 peace a"- har$o"y o" e"us health is $iraculous. /he"
they>re ill5 they "ee- e"or$ous a$ou"ts o8 prolo"ge- rest5 ,ith "o -iscor-a"t
e$otio"al situatio"s to plague the$5 pleasa"t %oo7s5 so8t $usic a"- soothi"g ,or-s.
Such a" at$osphere rarely 8ails to put the typical Li%ra" %ac7 o" his 8eet 'uic7ly.
The Li%ra character is $a-e up o8 ;ust a%out e'ual parts o8 7i"-"ess5 ge"tle"ess5
8air"ess5 plai" cusse- argu$e"ta-tive"ess5 stu%%or" re8usal to capitulate5
philosophical logic a"- i"-ecisio". 2t>s %est to e:a$i"e these i"gre-ie"ts i" -etail.
The argu$e"tative"ess5 8or i"sta"ce. A Li%ra" ,ill argue ,ith you a%out ,hat ti$e
it is i8 he thi"7s your ,atch is t,o seco"-s o88. Do">t try to get a,ay ,ith a
ge"erali3atio" li7e9 <Tee"agers are rui"i"g the cou"try.< =ou>ll get a logical5 care8ul
-issertatio" a%out the *eace !orps a"- ho, $a"y ,o"-er8ul you"gsters there are i"
the ,orl-5 eve" i8 his o," chil-re" are -e8ia"t -rop-outs. Ma7e a re$ar7 li7e5 <The
la, is so corrupt to-ay that all ;u-ges a"- la,yers are -isho"est5< a"- he>ll go o" 8or
hours a%out the -ivi"e protectio" o8 ;ustice i" this cou"try5 the virtues o8 the ;ury
syste$ a"- the pro%le$s o8 la,-$a7ers5 goi"g %ac7 to 1o$a" la, a"- co"ti"ui"g
through the !o-e Napoleo". Never say casually5 <2t>s 8oolish to live i" the city ,he"
you ca" live i" the cou"try. There>s "o co$pariso".< That last phrase especially is a
huge $ista7e. Just $e"tio" the ,or- co$pariso"5 a"- the average Li%ra" is o88 a"-
ru""i"g. .e ca" co$pare all "ight lo"g5 ,ith re8resh$e"ts at i"tervals. .e>ll e:tol
the %eauties a"- a-va"tages o8 the cities co$pare- to rural areas9 -escri%e ; the
%right lights5 ho"7i"g ta:i hor"s5 theaters5 $useu$s a"- D par7s i" glo,i"g ter$s-
eve" i8 he hi$sel8 lives i" su%ur%ia D a"- you coul-">t %last hi$ out ,ith -y"a$ite.
2t ,oul-">t D $a7e a %it o8 -i88ere"ce i8 you too7 the opposite vie, i" D a"y o8 these
cases. The Li%ra" ,oul- the" e:pou"- o" the ?risi"g tee"age cri$e rate5 the
corruptio" o8 the courts a"- Ethe ;oys o8 cou"try livi"g. .e -oes">t really care ,hich
si-e 2 he ta7es i" a goo- argu$e"t5 as lo"g as it>s the other si-e. So$eti$es5 i8 he
gets %ore-5 he ca" s,itch si-es i" the $i--le. Tell hi$ you li7e a $ovie a"- he>ll tell
you ,hat>s ,ro"g ,ith it. !ritici3e it a"- hell praise it. 1ave a%out a "e, %oo7 a"-
he>ll list its shortco$i"gs. 28 you 8ou"- it -ull5 he>ll poi"t out its virtues. Throughout
all this co"sta"t5 logical -e-uctio"5 the Li%ra" ,ill try to re$ai" 8air. Li%ra -rea-s
the appeara"ce o8 pre;u-ice5 u";ust accusatio" a"- %li"- 8aith e'ually. /hat he
see7s is the real truth5 the e:act %ala"ce that gives the correct a"s,er5 a8ter ,eighi"g
all possi%ilities.
2t>s a" a-$ira%le trait5 o8 course5 %ut all that ,eighi"g ca" -rive a positive perso"
si$ply ,il-. 2t ca" -rive the Li%ra" hi$sel8 i"to a state o8 co"sta"t i"-ecisio". +ve"
the $ost co"trolle- e"us $e" a"- ,o$e" -isli7e $a7i"g i"sta"t -ecisio"s ,ithout
ta7i"g all the possi%ilities i"to co"si-eratio". (air"ess ca" %e a 8etish. The Li%ra"
ge"eral5 ,ith his 'ualities o8 %ala"ce-5 har$o"ious ;u-g$e"t5 $a7es a" e:celle"t
strategist5 a"- thought8ul pla""i"g ca" ,i" a %attle %e8ore it>s 8ought. .is a%ility to
see all si-es5 to s$ooth "erves a"- cal$ a"gry te$pers ca" $a7e hi$ the 8i"est 7i"-
o8 $e-iator5 %ri"gi"g people ,ho hate a"- $istrust each other together5 a"- getti"g
the$ to ,or7 i" har$o"ious cooperatio". .o,ever5 ,ar $a7es all Li%ra"s secretly
heartsic7. They hate %loo-she-. A" &cto%er-%or" o88icer i" the ar$e- services ,ill
let so$eo"e else $a7e i"sta"t -ecisio"s u"-er 8ire5 ,hile he %rillia"tly charts the
strategic $a"euvers that ,ill save thousa"-s o8 lives i" the lo"g ru"5 a"- still ,i"
8or his si-e.
This a"tipathy to $a7i"g a -ecisio" ca" tur" i"to 'uite a stale$ate ,ith the o"es
,ho have a-verse a88lictio"s %et,ee" their pla"ets at %irth. There are so$e ,ho
ca">t -eci-e ,hich shoe to put o" 8irst i" the $or"i"g5 let alo"e ,hich si-e o8 the
%e- to get out o8. +ve" the average Li%ra" you $eet at the o88ice or at a party ,ill
al,ays re8lect to so$e -egree this te"-e"cy to ,eigh thi"gs %ac7 a"- 8orth u"til you
get the ;itters5 a"- the ti$e 8or -ecisio" is lo"g past. They>ll say5 <28 2 -o this5 such
a"- such ,ill happe". &" the other ha"-< ?,hich is o"e o8 their all-ti$e very
8avorite phrases@ <i8 2 -o that5 the" such a"- such coul- occur.< Those scales ca" -ip
cra3ily up a"- -o," li7e a see-sa,. Nothi"g is $ore pai"8ul to ,atch tha" a
-ou%t8ul Li%ra" tryi"g to $a7e up his $i"- ,hy5 ,here8ore5 a"- ,hether to. .e
-oes">t li7e to %e hurrie- or pushe- ,hile he>s -eci-i"g5 either. A" i$patie"t perso"
ca" tur" the airy Li%ra" i"to a su--e" spell o8 earth stu%%or""ess that ,oul- $a7e
Taurus5 the %ull5 loo7 li7e a gulli%le pushover. 2$patie"ce is o"e 'uality $ost
Li%ra"s ca">t sta"-. (lighty5 rash5 i$pulsive people ,ho -o">t stop to co"si-er the
co"se'ue"ces give the$ the ;itters.
2t>s a$usi"g that Li%ra"s ,ill al,ays i$$e-iately -e"y their 2"-ecisive"ess. The
8irst thi"g they>ll say ,he" you>re -escri%i"g their Su" sig" ,ill %e5 <2>$ "ot
i"-ecisive at all. That>s "ot accurate. 2t certai"ly -oes">t -escri%e $e.< .i-e your
s$ile. Tra"slate-5 his -e"ial $ea"s that5 although he ta7es a -evilishly lo"g ti$e to
$a7e up his $i"- ?,hich he very co"ve"ie"tly 8orgets@5 o"ce he>s reache- a
co"clusio"5 he>s 'uite gu"g-ho a%out it. 28 he>s %ee" allo,e- su88icie"t ti$e5 his
eve"tual5 8i"al -ecisio" ,ill %e carrie- out ,ith such 8orce8ul co"victio" that it $is-
lea-s hi$ i"to thi"7i"g he>s 8ir$ a"- -ecisive. Do">t let it $islea- you. A"y,ay5
,he" he tells you he has "o trou%le $a7i"g up his $i"-5 he>s ;ust starti"g a typical
Li%ra" argu$e"t5 a"- you ca" tell hi$ so. 2t ,ill -o hi$ goo- to reali3e that5 eve" i"
the $i-st o8 his o%;ectio"s to his astrological traits5 he>s provi"g the truth o8 his Su"
sig". /he" he -e"ies your a"alysis o8 hi$5 ;ust say s$ugly5 <2 e:pecte- you to ta7e
that attitu-e. Li%ra"s al,ays argue every poi"t.< 2t ,ill -rive hi$ crac7ers5 %ut it
$ay help hi$ reali3e the truth5 a"- the truth is ,hat he see7s. .e>s %ou"- to see the
logic i" that. Telli"g hi$ he>s %ei"g u"8air a"- re8usi"g to co"si-er %oth si-es ,ill
ta7e hi$ -o," a "otch or t,o5 also.
ery 8e, Li%ra"s are $ar7e-ly ecce"tric or sho,-o88s. Most o8 the$ are as
,holeso$e a"- as ,ell-%ala"ce- as a "eat 8iel- o8 ,heat5 s,ayi"g %ac7 a"- 8orth
grace8ully i" the ,i"-. They>re "or$ally scrupulously ho"est i" %usi"ess -eals5 a"-
there>s very little careless"ess a%out the$. Li%ra ,oul- rather ta7e his ti$e a"- get it
right tha" $a7e a 8alse start a"- have to repeat the process. They hate e:aggeratio"5
a"- they>re repelle- %y e$%arrassi"g -isplays o8 a"ger a"- passio"5 though they
the$selves ca" %e guilty o8 %oth e:tre$es i8 they>re presse- %eyo"- their e"-ura"ce.
Most Li%ra"s have a 8a"tastic a%ility to co"ce"trate a"- to po"-er -eep su%;ects.
They are %or" ,ith a" a88ectio" 8or %oo7s5 a"- such a respect 8or the pri"te- ,or-
that $a"y o8 the$ scor" paper%ac7s. They 8eel it>s "ot a %oo7 u"less it>s a
har-cover5 a"- s$ells a"- 8eels li7e a %oo7. =ou>re al$ost sure to 8i"- a" e:te"sive
li%rary i" every Li%ra" ho$e.
They love the har$o"y o8 sou"-s5 colors5 poetry a"- the proper use o8 ,or-s5 %oth
,ritte" a"- spo7e". 1arely -o they escape the i"8lue"ce o8 the arts. A Li%ra" is a
ge"tle5 te"-er lover o8 all that>s goo- a"- clea" a"- lovely u"-er"eath ,hatever
i$age he $ay pro;ect ,he" that 8airy go-$other raps o"e si-e o8 his scales. .e>s a"
artistic soul at heart5 ,ho e";oys sprea-i"g the so8t %lue a"- pastel sha-es o8 e"us
at parties a"- cultural occasio"s. So8t light5 $ello, $usic5 i"teresti"g co"versatio"5
goo- 8oo- a"- 8i"e ,i"es tur" hi$ o". .is $i"- has %oth the %rillia"ce o8 the
-ia$o"- a"- the s$ooth"ess o8 the opal. .e $oves i" the cha"gi"g ele$e"t o8 air
a"- re8lects the use8ul"ess .o8 copper5 his har$o"i3i"g $etal. There>s a touch o8 the
cool5 Li%ra" $i"t i" his alert reaso"i"g a"- his sharp se"se o8 ho"or5 a"- si:
-i$e"sio"s o8 peace shi"e -o," o" hi$ 8ro$ e"us.
To truly u"-ersta"- Li%ra5 you $ust u"-ersta"- the ri--le o8 the scalesB o"e si-e
heape- high ,ith &cto%er>s vivi-5 gol-e" leaves5 suggesti"g %ris75 autu$" ,eather-
the other si-e hol-i"g s7y %lue %u"ches o8 shy violets5 -re"che- i" the 8resh sce"t o8
April rai". /he" the scales -ip5 %right opti$is$ tur"s i"to sile"t pa"ic5 ,eighe-
-o," ,ith lo"ely -epressio". /he" they %ala"ce5 they pro-uce a per8ect har$o"y
%et,ee" his rich5 crac7li"g i"tellect a"- his a88ectio"ate5 sy$pathetic heart. The
seaso"s hol- Li%ra>s secret. /i"ter is too col- 8or hi$. Su$$er is too hot. .e $ust
%le"- the$ %oth i"to a per8ect 8all a"- spri"g.
(a$ous Li%ra *erso"alities
Julie A"-re,s 4rigitte 4ar-ot Davi- 4e"-#urio" Sarah 4er"har-t !harles 4oyer
!harlie 4ro," Tru$a" !apote D,ight +ise"ho,er T. S. +liot /illia$ (aul7"er
Mahat$a #a"-hi #eorge #ersh,i" #raha$ #ree"e .ele" .ayes 1ita .ay,orth
!harlto" .esto" De%orah Ferr Joh" Le""o" /alter Lipp$a"" (ra"3 Lis3t Mic7ey
Ma"tle Marcello Mastroia""i Niet3sche +uge"e &>Ne88l Dr. J. 4. 1hi"e +lea"or
1oosevelt +- Sulliva" Michael To--5 Jr. &scar /il-e Tho$as /ol8e

The L241A Ma"
<2" $y youth5< sai- his (ather5 <2 too7 to the la,. A"- argue- each case ,ith $y
A"- the $uscular stre"gth5 ,hich it gave to $y ;a,5 .as laste- the rest o8 $y li8e.<
=ou>ll get ple"ty o8 8ree a-vice 8ro$ this $a". .ell have the per8ect solutio" to all
your pro%le$s a"- a" a"s,er 8or every 'uestio" you as7. 4ut there>s "o use
e:pecti"g hi$ to %e the a"s,er to all your girlish -rea$s. .e>ll cha"ge so$e o8
the$ a"- argue ,ith others. A Li%ra $ale ca" %e as cra"7y as a croco-ile ,ith
poiso" ivy5 a"- his ha%it o8 ratio"ali3i"g everythi"g5 i"clu-i"g love5 ,ill -rive you
to 8re"3y-or leave you li$p ,ith -e8eat.
Still5 2 $ust ,ar" you that o"ce you>re caught a"- e"$eshe- i" the Li%ra" char$5 it
,o">t %e easy to %rea7 a,ay. Tryi"g to escape 8ro$ a %ear trap is a ci"ch5 co$pare-
to li%erati"g yoursel8 8ro$ a Li%ra" $a". 28 you try to ru"5 he>ll persua-e you to stay
,ith such logical5 i"tellige"t argu$e"ts you coul-">t hope to top the$ u"less you
gra-uate- 8ro$ .arvar- La, School. 2" a--itio" to usi"g his u"$atche- reaso"i"g
po,ers o" you5 he>ll tur" so s,eet a"- ge"tle you>ll 8orget the 8rustrati"g
i"co"siste"cies o8 his "ature that upset you %e8ore. The" he>ll s$ile at you a"-
so$ethi"g ,ill happe" i"si-e. =our heart ,ill tur" over.
(ro$ that $o$e"t o"5 the %attle ,ill %e lost. .is -rea$s ,ill %e your -rea$s5 a"-
"othi"g ,ill $atter so $uch as $a7i"g hi$ happy. =ou>ll see7 that s$ile a"- "ee-
it to survive the ,ay a thirsty traveler "ee-s ,ater. &"ly a really har--hearte-
.a""ah coul- resist a Li%ra" s$ile5 a"- she>- have to su$$o" all her -eter$i"atio"
to avoi- %ei"g $ag"eti3e- %y its purity. The Li%ra" char$ is "ot li7e the hyp"otic
persuasio" o8 the Scorpio. The attractio" o8 Li%ra is logicul a"- real5 "ot
super"atural i" a"y se"se. There>s "o %lac7 $agic a%out it5 ;ust co$$o" se"se
su%$issio" to his heave"ly aura.
&" the other ha"-5 to use his 8avorite catch phrase5 there ,ill %e ti$es ,he" those
Li%ra scales -ip %ac7 a"- 8orth ,ith cra3y co"tra-ictio". =ou>ll have to shout at
hi$5 push hi$ i"to the la7e5 or sta"- o" your hea- to get his atte"tio" a"- 8orce hi$
to $a7e a $ove. Do">t %e so "aive as to thi"7 love ,ill %e s$ooth a"- eter"ally
tra"'uil5 eve" i8 he is rule- %y e"us. 28 you>re up o" your 1o$a" $ythology5
you>re a,are that e"us ha- her o88 -ays. Still5 ,he" the scales %ala"ce5 li8e ,ith
Li%ra ca" %e as i"to:icati"g as a go%let o8 gol-e" a$%rosia5 ,ith lots o8 laughs a"-
a casual 8ree-o$ 7"o," o"ly to the go-s ,ho cavort o" &ly$pus.
Ma7i"g up his $i"- is a chore "o less stre"uous to the average Li%ra" $ale tha"
ta$i"g a ,il- %u88alo5 a"- o"ce he>s $a-e it up5 he>s lia%le to cha"ge it ,ith "o
,ar"i"g i8 he suspects he>s $a-e a $ista7e. There>s a ,o$a" 2 7"o, /ho hope- to
go i"to a %usi"ess part"ership ,ith a Li%ra"5 a"- she lear"e- the har- ,ay a%out this
lege"-ary Li%ra i-iosy"crasy. They ha- a %rea78ast appoi"t$e"t together o"e
su$$er $or"i"g5 a"- %oth o8 the$ ,ere 8ull o8 e"thusiastic5 opti$istic pla"s 8or the
8uture. A8ter he -roppe- her o88 o" the ,ay to his o88ice5 she %ega" to ,orry. .is
pro$ises ,ere al$ost too goo- to %e true5 so she pho"e- hi$5 ;ust to $a7e sure she
ha-">t %ee" -rea$i"g. .e ,as still e:cite-5 he repeate- all his pro$ises a"-
a$%itious pla"s5 a"- they $a-e a -ate to get together agai" the 8ollo,i"g ,ee7.
4e8ore they hu"g up5 he guesse- ,hat ,as o" her $i"- a"- reassure- her. <4y the
,ay5< he re$ar7e-5 <2 ,a"t to say so$ethi"g5 si"ce 2 ,o">t see you agai" 8or a 8e,
-ays.< .e hesitate- slightly ?she $isse- that clue@5 the" co"ti"ue- ,ith co"victio".
<2 ,a"te- to tell you that5 ,ell-2 guess ,hat 2 ,a"te- to say is -o">t ,orry. 2 ,o">t
cha"ge $y $i"-. /e>ll go through ,ith it5 ;ust the ,ay ,e pla""e-.<
The "e:t ,ee75 ,he" he -i-">t call5 she pho"e- hi$ agai". </ere you out o8 to,"A<
she as7e-. <No5< he sai- slo,ly. <2 -i-">t call you %ecause 2 ,a"te- to thi"7 it over.<
A lo"g pause. <2 thi"7 2 shoul- try so$ethi"g ,ith a s$aller %u-get 8irst. /e>ll get
together o" our pro;ect "e:t spri"g. 2 pro$ise. 2t>s ;ust that5 ,ell5 2>ve -eci-e- it>s
%est to ,ait u"til the"5 a"- put it o" the shel8 8or a ,hile5 you 7"o,A<
(ille- ,ith "atural rese"t$e"t a"- -isappoi"t$e"t a8ter such a" u"e:pecte-
let-o,"5 she $a-e a -ecisio" o8 her o,". She ,oul- "ever spea7 to hi$ agai". The
$a" ,as o%viously u"-epe"-a%le5 u"trust,orthy a"- cruel5 %esi-es. A $o"th later
she passe- hi$ o" the street5 a"- he stoppe- to say hello. !aught o88 guar-5 she
sta$$ere- a" aloo85 cool se"te"ce or t,o o8 greeti"g5 a"- i"sta"tly regrette- that
she ha-">t cut hi$ -ea-. The" he s$ile-. That -i- it. She ,as o"ce $ore his
stro"gest %ooster. .e coul- -o "o ,ro"g5 eve" to her. To this -ay she -e8e"-s hi$
8iercely5 a"- i8 she hears that o"e o8 his -rea$s got shattere-5 she has a" illogical
-esire to help hi$ pic7 up the pieces so he>ll s$ile agai".
No,5 i8 that coul- occur ,he" a ,o$a" is i"volve- ,ith a Li%ra $a" o"ly i" a
%usi"ess ,ay5 ca" you i$agi"e your state o8 $i"- a"- your a%ility to i"sulate
yoursel8 i8 you shoul- happe" to 8all i" love ,ith o"e o8 these i$possi%le char$ersA
=ou si$ply ca">t %e too care8ul. Steel yoursel8 to tur" your hea- ,he" he s$iles.
Stu88 cotto" i" your ears ,he" he starts his co"vi"ci"g argu$e"ts i" that s$ooth-as-
sil7 voice that $a7es the %ac7 o8 your "ec7 ti"gle.
The ,or- love a"- the ,or- Li%ra are practically sy"o"y$ous. Li%ra i"ve"te-
ro$a"ce5 a"- re8i"e- it to a" art ,ith eve" $ore 8i"esse tha" Leo5 Scorpio a"-
Taurus5 ,hich is sayi"g a lot. The -elicate strategies o8 !upi- are i"%re- Li%ra"
tale"ts. .e>ll use every tric7 ,ith casual ease a"- sel-o$ 8ail to get the girl.
.o,ever5 o"ce he gets her5 he is">t al,ays sure ,hat to -o ,ith her. .avi"g
thoroughly char$e- her i"to ,illi"g su%$issio"5 he hesitates. Shoul- he ta7e
a-va"tage o8 her helpless state or shoul- he propose $arriageA &r %othA &r "eitherA
The $e"tal struggle %egi"s5 a"- li8e i" the gar-e" o8 +-e" ,ith this particular A-a$
%eco$es> co"si-era%ly less tha" ecstatic.
.e ,o">t lose i"terest i" the opposite se: u"til he>s at least "i"ety. 2t $ay %e purely
a" aca-e$ic i"terest i8 he>s happily $arrie-5 %ut the su%;ect ,ill "ever %ore hi$5
eve" i8 he o"ly speculates ,hat it ,oul- %e li7e to ,hirl each pretty girl he sees
arou"- a" i$agi"ary %allroo$.
Si"ce the art o8 love-$a7i"g co$es so easily-a"- shoc7i"gly early-to the Li%ra
$ale5 a"- si"ce he al$ost al,ays ,ears the cro," o8 success o" his ro$a"tic e:cur-
sio"s i"to love>s ;u"gle5 he gets ta"gle- up ,ith a lot o8 cli"gi"g vi"es. Li%ra hates
to hurt a"yo"e>s 8eeli"gs5 though he re$ai"s %liss8ully u"a,are o8 the -a$age -o"e
,he" he>s i" a" argu$e"tative $oo-. .e hates to say "o5 a"- sel-o$ reali3es that
postpo"e$e"t is $ore u"7i"- tha" a" outright %rea7 o8 a" a88air ,hich has "o
cha"ce o8 happi"ess. 2" the opposite situatio" ,he" the $utual 8eeli"g is as close to
su%li$e as hu$a"s ever reach o" this earth5 the prolo"ge- ago"y ca" %e e'ually
tortuous. &"ly a" A'uaria" ca" %e $ore shy o8 $a7i"g a -rastic $ove i" o"e
-irectio" or a"other. 28 he se"ses he>s %ei"g u"8air to so$eo"e i" his o," li8e5 to
you-or to so$eo"e i" your rece"t ro$a"tic past-there ,ill %e "o e"- to his pai"8ul
i"-ecisio". 4ei"g u"8air is5 to hi$5 a cri$e roughly o" a level ,ith $ur-er. The
relucta"ce to %e cruel ca" push hi$ i"to a $ista7e" proposal o8 $arriage5
pre-esti"e- 8or the -ivorce courts Q-or else his e"-less procrasti"atio" ca" cause hi$
to $iss ?he love o8 his li8e. So you ca" see his attitu-e is a t,o-e-ge- s,or-5 ,hich
ca" either slice a,ay true love or cut hi$ a piece o8 i"-igesti%le $atri$o"y. Tossi"g
out 8alse se"ti$e"t is the cure 8or %oth.
The te"-e"cy to,ar- 8ic7le"ess i" Li%ra $e" ca">t %e -e"ie-. They -o te"- to tri8le5
especially i" youth. The "atural Li%ra i$pulse is to to si3e up every thir- or 8ourth
,o$a" they co$e across5 a"- ,eigh her possi%ilities o8 %ei"g the true soul $ate.
They o8te" get 8rie"-ship a"- love hopelessly co"8use-. Surprisi"gly5 it>s "ot o8te"
that the Li%ra" ,ill su88er 8ro$ a %ro7e" heart5 8or all his -a%%li"g a"-
e:peri$e"ti"g. .e ca" 8orget ,ith i"sulti"g 'uic7"ess5 a"- %e less apt tha" a"yo"e5
e:cept perhaps a #e$i"i or Sagittarius $ale5 to allo, hi$sel8 to regret the $e$ory
o8 u"re'uite- love or a ro$a"ce that ,as 8ate- "ever to %e. .e $ay sustai" a 8e,
%ruise- spots5 %ut there ,ill %e "o per$a"e"t -a$age5 e:cept i" very u"usual cases.
The" the hurt ca" %e -evastati"g %eyo"- i$agi"atio". 4ut it happe"s so rarely you
,o">t 8i"- $a"y e:a$ples. 2t>s easier to 8i"- a so8t-hearte-5 guileless Li%ra $a" i"
the clutches o8 a passio"ately -eter$i"e- 8e$ale ,ho has $a-e hi$ 8eel that
-eserti"g her ,oul- %e a si" seco"- o"ly to %rea7i"g all the te" co$$a"-$e"ts at
o"ce. !aught i" such a "et5 he ca" %e a pretty $isera%le priso"er o8 love. 4ut %oth
e:tre$es are the e:ceptio"s5 a"- $ost Li%ra $e" $a"age to 7eep 8ree e"ough to
e";oy ro$a"ce to the 8ullest5 ,ithout letti"g se"ti$e"tal ties rope the$ i".
.e is">t too i"tereste- i" rooti"g out your secrets. .e $ay see$ to %e5 at 8irst gla"ce5
%ut ta7e a seco"- loo7. &8te" he $isses ,hat>s goi"g o" t,o i"ches u"-er his "ose.
+veryo"e ,ill "otice ,hat>s happe"i"g %ut hi$. Though he>ll argue u"til hell 8ree3es
over5 his purpose is "ot to -ig out perso"al $otives5 %ut to -,ell o" a%stract theories
so that he ca" reach a %ala"ce- ;u-g$e"t. .is 'uestio"s are">t ai$e- at u"coveri"g
a"yo"e>s hi--e" "eurosis. .e ;ust ,a"ts to sort the 8acts a"- asse$%le the$ i" the
proper places. .e>ll -iscuss pros a"- co"s ,ith %rillia"t logic a"- astute
ratio"ali3atio"5 a"- his co"clusio" ,ill usually %e 8air5 accurate5 se"si%le a"-
practical. Not eve" Solo$o" i" all his ,is-o$ coul- top a typical Li%ra">s 8i"al5
%ala"ce- -ecisio". 4ut he -oes">t have the i"cli"atio" to 8igure the perso"al "ua"ces
or e$otio"al ta"gles that lie ;ust %e"eath the sur8ace. The 8acts a"- the 8acts alo"e
are su88icie"t. The *iscea"5 Scorpio or A'uaria">s -eep pe"etratio" o8 character
,oul-5 to his $i"-5 $u--y the crystal-clear picture he see7s. .e i"sti"ctively 8eels
that such psychological e:a$i"atio" is out o8 his li"e. 2t is.
28 you>re e:travaga"t5 he>ll si$ply -e-uce that you spe"- $o"ey li7e ,aterB
there8ore you are">t a goo- cre-it ris7. The 8act that you see7 e$otio"al security %y
,asti"g cash is">t i" his 8iel-. .e>s "ot your psychiatrist. 28 you>re sti"gy5 he>s o"ly
i"tereste- i" care8ully e:a$i"i"g your thri8t to 8or$ a" accurate appraisal o8 your
custo$s. There>s "o -esire to u"cover your secret 8ear o8 losi"g your i"-epe"-e"ce
through poverty. *ro$iscuity ,ill $a7e hi$ argue agai"st its pit8allsB 8rigi-ity ,ill5
%ri"g o" eve" le"gthier -iscussio"s a%out isolatio" 8ro$ hu$a" co$pa"io"ship. 4ut
he>ll avoi- lear"i"g a%out the trau$atic e:perie"ces that %rought o" the 8or$er5 or
the -eep-seate- 8eeli"gs o8 i"a-e'uacy that triggere- the latter. Li%ra is the ;u-ge.
=ou>ll see lots o8 ;u-ges ha"-i"g -o," 8air -ecisio"s5 %ase- o" ,eighi"g the 8acts i"
the case5 %ut you ,o">t 8i"- $a"y o8 the$ as7i"g you ,hy the color re- $a7es you
"ervous5 or sy$pathi3i"g ,ith your co$pulsio" to loc7 your hus%a"- out %ecause
he ,ore those re--stripe- pa;a$as. Al,ays re$e$%er that the Li%ra" argues ,ith
o"ly a" a%stract curiosity. .e appears to %e a pro%er5 %ut he>s "ot. Nor is he as "osy
a"- gossipy as he see$s to %e. 2t>s li7e %rea7i"g the seal o8 the co"8essio"al to pry a
secret give" i" co"8i-e"ce 8ro$ the typical Li%ra".
All this $a7es hi$ terri%ly trust,orthy5 %ut a little har- o" your 8eeli"gs. =ou ca"
co"8i-e i" hi$ ,ith 8aith. 4ut you>ll su88er ,he" he $isses se"si"g your i""er$ost
"ee-s. .e ,a"ts to please you5 %ut there>s sel-o$ e"ough u"-er-sta"-i"g o8 your
sile"t hopes to satis8y all your lo"gi"gs ?u"less there>s a ,ater sig" o" the asce"-a"t5
or the Moo" is i" a ,ater sig"@. Just %ecause he>s a" e:pert lover tech"ically -oes">t
$a7e hi$ the soul o8 e$pathy i" relatio" to your $oo-s. .e has e"ough trou%le
copi"g ,ith his o,". Nothi"g ca" %e $ore irritati"g tha" ,he" you rush to hi$ ,ith
a story a%out ho, so$eo"e has hurt you -eeply. =ou see7 sy$pathy5 a"- ,hat -o
you getA .is 8irst 'uestio" ,ill %e5 </hat -i- you -o to hi$ ?or her@A< The" he>ll
poi"t out ,here you ,ere ;ust as $uch i" the ,ro"g5 u"til you coul- screa$ ,ith
u"satis8ie- i"-ig"atio". #o ahea- a"- screa$5 he still ,o">t ta7e si-es i8 he thi"7s
you>ve %ee" u"8air5 a"- the e$otio"al i$plicatio"s ,ill escape hi$.
Trou%le i"varia%ly arises 8ro$ this Li%ra" lac7 o8 a,are"ess o8 the part"er>s "ee- to
%e u"-erstoo- i" -epth. 2t $ay see$ u"%elieva%le that he ca" %e so i"tuitive a%out
the a%stract5 so %rillia"tly logical i" -e-uctio"5 so capa%le o8 clear5 ope"-$i"-e- a"-
ope"-eye- -eli%eratio"5 a"- still %e so aggravati"gly o%tuse a%out ,hat $a7es you
ache or thrill i"si-e. 4ut it>s o"e o8 those i"co"siste"cies you have to live ,ith5 i8
you live ,ith a Li%ra". .is ge"tle"ess a"- that s$ile5 o8 course5 $a7e it easier to
0"less there are 8i"a"cial a88lictio"s i" his "atal chart5 he ,o">t %e tight ,ith the
%u-get. &" the co"trary5 the typical Li%ra" has a rather lavish ha"- ,ith cash. .e
%elieves i" spe"-i"g it o" o%;ects or activities that %ri"g %eauty or happi"ess. 4e
prepare- to %e a goo- hostess5 %ecause his ho$e ,ill %e a regular hospitality ce"ter
at $ost a"y hour o8 the -ay or "ight ?e:cept -uri"g those ti$es ,he" he>s resti"g
a"- ,o">t ta7e 7i"-ly to %ei"g -istur%e- %y -oor%ells5 telepho"es or people@. Do">t
-rag hi$ to cro,-e- places ,here he>s 8orce- to 8eel the press o8 8lesh a"- ,here
the "oise o88e"-s his se"se o8 har$o"y. !ro,-s o8 stra"gers a88ect his i""er
e'uili%riu$. All Li%ra"s have a" i"sti"ctive -istaste 8or physical co"tact ,ith
$asses o8 hu$a"ity. .is social li8e ,ill %e ge"erously spri"7le- ,ith i"tellige"t5
spar7li"g people5 %ut ,he" the group e:pa"-s to over a couple o8 -o3e" ,ar$
%o-ies5 he>ll Struggle 8or air. A Li%ra $a" ca" su--e"ly leave you alo"e i" a
cro,-e- theater ,ith "o e:pla"atio". .e -oes">t hate you. .e ,as ;ust overco$e
,ith claustropho%ia5 a typical 0%ra" a88lictio".
The 8astest roa- to the -isi"terest that lea-s to -ivorce (8s a -isor-erly ho$e. Feep
the ra-io a"- T sets to"e- -o,"5 a"- -o">t let the o-or o8 coo7i"g pe"etrate hia
se"sitive "ostrils. 28 you $ust $a7e o"io" soup a"- garlic %rea-5 spray pi"e-sce"te-
-eo-ora"t arou"- u"til the house s$ells li7e the great "orther" ,oo-s. A ,i8e ,ho
serves a Li%ra" hus%a"- %rea- right out o8 the ,rapper5 $a7es hi$ use paper to,els
8or "ap7i"s a"- leaves the $il7 %ottle or cereal %o: out ,here he ca" see the$ is
%ea-e- 8or the li8e o8 a "ot-so-gay -ivorcee soo"er tha" she $ay thi"7. .a"gi"g
stoc7i"gs across the sho,er ro- is out. (orgetti"g to -ust or $a7e the %e-s ca" 7eep
hi$ i" a co"sta"t state o8 e$otio"al -iscor-. .ell retreat 8ro$ the -ishar$o"y ,ith
lo"ger a"- lo"ger "aps a"- $ore a"- $ore "ights out alo"e5 a"- eve"tually5 there
,ill %e "o co$$u"icatio". .e $ay %e as sloppy as si: pigs hi$sel85 %ut he>ll e:pect
you to pic7 up his soc7s a"- 8ol- the papers %e scatters o" the 8loor. 28 the
chartreuse -raperies clash ,ith a $aroo" rug5 he ca" pout 8or years5 a"- you>ll "ever
7"o, ,hy. 4etter 7eep the -ecor pastel. /ith the typical Li%ra" 7i"-"ess5 he $ay
"ot co$plai"5 %ut his secretary a"- her e:'uisite taste $ay loo7 $ore attractive to
hi$ every -ay.
The Li%ra $ale hates co"8usio"5 a"- he really "ee-s har$o"y to re$ai" sta%le. .is
ho$e $ust %e a %eauti8ul5 'uiet oasis 8ro$ the ;a"gli"g -iscor- o8 the outsi-e ,orl-5
or those scales $ay re$ai" per$a"e"tly out o8 %ala"ce. Si"ce he sel-o$ pro%es
$otives5 you>ll have to %e s$art e"ough to guess ,hy he>s "ever ho$e or ,hy he
sleeps all the ti$e ,he" he is. 1e$e$%er that he>s ,ea7 o" i"trospectio"5 so you
$ust %e the a"alyst. .e>ll "ever suspect his u"happi"ess ste$s 8ro$ seei"g you
covere- ,ith col- crea$ a"- the you"gsters covere- ,ith ;elly. .e $ay "ot reali3e
he hates the ora"ge sho,er curtai" or that the lithograph o8 #eorge /ashi"gto"
crossi"g the Dela,are ,hich ha"gs over the $a"tle goes agai"st his artistic grai".
.e ,o">t 'uite u"-ersta"- ,hy he 7eeps 8orgetti"g to 7iss you goo-"ight a"- goo-
$or"i"g5 %ut his logical $i"- ,ill tell hi$ so$ethi"g is o88 %ala"ce5 a"- he>ll su88er
8ro$ it $ore tha" he lets o". *ic7 up the papers a"- toys5 spruce5 0p the house5 -a%
o" your %est per8u$e5 ta7e the curlers out o8 your hair5 tur" -o," the televisio"5 %uy
so$e heave"ly %lue sho,er curtai"s a"- get a goo- Degas pri"t to replace #eorge
over the $a"tle. =oull ,a7e up so$e $or"i"g a"- 8i"- you>re $arrie- to a
co$pletely "e, $a" /ith a .otally cha"ge- attitu-e.
The chil-re" ,ill al,ays %e"e8it 8ro$ his se"se o8 8air"ess. .e>ll $a7e sure the
%iggest you"gsters -o">t ta7e a-va"tage o8 the %a%y5 or the you"gest -oes">t %rea7
the ol-est>s %icycle spo7es. Li%ra" 8athers ,ill e:ercise -iscipli"e ,ith 'uiet
authority5 a"- they>ll try to give a logical reaso" 8or pu"ish$e"t5 ,hich ,ill sel-o$
%e a-$i"istere- i" a"ger. Li7e you5 the chil-re" ,ill $elt u"-er his char$B a"- li7e
you5 they>ll also cha8e u"-er his co"sta"t -e%ati"g a"- challe"gi"g. Stra"gely5 a
Li%ra $a" usually -oes">t loo7 8or,ar- e"thusiastically to the %irth o8 chil-re". 4ut
a8ter they arrive5 he ,eighs the a-va"tage o8 their love agai"st lo"eli"ess5 plu"ges
i"to 8atherhoo- ,ith a si"cere -esire to e";oy it5 a"- "or$ally e"-s up as a -oti"g
pare"t. .o,ever5 he>ll "ever allo, pare"tal a88ectio" to replace his ro$a"tic 8eeli"gs
8or you. /ith typical Li%ra"s o8 %oth se:es5 the $ate co$es 8irst5 o88spri"g seco"-.
=ou "ee-">t 8ear that his love 8or you ,ill -ecrease as the 8a$ily i"creases-
assu$i"g5 o8 course5 you got ri- o8 those chartreuse -raperies or the $aroo" rug5
o"e or the other- a"- that the -irty -ishes -o">t co"ti"ually pile up i" the si"7.
&"e 8i"al ,or- o8 astrological a-vice. 28 you>re i" love ,ith a Li%ra $a"5 a"- you>re
sure it>s $ea"t to %e5 go right ahea- a"- propose ,hatever it is you ,a"t to propose5
up to a"- i"clu-i"g $arriage. .ell %e relieve- that you too7 the i"itiative. 4ut ,atch
out 8or that perverse strea7-,hich causes hi$ to let you -eci-e5 a"- the" ,he" it
-oes">t ,or7 out5 cheer8ully poi"t out that <=ou $a-e the -ecisio". 2 -i-">t.< Ma7e
sure you 7"o, ,hat you>re -oi"g5 or you>ll "ever hear the e"- o8 it. There>s o"ly o"e
,ay to eve" the score ,ith hi$. Say <=es5 2 -eci-e-. 28 2 ha- le8t it up to you5 ,e>-
still %e sta"-i"g u"-er that la$ppost i" the rai" sayi"g >2 love you5> a"- ,e>- %oth
have caught p"eu$o"ia.< .e>ll argue ,ith you5 "aturally5 %ut ;ust %e8ore or a8ter you
%ou"ce the teapot o88 his hea-5 he>ll acci-e"tally s$ile5 a"- there you>ll %e-sta"-i"g
u"-er that la$ppost i" the rai" agai"5 sayi"g <2 love you5< o"ce $ore. 2 %elieve this
is ,here 2 ca$e i".

The L241A /o$a"
A"- so she ,e"t o" ta7i"g 8irst o"e si-e
a"- the" a"other a"- $a7i"g 'uite a co"versatio" o8
it altogether...
She ge"erally gave hersel8 very goo- a-vice ?though she sel-o$ 8ollo,e- it@ ...
&"ce a chil- as7e- $e a 'uestio" that ,as">t easy to a"s,er. </hy is it5< he ,a"te-
to 7"o,5 <that la-ies ,ear trousers a"- $e" use pretty s$elli"g colog"eA< 2" typical
Aries style5 2 -ashe- o88 a" i$pulsive reply. </ell5< 2 tol- hi$ 'uic7ly5 %e8ore he
coul- thi"7 o8 a"y $ore e$%arrassi"g ri--les5 <that>s %ecause there>s a little %it o8
,o$a" i" every $a"5 a"- there>s a little %it o8 $a" i" every ,o$a". No, let>s play
Loo7i"g %ac75 2>$ rather prou- o8 $y i"sta"t Mars ,is-o$. That state$e"t is true
to so$e -egree o8 all the Su" sig"s5 a"- it>s super-true o8 Li%ra. =ou ca" 8i"- a trace
o8 the opposite se: i" the $ost virile5 rugge- Li%ra" $ale5 a"- e"us plays the sa$e
tric7 o" the 8e$ale scale %ala"cer.
She $ay %e as -ai"ty as a 8lu88y5 ,hite %u""y a"- she $ay ,hisper ,ith ge"tle
persuasio". She ca" -ress i" sil7s a"- laces5 a"- her hair ca" s$ell o8 8ragra"t
colog"e. She $ight eve" loo7 li7e a little -oll you coul- li8t ,ith o"e ha"- ?though a
Taurus or Sagittarius asce"-a"t ,oul- $a7e her co"si-era%ly $ore he8ty@. 4ut ,ith
all her 8e$i"i"ity5 s,eet $a""eris$s a"- lovely grace5 this girl ,ears a pair o8
trousers ,ith surprisi"g ease5 a"- they>ll 8it her rather "eatly. .er $e"tal processes
operate ,ith $ale logic a"- they ca" $atch yours i" a"y -iscussio" you care to
start. They ca" eve" top yours o" occasio"5 although the 8e$ale si-e o8 the Li%ra
,o$a" is usually too s$art to let you catch o" to that u"til you>re sa8ely past the
ho"ey$oo". Duri"g the $ati"g seaso"5 she>ll %e care8ul "ot to %eat you at chess5 %ut
she ,o">t hi-e her sharp $i"- %ehi"- those so8t -i$ples 8orever. +ve"tua4y5 you>ll
%e treate- to a -isplay o8 her %rai" po,er.
Most Li%ra ,o$e" ,ill air their clever ,its a"y ti$e a su%;ect appears ,ith the
slightest possi%ility o8 -e%ate. 2t coul- %e a"ythi"g 8ro$ ,hy you shoul-">t ,ear
%utto" -o," collars to ,hat>s 7eepi"g you 8ro$ getti"g a raise at ,or7. ?She>ll 8eel
the latter is partly your 8ault a"- partly your %oss>s 8ault. +verythi"g ,ith Li%ra e"-s
up as si: o8 o"e a"- hal8 a -o3e" o8 a"other-;ust so it all co$es out eve".@ 28 you
re8use to rise to the %ait5 she>ll argue ,ith hersel8. A Li%ra girl ca" start a
-o""y%roo7 alo"e5 pursue it alo"e a"- 8i"ish it alo"e5 i" a gra"- 8lourish. =our o"ly
co"tri%utio" $ay %e <4ut ,hyA< or <2 -o">t thi"7 so5< %ut so$eti$es that>s all she
"ee-s to -eliver a %rillia"t $o"ologue5 ,hich $ay last 8or a" hour or $ore. Through
it all5 ho,ever5 you>ll pro%a%ly %e -ro,"i"g i" her char$. She>ll tur" o" that
u"%eara%ly -elicious s$ile every thir- se"te"ce or so5 a"- you>ll e"- up cha"gi"g
your $i"- as e88ortlessly as she cha"ges her se: %y ta7i"g over the $a">s
prerogative5 the" s,itchi"g %ac7 to a cu--ly love %u""y. She>ll co"vi"ce you ,ith
pure clear logic. =ou ,o">t lose $uch-e:cept your pri-e5 a"- you>ll har-ly $iss that5
u"-er the spell o8 that ge"tle Li%ra" s$ile. She>s usually right5 %ecause her 8i"al
-ecisio"s are as care8ully co"si-ere- as those o8 the Supre$e !ourt. Li%ra" 8e$ales
-o">t "ee- $uch e"courage$e"t to start a ver%al co$pariso" goi"g %et,ee" a"y t,o
poi"ts o8 vie,. A politically active seaso" ,ill give her lots o8 cha"ces to sharpe"
her rhetoric a"- her argu$e"tative tale"ts. She $a7es a great political ,or7er5 o"ce
she>s $a-e up her $i"- ,hich si-e a"- ,hich ca"-i-ate is right.
Asi-e 8ro$ the typical Li%ra pe"cha"t 8or ,eighi"g everythi"g t,ice to $a7e sure
she -i-">t $iss a poi"t5 she ca" %e 'uite a lot o8 ,o$a" 8or a $a" ,ho>s i"tereste-
i" ro$a"ce or co$pa"io"ship or %oth. .er te"-e"cy to argue is really %ase- o" a
si"cere -esire to reach a" i$partial -ecisio". 2t coul- %e ,orse. At least she -oes">t
$a7e up her o," rules as she goes alo"g5 or stu%%or"ly resist all reaso"5 li7e ,o$e"
%or" u"-er so$e other Su" sig"s. 4esi-es5 $ost o8 her opi"io"s are prese"te- ,ith
-iplo$atic tact5 ,hich so$e,hat so8te"s the %lo,.
*erhaps the %est ,ay to get you to appreciate your Li%ra ,o$a" is to give you a
'uic7 ru"-o," o" ,hat you ,oul- 8ace ,ith other Su" sig"s i" a si$ple situatio".
Let>s say you>re -iscussi"g the su%;ect o8 calli"g car-s. Shoul- people use the$
to-ay5 is it ol--8ashio"e-5 a"- ,hat shoul- they loo7 li7eA Ta7e a 8ast 8light arou"-
the 3o-iac. *rete"- you>re the o"ly $a" i" a roo$ ,ith t,elve ,o$e". ?That shoul-
%e a pleasa"t suppositio".@ The -iscussio" ,oul- ru" so$ethi"g li7e this9
Aries9 Do">t "ee- the$. 2 use the telepho"e. Taurus9 2t>s rare that 2 go calli"g.
*eople visit $e. #e$i"i9 !alli"g car-sI /ho has ti$e 8or calli"g car-sA
Leo9 /ell5 i8 they ,ere really ,il-5 a"- i$pressive loo7i"g-
irgo9 2>ll have to chec7 +$ily *ost a"- see e:actly ,hat she says.
Sagittarius9 My ga,-I =ou $ea" people st88l ta7e ti$e 8or that ;u"7A
Scorpio9 28 they>re "ot ho$e5 they $iss $e. 28s their loss5 "ot $i"e.
A'uarius9 2 ,o"-er i8 it>s rai"i"g outsi-eA 2 thought 2 hear- thu"-er.
!a"cer9 !ar-s are so i$perso"al. 2>- rather ,rite a "ote.
*isces9 2 al,ays se"se ,he" people are">t there5 a"- 2 o"ly 2 call o" the$ ,he" 2 get
a su%li$i"al $essage they ,a"t to see $e.
!apricor"9 The custo$ is per8ectly proper. 4ut there>s "o 2 poi"t i" -iscussi"g the
-esig". 28 it>s "ot e"-D grave-5 it>s "ot a calli"g car-.
Li%raB /ell5 it all -epe"-s. 28 you ,a"t to -o the correct thi"g5 you shoul- have
the$. 2t>s a char$i"g gesture. &" the other ha"-5 usi"g the$ $ight see$ prete"tious
to-ay5 a"- the $o-er" ,o$a" is too %usy to %other ,ith the$. &8 course5 you have
to co"si-er the reaso" %ehi"- the custo$. The" agai"5 there are people ,ho ca">t
a88or- calli"g car-s. 28 i8>s a strai" o" the %u-get5 they are">t really "ecessary.
Loo7i"g at the other si-e o8 it5 ho,ever5 2 ca">t help 8eeli"g the %eauty a"- grace o8
yester-ay is $issi"g i" to-ay>s 8ra"tic pace5 so it $ight %e $o"ey ,ell spe"t. 2
suppose they shoul- %e e"grave-. =et5 it>s true that so$ethi"g -i88ere"t ,oul-
re8lect the i"-ivi-ual perso"ality. A creative perso" coul- -esig" his o,". 4ut such
i"-ivi-ual car-s $ight %e $isu"-erstoo- %y very social people5 you 7"o,A 2 $ea"5
the 1oc7e8ellers ,oul- thi"7 it ,as gauche. &" re8lectio"5 ,ho calls o" the 1oc7e-
8ellersA =our o," 8rie"-s ,oul- love your %ei"g origi"al5 %ut plai" e"gravi"g is
pro%a%ly $ore accepta%le. At least 2 thi"7 it shoul- %e. 4ut still-,ell ...
No, she>s ru" out o8 pros a"- co"s5 a"- she 8ro,"s slightly5 u"-er the strai" o8
sorti"g out her o," argu$e"ts a"- tryi"g to -re-ge up a" actual5 8ir$ -ecisio" 8ro$
the lot.
=ou ca" see the Li%ra" 8e$ale is "othi"g i8 "ot 8air5 a"- co$$itte- to %ala"ce-
;u-g$e"t all arou"-. =ou $ay get a little %ore- ,ith her -igressio"s o" $u"-a"e
su%;ects such as calli"g car-s5 %ut you>ll si"cerely appreciate her e88orts at 8air"ess5
a"- her a%ility to ;u-ge correctly %y ,eighi"g all si-es5 ,he" it co$es to so$ethi"g
that really $atters. &ther ,o$e" $ight toss o88 opi"io"s that re8lect their o,"
i"-ivi-ual "atures5 a"- sel-o$ care $uch a%out ,hat you thi"75 or a%out a 8air
a"s,er. To a Li%ra ,o$a"5 there>s "o such thi"g as ,hat she thi"7s is right. =our
opi"io" -eserves as $uch respect as hers a"- *lato>s5 u"til the -ecisio" is $a-e5
%ase- o" the 8la,s i" her argu$e"ts5 yours a"- all the philosophers.
Most e"us girls ,or7 %oth %e8ore a"- a8ter $arriage. They see7 cash 8or the lovely
thi"gs it ca" %uy. The Li%ra %ir- "ee-s lots o8 8i"e 8eathers 8or her lu:urious "est.
She loves %eauti8ul clothes5 e:pe"sive per8u$es5 classical $usic a"---i- so$e%o-y
say she ,as $asculi"eA =es5 2 -i-. &"e si-e o8 her. 4ut you ,ill %arely "otice her
har- hea- ,he" it ,ears such pretty hair--os. Mostly5 Li%ra" ,o$e" "ee- ple"ti8ul
su$s o8 $o"ey to re$ove the$ 8ro$ the s'ualor a"- ugli"ess o8 -iscor-a"t
surrou"-i"gs5 ,hich ca" actually $a7e the$ e$otio"ally a"- physically ill. 4ut
there>s a"other reaso" she ,or7s5 a"other reaso" she ,a"ts $o"ey. .er $a". 28
there>s o"e thi"g a Li%ra 8e$ale treasures a%ove all else o" this te$poral earth5 it>s
the $a" she>s chose" to love5 ho"or a"- $a"age.
She hates to play solitaire. *art"erships5 i" %oth %usi"ess a"- ro$a"ce5 co"stitute
her -eepest ."ee-. She -oes">t li7e to ,or7 alo"e5 a"- she>s literally i"capa%le o8
livi"g alo"e. li%ra ,o$e" ,ho visit astrologers have o"ly t,o 'uestio"s they really
care a%out. 28 it>s "ot o"e5 it>s al,ays the other. +ither9 </he" ,ill 2 $eet so$eo"e 2
really loveA< or </he" ,ill 2 8i"- so$eo"e to go i"to %usi"ess ,ith $eA< /ith her5
$arriage is a ;oi"t ve"ture5 a"- the rules are al$ost as strict as those i" a corporate
setup. =ou are the presi-e"t o8 the associatio"5 a"- you>re ho"ore- as such. She>s the
chair$a" o8 the %oar-5 ,ho ,ill 7eep you 8ro$ $a7i"g $ista7es5 i" her o,"
8e$i"i"e5 protective ,ay. .er "ature is %uilt 8or tea$,or7. She>ll ,a"t to participate
i" as $a"y o8 your i"terests a"- activities as possi%le. She>s ,illi"g to e"tertai" i"
her hus%a"->s %ehal85 a"- she>s 8e$ale e"ough to 8ollo, his lea- ,he" he ,a"ts to
cha"ge his career5 $ove to a"other city5 or cultivate "e, 8rie"-s. That>s all his
-epart$e"t. She>s o"ly there to s$ooth the ,ay a"- %e sure he -oes">t goo8 a"ythi"g
%y i$pulsive actio"s a"- ill-co"si-ere- ;u-g$e"t.
=ou really have to give her cre-it. The typical Li%ra ,o$a" has "o -esire to %e a
sto"e arou"- her hus%a"->s "ec7. She si$ply ,a"ts to re$ove all the sto"es i" his
path. She>s "ot "early as -o$i"eeri"g o" the sur8ace as she is i",ar-ly5 %ecause the
last thi"g she ,a"ts to -o is $a7e a lot o8 positive state$e"ts you ca" hol- her
respo"si%le 8or later. She>ll trea- ge"tly i" $ost cases ?u"less she has a" Aries
asce"-a"t-a"- i8 you>re $i:e- up ,ith a ,o$a" ,ho ha- a -ou%le car-i"al
i"8lue"ce li7e that at %irth5 you have a si3a%le pro%le$@.
The average Li%ra 8e$ale is highly i"tellectual a"- has a$a3i"g po,ers o8 a"alysis5
,hich ca" %e a real help i" solvi"g your %usi"ess pro%le$s. She sel-o$ lets her
e$otio"s 7eep her 8ro$ -ispassio"ate -ecisio" or a-%ala"ce- vie,5 a"- she ca"
usually give you %etter a-vice tha" your %a"7er. Naturally5 her a%ilities alo"g these
li"es ca" cover a $ultitu-e o8 vices. Not o"ly that5 %ut i8 she>s a typical e"us girl5
she o88ers her pearls o8 ,is-o$ o" a silver platter o8 char$ a"- a$ia%le suggestio".
.er iro" ha"- ,ears a so8t5 velvet glove5 a"- she ca" "u-ge you o88 the ,ro"g trac7
a"- i" the right -irectio" so ge"tly5 you>ll s,ear the s,itch ,as e"tirely your o,"
i-ea. A" Aries5 Scorpio5 Leo or Taurus $a" ,ill "or$ally put his Li%ra" ,i8e o" a
pe-estal a"- ,orship her. That>s o"ly 8air5 %ecause she ,orships hi$5 too. &utsi-ers
,ho visit the love "est o8 a properly $ate- Li%ra" a"- her hus%a"- $ay 8eel as
though they ,ere seei"g A-a$ a"- +ve5 %e8ore the s"a7e ca$e alo"g a"- spoile-
everythi"g. ?T,o Li%ra"s ,e- to each other i"varia%ly %eco$e cooi"g love%ir-s or
s"arli"g a-versaries. They>ll go to o"e e:tre$e or the other5 so$eti$es o" a
per$a"e"t %asis5 so$eti$es every other -ay.@
There are $a"y re,ar-s ,he" you>re livi"g ,ith a Li%ra 8e$ale. She>ll "ever ope"
your $ail. 2t si$ply ,oul-">t occur to her to %e so -isho"ora%le. She>ll "ever reveal
your %usi"ess secrets to your 8rie"-s or e$%arrass you i" 8ro"t o8 your %oss. She>ll
pro%a%ly char$ hi$ i"to su%$issio"5 too5 ,ith the sa$e s$ile she use- to $elt your
heart ,he" you 8irst $et her. There are so$e Li%ra ,o$e" ,ith a88licte- Mars
positio"s ,ho $ay over-i"-ulge i" e:cessive e$otio"s at ti$es5 or eat a"- -ri"7
$ore tha" is goo- 8or the$5 %ut they>re 8e, a"- 8ar %et,ee". +ve" i8 a e"us 8e$ale
-oes occasio"ally trip over her o," scales5 soo"er or later she>ll grace8ully achieve
her "or$al state o8 heave"ly har$o"y. There ,ill %e $o$e"ts ,he" you>ll ,o"-er
i8 she>s a" a"gel or -evil5 %ut the a"gels 8ight o" her si-e $ore o8te" tha" "ot.
=ou pro%a%ly ,o">t co$plai" o8 lac7 o8 physical proo8 o8 her love5 %ecause she>s as
se"ti$e"tal as ol- lace5 a"- as a88ectio"ate as a ,o$a" has a"y right to %e.
Although she>s si"cere a%out her %illi"g a"- cooi"g5 those s,eet gla"ces5 te"-er
touches5 ,ar$ hugs a"- 8re'ue"t 7isses are also a pretty e88ective s$o7escree" 8or
her hi--e" $asculi"e -rive. There>s "o la, that says si"cerity ca">t have a practical
=our ho$e $ay loo7 li7e o"e o8 those $aga3i"e a-s 8or ,all-to-,all carpeti"g. The
colors ,ill har$o"i3e5 a"- the 8ur"iture ,ill %e i" goo- taste. *ictures ,ill ha"g
straight5 a"- $eals ,ill usually %e serve- o" ti$e. /ith $ost e"us girls you ca"
also cou"t o" cloth "ap7Cs5 sterli"g silver5 8lo,ers o" the ta%le5 goo- chi"a5
ca"-lelight5 ,i"e5 so8t $usic a"- a %ala"ce- $e"u. Ta7i"g i"to co"si-eratio" her
clever $i"- a"- her spar7li"g ,it5 there>s "ot a ,hole lot $ore you coul- as7. 4ei"g
a ,o$a" is sort o8 a li8eti$e occupatio" to her5 a"- she>s %ou"- to arrive at
per8ectio" so$e,here alo"g the li"e. The $asculi"e si-e o8 her ,ill rarely -istur%
you5 u"less you>re o"e o8 those i$possi%le $ales ,ho ,a"t to go shouti"g arou"-
li7e Fi"g .e"ry
222 a"- e:pecti"g the ,o$e" i" your li8e to %ehave li7e o%e-ie"t co"sorts5 8ear8ul
o8 losi"g their hea-s i8 they gay a"ythi"g other tha" <yes< or <"o.< =our Li%ra" co"-
sort ,ill -e8i"itely say $ore tha" <yes< or <"o.< She li7es to tal7. 4ut she>ll also
$a7e a 8latteri"g liste"er5 ,he" you have a "ee- 8or a goo- au-ie"ce. This ,o$a"
is %oth tough a"- so8t at the sa$e ti$e5 a"- it>s "ot every 8e$ale ,ho ca" $a"age
that -elicate %ala"ci"g act.
.er s,eet $a""ers a"- s$ooth a%ility to cool your 8evere- %ro, ca" lea- you to
thi"7 she>s ,ea7 a"- helpless5 or that she>ll %e 8luttery a"- 8e$i"i"e ,he" a crisis
erupts. 28 so5 you>re $uch $ista7e". That -ear5 ,o$a"ly little creature is co$pose-
o8 "i"e parts steel. Just %ecause you $isse- it ,he" she ,as shre,-ly a"- %ravely
pla""i"g to hoo7 you -uri"g those early chess ga$es ,he" she 7ept letti"g you %eat
her5 you shoul-">t re$ai" %li"- 8orever. &pe" your eyes ,i-e the "e:t ti$e there>s a
8a$ily e$erge"cy5 a"- see ,ho 7eeps the %oat 8ro$ roc7i"g. /ho really -oes it5 2
$ea". The truth "ee-">t ro% you o8 your $asculi"ity. No o"e %ut you ,ill 7"o, ho,
$uch you "ee- her helpi"g ha"- at the hel$ ,he" thi"gs get choppy. Shell "ever
%rag a%out it5 or ta7e a"ythi"g a,ay 8ro$ you-e:cept a large part o8 the
respo"si%ility. 4e grate8ul she>s so -epe"-a%le. 4esi-es5 she loo7s 7i"- o8 cute ,he"
she ,ears her slac7s to gar-e" or to the super$ar7et5 -oes">t sheA /o$e" i"
trousers are all right5 as lo"g as they have e"ough se"se to ,ear 8rilly orga"-y to
parties a"- sli"7y sil7 i" privacy. She -oes. &"e o8 her $ost valua%le assets is her
a%ility to hi-e her sharp5 7ee" $i"- %ehi"- utter 8e$i"i"ity.
The chil-re" ,ill %e love- a"- te"-erly care- 8or %y a Li%ra $other5 %ut i" all
ho"esty5 they ,ill co$e i" a poor seco"- to you. They>re ;u"ior part"ers5 %ut you are
the presi-e"t o8 the co$pa"y5 a"- shell "ever 8orget that %asic 8act. They>ll get a
large chu"7 o8 her heart5 %ut she>ll "ever allo, the$ to steal the co$er she gave to
you %e8ore they ca$e alo"g. 28 their play i"ter8eres ,ith your rest5 she ca" %e pretty
strict5 a"- i8 they -iso%ey you5 shell %e a"grier tha" i8 they -iso%eye- her. The
you"gsters ,ill %e s,eet a"- clea" as i"8a"ts5 "eat a"- polite as a-ults-u"less you
spoil the$ a"- she -oes">t i"ter8ere %ecause you>re the lor- a"- $aster. 2t>s ;ust
a"other o"e o8 those -ecisio"s she $ay leave i" your ha"-s so she ca" avoi- $a7i"g
the ,ro"g ;u-g$e"t The Li%ra $other is "or$ally ge"tle5 yet 'uite 8ir$ ,he" the
"ee- arises. .er chil-re" are "ever "eglecte- or ig"ore-5 %ut the truth o8 the $atter
is that the reaso" she ,a"te- to %eco$e a $other i" the 8irst place ,as so she coul-
give you $ore happi"ess that ,ay. &"e o8 the 8irst thi"gs she>ll teach the$ ,he"
they lear" their prayers is to say5 <#o- %less Da--y.< She>ll "ever per$it the$ to
-isrespect their 8ather. Still5 i8 you get a little over%eari"g5 she>s a pretty so8t pillo,
8or their tears5 a"- she $ay s"ea7 the$ a pepper$i"t stic7 %ehi"- your %ac7 ,he"
you>ve put your 8oot -o," too severely.
2t>s true that she $ay "i%%le o" s,eets too o8te" a"- get 8at. She $ay li"ger too lo"g
at the -a"ce or over the ,i"e %ottle. There $ay %e ti$es ,he" she>s a little %ossy5
a"- &ther $o$e"ts ,he" she tal7s your ear o88. 4ut these thi"gs ,ill o"ly occur
,he" her e$otio"al scales are te$porarily o88 %ala"ce. They ,ill "ever 8ail to settle
i"to eve" stea-i"ess ,he" the occasio"al -ippi"g is over. 0"less so$e%o-y sta"-s
there ,ith his 8oot o" o"e o8 the$5 Li%ra" scales al,ays eve"tually %ala"ce
the$selves. 28 o"e si-e is a little lo,5 a-- so$e a88ectio" a"- it ,ill rise. 28 the other
si-e -rops 8ro$ the ,eight o8 too $uch sa-"ess5 lighte" it ,ith u"-ersta"-i"g a"-
her-%eauti8ul har$o"y ,ill retur".
/hat other ,o$a" coul- loo7 li7e a pri"cess ,he" you ta7e her to the %all5 the"
tur" right arou"-5 lace up her %oots5 3ip up her re- plai- lu$%er ;ac7et5 a"- help you
sa, logs 8or the 8ireplaceA She has s,eet"ess e"ough 8or the 8irst a"- stre"gth
e"ough 8or the seco"-. 28 her "a$e is *eg5 you>ll %e ,histli"g <*eg-0-My-.eart.< 28
it>s Sally . or Mary5 you>ll happily hu$ <My #al Sal< or si"g <Mary 2s a #ra"- &l-
Na$e.< 2" case the so"g ,riters have 8orgotte" to pay her a tri%ute5 ,rite your o,"
$elo-y i" ,alt3 ti$e5 ,ith a goo-5 stro"g %eat5 a"- -e-icate it to your Li%ra
,o$a". (ortissi$o.

The L241A !hil-
<She>s i" that state o8 $i"-5< sai- the /hite 6uee"5 <That she ,a"ts to -e"y
so$ethi"g-o"ly she -oes">t 7"o, ,hat to -e"yI<
<My5 ,hat a %eauti8ul %a%yI< *are"ts o8 &cto%er i"8a"ts hear that phrase so o8te"5
they ca" %e 8orgive" 8or 8eeli"g s$ug. The little Li%ra" -oes see$ to %e a plu$p5
pi"7 a"gel5 right out o8 the pages o8 a %a%y %oo7. /ith his s,eet e:pressio" a"-
those pleasa"t5 ,ell-%ala"ce- e"us 8eatures5 he>s 'uite a char$er. .e sel-o$ 7ic7s
o88 his %la"7ets i" re--8ace-5 screa$i"g rage5 or pu"ches Mo$$y i" the "ose ,he"
she tries to give hi$ his %ottle. .e>s too ,ell-$a""ere- 8or such ,il- she"a"iga"s.
/he" he s$iles5 it lights up the ,hole "ursery. <My5 ,hat a -ear5 goo- %a%yI So
'uiet a"- cal$. So chu%%y a"- -i$ple-. Surely a gracious 8airy touche- hi$ ,ith
her $agic 7iss.<
2 -o">t li7e to play the role o8 the $ea" ol- ,itch at the royal christe"i"g5 %ut ,oul-
you $i"- chec7i"g to see i8 he has a -i$ple i" his chi"A Most Li%ra" %a%ies -o.
=ou 8ou"- itA /ell5 ;ust 8or 8u"5 you $ight tur" to the last page o8 your %a%y recor-
%oo7 a"- ,rite a li"e #ra"-$a ,as 8o"- o8 'uoti"g. <Di$ple i" chi"-Devil ,ithi".<
?#ra"-$a $ay have secretly stu-ie- astrology.@ There ,ill co$e a ti$e i" the
8uture ,he" you>ll gla"ce at that li"e a"- sile"tly pay tri%ute to her ,is-o$.
2t $ay %e so$e $or"i"g ,he" he>s sitti"g at the ta%le5 slo,ly stirri"g his spoo" i"
8irst o"e -ish5 the" a"other. The -ish o" the right co"tai"s his poache- egg5 all
"icely $ashe- the ,ay he li7es it. The -ish o" the le8t co"tai"s his oat$eal5 all
"icely covere- ,ith %ro," sugar5 the ,ay he li7es it. 4oth are getti"g ice col-5 a"-
he has">t ta7e" a %ite. 2s">t he hu"gryA =es5 he>s starve-. Does he have a 8everA No5
he 8eels 8i"e. 2s he a"gry a%out so$ethi"gA No5 "ot at all. The" ,hy -oes he sit there
so stu%%or"ly a"- 7eep pushi"g his spoo"-arou"- li7e thatA /hy ,o">t he ta7e a
%ite o8 so$ethi"gA
.e ca">t -eci-e ,hich to eat 8irst-the eggs or the cereal. =ou ;ust co$pou"-e- the
co"8usio" %y givi"g hi$ a glass o8 ora"ge ;uice a"- a piece o8 toast to try to te$pt
hi$. That ,as a $ista7e. No, he>ll "ever %e a%le to $a7e up his $i"-. 4etter ;ust
8orget %rea78ast to-ay. To$orro, $or"i"g5 give hi$ o"e thi"g at a ti$e. (irst5 the
ora"ge ;uice. .e -ri"7s it. The" the cereal. .e eats it. Ne:t the eggs. .e loves the$.
(i"ally5 the toast. As he sits there che,i"g happily5 you>ll %e a$a3e- that he ate all
his %rea78ast i" less tha" te" $i"utes. =ou have ;ust lear"e- the $ost i$porta"t
lesso" i" raisi"g a Li%ra chil-. Never give hi$ a choice. .e hates to $a7e a
28 there>s a"ythi"g a Li%ra" chil- hates ,orse tha" $a7i"g up his $i"-5 it>s havi"g to
$a7e up his $i"- i" a hurry. Do">t rush hi$. Let>s say he>s lear"e- to -ress hi$sel8
a"- i" the e:cite$e"t o8 such a" a-ve"ture5 over a perio- o8 ,ee7s5 he 8orgot his
typical i"-ecisio". No, getti"g -resse- is 7i"- o8 ol- hat to hi$. =ou give hi$ a
start %y helpi"g hi$ i"to his trai"i"g pa"ts. =ou lay out his overalls5 shirt5 shoes a"-
soc7s. .e sits there. <#et -resse-5 .arvey.< .e sits there. <.urry up a"- get
-resse-5 .arveyl< Q
The "e:t thi"g you 7"o,5 you>ll %e telli"g people your Li%ra chil- is stu%%or".
That>s "ot 8air. A Taurus chil- is stu%%or". Not a Li%ra chil-. =ou are tryi"g to rush
hi$ i"to -eci-i"g 'uic7ly ,hich soc7 goes o" ,hich 8oot 8irst. The ,hole thi"g is
-i88icult e"ough5 %ut ;ust ,he" he ha- $a-e up his $i"- to put the le8t soc7 o" the
right 8oot5 you shoute- at hi$5 -istur%e- his e'uili%riu$5 a"- "o, he>s %ac7 ,here
he ,as i" the %egi""i"g. /hich soc7 8irstA =ou see5 it>s your 8ault5 "ot his. .o,
-oes a"yo"e e:pect hi$ to $a7e such a $o$e"tous -ecisio" i8 people are al,ays
shouti"g a"- holleri"g a"- yelli"g at hi$A 2t hurts his ear -ru$s5 a"- %esi-es5 it
$a7es hi$ 8orget ,hat he ,as a%out rea-y to -eci-e.
2t>s the 7i"- o8 thi"g that ca" $a7e you a little tre$%ly5 especially i8 you>re the
"ervous type5 a"- you>re "ot the o"ly o"e. So$e-ay there ,ill %e a ,o"-er8ul girl
he>s i" love ,ith. They ,ill %e -iscussi"g $arriage. /he" a"- i8. .ell sit there.
Shoul- heA &r shoul-">t heA The girl ,aits patie"tly. .ell have the sa$e pai"e-
e:pressio" o" his pleasa"t 8eatures he has right "o,. (i"ally5 <.arvey5 are ,e goi"g
to get $arrie-A< .e sits there. The"9 <.arvey5 ,he" are ,e goi"g to get $arrie-A<
*oor girl. That>s the sa$e $ista7e you $a-e ,ith the ora"ge ;uice a"- toast 8io, he
has t,o thi"gs to -eci-e. Not o"ly shoul- they get $arrie-5 %ut ,he". =ou>ll have to
have a tal7 ,ith her.
4ut that>s 'uite a 8e, years o88. To-ay it>s the shoes a"- soc7s. /al7 over to hi$
8ir$ly a"- say5 <.arvey5 let>s "ut this soc7 o" this 8oot 8irst.< Say it i" ge"tle to"es.
Do">t screa$ or %e shrill. 28 you ca"5 put the ,or-s to $usic a"- si"g it to hi$. .e>ll
love that. No,5 you have re$ove- t,o o%stacles. =ou helpe- hi$ -eci-e5 a"- you
create- a pleasa"t at$osphere. 2" 8ive $i"utes5 he>s -resse-. That>s ,hat the girl ,ill
have to -o so$e-ay. She>ll have to si"g to hi$ so8tly5 </e>re-getti"g-,e--o"-Ju"e
2Yth< ?to the tu"e o8 <.ere !o$es the 4ri-e<@. 28 she>s the shy type5 you $ay have
to ,ait a lo"g ti$e to %eco$e a gra"-pare"t. The happy e"-i"g to the story is this9
28 you trai" hi$ to $a7e up his $i"-5 ,ithout pushi"g5 shovi"g or tryi"g to rush
hi$5 the girl ,ill pro8it5 too. 4y the"5 he ,ill have $astere- his i"-ecisio".
Li%ra chil-re" ,hose pare"ts have co"8use- their -elicate %ala"ce %y co"sta"tly
i"sisti"g that they -eci-e thi"gs too 8ast o8te" gro, up ,ith 'uite a "eurosis a%out
choices. Suggest a solutio" to hi$ ge"tly5 over a"- over agai". +ve"tually5 he>ll pic7
up the 7"ac7 a"- you>ll have helpe- hi$ overco$e o"e o8 his greatest -i88iculties.
Sho, hi$> ho, it>s -o"e. That>s all. .e $ay appear to %e stu%%or"5 %ut he>s ;ust
reacti"g i" typical Li%ra" 8ashio" to -iscor-a"t i"terruptio" a"- the e$otio"al
trau$a o8 %ei"g rushe- through his care8ul $o$e"t o8 -ecisio". .e>- li7e to please
you5 he really ,oul-5 %ut he ca" %e e88icie"t o"ly> ,he" there>s har$o"y o8 sou"-5
color a"- thought i" his. ,orl-. Te"sio" $a7es it ha"g croo7e-5 li7e a lopsi-e-
picture. /he" hasty gro,"ups 8orce a you"g perso"ality i"to the ,ro"g $ol-5 it
$ay har-e" i"to a" o-- shape.
?2t $ay help you 8eel less 8rustrate- to 7"o, a%out $y 8rie"-5 a -e"tal tech"icia"
,hose ,i8e prese"te- hi$ ,ith t,o Li%ra chil-re"5 three years apart5 %oth girls. =ou
ca" ;ust i$agi"e ,hat ,e"t o" i" that house every $or"i"gi (our shoes-8our soc7s-
8our 8eet-a"- t,o co"8use- s$all $i"-s. 0"til the pare"ts -iscovere- astrology5
those little Li%ra girls ,e"t %are8oot "early every -ay.
2t ,ill also help i8 you re$e$%er the reaso" %ehi"- your chil->s hesita"cy. Li%ra
%oys a"- girls are %or" ,ith $i"-s that see7 the truth. They>re 7i"--hearte-5 a"-
they ,a"t to %e 8air. =our you"gster -rea-s $a7i"g a $ista7e or $is;u-gi"g
so$ethi"g. .e hates to hurt your 8eeli"gs5 %ut his "ature 8orces hi$ to see7 that
%ala"ce- a"s,er %e8ore he rushes pell $ell i"to thi"gs5 i"clu-i"g soc7s. Still5 that
Li%ra cautio" %uil-s character a"- it>s great 8or avoi-i"g acci-e"ts a"- 7eepi"g out
o8 trou%le5 %oth "o, a"- i" the 8uture. Thi"7 positive. The little Li%ra" $ay ta7e so
lo"g -eci-i"g ,hether or "ot to -ra, a %lue tur7ey o" your livi"g roo$ ,all5 you>ll
catch hi$ %e8ore the -a$age is -o"e.
28 your Li%ra you"gster is %ei"g 8alsely accuse- o8 stu%%or""ess5 it $ay %e that you
7eep the volu$e too high o" the ra-io or T. *erhaps the colors i" his %e-roo$ lie
%ehi"- his restless"ess at "ight. #arish5 clashi"g to"es ,ill 7eep his e$otio"al
scales -ippi"g %ac7 a"- 8orth. All sha-es o8 %lue a"- pastels ,ill 'uiet hi$5 a"- it
really ,or7s5 too. *lay $usic-%ut so8tly-,he" you ,a"t hi$ to eat5 get -resse- or
pic7 up his toys. 28 the sou"-s a"- colors arou"- the Li%ra" chil- are -iscor-a"t5 his
actio"s ,ill $atch. 4ei"g 8orce- to %e a ,it"ess to a"y 7i"- o8 viole"ce ca" -estroy
so$ethi"g -eep i"si-e hi$ 8orever. +ve" as a" i"8a"t5 he>ll ;er7 or tre$%le i8 he
hears a su--e" "oise. The Li%ra chil- "ee-s peace5 'uiet a"- rest i" large -oses.
That %ri"gs us to a"other pro%le$. Li%ra la3i"ess. 2t is">t actually la3i"ess at all. .e
plays har-5 8or lo"g perio-s5 the" he $ust rest. .e is">t loa8i"g. .e>s ;ust gatheri"g
hi$sel8 together. The Li%ra" patter" -e$a"-s perio-s o8 activity-the" i"activity. 2t>s
the o"ly ,ay he ca" $a"age to stay e$otio"ally a"- physically healthy. 28 he>s $a-e
to 8eel guilty a%out it5 he>ll really %e la3y5 i" sel8--e8e"se. /he" you see the Li%ra"
you"gster %ei"g i-le5 -o">t 8uss. .e>ll soo" have his i""er scales %ala"ce- agai" a"-
%e rea-y 8or actio". .e>s ;ust rechargi"g his e"ergy. .is pla"ets $a-e hi$ that ,ay.
.e ca">t cha"ge it.
e"us chil-re" are e:perts at so8te"i"g har- hearts. They have such char$i"g
$a""ers5 they ,hee-le so s,eetly a"- ,ho coul- resist those s$iles a"- -i$plesA
The little Li%ra">s ge"tle5 e"-eari"g ,ays ca" tur" his pare"ts i"to t,o large ge"ies
,ho gra"t his every ,ish a"- -esire ?"ot to $e"tio" various assorte- $agic elves i"
the 8or$ o8 -oti"g relatives@. !o"se'ue"tly5 these you"gsters o8te" start their school
-ays so spoile- they>re ,ell "igh i$possi%le to ha"-le. A8ter all5 you ca">t treat a tot
li7e a pri"ce or pri"cess 8or years5 a"- the" e:pect hi$ to ta7e or-ers. =ou"g
Li%ra"s -o">t "ee- -iscipli"e as $uch as they "ee- less co--li"g.
The average Li%ra chil-5 raise- ,ith the proper %ala"ce5 is a -elight to his teachers.
Their $i"-s are %right a"- logical5 they>re 8o"- o8 -e%ate a"- they have a great
curiosity that $a7es the$ goo- stu-e"ts. .o,ever5 o"ce they start to rea- a"- lear"
8acts5 %oth you a"- the teachers $ay %e su%;ecte- to co"sta"t argu$e"ts.
2t "ever ,or7s to $a7e a 8lat state$e"t to a Li%ra %oy or girl. Al,ays give %oth
si-es o8 a"y issue5 or they>ll thi"7 you>re %ei"g u";ust. /he" you give the e-ge to
o"e si-e5 the Li%ra stu-e"t ,ill $a7e a %ig issue out o8 -e8e"-i"g the other si-e u"til
he 8orces you to %e 8air. 28 you>re partial to the pros5 the you"g Li%ra"s ,ill al,ays
$a7e a goo- case 8or the co"s5 ,hich ca" give the$ a reputatio" 8or %ei"g re%els5
,he" "othi"g coul- %e 8urther 8ro$ the truth. These chil-re" ,ill %e stic7lers 8or
o%eyi"g the rules5 as lo"g as they>ve co"vi"ce- the$selves the rules are">t loopy.
The scales $ust al,ays %ala"ce5 or Li%ra 8eels a" u"pleasa"t tug. .e>ll argue a,ay
u"til he 8eels thi"gs have %ee" 8ace- s'uarely5 a"- the scales o8 ;ustice are har$o-
"iously li"e- up. &cto%er-%or" %oys a"- girls al,ays sharpe" the ,its o8 their
pare"ts a"- i"structors5 %ecause it ta7es so$e goo-5 logical thi"7i"g to 7eep up ,ith
the$. They>ll argue ,ith you a%out everythi"g 8ro$ the "e,spaper hea-li"es to
,ho>s right or ,ro"g i" a 8a$ily -isagree$e"t. The Li%ra chil- ,o">t li7e to hear
gro,"ups gossip. To hi$ a co"8i-e"ce is sacre-5 a"- he also 8ro,"s o" hasty
;u-g$e"ts o8 character. .ell ta7e the si-e o8 your ,orst e"e$y i8 he thi"7s you are
Never i"va-e his privacy. .e ,o">t i"va-e yours. 4e Sure $ealti$es are pleasa"t.
The girls ,ill coa: you to use ca"-les a"- 8lo,ersB the %oys ,ill ,a"t a %ala"ce-
$eal a"- ,ill pro%a%ly love s,eets. There $ay %e so$e pro%le$s ,ith over,eight
a"- the %athroo$ scales ,ill get a ,or7out.
&"e %lessi"g a%out havi"g Li%ra chil-re" is that i8 they have">t retreate- i"to
rese"t$e"t through harsh ha"-li"g they>ll usually %e "eat a"- clea" ,ithout %ei"g
8orce-. Most o8 these %oys a"- girls hate $esses a"- a" u"ti-y house so $uch
they>ll help to 7eep it "eat. Si"ce Li%ra is %oth $usical a"- artistic5 you $ay have a
%u--i"g co$poser or artist i" the 8a$ily5 so $a7e sure he has a" 1-opportu"ity to
-evelop a"y late"t tale"ts.
The ti"y Li%ra girl $ay -ust your e:pe"sive po,-er all over her -ress5 pour your
%est per8u$e over her curly %ea-5 a"- hate to get out o8 the %athtu%. She>s ;ust
reacti"g to Li%ra>s love o8 %eauty a"- pleasa"t thi"gs5 li7e sce"ts a"- ,ar$ ,ater.
/he" she>s a tee"ager5 she>ll $o"opoli3e the %athroo$ 8or hours ,ith her %u%%le
%aths a"- use up all your guest soap. 1e$e$%er5 she see7s har$o"yB a"- to her5
peace5 %eauty a"- co$8ort e'ual har$o"y.
The Li%ra %oy $ay -rive you to -istractio" ,ith his s"oo3es i" the ha$$oc75 a"-
his irritati"g ,ay o8 al,ays 7"o,i"g $ore tha" you -o a%out su%;ects that shoul- %e
over his hea-s. ?=es5 so$eti$es you>ll s,ear he has t,o.@ 4ut those perio-ic "aps
are re8reshi"g his e"ergy. 2t -i-">t -ie5 it>s ;ust reple"ishi"g itsel8. As 8or his 7"o,-
it-all attitu-e5 he $ay %e practici"g o" you 8or a 8uture career as a la,yer. Ta7e a"
opti$istic vie,. The ;ury ,ill so$e-ay %e his captive au-ie"ce5 %ut you ca" al,ays
go start -i""er or hi-e %ehi"- the eve"i"g paper. +"courage %oth %oys a"- girls to
,rite i8 they 8eel a" urge. 1e$e$%er that Li%ra rules %oo7s5 too.
The tee"agers o8 %oth se:es ,ill 7eep a co"sta"t clou- o8 ro$a"ce ha"gi"g over the
house. There $ay %e so $a"y cases o8 puppy love youll 8eel as though you live i" a
se"ti$e"tal 7e""el-%ut eve" this shall pass a,ay. Those ,e--i"g %ells ,ill ri"g
so$e-ay5 a"- your Li%ra o88spri"g ,ill raise a "ice5 peace8ul5 %ala"ce-5
har$o"ious5 argu$e"tative 8a$ily. So$e su""y &cto%er $or"i"g you $ay o"ce
agai" sta"- i" 8ro"t o8 a hospital "ursery5 a"- hear a "urse or visitor coo5 <My5 ,hat
a %eauti8ul %a%yI So -ear a"- goo-. So 'uiet a"- s,eet.< A"- you>ll say5 ,ith all
your har- ear"e- ,is-o$5 <=es5 %ut -o you see that -i$ple i" his chi"A<

The L241A 4oss
<0"i$porta"t5 o8 course5 2 $ea"t5< the Fi"g hastily
sai-5 a"- ,e"t o" to hi$sel8 i" a" u"-erto"e5 <2$porta"t-u"i$porta"t-u"i$porta"t-
i$porta"t- as i8 he ,ere tryi"g ,hich ,or- sou"-e- %est5
28 you>re a $a"5 you pro%a%ly thi"7 your Li%ra %oss i8 o"e hec7 o8 a regular guy5 8air
a"- s'uare5 al,ays o" the level. 28 you>re a ,o$a"5 you $ay %e a little %it i" love
,ith hi$5 ,hether you reali3e it or "ot. e"us vi%ratio"s are po,er8ul.
The Li%ra e:ecutive is "or$ally o"e hal8 o8 a part"ership si"ce his u"co"scious
-esire is al,ays to %ri"g t,o thi"gs or t,o people together. +$otio"ally5 the urge is
co"su$$ate- through a" early $arriage or a shoc7i"gly early love a88air. 2"
%usi"ess5 he satis8ies his %ala"ci"g 8u"ctio" %y co$%i"i"g his char$ a"- i"tellect
,ith a part"er ,ho co$ple$e"ts his o," perso"ality5 a"- supplies ,hatever tale"ts
a"- a%ilities he lac7s. ?.e ,o">t lac7 $a"y.@
.e $ay "ot sit %ehi"- a -es7 as o8te" as other %osses. That>s %ecause he li7es to sit
o" the 8e"ce. 2t>s "ot that he 8i"-s it $ore co$8orta%le. 2t ca" %e 'uite pai"8ul.
Notice his u"happy e:pressio" ,hile he>s seate- there. 2t>s a struggle5 as he ta7es
t,o opposi"g i-eas a"- ,eighs the$5 %ac7 a"- 8orth. &"ce he>s achieve- a 8air a"-
i$partial -ecisio"5 he>ll %e %ac7 at his -es75 happily s,irli"g i" his co"tour chair
agai". 4ut ,hile he>s o" the 8e"ce he ca" %e $ighty har- to 8atho$.
The Li%ra %oss is e:tre$ely restless a"- 8ull o8 outgoi"g activity5 yet he "ever
see$s to %e i" a hurry5 a co"tra-ictio" 8e, people ca" $a"age. 2t>s li7e ,atchi"g a
s7ill8ul Juggler. /ith all that restless activity5 you e:pect hi$ to -rop his poise a"-
%rea7 i"to a "ervous ru" at a"y $o$e"t5 Just as you e:pect the ;uggler to -rop o"e
o8 the %alls he>s tossi"g. 4ut "either -oes. 4or" ,ith a "atural a88i"ity 8or the
ele$e"t o8 air5 the Li%ra" acco$plishes eve" 8re"3ie- actio" ,ith so $uch easy
grace5 he al$ost see$s to %e sta"-i"g still. 2t>s li7e a $ovie i" slo, $otio". The
activity "ever stops5 %ut the pro;ector is set at a peculiar spee-.
2" spite o8 his o8te" shy5 ge"tle $a""er5 this $a" is "ot a" isla"-. There>s al,ays a
"ee- to e:press hi$sel8 i" so$e ,ay5 to co$$u"icate ,ith others. Though $ost o8
his co$$u"icati"g is -o"e through speech5 he ca" also tell you ,hole volu$es ,ith
his s$ile. .e>s sure to %e i"tellige"t5 %ut i8 Mercury ,as a88licte- %y a-verse aspects
at his %irth5 he $ay still %e tryi"g to co"vi"ce hi$sel8 that he is. Ma"y Li%ra"
%osses are persuasive tal7ers a"- great -e%aters ,ho ca" s,ay a ,hole roo$8ul o8
people e88ortlessly. +ve" the shy Li%ra" e:ecutive ,ho sel-o$ tries to gra%
atte"tio" ca" argue logically a"- co"vi"ci"gly5 although this type ,ill pro%a%ly pla"
everythi"g i" his $i"- %e8ore he spea7s. That>s ,hy he>s so 'uiet 8or such lo"g
perio-s. .e>s -eci-i"g ,hat he ,a"ts to say. 28s usually sa8er to ta7e his state$e"ts
straight a8ter he>s passe- through o"e o8 his sile"t $oo-s. .e>s less li7ely to cha"ge
his $i"-. 28 he>s rushe- i"to $a7i"g a -ecisio"5 hell $ull it over a8ter,ar-s5 reali3e
his 8irst thoughts ,ere hasty a"- -o a co$plete tur"a%out.
=ou $ay 8i"- hi$ see7i"g your opi"io" 8re'ue"tly. 4e8ore you -eci-e he thi"7s
you>ve a %rillia"t %rai"5 re$e$%er that there are several $otives 8or his 8latteri"g
i"terest i" your i-eas. (irst o8 all5 he ,a"ts to %e 8air. .e -oes">t ,a"t to $a7e either
a" u";ust or u"popular -ecisio". A"other reaso" he 8eels co$pelle- to gather up all
the pros a"- co"s o8 a" issue is %ecause5 ,ithout access to all the availa%le 8acts5 he
8eels i"capa%le o8 $a7i"g a ,ise assess$e"t.
The typical Li%ra %oss ,ho>s tryi"g to $a7e up his $i"- ,hether to say <yes< or
<"o< to a" i$porta"t -eal ,ill ta7e a -e$ocratic poll o8 his ,i8e5 the elevator $a"5
his secretary5 the clea"i"g ,o$a" a"- his pu%lic relatio"s $a"5 a"- it ca" have
so$e pretty ,eir- results. 2t>s -i88icult 8or a tire- clea"i"g ,o$a" to give a logical
opi"io" o" ho, the propose- split $ight a88ect the sharehol-ers o8 the "o"-voti"g
stoc7. She $ay "ee- so$e ti$e to po"-er it. ?She ca">t thi"7 straight ,he" her 8eet
The elevator $a" $ay have a little trou%le graspi"g the costs i"volve- i" a pro;ecte-
$erger o8 t,o large corporatio"s. (or o"e thi"g5 ]405000 8or attor"eys> 8ees $ay
see$ e:travaga"t to hi$. .e pai- his la,yer 8orty -ollars o"e ti$e 8or legal a-vice5
a"- he 8elt li7e a spe"-thri8t.
That vice-presi-e"t ,ho co"ti"ues to -ra, his salary ,hile he>s i" the hospital ,ith
a "ervous %rea7-o," ,ill really thro, the Li%ra">s secretary. A8ter all5 she>s %ee"
o" the verge o8 a $e"tal crac7-up 8or several years5 a"- "o%o-y ever co--le- her
li7e that.
The clea"i"g ,o$a" 8i"ally $a7es up her $i"-. (orget the stoc7 splitB she>s "ever
truste- that ,or-. 2t ,as ,he" her ol- $a" split out that she %a- to start $oppi"g
8loors to support the seve" 7i-s.
The Li%ra">s ,i8e says5 <Do ,hat you thi"7 %est5 -ear5< %ut she $a7es it clear she
privately thi"7s he shoul- ta7e a "egative sta"- %ecause she -oes">t li7e the ,i8e o8
o"e o8 the $a;or stoc7hol-ers.
The pu%lic relatio"s $a" "ever cha"ges his opi"io"B
<Da$" the torpe-os-8ull spee- ahea-I<-is his a-vice o" all pro%le$s.
(i"ally5 the co"se"sus is co$plete. Ar$e- ,ith this e:pert a"alysis5 the Li%ra %oss
,ill still $a"age to arrive at a $ore logical5 se"si%le 8i"al -ecisio" tha" "i"e out o8
te" $e" ,oul- $a7e. 2t>s a$a3i"g5 %ut he -oes it so$eho,.
There coul- %e still a"other reaso" he see7s so $a"y vie,poi"ts ,he" he>s $a7i"g
up his $i"-. .e $ay %e o"e o8 those rare Li%ra"s ,ho $a"euvers to shi8t the %la$e
8or a possi%le $ista7e to so$eo"e else>s shoul-ers. /he" thi"gs 8all through5 he ca"
al,ays shrug a"- say5 </ell5 it ,as">t $y i-ea to %ac7 a,ay. The clea"i"g ,o$a"
thought it ,as a %a- $ove.<
.o,ever5 a Li%ra %oss ,ho>s $a"age- to achieve har$o"y a"- u"ity o8 his $i"-
a"- e$otio"s ca" %e a regular ,ell o8 ,is-o$. (or all 2 7"o,5 you $ay ,or7 8or
o"e. There are lots o8 the$ arou"-5 a"- they>re "ice %osses to 7"o, ,he" you have
a pro%le$. They ca" co$e up ,ith a" a"s,er that "o o"e else coul- have thought
o85 ta7i"g everythi"g i"to co"si-eratio" a"- givi"g you a" out that>s %oth 8air a"-
The cha"ces are that the ,alls o8 your Li%ra %oss>s o88ice are "ot %are-although the
picture o8 the girl o" his cale"-ar $ay %e. The ,alls ,ill "or$ally %e covere- ,ith
pictures5 trophies5 a"- goo- pri"ts5 hu"g i" %ala"ce- positio"s5 a"- the 8ili"g
ca%i"ets ,ill %e -uste-. =ou ca" %et that there>s a ra-io or recor- player so$e,here
arou"- so he ca" tu"e i" to $elo-ious sou"-s ,he" thi"gs get too -iscor-a"t a"- his
"erves get -a"gerously ;i"gle-;a"gle- 8ro$ the co"8usio" o8 -aily routi"e. The
colors i" his o88ice ,ill sel-o$ %e ,il-. No e:otic li$e gree" or %rillia"t ta"geri"e
that hurt his eyes. .o,ever5 there $ay %e ;ust a touch o8 the orie"tal $oti8. So$e
Li%ra"s see$ to lea" slightly i" that -irectio". *erhaps it>s %ecause o8 the lege"-ary
'uiet5 ge"tle $a""er o8 livi"g i" the 8ar east or the peace8ul har$o"y o8 +aster"
philosophy. .e $ay "ot go so 8ar as to have 8lo,ers o" his -es75 %ut i8 your Li%raa
%oss is a 8e$ale5 she pro%a%ly ,ill.
There are $ore 8e$ale %osses %or" u"-er Li%ra tha" a"y &ther sig"5 though Aries5
!apricor"5 Leo a"- !a"cer ru" a close seco"-. Assu$i"g that he is a she5 your
Li%ra %oss ,ill al$ost surely have a %ig potte- pla"t i" the o88ice5 plus a large
$irror. Music ,ill %e arou"- her so$e,here5 too. She $ay "ot procrasti"ate 'uite
as $uch as the $e" o8 the sig"B si"ce it>s $ore -i88icult 8or a ,o$a" to achieve a
level o8 co$$a"-5 she ha- to co"trol her i"-ecisio" or she ,oul-">t have $a-e it to
the top o8 the tote$ pole. Li7e her $asculi"e cou"terpart5 the Li%ra" 8e$ale %oss
,ill try to %e 8air. She>ll liste" to o88ice s'ua%%les a"- %e a%le to see %oth si-es ,ith
e'ual clarity. =ou $ay catch her hi-i"g %ehi"- her -oor5 ,eighi"g her gol-e"
scales5 ,he" the -ecisio" is i$porta"t5 %ut there>s o"e area ,here she ,o">t ta7e
lo"g to $a7e up her $i"-. Love. She>s either alrea-y -eci-e- $arriage is "ot 8or
her5 or she>s co"sta"tly a little -rea$y-eye- 8ro$ a rece"t ro$a"ce. 2t>s a rare Li%ra"
8e$ale5 e:ecutive or "ot5 ,ho ca" live ,ithout a vale"ti"e i" her li8e. Though she>s
a" e:pert at hi-i"g her a8ter-8ive activities5 2 ca" assure you she>s "ot playi"g a
solitary ga$e o8 !hi"ese chec7ers every "ight. She $ay curl up ,ith a goo- %oo7
o" a rai"y Mo"-ay5 %ut $ost ,ee7e"-s ,ill 8i"- her -oi"g the to," i" a ro$a"tic
ha3e. The ha3e5 ho,ever5 ,ill %e te$porary. .er $i"- is too sharply logical to let
se"ti$e"t co$pletely %li"- her. (e, Li%ra"s o8 either se: let the heart rule the hea-.
Their hea-s are too har- a"- too %right to su%$it to the so8t rays o8 e"us ,ithout a
8ight5 a"other o8 Li%ra>s stra"ge i"co"siste"cies.
This la-y %oss ,ill pro%a%ly %e u"-e"ia%ly pretty or %eauti8ul. 28 she>s "either5 you>ll
thi"7 she is ,he" that e"us s$ile 8lits over her plai" 8eatures. .er char$i"g social
graces $ay 8ool the custo$ers a"- clie"ts5 %ut i8 you>ve ,or7e- 8or her a"y le"gth
o8 ti$e5 you>ll %e a,are that her grace8ul s,eet"ess covers a $i"- ,hich -oes">t
$iss a tric7 or a treat$e"t.
She>ll have her cross -ays5 a"- she ,ill pro%a%ly co"tra-ict hersel8 e"ough to leave
you up i" the air "o, a"- the". 2" the -iscipli"e area she>s so$e,hat harsher tha"
the $ale Li%ra". 28 you $a7e a $ista7e5 she>ll 7"o, it i"sti"ctively5 a"- you>ll get a
stro"g $essage that she -oes">t ,a"t to see it $ultiply i"to -aily errors. .er voice
,ill %e so8t5 or slightly hus7y5 ,ell-$o-ulate- a"- perhaps a little -ra,li"g5 a"-
she>ll sel-o$ raise it. ?/ith a" Aries5 #e$i"i or Sagittarius asce"-a"t5 the air $ight
get a little %lue ,he" she sees re-.@
The la-y Li%ra %oss o8te" loo7s as i8 she shoul- %e o" the list o8 the <Te" 4est
Dresse- /o$e"5< a"- $ay%e she actually is. (e$ale e$ployees che, their "ails
,ith e"vy at her ,ar-ro%e5 8urs5 ;e,els a"- per8u$es. The $e" e$ployees react as
you $ight e:pect. +very last o"e o8 the$. +:cept 8or the lio"s5 scorpios5 %ulls5 goats
a"- ra$s5 ,ho 8eel that ,or7i"g 8or a ,o$a" is li7e servi"g ti$e at Leave",orth.
The rest ,ill succu$% to her -i$ple- char$ ,ith "ary a struggle.
/he" you>re te$pte- to treat her li7e o"e o8 the girls5 -o">t get too chu$$y. .er
8rie"-ly attitu-e $ay see$ to e"courage co"8i-e"ces5 %ut she ,o">t tolerate po,-er
roo$ gossip5 a"- she>ll sta$p out a"y sig"s o8 it at the ,ater cooler. She -i-">t get
,here she is %y havi"g a loose to"gue. Li%ra"s o8 %oth se:es treat a co"8i-e"ce as a
sacre- trust. So$e o8 the$ $ay tal7 a lot5 a"- they all a-ore to argue5 %ut they>re "ot
gossips. There>s a -i88ere"ce.
4oth the $ale a"- 8e$ale Li%ra %osses lea" to,ar- lo"g5 pleasa"t lu"ch hours. 28
they -o">t ta7e the$5 you shoul- see that they -o5 %ecause they ,o">t %e their usual
li%eral selves ,he" they>re hu"gry or tire-. All e"us e:ecutives ,oul- %e %etter o88
i8 they 8ace- up to their "ee- 8or perio-ic rest a"- s"oo3e- 8or a" hour or so each
-ay. =ou $ight get the e$ployees to chip i" to %uy a" attractive so8a 8or his o88ice5
i8 you ,a"t to 7eep your Li%ra %oss %ala"ce-. .e>s a cat "apper5 %ut he $ay 8eel
guilty a%out it. The -ay he co$es to ,or7 ,eari"g a %lue e:pressio" a"- sporti"g
re- eyes5 ,ith -roopy5 gray %ags u"-er the$5 is a -ay you>ll ,a"t to avoi- hi$.
0"less he has a stro"gly i"-epe"-e"t asce"-a"t hell pro%a%ly %elieve i" u"io"s.
A"ythi"g 8air is o7ay ,ith hi$. .is se"se o8 ;ustice $a7es hi$ a "atural i"
$e-iati"g -isputes. The Li%ra" vie,poi"t o" $o"ey is sel-o$ "eutral. .e>ll either
%e the sti"giest %oss i" to," or the $ost ge"erous. So$eti$es5 he $ay ta7e tur"s9
%e a tight,a- i" Dece$%er a"- a Sa"ta !laus i" July. There ,ill al,ays %e a
-e8i"ite attitu-e at a"y give" $o$e"t. .e tips either a "ic7el or a 8ive spot.
Soo"er or later5 you>ll %e i"vite- to his ho$e. Al$ost every Li%ra" e:ecutive
eve"tually ,a"ts to e"tertai" his e$ployees u"-er his o," roo85 a"- he>ll %e a"
i$pecca%ly gracious host.
.e>s pro%a%ly the soul o8 galla"try i" 8ro"t o8 ,o$e"5 a"- at the sa$e ti$e a $a">s
$a". The sure ,ay to ear" his -is8avor is to %e lou-5 vulgar a"- opi"io"ate-.
1e$e$%er that har$o"y is his $i--le "a$e. !reate it ,he" you ca"-"ever -estroy
it or -isrupt it-a"- he>ll ,a"t you arou"- ,ithout 7"o,i"g e:actly ,hy.
.is occasio"al i"-ecisive"ess $ay a""oy youB he $ay procrasti"ate a"- his -rea$s
$ay "ee- a little push "o, a"- the". Still5 there>s that s$ile5 the respect you have
8or his 'uiet i"tellige"ce5 a"- his ,illi"g"ess to $eet you hal8,ay. .e -oes">t ,a"t
you to top hi$5 yet he ,o">t e:pect you to %e his slave. .e>s "either a pusher "or a
"agger5 a"- he>ll "ever %etray your trust. /he" you a-- it all up5 the scales %ala"ce
i" his 8avor. .is is a %le"-i"g "ature. =our Li%ra %oss really "ee-s your cooperatio"
to %e a co$plete perso" hi$sel85 a"- a $a" ,ho "ee-s you ca" get a 8ir$ grip o"
your loyalty5 i8 "ot o" your heart. .ave">t you 8elt the tugA

The L241A +$ployee
<2 ,ish they>- get the trial -o"e . . . A"- ha"- rou"- the re8resh$e"tsI<
There ,as o"ce a Li%ra" -esig"er ,ho ,as %rought to the ,est coast to -o the
costu$es 8or a %ig $ovie5 a"- he sat i" his suite i" a posh 4everly .ills hotel 8or si:
8ull ,ee7s ,ithout $a7i"g a si"gle s7etch. 2t ,as">t %ecause he lac7e- i-eas. .e
,as over8lo,i"g ,ith the$. 2t ,as the carpeti"g - that hi-eous5 shrill5 peacoc7 %lue
carpeti"g. 2t gave hi$ $igrai"e "ight$ares. .e coul-">t eve" thi"7 straight5 let
alo"e create5 a"- he -i-">t ,a"t to cha"ge his suite %ecause he li7e- the vie, o8 the
pal$ trees.
(or al$ost t,o $o"ths the 8il$ ,as hel- up u"til the pro-ucer 8i"ally -iscovere-
the pro%le$. As soo" as he ,as $a-e a,are o8 the Li%ra">s aesthetic -i88iculties5 the
o88e"sive 8loor coveri"g ,as replace- %y "e, ,all-to-,all carpeti"g i" a"
accepta%le5 su%-ue- rose sha-e. 28 you>re ,o"-eri"g ,hy the pro-ucer ,as so
u"-ersta"-i"g5 he ,as a #e$i"i. /hether or "ot the -esig"er>s co$plai"t ,as
reaso"a%le -i-">t co"cer" hi$. The #e$i"i si$ply ,a"te- to get thi"gs $ovi"g as
'uic7ly as possi%le5 a"- he too7 the spee-iest ,ay out. 4oth A'uaria" a"- #e$i"i
%osses are 8a%ulous ,he" it co$es to ha"-li"g the -elicate e"us te$pera$e"t.
There>s a" i"ta"gi%le e$pathy %et,ee" air sig"s. They>re all 8loati"g arou"- o"
so$e 7i"- o8 clou-5 %ut at -i88ere"t altitu-es.
*lease -o">t get the i$pressio" that you shoul- ru" right out a"- 8i"- a rug sales$a"
i8 you have a Li%ra e$ployee. Not all people %or" i" late Septe$%er or &cto%er are
irreplacea%le artists ,ith such se"sitive "erves. 4ut eve" the average Li%ra
e$ployee ,ill ,or7 $ore happily i8 his surrou"-i"gs -o">t -istract hi$.
.e>ll also %e $ore e88icie"t i8 he is">t o88e"-e- %y the people he ,or7s ,ith every
-ay. A rough5 sor-i-5 u"har-$o"ious at$osphere $ay -epress hi$5 %ut u"co"ge"ial
co-,or7ers ,ill really se"- hi$ i"to a %lue 8og. .e>s as co"scious o8 the vi%ratio"s
o8 perso"alities as he is o8 the vi%ratio"s o8 colors5 especially i" close 'uarters. 28
your Li%ra e$ployee has see$e- co"8use- lately5 or "ot hi$sel8B i8 he>s %ee" tur"i"g
i" sloppy ,or7 ,hich -oes">t $eet his usual sta"-ar-5 he>s "ot "ecessarily slippi"g.
*erhaps he>s allergic to the $ail %oy or the clea"i"g ,o$a". ?2 hope it>s "ot his o,"
secretary. The co"sta"t5 a%rasive pai" ,oul- %e u"%eara%le.@ 2t $ight eve" %e the
%lotter o" his -es7. #ive hi$ a "ice5 "e,5 clea" o"e5 pre8era%ly i" a %a%y %lue5
cha"ge the clea"i"g ,o$a">s shi8t a"- 7eep the $ail roo$ sta88 a,ay 8ro$ hi$.
Notice ho, his ,or7 i$proves i$$e-iatelyA .e ,as ;ust o88 %ala"ce.
/he" those Li%ra scales get tipsy5 a"ythi"g ca" happe". 4oth the $ale a"- 8e$ale
Li%ra"s ca" tur" -isgru"tle- a"- la3y a"- o88er "o e:cuse 8or their sulle" sile"ces.
Such a cha"ge 8ro$ their "or$al s,eet"ess a"- cal$ is %ou"- to u"settle your o,"
$i"- a little5 too. .o, ca" a"yo"e ,ith such a" attractive -i$ple i" his ?or her@ chi"
%e so -isagreea%leA 2t>s easy. .o, ,oul- you li7e your scales to %e tippe-
si-e,aysA 2t>s "ot a pleasa"t 8eeli"g-rather li7e %ei"g o" a %oat that>s rolli"g 8ro$
port to star%oar- o" a choppy ocea". So$ethi"g $ay have happe"e- at ho$e to tur"
hi$ arou"-. /hatever the cause5 it>s a ,aste o8 a":iety to let yoursel8 get -istur%e-
,he" the Li%ra scales are u"%ala"ce-. 2t sel-o$ ta7es lo"g 8or the Li%ra" to get
the$ s,i"gi"g har$o"iously agai". The" peace a"- tra"'uility ,ill reig" o"ce $ore
i" your o88iceB your Li%ra">s ,or7 ,ill %e as i"spire- as ever5 a"- you>ll retur" to
$elti"g as usual ,he" you get ,ar$e- %y that i"co$para%le e"us s$ile.
28 there>s a u"io" o8 a"y 7i"- co""ecte- ,ith your co$pa"y5 the cha"ces are the
Li%ra" e$ployee ,ill %e right i" there -e8e"-i"g e'ual rights a"- 8air ,ages. 2" 8act5
lots o8 people %or" u"-er this Su" sig" $a7e u"io"s their li8e ,or7. The $ost
i$porta"t thi"g to all 0%ra"s is har$o"y. *er8ect ;ustice is their i-eal. 0"io"s o88er
hi$ ;ust too goo- a cha"ce to pass up 8or his "atural tale"t i" settli"g -isputes.
28 there>s "o u"io" to call 8or his 8air ;u-g$e"t5 the" he>s pro%a%ly the o"e ,ho
%eco$es the peace$a7er ,he" o88ice 'uarrels rage. The typical Li%ra" is
%eauti8ully a-ept at cleari"g the air o8 -isagree$e"ts. .e -e8e"-s %oth si-es ,ith a
total lac7 o8 pre;u-ice 8or either5 $a7es opposi"g ,ra"glers see each other>s
vie,poi"t5 a"- 8i"ally tops it o88 %y getti"g everyo"e to sha7e ha"-s all arou"-. The
thi"g ,hich $ay co$pletely co"8ou"- you is that he ,ill i"stigate a 8e, heate-
argu$e"ts hi$sel8. 4ut you $ust re$e$%er that to hi$5 these are healthy -e%ates.
.e loves "othi"g $ore tha" %atti"g the pros %ac7 to the co"s5 the" s,itchi"g to
pitch the co"s agai"st the pros. 2" his eyes5 that>s "ot 8ighti"g. A goo-5 i"tellige"t
argu$e"t is pure e"tertai"$e"t. 2t>s %etter tha" goi"g to the $ovies. .e>s usually
cheer8ully u"a,are that he>s creati"g a"y te"sio" ,he" he -rives his poi"ts ho$e
,ith %rillia"t logic5 a"- causes others to stra"gle o" their ,ea7 suppositio"s. As
soo" as his ga$e o8 %rai" %usti"g reaches the poi"t ,here te$pers %eco$e
o%viously 8raye-5 he>s -is$aye-. The"5 i8 he>s a typical e"us perso"5 he>ll 'uic7ly
pour heali"g %al$s over the ope" ,ou"-s5 a"- 8latter everyo"e out o8 their %a-
hu$or ,ith the su"shi"e o8 his s$ile. (ra"7ly5 you coul- 7ill hi$ 8or $a"ipulati"g
you so casually.
Soothi"g his hurt 8eeli"gs ,he" he>s %ee" o88e"-e- is a"other $atter altogether. 2t>s
-i88icult to 8igure ;ust ,hat a""oys or pleases the Li%ra" e$ployee. /hat %rought a
t,i"7li"g laugh or a ,reath o8 tolera"t s$iles o"e -ay ca" %ri"g a severe 8ro," o8
i";ure- i""oce"ce the "e:t5 or vice versa. 2t>s those scales agai"5 o8 course. .o, ca"
Li%ra tell i" a-va"ce ,hat his $oo- ,ill %e to,ar- a"y give" su%;ect ,he" he
-oes">t 7"o, hi$sel8 ho, 8ar he>ll %e -ippi"g to o"e si-e or the otherA As7 his co-
,or7ers. Does that 8ello, ?or girl@ ,ith the -i$ple- gri" have u"pre-icta%le
reactio"sA =ou>ll get a"s,ers li7e5 </ell5 the other -ay 2 as7e- her i8 she ha- gai"e-
a little ,eight5 a"- she s$ile- at $e so s,eetly5 2 got the i-ea she thought it ,as
%eco$i"g. This $or"i"g 2 calle- her >!hu%%y> i" ;est5 a"- she ,o">t spea7 to $e.<
&r you>ll get a reply li7e5 </ell5 last ,ee75 he sho,e- $e a recor- he %ought at the
!olo"y 1ecor- Shop-o"e o8 those ol- #le"" Miller ^G>s-a"- 2 re$ar7e- that %ig
%a"-s are as out-ate- as -i"osaurs. .e ;ust gri""e-5 a"- sai- he ,as a stu-e"t o8
a"cie"t history. To-ay5 he hear- $e telli"g the receptio"ist that %ig %a"-s are
s'uare5 a"- he "early too7 $y hea- o88 a"- calle- $e a sic75 psyche-elic hippy. .e
ha- a great se"se o8 hu$or a%out it last ,ee7. .o, ,as 2 suppose- to 7"o, he
collects %ig %a"- al%u$s5 lights a ca"-le every "ight a"- liste"s to the$ li7e he>s i"
a cathe-ralA<
Li%ra ,ill love you to-ay 8or ,hat he hate- you 8or last $o"th5 a"- hell -espise you
to$orro, 8or ,hat he 8ou"- -elight8ul yester-ay. 2t>s a little -elicate to -eal ,ith his
cha"gea%le reactio"s5 %ut u"-er"eath all the ups a"- -o,"s5 the Li%ra "ature
re$ai"s %asically 8air a"- sa"e. .is 8ro,"s are o"ly s7i" -eep. .is s$iles are real.
2g"ore the 8irst a"- ha"g o" to the seco"-. 2" 8act5 "othi"g roc7s the typical e"us
perso" $ore tha" u""ecessary shouti"g a"- te"sio". .e>s 8ar $ore li7ely to avoi-
"asty sce"es tha" to court the$. There>s "ever a"y vi"egar i" the e"us a"ger.
There $ay %e a little ice arou"- the e-ges5 %ut ice -oes eve"tually $elt5 you 7"o,.
(e$ale Li%ra" e$ployees o8te" re$i"- you o8 a slice o8 ,hole ,heat toast. There>s
a sort o8 !a$p8ire #irl $ysti'ue a%out the$. &8 course5 a 8e, $ay have $aple
sugar sprea- o" the ,hole ,heat5 i" the 8or$ o8 -ove-li7e voices a"- so8t $a""ers5
%ut it>s a pleasa"t s,eet"ess. =ou>ll rarely 8i"- a e"us girl ,ho loo7s tough a"-
%attere- ,ith ;a-e- eyes a"- %lata"t se: appeal. .ers is $ore o8 a 8resh a"- $ello,
appeal5 li7e the re- a"- gol- hues o8 2"-ia" su$$er5 agai"st clear5 %lue s7ies. The
Li%ra cupca7es ,ho -rip ,ith syrupy ici"g are i" the $i"ority. =ou>ll pro%a%ly get
the i"sta"t i$pressio" that this girl ca" ha"-le hersel8 "icely i" a ga$e o8 touch a"-
She $ay li7e to go o" lo"g hi7es5 a"- spe"- a lot o8 ti$e at the li%rary. 28 "ot5 you
ca" sa8ely ,ager that she ta7es lo"g ,al7s5 a"- %elo"gs to a %oo7 clu%. The physical
activity a"- literary lea"i"gs are al,ays prese"t. 2t>s ;ust a $atter o8 -egree. 4ut
there ,ill %e lo"g rest perio-s %et,ee" the ,al7s or hi7es5 as she replaces e"ergy
,ith lassitu-e a"- lethargy. ?That>s ,he" she catches up o" her rea-i"g.@
=our Li%ra sales$a" $ay %e stu-yi"g 8or a la, -egree o" the si-e5 or he coul- have
a ho%%y that>s practically a seco"- career. .e $ay %e a pro8essio"al i" so$e area
outsi-e his ;o%5 a"- have a" e:pert 7"o,le-ge o8 -eep su%;ects you "ever -rea$e-
he ,oul- thi"7 a%out. &"e thi"g5 ho,ever5 you ca" %e sure he thi"7s a%out9 #irls.
/o$e". (e$i"i"e pulchritu-e. At least "i"ety perce"t o8 all Li%ra $ales su%scri%e
to a *lay%oy type $aga3i"e. +ve" i8 he>s %ash8ul a%out it5 the e"us $a" ,ill e";oy
a 8e, -iscreet gla"ces at the pictures o8 curvy %u""ies ,ho are ,eari"g little $ore
tha" a -a33li"g5 provocative s$ile. .e li7es seei"g the$ i" perso" eve" $ore5
,hich is ,hy you>ll 8re'ue"tly 8i"- hi$ 8ollo,i"g the "ightclu% circuit5 though he
$ay leave a8ter the 8loor sho, ,he" the "oisy cro,-s %egi" to topple his har$o"y.
The happily $ate- Li%ra" ,ill sel-o$ carry his i"terest i" the opposite se: a"y
8arther tha" o%vious visual appreciatio"5 %ut the si"gle &"es ca" %e real Lotharios.
Li%ra"s are al,ays either $arrie-5 e"gage-5 -ivorce- or i" the $i--le o8 a"
i$porta"t love a88air. They "ever pa--le their ca"oes alo"e. +choi"g across the %lue
lagoo"5 you ca" al,ays hear the stealthy 8ootsteps o8 a s'ua, or a %rave i" the
Li%ra">s lo-ge at eve"ti-e5 u"-er the pale $oo". (or every Li%ra .ia,atha5 there>s a
$ai-e"5 a"- you ca" reverse it.
Feep your lovely5 pretty Li%ra girls a"- your ha"-so$e5 ge"tle Li%ra $e" happy
,ith pipe--i" $usic ,hile they ,or7. Do">t ever shout at the$5 a"- %e sure you
al,ays give the$ logical reaso"s 8or -oi"g thi"gs. 1espect their i"tellige"ce5
%ecause they>ll have $ore o8 it tha" the average perso"5 a"- "ever su%;ect the$ to
28 they>re treate- right5 your Li%ra e$ployees ,ill "ever cause 8rictio" i" the o88iceB
they>ll %e a"gels o8 tact a"- -iplo$acy5 getti"g alo"g ,ith al$ost everyo"e. The
e"us ,or7er %ri"gs his o," perso"al aura o8 grace a"- %eauty to everythi"g he
touches. Let hi$ help you ,ith sales strategy5 a"- e"courage hi$ to atte"- the top
%rass %rai"stor$i"g $eeti"gs. Might as ,ell let hi$ get the ha"g o8 ho, the
e:ecutive level operates5 %ecause Li%ra is a car-i"al sig"5 a"- he ,o">t %e a"
e$ployee ,ithout status 8orever. .e ,a"ts to lea-5 a"- he>s ,ell-'uali8ie-. As soo"
as you ca"5 put hi$ i" charge o8 so$ethi"g5 the" ,atch ho, e88ortlessly %e ha"-les
re- tape5 petty grieva"ces5 7"otty pro%le$s a"- %ottle"ec7s. .e>ll -ress li7e a $a"
o8 -isti"ctio"5 a"- %ehave li7e o"e5 too. .e>s great 8or co$pa"y i$age. As 8or her5 a
e"us ,o$a" ,ill get ,hat she ,a"ts eve"tually5 i" her o," s,eet ,ay. 28 it>s a
pro$otio" she ,a"ts5 let her have it. She pro%a%ly ,o">t let you -o,". There>s 'uite
a s$art hea- o" those shapely shoul-ers. /hy "ot ta7e a-va"tage o8 itA
=our Li%ra e$ployee $ay have a little trou%le $a7i"g up his $i"- at ti$es. .is
trai" o8 thought "ever ru"s at %rea7"ec7 spee- ,he" the -esti"atio" is a -ecisio"5
%ut it sel-o$ goes o88 the trac7. A8ter he>s 8i"ally pulle- i"to the Statio"5 he>ll
pro%a%ly have the right a"s,er5 eve" i8 it ,as li7e ,atchi"g a t,o-hea-e- gira88e -o
his %e"-i"g e:ercises to get it out o8 hi$.
Li%ra"s are e:tre$ely artistic a"- $usically i"cli"e-5 ,ith a 8lair 8or la, a"- a
philosophical %e"t. They %ri"g their cal$i"g i"8lue"ce $ost o8te" to hospitals5 sho,
%usi"ess5 pu%lishi"g co$pa"ies5 the halls o8 scie"ce5 courtroo$s5 gar-e"s5 politics5
-epart$e"t stores5 i"terior -ecorati"g a"- the $i"istry. 4ut regar-less o8 ,here you
8i"- the$ sprea-i"g har$o"y5 the Li%ra" ther$ostat ,ill usually rea- a%out seve"ty
-egrees (ahre"heit. 2t sel-o$ plu"ges to 8ree3i"g or rises to scorchi"g. 2t>s li7e
havi"g a hu$a" air co"-itio"er i" the o88ice5 ,ith auto$atic repair service ,he" it
%rea7s -o,". =ou -o">t get guara"tees li7e that 8ro$ the $echa"ical 7i"-. =ou say
$achi"es ca">t tal7 %ac7A /ell5 that>s true5 %ut o" the other ha"--"o, ,ait a $i"ute-
stop ,eighi"g everythi"g 2 say5 %ac7 a"- 8orth. =ou sou"- li7e a Li%raI
<The horror o8 that $o$e"t5< the Fi"g ,e"t o"5
<1 shall "ever5 "ever 8orgetI<
<=ou ,ill though5< the 6uee" sai-5
<i8 you -o">t $a7e a $e$ora"-u$ o8 it<

the Scorpio"5 +agle or #ray Li3ar-
&cto%er 24th through Nove$%er 22"-
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The S!&1*2& Ma"
The S!&1*2& /o$a"
The S!&1*2& !hil-
The S!&1*2& 4oss
The S!&1*2&

.o, to 1ecog"i3e S!&1*2&
<The 'uestio" is . . . ,hich is to %e $aster- that>s all.<
A" e"cyclope-ia -escri%es a scorpio" as a "octur"al arach"i- that attac7s a"-
paraly3es its prey ,ith a poiso" i";ecte- %y the lo"g5 curve- tail5 use- 8or %oth
-e8e"se a"- -estructio". 2ts sti"g is so$eti$es 8atal.
*eople o8te" -ra, %ac7 visi%ly ,he" so$eo"e says he or she ,as %or" i"
Nove$%er5 $ur$uri"g5 <&h5 you>re a ScorpioI< either i" 8ra"7 8ear5 or i" a,e a"-
respect. So$eti$es there>s also a giggle that o%viously re8ers to the lege"-ary
Scorpio passio". Scorpios are 8e- up ,ith these reactio"s to their Su" sig"5 a"- ,ho
ca" %la$e the$A 4ut they are ruthless a"- -a"gerous5 rightA
/ro"g. 2t -epe"-s. (irst5 you>- %etter lear" ho, to recog"i3e the sig". 2" sel8-
-e8e"se perhaps-or %ecause you see7 a really superior hu$a" %ei"g.
Scorpio li7es to travel i"cog"ito. Tha"7s to his ,ell-co"trolle- "ature5 he usually
succee-s5 %ut there are a couple o8 short cuts ,hich ,ill $a7e it easier to pe"etrate
his -isguise at $i-"ight or at "oo".
Loo7 at the eyes. They ca" %e gree"5 %lue5 %ro," or %lac75 %ut they>ll %e pierci"g
,ith hyp"otic i"te"sity. Most people 8eel "ervous a"- ill at ease u"-er Scorpio>s
stea-y ga3e. =ou>ll have to %rea7 the spell a"- loo7 a,ay 8irst. .e>ll outstare you
every ti$e. 2t>s a 8oolproo8 i-e"ti8icatio" o8 the *luto perso"ality. Scorpio eyes %ore
-eeply i"to you5 $ercilessly5 as i8 they>re pe"etrati"g your very souL They are.
Ne:t5 liste" to hi$ spea7. The to"e ca" %e velvety so8t5 hus7y or sharply cutti"g5 the
speech slo, a"- $easure- or clippe- a"- staccato5 %ut ,hat he says ,ill "ever %e
sel8-e88aci"g. Scorpio has total ego. .e 7"o,s ,hat he is a"- he 7"o,s ,hat he is
"ot5 a"- "othi"g a"yo"e else thi"7s ,ill cha"ge this 7"o,le-ge. 2"sults roll right o88
his %ac75 a"- co$pli$e"ts -o">t $ove hi$ a 8ractio" o8 a" i"ch. .e "ee-s %o o"e to
tell hi$ his vices or his virtues. At %est5 he>ll cal$ly agree ,ith your appraisalB at
,orst5 he>ll suspect your $otives.
The "e:t ti$e you>re ,ith a group o8 people5 %ri"g up a -iscussio" o8 Su" sig"s.
Me"tio" that5 ,ith a little practice5 it>s 8airly easy to recog"i3e the$. /he" so$eo"e
8aste"s you ,ith a hyp"otic ga3e5 a"- states ,ith supre$e co"8i-e"ce5 <=ou ca">t
guess ,hat 2 a$5< say 8ir$ly5 <=ou>re a Scorpio.< 2t $ay %e the 8irst ti$e he>s ever
%li"7e-. 4ut his stare ,ill ,aver o"ly 8or a" i"sta"t5 a"- he>ll 'uic7ly regai" the cool
co$posure he e:hi%ite- %e8ore you e:pose- his care8ul -isguise. 28 you ever co$e
across a chatteri"g Scorpio ,hose eyes ,a"-er5 chal7 hi$ up as a" astrological
e:ceptio" as rare as the -o-o %ir-. There are so$e Nove$%er people ,ith heavy
pla"etary i"8lue"ces o8 restless"ess i" their "ativities5 %ut you>re tryi"g to lea$ to
recog"i3e the typical Scorpio. =ou>ll 8i"- very 8e, o8 the "ervous 7i"-. The "ature
ca" %e $o-i8ie- %y other "atal i"8lue"ces5 %ut o"ly slightly.
Most *luto people have po,er8ul physi'ues. The 8eatures are "oticea%ly heavy or
sharp5 a"- clearly -ra,"5 a"- the "ose is 'uite pro$i"e"t5 so$eti$es %ea7-shape-.
&r-i"arily5 the co$ple:io" is very pale5 al$ost tra"sluce"t5 a"- the %ro,s are heavy
a"- 7"it together over the %ri-ge o8 the "ose. There>s a crac7li"g5 electric vitality
a%out the very prese"ce o8 a Scorpio that gives hi$ a,ay. As 'uiet as he tries to %e5
such a vital 8orce ca">t %e hi--e" co$pletely. The $ales ,ill have a heavy gro,th
o8 hair o" the ar$s a"- legs5 o8te" ,ith a re--ish cast. Most Scorpios have -ar7ish
hair a"- eyes5 %ut -o">t overloo7 the 8rosty %lo"-e types5 o8 ,hich #race Felly a"-
4illy #raha$ are e:celle"t e:a$ples. (rosty o" the outsi-e5 that is. The poise-
sur8ace cal$ o8 the *luto character is care8ully -esig"e- to hi-e the %oili"g i""er
Such $astery o8 the perso"ality has to %e e"vie-. No $atter ho, his e$otio"s are
stirre-5 youll rarely see the$ re8lecte- o" Scorpio>s 8ro3e"5 i$$o%ile 8ace. These
people prou-ly a"- co"sciously practice a %la"7 e:pressio". They co$$a"- their
8eatures to re$ai" 8ir$5 a"- their 8eatures o%ey. ?They ,oul-">t -are -iso%ey a
Scorpio.@ =ou>ll sel-o$ see Scorpio give hi$sel8 a,ay %y %lushi"g or 8lushi"g5
8ro,"i"g or gri""i"g. S$iles are rare5 %ut ge"ui"e. The %o-y 8ollo,s the sa$e
or-ers as the 8ace. There ,ill rarely %e a"y ;u$pi"g5 su--e" starts or "ervous
.e>ll "ever 8li"ch ,ith e$%arrass$e"t or s,ell up ,ith pri-e. 1eactio" is al,ays
7ept at a %are $i"i$u$5 %ecause Scorpio>s art is to pro%e your "ature a"- $otives
rele"tlessly5 ,hile re$ai"i"g i"scruta%le hi$sel85 a"- he>s a" e:pert at it.
2t>s i$porta"t to re$e$%er that there is a particular type o8 Scorpio ,ho $oves a"-
spea7s rather 'uic7ly5 a"- appears to have a" ope"5 8rie"-ly $a""er. Loo7 -eeply
i"to his eyes a"- really thi"7 a%out so$e o8 his past actio"s5 his true %ehavior. .e>s
really ;ust playi"g a ga$e ,ith all his happy tal7. 2"si-e5 he>s as tough a"-
-eter$i"e- as the $ore typical5 poise- *luto people. *erhaps he>s eve" a sha-e $ore
-a"gerous %ecause his -isguise is %etter5 a"- he 8ools you $ore easily. Start treati"g
hi$ as !hariie-"ice-guy5 ,ho>s co$pletely har$less5 a"- you $ay %e courti"g so$e
trou%le. 4e o" guar- ,ith all Scorpios. 2 -o">t $ea" they>re ,ic7e-. They>re ;ust "ot
so8t or "aive. So$e Scorpios5 reali3i"g that their eyes e:pose their i""er i"te"sity5
,ear su"glasses 8re'ue"tly5 eve" at "ight.
1e$ar7 to a Scorpio that he has a great tale"t ,hich ,ill so$e-ay %e recog"i3e-5
a"- he s$oothly5 casually replies5 <=es. 2 7"o,.< As7 hi$ i8 he>ll -o you a 8avor5
a"- ?he a"s,er ,ill %e e'ually si$ple. <=es5 o8 course 2 ,ill5< or <No5 2 ca">t -o
28 you>re se"sitive5 -o">t as7 his opi"io" or a-vice. =ou>ll get the "a7e-5 %rutal truth.
=ou as7e- hi$5 hell tell you. Scorpio ,ill "ot pay a 8alse co$pli$e"t to gai" a poi"t
or ,i" a" ally. 2t>s %e"eath hi$ to 8latter. /he" he says so$ethi"g "ice to you5
treasure it. =ou ca" %e sure it>s si"cere a"- u"var"ishe-. 28 he says you have a goo-
voice5 stop si"gi"g i" the sho,er a"- gra% a $icropho"e. 28 he says you have a great
voice5 you ca" sa8ely au-itio" 8or the Met. .e $ay eve" e88ortlessly $ove a 8e,
$ou"tai"s out o8 your ,ay to help you alo"g. Do">t %elieve everythi"g you hear
a%out Scorpio sel8ish"ess. 2"stea-5 liste" to so$e o8 the grate8ul people ,ho have
%ee" o" the receivi"g e"- o8 his ,ise cou"sel a"- ge"erosity. Scorpio "aturally at-
tracts either 8iercely loyal a"- -e-icate- a-$irers5 or e"vious a"- spite8ul e"e$ies.
4ut eve" the latter give hi$ gru-gi"g respect5 a"- you>ll "otice they>re care8ul "ot to
challe"ge hi$ ope"ly. The e:a$ples o8 the 8e, ,ho -i- are vivi- a"- pai"8ul
re$i"-ers that cautio" is re'uire- i" a" attac7 agai"st Scorpio a"- his pla"et5 *luto.
1e$e$%er that *luto rules "uclear po,er.
=et5 there>s a hau"ti"g s,eet"ess a%out these people5 a"- o8te" a ge"tle sy$pathy
,ith the sic7 or -espairi"g. Scorpio>s touch ca" %e cool a"- te"-er5 as ,ell as hot.
.is Su" positio" gives hi$ several paths to 8ollo,. .e ca" i$itate the "octur"al
scorpio"5 ,ho ,ill sti"g others a"- eve" go"g hi$sel8 to -eath 8or the pure pleasure
o8 sti"gi"g- or he ca" i$itate the glorious5 soari"g path o8 his sy$%olic eagle5 ,ho
rises a%ove earthly li$itatio"s5 a"- uses his stre"gth ,isely a"- ;ustly. #reat
ge"erals li7e MacArthur5 presi-e"ts li7e Theo-ore 1oosevelt a"- scie"tists li7e
Ma-a$e !urie a"- Jo"as Sal7 are eagles. More 0"ite- 2 States presi-e"ts have
%ee" %or" u"-er this sig" tha" a"y other.
As 8or the "octur"al scorpio"s5 you $ay have %ee" stu"g %y a 8e, yoursel8. A"cie"t
astrology re8ers to the$ as serpe"ts. 2t>s "ot har- to guess ,hich category the o"es
you $eet %elo"g to. A 8e, *luto people 8all so$e,here %et,ee" the eagle a"- the
sti"gi"g scorpio"5 victi$s o8 their o," %lac7 $agic. These are the gray li3ar-s.
/ith the$5 supre$e sel8 sacri8ice %eco$es "eurotic co"cer" a%out the sel85 a"-
psychic a%ilities %eco$e 8ear8ul apprehe"sio"s o8 the lur7i"g evils ,hich $ay stri7e
at a"y $o$e"t. (orce8ul courage t,ists itsel8 arou"-5 a"- i"stea- o8 see7i"g the
ruthless reve"ge o8 the sti"ger scorpio"s-or risi"g a%ove such %itter"ess li7e the
eagles-they %itterly ,ith-ra, i" ta"gle- hatre-s at each $i"or i";ury5 hopi"g 8ate
,ill pu"ish their e"e$ies5 al$ost u"co"sciously ,illi"g -estructio" ,ithout -irect
The gray li3ar-s 8ail to -ra, o" the po,er o8 *luto i" their "atures-po,er that coul-
li8t the$ high a%ove all the u"8ortu"ate circu$sta"ces that surrou"- the$. 2" the
very teeth o8 trage-y5 this a,eso$e i""er stre"gth coul- give the$ a "e, li8e i" the
su"light. 4ut they see7 the -ar7 sha-o,s a"- lie -or$a"t5 a pathetic ,aste o8 the
%rillia"t pote"tial o8 their %irthright. Still5 Scorpio ca" "ever sli-e -eep e"ough i"to
the sli$e o8 %itter -epressio" to co$pletely lose the po,er o8 *luto. 2t>s "ever too
late 8or the gray li3ar- to tra"s8or$ hi$sel8 i"to a" eagle. That 7i"- . o8 -eep $agic
%elo"gs e:clusively to every perso" %or" 2 ii C-er the Su" sig" o8 Scorpio. All they
"ee- -o is to call o" it. Typical eagles have "o 8ear. 2" %attle they>ll lea- their $e"
i"to the very 8ace o8 -eath ,ithout a tre$or. +ve" the average *luto $a" or ,o$a"
%ravely 8aces a"ythi"g 8ro$ physical pai" a"- poverty to ri-icule a"- 8ailure ,ith a
prou- co"te$pt a"- co$plete co"8i-e"ce i" a" i""er a%ility to overco$e a"y %lo,.
Scorpio is i"te"sely loyal to 8rie"-s. <#reater love hath "o $a" tha" this5 that a $a"
lay -o," his li8e 8or his 8rie"-s.< So$e o8 the$ -o this literally5 8or 8rie"-s5 rela-
tives or love- o"es-i" %attle or i" a civilia" crisis. The Scorpio sol-ier leaps
i"sta"tly5 i"sti"ctively5 to %rave the %ullets a"- -rag his %u--y to sa8ety. The
Scorpio 8ire$a" gives his li8e to rescue the chil- i" the %ur"i"g %uil-i"g. So$eti$es
it see$s *luto people u"co"sciously see7 viole"ce -eli%erately5 as a challe"ge to
their stre"gth.
Scorpio "ever 8orgets a gi8t or a 7i"-"ess5 a"- it>s richly re,ar-e-. !o"versely5 he
also re$e$%ers a" i";ury or a" i";ustice5 %ut there are -i88ere"t ,ays o8 reacti"g.
The eagle ,ill crush the e"e$y so the e"e$y lea$s "ever to hurt hi$ agai"5 ,i" the
8ight5 a"- leave the -e8eate- to go his o," ,ay. The -ea-ly "octur"al scorpio" ,ill
8irst sti"g5 the" pla" -estructio"5 the" sti"g agai". .e>s "ot co"te"t ,ith $erely
eve"i"g the score. .e $ust totally -estroy the e"e$y5 or at least top hi$. The
typical scorpio" sti"ger ,ill lie a,a7e "ights 8iguri"g ho, to get eve". 28 a "eigh%or
-eli%erately scrapes his 8e"-er5 he>ll scrape t,o 8e"-ers o" the "eigh%or>s car the
"e:t -ay5 a"- $ay%e -rive over his care8ully pru"e- he-ges 8or goo- $easure.
These scorpio"s are sel-o$ co"te"t ,ith 8orci"g the shoe o" the other 8oot to teach
e"e$ies ho, it 8eels. They glue the sa"-al o" ,ith ce$e"t. .o,ever5 ,ith the gray
li3ar-s5 *luto reve"ge ta7es the 8or$ o8 %itter"ess hel- i"si-e 8or years5 ,hich
i"evita%ly causes -eep $ela"choly or actual5 li"geri"g physical ill"ess. Seethi"g
Scorpio rese"t$e"t5 tur"e- i",ar- a"- "ever e:presse-5 poiso"s ,ith -ea-ly
certai"ty. Tur"e- out,ar-5 it ca" create guilt5 %ecause the sti"ger scorpio" is
asha$e- to har$ the -e8e"se-less5 ,he" all is sai- a"- -o"e. There8ore5 it shoul- %e
tur"e- "either ,ay-i",ar- "or out,ar-. 2t shoul- %e co"'uere- %y loo7i"g up a"-
8orgetti"g5 li7e the eagle- "ever %y loo7i"g %ac7 i" a"ger a"- retaliatio".
The Scorpio health picture is typical o8 his "ature. .e ca" -estroy his %o-y ,ith
e:cesses5 $ela"choly or har- ,or7. 4ut he ca" also %uilt it %ac7 at ,ill 8ro$ a
critical ill"ess. *luto>s po,er is that stro"g. Scorpios are sel-o$ sic75 %ut ,he" they
are5 it>s usually serious. A lo"g rest a"- a cha"ge o8 attitu-e5 ,ith peace8ul
accepta"ce replaci"g %ur"i"g rese"t$e"t5 are the %est cures. They ca">t let ,ell
e"ough alo"e5 a"- o8 course5 they 7"o, $ore tha" the -octor a"- all the "urses. The
chie8 areas o8 attac7 8or ger$s a"- acci-e"ts are the repro-uctive orga"s5 the "ose5
the throat5 the heart5 spi"e5 %ac75 circulatory syste$5 legs a"- a"7les. aricose vei"s
a"- acci-e"ts i" sports are co$$o". They shoul- avoi- 8ire5 e:plosives5 "o:ious
8u$es a"- ra-iatio". =et5 you>ll 8i"- lots o8 the$ see7 occupatio"s that 8lirt ,ith
-a"ger alo"g these very li"es. So$eti$es they have chro"ic "ose %lee-s5 or surgery
is per8or$e- o" the "ose 8or so$e reaso".
Scorpio is -eeply i"tereste- i" religio"5 i"te"sely curious a%out all phases o8 li8e a"-
-eath5 passio"ately co"cer"e- ,ith se: a"- viole"tly -ra," %y a -esire to re8or$.
=et he>s also heroic5 -e-icate- to ties o8 8a$ily a"- love5 a"- ge"tly protective o8
chil-re" a"- ,ea7er souls. .e ca" %e a sai"t or a si""er. .e ca" e:peri$e"t ,ith the
-ar7est $ysteries this si-e o8 .a-es5 or he ca" scathi"gly revile si" a"- -eca-e"ce.
/hether he e$otes 8ro$ a pulpit5 at a %usi"ess $eeti"g5 or 8ro$ a stage5 his
hyp"otic appeal pierces through his au-ie"ce5 literally tra"s8i:i"g or tra"s8iguri"g
the$. 2t>s really rather 8righte"i"g. +ve" i8 the Scorpio has te$porarily allo,e-
%itter"ess5 -ri"7 or $ela"choly to -rag hi$ i"to the 4o,ery5 you ca" %et your ol-
copy o8 Da"te>s 2"8er"o that the other %u$s ,ill clear a path ,he" they see hi$
.e>s 8iercely possessive o8 ,hat he %elieves to %e his5 i"clu-i"g success5 %ut his
a$%itio" is "ever o%vious. .e 'uietly ,aits 8or the cha"ce to $ove ahea- all the
,hile he serves5 7"o,i"g he is 'uali8ie- 8or the positio" a%ove hi$. .e ta7es
co"trol slo,ly5 %ut very surely. Scorpio ca" -o ;ust a%out a"ythi"g he ,a"ts to -o.
28 he really ,a"ts it5 it>s $ost -e8i"itely "o lo"ger a -rea$. The -ar75 $agical a"-
$ysterious po,er o8 *luto tur"s -esire i"to reality ,ith cool5 care8ul5 8i:e- i"te"t.
Although a $or%i- -esire to 7"o, the ,orst o8 sic7 a"- -eprave- hu$a"ity ca"
create a gray li3ar- ,ho -a%%les i" -rugs a"- cruelty5 he ca" reverse the path to a
li8e o8 $e-ici"e5 ,here -rastic treat$e"ts ,ith the sa$e sy$%ols have a -eep
8asci"atio" 8or hi$. Although $a"y o8 the ru$ore- sa-istic surgeo"s are Scorpios5
it>s e'ually true that $a"y o8 the 8i"est $e-ical $e" i" the e"tire ,orl- are i"spire-
%y *luto to heal %oth the $i"- a"- the %o-y5 -iag"osi"g a"- treati"g ,ith stra"ge5
i"scruta%le 7"o,le-ge.
Scorpio ,as %or" 7"o,i"g the secrets o8 li8e a"- -eath5 a"- ,ith the a%ility to
co"'uer %oth i8 he chooses. 4ut astrology co"sta"tly a-vises hi$ that <he $ust
7"o, that he 7"o,s.< The a"cie"t $ysteries 8asci"ate his %rillia"t $i"-. &ut o8 his
po,er8ul e$pathy ,ith hu$a" "ature gro,s the outsta"-i"g -etective5 the co$poser
o8 great $usical ,or7s5 literature o8 -epth a"- per$a"e"ce5 or the actor ,ho
pro;ects ,ith u"usual -ra$atic i"te"sity. So$eti$es he lives alo"e5 "ear the sea5 as
stro"g a"- as sile"t as the ti-es. So$eti$es he 8aces the pu%lic5 ,eari"g a $as7 o8
cal$ reserve a"- co"trol5 to hi-e his i"te"se -esire to ,i". .e ca" %e a politicia" or
a televisio" star5 a" u"-erta7er or a %arte"-er5 %ut he>ll $a"age to top all his co$-
petitors. A"- hell -o it so e88ortlessly it ,ill see$ li7e a" act o8 8ate rather tha" his
o," po,er8ul ,ill.
&"e o8 the stra"gest patter"s i" astrology is the -eath o8 a relative i" the 8a$ily
,ithi" either a year %e8ore or the year a8ter the %irth o8 a Scorpio. A"- ,he" a
Scorpio -ies5 there ,ill %e a %irth i" the 8a$ily ,ithi" the year %e8ore or the year
a8ter. 2t happe"s at least "i"ety-8ive perce"t o8 the ti$e. *luto>s sy$%ol is the
triu$pha"t phoe"i: risi"g 8ro$ its o," s$ol-eri"g ashes5 a"- Scorpio perso"i8ies
the resurrectio" 8ro$ the grave. 4oth the gray li3ar-s a"- the sti"gi"g scorpio"s ca"
%eco$e prou- eagles ,ithout ever reveali"g the secret o8 their sorcery. No use to
as7-Scorpio ,ill "ever tell. 4ut he 7"o,s the eter"al truth o8 the circle co"tai"e- i"
the sy$%olic 3ero.
Nove$%er>s thistle is -a"gerous5 yet it gro,s e"t,i"e- ,ith the heavy5 la"gui-
%eauty o8 the Scorpio ho"eysuc7le. .ave you ever i"hale- that s,eet5
over,hel$i"g 8ragra"ce o" a still $i-su$$er>s "ightA The" you ,ill 7"o, ,hy
there are those ,ho %rave the thistles to see7 the ge"tle"ess o8 Scorpio-e:'uisite
ge"tle"ess. The e:plosive passio" o8 *luto has the rich5 -ar7 re- ,i"e color o8 the
%loo-sto"e. 4ut Scorpio steel is te$pere- i" a 8ur"ace o8 u"%eara%le heat u"til it
e$erges cool5 sati"y s$ooth-a"- stro"g e"ough to co"trol the "i"e spiritual 8ires o8
Scorpio>s ,is-o$.
(a$ous Scorpio *erso"alities
Marie A"toi"ette Ji$ 4ishop 1ichar- 4urto" 1ichar- +. 4yr- Joh""y !arso"
*ri"ce !harles !hia"g Fai-she7 Ma-a$e !urie !harles -e #aulle Marie Dressier
#eorge +liot #eorge #aliup 2"-ira #a"-hi 4illy #raha$ .etty #ree"
Fathari"e .ep%u$ #race Felly 1o%ert Fe""e-y ivie" Leigh Marti" Luther
Douglas MacArthur Margaret Mea- Maria""e Moore Ja,aharlal Nehru Mi7e
Nichols *a%lo *icasso Theo-ore 1oosevelt Jo"as Sal7 +ric Sevarei- 4illy Su"-ay

The S!&1*2& Ma"
A"- her eyes i$$e-iately $et those
o8 a large5 %lue caterpillar
that ,as sitti"g o" the top ,ith its ar$s 8ol-e-5 'uietly
s$o7i"g a lo"g hoo7ah . . .
The caterpillar a"- Alice
loo7e- at each other i" sile"ce5
28 you>re i" love ,ith a Scorpio $ale a"- the ,or- passio" 8righte"s you5 put o"
your trac7 shoes a"- ru" as i8 Fi"g Fo"g ,ere pursui"g you. .e is.
2>$ "ot spea7i"g o8 ro$a"tic passio" alo"e5 though that $ay %e at the hea- o8 the
list. 2 also re8er to passio"ate i"te"sity a%out politics5 ,or75 8rie"-ship5 religio"5
8oo-5 relatives5 chil-re"5 clothi"g5 li8e5 -eath a"- a"y other categories you ca" thi"7
up. A Scorpio $a" is "ot e:actly ,hat your psyche "ee-s i8 you>re repelle- %y
e$otio"al e:cess. Do">t loo7 %ac7. Just ru".
=ou>ll thi"7 2>ve ta7e" leave o8 $y se"ses i8 you>ve ;ust $et that particular *luto
perso". .e>s so cal$ a"- stea-y. .o, coul- a"yo"e ,ith such o%vious sel8-co"trol
%e passio"ate5 let alo"e -a"gerously soA .o, i"-ee-. 4ecause he>s o"ly %lu88i"g
,ith the sur8ace cool. 2"si-e5 his passio"s are as re- hot as that stove you %ur"e-
your ha"- o" ,he" you ,ere three or 8our years ol- a"- getti"g i"to thi"gs out o8
your reach. This $a" $ay also %e out o8 reach. .e>s si33li"g u"-er"eath his
-eceptively co"trolle- $a""er. Do">t touch. =ou 7"o, per8ectly ,ell ho, lo"g it
ta7es 8or %u$s to heal. 1e$e$%erA =our ha"- ,as sti"gi"g 8or ,ee7s a8ter that
episo-e ,ith the stove ,he" you ,ere i" your 4uster 4ro,"s. A8ter this e:perie"ce5
your heart ,ill %ur" 8or $o"ths5 $ay%e years5 a"- 8irst ai- 7its ,ill -o little goo-.
#ra"-$a>s 8avorite sayi"g5 <A" ou"ce o8 preve"tio" is ,orth a pou"- o8 cure5<
applies to %oth stove %ur"s a"- Scorpio si"ges5 so play it sa8e. Ma7e sure you 7"o,
,here you>re goi"g a"- ,ith ,ho$.
28 your Su" sig" gives you a" as%estos5 8ireproo8 "ature5 go ahea- a"- play ,ith
e:plosives. =ou $ay %e a%le to 7eep the 8la$es u"-er co"trol a"- have yoursel8 a
po,er8ul 8ire to ,ar$ your heart 8or a li8eti$e. *erhaps you>re passio"ate a%out
thi"gs yoursel8. (i"e. The" it>s si$ply a $atter o8 -egree o8 heat. 28 your passio" has
a" auto$atic ther$ostat5 so it ca" %e tur"e- -o," to cool ,he" his rea-s hot5 you>re
sa8e. Let>s prete"- you are. The girls ,ho are i" -a"ger shoul- %e i" the "e:t state
%y "o,5 i8 they ra" 8ast e"ough. They>ll tha"7 $e so$e-ay a8ter they>ve $arrie- a
"ice5 sa8e Li%ra" or !a"ceria".
As 8or you ,o$e" ,ho have a"aly3e- yourselves as sa8e i" a *luto relatio"ship5
let>s see i8 ,e ca" 8i"- ,hat>s hi--e" %ehi"- those hyp"otic5 pierci"g Scorpio eyes.
2t>s pretty certai" he has">t $a-e a "eutral i$pressio" o" you. .e>s either got you
thi"7i"g he>s %oyish a"- s,eet5 or that he>s ,ic7e- a"- passio"ate. ?There goes that
,or- agai".@ The trou%le is5 he>s "either. &r $ay%e 2 shoul- say he>s %oth. /ell5 this
is">t getti"g us a"y,here. Let>s start all over agai".
2" a ,or-5 this $a" is i"vi"ci%le. Just %ehi"- his 8rosty reserve is a huge pot o8
%oili"g stea$ that %u%%les a"- seethes co"ti"ually. 28 you>re luc7y5 he>ll 7eep the li-
o". tight 8or a li8eti$e5 %ut a -eep i";ury ca" %lo, it right o88 ,ith a %rillia"t
e:plosio". 2t>s 7i"- o8 8asci"ati"g to ,atch. i8 you>re "ot i" its -irect li"e o8
-estructio". Step asi-e5 i8 you 8eel it co$i"g. A"- -o">t -o a"ythi"g to cause it
.ell %e,il-er you ,ith his t,i" Scorpio traits o8 passio" a"- reaso". .e>s $aster o8
%oth9 i"tellect a"- e$otio"s rule hi$ e'ually. Scorpio is $ore tha" i"tellige"t. 28
he>s a highly evolve- speci$e"5 he>s also -eeply philosophical5 co"cer"e- ,ith
$ysteries o8 e:iste"ce5 a"- he>ll co$e close to 7"o,i"g the a"s,ers.
There are Scorpios ,ho ca" live a sparta" e:iste"ce i" a %are roo$5 -e"yi"g
the$selves every co$8ort 8or so$e o%scure5 aesthetic reaso"5 %ut the true "ature o8
the sig" is se"sual. Nor$ally5 Scorpio ,ill surrou"- hi$sel8 ,ith lu:ury. .e>ll lea"
to,ar- e:cesses i" 8oo-5 -rugs5 -ri"75 a"- yes-i" love. Most assure-ly i" love. .e>s
geare- 8or it5 ,ith co"8i-e"ce. 1o$a"ce ,ill "ever 8righte" hi$5 pu33le hi$5 or
catch hi$ u"a,are. 2t>s %ee" o" his $i"- ever si"ce he ro-e his 8irst %icycle. May%e
eve" his 8irst tricycle. &8 course5 you coul- co"ceiva%ly 7"o, a Scorpio ,ho is so
a%solutely i""oce"t-loo7i"g5 ,ith such -isar$i"g5 youth8ul char$ a"- lac7 o8
o%vious se-uctive $a""eris$s5 he>s co"vi"ce- you that passio" is over-rate- i"
*luto $ales. .e $ay eve" have 8rec7les5 a"- a ,hole -ra,er 8ull o8 4oy Scout
$erit %a-ges. 4ut as7 his ,i8e. Try so$ethi"g li7e5 <Say5 4ertha-or 1osalie-or
Sheila-or ,hatever-is your hus%a"-5 ,ell5 is he passio"ateA< She $ight su$$o"
e"ough -ig"ity to tell you it>s "o"e o8 your %usi"ess5 %ut your a"s,er ,ill $ost
li7ely %e hysterical laughter. 4et,ee" her peals o8 $irth5 she>ll %e re$e$%eri"g
$a"y -ays o8 his i"te"se5 passio"ate -eclaratio"s a%out air pollutio"5 house%rea7i"g
the -og5 "arcotics5 lo"g hair5 %irth co"trol5 a"- $a"y "ights o8 ... ,ell5 a"- $a"y
"ights. This ,ill %e true eve" i8 her hus%a"- loo7s li7e .uc7le%erry (i""5 a"-
-oes">t eve" re$otely rese$%le Fi"g Fo"g.
These $e" have a" e:plosive te$per that ca" stri7e a li8e-ti$e ,ou"-. /he" the
Scorpio lashes his -ea-ly tail5 the sti"g %ites har-. .e "ot o"ly e";oys ,i""i"g5 he
has to ,i". So$ethi"g i"si-e hi$ -ies ,he" he loses5 eve" i" s$all ,aysB yet o--ly
e"ough5 a *luto $a" "or$ally practices goo- sports$a"ship. Li7e all his other
e$otio"s5 -isappoi"t$e"t "ever sho,s o" those set 8eatures5 a"- his reactio"s are
rigi-ly co"trolle-5 i"clu-i"g his ro$a"tic i"te"tio"s. 28 there>s a goo- reaso" to
avoi- the relatio"ship5 hell %u$ i"si-e ,hile he>s pro;ecti"g a glacial cal$ out-
,ar-ly. .e>s also capa%le o8 torturi"g a girl cruelly %e8ore he 8i"ally -eci-es to gra%
her %y the hair a"- -rag her o88 to his ;u"gle o8 ho"eysuc7le vi"es. Naturally5 there
are so$e Nove$%er 8ello,s ,ho ,ill ge"tly propose o" %e"-e- 7"ee. They>ll
%ehave very properly5 ,ith or ,ithout a chapero"e5 %ut -o">t %e -eceive-. 2t>s
$erely the Scorpio -esire to 7eep -ig"ity at all cost. =our reputatio" $ust %e
spotless. .e ,o">t sta"- 8or ri-icule or cheap"ess5 8or all his erotic "ature.
*luto people ca" have either a Su"-ay School teacher horror o8 si"5 a" attitu-e
,hich pro-uces i"te"sely -e-icate- eva"gelistic religious lea-ers5 li7e 4illy
#raha$5 or they ca" %e -rive" %y curiosity to pe"etrate every -ar7 cor"er o8 the
hu$a" $ystery. So$eti$es5 %oth attitu-es are co$%i"e-5 resulti"g i" the hypocrisy
or sel8--elusio" o8 a" +l$er #a"try or a 1evere"- Davi-so" i" 1ai".
+very Scorpio is a la, u"to hi$sel85 a"- co$pletely u"co"cer"e- ,ith ,hat others
thi"7 o8 hi$. .e ,oul- li7e to %e respecte- as a goo-5 soli- citi3e"5 %ut i8 it
i"ter8eres ,ith a"y o8 his i"te"se i-eas or goals5 the" he coul-">t care less5 a"- those
,ho gossip ca" ;ust go to the place *luto rules. No"e o8 his i$porta"t -ecisio"s are
ha$pere- %y the opi"io"s o8 his 8rie"-s5 relatives5 "eigh%ors or e"e$ies. 2>$ sorry
to say5 "ot eve" %y you. Do">t ru" a,ay yet. Such %eauti8ul sel8-co"tai"$e"t a"-
sure"ess o8 purpose ca" create a $ighty attractive5 8ree spirit ,ho>s "ot al,ays
8ussi"g a%out ,hat people thi"7. Are ho"esty a"- courage a"- i"tegrity such %a-
%argai"sA They $ay have lost a little o8 their spar7le i" to-ay>s $ar7etplace5 %ut ru%
o88 the -ust they>ve collecte-5 a"- you ca" still get the$ appraise- as ge"ui"e.
2t>s 'uite a" e:perie"ce to see the Scorpio $a" operate u"-er a-versity>s %lac7
clou-s. /hile others are $u$%li"g a"- cru$%li"g a"- gru$%li"g5 he is at his
8orce8ul5 courageous %est. .e sel-o$ ,allo,s i" e"vy or sel8-pity5 a"- he -oes">t
happe" to thi"7 that li8e o,es hi$ a si"gle 8arthi"g. =ou ca" ;ust i$agi"e ho,
$uch ti$e that saves. 2"stea- o8 pouti"g i" hurt a"ger ,he" real trou%les hit5 he
$eets the$ hea- o". !o"'uer the$A 4ut o8 course.
That>s ,hat he ,as %or" to -o.
&"e thi"g is a little 8righte"i"g5 a"- $ay re'uire courage o" your part. Scorpio
loves $ystery a"- there>s "ot a si"gle o"e that crosses his path he ,o">t solve i"
-etail. Si"ce the eter"al 8e$i"i"e $ystery is a"y girl>s $ost pote"t -e8e"se a"-
o88e"se5 %ei"g strippe- "a7e- o8 your $ystery ca" leave you 8eeli"g a little e:pose-.
=ou>ll scarcely have a secret le8t ,he" he starts pro%i"g ,ith those %ur"i"g eyes a"-
pierci"g 'uestio"s.
.e has high sta"-ar-s5 a"- he ,o">t choose his 8rie"-s loosely. They>ll have to
$easure up. This is a $arvelous5 rare 7i"- o8 $a" ,ho ca" share a ;ug o8 spirits a"-
;o7e ,ith rough hu$or a$o"g other $e" li7e a %a,-y +li3a%etha"B the" tap that
-eep5 i"scruta%le "ature a"- tur" i"to as ge"tle a"- te"-er a lover as 1o%ert
4ro,"i"g. 28 there>s a"ythi"g $ore to as7 8or i" a $ale a"i$al5 2 -o">t 7"o, ,hat it
$ight %e. Su%$issive"ess a"- 8orgive"essA Detach$e"t a"- cautio"A That>s "ot 8air.
=ou 7"e, he ,as short o" those 'ualities %ac7 i" the %egi""i"g.
.e ca" %e cruel so$eti$es5 8or his o,"5 u"8atho$a%le reaso"s5 a"- he $ay eve"
e:hi%it a sa-istic se"se o8 ,it %y -escri%i"g you as 8at5 -u$py5 shre,ish a"- s'uare
i" 8ro"t o8 8rie"-s. 2t>s his private ;o7e. #ri"5 i8 it 7ills you. =ou>ve %ee" ,ar"e- that
Scorpio is co$pelle- to co"ceal his $otives5 a"- this te"-e"cy is">t ,atere- -o,"
i" love. 2t $ay eve" %e i"te"si8ie-. .e>s "ot a%out to -isplay his true e$otio"s i"
8ro"t o8 the ,orl- li7e a vul"era%le5 s$itte" school%oy. Later5 ,he" you>re alo"e5
he>ll tell you ,hat he really thi"7s.
Marriage gives you a certai" security5 %ut i8 he pulls so$e o8 his *luto tric7s %e8ore
the 7"ot is tie-5 it $ay hurt5 a"- you>ll 8ail to get the hu$or. Still5 -o">t eve" thi"7
a%out telli"g hi$ that his harsh5 sel8-su88icie"t ,ho-"ee-s-youA ga$e $a7es you
8eel li7e ;u$pi"g o88 a %ri-ge. The Scorpio $a" ,ill ;ust tell you to go ahea- a"-
;u$p. 2t $ay ta7e a ,hile to a-;ust to his perso"ality5 %ut it ,ill eve"tually toughe"
you up. 28 you>re too so8t5 you>ll %ruise easily ,ith a Scorpio. Never as7 hi$ ,hat he
thi"7s o8 a "e, -ress or hair--o5 u"less you>re prepare- to %e stu"g %y the %rutal
truth. At least you>ll 7"o, his positive state$e"ts are ho"est5 a"- "ot paste- together
,ith the stic7y glue o8 %ore-5 i"si"cere 8lattery. 2t>s %etter to %rave a goo-5 healthy
<=ou loo7 a,8ul5< "o, a"- the"5 a"- %e re,ar-e- %y a" occasio"al <=ou>re really
%eauti8ul5 you 7"o,5< tha" to s,allo, a co"sta"t -iet o8 vague re$ar7s li7e9 <=es5
-ear5 it>s lovely5 sugar. M$$$$-;ust 8i"e5 pigeo"5< 8ro$ other $e". Do">t you
thi"7 soA 2 -o. 4ut the"5 you>re the o"e ,ho has to live ,ith it.
/he" it co$es to ;ealousy5 you>- %etter trea- very5 very care8ully. .e coul- %u$
a"- erupt li7e Mou"t esuvius i" its hey-ay i8 you shoul- acci-e"tally ,i"7 "ear a
$a" ,he" a ci"-er gets i" your eye5 a"- i8 you ever give hi$ a real reaso" to %e
suspicious5 you>re a very %rave ,o$a". 4ut you>- %etter pac7 a,ay your o,"
;ealous strea7 i" the tru"75 a"- the" loc7 it. 2t ,ill $a7e "o i$pressio" at all to
-re"ch hi$ i" a"gry tears or reproach8ul recri$i"atio"s. No $atter ho, he %ehaves5
;ust say to yoursel85 <.e loves $e5 a"- he ,ill "ever -iscar- real love 8or physical
pro$iscuity. .e>s loyal to his -eep ties5 a"- he>s o"ly practici"g his hyp"otic art
,ith those girls.< Say it o"ce %e8ore each $eal5 i" the $or"i"g a"- at %e-ti$e.
+specially at %e-ti$e. /o$e" ,ill 8i"- hi$ irresisti%ly attractive5 %ut 7eep
re$e$%eri"g that i8 a"yo"e is stro"g e"ough to resist such co"ti"ual 8lattery a"-
te$ptatio"5 it>s a Scorpio. Does">t that $a7e you 8eel %etterA 2t shoul-. 2t>s true.
.e>ll pro%a%ly %e a ster" 8ather. The chil-re" ,o">t get a,ay ,ith a" ou"ce o8 la3y
or 8rivolous %ehavior. .ell teach the$ to respect property5 %ut he>ll also teach the$
to respect the$selves. =ou"gsters ,ill sel-o$ get the cha"ce to 8or$ a"y 8alse
values arou"- a Scorpio papa. Although he>ll love the$ ,ith as $uch si"cere
passio" as he puts i"to everythi"g else he cares a%out5 he ,o">t Sta"- 8or a"y
"o"se"se. .e>ll protect the$ ,he" they "ee- it5 %ut they>ll soo" get the $essage that
he e:pects the$ to sta"- alo"e. 28 they %orro, $o"ey 8ro$ hi$5 he>s lia%le to
charge the$ i"terest o" it5 %ut it>s 8or their o," goo-. They $ay "ot reali3e that u"til
he>s go"e so$e--ay5 %ut the lesso" ,ill eve"tually co$e ho$e to the$. Lots o8
chil-re" o8 Scorpio 8athers rese"t his high-ha"-e- authority a"- tight -iscipli"e
throughout chil-hoo-5 a"- especially -uri"g the re%ellious years5 %ut as a-ults5 they
reali3e ho, luc7y they ,ere to have his 8ir$ gui-a"ce. (ro$ "o other 8ather ca"
chil-re" lear" so $uch truth a%out the ,ay li8e really is. &8te" his o88spri"g ,ill
8i"- hi$ ge"tle a"- 8u""yB still there ,o">t %e a"y 'uestio" a%out ,ho is %oss. .e>ll
;o7e a"- laugh ,ith the$5 a"- give the$ a se"se o8 8ree-o$5 %ut the chal7 li"e ,ill
%e -ra,"5 a"- they>ll 7"o, "ot to cross it. +ve" as they rese"t his attitu-e o8
co$$a"-5 the chil-re" ,ill secretly a-$ire his stre"gth a"- try to i$itate it5 %ut
occasio"ally it ,or7s the other ,ay. A ge"tle chil- $ay 8eel %ullie- a"- co,e- %y
Scorpio po,er5 a"- retreat i"to "eurotic i"troversio"5 8eari"g to ris7 his -ispleasure.
The" you>ll have to re$i"- hi$ that a88ectio" a"- te"-er"ess so$eti$es get $ore
results tha" his "or$al5 u"%e"-i"g5 autocratic $a""er. Just %e sure you re$i"- hi$
tact8ully a"- respect8ully. A Scorpio $a" ,ill "ever allo, a ,o$a" to -ictate to
hi$. Never i" a $illio" years. .e is the $a" a"- you are the ,o$a"5 a"- i8 you
have a"y -ou%ts a%out it5 you ,ill %e set straight so surely that you>ll "ever "ee- %ut
o"e lesso". =et5 a Scorpio hus%a"- ,ith a ,i8e ,ho truly u"-ersta"-s hi$5 ,ill %e
te"-er5 sy$pathetic5 co"si-erate5 a"- repay her loyalty ,ith the 7i"- o8 love $ost
,o$e" o"ly rea- a%out a"- ,ish 8or.
2t ,o">t help $uch to try to resist this $a"5 o"ce the 8la$e has %ee" stirre- a"- he>s
-eci-e- he ,a"ts you. .ell hyp"oti3e you right out o8 all your goo- i"te"tio"s. The
$ag"etis$ o8 Scorpio $e" is al$ost ta"gi%le. =ou 8eel you ca" reach out a"- touch
it. /he" you -o5 you $ay get a surprise. 2t ,ill %u$ you o"ly i8 you>re over-
se"sitive a"- scorcha%le. 28 you>re patie"t a"- stro"g5 it ,ill %e li7e touchi"g cool
$ar%le. #irls are out o8 their league ,ith hi$. 2t ta7es a %rave ,o$a" to 8ly ,ith the
eagle a"- "ot crash. .e ca" soar higher tha" his sy$%olic %right star A"tares i" the
co"stellatio" o8 Scorpio5 the" -ip -o," su--e"ly to earthy e:pressio". .a"g o"
tightly5 %ut 7eep your eyes ope" ,i-e5 a"- you>ll see hori3o"s ,ith hi$ the ti$i-
,ill "ever see. Loo7 over there5 ;ust %eyo"- the tall 8ir trees--i- you ever i" your
,hole li8e e:perie"ce such a su"riseA Su"set ,ill %e ;ust as gra"-.

The S!&1*2& /o$a"
<!o"si-er a"ythi"g o"ly -o">t cry . . .<
The 8e$ale Scorpio has a -eep5 $ysterious %eauty. She>s $ag"etic5 prou- a"-
totally co"8i-e"t. 4ut she has o"e secret regret. She ,as "ot %or" a $a".
2 ca" al$ost 8eel the heat 8ro$ here ,he" *luto ,o$e" hear a%out that revelatio".
There>s "ot a Scorpio 8e$ale alive ,ho -oes">t thi"7 she>s all ,o$a"5 a"- you $ay
,o"-er ,hat 2>$ tal7i"g a%out yoursel85 i8 you>re i" love ,ith o"e. This girl
certai"ly has e"ough gla$our5 a"- she>s e"or$ously se-uctive. 4ut 2 -i-">t say she
loo7e- li7e a %oy5 "or -i- 2 i"te"- to i$ply she -oes">t -o a %a"g-up ;o% o8 %ei"g a
8e$ale. 2t>s ;ust that5 u"co"sciously5 she ,oul- pre8er to %e a $a". Less restrictio"-
$ore opportu"ity. 2t>s the o"e secret she eve" hi-es 8ro$ hersel85 a"- seei"g it
e:pose- ,o">t sit ,ell ,ith her.
&"ce the Scorpio girl has 8igure- out the -i88ere"ce %et,ee" %lue %ooties a"- pi"7
%ooties5 she>ll resig" hersel8 to ,eari"g the pi"7 o"es5 %ecause she>s 8a%ulous at
$a7i"g the %est out o8 a situatio". 4ut pi"7 is "ot her "atural color. The true sha-e
o8 her "ature is -ar7 $aroo"5 or -eep ,i"e-re-5 "ot a 8e$ale color at all. .o,ever5
to give her proper tri%ute5 she>s a%le to $a7e you thi"7 it is. 2 7"o, o"e ,ho>s great
at prete"-i"g to %e a 8ragile5 8lu88y 7itte". She purrs so co"te"te-ly $ost $e" guess
she>s a" ultra-8e$i"i"e *iscea". They topple i"to her trap a"- ,a7e up later5 sa--er
%ut ,iser. She is "o 7itte".
Scorpio ,o$e" have a scor"8ul co"te$pt 8or $e$%ers o8 their se: ,ho 8lop i" the
roles o8 s,eetheart5 ,i8e a"- $other5 o"ce they>re stuc7 ,ith the parts. A *luto girl
,ill co"trol her -esire to -o$i"ate5 ,hile she gives a glorious per8or$a"ce o8
,o$a"hoo-5 a"- she>ll -o it ,ith $ore 8i"ess tha" the $asculi"e Aries5 Leo or
Sagittarius girl. At least she>ll -o it -uri"g courtship. There $ay %e a 8e, cases
,he" the u"suspecti"g $ale gets a ru-e surprise a8ter he sha7es the rice out o8 his
shoes a"- the illusio"s out o8 his eyes. 0"li7e the Mars 8e$ale5 8or e:a$ple5 a
Scorpio ,ill su%-ue her -rive a"- $ag"eti3e a $a" ,ith the heavy per8u$e o8 her
e:otic gla"ce as she allo,s hi$ to use his lighter to ig"ite her cigarette. That>s 8ar
se:ier tha" aggressively stri7i"g a $atch hersel8 a"- %lo,i"g the s$o7e i" his 8ace5
a"- she 7"o,s it. She 7"o,s lots $ore. A"other girl $ight rush hea-lo"g i"to your
ar$s a"- shout her love 8ro$ the roo8tops. The Scorpio girl ,al7s to,ar- you
slo,ly5 se-uctively5 a"- sile"tly -elivers her private $essage. 2t>s pu33li"g5 %ut
these ,o$e" ca" loo7 se-uctive i" ;ea"s5 ;o-hpurs or %as7et%all shoes. May%e it>s
her hus7y voice that creates the i$age. 2 7"o, o"e ,ho ,ore a %ase%all cap
?ho"est@ the e"tire ti$e her 8uture hus%a"- ,as courti"g her5 a"- she spe"t a lot o8
ti$e tal7i"g a%out %atti"g averages. 4ut she ,as as se-uctive as Mata .ari ;ust the
sa$e5 a"- she got her $a". ?.e ,as hyp"oti3e-5 as usual.@
=ou ca" give her a tu$%le5 %ut she ,o">t 8all all over hersel8 reacti"g to your
overtures. Do">t e:pect her to %at lo"g5 s,eepi"g eyelashes at you5 a"- a-ore you
,ith %li"- -evotio". Lots o8 8e$ale Scorpios are to$%oys ,ith stu%%y eyelashes.
4esi-es5 ,ith those %eauti8ul5 $ysterious eyes that ca" rea- your $i"- so clearly5
she -oes">t "ee- a"y e:tra tri$$i"g. /hisper so$ethi"g ro$a"tic that ,oul- $elt
a"other girl out o8 her se"ses5 a"- the Scorpio girl ,ill si$ply give you a" i"te"se5
pe"etrati"g loo7 that ,ill see right straight through to your real i"te"tio"s. She>s a
hu$a" Z-ray $achi"e5 so -o">t 8lirt. 0"less you $ea" %usi"ess5 you>re ,asti"g her
ti$e a"- i"sulti"g her. 2 ,oul-">t a-vise you to i"sult a Scorpio. 2t>s ;ust "ot healthy.
28 you -o">t 7"o, ,hat 2 $ea"5 as7 so$eo"e ,ho has. .e $ay have so$e stories to
tell that ,ill curl your hair.
2>$ ,ell a,are that this -a"gerous 8e$$e 8atale ca" hi-e her po,er o8 retaliatio"
,ith a tre$ulous s$ile5 ge"tle $a""eris$s5 a"- the $ost %reathless voice this si-e
o8 a" a"gel. 4ut astrologers are e:pecte- to %e up o" these thi"gs. 2t>s $ore
i$porta"t 8or you to %e ,ell a,are. A8ter all5 you>re the o"e ,ho>s see7i"g to ta$e
her-or protect yoursel8 agai"st her-,hichever. *ro%a%ly %oth.
=ou ca" %e sure that heave" certai"ly has "o 8ury li7e that o8 a Scorpio ,o$a"
,ho>s lost her "or$al stea-y co"trol over those i",ar-5 seethi"g5 *luto e$otio"s.
She ca" %e over%eari"g a"- -o$i"eeri"g5 sarcastic a"- 8rigi-- the" tur" as hot as a"
ove" at U00 -egrees (ahre"heit. She ca" hate ,ith %itter ve"o$ a"- love ,ith 8ierce
a%a"-o". She ca" shrie7 li7e a 8urious %a"shee or ,hisper li7e a" a88ectio"ate turtle
-ove. &"e thi"g you ca" %e sure o8- she>s "ever ,ishy-,ashy.
The Scorpio ,o$a" has a -isco"certi"g gi8t that ca" $a7e icy shivers ru" up your
spi"e. 2t>s a peculiar 8or$ o8 %lac7 $agic5 a"- she ,eaves it so e:pertly it ca" see$
li7e real ,itchcra8t. =ou have very little cha"ce to escape5 o"ce her eyes $eet yours.
4ecause o8 her $ystical si:th se"se5 she ca" o8te" recog"i3e a 8uture $ate at 8irst
gla"ce5 a"- so$eho,5 she>ll tra"s8er this perceptio" i"sta"tly. =ou>ll have o"e o8
t,o reactio"s. =ou>ll %e hopelessly caught i" her spell5 a"- -o," you>ll go5 i" a
-i33y spi" to,ar- surre"-er5 or you>ll %e scare- right out o8 your soc7s5 a"- 8eel li7e
ru""i"g 8or help. /hat>s your rushA Stay arou"- a,hile. =ou $ight 8i"- out ,hat
li8e is all a%out. She 7"o,s. A"- she>ll teach you. A"y,ay5 you shoul- %e 8lattere-
that she co"si-ers you ,orth that stra"ge ga3e. A Scorpio ,o$a" ca">t e:cuse
,ea7"ess i" a $a". She loo7s 8or a$%itio" a"- courage. She ,a"ts a $ate ,ho ca"
-o$i"ate her a"- $a7e her prou-5 ,ithout -istur%i"g her secret i"-ivi-uality. .e>s
e:pecte- to %e stro"g5 $asculi"e a"- %etter-loo7i"g tha" average. A high -egree o8
i"tellige"ce is re'uire- to $atch her o," e:celle"t $i"-5 plus $ore tha" a passi"g
ac'uai"ta"ce ,ith a%stract5 philosophical ,is-o$. So put your soc7s %ac7 o" a"-
practice a superior s$ir7. +very%o-y you 7"o, ,ill thi"7 you>re pretty super to
have her stari"g at you. The $e" a"- ,o$e" %oth. 2t coul- ope" "e, vistas5 ,he"
you thi"7 a%out it. =our perso"al stoc7 shoul- 3oo$ several poi"ts higher tha" it
,as %e8ore she "otice- you.
.avi"g o"ce achieve- close"ess ,ith a 8e$ale Scorpio5 you ca" %e positive you>re a
u"i'ue a"- u"usual $a". =ou ca" also %e sure that her love 8or you is u"$atche- %y
a"y you>ll ever e:perie"ce-a"- you ca" ta7e that i" several ,ays. =ou>ll %e the $ost
i$porta"t i"terest i" her li8e. 28 she>s a typical *luto girl5 she>ll %oost you loyally5
a"- try to please you ,ith passio"ate i"te"sity. 28 you>re too har- to please5 she>ll
sho, her 8rustratio" ,ith passio"ate atte$pts to co"'uer your -isi"terest.
The ,or- <passio"ate< pro%a%ly caught your eye. Most $e" have hear- e:citi"g
ru$ors a%out the passio" o8 Nove$%er 8e$ales. 2t>s true. She>s %ri$$i"g over i"si-e
,ith passio"5 though it>s 7ept u"-er rigi- co"trol %y a poise-5 8rosty attitu-e to,ar-
stra"gers5 a"- a sur8ace s$ooth"ess suggestive o8 %lac7 velvet. 4ut the $ale se: is
too i"cli"e- to relate passio" strictly to ro$a"tic actio"B a"- that>s selli"g her short5
%ecause *luto>s -e8i"itio" o8 the ,or- is 8ar $ore e"co$passi"g. 2t>s i"volve- ,ith
her 8eeli"gs a%out everythi"g she touches. She>s "ever ;ust slightly i"tereste-. 2t>s
i$possi%le 8or her to %e -etache- or casual. She sel-o$ li7es or -isli7es a play5 a
%oo75 religio"5 8ur"iture or people. She either %itterly rese"ts or she i"te"sely
,orships. 28 o"e o8 these t,o passio"s ca">t %e arouse-5 the" she totally ig"ores5
,ith ice arou"- the e-ges. =et5 through it all5 she>ll re$ai" esse"tially u"touche- %y
e$otio"al stor$s5 ;u-gi"g at least 8ro$ her placi- e:terior5 ,hich al,ays -rapes
itsel8 arou"- her a8ter each $i"or or $a;or "uclear e:plosio". 2t $ay %e -i88icult to
co"vi"ce your $other-i"-la, that her -aughter really %ro7e all those -ishes a"- tore
all those -raperies to shre-s a8ter the 8ury has su%si-e- a"- her %lac7 velvet poise
has retur"e-. *eople $ay loo7 at you as i8 you>re a character assassi"ator. /hat -o
you $ea"A Sha$e o" you5 accusi"g that cool5 co"trolle-5 lovely girl o8 such a
te$per. =ou have $y sy$pathy5 i8 that>s a"y help.
She has such 8a%ulous virtues5 you $ight 7"o, her vices ,oul-">t %e s7i$py5 either.
So thi"7 a%out her goo- poi"ts. All right5 the"5 thi"7 a%out her goo- poi"ts a8ter that
lu$p o" your hea- has heale-.
4ecause she>s -ra," to i"vestigatio" o8 the sha-o,s5 she $ay at 8irst see$ to %e
te$pti"g5 8or%i--e" 8ruit5 a"- the -eep5 stra"ge e:pressio" i" her eyes i"te"si8ies the
i$pressio". 2t>s true that the Scorpio girl so$eti$es ,a"-ers i"to -a"gerous ,aters
i" her e88orts to pe"etrate li8e5 a"- si"ce there>s "ot the slightest trace o8 8ear i" her
?u"less she has a" a88lictio" to her Moo"5 a"- is 8ull o8 "a$eless terrors@5 her search
$ay i"-ee- ta7e her i"to so$e ,eir- %y,ays. 4ut the typical Scorpio ,ill e$erge
8ro$ a"y -iscovery still stro"g a"- pure. 28 she allo,s the ;our"ey to soil her i""er
spirit5 *luto ,ill pu"ish her ,ith a"guishe- re$orse a"- guiltB yet she ca" still call
o" her great stre"gth o8 character to rise agai"5 li7e the phoe"i:5 8ro$ the ashes o8
her e:peri$e"ts. 2" Fahlil #i%ra">s ,riti"gs5 the *rophet replies5 i" a"s,er to a
'uestio" a%out +vil5 <&8 the #oo- i" you 2 ca" spea75 %ut "ot o8 the +vil. (or ,hat
is +vil %ut #oo--torture- %y its o," hu"ger a"- thirstA /he" #oo- is hu"gry5 it
see7s 8oo-5 eve" i" -ar7 caves5 a"- ,he" it thirsts5 it -ri"7s eve" o8 -ea- ,aters.< A
per8ect -escriptio" o8 Scorpio.
She $ay have %ee" a 8asci"ate- spectator to a $illio" hu$a" 8oi%les5 a"- she $ay
have taste- a variety o8 e:perie"ces to savor the 7"o,le-ge. 4ut she ca"
$ysteriously e$erge 8ro$ all her e:ploratio"s a%ove suspicio"5 a"- still superior to
al$ost every other ,o$a" you 7"o,. She coul- %e the 7eeper o8 'uite a 8e,
secrets. 2t>s surprisi"g ho, $a"y -ar7 -ee-s are co"8esse- to Scorpios5 though their
o," i""er lives are $ar7e-9 <*rivate-Feep &ut.< She li7es to hear secrets5 %ut she>ll
sel-o$ tell a"ythi"g a"yo"e has co"8i-e- i" her5 "ot eve" to you ?u"less there>s a"
a88licte- Mercury i" her "atal chart@. =ou ca" also e:pect her to have a stac7 o8
secrets that relate to her perso"ally5 a"- -o">t try to pry the$ out o8 her. There>s a
private part to this ,o$a" you>ll "ever touch5 a part o8 her $i"- a"- soul that
%elo"gs strictly to her5 a"- there>s a%solutely "o trespassi"g there. She>s "ot
u"truth8ul5 i" 8act she>s $ore o8tie" too %rutally ho"est5 yet there ,ill al,ays %e
those special thoughts a"- 8eeli"gs she ,o">t co"8i-e to you or a"yo"e else.
A Scorpio ,o$a" ,ill %e i"cre-i%ly loyal to those she 8i"-s stro"g a"- -eservi"g5
%ut the ,ea7 o"es ,ill "ever %e ho"ore- %y her gla"ce. .er -ig"ity i" hu$a"
relatio"ships ca" $a7e her see$ aloo8 a"- s"o%%ish. 2" a ,ay5 she -e8i"itely is5
%ecause she practices a perso"al caste syste$5 a"- it>s $ore clearly $ar7e- tha" that
o8 her Leo a"- !apricor" sisters. All Scorpios are highly selective i" 8rie"-ships.
They>ll 7eep the ,orthy co$pa"io"s through a" e"tire li8eti$e5 a"- 8ree3e the
shallo,5 the co$$o" or the u",orthy. There>s a" i$$e"se store o8 persevera"ce
a"- -eter$i"atio" %urie- i" the "ature o8 a Scorpio ,o$a"5 a"- a"y ti$e she
chooses5 she ca" call o" these to help her $aster the e:cesses ,hich $ay te$pt her5
8ro$ -ri"7 a"- -rugs to sel8--estructive5 ruthless reve"ge a"- -a"gerous -epressio".
Soo"er or later5 she>ll pro%a%ly i"vestigate so$e 8or$ o8 the occult5 a"- a"cie"t
$ysteries a"- u"see" ,orl-s ,ill eve"tually have her respect5 though Scorpios ca"
ra"ge all the ,ay 8ro$ religious 8ervor to total atheis$ -uri"g a li8eti$e.
A Scorpio ,o$a" "ee- "ot %e a legal ,i8e to give ,i8ely love a"- -evotio". 28
circu$sta"ces %eyo"- your co"trol $a7e $arriage i$possi%le5 she>ll love you 8ro$
hell to %rea78ast5 a"- "ot give a ha"g ,hat the "eigh%ors thi"7. 2" $ost such
u"usual situatio"s5 the relatio"ship is real a"- ho"est a%ove a"- %eyo"- the shallo,5
sel8ish love o8 $a"y a legiti$ate $arriage. The hypocrisies o8 society ,ill "ever
7eep this courageous ,o$a" 8ro$ see7i"g the su". She a"s,ers to "o la, %ut her
o,"5 a"- i" her *luto heart5 she has $ore total u"-ersta"-i"g o8 the vo, <till -eath
-o us part< tha" hal8 the %ri-es ,ho %liss8ully $ur$ur the phrase.
.Despite her o," stro"g i"-ivi-ualis$5 the typical Scorpio girl ,ill let her $a" %e
the %oss. 2"stea- o8 oversha-o,i"g hi$ ,ith her 8orce a"- -rive5 she>ll apply her
tale"ts to help hi$ attai" his goals. =our 8uture ,ill %e i$porta"t to her5 a"- she>s
"ot li7ely to i"sist o" retai"i"g her o," career a8ter $arriage ?u"less you>ve
-isappoi"te- her -eeply or a seco"- ;o% is "ee-e- i" a te$porary -o$estic crisis@.
She $ay 8ight you ,il-ly i" private5 %ut she>ll -e8e"- you 8iercely i" pu%lic. She
,o">t sta"- 8or a"yo"e $alig"i"g you or ta7i"g a-va"tage o8 you. Those ,ho try
,ill 8eel the lash o8 her righteous a"ger. =our happi"ess ,ill al,ays co$e 8irst.
0"less there are a-verse aspects to her Su" sig" or asce"-a"t i" her "atal chart5
she>ll patie"tly help you persevere u"til you get ,hat you ,a"t5 a"- ,hile you>re
getti"g it5 she ,o">t ,hi"e or co$plai" or %eco$e restless5 though she $ight tur" a
little %itter i8 you lose your courage o" the ,ay. She>ll e:pect you to ai$ as high as
your a%ilities ,ill reach. A"ythi"g less $ay %ri"g o" so$e pretty sarcastic tau"ts
a"- reproaches5 especially i8 she has a" a88licte- Mercury.
Scorpio ,o$e" love their ho$es5 ,hich usually shi"e ,ith clea"li"ess5 taste a"-
co$8ort. Meals are serve- o" ti$e5 a"- thi"gs are ge"erally u"-er co"trol. 28 the
opposite is true5 so$ethi"g is $a7i"g her $ighty u"happy5 %ecause her "atural
i"cli"atio" is to %eauty a"- syste$. To the typical Scorpio ,o$a" spri"g clea"i"g is
li7e vacatio". They love to -ig i"to co$ers to see ,hat they ca" 8i"-. Just %e care8ul
she -oes">t 8i"- a"y cryptic "otes that s$ell o8 per8u$e i" your ol- ;ac7et poc7ets
,he" she>s cleari"g out the closets. Scorpio is u"reaso"a%ly suspicious5 eve" ,he"
there>s "o %asis 8or suspicio"5 so you ca" i$agi"e ,hat happe"s ,he" she 8i"-s a
real clue to possi%le i"8i-elity. *icture the shape o8 a $ushroo$ clou- a"- you>ll get
a ge"eral i-ea o8 ,hat $ay happe"5 8iguratively spea7i"g. 2t>s "o goo- %ei"g
suspicious o8 her5 "o $atter ho, $a"y opportu"ities ariseB a"- there ,ill %e a
goo-ly "u$%er o8 the$5 %ecause she "ever e:poses her -eepest 8eeli"gs. Naturally5
this ca" arouse a 8e, 'uestio"s o" your part. Just s,allo, the$5 alo"g ,ith the
lu$p i" your throat. Li7e that loc7e- chest or -ra,er she>s ha- si"ce chil-hoo-5
certai" thi"gs a%out her are o88 li$its. 2t ,ill get you "o,here to pro%e. 2 reali3e
8ully that it is">t 8air. So -oes she. 4ut that -oes">t cha"ge thi"gs a %it. That>s the
,ay it is. Ta7e her or leave her. =ou>ll pro%a%ly ta7e her. 2t>s al$ost i$possi%le to
leave her. 28 "othi"g else5 she>ll hau"t you the rest o8 your li8e. A-;usti"g to the
i-iosy"crasies o8 her "ature is easier tha" su88eri"g the "ight$ares that ,ill surely
result i8 you ,al7 a,ay. No o"e ,al7s a,ay 8ro$ a Scorpio. Not really. Di-">t you
7"o, thatA Those ,ho have trie- ca" e-ucate you. A"y,ay5 you have a very special
As $uch as she "ee-s the security o8 ho$e roots5 shell $ove i8 it>s "ecessary to your
career5 a"- ,ithout a"y visi%le 8li"chi"g at the uprooti"g. She $a7es a" e:celle"t
,i8e 8or a" ar$y or "avy $a" a"- a real ;e,el 8or a politicia". There>s "o o"e she
ca">t see through5 "o -eceptio" that escapes her. A Scorpio ,o$a" ca" tell you
e:actly ,ho ca" %e truste- a"- ,hich o"es you have to ,atch. The *isces ,i8e has
the sa$e a%ility5 %ut she $ay %e too so8t to critici3e5 too rea-y to $a7e e:cuses 8or
the 8aili"gs o8 others. Not so the Scorpio 8e$ale. 2" 8act5 she $ay 8re'ue"tly have to
chec7 her sharp to"gue a"- to"e -o," her %rutal a"alysis.
2" the %u-get -epart$e"t5 Scorpio ,o$e" are co$pletely u"pre-icta%le. She ca"
scri$p a"- save a"- pi"ch a pe""y u"til it %e"-s -ou%le5 the" have a su--e" spell o8
%ei"g $ag"i8ice"tly e:travaga"t. &"e thi"g is sure. She>ll e";oy $o"ey5 ,hether she
saves it i" a" ol- shoe or spe"-s it o" lu:ury. 4ut this ,o$a" al,ays lea"s heavily
to,ar- prestige5 a"- she ,o">t let cash co$pro$ise that. She>ll %e satis8ie- i8 you
choose a s$aller i"co$e5 as lo"g as it i"sures that you are your o," %oss5 ,ith the
pote"tial to rise to %eco$e so$e%o-y o8 i"8lue"ce5 Scorpio 8e$ales li7e po,er5 a"-
they ,ill sacri8ice $uch 8or it. =our po,er ,ill -o5 %ecause *luto allo,s her to %e
a-ept at livi"g vicariously through others ,he" it suits her. 1e$e$%er that although
she>ll sacri8ice a"- put up ,ith very little 8or a pla""e- goal5 she>s too prou- to live
a$i- sha%%y surrou"-i"gs 8orever5 a"- she>ll %eco$e $ighty sour a"- -isco"te"te-
i8 she>s 8orce- to -o so 8or a" u"reaso"a%le le"gth o8 ti$e. She>ll either try to 8orce a
cha"ge i" the 8a$ily 8ortu"es a8ter a certai" perio-5 or she>ll gra-ually retreat i"to
the -is$al ,orl- o8 the gray li3ar-5 out,ar-ly accepti"g a"- al$ost see$i"g to
e";oy poverty5 %ut i",ar-ly i"te"sely %itter.
She>ll %e possessive %ut she ,o">t ,a"t to %e possesse-. &"e o8 the ,orst traits o8
%oth $ale a"- 8e$ale Scorpios is a re8usal to see a"y vie,poi"t %ut their o," ,he"
the e$otio"s are i"volve-. 2t ta7es ,ee7s o8 i"trospectio" to %ri"g the$ arou"- to a
se$%la"ce o8 hu$ility. .er "atural i"terest i" the opposite se:5 eve" i8 it re$ai"s
plato"ic5 $ay give you as $uch reaso" to %e ;ealous o8 her as she is o8 you. She>ll
pro%a%ly 8asci"ate every $ale i" sight o" occasio"5 a"- you $ay have to sit %y
,hile they>re $es$eri3e-. 2t sel-o$ lea-s to a"ythi"g serious5 %ut it ca" cause so$e
u"co$8orta%le $o$e"ts. 2t ca" also lea- to so$e e:plosive -isagree$e"ts. 2" the
heat o8 %attle5 it pays to re$e$%er that her co$pulsio" to eve" the score usually
$a7es her the ,i""er i" a"y 7i"- o8 s7ir$ish. She gets the last ,or-. 28 you tell her
a lie5 she $ay tell t,o. 28 you stu%%or"ly re8use to 7iss her goo--%ye i" the $or"i"g
a8ter a ti885 she $ay re8use to 7iss you goo-"ight 8or a $o"th. Just let your $other
?or a"y%o-y>s $other@ critici3e her coo7i"g5 a"- the Scorpio ,o$a" $ay 8orget to
i"vite her to -i""er 8or several Su"-ays i" a ro,. A" acci-e"tal i";ury5 ho,ever5
she>ll 8orgive5 i8 she 7"o,s it>s u"i"te"tio"al. The Scorpio se"se o8 ;ustice is as
stro"g as the se"se o8 reve"ge. Most people 8orget this. She>ll re$e$%er every
7i"-"ess a"- give you %ac7 -ou%le 8or that5 too. 2t ,or7s %oth ,ays.
/ith the chil-re"5 her e:pressio" o8 love $ay lac7 a certai" te"-er"ess a"- ope"
-e$o"stratio"5 %ut the you"gsters ,ill pro%a%ly se"se her -eep -evotio" a"- 8eel
e$otio"ally secure a"y,ay. A Scorpio $other ,o">t let the tale"ts o8 her chil-re"
go u""otice- or gather -ust. She>ll spe"- $a"y a" hour e"couragi"g the$ to,ar-
higher goals5 a"- %e ,illi"g to provi-e a"y support they "ee-. .er o88spri"g ,ill
8i"- her stro"g a"- help8ul ,he" youth8ul pro%le$s arise5 %ecause her 7"o,le-ge o8
hu$a" "ature $a7es her a ,ise cou"selor. She>ll teach the$ to $eet -i88iculties
,ith her o," courage. 4ut she ca" %e %u"- to their 8aults5 a" attitu-e ,hich ca"
"aturally cause a lot o8 trou%le i8 it is">t recog"i3e- a"- chec7e- i" ti$e. A"yo"e
she i$agi"es is a threat to the happi"ess o8 her chil-re"5 i" a"y ,ay5 ho,ever s$all5
,ill %e crushe-5 a"- 2>$ a8rai- that i"clu-es her hus%a"-. She ,o">t appreciate it i8
he>s stricter ,ith the$ tha" she thi"7s he ought to %e.
A Scorpio ,o$a" ,ill so$eti$es "early -ro," you i" her passio" 8or livi"g5 yet i"
a real stor$5 her cool5 cal$ reaso" a"- steely stre"gth ,ill %e a li8e ra8t. Though she
,or7s her $agic i" stra"ge a"- secret ,ays5 her hau"ti"g eyes ,ill al,ays ga3e at
you ,ith %asic ho"esty5 eve" ,hile she re$ai"s ;ust %eyo"- the reach o8 hu$a"
u"-ersta"-i"g. She>s a little -a"gerous5 perhaps5 %ut u"-e"ia%ly e:citi"g. Let other
hus%a"-s cope ,ith the 8lighty girls. =ou>ve 7"o," the co$pelli"g $ystery o8 a
lovely ,itch ,ho %re,s a pretty goo- cup o8 tea a"- "ever %u$s your toast. ?/ell5
al$ost "ever.@ /he" the cup is e$pty5 let her rea- the tea leaves 8or you. She ca"-i8
she ,a"ts to.
=ou $ea" you -i-">t 7"o,A 2 tol- you there are thi"gs she 7eeps to hersel8....

The S!&1*2& !hil-
</hat else ha- you to lear"A< </ell5 there ,as Mystery ... Mystery5 a"cie"t a"-
,ith Seaography . . . Dra,li"g5 Stretchi"g
a"- (ai"ti"g i" !oils.<
The usual reactio" o8 prou- pare"ts at the 8irst gli$pse o8 their "e,%or" Scorpio
i"8a"t is please- surprise. <.e loo7s so $uch $ore >8i"ishe-> tha" the other %a%ies i"
the "ursery5< they $ur$ur. <.e>s cal$er too-a"- ;ust loo7 at ,hat a stro"g %o-y he
has.< That>s right5 eve" the ti"iest Scorpios "or$ally have e:traor-i"arily stro"g
%o-ies. They ,ere -esig"e- to $atch their e:traor-i"arily stro"g ,ills.
Scorpio chil-re" e";oy a goo- 8ight5 a"- they i"te"- to ,i" it. !o$pro$ise is "ot
o"e o8 their virtues. +ve" i8 they prete"- to give i"5 they>re ;ust %i-i"g their ti$e
u"til the co"test ca" %e resu$e- o" a"other 8ro"t5 ,here they have the a-va"tage.
As soo" as you 7"o, the stor7 is -ue i" Nove$%er or ?herea%outs5 go right out a"-
%uy a large5 stur-y plaype". =ou>ll "ee- o"e. A8ter %a%y arrives5 you ca" cli$%
i"si-e it a"- rea- a %oo7 or eat your lu"ch5 sa8e a"- secure %ehi"- the %ars. The
sales,o$a" $ay loo7 at you o--ly ,he" you lie -o," o" the %lue plastic %u""y
pa- to $easure its 8it5 %ut ig"ore her. 28 you ca">t ta7e the stare o8 a stra"ger5 ho,
are you goi"g to 8ace the %ur"i"g ga3e o8 your o," chil- ,ithout 8li"chi"gA The
Scorpio i"8a"t ,ill 8i: you ,ith his i"te"se eyes as soo" as he ca" see people
,ithout the 8u33y ha3e5 a"- you>ll %e hyp"oti3e- i"to o%eyi"g his every ,hi$.
*icture hi$ sitti"g cross-legge- o" the 8loor i" his -iaper a"- tur%a"5 playi"g his
8lute5 ,hile you s,ay %ac7 a"- 8orth helplessly5 li7e a s"a7e i" a %as7et. #oo- grie8I
So %etter start steeli"g yoursel8 agai"st his %lac7 $agic right "o,. #ive that
sales,o$a" a 8rosty stare right %ac7. 2t>s your $o"ey you>re spe"-i"g.
28 your actio"s see$ a little peculiar5 it>s "ot her %usi"ess to -ictate to you. =ou are
the custo$er. There8ore5 you are the %oss. /ith $i"or cha"ges5 this is the e:act
attitu-e you>ll "ee- to cope ,ith your you"g Scorpio. 2t>s your house. 28 your rules
see$ a little peculiar5 it>s "ot %a%y>s %usi"ess to -ictate to you. =ou are the $other.
There8ore5 you are the %oss. As you say it5 stare hi$ -o,".
=ou>ll have your ,or7 cut out 8or you5 %ut it>s a" i"teresti"g challe"ge. The Scorpio
chil- ,ill "ee- co"sta"t a"- 8ir$ -iscipli"e. =ou>ll have to i$press the 'ualities o8
co"si-eratio" 8or ,ea7er people5 %ei"g a goo- sport ,he" he loses5 respect 8or
authority a"- 8orgive"ess ,he" others hurt hi$. As you trai" his 8i"e character5
you>ll %e i$presse- yoursel8 ,ith his %rillia"t $i"- a"- $ag"etic perso"ality. .is
rare courage a"- ho"esty are ,ell ,orth "ourishi"g a"- protecti"g 8ro$ the
i"8ectio" o8 a super ego that ca" pervert or -estroy the$.
There are t,o roa-s 8or the Scorpio to choose-the high a"- the lo,. (or a ,hile5 you
$ay %e co"vi"ce- that he>s chose" the %ac7 alley %e8ore he>s eve" lear"e- to ,al7.
(luttery5 "ervous or so8t $others are %eate" %e8ore they start. =our little Scorpio
to--ler ,ill glare at you 8iercely ,he" you 8or%i- hi$ to touch so$ethi"g. #lare
%ac7 at hi$5 7i"-ly %ut 8ir$ly. 2t $ay %e -i88icult to acco$plish a 7i"-ly glare5 %ut
7eep practici"g. S$ile through your cle"che- teeth a"- say "o lou-ly5 ,ith
e$phatic co"victio". =ou>ll o"ly ,i" a te$porary struggleB it ,ill %e resu$e- agai"
a" hour later5 %ut it>s a step up that high roa-. +ve"tually5 the Scorpio you"gster ,ill
%egi" to a-$ire you 8or your stre"gth i" resisti"g hi$. .ell lear" o"ly 8ro$
so$eo"e he thi"7s is stro"ger tha" hi$sel8. &8 course5 he 7"o,s the victory is o"ly
-ue to his prese"t si3e5 a"- he>ll top you so$e-ay5 %ut $ea",hile5 he>ll give you his
gru-gi"g respect5 as lo"g as you>re %igger. 4y the ti$e he>s tall e"ough to ,restle
his ol-er %rother to the 8loor or ,i" a ga$e o8 2"-ia" -ea-loc7 ,ith his 8ather your
;o% ,ill %e -o"e. =ou>ll %e a little e:hauste-5 %ut prou-5 a"- he>ll %e ,ell o" the ,ay
to %eco$i"g a sple"-i- eagle5 i"stea- o8 a sti"gi"g5 reve"ge8ul scorpio". /ar"i"g9
4e sure there>s a ge"erous sprea-i"g o8 love a"- a88ectio" o" top o8 your 8ir$
-iscipli"e5 or he coul- %eco$e a $isera%le gray li3ar-5 torture- %y 8ears a"-
pho%ias5 %itter a"- ,ith-ra,".
4ecause o8 his %lu"t5 o8te" sarcastic speech a"- plai"-spo7e" $a""er5 he>ll see$ to
%e 8orthright a"- -irect5 %ut there ,ill still %e a great "ee- 8or privacy. .e has his
little secrets a"- you are "ot to pry. #ive hi$ a large $etal %o: ,ith a 7ey5 ,here he
ca" 7eep his perso"al possessio"s5 or a special -ra,er o8 his o," that "o o"e else i"
the 8a$ily ca" ope" %y strict agree$e"t. As 8e$ale Scorpios gro, ol-er5 they>ll
,a"t a -iary ,ith a 8oolproo8 loc7.
These you"gsters ,ill co"ceal their o," thoughts5 %ut tryi"g to hi-e thi"gs 8ro$
the$ is i$possi%le. They>ll 8erret out every e$%arrassi"g 8a$ily secret 8ro$ Au"t
4ertha>s 8alse teeth a"- 0"cle *ercy>s -ri"7i"g sprees to Da->s <rug< that hi-es his
%al- spot. They>re also ,hi33es at 8i"-i"g lost soc7s5 7eys5 %ill8ol-s a"- lipstic7s-
regular $i"iature sleuths ,ho use %oth ,itchcra8t a"- col- logic to solve a"y
There>s a $iraculous a%ility to ,ithsta"- pai". +ve" the stitches re'uire- to se, up
a" acci-e"tal cut ,ill usually %e %or"e ,ithout either tears or a"esthetic. =our
Scorpio you"gster is ,ise %eyo"- his years. There ,ill %e ti$es ,he" his i"sti"ctive
u"-ersta"-i"g is a %lessi"g. Da--ies ,ho are -iscourage- %y 8i"a"cial pro%le$s
o8te" 8eel the surprisi"g pressure o8 a %ear hug 8ro$ a little tot 8ar too you"g to
u"-ersta"- eco"o$ics. .e o"ly 7"o,s his 8ather is u"happy5 a"- he>ll ,a"t to
e:press his -esire to -estroy ,hatever is causi"g it. /he" she>s ill or -epresse-5 a
$other $ay get a" u"e:pecte-5 sile"t a"- te"-er touch 8ro$ a ti"y Scorpio ,ho has
so$eho, se"se- her sa-"ess.
Scorpio chil-re" are 8ille- ,ith %ou"-less loyalty to 8rie"-s a"- love- o"es. They
ca" %e pretty har- o" a"yo"e else. 28 a %a--te$pere- play$ate -eli%erately %rea7s
his roc7i"g horse5 the Scorpio you"gster $ay %rea7 the o88e"-i"g chil->s scooter5
8ire truc7 a"- %lac7%oar--a"- pu"ch hi$ i" the "ose %esi-es5 ;ust to $a7e sure he
7"o,s he>s steppe- o" a Scorpio>s tail. Naturally5 this $ust %e -iscourage-5 a"- 2
,ish you luc7. =ou ca" tell your Nove$%er chil- that reve"ge8ul a"ger ,ill co$e
ho$e to roost5 that he>s o"ly hurti"g hi$sel8 %y getti"g eve"5 %ut it ,o">t %e easy 8or
hi$ to see the logic. #et hi$ o"e o8 those %oo$era"gs they sell i" toy stores5 a"- let
hi$ thro, it ,ith all his 8orce. /he" it>s shoc7e- hi$ %y $agically retur"i"g to clip
hi$ o" the ear a 8e, ti$es5 he $ay get the $essage. 2t ,o">t %e as popular ,ith hi$5
o8 course5 as a $icroscope5 a %oo7 o8 $agic ga$es or a che$istry set These are
sure-8ire hits.
.is teachers ,o">t 7"o, ,hether to se"- hi$ to the hea- o8 the class or get out the
ol- %irch s,itch. Theyll B pro%a%ly e"- up -oi"g %oth. Scorpio %oys a"- girls have
sharp5 pe"etrati"g $i"-s a"- a" u"ca""y perceptio" o8 theories. They ca" %e
stea-ies o" the ho"or roll or the %iggest hoo7ey players i" the "eigh%orhoo-. #ive"
the goo- 8ortu"e o8 ,ise i"structors5 they>ll lea$ to rea- 'uic7ly a"- %e lea-ers o8
school activities.
The Scorpio chil- has a goo- cha"ce o8 %ei"g class vale-ictoria" i8 he>s gui-e-
a,ay 8ro$ his 8asci"atio" 8or the 8or%i--e". Feep hi$ active physically a"-
i"tereste- $e"tally5 a"- cha""el his passio"ate curiosity i"to scie"ce5 literature5
$e-ici"e or sports. +"courage his chil-ish -rea$s o8 %ei"g a space e"gi"eer5 sailor5
8ire$a"5 $i"ister5 e"tertai"er or eve" presi-e"t. Never try to 8orce hi$ i"to your
8avorite i-ea o8 the proper career. That>s a per8ect ,ay to se"- hi$ -o," that lo,
roa- to -a"gerous e:peri$e"tatio" i" the -ar7 alleys o8 li8e. .e 7"o,s e:actly ,hat
he ,a"ts5 a"- it>s a serious $ista7e to i$pose your ,ill. 4e loyal to hi$5 a"- "ever
%rea7 your ,or- or a pro$ise.
.e "ee-s opportu"ities to ,or7 o88 his giga"tic supply o8 %ottle--up e"ergy %ecause
he>ll see$ to %e $ore cal$ a"- rela:e- tha" he really is i"si-e. Displays o8 "erves5
argu$e"ts at $ealti$e a"- 8a$ily s'ua%%les at %e-ti$e ,ill %ri"g "ight$ares5 a"-
are e:tre$ely -etri$e"tal to %oth his $e"tal a"- physical health. .e has $a"y
i"te"se passio"s a"- %oili"g e$otio"s to $a"age5 a"- su%-ui"g his volatile "ature is
a tough tas7 8or hi$5 %ut he>ll co"trol it %eauti8ully ,ith care8ul gui-a"ce. 1ough5
thoughtless scol-i"gs that lac7 a logical e:pla"atio"5 a"- per$issive hu$ori"g are
e'ually -isastrous. Scorpios are 8asci"ate- %y -rugs5 so 7eep the$ out o8 reach. .ell
%e -ra," to 8ire5 too5 so -o">t leave $atches arou"-.
.e>ll love .allo,ee"5 $o"ster sho,s o" T5 scie"ce-8ictio" a"- ghost stories. .e>ll
also %e 8o"- o8 the opposite se:. Do">t %e shoc7e- i8 you catch your 8ive-year-ol-
Scorpio so" $a7i"g <$ysterious eyes< at the curly-hea-e- 8irst-gra-er "e:t -oor.
.e>s goi"g to %e a Lover so$e-ay. =ou>ll "ever preve"t that. 4ut you ca" preve"t
so$e 8uture ro$a"tic trage-ies %y teachi"g %oth se:es i" a-olesce"ce the
i$porta"ce o8 respo"si%ility i" a88airs o8 the heart. Scorpio -eeply respects the
8a$ily circle. +:plai" that careless ro$a"tic %ehavior -estroys it5 a"- he>ll liste".
/hatever he %eco$es5 he>ll %e the %est i" his chose" 8iel-. The Scorpio you"gster is
-eter$i"e- e"ough to get ,hat he ,a"ts5 a"- stro"g e"ough to ha"g o" to it. 4ut
-o">t let his sel8-su88icie"cy 7eep you 8ro$ givi"g hi$ your support. .e "ee-s it5
eve" though he appears to scor" approval. =ou>ll have to help hi$ 8i"- a ,orthy
goal to,ar- ,hich he ca" -irect the i""er passio"s that threate" to co"su$e hi$.
This is a stra"ge5 e"cha"te- chil-5 ,ith possi%ly a" i$porta"t -esti"y5 a"- he has
$iles to go %e8ore he reaches it. /al7 ,ith hi$ as lo"g as he "ee-s you5 the" let
hi$ ,al7 alo"e. .e>ll retur" sa8ely ,ith ,hatever pri3e he see7s. *luto gives hi$
great courage5 stre"gth a"- i"tellige"ce5 %ut it>s up to you to give hi$ ,hat he "ee-s
$ost9 a -aily e:a$ple o8 ho, to love-a"- %e love- i" retur".

The S!&1*2& 4oss
<Feep your te$per5< sai- the !aterpillar . . .
<=ou>ll get use- to it i" ti$e5< a"- it put the hoo7ah i"to its $outhB
a"- %ega" s$o7i"g agai".
*resi-e"t Theo-ore 1oosevelt>s a-vice5 <Spea7 so8tly-%ut carry a %ig stic75< is a
per8ect e:a$ple o8 Scorpio philosophy5 spo7e" %y a Scorpio. Although <Te--y<
1oosevelt ,as the 8irst o"e to say it5 every *luto perso" is %or" ,ith the phrase
carve- i"to his "ature. 2t>s the i"visi%le $otto ha"gi"g o" the ,all %ehi"- the -es7 o8
your Scorpio %oss. Me$ori3e it. .e has. 2 ,oul-">t $a7e a %ig issue out o8
-iscussi"g it ,ith hi$. Just ,atch hi$ practice it. Scorpios have a ,ay o8
-iscouragi"g certai" perso"al 'uestio"s a%out their o," tech"i'ues.
Li8e is a search 8or ,is-o$ a"- po,er to your so8t-spo7e" Scorpio %oss ,ith the %ig
stic7. .e ,a"ts to 7"o, all the secrets o8 heave" a"- hell-a"- ,hatever lies %e-
t,ee". Assu$e-ly5 you lie %et,ee". There8ore5 he>s e'ually i"te"t o" lear"i"g your
secrets5 a"- i" see7i"g 7"o,le-ge o8 ,hat>s goi"g o" i" your %usy little %rai"5 or
your %usy %ig %rai"5 as the case $ay %e. .e>ll "ever press you ope"ly or actively to
%are your soul5 %ut youll pro%a%ly -o it a"y,ay. 2t>s i"evita%le. &"e goo-5 lo"g5
stea-y ga3e 8ro$ > his hyp"otic *luto eyes is e"ough to pull out the -eepest
8co"8essio"s. 28 you have a"ythi"g o" your $i"- you>- Dather 7eep strictly private5
avoi- loo7i"g i"to those eyes pr avoi- ,or7i"g 8or hi$.
2 o"ce 7"e, a girl ,ho ,as a si"ger. She ra" i"to her 2corpio %oss at the airport o"e
su$$er a8ter"oo"5 o" his etur" 8ro$ a trip to !ali8or"ia5 a"- they stoppe- to have
o88ee. ?*luto po,er is o8te" as its height i" the su$$er5 or so$e i"co"siste"t reaso"
that has "othi"g to -o ,ith Nove$%er.@ She a"- a so"g,riter5 ,ho ,as a goo-
8rie"- tN8 the Scorpio5 ha- ;ust that $or"i"g co"8esse- to each %ther that they ,ere
-eeply i" love. Due to circu$sta"ces5 the -iscovery ha- to %e 7ept secret.
As they chatte- over co88ee5 the si"ger ,as co$pletely ?Ca%sor%e- %y the Scorpio>s
a"ec-otes a%out his trip. .is co"-Dversatio" ,as so 8asci"ati"g that she 8orgot all
a%out the D8ate8ul $eeti"g hours earlier. (i"ally5 the Scorpio gla"ce- Dat his ,atchB
he ,as late 8or a" appoi"t$e"t ,ith a pro-i -ucer a%out a $$ he hope- to -irect.
They claspe- ha"-s a"- she sai- goo-%ye5 a--i"g5 <2 B ,ish you luc7.< The Scorpio
co"ti"ue- to grip her ha"-5 2 loo7e- -eep i"to her eyes ,ith %ur"i"g i"te"sity5 a"-
a"-S s,ere- slo,ly5 <A"- 2 ,ish you love. 4ut 2 see you have S alrea-y 8ou"- it.
That>s goo-. =ou t,o are right together.< 2 4rea7i"g the ga3e 8irst ?as Scorpios
al,ays -o-they "ever D per$it you to -o it@5 he release- her ha"-5 s$ile- his cool5
$ysterious5 co"trolle- s$ile a"- ,al7e- a,ay. To this -ay5 the girl ca">t u"-ersta"-
ho, he 7"e,.
Let her e:perie"ce %e a lesso" to you. .e>ll -iscover your secret5 too. 2t -oes">t have
to %e love. 2t ca" si$ply %e that your 8ather -roppe- out o8 school i" the eighth
gra-e5 or your sister is -ati"g a $arrie- $a"5 or you have">t $a-e a pay$e"t i" si:
$o"ths o" your %a"7 loa"5 D or your *ersia" cat is e:pecti"g agai". May%e you use-
a D sa8ety pi" i"stea- o8 se,i"g the %utto" o" your coat5 or D your %rother hit your
sister-i"-la, o" the hea- ,ith a s7illet this $or"i"g. Little thi"gs li7e that you>- ;ust
as D soo" 7eep to yoursel85 %ut he>ll 7"o,. A"- so$eho,5 you>ll 7"o, that he 7"o,s.
2t>s -i88ere"t 8ro$ the *isces pe"etra-D tio". The 8ish gets psychic 8lashes. The
Scorpio si$ply D. 7"o,s. *sychic 8lashes have "othi"g to -o ,ith it. Neither Q -oes
A'uaria" i"tuitio". 2t goes $uch -eeper.
This *luto po,er also allo,s the Scorpio %oss to se"se your $oo-s5 a"- he>s the
7i"- o8 $a" ,ho ,ill sy$pathetically %ehave accor-i"g to those $oo-s5 ,hich ca"
%e a" i"-escri%a%ly soothi"g e:perie"ce. +specially a8ter co"sta"t e:posure to s,i8t5
thoughtless5 shallo, people ,ho "ot o"ly -o">t 7"o, ,hat>s -eep i"si-e you5 %ut
-o">t care e"ough o"e ,ay or the other to 8i"- out. +:posure to various 8or$s o8
such %rittle i"-i88ere"ce ca" $a7e the Scorpio e$pathy see$ pretty ,o"-er8ul %y
co$pariso"5 ,hich it is.
!o"trary to ,hat you $ight u"-ersta"-a%ly thi"75 the o88ice o8 a Nove$%er %oss
is">t al,ays e:plosive or eve" "ecessarily i$pressive. 2t $ay %e the 'uietest5
coolest5 cal$est spot i" the e"tire %uil-i"g. The *luto sel8-co"trol reaches out to
touch everythi"g arou"- it. ?0"less there>s a heavy #e$i"i5 A'uarius or Leo
i"8lue"ce i" his chart. +ve" so5 thi"gs ,ill sel-o$ get raucous or out o8 ha"-. The
pace ,ill %e a little 'uic7er5 that>s all.@ This $a">s co"trol over his o," "ature is
a,eso$e. .e>s i"-e8atiga%le i" ,hatever he sets out to -o5 a"- he pri-es hi$sel8 o"
"ot letti"g people 7"o, ho, -eeply he ,a"ts or "ee-s ,hat he see7s. .is
co$petitor ,ill "ever suspect ho, i"te"sely your Scorpio %oss -esires to co"'uer
hi$ u"til a8ter it>s a 8ait acco$pli a"- Scorpio has ,o". .e ca" see i"to you5 %ut "o
$a" ca" pe"etrate his -eepest 8eeli"gs. &"e o8 your *luto %oss>s $ost po,er8ul
,eapo"s is secrecy o8 purpose a"- i"te"t. .e hi-es his e$otio"s a"- -isguises his
$otives so totally that the e"e$y is 8orever e:pecti"g a" attac7 8ro$ the rear-or "o
attac7 at all- a"- the" %ei"g surprise- %y a su--e" $ove$e"t 8ro$ the right 8la"75
,here it>s least e:pecte- a"- ,he" it>s least a"ticipate-. That>s ,hat ,i"s %all
That>s also ,hat ,i"s prestige a"- success 8or the Scorpio e:ecutive. 28 he li7es you5
there>s "o li$it to ,hat he>ll -o to help you5 a-va"ce you or push your hopes a"-
-rea$s to 8ul8ill$e"t5 alo"g ,ith his. 28 he -oes">t li7e you5 there>s "o poi"t i"
rea-i"g this. =ou>ll "ever %e hire- i" the 8irst place5 or i8 so$eo"e else has hire-
you5 your e$ploy$e"t u"-er a Scorpio %oss ,o">t last lo"g. *luto e:ecutives rarely
have either sy$pathy or $ercy 8or those ,ho -o">t %elo"g o" the tea$. .is 8irst
co"cer" ,ill %e the tea$ ?,hich is sy"o"y$ous ,ith his perso"al goals@5 a"-
i"-ivi-uals co$e last. 2>$ ,ell a,are that those o8 you ,ith a Scorpio %oss are
alrea-y %ristli"g i" -e8e"se. .o, coul- a"yo"e accuse hi$ o8 a"ythi"g less tha"
per8ectio" a"- purity5 rightA Most people close to a *luto perso" have that attitu-e.
28 you -o">t5 you>re pro%a%ly 8illi"g i" o"
so$eo"e else>s vacatio".
This $a" has a ,ay o8 attracti"g people ,ho are i"-> te"sely loyal. .e>s usually
surrou"-e- %y -evote- 8rie"-s5 2 ,ith his e"e$ies re$ove- to a sa8e -ista"ce ?sa8e
8or Q the$5 that is@. 2t>s as i8 he -re, a circle. The chose" > sta"- i"si-e. &thers are
7ept a,ay %y so$e 8or$ o8 %lac7 ; $agic that preve"ts their steppi"g too close 8or
co$8ort ?his co$8ort5 that is@. 2t>s -i88icult5 i8 "ot i$possi%le 8or e"e$ies to rea-r
hi$. &"ce those $ag"etic eyes have si3e- up a perso" ,ho 8alls short o8 the
re'uire$e"ts5 he or she is %a"ishe-. That perso" si$ply -oes "ot e:ist to the
Scorpio. 2" his $i"-5 you>re "ot there. .e "either sees you "or hears you. .is ra-ar
,ill tell hi$ i8 you get "ear e"ough to %e -a"gerous. 2t gives o"e a" e$pty 8eeli"g
to %e loo7e- at as i8 you>re "ot there. 4ei"g a ghost ca" %e u"co$8orta%le5 so a8ter a
,hile the u",a"te- perso" 8a-es a,ay to ,here people ca" see hi$ a"- hear hi$-to
,here he ca" e:ist as a 8lesh a"- %loo- hu$a" %ei"g agai".
Do">t get the i$pressio" that5 to acco$plish his $iracles5 the Scorpio %oss has to
loo7 li7e Dracula a"- %reath\ -ea-ly 8u$es 8ro$ his "ostrils. .e "ee-">t ,ear a
%lac7 cape to practice his $ystery5 "or -oes he have to spea7 i" sepulchral to"es. 28
you>re a%out to e$%ar7 o" the a-ve"ture o8 ,or7i"g 8or a Scorpio e:ecutive5 the
8irst ti$e you see hi$ you>ll thi"7 the ,hole po,er thi"g is e:aggerate-.
.is physi'ue $ay very ,ell %e u"i$posi"g a"- he $ay have the 7i"- o8 s$ile you
see o"ly o" a stai"e--glass ,i"-o,. /he" it 8lashes o"5 you>ll $elt5 a"- thi"7
astrology $isle- you. .e>ll appear to %e a%out as -a"gerous as a" 2rish ,asher-
,o$a" si"gi"g a lulla%y. The" hell 8i: you ,ith his pe"etrati"g %lue or %ro,"-eye-
stare5 a"- 2 hope there>s a chair "ear%y 8or you to -rop i"to. 4y that ti$e5 you>ll %e
thoroughly hyp"oti3e- %y his $ag"etic char$. =ou $ight eve" catch yoursel8
,eavi"g %ac7 a"- 8orth5 ,ith al$ost i$percepti%le $otio"5 a,aiti"g i"structio"s.
.e "o, co"trols your e$otio"s. A8ter that5 "o o"e ca" reach you. 2t>s too late.
=ouT2 %e %li"-ly loyal to your "e,5 ,o"-er8ul5 7i"-5 ge"tle5 tale"te-5 %rillia"t
e$ployer5 a"- a"yo"e ,ho thi"7s he is -a"gerous is a ;ealous5 vi"-ictive crac7pot.
.e>s the s,eetest %oss a"yo"e coul- ever hope . to have.
S,eetA 0se a-;ectives i8 you $ust5 %ut s,eetA /o"-er8ul5 yes. Fi"-5 yes. Tale"te-
a"- %rillia"t-"aturally. Si"cere a"- loyal5 o8 course. *rotective a"- ge"tle5 yes agai".
Lovi"gA &h5 goo- heave"s5 yes. A thousa"- ti$es yes. 4ut . s,eetA +$phatically
"o. 2>- li7e to tell the alrea-y Scorpio- Q e$ploye-5 plus you ,ho are a%out to pass
through the portals5 that o"e o8 $y closest 8rie"-s is a Scorpio co$poser o8
e"or$ous tale"t5 a"- 2>ve passe- his $agic circle test. There>s also a ti"y Scorpio
,ho lives i" $y house I ?you "otice 2 still have co"trol-2 -i-">t say 2 live- i" his
house@ a"- 2>$ 7i"- o8 close to hi$5 too. So 2>$ "ot a$o"g the e"e$ies o8 your
Scorpio %oss. =ou ca" rela:. 4ut tha"7s to astrology5 2 $ay u"-ersta"- hi$ a %it
%etter tha" you -o. (or e:a$ple5 2>ll %et you thi"7 that5 i" a crisis5 he ,oul- ;ust
sta"- there cal$ly5 ,eari"g the sa$e s$ooth5 -etache- loo7 he puts o" ,he" he
gets out o8 his ,ar$ %e- every $or"i"g. .e ,oul- "ot. .e ,oul- u"-ergo a
co$pete tra"s8or$atio".
=our Scorpio %oss ca""ot tolerate -isplays o8 e$otio". .e 8eels that o"e $ust 7eep
o"e>s cool at all costs-2 $ea" at all costs. 4ut i8 the e$erge"cy -e$a"-s i"sta"t a"-
viole"t actio" ?as so$e e$erge"cies -o@5 he>ll %last 8orth so $uch 8la$i"g actio"5
you>ll %e sure you are">t ,atchi"g the sa$e $a". /he" it>s all over5 a"- thi"gs are
,ell u"-er co"trol5 his surgi"g5 passio"ate e$otio"s ,ill %e %ac7 u"-er co"trol
agai" also. .e>ll %ottle the$ up i"si-e his po,er8ul perso"ality u"til they>re "ee-e-
the "e:t ti$e.
Nor$ally5 ho,ever5 he>ll %e the epito$e o8 -eli%erate5 ge"tle5 calculate- placi-ity5
every hair i" place5 te$per i" total chec7. The sa$e Je7yll a"- .y-e tra"s8or$atio"
as the 8oregoi"g ca" ta7e place i" the throes o8 ro$a"tic passio" as ,ell as i" a
%usi"ess crisis5 %ut o8 course that>s "ot your -epart$e"t-at least u"-er or-i"ary
circu$sta"ces it>s "ot. .is cal$ $as7 o8 poise is sel-o$ re$ove-5 e:cept 8or really
$a;or eve"ts.
Do">t $a7e the $ista7e o8 8latteri"g hi$ too o8te". Scorpio %osses are co"sta"tly
suspicious. .e ,a7es up a"- goes to sleep suspicious a"- his 8eelers are al,ays out
8or ulterior $otives. 2" 8act5 o"e o8 his ,ea7"esses is that he>s 8re'ue"tly suspicious
o8 i""oce"t re$ar7s 8ro$ i""oce"t people. *olishi"g the -eep re- apple o" his -es7
,ith too $uch gusto ca" get you 8ire- i"stea- o8 a-va"ce-. .e $ay suspect you>re
%utteri"g hi$ up to ta7e over. A" occasio"al5 si"cerely $ea"t recog"itio" o8 his
superiority ,ill %e appreciate- -eeply-;ust -o">t over-o it. .is loyalty to you ,ill %e
lasti"g a"- all e"co$passi"g5 %ut "ever give hi$ o"e $illi$eter less i" retur". .e>s
a stic7ler 8or $o"ey tra"sactio"s %ei"g spelle- out i" -etail. Never allo, 8i"a"cial
$atters to get ha3y i" a"y ,ay. A"- "ever5 "ever5 "ever5 "ever5 "ever try to top hi$
or hurt hi$. 28 you i"sist o" -isregar-i"g that a-vice5 the" you>- %etter practice
,al7i"g o" eggshells 8or a 8e, ,ee7s 8irst. *re8era%ly eggshells ,ith a poiso"ous
spi-er hi--e" a$o"g the$. Scorpio .a. reve"ge is "ot so$ethi"g to 8ool arou"-
No pro%le$ ever i"ve"te- is so tough that the Scorpio %oss ca">t solve it5 o"ce he
tac7les it. All *luto people have the a%ility to sur$ou"t trage-y or ill"ess i" their
perso"al lives a"- %usi"ess -isasters ,ith courage a"- superhu$a" ,ill. As 8or the
patter" o8 his i"-ivi-ual perso"ality5 it ,ill vary ,ith the $a" $ore ,i-ely tha"
,ith other sig"s. Although he>s the perso"i8icatio" o8 the scie"ti8ic researcher i"to
i"scruta%le $ystery5 the all-purpose -etective5 he hi$-D sel8 re$ai"s the greatest
$ystery o8 all.
*e"etrati"g *luto all the ,ay is i$possi%le. 4esi-es5 eve" i8 you coul-5 you>- 8orget
everythi"g you lear"e- ,he" he hyp"oti3e- you ,ith his eyes a"- voice. The %est 2
ca" -o is ,ar" you to stay alert a"- to 7eep a" ope" $i"-. The 8irst is 8or -e8e"se
purposes5 "aturally. The seco"- is so you ca" %e receptive to a $a" ,hose truth a"-
courage you>ll a-$ire 8orever. Despite his u"8atho$a%le5 co$ple: "ature5 a"- the
-eceptive i$age he prese"ts to the ,orl-5 your Scorpio %oss "ever -eceives hi$sel8.
.o, $a"y o8 the rest o8 us ca" say that ,ith co$plete ho"estyA +ve" those o8 us
,ho are "ot co"si-ere- <ruthless<A

The S!&1*2& +$ployee
<4ut ,he" you have to tur" i"to a chrysalis-
you ,ill so$e -ay5 you 7"o,-
a"- the" a8ter that i"to a %utter8ly5
2 shoul- thi"7 you>ll 8eel it a little 'ueer5
Q,o">t youA< <Not a %it5< sai- the !aterpillar.
&88ha"-5 ,ho ,oul- you say is the o"e perso" i" your o88ice ,ho is the $ost sel8-
co"tai"e-A /hich e$ployee see$s to have the $ost i""er co"8i-e"ce5 ,ithout
%ei"g o%vious a%out it5 the stea-iest eyes5 the least e:cuses a"- the $ost poiseA 28
there>s so$eo"e o" the sta88 ,ith those 'ualities5 -oes he give you the 8eeli"g he ca"
ta7e a co$pli$e"t or leave it alo"eA 2s he secretive a%out his perso"al li8eA Does he
have a $aster pla" 8or his 8utureA Assu$i"g all this is true5 o"e $ore 'uestio"9 are
the other e$ployees a little a8rai- o8 hi$A There>s "o -ou%t a%out it. .e>s a Scorpio.
More tha" a"yo"e else ,ith your 8ir$5 the Scorpio e$ployee is the $aster o8 his
8ate a"- the captai" o8 his soul. .e>s e"tirely sel8-$otivate- a"- si"gle-$i"-e-. No
o"e else ca" %e so resource8ul a"- so sure o8 his o," pote"tial The Scorpio has the
po,er to $a7e or %rea7 his o," li8e5 a"- he 7"o,s it. .e "ever lies to hi$sel85 a"-
rarely %la$es a"yo"e %ut hi$sel8 8or his o," $ista7es. To ,hatever -egree he
chooses5 this e$ployee ca" rise5 a"- hell e:pect 8e, 8avors o" the ,ay up. .e>s the
very last perso" you>- accuse o8 havi"g a" i"8eriority co$ple:. ?0"less he happe"s
to %e a gray li3ar- ,ho has tur"e- po,er i"si-e out i"to sile"t -e8eat. +ve" so5 it
,as his -ecisio" alo"e to -o so. .e ,as "ot a pa," o8 8ate.@
2t ,o">t %e easy to co$prehe"- the reaso"s %ehi"- his actio"s. =ou>ve hear- a%out
the ruthless"ess o8 this Su" sig"5 his -esire 8or reve"ge5 the *luto -eter$i"atio" to
eve" the score5 a"- it $ay pu33le you that these 'ualities see$ to %e $issi"g i" his
relatio"ship ,ith you. They>re "ot $issi"g. They>ve %ee" put o" ice 8or the prese"t5
%ecause the e"- ;usti8ies the $ea"s i" his o"e-trac75 7ee" $i"-. .e 7"o,s e:actly
,hat he>s -oi"g5 %ut you $ay "ot.
=our Scorpio e$ployee>s reactio" to you ,ill relate -irectly to ,hat you ca" o88er
hi$-,hat he ,a"ts 8ro$ you a"- 8ro$ li8e. 28 the average perso" opposes the
Scorpio5 i"sults hi$5 treats hi$ ru-ely5 %rea7s a pro$ise or steps o" his tail5 $ay the
go-s have $ercy o" hi$. .e ,ill rue the -ay he challe"ge- *luto. .o,ever5 i8 you
represe"t po,er a"- the 8ul8ill$e"t o8 his private -rea$5 his reactio" to the sa$e
treat$e"t ,ill %e -etach$e"t. 28 you have so$ethi"g Scorpio ,a"ts a"- "ee-s5 he>ll
ta7e al$ost a"ythi"g 8ro$ you ,ith -eli%erate tra"'uility5 a"- ,ith-%elieve it or "ot-
"o retaliatio" or -e8e"sive sti"gi"g. The very 8act that he>s a%le to co"trol his -eep
rese"t$e"t a"- literally erase it 8ro$ his $i"- is proo8 o8 his a,eso$e i""er
4e8ore you test the theory5 $a7e sure you 7"o, i"to ,hich category you 8all-the
average perso"-,hich ca" i"clu-e or-i"ary %osses5 8rie"-s5 "eigh%ors5 co-,or7ers5
serva"ts5 eve" relatives a"- love- o"es-or so$eo"e ,ho represe"ts po,er5 security
a"- that private -rea$. 0"less you>re positive you 8it the latter -escriptio"5 it $ay
%e -a"gerous to e:peri$e"t.
Let>s say you>re a T pro-ucer5 a"- you>ve co$$issio"e- a Scorpio ,riter to create
a script5 tailore- to certai" speci8icatio"s. A8ter the 8ourth re-,rite5 you ca" still tear
his e88orts to shre-s a"- -e$a"- that he try agai". =ou ca" say5 <2t sti"7s. *ut $ore
;o7es i".< /hat ,ill the -a"gerous Scorpio -oA .e>ll ,rite a"other -ra8t a"- put
$ore ;o7es i". =ou have so$ethi"g he ,a"ts5 you see. =ou have the po,er to
pro-uce his script o" 8il$ a"- $a7e it live. .e $ay "ot agree ,ith you co$pletely
8ro$ a" artistic poi"t o8 vie,5 %ut you>re the %oss. =ou>re the o"e ,ho calls the
shots-at the prese"t. Later5 ,he" he>s a successA =ou ,o">t have to "ervously
,o"-er ,he" he>ll see7 reve"ge 8or the past. That>s "ot part o8 the *luto co-e. =ou
have give" hi$ po,er a"- you ,ere the i"stru$e"t to 8u8ill his private -rea$. .e
hol-s "o %itter"ess5 %ut he>ll $a7e it clear his positio" is "o, cha"ge- a"- you>re
"ot to 'uestio" his artistic taste or -ictate ho, he e:presses his creative i-eas i" the
8uture. =ou>ll get the $essage5 a"- that ,ill %e that. A"yo"e other tha" you ,ho
critici3e- his earlier e88orts5 ho,ever5 ,ithout regar- 8or his se"sitive pri-e5 $ay
have a 8e, scars to sho,.
28 there>s o"e thi"g a Scorpio 7"o,s5 it>s o" ,hich si-e his %rea- is %uttere-5 a"-
,ho o,"s the $ar$ala-e. .e>s a%solutely certai" he ,ill reach his goals eve"tually.
There8ore5 he>s i" "o rush to 7"oc7 -o," a"y %ric7 %uil-i"gs. Nor is he asha$e- to
su%$it to his superiors ,he" it>s e:pe-ie"t to -o so. That>s ,hy your Scorpio
e$ployee is 8earless. !o"8i-e"ce al,ays %ree-s courage. To hi$5 everythi"g is
ti$i"g. /ith so$e sort o8 -eep5 $ystical pe"etratio" i"to the secrets o8 the u"iverse5
he 7"o,s ,he" his ti$e ,ill co$e. This is "ot the hour to co$$a"-5 %ut the hour
,ill arrive. No ,o"-er he>s "ot the a":ious type.
2 7"o, a you"g Scorpio la,yer5 ,ho rece"tly %eca$e associate- ,ith a" i$porta"t
la, 8ir$5 loa-e- ,ith prestige a"- lucrative clie"ts. .is superior ?a"- 2>ll use a"
a"o"y$ous "a$e@5 Mr. (i"7 o8 (i"75 4ri"75 Li"7 a"- Fat35 as7e- hi$ to prepare a
le"gthy $e$ora"-u$ 8or a corporate $erger. The re'uest $ea"t that the Scorpio
la,yer ,oul- get "o sleep at all5 %ecause Mr. (i"7 i"siste- he "ee-e- the papers 8or
a co"8ere"ce at te" sharp the 8ollo,i"g $or"i"g. The "e:t -ay5 our hero ,as at his
-es7 at "i"e a.$.5 alert5 cal$5 a"- ,aiti"g 8or Mr. (i"7 to %u33 hi$. .e ha- staye-
up all "ight co$pleti"g the "ecessary %rie8s5 a"- his ,i8e ,as">t too happy %ecause
he ha- to ca"cel the -i""er reservatio"s he ha- $a-e earlier i" the ,ee7 to cele%rate
their a""iversary. At "i"e 8orty-8ive his %oss>s secretary apologetically i"8or$e- hi$
that Mr. (i"7 ha- cha"ge- his $i"-. .e ha- -eci-e- to hol- the co"8ere"ce the
8ollo,i"g ,ee7. 2t ,as such lovely spri"g ,eather5 he thought he>- play a 8e, holes
o8 gol8 ,ith so$e clie"ts 8ro$ out o8 to,". She $ur$ure- that her %oss ha- sai-
so$ethi"g a%out <hopi"g it -i-">t cause hi$ too $uch i"co"ve"ie"ce.< =ou $ay
suppose that5 at this poi"t5 the Scorpio reache- i"to his -es7 8or a .4U auto$atic a"-
hea-e- 8or the gol8 course. 4ut that>s "ot the ,ay the coo7ie cru$%le-. .o, -i- the
Scorpio react to such %oorish %ehaviorA .e si$ply shrugge-. .e s$ile- a cool5
$ysterious co"trolle- s$ile5 ha"-e- the secretary the 8i"ishe- $e$ora"-u$5 a"-
sai- courteously5 </ill you put this o" Mr. (i"7>s -es7 pleaseA 2 a$ goi"g ho$e to
get a 8e, hours sleep. 2>ll %e %ac7 i" ti$e 8or $y t,o o>cloc7 appoi"t$e"t.< The"5
,ith the patie"ce o8 Taurus a"- the -iscipli"e o8 !apricor"5 he calle- his ,i8e5 tol-
her he ,oul- %e ho$e 8or lu"ch a"- le8t. Moral9 That Scorpio la,yer is ai$i"g 8or a
part"ership at (i"75 4ri"75 Li"7 a"- Fat3. Are you ,o"-eri"g i8 his ,i8e ha- his
lu"ch rea-y o" ti$e5 a8ter her -isappoi"t$e"t the "ight %e8oreA &8 course she ha-
his lu"ch rea-y o" ti$e. The ,i8e o8 a ScorpioA 28 she ,a"te- to have a"y $ore a"-
"iversaries to cele%rate5 she -i-. She>s "ot his %oss. Mr. (i"7 is his %oss. This year.
28 you>re i$porta"t e"ough to the 8uture o8 your Scorpio e$ployee5 you too ca" %e a
Mr. (i"7. 2t>s o" a par ,ith %ei"g i$$u"e to "uclear po,er5 %ut 2 -o">t thi"7 you
shoul- let it tur" your hea- to the place ,here you get over-co"8i-e"t. 28 2 ,ere you5
2>- 7eep i"ci-e"ts li7e the 8oregoi"g at the a%solute $i"i$u$. 4ut 2>$ gla- 2>$ "ot
you. 2>$ "ot sure 2 ,oul- have the "erve to play 1ussia" roulette ,ith *luto.
=ou ca" e:pect the Scorpio $a" or ,o$a" to accept the i"evita%le ,ith grace5 i8 the
sta7es are high e"ough. .e ?or she@ ,ill chec7 out the pote"tial ,ith a" eagle eye5
8igure the co"se'ue"ces5 $ar7 the possi%le re,ar-5 a"- $a7e the 8i"al -ecisio" to
su%$it ,ith a cool hea- a"- a -e8i"ite purpose i" $i"-. Most %osses appreciate a"-
a-$ire the Scorpio philosophy. .e 7"o,s the price o8 success5 a"- he>s ,illi"g to
pay it ,ithout as7i"g 8or special co"cessio"s. /he" that success arrives5 ho,ever5
-o">t 8orget9 it>s hal8-ti$e-cha"ge si-es.
!o$pare- to the attitu-e o8 the average ,or7er5 youll -iscover there>s a"other
'uality to a-$ire i" your Scorpio e$ployee. 2t>s a" ol--8ashio"e- ,or-5 spelle- 1-o-
y-a-l-t-y5 rather a rare co$$o-ity these -ays. 2>$ "ot tal7i"g a%out lip service to
your positio" as <%oss< or the i"gratiati"g5 o8te" hypocritical servility o8 the "or$al
a$%itious e$ployee. Scorpios have their o," se"se o8 loyalty.
/he" 2 ,as ,ith a ra-io statio" i" a s$all to," i" *e""sylva"ia5 2 ,as per$a"e"tly
i$presse- ,ith the re$ar7 o8 a Scorpio progra$ -irector. The o,"er o8 the ra-io
statio" ,as the $ea"est $a" i" to,". .e ,as a cross %et,ee" Scrooge a"- !aptai"
.oo7. A%out the "icest thi"g you coul- say a%out hi$ ,as that at ti$es he ,as
$ea"er tha" he ,as at other ti$es. .e ha- o"e 8rie"--his $other. Si"ce he o,"e-
hal8 the to,"5 i" a--itio" to the statio"5 he ,as s$othere- ,ith respect a"-
o%e-ie"ce. Although the Sta88 calle- hi$ <Sir5< s$ile- 8ro$ ear to ear ,he" he
e"tere- a roo$5 a"- ;u$pe- to i$$e-iate atte"tio" every t$ie he $u$%le- the
slightest re'uest5 they $a-e 8aces at hil" ,he" his %ac7 ,as tur"e-5 a"- s"ic7ere-
privately at his5 8u""y %o, ties a"- s'uea7y voice. They ,oul- have co"si-ere- his
8u"eral a" occasio" 8or a holi-ay5 a"- the 8avorite ga$e arou"- the o88ice ,he" he
,as out o8 to," /iis ,riti"g his o%ituary5 ,ith a pri3e 8or the $ost hilarious o"e.
The Scorpio e$ployee "ever ;oi"e- the ga$e. .e ,as al,ays too %usy ,ith his
progra$$i"g. &"e -ay5 a secretary as7e- hi$ ,hy he "ever co"tri%ute- to the
o88ice hcN%%y. .e gave her o"e o8 those hyp"otic Scorpio stares a"- sai-5 si$ply5
<.e pays $y salary. 2 ,or7 8or hi$.<
</hat>s that got to -o ,ith itA< she ,a"te- to 7"o,. <lie yells at you i" 8ro"t o8 the
sta88 every $or"i"g a"- h8r5 has">t give" you a vacatio" 8or t,o years. .e "ever
piiys you a co$pli$e"t. Do">t you have a"y pri-eA<
The Scorpio "ever cha"ge- his e:pressio". <2 ca">t -eposit co$pli$e"ts at the
%a"75< he sai- 'uietly. <2 pre8er !Tish.<
<4ut ,hy -o you ta7e the ,ay he treats youA< she persiste-.
.is a"s,er ,as %rie8. </he" 2 ta7e a $a">s $o"ey5 2 tC7e his or-ers. /he" 2 -eci-e
to stop ta7i"g his or-ers5 2 stop ta7i"g his $o"ey a"- leave. Do you have the pro-
gra$ sche-ule 8or "e:t ,ee7A 2 "ee- to chec7 it %e8ore -Q 2 ti$e the co$$ercials.<
The secretary sile"tly ha"-e- hi$ the sche-ule5 he too7 &ut his stop ,atch a"- ,e"t
to ,or7. A 8e, -ays later5 she aRs7e- hi$ to %ri"g her a co88ee ,he" he retur"e-
8ro$ lu"ch. So$eho,5 he 8orgot to %ri"g it. .e also 8orgot to sC"- her a" i"vitatio"
to his ,e--i"g the 8ollo,i"g spri"g. FEe re$e$%ere- her i"si"uatio" that he ha- "o
pri-e. Scorpio"s have lo"g $e$ories. That>s a" e:celle"t illustra-tiio" o8 ho, a"-
,he" the typical *luto e$ployee chooses tRo see7 reve"ge-agai"st ,ho$ a"- ,hy.
2t also i"-icates hiis perso"al co-e o8 loyalty to the $a" ,ho e$ploys hi$.
These ,or7ers are i"te"se a"- te"acious. They>re 'uite Sterious a%out their careers5
a"- they "ever lose sight o8 the gBoal. Scorpios ca" %e stu%%or"5 re%ellious5
passio"ate a"- over%eari"g. 4ut you ,o">t o8te" 8i"- the$ ,asti"g o88ice ti$e %y
,riti"g hu$orous o%ituaries. Death is a serious s>u%;ect to the$. So are you. =ou>re
the %ri-ge to po,er. co"se'ue"tly5 you>re respecte-5 u"til the Scorpio has sa8ely
passe- across the strea$ to the other si-e. S$art strategists -o">t -estroy %ri-ges5
a"- Scorpios are s$art. So$e o8 the$ are %rillia"t. All o8 the$ are shre,- a"-
logical. =ou>ll o8te" 8i"- Scorpio $e" a"- ,o$e" gravitati"g to ,or7 that i"volves
solvi"g $ysteries a"- pe"etrati"g the pu33les o8 li8e5 $achi"es5 8acts or hu$a"
%ei"gs. Lots o8 the$ are -etectives5 psychiatrists5 scie"tists5 surgeo"s5 police$e"5
researchers5 reporters a"- eve" u"-erta7ers. They $ust i"crease their 7"o,le-ge
each -ay they live5 at the sa$e rate they i"crease tale"ts5 a%ilities a"- i"co$es.
Never pry i"to Scorpio>s private a88airs. .e ,ill "ot tolerate that. 28 he li7es you a"-
his ;o%5 he>ll %e ge"erous a"- 8air. .ell give you eight hours ,or7 8or eight hours
pay5 a"- he ,o">t ,atch the cloc7 i8 the pro;ect hol-s his i"terest. 4ut re$e$%er
that he ,ill al,ays %e 8ir$ly co$$itte- to his o," co-e a"- i-eas. .e ,ill %e true
to the$ a%ove all other loyalties5 i"clu-i"g love a"- a$%itio". No o"e %ut hi$sel8
ca" 8orce hi$ to alter his vie,s a"- opi"io"s. 2t has to %e -o"e through *luto po,er5
8ro$ i"si-e his o," "ature. 28 his -ecisio" is "egative5 "o o"e o" the 8ace o8 this
earth ca" sla$ the -oor $ore su--e"ly or $ore per$a"e"tly tha" a Scorpio5 eve" a
-oor %eari"g the title ice-*resi-e"t i" gol--lea8 letters. .e>ll ta7e ;ust so $uch5 pay
;ust so high a price. /he" he thi"7s the cost is too $uch5 he leaves. That>s the ,ay
he plays the ga$e. .is real loyalty5 ,he" all is sai- a"- -o"e5 is to hi$sel8. That>s
"ot al,ays as sel8ish as it sou"-s. /he" he ,as very you"g5 his 8avorite verse
%ega"9 <This a%ove all9 to thi"e o," sel8 %e true.< .e>s al,ays 8igure--i8 he -oes
that- he ca">t %e 8alse to a"yo"e.

<=ou $ay charge $e ,ith $ur-er- or ,a"t o8 se"se ?/e are all o8 us ,ea7 at
4ut the slightest approach to a 8alse prete"ce ,as "ever a$o"g $y cri$esI<

SA#2TTA120S5 the Archer
Nove$%er 23r- through Dece$%er 21st
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The SA#2TTA120S Ma"
The SA#2TTA120S /o$a"
The SA#2TTA120S !hil-
The SA#2TTA120S 4oss
The SA#2TTA120S

.o, to 1ecog"i3e SA#2TTA120S
>2 shoul- see the gar-e" 8ar %etter ... 28 2 coul- get to the top o8 that hill9
a"- here>s at path that lea-s straight to it- at leastB "o5 it -oes">t -o that... 4ut 2
suppose it ,ill at last. 4ut ho, curiously it t,istsI... /ell the"5 2>ll try the other
2 ,oul- say that 8i"-i"g a" e:a$ple o8 this Su" sig" is as easy as rolli"g o88 a log5
e:cept that it is">t true. 2t>s $uch easier tha" rolli"g o88 a log. *ic7 a"y party a"-
loo7 at the ce"ter o8 the liveliest group. See that 8ello, sitti"g there happily ,ith his
rather large 8oot stuc7 i" his $outhA .e>s a Sagittaria" ,ho has ;ust go"e out o" a
ver%al li$%5 %ut he -oes">t 7"o, it yet. /he" he -oes5 he>ll loo7 slightly %e-
,il-ere--a"- the group arou"- hi$ ,ill %e loo7i"g -aggers.
The archer will walk up to you, give you a hearty slap on the back
and a wide, friendly grin. Then he'll greet you with a remark like,
"How the heck do you manage to look so young when you're as
old as you are?" Or "ay, that turtleneck sweater sure is
flattering. !ou should wear them all the time. Hides your double
chin." "fter one of these cheery openers, he'll still be wearing his
bright grin, but your own smile may start to droop a little. #t will
take him a while to figure out $ust what he said that set you back
on your heels, and even longer to understand why. Then he'll try
to e%plain. &eep your cool. #t gets worse.
'olly, didn't you understand what he meant? He thinks it's
fabulous to look only twenty(five years old when you're really
thirty(eight )which is si% years older than
you actually are*. "s for the double chin, lots of people your age
have a little flab in
the neck region. The only time you can see it is from the side. =ou
7"o,5 ,he" you tur" your hea-. Just -o">t have a"y pictures ta7e" i" pro8ile.
After he's carefully explained his verbal goofs and got you feeling all better again,
he'll go on his merry way, whistling a tune from the latest Broadway show. When
you cut him dead the next time you meet, he'll be heartbroken -and puled. !here's
no use getting angry or embarrassed. "agittarius is completely free of malice. #e
blurts out his shockingly direct speech in total innocence. !he fact that he usually
adds insult to in$ury when he tries to fix it also escapes him. %on't $udge him too
harshly. #e means well. &ot that he needs your sympathy-or mine. 'nder his
tactless manner is an extremely clever mind and high standards. #is uni(ue
combination of wit, intelligence and fiery drive usually brings the archer straight to
the winner's circle. What really gets you is that both male and female "agittarians
are oblivious to their own blunt speech. !hey are truly convinced that they are the
most diplomatic souls in the world. !hey're always saying, )Why, * wouldn't hurt
anyone's feelings for anything. *'m very careful about that.) And they honestly
believe it. *n fact, everything they do is done honestly. +retense and deception in
any form appalls them.
!heir physical characteristics aren't hard to learn. ,ook for a fairly large, well-
shaped skull and a high, broad forehead. !he features will be open and cheerful,
inviting friendship and the exchange of ideas, and the movements will normally be
rapid -though you'll find a few who move slowly and deliberately.. !hey will often
make wide, sweeping gestures, which may be dramatic and vigorous, but possibly
not very graceful. "agittarius can wave his arms to make a point, and upset the
ketchup. #ell stride purposefully forward, head high, and trip over the curbstone.
#is brief case may snap open at the same time, scattering his papers all over the
Jupiter eyes are as %right a"- alert as a sparro,>s5 a"- they spar7le a"- t,i"7le ,ith
re8reshi"g hu$or. !he archers are either very tall and athletic looking or shorter
than average, with strong, sturdy bodies. The tall o"es ,ill re$i"- you o8
thorough%re- horses or spirite- colts. 2" youth especially5 many of them have a stray
lock of hair which keeps falling over the forehead, like a horse's mane. !hey'll flip it
back with a toss of the head or a (uick, unconscious movement of the hand-a habit
that may last long after a new hairstyle has been adopted in maturity or after bald-
ness has set in.
"agittarians are normally restless. !hey hate to sit or stand still. !he archer is
physically eye-catching, if only through his obvious confidence and his disregard for
conventional behavior. .e ,al7s as i8 he>s really go <g so$e,here. There>s "o
halti"g or hesitati"g. ?4ut re$e$%er that a co"8licti"g asce"-a"t ca" slo, -o," the
When you first meet him, "agittarius could be perched on a horse or walking his
dog. #e loves animals passionately. "agittarian (ra"7 Si"atra o"ce or-ere- his
-river to stop his car ,he" he sa, a" i";ure- -og lyi"g i" the street. .e ,as o" his
,ay to a televisio" rehearsal5 %ut $usicia"s5 -irector a"- ca$era cre, ha- to ,ait u"til
the si"ger ha- te"-erly carrie- the -og to a vet5 ,as assure- he ,oul- %e 8i"e
i" a 8e, -ays5 a"- ha- 8ou"- the -og>s o,"er.
Sagittaria"s ,ith "atal a88lictio"s to the %irth pla"ets ca" have5 i"stea-5 a $or%i-
8ear o8 a"i$als5 %ut it -oes">t happe" o8te". &r-i"arily5 people %or" u"-er Jupiter>s
i"8lue"ce 8ear "othi"g. !he typical "agittarian is attracted to danger-in sports and in
his $ob or his hobby. An element of risk excites and challenges the archers.
!hey love speed. * /ast cars, planes-even roller coasters draw them magnetically.
%aredevil test pilots are often "agittarians. The average Jupiter perso" e";oys
"othi"g $ore tha" a hair%rea-th escape o8 so$e 7i"--either physical or e$otio"al. 2t
e:hilarates the$. They>ll ta7e a cha"ce o" literally a"ythi"g ?u"less a $ee7er sig"
o" the asce"-a"t -ilutes Jupiter>s -ari"g@.
There>s a -i88ere"ce %et,ee" the lege"-ary %lu"t"ess o8 the archer a"- the %rutal
speech o8 the Scorpio. Scorpio tells the truth5 co$pletely co"scious o8 its e88ect5 %ut
still re8usi"g to co$pro$ise. "agittarius is totally unaware of the effect when his
direct honesty compels him to speak. Scorpio 8eels little co$pu"ctio" a%out the
,ou"-s his state$e"ts cause. To hi$5 the truth is the truth5 a"- i8 you ca">t %ear to
hear it5 -o">t as7. The Jupiter perso"5 o" the other ha"-5 is crushed and dismayed at
his own lack of discretion when he discovers he's really cut you. 2t ,oul- %e
touchi"g i8 it ,ere">t so i"8uriati"g.
What is on the archer's mind and heart is almost instantly on his lips. #e's as frank
and earnest as a six-year-old. 0ou can take that old advice, )*f you want the truth,
go to a child,) and switch it to )*f you want the truth, go to a "agiittarian.)
There>s a ,o$a" i" the pu%lishi"g %usi"ess i" Ne, =or7 a%out ,ho$ the sa$e
thi"g is sai-. <28 you ,a"t the truth5 go to Fay-i8 you ca" sta"- it.< Fay is "ot o"ly
a" authe"tic archer5 she also has a--itio"al Sagittarius i"8lue"ces i" her "atal chart.
A Jupiter girl plus5 you $ight say. "he's warm and generous, typical of the sign, and
she has lots of loyal friends who love her, also typical of the sign. !hey would have
to be loyal, and they would have to love her to survive incidents li7e the ti$e three
years ago ,he" she ope"e- up her %ig heart a"- -eci-e- to co$pletely out8it her
secretary 8or the ,i"ter. The you"g girl ,as 8lat %ro7e5 si"ce she ha- ;ust %ee"
through a -ri33ly 8i"a"cial -isaster5 a"- she ,as touche- to tears. &thers ha-
sy$pathi3e-5 %ut u"til Fay5 "o o"e ha- o88ere- a co"crete helpi"g ha"-. Leave it to
Sagittarius. ?=ou ca" rea- that several ,ays.@
&"e 8i"e 8all -ay5 the t,o o8 the$ set 8orth 8or Sa7s (i8th Ave"ue i" a 8ever o8
e:cite- 8e$ale a"ticipatio". The poor secretary ,as -elirious ,ith happi"ess-u"til
they e"tere- the elevator. Su--e"ly5 the Sagittaria" gave her a lo"g5 appraisi"g loo75
a"- sai- 'uite 8ir$ly a"- 'uite lou-ly5 </e>- %etter try the (at #irl>s Depart$e"t
4li"- ecstasy ,as i"sta"tly replace- %y "u$% shoc7. The secretary>s 8ia"ce ha-
al,ays tol- her she ,as <pleasi"gly plu$p.< No,5 i" o"e 8lashi"g pai"8ul $o$e"t
o8 Sagittaria" ho"esty5 she ha- %eco$e a %a%y %li$p. To this very -ay5 the you"g girl
re$e$%ers ho, everyo"e i" the car tur"e- to stare at her curiously5 as she
,o"-ere- i8 her 8ia"ce secretly thought she ,as grotes'ue. 4ut goo- ol- Fay 8i:e-
it. Notici"g the girl>s -isco$8iture5 she hastily $a-e a ;o7e to ;olly her up. <A"- i8
,e ca">t 8i"- a"ythi"g to 8it you there5 ,e ca" al,ays try the te"ts i" the ca$pi"g
-epart$e"t.) !he "agittarian howled at her own hilarity. So -i- the people i" the
Just a8ter Fay>s ,ar$5 ge"erous e:cursio" ,ith her secretary5 she cheere- up her
%oss5 the pu%lisher5 ,ho ha- %ee" o" -octor>s or-ers "ot to -ri"7 8or a year. &"e
soli- year. .e ha- ha- i"8ectious hepatitis. No li'uor. Not o"e -rop. A8ter goi"g 8or
t,elve lo"g $o"ths ,ithout eve" ,etti"g his lips5 he ,as ;usti8ia%ly prou- o8 his
,ill po,er. Fay5 ;ust 8reshly %ac7 8ro$ +urope5 pai- hi$ a typical Sagittaria"
co$pli$e"t. <A%out your -ri"7i"g5< she %ega"5 a"- he s$ile-5 ,aiti"g. <2 hear
you>ve %ee" tryi"g to stay o" the ,ago".< Tryi"gA A8ter t,elve $o"ths ,ithout a
si"gle -ropA Tryi"gA As he recovere- his co$posure5 she ,e"t o". <Say5 you 7"o,
there>s a party to$orro, "ight 8or Joe>s %oo7A 2 thought 2 ought to ,ar" you5 %ut 2
"ever get to see you alo"e.< /ar" hi$A /ar" hi$ a%out ,hatA The pu%lisher 8orgot
his chagri" u"-er this "e, threat. She co"ti"ue-9 </e ,ere all hopi"g that5 ,ell5
this is e$%arrassi"g-%ut ,e ,ere all hopi"g that you ,oul-">t spoil the party.< 4y
"o,5 the pu%lisher ,as speechless. Not Sagittarius.
</hat 2 $ea" is5 ,e hope you -o">t $ess up the eve"i"g %y %ei"g a ,et %la"7et
a%out "ot -ri"7i"g-a"- all that. Joe li7es his $arti"is5 a"- a8ter all5 his %oo7 is a
Literary #uil- selectio". 28 you sli"7 arou"- li7e so$e 8ugitive 8ro$ prohi%itio" a"-
$a7e every%o-y $isera%le5 ;ust %ecause you have this terri%le -isease5 it ,ill thro,
a -a$per o" the ,hole thi"g. Say5 ca" people catch it 8ro$ %ei"g i" the sa$e roo$
,ith youA<
The pu%lisher so$eho, $a"age- to sta$$er that she ,as sa8e5 the" gathere- his
i";ure- -ig"ity together lo"g e"ough to re$i"- her that he ha- hoste- parties
hi$sel8 8or authors li7e +-"a (er%er a"- +r"est .e$i"g,ay ,ithout $ishap. <2
have al,ays %ee" tol-5< he sai- eve"ly5 %et,ee" cle"che- teeth5 <that $y $a""ers
are i$pecca%le.< The Sagittaria"5 %li"- to her %oss>s "ear apople:y5 heartily agree-
,ith hi$. <That>s 8or sure. =ou>re a 8a%ulous host. No o"e i" the pu%lishi"g %usi"ess
ca" 8igure it out.< The pu%lisher ha- ;ust %arely e"ough %reath le8t to as7. (igure
,hat outA The archer>s a"s,er 3i"ge- ho$e. <.o, is it that you ca" %e such a great
host a"- such a per8ectly lousy guestA =our o," parties are $arvelous5 %ut you al-
,ays pull such %ig %oo-%oos every ti$e you go to so$e%o-y else>s ,hi"g--i"g. 2t>s
really ,eir-.<
The" she "otice- so$ethi"g else ,eir-. .er %oss>s 8ace. 2t ,as tur"i"g purple.
Su--e"ly co"trite5 the 8rie"-ly Sagittaria" i$$e-iately apologi3e-. <#ee5 2 hope 2
-i-">t say the ,ro"g thi"g. 2t ,o">t $atter ho, you %ehave a"y,ay. Joe thi"7s
you>re really s,ell. .e ,as ;ust telli"g us all to-ay that he>s gla- he -eci-e- to co$e
to us eve" though his ol- age"t ha- %ee" agai"st it. .e ca">t u"-ersta"- ,hy he>s
hear- such a,8ul thi"gs a%out you. 2 tol- hi$ people ,ere ;ust ;ealous. Say5 you
-o">t loo7 so hot. Are you sure your -octor 7"o,s ,hat he>s -oi"gA< ?There are ru$ors
that Fay>s %oss ,e"t o88 the ,ago" that "ight5 per$a"e"tly.@ The
Sagittaria"A &h5 she>s happily helpi"g "e, authors get over their "ervous"ess at the
sa$e pu%lishi"g co$pa"y. (ire-A .e ,oul-">t -are 8ire her. As 2 sai- i" the
%egi""i"g5 every%o-y loves her.
/ew people can resent the archer for very long, because he's so transparently free of
harmful intent. 0ou'll see this lovable, likable, intelligent idealist almost anywhere
or any time. =ou $ay catch hi$ shooti"g out his careless arro,s 8ro$ your
televisio" scree" so$e Su"-ay "ight5 leavi"g his guest stars "u$% a"- speechless
,ith asto"ish$e"t at his 8ra"7"ess. .e $ay %e your ca% -river so$e Mo"-ay
$or"i"g5 the o"e ,ho cheer8ully e:plai"s to you ,hy he hates sti"gy tippers-or you
coul- 8i"- hi$ servi"g you i" a restaura"t so$e (ri-ay eve"i"g5 ear"estly a-visi"g
you "ot to or-er the oysters %ecause they>re a little o" the -re- si-e.
1ost archers sincerely try to cheer you up. At least, that's what they start out to do,
but sometimes it falls a little short of the good intention. * once had a "agittarius
manager who tried to boost my morale by telling me how much better my hair
looked than it usually did when * hadn't washed it or rolled it up for more than a
week. But he's still a good friend, so you can see it's useless to get exasperated.
4esi-es5 "o, a"- the" Sagittaria"s ca" co$e up ,ith a -illy o8 a state$e"t that
se"-s your spirits really soari"g5 a"- $a7es up 8or all the rest. !hey can offer pro-
foundly wise counsel5 ,he" you>ve ha- ti$e to a"aly3e their vie,poi"ts. This is a
fire sign, so most archers are extroverts, talkative and forward. There are a 8e, ,ho
are pai"8ully shy a"- ti$i-5 %ut eve" these are 8ull o8 origi"al i-eas-a"- they>re ;ust
as %lu"t. 2" 8act5 the 'uiet5 8ey Sagittaria"s ,ith the reclusive5 $ee7 ,ays can dream
the biggest dreams and aim for the highest goals. *ntrovert or extrovert, the archer
is a promoter at heart. The rare o"e ,ho -oes">t say $uch coul- %e pla""i"g
so$ethi"g really spectacular to spri"g o" a" u"supecti"g ,orl-. .is $i"- is %usy
eve" ,he" his to"gue is still5 so you have to re$e$%er his Su" sig" is al,ays there
at the %otto$ o8 his "ature5 lest he lull you i"to "ot %ei"g prepare- 8or his "e:t
startli"g $ove.
1ost of the time the typical "agittarian is happy and gregarious, but his temper can
fire like a sky rocket if he's pushed around by people who abuse his natural
friendliness or who get too familiar. 2ebellion against authority and stuffy society is
also common. "agittarius will never run away from a fight or call for help. !he
women can lose their normally pleasant dispositions and let go with a barrage of
unexpected plain talk that puts troublemakers right where they belong. !he men
will use their 8ists a"- scor" ,eapo"s. A rude, insulting person who has challenged
3upiter's good nature often find himself sprawled on the sidewalk wondering where
that truck came from.
.igh-spirite- Jupiter people can't stand to be accused of dishonesty. An un$ust
accusation or a slur against their integrity will make righteous indignation flame
high, but after an especially fiery display of temper, the typical "agittarian will feel
remorse and try to make amends. #e'll black your eye and put you in the hospital,
but he'll probably shower you with flowers and sympathy the next day. !he archer
usually speaks and acts first, and considers the conse(uences later.
Ma"y "agittarians seek the stage, and no one is happier giving encore after encore
for an excited audience. #e'll sing himself hoarse or dance his shoes off for the
sheer exhilaration of performing. "how business is full of archers.
There>s a stro"g religious strea7 i" Jupiter $e" a"- ,o$e"5 especially i" their
youth. They>re i"te"sely i"tereste- i" church a88airs5 %ut as they gro, ol-er they ca"
%eco$e s7eptical o8 -og$a5 i"cli"e- to 'uestio" 8or$er 8aiths a"- search 8or a
per8ectio" o8 values. *t's a rare "agittarian who doesn't have a matched set of
luggage. !hey love to travel, and there's usually at least one suitcase, well worn
from hundreds of trips, that's kept packed and ready for instant use.
0ou'll always notice something child-like about the typical naive, brave, optimistic
"agittarian. #e refuses to accept the seriousness of life, though some of them
manage responsibility with admirable conscientiousness in later years. "till, they're
never truly happy when they're burdened by it. 3upiter natures rebel against
confinement, and too much of it can bring on serious illness. *f the "agittarian can
survive that, and the wear and tear of scattering his energies, he'll live to be as old
1ethuselah. Most archers retai" their 8aculties5 ra3or sharp a"- re8i"e- %y age5 to
the e"-. Se"ility is al$ost "ever a pro%le$.
#is sensitive areas are the hips, lungs, liver, arms, hands, shoulders, intestines and
feet. !he "agittarian love of sports and the outdoors may bring accidents through
reckless over-activity. #ospitals can rarely keep him bedded down more than a few
days. #e gives in to sickness reluctantly, and usually recuperates with amaing
swiftness. ,ife seldom defeats these people permanently. !hey believe that
tomorrow will surely be better than yesterday, and today is pretty interesting.
1oody spells are gone almost before the clouds have a chance to obscure the
4very "agittarian is something of a ga$%ler5 u"less there>s a cautious5 co"servative
i"8lue"ce i" the "atal chart. ery 8e, o8 the$ ca" resist thro,i"g a couple o8 %ills
o" the gree" 8elt. The sou"- o8 -ice rattli"g i" the -ealer>s ha"- attracts so$e Jupiter
$e" a"- ,o$e" li7e the sire" so"g o8 !irce. /ith a-verse aspects %et,ee" the
pla"ets at %irth5 a" archer ca" ga$%le a,ay a 8ortu"e5 or thro, the re"t $o"ey o"
the "ose o8 a 8avorite horse. Las 5egas attracts "agittarians like sugar attracts flies.
So -o the $ore stai- ga$%les o8 the stoc7 $ar7et a"- real estate. (ortu"ately5 the
$a;ority o8 the$ 7eep the urge to speculate u"-er co"trol5 %ut eve" these ,ill ris7 a
8e, -ollars "o, a"- the" o" a 8ast po7er ga$e or a lottery tic7et.
Both the timid and the forceful ones will take a chance on love anytime. "agittarians
plunge into romance with reckless abandon, but they often stop short suddenly
marriage is mentioned. !hey think it over, then go ahead and make a mistake after
careful consideration. Although the archer is warm and wonderful in love
relationships, he's a little tricky to catch. "ymbolically he's half horse-half ' man,
which obviously gives him a head start in any game of chase, if he doesn't stumble
over his own feet.
A$o"g the most unpleasant traits of some "agittarians are a tendency to violent
temper, a love of too much food and drink, which can lead to obesity or alcoholism,
mental brilliance stained by burning sarcasm, or extreme weirdness and the
inability to keep a secret. But none of these need be permanent flaws. !hey can be
easily rooted out with "agittarian determination. The average Jupiter $a" ,ill loa"
you $o"ey ,ithout ever $a7i"g you asha$e- to as7 or eve" o%ligate- to repay it
?%arri"g a sti"gy Moo" sig"@. !he 3upiter housewife will adopt the homeless orphan
or the lost animal, and always make room for one more at her table.
Sagittaria"s have a te"-e"cy to go o88 o" ta"ge"ts. !he archer will take on a great
cause with blind devotion and believe that the possibilities outweigh the
shortcomings, an attitude that results from his brilliant imagination and progressive
thinking. #e never fails to present his case with cool, reasonable arguments,
sometimes cutting the opposition to ribbons with sharp satire, and yet remaining
aloof from the fray, somehow. !he fire is always ready to leap forth, however, when
anyone unfairly attacks his miracle or his cause of the moment. #e's a formidable
foe, because he aims straight when he takes the time to focus on the victim. #is
arrows then rarely miss their mark. !hey're dipped in clever wit and sharp enough
pierce the strongest armor.
Although a 8e, Dece$%er people are ge"ui"ely 8u""y5 it>s a curious 8act that ,he"
$ost o8 the$ tell a ;o7e5 the ti$i"g is slightly o88 a"- they 8lu88 the pu"ch li"e. The
au-ie"ce-at ho$e or i" the theater-,ill roar at the o%vious a,7,ar-"ess5 a"- the
;ovial Jupiter soul ,ill thi"7 everyo"e is laughi"g at his great se"se o8 co$e-y
ti$i"g. 2t ca" %e hilarious.
Male or 8e$ale5 the archer ca" either %ehave i" such a slap--ash 8ashio"5 or prete"-
to have such u"assu$i"g ca""ers ,he" he chooses5 that you $ay get the
i$pressio" %is $i"- is">t too sharp or that he>s ti$i-. True5 there are a 8e,
Dece$%er-%or" people ,ho occasio"ally e:hi%it ecce"tric reclusive ha%its5 %ut that
;ust gives the$ $ore &pportu"ity to sharpe" their i"tellige"ce i"to ge"ius.
Although "agittarians have fantastic memories that tell them exactly what they said
and where they were on April 67, 6898, and they remember every detail of books
and inovies, they can forget where they left their coats. 1ost of them are constantly
losing gloves, car keys, wallets-and some people are unkind enough to say they
would lose :their heads if they weren't fastened on their necks.
A "agittarian can never successfully tell a lie. &o one believes him for a minute.
%eceit is unnatural to the archer, and when he tries to experiment in it, the exposure
usually swift and sure. #e's always better off to stick to the truth and let the chips
fall where they may. 4ven his observant, highly aware mind won't rescue him from
the results of an excursion into deception, unless he has "corpio rising. 2 7"o, a
secretive archer ,ho has such a *luto asce"-a"t5 a"- there8ore $a"ages very ,ell to
play a goo- chess ga$e. This 7i"- o8 a Jupiter perso" is a" e:ceptio"5 %ut %e pre-
pare- to $eet a 8e,.
!o the "agittarian, life is secretly a circus, and he's the clown, rolling and tumbling
through purple hoops in a sky-blue suit. #is face is smeared with the bright, gay
colors of greasepaint, and his eyes glitter with curiosity and fun. As the music of the
calliope gets louder, he stumbles and falls, then executes a perfect somersault on the
back of a prancing pony. ;n his fingers he wears three tur(uoise rings< on his toes
are bells that ring like the chimes in a distant church spire that disappears into the
clouds. !he archer happily blows a lustrous tin horn, made of the soft, malleable
metal that's barely affected by moisture. Whether he's bold or backward, the true
nature of this generous idealist is as merry as the =hristmas holly berry. Bravely, he
pins a large carnation over his big heart, and curves his bow toward the sky. When
he aims straight, he shoots higher than man can see-past the stars-to the place where
all dreams are really born.
(a$ous Sagittarius *erso"alities
4eethove" Arthur 4ris%a"e /illia$ 4uc7ley5 Jr. Maria !allas A"-re, !ar"egie
+-ith !avell /i"sto" !hurchill Noel !o,ar- Sa$$y Davis Joe DiMaggio /alt
Dis"ey 4etty #ra%le #ri$al-i
Mar7 T,ai"
Julie .arris *ope Joh" ZZM Joh" Li"-say Mary Marti" Davi- Merric7 Joh"
Milto" 1o%ert Moses Joh" &s%o"ae Lee 1e$ic7 Lillia" 1ussell (ra"7 Si"atra
Davi- Suss7i"- Ja$es Thur%er

The SA#2TTA120S Ma"
<O hope "o %o"es are %ro7e"A< <No"e to spea7 o85< the F"ight sai-5
as i8 he -i-">t $i"- %rea7i"g t,o or three o8 the$. <The great art o8 ri-i"g5 as 2 ,as
is-to 7eep your %ala"ce properly. Li7e this5 you 7"o,-<
.e let go the %ri-le5 a"- stretche- out %oth his ar$s
to sho, Alice ,hat he
$ea"t5 a"- this ti$e he 8ell 8lat o" his %ac75
right u"-er the horse>s 8eet.
2 -o">t ,a"t to -iscourage you5 %ut Sagittarius $e" have this o-- ha%it. They leap
o" a %ig5 ,hite horse a"- go chargi"g through the streets5 ,avi"g a s,or- a"-
-e8e"-i"g causes. The" they have a"other i-iosy"crasy. They tu$%le arou"- li7e
clo,"s i" a circus5 i"-iscri$i"ately $i:i"g ,ith ?he elepha"ts a"- the %ear-e- la-y5
gaily scoopi"g up cotto" ca"-y.
.e ca" %e capture- ,ith certai" $a"euvers. 4ut 8irst you>ve got to get hi$ -o," o88
that ,hite horse5 a,ay 8ro$ those elepha"ts5 a"- o8 course the %ear-e- la-y has to
go. !auses a"- circuses -o">t leave $uch ti$e 8or 8a$ily li8e5 let alo"e se"ti$e"tal
=ou have o"e thi"g goi"g 8or you right a,ay. So $a"y Sagittaria"s charge arou"-
a"- tu$%le through li8e that you>ll have ple"ty to choose 8ro$. 1e$e$%er the
ictor .er%ert re8rai"B <#ive $e so$e $e" ,ho are stouthearte- $e"5 ,ho ,ill
8ight 8or the right they a-oreB Start $e ,ith te"5 ,ho are stout-hearte- $e"5 a"- 2>ll
soo" give you te" thousa"- $orel<A 2t happe"s li7e that. The i-ealistic e"thusias$
a"- curiosity o8 a Sagittaria" $a" is co"tagious. &8 course5 so$eti$es his i""oce"t
e:u%era"ce ca" get a little out o8 ha"-. Li7e he>ll thro, you up i" the air i" a
$o$e"t o8 $a-5 i$petuous e:hilaratio"-a"- 8orget to catch you.
There>s al$ost al,ays a cro,- arou"- hi$. That>s a"other o%stacle. =ou>ll have to
push your ,ay through all those people to get "ear hi$. 4ut -o">t get pessi$istic-
%ecause this $a" is a" opti$ist supre$e. .e>s so opti$istic5 i8 his e"e$ies $aile-
hi$ a huge carto" o8 $a"ure5 he ,oul-">t %e o88e"-e-. .e>- ;ust 8igure they 8orgot
to i"clu-e the horse. That 7i"- o8 opti$is$ ca" %e -a"gerous. 2t>s really ;ust a"other
ter$ 8or %li"- 8aith. The Sagittaria" $a" has stac7s o8 it. No,5 %li"- 8aith is 8i"e.
2>$ all 8or it5 %ei"g a 8ire sig" $ysel8. 4ut it ca" lea- to trusti"g ,ith such "aive
%elie8 that he 8re'ue"tly 8alls i"to pu--les. 2t>s easy to 8all i"to pu--les ,he" you>re
ru""i"g ,ith a %o, a"- arro,5 al,ays loo7i"g up i" the s7y 8or so$e high goal "o
o"e else has ever ha- the courage to ai$ 8or-or "o o"e else ever ha- the lac7 o8
co$$o" se"se to try to reach.
Trusti"g is great5 %ut trusti"g the ,ro"g people ca" slo, -o," eve" a race horse. 2"
the strict se"se o8 the ,or-5 he>s "ot a $isty -rea$er. .is -rea$s are al,ays
scruti"i3e- %y Jupiter>s i"tellige"t logic a"- co$pelli"g curiosity. 28 they sta"- up
u"-er the 8ra"7 i"vestigatio" o8 a Sagittaria"5 they>re pro%a%ly as practical as they
are ,il-5 eve" i8 the ,orl- is">t 'uite rea-y 8or the$. &"ce he>s esta%lishe- that
there>s so$e hope o8 8ul8ill$e"t5 he lugs out his pai"t pots a"- colors his practical
-rea$s ,ith the $ost vivi- a"- courageous i$agi"atio" this si-e o8 the -esig"ers o8
the +-sel. 4ut the 8u--y -u--ies are al,ays ,aiti"g to sto$p o" progressive i-eas
a"- stra"gle the$ %e8ore they>ve ha- the cha"ce to prove the$selves5 a"- you 7"o,
ho, $a"y 8u--y -u--ies there are arou"-.
.is soari"g i$agi"atio" ca" cause hi$ to 8all -o," or go %uste-. 4ut ,o"-er8ully.
La-y Luc7 has a ,ay o8 rescui"g hi$ ;ust i" ti$e. This $a" is usually so luc7y it>s
-isgusti"g a"- illegal. .e coul- go prospecti"g i" the hills5 %ri"g %ac7 a %ag o8
roc7s5 8i"- out they>re "ot gol-5 cry a,hile5 the" -iscover they>re ura"iu$. 28 you
pic7 up that shi"y o%;ect at your 8eet "ear the su%,ay grati"g5 it ,ill %e a piece o8
ti"8oil 8ro$ a" ol- che,i"g gu$ ,rapper. 28 he pic7s it up5 it ,ill %e a chip 8ro$ the
.ope Dia$o"- .arry /i"sto" -roppe- ,he" he ,as haili"g a ca%.
Naturally5 ,ith that 7i"- o8 luc75 he>s opti$istic. There>s al,ays that -ay ,he" a
roc7 is a roc7 a"- ti"8oil is ti"8oil5 %ut the typical Sagittaria" recovers 'uic7ly 8ro$
such crushi"g %lo,s. =our Jupiter $a" is very $uch that ,ay a%out love. .e>s
luc7y. /he" he is">t5 he recovers 'uic7ly. .e -iscri$i"ates agai"st -isho"esty5 %ut
that>s a%out all5 ,hich is ,hy he has so $a"y 8rie"-s a"- ,ell-,ishers. .e loo7s
%eyo"- the e:ter"al appeara"ce o8 people 8or a truer5 $ore i"tri"sic value. Not that
he -oes">t have e"e$ies. There are a 8e,5 %ut 8ar less tha" the "u$%er accu$ulate-
%y other Su" sig"s. *eople ,ho have %ee" stu"g %y his 8ra"7 re$ar7s $ay glare at
hi$ a"- 8eel li7e stra"gli"g hi$5 %ut they usually co$e arou"- to reali3i"g his
har$less i"te"t. The si" o8 the Sagittaria" $ale is tactless"ess a"- thoughtless"ess5
"ever -eli%erate cruelty.
=ou $ay have -iscovere- %y "o, that his speech is as -irect as his sy$%olic arro,.
.e ca" say outrageous thi"gs5 a"- i8 you>re i" love ,ith hi$5 he $ay get a,ay ,ith
it. 4ut yot8ll have every right to ta7e o88e"se ,he" a Sagittaria" $a" ,ho has ;ust
$et you ga3es at you 8ra"7ly ,ith his %right5 alert eyes a"- re$ar7s that you>re ;ust
the 7i"- o8 ,o$a" a $a" ,oul- choose 8or a $istress. Just as you>re rea-y to
clo%%er hi$5 he>ll get a" i""oce"t5 %oyish loo7 o" his 8ace5 a"- e:plai" ,ith
-isar$i"g ca"-or that ,hat he really $ea"t ,as5 ,ell5 the 7i"gs a"- aristocracy
%ac7 i" the $i--le ages $arrie- 8or co"ve"ie"ce. Their ,ives5 there8ore5 ,ere o8te"
ugly5 -ra% creatures5 ,ith goo- %loo- li"es. 4ut their $istresses ,ere %eauti8ul a"-
%rillia"t5 the 7i"- o8 girls they ,oul- have chose" to 8all i" love ,ith a"- $arry5 i8
the rules ha- %ee" -i88ere"t. .e>s %ee" rea-i"g up o" it5 %ecause he>s al,ays %ee"
curious a%out that particular perio-. =ou $ay cal$ -o,"5 a"- eve" 8eel a little
s$ug. =ou>ll also %e i$presse-. .o, $a"y $e" spe"- hours rea-i"g history ,he"
they -o">t have to -o itA .e $ight eve" %e a ge"ius. Just thi"75 you coul- %e the
,i8e o8 a" i"tellectualI /ro"g. =ou coul- %e the $istress o8 a" i"tellectual. 4y the
ti$e he has you ga-ga over his %rai"5 you ,o">t reali3e that5 ha- your reactio" %ee"
agreea%le to his origi"al propositio"-a"- $a7e "o $ista7e5 that>s ,hat it ,as-he
,oul- have $ove- i" 8ast5 a"- you ,oul- %e a 8alle" ,o$a".
&8 course5 "ot every 8e$ale ,oul- accept such a 8u$%li"g e:pla"atio" o8 a"
o%vious passB %ut it -oes">t $atter. +ve" a8ter his victi$s e:plo-e i" i"-ig"atio"5
they retur". to %e the Sagittaria">s close 8rie"-s agai"5 ,he" their a"ger cools. That
shoul- sho, you ;ust ho, $uch -a"ger you>re i" ,ith this appare"tly har$less
chap. /ith that ca"-i-5 "aive gri"5 he -oes">t %ear the 8ai"test rese$%la"ce to a
,ol8. .e loo7s $ore li7e a 4oy Scout troop lea-er.
4ut he is "ot a %oy scout i" ro$a"tic $atters. 2t ,oul- pay to 7eep that i" $i"-
,he" he as7s you to go hi7i"g.
The Sagittarius $ale lives his ro$a"tic li8e o" a sur8ace level5 %ut he>s ho"est a%out
it. ?A8ter all5 i8 you>ll %rush those se"ti$e"tal co%,e%s out o8 your ears5 you>ll
re$e$%er he -i- say $istress. .e -i- "ot say ,i8e. .e is "ot a 7i"g. A"- these are
"ot $e-ieval ti$es.@ Sagittarius see7s casual relatio"ships5 a"- so$eti$es they ca"
get so casual they>re -o,"right pro$iscuous. &ccasio"ally5 the she"a"iga"s o8 a"
archer ca" put a Scorpio to sha$e5 a"- 2 pro$ise you it ta7es a great -eal to put a
Scorpio to sha$e.
Let>s get %ac7 to his ho"esty. 2t>s a sa8er su%;ect. 28 you>ve lear"e- through %itter
e:perie"ce ho, 8ic7le other $e">s vo,s o8 eter"al -evotio" ca" %e5 you>ll ,elco$e
his 8ra"7"ess. =ou ,o">t eve" 8li"ch ,he" he tells you ho, $a"y a88airs he>s ha-5
a"- ,hat he e:pects o8 this o"e ,ith you5 all very clearly a"- logically. .e ,o">t
7"o,i"gly tie a legal 7"ot ,ith a lie i" his heart or o" his lips5 %ut so$eho,5 he ca"
get hi$sel8 i"volve- i" a 8lirtatio" ,hich ta"gles itsel8 i"to a proposal ?possi%ly
8ro$ the girl5 "ot hi$@5 a"- have to ru" li7e si:ty to avoi- the altar. Si"ce he>s a little
clu$sy5 he $ay trip5 a"- shell catch hi$ %e8ore he gets too 8ar a,ay. 2" that eve"t5
he>ll thi"7 it &ver a"- illogically -eci-e that5 si"ce she appeale- to hi$ i" o"e ,ay-
either physically or $e"tally5 "o $atter ,hich-she>ll eve"tually appeal to hi$ the
other ,ay. .e>ll give i"5 get $arrie-5 a"- the see-s 8or a"other Sagittaria" -ivorce
have %ee" pla"te-. .is "or$ally -epe"-a%le reaso"i"g po,ers see$ to -esert hi$
,he" he>s ro$a"tically trappe-.
/o$e" o8te" $isi"terpret the attitu-e o8 a Sagittaria"5 a"- thi"7 the relatio"ship is
$ore serious tha" it really is5 a"- this sa$e 'uality also so$eti$es $a7es it appear
that he see7s a -ar7 liaiso"5 ,he" he>s o"ly a8ter a light5 "o"-physical 8rie"-ship5 or
;ust a girl to pal arou"- ,ith. 2t see$s the archer loses %oth ,ays. 4ut he>s luc7y5
a"- $ost o8 his $esses tur" out straight. .e>s a 8lirt5 that ca">t %e -e"ie-5 %ut he>s "ot
loo7i"g 8or se: alo"e. .e li7es variety a"- $e"tal sti$ulatio". 28 a ,o$a" gets
stic7y ,he" he ,as o"ly -iverti"g hi$sel85 hell try to pass the ,hole thi"g o88 as a
;o7e. She $ay -e8i"itely $iss the pu"ch li"e. ?1e$e$%er ho, u"success8ul the
typical Sagittaria" is ,ith ;o7es.@ Lots o8 Sagittaria"s get accuse- o8 $a7i"g passes
at every goo--loo7i"g receptio"ist or pretty girl they see-so$eti$es eve" the little
ol- ,o$a" ,ho sells "e,spapers o" the co$er5 or a la-y police$a". No,5 "o $a"
i" his right $i"- ,oul- seriously 8lirt ,ith a la-y police$a"-at least5 "ot ,hile she>s
o" -uty-so you ca" see that u";usti8ie- suspicio" is a""oyi"g to the archer. 2" all
8air"ess5 $ost o8 the ti$e5 he ,as ;ust %ei"g %ree3ily 8rie"-ly.
28 you>re a s$art girl5 ,ho uses her hea- 8or so$ethi"g %esi-es a" o%;ect to po7e
u"-er a hair -ryer-a"- you>- %etter %e5 %ecause these $e" i"sist o" i"tellige"ce i" a
,o$a"-you>ll have caught o" %y "o,. Do">t %e ;ealous. Do">t %e suspicious. #ive
hi$ lots o8 rope i8 you ,a"t to ha"g hi$ eve"tually. Do">t 'uestio" hi$5 ,eep5 "ag
or threate" to leave hi$. S$other hi$ ,ith 8ree-o$. 2$agi"e ho, re8reshi"g that
,oul- %e to hi$. 28 you ta7e li8e i" the sa$e spirit he -oes5 a"- ta7e people as you
8i"- the$5 you have the %asic re'uire$e"ts o8 %ei"g his 7i"- o8 ,i8e-,o$a". As
lo"g as you>re %asically ho"est ,ith each other5 8lyi"g 7ites together ca" %e a %all.
/hy ,orry a%out ,he" they>ll hit the grou"-A They loo7 so %eauti8ul a"- 8ree5
soari"g up there i" the s7y. No5 you -o">t have to give this $a" everythi"g he ,a"ts
to get hi$. Just %e ,hat he ,a"ts. 4e ,i-e-a,a7e-let hi$ -irect a"- -o$i"ate your
e"ergies. Love sports. #o ca$pi"g ,ith hi$ a"- ta7e your St. 4er"ar- alo"g 8or a
chapero"e. 4e ge"erous5 a88ectio"ate5 e"thusiastic5 a"- -o">t try to 7eep hi$ loc7e-
up i" your pa"try $a7i"g 8u-ge every "ight. Ma7e it clear he ca">t 7eep you all to
hi$sel85 either. Let hi$ 7"o, you>re a 8ree spirit5 ;ust as he is. Never thro, ,ater o"
his 8iery i-eas5 a"- 7eep yoursel8 %usy ,ith other thi"gs ,hile he>s out shooti"g his
arro,s at i$possi%le targets. That ,ay5 he>ll tell you ho"estly so$e lovely "ight that
you are ;ust a%out everythi"g he "ee-s i" a ,o$a". &"ce he>s go"e that 8ar5 the" tell
hi$ ;ust as 8ra"7ly that he>s o7ay i" your %oo75 too5 %ut it>s ti$e to $a7e a -ecisio".
*oi"t out that you li7e hi$ so $uch you>- eve" co"si-er $arryi"g hi$5 i8 he>-
pro$ise "ot to i"ter8ere ,ith your 8ree-o$. &ther,ise5 you really -o">t have a"y
$ore ti$e to ca$p arou"- ,ith hi$. 2t>s a sha$e5 you>re so co$pati%le5 %ut you>ve
al,ays %ee" curious ,hat it ,oul- %e li7e to have chil-re". Motherhoo- is a "e,
7ite you>- li7e to 8ly. 4e sure to arra"ge 8or a" ol- 8la$e to call you o" the pho"e i"
the $i--le o8 your speech. Accept the -ate casually5 i" 8ro"t o8 your archer. /he"
you ha"g up5 s$ile %rightly a"- re$ar7 that there>s "o reaso" ,hy you ca">t still
goo- 8rie"-s. The" i"vite hi$ to co$e alo"g o" your -ate5 so he ,o">t have to sit
arou"- all %y hi$sel8. That shoul- -o it. ?=ou>re ,elco$eI@
A8ter you>re $arrie-5 you pro%a%ly ,o">t have i"-la, trou%le. Ma"y Sagittaria"s are
shoc7i"gly -isi"tereste- i" 8a$ily ties. They -o">t accept the theory o8 lovi"g %loo-
relatio"s u"less they -eserve lovi"g. +ve" those ,ho are 8o"- o8 their pare"ts a"-
%rothers or sisters $a"age to 7eep a healthy -ista"ce. They visit a"- sho, ,ar$
a88ectio"5 %ut they "ever e:pect relatives to i"ter8ere ,ith their private lives. 4etter
see that your o," relatives -o">t $e--le5 either.
Feep your suitcase pac7e-. =ou>ll %e -oi"g a lot o8 traveli"g. =ou>ll still ,a"t to
ta7e the St. 4er"ar- alo"g o" ca$pi"g trips-"ot as a chapero"e a"y$ore5 %ut %e-
cause your "e, hus%a"- loves a"i$als. ?Tell the -og it>s o7ay "o,5 he -oes">t have
to sta"- guar- outsi-e the te"t 8lap.@ Feep yoursel8 %usy a"- give hi$ as $a"y
"ights out as he "ee-s. Never 'uestio" his ho"esty. /he" he>s i" a te$per5 the
archer ca" %rea7 -o," a -oor5 or pu"ch a hole through a ,all. .e>s ;ust letti"g o88
stea$5 %ut it -oes $a7e a lot o8 ,or75 a"- ho, $a"y ti$es ca" you call the
plastererA 2t>s a lot easier o" everyo"e>s "erves "ot to accuse hi$ o8 a lac7 o8
i"tegrity i" the 8irst place. /he" he -oes so$ethi"g ,ro"g5 he>ll al$ost surely tell
you. That ,ill %e har- e"ough to ta7e ,ithout ,orryi"g a%out i$agi"ary thi"gs.
*ractice 8aci"g his 8ra"7"ess5 i8 that to$orro, ever co$es5 a"- %e prepare- to 7"o,
he still loves you5 i"stea- o8 chasi"g a8ter 8alse ru$ors to-ay. 4e as practical as he
is a%out hu$a" e$otio"s. =ou>ll %e surprise- ho, stro"g love ca" gro, i" such
ho"est soil. Truth has a ,ay o8 e"couragi"g per$a"e"ce i" a relatio"ship.
=ou>ll have to put i" so$e hours %ei"g a *olly-put-the-7ettle-o" ,o$a". Si"ce he>s
a sports 8a"5 he>ll pro%a%ly e:pect you to ,atch all the %ig ga$es o" T ,ith hi$.
4ut he>ll also ta7e you alo"g to all his $a"y social activities i8 you>re pretty a"- 8u"
a"- you li7e people. Sagittaria"s ca">t sta"- -roopy cli"gi"g ,o$e" ,ho are">t
goo- $i:ers. .e>ll %e prou- o8 a"y special tale"ts you have5 a"- -o try to have o"e
or t,o. 1ea- lots o8 %oo7s5 a"- %e prepare- to -e8e"- a 8e, o8 his causes5 especially
the lost o"es. ->
.e $ay %e a little e:travaga"t5 a"- he>ll li7e a" occasio"al ga$e o8 cha"ce5 %ut the
sa$e i$pulse ,ill $a7e hi$ pretty ge"erous a%out your spe"-i"g $o"ey5 i8 he>s a
typical archer. .e pro%a%ly ,o">t $i"- i8 you ,a"t to ,or7 to %uy yoursel8 e:tras.
+:pect a little 8orthright criticis$5 o8te" pai"8ully lac7-B i"g i" tact. =ou shoul- %e
use- to it %y "o,. Let it pass. =ou>ll %e %usy e"ough patchi"g up the -a$age ,ith
his 8rie"-s. =ou>re suppose- to u"-ersta"- hi$5 re$e$%erA =ou gave hi$ that5 the
"ight you 8orce- the issue.
.e>ll e";oy the chil-re" $ore ,he" they>re ol-er5 %ut %a%ies a"- to--lers $ight
pu33le hi$ a little. Sagittarius 8athers usually love to ta7e the you"gsters o" out-oor
e:cursio"s. .e $ay %e closer to the %oys a"- share their sports a"- activities5 %ut
he>ll %e te"-er ,ith the girls. They>ll 8i"- hi$ $ore o8 a pal tha" a 8ather i$age. The
ol-er they get5 the closer they>ll %e to hi$. No, a"- the"5 his 8ra"7"ess $ay -istur%
the$ ,he" they "ee- privacy. !hil-re" are se"sitive a%out their secrets5 a"- their
8eeli"gs $ay su88er 8ro$ his curious 'uestio"s a"- plai"-spo7e" o%servatio"s.
=outh8ul escapa-es ,ill a$use hi$ rather tha" a"ger hi$5 %ut his very tolera"ce
$ight 7eep the$ i" li"e. .e>ll pro%a%ly %e strict o"ly i8 they tell a lie. 2t ,ill %e o"e
o8 the 8e, occasio"s they>ll 8eel his -ispleasure. Do">t ig"ore hi$ 8or the little o"es.
/he" he ,a"ts you to 8ly so$e 7ites ,ith hi$5 -rop the -iaper pi"s a"- the talcu$5
call a sitter ?"ot your $other@ a"- go.
The archer thi"7s ,ith %oth his heart a"- his $i"-. .e ,o">t al,ays %e ,ise.
So$eti$es he>ll %e 8oolishly courageous. .e>ll stu$%le a"- 8all5 the" get up a"- try
agai". 4ut you>ll 8orgive hi$ 8or al$ost a"ythi"g5 %ecause he>ll set your heart 8ree
,ith a very great gi8t-a" ho"est love.

!he "A>*!!A2*'" Woman
<The" it -oes">t $atter ,hich ,ay you ,al75< sai- the !at.
<-So lo"g as 2 get so$e,here5<
Alice a--e- as a" e:pla"atio".
<&h5 you>re sure to -o that5< sai- the !at5
<i8 you o"ly -,al7 lo"g e"ough.<
"he's not always going to say the kind of things you want to hear. 1ost of the time,
she'll curl your sideburns with her remarkable, flat statements and her
embarrassing (uestions. But now and then she'll say something so special and
splendid it will make you feel like singing.
0ou may need a sample. "cene? =offee shop. 0ou've $ust gotten up the courage to
tell her you love her, but before you can say it, she looks at you with wide-open,
guileless blue eyes-or forthright, steady brown ones- and asks you curiously, )#ow
do you feel about being so short@ %oes it make you neurotic or anything@) While
you're gulping, trying manfully to recover, she'll add, )0ou shouldn't care about it.
,ots of men were short. ,ike &apoleon. And /iorello ,a>uardia.) !hat's almost
adding insult to in$ury, but before you get a chance to walk out, thinking no woman
ever deserved such ungallant treatment more, shell muse dreamily, )* hate men who
look like bean poles. 0ou're perfect. * noticed when we were walking over here
tonight-we measure $ust right together.)
"it back down. 0ou're staying. /or a long time. A friendly, frank "agittarius girl has
$ust wound herself around your heart with her own, peculiar brand of charm. "he'll
always be a little outspoken, because she sees the world exactly as it is, even while
she's wearing those ridiculous, rose-tinted glasses. !hat, you must admit, is (uite a
talent. *t's not everyone who can apply clear, reasonable logic to every situation, and
retain the happy faculty of believing things will get better or else deciding to accept
them what they are.
Sagittarius 8e$ales are regular *ollya""a. 2t ,ill cut ,he" she tells you she ,ishes
you ,oul- $a7e $ore $o"ey5 %ut the" she>ll a--5 <&8 course5 too $uch $o"ey ca"
$a7e people sel8ish. May%e it>s luc7y that you>re poor.< A-$itte-ly5 it>s sort o8 a
le8t-ha"-e- opti$is$5 %ut you>ll get use- to it. !his girt will never lie to you. "ome-
times, you may wish she would. "how curiosity about how she spends the nights
you're not with her, and you'll get a detailed, perfectly honest report of the letters
she writes to that handsome intern she met last summer on her vacation and how
many dates she turns down on the phone. "he may even relate her troubles with
insomnia, brought on when she lies awake at night wondering if maybe what she
feels for you is friendship instead of love. 0ou'll feel like yelling at her, )/or +ete's
sake, lie a little once in a while, can't you@ A man has his pride.) %on't yell too loud.
0ou'll offend her, and she's not exactly noncombustible herself. "agittarius girls
have been known to fly into some pretty fiery rages.
"he will probably live alone. "agittarius girls are very : independent, and both sexes
have a strange aloofness to family ties. 1aybe it's because they travel so much, they
don't get home often enough to get to know their families well. 4ven if they only
travel to the movies and girl friends' houses, they're restlessly on the go. 2 -o">t ,a"t
to 8righte" you5 %ut 2 o"ce 7"e, a Sagittarius ,o$a" so u"a,are o8 the "ua"ces o8
8a$ily relatio"ships that she i"vite- her re;ecte- %eau to co$e alo"g o" her
ho"ey$oo" ,ith her "e, hus%a"-. The poor thi"g loo7e- so lo"eso$e. .e sai- he>-
pay his o," ,ay. /hy are you loo7i"g at her li7e thatA Di- she -o so$ethi"g
!here's one thing you'll have to learn right away, or the relationship will never get
off the ground. When you want her to do something, ask her. %on't tell her. The
cave $a" tech"i'ue ,e"t out ,ith Tar3a" a"- Ja"e5 as 8ar as she>s co"cer"e-. "he
en$oys being protected, but she doesn't want to be ordered around. &ot even her
mother gets away with that. Who are you, that you should top her mother@ "he may
have an Aries mother, and if a 1ars woman can't boss her around, no male on earth
is going to do it. #owever, there's a (ueer twist to her nature. Although she dislikes
being bossed, especially in public, when she's testing you for firmness, be firm.
Jupiter ,o$e" can't stand weak, wishy-washy men. *f she gets too high-spirited and
her clever tongue gets too sarcastic, or she threatens some action that really incenses
you, give her a light touch of the !aran treatment. 3ust enough to keep her in line.
,ike )0ou do that and *'ll break your neck.) "he may react with surprising
meekness if she thinks you're serious. A "agittarius female has no in-tendon of
giving up her individuality for any male, but she kind of likes to know you think of
her as a girl.
"he may confuse you, but that's nothing to what she does A to herself. 1any a
"agittarius girl mistakes friendship for A love and love for friendship. *f you're one
of those old-A fashioned men who prefer evasiveness and timidity in your i women,
you'd better look for another Bingo partner. !his young lady has bright, frank ways
with men, and she's not going to play any silly games of )>uess how * feell) or
)>uess what * thinkB) #ow she feels and what she thinks are identical with how she
acts and what she says. #er outspoken bluntness naturally causes misunderstand-
ings, and a good share of fiery battles, let alone hurt feelings, but it doesn't crush
her spirit. 3upiter pride comes to the surface and rescues her in a crisis, allowing
her to pass off her heartache as the biggest $oke of the season. *nside, she may be
weeping, but she'll employ such clever wit in answering the (uestions of friends
about the break that they'll decide the whole affair was a harmless flirtation on her
part. ,ittle will they guess how she soaks her pillow every night, wondering what
she could possibly have said that fractured everything. *t might have been when she
told him not to stop by her apartment the time he called from the lobby around
midnight-because she was )busy talking with a man who had a few problems.)
Actually, the man was her brother-in-law, but with the peculiar "agittarius twist of
leaving out the core of the story, she neglected to mention that. Why should she have
to explain herself@ -All "agittarians show a raging, righteous anger when their
integrity is doubted.. ;r it could have been when he asked her if she minded him
bringing his little sister along to the movies and she blurted out, )>osh, * hope that
doesn't mean she's going to be hanging around all the time when we're married.)
"he may have sincerely liked the young girl, but the natural "agittarian fear of
being suffocated by in-laws brought on her thoughtless and forthright statement.
&ow she misses his sister as much as the man, but it's too late to explain what she
meant. Besides, no one would understand.
*mpasses like this are impossible for her to work out, for all her logical mental
processes, and often lead the 3upiter girl into a never-never land of romance, not
knowing where the fire might flame up, or why, and afraid of being burned when it
does. !hen she'll play it too cool and be unable to take anyone seriously, least of all
herself. "he'll flirt openly, but without any intention of making it a lasting or a
forever thing, and gain the reputation of a cold heartless female. A fire sign is never
cold or heartless, but then there are a lot of astrologically ignorant men out there
who don't know that. *f such a state of affairs should happen to lead tospinsterhood,
she certainly won't be a dry and bitter old maid. "he'll still clown with life and have
a barrel of fun. "he'll have a doen interests to replace a man-and en$oy every one of
;f course, you're not interested in a "agittarian spinster. 0ou plan to make one
your wife someday. -At least, * hope you have honorable intentions. !his poor girl
has enough problems without you setting out to seduce her.. ,et's stop dwelling on
promiscuity, and think about marriage. ,ike the male "agittarian, she's a little
skittish about wedlock. 0ou'll need to use some bright, colorful pieces of tinsel as
bait to get her pinned down -to accepting your proposal, that is.. "he's breey and
unconventional in her relationships with men. "ince she considers herself your
e(ual, she may copy your mannerisms, as well as wear your sweater. *f she also
likes sports and camping, as lots of "agittarian females do, you may have trouble
distinguishing her from the boys. But she's not the same. /or one thing, your
sweater looks different on her. &ot that 3upiter women are offensively masculine by
nature. !hey can be the softest, most feminine women you ever s(ueeed. *t's $ust
that she pals around with so many men you get used to seeing her in the crowd-
everywhere but in the . steam room and the gym. "ince she's so scrupulously honest
and aboveboard, she may be a little careless of her reputation and contemptuous of
the hypocrisy demanded by society. *f you (uestion her about it, she'll be plain-
spoken. "he'll probably tell you that walting in at midnight doesn't indicate
promiscuity any more than coming home at a more conventional hour indicates
innocence. "he knows her morals are above reproach, and that's all that matters.
&aturally she's dead wrong. What other people think matters very much to a female
reputation. But try to understand her attitude. %on't think she's fast and loose $ust
because she laughs at a few $okes, usually without the slightest idea of what they're
all about -the subtlety of the double-entendre often escapes "agittarius.. "o- she
stays up to watch the sunrise from the >eorge Washington Bridge -or from the top
of a silo, if you live in the country.-that doesn't mean she's the wildest girl in town.
!he truth is, she's a trusting child at heart. #er outlook is so naive it makes her
vulnerable to wolves, con artists and phonies -though oddly enough, not in other
areas, $ust in romance.. /orget about how cleverly she argues and how startlingly
logical she can be. All that has nothing to do with her heart. #er mind isn't under
discussion. *t's bright and intelligent, and well able to take care of itself in any
emergency. But her heart is defenseless. *t falls down and gets bruised (uite often.
!hat's another thing. "he's slightly clumsy. At times when the "agittarius girl
strides down the street like a thoroughbred horse, you'll think she's the most
graceful woman you've ever watched-until she stumbles on a crack in the sidewalk,
awkwardly grabs the awning over the fruit stand to catch her balance and upsets
two crates of oranges. !he owner may swear a little, but hell soon shrug his
shoulders, tell her to skip it, and hand her some grapes. !he sunny "agittarian
disposition can melt the hardest hearts. &ow and then, this girl will remind you of a
clumsy puppy dog, wagging its friendly tail, and walking all over your feet. But then
friendly puppy dogs do get lots of people to love them and feed them. ;f course,
dogs are a little cheaper to feed. !he typical 3upiter girl has a large appetite. "he
likes good food and wine, nice clothes, and when she travels, she likes to go first
class. "agittarians are extravagant by nature ?u"less the Moo" is i" !apricor" or
there>s a
irgo asce"-a"t@. Mo"ey 8or the sa7e o8 $o"ey -oes">t i"terest the$5 a"- it ta7es
'uite a %it o8 trai"i"g to teach $ost o8 the$ the $ea"i"g o8 a -ollar %ill. !hec7 her
asce"-a"t care8ully %e8ore you loa" her your cre-it car-.
!he "agittarian girl you're involved with may be in show business, because lots of
them are drawn by the lure of the footlights. *f so, start out on the right foot by
expecting her to put her career first, until she tires of it. !he sweet sound of
applause and the thrill of the encore will ring in her ears with more conviction than
all the romantic phrases you can con$ure up. &ever force her to choose between
pleasing you and the excitement of pleasing whole gobs of people at once with her
sunshine personality. After a while she'll grow disgusted with the hypocrisy and
artificial glitter she finds all around her in the world of show business, and she'll
come running home to try domesticity with someone who is real. 0ou. "omeone
who believes honesty is beautiful and deception is ugly. 0ou again. ,eaving a
career won't remove the wings from her heels forever. !hey were fastened there at
birth. !he travel bug will always be nearby to give her a case of wandering fever.
5acation with her when you can< otherwise let her go off to ride the carousel
herself, and trust her. "he loves you, not the clowns and organ grinders she likes to
pass the time with.
Because of her casual attitude toward romance and her shyness of marriage, you
may think she's lacking in sentiment. 0ou are so mistaken. "he'll cry rivers at sad
movies and read poetry with wet eyes. "he's probably saved every note you ever
wrote her, scraps of the flowers you bought her in the rain, and the tickets from the
hockey game where she met you.
As for her talent as a homemaker, be brave. And be patient. "agittarius girls are
acutely bored by the confinement of dusting and mopping. &o sooner does she
make a bed than it gets unmade. >osh, you'd think the darned thing would stay neat
for a few days anyway, it was such a drag tucking in those sheets at the corners.
"he'll hate it all with a purple passion. When she has a home of her own, however,
she'll probably swallow her distaste. "he'll prefer that you get her a maid if you can
possibly afford one. *f not, she'll determinedly keep it shining #er mother will never
believe it. !hat sloppy child, waxing the coffee table@ *mpossible. +ride and the
eternal "agittarius logic does it. "he needs to be surrounded with beauty and
cleanliness to be true to herself. !he message reaches her that, if she doesn't wipe up
the linoleum, no one else will. *f she was forced by circumstances to do a lot of
chores in childhood, she may rebel at first, but she'll eventually reason it out, and
settle down to sweeping the comers with a minimum of resentment.
#er cooking@ Well-you can never tell. 1aybe you'd iust better eat out on weekends.
*f she manages decent 'neals through the week, you can't expect her to keep a per-
fect record on "aturdays and "undays, too. 1ost "agit-tarian women aren't exactly
ecstatic in the kitchen -unless there's a !aurus, =ancer or =apricorn ascendant..
But she can whip up a mean, fancy dessert when she's trying to cheer you out of the
blues. #er own moods can be terrors, but they're rare, and they last so briefly you'll
hardly notice them. When she's really hurt, her tongue can be bitterly sarcastic. But
she'll forget what she said almost before she's finished the sentence, and she won't
understand why you want to dwell on it. !his is not the woman for a brooding,
melancholy man. >loom and pessimism, A can actually make her physically ill.
A #er children will probably adore her. "hell be their A buddy, and have a circus
playing with them. ;nce she's lover her initial fear of responsibility, she'll cope with
C diapers and daily baths like a crisp, efficient nurse. Almost A everything she does
she does well, with grace, when she A finally decides to learn it. 3ust like the big
people, the little A ones will get a good dose of her cheerful optimism and A
outspoken remarks. *f they survive her blunt truthfulness, A they'll grow up thinking
she's the greatest big sister a A kid ever had. "he'll read them funny stories with
happy A endings, and take them on sudden, impulsive picnics in A the woods to look
for the three bears. -"he half believes D they're hiding there herself.. #er youngsters
will probably be well-dressed, but not fussily so, and bright-mannered. *f they pick
up a few unconventional tricks from her, like making footprint curtains by
spreading monk's cloth on the floor, stepping barefoot into yellow paint and walking
across the material-at least you won't be raising a houseful of conformists. #er
honesty will mark their characters. *f they don't find those three bears after a
careful search under all the fir trees, she'll probably tell them to forget it-it's a
phony. 4ut she ,ill have
loo7e- 8irst. The chil- ,ho ,rote the e-itor o8 the Ne, =or7 Su" to as7 i8 there ,as
really a Sa"ta !laus ;ust ha- to have a Sagittarius Su" sig". Moo" or asce"-a"t. She
pro%a%ly raise- her o," chil-re" %y the 8ra"75 yet i-ealistic a"s,er o8 <=es5 ir-
gi"ia . . .< The 3upiter mother may have to watch a tendency to be lax in discipline,
except when she's tired or angry. !hat's the wrong time for spankings.
0oull have a lovely hostess. &o one entertains as graciously as a "agittarian woman,
not even her ,eo sisters, who are no slouches themselves in the social department.
!here's a (uality about her sunny, outgoing friendliness that makes people feel
deeply welcome, from the garbage man to your boss. A "agittarian breaks the ice
instantly at the stiffest affairs, though she may raise a few eyebrows, too.
As long as you let her call her soul her own, and don't make her feel tied down, your
"agittarius +ollyanna will give you a triple bonus? her loyalty, her trust and her
affection. !he three are inseparable, because when she gives her love, her friendship
trots right along beside it.
The Jupiter woman is an incurable idealist. And here's a secret perhaps she never
told you? "he fell in love with you many years ago, when she was a little girl and
wished on the new 1oon for someone to share her honest heart. !here were lots of
times when she thought she had found you and was disappointed. But when you
finally came along, she knew you right away, because you were a gentle clown with
a dream or two of your own who took her hand and showed her the way to the stars.

The SA#2TTA120S !hil-
)!here is such a nice little dog near our house. A little bright-eyed terrier, you
know, :with ohB such long curly brown hairB And it'll fetch things when you throw
them, and it'll sit up and beg for its dinner and all sorts of things- * can't remember
half of them.)
2" the %uil-i"g ,here 2 live5 there>s a -ar7-haire- 2rish girl ,ho ,as %or" i"
Dece$%er. She plays a guitar a"- so$eti$es ,rites so"gs. &"ce she ,rote a li"e 2
thought ,as pretty 8a%ulous5 %ut she ,as havi"g trou%le ,ith the rest o8 the lyric.
She really -i-">t "ee- to ,orry5 ,ith that ope"er. 2t ,as9 <There you ,ere5 ,avi"g
your heart at $e. . . .<
.er 'uai"t phrase su$s up every Sagittaria" 8ro$ age o"e ,ee7 to o"e hu"-re-
years. The cale"-ar -oes">t $atter. !hey never grow up, anyway. !ake a good look
at your little "agittarius girl. !here she is, waving her heart at you, like a friendly
sheepdog. =our little Sagittarius so" ,aves his heart ;ust as e"thusiastically5
"ee-i"g -esperately to %e li7e- 8or his o," ho"est sel8. When people don't say
)hello) back to them, their tiny hearts droop in disappointment. "agittarians are
happy, playful, miniature clowns, who laugh with tears in their eyes when they're
re$ected. +ve" the i"8a"ts sho, their su""y "atures a"- -esire 8or co$ra-eship. !he
3upiter baby will cry when he's left alone, but wheel his bassinet into the living
room where the grownups are laughing and talking, and hell sleep contentedly, with
the warm, reassuring sound of human voices in his tiny ears. #is dreams will be all
the sweeter for being wrapped in the coy, familiar atmosphere of loving and happy
people. ,ater, he may grow more removed from family ties, but when he's little, he
needs the security of human smells and sights and sounds, exactly as a newborn
puppy needs one of your old sweaters in his basket to snuggle up to coily. *f such
close, human contact is denied the 3upiter youngster, he'll withdraw and maybe
become a little sarcastic. The" hell a-opt a su%stitute5 li7e the -irty5 tor" %la"7et o8
Li"us i" <*ea"uts.< 2t ca" %e a so8t pi"ch pillo, or a cu--ly te--y %ear5 ,ith its ears
t,iste- o88 a"- its "ose $issi"g5 %ut it represe"ts security. #e'd much prefer you.
The Sagittarius %oy sho,s his happy-go-luc7y "ature %y ,a"-eri"g i"to the ,oo-s
,ith a $a7eshi8t 8ishi"g pole a"- a ca" o8 ,or$s5 %are8oot5 cheer8ully ,histli"g5
tal7i"g to everyo"e he $eets5 his 8aith8ul -og trotti"g %ehi"- hi$. "agittarians are
informal as youngsters, and they never, outgrow it. !he little 3upiter girl may go
through a tomboy stage, and you'll always be reminding her to )act like a lady) as
she grows up. But these girls and boys have their own ideas of what makes )a little
lady) and )a little gentleman.) *t starts out with honesty. &aked, unadorned, brutal
honesty. !hey have it refined to an art and they will expect it from you-or else. ;r
else what@ ;r else they will refuse to be docile little slaves, meekly obeying every
'parental whim.
=our authority is 8air ga$e 8or the Sagittaria" chil->s 8ra"75 curious i"vestigatio".
#e'll give in graciously if he's convinced there is logic behind your command.
+arental orders must first pass the scrutiny of his in(uisitive, reasonable mental
processes, and if you don't come out with a good grade in his test, you will get left
back. !here you'll stand, waving your authority or a switch at him, and there he'll
stand, waving his honesty and defiance right back at you. *f you're fair and you try
to be as honest as he is, the 3upiter youngster will leam to respect your rules. 0ou'll
have to be firm when you know you're right and give him a good, solid reason.
When you're wrong, you'll have to admit your mistake and come right out with a
straightforward confession of stupidity. ,et's face it, many times parents insist on
obedience to rules they make up for their own convenience, rather than for the well-
being of the child. A "agittarius moppet can smell that kind of dishonesty a mile
away as his nostrils (uiver like a bird dog's and his muscles (uiver with anger,
backed by righteous indignation. Better plan to explain all your orders and com-
mands to him calmly, or be prepared to use up a lot of switches before the 3upiter
obstinacy in the face of un$ustified punishment will show any signs of weakening.
A phrase o8te" use- %y $others ,ith Dece$%er-%or" chil-re" is <curiosity 7ille- the
cat.< "agittarian curiosity never ends. !he day begins with a (uestion and they fall
asleep with a (uestion on their lips. /he" they>re very you"g5 ;ust lear"i"g to tal7
a"- to e:plore the huge ,orl-5 the 'uestio"s ,ill %e5 <Why is it naughty to touch the
stove@) )Why does candy make my teeth fall out@) )Why do carrots make my hair
curly@) )Why does "anta =laus need a letter if he's so magic@) )Why did %addy
wink at you when you were talking about a second honeymoon, :and why do you
call a 1oon honey@) )Why do you talk like there are two 1oons when Billy says
there's $ust ;ne@) ?4illy is the too-s$art-8or-his-%lue;ea"s ol-er A'uar-ia" %rother5
a"- i8 you have that co$%i"atio" at your house5 you>re i" real hot ,aterI@ All
through lu"ch5 "ap ti$e a"- supper5 the 'uestio"s -ro"e o". <Why did you and
%addy say >randpa was henpecked@ *s he a chicken@) )Why did my teddy bear tell
you * ate the cookies@ Why doesn't he ever talk to me like he talks to you@)
0ou can see that most of the 3upiter youngster's (uestions are aimed at puncturing
adult hypocrisy or grownup smugness and downright deception. *t won't do you
much good to get all worked up and yell, )Be stillB *f you say :whyE once more, 666
pa--le you. Do">t ever say that ,or- agai".< !hen you'll hear the archer's clear little
voice giving it to you right between the eyes? )Why not@)
,ater, when he or she is older, it will be )Why do * have to come in at a certain time
when you say you trust me@) -and you will trust this child, or you should.. )Why
does it matter what people think@ %o you care more about people than you do about
me@) !hat's a tough one. 4etter practice a" a"s,er to it ,hile he>s still i" -iapers.
!he "agittarian teenager will never swallow your rules if they're based on social
mores rather than on concern for his welfare. !here are some good, sound, logical
answers to your insistence on his observing certain social customs, of course. !hey
involve a reputation and its precious value, but be sure you have them well-
rehearsed and see that they ring true.
!he ancient warning, )when children are little, they step on your feet-when they're
bigger, they step on your heart,) might have been written about a "agittarian.
!here's no getting around it. !his child is awkward, if not downright clumsy. Feep
the medicine chest well stocked with iodine and band aids. !iny "agittarians clomp
on your feet and get in the way of your dust mop, your vacuum and all your good
intentions. 0ou may have a constantly sore toe and a sore ego. But those are nothing
compared to the sore heart you may have someday when the 3upiter boy or girl
plants a foot on it firmly. #is or her strong need for freedom includes freedom from
family ties, and these children will strike out on their own extraordinarily early,
sometimes neglecting to phone or write for long periods. *t can cause some mighty
painful stabs in the chest region. !he best cure for such parental heartburn is to
make sure when your "agittarian child is little that he's learned to respect you for
your sense of honor and tolerance. *f you're narrow and pre$udiced, you may only
see him on holidays, if then. But if you refrain from $udging his friends by any yard-
stick other than their true value-and if you've proved you have faith in his decency
and in his dreams, he'll come home to renew his love and trip over your feet to your
heart's content. ;therwise, he'll stay out there somewhere with his blanket or pillow
or teddy bear in the form of new friends who accept him for what he is and believe
in him.
+:pect ro$a"ce to rear its lacy hea- 'uite early. The girls ,ill pro%a%ly "ot %e
seriousB they>re ;ust tryi"g out their 8e$i"i"ity5 i8 the right pare"tal attitu-e
preclu-es usi"g -ates as that security %la"7et. The %oys $ay "ee- a little special
tutori"g i" the su%;ect o8 %ir-s a"- %ees. A" ou"ce o8 preve"tio" is ,orth a pou"- o8
Teach these chil-re" eco"o$y. !hey'll spend money like it's made of paper, which
they've already discovered it is. They have to lea$ that ,he" they spe"- their
allo,a"ce5 it>s spe"t. Do">t plug up the holes 8or the$. *f they waste their lunch
money on comic books or 1ad 1againe- let them take peanut butter and $elly
sandwiches to school for the rest of the week. That $ay sou"- a little harsh5 %ut it>s
"ecessary. So$e-ay the Di"ers> !lu% ,ill tha"7 you.
Both sexes will probably en$oy school. !heir multiple-faceted intelligence and great
curiosity will make learning a fascinating game, if their bright interest isn't
s(uelched by too much dull, boring routine and too much insistence on strict
regulations and rigid study habits. !he more progressive education becomes, the
better and happier students these children will be. !hey're restless, and making
them sit still constantly or stifling their fanciful imagination will soon kill their
incentive, sadly, sometimes permanently. Sagittaria" chil-re" ,ith severe5 i"tolera"t
or ,ho are victi$s o8 u"i$agi"ative teachi"g $etho-s te"- to ,a"t to -rop out o8
school a"- go to ,or7.
The ho"or syste$ ,or7s very ,ell ,ith you"g archers. A Jupiter chil- ,ill "ever
cheat i" a"y ,ay5 i8 he>s truste- "ot to -o so. &ther,ise5 he $ay 8igure it -oes">t
$atter. 28 "o o"e %elieves i" hi$5 the" ,hy tryA
There $ay %e a -eep a"- very serious i"terest i" religio". These are the %oys a"-
girls ,ho -eci-e at a te"-er age to %eco$e a priest or a "u"5 $i"ister5 ra%%i or $is-
sio"ary i" a 8oreig" cou"try. As they gro, ol-er5 they>ll 'uestio" -og$as5 perhaps
cha"ge 8aith a"- church $e$%ership5 searchi"g eter"ally 8or truth. The *eace !orps
i"varia%ly attracts Jupiter you"gsters. They li7e the i-ea o8 seei"g the ,orl- a"- the
cha"ce to put their i-ealis$ to ,or7. A "agittarian without a cause is like a dog
without a bone to chew on. /ighting for causes develops their strength. Without a
bone, the puppy may tear the couch or chair to shreds. Without a cause, the
"agittarian youngster may tear into ideas with such fervor and fanaticism that he
can shred his future irreparably.
.is eyes are 8aste"e- trusti"gly o" the stars5 a"- he $ay ta7e a 8e, spills as he
tru-ges alo"g5 "ot "otici"g the roc7s i" his path. #e's an independent, honest little
archer. >ive him lots of room to shoot and to practice drawing his bow. #e needs to
feel the grass under his bare feet, feel the rain on his face and bake his dreams in the
strong, warm sunlight until they're well-done. !here he is, waving his happy,
optimistic young heart at you. Wave back at him with cheerful faith.

The SA#2TTA120S 4oss
>/o5 "oI the a-ve"tures 8irst5< sai- the #rypho" i" a" i$patie"t to"e9
<+:pla"atio"s ta7e such a -rea-8ul ti$e.<
The 8irst ,ee7 o" the ;o% ,ith a Sagittarius %oss $ay leave you a little co"8use-.
=ou ,o">t 7"o, ,hether to laugh or cry. The ge"tle$a" o%viously is a -ope.
&r is he a ge"iusA No5 he>s "either-he>s clearly ;ust a ru-e %oor. At seco"- gla"ce5 he
has a touch o8 Do" 6ui:ote. 4ut that coul-">t %e. Not ,he" he i"sults you ,ith such
relish. Still5 he -oes 8latter you ,ith ,ar$ si"cerity. Loo7 at hi$-as a,7,ar- as a
three-legge- colt. No5 actually he>s a grace8ul as a racehorse. /hat -oes he use5 tric7
A8ter the seco"- ,ee75 you>ll u"easily -eci-e to stay a,hile a"- see ,hat happe"s
"e:t. 4y "o,5 you>re sure his $other spoile- hi$ rotte". ?/ro"g. She -i-">t have a
cha"ce. Di- ,hat he ,a"te- to -o.@ /ell5 he>s so$e%o-y else>s pro%le$5 "ot yours.
=ou>re leavi"g soo". She>s ,elco$e to the guy-his ,i8e5 that is. =ou>ve %egu" to
8eel sorry 8or her. ?She she-s a 8e, tears o8 sel8-pity hersel8 at ti$es5 %ut she lea-s
a" e:citi"g li8e.@ =ou>re sure he secretly hates you. ?.e>s cra3y a%out you. Just
%rutally ho"est ,he" you $a7e a $ista7e a"- pai"8ully 8ra"7 a%out your 8aults.@
=ou thi"7 he>s goi"g to pro$ote you. ?Not yet. .e ,as ;ust a little over-e"thusiastic
yester-ay.@ .e i"vite- you to lu"ch this $or"i"g. No, you ca" 8i"- out ,hat he>s
really li7e. ?.e ca"celle- it. .e ha- 8orgotte" he pro$ise- to spea7 at the AS*!A
T,o $o"ths later5 %oth you a"- your psychiatrist 8eel it>s ti$e to have a serious tal7
,ith hi$. =ou $a7e up your $i"-9 28 he liste"s to your co$plai"ts a%out his erratic
a"- pu33li"g actio"s5 a"- he lets you 7"o, ,here you sta"- ,ith hi$ a"- the
co$pa"y5 you>ll re$ai" o" the ;o%. &ther,ise youll 'uit. =ou ,ill %e 8ir$. ?Sorry.
.e ;ust le8t 8or Lo"-o".@ All right5 you ca" ,ait. So you>ll put your car-s o" the
ta%le ,he" he retur"s5 a"- tell hi$ e:actly ho, you 8eel. #ive hi$ a 8e, -ays to get
%ac7 i"to the s,i"g o8 thi"gs. .e loo7s a little tire-. 4ut you>re "ot goi"g to let that
i$press you. 4y to$orro, he shoul- %e settle- -o," e"ough to liste" to reaso".
?=ou>ll have to call the airport i"stea-. .e>s leavi"g 8or To7yo.@ No, ,ait a $i"uteI
/he" is he goi"g to light so$e,here lo"g e"ough 8or you to tell hi$ ,hat>s ,ro"g
,ith the ,ay he treats youA
=ou really ,a"t a" a"s,erA Never. =our Sagittarius %oss greases the %all %eari"gs
o" his s7ates each $or"i"g a"- casually gli-es arou"- to,"5 %uil-i"g o"e
garga"tua" pro$otio" a8ter a"other. .e certai"ly -oes">t ,a"t to stop lo"g e"ough
to hear you tell hi$ his 8aults. .e thi"7s he>s a pretty goo- apple. A"- he is5 ,he"
you stop to thi"7 a%out it. &8te" he>s shy a"- helpless5 a"- he "ee-s to %e
4ut he 7eeps $a7i"g those outrageous re$ar7s to people. /hy shoul- he e:pect
you to $a7e e:cuses 8or hi$A 4esi-es5 a perso" ca" ru" out o8 e:cuses. ?!all his
,i8e. She 7eeps a" alpha%etical 8ile o8 the$.@
2t>s "ot 8air 8or hi$ to 7eep s$ili"g so cheer8ully ,hile he co$pletely ig"ores ,hat
you>re sayi"g a"- re8uses to stic7 to a sche-ule. ?!all his $other. She>- love to
-iscuss it ,ith you. 4ee" ,aiti"g 8or years to 8i"- so$eo"e to sy$pathi3e ,ith her.@
/hat are you goi"g to -oA =ou si$ply have to -o so$ethi"g.
=ou $ight try ,riti"g hi$ a letter. 4e sure it>s logical5 ,ith "o pho"y e$otio" or
o"e-si-e- argu$e"ts ,hich $a7e hi$ the villai" a"- you the righteous o"e. .e>s the
righteous o"e. 28 you $a7e a 8air poi"t5 hell co"si-er it5 a"- try to $e"- his ,ays5
%ut he -oes">t ,a"t to spe"- si: hours -iscussi"g it. 2" his opi"io"5 there are $ore
e:citi"g a-ve"tures tha" liste"i"g to a recital o8 ,hy he>s ,ro"g. 4esi-es5 he>s "ot
goi"g to cha"ge a"y,ay5 so ,hy ,aste his valua%le ti$eA Does">t he have a"y
virtues at allA /ell5 yes5 he -oes. Stop right there. .a"g o" to those5 a"- 8orget the
rest. .is $other -i-. .is ,i8e -oes. 2$itate their ,is-o$.
=ou coul- start %y chec7i"g o88 a list o8 his goo- poi"ts. 1ight a,ay you have to
a-$it he>s sel-o$ gru$py. &"ly o"ce i" a ,hile5 ,he" so$e%o-y tries to -a$pe"
the 8ires o8 his e"thusias$5 or ,he" that stu88y accou"ta"t ,a"ts hi$ to re$e$%er
,hat he $ea"t %y those 8igures i" his e:pe"se report 8or last $o"th. #e"erally your
Sagittarius %oss is a rather happy-go-luc7y5 opti$istic5 cheer8ul 8ello,. That>s a
plus. No,5 ,hat elseA .e>s pretty 8air a%out sic7 leave a"- vacatio"s. A"other goo-
poi"t-he>s ge"erous. Lots o8 %osses ,oul-">t have u"-erstoo- ,he" you lost all your
$o"ey at the race trac7 a"- ha- to %orro, a $o"th>s pay i" a-va"ce. All he sai- ,as
that you shoul- have as7e- hi$ ,hich horse ,as goi"g to ,i" %e8ore you pic7e-
such o%vious losers. 4ut he gave you the a-va"ce5 a"- sai- you coul- pay it %ac7 a
8e, -ollars a ,ee7 later. A"other chec7 $ar7 to his cre-it.
/he" you i$pulsively %ro7e o88 your e"gage$e"t a"- the" regrette- it -eeply5 he
gave you the a8ter"oo" o88 so you coul- patch it up. 4e8ore you le8t5 he happe"e- to
re$ar7 that he thought you ,ere the $ost creative e$ployee i" the 8ir$5 a"- his
o%vious si"cerity pic7e- up your -roopy heart. 2t gave you the courage to ru" right
straight i"to so$eo"e>s ar$s ,ith co"8i-e"ce5 a"- the %ro7e" love a88air ,as
$e"-e- %y "ight8all. All right5 so he>s a pretty great $orale %ooster. A"ythi"g
=ou 7i"- o8 a-$ire hi$ %ecause he>s a crusa-er. .e 8ights har- 8or ,hat he %elieves
is right5 a"- it gives you a ,ar$ 8eeli"g to ,or7 8or a $a" li7e that. 2t>s sort o8
e:citi"g to %e arou"- so$eo"e ,ho -e8e"-s lost causes. .e>s true to hi$sel8 a"- his
co-e5 ,hatever it $ight %e. That>s re8reshi"g5 is">t itA &8 course. A-- a"other virtue.
4ut ,ait-,hat a%out that ti$e you 8elt li7e a co$plete 8ool ,he" you 'uote- the
,ro"g 8igures at a sales $eeti"g5 a"- he le- the laughterA The" he trie- to 8i: it up
%y Sayi"g5 <That>s our %oy5 To$5 al,ays thro,i"g i" a $o"7ey ,re"ch5 %ut ,e love
hi$ a"y,ay.< Do">t thi"7 a%out those thi"gs "o,. /e>re -,elli"g o" his goo-
poi"ts5 re$e$%erA
There>s "o -e"yi"g a Sagittarius %oss ca" 7eep you a little up i" the air. 2t>s har- to
-eci-e i8 he>s a sai"t or a si""er5 or a little o8 each. The latter is pro%a%ly closer to
the truth. 2t ta7es a spell to get use- to the Jupiter e:ecutive. .e>s usualy a hail-
8ello,-,ell-$et type5 %ut the Sagittarius ho"esty a"- -esire to 7eep everythi"g
a%ove-%oar- ?a"- 2 $ea" everythi"g@ ca" %e a shoc7 to $ore se"sitive "atures. This
$a" is so -e$ocratic you ca">t help li7i"g hi$. Still5 his 8orthright $a""er a"-
%rutal 8ra"7"ess are so$eti$es har- to ta7e. The Sagittarius e$ployer is si"cere a"-
8rie"-ly5 a"- it>s o%vious he is">t the 7i"- o8 $a" to hol- a gru-ge or -eli%erately
hurt a"yo"e. .e has very 8e, i"hi%itio"s5 a"- correcti"g your $ista7es -e8i"itely
is">t o"e o8 the$. .is criticis$ is -o"e i" the ope"5 usually ,ith a %are $i"i$u$ o8
tact. +ve" the ge"tle archers "ever thi"7 o8 the ,ou"-s they>re i"8licti"g ,he" they
cheer8ully poi"t out your 8la,s ,ith -ea-ly accuracy. True5 the co$pli$e"ts a"-
,ar$ appreciatio" 8ar out,eigh the e$%arrass$e"ts5 %ut those pai"8ul $o$e"ts
sta"- out li7e sore thu$%s. The Dece$%er-%or" %oss ho"estly %elieves that
everyo"e ,a"ts to hear the truth. So he tells the$. /he" he sees that he has
o88e"-e-5 he ca" %e the soul o8 co"trite regret. The" he apologi3es pro8usely a"-
e:plai"s5 8re'ue"tly $a7i"g it ,orse.
=ou>ll sel-o$ 7"o, ,here he is at a"y give" $o$e"t. Sagittarius ca" %e a"y,here
at a $i"ute>s "otice. =ou>ll lea$ that he>s great at spotti"g pho"ies5 8a7e sales$e"
,ith 8alse pitches5 clie"ts ,ith hi--e" $otives a"- e$ployees ,ith hi--e" vices.
.e>s "ot so clever a%out his love li8e. 28 he>s si"gle5 he $ay 7eep the o88ice %u33i"g
,ith his se"ti$e"tal ;our"eys a"- his active ro$a"tic a-ve"tures.
.e pro%a%ly has a host o8 8rie"-s o8 all shapes a"- -escriptio"s. 4a"7 presi-e"ts5
i$porta"t politicia"s5 car"ival people5 "e,spaper reporters5 $i"isters5 -octors5
la,yers5 plu$%ers5 carpe"ters5 ra-io a""ou"cers5 society -o,agers5 girl ,eight-
li8ters5 ga$%lers5 chorus girls5 architects5 %arte"-ers a"- college pro8essors all trip
$errily over his ,elco$e $at at all hours o8 the -ay or "ight. .e si3es up people
,ith his o," ruler. 28 they $easure up to his sta"-ar-s5 he loyally -e8e"-s the$.
.e gives or-ers ,ith a rather regal air5 %ut he>s so ;ovial a%out it5 a"- there>s
"or$ally so $uch logic i" his $etho-s5 it>s har- to ta7e o88e"se. Tactless a"-
so$eti$es 8oolish5 he "evertheless ca" call o" his po,er8ul i"tuitio" a"- luc7y
hu"ches to pull hi$ out o8 al$ost a"y ;a$ he gets hi$sel8 i"to. ?The ro$a"tic ;a$s
$ay %e a little stic7ier5 a"- har-er 8or hi$ to avoi-.@ .e>s a $uch -eeper thi"7er
tha" his casual "ature ,oul- lea- you to %elieve5 A Sagittarius %oss ca" give a"y
attor"ey a goo- argu$e"t a"- "or$ally co$e out ahea-. 28 he>s a typical Jupiter
e:ecutive5 he>s pro%a%ly ha- a" e:celle"t e-ucatio". +ve" i8 he has">t you>ll "ever
guess5 ,hat ,ith all the 7"o,le-ge his i"'uisitive $i"- has pic7e- up alo"g the
.e>s %asically 7i"--hearte-5 %ut he>s also a$%itious e"ough to step o" a 8e, toes
occasio"ally. .is $e$ory so$eti$es 8ails i" social situatio"s5 %ut rarely o" 8acts.
The archer ca" roll o88 the 8igures o8 his co$petitor>s gross %usi"ess a"- 8orget the
"a$e o8 his o," %oo77eeper5 ,ho>s %ee" ,ith hi$ 8or several years. Although he
,al7s ,ith a 8ree5 active stri-e5 "o, a"- the" ,ith typical Sagittaria" careless"ess5
he $ay step i"to the ,aste%as7et or gri"- out his cigarette i" the paper clips. 4ut
though his 8eet $ay stu$%le over the telepho"e cor-5 his $i"- rarely stu$%les. .is
i-eas are 8re'ue"tly u"popular5 a"- ai$e- ,ay over $ost people>s s'uare hea-s5 %ut
"i"e out o8 te" o8 the$ pay o88.
There arc so$e shy Sagittarius %osses5 %ut u"-er the ti$i- sur8ace5 Jupiter ,ill
co"trol the perso"ality. +ve" the retiri"g type o8 archer shoots his arro,s to,ar- the
s7y5 a"- 7eeps 8ir$ grip o" the %o,. The e:troverte- o"es love to tal7 a"- e:pou"-
their 8avorite theories ?plus $ost o8 their private thoughts@. The i"troverte- o"es ca"
$a"age a pretty 8air $o"ologue5 too5 ,he" the $oo- hits the$5 a"- ,hat they have
to say is usually i"teresti"g or i"structive. =our Sagittarius %oss loves a"i$als5
%right lights5 %ig pla"s5 creative thi"7ers5 goo- 8oo- a"- -ri"75 travel5 loyalty5
cha"ge a"- 8ree-o$. .e>s cool to -isho"esty5 cruelty5 sel8ish"ess5 7eepi"g secrets
8ro$ hi$5 sti"gi"ess5 pessi$is$5 possessive"ess a"- hypocrisy. .e>s usually a lot o8
8u" to ,or7 8or5 a"- he gro,s o" you. =ou 7i"- o8 get the 8eeli"g i8 you ever le8t
hi$ he ,oul- so$eho, lose his ,ay5 i" spite o8 his egotis$ a"- i"-epe"-e"ce. .e
,o">t5 %ut stic7 ,ith hi$ a"y,ay. To$orro, $ay al,ays %e a large 'uestio" $ar75
%ut to-ay ,ill "ever %e -ull.

The SA#2TTA120S +$ployee
<28s %y 8ar the $ost co"8usi"g thi"g 2 ever hear-.<
<2 shoul- li7e to have it e:plai"e-5< sai- the Moc7 Turtle.
<She ca">t e:plai" it5< sai- the #rypho" hastily.
<#o o" ,ith the "e:t verse.<
Lots o8 e$ployees5 ,he" you tell the$ ho, $uch $o"ey they ca" $a7e a8ter a year
,ith the 8ir$5 plus the 8i"a"cial i"ce"tives a8ter 8ive years> service5 sho, a great
-eal o8 i"terest. =our Sagittarius e$ployee ,ill "ot. .e>s 8ar $ore 8asci"ate- %y
,hat you>re goi"g to pay hi$ "o,-to-ay. To$orro, is 8ar e"ough a,ay5 %ut "e:t
year is u"thi"7a%le a"- 8ive years is 8orever. That>s play $o"ey. .e>s i"tereste- i"
real cash. /hat happe"s later is up to the go-s. .e>ll thro, the -ice a"- hope 8or the
%est. 0sually5 the go-s ,ill s$ile o" hi$.
The Sagittaria" is a -elight to have arou"- the o88ice. .e $ay 7"oc7 over the 8ili"g
ca%i"et or spill co88ee o" the outgoi"g $ail o"ce i" a,hile5 %ut ,hat>s a little
clu$si"ess ,he" he>s so cheer8ul a"- ,illi"g to helpA .e>s "ot a ,hi"er or
co$plai"er. .e>s a positive soul5 as e"thusiastic a"- opti$istic as you ,ere ,he"
you 8irst ;oi"e- the 8ir$5 re$e$%erA The -i88ere"ce is that he>ll stay that ,ay a8ter
he>s retire-. 2t>s part o8 his "ature. So$e o8 it $ay ru% o88 o" you5 a"- ,ho 7"o,s5
he $ay shi"e so$e light o" that -ar7 cor"er ,here you lost your illusio"s5 so you
ca" polish the$ up a"- try the$ out agai".
Sagittarius "ever -oes thi"gs hal8,ay. The o"ly thi"g he>s slo, to $a7e up his $i"-
a%out is $arriage. 2" everythi"g else5 he>s 8airly spee-y. There are5 o8 course5 so$e
archers ,ith Taurus or !apricor" asce"-a"ts ,ho $ove ,ith $ore cautio"5 %ut
they>re "ot slo, po7es i" either their e$otio"al or $e"tal attitu-es. Nor$ally5 the
typical Sagittaria" is ,ay ahea- o8 you5 a"- he certai"ly -oes">t $i"- %rightly
calli"g your atte"tio" to it ,he" he is. .u$ility is "ot o"e o8 his $ore "oticea%le
attri%utes. So$e Sagittaria"s ,ear a thi" veil o8 $o-esty over their 8iery egos5 %ut i8
you pee7 through it5 you>ll see a sel8-co"8i-e"t perso"5 ,ho is really 'uite happy
,ith hi$sel8 i" ge"eral .e $ay %e a little u"sure o8 hi$sel8 i" love $atters o"
occasio"5 %ut ,ho is">tA
Sagittarius $ay so$eti$es see$ %oth casual a"- careless5 %ut "ever let that lea-
you i"to the grave error o8 u"-eresti$ati"g the 8lashi"g Jupiter i"tuitio" a"- o8te"
%rillia"t $e"tal processes. There ,ill %e ti$es ,he" you have "o i-ea ,here he>s
goi"g or ,here he>s %ee" either. There ,ill %e other occasio"s ,he" you>ll ,o"-er i8
he>s really shy5 or ;ust %i-i"g his ti$e 8or that pla" he has pressure coo7i"g i" his
%rai". At other ti$es5 you ,o">t have a"y roo$ 8or -ou%t. .ell $a7e so %ol- you>ll
%e aghast at his 8orthright state$e"ts. There ,ill %e little that>s s$all a%out his
gestures5 i-eas or actio"s. .e $a7es large5 gra"- $ista7es a"- pulls i" super-uper
,i""i"gs agai"st e"or$ous o--s.
The Sagittaria" curiosity $ay get o" your "erves. .e>ll "ever %e satis8ie- ,ith
si$ply getti"g i"structio"s. .e>ll ,a"t to 7"o, the ,hy %ehi"- your or-ers5 a"- the
reaso" 8or your $etho-s. 28 your logic appeals to hi$5 hell praise you ,ith his
ho"est approval. 28 "ot5 you $ay shri"7 %e8ore his e'ually 8ra"7 appraisal o8 the
holes i" your proce-ures. That>s %e8ore you collect your ,its a"- %eco$e a"gry.
!ollecti"g your ,its $ay %e a "ecessary precautio" i" -eali"g ,ith a Sagittaria"5
%ut getti"g a"gry is a sha$8r. 8ul ,aste o8 a-re"ali"5 %ecause very 8e, people ca"
$a"age to stay $a- at the archer. .e>s the 7i"- you ,a"t to s$ac7 a"- 7iss at the
sa$e ti$e. Si"ce that>s i$possi%le ?the 8irst is out i8 she>s your secretary5 a"- the
seco"- is out i8 he>s your sales $a"ager@5 you $ay as ,ell ;ust give
up-Most Sagittaria" e$ployees ,o">t %lush ,he" you pay Q0s the$ a co$pli$e"t.
They love applause. =ou $ay %lush 8or the$5 ho,ever5 ,he" they start to %oast
a%out their tale"ts a"- a%ilities. &"e o8 the $i"or Jupiter 8la,s is a happy
,illi"g"ess to pro$ise to -eliver a"ythi"g-the s7y is truly the li$it-a"- the" "ot
'uite 8ollo,i"g through5 %ecause the target ,as a little 8urther o88 tha" he 8igure-.
Ne:t ti$e5 hell ai$ straighter a"- -eliver. The 'uieter5 $ore -iscreet archers ,ill5 i"
their o," $il- ,ay5 also te"- to %ite o88 a ,ee %it $ore tha" they ca" che,. Still5
%oth types ,ill co$e through o" top o8te" e"ough to 7eep you 8asci"ate-.
2t>s the Jupiter luc7 that see$s to ha"g over these people. Alrea-y 8orti8ie- at %irth
%y relia%le hu"ches a"- e:celle"t perceptio"s ,hich progress to,ar- logical co"-
clusio"s5 they>re right $ore o8te" tha" they>re ,ro"g. A-- a little typical Sagittarius
luc75 a"- you ca" see ,hy they>re 8re'ue"tly at the hea- o8 the para-e. A 8rie"- o8
$i"e rece"tly poi"te- out ,hat he thought ,as a" e:ceptio"-a Sagittarius actress
,ho>s %ee" tryi"g to get a %rea7 8or years. Although it "o, loo7s as i8 it>s ;ust
arou"- the cor"er5 she ,aite- so lo"g a"- ha- to ,or7 so har- to get recog"i3e- he
thought Jupiter ha- -eserte- her. 4ut her -elay i" %eco$i"g a star ha- "othi"g to -o
,ith the co"siste"t Jupiter-type goo- 8ortu"e. +very%o-y>s ti$eta%le is a little ;er7y
so$eti$es. Still5 she gets the la"-lor- to 8i: her -oor 7"o%s ,hile the ,ater is
8loo-i"g the %e-roo$ i" a"other apart$e"tB she gets to the store ;ust i" ti$e to %uy
the last ho"ey -e, $elo" i" the rac7B a"- she 8i"-s a "e, pair o8 stoc7i"gs i" the
re8rigerator ,he" she>s tor" her o"ly pair a"- -oes">t have a -i$e le8t u"til "e:t
Tues-ay. She got her 8irst really goo- ;o% %ecause the pro-ucer thought she ,as
Sa"-y De""is5 a"- the" ,as gla- he $a-e the $ista7e a8ter he sa, her act. Those
7i"-s o8 thi"gs are al,ays happe"i"g to Sagittarius people. 4e8ore the situatio" gets
too %lac75 the su" pops out 8ro$ so$e u"e:pecte- source a"- shi"es o" the$5 as i8
the su" ,a"te- to re,ar- Jupiter>s pure a"- "aive opti$is$.
So$eti$es the Sagittaria" luc7 ,or7s i" reverse 8or the archer you e$ploy. .ell
8u$%le the %iggest -eal your out8it ever ha- the cha"ce to close5 %ut the -ay %e8ore
you 8ire hi$5 you>ll -iscover that the presi-e"t o8 the co$pa"y he i"sulte- a"- calle-
a pho"y ,as ;ust i"-icte- 8or selli"g ,atere- stoc7s. That cra3y Sagittaria">s %lu"-er
pro%a%ly save- you 8ro$ sheer -isaster. =our Jupiter secretary ,ho 8orgot to $ail
those i$porta"t letters har-ly has ti$e to -ry her tears at your cruel a%use %e8ore
you 8i"- out that o"e o8 the$ co"tai"e- a chec7 $a-e out 8or $ore $o"ey tha" your
8ir$ coul- cover at the %a"7 that ,ee7.
There are Sagittaria"s ,ho sco88 at their o," goo- 8ortu"e a"- li7e to give the
i$pressio" they>re real %or" losers. 28 you e$ploy o"e5 -o">t %e tric7e- %y his
shre,--"ess. .e $ay %e o"e o8 those suspicious types ,ith a Scorpio asce"-a"t
,ho thi"7s that5 i8 he tal7s a%out it5 his luc7 ,ill cha"ge5 %ut he ,i"s at 4i"go as
o8te" as the rest o8 the archers. Last ,ee75 he ,al7e- i"to a shoe store ?o %uy the
cheapest pair o8 shoes they ha-5 %ecause he ,as %ro7e. 2t tur"e- out that he ,as the
o"e $illio"th custo$er a"- he ,o" a "e, pair o8 shoes every $o"th 8or 8ive years.
.e -i-">t tell you a%out that5 -i- heA Scorpio asce"-a"t. 4ut Jupiter Su" sig".
Disho"esty is "ot o"e o8 his ,ea7"esses. Neither is tact. =ou $ay have to patch up
so$e o88ice s'ua%%les or have to $a7e peace ,he" your %rutally 8ra"7 Sagittaria"
sy$pathi3es ,ith the %oo77eeper a%out his %al-"ess a"- suggests a cure-a8ter
you>ve spe"t years prete"-i"g the poor 8ello, ha- a 8ull hea- o8 hair to 7eep hi$
happy %ecause he>s a Leo. =our gal (ri-ay ,ill "ever 8orget the ti$e she ,as o" the
telepho"e ,ith the 8ir$>s $ost i$porta"t custo$er5 a"- the Sagittarius $e$%er o8
your sta88 rushe- up to her e:cite-ly a"- shoute- ,ithi" a" i"ch o8 the $outhpiece
that the pipes ,ere %ro7e" a"- the la-ies> roo$ ,as 8loo-e-. 2t ca" %e -isco"certi"g5
%ut you>ll get over these little character -e8icie"cies.
The Sagittarius e$ployee $ay surprise you ,ith a" occasio"al out%urst o8 te$per
-irecte- to,ar- a"yo"e 8ro$ the elevator operator to yoursel8. ?.e>s "ot pre;u-ice-.@
.is 8iery5 righteous i"-ig"atio" is usually arouse- ,he" so$eo"e -ares to 'uestio"
the ho"esty o8 his i"te"tio"a. .e>s the soul o8 i"tegrity5 eve" i8 he ta7es so$e o--5
,i"-i"g %ac7 roa-s to reach the truth. .e really is. Dou%ti"g hi$ or accusi"g hi$ o8
8alse prete"ses ca" cause hi$ to -ip his ver%al arro,s i" 8la$e. They>ll pierce your
se"sitive spots as i8 he ha- %ee" trai"e- %y 1o%i" .oo- hi$sel8. 2" 8act5 1o%i" is a
very goo- "ic7"a$e 8or hi$. .e pro%a%ly -eeply sy$pathi3es ,ith ro%%i"g the rich
to help the poor. As 8or his a"ger5 it "ever lasts lo"g e"ough to really %u$5 a"- his
arro,s sel-o$ leave scars. Just little "ic7s i" your ego.
28 he ca">t 8i"- a" apart$e"t5 let your archer $ove i"to o"e o8 your large5 roo$y
suitcases a"- pay re"t. .ell $uch pre8er livi"g out o8 a suitcase to livi"g u"-er a
roo8 a"- %et,ee" 8our ,alls5 i8 they threate" i" a"y ,ay to ro% hi$ o8 his 8ree-o$.
/he" he co$es i" ,ith his %rie8 case covere- ,ith travel stic7ers5 he>s givi"g you a
su%tle 2 $essage that his toes are getti"g itchy. Ta7e the hi"t a"- ; se"- hi$ o" a
trip. .e pro%a%ly "ee-s it. .ell co$e %ac7 r ,ith a 8ull %ag o8 or-ers a"- a lighter
heart. .e>s a goo- sales$a"5 %ut you $ay have to trai" hi$ to cur% his hasty
e"thusias$s. The Sagittarius ca" -ash out a8ter a challe"ge5 a"- 8orget to ,ear his
cautio". 4ut as i$pulsive as he is5 ,he" his thi"7i"g cap is securely 8aste"e- o" he
ca" %eat all the pros ,ith his sou"-5 logical5 i8 a %it startli"g i-eas. Mo"ey is
i$porta"t to hi$5 %ecause he has to support hi$sel8 i" the style to ,hich he ,oul-
li7e to %eco$e accusto$e-. .e>s sel-o$ sti"gy a"- i8 you are5 he>ll $ove o" to
$ore co"ge"ial surrou"-i"gs.
=our Archer ca" cause you to thro, up your ha"-s i" -espair5 %ut it ,o">t -o a"y
goo-. /he" he sees you ,ith your ar$s i" the air5 he>ll ;ust toss you a %all a"- say5
<!atchI< /hat are you goi"g to -oA !atch. The e:ercise ,ill %e. goo- 8or you.
<Spea7 i" (re"ch -,he" you ca">t thi"7
o8 the5 +"glish 8or a thi"g-
Tur" out your toes as you ,al7-a"- re$e$%er
/ho you areI<

!A*12!&1N5 the #oat
Dece$%er 22"- through Ja"uary 20.
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The !A*12!&1N Ma"
The !A*12!&1N /o$a"
The !A*12!&1N !hil-
The !A*12!&1N 4oss
The !A*12!&1N

.o, to 1ecog"i3e !A*12!&1N
<=ou are ol-. (ather /illia$.< the you"g $a" sai-5
<A"- your hair has %eco$e very ,hiteB
A"- yet you i"cessa"tly sta"- o" your hea-r-
Do you thi"75 at your age5 it is rightA<
2t>s a"ythi"g %ut a %ree3e to grasp the !apricor" character. =ou>ll lear" to recog"i3e
this Su" sig"5 %ut you>ll "ee- so$e preli$i"ary practice. Stu-y the 'uiet spi-er i"
the co$er. .e has">t a cha"ce agai"st the 8ast-8lyi"g i"sects. 4ut they get caught i"
his cleverly spu" ,e%-a"- the spi-er ,i"s. 1e$e$%er Aesop>s slo, tortoise5
hu$orously cra,li"g i" that race. .e has">t a cha"ce agai"st the 'uic75 %right hare.
4ut the 8lighty hare goes i" all -irectio"s5 8orgetti"g the goal-the tortoise ,i"s.
&%serve the goat5 as he scales the $ou"tai"si-e. .e has">t a cha"ce agai"st the
strategy o8 the s$arter hu$a"s ,ho pursue hi$. 4ut the hu"ters 8all %ehi"- as the
stur-y goat cli$%s -eter$i"e-ly 8ro$ crag to crag o" his u"i'uely -esig"e- hooves-
a"- the goat ,i"s.
No, stu-y a !apricor". /here ,ill you 8i"- hi$A Just a%out a"y,here he ca"
a-va"ce or i$prove hi$sel8. A"y,here he ca" get ahea- a"- 8urther his secret
a$%itio"s. Try a social gatheri"g. The !apricor" is "ot a care8ree party type5 %ut the
goat ,e>re stu-yi"g is a social cli$%er as ,ell as a $ou"tai" cli$%er. *ic7 a $i:e-
group5 pre8era%ly i" the upper i"co$e level. =ou ca" also try the $i--le i"co$e
level5 %ut the lo,er you go %e"eath that5 the s$aller your cha"ces o8 8i"-i"g a
!apricor". .e pro%a%ly ,o">t %e ,eari"g a la$p sha-e o" his hea-5 tap -a"ci"g or
calli"g atte"tio" to hi$sel8 i" a"y ,ayB he>ll %e the a-$iri"g spectator i" the
%ac7grou"-. =ou $ay "ot eve" "otice hi$ at 8irst as he 'uietly a"- cal$ly ,atches
all the 8lashy5 pushy5 char$i"g5 aggressive a"- %rillia"t perso"alities arou"- hi$.
+veryo"e i" the group ,ill see$ to have superior e'uip$e"t 8or the race-a"y race.
Lots o8 the$ are %lu88i"g5 so$e o8 the$ are a8rai-5 %ut they>re all highly polishe-5
a"- the !apricor" -oes">t see$ to have a cha"ce agai"st the$. =et5 he ,ill ,i".
A couple o8 years ago5 2 visite- the %oo7store o8 a Ne, =or7 astrologer. As 2
carelessly scattere- $y ge$s o8 ,is-o$5 gave hi$ u"solicite- a-vice a%out ,hat
%oo7s he shoul- stoc75 a"- argue- astrological theory ,ith hi$5 2 lear"e- he ,as a
!apricor" a"- he lear"e- 2 ,as a" Aries. S$ugly5 2 guesse- his correct asce"-a"t5
tal7e- 8aster5 $ove- 8aster a"- see$e- to -o$i"ate the sce"e. 4e8ore 2 le8t5 he gave
$e a char$i"g5 ge"tle s$ile5 a"- i" a 8asci"ati"g .u"garia" acce"t5 he sai- a 8u""y
thi"g. .e sai-5 <!apricor" ,ill al,ays triu$ph over Aries. The goat ,ill ,i" over
the ra$.< 2t ,as spo7e" lightly5 %ut he ,as 'uite serious. &utsi-e the %oo7store5 2
laughe- to $ysel8. <2$agi"e such co"ceit5< 2 thought. <No o"e ca" top a -ou%le
Aries.< F"o, ,hatA /he" 2 ca">t 8i"- certai" %oo7s 2 "ee- that have %ee" out o8
pri"t si"ce Noah %uilt the ar75 the !apricor" co$es up ,ith the$. #ra-ually5 2>ve
%ee" 8orce- to pay respect8ul tri%ute to his superiority. No, here 2 a$ cre-iti"g his
Su" sig" ,ith 'ualities 2 e"vy5 %ut -o">t possess. =ou seeA !apricor" ,o".
A"other co"8essio". As a" Aries5 2 hate to ta7e -irectio". No Aries ,riter ca" sta"-
to have a"yo"e e-it his ,or7. 1ece"tly5 it ,as suggeste- that a !apricor" ,o$a" go
over so$e $aterial 2 ha- ,ritte". 2 ,as i"8uriate-. &ut,ar-ly 2 agree-5 %ut secretly 2
-eci-e- that she ,as">t goi"g to cha"ge a si"gle ,or- o8 the pro-uct o8 $y ge"ius. 2
,oul- o"ly prete"- to go alo"g. She $a-e her suggestio"s 'uietly5 al$ost ti$i-ly5
a"- agai"st $y ,ill 2 sa, o"ly too clearly ho, i"tellige"t they ,ere. /hy ha-">t 2
thought o8 cutti"g that phrase a"- cha"gi"g that ,or- $ysel8A A8ter 2 ha-
gru-gi"gly 8ollo,e- her i"structio"s to the letter5 the i$prove$e"t i" the $aterial
,as pai"8ully o%vious. !apricor" ,o" agai".
2>ve 8i"ally $a-e up $y aggressive Aries $i"- that it>s "o use to 8ight the$. =ou
$ight as ,ell -o the sa$e thi"g. *ity the high pressure sales$a" ,ho si3es up his
!apricor" pigeo" a"- thi"7s5 <This guy is a pushover. 2 ca" sell hi$ the 4roo7ly"
4ri-ge.< .e has a lot to lea$.
Si"ce the goat $erges i"to the group so ge"tly5 u"co"sciously ca$ou8lagi"g hi$sel8
i"to the %ac7grou"-5 it>s "ot al,ays easy to recog"i3e the physical characteristics o8
this Su" sig". !aprico$s ca" %e stoc7y a"- $uscular5 thi" a"- ,iry or plu$p a"-
so8t. 4ut "o $atter ho, the %o-y is shape-5 the goat ,ill give the i$pressio" o8
%ei"g roote- to the spot5 u"til he -eci-es to $ove to a"other spot. #e"erally5 Satu$
people have straight5 la"75 -ar7 hair5 -ar75 stea-y eyes5 a"- s,arthy olive or ta"
co$ple:io"s. =ou>ll see !aprico$s ,ith curly %lo"-e hair a"- %lue eyes5 %ut ,atch
the$ closely. .o"estly "o,5 -o">t they really loo7 as i8 they shoul- have %ee" %or"
,ith -ar7 hair5 eyes a"- s7i"A 2t>s a -elicate poi"t5 %ut vali-. Ta7e Marle"e Die-
trich5 8or e:a$ple. Dres-e" chi"a co$ple:io"5 gree" eyes a"- cor" sil7 hair. Loo7
agai". &%serve her cal$5 -eli%erate actio"s. Liste" to her -eep5 throaty voice. Note
her lege"-ary tough %usi"ess hea- a"- her earthy a$%itio". Are">t these $ore
sy"o"o$ous ,ith the stea-y5 relia%le i$age o8 a %ru"etteA Master this su%tlety a"-
you>0 "ever %e 8oole- %y the appeara"ce o8 a !apricor".
There>s al,ays a 8ai"t aura o8 $ela"choly a"- serious"ess surrou"-i"g the Satur"
perso"ality. No"e o8 the$ co$pletely escape the Satur"i"e i"8lue"ce o8 ste$
-iscipli"e a"- sel8--e"ial. Ma"y !apricor"s have stro"g 8eet a"- ,ear se"si%le
shoes. Their ha"-s are capa%le5 their voices usually eve" a"- soothi"g-a"- you>ll
pro%a%ly "otice a ge"tle"ess that 8latters a"- persua-es. !aprieor"s ca" loo7 a"- act
as har$less as a 8eather 'uilt5 %ut they>re as tough as a 7eg o8 "ails. They ha$$er
a,ay persiste"tly5 rele"tlessly5 $a"agi"g to -igest i"sults5 pressures5
-isappoi"t$e"ts a"- -uty as cal$ly as the goat -igests rusty ca"s5 %ro7e" glass a"-
car-%oar-. Li7e hi$5 they have iro" sto$achs a"- -a"gerous hor"s. /hile the gay5
laughi"g e:troverts scatter their e"ergies hither a"- yo"5 !apricor"s "ever -eviate
a" i"ch to the le8t or right. They stea-ily 8ollo, the up,ar- path5 ,ith i"%re- 8aith
i" the security o8 the ,ell-travele- roa-5 a"- co"te$pt 8or the e"tici"g short cuts
they 7"o, are 8ull o8 pit8alls.
!apricor"s have a" e"or$ous a-$iratio" 8or those ,ho have prece-e- the$ to the
top o8 the $ou"tai"5 a"- ,ho have lai- -o," the la,s 8or the ;our"ey. They court
successB they respect authority a"- ho"or tra-itio". Lots o8 e"ergetic5 i$pulsive
people la%el the$ s"o%%ish a"- stu88y. The goat coul- co"versely la%el his critics
rash a"- 8oolish5 %ut usually he>s too ,ise to $a7e u""ecessary e"e$ies %y
i"-ulgi"g i" such sel8--e8e"se. The Satur"-rule- su%$it. They agree. They a-apt. &r
-o they ;ust appear to -o soA !apricor" allo,s others to ,al7 i" 8ro"t o8 hi$5 %ut he
o8te" gets there 8irst5 agai"st all logic. .e>s care8ul to avoi- the o%stacles5 the sharp
roc7s. No ,o"-er he sel-o$ stu$%les. .is eyes are">t 8aste"e- o" the stars. .e
7eeps his ga3e 8aste"e- ahea-5 a"- his 8eet 8ir$ly pla"te- o" the grou"-. Jealousy5
passio"5 i$pulse5 a"ger5 8rivolity5 ,aste5 la3i"ess5 careless"ess-are all o%stacles. Let
others trip a"- 8all over the$. Not !apricor". .e $ay gla"ce %rie8ly %ehi"- hi$
,ith pity 8or the 8ailures5 or i" grate8ul tri%ute 8or past a-vice a"- help5 %ut he>ll
soo" co"ti"ue his stea-y up,ar- cli$% u"til his goal is reache-.
There are !apricor"s ,ho are -eliciously ro$a"tic- ,ho u"-ersta"- the stra"ge
light o8 the $oo" a"- the glorious colors o8 the %utter8ly>s ,i"g. 4ut they ,o">t let
their e$otio"s %li"- the$ to the 8acts. Not i8 they>re typical Satur" people. 28
!apricor" ,rites a lovely poe$5 8ull o8 i$agi"atio" a"- illusio"5 the the$e ,ill %e
soli- a"- the pu"ctuatio" ,ill %e correct. 2t ,ill co$e to the poi"t5 a"- the se"ti$e"t
,ill "ever %e allo,e- to slosh over the e-ges. Do">t -e8y the co"ve"tio"s i8 you
,a"t the respect o8 the goat. +ve" the $ore -ari"g o"es5 a"- they are the
e:ceptio"s5 ,ill o%serve at least the outer trappi"gs o8 social accepta%ility. *u%lic
sce"es a"- ra,5 "a7e-5 u"co"trolle- passio"s e$%arrass the$.
Dy A" occasio"al !apricor" ,ill 8orget to hi-e his a$%itio"5 a"- re8use to ,or7
u"less he>s at the hea- o8 thi"gs. The" he %eco$es a stu%%or" goat ,ho i"sists o"
starti"g at the top o8 the la--er5 ,here he 8eels he %elo"gs. Naturally5 such a"
attitu-e pro-uces a gloo$y5 pessi$istic5 col- a"- sel8ish perso" ,ho>s i$possi%le to
satis8y. 4ut a couple o8 har- %u$ps usually su88ice to set hi$ o" the right path.
=ou"g !apricor"s are typically $ore co"te"te- tha" ol-er !apricor"s5 a"- there>s a
goo- reaso". 2" al$ost !hi"ese-8ashio"5 the Satur"-rule- you"gsters i-oli3e a"-
cestors a"- el-ers. 1espect 8or the ,is-o$ o8 age a"- e:perie"ce is i"grai"e- i" the
Satur"i"e "ature. /he" they $ature a"- the <ho"ora%le a"cestors< a"- the ol- 8ol7s
are go"e5 the ,il- actio"s o8 the $o-er" ge"eratio" ca" 8righte" a"- %e,il-er the
co"servative goats. They go a%out sayi"g5 <Teh5 tchI< sha7i"g their hea-s a"-
$ur$uri"g a%out the goo- ol- -ays. Luc7ily5 ho,ever5 a 8air perce"tage o8 the$
a-apt to $eet the challe"ge. 2t>s a ,ar$ thi"g to ,atch a gray-haire- !apricor"
cheer8ully cavorti"g ,ith youth5 lear"i"g 8or the 8irst ti$e the ;oys o8 chil-hoo- he
$isse- as a serious you"gster. &l-er !apricor"s either %ehave li7e 8rustrate- -ill
pic7les5 or they happ8ly roll hoops a"- -a"ce the %oogaloo. A 8e, o8 the$5 caught
i" the u"co$8orta%le $i--le5 gri" ,ith suppresse- e:cite$e"t as they sit o" the
si-eli"es a"- tap their 8eet i" ti$e to the $usic5 %ut "ever 'uite gather the courage to
;u$p o" the carousel.
=ou>ll sel-o$ 8i"- the straight5 ,ell-shape- !apricor"
"ose stuc7 i" other people>s %usi"ess or the Satur" to"gue ,aggi"g i" gossip. 28 the
Su" sig" is co$%i"e- ,ith a88licte- #e$i"i or *isces i"8lue"ces5 there $ay %e a
little ga%%i"ess5 %ut "or$ally they>re co"te"t to $i"- their o," a88airs. They ,o">t
o8te" ha"- out u"solicite- a-vice5 %ut ,he" you -eli%erately see7 their practical
,is-o$5 they ,o">t hesitate to give it ,ith ste$ overto"es. They>ll e:pect you to
accept it5 too. The !apricor" has lear"e- to cope ,ith -uty a"- respo"si%ility a"- to
tolerate 8rustratio". 28 you ca">t 8ollo, his e:a$ple5 he>ll ,aste little ti$e tryi"g to
teach you5 a"- allo, you o"ly a pi"ch o8 sy$pathy.
=ou $ay rea- that !aprico$s $arry 8or $o"ey or social positio". That>s a"
e:aggeratio"5 though 2 ,ill say that it ,as -ou%tless a !apricor" ,ho re$ar7e-5 <2t>s
;ust as easy to 8all i" love ,ith the co"-uctor as it is to have a 8li"g ,ith the seco"-
violi".< The practical goat rarely leaps i"to %usi"ess or $arriage u"less he>s
prepare- 8i"a"cially 8or the 8or$er a"- e$otio"ally 8or the latter. These people ,ill
-o stra"ge thi"gs 8or security. &l- age is co"sta"tly o" the Satur"i"e $i"-. +ve" the
you"g !aprico$s ,ill i"sti"ctively e";oy visiti"g 0"cle Jasper or Au"t Mi"erva.
A8ter all5 the -oti"g relatives $ight have a 8e, %o"-s or so$e property5 %esi-es the
8act that they>re co$8orta%le a"- 8a$iliar. &"e certai"ly ,oul-">t ,a"t to see a
8ortu"e ,ille- to a pet ca"ary. =ou $ay thi"7 such a" attitu-e is col- a"-
calculati"g5 %ut to the !apricor"5 it>s se"si%le. &pportu"ity "ever has to 7"oc7 t,ice
at the goat>s -oor. .e>ll hear the 8irst 7"oc7. 2" 8act5 he>s %ee" lea"i"g agai"st the
-oor5 liste"i"g a"- ,aiti"g 8or it.
2" chil-hoo-5 !aprico$s are i"cli"e- to %e ,ea7er5 $ore sic7ly tha" other
you"gsters5 %ut %oth stre"gth a"- resista"ce to -isease i"crease ,ith age. The so%er5
te$perate "ature o8 the typical goat gives hi$ a$a3i"g e"-ura"ce- a"- such
pote"tial 8or survival that it>s "ot u"usual to 8i"- hi$ livi"g past the ce"tury $ar7.
Satur" people shoul- %e a%le to avoi- -octors a"- hospitals5 %ut they -o"Jt5 %ecause
8ear5 u"certai"ty5 ,orry a"- gloo$ are -ea-lier tha" ger$s. No a$ou"t o8 practical
-iet5 co"servative ha%its a"- stu%%or" resista"ce to ill"ess ca" overco$e the -a"gers
o8 pessi$is$. !aprico$s ,ho ,a"t to avoi- sic7"ess shoul- have ple"ty o8 out-oor
e:ercise5 a"- -evelop a $ore positive5 outgoi"g perso"ality. The 8resh air o8 the
cou"try a"- the 8resh %ree3es o8 tolera"ce ,ill ,or7 $agic ,ith Satur"i"e health.
Al$ost all goats o8 %oth se:es have se"sitive s7i". There $ay %e "ervous rashes5
allergies5 rough"ess a"- chappi"g5 so$e peculiarity o8 perspiratio"5 e"large- pores
or ac"e. Sto$ach -isor-ers 8ro$ i"co$pati%le 8oo-s a"- $e"tal -istress are
co$$o". 4ro7e" ar$s a"- legs $ay occur. The 7"ee caps5 ;oi"ts a"- %o"es are
vul"era%le areas5 a"- psychoso$atic paralysis5 severe hea-aches a"- 7i-"ey
i"8ectio"s are 8urther 8ruits o8 Satur"i"e $ela"choly.
They ,ill either have %eauti8ul5 ,hite5 stro"g-teeth-or co"sta"t pro%le$s ,ith -ecay
a"- co"ti"ual visits to the -e"tist5 o"e or the other. #e"erally spea7i"g5 i8 they avoi-
the li"geri"g ill"esses cause- %y li"geri"g -epressio"s5 the !apricor" te"acity 8or
li8e is re$ar7a%le. 4ut it>s "o 8u" to %e the last lea8 o" the tree i8 you>re su88eri"g
8ro$ arthritis a"- rheu$atis$. The goat $ust see7 the su"light a"- laugh at the rai"
to stay healthy.
.e>s such a shy5 s,eet soul5 a tri8le stu%%or" perhaps5 %ut ge"tle a%out it. .e see$s
so har$less. /hat a sa8e perso" to trust a"- co"8i-e i"-ho, pleasa"tly he %uil-s
your ego. /ho coul- hurt hi$ or suspect hi$ o8 a$%itio"A All the ,hile5 !apricor"
is usi"g your o," ,ea7"esses5 co"ceits a"- ;ealousies to $a7e hi$sel8 stro"ger.
.e>s use8ul a"- eve"tually so i"-ispe"sa%le that you as7 hi$ to ta7e over the rei"s.
The" hell rule u"o%trusively i" the cor"er5 $o-estly pulli"g the stri"gs o8 authority.
The goat su%$erges his ego to gai" ,hat his ego truly -esires-the positio" o8 the
real lea-er. /ith 7i"-ly5 %ut ste$5 cautious ,is-o$ he guar-s the past 8ro$ "eglect
a"- protects the prese"t 8ro$ co"8usio"5 so you ca" %uil- to$orro, sa8ely.
.e -oes">t have to lea- the para-e ,ith a %ig %rass %a"-. .e gives per$issio" 8or
the para-e5 a"- pla"s its route 8ro$ %ehi"- the sce"es. All the -ari"g high-,ire acts
"ee- the !apricor">s stro"g5 sa8e "et ,he" they $iscalculate a"- tu$%le. The
-iscipli"e a"- 8or$ality o8 ;et %lac7 a"- "avy %lue-the soli- practicality o8 %ro,"-
the -eep5 ho"est -rea$s o8 -ar7 gree"-these are the 'uiet colors o8 his e"-uri"g
rai"%o,. /al7 slo,ly through his sile"t 8orest5 carpete- i" so8t $oss a"- cli$%i"g
ivy-a"- see7 the eight hi--e" treasures o8 Satur". 1ich5 re- ru%ies lie %urie- %e"eath
the !apricor"5 ,eepi"g ,illo,. Stay- a"- lea$ the eter"al %eauty o8 the pure5
s$ooth o"y:. !apricor" lea- is soli-5 a"- !apricor" coal %uil-s lasti"g 8ires.
(a$ous !apricor" *erso"alities
Marti" Luther Fi"g 1u-yar- Fipli"g Mao Tse-tu"g .e"ry Miller 2saac Ne,to"
1ichar- Ni:o" Louis *asteur +-gar Alla" *oe .ele"a 1u%i"stei" !arl Sa"-%urg
Al%ert Sch,eit3er Da"iel /e%ster /oo-ro, /ilso"
Steve Alie" .u$phrey 4ogart *a%lo !asals Nat Fi"g !ole 4e";a$i" (ra"7li" Ava
#ar-"er 4arry #ol-,ater !ary #ra"t Ale:a"-er .a$ilto" J. +-gar .oover .o,ar-
.ughes Joa" o8 Arc Joha""es Fepler
Loretta =ou"g

The !A*12!&1N Ma"
<Do">t 7eep hi$ ,aiti"g5 chil-I /hy5 his ti$e is ,orth a thousa"- pou"-s a $i"uteI
A"- -o">t t,i--le your 8i"gers all the ti$e ... 4etter say "othi"g at all. La"guage is
,orth a thousa"- pou"-s a ,or-I<
.e has a sel8-$a-e %ric7 ,all arou"- hi$. .e>s shy5 %ut he>s stro"g a"- tough. .e>s
pleasa"t5 %ut he>s 8iercely a$%itious. Li7e the lege"-ary5 sile"t5 earthy co,%oy5 the
!apricor" $a" see$s to pre8er to %e alo"e. .e -oes">t. Not really.
Secretly5 !apricor" year"s 8or a-ulatio". .e>- love to thrill the cro,- o" a 8lyi"g
trape3e. 2" his private -rea$s5 the goat is a" i"cura%le ro$a"tic5 %ut Satur" chai"s
his "ature. The ster" pla"et o8 -iscipli"e -e$a"-s o8 hi$ cal$ %ehavior5 practical
actio"s a"- serious i"te"t. This is his cross5 a"- it>s o8te" a heavy o"e to %ear.
So$eti$es he>ll cover his 8rustratio" ,ith a %rus'ue $a""er-a"- so$eti$es he>ll
startle you ,ith u"e:pecte- a"- i"co"gruous hu$or5 although it ,ill al,ays %e the
iro"ic to"gue-i"-chee7 variety. 4ut that>s o8te" the 8u""iest 7i"-5 a"- !aprico$s ca"
%e 'uite a gas ,he" they>re ,ry a"- -ry a"- ;uggli"g the ;o7es.
Tur" a stea-y5 -epe"-a%le !apricor" $ale i"si-e out5 a"- you>ll 8i"- a $erry5 ge"tle
-rea$er ,ho lo"gs 8or the 8ree ,i"- to %lo, through his hair a"- 8i"-s the s,eet
8ragra"ce o8 co$pli$e"ts i"to:icati"g-,ho hu"gers 8or e:cite$e"t a"- thirsts 8or
a-ve"ture. &"ly a chose" 8e, ca" release this lo"ely soul 8ro$ his secret priso".
Su" sig"s ca" %e ,o"-er8ully help8ul i8 you>re i"cli"e- to ;u-ge a %oo7 %y its ;ac7et.
.ere you ,ere thi"7i"g that !apricor" 8ello, ,oul- $a7e a great school teacher
%ut a $isera%le lover. =ou>- ;ust a%out -eci-e- he>- rather %e presi-e"t tha" %e
yours. .e i$presse- you as a $a" ,ho ,oul- rather see his "a$e ,ritte" i" the
social register tha" i" your -iary. No, you -iscover that he has a heart as ,ar$ a"-
8rie"-ly as a co3y ,oo- 8ire o" a ,i"ter "ight. 2 7"o, it>s e:hilarati"g5 %ut ,ait ;ust
a $o$e"t %e8ore yo- -ash o88 to give hi$ a %ig %ear hug a"- e:pect hi$ to -8ly you
to the $oo". Those surprises 2 ;ust -escri%e- are part o8 his i""er "ature. .e>ll %e
thrille- a"- i$presse- i8 you guess5 %ut i""er "ature $ea"s ;ust that-i""er "ature.
!ha"ces are he>ll "ever let all those gau3y -rea$s o8 careless rapture escape a"- ru"
arou"- loose. Just so you 7"o, they>re i"si-e hi$. That>s e"ough. Do">t go
e:pecti"g your !apricor" to -ash %are8oot through the %uttercups. =ou ca">t cha"ge
his %asic. Satur"i"e perso"ality.
/hat you ca" -o5 ho,ever5 is laugh at his shaggy -og stories u"til he 8eels %rave
e"ough to tell $ore sophisticate- tales. =ou ca" hi"t that you thi"7 there are %a"7e-
8ires %e"eath his co"servative $a""er u"til he has the co"8i-e"ce to let a 8la$e or
t,o leap out. =ou ca" tell hi$ you 8i"- his 7i"- o8 -rea$s $ore color8ul5 %ecause
"o -rea$ is as %right as the o"e that really happe"s5 so hell %e e"courage- to ,eave
$ore o8 the$. So$e-ay5 he ,ill reach the top o8 his special $ou"tai"5 a"- you>ll %e
right there %esi-e hi$5 $ighty prou- o8 your -eter$i"e- goat-a"- $ighty gla- you
%elieve- i" his practical -rea$s.
!apricor"s prete"- they ca" live ,ithout co$pli$e"ts5 a"- the ,ay they %ehave
,he" they get o"e is pretty co"vi"ci"g proo8. Di- you ever say so$ethi"g "ice to
your !apricor" $a" a"- see it 8all as 8lat as the e:pressio" o" his 8aceA Do">t %e
hasty. Just %ecause the goat is such a" e:pert at 8ooli"g hi$sel8 -oes">t $ea" you
have to %e 8oole-5 too. Actually5 he -esperately "ee-s to %e tol- he is goo-5 clever5
ha"-so$e5 -esira%le a"- i"teresti"g5 %ut si"ce he>ll sel-o$ $a7e his "ee- visi%le5 he
gets 8e, orchi-s. !o"se'ue"tly5 he $ay %e a little rusty5 a"- ,o">t 7"o, 'uite ,hat
to -o ,he" so$eo"e ope"ly a-$ires hi$5 so he covers his e$%arrass$e"t %y
$a7i"g a ,ry ;o7e or ig"ori"g it5 a reactio" ,hich ca" 8ree3e people i"to -eci-i"g
"ever to ris7 8latteri"g that po7er 8ace agai". The i$pressio" is create- that he hates
co$pli$e"ts5 so he gets eve" 8e,er. 2t>s a vicious circle. May%e it>s your 8ault $ore
tha" his. Ne:t ti$e you give your !apricor" a ver%al %ou'uet5 loo7 at his ears. See
ho, pi"7 they areA See that 8ai"t t,i"7le i" his eye a"- ho, his "ose t,itches ever
so slightlyA .e>s as please- as Su"-ay pu"ch. Just %ecause he -oes">t -a"ce a ;ig or
roll i" the grass li7e Leo5 the lio"5 -oes">t $ea" he has">t %ee" $a-e -eeply happy
a"- te" 8eet taller. .e "ee-s to %e see" as the truly great guy he is. Nature a"- the
stars 7eep hi$ 8ro$ a-vertisi"g. =ou>ll have to %e his press age"t.
This $a" is ,hat horticulturists ,oul- call a late %loo$er. .e>s as serious as a" o,l
i" his youth5 %ut he>ll rela: gra-ually as he $atures5 a"- i8 he>s a typical !apricor"5
he $ay e"- up as the you"gest loo7i"g a"- acti"g $a" i" the group. No,5 that>s a
poi"t ,ell ,orth co"si-eri"g. /ith other $e"5 you have to tolerate 8lighty
8oolish"ess 8or years a"- the" loo7 8or,ar- to a stu88y ol- age. /ith a !apricor"5
you $ay have your e"thusias$s s$othere- a %it at 8irst5 %ut ;ust thi"7 ,hat you
have to loo7 8or,ar- toI =our !apricor" lover ,o">t ru" o88 to *aris ,ith you i" the
spri"g o8 your ro$a"ce5 %ut he $ay ta7e you to see the Ta; Mahal %y $oo"light
8orty or 8i8ty years later5 ,he" other $e" are co$plai"i"g o8 crea7i"g ;oi"ts. 2t>s "ot
a %a- s,itch. 28 you>re the 7i"- ,ho li7es to stu88 yoursel8 8irst ,ith rich appeti3ers5
a"- the" -uti8ully have your vegeta%les5 he>s "ot 8or you. A love a88air ,ith a
!apricor" $a"5 provi-e- it e"-s i" $arriage5 is li7e havi"g -essert last5 ,here it
NaturallyB the !apricor" reverse agi"g process $ay suggest to you that there>s a
catch i" the 8aith8ul"ess -epart$e"t. There is. 2t>s true that youll have 8e, ,orries
a%out your goat strayi"g ,he" ro$a"ce is you"g a"- -e,y. 2t>s also true that he
$ay 7ic7 up his heels a little as he gro,s ol-er. Still5 ,ith all that5 he>s a sa8er %et
8or 8i-elity tha" $ost other Su" sig"s5 %ecause the !apricor" $a" practically %u$s
i"ce"se at the 8a$ily altar. /hatever $i"or i"-iscretio"s he $ay co"te$plate ,he"
his late %loo$i"g %egi"s5 they>ll "ever replace the ho$e 8ires5 the chil-re" a"- you.
.e>s al$ost revere"t a%out <8a$ily ties. That i"clu-es the 8a$ily he>s create- ,ith
you a"- his o," 8a$ily5 ,hich has %ee" the o%;ect o8 his -evotio" si"ce chil-hoo-.
2t ,oul-">t -o to i"sult his $other or %e cool to his %rother. 4e prepare- to love your
i"-la,s5 eve" i8 they>re a%out as lova%le as pric7ly cactus. Not o"ly ,ill he -e8e"-
the$5 %ut also i8 you allo, -isputes to get stic7y5 the strai" o8 choosi"g %et,ee"
loyalties to t,o 8a$ilies ca" $a7e hi$ $orose a"- gloo$y. ?28 there>s a"ythi"g i"
this t ,orl- you -o">t ,a"t to -o5 it>s $a7e a !apricor" $orose D a"- gloo$y.@
=ou $ay %u$p i"to a !apricor" ,ho has ope" co"-D te$pt 8or his relatives5 or ,ho
has %itterly cut 8a$ily ties D a"- "ever loo7e- %ac7-%ut scratch the sur8ace o8 his i"-D
-epe"-e"ce a"- you>ll 8i"- a -eep5 e$otio"al ,ou"- i" his D past that origi"ally
cause- such u"typical %ehavior. Ma"y D !apricor" $e" live at ho$e lo"g past the
age ,he" their ; 8rie"-s are out e";oyi"g the -elights o8 a %achelor pa-. ; They
usually 8all i" love later tha" $ost $e" too-a"- D they sel-o$ $arry %e8ore they>re
settle- i" a career.
/ith a" eye 8or pe-igree a"- per8ectio"5 they>ll loo7 D arou"- pretty care8ully. The
goat ,ill pic7 a girl ,ho ,ill %e a goo- $other. The" she>ll have to %e a goo- coo7
a"- > house7eeper. A8ter that5 she>ll have to -ress ,ell to i$press his %usi"ess
associates a"- 8rie"-s5 a"- pre8era%ly %e a cut i a%ove the$ i" %ac7grou"-5
$a""ers5 %ree-i"g a"- i"telli-J ge"ce. Last o8 all5 he>ll $a7e a 'uic7 chec7 to see i8
she>s 2 %eauti8ul or i8 she appeals to his physical se"ses. =ou ca" D see right a,ay it>s
"o %ig -eal i8 your hair is -roopy5 your l per8u$e %ottle is e$pty or your legs are">t
the 7i"- to B $a7e the curre"t Miss 0"iverse hate you. Just -ig i"to the tru"7 8or
those D.A.1. papers a"- sho, hi$ the 8a$ily
/e-g,oo-. Ta7e his $other to lu"ch o"ce a ,ee75 a"- let hi$ see ho, practical
you are ,ith your %u-get. 2"vite your 8our-year-ol- sister alo"g o" your "e:t -ate. 28
you>re a" o"ly chil-5 re"t a "eigh%or>s to--ler. /ipe her little "ose ge"tly a"-
8re'ue"tly ,ith a proper li"e" ha"-7erchie85 tal7 a%out your -esire to %e o" the
$ayor>s co$$ittee 8or civic i$prove$e"t5 ,al7 se-ately5 -rop a 8e, (re"ch phrases
a"- gurgle ,he" you see a %a%y i" a %uggy. 4e sure to respect his 8ather as the
,isest ge"tle$a" you>ve ever $et5 a"- $a7e casual re8ere"ces to your great u"cle5
,ho helpe- !ar"egie %uil- his e$pire-or your a"cestor ,ho 8ought %y #eorge
/ashi"gto">s si-e i" the s"o,s o8 alley (orge ?it -oes">t $atter ,hich@. 28 you>re
pretty5 so $uch the %etter. 4ut gla$or ,ill "ever replace that a8gha" you $a-e 8or
his cousi" 4essie. 2 ca" al$ost pro$ise that he>ll "ever $arry you i8 you -o">t pass
i"spectio" ,ith his 8a$ily. There are e:ceptio"s5 o8 course5 %ut they>re so rare you>-
%e -o,"right rec7less to ga$%le that your !apricor" $a" is o"e o8 the$.
A8ter his 8a$ily has propose--or rather a8ter he has propose--put your 8oot -o,".
(ir$ly. Let hi$ 7"o, you love his 8ol7s -early5 %ut he>s the o"e ,hose %e- a"-
%oar- you>ve chose" to share. &ther,ise5 you>ll spe"- $a"y a Satur-ay "ight
coo7i"g -i""er 8or his 0"cle !harlie or helpi"g his you"g sister through her pai"8ul
Si"ce !aprico$s are al,ays slightly "ervous i" the prese"ce o8 the opposite se:5 a"
occasio"al o"e ,ill a,7,ar-ly hi"t at o88-color situatio"s5 8u$%le ,ith atte$pts at
i""ue"-o5 or appear to %e rough5 tough a"- callous. 2t>s ;ust his ,ay o8 %ei"g o"e o8
the 8ello,s5 a typical $etho- o8 hi-i"g his e$%arrass$e"t a"- curiosity a%out the
purple passio"s o8 $ore aggressive people. Do">t ever let it lea- you i"to thi"7i"g
he ,a"ts you to play 4o""ie to his !ly-e. =ou are "ot Mae /est or Te:as #ui"a".
=ou are a la-y a"- -o">t ever 8orget it. .e $ay cast a 8urtive5 i"tereste- gla"ce at a
la-y o8 the eve"i"g5 %ut she>s -e8i"itely "ot the 7i"- o8 la-y he $arries. This $ay
sou"- li7e a-vice 8ro$ your spi"ster Au"t A%igail5 %ut i8 you thi"7 it>s s'uare5 go o"
a"- ,ear your tee"y %i7i"i a"- gree" $ascara- pour o" the per8u$e a"- 7iss hi$ i"
pu%lic. =ou $ay eve"tually ,al7 -o," the aisle i" a ,hite veil5 %ut it ,o"t %e
%esi-e a Satur" groo$.
A "ice gi8t 8or your !apricor" hus%a"- ,oul- %e a %oo7 o8 poe$s5 the $ore
ro$a"tic the %etter. 28 you -o">t trai" hi$ early i" the art o8 a88ectio"ate e:pressio"5
you $ay %eco$e a ,ell-provi-e--8or ,i8e ,ho>s a-ore- a"- ,ar$ly appreciate--
,ith a per8ect -ear 8or a hus%a"--%ut ,ho is also e$otio"ally starve-. 2t ,o">t -o
a"y goo- %y that ti$e to co$plai" that he "ever tells you he loves you. .e>ll ;ust
loo7 at you i" i";ure- i""oce"ce or gru$%li"g -isgust ?-epe"-i"g o" ho, stro"g
Satur" ,as at his %irth@5 a"- patie"tly e:plai" that <=ou>re cra3y. 2 -isti"ctly
re$e$%er telli"g you 2 love- you ,he" 2 gave you your e"gage$e"t ri"g a"- agai"
,he" little !alvert ,as %or".<
.e thi"7s you shoul- 7"o, ho, he 8eels a%out you si"ce %e supports you5 a"- pays
you the tri%ute o8 allo,i"g you to %ear his chil-re"5 s,eep his 8loors a"- polish his
trophies. To !apricor"5 $ushy5 ver%al -eclaratio"s are gil-i"g the ro$a"tic lily. .e
$ay as75 </hat -o you ,a"t5 1ichar- 4urto"A< That>s your cue to say <yes< lou-ly.
2t shoul- startle hi$ a little. .e ,o">t tur" i"to 1ichar- 4urto"5 %ut he $ay %e
shoc7e- i"to reali3i"g that a ge"tly $ur$ure- <s,eetheart< at appropriate ti$es
,o">t har$ his $asculi"ity.
As a 8ather5 hell %e a (ather-the literal perso"i8icatio" o8 the ,or-. .e>ll al,ays %e
at the hea- o8 the ta%le5 a"- that goes 8or pic"ics5 too. +ve" i8 he>s the o"e sitti"g o"
the poiso" ivy5 "ear the a"t hill5 arou"- the paper cloth sprea- u"-er the trees-the
spot ,here the !apricor" -a--y sits is the hea- o8 the ta%le. .e>ll -e$a"- respect
a"- o%e-ie"ce5 a"- hell i"sist o" routi"e a"- -iscipli"e. 4ut he>ll repay it ,ith
ho"est -evotio"5 eve" sel8 sacri8ice5 pro%a%ly approve o8 %ig5 happy %irth-ay parties
a"- a very $erry !hrist$as. !apricor" 8athers are highly u"li7ely to spare the ro-
a"- spoil the chil-. .e>ll see that they go to the -e"tist a"- -o their ho$e,or75 ,ith
a 8e, trips to the ol- ,oo-she- ,he" it>s "ecessary. .is o," se"se o8 orga"i3atio"
a"- -epe"-a%ility ,ill %e e$phatically co"veye-. 2t certai"ly ,o">t hurt the
you"gsters5 though it $ight ta7e a little starch out o8 the$. 1e$i"- hi$ that
pare"thoo- ca" %e 8u"5 as ,ell as a serious respo"si%ility. Thi"7 o8 hi$ as a !harles
Dic7e"s type papa. Teach the chil-re" to give hi$ ge"erous goo-"ight 7isses5 a"-
e"courage hi$ to ta7e the$ to the %all ga$e5 8ishi"g or s,i$$i"g. 28 he>s a little
strict5 re$e$%er that they>ll pro8it i" the lo"g ru"5 as lo"g as he -oes">t over-o it.
/he" the gra"-chil-re" %ou"ce o" his 7"ee5 he>ll tur" shoc7i"gly per$issive.
!apricor" gra"-pas $a7e great %a%y sitters.
2 eve" 7"o, o"e ,ho roller s7ates arou"- the %loc7 ,ith his seco"- ge"eratio"
A !apricor" $a" ,ill sel-o$ $arry i" haste a"- repe"t at leisure. .e>s $ore apt to
$arry at leisure a"- repe"t i" haste. Most !apricor" $arriages are soli-5 %ut i8 the
goat $a7es a $ista7e5 he>ll ,al7 out a%ruptly5 a"- his ,i8e ,o">t get a seco"-
cha"ce. !apricor" a%hors -ivorce5 so it ,o">t happe" o8te"5 %ut ,he" it -oes5 it>s
8i"al. To %e %lu"t5 ,he" he>s ha- it-he has ha- it.
=our Satur"i"e hus%a"- $ay regulate love-$a7i"g to a sche-ule5 alo"g ,ith
shoppi"g5 correspo"-e"ce5 -oi"g his %a"7i"g5 visiti"g $useu$s or art galleries a"-
clea"i"g his gu" a"- trophy collectio". 2t $ay see$ col- a"- u"se"ti$e"tal5 %ut
re$e$%er that the practical !apricor" is i"tereste- i" the physical si-e o8 love lo"g
a8ter other hus%a"-s resort to poetry to e:press their e$otio"s. 2"terprete-5 that
$ea"s ;ust ,hat 2 sai- %ac7 at the %egi""i"g. Dessert last. A8ter he>s retire-5 he>ll
have $ore ti$e to -evelop his tech"i'ue o8 a88ectio". That>s %etter tha" i"sura"ce.
A"- you>ll have that too5 ,ith a !apricor" hus%a"--i"sura"ce agai"st a rai"y -ay5
i"sura"ce agai"st lo"eli"ess a"- i"sura"ce agai"st the %lo,s o8 a sor-i-5 ugly ,orl-.
A"y se"si%le 8e$ale appreciates the value o8 Satur" -evotio". .e ,o">t %e a 8iery
lover ,ho courts you ,ith starry eyes a"- passio"ate5 8lo,ery speeches. 4ut he>ll
protect you 8ro$ all your 8e$i"i"e 8ears. .e>s a tough guy ,ith a ge"tle heart. .e>ll
chop the ,oo- 8or that co3y 8ire5 the" sit ,ith you i" 8ro"t o8 it a"- hol- your ha"-
te"-erly. No $atter ho, $a"y gray hairs5 e:tra pou"-s or ,ri"7les you a-- as the
years slip %y5 to hi$ you>ll al,ays loo7 li7e the girl ,ho $a-e hi$ say <2 love you.<
/he" you stop to thi"7 a%out it5 ,hy shoul- he say it agai" a"- agai"A &"ce is
e"ough ,he" it lasts that lo"g.

The !A*12!&1N /o$a"
So she got up a"- ,al7e- a%out-
rather sti88ly ;ust at 8irst5
as she ,as a8rai- that the cro," $ight co$e o889
%ut she co$8orte- hersel8 ,ith the thought
that there ,as "o%o-y to see her5
<a"- i8 2 really a$ a 6uee"5< she sai-5
as she sat -o," agai"5
<2 shall %e a%le to $a"age it 'uite ,ell i" ti$e.<
There>s "o such thi"7 as a typical !apricor" 8e$ale. She ca" %e a $useu$ curator
,ho ,ears gra""y glasses 8or real5 or she ca" %e a -a"cer ,ho ,ears a glitteri"g #-
stri"g 8or 8u". =ou>ll see her crisply ru""i"g a su%ur%a" *.T.A.5 8ryi"g ha$%urgers
i" a co88ee shop5 or orga"i3i"g the %iggest !harity 4all i" the city. A !apricor"
,o$a" $ay -ecorate the society colu$"s5 s$ile -e$urely %ehi"- a political
ca"-i-ate hus%a"- or pour $ysterious li'ui-s i"to test tu%es. 4ut ,hatever she>s
-oi"g a"- ,hatever she>s ,eari"g5 Satur" ,ill rule her actio"s a"- her secret ai$s.
She ca" %e ultra-8e$i"i"e5 8lirtatious a"- char$i"g e"ough to $a7e a $a" 8eel li7e
a gia"t gri33ly %ear ,ho ca" protect her 8ro$ the col-5 cruel ,orl-. &r she ca" %e
icy5 'uiet a"- aloo85 sitti"g securely o" her $ar%le pe-estal a"- challe"gi"g you to
%e clever e"ough to ,i" her superior ha"-. /hichever perso"ality she pro;ects5
u"-er"eath her ,o$a"ly ,iles or her practical5 se"si%le $a""er5 she has the sa$e
goal-a steely -eter$i"atio" to s"ag the right $a"5 ,ho ca" %eco$e i$porta"t5 $a7e
her prou- a"- %e a goo- 8ather to her chil-re".
So $a"y !apricor" ,o$e" are career girls5 you $ight thi"7 love a"- $arriage
,oul- al,ays %e a seco"- choice. /ith love5 you have a poi"t. /ith $arriage5 "o.
The thi"g to u"-ersta"- is that the !apricor" goals are security5 authority5 respect
a"- positio". 2t $a7es little -i88ere"ce i8 these "ee-s are supplie- i" 8ro"t o8 a
%lac7%oar- as a school teacher5 %ehi"- a -es7 as a" e:ecutive5 or %esi-e a"
a$%itio"s hus%a"- ,hose social li8e a"- ho$e she ca" $a"age ,ith easy grace a"-
care8ul pla""i"g. &"e ,ay or a"other5 the !apricor" ,o$a" ,ill get her recog-
"itio". So$e o8 the$ get it %y ,riti"g %oo7s5 lecturi"g5 pai"ti"g or co$posi"g
$usic. 2t>s surprisi"g ho, $a"y !apricor"s o8 %oth se:es have u"usual artistic
tale"t. *erhaps it ste$s 8ro$ a" i""ate se"se o8 %ala"ce a"- har$o"y5 7"o,i"g ,hat
is pleasi"g a"- ,hat is right or correct.
This is a little -elicate5 %ut eve" the Satur" 8e$ales you 8i"- i" %urles'ue theaters or
e"gagi"g i" the ,orl->s ol-est pro8essio" ?there ,ill %e o"ly a ha"-8ul@ ,ill e"- up
%y $arryi"g the top co$ic or the theater o,"er i" the 8irst i"sta"ce-or the ,ealthiest
clie"t i" the seco"-. The goat $ust cli$%. /hether the starti"g positio" is high or
lo,5 the top o8 the hill is ,here she 8i"-s the vie, $ore satis8yi"g. There>s "othi"g
8lashy a%out the !apricor" 8e$ale. =ou>ll certai"ly "ever see her lou-ly or
o%viously pushi"g a"- shovi"g 8or 8irst placeB you $ay eve" thi"7 she>s -ocile
e"ough to co"te"te-ly ta7e a %ac7 seat to her co$petitio".
/ait. See ,ho gets the pro$otio".
Do">t %e $isle- i"to thi"7i"g she>ll "ever sacri8ice her career 8or $arriage. Just give
this girl hal8 a cha"ce to %e a social lea-er a"- the $istress o8 a ,ell-ru" househol-5
a"- you>ll see ho, 'uic7ly she loses i"terest i" her ;o% ?o"e o8 the 8e, thi"gs she>ll
-o 'uic7ly@. 28 you "ee- her to5 the !apricor" ,o$a" ,ill gla-ly co"ti"ue ,or7i"g
to help you cli$% up the $ou"tai" o8 success-she ,o">t %e la3y. &ther,ise5
ho,ever5 she>s happier e";oyi"g her positio" as your ,i8e5 provi-e- the positio" is a
goo- o"e5 a"- there>s e"ough 8i"a"cial security.
&"e o8 the $ost typical a"- -elight8ul thi"gs a%out this ,o$a" is her "atural
%ree-i"g a"- grace o8 $a""er. =ou ca" $eet a !apricor" girl ,ho ,as raise- i" a
o"e-roo$ shac7 across the railroa- -trac7s5 or ,hose 8ather ,or7s the s,i"g shi8t i"
a coal $i"e5 %ut u"less she -eci-es to reveal her %ac7grou"- ?,hich she pro%a%ly
,o">t@5 you>ll %e co"vi"ce- she co$es 8ro$ a" ol--li"e 8a$ily5 a"- ,as tur"e- out
%y o"e o8 the %est 8i"ishi"g schools. Such is the !apricor" %uilt-i" se"se o8 social
grace a"- co"servative5 co"ve"tio"al appeara"ces.
A"y $a" ,ho>s i"volve- i" a relatio"ship ,ith the 8e$ale
goat shoul- lear" a %asic 8act a%out this Su" sig". She see$s to %e $ore eve"-
te$pere- a"- e$otio"ally stea-y tha" she actually is. .er $a""er $ay co"vi"ce
you that she>s as 8ir$ as a roc7 a"- "othi"g ca" ru88le her cal$ sur8ace. The truth is
that she>s su%;ect to $a"y $oo-s. All ,o$e" are su%;ect to $oo-s5 you say5 %ut the
!apricor" girl ca" have so$e really %lac7 a"- lo"g-lasti"g o"es. 28 she 8eels
$istreate- or u"appreciate-5 she>ll %roo- 8or -ays5 ,ee7s5 eve" $o"ths. She calls it
%ei"g se"si%le or practical5 %ut Satur"i"e gloo$i"ess5 pessi$is$ a"- -epressio" are
$uch $ore -eeply roote- tha" that. They>re triggere- %y 8ear o8 the 8uture5 ,orry
a%out the prese"t5 sha$e over the past-or a suspicio" that she>s %ei"g $a-e 8u" o8 or
is i"a-e'uate i" so$e ,ay. These ,o$e" -o "ot accept teasi"g lightly. Feep it at a
$i"i$u$. To %e ho"est5 they 8i"- it i$possi%le to see the ;o7e ,he" they>re the
victi$s. =ou -o">t have to %ury her i" co$pli$e"ts co"sta"tly ?she>ll se"se ,he"
they>re i"si"cere5 a"y,ay@5 %ut -o">t 7i- her a%out i$porta"t $atters5 a"- praise her
o8te" e"ough to $a7e her reali3e you 7"o, her true value.
2t>s har- 8or her to rela: i" ro$a"tic situatio"s. There>s ple"ty o8 physical -esire
u"-er the cool !apricor" sur8ace5 8ar $ore tha" $ost people suspect5 a"- it>s "ever
satis8ie- casually. Sitti"g arou"- a"- ,asti"g ti$e ,ith %reathless hugs a"- ecstatic
7isses ,hile the 8uture is still ha"gi"g u"settle- is -e8i"itely "ot her 8avorite ho%%y-
yet o"ce she>s -eci-e- you>re the right $a" a"- the 8i"a"ces are secure or your
a$%itio" is su88icie"t5 shell %e as ,ar$ as a cu--ly pa"-a5 a88ectio"ate5 a"- eve"
passio"ate. !apricor"s -o">t %elieve i" vague -rea$s that gli-e ai$lessly through a
$isty5 %lue s7y. They ,a"t to 7"o, ,here the ship o8 ro$a"ce is ta7i"g the$5 a"-
that it>s saili"g o" sa8e ,aters. 4uil- a 8ir$ 8ou"-atio" u"-er your house i8 you pla"
to carry a !apricor" girl over the threshol-. Ma7e sure there>s ple"ty o8 i"sura"ce
a"- the $ortgage is pai- o88 or ,ill %e soo".
Shell pro%a%ly %e so$ethi"g o8 a social %utter8ly5 e:tre$ely a,are o8 eti'uette5 a"-
she>ll lea" to,ar- 'uai"t custo$s li7e e"grave- "ap7i" ri"gs a"- "ee-lepoi"t chairs.
Thi"gs $ust %e correct a"- tra-itio" $ust %e o%serve- at all costs. She $ay have a"
i"co"siste"t ha%it o8 ,a"ti"g to shop i" the $ost e:pe"sive5 e:clusive stores5 yet
i"sisti"g o" a %argai". She -oes">t $i"- %uyi"g a -ress that>s o" sale5 as lo"g as it
%ears the right la%el.
!apricor" ,o$e" have a 8resh %eauty o8 their o,". =ou>ll rarely 8i"- o"e ,ho>s "ot
u"usually attractive. =et they are ti$i- a"- u"sure a%out their appeara"ce5 a"- you
$ay 8i"- the$ "ee-i"g co"sta"t reassura"ce that they>re pretty. Although !apricor"
8e$ales hate -isho"esty i" all 8or$s5 they>re "ot a%ove lyi"g a%out their ages. They
usually get a,ay ,ith it5 too5 tha"7s to the o-- Satur" agi"g t,ist. They loo7 li7e
little ol- la-ies as chil-re"5 the" %loo$ su--e"ly i"to ,o$e" ,ho loo7 li7e you"g
girls ,he" they>re past the pri$e o8 li8e.
2t ,oul- %e a terri%le $ista7e to s"u% her 8a$ily. The $a" ,ho $arries a !apricor"
girl $arries her relatives. There>s "o poi"t i" thi"7i"g that yours is -i88ere"t. She>s
"ot. So$e,here alo"g the li"e5 you>ll stop laughi"g at $other-i"-la, ;o7es ?you
$ay cry i"stea-@. Ma"y ti$es5 the Satur" 8e$ale is the sole support o8 her 8a$ily5
8i"a"cially or $orally or %oth. She $ay care 8or a" ill pare"t ,ith -evotio" to the
poi"t o8 reli"'uishi"g the i-ea o8 $arriage co$pletely. &8te"5 she>ll e";oy the
sacri8ice %ecause o8 her ho"est love 8or her 8a$ily5 %ut eve" i8 she rese"ts it5 her
stro"g se"se o8 respo"si%ility a"- -uty ,ill "ot per$it her to escape.
=ou $ight as ,ell resig" yoursel8 to 8latteri"g your $other-i"-la,5 a"- hope she>s a
great gal ,ho>s ,orth it. Do">t argue politics ,ith her 8ather5 a"- i8 you $ust
critici3e her %rothers a"- sisters5 see that the criticis$ is co"structive5 a"- %ase- o"
a si"cere %elie8 i" their pote"tialities. (re'ue"tly5 !aprico$s 8i"- the$selves %ur-
-e"e- ,ith -istresse- or i"vali- relatives5 a"- the typical goats ,ill "ever let love5
ho,ever co"su$i"g it $ight %e5 cause the$ to "eglect such o%ligatio"s. =ou>-
%etter start right out %y pla""i"g to have a guest roo$ or t,o 8or visiti"g relatives.
4ut there>s a reverse %e"e8it. =ou>ll have a ,i8e ,ho is 7i"- a"- co"si-erate to,ar-
your o," 8a$ily. The !apricor" girl ,ill u"-ersta"- i8 you have to allocate a 8i:e-
su$ to your pare"ts each ,ee75 a"- she>ll pro%a%ly %e a co$pa"io" to your %rothers
a"- sisters. She>s the 7i"- o8 girl you ta7e ho$e to $eet $other5 a"- $other
approves o8 her i$$e-iately. Si"ce $e" are so co"trary5 such i"sta"t
e"courage$e"t ca" cause the$ to %ac7 a,ay. 2t>s al,ays $ore 8u" to 8ight
o%;ectio"s 8or your la-y 8air. 4ut you>ll o"ly %e slici"g o88 your "ose to spite your
heart5 %ecause your $other is right. The !apricor" girl5 i8 she>s a typical Satur"
,o$a"5 ,ill $a7e a" e:celle"t ,i8e. The ho$e o8 a !apricor" ,o$a" o8te" loo7s
so e88ortlessly spotless a"- s$ooth-ru""i"g you>- thi"7 there ,ere little 8airies a"-
elves hi-i"g i" the co$ers5 ,or7i"g a,ay 8uriously a8ter $i-"ight to shi"e a"-
polish a"- coo7 a"- clea". /ro"g. The very last place you ca" e:pect to 8i"- such
i$agi"ary creatures is arou"- a !apricor". The Satur" practicality a"- 8aith i" 8ir$
8acts or-i"arily preclu-es a"y sy$pathy ,ith the u"see". A !apricor" girl ,oul-">t
%elieve i" leprechau"s i8 o"e sat right o" the tip o8 her "ose. 2" all 8air"ess5 ho,ever5
although she $ay "ot %e a ,ay-out -rea$er or a 8ollo,er o8 occult $ysteries5 o"ce
she has the soli- 8acts she>s a%le to see the ro$a"ce a"- poetry i" the $ost or-i"ary
.ers is a" earthy 7i"- o8 %eauty that ca" $a7e eve" the gross a"- ugly see$ lovely
,ith sheer use8ul"ess. She>s "ot a stra"ger to the gypsy spell o8 the "orth ,i"-5 "or
is she -ea8 to the silver so"g o8 spri"g sho,ers a"- the call o8 a lo"ely s7ylar7.
#reat $usic stirs her -eeply5 a"- she>s a" e"cha"te- patro" o8 al$ost a"y art 8or$.
*erhaps she has to see a"- touch $agic to %elieve i" it. A leprechau" ,oul-
pro%a%ly get $uch 8urther ,ith her i8 he ca$e right out a"- sai- ,here that pot o8
gol- is hi--e"5 i"stea- o8 hi"ti"g a%out it i" 8airy tales.
Most !apricor"s save their rai"%o, thi"7i"g 8or history a"- heroic -ee-s o8 the
past. Si"ce she ,orships tra-itio"5 a"- reveres those ,ho have overco$e o%stacles
to gai" success5 it>s easier 8or her to get se"ti$e"tal over the #ettys%urg a--ress
tha" to get e"thusiastic over your latest ,il- sche$e. Actually5 she>s a true ro$a"tic5
,ith greater i$agi"atio" tha" the scatter%rai"s ,ith u"real 8a"tasies. +very Ja"uary
girl has hau"ti"g poetry i" her soul5 %ut she -oes">t have $uch sy$pathy 8or poets
,ho starve i" attics. Ta7e care o8 the 8oo- a"- re"t a"- the" pursue the -rea$5
,hatever it $ay %e5 is the !apricor" $otto. Also $a7e sure that the -rea$ is ,orth
pursui"g. She sees "othi"g gla$orous or $agical a%out 8ailure.
=ou $ay have to share your !apricor" ,i8e ,ith causes. She>ll %e a tireless ,or7er
8or the poor a"- the -e8e"seless5 %ut she $ay pre8er to sho, her charity i" group
e88orts5 rather tha" to i"-ivi-uals. Satur"i"e sy$pathies are usually orga"i3e-5
sel-o$ scattere-. (e$ale !aprico$s are "atural lea-ers o8 ,o$e">s clu%s.
She>ll pro%a%ly i"still %oth thri8t a"- a respect 8or 'uality i" the you"gsters. She>ll
teach the$ to <+at it up5 ,ear it out5 $a7e it -o or -o ,ithout.< Still5 they>ll %e
serve- the %est cuts o8 $eat5 a"- she>ll %uy the$ the 8i"est $a7e o8 shoes. To her5
eco"o$y -oes "ot have to $ea" cheap. The chil-re" ,ill %e e:pecte- to %e polite to
relatives a"- el-ers5 a"- they>ll pro%a%ly lear" e:celle"t $a""ers. They ,o">t %e
pa$pere- or allo,e- to ,ill8ully -iso%ey. 28 you give her a %oo7 o" chil-
psychology5 she $ay use it to pa--le a" u"ruly o88spri"g a"- get arou"- to rea-i"g
it later. Stic7y 7isses $ay "ot %e ,elco$e5 %ut 8e, $others are $ore -evote- tha"
the 8e$ale goat. .er chil-re" ,ill get a courteous liste"i"g ear. She $ay %e a little
strict a"- u"sy$pathetic to their gro,i"g pai"s5 %ut she>ll %e a 8asci"ate- au-ie"ce
8or their achieve$e"ts. The chil- ,ho ru"s ho$e 8ro$ school a"- shouts5 <#uess
,hat 2 lear"e- to-ay5< ,o">t %e ig"ore- %y the !apricor" $other5 ,ho ,ill "ever %e
too %usy to give her you"gsters her i"terest a"- atte"tio". A8ter they %eco$e
tee"agers5 there $ay %e a 8e, %arriers ,he" the Satur" co"servatis$ clashes ,ith
youth>s li%eralis$. At this poi"t5 she $ay "ee- so$e help i" u"-ersta"-i"g her
chil-re">s e"thusiastic -rea$s. She $ay lea$ the har- ,ay that she ca">t -ictate
their 8rie"-ships a"- co"8i"e the$ to <accepta%le< people. 4ut she>s i"tellige"t
e"ough to a-;ust a"- pull i" her hor"s i8 it loo7s as though she>ll lose $ore tha"
she>ll gai".
Si"ce $a"y !apricor" 8e$ales have se"sitive s7i"5 they -o">t ,ear $uch $a7e-up.
Lots o8 the$ are allergic to it. 4ut "ature re,ar-e- the$ ,ith "atural %eauty that
"ee-s little gil-i"g5 a"- they>ll 7eep it lo"g a8ter the roses have 8a-e- 8ro$ the
chee7s o8 other ,o$e". So$e o8 the$ startle you ,ith lovely co$ple:io"s5 8ir$
8eatures a"- %right eyes at the age o8 eighty a"- ol-er.
*atie"tly help your !apricor" ,o$a" overco$e her lac7 o8 perso"al co"8i-e"ce.
She>s "ot u"i$agi"ative ;ust %ecause she -oes">t court -elusio". Try o" a couple o8
her practical -rea$s 8or si3e5 a"- you>ll 8i"- they>re surprisi"gly co$8orta%le.
Stu%%or""ess $ay %e o"e o8 her vices5 %ut she>s "ot a ,hi"er or a "ervous "ag.
She>ll push you to,ar- success5 yet %e te"-er a"- -evote-. 2" spite o8 her $o-est5
o8te" ge"tle ,ays5 she>ll 7"o, ;ust ho, to t,ist you arou"- her little 8i"ger. There>s
a -eep rich"ess i" her love that>s $ore lasti"g tha" the %rittle5 scorchi"g5 -e$a"-i"g
love o8 other ,o$e". /ho says she -oes">t %elieve i" 8airy talesA &"ly a ,ise
!apricor" $ai-e" coul- loo7 -eep i"to the eyes o8 a" a,7,ar- 8rog a"- see that
he>s really a pri"ce i" -isguise. Not o"ly that-i8 you $arry her5 youll "ever ru" out
o8 clea" soc7s.

The !A*12!&1N !hil-
<&h5 ho, 2 -,ish 2 coul- shut up li7e a telescopeI 2-thi"7 2 coul-5 i8 2 o"ly 7"e, ho,
to %egi" ...<
<*at her o" the hea-5 a"- see ho, please- she>ll %eI... A little 7i"-"ess- a"- putti"g
her hair i" papers- ,oul- -o ,o"-ers ,ith her-<
28 you>re o"e o8 those people $others hate5 %ecause you thi"7 all "e,%or" i"8a"ts
loo7 li7e little ol- $e" a"- ,o$e"5 save your -escriptio" 8or a !apricor" %a%y5 a"-
you ,o">t get so $uch resista"ce. Ti"y !apricor"s -o rese$%le $i"iature
octoge"aria"s. They loo7 ol- i" their youth a"- you"g i" their ol- age. That little
,ri"7le- pru"e o8 a 8ace i" the %assi"et ,ill so$e-ay %e s$ooth a"- u"-li"e- ,he"
other 8aces are saggi"g. May%e it has so$ethi"g to -o ,ith %ei"g %or" i" Ja"uary-
the ol- year goi"g out a"- the Ne, =ear co$i"g i". The o-- tur"a%out -oes $atch
the 8a$iliar i$age o8 the ol- $a" ,ith his care-li"e- 8ace %esi-e the 8resh i"8a"t o8
the Ne, =ear ,ith his 2vory soap loo7.
28 you have a !apricor" chil-5 you>ll "otice the i"co"siste"cy soo" e"ough. (ro$ the
ti$e he>s a" i"8a"t5 your sel8-co"tai"e- little !appy ,ill $a7e you 8eel so$e,hat
u"easy ,ith his stra"ge $aturity. =ou>ll say so$ethi"g cheer8ul to hi$5 li7e <Does
itty %itty 4a%y 4oo ,a"t a "icey sugy ca7eA< a"- he>ll give you a serious5 though8ul
loo75 e:actly as though he>s ,o"-eri"g ;ust ho, silly you ca" get. 2t -oes">t ta7e
$a"y o8 those loo7s to sha$e the average pare"t right out o8 %a%y tal7.
!apricor" you"gsters are stro"g-,ille- a"- positive i" their tastes5 %ut they -o">t
$a7e a %ig 8uss i" e:pressi"g the$. =our little goat ,o">t thro, a te$per ta"tru$ or
-ra$atically pou"- his 8ist i" the $ashe- potatoes5 %ut heTl $a"age to
co$$u"icate his "egative reactio"s 'uite plai"ly. A $other $ay 8eel vaguely
i"ti$i-ate- %y a !apricor" %a%y5 %ut she ca">t put her 8i"ger o" the e:act reaso".
So$eho, he $a7es her 8eel-,ell5 he $a7es her 8eel 8oolish a"- "ighty. Let>s %e
very truth8ul. .e $a7es her 8eel li7e the chil-5 i"stea- o8 the pare"t.
This i"8a"t is">t the 7i"- to ,aver or succu$% to ,ish8ul thi"7i"g. .e cra,ls or
,a--les -eli%erately to the place he ,a"ts to reach. =ou rather get the 8eeli"g he
orga"i3e- it all care8ully i" his $i"- ,hile you ,ere cha"gi"g his -iaper5 a"- "o,
he>s goi"g to 8ollo, through. .e>s "othi"g i8 "ot -e8i"ite. !aprico$s are "ever coy
a%out $a7i"g their ,ishes 7"o,". =ou get the $essage clearly. The" they stea-ily
,ait 8or your a"s,er. Suppose you say <"o.< 28 it is">t a"ythi"g i$porta"t5 he ,ill
pro%a%ly accept the -isappoi"t$e"t ,ithout tear8ul sce"es. 28 it>s so$ethi"g he>s
-eci-e- he really ,a"ts5 he>ll get it5 o"e ,ay or a"other. =our <"o< ,ill $ea" little
to hi$. 2"stea- o8 8ighti"g it5 he>ll ig"ore it a"- %i-e his ti$e u"til he 8i"ally ,ears
you -o," a"- you give i".
As he gro,s ol-er5 your !apricor" o88spri"g ,ill %egi" to orga"i3e his li8e i"to a
routi"e. .e>ll 7eep his toys i" a certai" place5 a"- ,ill %e 'uite put out i8 you $ove
the$ or -istur% his syste$. 28 he>s a typical Satur" chil-5 hell usually a-apt "aturally
to $ealti$e sche-ules a"- potty ti$e5 a"- he>ll have less i"terest i" chil-ish tric7s or
youth8ul pra"7s tha" other you"gsters. +ve" ,he" they>re very s$all5 these %oys
a"- girls ,ill sho, a -eci-e- pre8ere"ce 8or ho$e li8e. The little goat ,oul- rather
go o" a pic"ic ,ith $other a"- -a-5 or sit ho$e a"- liste" to the gro,"-ups tal75
tha" ru" outsi-e ,ith a group o8 chil-re" his o," age. .e>ll sel-o$ have a ga"g o8
8rie"-s. There ,ill pro%a%ly %e o"ly a 8e, close co$pa"io"s5 or $ay%e ;ust o"e
special 8rie"- ,ith ,ho$ he shares secrets.
School is sel-o$ a struggle 8or you"g !apricor" stu-e"ts. 0"less he has a
co"8licti"g asce"-a"t or the Moo" ,as i" a restless sig" at %irth5 this you"gster ,ill
%e re$ar7a%ly respo"si%le a%out ho$e,or7. .e ,ill ,al7 i"to the house5 ha"g up
his coat5 a"- sit -o," i$$e-iately to tac7le his lesso"s. 28 he>s a true !apricor"5 he
ca">t e";oy his play u"til he>s 8irst atte"-e- to -uty.
/he" he>s rea-y 8or leisure5 the Satur" play o8te" ta7es the 8or$ o8 prete"-i"g to %e
a" a-ult. Little !apricor" girls love to play -ress-up i" their $other>s clothes.
So$eti$es they>ll suggest5 <=ou %e the %a%y a"- 2>ll %e the Mo$$y5< ,hich coul-
$a7e you a %it u"co$8orta%le5 %ecause the tot ,ill %e stra"gely co"vi"ci"g i" the
reverse role. =ou>ll 8eel li7e a co$plete 8ool5 sta"-i"g i" the plaype" a"- gurgli"g
,hile she peers over her %ig spectacles5 ,eari"g your high heels a"- pearls5 a"-
says 8ir$ly5 <Do %e still or you>ll go to %e- ,ithout a"y supper.< =ou get the
i$pressio" you>- %etter stop the play 'uic7ly5 or she really ,ill put you to %e-.
So$eti$es the !apricor" chil- ,ill %eco$e a <prete"-< pare"t 8or s$all pets a"- %e
'uite serious a%out the respo"si%ility. Little !apricor" %oys li7e to prete"- they>re
teachers5 -octors5 e:ecutives o8 %ig railroa-s or Da--y. /he" your little so" puts o"
your hus%a"->s topcoat a"- pic7s up his pipe5 you $ay get the o--est urge to as7
hi$ to -rive over to the super$ar7et a"- %ri"g ho$e so$e eggs-u"til you re$e$%er
he ca">t -rive a"ythi"g $ore co$plicate- tha" a scooter5 a"- he s7i"s his 7"ees
$ost o8 the ti$e o" that. !apricor" chil-re" also li7e to pai"t or -ra, a"- liste" to
$usic5 %ut they ,o">t ,aste $a"y leisure hours i" ai$less ga$es. (re'ue"tly they>ll
%e a%sor%e- i" $a7i"g so$ethi"g practical. 2t ,ill have a use8ul purpose5 eve" i8 it>s
a pretty s7i""y pot hol-er or a co$ically ,o%%ly pe"cil %o:. They shoul- %e e"-
courage- to play out-oors. They ,o">t see7 the su"shi"e a"- 8resh air ,ith $uch
e"thusias$5 %ut it>s goo- 8or the$B it %lo,s those gloo$y little Satur" co%,e%s out
o8 their you"g $i"-s.
Teachers usually 8i"- the !apricor" chil- pleasa"t to i"struct5 %ut they $ay lose
patie"ce ,ith his slo,5 stu%%or" $etho-s o8 lear"i"g. Still5 the teacher ,ill sel-o$
co$plai" o8 8rivolous -ay-rea$i"g or "eglect o8 stu-ies. These you"gsters are
"or$ally very goo- scholars5 a8ter they>ve graspe- the 8u"-a$e"tals. They -o">t
lea$ 'uic7ly or pro;ect 8lashy %rillia"ce5 %ut they>re thorough a"- care8ul. Satur"
co"ce"tratio" is "othi"g to s"ee3e at. 2t ,i"s pri3es a"- gets A>s.
/he" your you"g goat %ri"gs ho$e a report car- ,ith %ehavior $ar7s that say he>s
o%e-ie"t5 stu-ious a"- relia%le5 %ut <he>s relucta"t to participate i" class
-iscussio"s5< <re8uses to recite5< <is ti$i-5 lac7s co"8i-e"ce a"- -oes">t $i: ,ell
,ith the other stu-e"ts5< you>ll %egi" to ,orry that you>ve raise- a" i"troverte-
%oo7,or$5 a hopelessly a"ti-social creature. The" o"e -ay your little !apricor" ,ill
casually $e"tio" that he has to %e i" school early to call the roll. </hy -o you have
to call the rollA< youll as7. The a"s,er ,ill %e a shoc7. <&h5 %ecause 2>$ *resi-e"t
o8 the class.< /he" you e:clai$5 </hy -i-">t you tell usA< he>ll reply ,ith o88ha"-
$o-esty5 <#ee5 it is">t that i$porta"t.< 4ut he>ll %e %lushi"g a"- please-. 2t>s the
patter" 8or his a-ult li8e. Appare"tly slo,er tha" the others5 suppose-ly a poor $i:er
a"- the -ar7 horse5 he>ll 'uietly a"- i"evita%ly e"- up i" so$e positio" o8 lea-er-
ship5 as the e:troverts reali3e he>s the o"e they ca" trust to %e respo"si%le. !apricor"
$ay %e le8t to guar- the treasures a"- 7eep the recor-s5 ,hile the gregarious o"es
play a"- -rea$ %ut he ,o">t 8eel i$pose- upo". /hat he see7s are respect a"-
A" occasio"al !apricor" you"gster ,ill col-ly -ictate to ,ea7er 8rie"-s or si%li"gs
,ith a stu%%or" ,ill5 ,hich ca" a$ou"t to chil-ish cruelty5 %ut 8ar $ore o8te" the
!apricor" chil- ,ill su%$it to $ore -o$i"a"t Su" sig"s. There $ay the" %e a
pro%le$ o8 %rothers or sisters %ossi"g the little goat5 a"- you>ll thi"7 he>s %ei"g
pushe- arou"- u"8airly. Do">t ,orry. .e ca" ta7e care o8 hi$sel8. &"e little
!apricor" girl 2 7"o, is co$pletely su%$issive to her ol-er5 $ore aggressive
Sagittaria" sister. /ith the patie"ce o8 the earth sig"s she ta7es or-ers 8ro$ the
$ore 8iery perso"ality. She "ever tal7s %ac7 or argues. 4ut a8ter a" especially severe
%ossi"g sessio"5 the ol-er sister ;ust happe"s to 8i"- her shoes5 her hair%rush or her
8avorite s,eater is <$issi"g.< 2t al,ays tur"s up eve"tually5 a"- "o o"e i" the 8a$ily
ever has the slightest i-ea ho, it got <lost5< %ut 8or ,ee7s a8ter,ar-s5 the %ossy
sister is $ore co"si-erate. Never u"-eresti$ate the po,er o8 !apricor" 8or sel8-
preservatio". So$eho,5 the o--s get eve"e-.
Arou"- $e$%ers o8 the opposite se:5 little goats ,ill %e %ash8ul5 %ut i"te"sely
i"tereste-. =ou>ll hear re$ar7s li7e5 <4oys are -rippy goo"s5< a"- <#irls are stupi-
creeps5< %ut they>ll get $ysteriously e:cite- a%out ale"ti"e>s Day i" school5 a"-
se"- a %ushel o8 car-s sig"e- <guess ,ho.< 1o$a"tically5 a-olesce"ce ca" %e
pai"8ul. They>ll "ee- e"courage$e"t a"- care8ul ha"-li"g ,he" -ati"g %egi"s.
2t>s a %lessi"g to %e the pare"ts o8 a Ja"uary %oy or girl. /ith very 8e, e:ceptio"s5
it>s li7e a gi8t 8ro$ the go-s. 0"less he>s pushe- too 8ar5 i" ,hich case he ca" say
so$ethi"g %lu"tly cruel a"- 8ree3i"gly pai"8ul5 the !apricor" chil- ,ill usually %e
as s,eet as the <sugy ca7e< he hates.
28 you>re short o" the re"t $o"ey you ca" al,ays %orro, a 8e, t,e"ties 8ro$ his 8at
piggy %a"7. .e>ll %e polite to his el-ers5 a"- $i"- al$ost ,ithout %ei"g as7e-5
e:cept 8or rare stu%%or" spells. .e>ll orga"i3e his chores5 a"- %e serious a%out his
8uture5 though you $ay have to 8orce hi$ to scru% %ehi"- his ears. .e>ll cli"g to
ho$e a"- 8a$ily ,ith ho"est -evotio"5 a"- sel-o$ $a7e you ,o"-er ,here he is.
Most o8 the ti$e5 he>ll %e right there %esi-e you5 e";oyi"g every $i"ute. .e has his
o," %right5 soli- a"- practical -rea$s. Do">t ,orry i8 he s"u%s Sleepi"g 4eauty a"-
#ol-iloc7s. /he" you>re ol- a"- gray5 a"- 8eeli"g lost a"- 8orgotte" %y a
thoughtless you"ger ge"eratio"5 your !apricor" so" or -aughter ,ill si"cerely
respect your ,is-o$. .e>ll %e e"thusiastic a%out i"viti"g you to visit or eve" to
$a7e your ho$e ,ith hi$. 2t>s 8or all the ,orl- as i8 the !apricor" you"gster is
sayi"g-8or real this ti$e-<All right5 "o, 2>ll %e the Mo$$y ?or Da--y@5 a"- you %e
the %a%y. =ou too7 care o8 $e ,ith love. No, 2>ll ta7e care o8 you.< There>ll %e "o
$a7e-%elieve a%out it5 %ut .a"s !hristia". A"-erse" "ever ,rote a happier e"-i"g5

The !A*12!&1N 4oss
<2 tol- the$ o"ce5 2 tol- the$ t,ice9
they ,oul- "ot liste" to a-vice.<
<No, 2 gro,l ,he" 2>$ please-5 a"- ,ag $y tail ,he" 2>$ a"gry> There8ore 2>$
2 7"o, a !apricor" %oss ,ho>s ;ust a%out as typical o8 the Su" sig" as you ca" get.
.e>s the $a;or -o$o o8 the ,orl- o8 a 8a$ous $ale si"ger 8ro$ .o%o7e". (e,
people 7"o, it. There are "o "eo" sig"s spelli"g his "a$e5 a"- colu$"ists -o">t
pri"t ;uicy ti-%its a%out his activities. =ou>ll "ever see his 8ace o" the cover o8 Ti$e5
%ut you $ay have to pass his i"spectio" %e8ore you get the cha"ce to try to sell a"y
gla$orous i-eas to the 2-ol.
This goat sits 8ir$ly %ehi"- his -es75 e88icie"tly tyi"g up all the loose e"-s a"-
-a"gli"g stri"gs i" the a$a3i"gly i"tricate li8e o8 the 8a$ous perso"ality. This ca"
ra"ge 8ro$ $eeti"g the si"ger>s relatives at the airport to %uyi"g a yacht or re"ti"g
the 8loo-lights 8or a pre$iere. .e cal$ly ha"-les hot potatoes li7e la, suits a"- ta:
pro%le$s %y -elegati"g the right potato i"to the right accou"ta"t>s or attor"ey>s ove"
8or %a7i"g5 $a7i"g sure it "either stays ra, "or gets %ur"e-. .is pho"e ri"gs
co"sta"tly ,ith S.&.S. calls 8ro$ other $e$%ers o8 the ,i-esprea- e"tourageB a"-
he 7"o,s ;ust ,ho is ,here a"- ,hy a"- ,he" they>re co$i"g %ac7. .e 7eeps 8our
$illio" statistics i" his hea-5 i"clu-i"g top secret i"8or$atio" reporters ,oul- give
a" eye tooth to lear"5 the ope"i"g sce"e o8 a t,e"ty-year-ol- $ovie5 the %o: o88ice
8igures o8 a curre"t 8il$5 a"- the 8astest source o8 catere- hot spaghetti ,ith 2talia"
cheese sauce.
.is -ay "ever e"-s. 2t starts at -a,"5 a"- $i-"ight 8i"-s hi$ ,i"-i"g up the
sche-ule o8 or-ers he>ll see are e:ecute- pro$ptly the "e:t $or"i"g. &8te"5 he
shaves5 sho,ers a"- -resses at the o88ice. A"yo"e ,ho really 7"o,s the score ,ill
tell you that certai" %e-la$ ,oul- result i8 he ever -isappeare- 8ro$ the 8ra"tic
sce"e. .e>- loo7 grossly out o8 place i" a -iscothe'ue5 a"- he has a vaguely u"co$-
8orta%le loo7 i" "ightclu%s5 ,here -uty -e$a"-s he sho, his po7er 8ace o"
This particular e:ecutive goat has a stra"ge %ase o8 operatio"s o" a" e"tire 8loor o8 a
Ma"hatta" %uil-i"g. 2" a--itio" to the outer roo$s a"- receptio" hall5 there>s a huge
space 8or his private -e". 2" o"e co$er is a large circular -es7 8or the $ou"tai" o8
papers that re'uire his -aily atte"tio". The rest o8 his private -o$ai" is 8ur"ishe-
,ith t,o %ig couches5 several over-stu88e- chairs5 co88ee ta%les5 heavy -raperies5
la$ps5 %oo7 cases a"- $ossy5 cushio"e- carpeti"g. .e eve" has a -i"i"g roo$5 ,ith
a ta%le %ig e"ough to seat the Mets 8or lu"ch5 chi"a closets5 $irrors5 -ishes5 silver
a"- glasses. The ,alls are covere- ,ith patter"e- paper5 a"- there are several ta"7s
o8 e:pe"sive tropical 8ish li"i"g the roo$. =ou ,oul- thi"7 you ,ere i" so$o"e>s
ho$e i"stea- o8 i" the %usy o88ice o8 a" i$porta"t e:ecutive.
That>s e:actly ,here you are. Si"ce he $ust spe"- so $a"y hours a,ay 8ro$ his
ho$e5 this !apricor" %oss si$ply %rought it ,ith hi$. &ther %osses $ay e";oy the
co$$ercial ,orl-5 a"- %e gla- to get a,ay 8ro$ ho$e5 %ut "ot the goat. .o$e is
sacre-. At al$ost a"y hour5 youll 8i"- this particular !apricor">s relatives arou"-.
(a$ily li8e is "ever "eglecte- 8or %usi"ess.
Si"ce he>s such a typical Satur" %oss his ha%its tell a lot a%out all !apricor"
e:ecutives. .e>s a 7i"-ly 8ather i$age to those ,ho ,or7 8or hi$-ster"5 %ut 8air. .e
i"sists o" o%e-ie"ce to -uty5 a"- ,oe %eti-e the e$ployee ,ho 8orgets to 8ee- his
velvet-taile- guppies. .e sel-o$ raises his voice to give or-ers. .is to"e is gru885
%ut "or$ally 'uiet5 e:cept o" rare occasio"s ,he" stupi-ity or careless $ista7es
cause hi$ to %ello,. At these ti$es5 he rese$%les a glari"g Mo"ty /oolley.
isitors are so$eti$es i"ti$i-ate- %y his serious5 8or$al $a""er5 %ut the sta88 has
-iscovere- his so8t heart5 a"- they>ll %roo7 "o criticis$ o8 hi$ 8ro$ outsi-ers-
though they $ay s,ear a little u"-er their %reath5 a$o"g the$selves5 ,he" he
crac7s the ,hip. .e %u$s their ears o88 ,he" they goo85 %ut he co$es up ,ith a"
e:tra 8i8ty ,he" it>s "ee-e-5 a"- he>ll se"- his secretary>s $other 8lo,ers i" the
hospital. .e sel-o$ goes i" 8or co$pli$e"ts or 8lattery. A $u$%le- <=eah5 that>s
goo-5< is a%out as close as he co$es to e:travaga"t praise. 4ut he>s a sy$pathetic
liste"er to his e$ployees> perso"al trou%les5 a"- he $a7es sure they eat right a"-
,ear their %oots ,he" it>s rai"i"g. The sta88 is li7e a 8a$ily5 ,ith the !apricor" %oss
u"'uestio"a%ly the hea- o8 the house.
.e -oes">t ha"- out !hrist$as %o"uses li7e Sa"ta !laus5 %ut he>s "ot sti"gy ,he" a"
e$ployee gets stuc7 i" Las egas o" a vacatio" ,ithout the pla"e 8are ho$e5 or
,he" the guy (ri-ay he 7eeps hoppi"g li7e a ;ac7 ra%%it has a -octor>s %ill that ca">t
%e pai- o" his salary. ?2" the egas i"sta"ce5 he>ll ,ire the retur" trip tic7et5 rather
tha" the cash5 a"- it ,ill %e tourist class. /aste8ul"ess is "ot o"e o8 his ho%%ies.@
Although he>s gru885 he ca" also %e ge"tle a"- ti$i-. A co$pli$e"t ,ill tur" his ears
pi"75 though he>ll sel-o$ ac7"o,le-ge that he eve" hear- it. !harity solicitors ca"
al,ays get a chec7 8ro$ hi$5 a"- i8 the charity is co""ecte- ,ith chil-re" or the ol-
8ol7s5 he>ll a-- a" e:tra 3ero. .e has to %e re$i"-e- to rest a"- eat his lu"ch5 si"ce
respo"si%ility causes hi$ to "eglect his perso"al "ee-s. No, a"- the" he goes i"to a
%lac75 $ela"choly $oo- o8 Satur"i"e -epressio"5 closes his -oor5 stares out the
,i"-o, o" !e"tral *ar75 a"- "o o"e -ares -istur% his privacy. *ho"e calls are hel-
a"- o88ice pro%le$s 7ept o" ice u"til the -epressio" li8ts. .e -resses i"
co"servative5 -ar7 colors a"- su%-ue- styles5 a"- he has a sort o8 gra"-8atherly-
loo7i"g poc7et ,atch he 8re'ue"tly co"sults. .e really loo7s $ore as though he>s
co""ecte- ,ith a stai- %a"7 tha" ,ith the lea-i"g s,i"ger o8 these s,i"gi"> ti$es.
Most o8 the %ric-a-%rac arou"- his -es7 are a"ti'ues5 a"- there>s a ge"erous
spri"7li"g o8 8a-e- photos o8 his ,i8e5 chil-re" a"- various5 assorte- relatives.
That>s a si$o" pure picture o8 a !apricor" %oss. 28 you 7eep the i$age i" your $i"-5
you>ll have a pretty goo- i-ea ,hat to e:pect 8ro$ a"y Satur" e:ecutive i"clu-i"g
your o,". 28 he has a"y spare ti$e5 he ,o">t ,aste it. .e>ll e:pect you to i$itate
hi$. 2s the s,itch%oar- 'uietA #oo-. =ou>ll have ti$e to 8ile those letters. 2s the
sche-ule light to-ayA *i"e. =ou ca" $ove those carto"s i" the stoc7 roo$. Do">t
spe"- o88ice ti$e polishi"g your "ails5 i8 you>re his secretary-a"- -o">t ha"g o" the
pho"e i" the %ac7 o88ice5 tal7i"g ,ith your girl5 i8 you>re a $ale e$ployee. =our
Satur" %oss ,ill $ateriali3e out o8 thi" air5 li7e a 8ro,"i"g5 ave"ge8ul ge"ie. 2t
,oul-">t %e ,ise to have your %eat"i7 %rother ,ith the %ear- a"- guitar visit you at
the o88ice. +ve" the goat>s religious -evotio" to 8a$ily ties-his o," a"- yours-,o">t
7eep hi$ 8ro$ raisi"g a co"servative eye%ro, o8 -isapproval. (e$ale e$ployees
,ho ree7 o8 per8u$e a"- $ale e$ployees ,ho practice putti"g i" the co"8ere"ce
roo$ ,o">t 8i"- the o88ice o8 a !apricor" e:ecutive a happy ho$e. As 8ar as he>s
co"cer"e-5 the place 8or heavy per8u$e is i" the %ottle5 a"- the place 8or putti"g is
o" the gol8 course ?pre8era%ly at the %est cou"try clu%@.
.e>s al,ays i$presse- ,ith the status o8 those ,ho have i"che- a 8e, toehol-s
a%ove hi$ o" the $ou"tai" o8 success5 so you>ll $a7e a hit i8 you>re 8a$iliar ,ith
the social register. 28 you -i-">t gra-uate 8ro$ assar or .arvar-5 the" 8or goo-"ess
sa7es at least have a" au"t or u"cle ,ho -i-.
Ma7e sure he 7"o,s you ta7e your $other to lu"ch every /e-"es-ay5 or that you
pay your you"ger %rother>s tuitio" at prep school5 a"- you>re sure to get pro$ote-.
!lea" 8i"ger"ails5 courteous $a""ers a"- per8ect gra$$ar are "ecessities5 a"-
e88icie"t ,or7 ,ithout ,hi"i"g or co$plai"ts ,ill %e a re'uire$e"t. Never call hi$
%y his 8irst "a$e i" 8ro"t o8 stra"gers5 a"- "ever %reathe a ,or- o8 criticis$ a%out
his 8a$ily i" 8ro"t o8 a"y%o-y. (or !hrist$as5 give hi$ a chippe- a"- 8a-e- oil
pai"ti"g o8 Tho$as Je88erso" you pic7e- up i" a" a"ti'ue shop5 or a roc7 you
s"itche- last su$$er 8ro$ the %ac7 -oor o8 Na"cy .a"7s> %irthplace. !aprico$s
revere history a"- the past. Just -o">t tell hi$ you s"itche- the roc7. They also
revere scrupulous ho"esty. *olishi"g apples ,o">t get you te" ce"ts e:tra i" your
pay e"velope. 4ut u"-ersta"-i"g his lo"ely heart ,ill gai" you his co"8i-e"ce.
&thers $ay see hi$ as a 8ir$5 tough -iscipli"aria" ,ith a heart o8 sto"e. Let hi$
7"o, you see hi$ 8or ,hat he really is9
a shy a"- se"sitive soul5 ,ho secretly lo"gs to %e 8ree a"- casual5 %ut 7"o,s he>s
chai"e- %y Satur">s -e$a"-s o8 o%e-ie"ce to or-er5 syste$ a"- authority. .e>ll treat
you li7e a so" or -aughter. =ou>ll get spa"7e- ,he" you>re %a- a"- re,ar-e- ,he"
you>re goo-. 4ut he ,o">t let you -o," ,he" you>re i" trou%le or loc7 the -oor
,he" you "ee- help. Just -o">t 8orget to 8ee- those velvet-taile- guppies.

The !A*12!&1N +$ployee
<28 everyo"e $i"-e- their o," %usi"ess5> sai- the Duchess5 i" a hoarse gro,l5 <The
,orl- ,oul- go rou"- a -eal 8aster tha" it -oes.<
Loo7 arou"- the o88ice a"- see i8 you ca" spot hi$. No 8air s"ea7i"g a loo7 at the
%irth-ays i" your perso""el recor-s. =ou ca" 8orget a%out that origi"al5 creative
8ello, ,ith the %ushy si-e%ur"s a"- the a"tler tooth "ec7lace. =ou ca" also cross
o88 the sport ,ho %rags a%out his pu% cruisi"g capers a"- his ca"-lelight co"'uests.
They>re "ot Satur" types.
Jolly #eorge5 ,ho 7eeps the sta88 i" a state o8 perpetual pa"ic ,ith his "ot-'uite-
practical ;o7es5 -e8i"itely is">t a !apricor". Neither is light-hearte- Louie5 ,ith the
gli% to"gue a"- the %ou"ci"g %a%y %rai"stor$s-"or the "e, pro$otio" $a"ager
,ith the ora"ge sil7 ascot5 ,ho 7eeps hu$$i"g <My (ather /as the Feeper o8 the
Light< i" sales $eeti"gs.
.o, a%out that %usy ,or7er ,ith the reserve- $a""er ,ho ,ears suspe"-ers a"-
parts his hair i" the $i--leA The o"e ,ith the 'uiet soc7s a"- a picture o8 his 8a$ily
i" a" ostrich leather 8ra$e o" his -es7. .e usually co$es i" a 8e, $i"utes early a"-
leaves a 8e, $i"utes late. .is hea- is 8aste"e- 8ir$ly to his shoul-ers5 a"- his
pe"cil poi"ts are al,ays sharp. The sta88 calls hi$ <Sir5< sales$e" call hi$ <Mister5<
a"- you call hi$ ,he" there>s trou%le. &8 course he>s a !apricor".
/ho else coul- you loa- up ,ith a pile o8 ,or7 that ,oul- stagger a horse-%ut "ot a
goatA .e>s your -epe"-a%le sa8ety valve ,he" thi"gs get s"arle- a"- -isorga"i3e-5
a"- he co$es through 8or you ,ithout $a7i"g a %ig 8uss a%out it. 2 -ou%t i8 he ever
-ashes i"to your o88ice. .e ,al7s i"5 a"- he pro%a%ly chec7s 8irst to see i8 you>re
%usy. .is clothes a"- $a""er are %oth co"servative5 a"- he>s the o"ly o"e i" the
%u"ch ,ho "ever gets caught ,ithout his u$%rella ,he" it rai"s. .e ,o">t lose his
%rie8 case i" the su%,ay5 or 8orget ,here he le8t his lu"ch. .is lu"chA Naturally.
/hat else -o you thi"7 he carries i" that %ro," paper %agA 1estaura"ts are
e:pe"sive. 4esi-es5 he hates to tip a"- 8ight the cro,-s.
The last ti$e you sa, hi$ 8lash a %right5 toothpaste gri" ,as ,he" your secretary
$e"tio"e- she -i-">t 7"o, ho, the o88ice coul- ru" ,ithout hi$. .e>s "ot the
gri""i"g type. &r the 8oolish5 8rivolous type. .e $ay tell 'uite a 8e, ;o7es i" his
,ry a"- -ry ,ay5 or ta7e a -iscreet pee7 at a pretty girl5 %ut Satur" ,ill "ever per$it
hi$ to pull out all the stops. Most o8 the ti$e5 he $i"-s his o," %usi"ess. The
!apricor" is $ore i"cli"e- to 8ro," ster"ly 00 the casual ;ollities o8 the gay
e:troverts tha" to ;oi" the$5 although his o," %ra"- o8 cy"ical hu$or ca" %e
hilarious. /he" he>s i" 8or$5 it>s har- to top hi$.
=ou have to a-$it he has u"i'ue a"- valua%le assets. =our !apricor" e$ployee is
the o"e you sic o" the tough5 suspicious 2"ter"al 1eve"ue $a". /he" the goat gets
through ,ith hi$5 he>s "ot as suspicious a"- 8ar less tough. .e $ay eve" %e
courteous a"- respect8ul. 2t>s "ot everyo"e ,ho ca" success8ully i"ti$i-ate a ta:
$a". 1e$e$%er that high pressure character ,ho ,a"te- to sell you several
hu"-re- -ollars ,orth o8 per8u$e- type,riter ri%%o"s i" r%i"esto"e stu--e- %o:es
to pep up your secretaries> $oraleA A8ter t,o $i"utes ,ith your !apricor" $a"5 the
poor soul ,as pressi"g the -o," %utto" o" the elevator5 loo7i"g li7e a 8alle"
So$eho,5 you get the i$pressio" your !apricor" e$ployee is goi"g to a-va"ce
$uch higher i" li8e5 %ut it>s har- to 8igure ho, he co"veys it. There>s "othi"g
aggressive or ope"ly a$%itious a%out hi$. .e>s "ot a 8lashy5 ruthless cli$%er. Let>s
try that agai". .e>s "ot a 8lashy cli$%er. 2" his o," $il-5 i"co"spicuous ,ay5 the
goat is col-ly -eter$i"e- to get ,here he>s goi"g. Those ,ho preve"t his stea-y
progress or i$pose o" hi$ ,ill soo" 8i"- he>s "o !asper Mil'uetoast. .ell accept
his respo"si%ilities ,ithout co$plai"t or rese"t$e"t5 %ut he ,o">t %e pushe- too 8ar.
!aprico$s ,ith severe pla"etary a88lictio"s i" their "atal %irth charts ca" %e
asto"ishi"gly cruel a"- ruthless. 4ut the average goat si$ply gives people a gru$py
gro,l a"- a %lac7 loo7 ,he" they t,ea7 his hor"s.
I Just i" case you have o"e o8 the e:ceptio"s to the rule i" your o88ice5 2>- %etter tell
you a%out a !apricor" 2 7"e, ,ho ,or7e- i" a -o"ut shop. .e pro%a%ly ha- a Leo
asce"-a"t or the Moo" ,as i" #e$i"i or Aries ,he" he ,as %or". This goat ,ore
e:pe"sive5 2talia" shoes a"- %ig cu88 li"7s. .e $a-e $ore ro$a"tic co"'uests i" a
,ee7 tha" other $e" -o i" a li8eti$e-or sai- he -i-. .e e";oye- telli"g o88-color
stories5 a"- ,he" he ,as">t 8lirti"g ,ith the ,o$e" custo$ers or i$pressi"g
everyo"e ,ith his tough"ess5 he tosse- o88 so$e pretty %ig %u%%le sche$es a"-
,ay-out pro$otio"s. Most people ,oul- "ever peg hi$ as a !apricor"5 %ut they
shoul- loo7 a little closer a"- liste" $ore care8ully.
(or all his outrageous 8lirti"g5 ,he" he calle- his 8ia"cee o" the pho"e his to"e ,as
te"-er a"- protective. A $a" ,ho -are- to s,ear i" her prese"ce ,oul- "ever have
trie- it t,ice. .e $a-e it clear that she ,as a la-y. 2" 8ro"t o8 his pare"ts5 he ,as
su%-ue- a"- respect8ul. A"yo"e past 8i8ty he treate- ,ith a courtesy %or-eri"g o"
revere"ce. /ith chil-re"5 he ,as as ge"tle as /histler>s $other. *o,er8ul5 8a$ous
people ,ith status tur"e- hi$ i"to a hu$%le5 ,orshipi"g a-$irer. .e ,as co"sta"tly
telli"g 8rie"-s a"- stra"gers that he o"ce sat "e:t to a gla$orous $ovie actress o" a
pla"e or a%out the ti$e he ,as i"vite- to a receptio" at the #over"or>s $a"sio".
+verythi"g he %ought ,as ,holesale5 i"clu-i"g those 2talia" shoes. .e ha- the
u"-ispute- 8irst pri3e as the tightest tipper i" to,". A -ollar ,oul- "ever %e spe"t
,here a -i$e coul- %e save-. 2" other ,or-s5 u"-er"eath that 8alse %rava-o ,as a
typical Satur" "ature. This appare"tly aggressive5 e:troverte- goat tur"e- pi"7 at a
co$pli$e"t a"- pai"8ully shy i" the prese"ce o8 a"yo"e he thought ,as upper
register. 28 you "ee- a"y $ore proo8 that he ,as a !apricor"5 he eve"tually %ought
the chai" o8 -o"ut shops. A"- %y the ,ay5 he -i-">t ris7 his o," cash o" those ,il-
pro$otio"s. 2t ,as al,ays so$e%o-y else>s.
The typical !apricor" e$ployee is co"scie"tious al$ost to a 8ault. 28 he $a7es a
$ista7e or co$$its a" error o8 ;u-g$e"t5 he>s $isera%le. (alli"g -o," o" his ;o%
-epresses hi$. .e>ll co$e %ac7 to the o88ice a"- ,or7 overti$e i8 you "ee- hi$5 %ut
he ,o">t li7e it i8 you $a7e hi$ $iss -i""er at ho$e ,ith his 8a$ily too $a"y
"ights. The goat pre8ers to te"- to his -o$estic respo"si%ilities 8irst5 a"- retur" later
to the gri"-sto"e5 i8 "ecessary. =ou ,o">t 8i"- hi$ cha"gi"g ;o%s o8te". The
!apricor" -eci-es early ,hat the goal ,ill %e5 a"- pursues it ,ith u"s,ervi"g per-
siste"ce. .e is "ot 8lighty or u"-eci-e- a%out his 8uture. The top o8 the $ou"tai" is
"ever allo,e- to %e o%scure- %y the $ist o8 8a"ci8ul -rea$s a"- se"ti$e"tal
,ishi"g. Titles usually -o">t $ove hi$. .e>s "ot see7i"g glory. .e>s a8ter the real
positio" o8 po,er9 he ,a"ts to %e the o"e ,ho guar-s the 8ort ,hile the
i"-ivi-ualists a"- great i-ealists are out chasi"g %utter8lies. .e -oes">t "ee- his
"a$e i" gol- letters o" the -oor to 8eel i$porta"t. 4ut -o">t 8ail to i"crease his area
o8 respo"si%ility at -ece"t i"tervals5 a"- $a7e sure you pay hi$ e"ough $o"ey so
%e ca" 7eep up ,ith the Jo"eses. .e has to live i" the right "eigh%orhoo-5 se"- his
chil-re" to the right schools5 a"- his ,i8e has to -ress ,ith $ore taste tha" her
8rie"-s. That ta7es su%sta"tial lettuce. The goat ,ill gla-ly che, o" tough leather5
pieces o8 steel a"- ol- light %ul%s to ear" his -essert o8 gree" paper lettuce5
spri"7le- ,ith the caviar o8 social -isti"ctio". .is %a"7er $ay %e his closest 8rie"-5
"e:t to the $e$%ers o8 his i$$e-iate 8a$ily.
=our 8e$ale !apricor" e$ployee 8ollo,s the sa$e path as the $ale up that
$ou"tai". Nothi"g s,ays her 8ro$ her -eter$i"atio" to see7 a positio" o8 authority
i" the 8ir$ or $arry the %oss. 2t -oes">t $atter a lot ,hich it is. As lo"g as she
co$es out ahea-. This ,o$a" ,o">t ,ear t,o sets o8 8alse eyelashes or ;a"gli"g
%racelets to ,or7 a"- you>ll "ever catch her spi""i"g -ay-rea$s at her -es7. he la-y
goat is a La-y. She>ll rarely raise her voice or E i"-ulge i" girlish gossip. There are
$ore i$porta"t thi"gs o" her $i"- tha" ,ho is havi"g a" a88air ,ith ,ho$ a"-
,hat +$ily sai- a%out Marily" getti"g %ac7 late 8ro$ lu"ch. A8ter o88ice hours5 she
$ay sho, a little $ore curiosity. The Satur" ,o$a" so$eti$es lives vicariously o"
the -etails o8 other people>s ro$a"ces5 %ut she usually ,o">t i"-ulge hersel8 i"
-iscussi"g the$ o" the %oss>s ti$e. That>s logical e"ough. The %oss $ay so$e-ay %e
her hus%a"-. 2" all 8air"ess5 there>s a"other reaso". All goats S have a serious se"se
o8 -uty5 a respect 8or their superiors5 2 a"- a" i""er -iscipli"e ,hich $a7es the$
a%stai" 8ro$ o88ice $o"7eyshi"es.
=our !apricor" e$ployees o8 either se: ,ill %e %usi"essli7e. They -isapprove o8
people ,ho are late to ,or75 a"- ,ho ,aste ti$e i" i-le chitchat. They have "o
patie"ce ,ith $etho-s that are">t sou"- or proce-ures that lac7 co$$o" se"se5 a"-
they>ll rearra"ge o88ice syste$s to $a7e sure the orga"i3atio" ru"s ,ith se"si%le
e88icie"cy. Not all !aprico$s are %a"7ers5 teachers a"- %oo77eepers. They also
$a7e e:celle"t researchers5 e:tre$ely capa%le -e"tists5 %rillia"t e"gi"eers a"-
architects5 a"- they>re clever at $ercha"-isi"g5 $a"u8acturi"g a"- politics. Ma"y
goats are ;e,elers5 $i"isters5 hotel $a"agers5 8u"eral -irectors5 art -ealers or
a"thropologists5 %ut ,hatever the occupatio"5 they>ll %e serious a%out it.
Do">t 8orget that there>s a creative si-e to Satu$ people. =our !apricor" e$ployee
$ay have a ho%%y that coul- surprise you. .e coul- %e a Su"-ay artist5 a"- a very
goo- o"e5 too. .e coul- %e a ,ee7e"- $usicia"5 -a%%le i" sculpture5 sell real estate5
apply his gree" thu$% to a gar-e"5 si"g i" a choir or %elo"g to a -ra$a class.
!ulture is close to his heart. So is Mother +arth. .is real loves are his 8a$ily5 his
ho$e5 his ,or75 $o"ey5 prestige5 %oo7s5 art a"- $usic i" ;ust a%out that or-er. #et
a" Aries5 Leo5 #e$i"i or Sagittarius e$ployee to travel 8or your 8ir$. Most
!aprico$s %rea7 out i" a "ervous rash at the sight o8 a suitcase. +ve" i8 it>s "ot 'uite
that %a-5 they>ll %e happier catchi"g a co$$uter trai" tha" catchi"g a ;et. A"y,ay5
,ho ,oul- 7eep thi"gs "aile- -o," ,hile he>s a,ayA 1e$e$%er ,hat happe"e-
,he" he too7 his vacatio" last su$$er. So$eo"e i" the o88ice ,e"t ahea- a"-
or-ere- 8our -o3e" o8 those per8u$e- type,riter ri%%o"s i" the rhi"esto"e stu--e-

>T,os %rillig5 a"- the stithy toves Di- gyre a"- gi$%le i" the ,a%e9
All $i$sy ,ere the %orogoves5 A"- the $o$e raths outgra%e.

A60A120S5 the /ater 4earer
Ja"uary 21st through (e%ruary 1)th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The A60A120S Ma"
The A60A120S /o$a"
The A60A120S !hil-
The A60A120S 4oss
The A60A120S

.o, to 1ecog"i3e A60A120S
<2" spri"g5 ,he" -,oo-s are getti"g gree"5 2>ll try a"- tell you ,hat 2 $ea"9
2" su$$er5 ,he" the -ays are lo"g5 *erhaps you>ll u"-ersta"- the so"g.><
<(or this $ust ever %e -A secret
Fept 8ro$ all the rest 4et,ee" yoursel8 a"- $e.<
Lots o8 people li7e rai"%o,s. !hil-re" $a7e ,ishes o" the$5 artists pai"t the$5
-rea$ers chase the$5 %ut the A'uaria" is ahea- o8 every%o-y. .e lives o" o"e.
/hat>s $ore5 he>s ta7e" it apart a"- e:a$i"e- it5 piece %y piece5 color %y color5 a"-
he still %elieves i" it. 2t is">t easy to %elieve i" so$ethi"g a8ter you 7"o, ,hat it>s
really li7e5 %ut the A'uaria" is esse"tially a realist5 eve" though his a--ress is
to$orro,5 ,ith a ,il--%lue-yo"-er 3ip co-e.
Li7e the %e,il-ere- Alice5 ta7e" through the $a3e o8 /o"-erla"- %y A'uaria"
Le,is !arroll5 you'll have to be constantly prepared for the unexpected
'ranians. #e"erally kindly and tran(uil by nature5 A'uaria"s "everth
eless en$oy defying public opinion, and they secretly delight in shocking
more conventional people with occasional erratic conduct. !hese
normally soft-spoken and courteous souls can suddenly short circuit you
with the most amaing statements and actions at the most unpredictable
times. The typical 0ra"ia" is hal8 Al%ert Sch,eit3er a"- hal8 Mic7ey Mouse. .is 8eet
ca" %e ,eari"g sa"-als5 %oots5 o:8or-s5 or hush puppies5 a"- he>ll sel-o$ %other to chec7
,hether they>re appropriate 8or the occasio". #e'll show up barefoot if he feels
like it, and laugh at you for laughing at him. A(uarians often
deliberately adopt weird attire to show their refusal to
=ou ca" o8te" recognie people born under this fixed, air sign by their
fre(uent use of the word friend, A'uaria" (ra"7li" 1oosevelt>s 8iresi-e chats
i"varia%ly %ega"
,ith5 <My 8rie"-s . . .< a"- the typical 0ra"us 'uestio" a8ter a %ro7e" ro$a"ce is5
<!a">t ,e still %e 8rie"-sA< A'uarius is "either ;a-e- "or "aive5 "either e"thusiastic
"or %lase. =ontinuous experimentation simply leaves him curious to
penetrate the next mystery, and the next mystery could be you. That
person who seems to be either a million miles away mentally, or else
dissecting you under an invisible microscope, is probably an A(uarian.
2t ca" %e -isco"certi"g to -iscover5 a8ter all
his i"te"se5 "atteri"g curiosity5 that he's $ust as deeply interested in the
personal lives of the corner policeman, the bartender, the bellboy, the
night club singer or the inmates of the funny house as he is in yours.
+olitics fascinate him, sports absorb him and children intrigue him. 4ut
the" so do horses, automobiles, elderly people5 $e-ical -iscoveries5 authors5
astro"auts, alcoholics5 pia"os5 pi",heels a"- prayers-
"ot to $e"tio" %ase%all a"- Louis Ar$stro"g. Joi" the crowd and toss your ego in
the wastebasket, or his coolly impersonal approach will be sure to
bruise it.
,ook for a strange, faraway look in the eyes, as if they contained some
kind of magic, mysterious knowledge you can't penetrate. A(uarius eyes
are typically vague, with a dreamy, wandering expression, a"- o8te" ?%ut
"ot al,ays@ %lue5 gree"
or gray. The hair is fre(uently straight and silky, li7ely to %e %lo"-e5 sa"-y or
%ro,"B the co$ple:io" is pale a"- the height is usually taller than average
?thougiythe asce"-a"t ca" $o-i8y the appeara"ce o8 a"y Su" sig"@. =ou>ll "otice a
$ar7e- "o%ility o8 pro8ile. 'ranus features are finely chiseled, suggestive of
2oman emperors cut on old gold coins. True A'uaria"s ,ill o8te" a-opt the
pose o8 the -roopi"g hea- ,he" they>re thi"7i"g a%out a pro%le$5 or ;ust a8ter they>ve
as7e- a
'uestio". The hea- -rops a%ruptly 8or,ar-5 or coc7s to o"e si-e5 ,aiti"g 8or your
reactio". !uriously5 thanks to the dual sexuality of 'ranus, there are often
feminine characteristics in the male bodies, such as broad hips5 8or
e:a$ple-a"- $asculi"e
characteristics i" the 8e$ale %o-y5 such as %roa- shoul-ers.
/reedom-loving 'ranians can be acutely funny, perverse, original,
conceited and independent, but they can also be diplomatic, gentle,
sympathetic and timid. !he A(uarian will almost desperately seek the
security of crowds and saturate himself
with friendship. The" hell 8all i"to a gloo$y5 $orose spell o8 lo"eli"ess5 a"- ,a"t to
%e strictly le8t alo"e. 4ut ,hether he>s $i"gli"g or si"gli"g5 he>ll retai" his sharp
perceptio"5 ,hich is at o"ce %oth -eeper a"- 'uic7er tha" others. 'ranus makes him
a natural rebel who instinctively feels that all old customs are wrong, a"-
-rastic alteratio" a"- revolutio"ary cha"ge is ,hat the ,orl- a"- people "ee-
?although i8 he>s i" politics5 he>s clever e"ough "ot to %roa-cast his vie,s
pre$aturely a"- spoil his strategy@.
To this e"-5 A(uarians are always analying situations, friends and
strangers. *t can be disturbing when they start asking pointblank
(uestions, with a bare minimum of tact, as they probe into the heart of
your private feelings. /he" they -iscover the
pu33le ,as">t so co$ple: a8ter all5 they %eco$e %ore-5 so$eti$es eve" upset.
&othing is more insulting than to have an A(uarian tire of his game of
microscopic examination and turn to the next interesting person, $ust
when he's convinced you he thinks you are the most important human
being on earth. *t stings.
%espite their fixation on friendship, A(uarians don't have many
intimates. !hey seek (uantity rather than (uality in their associations,
and they seldom settle down to a steady relationship for more than a
limited period. There>s too $uch to -iscover
arou"- the "e:t co$er to re$ai" tie- to o"e or t,o 8rie"-ships e:clusively. *t does
little good to make an emotional appeal to such an impersonal nature,
but if you
touch the heart of an A(uarian -which is not the same thing as mere
emotion., he'll usually get off his bicycle and come back to see what he
might have missed.
A peculiar sort o8 isolatio" ha"gs over the 0ra"ia"5 a"- he>s often misunderstood by
mankind. That>s %ecause $a"7i"- has">t yet caught up ,ith the A'uaria" 0topia.
Si"ce the ,ater %earer lives i" the 8uture5 co$i"g %ac7 o"ly %rie8ly to the prese"t5 he
ca" see$ ;ust plai" pi:ilate- to $ore $u"-a"e souls. .e se"ses this5 a"- it -eepe"s
his se"se o8 isolatio". 4ut ;ust %ecause others ca">t 7eep up ,ith hi$ is "o reaso" i"
his opi"io" to go %ac7,ar-s. So he ,a"-ers a$o"g his lo"ely clou-s5 ,hile ,e
$ere $ortals ,o"-er ,hat he>s -oi"g ,ay out there. Astrology teaches us that <As
the A'uaria" thi"7s5 so ,ill the ,orl- thi"7 i" 8i8ty years.< That $ay %e true5 %ut it
certai"ly -oes">t "arro, the gap %et,ee" the 0ra"us-rule- a"- the rest o8 us to-ay.
This Su" sig" is 7"o," as the sign of genius5 a"- so it is5 si"ce over seve"ty perce"t
o8 the people i" the .all o8 (a$e are either Su" A'uaria"s or have A'uaria"
asce"-a"ts. &" the other ha"-5 a substantially high percentage of those
confined in mental institutions, or who drop in for regular couch
sessions with an analyst, are also A(uarians. !here's a fine line, they
say, between genius and insanity, and your 'ranian friends can
sometimes make you wonder which side of the line they're on.
A great -eal o8 the co"8usio" is -ue to $a">s te"-e"cy to %elittle his prophets. The
8a$iliar 'uotes that <they laughe- at (ulto" a"- his stea$%oat5< <they thought
+-iso" ,as $e"tally retar-e-5< a"- <they ,a"te- to loc7 up Louis *asteur5< are
e:a$ples o8 the attitu-e o8 the $aterialistic ,orl- to,ar- those ,hose se"ses are
tu"e- to higher spheres o8 thought.
'ranians are a curious mixture of cold, practicality and eccentric
instability5 a"-
they see$ to have a" i"sti"ctive e$pathy ,ith the $e"tally -istur%e-. 2t>s a curious
8act that al$ost a"y A(uarian can substantially reduce the anxiety of the
insane simply by talking to them (uietly. #e has a marvelous knack for
calming hysterical people and soothing frightened children. *s it because
of his own thinly-covered, highly acute nervous system that he has such
deep understandingA
The A'uaria" outlook is so broad that youll seldom find one who is
u"less there are severe pla"etary i"8lue"ces i" the "atal chart. +ve" the"5 he>ll %e
-eeply shoc7e- ,he" his pre;u-ice is poi"te- out. The %rotherhoo- i"sti"ct is so
stro"g i" hi$ that ,he" a rare A'uaria" is guilty o8 %ei"g i"tolera"t5 he>s "ot o"ly
u"a,are o8 it5 he hates the la%el. ;rdinarily, everyone is his brother or sister.
,a"-er through a88lue"t society a"- the slu$s ali7e ,ith his sy$%olic ;ar5 gatheri"g
the ,aters o8 7"o,le-ge a"- pouri"g the$ out agai"5 e:cept 8or those occasio"al
lapses i"to hi%er"atio". 4ut his hi-i"g put perio-s sel-o$ last lo"g5 a"- before you
get a chance to miss him the 'ranian is back gregariously making the
rounds again. %on't try to interrupt his solitude. When he wants to be
alone, he wants to be alone,
%ut he has">t retire- 8ro$ the $ai"strea$ per$a"e"tly5 eve" i8 he -oes ta7e a
su--e" 0ra"us "otio" to get a" u"liste- pho"e "u$%er. .is a--ress has">t cha"ge-5
a"- "either has he. #e can never renounce people for long. *gnore him and
he'll soon be walking around town on those home-made stilts, as alert
and in(uisitive as ever.
;rdinarily, it's difficult to get an A(uarian to make a precise
appointment. #e'd rather keep it loose, because he doesn't like to be
pinned down to specific duties or obligations at specific times. .e pre8ers a
casual <111 see you arou"--$ay%e
so$eti$e Tues-ay< to a -e8i"ite hour 8or a $eeti"g. ?A"- he so$eti$es $ea"s the
seco"- Tues-ay o8 "e:t ,ee7.@ .o,ever5 2 ,ill say that o"ce you>ve succee-e- i"
"aili"g hi$ a"- he gives you his ,or- he>ll $eet you at a particular hour he ,ill %e
there o" the -ot. =ou ca" cou"t o" it5 eve" set your ,atch %y his pu"ctuality5 a"-
you>- %etter "ot %e late yoursel8. .ell sho, up -epe"-a%ly5 u"less he>s %ee"
7i-"appe- o" the ,ay ?,hich5 %ei"g a" A'uaria"5 he coul- %e. A"ythi"g ca"
happe" to these people at a"y ti$e. 2 $ea" %ut a"ythi"g@.
=ou ca" e:pect hi$ to give his opi"io" 8ra"7ly5 %ut he ,o">t try to -ictate ho, you
shoul- thi"7 or ho, you shoul- live your li8e. !o"versely5 he doesn't intend to let
you tell him how he should think or live his. 0"li7e Aries a"- Leo or #e$i"i5
has "o -esire to har- sell his i-eas to others. The A'uaria" philosophy is that
everyo"e has 8ays thi"g5 his special year"i"g. +ach perso" -a"ces to his o," 8i--le
$usic5 a"- i"-ivi-uality shoul- %e respecte-. 2t>s i"teresti"g to see that5 as the ,orl-
$oves i"to the A'uaria" Age5 the heral-s o8 the "e, era are the 8lo,er people a"-
the #urus. 2" e:aggerate- 8ashio"5 they are si$ply re8lecti"g the A'uaria" i-eals9
e'uality-%rotherhoo--love 8or all-live a"- let live-see7 the truth-e:peri$e"t-a"-
retire to $e-itate.
0ou'll rarely find the A(uarian fighting fiercely for a cause. They live their
a"- 8eel that>s e"ough. Let Aries5 Scorpio5 Leo a"- "agittarius grab the sword and
battle gloriously to free the downtrodden. !he 'ranus-ruled souls are
too busy figuring out the reason for the revolution, listening to people's
troubles a"- shari"g sy$pathetic u"-ersta"-i"g. A(uarius believes in violent
change, but he leaves the violence to others. #e's not a moral or a
physical coward. #e $ust isn't geared for battle. When a fight catches
him unaware, he may strike out blindly in confusion, or
he may simply agree, to end the argument. #is reaction is
unpredictable, but one thing is certain. !he next day his opinion will be
as fixed as it was before. Anyone skilled in debate can usually get the
best of him, since his attention can so easily wander to the abstract in a
battle of wits. The A'uaria" 8ights %est ,ith his hat. .e
puts it o" a"- leaves. #is truth-respecting mind, however, won't budge an
inch when he has a firm conviction, despite his distaste for unpleasant
confrontations. All the shouting and emotional pressure in the world
won't keep him from determinedly going his own way with his
independent ideas, ,hile the 8ire,or7s e:plo-e all
arou"- hi$. &ur t,o A'uaria" *resi-e"ts5 A%raha$ Li"col" a"- (ra"7li"
1oosevelt5 -e$o"strate this pri"ciple per8ectly. The co"cepts ,ere e'ually origi"al
a"- stri7i"gly u"popular i" %oth cases. There ,as "o aggressive i"siste"ce o"
perso"al theories5 yet the s,eepi"g re8or$s ,ere $a-e5 regar-less o8 lac7 o8
cooperatio" a"- %itter oppositio".
Another reason why 'ranians often meet with hostile criticism is that
they're so full of surprises. !hey can lead you west, then suddenly turn
and march east, without
warning. A(uarius has an obstinate way of not letting you know what
he's up to. /or weeks, the /ebruary-born father of a friend of mine
ignored his wife's complaints about a stove that didn't work. #e buried
himself in his newspaper, oblivious to her desperate hints. "uddenly one
day a truck pulled up, two men unloaded a brand new stove and
connected it in the kitchen under the surprised eyes of his wife, who
should have learned to expect such behavior.
!rusting people doesn't come naturally to the A(uarian until after he's
scrutinied your motives, even your .soul, if possible. 2t>s easy to gro, restive
u"-er his i"te"t
a"alysis o8 your every ,or- a"- gesture. =ou get the 8eeli"g it>s all %ei"g 8ile- a,ay
i" that pe"etrati"g $i"- 8or 8uture re8ere"ce5 a"- it is. #e may seem to be in a
dreamy fog now and then, but don't you believe it. #e can probably tell
you how many eyelashes you have. Never e:pect the 0ra"ia" to ta7e you at 8ace
value. .is
i""ate courtesy ,ill "ever 7eep hi$ 8ro$ shi"i"g the 0ra"us spotlight o" you 8ro$
hea- to toe. #e wants to know what's behind that face, and he'll ask some
mighty embarrassing (uestions to find out. But it's comforting to know
that once you're accepted hell be loyal and his friendship will be
unshaken by malicious gossip. *f you're his real friend, he won't believe
the nasty whispers of your enemies, although hell undoubtedly listen to
them out of sheer curiosity. 2est assured, however, that he'll make up
his own mind in the final analysis.
0ra"us ill"esses are usually co""ecte- ,ith the circula- sJ tory syste$. A(uarians
shiver and shake in the winter, and suffer with the humidity in the
summer. They>re
>5 suscepti%le to varicose vei"s a"- har-e"i"g o8 the arteries i" ol- age5 i8 their
e$otio"s are -irecte- i"to "egative cha""els5 a"- they te"- to have acci-e"ts to the
legs5 especially the shi" a"- a"7les. !he ankle bones are often weak, and there
may be pains in the legs, due to poor circulatio"B 8re'ue"t sort throatsB a"-
heart palpitatio"5 usually "ot serious u"less there are severe a88lictio"s i" the "atal
chart. 0ra"ia"s need lots of fresh air, sleep and exercise5 %ut they sel-o$ ta7e
a-va"tage o8 these re$e-ies. They -o">t get $uch 8resh air %ecause they close their
,i"-o,s5 pile o" the %la"7ets a"- still co$plai" that they>re 8ree3i"g. !he high
fre(uency nervous tension that accompanies 'ranus mental activity
keeps them from getting enough sleep, and often the rest they do get is
troubled by strange dreams. As 8or e:ercise5 u"less the A'uaria" -evelope- a"
early love o8 sports %y playi"g stic7%all i" his "eigh%orhoo-5 it>s -i88icult to pro- hi$ i"to
$ovi"g 8ast5 let
alo"e ru""i"g arou"- the trac7. .is $i"- gets a co"ti"ual ,or7out5 %ut the %o-y
"ee-s a stro"g push. A(uarian health is usually excellent in childhood,
weird, 'ranian complaints-impossible to diagnose. !he real troubles
don't begin until maturity increases stubbornness. These people are
e:tre$ely suscepti%le to
hyp"osis. 2"tuitively5 lots o8 the$ se"se this a"- ,o">t e:pose the$selves to it 8or
love "or $o"ey5 %ut this is a $ista7e5 %ecause hyp"otic suggestio" 8ro$ a goo-
$e-ical hyp"otist coul- success8ully re$ove their $yria- pho%ias. They>re acutely
respo"sive to electrical treat$e"t5 too5 ,hich ca" %e ;ust as %e"e8icial.
A'uaria"s -o">t have the %est $e$ories i" the ,orl-5 %ut the" they really -o">t "ee-
to $e$ori3e $uch5 si"ce they see$ to pic7 up 7"o,le-ge out o8 thi" air5 ,ith so$e
7i"- o8 i"visi%le a"te""ae. /hy shoul- they clutter their $i"-s ,ith i"8or$atio"
they $ay "ever "ee-5 ,he" they ca" reach out %y os$osis a"- grasp ;ust a%out
a"ythi"g they ,a"tA !hey're likely to come home from the store without the
most important item on the grocery list, because they can't be bothered
with remembering what is, to them, non-essential. !he typical A(uarian
is the embodiment of the legendary absent-minded professor. * know
one who planned to meet his wife in front of the =ity "(uire 1otel at
noon. But he arrived early and ran into an old friend. -A(uarians are
always running into old friends. *n Africa or the Aleutian *slands they
will be sure to find somebody they know.. !he 'ranian was engrossed
in conversation with his pal when his wife approached, all smiles. As she
came closer he stared at her blankly, gallantly tipped his hat, then
turned, took his friend's arm and walked down the street, deep in
conversation, leaving the furious, frustrated woman standing on the
comer, alone and forgotten.
!he 'ranus power of concentration can be awesome. =et5 they>re also a%le to
pick up things going on around and behind them when they choose, like
a radar screen.
They ca" carry o" a co$plicate- -iscussio" a"- still "ot $iss a" i"8lectio" o8 ,hat>s
happe"i"g i" the other part o8 the roo$5 i8 they -eci-e to tu"e i". "ometimes you
could swear the A(uarian paid no attention to anything you said, but
the next day he'll repeat it back to you like a tape recorder. &ever
underestimate the 'ranian process of soaking up knowledge while they
seem to be oblivious, even though now and then they get lost in
concentration, like my friend who left his wife standing on
the street, in a mood to kill.
What the A(uarius man or woman thinks is always a clue to tomorrow.
u"ca""y 0ra"us a%ility to plu"ge i"to the u"7"o," a"- a%sor% $ystical secrets
,ithout hal8 tryi"g lea-s to a peculiar sort of intuition which gives them a
high degree of psychic precognition. * know one who literally answers
the phone before it rings, and what's more, he knows who's on the other
end before a word is spoken.
A%raha$ Li"col" ha- several pre$o"itio"s o8 his o," -eath i" startli"g -etail.
Al$ost every A(uarian has a uni(ue kind of sensitivity that lets him
know your
inner desires. /ithout tal75 he understands a need buried so deep that
you're almost
unaware of it yourself. 0si"g that $agical os$osis5 the A'uaria" ca" tra"s$it his
o," thoughts ,ith a" u"see" charge o8 electrical curre"t. +ve" ,he" his %ac7 is
tur"e-5 he ca" pro;ect stro"g 8eeli"gs %y this stra"ge process. Duri"g a lo"g sile"ce
o" the telepho"e5 he $ay %e se"-i"g a"- receivi"g vi%ratio"s ,he" you thi"7 he>s
8alle" asleep. So$e 0ra"ia"s -o">t "ee- /ester" 0"io" to se"- a telegra$.
=et5 there>s "othi"g superstitious a%out their thi"7i"g. A true scie"tist eve" i8 he>s a
$echa"ic or a $usicia"5 the 'ranian won't $ump to a conclusion until it's
passed the
test of his keen mind. .o,ever5 o"ce he 8or$s a" opi"o"5 it re$ai"s 8ir$ly 8i:e- i"
his %rai"5 a"- 2 -o $ea" 8ir$ly. As stro"gly as he loves cha"ge i" society a"-
gover"$e"t5 he ,o">t cha"ge his o," i-ea o"e iota 8or a"y%o-y. .e>s co$pletely
ope"-$i"-e- a%out ,orl- progress5 but his mind clamps shut when it involves
his personal behavior, which can be unexpectedly conservative. =ou ca"
see that his
li%eralis$ has its %ou"-aries.
A'uaria"s despise lying and cheating, and they avoid borrowing and
They>ll give you $o"ey as a gi8t5 %ut -o">t as7 the$ 8or a loa". Di- you ever try to
touch A'uaria" Jac7 4e""y 8or a 8ast 8i8tyA Jac7 $ay surprise you %y sayi"g yes5
%ut %e sure you pay hi$ %ac7 pro$ptly. A broken promise can put a
wide crack in your friendship. A'uaria"s 7eep their ,or- a"- pay their %ills5 a"-
they e:pect others to -o the sa$e. !harge accou"ts -o">t "or$ally e:cite the$ a"-
cre-it car-s ca" 8righte" the$. All this love of honesty5 ho,ever5 ca" so$eti$es %e
-istorte- i"to 'uestio"a%le %ehavior. As $uch as he hates hypocrisy a"- -ou%le-
-eali"g5 the A(uarian can somehow answer (uestions so cleverly that he
gives a false impression. =et he ll %e outspo7e"ly i"-ig"a"t i8 he catches a"yo"e
else guilty
o8 such a -elicate "ua"ce o8 -eceptio". #e'll seldom tell an outright lie, but he
can fool you in very subtle ways, which is hardly the essence of the
honesty he so constantly preaches. .is u"rele"ti"g search 8or truth a"- the -esire
to hi-e his o," $otives are i"co$pati%le traits5 a"- the A'uaria" $ust eve"tually 8ace
this i"co"siste"cy i8 he>s goi"g to lear" the real truth a%out hi$sel8.
A'uaria"s get cre-it 8or %ei"g i-ealists5 perhaps too $uch cre-it5 8or true i-ealis$
co"sists o8 %li"- 8aith a"- opti$is$5 a"- the 0ra"ia" is too shre,- to 8ool hi$sel8
,ith lost causes 8or lo"g. .e 7"o,s that $ost -rea$s are illusio"s5 li7e the rai"%o,
he has e:a$i"e- so closely a"- still loves. Tra-itio" a"- authority leave hi$
u"i$presse-. .e>ll politely respect the$5 %ut they ,o">t stop his co$pulsive -rive to
u"cover 8allacies5 -istortio"s a"- illogical assu$ptio"s.
#is mind and body must both be as free as the wind. To try to pi" -o," the
A'uaria" is to try to sta%ili3e the %utter8ly5 to stu88 a spri"g %ree3e i"to a closet or
co"8i"e a ,i"ter gale i" a %ottle. 2t ca">t %e -o"e5 a"- %esi-es5 ,ho i" the ,orl-
,oul- ,a"t to tryA Though he>s so 8ar ahea- o8 his ti$e that you have trou%le
catchi"g his vie,poi"t i$$e-iately5 it>s still ,orth,hile to $a7e the atte$pt. =ou>ll
al,ays co$e a,ay a little ,iser5 i8 a little %e,il-ere-. .is astrological 8lo,er is the
-a88o-il-a"- "o, you 7"o, the -erivatio" o8 the ,or- <-a88y.<
The soul o8 the ,ater %earer is co"sta"tly tor" asu"-er %y 0ra"us5 the u"pre-icta%le
a"- viole"t pla"et o8 cha"ge ,hich lets hi$ see ahea- ,ith electric %lue clarity to
the 8uture. A'uarius %elo"gs to $a"7i"-. .e represe"ts its truest hopes a"- its
-eepest i-eals. +ve" his $etal5 ura"iu$5 is "ot really a $etal5 %ut a ra-ioactive5
$etallic che$ical5 8ou"- o"ly i" co$%i"atio"s. 2t>s i$porta"t i" ato$ic research5
a"- it ca" u"-ergo co"ti"uous 8issio". The $ag"etic $a;esty o8 eight %olts o8
%rillia"t light"i"g re8lecte- i" the A'uaria" sapphire ca" split ope" his secrets 8or
those ,ho see7 to 7"o, hi$-%ut o"ly 8or a" i"sta"t ca" you see i"to his lo"ely
heart5 lo"g ago i"8use- ,ith Satur">s a"cie"t ,is-o$-u"less you too live i"
(a$ous A'uarius *erso"alities
(ra"cis 4aco" Tallulah 4a"7hea- Joh" 4arry$ore Jac7 4e""y Shelley 4e""a"
#eorge 4ur"s Le,is !a"-oil Fathari"e !or"ell !harles Dar,i" Ji$$y Dea"
!harles Dic7e"s Ji$$y Dura"te Tho$as +-iso" Mia (arro, -ar7 #a%le #alileo
La"gsto" .ughes Jac7 Le$$o" A%raha$ Li"col" !harles Li"-%ergh So$erset
Maugha$ Jea""e Moreau *aul Ne,$a" Louis Ni3er Fi$ Nova7 S. J. *erel$a"
Leo"ty"e *rice 1o"al- 1eaga" a"essa 1e-grave Nor$a" 1oc7,ell (ra"7li"
1oosevelt A"" Sother" A-iai Steve"so"

The A60A120S Ma"
All this ti$e the #uar- -,as loo7i"g at her5
8irst through a telescope5
the" through a $icroscope5
a"- the" through a" opera-glass.
At last he sai-5 <=ou>re traveli"g the ,ro"g ,ay5<
a"- shut up the ,i"-o, ...
To ,a-e %ravely s$ac7 -a% i"to the ce"ter o8 the pro%le$5 don't expect an
A(uarian male to behave the way people in love are supposed to behave.
*f you do, you're in for (uite a $olt, maybe even a series of $olts. When it
comes to friendship, he's all you could ask for in a pal or a confidant.
,ove@ Well, as an A(uarian * once knew said, )Anybody can have a
girl. But love is something else again.) That ,as a" astute o%servatio". 2t>s
<so$ethi"g else5< all right5 ,ith A'uaria"s. 2t>s ,he" he acts as though he -oes">t li7e
you that he>s close to %ei"g hoo7e-5 a"-
the reaso" is ele$e"tary- si$ple logic. !he A(uarian water bearer likes
everybody. 4veryone is his friend. #e'll even refer to his worst enemy as
)my friend.) So it
$ea"s so$ethi"g ,he" he says he -oes">t li7e so$eo"e. Just ,hat it $ea"s $ay
ta7e so$e stu-y. The various "ua"ces ca" %e co$plicate-.
An A(uarian man doesn't want to reveal his true feelings, in spite of his
favorite pastime of penetrating the feelings of others. #is own reactions
and motives are complex, and he intends to keep them that way for the
pure pleasure of fooling you.
1any strange experiences will come to this man, through both love and
friendship, and he'll scrutinie each one avidly. 'ntil you get him to the
altar, you're $ust another experience, another experiment, hard as that
may be to take. %on't sniffle.
.e ca" %e tric7e-5 8or all his cautio". 4ut %e8ore you start tric7i"g hi$5 you>- %etter
try to u"-ersta"- ho, to cope ,ith his u"i'ue outloo7 a%out people.
#e's a group man, and teamwork comes naturally to him. A(uarius
understands the fair play rules of sports as if he had invented them, and
he carries these rules into his personal relationships. #is interests are
scattered all over the place. !hat's because his love of people is so
he gives a certain value to everyone he meets, while the rest of us save
such efforts for only the very special people in our lives. To a" A'uaria"5
everyo"e is special.
A"- 2 $ea" everyo"e. +ve" those he has">t $et yet. (e, 0ra"us $e" are either
sel8ish or petty. /he" he -oes sho, those 'ualities5 a ge"tle re$i"-er that he>s
%ei"g "arro,-$i"-e- ,ill %ri"g hi$ arou"-. A'uaria"s ;ust ca">t sta"- to %e calle-
.e respo"-s to u"usually high i-eals5 tha"7s to his rigi- $oral co-e ?though you>-
%etter u"-ersta"- that it>s his o," co-e5 ,hich $ay "ot "ecessarily re8lect or
correspo"- to the o"e accepte- %y society i" ge"eral.. #e'll almost surely lead a
life of change, controversy and unexpected events. 0et there will often
be moments of perfect tran(uility with him, i$possi%le to 8i"- ,ith a"y other
Su" sig". ;nce he's over the shock that he's allowed himself to become
interested in one woman above all of mankind, he can be an extremely
considerate lover. The -a"ger area is %e8ore
he>s over the shoc7. "ince he's so accustomed to neglecting his own
problems in the interest of the ma$ority, hopefully some of this attitude
will rub off on his love life.
Do">t cou"t o" it5 though. The cha"ces are ;ust as goo- that he>ll su--e"ly reali3e
he>s -evoti"g his co$plete loyalty to you ,he" there are all those other "a$eless
8aces out there ,ho "ee- hi$. The" he $ay lea" over %ac7,ar-s to prove to hi$sel8
that he has">t lost his love 8or his 8rie"-s a"- the rest o8 hu$a"ity %y %ei"g attache-
to ;ust o"e perso".
(orever a"aly3i"g5 the A(uarian man will fre(uently ask himself, )*
wonder what she meant by that@) #e won't rest until he finds out
either. A pule drives him simply wild and don't be fooled by his
nonchalance. When he senses something is hidden, he $ust won't sleep at
night until he's unraveled the mystery and penetrated the veil. There>s
al,ays the possi%ility that he $ight %e -isappoi"te- i" ,hat he
8i"-s5 so $a7e sure it>s ,orth -iscoveri"g. 28 it is">t5 he>ll have "o 'ual$s a%out
$a7i"g it pai"8ully evi-e"t-a"- o88 he>ll go to u"ravel a "e, veil.
!he girl who wants to land him eventually has first to intrigue him. A"
ope" %oo7
,ill "ever pi'ue his curiosity.
#e's attracted to closed pages, the more tightly closed, the better to
arouse his detective instinct. /he" a 8e$ale either ig"ores hi$ or 7eeps her o,"
cou"sel5 i"
the %egi""i"g at least5 his eyes ,ill ope"< a little ,i-er a"- hell get a" alert
e:pressio"5 a$a3i"gly li7e that o8 a %loo-hou"- o" the sce"t o8 so$ethi"g $issi"g.
Why is she so emotionalA ?=ou ca" %e e$otio"al5 you see5 as lo"g as you -o">t
e:plai" ,hy.@ 2s she really so cha"gea%le or is it a" actA Why does she wear all that
perfume and make-up and such low-cut dresses, and then get insulted
when those ,eos and "agittarians and "corpios whistle at her in front of
the drugstore@ %oes she want male advances or doesn't she@ What
makes her tickA As he probes and (uestions and examines, the girl is at
first flattered, naturally-but when she sees he's $ust as intently curious
about the waitress who $ust served them -not to mention the bus boy.,
she begins to cool somewhat. /eeling like an insect trapped under a
scientist's cold eye isn't exactly calculated to cause the
heart to flutter in any feminine bosom. So she 8i"ally -ri8ts ?or ru"s@ a,ay to a
8iery or earthy $ale5 and the A(uarian sadly sighs for an instant or two
before he begins his next romantic investigation. -*f some new invention
or uni(ue idea hasn't aroused his interest first. *n which case the next
female research pro$ect must wait..
A(uarian men can be touchingly gentle and docile, but you'd better tie a
bright blue electric string around your finger to remind you that his
surface calmness is a mirage. "o is his apparent pliability. .e ,o">t tolerate
a" ou"ce o8 opportu"is$
8ro$ a 8e$ale. *f he thinks he's being exploited, that unpredictable
'ranian charm can vanish so (uickly you>ll thi"7 !ary #ra"t has tur"e- i"to
Ja$es !ag"ey5 poise-
to thro, a grape8ruit-hal8 i" your 8ace. !he frightening thing is that an
extremely upset A(uarian is perfectly capable of such shocking action.
What's even more frightening is that you may forgive him. %on't. At
least, not more than once. #e admires a woman who holds her ground,
if she's not too masculine about it, and if she lets him fly hither and yon,
logical by soft promises and tearful accusations. As for that grapefruit,
it's only fair to point out that A(uarians are usually most gallant with
the fair sex. But sometimes they can forget to distinguish
between the sexes in the throes of excitement.
!ouple that ,ith the 0ra"us u"pre-icta%ility5 a"- it -oes a-- up to a possi%le s'uirt
o8 grape8ruit ;uice i" the eye.
There>s al,ays a" e:celle"t possi%ility that a" A'uaria" ,ill achieve so$e sort o8
prestige -uri"g his li8eti$e. 28 it>s o"ly a trophy 8or stic7%all or a %rass pla'ue 8or
%ei"g the tallest $a" i" Succatosh !ou"ty he>s sure to %e ho"ore- ,ith so$e 7i"- o8
recog"itio". 2t coul- %e so$ethi"g as sple"-i- as ,i""i"g the No%el *ri3e. Lots o8
A'uaria"s achieve such -isti"ctio"s. ?&" the other ha"-5 a large perce"tage o8
-istur%e- A'uaria"s are ,ee7ly visitors to a hea- shri"7er. 2t $ay %e 7i"- o8 tric7y
to tell the -i88ere"ce. @
"ome 'ranus-ruled men have a fetish for cleanliness. =ou $ay %u$p i"to
o"e ,ho
shrie7s i8 a"yo"e uses his to,el or %reathes o" his oat$eal. 4ac7 o8 this is a" al$ost
"eurotic 8ear o8 ger$s a"- ill"ess. !he A(uarian isn't above letting his phobias
trail over into his romantic life, when they can serve a purpose, though
he may do so unconsciously. %on't be surprised if he complains that he's
allergic to your eye shadow and it makes him sneee. 'ranians have a
way of developing allergies to things they'd rather avoid, and they can
even fool the doctors, let alone innocent, unsuspecting girls.
#e's not the type to woo you with extravagant gestures. .e>s as li7ely to pull
up a
Da"-elio" a"- toss it at you as %ri"g you a" orchi-. !o be honest, more likely. #e
won't present you with mink coats and diamonds. But life with him can
still be glamorous, even without the mink. There>s the ,ell-7"o," story a%out
.ele" .ayes
a"- her hus%a"-5 !harles MacArthur. /he" they 8irst $et5 he ha"-e- her a %o,l o8
pea"uts a"- sai-5 <2 ,ish they ,ere e$eral-s.< Ma"y years a"- $a"y -ollars later5
he gave her a cluster o8 glitteri"g e$eral-s ,ith the re$ar75 <2 ,ish they ,ere
pea"uts.< 2 -o">t 7"o, i8 MacArthur ,as a" A'uaria"5 %ut 0ra"us ,as certai"ly
pro$i"e"t i" his "atal chart. That>s exactly the kind of unexpected glory you'll
know with an A(uarian lover. /ho "ee-s $i"7A
No, let>s 8ace the ,orst 8act courageously. No 8li"chi"g or ,ish8ul thi"7i"g. .ere it
is. 0"li7e !a"cer5 !apricor"5 Leo a"- Li%ra, A(uarians don't take to marriage
like a baby takes to candy. !o be truthful, most of them avoid it as long
as it's humanly possible. A rare A'uaria" $ale ,ill %e e"tice- i"to a sho,er o8
shoes a"- rice at a"
early age5 %ut it -oes">t happe" o8te" e"ough 8or the statistics to %e e"couragi"g.
!he way the clash usually starts is that the A(uarian makes beautiful,
wonderful, glorious friendship the basis of the love. -4asier to slide
away from later, my dear.. !hey choose a girl who's also a chum, and
who can keep up with the A(uarian
interests, i"clu-i"g Mic7ey Ma"tle>s %atti"g average5 cross,or- pu33les5 Ara%ia"
horses5 8ire8lies o" the Mississippi a"- the Dea- Sea Scrolls. Why@ !hat's easy.
With so much to talk about, there's less time for lovemaking,
which can get him seriously involved and committed. #is ideal
is the female who is his friend, and who doesn't make heavy
emotional demands on him. Where do we go from here@
&owhere, usually.
A(uarian men find it difficult to relax in physical expressions of love.
!hat first goodnight kiss may be a long time materialiing. Admittedly,
it's often well worth waiting for, and the suspense makes it even more
special. But he'll cling to the illusion that he's involved in a nice, safe
platonic friendship long after such a palsy-walsy relationship has
become impossible for you.
4ven after he's mustered the courage to say )* love you,) he'll avoid the
issue of marriage with every excuse in the book. /he" those ru" out5 he ca"
thi"7 up so$e pretty i$agi"ative "e, o"es. #e'll patiently explain that he can't
support you in the manner you deserve, his parents need him at home,
or he's not good enough for you. *f that doesn't work, he'll claim that
the future is too uncertain, what with the threats of nuclear destruction
and all. What if his boss sends him to Alaska next year@ 0ou
might die of pneumonia up there, and he would be grief-stricken the
rest of his life. 0ou think he can't top that@ ;ne A(uarian man * know
was engaged for twelve
years to a girl he wouldn't marry because )she would have to sacrifice a
great career on Broadway.) !he fact that the girl had never set foot on
a stage in her life was beside the point. #e thought she had talent.
"omeday, a producer might $ust discover her. !hen how would she feel
if he had held her back by marrying her@ Worse yet, how would he feel@
>uilty. 3ust plain selfish and guilty. 2t>s "ot
surprisi"g that this poor 8e$ale 8i"ally escape- to a $ore positive rival.
But all is not lost. !hough it's true that most A(uarians wed late, they
do eventually wed-usually. *t normally happens after the last bachelor
friend has sailed away to a Bermuda honeymoon, and the A(uarian
wakes up to realie that here is a mystery other people have solved that
he hasn't even investigated. &aturally, he- can't stand that, so pop goes
the proposalB "uddenly, of course.- 0ra"us5 you 7"o,.
*n the early stages, you may think he needs a lesson and decide to let
him think he's lost you to a more aggressive suitor. ,et me warn you
that you're likely to stay lost. 0our broken-hearted 'ranian is not
nearly as apt to come charging after you with the fire of possession in
his eye as he is to shed a couple of (uiet tears and say, )Well, * guess the
best man won.) #e'll resign himself to a life without you with
insulting ease. #e's even liable to ask the unbearable (uestion, )=an't
we still be friends@) *f you say no emphatically, he'll probably $ust
shrug de$ectedly and slowly walk away. *f you say yes-well, you're right
back where you started-friends.
Jealousy is">t his cup o8 egg"og. #e'll trust you until you show him you can't
be trusted. &ot because he's trusting by nature, but because his
analytical dissection has already satisfied him about your character.
0"less there are $ar7e- a88lictio"s i" his
"atal chart5 he>s "ot capa%le o8 u"8ou"-e- suspicio" a"- possessive"ess. *f he does
have a rare stab of $ealousy, you'll never know it if he can help it. #e
will rarely, if ever, be physically unfaithful himself, mostly because the
whole sub$ect of sex, though it's interesting, doesn't consume him. An
occasional A(uarian may spend a great deal of time intensely pondering
sex, but if you know one of these, you can safely assume there's a heavy
"corpio influence in his natal chart. -And chances are even this type
won't pursue it actively and openly..
;nce an A(uarian has chosen a mate, he figures he can concentrate on
more important things. #e can relax and investigate the boy-giri or
man-woman relationship at his own leisure in his own private
laboratory -which isn't a bad possibility for its eventual chance of
success when you stop to think about it..
0ra"ia" se: is part o8 a larger i$age or i-eal. "hould a temptation to engage in
illicit romance arise -illicit in his eyes, that is., he'll usually end the
affair abruptly, though it may hurt him deeply, rather than continue
what he considers to be a dishonest relationship. The situatio" that $a-e hi$
8eel -guilty coul- %e al$ost a"ythi"g5 8ro$ the -isapproval o8 your pare"ts or co"8licti"g
religio"s to a" ol- %oy
8rie"- "ot co$pletely -iscar-e-5 a pro$ise he $a-e to hi$sel8 at the age o8 eight5 or
so$ethi"g he o"ce rea- i" a %oo7. But whatever it is, it will somehow have to
be ad$usted and resolved before he'll ever renew the closeness5 eve" i8 the
love is as
8ate- as that o8 ictoria a"- Al%ert. !he A(uarian will always let his heart
break silently, lest his friends hear and ask (uestions.
#e's capable of waiting until he's ninety to claim you, even if you feel
that's a bit long to wait for consummation. !he worst of it is that hell
never give a reason for the break. !hat's for him to know and you to
find out. #e'll perversely let you think it was $ust a fantasy from the
beginning, and hold back the real truth that it was genuine for some
hay future day of forgiveness and reconciliation. *t can be pretty
cruel, but that's the way he plays the game.
0our only comfort is the knowledge that he's suffering in his own way,
too. #ow will you know that@ 2ead )#ow to 2ecognie A(uarius)
again. #e has his subtle ways of telegraphing his feelings, a"- they ca" %e
e"or$ously 8rustrati"g-especially
,he" his u"i'ue5 private co$$u"icatio" sig"als a gree" go light ,hile he pu%licly
7eeps hol-i"g out a re- stop light u"til he>s rea-y to s,itch. 2t ca" $a7e 8or so$e
"asty ro$a"tic tra88ic s"arls. 2t>s har- o" the pe-estria"5 %ut he>s i" the -river>s seat5
so there's not a lot you can do-except perhaps think up another mystery
to tempt him with, or maybe shake him a little with some smashing
success to make him curious to talk with you again-like being the first
woman to orbit 5enus.
&ot that such a feat will change his feelings. *f he really loves you, he'll
love you even if you don't orbit a"y 8arther tha" to the co$er -elicatesse"5 %ut it
i"ter8ere ,ith his 8i:e- strategy. 0ou may gather from all this that a 'ranus
man can be pretty stubborn when it comes to love. 0ou would be so
right. #is fixity in affectionate matters can drive you straight into the
booby hatch or drive you to someone else in desperation. !hat's a big fat
waste of time. #e's not $ealous, remember@ ;r he won't show it if he is.
Besides, with his darned 'ranian intuition, he'll know it's all an act.
Because he knows what makes you tick. %on't forget, he studied you for
a long time. About the only thing you can do is hope you'll still be
attractive at ninety or else start practicing those 5enus orbits.
+utting the shoe on the other foot, an A(uarian can arouse a heap of
possessiveness in you when the tables are turned. %on't let it throw you
off balance. !hanks to the everlasting 'ranus proclivity for friendship,
whenever and wherever he finds it, there may be times when you won't
know where he is, even after you're married and you should. Just tell
yoursel8 that5 "o $atter ho, late he sits up ,ith a 8rie"-5 it>s
o"ly his "or$al curiosity at ,or75 his "ever-e"-i"g i"terest i" people. *f the friend is
a woman, pretend you didn't notice. *n all honesty, he most likely didn't.
0ou can expect the truth when you ask him a direct (uestion. But if you
doubt him and ask again, he'll figure you don't want the truth. !o
punish you, he'll make up the wildest story he can dream up -and he can
dream up some pretty wild ones.. 0ou may regret
your suspicions when you spend a few hours in ab$ect misery wondering
if he really did tell that redhead she was gorgeous. -!hat's after he told
you he didn't even remember talking to her and you said, )#aB * $ust
bet you don't remember.). #e honestly didn't, but you asked for details,
so he gladly obliged with some purely imaginary ones to teach you a
lesson. =ou>ll lear" 8ast.
%on't be hurt when he's in one of his solitary moods and prefers to be
alone with his silent dreams. #e'll return to share them with you, all the
more warm and tender for his spiritual retreat and anything that
warms him up should definitely be encouraged.
.e $ay "ot %e the %est %rea-,i""er arou"-5 %ut he>s capa%le o8 i"ve"ti"g so$ethi"g
%e"e8icial to the ,orl- or %ei"g the 8irst $a" to la"- o" Mars. .e>ll 8eel right at
ho$e there5 too. There>s al,ays a surprise ;ust arou"- the co$er ,ith a" A'uaria"
hus%a"-5 eve" ,he" the %u-get is sha7y. Naturally5 there are a 8e, 0ra"ia" $e"
,ho are ,ealthy5 eve" $illio"aires5 %ut a high i"co$e %rac7et is sel-o$ a %ur"i"g
a$%itio". All the rich A'uaria"s you see pro%a%ly stu$%le- o" it. 2t>s certai" they
-i-">t gree-ily grasp 8or it. 28 he has a 8at %a"7 %oo75 the cha"ces are it gai"e-
,eight ,hile he ,as atte$pti"g to i$prove so$e pro-uct or i-ea 8or the goo- o8
hu$a"ity i" ge"eral-or he>s save- it to support his ecce"tric ol- age. /ho 7"o,sA
.e $ight ,a"t to ta7e a trip i" a ti$e $achi"e so$e-ay5 a"- he ,a"ts to %e sure to
have the 8are. 1ost of the time he'll be reasonable about money, but save
when you can, and don't run up charge accounts. #e'll never recover
from sheer extravagance on your part. "ometimes he can surprise you
with a burst of generosity, but he won't go overboard, unless he has an
Aries, ,eo, "agittarius or +isces ascendant. +ve"
the"5 he ,o">t %e a %ig %utter a"- egg $a".
The chil-re" ,ill 8i"- hi$ the greatest liste"er o" the %loc7. .e>ll %e 8asci"ate- at
the per8ect %reath co"trol o8 the ,ol8 ,he" he %le, -o," the three little pigs> pa--
a"- curious a%out ho, the ol- ,itch pic7le- the poiso"e- apple that put the
,ha$$y o" S"o, /hite. A s$all %oy>s trou%le lear"i"g ho, to stri7e a ho$e ru"
a"- a little girl>s tears over a %ro7e" -oll are si$ply the pro%le$s o8 a couple o8 pals
i" trou%le to a" A'uaria" 8ather. .e>s a ,hi3 at co$plicate- arith$etic 'uestio"s5
%on't let your career make you neglect to feed him or sew on his
buttons. %on't encourage your girl friends to camp on his couch or tie
up the telephone for hours, and don't get engrossed in !5 or a novel
when he wants you to find his old soft ball in the attic or pull a splinter
out of his finger. #e married you for several reasons. !hough romance
may play its part, the most important reason was to have you around-so
he would always have someone to mash his baked potato, cross-stitchhis
buttonholes, find his lost articles and operate on an occasional
splinter.#e won't cotton to your letting television, reading or female
chums interfere with those duties. #is idea of a good wife and mother is
(uite simple? a woman who keeps at it almost constantly. 4ven the more
liberal A(uarian husbands will frown on a glamorous gadabout. 4ut you
,o">t $i"- it too $uch. #e's so full of interesting surprises himself you
won't need soap operas, women's magaines and tete-a-tetes
with girl friends to keep your mind and emotions challenged. -#e may
be about all the challenge you can take.. =ou ca" al,ays catch up o" the 8e$ale
gossip a"- such
,he" he>s e"grosse- i" so$e "e, pro;ect a"- gets a little a%se"t-$i"-e- a%out ,hat
you>re -oi"g. But $ust be sure to be there when he has a sore finger,
because he can be a real sorehead when he's neglected.
Stra"gely5 si"ce he's so realistic about most things, the A(uarian will never
his first love. -&ot the first date, but the first girl who ever gave him a
!here's a difference.. 'ranians fre(uently marry childhood sweethearts
years later,or cling to a faded illusion. An A(uarian can usually
describe his first love in detail, which can be annoying to a wife. !he
solution is to be that first love. =ou $ay have
to ,ait a lo"g ti$e to ,ear ora"ge %losso$s5 %ut at least you ,o">t %e replace- %y a
ghost. /ho else coul- tur" pea"uts i"to e$eral-s or vice versa5 "ever $i"- a little
grape8ruit ;uice i" the eyeA %espite his general romantic clumsiness, he can
come up with sudden phrases which could only have been invented by
the angels. #e can forget your wedding anniversary, but he'll bring you
violets in 3anuary. !hrist$asA
/ho says it has to %e o" Dece$%er 2UthA 2t ca" %e a"y -$e you ,a"t it to %e. #e
may go for days or weeks or months without a single word of romance
or affection.
!hen some morning while you're slicing his blueberry pie, he'll look
deep into your eyes and ask gently, )%o you know how beautiful you
are@) !here will be something about the way he says it that will make
your knees weak.
Ji"gle %ells o" the seashore5 %irth-ays at -a,". ale"ti"e>s Day o" .allo,ee"5
rai"%o,s at $i-"ight. *i" a re- heart o" a" ora"ge pu$p7i"5 roll +aster eggs i" the
s"o,5 light the ca"-les o" the ca7e o" top o8 a 8erris ,heel- you>re i" love ,ith a"
A'uaria"5 -i-">t you 7"o,A 2 ,ish you a (ra"7 Merri,ell e"-i"g. 4ut %e care8ul.
=ou ca" get lost out there i" /o"-erla"-.

The A60A120S /o$a"
4ut Alice ha- got so $uch i"to the -,ay
o8 e:pecti"g "othi"g %ut out-o8-the-,ay thi"gs to happe"
that it see$e- 'uite -ull a"- stupi-
8or li8e to go o" i" the co$$o" ,ay ...
*ut cats i" the co88ee5 a"- $ice i" the tea- A"- ,elco$e 6uee" Alice ,ith thirty
ti$es threeI
The sa8est ,ay to e"ter i"to ro$a"ce ,ith a" A'uaria" 8e$ale is to re$e$%er she>s
as para-o:ical i" love as she is i" everythi"g else. That ,ay5 you ,o">t %e e:pecti"g
*riscilla Al-e" a"- get *ocaho"tas.
This girl has all the 8aith8ul"ess o8 the 8i:e- sig"s ,he" -ie>s i" love5 %ut she also
has the -etach$e"t a"- lac7 o8 e$otio" o8 the air ele$e"t. 2t>s possi%le to have a
happy relatio"ship ,ith the 0ra"us ,o$a" i8 you leave her 8ree to pursue her
$yria- i"terests a"- circulate a$o"g her 8rie"-s. Never try to tie her to the stove or
the %e-post. As7 the $a" ,ho>s trie-. She ca" su--e"ly -eci-e to stu-y %allet5
$e-itate i" the $ou"tai"s or ;oi" the *eace !orps. 1e$e$%er the story o8 the
pri"cess ,ith the lo"g5 gol-e" hair ,ho live- high i" a to,erA That>s the A'uarius
8e$ale. !utti"g o88 her 8lo,i"g tresses ,o">t cha"ge her a"y $ore tha" it -i- i" the
8airy tale. She -rea$s -i88ere"t -rea$s tha" you or 2. She hears a -ista"t -ru$$er-
a"- 8ollo,s a star $ost o8 us have "ever see".
She %elo"gs to everyo"e5 a"- yet to "o o"e. .er love ca" %e te"-er a"- i"spire-5 %ut
there ,ill al,ays %e a vaguely elusive 'uality a%out it5 li7e a hal8-re$e$%ere- so"g.
=ou ca" hu$ the $elo-y5 %ut the lyrics 7eep slippi"g a,ay. The A'uaria" girl>s
-e$a"- 8or 8ree-o$ is i"siste"t5 %ut her allegia"ce to a"yo"e ,ho ca" accept
ro$a"ce ,ithi" such li$its is %ou"-less. .ere>s so$ethi"g you>ll li7e9
She ,o">t %e terri%ly i"tereste- i" your %a"7 %oo7 ?u"less !a"cer or !apricor" or
Taurus is o" her asce"-a"t@. Mo"ey is "ever the pri$e co"si-eratio" o8 the typical
A'uaria" ,o$a". She ,o">t care i8 you>re "ot the richest $a" i" to,"5 %ut she>ll
e:pect you to %e respecte- i" so$e ,ay 8or your i"tellectual achieve$e"ts. Dr.
!hristia" 4a$ar- a"- his heart tra"spla"ts or /e$her vo" 4rau" a"- his roc7ets
i"terest her 8ar $ore tha" J. *aul #etty a"- his %illio"s.
/he" you set out to catch this %utter8ly i" your "et5 re$e$%er that she>ll "ever
spe"- her u"pre-icta%le li8e ,ith a $a" ,ho is">t true to hi$sel8. .er o," co-e o8
ethics $ay %e as ,eir- as a"ythi"g you>ve ever co$e across5 a"- 'uite -i88ere"t
8ro$ the accepte- co-es o8 society5 %ut she lives up to it totally. She>ll u"-ersta"-
that your rules $ay also %e highly i"-ivi-ual. That>s 8i"e ,ith her5 %ut -o">t
co$pro$ise those rules. 28 you>re loo7i"g 8or a passio" 8lo,er5 you>ve pic7e- the
,ro"g -aisy. *assio" is "ot her 8orte i8 she>s a typical A'uaria". She>ll thi"7 physical
love is pleasa"t e"ough5 i8 it>s "ot overe$phasi3e-. 2" other ,or-s5 she ca" ta7e it or
leave it alo"e. 0ra"us 8e$ales ca" respo"- to love$a7i"g ,ith a hau"ti"g5 -eep
i"te"sity5 %ut i8 you pre8er to 7eep it plato"ic 8or lo"g perio-s o8 ti$e5 that>s all right5
too. Li7e all A'uaria"s5 she $ay have a" u"co"scious 8ear that -esire 8or o"e perso"
,ill i$priso" the spirit i" so$e ,ay5 a"- 7eep her 8ro$ %ei"g true to her o"e great
love-8ree-o$. (ree-o$ to e:peri$e"t a"- i"vestigate a"- 8ree-o$ to give ti$e to
hu$a"ity. Also 8ree-o$ to pursue her rather 7ic7y5 o88-%eat 8a"cies.
She>s a" i-eal girl i8 you>re pla""i"g a political5 scie"ti8ic or e-ucatio"al career. =ou
coul-">t -o %etter5 u"less you happe" to ru" across a" A'uaria" girl ,ith a-verse
pla"etary positio"s i" her "atal chart ,ho e";oys shoc7i"g people %y ,al7i"g
%are8oot -o," Mai" Street or s$o7i"g %ig %lac7 cigars o" %uses. There are so$e
pretty ,il-5 ,ay-out 0ra"ia" 8e$ales here a"- there. 4ut the average girl %or"
u"-er the sig" o8 the ,ater %earer is a social -elight. She>s grace8ul5 ,itty5 %right as
a pe""y5 a"- e:tre$ely a-apta%le to all 8or$s o8 society5 high a"- lo, a"- i" the
.er lac7 o8 suspicio" u"-er "or$al circu$sta"ces is a special %o"us. A traveli"g
sales$a" shoul- 8i"- his -rea$ girl i" the typical A'uaria" 8e$ale. 28 she actually
catches you %ei"g u"8aith8ul5 it ,ill cause a -eep ,ou"- to her se"sitive "ature.
=ou>ll 7"o, it the $i"ute you loo7 i"to those stra"ge5 -rea$y eyes. 4ut she ,o">t
suspect you ,ithout cause5 a"- she>ll rarely -ou%t your ,or-. The typical 0ra"us
,o$a" ,ill "ever chec7 up o" you a8ter you leave5 pho"e you at the o88ice5 i"spect
your ha"-7erchie8s 8or lipstic7 stai"s or loo7 8or %lo"-e hairs caught i" your cu88
li"7. Deceptio" ,ill have to %e %rought 8orci%ly to her atte"tio"B she ,o">t go out
loo7i"g 8or it. 4e8ore you give her too $uch cre-it5 co"si-er that her lac7 o8 pas-
sio"ate ;ealousy is -ue to so$ethi"g $ore tha" stre"gth o8 character. (irst o8 all5 she
pro%a%ly -issecte- your psyche u"-er a $icroscope %e8ore she gave you a seco"-
gla"ce. 4esi-es5 she has so $a"y outsi-e i"terests a"- so $a"y people ,ho tur" her
o" to tal7 ,ith5 there>s "ot $uch ti$e 8or her to ,orry a%out ,hat you>re -oi"g ,he"
you>re out o8 sight. &ut o8 sight ca" o8te" $ea" out o8 $i"- 8or A'uaria"s o8 %oth
se:es. A%se"ce sel-o$ $a7es the 0ra"us heart gro, 8o"-er. &ccasio"ally5 a"
A'uaria" ,o$a" ,ill su88er a pro$iscuous or 8lirtatious $ate5 %ecause there>s
so$ethi"g she "ee-s ,hich she ca" 8i"- o"ly ,ith hi$5 so she loo7s the other ,ay.
&" the other ha"-5 i8 she -oes">t really "ee- you5 that $oral stre"gth ,ill ,or7 i"
reverse at the 8irst actual proo8 o8 i"8i-elity. Shell si$ply ,al7 a,ay. Do">t try to
7i"-le the e$%ers5 they>re sto"e col- -ea-. &8 course5 you ca" still %e 8rie"-s. /hy
She>s ,illi"g. 2t "ever e$%arrasses a". A'uaria" girl to %e chu$$y ,ith e:-lovers
or hus%a"-s. She>s 8orgotte" the past a"- ,ipe- the slate clea" o8 $e$ories.
There is o"e peculiar a"- "ota%le e:ceptio" to the rule. Li7e the 0ra"us $a"5 the
0ra"ia" 8e$ale ,ill re$e$%er the 8irst true a"- ho"est love 8or a li8eti$e. &"ly the
8irst5 ho,ever. Are you ,o"-eri"g ,hether that A'uarius girl you o"ce 7"e, still
re$e$%ers youA The a"s,er lies i" her -e8i"itio" o8 love. 2t coul- have so$ethi"g
to -o ,ith the 8irst %oy ,ho gave her a %u"ch o8 s,eet peas ,he" she ,as "i"e-the
%oy ,ho ,al7e- her through the par7 i" the rai"-or the o"e ,ith the 8u""y ears ,ho
7"e, the clo," at the circus5 a"- use- to 8ee- her pea"uts.
0ra"us ,o$e" i"volve- i" e:tra-$arital a88airs are rare. They ca" %e te$pte- i"
e:ceptio"al situatio"s5 %ut a -isho"est relatio"ship goes agai"st their che$istry. 2t
,o">t %e lo"g u"til a" u"-ercover ro$a"ce is %ro7e" o88 8or goo-. =et5 there are
$a"y A'uaria" -ivorcees. There>s a reaso". 28 a situatio" %eco$es i"tolera%le5 the
0ra"ia" "ature tur"s col- su--e"ly. They ca" -isappear over"ight5 a"- "ever loo7
%ac7. They -o">t see7 or e";oy -ivorce5 %ut it is">t the shoc7 to the$ it is to their
$ore se"ti$e"tal sisters. 0ra"us rules cha"ge5 you 7"o,. Si"ce she>s such a"
i"-ivi-ualist5 ,ith a list o8 8rie"-s several $iles lo"g5 the A'uaria" 8e$ale "ever
hesitates to $a7e her ,ay alo"e i8 the "ee- arises.
+:pect her to pro%e i"to your heart u"til you have">t a secret le8t5 or a -rea$ that
has">t %ee" a"aly3e-. 4ut -o">t try to -issect her private thoughts. That>s "ot the ,ay
the ga$e is playe- ,ith A'uaria"s. She>ll 7eep her $otives hi--e"5 a"- so$eti$es
ta7e a perverse pleasure i" -eli%erately co"8usi"g you. She>ll usually %e truth8ul to a
8ault5 %ut re$e$%er5 ,ith a" A'uaria"5 telli"g a lie is o"e thi"g. 1e8rai"i"g 8ro$
telli"g the ,hole story is a"other.
2t>s co$8orti"g to 7"o, that a" A'uaria" girl is pretty cagey ,ith a %uc7. That is5 it>s
co$8orti"g to 7"o, u"less you>re pla""i"g to hit her 8or a loa". She $ight say yes a
ti$e or t,o5 %ut i8 you let your cre-it rati"g slip5 she ca" %e col-er tha" the guy at
the %a"7 ,he" you s7ip your car pay$e"t. &" the rare occasio"s ,he" she accepts a
s$all loa" hersel85 you>ll get %ac7 every pe""y ,ith "o stalli"g5 e:cuses or 8e$i"i"e
,iles5 i8 she>s a typical 0ra"us 8e$ale. As 8or every $a">s "ight$are o8 charge
accou"ts5 you>ll have little ,orry o" that score. A'uaria" ,o$e" are u"co$8orta%le
a%out o,i"g $o"ey. 4a- -e%ts -o">t 8it i" ,ith the 0ra"us co-e.
.er appeara"ce is pu33li"g. Most A'uaria" ,o$e" are lovely5 ,ith a hau"ti"g5
,ist8ul %eauty. 4ut they>re cha"gea%le. They ca" give a" i$pressio" o8 s$ooth
,hippe- crea$5 the" su--e"ly s,itch to salty pi33a as 'uic7ly as a %right5 %lue5 3ig-
3ag %olt o8 0ra"ia" electricity. Ne:t to 0%ra"s5 A'uaria" 8e$ales are o8te" the $ost
%eauti8ul ,o$e" i" the 3o-iac. At the very least5 they>re i"teresti"g-loo7i"g. The
A'uaria" $a""er o8 -ressi"g ca" stop you -ea- i" your trac7s. There are a 8e, o8
the$ ,ho coul- grace the cover o8 a 8ashio" $aga3i"e5 %ut the average A'uaria"
girl is a"ythi"g %ut co"ve"tio"al a%out her costu$es. She ca" ,ear so$e out8its a
gypsy ,oul- e"vy5 a"- her "a7e- i"-ivi-uality ca" pro-uce so$e $ighty u"i'ue
co$%i"atio"s. She>ll usually %e the 8irst to ,ear a "e, 8a-5 "o $atter ho, 3a"y it is5
yet she ca" also stic7 to #ra"-$a>s styles-eve" great-gra"-$a>s styles. /ith typical
- A'uaria" i"-i88ere"ce5 she>ll $i: yester-ay>s lace s"oo- ,ith to-ay>s $etallic ;u$p
suit5 a"- the e88ect ca" %e a little startli"g. She>ll ,ear her lace "ightgo," to a
8or$al %a"'uet5 ostrich 8eathers to the super$ar7et5 %ell %otto$ slac7s to the opera5
s"ea7ers to the theater5 -ia$o"-s ,he" she visits the 3oo-a"- top it all o88 ,ith a
8a-e- Mother .u%%ar- she pic7e- up i" a thri8t shop.
=our A'uaria" girl ,ill pro%a%ly have a" u"usual ,ay o8 ,eari"g her hair. .er
tresses are as u"pre-icta%le as her perso"ality. They ca" %e ,or" %rai-e-5 pig-taile-5
pi""e- i" a %u"5 8lo,i"g -o," li7e a ,ater8all5 short as a $ari"e>s5 i" Mary *ic78or-
curls or as straight as a po7er. &"e thi"g you ca" -epe"- o". .er hair ,o">t loo7
li7e the hair o8 a"y other 8e$ale o" this pla"et.
A co"versatio" ,ith her ca" %e re$ar7a%le5 to say the least. She has char$i"g
$a""ers5 a"- usually %ehaves i" a ti$i-5 al$ost reserve- ,ay. The" co$es o"e o8
those su--e" 0ra"us urges5 a"- out ,ill pop a re$ar7 ,ith a%solutely "o relatio" to
,hat a"yo"e is sayi"g. =ou>ll %e tal7i"g a%out the 8luctuatio"s o8 the stoc7 $ar7et5
a"- she>ll i"terrupt out o8 "o,here ,ith9 <Di- you 7"o, that /oo-ro, /ilso"5 Jac7
Fe""e-y5 .er%ert .oover5 .arry Tru$a"5 !alvi" !ooli-ge5 4e";a$i" .arriso"5
(ra"7li" a"- Theo-ore 1oosevelt a"- /illia$ McFi"ley all have -ou%le letters i"
their "a$esA< There>s o"ly o"e ,ay to a"s,er a 'uestio" li7e that. Tell her she
$isse- Millar-
(ill$ore5 0lysses #ra"t a"- Tho$as Je88erso". The" ge"tly5 %ut 8ir$ly5 lea- the
-iscussio" %ac7 to the stoc7 $ar7et. &ther $i"-s $ay progress i" 8airly logical
steps5 %ut hers rigs i"to to$orro,5 the" 3ags %ac7 i"to to-ay ,ith "o $ore se"se o8
-irectio" tha" a 8lash o8 light"i"g. No, a"- the" she>ll toss o88 a" u"e:pecte-ly
poig"a"t phrase. =ou>ll as7 her ,hat she thi"7s o8 space travel a"- she>ll a"s,er5
</he" 2 ,as a little girl5 2 thought the stars ,ere holes i" the 8loor o8 heave" ,here
the light sho"e through.< 28 she>s i" a -i88ere"t $oo-5 you>ll say that $elte-
s"o,$e" $a7e you sa-5 a"- shell cou"ter ,ith9 <A $elte- s"o,$a" is ;ust a pile o8
slush5 !harlie.< (irst $isty-the" practical. (irst ti$i--the" ro,-y. A'uaria" ,o$e"
,ill ru-ely ri-icule 8lyi"g saucers5 the" tell you a story a%out a pol7a--otte- el8 o" a
,i"-o,sill. Never tal7 -o," to a" A'uaria" 8e$ale. She>ll rese"t "ot %ei"g
co"si-ere- your e'ual5 a"- a" u"sy$pathetic attitu-e ,ill cause her to retreat a"-
%eco$e u"approacha%le.
Si"ce 0ra"us rules the 8uture5 you $ight i$agi"e that these girls ,oul- %e "atural
$others. !hil-re" -o5 a8ter all5 %elo"g to the 8uture. 4ut the average A'uaria"
,o$a" $ay %e %e,il-ere- %y $otherhoo- i" the %egi""i"g. She has to a-;ust to
-evoti"g all her atte"tio" a"- e"ergy e:clusively to o"e hu$a" %ei"g 8or a perio- o8
ti$e5 ,he" she>s use- to sprea-i"g hersel8 8ar a"- ,i-e5 a"- this ca" ta7e so$e
practice. .er "atural aloo8"ess $ay $a7e it -i88icult 8or her to -e$o"strate ,ar$
a88ectio" out,ar-ly. The typical A'uaria" $other is -evote- to her o88spri"g5 %ut
also so$e,hat -etache- to,ar- the$. 4ut shell pro%a%ly %e the $ost ,illi"g *TA
,or7er i" the "eigh%orhoo-. She>ll tal7 happily 8or hours ,ith their s$all 8rie"-s o"
their o," level ,ithout patro"i3i"g the$5 a"- she>ll give up her a8ter"oo"s to ,or7
8or a school pro;ect. The chil-re" ,ill lear" the lesso"s o8 %rotherhoo- a"-
hu$a"ity 8ro$ her %y o%servatio". A'uaria" $others are "ever 8iercely protective
o8 their chil-re". They ta7e a tolera"t vie, o8 the $ost startli"g co"8essio". A
0ra"us ,o$a" ,ill sel-o$ pu"ish a chil- 8or telli"g the truth5 "o $atter ,hat he>s
-o"e. /ith her u"pre;u-ice- vie,poi"t5 she>ll gai" the co$plete co"8i-e"ce o8 her
little o"es. She>s great at reassuri"g you"g $i"-s a%out everythi"g 8ro$ $o"sters
hi-i"g u"-er the %e- to the pai" o8 %ei"g ig"ore- i" the playgrou"-. She ca" tur"
their tears to laughter i" $i"utes. =our chil-re" ,ill 8i"- her ;olly 8u"5 a little helter-
s7elter5 rela:e- a%out house,or75 help8ul ,ith ho$e,or7 a"- ge"tle ,he" they>re
ill. She ,o">t s$other the$ ,ith a88ectio"5 a"- she>ll sel-o$ "ag. May%e To$$y
-i-">t ,ash his ha"-s the thir- ti$e he ,as tol-5 %ut she>s $ore i"tereste- i" ,hat he
lear"e- i" scie"ce class.
/e $ay %e a little ahea- o8 ourselves. +ve" though 0ra"us li7es to reverse the
e:isti"g or-ers o8 thi"gs5 %e8ore your A'uaria" girl %eco$es a $other she has to
%eco$e a ,i8e. A"- %e8ore she %eco$es your ,i8e5 you>ll have to co"vi"ce her that
$arriage is">t sy"o"y$ous ,ith Al-catra3. She ,o">t e:actly rush i"to $atri$o"y.
She>s i" "o hurry to ta7e your "a$e u"til she>s ,eighe- you5 sorte- you5 teste- you5
a"- 8ou"- out ,hat $a7es you tic7. The opi"io"s o8 her 8rie"-s a"- 8a$ily ,ill
$ea" "othi"g5 though she $ay as7 the$ ,hat they thi"7 out o8 curiosity. She has
her o," yar-stic7 8or $easuri"g you. Assu$i"g you pass her test5 $arriage to a"
A'uaria" girl ca" %e co"8usi"g. She>ll liste" pleasa"tly ,he" you give her a-vice5
%ut there>s so$ethi"g i" the 0ra"ia" $a7e-up that preve"ts her 8ro$ 8ollo,i"g
-irectio"s e:plicitly. She ca">t stic7 to the recipe ,he" she %a7es o"e o8 her a"gel
8oo- ca7es a"y$ore tha" she ca" par7 the car e:actly ,here you tol- her to. There>s
so$e 7i"- o8 a s"ag i" her thi"7i"g that causes her to %elieve ;ust a little t,ist ,ill
i$prove a"ythi"g. 4ut shell s$ile agreea%ly as she goes o" her o," s,eet ,ay.
There>s a co"sta"t urge to e:peri$e"t ,ith a -i88ere"t ,ay to $a7e the co88ee5 8ill
her pe"5 8aste" her ice s7ates or cross the street. She>ll ,ear a s,eater %ac7,ar-s5
$i: her %ra"-y ,ith $il75 arra"ge 8lo,ers i" a 8ish %o,l5 ri"se her hair i" shavi"g
lotio" or $a7e a roc7 gar-e" o" your -es7. 4ut -o">t as7 her ,hy. She -oes">t 7"o,
hersel8. The u"i'ue a"- u"usual is her ,ave-le"gth5 that>s all.
4ecause her "ature is so i$perso"al5 e:pressio"s o8 -eep 8eeli"g ,o">t co$e easily.
+:cept 8or those su--e" re$ar7s that sou"- li7es a co$%i"atio" o8 1o%ert (rost a"-
=ogi 4erra5 she has 8e, ,or-s ,ith ,hich to e:press her love5 a"- her patter" o8
physical passio" is ,ove" closely ,ith threa-s co""ecte- to the $i"- a"- soul.
Although the u"i'ue 0ra"us outloo7 lea-s so$e A'uaria" girls i"to peculiar
attach$e"ts5 o"ce they 8i"- the right $ate their $arriages are usually $o-els o8
=our A'uaria" ,o$a" ca" 8loat through her -ays a"- "ights ,ith all the grace o8 a
prou- s,a"5 %ut she $ay %ehave li7e a clu$sy %ear i" ro$a"tic situatio"s. The li"e
%et,ee" 8rie"-ship a"- love is o8te" all %ut i"visi%le to A'uarius. Love so"gs a%out
people ,ho o"ly have eyes 8or each other stri7e her as silly. There are so $a"y
$iracles i" the ,orl- 8or eyes to %ehol-5 it see$s to her a terri%le ,aste 8or t,o
pairs o8 the$ to -o "othi"g %ut ga3e i"to each other>s -epths. Shell %e gla- to let you
ta7e her ha"- a"- ,al7 %esi-e her as she loo7s ,ith happy -elight o" the su"rise5 a"
a"ti'ue car5 the $il7$a">s horse5 a yello, gar%age pail5 a stu88e- o,l or a re-
%alloo" caught i" a church steeple. 4ut -o">t -istract her ,ith too $uch to-
gether"ess. Let her ,a"-er through her ,o"-erla"- alo"e ,he" she chooses5 a"-
she>ll "ever 'uestio" your pi"ochle ga$es ,ith the %oys.
The 'uic7est ,ays to lose her are to sho, ;ealousy5 pos-sessive"ess or pre;u-iceB to
%e critical5 stu88y or ultra-co"servative. =ou>ll also have to li7e her 8rie"-s5 ,ho ,ill
co$e i" o--5 assorte- si3es a"- shapes.
She>s suscepti%le to su--e" 8lashes o8 i"spiratio"5 a"- her i"tuitio" is re$ar7a%le.
.er ;u-g$e"t $ay "ot see$ sou"- or practical at 8irst5 %ecause she sees $o"ths a"-
years ahea-. The A'uaria" girl lives i" to$orro,5 a"- you ca" o"ly visit there
through her. /hat she says ,ill co$e true5 perhaps a8ter $a"y -elays a"- trou%les5
%ut it ,ill co$e true. 2 suppose5 a8ter all5 that>s the $ost special thi"g a%out your
(e%ruary ,o$a". She>s a little %it $agic.

!he AG'A2*'" =hild
The -rea$-chil- $ovi"g through a la"-
&8 ,o"-ers ,il- a"- "e,5 2" 8rie"-ly chat ,ith %ir- or %east- A"- hal8 %elieve it true.
Accor-i"g to Mother #oose5 i8 your o88spri"g is -resse- i" %lue5 he>s $a-e o8 s"ips
a"- s"ails a"- puppy--og tails. 2t %a%y is ,eari"g pi"75 she>s $a-e o8 sugar a"-
spice5 a"- everythi"g "ice. But if he or she was born in /ebruary, dress him in an
a(uamarine cap and electric blue booties and forget that old rhyme. !his infant is
made of the raw material of 'ranus, and he's going to make you chase him into
#e's a trembling, sensitive, stubborn, independent mass of invention and electrical
impulses. +ve" i8 he has a slo, a"- care8ul Taurus asce"-a"t5 his $e"tal processes
,ill %e as 8ast as 0ra"ia" light"i"g. #is thoughts will vibrate like high fre(uency
radio beams, and as he grows up, you may feel like sending out an ".;.". yourself.
4very mother and father think their child is special- different and uni(ue,
compared to other youngsters. But this one is $ust ridiculous. ,ots of parents of a
young A(uarian pule whether to send him out on the farm, where he won't
frighten neighbors, or let the word casually get around that he may win the +uliter
prie someday. Which route should you take@ 0ou have a problem. 0es, you do. !he
+uliter is possible, but my advice would be to try the farm for a few summers and
watch. ;bserve. Wait. #e's liable to invent a new plow, or $ust eat them out of
house and home. *t depends. !here's never a cut and dried rule with A(uarians.
2 7"o, o"e Ne, =or7 $other ,ho ;ust calle- her 0ra"ia" so" <the 4ro": /o"-er<
a"- let it go at that At least her relatives a"- "eigh%ors ,ere as $ysti8ie- as she
,as. No%o-y 7"e, i8 the "ic7"a$e $ea"t he ha- three hea-s or he ,as hea-e- 8or
the .all o8 (a$e. As it tur"e- out5 he ,as a pretty goo- %as7et%all player5 a"- $ost
8ol7s thought that>s ,hy he ha- the tag. 4ut they shoul-">t have %ee" so hasty. The
story>s "ot over yet. .e>s prese"tly rotati"g %et,ee" co$posi"g the score 8or a
$usical ,hich $ay go o" 4roa-,ay or i" the ,aste%as7et5 playi"g %it parts i"
-etective 8il$s5 a"- $a7i"g hi$sel8 availa%le 8or T co$$ercials. ?The 7i"- that
"ee- $e" 8ro$ Mars types 8or 8lyi"g saucer approaches o" so8t-sell auto$o%ile
spots.@ .e>s also ,or7i"g o" a" i"ve"tio" i" his %e-roo$ ?%et,ee" ,atchi"g the
Mets play a"- eati"g pic7le sa"-,iches@5 %ut si"ce he ,o">t tell a"yo"e ,hat it is5 2
ca">t give you a"y clues. .e has a 7i"- o8 thi"g a%out cloc7s a"- ,atches5 so it $ay
have so$ethi"g to -o ,ith a ti$e $achi"e ?a co$$o" A'uaria" o%sessio"@. /ell5
,ell see. There>s "o rush. Lots o8 A'uaria"s -o">t %rea7 loose a"- sho,er electric
spar7s o8 ge"ius o" a ,aiti"g ,orl- u"til they>re a you"g 8i8ty. 2t $a7es it all a little
"erve,rac7i"g5 ,aiti"g arou"- li7e that. &8 course5 there are 'uite a 8e,
A'uaria" chil- pro-igies5 %ut ,e>re ta"gle- up e"ough tryi"g to 8igure out your
average A'uaria" you"gster ?a"- 2 use the ter$ average loosely@.
#e may end up working for the /B* or a private eye outfit -he loves to figure out
mysteries., and become an ordinary, sensible, conservative citien. -%on't hold your
breath, but it's a possibility.. /e>- %etter co"ce"trate o" his te"-er years. That ,ay5
you'll have a fighting chance to guide this 'ranus rocket in some kind of direction.
0"til $aturity has $ello,e- 0ra"ia" i"8lue"ces5 a"- society has $ol-e- $ore
co"ve"tio"al attitu-es5 a" A'uaria" you"gster ca" %e stro"gly "egative. !he
immediate reaction to a command -or even a pleasant suggestion. is often an
emphatic no. But let him think about it, mull it over, and it's surprising how many
times his final reaction will be sensible-the answer he found by himself correct and
These %oys a"- girls ca" %e cal$ a"- s,eetly -ocile o" the sur8ace5 %ut the "orth
,i"- ca" tur" the$ su--e"ly topsy turvy. ?+:cept that5 ,ith a" A'uaria"5 it coul-
%e turvy topsy. =ou ca" e:pect a"ythi"g.@ 'npredictable in their behavior, but
lovable and often amusing, the (e%ruary chil- ca" %e 'uite a spi""i"g propeller to
co"te"- ,ith. 2 use- that a"alogy %ecause A'uaria"s a"- 0ra"us rule air 8light5
pla"es a"- !harles Li"-%ergh a"- thi"gs li7e that. =et5 these youngsters are so full
of contradictions, i"stea- o8 ta7i"g to 8light "aturally5 $a"y o8 the$ have a stra"ge5
u"reaso"a%le 8ear o8 pla"es a"- elevators-eve" electricity ?also rule- %y 0ra"us@. 2t
is">t easy to -irect the$ or cha""el the$. !hey have no idea where they're going,
but they have definite ideas about how to get there.
1aisi"g a"- teachi"g these <,o"-ers< ca" %e a %ig respo"si%ility. Their $i"-s
co$%i"e 8i:e- practicality ,ith u"ca""y perceptio" a"- sharp5 pro%i"g logic. Mi: it
all up a"- it can be acutely embarrassing, like when your little A(uarian asks your
best friend why she got her face lifted -she did.-or asks your 'ncle 4lmer why he
cheated on his income tax in front of the *nternal 2evenue man -he did..
!hey love to do favors for friends. Buy your little A(uarian boy a brand new pair of
boots and he's likely to wear them out the first day-smoothing down the snow to
make it slick so the neighborhood kids can use their sleds.
4xpect your /ebruary child to have a dream and hold it fast-until he gets another
one. /ith a girl5 it>s li7ely to %e a pro;ectio" o8 hersel8 as a pri$a %alleri"a5 ,ith a
pure -e-icatio" to her art that ,oul- put *avlova to sha$e5 a thirst to %e the 8irst
,o$a" presi-e"t or a hu"ger to 8ollo, i" the 8ootsteps o8 Ma-a$e !urie. With the
boys, it could be an oceanographer, ichthyologist, archaeologist, anthropologist, an
exterminator or a tree surgeon. &ormal career choices like nurses, secretaries,
clerks, salesmen, teachers, bankers and brokers are too mundane for the average
A(uarian child's fantasies. #e may have to settle for one eventually, but the original
dream will be tucked under his left ear and not forgotten. *t's eerie, but A(uarians
can sometimes cause a thing to happen by simply concentrating on it and waiting.
=ou>ll "ever 7"o, 'uite ,hat to e:pect 8ro$ -ay to -ay. This is a chil- ,ho $ay
"ot ,a"t to stay i"-oors ,he" it rai"s. .e>ll %e out ,ith your %est sterli"g silver
ta%le-spoo"5 -iggi"g a -rai" so the hill i" %ac7 o8 the house ,o">t ,ash a,ay.
1e$e$%er the ol- verse you hear- as a chil- that ,e"t5 <The %ear ,e"t over the
$ou"t,hat he coul- see. The other si-e o8 the $ou"tai"- the other si-e o8 the $ou"tai"-
the other si-e o8 the $ou"tai"-,as all that he coul- see.< =our A'uarius you"gster
,ill have %etter luc7. .e>ll 8i"- so$ethi"g there. May%e it ,ill %e a pot o8 gol- or
;ust a "e, species o8 ,oo-pec7er5 %ut "o"e o8 his e:ploratory ;our"eys ,ill ever
result i" a -ea- e"- or a total loss.
* skipped over the infant stage because these children are never infants. !hey are
born middle-aged. .o,ever5 $a"y o8 the$ -o go through the to--ler stage5 a"-
-uri"g that precarious perio- you $ight %e ,ise to co"si-er %uyi"g a seei"g-eye
-og. Feep the -og u"til your little 0ra"ia" is at least te". #e may have trouble
navigating the block without an incident. ;ff on his own private cloud, he'll lope
down the street in a fog, and ram right into a telephone pole or a mailbox. A(uarian
absent-mindedness brings on twisted ankles, broken bones and the wrath of
teachers. =ou $ay %e tor" %et,ee" pri-e5 ,he" the school reports he or she is a
%u--i"g ge"ius-a"- sha$e5 ,he" you receive a "ote sayi"g5 <&liver si$ply ,o">t
pay atte"tio" i" class. .e stares out the ,i"-o, all -ay a"- plays ,ith his t,o-,ay
,rist ,atch.< &r <#ertru-e re8uses to co"ce"trate. 2"stea- o8 stu-yi"g5 she ;ust sits
there a"- 8le:es her arches i" those silly %allet slippers.< A lecture to &liver a"-
#ertru-e ,ill result i" a shrug o8 %ore- i$patie"ce. /hat>s all the 8uss a%outA .e
,as tryi"g to 8igure the e88ect o8 the su$$er solstice o" #ree",ich Mea" Ti$e5 a"-
she ,as ,o"-eri"g ,hat $a7es a caterpillar tur" i"to a %utter8ly. To their $i"-s5
that>s per8ectly logical. !heel /hat a s'uare school. #ra"te-5 they are o" the right
trac7. 4ut this $ay "ot %e the ce"tury to prove it.
Teachers o8te" co$plai" that the A'uaria" chil- re8uses to e:plai"5 step %y step5
ho, he arrive- at his re$ar7a%le a"s,er to a co$plicate- $ath pro%le$ %e8ore she
8i"ishe- ,riti"g it o" the %lac7%oar-. There>s a goo-5 se"si%le reaso". .is 0ra"ia"
i"tuitio"5 that ,or7s %y so$e 7i"- o8 u"see" ra-io ,aves5 8orce- his $i"- through
those steps so 'uic7ly he ;ust ca">t re$e$%er. Al$ost all A'uaria" chil-re" ,ere
%ehi"- the -elivery-roo$ -oor ,he" $e$ory ,as passe- out. /orgetting their
address is fre(uent, forgetting their last name is uncomfortably possible, and
forgetting what time to come home is par-for-the-course. =our %rillia"t-a"- he $ost
li7ely is-0ra"us you"gster $ust %e taught that his ai$ shoul- e"co$pass $ore tha"
%ei"g a hu$a" co$puter. .e "ee-s to lea$ the i$porta"ce o8 orga"i3i"g his
thoughts i" logical or-er. ;therwise, a potential genius, philosopher, engineer,
scientist, doctor, lawyer-gardener or cab driver -the last two if you're lucky. can
turn into an eccentric adult, headed in several directions at once, and end up going
around in interesting, but not very profitable, circles.
+"courage hi$ to participate i" physical activity or a har$8ul i"ertia ca" ta7e over
a"- hell -ay-rea$ the hours a,ay. 2t .o8te" ta7es a" e$erge"cy to spur A'uaria"
chil-re" to physical actio"5 though. 1entally, they're speed demons. But the body may
be a bit slower, at least around the house.
!hey may have an empathy for birds, trees, nature and the seashore. They>ll al,ays
pre8er their o," i"-epe"-e"t -iscovery to orga"i3e- activity. =ou>ll have to ,atch
8or a te"-e"cy to say <2 ca">t< to ratio"ali3e the urge to avoi- respo"si%ility. The
A'uaria" chil- $ay ta7e the path o8 least resista"ce i8 you let hi$. Teach hi$ that he>s
o"ly 8ooli"g hi$sel8. ,et him make his own decisions, but encourage him to act
on them.
'nspoken tension can deeply disturb him. !hese young-:ters can almost see into
the souls of others, and hear thoughts which haven't even been audibly expressed,
which can disturb them and leave lasting feelings of unhappiness. Better encourage
tran(uility and harmony, concentration and memory, if you don't want an
eccentric, nervous, absent-minded bachelor or spinster with unfulfilled dreams on
your hands in thirty years or so.
4e care8ul ,hat you say a"- ho, you say it ,ith A'uaria" you"gsters. Suggestio"s
pla"te- i" these 8ertile5 re$ar7a%ly acute 0ra"ia" $i"-s i" chil-hoo- ca" ta7e 8ir$
root a"- 8or$ 8i:e- a-ult opi"io"s. 0"-ue e$phasis o" clea" ha"-s5 repeate-
,ar"i"gs5 <Do">t -ri"7 out o8 $y glass5 it>s -irty5< ca" cause the A'uaria" you"gster
to gro, up ,ith e:aggerate- 8ears a"- carry his o," go%let i" his poc7et ,he" he
goes visiti"g. 4ei"g so acci-e"t pro"e5 you ca" i$agi"e ,hat ,ill happe" i8 he sits
-o," su--e"ly ,ith that go%let there. A"- he does do almost everything suddenly.
A(uarian boys and girls have multitudes of friends. !hey make at least ten new ones
per day, from the street cleaner to the truant officer and the ex-parachutist who
runs the candy store. .e $ight eve" %ri"g ho$e a little 8rie"- "a$e- 1oc7e8eller 8or
lu"ch so$e-ay5 too5 %ut -o">t let it sha7e you. =ou>re "ot raisi"g a social s"o%. .e
,o">t 7"o, hi$ 8ro$ the -og catcher. .e>s ;ust a"other <pal.<
Adolescent problems of romance may never bother you. *n fact, the A(uarian child
may have to be reminded which sex is which. /ew of these youngsters are boy cray
or girl cray. 3ust plain cray is more of a possibility, especially when they start
wearing those weird clothes and parting their hair in such an odd way. This $ay %e
a%out the ti$e his hi--e" love o8 poetry e$erges5 ,hich shoul- %e e"courage-.
=our little 0ra"ia" has 8rogs i" his poc7ets a"- stars i" his eyes5 %ut he>s very
special. #e's a humanitarian. #e loves people. Do you 7"o, ho, rare that isA As
society $oves i"to the A'uaria" age5 his u"pre;u-ice- ,is-o$ is lea-i"g us.
A'uaria" %oys a"- girls have %ee" chose" %y -esti"y to 8ul8ill the pro$ise o8 to-
$orro,-8rogs a"- stars5 pic7le sa"-,iches a"- all. Just "ic7"a$e hi$ the
<T,e"tieth !e"tury /o"-er5< a"- let the "eigh%ors guess ,hy.

The A60A120S 4oss
</hat sort o8 thi"gs -o you re$e$%er %estA<
Alice ve"ture- to as7. <&h5 thi"gs that happe"e-
the ,ee7 a8ter "e:t.<
(irst o8 all5 chec7 agai". Are you sure his %irth-ay is late Ja"uary or early (e%ruaryA
Are you a%solutely positive your %oss is a" A'uaria"A 0ra"us-rule- e:ecutives are
as rare as al%i"o pa"-as. 28 you have o"e 8or a %oss5 you ca">t very ,ell sell hi$ to a
3oo5 %ut co"si-er hi$ a collector>s ite$5 a"y,ay. So$e-ay5 he $ay %e e:tre$ely
Seriously5 the typical A'uaria" ,oul- ;ust a%out pre8er starvatio" to the usual "i"e-
to-8ive o88ice routi"e. Most A'uaria"s -isli7e $a7i"g -ecisio"s5 they are u"co$8ort-
a%le givi"g or-ers5 they have "o particular -esire to -irect others a"- they>re totally
i"co$pati%le ,ith stu88y %oar- $eeti"gs5 let alo"e stu88y vice presi-e"ts. This
-oes">t $ea" A'uaria"s are "ot co$pete"t %osses. 0ra"us is 8ull o8 surprises5 a"-
the totally u"'uali8ie- A'uaria" %oss ,ho tur"s out to %e a%solutely i"-ispe"sa%le is
o"e o8 the$.
/he" a" occasio"al A'uaria" ,a"-ers i"to a" e:ecutive positio"5 %ur-e"e- %y all
the a%ove "egative 'uali8icatio"s5 he si$ply pulls a couple o8 "e, tric7s out o8 his
%ag. .e $ay %e a%se"t-$i"-e- a"- 8orget8ul5 ecce"tric a"- u"pre-icta%le5 %y tur"s
shy a"- the" %ol-5 %ut he also has a $i"- li7e a %ear trap hi--e" %ehi"- those
stra"ge5 vague eyes a"- that -etache-5 -ista"t attitu-e. A-- to that a highly tu"e-5
perceptive i"tuitive"ess ,hich $a7es you thi"7 he has a crystal %all tuc7e- i" a
poc7et. Thro, i" his u"ca""y a%ility to a"aly3e5 -issect a"- ,eigh the 8acts ,ith
i"sight as 7ee" as a ra3or %la-e-a"- 8or goo- $easure-his sure i"sti"ct i" $a7i"g a
,ar$ 8rie"- o8 everyo"e 8ro$ the o88ice %oy to the 8ir$>s %iggest custo$er. 4ac7 it
up ,ith the %roa-5 li%eral 0ra"us philosophy ,hich sees $iles i"to to$orro,5 a"-
catches the %ig picture i" all its scope ,hile others are 8lou"-eri"g over -etails-a"-
you see ,hat 2 $ea" %y surprises. 0"8itte- as the average A'uaria" is 8or a"
e:ecutive role5 he tosses o88 the ;o% as casually as i8 he ha- %ee" %or" to it5 ,hich he
-e8i"itely ,as "ot.
There>s the other si-e o8 the coi"5 too. .e $ay possi%ly re8er to you as <My
secretary5 Miss ... ah ... ah ... Miss ... uh ... ,hat ,as your "a$e agai"A< .e ca" %e
$a--e"i"g ,he" he pla"s co$plicate- progra$s %ehi"- your %ac7 a"- spri"gs the$
o" you at the last $i"ute. A"- 2>$ sure you>ve cha8e- u"-er his 8rustrati"g ha%it o8
givi"g you a co$pletely "e, a"- u"e:pecte- ;o% to -o5 %lithely "eglecti"g to
e:plai" the reaso" %ehi"- the cha"ge. 4ut co"8ess "o,5 u"-er it all he really is
rather a lova%le ol- -ear5 is">t heA Most A'uaria"s are5 o"ce you get use- to their
peculiar ,ays5 su--e" cha"ges a"- u"e:pecte- surprises. Also5 2 $ight a--5 their
8i:e- opi"io"s ,he" they>ve $a-e up their $i"-.
28 2 ,ere you5 2 ,oul-">t try to %orro, $o"ey 8ro$ a" A'uaria" %oss. 28 he>s a
typical A'uaria"5 he -oes">t approve o8 people livi"g %eyo"- their i"co$e. So$e
A'uaria"s5 o8 course5 live i" co$8orta%le lu:urious surrou"-i"gs -%ut $ost o8 the$
are 'uite capa%le o8 livi"g i" o"e sha%%y roo$ ,hile they spe"- t,e"ty hours a -ay
pro$oti"g %etter housi"g 8or the poor. .e ,o">t %e i$pulsive a%out givi"g raises5
%ut the"5 he ,o">t %e sti"gy either. =ou>ll get ;ust a%out ,hat you -eserve ,ith your
A'uaria" %oss. No $ore a"- "o less. .e ca" %e $ost ge"erous ,he" he thi"7s
so$eo"e has -o"e a top ;o% %eyo"- the call o8 -uty. Ma7e "o $ista7e. .e>ll e:pect
your %est-your very %est. A"ythi"g less %ri"gs the -a"ger o8 %ei"g politely a"-
7i"-ly5 %ut 8ir$ly -roppe-. Ferplu"7-li7e that. A" A'uaria" has "o use 8or people
,ho goo8 o88 or give hal8 a -ay>s ,or7 8or a 8ull -ay>s pay. To hi$5 that>s a 8or$ o8
-isho"esty5 a"- he hates -isho"esty i" appro:i$ately the sa$e -egree that a cat
hates the ,ater.
/he" it co$es to your perso"al li8e5 the A'uaria" %oss has">t the slightest -esire
either to ;u-ge you or a-vise you. .e -oes have a -esire to 7"o, a%out it5 ho,ever5
a"- you $ay 8i"- it har- to escape that pro%i"g 0ra"us curiosity ,he" it co$es to
your private a88airs. 4ut you ca" tell hi$ a"ythi"g at all ,ithout ,orryi"g that he>ll
%e shoc7e-. Nothi"g shoc7s hi$. .e>s the %est stu-e"t o8 hu$a" "ature i" the
3o-iac5 a"- he>ll "ever loo7 -o," o" you ?a"y$ore tha" he>ll loo7 up to you@. 4oth
your vices a"- your virtues %le"- i"to a" i"teresti"g a"- color8ul patter"5 as 8ar as
he>s co"cer"e-. .e ta7es it all i" stri-e5 a"- it -oes">t $a7e a ripple i" his opi"io" o8
you. The to," -ru"7 a"- the silly5 giggli"g tee"ager are as $uch his 8rie"-s a"- as
close to hi$ as the presi-e"t o8 the local u"iversity a"- the state se"ator. =ou>ll 8i"-
literally "o pre;u-ice or -iscri$i"atio" i8 he>s a true A'uaria". 2" other ,or-s5 you>re
i" -a"ger o8 %ei"g 8ire- i8 he catches you steali"g sta$ps or hi-i"g a" u"8i"ishe-
report i" your -es7-%ut i8 he -iscovers you>re a %iga$ist5 that your 8ather serve- t,o
ter$s i" priso"5 your so" s$o7es pot or your ,i8e practices yoga o" the %ac7 porch
i" her %irth-ay suit5 he>ll ;ust shrug5 8igure it>s your li8e a"- pro%a%ly -e8e"- you to
your critics. The A'uaria" %oss ,o">t %e %othere- o"e ,hit i8 you>re a co"servative
politically a"- you paste a picture o8 !alvi" !ooli-ge "e:t to his pai"ti"g o8
(ra"7li" 1oosevelt. .e ,o">t %at a" eye at the "e,s that you ha- to %e poure- i"to a
ta:i a8ter the last o88ice party. Just -o">t cheat hi$5 lie to hi$ or-heave" 8or%i- -
%rea7 your ,or- to hi$. *ro$ises a"- ethics a"- such are ,here he 8alls i"to the
"arro,-$i"-e- category.
0"li7e the Aries or Leo %oss5 he ,o">t e:ert e"ergy tryi"g to co"vi"ce you that
you>re $a7i"g a $ista7e i" voti"g 8or that $a"5 -ati"g that girl or ,eari"g that color
tie. A"-5 u"li7e the !a"cer5 !apricor" or Li%ra %oss5 he ,o">t hi"t a"- use
persuasive strategy to cha"ge your vie,poi"t. Live your li8e the ,ay you choose
a"- $ore po,er to you 8or %ei"g a" i"-ivi-ualist is his cree-. &" the other ha"-5
-o">t ever atte$pt to -ictate his perso"al co-e to hi$5 either. .e ,o">t sho, a"y
a"ger5 or pro%a%ly eve" 8eel a"y. .e $ay eve" s$ile a"- "o- thought8ully5 ,ith that
8ara,ay loo7 i" his eyes5 %ut you $ight as ,ell tal7 to the ,all. .e>ll liste" to al$ost
a"y%o-y. Liste".
That>s all.
Although he 8or$s his o," co-e o8 ethics a"- 7eeps his o," cou"sel i" relatio" to
his perso"al a"- private li8e5 %usi"ess -ecisio"s are a"other $atter. .e>s very li7ely5
i8 he>s li7e the average 0ra"ia" $a"5 to re'uest everyo"e>s -opi"io" o" pro;ecte-
proce-ures-a"- so$eti$es eve" as7 a su%or-i"ate to $a7e the 8i"al -ecisio".
There>s a $etho- to this $a-"ess5 a"- it>s "ot the sa$e as ,ith the i"-ecisive
Li%ra". A'uarius is">t passi"g the %uc7. .e e";oys sitti"g %ac7 ,ith a" 2-tol--you-so
loo7 ,he" the -ecisio" you $a-e ?agai"st his acutely accurate i"tuitio"@ 8alls as5 8lat
as a pa"ca7e-to teach you a lesso". =ou -o have to ,atch that. A'uaria" %osses are
usually ,illi"g to give you all the rope you "ee- to ha"g yoursel8 ,ith a"- a"other
several yar-s %esi-es5 i8 you as7 8or it. =ou>re luc7y i8 he e:plai"s eve" o"ce ;ust
e:actly ,hy he thi"7s you>re o" the ,ro"g trac7. /he" he>s -o"e that-,hich is u"-
usual e"ough-he ,o">t e:plai" a seco"- ti$e. =ou ta7e it 8ro$ there. !atch it
clearly the 8irst ti$e or youll get so$e co"8usi"g -ou%le-tal7 to re$i"- you to pay
atte"tio" to ,hat he says.
.e e:pects you to %e a%le to ,iggle your a"te""ae a"- pic7 up a"ythi"g you>ve
$isse- out o8 the at$osphere. .e -oes">t reali3e that other people -o">t have his
0ra"ia" gi8t 8or a%sor%i"g i"8or$atio" 8ro$ three people tal7i"g all at o"ce ,hile he
peels a" ora"ge5 -ials a pho"e "u$%er a"- shu88les through a stac7 o8 i"ter-o88ice
Do">t get too set i" your ,ays arou"- a" A'uaria" e:ecutive. =ou>re lia%le to ,al7
i" so$e $or"i"g a"- 8i"- your o88ice has %ee" $ove- to a"other 8loor a"- he 8orgot
to tell you. There>s al,ays cha"ge i" the air arou"- this $a". =ou $ay have the
u"settli"g e:perie"ce o8 havi"g hi$ s,eep -o," u"e:pecte-ly o"e -ay ,ith a %ig5
,ar$5 8rie"-ly gri" a"- thro, your e"tire syste$ out the ,i"-o, -the syste$ the
o88ice has %ee" usi"g si"ce the !ivil /ar. 2" its place he>ll su%stitute a "e, $etho-5
8aster a"- less cluttere- ,ith -etail. =ou say you ca">t a-;ust that 'uic7lyA =ou "ee-
at least si: $o"ths to $a7e the cha"ge a"- the "e, syste$ is #ree7 to you at this
poi"tA .e ca">t u"-ersta"- that. 2t>s per8ectly clear to hi$. Do">t ,orry5 you>ll catch
o". .ell ,ait. .e>s patie"t.
A"- that he is. The "or$al 0ra"us-rule- $i"- $ay %e 8ull o8 "ervous curiosity ;ust
%e"eath the sur8ace5 %ut ge"erally the A'uaria" ta7es it 8airly easy5 a"- pro;ects a"
i$age o8 cal$ a"- thought8ul -eli%eratio". =ou>ll "otice 2 sai- ge"erally. &8 course5
there ,as the ti$e he actually ra" out o8 the o88ice to catch those si: 8ire truc7s5 the
turtle race he stage- o" his carpet ,ith real turtles5 a"- the -ay he ha- those
$i"iature T sets -elivere- to each -es7 -uri"g the /orl- Series. A"- o8 course
there ,as that $or"i"g he too7 over the s,itch%oar-5 ;ust to see ,hat it ,as li7e5
$i:e- up all the calls5 -isco""ecte- everyo"e5 acci-e"tally got a %ig T "et,or7
veep o" a crosse- ,ire a"- sol- hi$ a hal8 a $illio" -ollar -eal-the" 8orgot the
$a">s "a$e ,he" he ca$e i" to sig" the co"tract. 4ut "or$ally he>s placi- a"-
co"trolle-. So he>s a little ecce"tric "o, a"- the"9 he has the ,ater cooler $ove-
o"ce a $o"th so you ca">t 8i"- it5 a"- he li7es to cha"ge your -ay o88 ,ith "o "otice.
/hat are a 8e, $i"or a""oya"ces li7e that ,he" you ,or7 8or a %oss ,ho>s
si"cerely 8asci"ate- %y that %oo7 you>re ,riti"g o" Fa"sas !ity ;a33A A"- ho, ca"
you stay $a- at a %oss ,ho -oes">t $i"- i8 the %oo77eeper gro,s a %ear-5 his
secretary ,ears ,hite 8ur %oots ,ith rhi"esto"e heels to ,or7 or the "e, 8ili"g cler7
par7s his %icycle i" the receptio" roo$A
.e $ay spe"- o"e -ay tal7i"g your ear o885 a"- the "e:t ,ee7 seclu-e- i"si-e his
o88ice5 ig"ori"g sta885 custo$ers a"- suppliers5 -eep i" lo"ely thought. .e>s resti"g
his soul5 a"- those perio-s o8 retreat are "ecessary. 1egar-less o8 ho, rece"tly you
;oi"e- the 8ir$5 he>ll co"si-er you his 8rie"-. .e>s eve" goo- 8rie"-s ,ith the
co$petitio". No $atter ,hat it says o" your co$pa"y letterhea-5 the real %usi"ess
o8 your A'uaria" %oss is 8rie"-ship. So$e%o-y -iscussi"g to-ay>s corporate
co"8or$ity rece"tly sai-5 <#ive $e %ac7 the goo- ol--ti$e i"-ivi-ualist e:ecutive
,ith the gravy spots o" his tie5 ,ho got thi"gs -o"e ,ithout calli"g a co$$ittee
$eeti"g 8or every little s"ag.< The poor $a" /as u"-ou%te-ly u"-ergoi"g a rush o8
"ostalgia 8or a" A'uaria" %oss he ha- years ago.
Those o8 you ,ho ,or7 8or a 0ra"ia" pro%a%ly -o">t have the co$$o" pro%le$ o8
the %oss>s ,i8e -roppi"g i" u"e:pecte-ly ,hile thi"gs are a $ess a"- the pai"ters
are teari"g the receptio" roo$ apart. She>s luc7y i8 she 7"o,s ,here he ,or7s5 let
alo"e has per$issio" to -rop i" o" hi$. A'uaria"s -o">t co"8i-e every little activity
to their ,ives. 2 use- to live "e:t -oor to the (e%ruary-%or" e:ecutive o8 a research
8ir$ ,ho o"ce -i-">t get arou"- to telli"g his ,i8e he ha- to 8ly to +urope o"
%usi"ess u"til he arrive- there a"- "otice- he -i-">t have a"y clea" shirts. ?.e ,as
'uite put out a%out it5 a"- he tol- her so ,he" he pho"e- her 8ro$ Lo"-o".
So$eho,5 it ,as all her 8ault. She shoul- have a"ticipate- he $ight $a7e a trip.@
(u""y ho, you 7ept re$e$%eri"g all the i-iosy"crasies o8 your o," A'uaria"
e:ecutive last ,ee7 ,hile you ,atche- hi$ get the Ma" o8 the =ear a,ar- 8ro$ the
$ayor at that %ig 8or$al %a"'uet. =ou ha- ;ust -eci-e- that5 regar-less o8 his
u"pre-icta%le ,ays a"- his -ippy ha%its5 he ,as actually o"e o8 the $ost
-isti"guishe- %osses a perso" coul- have. The" you happe"e- to loo7 -o," u"-er
the ta%le-a"- there ,ere his 8eet tappi"g the rug i$patie"tly5 cla- i" "eat %lac7 -ress
shoes5 ,eari"g o"e %lue soc7 a"- o"e yello, soc7.

The A60A120S +$ployee

T,i"7le5 t,i"7le5 little %atI .o, 2 ,o"-er ,hat you>re atI 0p a%ove the ,orl- you
8ly5 Li7e a teortray i" the s7y.
=ou shoul-">t have a"y trou%le spotti"g your A'uaria" e$ployee. .e>s the o"e ,ith
all the 8rie"-s. =ou 7"o,5 the o"e ,ho 8orgot his %rie8 case this $or"i"g-the sa$e
$a" ,ho casually -roppe- i" your o88ice last $o"th to %orro, your 8ou"tai" pe"
a"- le8t %ehi"- a pro-uctio" i-ea ,hich has save- your co$pa"y ]305000 i"
overti$e so 8ar5 accor-i"g to the latest chec7 %y the au-itor.
2t shoul- also %e a s"ap to re$e$%er the -ay you hire- hi$. .e>s that 8ello, you
thought ca$e i" to sell you a %o: at =a"7ee Sta-iu$-the" you -eci-e- he ,as
soliciti"g 8u"-s 8or Sha7espeare-i"-the-*ar75 8i"ally 8igure- he ,as ta7i"g o"e o8
those political polls-a"- -i-">t reali3e u"til a8ter he le8t that he ha- actually stoppe-
%y to apply 8or a ;o%. 28 you -o">t re$e$%er hi$5 it>s 8ive-to-o"e your secretary
-oes. A'uarius $e" see$ to $a7e a" i"sta"t a"- lasti"g i$pressio" o" ,o$e"5
eve" those ,ho loo7 li7e "eglecte-5 u"-er8e- puppy -ogs ,ith 8igures loosely
rese$%li"g 2cha%o- !ra"e>s. So$e people $ight ;u$p to the hasty co"clusio" this is
the $other-i"sti"ct5 %ut they ,oul- %e ,ro"g. The real 0ra"us attractio" 8or 8e$ales
is the A'uaria">s a%solute i"-i88ere"ce to their e:iste"ce. 2t -rives the$ to
-istractio". .e>s a challe"ge they ca">t resist-so they either retaliate %y tryi"g to
va$p hi$ or %y s"u%%i"g hi$ %ac75 "either o8 ,hich $a7es the slightest i$pressio"
o" your A'uaria" e$ployee. .e ca" %e totally %li"- to a 8e$ale co-,or7er 8or
,ee7s5 literally "ot seei"g her5 the" o"e 8i"e spri"g $or"i"g su--e"ly startle her
,ith the i"8or$atio" that her eyes are the e:act sha-e o8 a ro%i">s egg he o"ce 8ou"-
i" a tree5 a"- she>s go"e. 2 $ea"5 co$pletely lost. She $ay "ot type a ,or- the rest
o8 the -ay.
Li8e ,ith a" A'uaria" e$ployee ca" %e e:hilarati"g a"- leave you a little
%reathless. 2t>s "ot that they>re e:troverts or 8la$%oya"t or practical ;o7ers. 6uite the
reverse. Ma"y A'uaria"s are so%er5 cool5 aloo8 a"- re$ove- 8ro$ the $a- ,orl-
arou"- the$. The o"ly trou%le is that they>ve re$ove- the$selves 8i8ty years ahea-5
a"- ,he" they roc7et %ac7 to the prese"t every 8e, -ays or so5 they>ve %agge- so$e
u"usual i-eas 8ro$ the stratosphere. 28 you>re a s$art %oss5 you>ll i"vite the 0ra"us
$a" to your o88ice 8or a chat o"ce a ,ee7. 2t coul- %e pro8ita%le. /ho 7"o,s ,hat
you $ight pic7 upA /he" he tells you i" the proper tech"ical la"guage e:actly
,hat>s ,ro"g ,ith that loose scre, u"-er the 8ourth %olt i" the "e, $achi"e that
7eeps %rea7i"g -o,"5 you $ay start to ,o"-er i8 he has %ee" to Mars a"- %ac7
si"ce you sa, hi$ o" the elevator yester-ay. +specially a8ter you chec7 perso""el
recor-s a"- see that he -i-">t ta7e a course i" scie"ce or $echa"ics at college. Still5
the i"8or$al co"8ere"ce ,ith hi$ $ay "ot al,ays tur" out so pro8ita%ly. .e $ay
leave a8ter that little co"8i-e"tial tal7 ,ith your chec7 8or a 8e, thousa"- -ollars 8or
the preservatio" o8 4as7et%all o" 2"-ia" 1eservatio"s-or the 1esearch Society 8or
2"vestigati"g *sychic *he"o$e"a i" S$yr"a. The A'uaria" i"terests are ,orl-,i-e.
!ha"ces are this see$i"gly 'uiet5 %rillia"t a"- 8rie"-ly you"g $a" ,o">t stay
arou"- lo"g e"ough 8or you to re$e$%er his 8ace. The A'uaria" $ale ,ill either
%egi" at the top5 ,or7 his ,ay up there i" a 8e, ,ee7s5 -eci-e to go it alo"e as a
co$poser5 photographer5 or"ithologist5 -a"cer5 si"ger5 clo,"5 ,riter5 ;uggler5
athlete5 geologist5 ra-io or T a""ou"cer5 etc.-or leave you to -ri8t 8ro$ ;o% to ;o%
<loo7i"g 8or hi$sel8.< So$e-ay he>ll 8i"- hi$sel85 too. /he" he -oes5 he usually
stays i" o"e place 8or a li8eti$e. 0"til that $o$e"t o8 truth5 ho,ever5 our 0ra"us-
rule- 8rie"-s spe"- a perio- o8 ti$e ;ust roa$i"g arou"-5 e:peri$e"ti"g5 lear"i"g5
loo7i"g5 i"vestigati"g5 a"- pic7i"g up "e, 8rie"-s.
.e>s "ot se"ti$e"tal %y "ature. .e has a scie"ti8ic attitu-e5 %ut there>s also a stro"g
i"terest i" people5 ,hat $a7es the$ laugh a"- ,hat $a7es the$ cry. A" A'uaria"
-oes "ot lea" to,ar- e$otio"alis$ ?e:cept rarely ,he" he>s i" the clutch o8 a"
ecce"tric rush o8 %ehavior5 perhaps a reactio" to so$e very -istur%i"g perso"al
e:perie"ce@. 0"8ortu"ately5 his i-eas a"- opi"io"s are o8te" co"si-ere- irratio"al
a"- i$practical5 %ut that>s ;ust %ecause his critics are">t tu"e- to his 8re'ue"cy-hal8 a
ce"tury ahea-. 2$agi"e ho, your gra"-$other 8elt ,he" so$e A'uaria" %ac7 i" the
"i"eties trie- to -escri%e color televisio" a"- astro"auts la"-i"g o" the $oo". That
gives you a 8air i-ea o8 the receptio" 0ra"us-rule- people get to-ay ,he" they start
i" o" their theory o8 a ti$e $achi"e5 a"- ho, it coul- %e -esig"e- ,ith sa8ety
valves so a -e8ective s,itch ,o">t get you lost so$e,here i" 1^^0.
=ou $ay "otice the A'uaria" e$ployee ,ith a -i88ere"t 8rie"- each ,ee7 or so. 2t>s
-i88icult 8or hi$ to %e satis8ie- ,ith a"y o"e i"-ivi-ual at a ti$e5 si"ce his
sy$pathies ru" i"to so $a"y cha""els. 2t>s co$$o" 8or hi$5 there8ore5 to give $ore
8rie"-ship tha" he receives.
The 8irst thi"g you $ay have to -o is -eci-e ,hich 7i"- o8 A'uaria" you have
e$ploye-. There>s o"ly o"e %asic 0ra"us type-%ut there are t,o ,ays i" ,hich the
A'uaria" "ature ca" $a"i8est itsel8. The 8irst 7i"- is the suave5 pipe-s$o7i"g
pro8essor type5 ,ith a rela:e- $a""er a"- "ot a 8e, ecce"tric ha%its5 ,ho lives i" a"
elega"t %ut curious apart$e"t 8ull o8 +gyptia" $u$$ies5 a tree 8ro$ 2"-ia pla"te-
i" the ce"ter o8 the roo$5 %ells 8ro$ Su$atra5 1Yth !e"tury ta%les a"- early
A$erica" roc7ets5 plus a $o- pai"ti"g or t,o a"- $ay%e a" ol- airpla"e propeller
ha"gi"g over the 8ireplace. .e -i"es o" gour$et 8oo-s li7e roaste- grasshoppers a"-
stea7 tartar ,ith a"ts> eggs spri"7le- o" top. .e>s usually %rillia"t.
The other 7i"- lives i" a ti"y roo$ over the su%,ay5 eats $ustar- sa"-,iches a"-
,atches his 8avorite T sho, o" the 8irst set ever $a"u8acture-. .e scatters his
i"ve"tio"s all over the cor"er ta%le5 pic7s out tu"es o" a -usty pia"o5 a"- ,ashes the
-ishes o"ce a ,ee7. .e is also %rillia"t. The trou%le is5 ,he" you get the$ %oth out
i" "or$al society5 it>s har- to tell the -i88ere"ce.
4oth are co"scie"tious ,or7ers. 4oth have a high -egree o8 i"tellige"ce5 as ,ell as
u"ca""y perceptio" a"- a 8i"e se"sitivity to everyo"e arou"- the$. They each soa7
up 7"o,le-ge ,hile appeari"g to %e e"grosse- i" so$e a%stract theory. Their
$e$ories are ,ea7 %ut their i"tuitive po,ers $ore tha" $a7e up 8or it. They>re
e:tre$ely o-- i" their ha%its5 7i"- a"- sy$pathetic5 usually very courteous5 a"-
they ,ear u"usual co$%i"atio"s o8 clothi"g. They>re each loyal5 ho"est a"- have a
strict co-e ,hich is "ever violate-. B
4oth are %achelors5 a"- they "u$%er a%out 8ive thousa"- goo- 8rie"-s each5 ra"gi"g
8ro$ Leo"ar- 4er"stei" a"- Joe Na$ath to Scar8ace Al a"- Mi""ie5 the apple la-y
,ho> ta7es "u$%ers. So you seeA A" A'uaria" is a" A'uaria". A pipe5 a $ustar-
sa"-,ich or a couple o8 +gyptia" $u$$ies %et,ee" a couple o8 lotus trees have
"othi"g at all to -o ,ith it.
=ou ca" %e sa8e i" assu$i"g your A'uaria" ,or7er is givi"g you a 8ull -ay>s ,or7
8or his pay. Although he>s pro%a%ly the real cause o8 your secretary>s severe s7i"
rash her -octor ca">t -iag"ose or cure5 he $ay e"- up o" the 8ro"t page o8 The Ne,
=or7 Ti$es so$e-ay5 %ei"g prese"te- ,ith a pla'ue or so$ethi"g a"- you ca" say
<2 7"e, hi$ ,he".< .e ca" also co"tri%ute so$e pretty sa"e5 co"crete thi"7i"g to
your 8ir$ ,hich ,ill possi%ly eve" result i" %ri"gi"g it up to the T,e"tieth !e"tury.
.e>s utterly trust,orthy ,ith co$pa"y secrets5 a"- pro%a%ly the %est custo$er>s
$a" -you ca" 8i"-5 %ecause he>ll $a7e 8rie"-s ,ith your col-est clie"t a"- ,o"-er
,hy everyo"e thought he ,as so tough to -eal ,ith. To the A'uaria"5 he>s ;ust
a"other hu$a" ,ith so$e i"trigui"g aspect to his perso"ality to %e u"covere- ,ith a
8e, polite5 -irect 'uestio"s a"- a little o%servatio".
This e$ployee is">t li7ely to "u-ge you co"sta"tly 8or a raise5 %ecause $o"ey is
usually -o," there o" the %otto$ o8 his list5 alo"g ,ith ,o$e". 4ut he>s shre,-
e"ough to 7"o, his ,orth5 a"- it ,oul-">t %e ,ise to ta7e a-va"tage o8 hi$. .e
$ay cause so$e raise- eye%ro,s5 %ut he>ll sel-o$ cause a"y sca"-al or petty o88ice
gossip. =ou ,o">t 8i"- hi$ 8ille- ,ith $uch i"te"se5 -rivi"g a$%itio"5 yet he has
o"e o8 the 8i"est $i"-s i" the 3o-iac. 28 you shoul- -eci-e he 7"o,s e"ough to
$a7e hi$ your part"er5 he>ll "ever steal the %usi"ess 8ro$ you-a"- he ca" %e a $ost
-eci-e- asset5 possi%ly eve" %ri"g ,orl-,i-e prestige to the 8ir$ so$e-ay.
/he" he -oes eve"tually -eci-e to get $arrie-5 you $ay lose a goo- secretary ?he
,o">t ,a"t his ,i8e to ,or7@5 %ut you ,a"t the poor girl>s s7i" rash to clear up5 -o">t
youA!hil- o8 the pure5 u"clou-e- %ro,
A"- -rea$i"g eyes o8 ,o"-erI Though ti$e %e 8leet5 a"- 2 a"- thou
Are hal8 a Li8e asu"-er5 Thy lovi"g s$ile ,ill surely hail The love-gi8t o8 a 8airy-tale

*2S!+S5 the (ish
(e%ruary 20th through March 20th
.o, to 1ecog"i3e
The *2S!+S Ma"
The *2S!+S /o$a"
The *2S!+S !hil-
The *2S!+S 4oss
The *2S!+S +$ployee

.o, to 1ecog"i3e *2S!+S
.ush-a-%y la-y5 i" Alice>s lapI Till the 8easts rea-y5 -,e>ve ti$e 8or a "ap9
/he" the 8east>s over5 ,e>ll go to the %all- 1e- 6uee"5 a"- /hite 6uee"5 a"- Alice5
a"- allI
The" 8ill up the glasses ,ith treacle a"- i"75 &r a"ythi"g else that is pleasa"t to
28 you shoul- happe" to see a *isces %ehi"- a teller>s cage5 or sitti"g at a %a"7
presi-e"t>s -es75 you>ll %e vie,i"g a rare 7i"- o8 8ish. ery 8e, o8 these people ca"
sta"- %ei"g co"8i"e- 8or lo"g i" o"e place. =ou>ll have %etter luc7 i8 you ,a"-er
i"to a spiritual sea"ce5 visit a" art gallery5 ,al7 through a co"ve"t or a $o"astery5
atte"- a co"cert or catch a 8loor sho, i" a "ightclu%. =ou $ight chec7 a" Authors
League $eeti"g5 -rop %ac7stage a8ter a play5 or try so$e su"%athi"g o" a yacht
The cha"ces are you>ll co$e up ,ith a pretty goo- catch i" a"y o8 those strea$s o8
li8e. The $ore creative a"- artistic5 the $ore leisurely a"- esoteric the surrou"-i"gs5
the $ore 8ish you>ll 8i"-. The "et ,ill %e 8ull o8 color8ul5 shi$$eri"g types5 i8 you
sprea- it out at coc7tail parties or gala %alls. =ou $ight eve" hoo7 a couple o8
$ollies5 or a" e:otic species5 li7e *ri"cess Lee 1a-3i,ill.
There>s little ,orl-ly a$%itio" i" Neptu"e people. Most o8 the$ ,oul-">t give a
$i""o, 8or ra"75 po,er or lea-ership5 a"- ,ealth hol-s little attractio". (e, *isces
people accu$ulate $o"ey %y the %ushel5 u"less they $arry it or i"herit it. Mi"- you5
they have "othi"g agai"st cash. They>ll gla-ly accept a"y ol- coi"s you ca">t use.
4ut they>re $ore a,are tha" $ost o8 us o8 its te$poral 'ualities.
/hoever sai-5 <2 -o">t ,a"t to %e a $illio"aire-2 ;ust ,a"t to live li7e o"e5< ,as
truly re8lecti"g the *iscea" philosophy. The typical Neptu"e heart is 8ree o8 gree-.
There>s a lac7 o8 i"te"sity5 al$ost a careless"ess a%out to$orro,. There>s also a"
i"tuitive 7"o,le-ge o8 yester-ay a"- a ge"tle tolera"ce o8 to-ay. 2t>s "ever easy 8or
either real or hu$a" 8ish to struggle a"- 8ight their ,ay upstrea$. 2t>s $ore
co$$o"5 a"- it ta7es less e88ort5 to go ,ith the curre"t ,herever it ta7es the$. 4ut
to s,i$ upstrea$ is the challe"ge o8 *isces-a"- the o"ly ,ay he ever 8i"-s true
peace a"- happi"ess. Ta7i"g the easy ,ay is a trap 8or those %or" u"-er this Su"
sig"5 a glitteri"g %ait that e"tices the$5 ,hile it hi-es the -a"gerous hoo7 -a ,aste-
=ou>ll %e i$presse- ,ith the *iscea" char$ o8 $a""er a"- la3y goo- "ature. .e>s
i"-i88ere"t to $ost li$iti"g restrictio"s5 i8 they -o">t ro% hi$ o8 his 8ree-o$ to
-rea$ a"- 8eel his ,ay through li8e. .e>s eve" $ore i"-i88ere"t to i"sults5
recri$i"atio"s a"- other people>s %ristli"g opi"io"s. Tell a *iscea" that society is
-eca-e"t5 the gover"$e"t is crac7i"g5 air pollutio" ,ill put us all i" our graves a"-
the ,orl- is co$i"g to a -ea- stop5 a"- he>ll ya,"5 or s$ile e"cha"ti"gly5 or loo7
vaguely sy$pathetic. ery little ,ill e:cite hi$ to viole"t actio" or reactio". &8
course5 the 8ish is "ot co$pletely %la"-. .e -oes have a te$per. /he" he>s 8i"ally
arouse-5 he ca" %e %iti"gly sarcastic5 ,ith a clever5 caustic to"gue. Neptu"ia"s ca"
lash their tails a"grily a"- spill 8orth a torre"t o8 "ervous irrita%ility5 %ut the typical
*isces ,ill "or$ally ta7e the path o8 least resista"ce5 a"- the cool ,aters o8 Neptu"e
co"ti"ually ,ash a,ay his a"ger. To arouse the 8ish to a -isplay o8 te$per is rather
li7e toss$g a pe%%le i"to a clear5 $irror-s$ooth la7e5 =ou>ll create so$e ripples5 %ut
the sur8ace ,ill soo" %e cal$ agai".
/he" you $eet *isces people5 loo7 8irst at their 8eet. They>ll %e 'uite "oticea%ly
s$all a"- -ai"ty ?i"clu-i"g the $e">s@5 or else they>ll %e huge a"- sprea- out li7e a
tire- ,asher,o$a">s. The *isces ha"-s ,ill also %e ti"y5 8ragile5 a"- e:'uisitely
8or$e--or else %ig ha$ %o"es that loo7 as though they %elo"g %ehi"- a plo,. The
s7i" is sil7y so8tB the hair is 8i"e5 o8te" ,avy5 a"- usually light ?though you>ll 8i"- a
goo-ly "u$%er o8 %ru"ette 8ish@. *isces eyes are li'ui-5 heavy-li--e-5 a"- 8ull o8
stra"ge lights. (re'ue"tly5 %ut "ot al,ays5 they>re slightly protru-i"g5 %ul%ous a"-
e:tre$ely co$pelli"g. So$e *iscea" eyes are si$ply %eauti8ul. There>s "o other
,or- to -escri%e the$. The 8eatures are elastic a"- $o%ile5 a"- you>ll usually 8i"-
$ore -i$ples tha" ,ri"7les. (e, *iscea"s are tallB Neptu"e %o-ies are so$eti$es
a,7,ar-ly %uilt5 %ut ,ith their e:traor-i"ary grace5 it>s sel-o$ -iscer"i%le. They
see$ to sort o8 8lo, alo"g5 i"stea- o8 ,al7i"g-as i8 they ,ere s,i$$i"g across the
roo$ or -o," the street. So$eti$es they really are. /here>s the li'ui-A 2t $ay %e
"ear%y5 a"- the 8ish is attracte- to it.
2t ca" %e a love o8 ice ,ater5 the ha%it o8 a -o3e" cups o8 tea or co88ee a -ay5 a
ha"7eri"g 8or so-a pop-or a ye" 8or so$ethi"g stro"ger. Li7e Scorpios a"-
!a"ceria"s5 *isces people are ,ise to stay $iles a,ay 8ro$ alcohol. ery 8e,
Neptu"ia"s ca" have a social coc7tail5 the" leave it alo"e. There are so$e5 "aturally.
4ut too $a"y *iscea"s 8i"- e"tici"g relie8 8ro$ trou%le i" li'uor. 2t lulls the$
pleasa"tly ,ith a 8alse se"se o8 security a"- it>s a -a"gerous lulla%y. &8 course5
every *isces ,ho -ri"7s a pousse-ca8e -oes">t %eco$e a" alcoholic5 %ut the
perce"tage is higher tha" it ought to %e.
The 8ish ,as %or" ,ith the -esire to see the ,orl- through rose-colore- spectacles.
.e 7"o,s ,ell e"ough a%out the sea$y si-e o8 hu$a"ity5 %ut he pre8ers to live i"
his o," ,atery5 ge"tle ,orl-5 ,here everyo"e is %eauti8ul a"- all actio"s are lovely.
28 reality %eco$es too terri%le to 8ace5 he o8te" escapes i"to rosy -ay-rea$s ,ith
po,-er pu88 8ou"-atio"s a"- "ot a prayer o8 co$i"g true. /he" li8e -u$ps hi$
,ith a splash-a real %elly-s$ac7er-i"to a stag"a"t river o8 -is$al 8ailure a"-
hopeless co"-itio"s5 i"stea- o8 leapi"g out o8 the $ur7y -a"ger5 he>s $ore i"cli"e-
to hi-e %ehi"- his pale gree" illusio"s ,hich 7eep hi$ 8ro$ $a7i"g practical
-ecisio"s. The re;ecte- *isces is too i"cli"e- to 8ace the ugli"ess o8 8ailure %y
-eepe"i"g his 8alse hopes5 ,he" a -eter$i"e- s,itch o8 course or so$e "e,5
8orce8ul actio" $ight sho,er hi$ ,ith real5 i"stea- o8 i$agi"ary5 success.
Not every March-%or" perso" 8alls i"to such a typical Neptu"e trap5 %ut e"ough o8
the$ -o to $a7e it a "ecessary ,ar"i"g. The *isces ,riter $ay %e te$pte- to
lou"ge 8or years i" %ars5 telli"g hi$sel8 he>s gatheri"g $aterial5 ,he" he>s really ;ust
gatheri"g $oss a"- u"pai- %ills. The *isces artist ,ho ca">t get the patro"age he
see7s $ay stroll through the par75 -ay a8ter -ay5 $u$%li"g i"to his %ear- that he>s
stu-yi"g "ature as a %ac7grou"- 8or his great $asterpiece5 ,hile his pai"t %rushes
gather -ust. /here is the a"gel ,ho ,ill support hi$ ,hile he splashes ca"vases
,ith gloryA The *iscea" ,o$a"5 le8t alo"e5 ,ith ;ust e"ough 8i:e- i"co$e to 7eep a
roo8 over her hea- a"- a little sea,ee- i" the cup%oar-5 ,ill te"- to -rea$ a,ay the
hours5 te"-erly re$e$%eri"g yester-ay5 ha3ily hopi"g 8or to$orro,5 a"- ,asti"g
the %right su"light o8 to-ay. The actor5 co$poser5 $usicia"-you 8ill i" the i stories.
2 =ou $ay have rea- that the *isces sy$%ol o8 t,o 8ish5 A s,i$$i"g i" opposite
-irectio"s5 i"-icates that the Neptu"ia" is tor" %y -ual -esires. 2t>s "ot so. Dual
-esires %elo"g to #e$i"i. The t,o 8ish i" reverse- -irectio"s sy$%oli3e the choice
give" *isces9 to s,i$ to the top-or to s,i$ to the %otto$ a"- "ever 'uite reach his
goals. *isces $ust lea$ that he is to serve $a"7i"- i" so$e ,ay5 a"- esche,
,orl-ly possessio"s. *iscea" +i"stei"5 ,ho s,a$ upstrea$5 8or$ulate- a ,hole
"e, ,orl- o8 relative ti$e. *iscea"s ,ho s,i$ -o,"strea$ serve %y ,ashi"g
-ishes or shoveli"g s"o,. The choice is al,ays there5 %ecause there>s "ever a lac7 o8
u"usual tale"t5 %ut the 8ish5 ,ith eyes that see clearly o" %oth si-es5 so$eti$es has
-i88iculty seei"g straight ahea-. *isces o8te" retreats-either to the su%li$e heights o8
a -e-icate- pro8essio"al li8e5 or to sti$ula"ts5 arti8icial e$otio"s a"- 8alse
Although *iscea"s shri"7 8ro$ co$petitio"5 the stro"g pull o8 Neptu"e se"-s $a"y
o8 the$5 eve" the shy o"es5 to,ar- the %right 8ootlights5 ,here they ca" use their
8a%ulous po,ers o8 i"terpretatio" to pro;ect $yria- e$otio"s. 2" spite o8 their
"atural ti$i-ity5 they o8te" %eco$e so$e o8 the 8i"est per8or$ers i" the theater. 4ut
o"ly i8 they 8ight their -istaste 8or the har- ,or7 o8 grueli"g rehearsals5 a"- the
-ull"ess o8 the -reary5 %ut "ecessary years o8 e:perie"ce. So$eti$es the sharp
,ou"-s o8 the critics leave such a scar o" se"sitive *isces souls that a pote"tial
4arry$ore or 4e$har-t retires ,he" 8a$e ,as ;ust ahea-. Me$ori3atio" is sel-o$
a pro%le$. The *isces $e$ory is lege"-ary5 although ,ith a" a88licte- Moo" or
Mercury they ca" 8orget their o," telepho"e "u$%ers.
To every *isces5 8ro$ the 8isher$a" o" the ,har8 to the "urse i" the chil-re">s
hospital5 li8e itsel8 is a huge stage. 2" the re8lective eye o8 the 8ish5 the e"tire sce"e is
elusive a"- 8leeti"g. F"o,i"g this5 Neptu"ia"s accept $ost stor$s ,ith tra"'uil
e'uili%riu$. Despo"-e"cy5 ho,ever5 is al,ays threate"i"g to s,oop -o," a"-
%ri"g peculiar -rea$s or ,eir- "ight$ares ,hich are o8te" precog"itive. /he"
*isces has a 8eeli"g so$ethi"g ,ill happe"5 it usually -oes.
28 he tells you "ot to get o" that pla"e or i" that car5 you>- %etter pla" to s,i$ or
Astrologers ,ho spea7 o8 a" ol- soul re8er to a soul ,hich has go"e through $a"y
lives5 retai"i"g the ,is-o$ o8 each. &8te" they re8er to *isces5 %ecause a li8e as the
8ish is either the $ost -i88icult o%ligatio" a soul ca" choose _or a cha"ce to reach
per8ect 8ul8ill$e"t. /hile Aries represe"ts %irth i" the 3o-iac5 *isces represe"ts
-eath a"- eter"ity. The 8ish is the t,el8th sig"5 a co$posite o8 all that>s go"e %e8ore5
a"- his "ature is a %le"- o8 all the other sig"s5 ,hich is 'uite a lot to cope ,ith. .is
surprisi"g a%ility to orga"i3e a"- co"ce"trate o" -etail ,hich pops up "o, a"- the"5
as ,ell as his ge"tle"ess5 re8lects his i""er 7"o,le-ge o8 the lesso"s o8 irgo. .is
;u-g$e"t is as 8air a"- -etache- as that o8 Li%ra5 a"- his love o8 pleasure is also
purely Li%ra". *isces people have the cra3y se"se o8 8u" o8 !a"cer5 as ,ell as %oth
the !a"ceria" sy$pathy a"- cra%%i"ess. They>re so$eti$es 8ull o8 the Sagittaria"
outspo7e" 8ra"7"ess a"- ge"erosity5 as 8u"-lovi"g a"- outgoi"g as Leo5 yet as
-evote- to -uty as !apricor"5 a"- o8te" ;ust as e"vious o8 social -isti"ctio". There
$ay also %e a s$atteri"g o8 the Satur"i"e $ela"choly. *erhaps $ore tha" ;ust a
s$atteri"g. The 8ish ca" %e as $oo-y as a Moo" chil- a"- as happy as a lio". .e
li7es to tease a"- a"aly3e i" A'uaria" 8ashio". .e>s o8te" over8lo,i"g ,ith Aries
i-ealis$ a"- e"thusias$5 %ut usually ,ithout the Mars -rive. A *isces perso" ca"
3ip arou"- ,ith #e$i"i 'uic7"ess5 tal7 ;ust as 8ast a"- thi"7 ;ust as cleverly. .e ca"
also %e as la3y a"- peace8ul as Taurus. .e has the clever ,it o8 Mercury a"- the
so8t grace o8 e"us5 a"- he co$%i"es it ,ith the $ystic pe"etratio" o8 Scorpio5
,ithout the Scorpio>s ruthless"ess.
*isces hol-s ,ithi" hi$sel8 the 8o"-"ess o8 -e%ate o8 all the air sig"s5 the love 8or
"ature o8 all the earth sig"s a"- the 8la$i"g aspiratio"s o8 all the 8ire sig"s. 4ut he is
"either 8i:e- "or car-i"al. The 8ish is $uta%le al,aysB i" this respect he is u"-ilute-.
The o"e a"- o"ly 'uality ,hich origi"ates ,ith his o," sig" is his stra"ge po,er to
sta"- outsi-e hi$sel8 a"- see yester-ay5 to-ay a"- to$orro, as o"e. The *iscea"
love o8 $usic a"- art5 a"- his highly -evelope- se"ses a"- versatility he o,es to
other sig"s5 %ut his -eep ,is-o$ a"- co$passio" %elo"g o"ly to hi$5 culle- 8ro$
the co$%i"e- 7"o,le-ge o8 every hu$a" e:perie"ce. No, that you u"-ersta"- all
that5 is it a"y ,o"-er that your *isces 8rie"-s are a %it o8 a pu33le at ti$es5 "ot to
$e"tio" %ei"g outright 7oo7y o-- %alls o" occasio"A
*iscea"s te"- to thi"7 they ca" live 8orever5 a"- they o8te" act as though they
%elieve- it 8erve"tly. The 8ish typically -oes">t ta7e very goo- care o8 hi$sel8.
!ha"ces are he spe"-s $ost o8 his e:cess e"ergy ?a"- he -oes">t have too $uch to
spare@ helpi"g relatives i" trou%le or ta7i"g o" the %ur-e"s o8 8rie"-s. Their trou%les
ca" %e e$otio"al or 8i"a"cial5 %ut either ca" %e a serious -rai" o" *iscea" health5
,hich is rarely ro%ust to %egi" ,ith. The 8ish $ust co"serve his e"ergy a"- re8rai"
8ro$ succu$%i"g to sti$ula"ts or se-atives5 8atigue a"- other people>s e$erge"cies.
/ea7est as i"8a"ts5 sel-o$ stur-y as chil-re" ?u"less there>s a stro"g Mars i"8lue"ce
i" the "atal chart@5 *isces people see$ to have slo, $eta%olis$s5 ,hich is ,hy they
o8te" ,a7e up sleepy-eye- a"- listless. *oor eati"g ha%its ca" %ri"g trou%les ,ith
liver a"- i"testi"al 8u"ctio"s a"- -igestive trou%les. Acci-e"ts to5 or so$e
a%"or$alities o8 the 8eet5 ha"-s or hips are co$$o"5 also col-s5 8lu a"- p"eu$o"ia.
The lu"gs are "ot stro"g5 a"- ,ea7 toes a"- a"7les $ay result 8ro$ March %irths.
The 8ish see$ to have 8alle" arches a"- $etatarsal i";uries or super%ly stro"g a"-
supple 8eet. There>s "o i"%et,ee". They have a hi--e" i""er resista"ce5 ho,ever5
a"- o"e o8 the challe"ges o8 Neptu"e is to -iscover this late"t stre"gth a"- call o" it.
*iscea"s ca" literally hyp"oti3e the$selves i"to or out o8 a"ythi"g they choose-
i"clu-i"g 8ear o8 cats5 $ice5 heights5 su%,ays5 elevators a"- people.
.u$or is o"e o8 their secret ,eapo"s. *iscea"s gri" to cover u"she- tears. They>re
$asters o8 satire5 a"- you $ay cri"ge 8ro$ a %right re$ar7 thro," at you so
casually that you>re u"a%le to pi" -o," the e:act $ea"i"g or the i"te"t. =et5 you>ll
have a -eci-e-ly u"co$8orta%le 8eeli"g. The 8ish ca" scatter caustic o%servatio"s
arou"- li7e 8lashi"g lights ,hich ,i"7 o" a"- o88 so 8ast you ca">t 7eep up ,ith
the$. .e>s a" e:celle"t practical ;o7er5 great at pulli"g hilarious li"es ,hile he
7eeps his o," elastic 8ace $our"8ul a"- straight. .e ca" $ove grace8ully 8ro$
slapstic7 to %rittle5 sophisticate- ;o7es. So$eti$es the 8u" is ,ar$ a"- har$less5
so$eti$es it>s col- a"- $ercilessB %ut it>s al,ays a cover 8or a"other e$otio" the
8ish ,a"ts to hi-e5 sel-o$ spo"ta"eous o8 itsel8. *isces ,ears his laughs as a $as75
a"- they -isguise hi$ ,ell.
There>s a great 8eeli"g o8 pity a"- a -esire to help the sic7 a"- ,ea7. *isces $ay
share co$passio" 8or the ill ,ith irgo5 %ut he ta7es the e:tra step to try to
u"-ersta"- the hearts o8 the %ur-e"e- a"- the 8rie"-less5 the 8ailures a"- the $is8its5
"o $atter ho, ,eir- or ho, re;ecte- %y society. The 8ish ,ill ge"tly co$8ort those
,ho$ irgo 8eels are ,ea7 %y choice5 a"- there8ore u"-eservi"g. 28 you "ee- a
-i$e or a -ollar5 a large loa"5 or ;ust a s$all e"courage$e"t that "o o"e else ,oul-
give5 go to *isces. =ou>ll get "o lectures a"- "o gla"ces o8 superiority. .e ;u-ges "o
$a"-thie85 $ur-erer5 a--ict5 pervert5 si""er5 sai"t5 hypocrite or liar. #ree-5 lust5
sloth a"- e"vy ,ill %ri"g "o critical ,rath5 i8 he>s a typical Neptu"ia". .is
u"-ersta"-i"g over8lo,s5 alo"g ,ith ,hatever practical help he>s a%le to o88er. .e
se"ses every vice a"- virtue5 a"- he 7"o,s each pit8all. Ma"y 8ish5 8or this reaso"5
-o" the ro%es o8 the priest or $o"75 a"- spe"- their lives i" prayer or
To help is his 8irst i"sti"ct. There are *isces people ,ho are crusty a"- %rus'ue5 %ut
it>s o"ly a 8ragile shell5 ,or" 8or protectio". The 8ish soo" lear"s ho, vul"era%le he
is. The ,orl- is "ot yet tu"e- to the se"sitive *iscea" ,avele"gth5 so to avoi-
ri-icule ?as ,ell as to avoi- %ei"g ta7e" 8or every last -i$e he o,"s@5 he so$eti$es
8eig"s i"-i88ere"ce. The i$positio"s o8 those ,ho ,oul- tra$ple hi$ 8orce the 8ish
to hi-e his true spirit. Si"ce the -epth o8 Neptu"e>s ,aters causes hi$ to a%sor%
every pai" a"- ;oy as i8 they ,ere his o,"5 it>s little ,o"-er $a"y *iscea"s prete"-
-isi"terest i" heari"g sa- stories. 4ut re$e$%er that they are prete"-i"g. 28 you>ve
%ee" re%u88e- o"ce5 try >t,ice5 a"- the real 8ish ,ill sur8ace.
The glorious *iscea" i$agi"atio"5 their $arvelous el8i" tu$or a"- the Neptu"ia"
se"se o8 %eauty ca" create the $ost -elicate5 yet eter"ally lasti"g prose a"- poetry.
2"-ee-5 the ,orl- coul-">t -o ,ithout their artistic e88orts a"- their ge"tle
co$passio" 8or a $o$e"t. 2t ,oul- stop spi""i"g. =ou>ll 8re'ue"tly 8i"- 8ish ,ho
have %urie- their perso"al -rea$s to %righte" o-- cor"ers o8 the lives o8 relatives
a"- 8rie"-s5 or to %ri"g the gi8t o8 tears a"- laughter to the pu%lic through the stage5
at the cost o8 the privacy *isces see7s a"- "ee-s. =et Neptu"e is a -eceptive pla"et5
capa%le o8 givi"g %irth to "atures that t,ist a"- tur" i" t,o -irectio"s at o"ce5
-istorti"g the truth5 a" i"8lue"ce ,hich o8te" causes *isces to hi-e his real
e$otio"s. C
This thespia" 'uality is o%vious i8 you>ve ever trie- pi" -o," the elusive5 8lashi"g
8ish. .e hates to a"s,er -irect 'uestio" ,ith a yes or a "o. 2t>s al,ays $ay%e si$ple
curiosity a%out ,hat play he ;ust sa, or ,hat %oc he ;ust rea- ca" %ri"g a" evasive
a"s,er 8or "o reaso" particular. .e ca" tur" o" tears5 the" tur" o" su"shi"e t
pressi"g a"other i"visi%le s,itch. Neither is truly real A is illusio" ,ith *isces5 a"-
they 8i"- it har- to tell tt -i88ere"ce the$selves. Their i"ter"al "ature is as ui
8atho$a%le as Neptu"e>s great ocea"s. The altruistic 8ish 8ille- ,ith a"
i"e:hausti%le5 te"-er love 8or every livi" creature ,hich is truly sai"t-li7e5 ,he" it>s
"ot tur"e- u ,ar- i" sel8-pity a"- sel8-love. Typically *iscea" are tr gregarious
house,ives ,ith hearts %ig e"ough 8or th trou%les o8 all the "eigh%ors5 a"- the
patie"t %arte"-ei ,ho liste" sy$pathetically to hu"-re-s o8 tales o8 ,o each ,ee7.
.a"gi"g so$e,here %et,ee" the sile"t ,aters o8 th sea %elo, a"- the vast5 star-
stu--e- $ist a%ove5 o"ly %are ly touchi"g the earth 8ro$ "ecessity5 *isces lives his
li8 i" lo"ely u"-ersta"-i"g o8 truth too -eep to e:press L ,or-s. Those ,ho ,a"t
hi$ 8or a 8rie"-5 those ,ho lov> hi$5 $ust use their i$agi"atio" to grasp the stra"ge
pla"e o8 his $i"- a"- e$otio"s. The other t,o ,ater sig"s-Scorpio a"- !a"cer-are
sy$%oli3e- %y hal8 la"--hal ,ater creatures5 a$phi%ious a"- 8le:i%le-%ut the 8ish
ca"> %reathe air. .e $ust live i" cool gree" ,ater5 so$eti$e $u--y5 al,ays $ovi"g.
*isces is represe"te-5 "ot %y iro" or $ercury or gol- o lea-5 %ut %y the vi%ratio"s o8
the i"-e8i"a%le5 arti8lcia $etals-agai"5 a" echo o8 the u"real a"- the illusio"ary .e
sees his re8lectio" i" three -i$e"sio"s i" the viole a$ethyst a"- the clear e$eral-B
a"- his "atal 8lo,ers a" the ,ater lily a"- the lotus. Their %losso$s are pi"7 a"
,hite a"- -elicate5 %ut their ste$s a"- leaves are $a-e o8 stro"g 8i%ers5 tough a"-
i"-estructi%le5 u"less they>re to" up %y the roots. (e, ca" 8ollo, *isces a"- pro%e
the a'ua$ari"e "ature5 ,hether he s,i$s -o,"strea$ to o%liv io"5 ;ust a"other
lashi"g spec7 i" the large5 $ovi"g schoo9
o8 8ish-or 8ights his ,ay upstrea$ to co"'uer the s,i8 curre"t a"- 8i"- sere"ity i"
pure ,aters. .e is stro"geL tha" he thi"7s a"- ,iser tha" he 7"o,s5 %ut Neptu"t
guar-s this secret u"til he -iscovers it 8or hi$sel8.
(a$ous *isces *erso"alities
+-,ar- Al%ee .arry 4ela8o"te +li3a%eth 4ro,"i"g Luther 4ur%a"7 +"rico !aruso
(re-eric !hopi" #rover !levela"- Al%ert +i"stei" Jae7ie #leaso" .a"-el
1e: .arriso" 4e" .eeht ictor .ugo Te- Fe""e-y #or-o" Mae1ae
Ja$es Ma-iso" Michela"gelo `ero Mostel aslav Ni;i"s7y 1u-ol8 Nureyev
Auguste 1e"oir 1i$s7y-Forsa7ov Davi- Sar"o88 Di"ah Shore +arl o8 S"o,-e"
Svetla"a Stali" Joh" Stei"%ec7 +li3a%eth Taylor +arl /arre" #eorge /ashi"gto"

The *2S!+S Ma"

/e are %ut ol-er chil-re"5 -ear5 /ho 8ret to 8i"- our %e-ti$e "ear.
/illia$ Sha7espeare ,as a Taurus5 %ut he le8t this $essage 8or a"yo"e ,ho is
co"si-eri"g %eco$i"g i"volve- ,ith a *isces $a"9
.There is a ti-e i" the a88airs o8 $e"5
/hich5 ta7e" at the 8loo-5 lea-s o" to 8ortu"eB
&$itte-5 all the voyage o8 their li8e
2s %ou"- i" shallo,s a"- i" $iseries.
28 you>re a%out to 8all over the -a$ 8or a Neptu"ia"5 you shoul- paste those li"es o"
your co$pact $irror5 ,here you ca" see the$ every ti$e you po,-er your "ose.
They $ay possi%ly $a7e or %rea7 your 8uture5 "ot to $e"tio" your heart.
Try to u"ta"gle your pro%a%ly rosy state o8 $i"- a"- $a7e sure that *isces 8ello,
you>re a%out to ;oi" i" a $oo"light s,i$ 7"o,s ,he" the ti-e is co$i"g i". 28 he
ta7es it at the 8loo-5 you>re as luc7y as a"y girl ca" %e. &" to 8a$e a"- 8ortu"eI 4ut
i85 percha"ce5 your *isces la- ca">t see the ti-e 8or the star-ust i" his eyes5 a"- he
$isses that %ig 8loo--,ell5 let $e ,ar" you that those Neptu"ia" shallo,s ca" result
i" so$e o8 the $ost -is$al $iseries you>ll ever 7"o,.
A *isces $a" ca" %e everythi"g you ,a"t hi$ to %e- or everythi"g you -o">t ,a"t
hi$ to %e. A ti-e i" his a88airs is sy"o"y$ous ,ith opportu"ity. 2t re'uires a 8ir$
-ecisio"5 -eter$i"e- actio"5 a"- the a%ility to -ro," a"y ol-5 soggy -rea$s that
preve"t success. The trou%le is that so$e *isces $e" "ever recog"i3e that ti-e at its
8loo-5 eve" ,he" it sloshes over their 8eet.
The *isces $a" is">t ,ea7. 2t>s ;ust that he $ay li"ger too lo"g o" a 8a-i"g5 silver
star5 a"- $iss the %right su"light o8 success. Not all *iscea"s are ge"tle -rea$ers.
4ut $ore o8 the$ tha" you ca" scatter ,ith a pe%%le are. .o,ever5 there is hope.
There>s al,ays hope5 ,here there>s li8e. Although the ,orl- "ee-s his lovely
i$agi"atio" o"ly too -esperately5 there co$es a ti$e ,he" the *isces $ale has to go
a%out the %usi"ess o8 ear"i"g his potatoes. /he" he -oes that5 he has a s"ap o8 it5
%ecause the Neptu"e i"tuitio" couple- ,ith his clever $i"- ca" tur" hi$ to,ar-
se"si%le goals ,hich coul- %ri"g hi$ 8a$e a"- recog"itio"-eve" ,ealth a"-
i$$ortality. 28 "ot all that ?you ca">t hit the ;ac7pot every ti$e@5 the" at least
respecta%ility a"- co$8orta%le security. Let>s hope that>s the 7i"- o8 *isces $ale
you>re saili"g ,ith. *ractically "o other Su" sig" ca" stop his pote"tial u"-er those
.o,ever5 i85 say %y the age o8 t,e"ty-8ive or so5 he has">t recog"i3e- that ti-e i" his
a88airs5 8ra"7ly5 his 8uture is">t too hope8ul. =ou thi"7 that>s u"8airA All right5 $a7e
it %y the age o8 thirty-8ive5 %ut you>re ga$%li"g. /he" 2 sai- his 8uture is">t too
hope8ul5 2 $ea"t ,ith you. As a ,i8e-,ith the 8a$ily routi"e. .is perso"al 8uture
ca" %e $ore or less satis8actory. Lots o8 *isces $e" ,ho ca">t %ury stale -rea$s a"-
-ig up 8resh i-eas 8or success live 8airly co"te"te- lives. That>s %ecause all they "ee-
is that -rea$5 rusty as it is arou"- the e-ges. A-- a ;ug o8 ,i"e5 a loa8 o8 goo- rye
%rea-5 a"- he>s as happy as $ost o8 us other $is8its. Ahl =ou "otice- 2 stoppe- short
o8 o"e ite$. 2t>s a loa8 o8 %rea-5 a ;ug o8 ,i"e a"- Thou-rightA 2>$ gla- you>re up o"
the 1u%aiyat. 4ut you see5 2 le8t <Thou< out o" purpose. The -rea$y5 se"sitive5
artistic 8ish ca" e:ist "icely o" %rea- a"- ,i"e-eve" thrive o" it. 4ut such a -iet
,o">t 8ee- a ,i8e5 o"e to 8ive little %u"-les o8 ;oy5 a"- ,ho 7"o,s5 $ay%e eve"
so$e gol-8ish a"- guppies ?co"si-eri"g his Su" sig"@. =ou "ee- thi"gs li7e
stoc7i"gs a"- cos$etics a"- shoes a"- spi"ach a"- re"t $o"ey a"- celery a"- $il7
a"- light %ul%s a"-5 ,ell5 you 7"o, ,hat 2 $ea".
There>s o"ly o"e ,ay out ,ith this 7i"- o8 8ish9 4e a" heiress. No5 there is a"other
,ay out9 #et t,o ;o%s-o"e 8or you a"- o"e 8or hi$5 a"- ,or7 at %oth o8 the$ your-
sel8 li7e the very -ic7e"s.
No,5 2 -i-">t say you ,oul-">t %e happy i" the ro$a"tic hours. That>s o"e thi"g "o
7i"- o8 *isces ever %or" ,ill ever %e short o8-ro$a"ce. They 8airly %reathe it. 2t>s
;ust that it>s "o su%stitute 8or spi"ach a"- %a%y shoes5 or your sa"ity. The pla"ets5 i"
their ,is-o$5 ta7e care o8 such co$plicatio"s o8 li8e %y givi"g oo-les o8 cha"ces 8or
this -rea$y5 u",orl-ly type o8 *iscea" $ale to %eco$e a protegY. 28 he 8i"-s a
patro" or patro"ess ?$uch $ore li7elihoo- o8 the latter5 %ut it ca" %e either@5 he ca"
tur" i"to a great pai"ter5 a great ,riter5 a great co$poser5 a great $usicia"-or at least
;ust a great guy. 4ut ho, is he goi"g to 8i"- a patro"5 let alo"e a patro"ess5 i8 he has
you a"- those %u"-les o8 ;oy a"- the gol-8ish a"- the guppies a"- all clutteri"g up
the artistic si$plicity o8 his e:iste"ceA
=ou have to a-$it it ;ust ,o">t ,or7. 4etter say 8are,ell to hi$ right "o,. =ou>ll
cry a little5 a"- it $ay hurt-eve" -eeply. 4ut "ot as $uch as %ei"g $arrie- to a
,al7i"g5 tal7i"g -rea$5 a"- havi"g to 8ace the la"-lor- ,ith "othi"g %ut e$pty
,ishes $ your poc7et%oo7. That really hurts.
No, that ,e>ve %ee" %rave a"- practical a%out the %rea- a"- ,i"e type5 ,e ca" tal7
a%out the other 7i"- o8 *isces5 the o"e ,ho gra%%e- the ti-e at its 8loo-. &%viously5
he>s a real catch 8or a"y girl. There>s al,ays the cha"ce he coul- tur" out to %e a"
+i"stei" or a #eorge /ashi"gto"5 ,hich ,oul- %e si$ply ,o"-er8ul. =ou coul-">t
as7 8or $uch $ore5 though 2 suppose +i"stei" $ight have %ee" a little e"grosse- i"
his e'uatio"s o" ,ee7e"-s a"- #eorge $ay have %rought a 8e, pro%le$s ho$e
8ro$ the o88ice at "ight. 4ut you -o">t have to see7 per8ectio". +ve" a super
practical !apricor" or a" aggressive5 -rivi"g Aries $a" ca" have little 8la,s. The
poi"t is that a *iscea" ,ho 8ights his ,ay upstrea$ ,ill have ple"ty o8 cha"ces to
lay the t,i" gi8ts o8 8a$e a"- 8ortu"e at your 8eet A"- he>s 'uite a guy i" other
,ays5 too.
A *isces $a" has "o pre;u-ices. .e>ll "ever ;u-ge a" 2"-ia" u"til he>s ,al7e- a 8e,
$iles i" his $occasi"s5 or a "u-ist u"til he>s trie- goi"g %are8oot. +ve" the" he>ll
u"-ersta"- a"- "ot pass critical ;u-g$e"t. .e>s very short o" col- accusatio"s a"-
very lo"g o" ,ar$ tolera"ce. .e>ll eve" $a7e a sta% at tryi"g to u"-ersta"- his
$other-i"-la,5 a"- ho, $a"y $e" -o thatA The Neptu"e $ale possesses a rare
sy$pathy o8 spirit. .is 8rie"-s co"8i-e i" hi$ a"- "ever ,orry that he>ll %e shoc7e-.
2t ta7es a real %loc7%uster to shoc7 the 8ish. 28 you a"- 2 a"- your *iscea" ,ere all
three sitti"g i" a roo$5 a"- a $a" ,al7e- i" a"- tol- us he ,as a little ,orrie-
%ecause he ,as a %iga$ist5 ,ith 8our -i88ere"t ,ives i" 8our -i88ere"t states- you
$ight glare at hi$ a"- thi"7 he -eserve- to go to ;ailB
2 $ight s"eer at hi$ a"- call hi$ a s7u"7B %ut your *isces $a" ,oul- pro%a%ly as75
</hat 8our statesA /ere you i" love ,ith a"y o8 the$A< The 8ish is curious5 %ut
totally shoc7proo8. As 8ar as he>s co"cer"e-5 the 8ello, "ee-s heaps o8 sy$pathy
a"- a -ar"e- goo- la,yer.
.e $ight tell a secret or t,o acci-e"tally5 "ever o" purpose. *isces so$eti$es
spea7s %e8ore he reali3es the possi%le -a$age. 2t>s a little tough 8or hi$ to
co$prehe"- that ,hat he says coul- perhaps %e i"terprete- i" the ,ro"g light %y
$ore severe souls ,ith less rele"ti"g attitu-es. ?2t ,oul- ta7e so$e thought5 8or
e:a$ple5 8or hi$ to grasp that people li7e his sister or your $other ,oul-">t
u"-ersta"- the -o$estic -i88iculties o8 that poor %iga$ist.@ .o,ever5 o"ce the 8ish
has %ee" speci8ically re'ueste- to 7eep it u"-er his 8i"5 he>ll %e close-$outhe- a"-
relia%le5 a"- you ca" trust hi$ ,ith your -ar7est secrets.
A" occasio"al *isces ,ho>s the victi$ o8 a" a88licte- Mercury tal7s very 8ast5
8lue"tly a"- 8re'ue"tly. 4ut the typical Neptu"ia" spea7s slo,ly5 thi"7s ge"tly5 a"-
tries to $i"- his o," %usi"ess5 eve" though he>s co"ti"ually su%;ecte- to the
pro%le$s o8 8rie"-s5 relatives a"- "eigh%ors. They 8loc7 to hi$ %ecause Neptu"e
liste"s so %eauti8ully. =ou>ll 8i"- yoursel8 te$pte- to co"8i-e your o," little ,orries
,ith the %ro7e" hair -ryer5 your 8ather>s si"us trou%le a"- your over-ra," %a"7
%ala"ce5 %ut try to go easy. 28 there>s a"ythi"g a *isces hus%a"- or %oy 8rie"- -oes">t
"ee-5 it>s $ore tri%ulatio"s -roppe- i" his lap. &thers have %ee" -roppi"g the$ all
-ay. 4u"-les o8 the$. .e "ee-s so$e relie8 ,he" he>s ,ith you. *eople -o">t $ea"
to i$pose o" *isces. They sel-o$ reali3e that the Neptu"e "ature is so receptive it
;ust soa7s up all the vi%ratio"s arou"-5 goo- or %a-5 ;oy8ul or 8ear8ul5 -ar7 or light.
The li8e o8 a" a%sor%e"t5 spiritual spo"ge ca" %e 7i"- o8 ,eari"g o" the psyche5 as
a"y $ystic ca" tell you. ?Ma"y o8 the$ are *iscea".@ The very 8act that he>s se"si-
tive $ea"s that he vivi-ly 8eels the e$otio"s o8 those ,ho see7 his ear a"- get his
heart. *isces people o8te" have to rest 8or lo"g perio-s. The Neptu"e soul $ust %e
alo"e at ti$es so 8resh %ree3es ca" %lo, through to heal the ,ou"-s o8 all those
vicarious trou%les a"- %ri"g %ac7 cal$5 u"-e8ile- i"-ivi-uality. So "ever %egru-ge
your *isces $a" his $o$e"ts o8 sile"ce. .e sorely "ee-s the$. 28 he 8eels li7e %ei"g
alo"e or ta7i"g a ,al7 %y hi$sel85 let hi$ go. Too $uch togethe$ess ca" spoil the
%eauty o8 *isces love. 2t "ee-s space to gro, u"ta"gle-.
1e$e$%er that the 8ish is se"sitive a"- ca" %e easily hurt. .is shy"ess is -ue to a
pai"8ul co"scious"ess o8 his o," li$itatio"s5 ,hatever they $ay %e5 a"- he 8eels
the$ 7ee"ly. .e "ee-s to 7"o, that his virtues are cou"te- %y so$eo"e he a-$ires.
=ou. Never hol- %ac7 e"courage$e"t 8ro$ hi$.
.e $ay try =oga a"- `e"5 or e:peri$e"t ,ith occult %elie8s5 a"- hell pro%a%ly %e
i"tereste- i" astrology a"- "u$erology5 eve" rei"car"atio". Li7e the Scorpio5 he
,as %or" ,ith a" u"-ersta"-i"g o8 esoteric pri"ciples5 a"- these thi"gs are usually
goo- 8or hi$. They help 7eep his e$otio"s sta%le5 a"- they provi-e a" a"chor 8or
his vivi- i$agi"atio". *isces $e" get upset "o, a"- the"5 %ut their a"ger is sel-o$
viole"t or lo"g lasti"g. /he" it>s over5 the ,aters gro, placi- agai"5 a"- li8e is ;ust
as peace8ul as %e8ore. So$e Neptu"e $ales -o a little yelli"g arou"- the house5 %ut
it>s har$less. 2t>s al$ost i$possi%le 8or the 8ish to really %ello,5 li7e Taurus the %ull5
8or e:a$ple. See ho, luc7y you areA
Although he>s -i88icult to 8atho$ hi$sel85 *isces has "o pro%le$ i" seei"g all the
su%tleties o8 others clearly. 2t>s -i88icult to 8ool hi$B he>ll loo7 right through to the
other si-e. =et5 he ca" 8ool you ,he" he ta7es a "otio" to -o so5 through so$e 'uir7
he has ,hich $a7es hi$ ,a"t to 7eep his perso"al a88airs sa8ely hi--e" 8ro$ close
&"e *iscea" 2 7"o, carries this trait so 8ar he has actually %ee" a%le to 8ool the
gover"$e"t5 a"- tha8s "o easy tric7. All his li8e he has $a"age- to avoi- the ce"sus
ta7er. The 2"ter"al 1eve"ue 7"o,s less a%out hi$ tha" they 7iro, a%out a "ative i"
*ago *ago. .e gets a,ay ,ith it %ecause he>s a ,riter. .is pho"e is liste- u"-er a
8ictitious "a$e5 a"- he>s "ever applie- 8or a social security car- or a -river>s lice"se.
.e has a horror o8 so$e i$agi"ary 4ig 4rother tur"i"g hi$ i"to a "u$%er a"-
7"o,i"g all his private secrets.
=our 8ish $ay "ot %e 'uite so "eurotic a%out it5 %ut there ,ill pro%a%ly %e ti$es
,he" he>ll tell you he ,as at the clea"er>s ,he" he ,as really %uyi"g a cigar. /hyA
2 really -o">t 7"o,. Nor -oes he. 2t>s a sort o8 $il- -eceptio" the *iscea" ?also the
#e$i"ia"@ see$s to e";oy. As lo"g as he>s ,eari"g gree" suspe"-ers a"- people
thi"7 he>s ,eari"g ora"ge suspe"-ers-or "o suspe"-ers-he 8eels secure5 so$eho,.
Si"ce it $a7es hi$ happy5 let hi$ have his little $ysteries. /hy $a7e a %ig -eal o8
itA +ve" i8 you 7"o, he ,as">t at the clea"er %ecause you sa, hi$ i" the cigar store
yoursel85 as7 hi$ i8 his slac7s ,ere rea-y. /he" he tells you the $a" sai- they
,o">t %e rea-y u"til Mo"-ay5 re$ar7 that the clea"er is as slo, as $olasses a"- let
it go at that. .e coul- have 8ar ,orse ha%its tha" practici"g a little har$less $a7e-
%elieve ;ust to 7eep his vivi- i$agi"atio" oile- up a"- i" top ,or7i"g co"-itio".
There ,o">t %e $a"y tre$e"-ous surges o8 ;ealousy. &r i8 there are5 he>s such a"
e:celle"t "atural actor ?i8 you let hi$ practice@ that hell pro%a%ly prete"- the$
a,ay. 4ut he>s a $a"5 8or all his poetic5 te"-er "ature5 so he>ll e:pect your tech"ical
loyalty ,he" everythi"g is sai- a"- -o"e. =ou $ay have to co"trol your o,"
;ealousy5 ho,ever5 %ecause he>ll have ,ar$ 8rie"-s o8 %oth se:es5 a"- he>ll %e
sy$pathetic to the$5 so$eti$es at o-- hours. 2t>s his "ature to %e gregarious. .e
ca">t help it. There>s -a"ger here i8 you>re the viole"tly possessive type. A" Aries or
Leo girl ha- %etter chase a"other $oo"%ea$. .e -oes a-$ire %eauty5 a"- he $ay
stare at pretty legs 8ro$ ti$e to ti$e. 4ut you ca" 7eep that i" %ou"-s a"- i""oce"t
,ith a little e:tra e88ort5 a"- your re,ar- ,ill %e a ge"tle hus%a"- ,ho>s %oth a
ro$a"tic lover a"- a co$pa"io" ,ho ca" tal7 a%out everythi"g u"-er the su".
/he" those spells o8 lo"eli"ess a"- -epressio" cause the gloo$ to gather5 toss your
apro" i" the co$er %ehi"- the a'uariu$5 thro, o" a yello, -ress a"- a gol-e"
s$ile5 %uy so$e gree" tic7ets to a happy sho,5 a"- tric7 hi$ right out o8 it.
*isoea"s are particularly vul"era%le to suggestio". =ou $ay hit a 8e, s"ags tryi"g
to get hi$ to %e eco"o$ical a"- cautious a%out $o"ey. Neptu"e people5 8ra"7ly5
are">t "ote- 8or their triple A cre-it rati"gs ?u"less he has a !apricor" asce"-a"t or
stro"g pla"ets $ Taurus5 A'uarius or !a"cer5 8or e:a$ple@. .e>ll lear"5 %ut -o">t
co$pou"- the situatio" %y %ei"g e:travaga"t yoursel85 i8 you ca" help it. &"e loose
spe"-er per 8a$ily goes a lo"g ,ay-to,ar- the poor house. .e "ee-s a goo-
e:a$ple. 2t>s surprisi"g ho, that ,or7s ,ith the *isces character i" a sort o8 8ollo,-
the-lea-er $a""er. That is5 i8 the lea-er is close to hi$ a"- so$eo"e he respects.
The *iscea" "ature is vivi-ly receptive to the vi%ratio"s arou"- hi$5 especially i8
they>re i"te"si8ie- %y e$otio".
The chil-re" ,ill 8i"- hi$ o"e ,hale o8 a lot o8 8u". !ha"ces are hell ta7e the$
%oati"g a"- s,i$$i"g a"- s"or7el -ivi"g. .e>ll play the part o8 the /ic7e-
!roco-ile a"- Little 4oy 4lue u"til they thi"7 they>ve 8ou"- a hu$a" "ursery
rhy$e5 i" livi"g color. .e $ay spri"7le the$ ,ith a little ,ay-out philosophy5 si"g
the$ so$e $il-ly salty %alla-s5 or teach the$ to sta"- o" their hea-s5 yoga style.
They>ll pro%a%ly a-ore hi$5 a"- they ;ust $ay tur" out to %e ,ell-%ala"ce-5 ,ell-
a-;uste- a-ults5 tha"7s to his rare a%ility to hol- a ti"y %ir- i" his ha"- ,ithout
crushi"g it or 8righte"i"g it. =ou -o the spa"7i"g a"- hell -o the liste"i"g to their
you"g pro%le$s-you 7eep their "oses a"- their clothes clea" a"- he>ll 7eep their
$i"-s active. 2t shoul- ,or7 out 8i"e.
Never trea- o" this $a">s -rea$s-he ,o">t 8orgive that5 or 8orget it. #ive hi$ a
cha"ce to tur" the$ i"to realities %y helpi"g hi$ 8i"- a goo-5 8ir$ star to hitch his
,ago" to -o"e that ,ill spar7le i"stea- o8 8i33i"g out i" a" eclipse o8 co$$o"
se"se. 2" love5 *isces is a lea"er e$otio"ally5 ,hich $ea"s he "ee-s %ou"-less
reassura"ce a"- 8aith5 %ut it also $ea"s you $us">t lea" o" hi$ ,ith i$agi"ary
co$plai"ts. .is e"thusiastic hopes "ee- to %e ,atere- ,ith u"-ersta"-i"g a88ectio"5
a"- $a7e sure you supply the rich soil o8 a happy ho$e li8e. Feep the -ea-ly
i"sects o8 "aggi"g a"- criticis$ a,ay 8ro$ the roots5 a"- so$e-ay those ,il- a"-
cra3y hopes o8 his ,ill cha"ge 8ro$ useless ,ee-s i"to tall $o"ey trees i" the
%ac7yar-5 high e"ough to reach a 8e, o8 your o," private -rea$s. .ope spri"gs
eter"al i" the *iscea" heart. Do">t 7"oc7 it. 2t $ay sho,er you ,ith so$e giga"tic
a"- surprisi"g luc7 i8 you "urture it te"-erly.
=ou $ay have hear- or rea- that *isces is the sig" o8 <sel8-u"-oi"g5< a"- that coul-
$a7e you all "ervous a"- "egative5 %ut -o">t let it 8righte" you. True5 there>s al,ays
a %it o8 sel8-u"-oi"g i" all Neptu"e $e"5 %ut ;ust <-o hi$ %ac7 up agai"5< li7e you
,oul- a pac7age that co$es u"tie-. 28 you $a7e the 7"ots tight e"ough5 it ,o">t
happe" o8te". Serve hi$ a -rea$ 8or %rea78ast5 a clever ;o7e 8or lu"ch5 a"- !hopi"
8or -i""er5 ,ith 4ro,"i"g 8or a chaser. A8ter that5 you>re o" your o,". Do">t %e
a8rai- to ;u$p i". The ,ater>s 8i"e.

The *2S!+S /o$a"
>/ell5 ,hat are youA< sai- the *igeo". <2 ca" see you>re
tryi"g to i"ve"t so$ethi"gI< <2-2>$ a little girl5< sai- Alice5 rather -ou%t8ully.
She 8ou"- hersel8 at last i" a %eauti8ul gar-e"5 a$o"g the %right 8lo,er-%e-s a"-
the cool 8ou"tai"s.
The li"e 8or$s to the right. A"- please -o">t cro,-. There $ay "ot %e e"ough
*isces ,o$e" 8or every $a"5 %ut that>s "o reaso" to %e u"ruly. =ou>ll have to ta7e
your tur"5 a"- hope 8or the %est.
+ve" ,ithout astrology5 ru$ors have sprea- a%out the char$s o8 a *isces 8e$ale.
She has her "egative poi"ts5 to %e sure5 %ut at 8irst gla"ce she>s every $a">s gra-e
school vale"ti"e5 ,ith $ay%e ;ust a touch o8 a *lay%oy %u""y to a-- so$e pepper.
/e $ight as ,ell a-$it that the $o-er"5 e$a"cipate- ,o$a"5 ,ith her cast-iro"
i$age5 has $a-e the *isces girl>s value shoot eve" higher. /ith all that 8ree-o$
8ro$ the 8e$i"i"e $ysti'ue clou-i"g the air over lover>s la"e5 the -e$ure5 pretty5
helpless Neptu"e creature has to %eat o88 the $e" ,ith %ig stic7s.
2t>s har-ly surprisi"g that she>s at a pre$iu$. The Neptu"e 8e$ale sel-o$ tries to
oversha-o, her $a"5 $arrie- or si"gle. She has">t the slightest hi--e"5 "eurotic
-esire to -o$i"ate hi$ i" a"y ,ay. .e ca" pull out her chair5 put o" her coat5
,histle 8or the ta:i5 light her cigarette a"- tal7 a%out ho, ,o"-er8ul he is to his
heart>s co"te"t. All she ,a"ts is that he shoul- protect her a"- care 8or her. She>s
happily co"te"t to lea" o" his %ig %roa- shoul-er a"- let hi$ 7"o,5 ,ith ,i-e-eye-
,o"-er5 ho, stro"g he is5 a"- ho, $uch she "ee-s hi$ i" this scary ,orl-. Just
thi"7 o8 all those ,olves out there5 ,aiti"g to -evour 1e- 1i-i"g .oo-s. 2t>s e"ough
to $a7e a girl get out her s$elli"g salts. +ve" i8 she is">t 'uite as ictoria" as all
that ?though ple"ty o8 girl 8ish are@5 she>ll %e a char$i"g liste"er to all his trou%les5
a"- ,hat is re8erre- to as a goo- egg through every crisis.
A *isces ,o$a" thi"7s her $ate5 lover5 %oy 8rie"-5 %rother5 8ather-i" 8act5 a"y $a"-
ca" lic7 the ,hole ,orl- ,ith o"e ha"- tie- %ehi"- his %ac75 a"- it ta7es a
surprisi"gly s$all a$ou"t o8 her touchi"g 8aith to co"vi"ce the$ o8 the sa$e thi"g5
$e" %ei"g the ,ay they are. A"- you ,o"-er ,hy she>s so popularA The *isces girl
is a co3y5 cal$ have" o8 tra"'uility 8or her prou- $ale5 8ar 8ro$ the "oise o8 the
8ra$e a"- the tic7er tape $achi"es. The lights i" her 8ish po"- are so8t a"- -i$.
They soothe tire- eyes ,hich have %ee" %laste- %y "eo" a"- all those silly little
8igures at the stoc7 $ar7et she coul-">t u"-ersta"- to save her li8e. ?Though i8 it
,oul- really save her li8e5 she ,oul- sharpe" her pe"cil.@
2" the ,i"ter she ,ears 8lu88y a"gora $itte"s. 2" the Spri"g she ,ears -ai"ty5 8ull
s7irts. Su$$ers ,ill 8i"- her i" a %rie8 %i7i"i. 2" the 8all she>ll loo7 a-ora%le sitti"g
%esi-e you at 8oot%all ga$es5 ,ith her ha"-s i" your poc7ets to 7eep the$ ,ar$5
a"- as7i"g you the score. She is eter"ally 8e$i"i"e i" all seaso"s. At the ris7 o8
$a7i"g a" u"-erstate$e"t5 $e" are -ra," to her li7e %u$%le%ees to a ho"ey pot.
A short co"versatio" ,ith her5 a"- a $a" i"sta"tly rela:es. .e pictures a glo,i"g5
crac7li"g 8ire o" a chilly "ight5 or he sees hi$sel8 i" a ha$$oc7 o" a %al$y spri"g
-ay5 ,ith "o o"e to "ag hi$. She $a7es it clear that she>ll "ever %la$e hi$ 8or a"y
pro%le$s i" his career or a"y acci-e"tal $ista7es. 2t>s al,ays so$eo"e else>s 8ault.
Not her $a">s. Shell "ever press hi$ to get ahea- 8aster. .is o," pace is per8ect
,ith her. Nee- 2 e:plai" ,hy the 8e$ale 8ish $a7es the $ost -a"gerous other
,o$a" o8 all the Su" sig"sA (lashI Mariti$e ,ar"i"g9 A8ter $arriage she $ay
"u-ge a little. To %e truth8ul5 she $ay "u-ge a lot. 2" a ,ay5 it serves you right 8or
letti"g yoursel8 %e so %li"-e- %y her char$s. Lots o8 ti$es she>ll eve" %e %itterly
sarcastic5 %ut every ,o$a" has to have so$e 8la,s5 a"- the *isces girl ,ill %e
ge"tle 8ar $ore o8te" tha" she>s 'uarrelso$e. She has to %e goa-e- %y e:tre$e
cruelty or la3i"ess i" a $ate to %e a shre,-a"- ,ho>s to say a cruel or la3y hus%a"-
-oes">t -eserve itA Not $e. 2>$ ,ith her.
4esi-es5 her -electa%le 8e$i"i"ity covers a"y $i"or -e8icie"cies5 a"- $ost o8 the
ti$e the typical Neptu"e girl is so8t5 -rea$y a"- ,o$a"ly. Si"ce the 8ish s,i$s i"
%oth -irectio"s at o"ce5 she a-apts %eauti8ully a"- 'uietly to co"8licti"g situatio"s
that ,oul- tur" other ,o$e" i"to "ervous Nellies. &8 course5 "o, a"- the"5 so$e
cra"7y ,or-s a"- irrita%le chatter $ay %u%%le up 8ro$ her "or$ally placi- strea$
o8 thought. &ccasio"ally a se"sitive Neptu"e 8e$ale ,ho has su88ere- harsh
treat$e"t at a" early age ,ill allo, %itter"ess to %rea7 the t,o sy$%olic 8ish o8 her
sig" apart-a"- this ca" %e very sa-. She %eco$es a lo"ely5 $isera%le *iscea"5
al,ays s,i$$i"g 8uriously5 a"- $eeti"g hersel8 every,here she -ives -o," to
escape-"ever reali3i"g that the tur"i"g i",ar- o8 her e"-less love a"- sy$pathy
to,ar- hersel8 is the real poiso". Drugs a"- -ri"7 a"- 8alse illusio"s hi-e the truth
8ro$ her a"- %li"- her to the roc7s i" the river that $ight -estroy her. 4ut the
average Neputu"e girl 7eeps %oth sy$%olic 8ish ;oi"e- 8ir$ly together i" s$ooth
actio"5 gli-i"g so8tly 8irst %ac75 the" a little 8or,ar-5 so you>re "ever 'uite sure
e:actly ,hich ,ay she>s hea-e-. *isces is sai- to %e a -eep5 $ysterious sea5 i"to
,hich all rivers 8lo,. =ou>ll have a %etter cha"ce o8 catchi"g her i8 you 7"o, so$e
o8 her elusive secrets. /hat $a7es her s,i$A
(irst o8 all5 she>s su%tle. As7 Nic7y .ilto"5 Michael /il-i"g5 +--ie (isher a"-
1ichar- 4urto"-each o8 ,ho$ $arrie- a *isces. As a $atter o8 8act5 the sa$e
*isces. She is "ot o"ly su%tle5 she>s so$eti$es a %it -eceptive ,he" she practices
her art o8 ,rappi"g you arou"- her e$eral- earri"gs.
No,5 you $ay 7"o, a Neptu"e la-y ,ho ,ears a gi"gha$ apro" a"- a shy s$ile5
a"- ,ho is the epito$e o8 the -evote- ,i8e5 ho$e$a7er a"- te"-er $other. =ou>re
thi"7i"g that she>s "either su%tle "or -eceptive. (orgive $y -irect"ess5 %ut you are
,ro"g. As 8or that *isces la-y you thi"7 is -i88ere"t5 2 7"o, her5 too5 or o"e ;ust li7e
She>s a ,i-o, ,ho lives i" the 4ro":5 a"- her "a$e is *auli"e. She also ,ears a
gi"gha$ apro" a"- a shy s$ile -the ,hole setup. .o, ca" such a (a""ie (ar$er
i$age %e su%tle or -eceptiveA 2>ll tell you. (irst o8 all5 she ,raps everyo"e arou"-
her apro" stri"gs. ?She -oes">t have a"y e$eral- earri"gs. Ne:t year5 $ay%e.@ She>s
a short ,o$a" ,ho has $a"age- to sta"- up to the loss o8 a -ear chil-5 heart%rea75
%ore-o$5 trage-y5 8ear5 poverty5 a"- eve" the co"8usio" o8 su--e"5 very %rie8
riches. She>s cope- ,ith little %oys> %ruise- 7"ees5 %races5 lost galoshesB a hus%a"->s
sloppy Su"-ay coo7-i"s i" her "eat 7itche"-a"- the %iggest $i:ture o8 i"-la,s-all
spea7i"g eight la"guages at o"ce-you ever sa, outsi-e the 0"ite- Natio"s. She has
8ace- all this $ish$ash o8 8ate li7e 1oc7y #ra3ia"o. That>s ge"tleA That>s -elicateA
To this very $o$e"t5 her t,o so"s thi"7 o8 her as a char$i"g5 girlish5 helpless5
8luttery a"- so8t little creature5 ,ho "ee-s to %e protecte-5 a"- ,ho ca">t 'uite
u"-ersta"- ho, the loc7 ,or7s o" the 8ro"t -oor.
She>s -elight8ully vague a"- -rea$y. She -oes">t 7"o, a thi"g a%out eco"o$ics5 %ut
she $a"ages to -ress as though she ,as tur"e- out %y Sophie o8 Sa7s5 coo7 8re'ue"t
seve"-course -i""ers 8or assorte- gra"-chil-re"5 pay the re"t o" ti$e5 a"- se"-
e:'uisite gi8ts o" holi-ays a"- %irth-ays- all o" a $o"thly i"co$e a%out the si3e o8
o"e o8 Jac7 4e""y>s tips. She has the ope" love a"- a88ectio" o8 t,o -aughters-i"-
la,5 a"- a" i"co"gruous group $a-e up o8 the li%raria"5 the super5 the o,"er o8 the
co$er -elly5 the 8ruit $a"5 hal8 a -o3e" stray cats a"- chil-re"5 the %utcher5 the
"e,s%oy5 a"- ,oul- you %elieve it5 eve" the la"-lor-. She $ay have o"e e"e$y.
The $a" she tur"e- -o," %e8ore she $arrie- her hus%a"-. .e pro%a%ly ;oi"e- the
(oreig" Legio" i" -isappoi"t$e"t5 a"- "o, 2 -ou%t i8 she eve" re$e$%ers his
"a$e. .eartless 8e$ales5 these *isces ,o$e". Su%tle a"- -eceptive. ?4ut -o">t try
to tell their "eigh%ors that.@
Li7e the March ,i"-s5 your *isces girl ,ill have $a"y a $oo-. She>s terri%ly
se"ti$e"tal5 a"- ,he" her 8eeli"gs are ,ou"-e- she ca" cry %uc7ets. She>ll loo7 at
you so reproach8ully you>ll 8eel as i8 you>- ;ust shot a s$all ra%%it. *isces 8e$ales
so$eti$es get the i-ea they>re hopelessly u"e'uippe- 8or the 8ierce %attles a"-
-rivi"g a$%itio" re'uire- to survive. The" -eep -epressio" sets i". At these ti$es
you>ll have to tell her she>s a-$ire- 8or her -eep5 $ysterious ,is-o$ a"- her
%lesse- u"-ersta"-i"g %y every si"gle hu$a" she has ever grace- ,ith her
8rie"-ship. 2t>s usually the gospel truth. The har-est lesso" she has to lear" is to
overco$e her ti$i-ity a"- her -ou%ts. 28 the 8ears go -eep5 she>ll shut hersel8 o88
8ro$ others5 the" ,o"-er ,hy she>s lo"ely. She>s o8te" a8rai- o8 i$posi"g5 pushi"g
too har-5 ta7i"g a-va"tage5 ,he" such thoughts are i" "o o"e>s hea- %ut hers.
No, a"- the" a *isces girl ,ill cover her shy"ess a"- vul"era%ility ,ith ,isecrac7s5
a sophisticate- ve"eer a"- a 8rigi- i"-epe"-e"t perso"ality5 %ut it>s $erely a cloa7
o8 protectio"5 ,or" to hi-e her u"certai"ty 8ro$ the pryi"g eyes o8 rough people
,ho ,oul- %ruise her ge"8le heart i8 she e:pose- it. 2 7"o, o"e ,ho pours out her
real soul %y ,riti"g lovely so"g lyrics ,ith a secret $essage ,ove" i" the sha-es o8
her so8t5 very private -rea$s. /he" she>s "ot ,riti"g5 she>s the picture o8 the %rittle5
callous5 career ,o$a" she ,a"ts people to see. =et5 eve" this type o8 *isces is
u"a%le to 8ight her Su" sig". /ith all her $a7e-%elieve i"-epe"-e"ce she ,aits o"
the cur% a"- lets the $a" ,histle 8or the ca%. There are so$e thi"gs o"e ;ust -oes">t
-o5 as 8ar as Neptu"e ,o$e" are co"cer"e-B "ot acti"g li7e a la-y i" pu%lic is o"e o8
the$. She 8ools a lot o8 $e" ,ho coul- 'uiet her i""er 8ears a"- $a7e her ta7e %ac7
her 8re'ue"t clai$ o85 </ho "ee-s a hus%a"-A They o"ly $ess up your li8e.<
2$agi"e a state$e"t li7e that 8ro$ a *iscea"5 ,ho "ee-s to %elo"g to so$eo"e $ore
tha" she "ee-s to sleep5 eat or %reathe.
A *isces girl ,ill give all o8 her heart to her chil-re"5 e:cept 8or the large chu"7 she
saves 8or you. She>ll love the$ all5 %ut the o"es ,ho are uglier5 ,ea7er5 s$aller or
sic7er $ay have a slight e-ge ,ith her. &"ly a *isces $ovie star ,oul- pass up the
little -i$ple- -arli"gs a"- a-opt a ti"y5 cripple- tot ,ith 8righte"e- eyes. (e$ale
8ish are the greatest ,o$e" i" the ,orl- 8or u"-ersta"-i"g the shy"ess o8 s$all
%oys a"- the gro,i"g pai"s o8 a,7,ar- a-olesce"t girls. A *iscea" $other spi"s a
thousa"- ,ispy5 co%,e% -rea$s over each %assi"et. She>ll sacri8ice a"ythi"g so her
chil-re" ca" have ,hat she ,as -e"ie- as a chil-. She $ay %e too per$issive.
A-$i"isteri"g -iscipli"e is -i88icult 8or her5 a"- she $ust reali3e that a lac7 o8
8ir$"ess is o8te" as %a- as severe "eglect. 2" a ,ay5 it is "eglect5 o8 %uil-i"g the
s$all characters i" her care5 ,ho "ee- 8ir$ gui-a"ce to lea$ to s,i$ alo"e. 28 she>s
guilty o8 too $uch so8t"ess5 e:plai" it to her 7i"-ly. She>ll co$prehe"- ,ithout
%itter"ess5 a"- %egi" to give the hair%rush a ,or7out. Still $a"y Neptu"e $others
$a"age a happy $e-iu$ %et,ee" -iscipli"e a"- 7i"-"ess5 a"- their o88spri"g -o
the$ cre-it.
A *isces ,o$a" ,ill gla-ly let you ca$ the %aco" a"- cggpla"t. She>ll pro%a%ly
pre8er "ot to e"ter the %rutal co$petitio" o8 the co$$ercial ,orl-5 u"less you
-esperately "ee- her to. She ha- e"ough o8 that ?i8 she>s a typical Neptu"e girl@
,he" she ,or7e- 8or that %ig5 co"8usi"g co$pa"y ,hile she ,as ,aiti"g 8or you to
rescue her. So$e5 "ot all5 %ut so$e *isces ,o$e" are a ,ee little %it e:travaga"t.
She $ay "ee- so$e help 8iguri"g out ,hy the %a"7>s %ala"ce -oes">t reco"cile ,ith
her stu%s5 ,ritte" i" Sa"s7rit. Still5 ,he" a" e$erge"cy 8orces her to a-apt her
cha$pag"e taste to a s7i$ $il7 poc7et%oo75 she>ll $a"age.
She liste"s to the ocea"5 a"- it tells her thi"gs. 2" theN $i-st o8 the city5 she still
hears the ,aves o8 Neptu"e ,hisperi"g to her *isces heart $ore5 perhaps5 tha" she
,a"ts to 7"o,. Do">t 8orget her %irth-ay or your a""iversary or the -ay you
propose-. She ,o">t. 2>ll al,ays re$e$%er the *isces 8rie"- 2 ,e"t to school ,ith i"
/est irgi"ia. She ,as ti"y5 ,ith lo"g5 -ar7 hair a"- those stra"ge Neptu"e lights
i" her gree"ish %ro," eyes. She $arrie- ?a$o"g several other $e"@ a %ig 8oot%all
starB it ,as a totally u"e:pecte- elope$e"t. 2 re$e$%er ,he" she as7e- hi$ ,hy he
propose-. She ,as curious. </ell5< he tol- her5 <it ,as the 8u""iest thi"g5 Shorty. 2
-i-">t have the slightest i-ea o8 proposi"g that -ay. /e ,ere i" the par75 "ear the
pool. The chic7s ,ho ,ere lyi"g arou"- getti"g a ta" ha- ,et5 stri"gy hair 8ro$
s,i$$i"g5 a"- they loo7e- all hot a"- s,eaty o" the %e"ches. =ou ,ere sitti"g
there u"-er that tree i" a ,hite lace -ress5 a"- you loo7e- so cool a"- -i88ere"t 8ro$
the others. =ou loo7e- li7e-,ell5 2 guess you sorta loo7e- li7e a girl.< That>s the
su%tle secret o8 the *isces ,o$a". /hether she 8ollo,s Neptu"e>s call as a
-e-icate- "u" i" a co"ve"t or as a sultry so"gstress i" a "oisy "ightclu%-she>s a girl.
All girl. &"e hu"-re- perce"t.

The *2S!+S !hil-
+ager eye a"- ,illi"g ear5 Lovi"gly shall "estle "ear. 2" a /o"-erla"- they lie5
Drea$i"g as the -ays go %y5 Drea$i"g as the su$$ers -ie9
+ver -ri8ti"g -o," the strea$ Li"geri"g i" the gol-e" glea$- Li8e5 ,hat is it %ut a
Most %a%ies5 as everyo"e 7"o,s5 ,ere 8ou"- u"-er a ca%%age lea8. A 8e, are
carrie- i" that lo"g -iaper5 ha"gi"g 8ro$ the stor7>s %ill or ,ere %rought to the
hospital i" the -octor>s %lac7 %ag. Not your little *isces %u"-le. .e ca$e straight
8ro$ 8airyla"-5 clutchi"g a $oo"%ea$. 28 you loo7 closely5 you>ll still see the
re8lectio" o8 elves a"- $agic ,ishi"g trees i" his -rea$y little eyes5 $ay%e eve" a
trace o8 star-ust s$u-ge- %ehi"- his le8t ear. .is ,i"gs $ay have -isappeare- %y
the ti$e he gets to the -elivery roo$5 %ut there>s pro%a%ly a s$all %u$p ,here they
,ere o"ce 8aste"e-.
=ou>ve see" those co"gratulatio" car-s 8or "e, $others5 ,ith pictures o8 -i$ple-5
pi"7 a"- ,hite pai"te- %a%ies5 8ragile a"- gau3y5 8lyi"g arou"- over the verse. The
artist use- your *isces %a%e as a $o-el. This coul- $a7e you thi"7 you ca" lea-
your Neptu"e chil- %y the toe5 or that a8ter you>ve scru%%e- that shi"y star-ust out
o8 his ears you ca" $ol- hi$ i"to a"y shape you li7e. /hy "ot5 ,he" he>s such a
ge"tle5 -elicate little lu$p o8 clayA Thi"7 agai". .e>ll get his o," ,ay ;ust as surely
as the yelli"g re--8ace- Aries %a%y5 the -e$a"-i"g5 regal Leo %a%y or the stu%%or"5
tough little Taurus %a%y. The o"ly -i88ere"ce is that hell get it %y char$i"g you to
-eath5 a"- -ro,"i"g you i" ocea"s o8 s,eet s$iles a"- ,i""i"g ,ays.
As soo" as the i"7 is -ry o" the %irth certi8icate5 tur" i" the "a$e o8 your little
*isces %oy 8or the lea- i" the 8irst 8uture pro-uctio" o8 *eter *a" or the girl 8or
Alice i" /o"-erla"-. *eter *a" a"- Alice ,ill %e the Neptu"e chil-re">s 8avorite
roles5 a"- they ,o">t "ee- a stage to act the parts super%ly. They>ll still %e starri"g i"
the$ ,he" they>re eighty. *are"ts ,ho %reathe the age-ol- prayer5 <2 ,ish %a%y
"ever ha- to gro, up5< ,ill get their ,ish i8 %a%y ,as %or" u"-er the sig" o8 the
8ish. The years ,o">t leave a"y lasti"g i$pressio"9 there ,ill al,ays %e a chil-ish5
-rea$y5 $agical 'uality o8 $a7e-%elieve ha"gi"g li7e a $ist over the *isces. 2t ,ill
-re"ch hi$ i" $ystery a"- u"reality 8orever-a"--three--ays.
4y the ti$e he>s ol- e"ough to cra,l i"to the ;a$ pot a"- hi-e5 this stra"ge chil- o8
yours ,ill sho, a pre8ere"ce 8or livi"g i" a ,orl- o8 8a"cy. .e>ll e";oy -iversio"s
that are 8ar re$ove- 8ro$ every-ay patter"s a"- routi"es. /he" he>s i" the high
chair5 he>ll eat li7e a" a"gel5 i8 you prete"- you>re a 'uee" or a clo," ,hile you>re
8ee-i"g hi$. /ear a la$psha-e5 -rippi"g ,ith all your ol-5 spar7li"g "ec7laces5 or a
$op 8or a ,igB s$ear lipstic7 a"- chal7 o" your 8ace. .is i$agi"atio" ,ill supply
the rest. /he" he>s a little ol-er5 he>0 play happily o" the 8ro"t porch ,hile you -o
the ,ashi"g i8 you ha"g up a 8e, %alloo"s5 put so$e $usic o" the recor- player5
toss arou"- his stu88e- a"i$als5 give hi$ so$e popcor" a"- tell hi$ he>s at the
/he" he>s ol- e"ough to start to school a"- %egi" to have those peculiar -rea$s at
"ight5 you>ll %e tyi"g his shoes o"e or-i"ary spri"g $or"i"g a"- get a shoc7. <#uess
,ho 2 sa, last "ightA< hell re$ar7 co"8i-e"tially. =ou>ll $u$%le a polite re;oi"er-
"o, ,here o" earth is his gree" s,eaterA &h5 there it is-o" the te--y %ear he -resse-
up yester-ay5 ,he" he ,as prete"-i"g it ,as his %est 8rie"-.
</ho -i- you seeA<
.e>ll a"s,er casually5 <#ra"-$a Stratto". /e tal7e- 8or a lo"g ti$e5 the" she ha- to
go. She sai- to tell you to %e sure to ,ater her gera"iu$s a"- se"- 0"cle !lare"ce
the $o"ey.<
Si"ce #ra"-$other Stratto" -ie- %e8ore he ,as %o$5 this coul- u""erve you a little5
o" a" e$pty sto$ach5 %e8ore co88ee. 4ut it>s "othi"g to the pric7ly se"satio" you>ll
get a8ter %rea78ast5 ,he" he>s i" school a"- the $ail$a" -elivers a letter 8ro$ your
0"cle !lare"ce 8ro$ ,ho$ you have">t hear- i" 8ive years5 as7i"g 8or a loa" to start
a "e, %usi"ess.
The ,isest pare"ts have -i88iculty arra"gi"g a sche-ule that ,ill stic7 ,ith a *isces
o88spri"g. Sche-ules a"- routi"es are his "atural e"e$ies5 a"- he>ll -o everythi"g i"
his 8ertile i$agi"atio" to avoi- the$. 4a%ies ,ho live upsi-e -o,"-sleep all -ay
a"- stay a,a7e all "ight-are o8te" Neptu"e i"8a"ts. .e ,a"ts to eat ,he" he>s
hu"gry5 sleep ,he" he>s tire- a"- play ,he" so$ethi"g attracts his 8a"cy5 ,he"ever
that $ight %e. Tryi"g to get hi$ to eat5 sleep or play at a"y other ti$e is 'uite a tas7.
Actually5 it>s rather a se"si%le attitu-e5 %ut the ti$es he gets hu"gry5 tire- or play8ul
$ay vary co"si-era%ly 8ro$ -ay to -ay a"- "ight to "ight. =ou $ight as ,ell a-;ust
your sche-ule to his. .e>ll sel-o$ thro, ta"tru$s5 screa$ or %al7 to get you to
co$e arou"- to his ,ay5 %ut he>ll gra-ually ,i" you over %y evasive5 elusive tactics5
a"- co"8use you i"to !apitulatio". =ou $ay eve" get char$e- yoursel8 %y the >sheer
8ree-o$ o8 it. Not 8eeli"g guilty ,he" you chat ,ith "eigh%ors over co88ee -uri"g
the 8ee-i"g hour5 playi"g a 8asci"ati"g ga$e o8 <*ri"cess a"- (rog< i" the still
$agic hours o8 -a,"-or shari"g a %o,l o8 vegeta%le soup a"- a cup o8 hot chocolate
,ith hi$ i" the $i--le o8 a -reary5 gray ,i"ter a8ter"oo" ca" %eco$e stra"gely
attractive. .e $ight eve" teach you there>s "o reaso" to let that silly cloc7 %e a
cruel5 i"8alli%le -ictator over your li8e. 2t>s o"ly a tic7i"g hu"7 o8 $etal.
The *isces chil- ,ill re'uire a healthy a$ou"t o8 atte"tio" a"- appreciatio". .e>ll
have to %e "otice- a"- e"courage-5 %ecause he>s u"certai" a%out his a%ilities. #ive
hi$ as $a"y %ushels o8 it as he "ee-s. .ell also re'uire his $o$e"ts o8 privacy.
/he" he goes i"to o"e o8 his $ysterious $oo-s o8 ,ith-ra,al5 let hi$ %e. .is $i"-
is a $illio" light years a,ay5 a"- you ca">t 8ollo,. .e>ll retur" i" ple"ty o8 ti$e 8or
his vegeta%le soup a"- hot chocolate. &"ly %y "o,5 he>ll have cha"ge- his lu"ch
hour to $i--eve"i"g. 28 he tells you he ,as out 8lyi"g o" a saucer ,ith a $a" 8ro$
Mars5 %elieve hi$. 2t ;ust $ight %e so.
Teachers are al,ays co"8use- ,he" they try to put this o---shape- peg i"to a rou"-
or s'uare e-ucatio"al hole. .e $ay "ot 8it i"to either. =ou>ll pro%a%ly have heaps o8
struggles %et,ee" his u"i'ue $etho-s o8 lear"i"g a"- the school>s stale routi"es.
.ell si$ply re8use to co"8or$ to a patter" "ot his o,". Do">t %la$e hi$ too $uch.
The e-ucatio"al syste$ has yet to catch up ,ith Neptu"e>s ,is-o$. Ma"y *isces
%oys a"- girls are artistic5 a"- $ost o8 the$ love $usic a"- -a"ci"g. Typical
Neptu"ia" you"gsters are light o" their 8eet5 regar-less o8 their ,eight. The little girl
o8te" lo"gs to %e a %alleri"aB the little %oy usually chooses heroes li7e 4eethove"5
Michela"gelo5 the astro"auts or Sai"t A"tho"y over scie"tists5 presi-e"ts a"- ge"-
erals. They love all 7i"-s o8 %oo7s a"- +"glish $ay %e a 8avorite su%;ect5 si"ce
*isces is a goo- story-teller. They love ,or-s5 a"- poetry o8te" e"cha"ts the$.
Neptu"ia"s $ay 8i"- $ath har- to u"-ersta"- at 8irst5 %ut they>ll have a" u"ca""y
grasp o8 the a%stract theories %ehi"- alge%ra a"- geo$etry later o".
There $ay %e a lac7 o8 respo"si%ility5 ,hich ca" %e 8rustrati"g. *isces chil-re"
8ollo, their o," rules. They>re se"sitive a"- easily sta%%e- to the 'uic7 %y
harsh"ess. Tears $ay %e 8re'ue"t. These you"gsters or-i"arily pre8er the co$pa"y
o8 a-ults to playi"g ,ith other chil-re". +ve"> at a te"-er age5 they have a -eep
,is-o$ a"- sy$pathetic u"-ersta"-i"g o8 situatio"s over their hea-s. A chil- o8
Neptu"e is o8te" accuse- o8 lyi"g5 yet they are">t lies to hi$. There>s "o $alicious
or co,ar-ly i"te"t. .is you"g $i"- s,i$s i" 8lui- i$agi"atio" ,hich ,hispers a
thousa"- secrets5 so utterly -elight8ul a"- 8ille- ,ith such sheer %eauty he ca">t help
tryi"g to $a7e the$ live i" the col-5 real ,orl-. The 8act that these lovely -rea$s
soo" -ie i" the sterile5 ari- soil o8 a $aterialistic society is heart%rea7i"g. .e "ee-s
your -eepest pity5 or he>ll retreat i"to sile"t5 $oo-y -espair.
The *iscea" chil- hears so"gs o8 the sea he ca" "ever -escri%e. The col-5 ugly5
"a7e- truth is too %rutal 8or hi$ to %ear. .e $ust -ress it up occasio"ally or try to
,ar$ it a"- color it ,ith Neptu"e sha-es o8 ro$a"ce. 2t>s "ot 8air to call it lyi"g.
2"stea-5 e"courage hi$ to gather all his clou-s a"- $oo"%ea$s a"- ,eave the$
i"to poe$s5 plays or pai"ti"gs. Soo" e"ough5 he>ll lear" to a-apt to the "or$al ,orl-
o8 %rutality5 sel8ish"ess5 cruelty a"- gree-. /hy thrust hi$ i"to it ru-elyA .e $ay
have trou%le lear"i"g to co"8or$ to social a"- scholastic -e$a"-s that sti8le his
i"-ivi-uality. 4ut his pare"ts a"- teachers ca" lear" 8ro$ hi$ the value o8
co$passio"5 u"-ersta"-i"g5 %eauty5 tolera"ce5 i$agi"atio" a"- ge"tle"ess. 2t all
-epe"-s o" the 7i"- o8 -iplo$a you ,a"t 8ro$ li8e.
So$e-ay5 either the *iscea" philosophy o8 8ree-o$ o8 e:pressio" or the co"8or$ist
co"cept ,ill ,i". My $o"ey is o" *isces. &8 course5 your 8rie"-ly5 ,ar$-hearte-
little Neptu"ia" $ust %e taught that people e:pect hi$ to a-;ust eve"tually to their
cra3y-'uilt5 upsi-e--o," co"cepts i" or-er to survive. 4ut i8 he>s shove- too har- %y
ste$5 "egative a-ults5 he>ll lose his ,ay %ac7 to the other si-e o8 the loo7i"g-glass.
Do">t steal his 7ey. .e "ee-s to slip over there "o, a"- the"5 to re8resh hi$sel8 ,ith
the true ,is-o$ o8 the 1e- 6uee" a"- the /hite F"ight. The" he ca" %etter cope
,ith the real ,orl- o8 ,ar5 poverty5 -isease5 hypocritical ethics a"- i"gratitu-e.
=our little 8ish "ee-s a cloa7 o8 protectio" agai"st the col- ,i"-s to co$e. F"it it
yoursel8 ,ith %right5 gay stur-y ya$. Try to u"-ersta"- his Neptu"e ,ays. #ui-e
hi$ te"-erly5 ,isely5 a"- ,he" he>s tall e"ough5 he $ay so$e-ay su--e"ly reach
out a"- catch o"e o8 his silver stars to %ri"g ho$e to you. The" you>ll %e gla- you
-i-">t laugh at his -rea$s. 4etter clear o88 a spot o" the $a"tle right "o,.

The *2S!+S 4oss
<=ou are ol-< sai- the youthB <o"e ,oul- har-ly suppose That your eye ,as as
stea-y as everB
=et you %ala"ce a" eel o" the e"- o8 your "ose- /hat $a-e you so a,8ully cleverA<
Sa$ple co"versatio" i" a" o88ice a%out a typical *isces e:ecutive9
</hat>s the "a$e o8 that "e, %oss the 8ir$ hire- last ,ee7A<
<=ou $ea" the o"e ,ho too7 his co88ee %rea7 ,ith us yester-ayA<
<No. The o"e ,ho le8t this $or"i"g.<

/ith o"ly slight e:aggeratio"5 that>s a%out the "or$al le"gth Y8 ti$e the average
*iscea" ,ill re$ai" i" a" e:ecutive positio". There are a li$ite- "u$%er o8 strea$s
8or *isees %osses5 a"- ,e>ll co"ce"trate o" those. 2" $ost corporate a"- i"-ustrial
areas5 the Neptu"ia" chie8 is as rare as a %athi"g suit at the North *ole. The great
$a;ority o8 Neptu"e>s chil-re" pre8er to s,i$ alo"e-u"co"-8i"e--as ,riters5
sales$e"5 creative artists5 actors5 ,a"-eri"g $i"strels or sol-iers-o8-8ortu"e.
.o,ever5 there are a 8e, areas ,here he ca" apply his tale"ts a"- $a7e hi$sel8 a"
i"-ispe"sa%le %oss. .e has top 'uali8icatio"s 8or ra-io statio"s5 T "et,or7s5
a-vertisi"g a"- pu%lic relatio"s out8its. 1u""i"g a"y o8 these operatio"s5 hell go
arou"- happily -ispe"si"g creative i-eas 8ro$ his supera%u"-a"t 8ou"tai" o8
i$agi"atio". *isces sees "o reaso" to %lurt out the plai" a"- o8te" %rutal truth5 as
certai" other Su" sig"s -o. 0"li7e #e$i"i5 Sagittarius a"- Scorpio5 the 8ish pre8ers
"ot to tell it li7e it is. .e ,oul- rather tell people ,hat he thi"7s ,ill have the %est
e88ect o" the$ i" the lo"g ru"5 or ,hat they ,a"t to hear. 2t>s "ot %ecause he>s
-isho"est. .e>s lear"e- through %itter e:perie"ce that society -oes "ot ,a"t to hear
the col- a"- "a7e- truth. 4esi-es5 he 8eels the soul re'uires the a--e- -ressi"g o8
ritual a"- %eauty pai"te- over sou"- 8acts. Ma-iso" Ave"ue loves hi$.
.e>s a superlative -irector o8 stage a"- scree"5 also a capa%le pro-ucer ?i8 he has a
goo- co$pa"y $a"ager@. .e ca" ru" a -a"ce stu-io li7e a -rea$. As the hea- o8 a
-etective or research %ureau5 his u"ca""y psychic a%ility to pe"etrate $ystery lea-s
hi$ straight to the top o8 the heap. Lots o8 travel age"cies have *isces e:ecutives5
a"- they>re usually tre$e"-ously success8ul. .e>s o8te" 8ou"- as the hea- o8 a
charita%le orga"i3atio". Ma"y 8ish happily lea- orchestras or %a"-s5 a"- 7eep
rehearsals ru""i"g s$oothly5 "ot to $e"tio" pro-uci"g great $usic. They>re
u"e:celle- as e:ecutive $a"agers o8 cou"try clu%s or hotels ?i8 there>s a goo-
%oo77eeper arou"-@. They ca" ru" a progressive pu%lishi"g co$pa"y5 $aga3i"e or
"e,spaper co$pete"tly5 eve" %rillia"tly. =ou>ll o8te" 8i"- the 8ish hea-i"g up a
service %usi"ess o8 so$e 7i"-5 a"- he>s certai"ly i" ho$e ,aters as the -irector o8 a
ca$p5 or i" a" o88icial capacity i" a church or sy"agogue. 4ut that>s ;ust a%out it5
e:cept 8or teachers a"- pro8essors a"- a 8e, a-$i"istrators i" $e-ical or la,
schools. *iscea"s are">t cut out to %e %osses5 i" the strict se"se o8 the ,or-.
/ith his se"sitive "ature5 *isces ,as %or" to serve $a"7i"-5 "ot to accu$ulate
po,er or %uil- huge e$pires. .e ca" %e a capa%le a"- co$pete"t stoc7%ro7er a"- a
shre,- tra-er5 %ut he>ll al$ost "ever ta7e over as the hea- o8 a %ro7erage or %o"-
house. Too $uch respo"si%ility. .o,ever5 tha"7s to his 'uic75 clever $i"- a"- his
so$eti$es u"ca""y grasp o8 8igures5 the 8ish ca" have a lot o8 8u" ;uggli"g the
poi"ts o8 8luctuati"g shares5 though it ,ill %e $ore li7e a ga$e to hi$ tha" actual
28 your %oss ,as %or" i" March5 he $ay %e the type to %ehave li7e a crosspatch
,he" he>s irritate- %y so$ethi"g. .e has a gi8t o8 ,or-s5 a"- ,he" he>s %ei"g
%rus'ue5 it>s a caustic %rus'ue"ess that ca" scal- a little5 %ut he>ll sel-o$ %e
aggressively -o$i"eeri"g or truly $ea" a"- petty. &"e $i"ute he $ay shoc7 you
,ith his u"co"ve"tio"al i-eas5 the" he>ll -o a rather slippery tur"a%out a"- appear to
%e a co"8or$ist. =ou>ll eve"tually catch o" that he>s "either a great li%eral "or a
cautious co"servative. &" -i88ere"t occasio"s5 he ta7es either vie,5 to 8i"- out ,hat
your i-eas are. .e ca" %e5 i" other ,or-s5 a $ite tric7y. /he" he 8i"-s your i-eas
a"- your co"versatio" i"teresti"g5 your *isces %oss ,ill liste" ,ith "atteri"g
co"ce"tratio"5 sile"tly a"- si"cerely5 $ay%e eve" o88er you a glass o8 sherry to
create a rela:e- at$osphere. 28 he 8i"-s ,hat you say %ori"g5 his $i"- ,ill ,a"-er.
.e>ll pro%a%ly -ay-rea$ a%out 8ar-o88 people a"- places ,hile you>re tal7i"g5 care-
8ully 7eepi"g a 8i:e- s$ile o" his 8ace. Si"ce every o"e o8 the$ is a %or" actor5
you>ll thi"7 he>s %ei"g atte"tive5 %ut a8ter a certai" perio-5 he>ll get tire- o8 his
$e"tal ,a"-eri"gs5 "otice that you>re %a%%li"g a,ay5 a"- su--e"ly i"terrupt. The"
he>ll -o the tal7i"g a"- you>ll -o the liste"i"g5 so$eti$es 8or hours-a"- hours-a"-
.e $ay %e ,ell-travele-5 a"- i8 he is">t5 he>ll soo" $a7e up 8or lost ti$e. Li7e the
Sagittaria" a"- #e$i"ia" %oss5 the *isces e:ecutive ,ill 7eep a pac7e- suitcase
%ehi"- the couch i" his o88ice. 28 "ot5 he shoul-. /hy -o">t you suggest it to hi$A
.e>ll pro%a%ly thi"7 it>s a sple"-i- i-ea. 4esi-es5 the 7"o,le-ge that the %ag is
3ippe- a"- rea-y to ta7e o88 ca" give hi$ stra"ge co$8ort o" -reary rai"y -ays5 or
i" the -ea- o8 a slushy5 %itter ,i"ter ,he" he 8eels li7e ;u$pi"g o88 the pe"thouse
roo8 ,ith %ore-o$. .e>ll have his -epresse- $oo-s a"- they ,ill %e real
hu$-i"gers. 4etter stay a,ay 8ro$ hi$ at those ti$es5 hu$ cheer8ul $elo-ies ,hile
you>re ,or7i"g5 a"- $a7e sure he has his hot to--y5 lace- ,ith the %est %our%o".
4e "ice to his ,ives-2 $ea" his ,i8e. ?2t>s a "atural $ista7e. Alo"g ,ith your
#e$i"i a"- Sagittarius %oss5 the *isces %oss is $ore apt to u"-ergo $ultiple
-ou%le-ri"g cere$o"ies tha" other %osses.@ .is ,i8e is pro%a%ly a "ice5 se"si%le5
practical girl. 28 she ,ere as i$agi"ative a"- origi"al as her hus%a"-5 they>- li7ely
%oth -ro," together i" a" ocea" o8 $isty -rea$s a"- 8a"cies.
The *iscea" e:ecutive is so$e,hat partial to the creative thi"7ers i" his 8ir$. 28 you
te"- $ore to,ar- cautio" tha" i$agi"ative strategy5 you $ay "ot get as $a"y
glasses o8 sherry or as $a"y co$ra-ely s$iles5 %ut you pro%a%ly ,o">t get 8ire-. .e
$ay e";oy the others $ore5 %ut 8ac "ee-s you. .e lea"s o" your practical approach
a"- your orga"i3atio"al a%ility. The 8avore-5 highly i"ve"tive e$ployee o8 a *isces
%oss is o8te" shoc7e- right out o8 his spar7li"g i-eas ,he" the 8ir$ has a" eco"o$y
-rive a"- the 8ish ge"tly lets the a: 8all o" hi$5 a"- 7eeps the stea-y5 relia%le5 rather
sto-gy ,or7er o" the payroll. The *isces ,ill ,ave 8are,ell sa-ly5 %ut he is a
shre,- ;u-ge o8 hu$a" "ature5 i"clu-i"g his o,". Although he e";oys the co$pa"y
a"- the progressive co"tri%utio"s o8 the i$agi"ative e$ployees5 his o," %ra"- o8
creativity ,or7s $ore s$oothly ,he" it>s %ac7e- up %y the care8ul pla""i"g a"-
o88ice -iscipli"e o8 the ol- gray hea-s o8 ,is-o$5 eve" i8 they>re you"g5 %lo"-e or
%ru"ette hea-s. Discretio" a"- co"servatis$ are">t his greatest assets5 a"- he>s
clearly a,are o8 his -e8icie"cies. .e ca" al,ays 8i"- a"other -ari"g5 e"thusiastic
-rea$er ,he" %usi"ess pic7s up5 %ut ,he" the pro8its -ip a little5 he ca">t a88or- to
%e ,ithout the ,or7ers ,hose "oses are ,or" -o," %y the gri"-sto"e. Mea",hile5
he 8igures he>ll ta7e care o8 the -ari"g5 e"thusiastic -rea$s -epart$e"t hi$sel8 u"til
thi"gs get %etter a"- he ca" put so$e $ore co$pati%le %lue-s7y people o" the
payroll. &8 course5 there are al,ays e:ceptio"s to a"y rule5 %ut it ,o">t hurt to let
your *isces %oss 7"o, that you ca" %e serious a"- se"satio"al at the sa$e ti$e.
=ou>ve pro%a%ly alrea-y lear"e- that he>s i"stalle- a !apricor" or Taurus as a
$i--le$a" to -eal ,ith e$ployees ,ho see7 raises. .e 7"o,s %etter tha" to let you
appeal to hi$ perso"ally. The Neptu"e "ature is so co"stitute- that he 8i"-s it
al$ost i$possi%le to say "o to a 8ello, hu$a" %ei"g ,ho has a si"cere "ee-5 or
eve" ;ust a si"cere -esire. .e lear"s early to i"sulate hi$sel8 as %est he ca".
1e$e$%er5 he lives i" t,o -i88ere"t ,orl-s. Such a -ivisio" o8 "ature ca" cause a
co"8use- perso"ality5 %ut it ca" ;ust as easily cause %rillia"ce. .is thoughts $ay %e
as a%stract a"- -eep as *iscea" +i"stei">s5 ,ho o"ce sai-5 <#o- -oes">t thro, -ice.<
+i"stei" $ea"t that the la, o8 $athe$atical pro%a%ility is">t "ecessarily sacrosa"ct
=our Neptu"e %oss 8eels the sa$e ,ay a%out accepte- %usi"ess proce-ures5 a"-
ti$e usually proves his 8irst i"sti"cts are right5 "o $atter ho, visio"ary they $ay
sou"- ,he" he e:presses the$. .e>s a $ystic at heart5 a secret %eliever i" the
u"see" a"- the super"atural5 though he $ay %e a little %ash8ul a%out it. .e ,o">t
practice oo-oo at his -es7 or $e-itate i" the lotus positio" at the ,ater cooler5
%ecause he 8ears ri-icule i8 people -iscover the u"-ercurre"t o8 his psychic
vi%ratio"s. 4ut they 8i"- out a"y,ay5 8or all his clever playi"g o8 the role o8 tough
1e$e$%er that ti$e your heart ,as. %ro7e" %y a %oy 8rie"- ,ho 8le, the coop a"-
too7 your e"gage$e"t ri"g a"- all your -rea$s ,ith hi$A =our *isces %oss casually
i"vite- you to -i""er5 8ille- your sa- hea- ,ith the "icest co$pli$e"ts5 the" hurrie-
you to the theater. A8ter,ar-s5 he too7 you %ac7stage5 i"tro-uce- you to the lea-i"g
players5 a"- the" treate- everyo"e to a late supper. /ith all that 8oo- a"- ,i"e a"-
glitteri"g co"versatio"5 he too7 your $i"- right o88 your 8ic7le 8ia"ce. Though
so$eti$es he ,as gru88 -eli%erately5 so it ,oul-">t loo7 o%vious5 8or ,ee7s
a8ter,ar-s5 he 8ou"- little ,ays to cheer you up u"til the ache stoppe- achi"g. =ou
ha-">t tol- a soul i" the o88ice a%out the %rea7up. No,5 ho, -i- he 7"o, you
"ee-e- help over that %lac7 perio-A The gypsy ,ho rea- his 8ortu"e o"e -ay %y the
li"es i" his ha"- coul- have tol- you. She "otice- right a,ay that he has a rare $ar7
o" his pal$-,hich $ea"s he>s a co$passio"ate ge"ius. There are">t very $a"y o8
the$ arou"-. That>s ,hy he>s a rare 8ish.

The *2S!+S +$ployee
<OO ,as $uch pleasa"ter at ho$e5< thought poor Alice5 <,he" o"e ,as">t al,ays
gro,i"g larger a"- s$aller5 a"- %ei"g or-ere- a%out %y $ice a"- ra%%its. 2 al$ost
,ish 2 ha-">t go"e -o," that ra%%it-hole-Q a"- yet-a"- yet-it>s rather curious5 you
7"o,5 this sort o8 li8eI<
The a%ilities o8 the *iscea" e$ployee -epe"- e"tirely o" ,hich po"- he s,i$s i".
.e ca" %e such a $isera%le $is8it i" a" i"co$pati%le occupatio" or career that he
-ri8ts 8ro$ o"e place to a"other5 u"til he eve"tually reali3es that he>s %etter o88 goi"g
it alo"e ,ith his o," -rea$s 8or co$pa"y.
To ,or7 success8ully ,ith other people or %e part o8 a tea$5 the 8ish $ust %e -oi"g
so$ethi"g that -oes">t o88e"- his se"sitivity. 2t has to %e a positio" that gives hi$
the opportu"ity to utili3e his u"surpasse- u"-ersta"-i"g o8 hu$a" su88eri"g5 or that
allo,s hi$ to cha""el his u"i'ue i$agi"atio" to,ar- a progressive path. A ;o% that
8ails to supply o"e or %oth o8 these -eep-seate- Neptu"e "ee-s ,ill create a la3y5
-isi"tereste-5 "ot to $e"tio" -ishearte"e- e$ployee. /he" his "ee-s are satis8ie-5
ho,ever5 he ca" %e a ge$ o8 a ,or7er5 o8te" o"e-o8-a-7i"- i" his 8iel-- -i88icult5 i8
"ot i$possi%le5 to replace. There>s a si-e to the 8ish that allo,s hi$ to surprise you
,ith his pai"sta7i"g atte"tio" to -etail5 ,he" he>s i" the $oo-. 2t see$s to %e totally
i"co"siste"t ,ith his o%vious $ystical %e"t5 %ut these people ,ere %or" u"-er the
Su" sig" that e"co$passes the 'ualities o8 all other sig"s. 2t ca" %e the <-ust %i" o8
the 3o-iac5< as it>s o8te" calle- i" astrology5 or the tur"i"g path to shi"i"g glory. The
glory "ee-">t %e achieve- ha"gi"g 8ro$ a star. 2t ca" %e reali3e- i" a 'uiet ,ay5
right i" your o88ice5 i8 the 8ish is happy a"- co"te"t ,ith ,hat he>s -oi"g.
The $ost co$$o" re$ar7 hear- arou"- a" o88ice ,here there>s a *isces e$ployee
is5 <2 ca">t u"-ersta"- hi$.
/hat>s he up toA< They $ay "ever 7"o,. The *iscea" $a" or ,o$a" is co$pelle-5
possi%ly %y i""er -ou%t a"- co"8usio"5 to -isguise $otives a"- 7eep his true ai$s
hi--e". 28 the 8ish reveale- his e"tire "ature it ,oul- startle or shoc7 $ost people5 so
he 7eeps his cou"sel. All the chatteri"g o8 the occasio"al tal7ative *isces is
-eceptive. 2t still ,o">t reveal ,hat he really thi"7s5 eve" i8 he tal7s all "ight5 as
so$e o8 the$ -o. The 'uiet o"es ca" also -rive you ,il- %y 7eepi"g their $ost
i"teresti"g thoughts a"- i-eas a secret. =ou "ever 7"o, ,hat>s goi"g o" i"si-e
those -rea$y Neptu"e hea-s.
.e>ll ,or7 ,ith a terri8ic se"se o8 -uty i8 he>s happy ,ith his ;o%. /he" he>s "ot
happy5 he ,ith-ra,s. &"ly his %o-y is there. +ve"tually it ,ill also -isappear5
leavi"g o"ly the $e$ory o8 his gri" a"- his ,ise eyes. 2t>s "ot easy to 7eep this
slippery e$ployee peace8ul. /he" the ,ater gets stag"a"t5 he s,i$s a,ay %e8ore
you have a cha"ce to 8ilter the pool5 a"- that ca" %e 8rustrati"g. 28 he ,oul- %e $ore
ope" a%out his true -esires5 co$pro$ise $ight %e reache-5 %ut too o8te" the 8ish
chooses a%rupt cha"ge to lo"g5 ho"est -iscussio" that $ight tur" thi"gs rightsi-e up
There>s "o -ou%t that the *isces $a" or ,o$a" is $ore o8te" 8ou"- i" the ,orl- o8
the arts5 %ut the ter$ ca" cover $ore tha" you $ight suppose. *isces is happy
a-;usti"g the lights i" a theater5 ha"gi"g ca"vases i" $useu$s5 stitchi"g the lace o"
-oll -resses5 polishi"g the> %rass o8 $usical i"stru$e"ts or -esig"i"g the cover o8 a
%oo7. .e or she ca" spe"- hours %liss8ully teachi"g tots to -a"ce5 %lo,i"g up
%alloo"s 8or a party5 arra"gi"g 8lo,ers5 pla""i"g a poster a-vertisi"g ca$paig"5
e"grosse- i" creative ,riti"g5 or e:peri$e"ti"g ,ith u"usual hair styles. No, a"-
the" you>ll 8i"- a *iscea" e"gage- i" a $echa"ical occupatio" relati"g to
$athe$atics5 e"gi"eeri"g or co$puti"g5 %ut he ,ill al,ays attac7 such su%;ects
8ro$ the a%stract poi"t o8 vie,.
*isces people $a7e e:celle"t teachers5 ,ith u"ca""y i"sight i"to the "atures o8 their
stu-e"ts a"- a -eep grasp o8 the su%;ect they teach. They see$ to have a special
7"ac7 8or %oth prepari"g a"- $ercha"-isi"g 8oo- a"- -ri"75 either servi"g it i" posh
restaura"ts or supervisi"g the operatio" ,ith social grace.
28 your %usi"ess co"cer"s $e-ici"e5 hospitals or phar-$aceuticals5 the *isces
e$ployee is pro%a%ly your right ar$. No o"e $a7es a 8i"er "urse or serva"t to the
sic7. They>re right at ho$e ,ith -rugs a"- $e-ici"es5 too. 0"8ortu"ately5 ho,ever5
the *iscea" receptivity ca" cause the$ to saturate the$selves i" their surrou"-i"gs5
,ith occasio"al a-verse e88ects o" their o," $e"tal5 e$otio"al a"- physical health.
28 *isces co"trols his i"sti"ct 8or i"sta"t e$pathy5 he ca" %e a shi"i"g light i" the
8iel- o8 health. Nee-less to say5 social ,or7 is also a *isces occupatio"5 a"- you>ll
8i"- lots o8 Neptu"es e88icie"tly -is-pe"si"g ,el8are to u"8ortu"ate hu$a"ity.
The 8ish ta7es o" the color o8 his surrou"-i"gs. 28 you shut your *isces e$ployee i"
a s$all cu%icle ,ith -ra% 8ur"ishi"gs5 %are 8loors a"- -rapeless ,i"-o,s5 he>ll %egi"
to loo7 li7e the o88ice itsel8. =ou>ll loo7 up o"e -ay a"- there he>ll %e-a" e:act
i$itatio" o8 his i$$e-iate ,or7i"g ,orl-. .is co"versatio" ,ill %e -ra%5 his i-eas
%are a"- -ull. As you stare at this listless5 plai"5 col- a"- colorless creature ,ith
"o"-escript clothi"g a"- a $ousy perso"ality5 you>ll ,o"-er ,hat happe"e- to that
perso" you hire- ,ho ,as %right5 su""y a"- 8ull o8 8resh i$agi"atio"5 ,hose
co"versatio" ,as rich a"- spar7li"g a"- ,ho ,ore vivi-5 cheer8ul clothes. 4elieve
$e5 such a Neptu"ia" tra"s8or$atio" is easier to re$e-y tha" other perso""el
pro%le$s.. Just ha"g so$e gay gree" -rapes i" his o88ice5 cover the 8loor ,ith so8t
e$eral- carpeti"g5 a"- plu"7 a vase o8 happy -aisies o" his -es7. *ipe i" so$e so8t5
lo, $usic5 s$ile at hi$ o"ce a" hour o" the hour5 a"- the 8ish you hire- ,ill
reappear i" his true colors. The *iscea" perso"ality is elusive5 %ut it>s a$a3i"gly
easy to reel it i" ,he" you use the right %ait.
=our *isces secretary $ay %e a little sloppy at ho$e5 %ut she>ll pro%a%ly %e "eat at
the o88ice. She>ll -ay-rea$ o" her o," ti$e a"- try to %e $etho-ical -uri"g
,or7i"g hours. &8 course5 there are e:ceptio"s5 ,he" her $i"- ca" ,a"-er i" o--
-irectio"s. There>s a *isces girl 2 use- to ,or7 ,ith i" a ra-io statio" ,ho ha- the
$ost peculiar 8ili"g syste$. 2 -o">t thi"7 it ,as per$a"e"t. 2t $ay have ha-
so$ethi"g to -o ,ith the 8act that her $i"- ,as o" a "ovel she ,as ,riti"g o"
,ee7e"-s. &"e -ay the %oss as7e- her ,hy the -ra,er i" the 8ili"g ca%i"et $ar7e-
<L< ,as so 8ull it ,as al,ays poppi"g ope" a"- crac7i"g hi$ o" the shi". .er
a"s,er ,as u"e:pecte-5 to say the 7ast. <4ecause o8 all those letters5< she i"8or$e-
hi$ e88icie"tly. 2" all 8air"ess to *isces5 ho,ever5 she -i- have a Sagittarius
asce"-a"t a"- a" A'uarius Moo"5 ,hich ca" $a7e 8or a little loopi"ess ,he"
they>re $i:e- up li7e that.
A8ter she le8t to pe--le her "ovel i" Ne, =or75 the 8ili"g pro%le$s %eca$e really
ta"gle- 8or a spell. The 8irst ,ee7 she ,as go"e5 o"e o8 the a""ou"cers "ee-e- a
$usic the$e 8or a Notre Da$e 8oot%all ga$e. 1ushi"g over to the recor- 8ile5 he
hurrie-ly chec7e- u"-er N 8or Notre Da$e. ?.e ,as loo7i"g 8or the so"g that goes5
<!heer5 cheer5 8or ol- Notre Da$e< . . .@ Not 8i"-i"g it u"-er N5 he chec7e- the
letter !5 thi"7i"g perhaps she ha- 8ile- it u"-er the lyric. 2t ,as">t there5 either.
*erspiri"g "ervously5 8or it ,as "o, o"e $i"ute to ga$e ti$e5 he reali3e- she $ight
have tuc7e- it a,ay u"-er the title5 <ictory March.< .e 8lippe- ope" the 8ile. No
such luc7. The ga$e ,e"t o" the air sa"s $usic that -ay. /ee7s later5 the recor-
tur"e- up. The *isces ha- 8ile- it u"-er *. /hyA =ou ca">t guessA (or <(ighti"g
2rish5< o8 course. 2t ,as per8ectly logical to her. That>s ho, every%o-y re8erre- to
the tea$ i" the o88ice pool. /ell5 it -oes $a7e so$e se"se.
The average 8e$ale 8ish ,ill %e a little $ore co"ve"tio"al. She>ll %e ge"tle a"-
co"si-erate5 a"- get alo"g %eauti8ully ,ith the other $e$%ers o8 your sta88. She
$ay eve" %e a sort o8 -e" $other5 i8 you ca" call the o88ice a -e". The other
e$ployees ,ill go to her ,ith all their trou%les5 $i"or a"- $a;or. =ou $ay cry o"
her shoul-er yoursel8 o" occasio"5 she>s such a sy$pathetic liste"er. This girl $ay
rea- the car-s 8or 8u" ?though she>ll secretly ta7e it seriously@5 a"- it>s a ci"ch she>ll
%e a%le to rea- your $i"--so %e care8ul ,hat you>re thi"7i"g ,he" she passes your
A" occasio"al *isces e$ployee ca" %e 8ussy or critical5 %ut they usually ,o">t %e
e"ergetic e"ough a%out it to %e really a""oyi"g. These people "ee- "early as $a"y
co$pli$e"ts as Aries a"- Leo to 8eel secure5 %ut %e sure you>re si"cere5 %ecause
they>ll se"se it 'uic7ly i8 you>re "ot. 28 you have reaso" to scol- a *isces5 you $ay
,o"-er ,here the 8ish ,e"t 8or a -ay or so. .e -i-">t leave. Not yet. There he is5
hi-i"g %ehi"- the outgoi"g $ail %as7et o" his -es75 tryi"g to prete"- he>s i"visi%le
%y "ot spea7i"g5 %arely $ovi"g a"- har-ly %reathi"g. .e has %ee" hurt5 a"- you>ll
have to -o so$ethi"g very s,eet a"- lovely to $a7e hi$ %righte". The 8ish is ultra
se"sitive5 re$e$%er. /he" your $oo- cha"ges5 so ,ill his. *isces has a ,ay o8
cutti"g hi$sel8 o88 8ro$ others ,he" situatio"s %eco$e pai"8ul. .e see7s the
su"light a"- rosy5 %eauti8ul e$otio"s. /he" gray or %lac7 appears5 he -ives -o,"
-eep to escape. A thoughtless ,or- ca" $a7e hi$ ,eep i"si-e5 although he>ll
pro%a%ly tell a ;o7e to -isguise it. *isces has a ,ay ,ith a clever li"e5 a"- his
hu$or5 though it>s "ot ever o%vious5 is sel-o$ 8ara,ay.
Mo"ey ,o">t $ea" a lot to your *isces e$ployee. .e>ll tal7 a goo- salary a"-
%o"us5 %ut he>ll har-ly "otice i8 he has to ta7e a te$porary cut i" pay ,he" %usi"ess
is slo, ?u"less he has a large 8a$ily to 8ee-@. Actually5 $a"y *isces $e" a"-
,o$e" are happy ,ith a reaso"a%le ,age5 as lo"g as you>re ope"-$i"-e- a%out
loa"s. The 8ish ,ill o8te" approach you ,ith e$pty poc7ets a"- a %ig s$ile a -ay or
so %e8ore pay-ay5 a"- char$i"gly as7 8or a light touch to see hi$ through. .e $ay
8orget to pay it %ac7 u"less you re$i"- hi$. .is i"te"tio"s are ho"est5 %ut there>s
al,ays so$ethi"g e:tra he "ee-s. The cha"ces are ;ust as goo- he gave it to
so$eo"e else. Mo"ey or-i"arily passes through *isces li7e ,ater through a sieve.
.e>s sort o8 a $i--le $a" 8or cash. .e>ll %orro, a hu"-re- 8ro$ you5 the" tur"
arou"- a"- ha"- it to a $a" ,hose ,i8e "ee-s a" operatio". As "eglect8ul as *isces
$ay %e to repay your loa" to hi$5 he>ll happily give you his last -i$e i8 you>re
te$porarily short5 a"- he pro%a%ly ,o">t %e i" a"y $ore o8 a hurry to get it %ac7
tha" he ,as to retur" the hu"-re- he got 8ro$ you earlier. 2" 8act5 it so$eti$es gets
so co"8usi"g you $ay 8orget ,ho o,es ,hat to ,ho$. That>s the ,ay the typical
*isces sees the ,hole $o"etary setup a"y,ay. 2" a ha3y ,ay5 he 8eels $o"ey ,as
create- to sprea- arou"-. /he" a perso" "ee-s it5 the cash shoul- %e there. /he"
you -o">t "ee- it5 you pass it o". 2t>s a 7i"- o8 %rea--cast-o" the-,aters theory. 2t
,or7s surprisi"gly o8te" 8or the 8ish5 %ut such Neptu"e philosophy ca" %e,il-er
other Su" sig"s. ?&8 course5 a irgo5 !a"cer or !apricor" asce"-a"t5 or perhaps a"
A'uarius or Taurus Moo" ca" spoil all the 8u".@
More *isces e$ployees 'uit tha" are 8ire-. They>re too elusive a"- too shre,- a%out
hu$a" "ature to ,ait 8or the pai"8ul hoo7. Se"si"g your -ispleasure i" a-va"ce5 the
8ish ,ill ,riggle a,ay %e8ore you get a cha"ce to e$%arrass hi$. =ou>ll 8i"- the
si"gle *iscea" $a" less apt to leave a ;o% lightly tha" the $arrie- o"e5 ,hose ,i8e
pro%a%ly ,or7s. 52" 8act5 her ,illi"g"ess to ,or7 i8 "ecessary $ay have %ee" o"e o8
her $ai" attractio"s5 though ro$a"tic love ,as pro%a%ly e'ually i$porta"t. The girl
8ish $ay o"ly %e $ar7i"g ti$e u"til so$e $a" co$es alo"g to rescue her 8ro$
repulsive co$petitio"5 u"less she>s i"volve- i" a creative e"-eavor she thi"7s o8 as a
There>s little -a"ger the *isces e$ployee is a8ter your ;o%. .e pro%a%ly secretly
pities you 8or the respo"si%ilities you carry. A8ter all5 it>s tough to $ove arou"- ,ith
%ur-e"s o" your %ac75 a"- *isces see7s a cha"gi"g sce"e. The le"gth o8 ti$e he
%righte"s your o88ice ,ill -epe"- o" the variety o8 cha"ges it o88ers his ,a"-eri"g
"ature. /he" the s"ails %egi" to %ore hi$5 or ,he" the ,hales a"- shar7s threate"
to -evour hi$5 he>ll gli-e a,ay. The Neptu"e e$ployee ,ill "ever get stuc7 i" a
%u"ch o8 sea,ee-.

.o, $a"y $iles to 4a%ylo"A Three-score-$iles-a"--te" !a" 2 get there %y
ca"-lelightA =es-a"- %ac7 agai"I
Mother #oose
Sha7e her s"o,-,hite 8eathers5 tu"e i" to her "o"se"sical ,ave-le"gth5 a"- ol-
Mother #oose $ay sho, us a secret $essage. There $ay %e a pearl o8 ,is-o$
hi--e" i" the appare"tly chil-ish prattle o8 her "ursery rhy$e. B .o, $a"y
$iles to 4a%ylo"A 2t see$s to %e 'uite a
leap 8ro$ the sa"-al-cla- people o8 !hal-ea a"- the C ;e,ele-5 per8u$e-
*haraohs o8 +gypt to the space age- 8ro$ the lost co"ti"e"t o8 Atla"tis to the ;et-
propelle- T,e"tieth !e"tury. 4ut ho, 8ar is it5 reallyA *erhaps o"ly a -rea$ or t,o.
Alo"e a$o"g the scie"ces5 astrology has spa""e- the ce"turies a"- $a-e the
;our"ey i"tact. /e shoul-">t %e surprise- that it re$ai"s ,ith us5 u"cha"ge- %y
ti$e- %ecause astrology is truth-a"- truth is eter"al. +choi"g i55 the $e" a"- ,o$e"
o8 the earliest 7"o," civili3atio"s5 i to-ay>s $o-er"s repeat i-e"tical phrases9 <2s
e"us youi A ruli"g pla"etA< <2 ,as %or" ,he" the Su" ,as i" Taurus.< I <2s your
Mercury i" #e$i"i tooA< </oul-">t you ;us@ 7"o, he>s a" A'uaria"A<
Astrological la"guage is a gol-e" cor- that %i"-s us tc a -i$ past ,hile it prepares
us 8or a" e:citi"g 8uture ol pla"etary e:ploratio"s. 4reath-ta7i"g 4uc7 1ogers a--
va"ces i" all 8iel-s o8 scie"ce are re$i"-i"g us that <there are $ore thi"gs i" heave"
a"- earth5 .oratio5 tha" are -rea$t o8 i" your philosophy< ?eve" i8 your "a$e is
Sa$ or (a""y i"stea- o8 .oratio@. Dic7 Tracy>s t,o-,ay ,rist ra-io is "o lo"ger a
8a"tastic -rea$-it>s a reality- a"- Moo" Mai->s po,er8ul ,eapo" has %ee" $atche-
%y the $iracle o8 the laser %ea$5 the highly co"ce"trate- light that $a7es lea- ru"
li7e ,ater a"- pe"etrates the har-est su%sta"ces 7"o," to $a". Jules er"e a"-
(lash #or-o" are "o, co"si-ere- pretty groovy prophets5 so there ,ere o%viously
i$porta"t secrets %urie- i" those ,ay out a-ve"tures t,e"ty thousa"- leagues u"-er
the sea a"- $a"y trillio"s o8 leagues a%ove the earth.
!oul- it %e that the scie"ce 8ictio" ,riters a"- cartoo"ists have a %etter i-ea o8 the
true -ista"ce %et,ee" yester-ay5 to-ay a"- to$orro, tha" the ,hite-coate- $e" i"
their sterile5 chro$e la%oratoriesA +i"stei" 7"e, that ti$e ,ag o"ly relative. The
poets have al,ays .%ee" a,are-a"- the ,ise $e"5 -o," through the ages. The
$essage is "ot "e,. Lo"g %e8ore to-ay>s over,hel$i"g i"terest i" astrology5 -ari"g
$e" o8 visio" li7e *lato5 *tole$y5 .ippocrates a"- !olu$%us respecte- its ,is-o$B
a"- they>ve %ee" 7ept goo- co$pa"y %y the li7es o8 #alileo5 4e" (ra"7li"5 Tho$as
Je88erso"5 Sir 2saac Ne,to" a"- Dr. !arl Ju"g. =ou ca" a-- *resi-e"t Joh" 6ui"cy
A-a$s to the listB also great astro"o$ers li7e Tycho 4rahe5 Joha""es Fepler a"-
Dr. #ustave Stro$%erg. A"- -o">t 8orget 1.!.A.>s %rillia"t research scie"tist Joh"
Nelso"5 8a$e- $athe$aticia" Dr. Fu"o (oelsch a"- *ulit3er pri3e ,i""er Joh"
&>Neill. No"e o8 these $e" ,ere high school -rop-outs.
2" 1)U35 Dr. (ra"7 A. 4ro,"5 Jr. o8 North,ester" 0"iversity $a-e a startli"g
-iscovery ,hile he ,as e:peri$e"ti"g ,ith so$e oysters. Scie"ce has al,ays
assu$e- that oysters ope" a"- close ,ith the cycle o8 the ti-es o8 their %irthplace.
4ut ,he" Dr. 4ro,">s oysters ,ere ta7e" 8ro$ the ,aters o8 Lo"g 2sla"- Sou"- a"-
place- i" a ta"7 o8 ,ater i" his +va"sto"5 2lli"ois la%oratory5 a stra"ge patter"
Their "e, ho$e ,as 7ept at a" eve" te$perature5 a"- the roo$ ,as illu$i"ate-
,ith a stea-y5 -i$ light. (or t,o ,ee7s5 the -isplace- oysters ope"e- a"- close-
their shells ,ith the sa$e rhyth$ as the ti-es o8 Lo"g 2sla"- Sou"--o"e thousa"-
$iles a,ay. The" they su--e"ly s"appe- shut5 a"- re$ai"e- that ,ay 8or several
Just as Dr. 4ro," a"- his research tea$ ,ere a%out to co"si-er the case o8 the
ho$esic7 oysters close-5 a" o-- thi"g happe"e-. The shells ope"e- ,i-e o"ce
agai". +:actly 8our hours a8ter the high ti-e at Lo"g 2sla"- Sou"--at the precise
$o$e"t ,he" there ,oul- have %ee" a high ti-e at +va"sto"5 2lli"ois5 i8 it ,ere o"
the sea coast-a "e, cycle %ega". They ,ere a-apti"g their rhyth$ to the "e,
geographical latitu-e a"- lo"gitu-e. 4y ,hat 8orceA 4y the Moo"5 o8 course. Dr.
4ro," ha- to co"clu-e that the oysters> e"ergy cycles are rule- %y the $ysterious
lu"ar sig"al that co"trols the ti-es.
.u$a" e"ergy a"- e$otio"al cycles are gover"e- %y the sa$e 7i"- o8 pla"etary
8orces5 i" a $uch $ore co$plicate- "et,or7 o8 $ag"etic i$pulses 8ro$ all the
pla"ets. Scie"ce recog"i3es the Moo">s po,er to $ove great %o-ies o8 ,ater. Si"ce
$a" hi$sel8 co"sists o8 seve"ty perce"t ,ater5 ,hy shoul- %e %e i$$u"e to such
8orce8ul pla"etary pullsA The tre$e"-ous e88ects o8 $ag"etic gravity o" or%iti"g
astro"auts as they get closer to the pla"ets is ,ell-7"o,". /hat a%out the prove"
correlatio" %et,ee" lu"ar $otio" a"- ,o$e">s cycles5 i"clu-i"g chil-%irth-a"- the
repeate- testi$o"y o8 -octors a"- "urses i" the ,ar-s o8 $e"tal hospitals5 ,ho are
o"ly too 8a$iliar ,ith the i"8lue"ce o8 the Moo">s cha"ges o" their patie"tsA Di-
you ever tal7 to a police$a" ,ho ha- to ,or7 a rough %eat o" the "ight o8 the 8ull
Moo"A Try to 8i"- a 8ar$er ,ho ,ill si"7 a 8e"ce rail5 slaughter a pig or pla"t crops
,ithout astrological a-vice 8ro$ his truste- (ar$er>s Al$a"ac. The $ove$e"ts o8
the Moo" a"- the pla"ets are as i$porta"t to hi$ as the latest 8ar$ %ill co"troversy
i" !o"gress.
&8 all the heave"ly %o-ies5 the Moo">s po,er is $ore visi%le a"- -ra$atic5 si$ply
%ecause it>s the closest %o-y to the earth. 4ut the Su"5 e"us5 Mars5 Mercury5
Jupiter5 Satur"5 0ra"us5 Neptu"e a"- *luto e:ercise their i"8lue"ces Just as surely5
eve" though 8ro$ 8urther a,ay. Scie"tists are a,are that pla"ts a"- a"i$als are
i"8lue"ce- %y cycles at regular i"tervals5 a"- that the cycles are gover"e- through
8orces such as electricity i" the air5 8luctuatio"s i" %aro$etric pressure a"- the
gravitatio"al 8iel-. These earthly 8orces are origi"ally triggere- %y $ag"etic vi%ra-
tio"s 8ro$ outer space5 ,here the pla"ets live5 a"- 8ro$ ,here they se"- 8orth their
u"see" ,aves. *hases o8 the Moo"5 sho,ers o8 ga$$a rays5 cos$ic rays. Z-rays5
u"-ulatio"s o8 the pear-shape- electro-$ag"etic 8iel- a"-
other i"8lue"ces 8ro$ e:traterrestrial sources are co"sta"tly pe"etrati"g a"-
%o$%ar-i"g the at$osphere arou"- us. No livi"g orga"is$ escapes it5 "or -o the
$i"erals. Nor -o ,e.
Dr. .arol- S. 4urr5 e$eritus *ro8essor o8 A"ato$y at =ale>s Me-ical School5 states
that a co$ple: $ag"etic 8iel- "ot o"ly esta%lishes the patter" o8 the hu$a" %rai" at
%irth5 %ut co"ti"ues to regulate a"- co"trol it through li8e. .e 8urther states that the
hu$a" ce"tral "ervous syste$ is a super% receptor o8 electro-$ag"etic e"ergies5 the
8i"est i" "ature. ?/e $ay ,al79 ,ith a 8a"cier step5 %ut ,e hear the sa$e -ru$$er
as the oysters.@ The te" $illio" cells i" our %rai"s 8or$ a $yria- o8 possi%le circuits
through ,hich electricity ca" cha""el.
There8ore5 the $i"eral a"- che$ical co"te"t a"- the electrical cells o8 our %o-ies
a"- %rai"s respo"- to the $ag"etic i"8lue"ce o8 every su"spot5 eclipse a"- pla"etary
$ove$e"t. /e are sy"chro"i3e-5 li7e all other livi"g orga"is$s5 $etals a"-
$i"erals5 to the ceaseless e%% a"- 8lo, o8 the u"iverseB %ut ,e "ee- "ot %e
i$priso"e- %y it5 %ecause o8 our o," 8ree ,ill. The soul5 i" other ,or-s5 is superior
to the po,er o8 the pla"ets. =et u"8ortu"ately5 $ost o8 us 8ail to use our 8ree ,ill
?i.e.5 the po,er o8 the soul@5 a"- are ;ust a%out as helpless to co"trol our -esti"ies as
La7e Michiga" or a" ear o8 cor". The purpose o8 the astrologer is to help us gai" the
7"o,le-ge o8 ho, to avoi- -ri8ti"g -o,"strea$-ho, to 8ight the curre"t.
Astrology is a" art as ,ell as a scie"ce. Though lots o8 people ,oul- li7e to ig"ore
that %asic 8act5 it ca">t %e overloo7e-. There are astrologers ,ho tre$%le ,ith a"ger
at the $ere $e"tio" o8 i"tuitio" i" relatio" to astrology. They se"- out 8iery %lasts
agai"st a"y hi"t o8 such a cor-Q relatio"5 a"- 8ra"tically i"sist that <Astrology is a"
e:act scie"ce5 %ase- o" $athe$atics. 2t shoul- "ever %e $e"tio"e- i" the sa$e
%reath ,ith i"tuitive po,ers.< 2 regar- their opi"io"s as si"cere5 %ut logic 8orces $e
to as7 ,hy these $ust %e so totally separate. Shoul- they %eA +ve" the lay$a"
to-ay is atte$pti"g5 through %oo7s5 ga$es a"- parlor or la%oratory testi"g5 to
-eter$i"e his or her +S* pote"tial. /hy "ot astrologersA Are they suppose- to %ury
their hea-s i" the sa"- li7e ostriches co"cer"i"g the -evelop$e"t o8 a si:th se"se5 or
the e:iste"ce o8 it i" so$e i"-ivi-ualsA
#ra"te-5 the calculatio" o8 a" astrological chart5 %ase- o" $athe$atical -ata a"-
astro"o$ical 8acts5 is $i e:act scie"ce. 4ut $e-ici"e is also a scie"ce5 %ase- o" 8act
a"- research. =et5 all goo- -octors a-$it that $e-ici"e is a" art as ,ell. The
i"tuitive -iag"osticia" is recog"i3e- %y his colleagues. *hysicia"s ,ill tell you that
they each have5 i" varyi"g -egrees5 a certai" se"sitivity5 ,hich is a" i"valua%le ai-
i" i"terpreti"g the prova%le 8acts o8 $e-ici"e. To sy"thesi3e $e-ical theories5 to
i"terpret the results o8 la%oratory tests i" relatio" to the patie"t>s i"-ivi-ual history5
is "ever cut a"- -rie-. 2t si$ply coul-">t %e -o"e ,ithout i"tuitive perceptio" o" the
part o8 the -octor. &ther,ise5 $e-ici"e coul- si$ply %e co$puteri3e-.
Music is also scie"ti8ically %ase--o" the i"8le:i%le la, o8 $athe$atics-as everyo"e
,ho has ever stu-ie- chor- progressio"s 7"o,s. Musical i"terlu-es are gover"e- %y
ratios o8 ,hole "u$%ers-a scie"ce5 i"-isputa%ly. =et it>s also a" art. A"yo"e ca" %e
taught to play !lear -e lu"e or The /arsa, !o"certo correctly5 %ut it>s the
se"sitivity or i"tuitive perceptio" o8 a a" !li%ur" that separates hi$ 8ro$ the rest
o8 us. The "otes a"- chor-s are al,ays the sa$e5 $athe$atically e:act. The
i"terpretatio"5 ho,ever5 is -i88ere"t-a" o%vious reality ,hich has "othi"g to -o ,ith
the prese"t -e8i"itio" o8 the ,or- scie"ce.
Ma"y i"tellige"t people ca" stu-y or teach astrology success8ully5 eve" %rillia"tly5
%ut 8e, are a%le to a-- the -i$e"sio" o8 se"sitive i"terpretatio" or i"tuitive
perceptio" that $a7es the scie"ce o8 astrology ulti$ately satis8yi"g as a" art. &8
course5 o"e -oes">t have to %e a psychic or a $e-iu$ to give a" accurate a"- help8ul
astrological a"alysis5 yet a"y i"tuitio" o" the part o8 the astrologer is clearly a" asset
to his sy"thesis o8 the "atal chart. Naturally5 the i"tuitive astrologer $ust also %e
,ell verse- i" $athe$atical calculatio" a"- $ust strictly o%serve the scie"ti8ic
8u"-a$e"tals o8 his art. Assu$i"g he is a"- -oes5 he>s usi"g a po,er8ul co$%i"atio"
o8 %oth co"scious a"- su%co"scious a%ilities5 so you "ee-">t %e 8righte"e- i"to
avoi-i"g co$pete"t pro8essio"als ,ho are a%le to $a7e %oth a" art a"- a scie"ce o8
their ,or7. 28 a"ythi"g5 you>ll %e luc7y to 8i"- o"e. Se"sitive perceptio" is rare i"
a"y 8iel-.
The popularity o8 astrology to-ay is %ri"gi"g all the 'uac7s out o8 the ,oo-,or75
a"- there are">t as $a"y 'uali8ie- astrologers a"- teachers as there shoul- %e. *os-
si%ly ,ithi" the "e:t -eca-e5 astrologers ,ill %e recog"i3e- pro8essio"als ,ho have
gra-uate- 8ro$ a" <astral scie"ce< course i" a lea-i"g college. The i$porta"t stu-y
o8 the i"8lue"ce o8 the pla"ets o" hu$a" %ehavior ,ill %e the" taught i" the $o-er"
halls o8 ivy5 as it ,as o"ce taught i" the great u"iversities o8 +urope. Stu-e"ts ,ill
%e accepte- o"ly i8 their "atal charts reveal a" a%ility to teach or research i"
astrology or to give a perso"al a"alysisB a"- the courses ,ill %e as tough as those i"
a"y la, or $e-ical school. The su%;ects o8 $ag"etic ,eather co"-itio"s5 %iology5
che$istry5 geology5 astro"o$y5 higher $athe$atics5 sociology5 co$parative
religio"s5 philosophy a"- psychology ,ill %e re'uire--as ,ell as i"structio" i"
calculati"g a" E astrological chart a"- i"terpreti"g it-a"- gra-uates ,ill rB
prou-ly set up a shi"gle rea-i"g9 <Joh" S$ith-Astrologer5 Q@. D.A.S.< ?Doctor o8
Astral Scie"ce@. SD
At the prese"t stage o8 research a"- accepta"ce5 the C sa8est a"- sa"est approach to
astrology %y the lay$a" is to %eco$e thoroughly ac'uai"te- ,ith the t,elve sig"s5
,hich is o" a par ,ith %eco$i"g ac'uai"te- ,ith the theories o8 $e-ici"e %y
stu-yi"g 8irst ai- or se"si%le health rules.
Ma"7i"- ,ill so$e-ay -iscover that astrology5 $e-ici"e5 religio"5 astro"o$y a"-
psychiatry are all o"e. /he" they are %le"-e-5 each ,ill %e ,hole. 0"til the"5 each
,ill %e slightly -e8ective.
There is a" area o8 co"8usio" i" astrology a%out ,hich opi"io"s clash.
1ei"car"atio". There>s "ot a perso" to-ay ,ho -oes">t have either a positive or
"egative approach to the la, o8 7ar$a. =ou ca">t avoi- heari"g a"- rea-i"g a%out it
a"y $ore tha" you ca" avoi- e:posure to the oui;a %oar- or Jea""e Di:o"5 u"-er the
0ra"us i"8lue"ce o8 this T,e"tieth !e"tury $ove$e"t i"to the A'uaria" age.
+soteric astrologers %elieve5 as 2 -o5 that astrology is i"co$plete u"less properly
i"terprete- ,ith the la, o8 7ar$a as its 8ou"-atio". There are others ,ho
e$phatically -e"y this5 especially i" the ,ester" ,orl-5 to ,hich astrology is
co$paratively "e,. =ou "ee-">t accept rei"car"atio" to -erive %e"e8it 8ro$
astrologyB a"- the proo8 o8 the soul>s e:iste"ce i" previous lives5 ho,ever logical5
has "ever %ee" scie"ti8ically esta%lishe- ?though so$e $ighty co"vi"ci"g
circu$sta"tial evi-e"ce is availa%le5 i"clu-i"g -ocu$e"te- cases a"- the 4i%le
itsel8@. 4ecause o8 its very "ature5 rei"car"atio" $ay 8orever elu-e a%solute5 ta"gi%le
proo8. The a"cie"ts taught that the evolve- soul $ust reach the poi"t o8 see7i"g the
truth o8 7ar$a5 i" or-er to e"- the cycle o8 re-%ir8h. There8ore5 8aith i" rei"car"atio"
is a gi8t-a re,ar- 8or the soul a-va"ce- e"ough to search 8or the $ea"i"g o8 its
e:iste"ce i" the u"iverse a"- its 7ar$ic o%ligatio"s i" the prese"t li8e. *roo8 o8 this
-eep $ystery ,oul- re$ove the i"-ivi-ual 8ree ,ill o8 -iscovery5 so perhaps $a"
$ust al,ays loo7 8or the a"s,ers to rei"car"atio" i" his o," heart. 4ut he shoul-
-o so o"ly a8ter i"tellige"t stu-y o8 ,hat other $i"-s have 8ou"- to %e %oth 8alse
a"- true. 4oo7s ,ritte" a%out the a$a3i"g prophet +-gar !ayce ,ill give the
curious lay$a" a %etter u"-ersta"-i"g o8 ,hat it>s all a%out5 a"- there are $a"y
other e:celle"t ,or7s o" the $ar7et co"cer"i"g rei"car"atio"5 ,hich ,ill help you
esta%lish 8or yoursel8 ,hether the su%;ect is ,orthy o8 your co"si-eratio" or ;ust so
$uch %lac7 $agic. That>s the o"ly ,ay to approach such a perso"al $atter as li8e
a"- -eath-%y yoursel8-a8ter a thorough e:a$i"atio" o8 the pros a"- co"s.
/e are hea-i"g i" the -irectio" o8 "e, respect 8or u"see" i"8lue"ces5 a"- the
curre"t i"terest i" $e"tal telepathy is a goo- e:a$ple. .uge su$s o8 $o"ey have
%ee" a"- are %ei"g spe"t %y NASA i" +S* tests ,ith selecte- astro"auts to
-eter$i"e the possi%ility o8 tra"s8erri"g $e"tal $essages through se"se perceptio"5
as a" e$erge"cy $easure agai"st a %rea7-o," o8 prese"t co$$u"icatio"s %et,ee"
earth a"- astro"aut. 1ussia is ru$ore- to %e 8ar ahea- o8 us i" this area o8 research5
a"other reaso" ,hy -og$atic5 $aterialistic thi"7i"g $ust go.
The e:cit$e"t o8 -isti"guishe- scie"tists a%out e:peri$e"ts ,ith these i"visi%le
,ave-le"gths %et,ee" hu$a" $i"-s has gai"e- atte"tio" o8 the $e-ical -octors.
Me-ici"e has lo"g a-$itte- that such ail$e"ts as ulcers a"- strep throat are %rought
o" %y $e"tal strai" or e$otio"al te"sio"5 a"- "o, physicia"s are a-va"ci"g serious
theories that there is a -e8i"ite relatio"ship %et,ee" the perso"ality o8 the patie"t
a"- the gro,th a"- -evelop$e"t o8 ca"cer. 1ece"t articles %y ,ell-7"o," -octors
have urge- the cooperatio" o8 psychiatrists i" -eter$i"i"g i" a-va"ce ,hich patie"t
$ay %e suscepti%le5 so the -isease ca" %e treate- early or eve" preve"te-. =et
astrology has al,ays 7"o," that -isease is triggere- %y the $i"- a"- e$otio"s5 a"-
ca" %e co"trolle- or eli$i"ate- the sa$e ,ayB also that people %or" u"-er certai"
pla"etary i"8lue"ces are either suscepti%le or i$$u"e to particular -iseases a"-
acci-e"ts. The 7"o,le-ge $e-ici"e see7s is i" the patie"t>s care8ully calculate-5
-etaile- "atal chart5 clearly sho," %y his pla"etary positio"s a"- aspects at %irth.
The astrologer-physicia"s i" a"cie"t 4gypt practice- %rai" surgery ,ith re8i"e-
tech"i'ues5 a 8act rece"tly prove" %y archaeological a"- a"thropological
-iscoveries. To-ay>s progressive -octors are 'uietly chec7i"g the astrological sig"
the $oo" is tra"siti"g %e8ore surgery5 i$itati"g the #ree7 physicia"s o8 ce"turies
ago5 ,ho 8ollo,e- .ippocrates> precept o89 <Touch "ot ,ith $etal that part o8 the
a"ato$y rule- %y the sig" the Moo" is tra"siti"g5 or to ,hich the tra"siti"g Moo" is
i" s'uare or oppositio" %y aspect.< There>s $uch that>s co$pelli"g a"- i$porta"t to
say a%out $e-ical astrology a"- its value to the physicia" i" the cause a"-
preve"tio" o8 ill"ess5 %ut it>s such a huge su%;ect5 it $ust ,ait 8or a"other volu$e.
Movi"g 8ro$ $e-ici"e to travel5 several i"sura"ce co$pa"ies a"- airli"es are
secretly i"vestigati"g the possi%le relatio"ship %et,ee" 8atal pla"e crashes a"- the
"atal charts o8 the passe"gers a"- cre,. So ti$e $arches o"- 8ro$ a"cie"t
7"o,le-ge o8 pla"etary i"8lue"ces-retrogra-i"g %ac7 to $aterialistic thi"7i"g-a"-
8or,ar- agai" to truth. Do," through the ce"turies the pla"ets re$ai" u"cha"ge- i"
their gra"-eur a"- their or%s. The stars ,hich sho"e over 4a%ylo" a"- the sta%le i"
4ethlehe$ still shi"e as %rightly over the +$pire State 4uil-i"g a"- your 8ro"t yar-
to-ay. They per8or$ their cycles ,ith the sa$e $athe$atical precisio"5 a"- they
,ill co"ti"ue to a88ect each thi"g o" earth5 i"clu-i"g $a"5 as lo"g as the earth
Al,ays re$e$%er that astrology is "ot 8atalistic. The stars i"cli"e5 they -o "ot
co$pel. Most o8 us are carrie- alo"g i" %li"- o%e-ie"ce to the i"8lue"ce o8 the
pla"ets a"- our electro$ag"etic %irth patter"s5 as ,ell as to our e"viro"$e"t5 our
here-ity a"- the ,ills o8 those stro"ger tha" us. /e sho, "o perceptio"5 there8ore
"o resista"ceB
a"- our horoscopes 8it us li7e a 8i"gerpri"t. /e>re $ove- li7e pa,"s o" a chess
%oar- i" the ga$e o8 li8e5 eve" ,hile so$e o8 us sco88 at or ig"ore the very po,ers
,hich are $ovi"g us. 4ut a"yo"e ca" rise a%ove the a88lictio"s o8 his "ativity. 4y
usi"g 8ree ,ill5 or the po,er o8 the soul5 a"yo"e ca" -o$i"ate his $oo-s5 cha"ge
his character5 co"trol his e"viro"$e"t a"- the attitu-es o8 those close to hi$. /he"
,e -o this5 ,e %eco$e $overs i" the chess > ga$e5 i"stea- o8 the pa,"s.
Do you re8rai" 8ro$ 8ollo,i"g your star %y sayi"g5 <2 ;ust ,as">t %or" ,ith the
stre"gth or the a%ilityA< =ou ,ere %or" ,ith $ore o8 each tha" .ele" Feller5 ,ho
calle- o" the -eep5 i""er po,er o8 her ,ill to overco$e %ei"g %li"-5 -ea8 a"- -u$%.
She replace- these "atal a88lictio"s ,ith 8a$e5 ,ealth5 respect a"- the love o8
thousa"-s5 a"- she co"'uere- her pla"etary i"8lue"ces.
Do co"sta"t 8ears 7eep you 8ro$ seei"g to$orro,A Do $ela"choly a"- pessi$is$
color your rai"%o,s gray %e8ore you eve" reach out to touch the$A Actress *atricia
Neal su%stitute- iro" "erve 8or gloo$y apprehe"sio". She s$ile- at trage-y5 a"- her
gri" gave her e"ough e$otio"al e"ergy to astou"- her -octors %y literally 8orci"g
the paralysis o8 a "ear 8atal stro7e to vapori3e.
Do "e,spaper hea-li"es have you co"vi"ce- A$erica is -oo$e- to o%livio" i" the
"ear 8uture through the stale$ate o8 hot a"- col- ,ars5 lac7 o8 "atio"al a"-
i"ter"atio"al u"-ersta"-i"g5 risi"g cri$e rates5 i";ustice5 pre;u-ice5 $oral
-eca-e"ce5 loss o8 ethics a"- the possi%ility o8 "uclear -estructio"A /i"sto"
!hurchill o"ce 8ace- certai" -e8eat 8or hi$sel8 perso"ally-a"- 8or his cou"try. 4ut
he put a t,i"7le i" his eyes5 a piece o8 steel i" his spi"e a"- a prayer i" his heart.
That triple co$%i"atio" ,rought a $iracle5 as the courage o8 o"e $a" arouse-
thousa"-s to %li"- opti$is$ a"- stu%%or" stre"gth. The resulti"g $ag"etic
vi%ratio"s $elte- the lea- o8 8ear5 i"C spire- the ,orl- a"- $a-e victory the pri3e.
.e re8use- to %e a pa," o8 the pla"ets or to let his cou"try %e the pa," o8 their
=ou say such people are specialA 4ut these coul- %e your $iracles. All o8 the$.
There>s e"ough $ag"etic po,er i" you to $a7e you i$$u"e to the stro"gest
pla"etary pulls5 "o, or i" the 8uture. /hat a pity to su%$it so easily a"- let your
pote"tial re$ai" u"reali3e-.
/he" hate a"- 8ear are %oth co"'uere-5 the ,ill is the" 8ree a"- capa%le o8
i$$e"se po,er. This is the $essage o8 your o," "ativity5 hi--e" i" the sile"t stars.
Liste" to it.
A" a"cie"t lege"- tells o8 a $a" ,ho ,e"t to a ,ise $ystic to as7 8or the 7ey to
po,er a"- occult secrets. .e ,as ta7e" to the e-ge o8 a clear la7e5 a"- tol- to 7"eel
-o,". The" the ,ise o"e -isappeare-5 a"- the $a" ,as le8t alo"e5 stari"g -o," at
his o," re8lecte- i$age i" the ,ater.
</hat 2 -o5 you ca" -o also.< <As75 a"- you shall receive.< <F"oc75 a"- it shall %e
ope"e- u"to you.< <See7 the truth a"- the truth shall set you 8ree.<
<.o, $a"y $iles to 4a%ylo"A Three-score-$iles-a"--te". !a" 2 get there %y
ca"-lelightA =es-a"- %ac7 agai"I< 2s it a poe$5 or is it a ri--leA +ach thi"g i" the
u"iverse is part o8 the u"iversal la,5 a"- astrology is the %asis o8 that la,. &ut o8
astrology gre, religio"5 $e-ici"e a"- astro"o$y5 "ot the other ,ay arou"-.
There>s a sculpture- 3o-iac i" the te$ple o8 The%es5 so ol- that its origi" has "ever
%ee" -eter$i"e-. Atla"tisA *erhaps. 4ut ,herever it>s 8ro$ a"- ,hoever carve- its
sy$%ols5 its $essage is eter"al9 =ou are e"-less gala:ies -a"- you have see" %ut
o"e star

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